MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 - ABATE of Illinois
MAY 2015 ~~For non-routine activities on the calendar, and other upcoming events, look inside for flyers or notices with more details ~~ MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed JUNE 2015 Thu Fri 1 [Sat 10:30] ABATE-IL E-BOD only VFW 755 3 4 5 6 8 7 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 10 11 12 13 Heartland STEAM May 8-10 NDakota 17 14 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 15 19 20 VIR Mtg 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 24 25 26 The Memorial Spfld Day Mile 27 21 22 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m 28 29 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 CMA Run ~plus~ SJMC Run See Flyers 9 ABATE-IL E-BOD@ 10:30 (No BOD) VFW 755 Old Jacks Road Spfld 16 Josh Marcum Run SeeFlyer! DRB Committee Meeting @ 7:00 VFW 18 Sat 2 Thu 4 Lincoln Land A.B.A.T.E. Officer’s Mtg 6:30 pm Northenders VFW 7 8 9 10 11 Fri 5 15 16 17 Vintage Iron Riders 7pm Rte 66 Hotel 23 Windshield Wash Rest Stop NB I-55 12p-2p 21 22 23 Fathers Huds Benefit Day Sunday 30 28 29 24 18 6 NEWSLTR ARTICLES DUE TODAY 12 13 ABATE-IL E-BOD BOD VFW Stockyard Road DRB Committee Meeting @ 7:00 14 Sat 19 20 26 27 Lincoln Land Chapter Mtg Northenders VFW Stockyard Rd 7:00 p.m. 25 30 To the best knowledge of Lincoln Land ABATE, all event times, dates and locations are accurate at the time of printing and are subject to change or cancellation. ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR Alice Furlow Hi everyone, The Awareness Rally Pre-party was pretty successful. I would really have liked to see a few more of our own Lincoln Land chapter members there to meet and greet people in from out of town. I understand it was a pretty crappy day on that Saturday, but we must be living right because at the last minute the wedding reception that was scheduled for the hall was canceled!! I felt bad to hear that for them, BUT, it did get us inside and out of the weather!! Thank you to everyone who came and volunteered or just hung out! IDOT WINDOW WASH Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 23rd from Noon – 2 PM Rail Splitter North Bound rest area just north of Springfield Please come volunteer to wash windows and pass out important information to the public to “Start Seeing Motorcycles” AND you meet alot of neat people coming through our state!! I hope to see you all soon at the chapter meeting or at any of the many upcoming bike nights!!! Alice ABATE Lincoln Land Chapter Legislative Report By: Josh “SKI” Witkowski The chapter wants to wish our best to Josh Ski who is at home recovering from a motorcycle accident — may God speed a quick recovery to our friend so he can get back to work for us :-) Josh wishes to report that all of the bills we are watching have moved to the Senate; as well as the accent lighting bill HB3944 which would allow LED lights under the motorcycle should be before the committee as soon as the day after the writing of this article, on or about Tues 12 May. Red and blue lights would not be allowed under this bill, all other colors would be allowed. Until next time, Josh Witkowski (217) 816-2646 [email protected] PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bobbi Ozanic (This is our article in the state paper) Hello Lincoln Land members and all of our friends across the state - George Hurst and I attended the ABATE of Illinois Board of Directors [BOD] meeting last month and here is what we want to bring to your attention. There is a proposed by-law amendment on the table which will be brought up at the next BOD meeting on June 13th and each chapter has one vote toward the decision. We will bring this up at our Thursday, May 21st chapter meeting so please plan to be in attendance for the discussion. The amendment is to establish a 3rd class of A.B.A.T.E. member which would be children under 18 of a member in good standing. The 2 current classes of members are those who vote at the chapter level, and those who vote at the state level on behalf of the chapters. The proposed amendment was reviewed by the state’s bylaw committee and then discussion followed among the E-BOD and BOD. The result of this is that the motion is tabled until it is rewritten and it will be brought back for discussion at the June 13th meeting. No need to go into the lengthy details, the few needed changes are regarding age and attendance at events. The crux of it is that we just need to decide as a chapter if we want this amendment to pass or fail. Even though our organization is over 8,000 strong we need to continue to grow and we need to grow our own new members as importantly as we need to solicit adult motorcycle riders. One suggestion that I personally would bring to the discussion is that the amendment should refer to kids and grandkids of members in good standing. In our chapter kids are coming to meetings with their youthful, active grandparents. There is much detail in the amendment about the young class of members which they are referring to as Junior A.B.A.T.E., such as: this is not a mandatory program for every chapter, it is voluntary, there is a financial responsibility expected of the chapter who develops a youth program, such as tshirts, promotional products, patches. All of this is at the discretion of each chapter, while following the bylaw, if this passes. If you feel strongly one way or the other be at the Lincoln Land chapter meeting on Thursday, May 21st at the Northenders VFW, Stockyard Road, Springfield, IL at 7:00 p.m. See you there, Bobbi Ozanic, President Cheers Lounge 2323 N. 15th Video Poker, Pool Table & Juke Box Drink Specials RTE 97 NORTH OF PETERSBURG Welcome ALL Poker Runs & Bikers OPEN 7 DAYS Come Ride the Buffalo ~ Mon., Wed., Fri.: $1.50 Beers ~ Tue.: $2 Well Drinks ~ ~ Thursday: $3 Three Olives ~ ~ Saturday: $2.50 Fireball & $3.50 McGillicudy Bombs ~ ~ Sunday: $9 Buckets & Bloody Mary Bar ~ Open 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. Daily PRODUCTS COORDINATOR Lynn Steinmetz First, Safe Riding ~ And stop by and get your summer ABATE wear! Wear it proud ~ and the more you buy the more I can order what you want ~ Safety First, See you in the wind, Lynn SAFETY & ED COORDINATOR George Hurst Rose Connolly and I did two classes at Pleasant Plains last month. Some of the most polite young adults I’ve seen in high school for sure. They seemed to be interested and listened also; that doesn’t always happen. Dellann will be giving a CPR class in June. The $25.00 fee pays for the material, the lesson is free. Sign up at the May meeting or call me. I’m still looking for names and numbers of people interested in helping with roadside assistance. Remember to look for them, they’re not looking for us. Promote motorcycle awareness, George “The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, and it will defend itself.” -St. Augustine of Hippo VFW Northenders Post 10302 2349 Stockyard Road (217) 789-4725 Behind Halls Harley-Davidson Proud Supporter of A.B.A.T.E. PRESS RELEASE With such a solid foundation and history of success in promoting the sport of motorcycling and the motorcycle industry in Illinois for over twenty years, The I.M.D.A. is a recognizable force in protecting and promoting the interest of all motorcycle dealers and enthusiasts in Illinois The Illinois Motorcycle Dealers Association (IMDA) teams with Kiesow Racing Promotions to bring the Springfield Mile to 2015. The IMDA has a long standing history with the Springfield Mile. It was in 1982 they brought the Springfield Mile national back to AMA Pro Racing after being off the schedule for 15 years. After the 32 year stretch of running the mile it was time to step back a little without walking away. The IMDA will always be a big part of the mile but they were ready for a change. IMDA President Jay Hall commented, " the Kiesow's are like family to the IMDA and are a perfect fit to help us carry on the Springfield tradition." Kiesow Racing Promotions has been involved and helping the IMDA for the past 15 years. The help has evolved into a partnership that plans to keep the same high quality standards the IMDA has a reputation for. Track preparation, safety, and exciting racing will still be the #1 goal. Dave Kiesow said, " we are very proud the IMDA picked us to partner with and will do everything we can to bring the best races ever to Springfield." As always, the first AMA Pro Racing Springfield Mile will be Memorial Day weekend on Sunday May 24, 2015. Steve Nace Racing will be holding the TT on Saturday night making it a full weekend of racing. Then Labor Day weekend the Short Track will be Saturday night with the AMA Pro Racing Springfield Mile on Sunday September 6, 2015. Tickets to all races will still be available at the IMDA office by calling 217-753-8866 or at participating IMDA dealers. Bobby Edwards, Commander Downed Riders Benefit By: George Hurst, Chairman I could cross out April and put in May and the start of the article would be like last month. Great weather and another good month for our membership. I’ve been using the words good and membership in my conversations a lot lately. Every time we’ve needed help this year members have shown up, a lot of different members. This doesn’t have anything to do with Downed Riders, but as a Lincoln Land officer I feel good about our membership. We have raffle tickets for you to sell, if you can’t make it to the meeting but will sell tickets call us, we will get you tickets. We got more door prize items at the last meeting, still looking for auction items. Remember beer chips for the auction when you are out and about. IMDA (Downed Riders sponsors for a long time) came to the April meeting. They were looking for help advertising the May Mile. We may have lost this race if they didn’t sponsor it. The infield is a good party. Bring awnings, food, drinks and it only costs $20.00 and you know the old saying if you don’t use it your lose it. Go to The Mile, look me up at Turn 2 ! Veterans can ride the mile free for Veteran’s Day. Come to the May chapter meeting and see what you’re missing. Ride Safe, George IDOT Window Wash Always the Saturday after the May Chapter Meeting ~ May 23rd this year See Alice Furlow’s Report for Details CMA is manning the southbound rest area at the same time, we may be able to have a challenge, show up and help us win ! State Party Gate Assignment Lincoln Land 9 a.m. to Noon Saturday, June 27th VOLUNTEERING IS APPRECIATED! Need a Sound System? Contact: Mark Werries (217) 638-4247 [email protected] A.B.A.T.E. Member Thank you to Norm Woods for the personal expense of purchasing supplies toward the chapter tent as well as bandanas purchased for the chapter to sell, it is greatly appreciated MEMBERSHIP REPORT Paula “Pi” Allen Membership Report as of May 8, 2015 Number of members due each month: June: 86 May: 32 April: 22 Active: 663 Inactive: 1796 23 New Members Since 4/16/2015 MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN MAY 2015 APER, BETH APER, ROBERT BALES, SAM BARTON, RAYMOND M. BOND, GIMA CLAYPOOL, TERRY CONSTANT, STEVE CREDILLE, MICHAEL DAVIES, JACK DAVIES, MARY JO DAVIS, JIM JARRETT, JEFF JARRETT, SHEILA ANNE KIPER, HEIDI KNOX, TOMMY LARSON, DAMIAN MORENZ, DENISE P. MORENZ, RICHARD M. McCANN, MARK PATAROZZI, JOJO RASH, CHARLES E. RASH, PAMELA RENCH, JASON SCHROEDER, JILL SCHROEDER, TADD P. SMITH, PHILLIP STEINMETZ, LYNN UTLEY, ROGER VAUGHN, DAVE VAUGHN, LANE VAUGHN, MICHELE WALLACE, TIMOTHY MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN APRIL 2015 ANDERSON, STEVEN L. ASH, LAURA LANE BARTLETT, ANDREW BAST, RUTH CORNELL, PHILIP HAMILTON, CHRIS M. HAMILTON, TRESA J. JUGAN, MARK "CHICO" LEONARD, AMBER LINDSEY, DORIS LINDSEY, STEVE MEGGINSON, TODD MORICONI, PAUL PETERS, LARRY E. REED-WALKER, JAUNICE SCHMIDT, MANNY SLOAN, DALE WALKER, MIKE WALKER, JR, CHARLES S. WEITZEL, RICK WILLIS, BARB WILLIS, RUSS Welcome ~ 23 ~ New Members! hoping to see you at our meeting ... BARBER, TIMOTHY A. BELER, GENE E. BUTLER, JEF BUTLER, REP. TIM COLEMAN, CUYLER DOZIER, NATHAN DUNN, MARK EARL, ROBERT L. FUCHS, MICHAEL J. HALE, ANDREW HARRIS, GREG HARVEY, STEVE HEYEN, MIKE MAHONEY, KEVIN MASON, JACOB McCLURE, RONALD OTKEN, RON REED, CHARISSA REED, DENNIS REERES, GRACIE SCHAFER, ROBERT TIPPS, BARBARA TRUAX, WAYNE MEMBERSHIPS DUE IN JUNE 2015 ANDERS, ROBERT BALOGH, CHARLENE BARRETT, ROBERT BARTLEY, JOE BOOS, MICHAEL E. BROSAMER, SHALLON BROWN, DON BROWN, VICKY BURTON, DEE BURTON, ROBERT CLEESEN, KELLY CLEESEN, MEL COLE, CARY COLLINS, LEON D. CONSTANT, LINDA L. COSTA, JASON DAILY, JEFF DALBY, LARRY W. DIXON, SHANNON DUNHAM, JO DUNHAM, MIKE DUNN, REBECCA EASLEY, RANDY EDWARDS, BOB ELLIOTT, JIM FANALE, NICK FANCHER, FRANK FANCHER, JEANI FARLEY, TIM FISH, TOM GRAHAM, BETTY J. GRAHAM, JAMES P. HALE, CHERIE HALL, STAN HERGENROTHER, MARK A. JOHNSON, ROBERT KARBEAN, MARSHA LEMME, JR LIST, WALLY LOFTON, KIM LOFTON, STEWART LONG, BRAD LUTTRELL, DONALD MARCH, JAIME MARCH, JARED MARCH, WILLIAM MARTIN, JOE MEACHAM, HARRY D. MERRELL, STEVE MILKINT, MATT MILSTEAD, CHERYL MILSTEAD, DALE MOHN, JOHN J. MONROE, CAROLINE MONROE, JIM MONTGOMERY, NATHAN M. MOSER, SABRINA NALL, STACEY PHILLIPS, JR., JOSEPH E. PINE, KELLY A. PINE III, JOHN R. QUIGLEY, MATTHEW A. RIDER, LOKI ROGERS, DICK ROGERS, JOANIE ROTH, MARK SCHMOCK, KIM SCROGGINS, DONALD R. SHERREN, RAYMOND C. SIMMERING, MARC SKAGGS, TOBY SMITH, STEVEN R. SNEDIGAR, IRENE TOWNSEND SNEDIGAR, TONY SNOW, TODD C. SOLDWEDEL, LIZ WILLIS SOLDWEDEL, REED SPAULDING, FRANK E. SPAULDING, PHRONSIE L. WALSH, MARCIA WATKINS, KAREN WATKINS, MIKE WITKOWSKI, JOSHUA WOODRINE, MATTHEW WOODWARD, CARL Chapter’s 20 x 40 Pole Tent Tent Coordinator For the chapter’s tent, setup, rental …. Howard L. Nation, Jr. [email protected] (217) 341-6483 Visit our website at: Hey! If you know someone whose membership renewal is due or overdue, please give them a reminder/nudge... It’s our membership that gives us a voice! MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph Whaaaaassssssup Brothers and Sister of Lincoln Land, Holy Moly did we have a great month this month!!! Yes we did!!! I feel we had a great success at our 2015 Awareness rally. Together with that event and a couple of bike nights last month ABATE has acquired approx. 30 memberships. Fantastic job and thank you all for the help. If my memory serves me correct (and it rarely does), I believe 21 or more of them are NEW members to Lincoln Land Chapter alone. Please remember to introduce yourselves to these new members if you see them at an event or our monthly meetings. We need to make these new members feel welcome into our fold. I am still going to need members to sign up for our up and coming bike nights all over town and out of town as well. I will have sign up sheets for much needed volunteers. Thank you in advance. Also a great big thank you to my woman Kat and a fellow Brother Rick Sokolis for helping me out with membership applications at the Awareness rally. I ordered and received the inserts with a list of Lincoln Land chapter events we can place in applications we hand out. I will have some available at the monthly meeting. If we can get these people to attend a few of our event, that might convince them to join. It looks like the Keg is going to be having bike nights on Wednesday evenings along with the traveling bike nights on Fridays. Very, Very Important, I am in need of volunteers to sign up and help boost our membership. I will not be able to attend every one of these, so your help is desperately needed!!! You can contact me via phone call, text or email to sign up for an evening or two, or three. Please continue to bring new and former members into our chapter. Thank you for the great job Lincoln Land members for getting these applications into the hands of those who need it the most. Remember always carry a couple of applications wherever you go. Continue to approach and invite the Dirt bike, sport bike, three and four wheelers and anyone you feel we might be able to benefit or anyone who can benefit us. I will also have handouts for dirt riders to show them what ABATE has done for them the last 25 years. Please pick some up, it’ll help recruit these type riders with talking points. A good biker indication is anyone wearing a biker shirt. Ask them if they’re an ABATE member? If not, sign ‘em up. Ride safe everyone. Rudedog, Membership LONGBRANCH TAVERN Main Street ~ Athens, IL LINCOLN LAND ABATE Advertising Sizes And Rates 1 PM TO 9 PM ~ A.B.A.T.E. Sponsor & Member ~ 1/8 page (3.75” x 2.25”) = $15 per issue ($180/year) Sponsor (3” x 2”) = $130 for a full year/12 issues 1/4 page (3.75” x 4.75”) = $25 per issue 1/2 page vertical (7.75” x 4.75”) = $40 per issue 1/2 page horizontal (3.75” x 9.75”) = $40 per issue Full Page (7.75” x 8.75”) = $70 per issue Host of the Annual Downed Rider Benefit Classifieds: Members $5 Non-Member $7.50 ~ Video Gaming is Here ~ OPEN SUNDAYS 4136 N. Peoria Rd. 217-528-3337 Contact: Bobbi Ozanic [email protected] (217) 836-3336 Open 7 Days a Week Mon - Fri: 10:00a - 1:00a Sat & Sun 9:00a - 1:00a VIDEO GAMING and AMAZING FOOD (Payments due before the ad is published) Lincoln Land ABATE Officers President Bobbi Ozanic (217) 836-3336 [email protected] JD’s Cues & Brews 2256 N. Grand Ave. East ~ Spfld, IL Pool Leagues - Men’s & Women’s Darts - Men’s & Women’s Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 6 days a week, & Noon to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday Pool Tournament Every Saturday & Sunday Call us at 217-523-6996 for details Motorcycles Welcome! DOCKERS TAVERN Rte 54 in Spaulding, IL Saturdays: $1 Bottles/Cans Wednesdays: $1.50 Bottles/Cans Sangamon Ave ~ Stockyard Road Motorcycles/Poker Runs Welcome ~ POKER RUNS WELCOME ~ Volleyball, Check it out !! Pool ~ Darts ~ Shuffleboard Vice President George Hurst ~ See Safety & Ed Secretary Barb Leach (217) 502-2608 [email protected] Legislative Coordinator Josh “Ski” Witkowski (217) 816-2646 [email protected] Activities Coordinator Alice Furlow (217) 638-3914 [email protected] Public Relations Coordinator Tim Henson (217) 836-8570 [email protected] Safety & Education Coordinator George Hurst (217) 306-1944 [email protected] Products Coordinator Lynn Steinmetz [email protected] (217) 691-3840 Membership Coordinator Dwayne “Rudedog” Rudolph (217) 622-9275 [email protected] Co-Membership Howard L. Nation, Jr. (217) 341-6483 [email protected] Dude’s Saloon ~ Under New Management ~ 11th & Ash ~ Springfield 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daily Drink Specials Daily Noon to 1:00 a.m. Sunday 2nd Drink Free with this Ad $7.50 Bucket Wednesdays Pool/Free WiFi /Darts VIDEO GAMING The KEG (217) 544-3700 Open Noon to 1:00 a.m. Daily Motorcycles/Poker Runs Newsletter Coordinator Open ~ And it hasn’t been puttin’ itself together in 2015 ~ Whatya gonna do about it? Mama O says: “Get Involved” ~ Bobbi O Sergeants-at-Arms (2) Stacey Furlow Dellann Stutsman Downed Rider Committee Chairman: George Hurst Treasurer: Howard L. Nation, Jr. Secretary: Bobbi Ozanic A special “Thank You” to our local Dealerships, Accessory shops and Businesses For their support of Lincoln Land ABATE’s 2015 Membership Initiative. Remember to frequent these establishments and support their businesses. Motorcycle Dealerships Hall’s Cycle-------------------217-789-0107 Hall’s Harley Davidson----217-528-8356 RTD Motor Sports-----------217-528-5859 Overturf Powersports-------217-544-0126 Motorcycle Accessory Shops and Businesses Capitol City Motorsports--217-679-1358 Knucklehead’s---------------217-789-1488 Pam’s Jailhouse-------------217-744-7267 Pony Keg Leather-----------217-544-3774 Lou’s Cycle Service---------217-438-6043 Hall’s H-D has a link to our website at ~ SAVE THE DATE ~ SATURDAY JULY 11TH Lincoln Land Chapter’s Summer Party Docker’s Tavern, Spaulding All Day events including Tournaments/Challenges in Volleyball, Horseshoe, Bag Toss Music, Food, Etc ! A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, Inc. Lincoln Land Chapter P O Box 5774 Springfield, IL 62705-5774 ~ Lincoln Land Chapter Newsletter ~ Published Monthly~ Issue #5 ~ May 2015 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
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