JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015
JULY 2015 Proudly Supporting A.B.A.T.E. ~~For non-routine activities on the calendar, and other upcoming events, look inside for flyers or notices with more details ~~ JULY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 6 7 8 Fri 3 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 5 AUGUST 2015 9 13 14 15 VIR Mtg 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 10 19 20 21 22 16 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m 23 Sun Mon Tue Wed 27 Downed Riders Benefit! ATHENS 28 29 30 Fri Sat 1 11 ABATE-IL E-BOD / BOD No Mtgs !! —LLABATE @ Dockers !! 17 18 PeaceSJMC Keepers Ride Ride See Flyer See Flyer 24 25 2 3 4 5 31 6 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 14 15 ABATE-IL E-BOD/BOD 1 pm UIS 16 17 18 19 Vintage Iron Riders 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 26 Thu NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY DRB Committee Meeting @ 6:30 VFW 12 Sat 4 23 24 30 31 25 26 20 21 22 28 29 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. 27 To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bobbi Ozanic Our first attempt at a new summer party is in the rearview mirror. Thank you to Docker’s for all of their support. . I hope we had a good time with nice weather. Children of the Corn chapter had their ride the same day, and Sherry their activities sister called and invited us to come along. Hope we had takers! We are looking forward to being certified in CPR/First Aid by our member and first responder, Dellann Stutsman. This is on Sunday, July 19th at the Northenders VFW starting at 10a.m. and lunch is included. See Flyer on the Front Cover! Keeping it short to get the newsletter done. It is Monday July 6th and I should have had it to the printers. I’m curious to know when folks are in receipt because I have been getting it done by Tuesday and its not getting to me for 10 days the last few months. If you know MS Publisher or any other program for creating publications, take over the newsletter ! See you at the meeting! VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT George Hurst The second state party in Petersburg has come and gone. It was a wet, messy, good time. I think our chapter had less members there this year than last. I don’t know if it was the weather or the cost that kept you away. The state party and bike raffle is how A.B.A.T.E. makes the money to fight for motorcyclists rights. Help A.B.A.T.E. fight for your rights and sell or buy some tickets. If the membership doesn’t support the organization it might disappear. Where will our rights go then. Ride Free ~ George Bobbi Ozanic, President ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR Alice Furlow Hi everyone, Check out all of the flyers ! Thank You to everyone for volunteering at the state party! Alice/bso Legislative Coordinator Josh “SKI” Witkowski (217) 816-2646 [email protected] Cheers Lounge 2323 N. 15th Video Poker, Pool Table & Juke Box Drink Specials RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG Welcome ALL Poker Runs & Bikers OPEN 7 DAYS Come Ride the Buffalo ~ Mon., Wed., Fri.: $1.50 Beers ~ Tue.: $2 Well Drinks ~ ~ Thursday: $3 Three Olives ~ ~ Saturday: $2.50 Fireball & $3.50 McGillicudy Bombs ~ ~ Sunday: $9 Buckets & Bloody Mary Bar ~ Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Daily PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Lynn Steinmetz BUY PRODUCTS @ CHAPTER MEETINGS! SAFETY & ED COORDINATOR George Hurst July is here already, our CPR class is the 19th of the month. With all the rain and flooding the deer are on the move a lot so watch for them. I’ve run across a few freshly oiled roads. Be aware of the rock buildup at intersections and curves. Remember to look for them because they’re not looking for us. Promote Motorcycle Awareness ~ George “The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, and it will defend itself.” -St. Augustine of Hippo Downed Riders Benefit By: George Hurst, Chairman The benefit is almost here, we’re still looking for auction and raffle items. We’ve had some members step up to sell tickets, but we’re still behind in sales. This benefit is for our members, that’s where the money goes. In the past the majority of our membership doesn’t come to the benefit. If you’re one of those members, you could still help your chapter by buying some raffle trickets. You or someone you know might need help someday. Support your benefit ~ George WOW Did we have a nice ride at the ABATE State Party a few weeks back when Lincoln Land led the ride to Havana and back. If you weren’t there, you missed a FUN and MUDDY mess of a party—it was a great time!! AND a FEW of the 600+ Lincoln Land members got to work as soon as they got there [and before] & dug right in to ALL of the good bad and ugly work that was needed all weekend …. George Hurst Chuck Harris Mark Werries Dave Wilson Stacey Furlow Howard Peppers Jeremy Loyd Rob Pollard Howard L. Nation, Jr. Bobbi Ozanic Alice Furlow Dave Barnett Zach Wilson Thank you all very much !! MEMBERSHIP REPORT Paula “Pi” Allen Membership Report as of July 6, 2015 Number of members due each month: July: 18 June: 81 May: 30 Active: 624 Inactive: 1857 3 New Members Since 6/17/2015 MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN AUGUST 2015 ANTONACCI, DAVE ANTONACCI, DEB BAILEY, CALLIE A. CASTELON, PETE COLLINS, RALPH E. CROFT, TOM EASLEY, JEREMIAH ECK, AARON ECK, JR, JIM GEAREY, KATHIE GUSTAFSON, ALESHIA GUSTAFSON, DAN LEACH, LARRY LEACH, ROGER MARCUM, KEN "Skinny" MUSCH, CRAIG NEAL, JOHN A. PEHLMAN, ED REBBE, CHRIS ROBERTS, STEVEN SCHMITGEN, RICK SMITH, RHONDA B. STAMBAUGH, JIM STAMBAUGH, SHIELA K. WALBERT, JR., ROBERT L. WEBB, RACHEL WILLIS, BILL MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JULY 2015 BUCKLES, BOB BUCKLES, LINDA DiPASQUALE, BRANDON DiPASQUALE, STEPHANIE EASLEY, COLLEEN FREESMEYER, DENNIS "HOPPER" HANSEN, CINDY HANSEN, PHILLIP HEISSINGER, ROB MAURER, DANA MAURER, GRACE SWEENEY MIKEWORTH, TINA McGILL, RAY PATTON, RICHARD SAUSAMAN, GERALD "BUCK' SCHMIDGALL, KATY Welcome ~ 3 ~ New Members! See you at the meeting … MIZE, MICHAEL BRITTON, DAVE BOTTRELL, ANGELA MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JUNE 2015 ANDERS, ROBERT BALOGH, CHARLENE BARRETT, ROBERT BARTLEY, JOE BOOS, MICHAEL E. BROSAMER, SHALLON BROWN, DON BROWN, VICKY BURTON, DEE BURTON, ROBERT COLE, CARY COLLINS, LEON D. COSTA, JASON DALBY, LARRY W. DUNHAM, JO DUNHAM, MIKE DUNN, REBECCA EASLEY, RANDY EDWARDS, BOB ELLIOTT, JIM FANALE, NICK FARLEY, TIM FISH, TOM GRAHAM, BETTY J. GRAHAM, JAMES P. HALE, CHERIE HALL, STAN HERGENROTHER, MARK A. JOHNSON, ROBERT KARBEAN, MARSHA LEMME, JR LIST, WALLY LOFTON, KIM LOFTON, STEWART LONG, BRAD LUTTRELL, DONALD MARCH, JARED MERRELL, STEVE MILKINT, MATT MONROE, CAROLINE MONROE, JIM MOSER, SABRINA NALL, STACEY PHILLIPS, JR., JOSEPH E. PINE, KELLY A. PINE III, JOHN R. QUIGLEY, MATTHEW A. RIDER, LOKI ROTH, MARK SCHMOCK, KIM SCROGGINS, DONALD R. SHERREN, RAYMOND C. SKAGGS, TOBY SMITH, STEVEN R. SNEDIGAR, IRENE TOWNSEND SNEDIGAR, TONY SNOW, TODD C. SOLDWEDEL, LIZ WILLIS SOLDWEDEL, REED SPAULDING, FRANK E. SPAULDING, PHRONSIE L. WALSH, MARCIA WATKINS, KAREN WATKINS, MIKE WITKOWSKI, JOSHUA WOODRINE, MATTHEW WOODWARD, CARL Chapter’s 20 x 40 Pole Tent Tent Coordinator For the chapter’s tent, setup, rental …. Howard L. Nation, Jr. [email protected] (217) 341-6483 HARLEY RIDERS Old Route 36 ~ Riverton (217) 725-4794 Sunday ~ Food …. 3 Drink Chips $5 Free Pool ~ Horseshoes ~ Bags Wooded Backyard Visit our website at: http://www.abate-il.org/lincolnland MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph Brothers & Sisters, It’s July already. Our riding season is well underway and I hope you are all able to get some riding in between the raindrops. Kat & I are doing our best to put some miles under our belts. It seems as though everywhere we go, I am able to hand out an ABATE application along the way. That’s what I would like to see all of you do as well. Pick up a handful of applications and distribute them to those who need our protection of their rights, and we need them to help support our cause, which is our motorcycling rights too. That is what we are all about. The partying and good times together is just a perk, we ARE a legislative group keeping our lawmakers in check and holding on to every right we can. Also we need to have more members make time for our monthly meetings. PLEASE get on the phone and invite someone who hasn’t been to a meeting for a while and all of you show up and make the next meeting. As we have all been saying for years and years, Just sign up one member and we will double our membership. I am totally amazed at the number of riders out there that are not, and have not been members of ABATE. Seriously, if you ride a motorcycle, you should be an ABATE member, because without us you would be setting at a red light forever because it wouldn’t change with no accent lighting so you can be seen from the side on a new bike that you “HAD” to buy so it could burn E-15 fuel while wearing a helmet in 100 degree weather and that’s if your government said you could. Without ABATE this could seriously be where we would be today. Think about this, once we are gone, the younger generation is going to be riding What, When, Where and How the government will allow you to ride. All because we “ARE” a dying breed. Do you want this for your kids or grandkids? If not, you all better be trying to recruit new members because we are all getting older with nobody to replace the current membership. Find a biker that needs us. Find a long lost member to bring with you. Invite a friend or neighbor, but bring someone into our fold and bring them to a meeting. Make someone a Brother or Sister to you and ABATE. We need them and whether they believe it or not, they need us. HINT: While you are out and about, Look for anyone with a biker T-shirt and ask them if they are an ABATE member. If they are, thank them for their continued support. If not, at the very least hand them a membership application. If you have the gift of gab, fill them in on what we do for the riding community and the local community as a whole. THIS IS MY FAVORITE AND MOST SUCCESSFUL SENTENCE TO SIGN MEMBERS UP: Remember, only 2% of everyone who rides is an ABATE member, and that 2% fights the fight for 100% of those who ride. To put all of this in perspective for all of you: ABATE is approximately 9,000 strong! How many motorcycles do you think are in Springfield and within the Lincoln Land Chapter area? A hell of a lot more than 9,000 and that’s just our area. We all need to get out there and spread the word folks. Everyone! A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education. Let’s educate them about us, ABATE and what we stand for!!! Just think what riding would be like without ABATE. Ride safe everyone. Rudedog, Membership Coordinator LONGBRANCH TAVERN Main Street ~ Athens, IL LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1 PM TO 9 PM ~ A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor & Member ~ 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue ($180/year) Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $130 for a full year/12 issues 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Host of the Annual Downed Rider Benefit Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 ~ Video Gaming is Here ~ OPEN SUNDAYS 4136 N. Peoria Rd. 217-528-3337 Contact: Bobbi Ozanic [email protected] (217) 836-3336 Open 7 Days a Week Mon - Fri: 10:00a - 1:00a Sat & Sun 9:00a - 1:00a VIDEO GAMING and AMAZING FOOD (Payments due before the ad is published) Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Need a Sound System? Contact: Mark Werries (217) 638-4247 [email protected] A.B.A.T.E. Member JD’s Cues & Brews 2256 N. Grand Ave. East ~ Spfld, IL Pool Leagues - Men’s & Women’s Darts - Men’s & Women’s Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 6 days a week, & Noon to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday Pool Tournament Every Saturday & Sunday Call us at 217-523-6996 for details Motorcycles Welcome! DOCKERS TAVERN Rte 54 in Spaulding, IL Saturdays: $1 Bottles/Cans Wednesdays: $1.50 Bottles/Cans Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ~ POKER RUNS WELCOME ~ Volleyball, Check it out !! Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard Vice President George Hurst ~ See Safety & Ed Secretary Barb Leach (217) 502-2608 [email protected] Legislative Coordinator Josh “Ski” Witkowski (217) 816-2646 [email protected] Activities Coordinator Alice Furlow (217) 638-3914 [email protected] Public Relations Coordinator Tim Henson (217) 836-8570 [email protected] Safety & Education Coordinator George Hurst (217) 306-1944 [email protected] Products Coordinator Lynn Steinmetz [email protected] (217) 691-3840 Membership Coordinator Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph (217) 622-9275 [email protected] Co-Membership Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 [email protected] Dude’s Saloon ~ Under New Management ~ 11th & Ash ~ Springfield 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daily Drink Specials Daily Noon to 1:00 a.m. Sunday 2nd Drink Free with this Ad $7.50 Bucket Wednesdays Pool/Free WiFi /Darts VIDEO GAMING The KEG (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Newsletter Coordinator Open ~ And it hasn’t been puttin’ itself together in 2015 ~ Whatya gonna do about it? Mama O says: “Get Involved” ~ Bobbi O Sergeants-at-Arms (2) Stacey Furlow Dellann Stutsman Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A special “Thank You” to our local Dealerships, Accessory shops and Businesses For their support of Lincoln Land ABATE’s 2015 Membership Initiative. Remember to frequent these establishments and support their businesses. Motorcycle Dealerships Hall’s Cycle-------------------217-789-0107 Hall’s Harley Davidson----217-528-8356 RTD Motor Sports-----------217-528-5859 Overturf Powersports-------217-544-0126 M/C Shops & Accessories Capitol City Motorsports--217-679-1358 Knucklehead’s---------------217-789-1488 Pam’s Jailhouse-------------217-744-7267 Pony Keg Leather-----------217-544-3774 Lou’s Cycle Service---------217-438-6043 Hall’s H-D has a link to our website at http://www.hallsh-d.com/community-and-weather--links A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 ~ Lincoln Land Chapter Newsletter ~ Published Monthly~ Issue #7 - July 2015 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CPR/First Aid Class Provided through the Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. chapter Sunday, July 19th 10am [8 hr class] Northenders VFW, Stockyard Rd, Spfld Cost to Member: Just $25 Includes certification, trauma pack and lunch We would like to hear from you at, or even better, before the July chapter meeting if you want to attend ! Call or text our Safety and Ed Coordinator, George Hurst 217/306-1944
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