November 2014 Newsletter
R US H MO RE NOVEMBER ABATE UPDATE 2—DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS 4—RUSHMORE ABATE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG, 7 PM, EAGLES - ELECTION DAY GO VOTE!!! 10—BH AREA BIKERS MEETING, 7PM, HAINES AVE. HARDEES 11—VETERANS’ DAY 15—STATE ABATE MTG, PIERRE SD - 9th Annual SFJMC Nine Ball Tournament— Break Room Billiards 24—CMA MTG, 7 PM, PIZZA RANCH 25—RUSHMORE ABATE BOD BUDGET & BOD MTG, 6:30, EAGLES CLUB 27—THANKSGIVING DAY 30—BH ABATE MTG, NOON, SIDE HAW OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: C HA PT ER NO VE M BE R 20 14 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President. - John Trudo 381-7030 [email protected] Vice President Hillary Klabunde—484-7185 Secretary - Barb Frerichs 923-6326 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 [email protected] Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Mary Anderson— 393-1221 Angie Lambert— Treas. - Kim Logsdon 484-8667 [email protected] State Rep - Sunshine Minzlaff 787-9136 [email protected] Sgt at Arms— Mike Clark 430-1669 [email protected] LRC - Ginny Kellerher 209-3084 [email protected] Mem Sec.– Karline Clark 430-1670 [email protected] OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 [email protected] Road Cptn— Bill Hanson 786-3668 Webmaster — Clay Weaver A few words from your President: Elections are in full swing, we have people lined up for all positions except the President position. Lots of nominations, just no takers. November will be the last month for nominations. Nominations will close at the end of the general membership meeting. You must be present to accept a nomination. With that being said I want to take a minute and thank everyone for the opportunity to lead this organization. Together we have accomplished many great things over the last 2 years. What we really need now is a way to bring this organization back to a closer knit group to make our smaller events more successful. We do these events to show appreciation to our affiliates, as without them we would not be as strong as we are. It is impossible to reach every affiliate but we need to do the best we can so that we can retain them year after year. We notice that when we do rides that we run into members not joining in on the rides we have put on. We are either not doing our jobs of getting the information out there, or not doing what appeals to our members. So we are looking for ideas to make these events more successful. So please give us some input!\ There is still a BOD position open that we would like to fill. If you have creative ideas and can work with people in making those ideas come to life, contact anyone on the board and come to a board meeting and we will vote as a group to accept you into the BOD. We are always looking for fresh perspective’s with in our organization. Bob and Mary are also looking for someone to take over the bike raffle next year. If you are interested get with them this year and they will guide you to everything there is to know about having a successful raffle, so it won’t be overwhelming when you take it over. We have several events coming up, so check out the online calendar for these events, or our facebook page. We put a fair amount of work into these events so make sure you thank the people who step up and volunteer for making these events happen! I want to thank the Eagles Club for their generosity for allowing us to use the rooms at no charge for our BOD meeting and general membership meetings. We will have conflicts from time to time and will do our best to not inconvenience our members to the best of our ability. We have a great relationship with them and want to make sure that does not change. I have been working with their President James and bar manager with calendar event dates to try and avoid any upcoming issues. John T. MRF ENCOURAGES EVERYONE TO GET OUT AND VOTE With less than two weeks before Election Day, November 4th, its time to start getting ready to vote. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation encourages you to find your polling place and start making decisions about who you are going to vote for, if you have not done so already. Deciding at the last minute at the polling place is never a great idea. Do a little research about all of your candidates, from federal to local-every race, and every vote matter. Sometimes the smallest race can impact your life the greatest. A lot is in the balance this election, no matter which political party you are pulling for. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is and always will be a bipartisan organization. We do not advocate for the election or defeat of any political party. We do advocate for the election or defeat of individual members of congress that stand in the way of motorcyclists' rights and freedoms, which the MRF has been doing for 30 years. Plan your day to vote now. Find out if you can vote early, as that is generally the best way to avoid long lines at the polling place, or make the time in your day to vote on November 4th. Being an American comes with privilege, and voting is perhaps the greatest of all. Do not squander your chance to be a game changer. Reprinted from of October 22, 2014 MRF Email News Rushmore Chapter of ABATE Inc. (A Brotherhood of Awareness Training & Education) Win this 2015 Harley Davidson Superior Blue “103” Street Glide ***20th Annual Bike Raffle*** IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! 2nd Prize $500.00 3rd Prize BH Gold Watch Ticket Price $20 each or 6 for $100 Drawing to be held on or before August 8th, 2015 at Black Hills Harley Davidson Rapid City, South Dakota. A portion of the proceeds from this raffle may benefit the SD ABATE IMPAC Fund – a political action committee. Secretary’s Report The Oct. 7, 2014 RU ABATE general membership meeting was called to order by President John. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms Mike. Chapter prayer was led by Chaplain Auggie. Roll call was taken with all present. Yeah!!! Guest Speaker was Auggie. He spoke on MRF an how important they are to us. MRF is in financial needs. Auggie and Sunshine will sponsor two members, per membership meeting, from their sign up sheet, per month to support MRF. Thank you Auggie and Sunshine! Minutes to the September meeting had no additions or corrections. Sunshine motioned and Phil seconded to accept. Motion passed. Bills that were presented had already been accepted by the board. OFFICER REPORTS Pres. John thanked all for being patient for our meeting to start as to a conflict with the Eagles big room. Vice Pres. Hilary commented on the decline of members at our events. Please give ideas on changes that could help the attendance. Treasurer Kim gave the dollar numbers. A $5,00.00 down payment was made on the new bike. Phil motioned and Steve seconded to accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed. Secretary handed out mail to the Membership Sec. and Treasurer. Newsletters were passed around. LRC informant Ginny, had information on a privacy bill that had to do with cell phones and phone numbers. More information in her column. State Rep. Sunshine read her report to the members. Membership Sec. Karline stated there are 53 affiliates and 315 members. Sgt. at Arms Mike had nothing to report. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR--Janet thanked Auggie and Sunshine for their 2 MRF member donations. She is working on the calendar top. Both pocket and hang up calendars will be made again. She attended Geno's funeral. Member, Lex, has in memory of Geno stickers for sale. Money benefits Geno's family. It was asked if any members had Geno tattoos? Yes!! Janet commented that the BHAB ride was a good ride. Road Captain Bill is stepping down. He reported on the July Poker Run and the Ride to Remember Poker Run. Auggie thanked Bill for his work as Road Captain. Members applauded Bill. Thanks Bill. Newsletter Editor --Ginny had nothing to add. Members commented that hard copies of newsletters had not been received yet. Products Manager--Hilary stated that we have ABATE year pins and can order for the years we don't have. Web Page--John stated to get information to Clay or himself for the web page. MRF Rep.--Jiggs had two hand outs. Thirty five states were represented at Meeting of The Minds plus two more states attending the next day. Lots of good information was shared during the conference. Please sign up to be a MRF member. Road Hazard Steward Barbie commented on deer and construction happenings. Mt. Rushmore Road work will begin Oct. 13th. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Ed Netterberg information was shared by Susan. Nemo has June 20th and July 25th open for weekends. Nemo Guest Ranch wants us back. June 20th and July 25th were voted on by members. June 20th date was the winner. It is suggested that a longer ride with a lunch somewhere be done. It was suggested that the rodeo be done across the road at The Mercantile as there is more room. A bbq was suggested afterwards. Passport change information was shared to members by Susan. Members liked the changes. Halloween Party is Oct. 25th. Bill stressed that more cabins need to be rented or we will have to pay for the party room. The DJ is set. Prizes are $150.00 for a group of three or more, $100.00 for a couple, and $50.00 for single costumes. Bike Raffle report from BA. He read a thank you from Gloria Doubler, who won the BH Gold watch. Ticket books are available. Calendar committee meets next week. OLD BUSINESS Handle Bar issue is being considered by State ABATE. It will be decided on a the Nov. meeting. Golf Cart Body was discussed. No hits on Craigs List. Auggie asked if any other golf cart company is interested. Hilary will contact them. BA working on spare tire mounts on the two trailers. NEW BUSINESS Nominations were opened. Pres. Craig-no, Bill-no, Rohde-no, Hilary-no, BA-no, Mary-no, Mike C.-no, Nate-no. and John-no. Sec. Barbie-yes. Janet-no. Membership Sec. Karline-yes. LRC Ginny-yes. Jiggs made a motion to close nominations and take more in Nov. Craig seconded. Motion passed. John stated that the new modem needs to be picked up and installed. Bill will proceed with this. Thanks Bill.. Bill presented his idea on an affiliate supporter sign that can be displayed with the size being 12x18. A price of $4.44 has been received. Discussion was had. Jiggs motioned and Craig seconded to order 60 signs. Vote. Two nays. Motion passed. Jiggs made a motion to close nominations and take more in Nov. Craig seconded. Motion passed. John stated that the new modem needs to be picked up and installed. Bill will proceed with this. Thanks Bill.. Bill presented his idea on an affiliate supporter sign that can be displayed with the size being 12x18. A price of $4.44 has been received. Discussion was had. Jiggs motioned and Craig seconded to order 60 signs. Vote. Two nays. Motion passed. MEMBER OF THE MONTH goes to Clay Weaver. Thanks for your work on the web site. AFFILIATES OF THE MONTH are Blue Lantern, Mangy Moose, Gas Light, and Rice Cycle. Thank you for supporting ABATE. Shoulda/Coulda of $160.00 would have went to Randy Corbin. Sorry you weren't here to accept. November is $180.00. Chance for a Chance on the bike tickets went to Stephanie and Barbie. 50/50 of $46.00 was won by Chuck. Congratulations. ANNOUNCEMENTS Halloween Party Oct. 25th. Legislative Days in January. Gin has shotgun raffle tickets for sale for the Eagles. BA and Mary have ticket satchels for sale for $8.00. Jiggs gave dates for Heartland Steam in Bismarck, N.D. May 8-10. And Meeting of the Minds in Milwaukee, Wis on Sept. 24-27. Jiggs has MRF applications available. There being no further business or discussions, Barbie adjourned. All in favor. November 11th is Veterans Day. Please thank a vet!! Submitted by Barbie :o) Be safe and God bless all!!!! Vice President’s Report NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Products Report NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION State Rep’s Report The meeting of 9-20-14 was called to order by Jiggs with all officers present but Rod Hersrud - excused and Jan Weismantel - excused. All BOD Reps were present except for Southeast chapter and subs were approved. Secretary's Report was approved with one correction. Membership Secretary reported 1,512 members with 39 new members for the month of August. Newsletter Editor had nothing to report. She did ask for any events for next year's calendar be given to her for the newsletter. MRF Report was a reminder about Meeting of the Minds. So far only two people had said they were going and the BOD had agreed to pay for four people to attend. Three of us raised our hands that we were planning to attend. I gave up my potential spot so others might have a better opportunity to go and went on my own hook. It proved to be a GREAT experience with SO much to learn and share! The next Meeting of the Minds is going to be in Milwaukee, WI - it is not so far away, either. It would be fun to see a lot of SD ABATE members there! Heartland Steam is coming up, also, and will be in Bismarck, ND. We can ALL get there! Start planning now - it is a great experience as well as a fun time! IMPAC Report - Handlebar height legislation is in the planning stages for this session. Legislative Days will be January 16 through 18, 1915 this year. Plan to attend! This is when we make our presence known and our voices heard about our issues. Anyone with any good ideas for speakers for this event, please bring them to me so I can pass them on - or any topics you might want to have discussed. Many meals are provided so it is not a major hardship to attend - Sx Falls is providing lunch, Oahe chapter the Friday dinner and Zzen chapter the Saturday breakfast. State products sold $92.00 worth of product at the Whitewood Social Hour. We had many states represented. Freedom Fighters Memorial is on hold for a while as we work on plans and work with city government. South Dakota is responsible for 1916 Heartland Steam. It will be somewhere in East River but we will need many volunteers to make it happen. The date is in April, 1916. Plan to attend - you have plenty of notice - and plan to volunteer! Many hands make short work and no one has to do it all! We voted as the BOD to donate $2,000.00 to the MRF at Meeting of the Minds and Jiggs presented our gift during the special ceremony. Those of you who don't belong should seriously consider joining this wonderful organization of freedom fighters. The MRF is a worthwhile organization and they really need our support! They do a LOT in D.C. to make sure you can ride what you want to ride, when you want to ride and where you want to ride. It is not expensive - only a few beers! Respectfully Submitted, Sunshine Minzlaff, Rushmore ABATE State Rep Mason Caterers Whitewood, SD Rapid City, SD Lead, SD ROAD CAPTAIN’S TREASURER’S REPORT NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION The Island Bar Piedmont, SD 716-0631 LRC Report There are just not adequate words to explain how very important is it that each and every one of you get out and vote. Voting is the easiest way to let your opinions be known and make a difference in the direction our state, our country and of course, our government goes. I will not attempt to influence who or how you vote, I will simply inform you of the matters at hand on the ballot and you can make your own decisions either way but please GET OUT AND VOTE!!! United States Senate Mike Rounds (R) Rick Weiland (D) Gordon Howie (I) Larry Pressler (I) Constitutional Amendment Q Would authorize Deadwood SD and all reservation in SD to open up the gaming activities to include such games as keno, craps and roulette. Governor & Lieutenant Governor Susan Wismer (Governor) (R) Susy Blake (Lieutenant) (R) Dennis Daugaard (Governor) (R) Matt Michels (Lieutenant) ® Michael J. Myers (Governor) (I) Lora Hubbel (Lieutenant) (I) PLEASE VOTE!!! Initiated Measure 18 The initiated measure amends state law to raise South Dakota’s hourly mi nimum wage for non-tipped employees from $7.25 per hour to $8.50 per hour, effective January 2015. Thereafter, this minimum wage will be annually adjusted by an increase in the cost of living with the increase based upon the Consumer Price Index published by the Federal Department of Labor. The minimum wage for tipped employees would increase to half the minimum wage as adjusted by the cost of living index. United States House of Representatives Kristi Noem (R) Corrina Robinson (D) Attorney General Chad Haber Marty Jackley Initiated Measure 17 Some health insurers offer health benefit plans in which th e insurer maintains a list of health care providers. Plan me mbers must use listed providers in order to obtain the maxi mum plan coverage, or to have coverage at all. “Health ca re providers” include doctors and other licensed health care professionals, clinics and hospitals. The initiated measure establishes who is entitled to be on the insurer’s list of providers. The measure requires that th ese insurers list all health care providers who are willing, q ualified and meet the conditions for participation establish ed by the insurer. The sample ballot also contains voting on Secretary of State, State Auditor, Commissioner of Schools and Public Lands, Public Utilities Commissioner, your district State Senate candidates, State House candidates for your district, Circuit Court Judges, and retention of State Supreme Court Justices. Please take the time to read up on the candidates and the issues so you can cast an informed vote. Ginny K. Membership Secretary’s Report 4 new members: Kim & Thomas Bell, Darrell Lich, and Ron Wynia 11 renewing members and 2 renewing associate member 3 new affiliates: Buglin Bull Restaurant & Sports Bar, Country Inn at 3 Forks, and Moe’s Bar & Grill 2 renewing affiliates: A & E Plumbing and Stephanie Dannen with the Real Estate Group We currently have 56 affiliates and 316 members. 84 addresses were sent to Western Mailers for mailing the hardcopy of the newsletter. Memberships expiring in October 2014: Quentin Danley, Joseph Guy, Michael Marion, Charlie Mathews, Todd Moone, Larry Peterson, Dale Robinson, Melvin Trent, Bette Uhrig, and Brenda Wallace. Memberships expiring in November 2014: John Basham, Robert Brewbaker, John Klaudt, Dan Morris, and Chris Shay. Memberships expiring in December 2014: Barb and Barry Bisbee, Dustin Brimm, Frank and Rose Dupris, Douglas Gruenwald, Michelle Lutheran, Hannah Pruss, William Sabers, Erin Smith, Roland Usera, and Dara Wrachford. Affiliate memberships expiring in October: NONE Affiliate memberships expiring in November: Black Hills Power Sports, Blue Lantern Lounge, Dakota Battery & Electric, Rice Honda Suzuki, Rosco’s, Sally O’Malley’s Pub & Casino, and Stoneville Saloon. Affiliate memberships expiring in December: Country Corner, Eagles Lodge #3555, Knuckle Saloon, Loud American Roadhouse, One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning, Shotgun Willies, Spizzirri Press, Time Out Lounge, and Valley Sports Bar. Your membership secretary, Karline Clark COUNTRY INN at THREE FORKS 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! 390-1124 SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Visit one of these businesses today! (continued) Chaplain’s Corner Fall is our most favorite time of the year. We got married in the fall. We just love that time of the year. When we lived in Alaska fall started much earlier than it does in South Dakota. Most years the kids would trick or treat in snow suits, parkas and boots. Fall is a time to prepare for winter. We became familiar with what the old timers called termination dust. It was the first snowfall and it fell about the 15th of September usually. To the old miners it was the warning to get out of the hills and mountains and get to a town to hold up for the winter. Even though the weather was still nice in the fall if they didn't heed the termination dust they would get trapped and possibly die in the cold, being cut off from the rest of civilization. Many coastal villages get their supplies by barge. There is only a few months that they can get in, drop their cargo and get out due to the ice which can trap a barge and they might be stuck until next summer or worse yet the hull of the ship can be crushed by the ice. What has this got to do with riding a motorcycle you say? Well it is all about timing. At certain times everything is great but at others not so great. Like coming into a curve way to hot. Timing is very important. Straighten up, get on the brakes, shave off some speed, lean and you are good to go but if your timing is off you go straight off the curve into never never land. How about riding fast and following to close and all of a sudden traffic stops suddenly. If your timing is off you are going to crash. Timing is very critical in our lives. It says in the bible that any of us may be called home at any moment. Are we ready? Again timing comes into play. Some people think they can party hard and do whatever they want until the end and then when they are called home they want to ask for forgiveness and to be ushered into heaven. Well again timing is very important. Being none of us know when our time is up and we will be called home we need to ask forgiveness now and get that relationship with our Lord and Savior now before it is too late. As I said earlier don't wait too long, it's all about timing! Ride hard and ride often. In His service, Auggie &Sunshine J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 Bike Raffle Report Last Rushmore ABATE general membership meeting, we signed out nearly 350 tickets for the 2015 Superior Blue Street Glide raffle bike. Since the meeting we have signed out another 300 tickets. This is an awesome start! Thanks for signing out tickets and helping us sell tickets so early, we would love to give this bike away early in 2015. Again, Rushmore ABATE is only selling 1500 tickets and they are $20 each or 6 for $100, 2nd place is $500 and 3rd place is a Black Hills Gold Watch. Contact us at 605393-1221 if you would like to sell or purchase tickets. BA and Mary 2525 West Main St., Rapid City 342-8876 Chad Moyers—545-1035 Jake O’Grady—431-4385 Landscaping *** Moving *** Snow Removal Mexican Mondays Prime Rib Wednesdays Fish Fry Fridays Karaoke on Fridays Piedmont, SD (605) 787-6940 716-4332 Rapid City, SD BUGLIN’ BULL Restaurant & Sports bar 511 Mt. Rushmore Rd. Custer SD 673-4477 BUFFALO WILD WINGS 12300 W Hwy 44 348-9733 715 Mountain View Rd, Rapid City 721-9264 RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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P.O. Box 1223,
429 Kansas City St., Suite #11,
Rapid City, SD 57709
605-343-8474, website: