July/August 2014 Newsletter
July/August 2014 Newsletter
R US H MO RE July Events 14th—BHAB Mtg, 7pm, Haines Ave. Hardees 18-20—Bear Tooth Rally, Red Lodge, MT 19th—Rice Honda Moonlight Madness Run, 5 pm 20th—CMA Ride, 1:30, Windmill Truckstop 23rd—BIKER NIGHT TO BENEFIT RUSHMORE ABATE, Quaker Steak and Lube 26th—RUSHMORE ABATE ANNUAL POKER RUN - Green Knights Badlands Moonlight Ride, Flying J, 6 pm 27th—BH ABATE Mtg, Noon, Side Hack, Sturgis 28th—CMA Mtg, 6pm, Pizza Ranch AUGUST EVENTS 1st— Hog Wild Night at Dakota Thunder Club 2nd—Black Hills Moonlight Poker Run, Rice Honda, 5 pm 3RD—29th Annual Black Hills ABATE Charity Poker Run 5th—Dakota Thunder Run, EAFB, 8am 7th—ABATE SOCIAL HOUR, Whitewood SD, Noon to 5pm 13th—RUSHMORE ABATE BOD MTG, EAGLES CLUB 15th & 16th— Ed Netterberg Weekend, Nemo Guest Ranch 17th—CMA Ride, Windmill Truckstop, 1:30 pm 24th—BH ABATE Mtg, Noon, Side Hack OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: www.rushmoreabate.com C HA PT ER ABATE UPDATE J U LY / A U G U S T 20 14 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President. - John Trudo 381-7030 [email protected] Vice President Hillary Klabunde—484-7185 Secretary - Barb Frerichs 923-6326 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 [email protected] Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Mary Anderson— 393-1221 Angie Lampert— Treas. - Kim Logsdon 484-8667 [email protected] State Rep - Sunshine Minzlaff 787-9136 [email protected] Sgt at Arms— Mike Clark 430-1669 [email protected] LRC - Ginny Kellerher 209-3084 [email protected] Mem Sec.– Karline Clark 430-1670 [email protected] OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 [email protected] Road Cptn— Bill Hanson 786-3668 Webmaster — Clay Weaver A few words from your President: The bike raffle is complete. Make sure you thank Bob and Mary for all their hard work. They plan on doing one more bike before taking a break. If you are interested to follow them in their footsteps you have next year to work next to them to learn their ways. They did a great job and deserve a pat on the back or a beer the next time you see them. The Rushmore Abate Rally has now gone. If you missed out this year, you really missed out! We had a little wet Friday, but Saturday the weather was perfect. We ran the rodeo events, didn't have as many bikes as usual but we sure had fun with the people who did play. We brought back the plank race, did the slow race, keg push, weenie bite and the balloon toss. We finished the day off with a tough of war battle. We ran the zip lines both nights and it was great fun. We will start planning the next party in only a couple months and are always looking for people to chair/co-chair positions. We are seeing more people at our meetings and I encourage you to come. We average about an hour and have been able to have food and a social time before the meeting for those who want to come a little earlier and catch up with people. We still have a board position open, so if you’re interested let us know or show up to a board meeting. All the events are on our calendar and can be found at rushmoreabate.com. Thanks for all your support and ride safe! John Vice President’s Report Our annual Abate Rally was held at Shade Valley Campground this year. Even though the weather was rainy and cold on Friday and Sunday, we had a nice sunny day on Saturday for the bike rodeo and zip line. It was great to see everyone out dancing, and the dance floor was packed both nights. I would like to thank the staff at Shade Valley for doing a tremendous job of working with us to make a great event!! I would also like to thank Soldiers for Jesus for working the gate and providing security. You guys did and amazing job and everything ran smooth. We had members representing seven states at our rally this year, with lots of positive feedback from those in attendance. A big thank you to our sponsors BH Harley Davidson, A1 Construction, Perdue, and Eagle Sales and all our volunteers. I would also like to thank everyone in the party planning committee, you guys did an amazing job and it was a pleasure working with you!! Vice President Amanda Kirschenman Coldwell Banker Real Estate 2013 #1 Sales Associate By State 2700 West Main St, Rapid City (605) 390-6070 cell [email protected] IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! State Rep’s Report No report available at time of publication Secretary’s Report MEMBERSHIP MEETING, JUNE 3RD—PREPARED BY JANET OLSON FOR BARB F. Sgt. of Arms Mike Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain Auggie Minzlaff led us in prayer. Board attendance: John Trudo, Hilary Klabunde, Karline & Mike Clark, Steve Rohde, Janet Olson, Sunshine Minzlaff, Mary Anderson, Bill Hanson, Phil McCollar and Angie Lampert. Welcome new board member Angie Lampert. One position on the board open. John asked if we want to read the Previous Minutes. Rohde motioned to accept the minutes as written and Auggie 2nd. Motion passed. Visiting member….James “Red” Knight visiting from Louisiana. Presentation of Bills John T. has bill for $99.44 for Bike Rodeo supplies. Bob Walker donated his expenses on moving the shed. Thanks Bob! Approved. All in favor. Treasurer’s Report…Kim was not in attendance. Excused. Sunshine mentioned that we still owe $500 for the “Be Aware” yard signs to State ABATE. Karline will write a check for Sunshine to take to the next State Meeting. Bill H. motioned. Craig W. 2 nd. Motion approved. President’s Report – John Trudo—There have been lots of motorcycle accidents already. Please ride with caution and pay attention to the weather. Vice President’s Report – Hilary Klabunde - Will take Beer Trailer up to Shade Valley Camp Resort next week. Also asked members to be careful of critters on the road when riding. State Rep Report – Sunshine Minzlaff—She said that her report is in the June newsletter. Said that Secretary Susan needs the reports by the 15th of each month. BOD usually contributes (thru the IMPACT Committee) $50 each for specific 6 people in primaries for ABATE members or those who support motorcycle issues. Legislation was busy so we didn’t get any money for a Grant yet. Dept. of Public Safety wants to see something new (besides the maps). Gayle is stepping down from the Membership Secretary position. Jiggs appointed Karline Clark as new Membership Secretary. She will work with Gayle until January and then take over. Money was made available to print more maps. The maps will be available at the July meeting. Sturgis Chamber wants a lot of them. ABATE has one table reserved for the Hall of Fame breakfast on August 6 th at the Lodge in Deadwood. Karline wants 3 seats so that leaves 5 left. ABATE pays for half. Jan W. is stepping down from Treasurer, so this spot is open. State ABATE wants each chapter to consider waiving the $5.00 fee for signing up new members at the Algona and Minnesota Rallies. Bob A. motioned to approve and Bill H. 2 nd. Motion approved. Auggie & Sunshine will be going to the Best of the West in Dillon, CO. Membership Secretary Report – Karline Clark - We have 45 current affiliates and 379 current members. Sgt. of Arms Report – Mike Clark – no report LRC Report – Ginny Kellerher – Not in attendance. Excused. Road Captain Report – Bill Hanson - Ride on June 22nd leaves Valley Sports Bar at 11am and ends at the Garage Bar in Black Hawk with a BBQ at 4pm. with Road Cleanup after the ride. Planning the RU ABATE Ride for July 26 th. Might end at Caputa. July 27th “Meet in the Middle Ride” will meet in Wall, SD Products Report – Hilary Klabunde - New zip-up hoodies have been ordered. Products booth will be set up at the ABATE Rally and open 12-6pm both days. Will send around a signup sheet for volunteers. Sunshine asked if she could take some products to Best of the West. Jiggs motioned that we donate 3 t-shirts. Bob A. 2nd. Motion approved. Website – Clay not in attendance - John. T. talked about the Yahoo Group. If you’re not on it, please sign up and you will receive Emailed information. Yahoo Group link is on the bottom of our home page. Easy to follow the steps to sign up. Public Relations Report – Janet Olson—Janet thanked members for attending meeting and to those who brought food to share. Also thanked BH Harley for the sloppy joes. She created and sent out Press Releases to the media for the Bike Raffle Giveaway at BH Harley on May 29th. Two TV stations were there filming and B.A. was interviewed. Gave a Big THANK YOU to B.A. and Mary for all their hard work on the Bike Raffle. Great job!! She also created and sent out Press Release for the BH Area Bikers “Ride for the Forgotten” on June 21st. Our chapter will man the Elk Vale stop. Janet will also contact Quaker Steak & Lube about a possible fund-raising event on a Bike Night this Summer. Janet made a list of all the affiliate ads listed on the website and gave to Clay to update. Emailed copies of this list to Ginny and Karline. In regard to the ABATE Rally, she placed the radio schedules with KSKY/KICK and Xrock. She set up radio interview for Bill Hanson with KICK. She also created and printed the rally passes for the radio stations to give away on the air the week of our rally. There will be a total of 10 passes for 2 people, that does not include the membership fee of $25. Janet also delivered the VIP passes to Budweiser/Eagles Sales and Perdue Woodworks. MRF Report – Jiggs Cressy—Not a lot going on in Congress right now. Discussed all the road construction going on. AD HOC Bike Raffle Report – Bob “B.A.” Anderson - B.A. said the winner of the bike is Steve Payne from Eagle Butte. Wes Haas won the second place of $500 cash and Gloria from Walnut Grove won 3 rd place BH Gold Watch. Bill Hanson won the $100 for selling the winning ticket and Mary A. won $100 for selling the most tickets. Rushmore ABATE Rally Report – Bill Hanson -Bill said the event is only 3 days away. Shade Valley Camp Resort does not take cash for cabin/RV rentals but does take credit cards. John T. will need some help with the Bike Rodeo. OLD BUSINESS New keys will be made for the shed. The golf cart body will be posted for sale on Craigs List. Bob Walker moved the shed. Thanks to everyone who helped in moving the shed. Hilary found old signs in the shed that she brought to the meeting for those who wanted them. NEW BUSINESS John T. said Newsletter issues are being looked into. BOD books will be updated with the revised definitions of some board positions. Member of the Month – Bob Walker. Affiliate of the Month – Bad Cat Tattoo. Shoulda/Coulda - $100 – Susan Mertz not there 50/50 Drawing – Loren Wermers won. Announcements: Susan is here with Passports for Sale-get one while you can. June 6th & 7th - Rushmore ABATE Rally at Shade Valley, June 15th - Rhea Trevino Ride, June 20th - CCR Run, June 21st - BHAB Southern Hills Ride for the Forgotten, June 22 nd – Social Ride/Road Cleanup, June 22nd - CMA Ride, June 27th – Oahe fun Run, July 26th – Rushmore Chapter Poker Run, July 27th – Meet in the Middle Poker Run, Sept. 25-27 Meeting of the Minds, Kansas City, MO, Wayne Lettau said his last motorcycle safety class is on July 24 th. Jiggs motioned to Adjourn. ROAD CAPTAIN’S We tried our first social ride on June 22nd, a very rainy day, 3 of us braved the weather and had a great ride. We started late due to rain and only one stop to wait it out. Round 2, we made it to the Garage Bar. No BBQ or road cleanup because the ditch was too wet and not mowed. We are going to reschedule the clean up. It must be done. July 26th….. our Annual Poker run. The poster is posted on Facebook. and in this newsletter. I NEED someone to assist me as I work that day. The run is set just need someone to register the riders. Bill Hanson Mexican Mondays Prime Rib Wednesdays Fish Fry Fridays Karaoke on Fridays Piedmont, SD (605) 787-6940 Chad Moyers—545-1035 Jake O’Grady—431-4385 Landscaping *** Moving *** Snow Removal 716-4332 Rapid City, SD Rally Report The 2014 Rushmore ABATE rally is history and what a great event. If you were unable to attend or decided it was too wet you missed a great time. Have had nothing but positive remarks from all that attended and some that didn’t. After tallying the final numbers here is how we fared. 160 new or renewed memberships , 36 current memberships, 21 Band members, 4 Shade Valley employees, 5 Soldiers for Jesus members, 2 from radio passes ( 1 of which Joined new) The following group of individuals and businesses need your thank yous and support for making the 2014 Rushmore ABATE rally a huge success. Co-chair and Rushmore ABATE vice-president : Hilary Klabunde Gate chair, treasurer, organization chief and Rushmore ABATE and South Dakota Abate membership secretary : Karline Clark Security head and Rushmore ABATE Sergeant at arms: Mike Clark Zip line chair and Rushmore ABATE board member : Phil McCollar Poster design, photographer and Rushmore ABATE board member : Steve Rohde Advertising, radio ad creator. and Rushmore ABATE public relations / board member : Janet Olson Silent auction chair: Donna Johnson Games and fun chair: Darcy Schave Rodeo chair and Rushmore ABATE president : John Trudo Security and gate group… Soldiers for Jesus Our Major sponsors: Black Hills Harley Davidson Eagle Sales / Budweiser A-1 construction Rodeo Sponsor: KSKY Money machine sponsor: Russ brown Attorneys / B . A. M. To our last minute food vendors Vicki & Carla. Great food and service. Saved our bacon. Envied threads from Hill city, our clothing and jewelry vendor A very special thank you to SHADE VALLEY CAMP RESORT. Don, Kari, George and the rest of his crew you did a fabulous job. Couldn't ask for a better facility. Last but not least lets not forget all that attended, that got silent auction items, and helped out when asked. we all made this a party to remember. Bill Hanson LRC Report Not much to report this month. Since the passing of the amendment to keep the federal government from holding our state hostage, all is quite. I want to really thank everyone who took time out from their busy schedules to contact their legislators and ask for their support of the amendment. Jiggs did a fantastic job, as usual, of getting the word out in a very short period of time. Just to let everyone know a little bit about what I do on a daily basis to keep up with legislative issues: I subscribe to 3 different legislative websites that send me daily alerts showing various legislation, regulation and resolutions that are presented on a national level. I comb through summaries for things that have content that may have an effect on our freedoms as well as motorcycling issues. I like to think that not much slips through the cracks without me catching it in between these three sources. I was in the midst of combing through the nightmare that is the transportation appropriations bill when the news came out from the MRF that there indeed was content buried in it that could effect us. This just goes to show how very important the MRF is. The employee people on a full time basis to comb through these kind of things and find any issues that may effect motorcycling in any way whatsoever. They are an intrical part of the SMRO network that protects our riding freedoms from day to day and year to year. Please, I highly urge you to SUPPORT THE MRF in anyway you are able. I hope everyone has a great and safe rally and I’ll see you at the Ed Netterberg weekend! It’s at a new venue and you are missing out on a lot of fun if you don’t attend! TREASURER’S REPORT NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION QUAKER STEAK & LUBE BIKER NIGHT TO BENEFIT RUSHMORE ABATE JULY 23rd Ginny The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It’s not that we seize them, But that they seize us. - Ashley Montagu Cut out the business card flyer above, get a mini-flyer from any BOD member or print one off from the website and take it Quaker Steak & Lube on July 23rd for Biker Night and 15% of the sales for that night will benefit Rushmore ABATE. We will have a booth set up to inform the public as to what ABATE is all about. Stop by and renew your membership or sign up to join us! 3313 E. Mall Dr, 342-9464 Mason Catorers Lead, SD The Island Bar Piedmont, SD MRF Position Paper on Riding Impaired A number of years ago the MRF formed the Alcohol Awareness committee as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors. The reason for this committee and the ongoing work is due to the increasing awareness of government agencies of the issue of impaired riding. Impaired riding has been an issue for many years but in the past decade it gained prominence to the point it is a major part of any discussion where motorcycle safety is the topic. The MRF board tasked the committee to develop a program part of which will present the MRF position on impaired riding. The following position paper was presented to the Board at the September 2009 BOD meeting and with minor adjustments agreed upon and approved. Impaired Riding Position Paper - Impaired riding is increasingly becoming a serious problem causing escalating attention in both the motorcycling community, and the various bureaucracies with oversight of motorcycling fatality statistics. As awareness of this issue increases, individuals and organizations alike must make decisions as to how they will address the concerns of riding impaired. Impaired riding occurs in a variety of conditions, the most common and probably of most concern is alcohol. Drinking and riding is the most obvious and the most frequently pointed to as a cause of concern. However, impaired riding is also a condition that occurs under the influence of prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and over the counter drugs. As leaders in the motorcycling community we must educate and inform riders of the hazards and encourage personal responsibility. Impaired riding is sited as the cause of Forty-one percent of the 2,182 motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2007, they had BAC levels of .08 or greater, (NHTSA). Motorcyclists must face the fact that this number is the one area where the fatalities are in our direct control. If we want to bring about a reduction in the number of impaired riding fatalities each of us must watch out for ourselves and those we ride with. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation, MRF, has taken the position that individual responsibility is the ultimate way to reduce fatalities. We encourage organizations and riding groups to do what they can to take proactive efforts promoting unimpaired riding. Through outreach campaigns of the risks associated with riding impaired; using education and awareness of the various ways one can become impaired; and promoting and increasing efforts to watch out for fellow riders, we can make a difference and perhaps save a life and at the same time reduce the fatality numbers. BUFFALO WILD WINGS 715 Mountain View Rd, Rapid City 721-9264 Rapid City, SD J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 Membership Secretary’s Report In the days after our June General Membership meeting and prior to our ABATE RALLY, I processed 3 new members: Carol Brown, Dustin Hay, Jeff Patterson, and 8 renewing members. I processed 3 new affiliates: Black Hills Tattoo, Island Bar, Kreun Kustom and 4 renewing affiliates. On June 4, 2014 prior to our ABATE RALLY, I deposited $1,017.00 including: $275 for members, $350 for affiliates, $100 for calendar advertising, $220 for Rally silent auction donations, $52 for 50/50 money from the General Membership meeting, and $20.00 that Loren Wermers gave back from his 50/50 winnings to the Impact Fund. THANK YOU LOREN! Now for the numbers after the ABATE RALLY: I entered membership forms from 9 different states! People came from all over the mid-west and southeast for our rally: CO, IA, LA, MN, MT, ND, SD, WI, and WY. I had such a GREAT time meeting many of our members and actually putting a face to your name! I did enjoy myself, so let’s hope that I can remember your name with your face the next time we meet. LOL. In the days following our ABATE RALLY, I processed 52 new members: Wayne Arthurs, Jared Benson, Aaron & Sherri Bucholz, Shane & Staletta Cabral, Bill Capelle, Mallisa Cole, Randy Corbin, Don Deutloo, Chrystal Emmons, Russell Faulk, Tracy Fees, Jack Floyd, Caleb Fousek, Jackie Freier, Sue Ginter, Mark Hohsman, Anton Green, Matt Hayes, Miranda Heinrich, Craig Heutzenroede, David & Judy Huck, Devin Jankord, Katelyn Johnson, Brandon Jones, Lee Jones, Jeannie Jones, Brian Kline, Sheri Knutson, James Lahren, Danielle Laughlin, Robin Lawallie, Steve Lea, Rob Luckie, Becky Ludwig, Brittany Maier, Sandra McCauley, Les & Glenda Nelson, Melissa Newlander, Richard Poor Thunder, Gary Reeves, Michelle Robinson, Dennis Schmitt, Lisa Sea, Nancy Stangland, Deb & Gary Voller, Dustin Welsh, and Doug Zahn. I processed 107 renewing members. I processed 2 new affiliates: Envied Threads – the awesome T-shirt/jewelry/patch vendor at the rally and Vicki Mason & Carla Ford the wonderful ladies that cooked up some delicious eats at the rally on a moments notice when the scheduled vendor backed out. We currently have 51 affiliates and 381 members. 79 addresses were sent to Western Mailers for mailing the hardcopy of the newsletter. Memberships expired in June 2014: Crystal Adams, Chris Aldridge, Melissa Ammons, Jim & Tamara Bechard, Lynette Becker, Tim Birmeier, Steve Brandsted, Travis Brei, LeRoy Brooks, Enrique Burkholder, Dale Claymore, Krissy Cox, Rodney Croyle, Van & Lisa DeVries, Tom Didier, Tim Elliot, Rich Ellison, Paula Fiedler, Aaron Giedd, Beth Glynn, Willie Haas, Gina Hakin, Travis Hamann, Keith Hantak, Kenny & Brenda Harman, Tere Herman, Mike Jacobson, Todd Jansen, Marguerite Karlos, Ginny Maggie Kennedy, Chris Kniss, Travis Lightfield, Kim Logsdon, Frank Marohn, Ken Martinez, Marcia Mayer, Dennis McCarthy, Tami Mitzel, Wild Bill Moffitt, Kevin & Leslie Morris, Mark Mueller, Sherry Ogilvie, Geoff Oliver, Kristi Olson, Todd Orelup, Dave Owen, Dan Oxley, Tony Palli, Tracy Palmer, Jessie Phares, Robert Red Bear, Tamara Reed, Bobby Riek, James Robinson, Marady & Jim Rude, Sandy Seachris, Rodney Seidel, Jeff Senne, Gary & Dana Sherman, Andrea Stark, Chris Swick, Chris Tiller, Richard Warnemunde, Clay & Joy Weaver, and David Williams. Memberships expiring in July 2014: Kelly & Rick Adams, Misty Arndt, Rollie Baker, Tim Bergman, Mike Birgen, Tim Bourne, Charles Bowman, Kathy Bowser, William Brennan, Michael Cartwright, David Cartwright, Kylene Castillo, Jess Castle, Todd Catron, Caryn Clinton, Robert & Sheila Coyle, Jeff Delacruz, Dan Determan, Doug Dougherty, Irene Fliegel, Twyla Fritz, Tony ‘Bones’ Gabert, Desirae & Matt Gahl, Heather Garrett, Julie Haak, Brooke Haas, Dave Hodgson, Ron Hopkins, Ann & John Hovednes, Rhett Howard, Joseph Huddleston, Randy Hughes, Dave Iverson, Chan Jacobson, David Jennings, Bree Johnson, Laurie Johnson, James Johnson, Sandy Jost, Joe Kelly, Lynnelle Kline, Jen Kniss, Lyle Larson, Tosha Larson, Dave Larson, Scott Lemon, Nathan Mahle, Christina McKenna, Andee Millard, Wesly Miller, Brandy Miller, Mike & Brenda Moore, Jeff Moser, Scott Multz, Mike & Diane Neu, Carol Orelup, Todd Owens, Maggie Palmer, Glen & Elizabeth Passmore, Carol Phares, Jeff Pierce, Jim Piercy, Vickie Reich, Tyler Reif, Kathy Rice, Rod Russfell, Jeremy Ruyle, Brenda Sanders, Floyd Savageau, Teresa Schock, Hillary Schwab, Valerie & Chad Seidel, Steve Sigdestad, Curt Smith, Karlton Smith, Anthony Stevenson, Deb Sutton, Michael Tarnowski, Becky & Brian Thompson, Rob Tompkims, Shean Usher, Bob Walker, Rita & James White, Ken Willard, Nantinki Young, and Craig Youngstrom. Memberships expiring in August 2014: Mur Anderson, Michael Duckworth, Steve Elfstrand, Sherri Ivey, James Knight, Mike Rafford, and Terry Swick. Looks like I have A LOT OF REMINDER CARDS TO SEND! I was really hoping it would be a lot less. Affiliate memberships expired in June: Classy Cuts. Affiliate memberships expiring in July: Quaker Steak & Lube, and Tri-State Tire. Affiliate memberships expiring in August: NONE If you missed the RALLY, you missed a GOOD TIME! Make plans to be there next year! Your membership secretary, Karline Clark SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Visit one of these businesses today! (continued) Chaplain’s Corner A seminar I attended at Best of the West was titled "the three R's". It attracted me because the "lead-in" title was. "I don't want to ride in your funeral procession!" The three R's are: Being Responsible, Riding Responsibly and Taking Responsibility. This is a course I am prepared to offer but I need Power Point support. That is a future subject but the theme does fit the Chaplains Corner. Some Christians profess you can't be Christian and drink. WRONG! Jesus' first miracle was at the wedding feast at Cana. John 2:5-10 Vs 9/10 "When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine ... the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, every man at the beginning sets out the good wine ... you have kept the good wine until now!" However, God also provides admonitions against being drunk: Eph 5:18 "and do not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation, but be filled with the spirit." 1 Pet 4:3 "For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles (the world, our friends) when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties and abominable idolatries." Bottom line is God wants YOU to be responsible for yourself and your friends. Know your limits! Another verse Prov 31:5 "Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the justice of all the afflicted." We are challenged and directed by God to be our brother's keeper. This three R's program also reiterates this. We should not be encouraging this behavior but rather be watchful over ourselves and our friends. Sometimes it is a hard job/duty but... "I don't want to ride in your funeral procession!" Finally - We are entering the peak of our riding season and Auggie and I do not want to ride in your funeral procession nor do we want to conduct your funeral service. Watch out for one another and be willing to speak out if someone should not be riding/driving. 1Pet 3:8 "Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous." If we do the above, we will take care of one another and after all isn't that what ABATE is all about? In His Service, Sunshine and Auggie Your Neighborhood Irish Pub Spirits, Food & Entertainment Whitewood, SD 721-8636 Join us on Facebook Located in Valley Square,3064 Covington St, Suite 206 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! Bike Raffle Report As many of you have heard by now On May 31st at 4 pm at Black Hills Harley Davidson, Natalie Trudo pulled the winning ticket from the tumbler and Steve Payne from Eagle Butte was the grand prize winner of the bike. Steve purchased his Bike Raffle Ticket from Bill Hanson when we were set up at The Counts of Cobblestone Car show this past winter. For selling the winning ticket I handed Bill a new one hundred dollar bill that I'm sure he will spend wisely. Second place went to Wes Haas and we gave his better half Sue $500 in cash that SHE got to spend wisely since Wes was at work. Third place went to Gloria Doubler from my home town of Walnut Grove MN and she selected a ladies Black Hills Gold watch. She bought her ticket back in January when we had the bike in Walnut Grove after the Sioux Falls swap Meet. Mary received $100 for selling the most tickets, a total of 534. I would like to thank everyone who purchased a ticket or two and especially thank the people who spent the hours at events where we displayed the bike selling tickets. For every ticket we sell we usually get 5 turn downs so it is not a very easy task. I also want to thank Black Hills Harley Davidson for their continuous support of our organization in all our functions; it is a true pleasure to work with all the great people in their business. The 2015 Harley Davidson's come out after the Sturgis Rally and Mary and I would like to step up and chair the 20th Rushmore ABATE Bike Raffle for one more year and then we would like to take a break so if you had any thoughts about stepping up and chairing a bike raffle or whatever the general membership decides to do in 2016 please spend a little time with us when we have the bike out and learn a few tips and maybe you have new ideas that will help us this coming year as well. Speaking of Bill Hanson, what a great job he and all the volunteers did with this year's Membership Rally. We personally had a great time and we heard nothing but positive comments. We drew a great crowd and I know of people from Colorado, Minnesota, and even as far away as Louisiana who came to this great event. What a nice place Shade Valley is! Ride safe and enjoy the summer! My next column will be in September's Newsletter with info on the 2015 raffle, IF you want Mary and I to do it. :{) B.A. and Mary Quaker Steak & Lube 3313 E. Mall Dr, 342-9464 Products Report We had all our product on display at the Abate Rally and I'm pleased to share that we sold quite a bit of product. I would like to thank Tammy Pistulka, Paula Brown, Angie Lampert, Cheryl Rega, and Phil and Tina McCollar for selling product at the rally. We now have black and grey zip up hoodies available for purchase. We are working on getting some new women's shirts, colored shirts with the Abate logo, and some pins and patches. All of our products will be on display at the general membership meetings and available for purchase. Please let me know if there is any product that you might be interested in, if we don't have it we might be able to order it. Products Manager Hilary Klabunde HR 4745 Walberg Amendment Passes On June 9th the United States House of Representatives agreed on the Walberg Amendment to the 2015 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill by voice vote on the House floor, reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. The Amendment offered by Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) along with Mr. Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Mr. Ribble (R-WI), eliminates a provision in the 2015 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations act that would have allowed the Secretary of Transportation to discuss motorcycle safety initiatives with state legislators. In 1998 Congress passed a law that made it illegal for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to lobby state legislatures. Prior to 1998, according to the Government Accountability Office, NHTSA had spent tens of thousands of dollars traveling to states whenever a state debated changing their own state helmet law. Seeing this as a waste of taxpayer money, the congress prohibited anyone from NHTSA to lobby states uninvited. Mr. Walberg had this to say “This money should go to fund eliminating distracted driving, motorcycle rider education, and motorist-motorcycle awareness campaigns.”“Put simply this is a states rights issue”, said Jeff Hennie Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Rider Foundation. He added “With such limited, precious funds they need to be used in areas of safety that are proven, not for bureaucratic waste.”The amendment was opposed on the floor by Ed Pastor (D-AZ). The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) thanks everyone who made calls on this important issue, your participation was key in getting this amendment to pass. The full bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives the evening of June 10th with the Walberg amendment enacted. RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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