September - ABATE of Illinois
SEPT 2012 ~~For all activities on the calendar, look inside the newsletter for flyers, and other events ~~ September 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu October 2012 Fri Sat Sun 1 Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:00 pm Northend VFW 2 3 4 5 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:00 pm Northend VFW THE SPFLD MILE! 9 6 10 11 12 13 7 8 23 25 24 30 19 20 14 21 Vintage Iron Lincoln Land Riders Chapter Mtg Mtg 7pm Northend @ Rte 66 VFW Hotel Stockyard Rd South 6th St 7:00 p.m. Midstate ABATE Chapter Party Taylorville 26 28 27 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 6 SJMC Fall Run 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vintage Iron Lincoln Land Riders Chapter Mtg Mtg 7pm Northend @ Rte 66 VFW Hotel Stockyard Rd South 6th St 7:00 p.m. BOD @10:30 Decatur 18 5 Sat Newsletter Firefighter Articles Run Due Contribute Something! ABATE-IL 16 17 SPFLD MILE RAIN DATE! Fri 22 ISMC Fall River Run 29 22 21 LLA 23 24 29 @10:30 Spfld/UIS 26 27 SJMC Halloween Party —— ISMC Halloween Party Toy Run Contact Ministries 28 25 ABATE-IL BOD/ EBOD 30 31 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS NOV 4TH To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bruce Liebe This year seems to have gone by at record speed. It's hard to imagine fall is just around the corner. I'm not looking toward what follows fall, but these somewhat cooler temperatures have been nice, not to mention a little rain as well. ABATE has been invited to be part of a committee that IDOT is chairing to take an in depth look at the causes of fatal motorcycle crashes. Mike Myers will be a part of this endeavor which will look at police, medical, and coroner's reports. The intention is to determine the actual reason(s) for the crashes in the hopes of identifying methods of awareness and prevention. Once the study is complete, it will be published. The study seeks to identify root causes and will not conclude with a simple "wear a helmet and bright colors" style of message. At the state board meeting, it was brought out that IDNR wants to initiate a registration program for off highway vehicles to the tune of $45 apiece. This would be similar to what is required of snowmobiles and boats. This move has been prompted by substantial cuts in IDNR's budget and the legislation is proposed as a means of keeping the agency afloat. The registration fee would not apply to your OHV's on your property. If you ride them elsewhere, such as a friend's property, you're subject to the registration process. This measure was in the formative stage so it's best to keep tabs on its current status. The state party will be in Marseilles again next year, and it looks that 2014 will potentially be held at the Menard County Fairgrounds. This is an option that is being seriously considered, so chances are good we will have the state party in our backyard. This will require some assistance from LLC should this occur. The state seminar will be held at the Northfield Inn, and the dates are January 18-20, 2013. Heartland Steam will be March 22-24, 2013, and will be held in either the Peoria or Bloomington area. Enjoy the great riding weather and be careful of the potential hazards that accompany this time of year. Harvest has already been going full swing due to the effects of the drought. Watch for farm machinery and be patient when you get behind these vehicles. Combines and tractors/wagons have a lot of blind spots that can hide you from the operator. Further, they may turn where you don't expect them to turn, such as into a field entrance as opposed to an intersection or driveway. Take your time and get to where you're going safely. Ride Safe! Bruce RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG AVAILABLE FOR POKER RUNS OPEN 7 DAYS COLD BEER PIZZA SODA SANDWICHES LEGISLATIVECOORDINATOR George Tinkham ACTIVITIES / PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR [By: Steve Lindsey] Due to the fact the George Tinkham is out of town because of an illness in his family, he asked if I would pass along some information about the current political races. It appears the Sam McCann is currently running unopposed. George, Lance Gilbert, Pacman and I attended his election headquarters grand opening and did some work for him in the primary, which he won handily. He has been a friend of and supporter of A.B.A.T.E. and motorcyclist’s rights. It would be a good thing to let him know that we support him whenever and however we can. Along the same lines, Aaron Schock and Bob Schilling are running for reelection this fall. They have both been very good supporters of motorcyclists right and deserve our support and as much help with their campaigns as we can give them. Although none of us really enjoy doing campaign work for our political friends with their campaigns, it is the least expensive help we can give them in return for their supporting us. It also lets everyone know just how strong our organization really is. A few hours of putting out campaign signs, working a phone bank or walking precincts passing out candidates literature is something we can do that they seem to appreciate the most. I am sure that George will let us know when the candidates ask for or need our help. It would be great if as many of you as possible would step up to give a few hours helping with the political process that we depend on to preserve our motorcyclist’s rights. Ole’ Lindsey SEE THE VOTER’S GUIDE ELSEWHERE IN NEWSLETTER! CONGRATULATIONS! 2012 STATE BIKE RAFFLE WINNERS! Thank you to all of our Lincoln Land members who sold tickets for our chapter. You are appreciated! HERE ARE THE WINNERS 2012 HD Fat Boy - Roger Fisher, DuQuoin IL Yamaha Grizzly - Laura Newingham, Oreana IL Dirt Bike R50 - Gordon Grunder, Monroe WI $400 - Troy Wilson, Galesburg IL $300 - Jerri Harmon, Batavia IL $200 - Barry Dent, Mt. Vernon IL $100 - Ryan Piliponis, Rockford IL 5 yr membership - Steve Borta, Sesser IL Hi everyone, TOY RUN TO CONTACT MINISTRIES Our annual Toy Run to Contact Ministries will be Sunday October 21st at 1pm. We will meet at our usual place, Kmart parking lot on Clearlake, starting at noon. We will pull out of there at 12:45 and arrive at Contact Ministries at 1pm. Please be reminded there will be no police escort, so all traffic laws and signals need to be followed and we will all arrive safely and start the proceedings when everyone arrives! FALL CHAPTER PARTY I don’t have any concrete information to pass along on this yet, but I’m still hashing around some ideas. Watch the newsletter and come to chapter meetings for any updates. THANKSGIVING DINNER AT KUMLER CHURCH SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2012 This may be a little ways out, but will be here before we know it. It’s never too early to start planning ahead and maybe start asking any businesses that you visit if they would like to donate anything to our dinner. The turkeys are always the biggest item and as many as we can get donated the better! That’s all for now, hope to see you all soon and get out there and ride in this beautiful weather!! Alice Membership Report Paula “Pi” Allen WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! As of September 7, 2012 Active: Inactive: 639 1561 Due Oct: Due Sept: Due Aug: Due July: 28 23 35 17 ENGELBRECHT, TIM GAYDOSH, JAY McKNELLY, DAVID New Members Since 8/15/12: THREE (3) MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN OCTOBER 2012 BLAISE, ROBERT BLATTNER, RICHARD BOMKE, LARRY BUNN, JACOB BUNN, LORRIE CARRICK, JAMES CLYBURN, GREG DOOLEY, JOE DOOLEY, NANCY HAPKE-BINGHAM, XANNA HARRIS, FRANK HELFRICH, JERRY HOSKINSON, JAMES HOWIE, MICHAEL JACKSON, ANDY JONES, NIKKI LOFTON, STEWART RICHARDSON, CLYDE RICHARDSON, VICKI SCHAFER, DEAN SHELTON, DUG SHELTON, RENE SHIMKUS, JOHN UBER, JEFFREY WEASE, FRANK MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN SEPTEMBER 2012 DIXON, WAYNE FAULKNER, BETH FAULKNER, TODD FREESMEYER, DENNIS GORMAN, JOSEPH GORMAN, TAMMY HUNT, DON HUNT, JENNIFER JASKCON, PAM LaBONTE, MIKE MASTERSON, BARBIE MASTERSON, BAT MIKYSKA, CARL MORICONI, PAUL ROGERS, JOANIE SCHAIVE, CHAD SCHMULBACH, FRED SCHMULBACH, JANET SMITH, LORI STEWART, JOHN WORKMAN, SCOTT WORKMAN, SHANNON WRIGHT, GEORGE MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN AUGUST 2012 CROFT, SARAH CROFT, JR., TOMMY DARNELL, ERIC DAVIS, JAMES DYER, BEN ECK, AARON ECK, JR, JIM FAHS, JAY GOWDY, CAROL GOWDY, LARRY HEATHER, JOSHUA HUGHES, ADAM JOHNSON, ROBERT KOCHMAN, BILL KOEHNE, BRIAN LANCASTER, MARTICA LEINBERGER, JAMES LYKINS, BOBBI LYKINS, RANDY MOORE, STACI McCANN, SAM McLEMORE, HEATHER REECE, SUE RICHARDSON, KENNETH RICHARDSON, SAMANTHA ROTH, LENORE RYAN-PRATT, MARGIE SCHMITGEN, RICK SEIZ-DAVIS, DIANE SMITH, RHONDA THOMPSON, JULIE THOMPSON, RICK WILSON, ZACHARY MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JULY 2012 BLANKENSHIP, CHUCK BUCKLES, LINDA CADDICK, SKIP COLE, CARY COPELAND, MICHAEL FILES, JAMES FILES, SANDY FILES, TOM HAMILTON, DENNY HEATON, DOUG KIESOW, DAVE KIESOW, TOMMRA LONG, JAY NICHOLS, MIKE REEVES, JOHNATHAN SHAFFER, TRISHA WRIGHT, DAN ABATE Membership Applications Credit/Debit cards ARE an acceptable form of payment for membership dues! We changed our local applications several years ago but now it has been recognized that this small bookkeeping item could be a deal-breaker for someone considering a new application. “I have no cash”.. Means no problem! On our yellow local applications, until we order more, look at the application printed on Page 16 in this newsletter for the information we need. Include the 3digit from the back of the card, just in case. What happens then, is that the state office processes the payment, then returns to the chapter our fair share of the dues in the form of a credit. Get out there and get credit card new members !! It’s not too late! Send to the P.O. Box [ YOUR NAME HERE!] NEW: James & Sandra Farris Coy & Susan Squires, Memorial: “To all of our military members that have gave the ultimate sacrifice, (their lives) to protect our Freedom”. Amen! Rex Jaronski Misty Hagstrom Jacob Bunn Steve Constant James M. File Mike Vujovich Riverton Harley Riders Mary Jo Davies Linda Constant Doug Crocker Sam & Marilyn Haycraft Ken & Pat Zuhlke Leather N’ Lace M/C (Dellann Stutsman) Ed Hofferkamp William & Karel Howard Adam & Linette Hughes George Hurst Robert Johnson Ralph Kress Steve & Doris Lindsey Ken Lowe (K&L Equipment & Mechanical) Kevin Marcum—Frontline Express Outlaws, M/C Jenny “MamaO” Ozanic The Pony Keg, Cary & Marty Williams Shake n’ Bake and Lori Ann Richards Clyde & Vicki Richardson Jacques Roberts & Sissie Byron Shryock Steel Justice, M/C Two Stroke ~ SJMC Robert Wilson, Sr. Pat Yeates (2) Anonymous, Feb Chapter Mtg PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Hod Rod 1%er We printed the products inventory for the chapter and Downed Riders Benefit. Look at the lists and see what you want to order. We need a few more orders to put in a 3rd order for these polo shirts. The polo is black and the embroidery is gold, and the cost is $25. Call or email me if you want to purchase a polo shirt, or if you want or need any product outside of the chapter meetings or events from the inventory list. Hod Rod 1%er Email: [email protected] (217) 341-6483 PRODUCTS COORDINATOR: Hod Rod 1%er The current inventory for the chapter and the Downed Riders Benefit is printed here. Call or email me if you want to purchase any product outside of the chapter meetings or events. It is time we come up with something new, so new products coming soon. Hod Rod 1%er, email: [email protected], (217) 341-6483 ™ ABOVE: Bubba Shobert 3 time AMA Grand National Champion and Superbike Champ receiving an award from class of 79 for most accurate drive at the Saddlemen first annual Class of 79 charity Golf classic. ABOVE: Chas [Charlie Roberts], Steve Luparell, Liz Willis, Auctioning off a signed lithograph of AMA 9 time Grand National Champion Scott Parker! RIGHT: Grand National Champion Jake Johnson with award for Winning the "B" Flight. Jason Griffin Signing Autographs at Boone's ! ABOVE: Tommy Duma National Number 26 awarding Tony Reese a Tisso Sport Race watch and trophy for Closest to the pin. Congrats Tony ! A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois 2012 Voter's Guide All candidates have been graded on a scale A+ to F; NR means Not Rated; (i) means incumbent. Names in Bold Print are endorsed by ABATE PAC. ~ILLINOIS SENATOR~ 44th SENATE R - BILL BRADY - Score "A" 47TH SENATE D - JOHN SULLIVAN (i) - Score "A" R - RANDY FRESE - Score "B" 48TH SENATE D - ANDY MANAR - Score "B" R - MIKE McELROY - Score "B" 50TH SENATE R - WILLIAM McCANN - Score "A" Con - BOB GRAY - Score "NR" 51ST SENATE R - CHAPIN ROSE - Score "A" ~ILLINOIS HOUSE~ 87TH REPRESENTATIVE R - RICH BRAUER (i) - Score "A" 93RD REPRESENTATIVE R - NORINE HAMMOND - Score "A-" STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS WEBSITE... District Boundaries: Click on the map, and if needed allow it to install a small app to run the map, Microsoft Silverlight. Close and reopen the website for it to display map correctly. On the Legend, on the right, uncheck all but any one of the choices to ‘clean up’ the map of too many boundary line colors… You still get the list on the left of all 3 districts. Or, uncheck one at a time to clearly see each district’s new boundaries. Happy Voting! 94TH REPRESENTATIVE R - JIL TRACY - Score "A" 95TH REPRESENTATIVE D - BRAD GILLESPIE - Score "C-" R - WAYNE ROSENTHAL - Score "A" 96TH REPRESENTATIVE D - SUE SCHERER - Score "C" R - DENNIS SHACKELFORD - Score "C-" 99TH REPRESENTATIVE R - RAYMOND POE (i) - Score "A" 100TH REPRESENTATIVE R - JIM WATSON (i) - Score "A+" 101ST REPRESENTATIVE R - BILL MITCHELL - Score "A" 102ND REPRESENTATIVE R - ADAM BROWN - Score "A-" All races are graded, endorsement awarded and preceding pages paid for by ABATE P.A.C. A copy of our report, filed with the State Board of Election is (or will be) available on the Board's website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Election, Springfield, Illinois. MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Vacant—Consider volunteering for this position Job Description: Hardly any computer work or experience needed! We have Pi (Paula Allen) who maintains our official database of active and inactive members. The membership coordinator works with Pi and the Treasurer when membership applications need to be sent to the state office, that’s it! The rest is if you are a person who wants to talk about and promote the organization and find ways to get new members. And keep track of attendance at the meetings. That’s it… get new members, get expired ones to renew, and always spread the good news and work of A.B.A.T.E.! {Duties are listed in the by-laws, but this is the long and the short of it all}. SPAMMY’S TAVERN THE VILLAGE TAP 1041 East Stanford Riverton, IL (217) 629-9120 (217) 523-9073 $10 Buckets Everyday 1:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Saturday Open 11 a.m. Closed Sundays Bikers Welcome/Shuffleboard North Peoria Rd at 11th Street (217) 523-2346 POKER RUNS WELCOME NEW MANAGEMENT !! Games ~ Food Trailer in Back Sundays ~ Homemade Food Sundays: 16 oz cans $1.50 ~ Coldest Beer in Town ~ NEWSLETTER COORDINATOR Bobbi Ozanic Check out everything in the newsletter, we have a lot of flyers and new advertisers. Thank you to Steve Luparell at Boone’ Saloon, together with the Class of ‘79 Charity Golf Outing to support the fund “Aid to Injured Riders” !! He advertised his event in the newsletter and supported our Downed Riders Benefit, as well. Doing some research, to find the new district maps for voting, came up with a good website, maybe it’s news to no one but myself, but it is: and the map is cool and easy to use. Thank you for all everyone is doing to support the cause. Bobbi LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $10 per issue Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 Newsletter Coordinator [email protected] (217) 836-3336 Payments due before the ad is published. OFFICER’S ELECTIONS “NEXT YEAR” IS AROUND THE CORNER IT’S TIME TO TAKE ACTION NOMINATIONS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER EVERY MEMBER OF THIS CHAPTER [WHO IS ABLE] SHOULD VOLUNTEER “IN SOME FASHION” …. AT SOME POINT IN EACH CALENDAR YEAR • • PICK YOUR FAVORITE EVENT OR PICK AN OFFICERS POSITION Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bruce Liebe (217) 652-8609 [email protected] The KEG 11th & Ash ~ Springfield (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Monday’s Miller Products $1.50 Drink Specials Daily Pool ~ Free WiFi ~ Shuffleboard BUY 1 GET 1 FREE with this Coupon DOCKER’S RTE 54 in Spaulding, IL Wednesday & Saturdays $1 Bottles/Cans Thursdays ~ 4 for $6 Miller Lite/Coors Light * POKER RUNS WELCOME * Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard Secretary Angie Patrick (217) 825-7615 [email protected] Treasurer Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Legislative Coordinator George Tinkham (217) 753-2737 [email protected] LONGBRANCH TAVERN Activities/PR Coordinator Alice Furlow (1217) 638-3914 [email protected] On Main Street ~ Athens, Illinois BEER GARDEN! Visit ~ Hang out!! ~ BLOCK PARTY ~ AUG 24 AND AUG 25 with Poker Run Sat! [15 years in 2012] Downed Riders Benefit Sunday, July 29th COLDEST BEER IN MENARD COUNTY! ~ Vice President Phil “Pacman” Cornell (217) 741-4379 [email protected] Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ENDRES TAVERN 1047 East Stanford Avenue, Springfield, IL (217) 523-1123 Hours: 3 pm to 1am Mon to Sat Pinball ~~ Shuffleboard Game Daily Drink Specials, Too! Proud A.B.A.T.E. Supporter “Go Green” We have two (2) options available: 1) This newsletter in your “Mailbox”. 2) This newsletter in your “Inbox”. Which do you prefer? If you want to get rid of the paper copy and only view the newsletter on our website, email Newsletter Coordinator: [email protected]. Please be sure to include your regular mailing address [on your mailing label]! Safety & Education Coordinator Lightpole [email protected] Products Coordinator Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 [email protected] Membership Coordinator VACANT—VOLUNTEER! Newsletter Coordinator Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Sergeants-at-Arms (4) Dan Ellenburg Pat Achas Stacey Furlow George Hurst Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Vice Chairman: Stacey Furlow Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD, IL PERMIT NO. 569 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SEPT 2012 24th Annual Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E., Inc. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2012 K-MART ON CLEARLAKE, Springfield, Illinois BE THERE AT 12:30 P.M. — LEAVE AT 1:00 PM DONATION: NEW TOY, $5 DONATION, OR $5 WORTH OF FOOD Meet at one of our sponsors [TBA] afterwards for friends, food and fun!
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