SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 Take off your radar West
SEPT 2015 Take off your radar West Central REGION PARTY Sept 11 to 13 @ TBA... Quincy Off-Road Park ~~For non-routine activities on the calendar, and other upcoming events, look inside for flyers or notices with more details ~~ OCTOBER 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 6 7 8 Labor Spfld Day Mile 9 13 16 14 15 10 21 22 23 17 11 18 28 29 30 Tue Wed 25 Thu Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 12 19 4 5 6 7 26 8 Fri Sat 2 3 NEWSLTR SJMC ARTICLES Run DUE TODAY 9 10 Chapter Fall Ride For our Toy Run 11 12 13 14 ABATE-IL No E-BOD BOD only 1pm UIS Spfld Halls HD See Flyer! 27 Mon 1 Halls H-D Open House See Flyer Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m 24 Sun Sat 5 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY DRB Committee Meeting ON BREAK VIR Mtg 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 20 Fri 4 15 16 18 19 20 LLABATE Contact Ministries Toy Run 25 21 17 ABATE-IL E-BOD 10:30 BOD 1pm UIS Spfld Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. Our Toy Run! 22 23 24 29 30 31 Vintage Iron Riders 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 26 27 28 To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT MEMBERSHIP REPORT Bobbi Ozanic Paula “Pi” Allen Membership Report as of Sept 2, 2015 Number of members due each month: Oct: 40 Sept: 28 Aug: 25 Active: 596 Inactive: 1908 14 New Members Since 8/1/2015 MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN OCTOBER 2015 CAULK, LONNIE CHASTAIN, DEB CHASTAIN, TODD CLYBURN, GREG L. CONNER, DENNIS S. COSTA, MELINDA S. DOOLEY, JOE R. DOOLEY, NANCY FLETCHER, JASON FURKIN, COREY GAYDOSH, JAY F. HART, BURT HAYES, DEBBIE HAYES, SCOTT HEATON, DOUG HOELZEL, DON HOSKINSON, JAMES M. HOSKINSON, MUFFN HOGAN HURST, GEORGE KLOCKE, JIM KOEHLER, WENDY KOHLER, RAYMOND F. MEACHUM II, ROBERT R. OZANIC, BOBBI OZANIC, GENEVIEVE PAINTER, BOB PARRISH, MERIDITH RECHNER, CYNTHIA K. RICHARDSON, JAMIE SCHAFER, DEAN SCHAFER, JAN SHELTON, DUG SHELTON, RENE SIMPSON, JACQUE SIMPSON, MICHAEL VAN EMAN, JAMES WHITEHORN, CHRISTINA WHITEHORN, GARY WIEZOREK, CHARLES D. JACKSON, RON LaBONTE, MIKE MILLER, RICK OLIVER, BRIAN L. OLIVER, RUTH E. RICHARDS, ALFRED "SHAKE-NBAKE" RICHARDS, LORI ANN SCHMULBACH, FRED SCHMULBACH, JANET SOLOMON, LEROY T. SPENCER, BRYAN SPENCER, DEBBIE MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN AUGUST 2015 ANTONACCI, DAVE ANTONACCI, DEB BAILEY, CALLIE A. CASTELON, PETE COLLINS, RALPH E. EASLEY, JEREMIAH GEAREY, KATHIE GUSTAFSON, ALESHIA GUSTAFSON, DAN LEACH, LARRY LEACH, ROGER MARCUM, KEN "Skinny" VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT George Hurst News from regional and BOD meeting. Regional party is postponed until next spring. Key people to the party weren’t able to be there so it was cancelled until next year. Articles in some newspapers say the State of IL is lenient with 4wheelers and the laws pertaining to them are lax. Be prepared. The budget for next year was brought up at the BOD meeting. A.B.A.T.E. is paying our lobbyist $6,000 more than last year. A motion was brought up and passed that we give MRF $4,000 instead of the $10,000 given last year. If you’re not an MRF member, now would be a good time to join. Only 3% of A.B.A.T.E. members also belong to MRF and their membership numbers are down. January 15 & 16 will be the date of the 2016 State Seminar here in Springfield. George, V.P. MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN SEPTEMBER 2015 CHRISTEN, JEFF CHRISTEN, LISA COY, JIM DUFFY, SEAN FARRIS, JIM FARRIS, SANDY GHEEN, DAVID GLOSSER, DOUGLAS M. HAMILTON, KATHY HARMS, MARK HELM, BILL WEEDHOPPER HELM, DONNA SUNSHINE HILL, RICHARD We want to thank everyone who worked on the Governor’s Ride at such short notice. I want to name organizations and names but at a later date at the chapter meeting because I must get the newsletter to print after this holiday weekend and I’m behind. Howard Nation has worked his tail off all year for this organization at the state level, with the bike raffle. All of which came to an exciting close giving away the prizes at The Mile. Time for him to get started on next year ~ no rest allowed here! I think that is all I am going to say for now, I got to go. And Mom, I am sorry you got sick from me. So did Howard, Stacey and my nephew Jacob Furlow. That is contagious at its quickest ! Thank you everyone for all the work you do, President Bozanic MUSCH, CRAIG NEAL, JOHN A. PEHLMAN, ED REBBE, CHRIS SMITH, RHONDA B. STAMBAUGH, JIM STAMBAUGH, SHIELA K. WALBERT, JR., ROBERT L. WEBB, RACHEL WILLIS, BILL WILLIS, CONNIE ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR Alice Furlow A few words after the long weekend: Thank you to everyone who helped at The Springfield Mile for the State Bike Raffle, it was a great success. Look here in the newsletter for the chapter’s Oct 10th fall ride to help support our Contact Ministries Toy Run and mark your calendar for the Toy Run! Alice Furlow WELCOME NEW MEMBERS !! (Our next meeting is 3rd Thurs Sept 17th!) RICKEY ALLEN Sr. CONROY, ELIZABETH CONROY, RON KREN, STEVEN LEONARD, TOM LOEFFLER, MICHAEL H. LOEFFLER, STASI L. MILLER, BRANDY K. MILLER, ROBERT H. MITRO, JERRY S. MITRO, RHONDA McLEAN, DAVE McLEAN, LINDA NIELSEN, NEIL Downed Riders Benefit By: George Hurst, Chairman The final numbers for the benefit were down a little but still pretty good. The number of members who helped the day of the benefit was real good. Several people sold raffle tickets in advance. Others brought door prizes and auction items. We thank all of the people for what they did for the benefit. Bobbi, Howard and George have several hundred hours in trying to make this benefit a success. We have over 600 members who this benefit is for. If we don’t get more pre-benefit help next year I won’t be putting in as much time next year as this year. We are the Downed Rider Committee Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. We need some members to step up and help make the benefit even better next year. Chairman, George A special “Thank You” to our local Dealerships, Accessory shops and Businesses For their support of Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E.’s 2015 Membership Initiative. Remember to frequent these establishments and support their businesses. Motorcycle Dealerships Hall’s Cycle-------------------217-789-0107 Hall’s Harley Davidson----217-528-8356 RTD Motor Sports-----------217-528-5859 Overturf Powersports-------217-544-0126 Cheers Lounge 2323 N. 15th Video Poker, Pool Table & Juke Box Drink Specials ~ Mon., Wed., Fri.: $1.50 Beers ~ Tue.: $2 Well Drinks ~ ~ Thursday: $3 Three Olives ~ ~ Saturday: $2.50 Fireball & $3.50 McGillicudy Bombs ~ ~ Sunday: $9 Buckets & Bloody Mary Bar ~ Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Daily M/C Shops & Accessories Capitol City Motorsports--217-679-1358 Knucklehead’s---------------217-789-1488 Pam’s Jailhouse-------------217-744-7267 Pony Keg Leather-----------217-544-3774 Lou’s Cycle Service---------217-438-6043 Proudly Supporting A.B.A.T.E. Lincoln Land ABATE’s 27th Annual Toy Run Contact Ministries SAVE THE DATE Sunday October 18th Leave 1:00 pm Shop n Save Dirksen Pkwy Gather afterward at one of our great Sponsors for food and fellowship!! Chapter’s 20 x 40 Pole Tent Tent Coordinator For the chapter’s tent, setup, rental…. Howard L. Nation, Jr. [email protected] ~ (217) 341-6483 MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph Fellow Members, Well, hopefully we have a couple more months of riding ahead of us. While on your rides, please don’t forget to recruit some new members. When our riding season comes to an end, we still need to try to pass along the word about ABATE and get new Brothers and Sisters to help us fight the fight. There are only a few more bike nights on the roster for this year, after that it is up to me/us to figure out ways to bring in new membership. I am always up for suggestions so if you have any, please share them. I just did get my computer up and going, so I am working on the paperwork that Brett Molone brought up at the meeting on what ABATE has legislated for or against. That will be available in the near future. ABATE Roadside assistance program section I use the roadside volunteer program as a roadside assistance program and a recruiting tool. That’s what it is meant to be, volunteers willing to come out and help a fellow ABATE Brother or Sister in need. All volunteers for this program are willing to hook up a trailer or method of transportation and bring a needy ABATE member to a point of safety. As I have always stated, they may not be able to take you to a dealership or to your home, but they should be able to get you to a restaurant or a Walmart parking lot so you can get further assistance. IMPORTANT Please Read!!! I spoke with State Officer Paulie Ward and she has approved me to head up the Statewide assistance program. (The White Bi-fold card with volunteer’s phone numbers). I will be contacting everyone on that list to validate their cooperation and interest in the program. If you are on the list I will be calling you to verify you want to continue being a standup member there to help your fellow ABATE bikers. If you choose to be removed, I will remove you from the list. If you have a trailer or method of transporting a member and their vehicle and choose to be added to this list, please contact me at 217-622-9275 (Call or Text) and I will gladly add you to the list of volunteers. We need this program to exist and to be maintained. Last thing I want to happen is any one of us to break down with nobody there to help or disconnected phone numbers. Even if you are in a vehicle and not on your bike I am sure someone can at least come get you to a safe area for further assistance. Let’s work together to make this program work for all of us ABATE Members. Please sign up to be a part of this roadside program. We are here for each other’s rights, let’s be there for their safety as well. Thank you. A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education. Just think what riding would be like without ABATE. Ride safe everyone. Rudedog, Membership Coordinator SAFETY & ED COORDINATOR George Hurst After a couple of postponements we had the CPR and safety class. We had a good turnout of people wanting to learn or refresh themselves on how to help others when needed. Thank you Dellann Stutsman for making the class interesting and the price reasonable. The farmers are in the field so the deer are everywhere. Be aware. Promote motorcycle awareness, George Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] Need a Sound System? Contact: Mark Werries (217) 638-4247 [email protected] A.B.A.T.E. Member JD’s Cues & Brews 2256 N. Grand Ave. East ~ Spfld, IL Pool Leagues - Men’s & Women’s Darts - Men’s & Women’s Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 6 days a week, & Noon to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday Pool Tournament Every Saturday & Sunday Call us at 217-523-6996 for details Motorcycles Welcome! DOCKERS TAVERN Rte 54 in Spaulding, IL Saturdays: $1 Bottles/Cans Wednesdays and Thursdays is Bucket Night !! Which is ... 4 for $7 Bottles/Cans Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ~ POKER RUNS WELCOME ~ Volleyball, Check it out !! Vice President George Hurst ~ See Safety & Ed Secretary Barb Leach (217) 502-2608 [email protected] Legislative Coordinator Josh “Ski” Witkowski (217) 816-2646 [email protected] Activities Coordinator Alice Furlow (217) 638-3914 [email protected] Public Relations Coordinator Tim Henson (217) 836-8570 [email protected] Safety & Education Coordinator George Hurst (217) 306-1944 [email protected] Products Coordinator Lynn Steinmetz [email protected] (217) 691-3840 Membership Coordinator Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph (217) 622-9275 [email protected] Co-Membership Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 [email protected] Dude’s Saloon ~ Under New Management ~ 11th & Ash ~ Springfield 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daily Drink Specials Daily Noon to 1:00 a.m. Sunday 2nd Drink Free with this Ad $7.50 Bucket Wednesdays Pool/Free WiFi /Darts VIDEO GAMING The KEG (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Newsletter Coordinator Open ~ And it hasn’t been puttin’ itself together in 2015 ~ Whatya gonna do about it? Mama O says: “Get Involved” ~ Bobbi O Sergeants-at-Arms (2) Stacey Furlow Dellann Stutsman Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic LONGBRANCH TAVERN Main Street ~ Athens, IL LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1 PM TO 9 PM ~ A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor & Member ~ 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue ($180/year) Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $130 for a full year/12 issues 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Host of the Annual Downed Rider Benefit Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 ~ Video Gaming is Here ~ OPEN SUNDAYS 4136 N. Peoria Rd. 217-528-3337 Contact: Bobbi Ozanic [email protected] (217) 836-3336 Open 7 Days a Week Mon - Fri: 10:00a - 1:00a Sat & Sun 9:00a - 1:00a VIDEO GAMING and AMAZING FOOD (Payments due before the ad is published) A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 ~ Lincoln Land Chapter Newsletter ~ Published Monthly~ Issue #9 - Sept 2015 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Lincoln Land Chapter Fall Ride HARLEY RIDERS Old Route 36 ~ Riverton (217) 725-4794 Sunday ~ Food …. 3 Drink Chips $5 Free Pool ~ Horseshoes ~ Bags Wooded Backyard RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG Welcome ALL Poker Runs & Bikers OPEN 7 DAYS Come Ride the Buffalo Saturday October 10th ~ Proceeds to our Toy Run ~ Supports Contact Ministries Leave from Dockers Tavern Route 54, Spaulding, IL 3 Stops $5 to ride per person Games and Prizes at all stops Food at Dockers at the end Kick stands up at 1:00 pm Mt Pulaski/Illiopolis Buckhart/End at Dockers
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