May - ABATE of Illinois
May - ABATE of Illinois
MAY 2012 ~~For all activities on the calendar, look inside the newsletter for flyers, and other events ~~ June 2012 May 2012 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Lincoln Land ABATE Officer’s Mtg NEW! 6 pm Northend VFW Fri 4 Sun Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 5 Sat 2 Dena’s Ashland Poker Run Newsletter LLA Articles Awareness Due Rally Contribute Party! Something! SUCCESS! 3 6 7 8 9 ~~~~~~ 11 ~~~~~ Iron Sleds MC/Run 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 4 5 6 ~~~~~~ 10 18 25 11 19 ABATE-IL BOD @10:30 E-BOD @ 1pm Spfld/UIS 7 Lincoln Land ABATE Officer’s Mtg NEW! 6 pm Northend VFW ABATE-IL Awareness Rally ~~~~~ Iron Sleds MC/Run Vintage Iron Lincoln Land Riders Chapter Mtg Mtg 7pm Northend @ The DogVFW house Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. Legendary! Spfld Mile 12 DRB Mtg 6:30 VFW Anyone Can Attend ABATE-IL Awareness Rally 13 10 12 13 14 8 Newsletter Articles Due Contribute Something! 15 17 18 19 Iron Sleds MC Ride 16 ABATE-IL BOD @10:30 E-BOD @ 1pm Spfld/UIS DRB Mtg 6:30 VFW Anyone Can Attend 26 9 20 21 22 23 29 30 Vintage Iron Lincoln Land Riders Chapter Mtg Mtg 7pm Northend @ The DogVFW house Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. 24 25 26 27 28 Memorial Day To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bruce Liebe We've had some much needed rain this past week, but we've still have been experiencing some of the best riding weather of any spring I can remember. Even so, keep in mind motorists still may be getting used to seeing motorcycles out in large numbers. (Unfortunately some never catch on.) Use caution and don't assume that the other person sees you approaching. May, as you all know is motorcycle awareness month. Many entities such as IDOT, the Illinois State Police, the Gold Wing Rider's Association, and of course, ABATE, are stumping to get the word out and raise awareness. Do your part and get the word out; be a good ambassador for safety and awareness as well as motorcycling in general. The State Party is shaping up to be a first class event. I've been in frequent contact with the state's activities coordinator and she is working diligently to make the party the best it's ever been. From all that I've heard, she's moving in the right direction. There will be plenty of great music as well as biker events and just plain fun. We need to support the party; but most of all, we also need to volunteer some time once there to help with the various tasks that need addressed. This will be a fresh start for the state party in a new area. I think those who have attended past state parties will appreciate all that is being done, and first timers will be equally impressed. The same applies to the West Central Region party. This was a first class event last year; this year sounds even better. There has been a lot of hard work put in by the people behind this event. We need to get behind them as well. Volunteers will be needed for this event as well. Go over, enjoy the party, but give some of your time to help make this another resounding success. Speaking of getting behind worthwhile efforts, let's all jump in and help with the various bike nights that Lincoln Land will be participating in. Quaker Steak and Lube's bike nights will be a great draw and an even greater opportunity to approach potential new members. Further, Alice and Stacy (Furlow) made a fantastic contact and we will be front and center for bike nights at Dockers in Spaulding. The bike nights are in conjunction with WQLZ, who will be doing a bike give-away. We've talked at length at meetings why we need new members, younger members, and metric members. A lot of good points were made in this regard. However, consider this: out of all the licensed motorcyclists in the state, less than 3% are ABATE members. That in and of itself should be all the motivation you need to get out there and recruit fresh faces! ACTIVITIES / PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Alice Furlow Hi everyone, I want to start off with GREAT NEWS!! Our Awareness Rally party was a huge success!! After all expenses were paid we MADE $768.34!! That is HUGE!! I want to give a big “thank you” to everyone who came out and helped in any way, big or small. Events like this cannot happen without everyone’s help and special talents. Everyone has something they can bring to the table for a party like this and when we all work together we end up being better & stronger for it!! Now, onward to more events: Bike Night at Docker’s Tavern, Riverton – The first night will be Friday, May 18th from 6:30-8:00 pm. ABATE will be working with the owner of Docker’s and radio station WQLZ on their Friday night bike nights. We will have a good spot to set up, live radio time during their remotes and free food!! Anyone who wants to come out and help promote ABATE and try to sell memberships is welcome and encouraged to come. Bike Nights at Quaker, Steak & Lube – Please try to attend these bike nights also. Check this newsletter for the specific dates that we will be at QS & L. For any more information on this please contact: Steve Lindsey at 217-899-5665 Window Wash: Saturday, May 19th Noon – 2PM – Railsplitter Rest Area just north of Springfield – we will be meeting at the Northender’s VFW between 11:30 and 11:45 for anyone who wants to ride out together – hope to see you there! Salt Creek ABATE St. Jude Run – Saturday June 2nd, sign up 12-1 pm Logan Lanes in Lincoln, IL – this chapter has recently attended a chapter meeting of ours and had a good presence at our Awareness Rally Party – anyone who can reciprocate by helping out their chapter that would be great!! Please try to attend as many of these events as you can, I know everyone is busy but please try to allocate some time for ABATE!! Bruce See you all soon, Alice LEGISLATIVECOORDINATOR George Tinkham The evening after our Awareness Rally, I tried some new medicine that threw me for a loop. In fact, I am still a little loopy. Rather than blunder my way through this month’s report, I am borrowing the report sent by State Legislative Coordinator Bob Myers through A.B.A.T.E.’s “OnDGo” service. I encourage all our members to subscribe to this service by sending Jean “OnDGo” Hogan a subscription request at: [email protected]. Anyway, here is what Bob Myers reported on Friday, May 5th: Here is what has happened the last couple of weeks! HB0930 (Senator Haine) We Support - This bill will stop Federal Funds from being used for M.C. Only check points, Was finally released to the Assignments Committee to be assigned to a committee for consideration. I went to not only Senator Haine but also to Senators Forby and Trotter for help into getting this bill out and even Senate Majority Leader James Clayborn with our concerns over this bill not moving. The next day this bill was finally moved to Assignments and I was told there was a misunderstanding, Hey we will take it! Without Federal Funds our state is too broke to use state money. The Committee on Assignments put the bill in the Senate Agriculture Committee which is unusual for a Transportation bill but I would be hard pressed picking another one this good for us. This committee meets May 8th @ 2pm room 409, Capitol The link for this committee is below: committeeID=905 IF your Senator is among those please call them and ask that they support this bill. Be very respectful. This bill is ours if we work it right. Talking points are: profiling motorcyclists is wrong. We don't profile Volkswagens or convertibles or other non-commercial vehicles. Federal tax dollars should not be wasted and be spent on other, more important areas of motorcycle safety and awareness. Other states that have passed bills outlawing M.C. only check points are Calif., N.Carolina, N. Hampshire, Virginia, and Missouri and New Jersey going after the bill now. SB 2528 (Support) - the 120 sec wait for Red Lights that don't sense your motorcycle or bicycle passed through the house and waits for the Governor’s signature. SB3452 (Watching) Wheelie's over the speed limit, which was run by the I.S.Police, passed and waiting on Governor to sign. SB3616 (Opposed) E-20 & E-30 taxation structure still in House committee on Revenue and Finance HB4700 (Opposed) Sister bill to SB3616 still in RULES Committee HB5479 (Opposed) County Amusement Tax (HOG ROCK) Rereferred to Rules HB4860 (Supported) Exempt Private Property from lawsuits when holding CRSTP classes - Re-referred to rules HB1907 (Opposed) A bill concerning the RICO ACT which could have tied us in with gangs. HR 997 (Supported) We had a Resolution proclaiming May as Motorcycle Awareness run by Rep. Jim Watson read in the House Thursday, 3rd and next week it will be run by Senator Bill Haine. Ride safe and be ready to help our candidate friends when they ask for help in parades and other events this summer. George Tinkham MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Tim “Go-Go” Gosteli PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Hod Rod 1%er “Out with the old, in with the new” Gone Fishing…… Here is my plan for the products: “Grant me the strength to endure, the wisdom to outsmart and enough tequila to medicate.” • • TEN LITTLE MOTORCYCLISTS reprinted from the Wings of Gold M/C newsletter • 10 little motorcyclists, cruising down the line, one had a heavy hand, and then there were 9. Speed limits are set for your safety. 9 little motorcyclists, the hour was getting late, one dozed a moment, and then there were 8. A tired rider is a dangerous rider. 8 little motorcyclists, and the evening seemed like heaven, one showed his riding skills, and them there were 7. Ride sensibly and sanely at all times, a motorcycle is no place for a clown. 7 little motorcyclists, their lives were full of kicks, one bought a bottle, and then there were 6. Gasoline and alcohol are a deadly mix. Never drink and ride. 6 little motorcyclists, impatient to arrive, one jumped a traffic light, and then there were 5. Don't gamble years of your life to save a second. 5 little motorcyclists, touring near the shore, one viewed the scenery, and then there were 4. Careful riding demands alertness at all times. 4 little motorcyclists, happy as can be, one passed upon a hill, and then there were 3. Never pass another vehicle when your vision is obscured. 3 little motorcyclists, were busy it's true, and one neglected bike repairs, and then there were 2. For safety's sake, always keep your motorcycle in top condition. 2 little motorcyclists, and the day was nearly done, one didn't dim his lights, and then there was 1. Slow down at dusk or darkness, adjust your riding to existing conditions. 1 little motorcyclist, is still alive today, by following the safety rules, he hopes to stay that way! • Thank you to Dellann for a great safety reminder! Reduced rates on in-stock products at the chapter meetings. A “live auction” at the chapter meetings to really get our items moving. All new items will have a consistent design, on front/back/sleeve. Everything. Downed Riders past t-shirts included. Call or email me if you want to purchase products outside of the chapter meetings. Hod Rod 1%er Email: [email protected] (217) 341-6483 We owe a thank you to these businesses for the following donations made to the May 5th Awareness Rally Pre-Party: Prepared the Pulled Pork: Jim Stevens Construction (217) 801-4282 Provided Tables/Chairs: Brad & Larry Reynolds Rental - Chatham Penske/Hertz (cars and trucks) (217)483-5882 (2) Roasters Donated to the Chapter: Becky @ The Keg 11th & Ash, Springfield ~ They worked great! ~ Downed Rider Benefit Committee IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Due to the busy summer season on Thursday nights with bike nights, we have changed the monthly meeting date to: The T-shirts are excellent and are selling and the can coolies are $3 until the time for the benefit when we will use them as the giveaway for the “$5 Optional Entry”. We also have shirts in a ladies spaghetti-strap tank top option, as well. ~ ~ SELL TICKETS ALL SUMMER ~ ~ The ticket sales are already going really well so please call the treasurer, Howard Nation at (217) 341-6483 or get them at the next chapter meeting. Here is what we have: VIP Race Package [$5 per] Cash Raffle” [$1 per/6 for $5] “Wheel Barrow a’ Fun” [$5 per/5 for $20] If you can ride to the meetings of any chapters adjacent to Lincoln Land, here is a list where we want to visit: Tri County – Jacksonville (not listed on calendar) Prairieland – Decatur (3rd Sundays) Salt Creek – Lincoln (1st Sundays) Mid-State – Pana (2nd Tuesdays) Freedom by Choice – Bethany/Decatur Mtg (not listed on calendar) Shoal Creek – Vandalia (1st Sundays) Black Diamond – Carlinville (3rd Sundays) But first call any committee member to coordinate so that we don’t duplicate our efforts. Thank you for all you can do, By: Downed Rider Benefit Committee Membership Report Paula “Pi” Allen As of May 3, 2012 Active: 592 Inactive: 1534 Due June: 36 ~ Due May: 35 ~ Due April: 30 New Members Since 4/19/12: FOURTEEN (14)! (NEW MEMBERS LISTED NEXT PAGE) MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JUNE 2012 ACHAS, ROBERT BAILEY, CALLIE BOOS, MICHAEL CLEESEN, MEL CONSTANT, LINDA COWLES, SUSAN COWLES, WILLIAM DAILY, JEFF FETTIS, BILL FETTIS, TWYLLA HERMAN, JACK HUTCHENS, VINCE INDERMARK, LAURA INDERMARK, SR, GEORGE ISBELL, MATTHEW LUKASZEWSKI, JOE LYMAN, ROB MATTHEWS, ALAN MOEHLE, NORMAN MONROE, CAROLINE MONROE, JIM MONTGOMERY, NATHAN OLIVER, BRIAN PAUL, BETTY QUEEN, TAMMY RABBE, JERRY RADEMAKER, ROD ROGERS, DICK STANLEY, LANCE ULMAN, JANET WILLIAMSON, GREG WITKOWSKI, JOSHUA WOODWARD, CARL WRIGHT, GARY WRIGHT, SANDRA YEAMAN, THOMAS MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN MAY 2012 ALTMAN, PATTY ANDERSON, JOHN ANDERSON, PAULA BARTON, RAYMOND BRAUER, RICH BROWN, DAVID BROWN, SHARON DAVIES, JACK DAVIES, MARY JO EDWARDS, BOB FISCHER, TOM FOWLER, MIKE GARNER, ANGI GREENE, JOHN JACKSON, BRIAN JACKSON, BRIANA KNOX, THOMAS KYES, BILL LYONS, GAYE MARTIN, CHRIS MURPHY, MARK McCAFFREY, KEN NICHOLAS, NICK OSBORNE, DUANE REBBE III, JOHN SCHROEDER, JILL SCHROEDER, TADD SHADE, DEBBIE SOKOLIS, RICHARD STEWART, LARRY TEATERS, JACK WALLACE, TIMOTHY YEATES, KENNETH YEATES, PATRICIA MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN APRIL 2012 BARNETT, DAVID BARNETT, MARYAN BEATTY, LYNDA BEATTY, WILLIAM BUCKLES, BOB BUCKLES, LINDA COOK, NANCY CROXTON, GAYLE CROXTON, Sr., TRAVIS HAGSTROM, JOHN HAGSTROM, MISTY HUBBARD, CHARLES HUBBLE, LEE JACKSON, REBECCA JUGAN, MARK KOEHLER, WENDY LEDGER, MICHAEL LONG, MARCUS NEWTON, TIMOTHY PERCY, JAMES PIERSON, GRAY REBBE, CHRIS RICHARDS, BILL SLOAN, DALE SNELL, JAMES SOKOLIS, MICHELE SZOKE, BILL VICARI, JERRY WEITZEL, RICK THANK YOU! SPONSORS... Added since last newsletter ! …. Rex Jaronski Riverton Harley Riders Misty Hagstrom Mary Jo Davies It’s not too late! Send to the PO Box And receive a bottle or can coolie and ….. [ YOUR NAME HERE!] Jacob Bunn Linda Constant Steve Constant Doug Crocker James M. File Sam & Marilyn Haycraft Ed Hofferkamp William & Karel Howard Adam & Linette Hughes George Hurst Robert Johnson Ralph Kress Steve & Doris Lindsey Ken Lowe (K&L Equipment & Mechanical) Kevin Marcum—Frontline Express Outlaws, M/C Jenny “MamaO” Ozanic The Pony Keg, Cary & Marty Williams Shake n’ Bake and Lori Ann Richards Clyde & Vicki Richardson Jacques Roberts & Sissie Byron Shryock Coy & Susan Squires, Memorial: “To all of our military members that have gave the ultimate sacrifice, (their lives) to protect our Freedom”. Amen! Steel Justice, M/C Two Stroke ~ SJMC Robert Wilson, Sr. Pat Yeates (2) Anonymous, Feb Chapter Mtg VICE PRESIDENT Phil “Pacman” Cornell Hello Lincoln Land, I hope you're all enjoying this wonderful weather! Mother Nature needs to decide if it's spring or summer. Well, if you haven't had a chance to get out and ride in between the rain and cold you've missed out on some wonderful days. And just in case you need a reason to get out and ride, you have to look no further than the calendar in this newsletter. Between the local MC's and our chapter activities there is no excuse for not getting out and riding like there's no tomorrow. Speaking of chapter activities, we had a sponsor run and FREE hog roast on 4/29. To say the very least, I was disappointed with the turnout. I would have thought that with the offer of free food we would have had at least half the chapter show up. Well, at least the dozen who showed up had a great time and the food was awesome. I understand that people today lead very busy lives and have little time for anything beyond work and family. And believe me, I put family before anything else, including ABATE. But we also have to do a balancing act to take care of the things that are near and dear to us. I know that every one of you like riding or you wouldn't be a member of ABATE. Whether you ever come to a meeting or chapter event, just by being a member you are supporting ABATE. I hope you know we all appreciate each and every one of you! But there is so much more to it and getting involved is easy, lot's of fun and very rewarding. If every member reading this made a point to mark their calendar and come to just one meeting and one chapter event this year, we would double if not triple our attendance. All I'm asking for is just ONE meeting and ONE chapter event for the entire year. Our monthly meetings average 1 1/2 2 hours and an event will average 4 hours. There are 8760 hours in a year and we're only asking for 6 hours of your time! You might even enjoy yourself and come back for more. OK, I'm sure that some of you have been to meetings and activities in the past and left with a bad taste in your mouth for whatever reason. Well, I challenge each and every one of you to call me and let me know how you feel or why you have that bad taste. I will do everything that I possibly can to correct the situation. I'm serious about My phone # is 217/741-4379. this challenge and look forward to your calls. Just remember folks, You have only the rights you are willing to fight for! I believe that freedom of the road is worth fighting for. How about you? Pacman NEW MEMBERS ~ WELCOME! (Since Apr 19 to May 9th) CARMICHAEL, MIKE CREDILLE, MICHAEL EVANS, ROBERT GRIFFIN, DANIEL HUGHES, LINETTE JONES, ANGELA LAMAR, JASON LANGFORD, JANET LANGFORD, MIKE PRICE, JOHN SMITH, CARLA SMITH, TIM WOODS, NETTIE ZURKAMMER, WENDY 39th Annual Chatham Sweetcorn Festival July 20 & 21, 2012 Chatham Community Park Food Items Sweet Corn Grilled Corn (in shuck) Brats Hot Dogs Hamburgers Pork Burgers BBQ Pork Pork Chops Chicken Breasts Ribeyes Ahoy! Welcome to the Pirate Bar at the Chatham Jaycees Sweet Corn Festival . Our friendly staff is here to serve you. Please browse our adult beverage menu, at: ENTERTAINMENT AND ACTIVITY SCHEDULE AT: www. Click on “Sweetcorn Festival” Drink Items Pepsi Products Miller Beer Products Water Vodka Lemonade Pirate Rum Punch Red Stag Chill Mike's Hard Lemonade Mike's Hard Cranberry L'ade Wine (Red, White, White Zin) Pucker Shooters Bacardi Bombs Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Long Branch Tavern 110 N. Main St ~ Athens, IL (IL Rte 29 North to Athens) ~ ~ BIKE SHOW ~ ~ (Check in Starts at 1:00 p.m.) SUPPORT! ~ $5 Optional Donation at the Door ~ (Gets you a can coolie & Door Prize Ticket!) Thanks to These Business Sponsors: Sprinklawn (217) 544-9200 ~ Ramsey Grain The Keg Tavern ~ Appliance Information & Repair (217) 698-8858 Chapman Stone & Marble ~The Village Tap/Riverton Flyer Printing: Blue Moon Pub & Grill, Dawson, IL (217) 364-4546 RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG AVAILABLE FOR POKER RUNS OPEN 7 DAYS COLD BEER PIZZA SODA SANDWICHES SPAMMY’S TAVERN THE VILLAGE TAP 1041 East Stanford Riverton, IL (217) 629-9120 (217) 523-9073 $10 Buckets Everyday 1:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday Open 11 a.m. Closed Sundays Bikers Welcome/Shuffleboard North Peoria Rd at 11th Street (217) 523-2346 POKER RUNS WELCOME NEW MANAGEMENT !! Games ~ Food Trailer in Back Sundays ~ Homemade Food Sundays: 16 oz cans $1.50 ~ Coldest Beer in Town ~ NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR Bobbi Ozanic The American Harley Express members have received tragic news 2 times, not in a week, but in a matter of a day or two this week. Their member Lee “Big Lee” Edwards was killed in a motorcycle accident. The wife of their member Rod Rademaker also passed away unexpectedly this week. Very special condolences to their members and families. By the time this comes out we will have the arrangements from the obituary. Speaking as a member, the April 29th hog roast was virtually ignored by the chapter, for whatever reason. It was raining that Sunday which means there’s nothing to do around the house, where better to spend a rainy day but visiting with friends in a bar over some free food. We were sorry to see that turnout, and sorry for the bar who thought Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. was a ticket to a good day of business. How embarrassing for this chapter! But by the Grace of God we redeemed ourselves at our own party on May 5th for the Awareness Rally weekend. 1) We had a spectacular day planned in entertainment and 2) The word is spreading to other chapters and to the E-BOD of ABATE-IL. It was successful financially, but more important than money in the bank, it means that the chapter had overwhelming support and involvement. That, my friends, is as they say “PRICELESS” ! Thank to EVERYONE who helped! We were sorry Mama O couldn’t be here, she says Hi! Love you! Bobbi LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates Secretary/Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic Treasurer’s Report: The May 5th Awareness Rally Pre-Party was a huge success from a financial position. As Alice said, were able to put over $700 in the checking account. Nothing is more important than members: We are very happy about the involvement from all over the state. We had partiers, many probably non-members from Springfield, as well. Secretary’s Report: We have two members who are becoming really active and even say how excited they are about ABATE ! Thank you to Ken Seaton and Angie Patrick for all they are already doing, what with selling Downed Riders tickets like crazy! But not only that, Angie is interested in the position of chapter Secretary, and that would be a great thing because more officers means more ideas, input, suggestions and overall help! And it means that we can fill in for each other at meetings when one cannot attend. Thank you Angie! Thank you, Bobbi 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $10 per issue Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] (217) 836-3336 Payments due before the ad is published. Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bruce Liebe (217) 652-8609 [email protected] The KEG 11th & Ash ~ Springfield (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Monday’s Miller Products $1.50 Drink Specials Daily Pool ~ Free WiFi ~ Shuffleboard BUY 1 GET 1 FREE with this Coupon DOCKER’S RTE 54 in Spaulding, IL Wednesday & Saturdays $1 Bottles/Cans Thursdays ~ 4 for $6 Miller Lite/Coors Light * POKER RUNS WELCOME * Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard LONGBRANCH TAVERN ~ COLDEST BEER IN MENARD COUNTY! ~ Legislative Coordinator George Tinkham (217) 753-2737 [email protected] Safety & Education Coordinator Lightpole [email protected] On Main Street ~ Athens, Illinois Secretary/Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Activities/PR Coordinator Alice Furlow (1217) 638-3914 [email protected] ~BLOCK PARTY ~ 15 years in 2012 ~ AUG 24 AND AUG 25 (Poker Run Sat!) Vice President Phil “Pacman” Cornell (217) 741-4379 [email protected] Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ENDRES TAVERN 1047 East Stanford Avenue, Springfield, IL (217) 523-1123 Hours: 3 pm to 1am Mon to Sat Pinball ~~ Shuffleboard Game Daily Drink Specials, Too! Proud A.B.A.T.E. Supporter “Go Green” We have two (2) options available: 1) This newsletter in your “Mailbox”. 2) This newsletter in your “Inbox”. Which do you prefer? If you want to get rid of the paper copy and only view the newsletter on our website, email Newsletter Coordinator: [email protected]. Please be sure to include your regular mailing address [on your mailing label]! Products Coordinator Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 [email protected] Membership Coordinator Tim “Go-Go” Gosteli (217) 220-0616 [email protected] Newsletter Coordinator Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Sergeants-at-Arms (4) Dan Ellenburg Pat Achas Stacey Furlow George Hurst Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Vice Chairman: Stacey Furlow Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD, IL PERMIT NO. 569 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED MAY 2012 Downed Riders Benefit “DRB” Committee Anything you need to accomplish these tasks or to-do items: [get you your tickets to sell, help you pick up donations, store donations, anything at all] contact anyone on the DRB Committee: the list is inside this newsletter on the “Donation Request Letter”. We need you to print, make copies and use that letter when collecting any cash donation or auction item. Please! Very important…. Every single item collected must be recorded to give recognition and receipts. Thank you all for your help and support this year! Sincerely, DRB Committee
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