Annual Report 2009-2010 - Owensboro Catholic Schools


Annual Report 2009-2010 - Owensboro Catholic Schools
2009-10 Annual Report
Owensboro Catholic Schools
2009-2010 Profile
Thanks to our fifteen parishes and their pastors for their
many years of sacrifice and support to our family, Church and
Blessed Mother
Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Our Lady of Lourdes
Precious Blood
St. Alphonsus
St. Anthony
St. Augustine
St. Elizabeth
Sts. Joseph & Paul
St. Martin
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Peter of Alcantara
St. Pius X
St. Stephen Cathedral
Fr. John Meredith
Fr. John Vaughan
Fr. Tony Jones
Fr. Brad Whistle
Fr. Bruce McCarty
Fr. Richard Powers
Fr. Mike Clark
Fr. Ray Goetz
Fr. Pete Hughes
Fr. Carl McCarthy
Fr. Pete Hughes
Fr. Mark Buckner
Fr. Ray Goetz
Fr. Richard Meredith
Fr. John Vaughan
All the Owensboro Catholic School sites received their
Accreditation from the Kentucky Board of Education. The
Accreditation is approved until 2013 from the Kentucky
Non-Public Schools Commission.
Owensboro Catholic Elementary
K-3 Campus – Annunciation
4-6 Campus – Immaculate Conception of Mary
Grades 7–8
Owensboro Catholic Middle School – Holy Family
Grades 9–12
Owensboro Catholic High School – Assumption
Auspice Maria, meaning ‘under the protection of Mary,’ is a
subtle yet significant symbol of the importance of Faith formation.
This visually strong symbol dovetails with many other symbols
already ever present in our schools.
From the weekly reminder to genuflect and say a prayer to Jesus
at the Elementary K-3 Campus masses to Eucharistic Adoration
at the Elementary 4-6 Campus, from the weekly commitment to
mass and prayer services at OCHS to over half of the students at
OCMS involved in the choir for masses, these symbols along with
many others point to who we are and our commitment to faith
The Owensboro Catholic School system was a key-note speaker
at the Diocese of Lexington Marketing Symposium in June 2010
Breakfast with the Director
Education Council In-Service Day
Kentucky Catholic Citizen Forum
Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce Board – Education
New OMHS Campus Groundbreaking
SCRIP Program
HealthScapes e-newsletter
New Home Raffle – Catholic Education Partners
Bishop William Medley Ordination
Director of Owensboro Catholic Schools
Ken Rasp
Director of Marketing/Advancement
Keith Osborne
Director of Business Affairs
Julie Cox
Our Mission
Owensboro Catholic Schools share in the mission of the Church in
cooperation with families to provide a religious and academic education,
which prepares students to become responsible members of family, Church
and community.
Our History
The history of Catholic education in our area dates back to 1848, when
the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth opened St. Frances Academy. In 1951,
the equipment of St. Frances Academy was moved to the new Owensboro
Catholic High School, which opened in September 1951.
In 1989 the Owensboro Catholic schools were formed from a consolidation
of the various parish schools with Kindergarten through grade 8. These new
elementary schools housed the Kindergarten through the 6th grade, with a
new Owensboro Catholic Middle School for the 7th and 8th grade. In 1990,
OCHS joined OCS which made the school system K-12.
A reconfiguration in 2004 of the K-6 schools took place with an Elementary
K-3 Campus and Elementary 4-6 Campus being formed. This allowed for
adequate size classrooms, sharing of resources and faculty collaboration
along with a Differentiated Learning Specialist.
Today students from local parishes attend an Owensboro Catholic
Elementary K-3 Campus, 4-6 Campus, Owensboro Catholic Middle School,
and Owensboro Catholic High School. Fifteen parishes partner with the
Owensboro Catholic Schools in providing faith and academics for the greater
Owensboro community.
Annual Report
A Letter from Ken Rasp
Dear Friends of
Owensboro Catholic Schools,
What a blessing it is to be associated
with so many people who both
support and live the OCS mission
every day. To be surrounded by
people who continually say YES to
God’s call and willingly contribute
their time, talent and treasure every day is incredibly
awe inspiring. The personal witness provided by these
generous and faith-filled people as they serve our
students and families as teachers, administrators, council
and committee members, and volunteers, allows our
students to learn by example what it means to be a true
disciple of Jesus.
This past summer I had the distinct pleasure of attending
the Midwest Staff Development for Educators Conference
in Chicago with 24 administrators and teachers from
across our school system. Each day of the conference
as we met following sessions and workshops, I especially
enjoyed the opportunity to see how purpose filled our
attendees were as they listened, internalized the subject
matter on learning, and then shared what they learned
with their colleagues. You could see the wheels moving
as each was already finding ways to incorporate what
they learned in their classrooms. I was honored to be
with them.
I want to say a special thanks and congratulations to
Barbara Evans, Ben Thompson, Jan Gary, and Harold
Staples who retired at the end of the 2009-2010 school
year after serving our students for many years. May their
examples serve to inspire us to excel as we strive to live
out our mission.
As you read this Annual Report, I ask you to pay
special attention to the many ways our schools are
working to be good stewards of the gifts given to us.
The message presented shares our proactive focus on
providing excellence in faith-formation and academics,
as evidenced by our outstanding scores on the ACRE,
ACT, PLAN, Explore and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS).
Please also note the many examples of excellence
and success achieved by our students in their many
extracurricular activities. Our students continue to
represent their families, their school, and their faith with
dignity, integrity, and care.
A Letter from
Father John Vaughan
My dear friends,
I have just read a challenging article
about Catholic Schools written by
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York.
The article is entitled: “The Catholic
Schools We Need.” In the article
Archbishop Dolan asks the question
“Who needs Catholic schools, anyway?”
His answer is very clear – We all do. By that, he means the
entire Church, not just those parishes or communities where
a catholic school is available but his contention is that the
whole Body of Christ is stronger and healthier when our
children receive a good solid Catholic education. Noting the
current trend toward fewer schools and smaller schools, the
Archbishop states It is time to recover our nerve and promote
our schools for the 21st century. The current hospice
mentality—watching our schools slowly die—must give way
to a renewed confidence.”
I wholeheartedly agree with Archbishop Dolan. We have
every reason to be proud of what we accomplish here in
our Owensboro Catholic Schools and we need to hold our
heads up, proudly promote our schools and invite others in
our community to share in the blessings that we all receive
through the Owensboro Catholic Schools.
To all who purposefully step forward and live the OCS
Mission, I thank you for your commitment, dedication,
and support. You obviously recognize and celebrate
the value of a Catholic education. As partners, we will
continue to provide an education that is truly “Faith In
This brief letter gives me the opportunity once again to thank
all our administrators and faculties for their commitment
to our children and their families. In addition, I want to
acknowledge the dedication of our parents who choose Faith
in Education for their children. Obviously, we all must pray
in gratitude to all our pastors and parish communities which
contribute such significant support to our children and their
intellectual, personal and spiritual formation.
God’s Peace!
Ken R. Rasp
Director, Owensboro Catholic Schools
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. John Vaughan
OCS Priest-Pastor
(270) 686-8896
2009-2010 OCS Education
Directors serve on all committees
Executive Committee
Laura Naviaux, Chairperson – St. Pius X
Dan Heckel, Vice Chairperson – Our Lady of Lourdes
Debbie Durbin, Secretary – Precious Blood
Rob Mitchell, Treasurer – St. Augustine
Fr. John Vaughan, Priest-Pastor – St. Stephen
Fr. Carl McCarthy, Priest-Representative – Sts. Joe and Paul
Voting Members
Jerry Goetz – Blessed Mother
Jim Hartz – St. Mary Magdalene
Jane Lovekamp – Sts. Joseph and Paul
John Teets – St. Alphonsus
Karen Bickett – St. Martin
Chris Belcher – Immaculate
Mary Raley – St. Anthony
Rob/Lisa Knott – St. Elizabeth
Mel Windle – St. Stephen Cathedral/Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Chris Settles – St. Peter Alcantara
Operating Expenses & Tuition Assistance
Non-Voting Members
Most Rev. William Medley – Bishop
Jim Mattingly – Superintendent
Ken Rasp – Director, Owensboro Catholic Schools
Keith Osborne – Director of Marketing/Advancement
Harold Staples – Principal, OCHS
Ann Flaherty – Principal, OCMS
Tracy Conkright – Principal, Elementary 4-6 Campus
Lori Whitehouse – Principal, Elementary K-3 Campus
Mary Hilda McFarland – OCHS Representative
Philip Spurlock/Jennifer Payne – OCMS Representative
Virginia Blandford – Elementary 4-6 Campus Representative
Theresa Potts/Margaret Boehmannn – Elementary K-3 Campus
Tuition Assistance
Salaries and Benefits
Maintenance & Repair
Educational Materials
Other Operating Expenses
Long Range Planning Committee
Robin Booth
Dan Heckel (Chair) Jane Lovekamp
Jim Mattingly
Joe O’Bryan
Harold Staples
Ernie Taliaferro
John Teets
Al Thompson
Fr. John Vaughan Bob Wimsatt
Finance Committee
Scott Beyke
Julie Cox
Julie Garvin
Jerry Goetz
Joyce Gruenewald Jane Kamuf
Tonya Murphy
Laura Naviaux
Ernie Taliaferro
Buildings and
Chris Belcher
Vince Fogle
Wayne Payne
Chris Settles
Karen Danhauer
Sarona Grant
Rob Mitchell (Chair)
Harold Staples
Grounds Committee
Tracy Conkright
Ann Flaherty
Charlie Johnson
Robert/Lisa Knott
Cliff Russell
Joe Schepers (Chair)
Harold Staples
Lori Whitehouse
Funding Sources
Bylaws/Policies Committee
Debbie Durbin (Chair)
Dan Heckel
Jane Lovekamp
Mel Windle
HS/ MS Curriculum Committee
Ann Flaherty
Kurt Osborne
Judy Patton
Harold Staples (Chair)
Mel Windle
K-6 Curriculum Committee
Karen Bickett
Lisa Castlen
Debbie Durbin
Maire McCormick
Robin Swift
Vickie Warren
Tracy Conkright (Chair)
Laura Naviaux
Lori Whitehouse
Enrollment Committee
Karen Bickett
Chuck Brown
Vicki Cash
Karen Danhauer
Vicki Frey Thompson
Karen Gross
Curtis Hamilton Anne Higgins
Chrissy Kurtz
Jim Mattingly
David McNulty (Chair)
John McNulty
Tracy Miller
Nancy Neal
Mary Raley
Phil Riney
Cyndi Sturgeon
John Teets
Parish Support
Tuition (net of tuition assistance)
Other Outside Sources
Marvin Adams
T.J. Bartlett
William Baseheart
Dorothy Baumgarten
Jody Berry
Edith Abshier Bertke
Charles Bickwermert
Lettie Bickwermert
Gretchen Meyer Binegar
Durward Bishop
Virginia Sisk Bittel
William Howell Bittel
Hilda Goetz Blandford
Jerry Blandford
Bill Blincoe
Chris Boarman
David Boarman
Terry Boarman
Linda Boehm
Mrs. Cotton Calhoun Boger
Anna Coons Booker
Bill Booth
Anna Bouvier
Emma Kelly Bowerman
Brooke Breedlove
R.H. Buehrle
Pearl Buford
Curtis Calhoun
Sam Carrico
Terry Carrico
Joseph Paul Castlen, II
Martin Hite Cecil
Johnny Church
John Circul
Jerry Clark
Jonell Clark
Mildred “Foxy” Clark
Wilma Clemens
Kenneth Clements
Mary Kathleen Collignon
Tommy Collignon
Helen E. Coomes
Peter Daly
Cliff Dant
J.R. Davidson
Deceased Members Of The
Class of 1953
Charles Delacey
Kim Dominick
Arch Joseph Drury, Jr.
Lorena Drury
Thomas Frederick Drury
Jimmy Edge
Bruce Embry
Janie Embry
Barry Evans
Ioma Clara Evans
Jenni Evans
Edward Estil Evrard
David Filzer
Rev. Charles G. Fischer
Laverne Louise Fischer
Helen Franey
W.T. Franey
Paul Freels
Gene Frey
Teresa Rose Fulkerson
Dave Gasser
Monica Gilstrap
Fr. Danny Goff
Ida Myrl Barr Goff
Tommy Goff
Jerry Gough
Jody Grant
Fr. Paul Haas
Delina Hagan
Maurice Hagan
James Haire
Mary Beverly Haire
Mary Carol Hanekamp
Jason Hardesty
Alice M. Harris
Doris Harris
Edgar Hatfield
Kate Hayden
Mary Pauline Hayden
Ruby Hayden
Russell Hayden
Mary Louise Haynes
Neal Head
Mrs. William H. Healy
Bill Hein
Loyd Hinton
Joyce Hoffman
Bernice Hood
John Howard
Tim Janes
Keith Johnson
Robert L. Johnson
Alice Kunsman
Frances Kurth
Fr. Pete Lauzon
Harriet “Happy” Lauzon
Joseph L. Lauzon
Martha L. Lauzon
Linda Long
Robert Luckett
Ruth Helen Lyon
Sarah Davidson Marshall
Mary Carmel B. Matteson
Karen Mattingly
William S. Mayfield
Hank McCain
Sharon McCain
Norbert McCarty
Eugene McDaniel
Anita Reisz McNulty
Martin McNulty
James Medley
Charlie Meyer
Austin C. Millay
Dorothy B. Millay
Harold Mischel
John Mischel
Marie Mischel
Karen Montgomery
Beth Morris
Mabel Morton
Chelsey Mudd
Delbert Murphy
Angie Norcia
Fr. Henry P. O’Bryan
Jason O’Bryan
Robert Z. Opiola
Henry B. Payne
Joseph “Johnny” Payne, Sr.
Lee Roy Payne
Harry J. Pedley, Jr.
Louise Pope
Bonnie Potts
Frank Powers
Steve Quinn
Luell Rall
George Randolph, Jr.
Donald Rector
David K. Rhinerson
Helen Jean Rhinerson
Tony Rinaldo
Don Roberts
Frank H. Roberts
Wallace Roberts
Mary Roby
Kathleen Rocco
William Rocco
Jimmy “Rog” Rogers
Jeannette B. Rumage
Rick Saalwaechter
Doug Schaaf
Margaret Scherm
J. Patrick Schmitt
William R. Schrecker
Charles Settles
Brenda Shelton
Mark A. Sims
Mary Stepp
Marcia Strehl
Marvin Stuart
Patty Bellew Sweeney
Theresa Taliaferro
John Kenneth Thomas
Christopher Thompson
Eva Jean Thompson
Henry E. Thompson
Holly Thompson
John “Chick” Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Roy Thompson
Mrs. Ben Vessels
Greg Waninger
Paul Waninger
Brooks White
Dean Whitehouse
Helen M. Wilson
Annual Report
2009-10 Memorials
Let us remember those who have gone before
us. They will remain in our hearts and minds
forever. The following persons are prayerfully
remembered through generous gifts to the
Owensboro Catholic Schools and Owensboro
Catholic High School by family members,
friends and loved ones. Forever at peace.
(270) 686-8896
Athletics Committee
David Blanford
Gene Clemens
Ann Flaherty
Becca Greenwell
Jim Hartz
Julia Klump
Amy Lambert
Rob Mitchell
Luke Robertson
Tom Scales
Harold Staples (Chair)
Ernie Taliaferro
Mark Woodward
Mary Kate Clemens
Silvia Hayden
Robert/Lisa Knott
Kaley Robertson
Chris Settles
Cole Sturgeon
Elementary Athletic Association
Chris Belcher
Tracy Conkright
Jerry Goetz
Russ Hayden (Chair) Jim Hartz
Jamie Klump
James Mayfield
Chris Settles
Chris Thompson
Lori Whitehouse
Student Awards & Recognition
Elementary Schools
All A Honor Roll
Quarter 1: 56 Students Named
Quarter 2: 41 Students Named
Quarter 3: 40 Students Named
Quarter 4: 46 Students Named
6th Grade Academic Showcase
Overall – 1st Place
Quick Recall – 1st Place
Arts and Humanities – 1st Place, 2nd Place
Language Arts – 6th Place
Math – 2nd Place
Science – 1st Place, 2nd Place
Social Studies – 1st Place, 4th Place
4th/5th Grade Academic Team – District Title
Future Problem Solving – 1st Place
Quick Recall – 1st Place
Science – 1st Place, +2 advanced to Regional Competition
Social Studies – 3rd Place, 4th Place +1 advanced to Regional
Language Arts – 1st Place
Arts and Humanities – 1st Place
Composition – 4th Place
4th/5th Grade Academic Team – Regional Title
Quick Recall – 2nd Place
Future Problem Solving – 1st Place
Social Studies – 1st Place
Science – 2nd Place
Language Arts – 2nd Place
International Future Problem Solving Competition – 4th Place
Diocesan Spelling Bee – 1st Place
Elementary Band:
All District Band – 1 Student Honored
Christmas Concert
Spring Concert
Outstanding 6th Grade Band Member – 1 Student Honored
Most Improved 6th Grade Band Member – 1 Student Honored
4-H Speech Contest –
District Competition – 8 Students
Regional Competition – 8 Students
State Competition – 2 Students
Other Student Accomplishments/Awards
Owensboro-Daviess County Youth Football League – West All-Star
Team – 2 Students Honored
Parvuli Dei Boy Scout Award – 5 Students Honored
Hershey’s Track Meet – double Silver Medalist – 1 Student
‘Doodle 4 Google’ – State Finalist – 1 Student Honored
Kentucky Youth Chorale – 5 Students Honored
Lions Club Soap Box Derby – 7 Students Participated
Masters Division – 1 Student Advanced
Stock and Super Stock – 1 Student Advanced
“Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the
reason for this school. He is the unseen but everpresent teacher in its classrooms, the model of its
faculty and the inspiration of its students.”
We at Owensboro Catholic Schools believe that each person is a sacred
individual. We believe that each person is a significant and essential part
of the whole Body of Christ, both called and destined by God for continued
growth and maturity. It is the primary responsibility of the schools to
create a truly Catholic, Christian environment in which each student can
become more aware of his/her self-worth and seek fulfillment at all levels
of development. The Owensboro Catholic Schools are committed to
instilling values, morals and proper attitudes. OCS upholds a standard of
order and discipline to teach students responsibility, accountability and
respect. OCS prepares each student for life in this world and in eternity
with the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church. The faculty, staff and
administration are dedicated to carrying out their Christ-inspired vocations.
Their commitment and sacrifice are inspiring and help form a familial bond
that exists between personnel and students.
At A Glance
4 schools / Total enrollment: 1,266
■■ Elementary
School (K-3 Campus) / Total enrollment: 389
School (4-6 Campus) / Total enrollment: 256
■■ 1 Middle School (7-8) / Total enrollment: 192
■■ 1 High School / Total enrollment: 429
■■ $x.x Million budget
■■ Elementary
■■ Teachers
Honored for Years of Service – 17 Teachers Honored
Retiree Honored – 3 Teachers Honored
■■ OCHS Excellence Rally – 1 Faculty Member Honored
■■ Diocesan Stewardship Award – 1 Faculty Member Honored
■■ Bronze Pelican Award
■■ OCS
■■ 4
to 1 Student/Computer Ratio
schools have a computer lab as well as several computer stations in each
■■ Filtered Internet access within all classrooms
■■ Web site
■■ Internet email is provided for faculty, staff and administrators
■■ E-newsletter ‘In The Loop’ to keep our parents, families and friends up to date with
current information
■■ RSS Feeds available
■■ Email announcements from each school site to notify parents of important information
■■ SMART Boards available at each school site for interactive learning and presentations
■■ ELMO Projectors allow advanced progressive-scan camera systems to capture images
and videos
■■ One-Call Now service allows immediate notification by phone to parents of important
■■ Networking through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Podcasts allow for immediate
interaction and communication with parents, students and the community as a whole
■■ Lexia Reading Program
■■ All
Owensboro Catholic Middle School
Duke Talent Search – 45 Students Honored
State Recognition – 11 Students Honored
Grand Recognition – 2 Students Honored
All ‘A’ Honor Roll
Quarter 1: 17 Students Honored
Quarter 2: 26 Students Honored
Quarter 3: 29 Students Honored
Quarter 4: 28 Students Honored
Annual Report
Our Academic Excellence
is evident in our test scores
When we say Owensboro Catholic Schools are academically excellent, we have many
measures on which to stake this claim. First of all, our elementary schools, the middle school and the high school
are certified by standards of academic excellence. All schools are accredited by the State of Kentucky, Department of Education. In
addition, the Owensboro Catholic Schools are evaluated by the National Catholic Educational Association, the Kentucky Non-Public
School Commission and the National Committee for Private Education, which requires professional development for teachers.
A second way to judge the academic excellence of a school has traditionally been student performance on national testing. On the
average, Catholic school students perform above the national norm for the particular tests chosen. Owensboro Catholic Schools go
well beyond that measure as evidenced in the accompanying charts.
ACRE Test Scores: The ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis Religious Education) test is an assessment of religious
education, proficiency, and practices given by the Owensboro Catholic Schools to students in grades 5, 8, and 11. The four major
divisions of the Catechism, Part one: The Profession of Faith, Part Two: The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, Part Three: Life in
Christ, and Part Four: Christian Prayer, recall the fourfold division of the Catechism of the Council of Trent (also called the Roman
Catechism) promulgated in 1566. This structural arrangement often referred to as the Pillars presents a succession of movements:
The Church believing, celebrating, living, and praying.
Profession of Faith
Liturgy & Sacraments
Life of Christ
Christian Prayer
Grade 5
Grade 8 Grade 11
Grade 5
Grade 8 Grade 11
Owensboro Catholic Schools Average
Grade 5
Grade 8 Grade 11
Grade 5
Grade 8 Grade 11
National Average
(270) 686-8896
Students of the Month – 36 Students Honored
BETA Honor Club – 23 Inductees – 7th Grade Level
Kentucky Youth Assembly
Leadership Team – 1 Student Honored
Parliamentarians – 2 Students Honored
Outstanding Speaker – 1 Student Honored
One of the Top 10 Bills Presented
Academic Team –
Governor’s Cup – District Title – 4rd Straight
Composition – 2nd Place (2 tied)
Math – 1st Place, 3rd Place, 5th Place
Science –1st Place, 2nd Place
Language Arts – 1st Place, 5th Place
Social Studies – 1st Place, 2nd Place, 5th Place
Arts and Humanities – 1st Place, 2nd Place
Future Problem Solving – 1st Place
Governor’s Cup – Regional Cup
Arts and Humanities – 2nd Place
Social Studies – 4th Place
State Competition – Arts and Humanities – 5th Place
‘Math Counts’ – 3rd Place
Christian Service Award – 4 students Honored
Christian Athlete Award – 2 Students Honored
National ‘March For Life’ Poster – 1st Place
Mechatronics Club – Lego League Regional Competition
The President’s Gold Award for Educational Excellence – 36
Students Honored
The President’s Silver Award for Educational Improvement – 25
Students Honored
All American Scholars – 46 Students Honored
USAA National Leadership Merit Award – 34 Students Honored
Most Improved 7th Grade Band Members – 1 Student Honored
Most Improved 8th Grade Band Member – 1 Student Honored
Outstanding 7th Grade Band Members – 1 Student Honored
Outstanding 8th Grade Band Member – 1 Student Honored
All District Band – 10 Students Honored
Christmas Concert
Spring Concert
KMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival
Distinguished – 16 Students Honored
Proficient – 10 Students Honored
OCMS Cheerleading
KAPOS Exhibition Squad Performance
JamFest – Nashville – 2nd Place
OCMS Boys Basketball
7th Grade Diocesan Tournament – 1st Place
8th Grade Diocesan Tournament – 1st Place
Other Student Accomplishments/Awards
Owensboro Youth Council – 5 Students Served
Invocation Prayer at the Boys and Girls Club
Kentucky Youth Chorale – 1 Student Honored
ITBS Achievement Test:
This year OCS, in
conjunction with all Catholic Schools in the Owensboro Diocese,
administered the ITBS Achievement Test in place of the CAT6 Achievement
Test. The ITBS is a more comprehensive and rigorous test. Teachers use the
results to guide instruction within the classroom.
The scores reflect a National Percentile Rank. It is determined by comparing
how well our students did with other children across the nation who took the
same test. For example, if OCS scored in the 78th percentile, this translates
to OCS students performed better than 78 percent of the others who took the
same test. The “average” score would be the 50th percentile, and you can
see by looking at the tests that OCS students score well above the national
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 9
* Grade 2 Language score is Language Mechanics only.
for Educational Planning: Each year the Grade
8 students at OCMS take the Explore Test to evaluate their academic
standings as well as learn of career opportunities for the future.
Owensboro Catholic High School
Graduate Honors: 105 Students
Valedictorian – 1 Student Honored
Salutatorian – 3 Students Honored
John J. McRaith Order of Distinguished Graduates – 10 Students
Commonwealth Diplomas – 4 Students Honored
99.5% will attend 2- or 4-year College or University
51% were offered scholarships at a total of $4.0 million (in addition
to KEES money)
43% received the Honors Diploma
46% received College Prep Diplomas
Average ACT Composite Score – 22.6 (100% of the class taking the
test) – Highest in school history
National Merit Semi-Finalists – 2 Students Honored
National Merit Finalists – 2 Students Honored
Excellence Rally
15 Students Honored
1 Faculty Member Honored
Academic Letters –
Seniors: 38 Students Honored
Juniors: 15 Students Honored
Sophomores: 43 Students Honored
Owensboro Catholic Schools
Annual Report
PLAN: An ACT Program for Educational
and Career Planning: taken by Grade 10 students at OCHS.
Owensboro Catholic Schools
ACT (Class of 2010):
From the Class of 2010, 100% of the students took the ACT test. These scores
illustrate not only the hard work of our students, but also the tireless dedication and effort put forth by all the faculty and staff
of the Owensboro Catholic Schools. ACT tests are used at the high school level both as a measure of student performance
and as a standard for acceptance into college.
(270) 686-8896
All ‘A’ Honor Roll
Quarter 1: 50 Students Honored
Quarter 2: 57 Students Honored
Quarter 3: 56 Students Honored
Quarter 4: 57 Students Honored
Kentucky Governor’s Scholars – 2 Students Honored
National Honor Society
Induction - 27 Students Honored
State Convention
Kentucky’s Outstanding Chapter – 2nd Year in a Row
Outstanding Service Project (2nd Year in a Row) – Giving Tree
Drawing – 1st Place
Photography – 1st Place
Speech – 3rd Place
Variety Show – 3rd Place
English – 1st Place
Academics – Quiz Bowl – won first round
Chapter Scrapbook – 2nd Place
Academic Team
Regional Competition
Future Problem Solving – 4th Place
Language Arts – 3rd Place
State – Individual Future Problem Solving – 4th Place, 5th
Regional Kentucky World Language Association Festival
French 3 – Recitation – 1st Place, 2nd Place
French 4 – Listening Proficiency – 2nd Place, 3rd Place
French Dialogue – 2nd Place, 3rd Place
French Art – 1st Place, 2nd Place
French – Culture Project – 2nd Place
Spanish 3 – Oral Proficiency – 1st Place
Spanish 3 – Art – 3rd Place
Spanish 4 – Listening Proficiency – 1st Place, 3rd Place
Spanish 4 – Reading Proficiency – 3rd Place
Spanish Chorus – 2nd Place
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Students of the Month – 80 Students Honored
Homecoming Court – 10 Students Honored
John B. & Brownie Young Memorial Scholarship – 41 Students
Messenger-Inquirer Academic All-Stars – 6 Students Nominated
M-I Academic All Star – English – 1 Student Honored
M-I Academic All Star – Social Studies – 1 Student Honored
Daughters of the American Revolution – 1 Student Honored
Fireside Essay Award – 1 Student Honored
Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center High School Hero Award
– 8 Students Honored
Principal’s Leadership Award – 1 Student Honored
Owensboro Rotary Club Tom Laswell Award – 1 Student Honored
Owensboro Rotary Larry Hagar Award – 1 Student Honored
Harold Mischel Award – 1 Student Honored
Kentucky High School Athletic Association Sportsmanship Award –
2 Students Honored
Father Connor Award – 1 Student Honored
Liz Lukschu Award – 1 Student Honored
Daviess County Farm Bureau Scholarship – 1 Student Honored
Tom Curtsinger Scholarship – 1 Student Honored
Kimberly-Clark Bright Futures Scholarship – 1 Student Honored
University of Louisville Book Award – 1 Student Honored
St. Michael’s College Book Award for Scholarship and Service – 2
Students Honored
Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award – 1 Student Honored
Outstanding Christian Leadership Award – 2 Students Honored
National Science Olympiads
Class of 2012 - #1 in the Nation in the Physics Test
Top Ranking Student in the Physics Test Future Farmers of America (FFA) - Silver Chapter Distinction
OCHS Marching Aces
Marching Aces
3rd Place in Regionals
Class A – 7th in State – “The Great Ice Age”
All District Band – 9 Students Honored
All State Band – 1 Student Honored
Western Kentucky University Honors Band – 5 Students Honored
Solo and Ensemble Competition
Solos – Distinguished – 5 Students Honored
Solos – Proficient – 3 Students Honored
Ensembles – Distinguished – 13 Students Honored
K-8 Annual Appeal
Through the generosity of alumni, parents and friends, OCS is able to
provide a quality education to its students. We offer daily faith formation,
academic excellence, award winning extra-curriculars, and championship
caliber athletics; all in a disciplined, safe environment that is rich in tradition.
There are various ways to make a gift to the OCS Annual Appeal; and
whichever way you choose, please know how grateful we are for your active
participation in raising up our students to become successful members of
family, Church, and community.
ACES Club – The ACES Club will recognize the support of those who
provide strength to our program. To qualify, a donor contributes $1-$99
Green and White Guild – The Green and White Guild symbolizes the
long-standing tradition and history of Owensboro Catholic. Annual donors in
this category help to provide the stability upon which the tradition has been
built. To qualify, a donor contributes $100-$199 annually.
Donors’ Honor Roll – The Donors’ Honor Roll reflects the leadership and
commitment of our school leaders. Supporters show their commitment and
leadership by participating at this level. To qualify, a donor contributes $200$499 annually.
Principal’s List – The Principal’s List illustrates the vision of our top
leaders. Those contributing at this level share and support the vision and
work to ensure its success. To qualify, a donor contributes $500-$999
Director’s Circle – The Director’s Circle embodies the spirit of Catholic
education. Gifts at this level permit Owensboro Catholic to continue to pass
along this gift. To qualify, a donor contributes $1,000-$4,999 annually.
Order of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton – The Order of Saint Elizabeth
Ann Seaton benefits the vibrant and special spirit of an Owensboro Catholic
education. To qualify, a donor contributes $5,000-$9,999 annually.
Saint Thomas Aquinas League – The Saint Thomas Aquinas League
ensures the gift of daily faith formation, academic excellence, award-winning
extra-curriculars, and championship caliber athletics for future generations.
To qualify, a donor contributes $10,000-$49,999 annually.
Auspice Maria Society – The Auspice Maria Society honors those
who have spent a lifetime protecting Catholic education; most especially
the Owensboro Catholic Schools. To qualify, a donor makes significant
contributions to the long term viability of the Owensboro Catholic Schools.
Annual Appeal
Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Carolyn Abel
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Beth (Gillians)
Anne Berry Alexander
Curtis Alvey
Susie Alvey
Christopher and Jill (Howard) Atherton
Ms. Linda Avery
Mrs. Alice Bagot
Steve and Gloria Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Katie Ballard
Mr. Bert Barker
Joni Howard Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and June Bell
Joe Bellwood
Bob and Roberta Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Nelda Best
Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Bonnie Bittel
Gene and Mary Bittel
Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Paula Bittel
Ben and Stanette Blair
Mr. Don Blan
Doris Blandford
Kenneth and Virginia Blandford
Mr. and Mrs. David and Ann Blanford
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Linda (Thomas)
Gene and Margaret Boehmann
Connie and Tommy Brown
Pat and Jeanette Brown
Judy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Sarah (Head)
Ms. Annette (Smith) Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. William and Sally Buford
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and Janine Bumm
Joan and J.L. Byrne
Joe and Tammy Calhoun
Ms. Mary Ann Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Dona Calhoun
Pat and Charlene Carrico
Greg and Vicki Cash
Ben and Holly Castlen
Ms. Marti Castlen
John and Suzanne (Hayden) Caudill
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Barbara Cecil
Mr. Don Cecil
James and Jacqueline Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Patricia Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Melody (Payne) Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mary Cilia
Donnie and Connie Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Anne Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Betty Clark
Al and Rose Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Jayne Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Marilyn Clements
Mr. and Mrs. James and Mary Ann Clouse
Mr. Thomas Collignon
Charles and Joan Collins
Kevin and Tracy Conkright
Guy and Linda Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James and Barbara Coomes
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Margret Cox
Mrs. Monique Craig
Misty (Basham) Cravens
Martha Whittaker Crisp
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Rose Curtsinger
Jeannie Damron
Freda Danhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Barbara Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Seibrand and Wanda Dooper
Dr. and Mrs. Joe and Tracey Danzer
Sonny Dunbar
Barbara Duncan
Ms. Marjorie Early
Tony and Julie Eblehar
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Leslie Ebelhar
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ebelhar
Nora Peak Ebelhar
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and Mary Phoebe
Dr. Amy Edelen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Colleen Edmiston
Mr. and Mrs. James and Lenna Gay Elder
Larry and Dottie Elder
Bill Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Joan Englert
Mr. and Mrs. David and Lisa (Coomes)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Rosemarie
Wethington Fanning
Mrs. Donna (Barnett) Favors
Mr. and Mrs. Don and Myra Feldpausch
Sylvester and Barbara Fischer
Jerry and Paula Fisher
Vince and Reenee (Weafer) Fogle
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Jennifer Frey
Gertie Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Camille Lynn
Mike and Cassie Ann (Martin) Gaddey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Julie Garvin
Susie Garwood
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard and Alma Gaw
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Cheryl Gehring
Robert and Mildred Gilles
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Amy Glahn
Donna Goetz
Tim and Cathy Goetz
Brenda Clark Gottula
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Peggy (Ebelhar)
Anna E. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Molly Greenwell
Roch and Karen Greenwell
Michael and Karen Gross
Michael and Christie Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Mary Hall
Paul R. Hamilton
Hartz Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartz
John and Patsy Hartz
Mr. and Mrs. James and Rebecca Hatfield
Sharlene Hatfield
Mr. David Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hayden
Mr. Joseph Cooper Hayden
Larry J. Hayden
Mary Michael Hayden
Matt and Brandi Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Hayden
Mr. Phillip Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and Cheri Hayden
Paul R. and Sally Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Mary Haynes
Herman A. Head
Mr. and Mrs. Jody and Karen (Kamuf) Head
Sylvia Heflin
Mrs. Rita Heinz
Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Loretta Higdon
William G. Higdon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sherrell (Ralph)
Ms. Martha Kurre House
Mr. and Mrs. Brice and Marilyn Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Drury and Jennie Howard
Leo G. and Sonya Howard
Scheva Oliver Hurm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Beth (Stiff)
Mrs. Dorothy Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Karen Jarboe
Lillian Weafer Jarboe
Audeline Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Horse and Joan (Monarch)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Kathleen (Connor)
Earleen M. Jones
John F. and Theresa Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Roxanne Kaelin
Judy Kapelsohn
Frank and Joy Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Allan and Gina (Abel) King
Billy and Anna King
Leo and Betty Klump
Mr. and Mrs. James and Beverly Knott
Walter Knott
Keith and Sherry Krampe
Mr. Richard Kulka
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard and Patricia Layne
Mr. John Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. John and Chrissy Kurtz
Thomas and Mary Ann Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. Byron and Josanna (Birkhead)
Diane Blandford Lane
Ms. Mary Michael Lanham
Michelle Payne Lankster
Dave and Leiann Lashbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rich and Rebecca
Jo Lattus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Leibfreid
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Kimberly Lewis
Peter and Michele Linn
Ms. Mabel Long
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Carolyn Lyddane
Chris and Susie Mattingly
Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Laura Mattingly
(270) 686-8896
Concert Band – KMEA District Concert Band Festival
Distinguished Rating – Stage and Sight-Reading Performances
Outstanding Band Members – 4 Students Honored
Band Letters – 10 Students Honored
Drum Major Awards – 2 Students Honored
Brass Musicianship Award – 1 Student Honored
Woodwind Musicianship Award – 1 Student Honored
Percussion Musicianship Award – 1 Student Honored
Service Award – 1 Student Honored
110% Award – 1 Student Honored
John Phillip Sousa Award – 1 Student Honored
Christmas Concert
Spring Concert
Winterguard – TriState Circuit – Gold Medal – ‘Reaching Out’
Other Student Accomplishments/Awards
Owensboro Youth Council – 8 Students Served
Fleet Reserve Association Americanism Essay Contest – 1st Place
2010 Olympic Winter Games Essay – 1st Place
Daymar Foundation Scholarship Showcase – 1 Student Finalist
Rotary Sectional Speech Contest – 1st Place
Kenergy Youth Tour Contest – 1 Student Honored
Channel One Pop Quiz – 1 Student Honored
Diocesan SLIM Award – 3 Students Honored, 4 Students
Owensboro Catholic High School
Athletic Achievements
OCHS Boys Golf
All ‘A’ Regional Title
All ‘A’ Regional Individual Title
OCHS Girls Golf
All ‘A’ Regional Title
All ‘A’ Regional Individual Title
Regional Runner Up
Regional Runner Up – Individual
OCHS Volleyball
Crossroads Invitational – 3rd Place – Silver Division
JV – OVVC State – 1st Place – Silver Division
3rd Region – Coach of the Year
Regional Runner-Up
District Title – 4th Straight
All District Team – 2 Students Honored
All Region Tournament Team – 2 Students Honored
OCHS Boys Cross Country
Regional Champions (Perfect Pointed) – 5th Straight
Individual Regional Champion – 1 Student Honored
State Meet – 2nd Place
Individual State Finish – 4th Place, 16th Place
Kentucky Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association
West Region All Star Team Coach
West Region Boys All Star Team – 1 Student Honored
All State Team (Class A)
2nd Team – 2 Students Honored
Honorable Mention – 3 Students Honored
All State Coach of the Year
OCHS Girls Cross Country
State Qualifiers – 2 Students Honored
All State Team (Class A) – Honorable Mention – 1 Student
OCHS Boys Soccer
All ‘A’ Regional Title
All District Team – 3 Students Honored
All Region Team
1st Team – 1 Student Honored
Honorable Mention – 1 Student Honored
OCHS Girls Soccer
All ‘A’ Regional Title
All District Team – 2 Students Honored
All Region Team – 1st Team – 2 Students Honored
Kentucky State Girls Soccer Team – 1 Student Honored
OCHS Football
Messenger-Inquirer All Area Team
1st Team – 1 Student Honored
2nd Team – 4 Students Honored
Super 25 Team – 3 Students Honored
Qualifiers for State Meet – 4 Students Honored
2009-10 Annual Appeal
Wayne and Grace Mattingly
Mr. and Mrs. James and Michelle (Moore) Mayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Ginger McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Connie McCarthy
Mrs. Alberta McCarty
The Honorable and Mrs. John and Carolyn McCarty
Mrs. Rosa Lee McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Doris McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Polly (Warren) McCubbins
Ms. Brenda Lee McDaniel
Edwin and Lily Scherm McDivitt
Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Rachael McFadden
Ken and Edie McKay
Bishop Emeritus John McRaith
J.D. and Shannon Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Selina Meyer
Jerry and Audrey Mezur
Mr. and Mrs. David and Rebecca Millay
Joann Millay
Mr. William Millay
Bobby and Joy (Ling) Miller
Owen and Majella Mills
Chris and Mara Mischel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Charlotte Mischel
Tim and Bridgette Molnar
Monica Gaw Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John and Jane Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mildred Mullican, Jr.
Patrick J. Mulligan
Joe Bob Murphy
Patricia Osborne Murphy
Ralph Murphy
Charles and Lois Payne
Ignatius C. Payne
J. Anthony Payne
Edward and Martha Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie and Judy Peach
Mr. and Mrs. George and Myra Pennebaker
Jane Pfeifer
Ms. Devon Pinkston
Sam Potts
Wm J. and Hattie Y. Potts
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Krista Powers
Ms. Joyce Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Donna Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund and Brenda Pozniak
Mr. David Ralph
Rick and Martha Ratterman
Steve Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Janet Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Byron and Lucy Rhoades
Julie Riney Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy and Ann (Johnston) Riddle
Michael and Faye (Best) Riney
Martha D. Riney
Mr. Thomas Riney
Karissa and Jeremy Riter
Harold and Suzanne Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mary Roberts
Roy and Vicki Roberts
Sherman and Dolores Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Lanita Robertson
JR and Donna Stogsdill Roby
Judy Evans Roby
Mr. Steven Roby
Melisa Saalwaechter
Mr. and Dr. Jeff and Misty Brey Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Melba Schemmel
Mrs. Rita Schrecker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Jennifer (Krampe) Self
Mary E. Shacklett
Mr. Jim Simon
Doug and Margaret Smithson
Barbara Fischer Stallings
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Kelly (Woodward) Stallings
Ms. Brenda Starr
Kevin and Cassie Stelmach
Mrs. Lorena Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Debbie (O’Bryan) Stiff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Rita Stiff
Mark and Robin Swift
Louis Szemethy
Ryan and Katie Taliaferro
Heather Teets
Ms. Elaine Thomas
Sara Grant Thomas (‘59)
Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Karen Thompson
Norbert and Bonnie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Lizann Thompson
Mrs. Stacy Clark Thompson
Mr. Kenneth Tinsley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Linda Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Theresa Nadine Trogden
Annual Report
2009-10 Annual Appeal
Pat O’Bryan Tucker
Mrs. Delores (Sims) Turnage
Margaret C. Velotta
Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Nancy (Danhauer)
Charles and Amy (Robinson)Waddell
Aloysious (St. Francis ‘50) and Dolores
Russell (St. Francis ‘49) Wathen
Fr. David A. Wathen
Dorothy Devins Wathen
Mr. and Mrs. Fran and Ethel Watrous
Mrs. Rita Bender Wedding (‘47)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Mary Jo Westerfield
Mrs. Eleanor Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Gayla Whitehouse
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Sandra (Velotta)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Rose Whitsett
Mary Lou Boarman Whitt
Carrie Mae Wieder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Lora Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Lil Wilson
Billy and Sara Wilson
Mrs. Joyce Wimsatt
Michael and Marilyn (Reed) Wood
Virginia M. Zoglman
Green & White Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Jennifer
Jeff and Theresa Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and Beverly Aud
Karen and B.J. Aud
Mr. and Mrs. James Basham
Mr. David A. Beckman
Pat Black
Shaun and Shelly Blandford
Fr. Ed Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny and Tricia Buckman
Mr. and Mrs. David and Rose Marie Cecil
Mrs. Rose T. Cecil
Archie and Angela Clark
In Memory of Linda Clark
Mr. and Mrs. George and Pam Collignon
Dr. Carol L. Collins
Mr. Tim Coomes
Rod and Kathryn Crowe
Ms. Marybelle Darnell
Ms. Dixon
Bernard and Lisa (Thompson) Dotsey
John M. Drury
Doug and Nancy Dunn
Thomas and Debbie Durbin
Mr. Jeremy Eades
Jeff and Margie Ebelhar
Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Janet (Graham)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Beverly Estes
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Linda Fentress
Mrs. Kristina (Minalga) Fentress
Ms. Cathy Fike
Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Amanda Fischer
Keith and Cathy Franey
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ramsey
Mr. J T Fulkerson
Mr. Gary Gant
Tom Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Carol Goedde
Jerry and Michelle Goetz
Mike and Sherleye Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Denny and Sarona (Murphy)
Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Dee Hampel
Mrs. RuthAnn Harris
Jack and Judy Hatfield
Ms. Virginia Hawkins
Bill and Martha Hayden
Diana Murphy Head
Mrs. Betty Helm
Nancy Hendricks
Mr. Kenneth Holzmeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll and Peggy Howard
Drs. Thomas Ward and Carol Hulsey
Phil and Mary Beth Hurley
David and Karen Jarboe
Mr. and Mrs. Billy and Mary Patricia (Freels)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Linda (Goetz)
Mr. Frank Kamuf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane (Boarman)
Ms. Fay Klessig
Angie and Jamie Klump
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Susie Krampe
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Frances Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John Larry Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Donna Mattingly
Ms. Rose McCarter
Fr. Carl McCarthy
David and Cecilia McCarty
Mark and Karen McCarty
Mike and Theresa McCarty
Jeremy and Anna McDaniel
Norris and Elise McDivitt
Mary Hilda McFarland
Toma and Ann Meyer
Jerry and Shirley Miles
John D. and Karen Ann Millay
Mrs. Anita Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Laura Naviaux
Mr. and Mrs. David and Dava O’Nan
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Frances Osborne
Keith and Ramona Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Terry Osborne
Mr. C. Maurice Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse and Margaret (Fogle)
Mr. and Mrs. Chip and Amy Pride
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Ralph
Judy Rector
Mr. Joe Rhinerson
Mr and Mrs. Don and Dee (O’Malley) Riney
Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Jennifer (Hayden)
Mr. Phil Roberts
Kevin T. Roth
Ms. Alberta Schrecker
Carol Riney Schuenemeyer
Henry Schwartz
Mr. Rodney Schwartz
Ms. Mona Kluck Shopa
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Sylvia Snyder
Todd and Pat Stelmach
Mrs. Judy Stinnett
Gene and Jane Strehl
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Marilyn Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Chris Stroud
Mr. Joseph Szemethy
Patty Sullivan Thomas
Mike and Cloa Thompson
Shelby and Mary Ann Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Francis and Delores Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Shanon Thomson
Ms. Frances Kay Tichenor
Mr. Ray Tretter
Connie Norcia Wesnofske
Mary Alice Wethington
Gordon Whitehouse
Richard and Lori Whitehouse
John and Norma Wilkerson
Mel and Margaret Windle
Yager Materials
Donors’ Honor Roll
Robert and Theresa Bahnick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Elizabeth Berry
Mr. Donald Bittel
Bill and Sarah Blincoe
Mr. and Mrs. Brad T. Boehm
Steve and Judy Carrico
Drs. Thomas and Janet Clark
Ms. Louise Clements
Jason and Julie Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony and Cindy Durall
E.M. Ford and Company
Beverly Fiorella
Mike and Ann Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Vince and Joan (Feldpausch)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and May Gipe
Ms. Sue Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Mary Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Raymond and Kim Haire
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Ann Harris
J. Jolly Hayden
Paul and Anna Haynes
Norma Mitchell Hoaglund
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas and Dorothy Hood
Allen Huff
Mrs. Edward J. Kaelin
Mr. and Mrs. Camron and Nikki Knott
Jason and Amanda Kyle
Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Jane Lovekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Leah (Thomas)
Brenda McIntyre
Fr. Joe Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and April Mitchell
Owensboro Rotary Club Foundation, Inc.
Felicity and Joe Polio
(270) 686-8896
OCHS Girls Basketball
All ‘A’ Classic – Regional Runner Up
District Runner Up
All-District Team – 2 Students Honored
Regional Runner Up
Region All Tournament Team – 3 Students Honored
Messenger-Inquirer All Region Team
3rd Region Player of the Year
Honorable Mention – 1 Student Honored
All State Team – 2nd Team – 1 Student Honored
OCHS Boys Basketball
All ‘A’ Classic – Regional Title
All Tournament Team – 4 Students Honored
District Title
All District Team – 2 Students Honored
Region All Tournament Team – 2 Students Honored
Messenger-Inquirer All Region Team
3rd Region Coach of the Year
1st Team – 1 Student Honored
Honorable Mention – 3 Students Honored
Kentucky Association of Basketball Coaches – 3rd Region Coach
of the Year
OCHS Cheerleading
KAPOS Regional Competition – Small Co-Ed Squad - Runner Up
OCHS Baseball
All ‘A’ Regional Title
All ‘A’ Region All Tournament Team – 4 Students Honored
All-District Team –3 Students Honored
Messenger-Inquirer Player of the Year
OCHS Boys Tennis
Regional Team Title
Region Singles Title and Runner Up
Region Doubles Title and Runner Up
OCHS Track
OCHS Indoor Track
Boys – Overall – 15th in State
Shot Put – State Runner Up
55 Meter High Hurdles – 10th Place
Long Jump – 12th Place
Triple Jump – 12th Place
Girls – Overall – 14th Place
High Jump – State Runner Up
55 Meter High Hurdles – 7th Place
800 Meter Run – 7th Place
Shot Put – 9th Place
1500 Meter Run – 11th Place
Track & Field
Boys Track
State Qualifiers - 1600 Meter, 3200 Meter, Shot Put, Pole
Vault (2), 400 Relay Team
Girls Track
Regional Team Title
State Qualifiers – 3200 Relay Team, 100 Meter Hurdles,
100 Meter, 1600 Meter, 300 Meter Hurdles, 200 Meter,
3200 Meter, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump,
Pole Vault
State Meet –
Girls 3200 Meter – 3rd Place
Boys Pole Vault – 2nd Place
Boys Shot Put – 5th Place
OCHS Softball
District Title
All District Team – 7 Students Honored
Region Title (10th Straight Title)
All Tournament Regional Team – 4 Students Honored
Player of the Year
All Area Team – 3 Students Honored
2009-10 Annual Appeal
Rev. Paul P. Powell
Mary Lisa Prendergast
Mr. and Mrs. David and Julie (Payne) Renshaw
Mr. Bruce Riney
Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Benita Riney
Sr. Joseph Angela Boone
Tom and Joan Scales
Mary K Schueler
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Rhonda Staples
Mr. Bob Szemethy
Rita Thomas
Buzz and Patsy Van Meter
Kathy Jo and Ron Van
Chris and Vickie Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Molly Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Suzanne Wurth
Principal’s List
Ms. Charlotte Baumgarten
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell and Mary Bryan (Medley)
Noel and Brenda Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Lorry Harney
Chris and Mary Havelda
Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Kimberly (Coomes) Hayden
Richard and Jennifer Hayden
Fr. Randall Howard
Mr. William Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Brenda Millay
Ursuline Sisters of Mount St Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Maggie O’Bryan
Ken and Kathy Rasp
Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Cissy Sullivan
Fr. John Vaughan
Director’s Circle
John Barker
Jess Mattingly and Mark Mattingly
Mr. Scott McCain
Joseph W. Castlen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Carolyn Clark
David and Karen Danhauer
Clara Evrard
Chris and Jenny Glaser
S. Lewis Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Martha Haunz
Matt and Christy Hayden
Fr. Phil Riney
Mike and Janice Scherm
Southern Tank and Manufacturing Company
Al and Molly Thompson
Order of Saint
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Mr. Vince Hayden
Junior League of Owensboro
Saint Thomas
Aquinas League
Eric Bletzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Julian and Patricia (Barnett) Hayden
Mr. Michael Horn
Michael E. Horn Family Foundation, Inc.
Owensboro Grain Company
Wilkerson Plastering and Acoustics, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John and Kathy (Rector) Wright
The New 1 Club
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Elizabeth Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Camron and Nikki Knott
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Scott
Ms. Rose McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Frances Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Billy and Mary Patricia (Freels) Judd
Mrs. Judy Stinnett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Susie Krampe
Mrs. Kristina (Minalga) Fentress
Jerry and Shirley Miles
Mrs. RuthAnn Harris
Ms. Fay Klessig
Jack and Judy Hatfield
Ms. Barbara Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. James Basham
Mike and Dee Hampel
Extracurricular Activities & Programs
Annual Report
Owensboro Catholic Elementary Schools (K-3 & 4-6 Campus)
Daisy Girl Scouts
Brownie Girl Scouts
Junior Girl Scouts
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Academic Team
Future Problem Solving Team
Soccer Developmental Program
Student Technology Program
Catholic Schools Week Activities
Spelling Bee
School Newsletter
Christmas Programs
Accelerated Reader Program
Honor Roll
Fire Prevention Programs
Officer Friendly Program
Smart Moves
Food Drive
Field Trips
Red Ribbon Week
4-H Speech Competition
National Day of Prayer
Giving Tree
Grandparent Liturgy
Grandparent Reception
Recycling Program
Prayer Days
Book Fairs
Weekly Mass
‘Meet Your Teacher’ Open House
RiverPark Center Shows
Liturgical Signing
‘Bluegrass Music in the Schools’ Program
Tailgate Pep Rally
‘Celebration of Faith’ Mass
Athletic Camps
Junior Achievement
‘Spotlight on Character’ Award
Elementary PTO Dinner/Auction
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Open House
Holy Week Services
‘Singing Aces’ Choir
‘Doodle for Google’
‘Zap the Penny’
Cross Country
Aces Crusaders
Diocesan Rainbow Mass
Religion Bee
St. Jude Math-a-thon
‘Bluegrass Music in the Schools’ Program
‘Celebration of Faith’ Mass
‘Meet Your Teacher’ Open House
Student Orientation
March For Life – Washington DC
Students of the Month
Junior Achievement
Athletic Camps
RiverPark Center Shows
Open House and Information Night
Community Problem Solving Team
Honor Roll
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekly Mass
BETA Honor Club
Holy Week Services
Earth Day Presentations and Activities
Back to School Swim Party
Book Fair
FCA Blood Drive
Grandparent Mass and Reception
Smart Moves
Diocesan Rainbow Mass
Cross Country
Track and Field
Red Ribbon Week
Junior Civitan
‘Celebration of Faith’ Mass
Memorial Mass
Grandparent Mass and Reception
Athletic Camps
Freshmen Orientation
Parent Portal Access
Project Graduation
Great American Smoke-Out
Students of the Month
Junior Achievement
College Financial Aid Information Night
‘Gold Rush’ Football Night
Football Border Bowl
Smart Moves
Women’s Football Clinic
Marching Invitational
Open House and Information Night
Environmental Club
Art Show
Choral Music
Honor Roll
All ‘A’ Honor Roll Lunch
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Weekly Mass/Liturgical Service
Holy Week Services
Regional College Fair
Chess Club
Diocesan Rainbow Mass
PLAN Testing
PSAT Testing
ACT Testing
Owensboro Catholic Middle School
Academic Team
Student Council
Drama Club
Christmas Play – ‘The Toys Take Over
Aces Action News Broadcast
Kentucky Youth Assembly
Kentucky United Nations Assembly
Accelerated Reader Program
Explore Testing
Owensboro Youth Council
Red Ribbon Week
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Track & Field
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Spelling Bee
Geography Bee
Owensboro Catholic High School
National Honor Society
Freshmen Picnic
Academic Team
Future Farmers of America
Annual Staff
Art Club
Emerald Productions –
Fall Play – Three 1-Act Plays:
‘A Gazebo for My Lady’
‘An Open & Shut Case’
‘Everything I Really Need to Know I Learned
by Being in a Bad Play’
Spring Play – ‘It Happens Every Summer’
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Flag Corps
Mu Alpha Theta
Peddler Staff
Pep Club
Right To Life
Pep Rallies – Homecoming, Winterfest, Spring
Student Council
Kentucky Youth Assembly
Kentucky United Nations Assembly
Natural Helpers
Intramural Athletics
Foreign Language Club
Art Club
Fast-Pitch Softball
Service to the Community
Students in the OCS system are committed to giving back to their community. Service projects are an integral part of their education.
Some of the locations/events students have volunteered include:
Habitat for Humanity
Bowl for Kids Sake
RiverValley Behavioral Health
Goodfellows Club
Tutoring (Elementary, Middle and High School)
Carmel Home
Wendell Foster Center
Hermitage Home
St. Joseph’s Peace Mission
Soenneker Home
Wellington Parc
Junior League Repair Affair
Clean Up/Green Up
American Red Cross
Western Kentucky Botanical Garden
Mount St. Joseph Picnic
Canned Food Drive
Stand Against Child Abuse
Hispanic Ministry
Hillcrest Nursing Home
Knights of Columbus
Daviess County Parks and Recreation
River Valley Prevention Center
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Chrism Mass
St. Jude’s Research Hospital
Toys for Tots
Theatre Workshop of Owensboro
Owensboro Youth Council
St. Benedict Joseph Shelter
Cliff Hagan Corporate Sponsorship Award
Smart Moves
Smart Parents
Food and Personal Care Drive
Lions Club Soap Box Derby
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Glenmary Sisters
Bouleware Center
WFIE Channel 14 News
WEHT Channel 25 News
Fox 7 News
Community Solutions for Substance Abuse
Daniel Pitino Shelter
Christmas Wish
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Pro-Life Memorial Day Prayer Vigil
Life Chain Assembly
Junior League Rummage Sale
Telephone Book Recycling
Dugan Best
WOMI Radio – AM 1490
Earth Day Events
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods
Serra Club
‘Extreme’ Food Drive
‘Extreme’ Makeover – Home Edition
Owensboro Dance Theatre
Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center
Vietnam Ware Memorial Replica Display
“Around Owensboro” – Time Warner Channel 8
Teen Homelessness Jean Drive
WBKR Radio – FM 92.5
Youth 2000
Help Office
Uganda Project
All of these activities contribute to Owensboro Catholic Schools’ commitment to academic excellence and to ensuring that excellence
is the norm in Owensboro Catholic Schools.
(270) 686-8896
Advancement Office
1524 West Parrish Avenue
Owensboro, KY 42301
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Owensboro Catholic Schools
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(270) 686-8896 •