December 2014 Newsletter
R US H MO RE DECEMBER 2014 9th—RUSHMORE ABATE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG AND POTLUCK DINNER, 7PM, EAGLES CLUB ABATE UPDATE D ECE M BE R 25th—Christmas Day 31st—New Years’ Day 20 14 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President. - John Trudo 381-7030 [email protected] 21ST—Winter Begins C HA PT ER Vice President Hillary Klabunde—484-7185 Secretary - Barb Frerichs 923-6326 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 [email protected] Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Mary Anderson— 393-1221 Angie Lambert— Treas. - Kim Logsdon 484-8667 [email protected] State Rep - Sunshine Minzlaff 787-9136 [email protected] Sgt at Arms— Mike Clark 430-1669 [email protected] LRC - Ginny Kellerher 209-3084 [email protected] Mem Sec.– Karline Clark 430-1670 [email protected] OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 [email protected] Road Cptn— Bill Hanson 786-3668 Webmaster — Clay Weaver A few words from your President: OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: The end of the year is fast upon us. Less than 30 days until Christmas time and then the year ends. I ask everyone to take time and reflect on the previous months (if you can remember them) and challenge yourself to make next year an even better one. A lot of time we get caught up in the fast pace race of life and forget to step back and take some time for ourselves and our family. If you’re like me, it seems like the days are like hours and the months seem like days. Get your bike, or camper or boat out and make sure you take time to enjoy the little things. Life is too short and you don’t want to be remembered as the person who never took time to smell the roses!! Also remember to help out the people who are less fortunate, and donate to the shelters and re-stores. This time of year is exciting for many and sad and depressing for others. Our December meeting has been pushed 1 week due to a schedule conflict. The meeting will be held on December 9th at the Eagles Club. The Should of Could of will be drawn to one lucky member who is present. We will be holding our Elections, there is only one race running opposed, that is for President. It’s between current BOD member Bill Hanson and past President Craig Waddington. Come cast your vote for your next President. The calendar should be ready to be stapled and handed out at the meeting as well. We will also be having a pot-luck so bring a side dish to share. So I hope to see a great turn out on December 9th at the Eagles Club on East Centre St. John T. Secretary’s Report President John called the general membership meeting of RU ABATE of Nov. 4, 2014 to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms Mike. Barbie led membership in prayer. Roll call was taken with Sunshine and Janet excused and Ginny coming after work.No speaker was had. John acknowledged the new faces at the meeting. Minutes of the Oct. meeting had no additions or corrections. Phil motioned to accept and Cheryl seconded. Motion passed. Bills were presented of postage stamps $49.00 to Karline. Bill motioned to pay Karline and Barbie seconded. Motion passed. OFFICER REPORTS Pres. John thanked those for coming to the meeting. Did you get out and vote?? Nominations for officers will be later in meeting. Vice Pres. Hilary thanked all that helped with the Halloween Party. It was a good time. Treasurer Kim gave the dollar reports. Jiggs motioned to accept and Chuck seconded. Sec. had mail for Kim and Karline. The Neb. ABATE newsletter was sent around. LRC representative Ginny had nothing to add to her report in the newsletter. State Rep Sunshine had a report in the newsletter. Membership Sec. Karline gave numbers of 56 affiliates and 316 members. Sgt. at Arms Mike had nothing to report. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR had no report. Road Captain spot is open. Newsletter editor Ginny commented that the newsletter went out smoothly. Products Manager Hilary had nothing new to report. Web Page-John told members to get announcements and happenings to him or Clay so they can be added to the web page. MRF Rep. Jiggs stated that MRF needs members and passed out applications. Road Hazard Steward Barbie commented on road construction with members adding more. We are still riding so be safe. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Halloween Party report was given by Bill. Good time was had. Bike Raffle report by BA. Some of the 920 tickets that had been signed out have already been turned in. He thanked Bill, Beth, and Jim for selling tickets at HD on Oct. 11th. Nov. 1st Mary and Hilary sold at HD and thanked them. The credit card system seems to be working good. OLD BUSINESS John opened nominations. Craig W. was nominated for President and accepted. Bill H. was nominated for President and accepted. No other nominations were presented. Bob W. motioned that nominations cease. Jiggs seconded. Motion passed. President office is the only election we will have at the Dec. meeting. Spare tire mounts for the trailers are being worked on by BA. Handle Bar issue for S.D. is still being worked on by S.D. ABATE. State Coor. Jiggs has some meetings in Pierre coming up. Golf Cart body for sale. If not sold it was suggested we raise money on it at the RU Rally Party by smashing it with a hammer. We did an old motorcycle years ago and it was fun. Road Cleanup is on hold. Newsletter issues are going more smoothly. Affiliate Support signs information was shared by Bill. We will be getting 50 signs at $4.44 each which has already been approved by the membership. Ed Netterberg Weekend information was shared by Susan. The dates of June 19 and 20 have been set up with Nemo Guest Ranch. Passports will be done by Susan again. Karline to get our affiliate list to her soon. Susan wants to have the booklets ready for Dec. meeting. NEW BUSINESS Pres. John stated that the scheduled RU membership meeting of Dec. 2nd has to be rescheduled for Dec. 9th. It is our Christmas Pot luck. Voting and stapling calendars will take place also. Pres. John said an I Pad or Tablet are being looked into for the credit card swipes. Board members are gathering names for a Member of the Year candidate. If you have someone who hasn't been recognized, let a board member know. Pres. John asked for a chair person for the RU ABATE Rally Party. After much persuasion, Bill accepted to chair it. Bill asked members how much do we spend on bands? Discussion was had on bands and their fees. No decision was made. MEMBERS of the MONTH are Loren W. Kathy H. and Jerri Jo. Congratulations and thanks for volunteering at the Halloween Party. Secretary’s Report cont. AFFILIATE of the MONTH is the Eagles Club. Thank you for supporting ABATE. Bill encourages members to visit all our affiliates and tell them we support them. It was asked if we could have more thank you business cards to give to the affiliates when they are visited. Pres. John said we will get more made. Shoulda/Coulda of $180.00 would have went to Willie Haas, but sorry you could not collect as you were not here. Dec. will be $200.00 and will be given to only a RU ABATE member who is attending the meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gin H. has Herberger gift books for sale for the Eagles. Nov. 15 SFJ Pool Tournament. March 28th Jiggs has set up for the 3rd Annual Safety Seminar. Nov. 22nd is a fund raiser at the Eagles for Jacob Coccia. There being no further business or discussions, Barbie and Jiggs motioned to adjourn. I can't believe I beat Jiggs at the adjournment. LOL!! Belated Happy Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. God bless you!! Barbie :o) Vice President’s Report THE Bar & Grille 605-574-2998 Hill City, SD • Junction 16 & 385 NO REPORT AT TIME OF PUBLICATION 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! 2525 West Main St., Rapid City 342-8876 716-4332 Rapid City, SD State Rep’s Report This report is from notes taken by Karline Clark who subbed for me at the BOD meeting on Saturday, 1115-14. Thank you, Karline! The weather was very bad so many Reps were excused from the meeting. After volunteering for SD ABATE for over 17 years, Gail VanderPol gave her final membership secretary report. October had 18 new members; November had 17 new members; SD ABATE has 1,351 total members. Gail mailed letters to all the chapters making them aware that Karline Clark would be the new Membership Secretary, starting immediately. Susan Lettau, Newsletter Editor, reminded all that she would be expanding the "Good Times calendar in the Freedom Flyer so submit your information with more details. The Impac committee obtained e-mail addresses of State Reps for ideas on what gifts ABATE could give to our Legislators at Legislative Days. Please, if you have any suggestions, give them to me. Be aware of 19 rough draft variations of a bill to raise various taxes to fix South Dakota roads and bridges infrastructure. These bills are currently working their way through the legislative process to be finalized. Susan Lettau is compiling the State passport books to be handed out at the January Legislative Days meeting. Legislative Days - we are looking for donations to the Chinese auction and for door prizes. Please remember to bring your chapter membership awards for the gathering on Friday evening. Just a reminder, I hope to see LOTS of you at this GREAT event! Phil Hohm is organizing the May Awareness Ride - Plan to attend this event also. Heartland Steam 2016 will be held April 1-3 in Sioux falls at the Best Western Plus Ramkota Hotel. Rooms are $94.99 for double Queen or King rooms. Thank you again Karline. for taking notes for me! Thank you also for taking over the State Membership Secretary's position - without relinquishing your job as Rushmore Membership Secretary. I think you will be busy! Respectfully Submitted, Sunshine Minzlaff, Rushmore ABATE State Rep ROAD CAPTAIN’S THIS POSITION IS OPEN. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, COME TO THE NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND TALK TO ANY BOD MEMBER. TREASURER’S REPORT NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION LRC Report Well, now that the elections are all over with, we can all clearly see that President Obama’s lack of popularity has lead to a strong lean in the Republican direction. What those changes will mean to motorcyclists remains to be seen. On the federal level, we lost a couple key supporters and the MRF will undoubtedly be working hard to make new relationships with in coming legislators. The new administrator for NHTSA has been named. Mark Rosekind has been nominated for this position. He has 4 years experience with the National Transportation Safety Board and several years working for NASA. His confirmation has not yet taken place. I urge all members to become MRF members as well. The MRF is the arm of our cause that fights for our rights in Washington DC on a daily basis. They monitor all legislation to make sure that none of our rights as motorcyclists are compromised. They are having serious financial difficulties and definitely need your support. You would probably not be able to ride like you do if it weren’t for the work they have done for us. On page 11 of this newsletter, you will find a list of the mission of MRF for 2015. You will clearly see what they do is definitely worth your support!! On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who donated items to the rummage sale for Jacob Coccia’s benefit and all who attended. There are not words to say how very much you are appreciated and what a positive difference you made for this little boy! THANK YOU!!!!!!! Ginny Your Neighborhood Irish Pub Spirits, Food & Entertainment 721-8636 Join us on Facebook Located in Valley Square,3064 Covington St, Suite 206 Rapid City, SD Membership Secretary’s Report 2 new members: Dustin Atchley and Mike Guidliano. 8 renewing members. 1 new affiliate: Shed & Deb’s Bar in Black Hawk. 8 renewing affiliates: BH Power Sports, Dave Davis Agency, Inc., Eagles Lodge #3555, Rice Honda Suzuki, Sally O’Mally’s Pub & Casino, Stoneville Saloon, Thrash’s Living Art, and Valley Sports Bar. We currently have 55 affiliates and 321 members. 86 addresses were sent to Western Mailers for mailing the hardcopy of the newsletter. Memberships expiring in November 2014: John Klaudt, Dan Morris, and Chris Shay. Memberships expiring in December 2014: Barb and Barry Bisbee, Dustin Brimm, Frank and Rose Dupris, Douglas Gruenwald, Michelle Lutheran, Hannah Pruss, William Sabers, Erin Smith, Roland Usera, and Dara Wrachford. Memberships expiring in January 2015: Jeri Jo antes, Darlene Gilby, Dean Hade, and Mike Letcher. Affiliate memberships expiring in November: Blue Lantern Lounge, Dakota Battery & Electric, and Rosco’s. Affiliate memberships expiring in December: Country Corner, Knuckle Saloon, Loud American Roadhouse, One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning, Shotgun Willies, Spizzirri Press, and Time Out Lounge. Affiliate memberships expiring in January: Caputa Store. Your membership secretary, Karline Clark Whitewood, SD J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Visit one of these businesses today! (continued) Chaplain’s Corner This time of year marks the Season of Joy! It is a time to be thankful for all the blessings we have and joyful in the abundance of God's love and provision for us! God's greatest gift was His son, Jesus Christ who died to save us all from our sins. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." This is not a time that is supposed to be "all about us/me." Joy stands for: Jesus Others Yourself The more one focuses on others, the more joy and contentment one finds in one's own life. Jesus gave us the example of this lifestyle. Helping/serving others does not happen by accident but happens when we become more aware of others needs. This requires us to step out of our "comfort zones" and take risks sometimes. This lifestyle may not be a walk of praise by man but it is a rewarding walk. Only through this lifestyle can we see the hand of God at work. Matt. 5:25 "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord." We all look for joy in other people and we love to be around them. We all have good days and bad days but our joy is not based on the circumstances around us, rather, on the condition of our heart within us. Allowing Christ to take residence in our heart and the abiding faith to always look to Him will bring this joy. Joy is not an outside job, but, an inside job. John 15:9-11 "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments you will abide in My love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full." Romans 15:13 "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." This holiday season, let's all work at sharing, helping, spreading our joy and peace wherever we go. May God bless us all! In His service, Sunshine and Auggie Bike Raffle Report Thanks to everyone who has stepped up and signed out books of tickets. Ticket sells are going well so if you want a ticket you better buy one soon. We only have 200 tickets left in our possession to sell or sign out to be sold. Thanks to the folks who have stepped up and shown the bike at BHHD in our absence. Thanks. BA & Mary 605-393-1221 Mason Caterers Chad Moyers—545-1035 Jake O’Grady—431-4385 Lead, SD Landscaping *** Moving *** Snow Removal Mexican Mondays Prime Rib Wednesdays Fish Fry Fridays Karaoke on Fridays Products Report Piedmont, SD (605) 787-6940 BUGLIN’ BULL Restaurant & Sports bar 511 Mt. Rushmore Rd. Custer SD 673-4477 NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION BUFFALO WILD WINGS 715 Mountain View Rd, Rapid City 721-9264 The Island Bar Piedmont, SD 716-0631 Rushmore Chapter of ABATE Inc. (A Brotherhood of Awareness Training & Education) Win this 2015 Harley Davidson Superior Blue “103” Street Glide ***20th Annual Bike Raf2nd Prize 3rd Prize fle*** $500.00 BH Gold Watch Ticket Price $20 each or 6 for $100 12300 W Hwy 44 348-9733 Drawing to be held on or before August 8th, 2015 at Black Hills Harley Davidson Rapid City, South Dakota. A portion of the proceeds from this raffle may benefit the SD ABATE IMPAC Fund – a political action committee. LOOKING FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL? TRY AN ABATE PRODUCTS! We have T-shirts, Pins, Patches, Cozies, Hats and more! Support your chapter, buy ABATE! Pick up your products at the Dec. 9th meeting or call Hilary, our products manager to set your pick up. MRF 2015 AGENDA — SUPPORT THE MRF, JOIN TODAY!!!! MAP 21 upcoming reauthorization (the Highway Bill) – To include Motorcycle 2010 type Grant Funding (the MRF to pursue the current levels of funding along with a request to tighten up language for qualification and use), continuation of the NHTSA Lobbying Ban, pursue reinstatement of the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) to advise the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), oppose any motorcycling related federal blackmails or federal sanctions contained in the highway bill; closely monitor for any action that would negatively impact motorcycles, motorcycling, and motorcyclists; seek to include HR1861 type language to ban motorcycle specific roadblock grant funding SAE Motorcycle Roadside Sound Test – The MRF to NOT promote the use of the SAE Sound Test as a National enforcement standard, majority considered this a state issue NHTSA motorcycle-specific checkpoint grant program – MRF to carry out a full effort to cut off specified use of funding for this motorcyclebased discriminatory practice, work with SMRO’s to exchange information on passing anti-checkpoint laws within the state, work to get new HR1861 like resolution language written and introduced Continue monitoring the Federal Crash Causation study and the MSF Naturalistic study Strongly oppose any federal standard proposing stamping and certifying of motorcycle exhaust systems Continue to oppose federal agency activity regarding EPA Sound Emission User studies and the encouragement of state activity with federal resources – again deemed to be a state issue Work to discourage ALL forms of distracted driving, and oppose all forms of funding blackmails or withholding of funds as related to motorcyclists, watch this issue closely for motorcycle specific discriminatory language Continue participation at the federal level where the definition of a motorcycle is under review taking advantage of any opportunity available to enhance and further clarify MRF will oppose any motorcycling, motorcycle, or motorcyclist-based discriminatory legislation or rules proposed by the U.S. Congress or by a federal agency MRF to seek a legislative vehicle to include motorcyclist anti-profiling language this upcoming session Continue participation in motorcycle related activity in the European Union, United Nations and Canada MRF to fiercely oppose any mandatory helmet or apparel standards MRF directed by our SSMRO’s to not support the use of ethanol fuels higher than E10 or any other newly developed fuel blends including alternative renewable fuels without further testing on motorcycle engines and obtaining specific recommendations from motorcycle manufacturers approving their use, MRF and SSMRO’s to continue to pursue passage of HR875 type language MRF to continue to insure the inclusion of motorcycles in ongoing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) emerging technologies Pursue safer roadway design strategies at the federal level, include safer cable barrier research similar to European improvements in the discussion Continue to promote our theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing, using the principles of HR1498 urging NHTSA to focus on crash prevention and rider education MRF to pursue limiting funding of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for their increasing involvement in motorcycling safety issues MRF to pursue limiting of funding of CDC on their involvement in motorcycling safety issues through a relevant appropriations bill, pursue CDC lobby ban and seek to remove language where CDC suggests motorcycle crashes are preventable injury events. MRF to continue to support efforts to refocus the CDC on their mission as stated in the letter from Congressman Petri to the CDC on September 27th, 2013 MRF to monitor private organizations that oppose the legislative agenda or mission of the MRF and investigate their funding sources to make certain they are not receiving federal tax dollars MRF to monitor public organizations for funding sources when in opposition to our legislative agenda or mission and respond appropriately if they receive federal tax dollars MRF to monitor and report on transportation entities that are active in motorcycling but by their charters or mission statements are or should be non-relevant to motorcycles MRF to monitor and report on non-transportation federal agencies becoming increasingly involved in motorcycling such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) MRF to continue to closely monitor the federally mandated Affordable Health Care Act for potential motorcyclist and motorcycling discrimination MRF to fully engage the EPA on upcoming activity on motorcycle emission regulations and motorcycle drive train mandates MRF to support the Black Box Protection Act, currently HR2414, seek introduction of similar language in the upcoming Congress to regulate black boxes in motorcycles, seek to clarify the rights of the vehicle owner to ownership of the recorded data MRF to research fair tolling concepts on federally funded roads and roads supported by federal bonds Federal Agency Motorcycle Design Standards – MRF to oppose non-motorcycle manufacturer mandated specific design standards There was agreement that while the handling of non-motorcycle powered two and three wheelers such and mopeds, scooters, and the various cabin based steering wheel type vehicles was considered a state by state issue that there would be an effort to get these removed from motorcycle crash statistics if they do not have to follow the existing motorcycle licensing program in the state. THIS IS REPRINTED IN PART, NOT IN FULL, FROM AN MRF EMAIL NEWS OF NOVEMBER 10, 2014. After much discussion and research with various SMROs throughout the country, these are a sampling of their goals for the coming year. RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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429 Kansas City St., Suite #11,
Rapid City, SD 57709
605-343-8474, website: