Volume 32 September/October 2013 Issue 5 SPOOKS 'N SCOOTS® 2013 NEXT STATE MEETING HOSTED BY HILLSBOROUGH CHAPTER Saturday, October 12, San Antonio, FL American Bikers Aiming Toward Education Page 2 ABATE of Florida, Inc. IDENTIFICATION STATEMENT The Masterlink is the state publication of ABATE of Florida, Inc. Published bi-monthly (six times a year). ABATE of Florida, Inc. PO Box 2520 DeLand, Florida 32721-2520 The submission deadline for all material intended for publication in the Masterlink is the bi-monthly State meetings. DISCLAIMER Masterlink is the official publication of ABATE of Florida, Inc. and accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained in this publication. DONATIONS TO ABATE OF FLORIDA INC. ARE NOT DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES EDITORIAL GUIDELINES You are encouraged to submit letters about ABATE related events, stories, articles, photographs, poems, commentaries etc. All items become the property of ABATE of Florida, Inc. Please make items print ready. Leave at least 1/2” border on all sides. Please do not submit slanderous or accusing letters, profanity or nudity. ABATE of FLORIDA INC. will not accept any advertising that discriminates against any type of motorcyclist. September/October 2013 ADVERTISING RATES (PER ISSUE) Full page $113.42 Quarter Page $33.44 Half page $56.85 Business Card $16.05 All rates show sales tax. Those that advertise for one consecutive year in the Masterlink (6 issues) will receive one advertisement of equal value FREE. Full payment must accompany ad copy and form. All ads must be camera ready. Advertisers will receive one copy of each issue of Masterlink in which their advertisement appears. Non-ABATE event flyers are subject to Masterlink’s advertising rates. As a courtesy there is no charge for benefit flyers. Non-ABATE flyers are subject to space availability. ABATE of Florida, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any advertiser at the discretion of the State Board of Directors. GOALS AND PURPOSES OF ABATE • To print a newsletter to keep all bikers informed with regard to legislative actions and events around the state and throughout the country • To become a powerful and viable political force in legislative matters concerning all motorcyclists rights • To provide a lobbyist to represent ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. on the state and national level • To promote voter registration and motivate members to write their legislators • To promote safe riding habits without infringing on individual rights • To educate the public about motorcycle awareness ABATE of Florida, Inc. www.abateflorida.com STATE MEETINGS 2013 October 12 December 14 Hillsborough Treasure Coast NEXT STATE MEETING Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRESIDENTS LETTER................................................... 4 STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS................................... 5 MEMBERSHIP REPORT..............................................6-7 Saturday October 12, San Antonio, FL Hosted by Hillsborough STATE MEETING MINUTES....................................8-11 SUBMISSION DEADLINE OCTOBER STATE MEETING INFO............................ 15 Flyers for chapter and benefit events taking place during the months of December 2013/January 2014 must be to the Masterlink Editor by the OCTOBER 2013 State Meeting. Be sure to provide a copy of all such flyers to each of the STATE BOD and the State Office Manager. Thank you! 2014 BIKE WEEK INFO............................................... 16 WEB SITES of INTEREST CRIME TIME................................................................. 23 www.hsmv.state.fl.us/ www.leg.state.fl.us/ http://ama-cycle.org/legisltn/ statewatch/fl.html www.bikernet.com www.aimncom.com CHAPTER INFORMATION.....................................12-13 BIKE WEEK COOK OFF INVITATION...................... 18 GULG COAST FIRECRACKER BIKE SHOW............ 18 ANGELS AMONG US................................................... 19 NCOM REGION VI SEMINAR.................................... 20 CHAPTER EVENTS...................................................... 21 AD ORDER FORM/ADVERTISING RATES............... 26 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION.................................... 27 www.abateflorida.com If you find a website that would be of interest to your fellow members please forward it to the Masterlink ABATE of Florida Accomplishments: ABATE was the driving force behind the changes in Florida’s Helmet Law. Florida Motorcyclist, over the age of 21 and who carry at least $10,000 medical insurance coverage now enjoy the Freedom to Choose whether to wear a helmet or not. • ABATE has developed & copyrighted “The Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Program”(MSAP). The program is presented to non-motorcyclists to educate them on how to safelyshare the road with motorcycles. It is taught in local schools & to civic organizations at no charge in the hope of reducing motorcycle accidents and deaths through education, not legislation. • ABATE has gained a positive and respected position in Tallahassee. Because of our Lobbyist and Legislative efforts, State Representatives are aware of ABATE members and our vigilant quest. • ABATE reminds travelers everyday to “Look Twice Save a Life, Motorcycles are everywhere” through our billboard campaign. FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE SUPPORTS ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. Page 4 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 PRESIDENT'S REPORT We just completed our August meeting and I want to take a moment to thank my board and West Coastfor making it a great meeting. A lot of good info was covered. I have faith the delegates will take allinfo back to the chapters. We all need to be on the same page when it comes to what we have to do to make ABATE of Florida, Inc. a driving force within the state of Florida. We all have to work together as one. I don’t want to hear any more talk about territories or chapters not working together smoothly. We are one, and united we are unstoppable and will make a difference. We have agreed on a Bike Week contract with the fairgrounds so we can move forward with plansto make this coming bike week a success. Bike week tickets will be ready at the October state meeting. Chapter presidents, check with your chapter and email Boots to let her know how many tickets your chapter wants. I have issued a challenge to all members to buy 1 ticket each so we could sell out in a month. When tickets are sold return them with a check from your chapter, DON’T bring cash. If something happens on the road with the cash we can not reclaim it, but a check can be rewritten, this is just smart business for all. Members have asked us to look into a different campground for Tally and we did and there are not any that will work for us right now. We have talked with the KOA again and received numbers that we can work with. KOA will handle the RVs and tent camping will be free, but like last year, no trailers or RVs will be allowed in the tent area unless a RV cost is paid. So start making plans to be there in April 2014. I won’t say that it will be warm but our chances are better than in February. We have had a lot of members go down and even more go into the hospital due to health reasons. Folks, take care of yourself and each other. Look your bikes over, check tires and pressure and go to your doctor for a check up as well. Ride safe and smart Danny Fish www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 5 2012-2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATE OFFICE ABATE of Florida, Inc. PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (386) 943-9610 (Fax Same) [email protected] PRESIDENT Danny “ Doc” Fish PO Box 3615 Milton, FL 32572-3615 (850) 994-3652 (850) 995-8517 (Fax) [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Emory Griffis PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (386) 801-3327 (386) 943-9610 (Fax) [email protected] SECRETARY Bob Alexander PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 863-202-0905 [email protected] TREASURER Patti Nasrallah PO Box 16309 Temple Terrace, FL 33687-6309 (813) 695-9203 Fax: (813) 626-2306 [email protected] SGT. AT ARMS Dennis “Mudder” Rudoi PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (407) 925-4307 Fax: (407) 699-9748 [email protected] PR/COMMUNICATIONS Rhonda Griffis PO Box 2520 DeLand, 32721-2520 (407) 412-8381 (386) 943-9610 (fax) [email protected] LEGISLATIVE Darrin “Scribe” Brooks PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (239) 398-7145 (386) 943-9610 (Fax) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP PRODUCTS MASTERLINK EDITOR DIRECTOR 0F SAFETY EDUCATION LEGAL COUNSEL BYLAW REVIEW COMMITTEE Val Loper PO Box 220346 Hollywood, FL 33022-0346 (954) 309-3505 (954) 926-5665 (Fax) [email protected] Bob von Bulow PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (386) 451-0323 Fax: (386) 943-9610 [email protected] Larry Crow 1247 S. Pinellas Ave. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689-3719 (727) 945-1112 Fax: (727) 945-9224 [email protected] Steve “Caretaker” Knee PO Box 4372 Milton, FL 32572-4372 (850) 529-4446 (386) 943-9610 (Fax) [email protected] Charlie Wenger PO BOX 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 (954) 650-1420 (561) 333-6773 (Fax) [email protected] [email protected] LEGISLATIVE HOT LINE 1-866-FLABATE (1-866-352-2283) Toll Free Inside Florida Only WEB PROBLEMS Dave “Lockdown” Rich [email protected] NEXT STATE MEETING Saturday October 12, San Antonio, FL SEE FLYER INSIDE FOR MORE INFORMATION Page 6 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 CHAPTER UPDATE REPORT MAY 2013 Chapter AT LARGE ALACHUA BLACK CREEK BREVARD DAYTONA BEACH DUVAL ESTERO RIVER FIRST COAST FOREST FREEDOM GATOR ALLEY GULF COAST HILLSBOROUGH INDEPENDENCE INERSTATE LAKE LIGHTHOUSE NATURE COAST ORANGE COUNTY PALM BEACH PEACE RIVER POLK COUNTY PUTNAM SEMINOLE SOUTHEAST SOUTHERNMOST SOUTHWEST TREASURE COAST VINTAGE WEST COAST Members New Renewal Deleted Deliquent Voters Life Members Transfer % Growth Late % Voters TOTALS 6705106 97 148 261 5126 3756 -1.82% 76% Most New Member 542 0 0 5 1 378 505 2 0.37% 70% -1 1240 210 3 96 89-2.36% 77% -3 131 0 2 1 2 106 72 -2.24% 81% -2 298 4 6 2 3 256 163 1.36% 86% 1 284 5 1 0 4 196 170 0.71% 69% 1 3026 6 1721231 117-4.43% 76% -15 137 0 0 0 12 109 92 1 -8.67% 80% -12 45 1 0 0 1 31 9 -4.26% 69% 0 1513 2 2 16 121 63-8.48% 80% -13 99 2 5 2 5 56 48 1-1.00% 57% -3 340 7 7 4 17 251 226 1 -1.45% 74% -10 325 3 0 9 16 276 250 -3.27% 85% -13 1640 0 1 3 132 114-1.80% 80% -3 475 8 3 8 4 392 305 0.42% 83% 4 1460 0 3 10110 101-6.41% 75% -10 2950 1 8 4 191 142-0.34% 65% -4 52 0 0 5 6 38 4-10.34% 73% -6 35 0 0 3 1 31 18 -2.78% 89% -1 52 0 0 2 1 33 26 -1.89% 63% -1 229 4 13 0 4 129 71 1 1.33% 56% 256 2 1 5 7 205 174 1 -2.29% 80% 135 1 4 7 19 102 73 -11.76% 76% 1001 3 3 2 83 61-1.96% 83% 10500 2 3 75 61-2.78% 71% -3 6072121 12 42 501 275 -2.72% 83% -21 37650 7 8 303 263 1.35% 81% -3 25415 5 3 0 204 87 1 3.67% 80% 15 206 8 5 3 2 159 25 7.29% 77% 6 64 1 1 0 4 36 17-4.48% 56% -3 376 9 9 24 40 295 135 -6.93% 78% www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 7 CHAPTER UPDATE REPORT JUNE 2013 Chapter AT LARGE ALACHUA BLACK CREEK BREVARD DAYTONA BEACH DUVAL ESTERO RIVER FIRST COAST FOREST FREEDOM GATOR ALLEY GULF COAST HILLSBOROUGH INDEPENDENCE INERSTATE LAKE LIGHTHOUSE NATURE COAST ORANGE COUNTY PALM BEACH PEACE RIVER POLK COUNTY PUTNAM SEMINOLE SOUTHEAST SOUTHERNMOST SOUTHWEST TREASURE COAST VINTAGE WEST COAST 539 0 0 1 4 377 506 3 -0.55% 70% -4 125 2 2 3 0 96 89 0.81% 77% 2 133 2 1 2 0 107 72 1.53% 80% 2 295 0 3 2 4 253 164 1-1.01% 86% -4 296 10 2 3 0 204 170 4.23% 69% 10 29313 4 19 23 219 117 -2.98% 75% -10 131 1 0 12 5 106 92 2 -4.38% 81% -4 44 1 0 1 2 30 9 2 -2.22% 68% -1 157 7 3 15 2 127 63 3.97% 81% 5 97 20 5 4 57 48-2.02% 59% -2 338 3 5 15 9 249 226 2 -0.59% 74% -6 328 10 7 15 8 280 250 0.92% 85% 2 164 1 0 3 1 132 114 0.00% 80% 0 47013 7 4 17 386 305 2-1.05% 82% -4 1481 4 7 3 112 101 1.37% 76% -2 295 3 1 4 1 192 142 0.00% 65% 2 51 00 6 1 37 4-1.92% 73% -1 36 2 2 0 1 30 17 2.86% 83% 1 51 0 0 1 1 33 26 -1.92% 65% -1 226 7 5 3 11 136 71 -1.31% 60% -4 256 1 0 7 1 205 174 0.00% 80% 0 131 1 2 19 5 99 73 -2.96% 76% -4 97 0 1 1 3 80 60-3.00% 82% -3 10300 3 1 73 60 1-1.90% 71% -1 609 82735 14 504 278 0.33% 83% -6 3754 4 0 6 301 264-0.27% 80% -2 2621158 3211 873.15%81% 8 20112 2 6 154 25-2.43% 77% -5 60 2 0 4 6 33 17-6.25% 55% -4 362 20 8 36 37 280 134 1 -3.72% 77% -17 TOTALS 6673126 95 236 179 5103 3758 76% Members New Renewal Deleted Deliquent Voters Life Members Transfer % Growth Late % Voters Most New Member Page 8 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. DELEGATE MEETING AUGUST 10, 2013 HOSTED BY WEST COAST CHAPTER IN SARASOTA Meeting called to order at 2:30 pm by President Danny “Doc” Fish. Pledge and moment of silence, prayer was given. Present were Vice President Emory Griffis, Secretary Bob Alexander, Treasurer Patti Nasrallah, Sgt. at Arms Dennis “Mudder” Rudoi, Masterlink Bob von Bulow, Membership Trustee Val Loper, PR Rhonda Griffis, Legislative Trustee Darrin “Scribe” Brooks, Products Trustee Steve “Caretaker” Knee, State Office “Boots and Safety Director Charles Wenger. Absent excused were Legal Counsel Legal Larry Crow and Webmaster Dave “Lockdown” Rich. Also present were Assistant Masterlink Grace Lord, Assistant Sgt at Arms Bill Ball and Assistant Sgt at Arms TJ Painter. The following Delegates represented their chapters: Alachua-Jim Burrow Black Creek-Greg Marshall, Christine Marshall Brevard-Faye Rodney Maas, Mike Pope Daytona Beach-Frank Roush Jr., Rick Adams Duval-Mike Wewer, Jennifer Wewer Estero River-Larry Peterson First Coast-Sara Beth Kohl, Shirley Sutton Forest-Meghan Pace, Clayton King Freedom-Lorraine Cushman, Kimberley Long Gator Alley-Marie Ratcliff, Bill Ratcliff Gulf Coast-Brandy Westerfield, Dany Dell Hillsborough-Steve Nasrallah, Bob Munroe Independence- Darlene Anderson/Carter, Ellen Buffington Inerstate-Dale Moore, Ernest Gelinas Lake-Will Deaver, Vera Deaver Lighthouse-Doug Tungate, Jacqueline Litsey Nature Coast-Frank Moore, William Wiggins Orange County- JM Morland, Lana Lang Palm Beach- Ken Gerecke, Dan Henderson Peace River- Bill Bird, Bill Neal Polk County-Alex Waldron, Natalie West Putnam County-Herlon Sasser, Pauline Sasser Seminole County- Dianna Miller, Janice Griffin Southeast-Stekphen Chomiak, Bob Calabrese Southernmost- Norma Jean Smith, Dean Keith Southwest-Wayne Cerra, Fred Glennon Treasure Coast-Steve Kliemisch, Patricia Johns Vintage-Shelly Ellsmore, Charles Johnston West Coast-Sharon Sieradzki, Ed Patten President Danny “Doc” Fish: Welcome everyone. I apologize for not being at the seminar. Remember our goals, safety and education. This is not a social club but we can have fun while we do our jobs. Regarding Bike week, thanks to everyone that helped. Congratulations to new chapter office holders. We need to raise money, but sometimes the chapters do a little extra for the communities, that puts a good light on ABATE name. ABATE of Florida is a neutral organization which supports every rider in the state. Vice President Emory Griffis: Thanks for your support and feedback in the seminars. Please make sure your chapter updates are in and correct so your meeting can be attended if desired. www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 9 Secretary Bob Alexander: No changes or corrections. Move to accept minutes by Black Creek, Second by Peace River, approved. Treasurer Patti Nasrallah: Treasurer Report in packets. Moved by Lake County second by Southernmost to accept treasurer report as written, Passed. SGA “Mudder: Please be reminded, school is back in session, watch your school zones, watch for little ones. Also keep your body hydrated when you ride. State Office Manager Boots: Job is to keep track of paperwork, secretary’s minutes, chapter newsletters need to be filed. Need safety program, MSAP forms sent to office. For those who missed seminars, there is paperwork to take back to your chapters. Flyers for events: There is an SOP for flyers, they must be followed, you can only put up (make public) flyers after the state office gets all of the paperwork. Drawing Tickets – have some to distribute today, Membership Val Loper: Updates in packets. Awards handed out. Total Membership 6673 Total Voters 5103 Most New Members for May 2013 Southwest Most New Members for June 2013 Daytona Highest Percentage of Growth for May 2013 Treasure Coast Highest Percentage of Growth for June 2013 Daytona Life cards handed out Masterlink Editor Bob von Bulow: Thanks to the chapters and individuals who sent pictures and articles. PR/Communications Rhonda: As delegates part of your job is to take information back to your chapter. Find the PR blast in your file make sure your chapter PR gets it. Have compiled a list of chapter PR, hopefully it is complete, make sure you receive this. One question is, would it be positive to set up a chat room for just chapter PRS to keep everyone in the loop? Media publications – writes for four biker magazines. We can present chapter information in one or more of these magazines if the material is suitable. Treasure Coast suggests chapters send their newsletters to the other chapters. Webmaster: absent. Slo Mo from Palm Beach may be able to help with some day to day problems with chapter sites. Safety Director Charles Wenger: Regarding advanced skills course for safety, we are trying to set up one in Palm Beach, but we are running into problems with existing schools. If you have certified instructors in your chapter, make them known to Charlie. Page 10 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 Corrosion on electrical components is prevalent in Florida. Palm Beach recognizes Bill Blank. Notes being bumped on bike by woman talking on cell phone. Get MSAP petitions signed. Homeland Security DL ID must be in compliance Products Trustee Steve “Caretaker” Knee: Reflective patches are available Legislative Trustee - Darrin: The Think Tank was introduced in June. We have personally invited some individuals, also all legislative trustees and it is starting to take off. Purpose is to have a free flow of ideas. Purpose is NOT to set policy. If you are interested, let Darrin know. Slo Mo says this is a good idea for other groups including clubs, for free flow of information. Peachtree (Georgia) Insurance company – received an email regarding a motorcycle fatality. Their response was the motorcycle was not considered a vehicle, if it doesn’t have four wheels then they are not going to pay the claim. We are going to contact the Florida Insurance Commissioner about this. Motorcycle only checkpoints – Don’t see a problem from this now, Florida isn’t doing it yet. NHTSA is behind this. Stiffer penalties bill was discussed, wording mostly. Do we want to do it from a judicial point, or stick with jail time? Chapter level legislative seminars, Darrin will come to your chapter to help when possible. Regarding rising motorcycle fatalities, when number of registrations are considered, the rate of fatalities are actually down. Regarding Driver Education in schools, the issue is funding. We are looking at that, will be discussed in the think tank. Regarding the Safety money, it is a standing request, must be in budget. Interlock for DUI convicts was discussed. Alachua thinks we should try to get the safety money reinstated, but if cannot, then try to get the $2.50 removed. Legal Counsel Larry Crow: absent excused NCOM : Nov 9, 2013 regional meeting in Atlanta. Will talk about the motorcycle only checkpoints. MRF / AMA: MRF and AMA still fighting EPA ethanol percentage. BIKE WEEK 2014: Rhonda – We are including some special events. We will have a dedicated website just for the campground. One event is named Bikes, BBQ and Bikinis. Bike Week Committee has been set up. Chapters will be given the opportunity to generate funds for their own chapters. There will be a bike rodeo. Seminole County is doing a “Boondocks” poker run. TALLAHASSEE 2014: We don’t know what we are going to do yet. Second weekend is Passover, there will be no one in the capitol. Third weekend is Easter. March 24 is the weekend after bike week. www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 11 OLD BUSINESS: 501c3, we must decide whether to pay the money to start the process. Putnam – if we do this, will donations be deductible to the chapter as well as state? Yes it would. Patti – in the beginning we will be two separate corps, money cannot be comingled. Question called, should we spend the startup money to begin the process of starting a 501c3. 49 in favor, 6 against. Check will be written to the accountant to start the process. After the vote was taken, Lake County donated the money to start the process. April meeting must be decided. There would have to be a vote to change the meeting to March. If we do it in April, only the second weekend is available which is Easter. Putnam suggest April. Turns out Easter is the 20th, not the 13th, so we will have the meeting on the 13th. NEW BUSINESS: Lifeline table, West Coast chapter explains. Duval – had an at large member ask for legislation change to be able to disregard a turn device if it doesn’t cycle properly. West Coast Chapter talks about mission statement, it’s a community issue not a motorcycle issue. Until we can affect the general population we cannot hope to make changes to help us make roads safe for us. Good to the Order: Thanks to West Coast for the lunch. Various events read. Gator Alley presents a check for ABATE of Florida, thanks Gator Alley. Congratulations to Dano from Gulf Coast who won the 50/50 drawing. Thank you to all for attending! Meeting adjourned by unanimous acclaim! 6:03 pm Page 12 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 CHAPTER INFORMATION ALACHUA COUNTY PO Box 633 Newberry, FL 32669-0633 Glenn Fischer, Pres. (863) 559-6087 Jim Roberts, VP (386) 462-3806 Email: [email protected] Website: Alachua-Abate.com Meeting: 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm Alachua Sports Pub, 14003 NW 150th Ave., Alachua BLACK CREEK PO Box 2123 Middleburg, FL 32050-2123 Jeff "Ziggy" Pickard, Pres. (904) 705-5505 Greg Marshall, VP (904) 966-7153 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://blackcreek.abateflorida.com Meetings: Last Sunday 2:00 PM Place: VFW Post 8255 2296 Aster Ave., Middleburg BREVARD COUNTY PO Box 237582 Cocoa, FL 32923-7582 Mike Pope, Pres. (321) 639-1776 Mary Korolovich, VP (321) 631-6715 Fax: (321) 639-1776 (call first) E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://brevard.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Tuesday 7:00 PM Place: American Legion Post 22 241 Peachtree St., Cocoa DAYTONA BEACH PO Box 263198 Daytona Beach, FL 32126-3198 Frank Roush, Pres. (386) 290-3025 Steve Fritze, VP (386) 677-1550 Email: [email protected] Website: http://daytona.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm Place: Fraternal Order of Eagles #3800 190 S. Nova Rd., Ormond Beach DUVAL COUNTY PO Box 77038 Jacksonville, FL 32226-7038 Victor Sawyer, Pres. (904) 566-2583 Michael Wewer, VP (904) 233-0507 Email: [email protected] Website: http://duval.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 1:00 pm Place: Greybeards Tavern 3382 Commonwealth Ave., Jacksonville ESTERO RIVER PO Box 366760 Bonita Springs, FL 34136-6760 Larry Patterson, Pres. (904) 610-7070 Kirk Richards, VP (239) 272-6194 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://esteroriver.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday 10:00 AM Place: San Carlos Country Club 19137 Tamiami Trail, Ft Myers FIRST COAST PO Box 1401 Callahan, FL 32011-1401 SaraBeth Kohl, Pres (904) 591-4100 Wanda Garrison, VP (904) 879-0227 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://firstcoast.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday 1:00 PM Place: VFW Post 10095 37965 Eastwood Rd, Hilliard FOREST PO Box 2409 Silver Springs, FL 34489-2409 Meghan Pace, Pres. (352) 598-8540 Brian Groves, VP (352) 282-8324 Website: http://forest.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Saturday, 9:30am Place: Charlie Horse Rest. 2425 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala GATOR ALLEY PO Box 10395 Naples, FL 34101-0395 Jon "Rambo" Rinebold, Pres. (239) 229-2764 Roger Janes, VP (239) 776-1108 Email: [email protected] Website: http://gatoralley.net Meetings: 4th Sunday, 11:00 am Place: VFW Post 7721, 800 Neffs Way, Naples GULF COAST PO Box 11063 Pensacola, FL 32524-1063 Russ “Danger-Russ” Dieterich Pres. (850) 981-3751 Larry "Cowboy" Alameda, VP (850)466-2677 Email. [email protected] Website: http://gulfcoast.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 10:00 am Place: American Legion Post 340 8890 Ashland Rd., Pensacola HILLSBOROUGH PO Box 16297 Tampa, FL 33687-6297 Richard Nasrallah, Pres. (813) 323-2816 James Sewell, VP (813) 395-6621 Fax: (813) 626-2306 Email: [email protected] Website: http://hillsborough.abateflorida.com Meetings: Last Sunday , 1:00 pm Place: Pole Barn, 6921 Senoj Dr., Tampa INDEPENDENCE PO Box 410936 Melbourne, Fl 32941-0932 Darlene Anderson, Pres . (321) 549-1989 Sherry Mangine, VP (321) 215-1866 Email: [email protected] Website:: www.abateindependence.org Meetings: Last Tuesday, 7:00 pm Place: American Legion Post 81 2909 S Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne FREEDOM CHAPTER PO Box 15443 Brooksville, FL 34604-0118 Dave Soles, Pres. (352) 232-3927 Katrina Cornwall, VP (352)270-7467 E-mail: dwsoles @gmail.com Website: http://freedom.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday 10:00 AM Place: American Legion Post 186 12091 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville USE CHANGE OF INFORMATION FORM AND SEND ALL CHAPTER CHANGES DIRECTLY TO THE STATE OFFICE Change of information forms can be found at www.abateflorida.com/forms www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 13 CHAPTER INFORMATION INERSTATE PALM BEACH LAKE COUNTY PEACE RIVER LIGHTHOUSE POLK COUNTY PO Box 754 Sebring, FL 33871-0754 Ernest "G-Man" Gellnas, Pres. (863) 873-6202 Dale "D-Mo" Moore, VP (863) 414-4213 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://sites.google.com/site/abateinerstatechapter Meetings Last Saturday; 11:00 AM Place: The Blue Crab 825 N. Ridgewood Dr., Sebring PO. Box 492 Astatula, FL 34705-0492 William “Griz” Deaver, Pres. (352) 742-7754 Forest (Tuna) Jones, VP. (352) 409-1919 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://lake.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Sunday Noon Place: Lake County Eagles #4273 27150 Haywood Worm Farm Rd., Okahumpka PO Box 4471 Tequesta, FL 3369-4471 Richard Casale, Pred. (561) 685-7428 Doug Tungate, VP (772) 812-0758 Email: [email protected] Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Noon Place: Ralph’s Standup Bar 113 Center St., Jupiter NATURE COAST P.O. Box 27 Bronson, FL 32621-0027 Frank Moore, Pres. (352) 538-6193 Steve Mallady, VP (352) 870-9984 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://naturecoast.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday 2:00 PM Place: Lions Club 401 SE 6th St., Williston ORANGE COUNTY PO Box 720828 Orlando, FL 32872-0828 Lana Lang, Pres. (407) 312-9232 Phil “Hippie” Orsini, VP ( 321) 663-8413 Email: [email protected] Website: orange.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 10:30 am Place: FOA Eagles 1900 S Goldenrod Rd., Orlando PO Box 32215 West Palm Beach, FL 33420-2215 Ed “Nighthawk” Lattari, Pres. (561) 309-5412 Dan "Slo Motion" Henderson, VP (561) 702-9929 Website: www.abatepalmbeach.com E-mail: [email protected] Meetings: 3rd Sunday 11:30 AM Place: VFW Post 4143 2404 Broadway, Riviera Beach PO Box 380415 Murdoch, FL 33938-0415 Johnny Martin, Pres. (941) 224-6160 Darrell LaCourse, VP (941) 441-5177 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http:// peaceriver.abateflorida.com Meetings: 4th Sunday; 11:00 AM Place: Community Education Center 4940 Pan American Blvd., North Port PO Box 2743 Lakeland, FL 33806-2743 Alex Waldron, Pres. (863) 602-9799 Bob Fetcher, VP (863) 398-0397 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://polk.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday 3:30 PM Place: VFW #8002, 9398 US98 North, Lakeland PUTNAM COUNTY PO Box 1334 East Palatka, FL 32131-1334 Bill Stoltz, Pres. (386) 698-1501 Mark Jolley, VP (386) 684-0923 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Putnam.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Sunday 12 NOON Place: Cheyenne Saloon, 377 S. Hwy 17, E. Palatka SEMINOLE PO Box 195429 Winter Springs, FL 32719-5429 Rande Zuclich, Pres. (321) 277-9912 Mychelle Dillenbeck, VP (407) 719-2108 Meetings: 3rd Sunday 10:00 AM Place: Moose Lodge 2660 South Palmetto Ave., Sanford SOUTHEAST PO Box 292693 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33329-2693 Bob "BARS" Calabrese Pres. (954) 567-5720 Frank "Poppi" Cocci, VP (305) 331-8000 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.abatese.org Meetings: 3rd Sunday 10:00 AM Place: American Legion Post 321 9081 SW 51st St., Cooper City SOUTHERNMOST P.O. Box 523108 Marathon Shores, FL 33052-3108 Byron Agababian, Pres. (305) 923-4626 Marty Baird, VP (305) 394-3563 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://southernmost.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Sunday 11:00 AM Place: Location Varies - Call Pres or VP SOUTHWEST PO Box 60745 Ft. Myers, FL 33906-6745 Wayne Cerra, Pres. (239) 989-3349 Fred Glennon, VP (339) 235-2189 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://southwest.abateflorida.com Meetings: 1st Sunday 10:00 AM Place: Harley Davidson of Ft Myers 2160 Colonial Blvd, Ft Myers TREASURE COAST PO Box 1360 Roseland, FL 32957-1360 Steve Kliemisch, Pres. (772) 778-8130 Susan Hulce, VP (772) 589-3599 Email: [email protected] Website: http://treasurecoast.abateflorida.com Meetings: Last Wednesday 7:00pm Place: American Legion Post 189 807 Louisiana Ave., Sebastian VINTAGE PO Box 861034 St. Augustine, FL 32086-1034 John Massoth, Pres. (904) 392-9899 Ernie Raynor, VP (386) 846-1208 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://vintage.abateflorida.com Meetings: Last Sunday 3:00pm Location: VFW, 6184 US1 South, St. Augustine WEST COAST PO Box 50937 Sarasota, FL 34232-0307 Heath Tudor, Pres. (214) 470-5011 Sharon Sieradzki, VP (941) 400-0350 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://westcoast.abateflorida.com Meetings: 3rd Sunday, 11:00 AM Place: American Legion 5201 Richardson Way, Sarasota Page 14 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 SINCLAIR LAW “Going the extra mile for you” ABATE of Florida, Inc. www.abateflorida.com ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. Page 15 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CHAPTER IN MEMORY OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS LOST 33rd ANNUAL FUNDRAISER ® AND STATE MEETING* Oct. 12 @ 2:00 pm OCTOBER 11th ,12th ,13th 2013 PARTY-SERTOMA YOUTH RANCH – 85 MYERS RD, BROOKSVILLE, FL 34602 *MEETING-KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL- 11549 CURLEY RD, SAN ANTONIO, FL 33576 VENDORS -- GAMES -- LIVE BANDS -- 50/50 CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES -- FOOD -- DRINKS –WET T-SHIRT CONTEST MEMORIAL RUN FOR BROTHERS AND SISTERS LOST WILL BE LEAVING CAMPGROUND 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING 10 PM “ENFORCED”CURFEW FOR THOSE UNDER 16 WEEKEND ADMISSION: INCLUDES CAMPING (Camping is on First Come Basis, no roping off) For Further Info Contact: ABATE-Hillsborough County Chapter P. O. Box 16297 Tampa, FL 33687 Call Richard @ [813] 323-2816 or Steve @ [813] 731-1663 E-mail: [email protected] SERTOMA YOUTH RANCH SPOOKS N SCOOTS Exit 293 CR 41 STATE MEETING Exit 285 SR 52 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS VISIT US AT WWW.HILLSBOROUGH.ABATEFLORIDA.COM ALL MOTORCYCLES WELCOME! NO GUNS, FIREWORKS, ATTITUDES, OR PETS FOOD, DRINK & ICE AVAILABLE FROM FRI NOON 'TIL....... MEMBERSHIPS AND SAFETY INFORMATION AVAILABLE CURLEY RD VENDORS Pre-Registered Only Contact James @ [813] 395-6621 [email protected] After 6 PM ONLY Limited Spaces Available N CLAY HILL RD Friday Noon thru Sunday 5:00 p.m. $30 ABATE MEMBERS $25 LIMITED ADMISSION: NO CAMPING Saturday 12 Noon – Sunday 1 a.m. $20 ABATE MEMBERS $15 15 and under free with parent Spooks 'N Scoots is a registered trademark of Hillsborough County Chapter, ABATE of Florida, Inc. * A map to state meeting location will be sent to all chapters with state rep/board member passes. DONATIONS TO ABATE ARE NOT DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES ABATE DOES NOT CONDONE DRINKING AND DRIVING Come celebrate pre-Biketoberfest at Spooks 'n Scoots Cottee River Bikefest has closed Page 16 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. MARCH 7 - MARCH 16 Volusia County Fairgrounds 3150 E. New York Ave. (Hwy 44) - DeLand, FL., 32724-6410 Gates Open 12 Noon Friday March 7 Gates Close 12 Noon Sunday March 16 TENT CAMPING: $15.00 (+ tax) Per Person, Per Night $90.00 (+ tax) Per Person, All 10 Days $20.00 (+ tax) One Time RV, Camper Trailer Lane Use Fee (12 ft. plus) $10.00 Day Pass RV ANNEX - FULL HOOKUPS: $50.00 (+ tax) Per Night, Includes 2 People $15.00 (+ tax) Per Extra Person Each Night Includes Water, Electric & Sewer. Make Your Reservations to Secure Your Spot ABSOLUTELY NO PETS! NO EXCEPTIONS! 20 Minutes to Daytona 30 Minutes to Orlando Food & Beverages Vendors 24 Hour Security Hot Showers Beville Rd. I-4 Exit 118 Credit Cards Accepted No Refunds No Weapons No Attitudes Stop by the Freedom Fighters Bar & Grill Volusia County Fairgrounds: For Further Information Please Contact: ABATE of Florida, Inc. - PO Box 2520 - DeLand, FL 32721-2520 - (386) 943-9610 For RV Reservations with Hook Ups Call or Email the State Office - (386) 943-9610 - [email protected] Visit Us On The Web At www.abateflorida.com DONATIONS TO ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC ARE NOT DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES Safety and Membership information available. ABATE of Florida, Inc. does not condone drinking and driving. www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Elope in the Keys Relax and let us plan your romantic sunset wedding in the fabulous Florida Keys Ride through The Keys for some of the most spectacular scenary on the planet. Rent a bike here or ride your own. We will ride side by side and capture images that you will cherish forever. ElopeintheKeys.com ~ KeyShotPhotography.com Wedding and photography packages designed with your wishes and your budget. Ask about our FREE Honeymoon stay offer!!! [email protected] ~ 305.481.5551 Page 17 Page 18 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 BIKEWEEK 2014: CHAPTER BBQ COOK-OFF INVITATION DATE: March 13, 2014 (and March 14, 2014 for leftovers) WHERE: ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. CAMPGROUND – Volusia County CALLING ALL CHAPTER PIT MASTERS We are having an event at the Campground next Bikeweek called “BIKES, BBQ AND BIKINIS”. This one day event will help generate funds for the Organization. The State BOD has opened up the event for the Chapters to participate, and to make some $$ for your chapter. Here’s how it will work: • The participating chapters will be able to sell their BBQ to event goers. Chapters will be able to keep the $$ from their sales. (with 20% coming back to the State, this is common) • Chapters will be responsible for their own set-up and equipment, including buying the food to be cooked, and supplies (i.e. plates, napkins, plastic ware, wood, etc.) (could change pending ample donations to the cook shack). Your chapter will need to provide an electric source if using an electric cooking method. • Chapters can determine what they would like to cook to be presented for judging. • Judging will be done by the event customers. Customers will receive a sampling of each chapters’ BBQ, after tasting, customers will put a ballot into the box they feel was the better BBQ. (a voting box will be provided to each participating chapter) • If in the event of a tie, a random customer will be selected to determine the winner by sampling only the tied chapters BBQ. • No additional insurance will be charged to your chapter, It will be covered under the Campground insurance policy. • All participating Chapters will need to be familiar with, and adhere to the State Food Handling Laws, including prepping and cleaning areas. A walk-in cooler will be provided by the State for safe storage of any leftovers. WHAT DOES THE WINNING CHAPTER GET? • The winning chapter of the cook-off will be able to keep 80% of the profit from sale of your chapters BBQ and exclusive bragging rights as the “CHAPTER PIT MASTERS” (until next year). HOW TO MAKE $$ FOR YOUR CHAPTER: • Your Chapters BBQ will be the ONLY source of food for the event customers. • No outside food vendors will be invited. • Your chapter can sell BBQ plates (to include side dishes), sandwiches, etc. • On Friday (the next day), we are having a Poker Run. The run will start and end at the Campground. This will be another opportunity for your chapter to sell BBQ (fresh or leftover). WHO TO CONTACT WITH QUESTIONS: • “Griz”, Lake County Chapter President, at (352) 742-7754 or email [email protected] • Rhonda, State PR/Communications at (407) 412-8381 or email [email protected] GULF COAST 12TH ANNUAL FIRECRACKER BIKE SHOW www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. ANGELS AMONG US I was sitting on my porch the other night, in deep thought, when it occurred to me that there is not a more compassionate or giving person than a biker (although Joe public doesn't agree). No matter the cause, brother or sister down, sick child or adult or just someone down on their luck, we are there to help. We don't care if you ride a motorcycle or not. We will donate, auction, collect money or donate money, help build a building or scrounge parts. It doesn't matter, as long as we can help. But there are angels among us that go above and beyond and never ask for anything, recognition or otherwise. For once, I would like to recognize someone that has been a godmother to us all at one time or another. Not only will she put a killer run together in the drop of a hat, but all the little extras that no one else thinks about, she covers. If you are in the hospital and are in need of something, she will go all the way to the CEO of the hospital, but I GUARANTEE, it will be taken care of. She will personally come to your hospital room, rehab or home and make sure you are being taken care of right. And God forbid you are not, cause all hell is gonna break loose. I've seen her cook and bring food to a family that wasn't going to have a Thanksgiving, just because someone mentioned it, sit with friends in the hospital when family members were having issues, stop by a friends elderly parents house just to check on them, supply food and cook for a club when their brothers went down and the list goes on and on. She's always there, waiting in the background to do her magic, so now it's time to bring her to the front of the class. Thank You Becky Beardahl. If you don't recognize the name, Becky is one of the founding members of the Chrome Angels, but has also been a member of ABATE of Florida Inc, and The Longwood VFW Ladies Auxiliary. She is loud and opinionated, as many of us are, but that just makes her more endearing to us that know her. She has the biggest heart of anyone that I have ever known. I say I, but this letter is a collaboration of many people who just want to say Thank You. I just got to be the one to put it into words. Becky, you are our angel, and we don't know what we would do without you!!!! Signed Anonymous FAST SAME-DAY SERVICE • NO OVERTIME • NO SECOND VISIT CHARGE • NO TRAVEL CHARGE • FLAT RATES SERVICING ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES AND BRANDS 386-668-5441 • 386-574-8433 Schedule Your Service Online at AllensApplianceService.com Page 19 Page 20 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 National Coalition of Motorcyclists BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING & REGION VI SEMINAR Alabama - Florida - Georgia - N. Carolina - S. Carolina AGENDA - November 9, 2013 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. NCOM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING All Attendees Invited 12:00p.m. - 1:00 p.m. LUNCH 1:00p.m. - 1:30p.m. FREEDOM OF THE ROAD THROUGHOUT THE NATION Jim Putnam - Chairman, NCOM Legeslative Task Force Fmr.State Senator, South Dakota 1:30p.m. - 2:30p.m. New Attacks on Civil Liberties / Search and Seizure Jerry T. - AIM Attorney -Florida 2:30p.m - 2:45p.m BREAK 2:45p.m. - 3:30p.m. The New Anti Profiling Law and and How to Implement in your State “Double D” Outsiders MC-Washington State CoC 3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m. REGIONAL MEETING Legislative Problems in our Region Moderators, James “Doc” Reichenbach & Randy Norris NCOM Board of Directors AND MENTION NC 4:30p.m. - 5:30p.m. CONFEDERATION OF CLUBS MEETING Moderator, Animal - AL. COC, Chairman, In Country MC Reports from Representative of each Confederation present 5:30p.m. - 6:30p.m. Christian Unity Seminar and Meeting Introduction to - Christian Unity Motorcycle Resource Team Moderator, Louie Nobs -NCOM Board of Director - SFJ MC OMTT OM Holiday Inn Express Atlanata Airport 3833 Princeton Lakes Ct. Atlanta, GA. 30331 404 / 968 - 2300 F PR LYE CO IN R UR TE S D OF TES Y MAKE RESERVATIONS BEFORE October 25 AND MENTION NCOM TO GET 89.00 RATE Aid to Injured Motorcyclists ACCIDENT? (800) ON A BIKE (800)531-2424 ALL MOTORCYCLISTS INVITED TO THIS FREE EVENT YOU HAVE RIGHTS - PROTECT THEM! OM T O GET $79.00 RA www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 21 Lake County Chapter Invites everyone to attend the 2nd Annual benefit Dice Run (like a poker run) to “Help provide the basic essentials for our Vets". All proceeds will be used towards providing a solid foundation for our Veterans. http://vorrh.org/ Veterans Entitled To Shelter When: Nov 16, 2013 * Sign up from 9 – 10:00 @ The Rainbow, 704 E Myers, Blvd (Hwy 50 W) Mascotte, 34753 (across from the Mascotte Police Station) – come early for breakfast specials. INFO: Cost $15. A couple or $10. single riders. Map- info day of the run. Last bike in @ 3:00 to the Dam Smoker BBQ, 36721 CR 19A Eustis 32726 (1/2 mile N or 44A). Part of the proceeds from the food will go to VORRH. Event will end by 5:30. Come to the Dam Smoker if you can’t make the run & roll your dice for the wkend prize. We will have: Music * Vendor* Tattoo Artist (hopefully) * 50/50 * Auction Items - & anything else we can think of to raise money for this great organization. Can’t make the run, donate to: V.O.R.R.H. P.O. Box 1754 Eustis, FL 32727 In our efforts to raise more money we are selling tickets 1 for $5. or 6 for $20. The prize drawing is for a Mossburg 535 Camo, 12 gauge shotgun. Need not be present to win, winning ticket will be drawn at the Smoker, only 650 printed & proceeds go to the Vets. Gun has to be picked up at Pats Gun & Pawn, Leesburg The Veterans Organization of Resource and Recovery for Homeless is greatly appreciative of all contributions. V.O.R.R.H. has the ultimate goal of assisting our homeless veterans with achieving a healthy, quality of life to be able to reintegrate into society. With the commitment and support of our volunteers, communities and organizations, V.O.R.R.H. is able to continue to provide and improve upon all these needed services, as well as, work upon the expansion of future transitional housing. Thank you for your generous support of our efforts to the Veterans Organization of Resource and Recovery for Homeless. If you need more info, call chapter VP, Tuna @ 352-409-1919 PR, Shorty 352-227-8046 Donations to ABATE of Florida, Inc are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. ABATE of Florida, Inc does not condone drinking & driving. http://lake.abateflorida.com -- Visit our Membership & Safety Booth Page 22 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 ABATE of Florida, Inc. www.abateflorida.com Page 23 CRIME TIME by Jerry S. Theophilopoulos Attorney at Law “Jerry T.” Fight the ticket, don’t pay it. I recently had a good friend receive a ticket for failing to have motorcycle ins. He was enjoying a Sun ride when he was pulled over for, eh, uh, uh, supposedly going a little bit fast. It just happens that it was real hot out & he forgot to have his helmet on. It also just happens that he cannot afford to purchase $10,000 worth of medical ins on a motorcycle ins policy & he did not have $10,000 worth of medical health ins. He was ticketed for failing to have the proper ins, & the officer said he gave him a break for not ticketing him for speeding. Did the officer really give him a break? No, because the officer just set the biker up for a suspension of his driver’s license if he doesn’t fight the ticket. More importantly, the ticket written is improper under our law. When I received his call I told him get over to my office because you cannot pay this ticket or you will cause yourself a great deal of misery. If he would not have called & rather chose to go to the clerks office & pay the ticket, his license would have been suspended due time by the Dept of Hwy Safety & Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). Under FL Law §627.733 ins is not required to register motorcycles as it is with your 4-wheel motor vehicle. But, if a biker is CHARGED in a crash with injuries, the biker or owner of the bike is financially responsible for bodily injuries & property damage to others. If at the time of the crash the biker had no liability ins coverage, then bodily injury/property damage liability ins must be purchased & kept for 3 yrs to avoid Financial Responsibility (license & tag/reg) suspension or to reinstate license, tag/reg after the suspension. But, the law is clear that if there is no crash then the biker should not be given a ticket for failing to have no ins, but rather he/she should be ticketed for no motorcycle helmet. The difference between the 2 is that a ticket for not having your helmet on will not cause your DL to become suspended. The big distinction here is when an accident occurs, every law enforcement officer who handles the investigation is required to forward a written report of the crash to DHSMV within 10 days of the completion of the crash investigation. This will then trigger the suspension of our DL for not carrying the proper ins coverage. Educate yourself & others on the law. Everybody should carry the proper ins on their bike & body just in case someone else decides not to pay attention to you on the road. Be smart, educated & Trust No One when it comes to your rights. “Bears-4-Bears” Run 2013 October 5, 2013 Everyone is invited to join us. Motorcycle or not, ABATE of Florida, Inc. is for everyone. START: Kickstands up at 10:00 A.M. - These Bears are for traumatized children or those in need encountered by first responders, local law enforcement, fire and rescue, and other charity organizations for distribution. Leave Middleburg VFW Post 8255, (2296 Aster Ave. , Middleburg, Fl 32068) Registration Fee: ONE NEW 8” to 10” stuffed teddy bear (or other stuffed toy) from each rider and each passenger, or a $10 donation for each rider and passenger. Buffalo’s on Youngerman Circle, Jax.,Fl. Poker Hand— $10.00 Donation to Black Creek Chapter, ABATE of Florida, Inc. Winner to share in cash proceeds. Green Cove Springs VFW Post # 1988 Registration from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Palatka VFW Post # 3349 Time: 50 / 50 AM Vets Keystone Heights Tickets Last bike in at 5:00 P.M. Event Ends at 5:30 P.M. STOP: Whitey’s Fish Camp (2032 County Road 220, Orange Park, Fl. 32068) Every paid Rider and Passenger will get a FREE dinner donated by Whitey’s (fish, fries, hushpuppies, slaw) “Donations to ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes” Safety/membership information available. Point of Contact: Herb Hilderbrand: (904) 704-5501 ([email protected]) ABATE of Florida, Inc. DOES NOT Condone Drinking and Driving. Page 24 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 ABATE of Florida, Inc. and the First Coast Chapter does not condone drinking and driving or riding. ALL donations to ABATE of Florida, Inc. are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. ABATE of Florida, Inc. Membership and Safety information also available For more information please call: SaraBeth “Batwitch” Kohl 904-591-4100, [email protected] Or “Wicked” Wanda Garrison 904-879-0227, [email protected] Entertainment by DJ REEN Event to end at 6 pm Hot meal will be provided by VFW Post 10095 ************************************************************************** Final Stop - VFW Post 10095,37965 Eastwood Rd, Hilliard, FL 32046 (meet up with ABATE of Georgia—District 15 at approx. 3 pm) 3rd Stop - Casey’s Lounge, 852426 US HWY 17, Yulee, FL 32097 2nd Stop-A Friends Place, 542113-2 US Hwy 1, Callahan, FL 32011 1st Stop - Nassau Power Sports , 463360 SR 200, Yulee, FL 32041 Meet up at for Breakfast - Doo Wop Diner, 1120 South 14th St, Fernandina Beach, FL 32097 Registration 830 am to 945 am—Kick Stands Up @ 10 am How Much: $15 or equal in donation goods When: Saturday, December 7, 2013 Of Nassau County for our “Forgotten Children” Council on Aging (In conjunction with ABATE of Georgia—District 15) Poker Run To benefit ABATE of Florida, Inc. First Coast Chapter www.abateflorida.com Page 25 Page 26 ABATE of Florida, Inc. September/October 2013 ABATE of Florida, Inc. – Masterlink Ad Form Advertiser Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Advertiser Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _________________ Phone Number (with area code): ______________________________________________________________ All rates show sales tax. Advertise in six consecutive issues of Masterlink and receive one issue of equal value advertising FREE Circle One Only Full Page - One Issue ......... $113.42 . Full Page - Seven Issues ...........$680.52 1/2 Page - One Issue ............. $56.85 . 1/2 Page - Seven Issues .............$341.10 1/4 Page - One Issue ............. $33.44 . 1/4 Page - Seven Issues .............$200.64 Bus. Card - One Issue .......... $16.05 . Bus. Card - Seven Issues ............$96.30 Start Issue Date: Last Issue Date: No. Issues: Payment Type: YOU MUST SUPPLY CAMERA READY COPY. ATTACH CAMERA READY COPY BELOW Completed Ad Forms should be forwarded with full payment to: ABATE of Florida, Inc • C/O Masterlink Editor • PO Box 2520• DeLand, FL 32721-2520 www.abateflorida.com ABATE of Florida, Inc. Page 27 ABATE of Florida, Inc. Individual Membership Application Chapter Desired Legal Name (Print) _________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ State __________ Zip _____________ Email Address______________________________________________________________________________ Phone (_________) ______________________________ Registered Voter ______ Yes ________ No Do You Belong To Another Chapter? ____ No ____ Yes Name(s) _________________________________ Voter Districts: State Senate __________________________ U.S. Congressional District ____________________________ Membership Status ______ NEW ______ $20 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP PER PERSON ______ RENEWAL ______ $150 LIFE MEMBERSHIP Signature ________________________________________________________________ Date _____________ Fill out this form and attach it to your check or money order (for $20.00 or $150.00) made payable to ABATE of Florida, Inc. and send it to the address below. All members receive with their paid membership, the Masterlink newsletter, membership card, event discounts and updates, voting privileges, free Masterlink classified ads and Chapter newsletter. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO BE A MEMBER OF ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. ALL APPLICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. C SIGN, DATE AND SEND TO: ABATE of Florida, Inc. C/O Membership PO Box 2520 DeLand, FL 32721-2520 B Change of Information Form LEGAL NAME (Print) ________________________________________________CHAPTER ______________________ LIST ANY OTHER CHAPTERS YOU BELONG TO: _______________________________________________________ OLD ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________EXP. DATE ____________ CITY _________________________________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP _________________ NEW ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY __________________________________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP _____________ EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE (__________) __________________________________ REGISTERED VOTER ______ YES ______ NO VOTER DISTRICTS: STATE SENATE ______________________________________ STATE HOUSE _____________________________________ U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT ______________________________________ REQUEST TRANSFER FROM ______________________________________ TO _____________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________ ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. PO BOX 2520 DELAND, FL 32721-2520 NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID TAMPA, FL PERMIT NO. 3191 Is it Time To Renew? Check Your Label For Expiration Date. FREEDOM OF CHOICE – DEFEND IT – – PROTECT IT – – PRESERVE IT –
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