June 2014 Newsletter
June 2014 Newsletter
R US H MO RE JUNE 2014 ABATE UPDATE 3rd—Rushmore General Membership Mtg, 7:00pm 6th-7th— RUSHMORE ABATE RALLY, Shade Valley Campground 6th-7th– Best of the West, Dillon, CO 9th—BH Area Bikers Mtg, 7 pm Haines Ave Hardees 13th—28 FSS/Green Knights Dakota Thunder Storm Car & Bike show -13th-14th– HOG State Rally 20-21st—CCR Run 21st—BHAB Ride for the Forgotten 21-22—Green Knights Dakota Thunder Annual Campout Begins—leave from EAFB 22nd—CMA Ride, 1:30, Windmill Truckstop 23rd—CMA Mtg, Pizza Ranch 26th—Rushmore ABATE BOD mtg, 7:30 pm 28th—Western SD Child Protective Council Poker Run 27-29-OAHE Fun Run, Pierre SD 29th- BH ABATE Mtg, Noon, Side Hack, Sturgis OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: www.rushmoreabate.com C HA PT ER J U NE 201 4 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President. - John Trudo 381-7030 [email protected] Vice President Hillary Klabunde—484-7185 Secretary - Barb Frerichs 923-6326 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 [email protected] Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Mary Anderson— 393-1221 Treas. - Kim Logsdon 484-8667 [email protected] State Rep - Sunshine Minzlaff 787-9136 [email protected] Sgt at Arms— Mike Clark 430-1669 [email protected] LRC - Ginny Kellerher 209-3084 [email protected] Mem Sec.– Karline Clark 430-1670 [email protected] OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 [email protected] Road Cptn— Bill Hanson 786-3668 Webmaster — Clay Weaver Products Manager— VACANT A few words from your President: NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Secretary’s Report The May 6th RU ABATE general membership meeting was called to order by acting President Hilary. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms Mike. Chapter prayer was led by Chaplain Auggie. Roll call taken with President John being excused. GUEST SPEAKER—Darla Drew, who is running for Ward 5 Rapid City Council, was a guest speaker. Linda Jacobs thanked group for their support and prayers for her medical issues. Previous minutes were posted on website. No hard copy newsletters were available. There being no corrections or additions to those minutes, Phil motioned to accept and Jiggs econded. Motion passed. A bill was presented by Janet for stamps for $9.80. Barbie motioned to pay her with Bill seconding. Motion passed. OFFICER REPORTS President John in N.D. Vice President Hilary is leading the meeting. She thanked those that attended Slider's Presentation. She thanked RU chapter for paying for the ERC course. Treasurer Kim gave the dollar amounts. Bill made a motion to accept the Treasurer' s report. Linda seconded. Motion passed. Secretary passed bills, memberships and affiliates onto Kim and Karline. The Neb. ABATE newsletter was passed. State Rep. Sunshine stated that the S.D. ABATE Awareness yard signs are here. State ABATE is looking for a new treasurer. She has a report in the newsletter. Any questions or concerns for her to take to State meeting, let her know. Membership Sec. Karline gave numbers of 45 affiliates and 382 members. A report is in the newsletter. Sgt. at Arms Mike had nothing to report. LRC Ginny has a report in the newsletter. Gave some highlights on issues. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR Janet thanked those that attended the RU Presentation with Slider. Thank you cards were sent out to those that contributed to the Presentation. Cards were sent to Linda J. and the Frank A. family. Thanked Darla Drew for speaking. Road Captain Bill reminded group of the S.D. ABATE Awareness Ride on May 17th. June 22nd will be a social ride with road clean up afterwards. July 26th is RU ABATE Poker Run. May 11th is a memorial ride for former ABATE member, Cisco. May 17th is the BACA Ride. June 15th is the Rhea Trevino Memorial Ride. Products Manager Phil has gotten prices on pull over and zip sweatshirts. Nothing decided on this issue. Phil wants to step down as products manager. Web Page Master Clay is adding items when received. MRF Rep. Jiggs stated that Obama has called for a mandatory nation wide helmet law. Jiggs reported on a phone conversation he had with Jeff Hennies. Best of the West is June 7-8 in Frisco, Colo. Road Hazard Steward Barbie stated that I-90 has road construction both east and west of Rapid City. Hells Canyon under construction and chip and seals are being done. Be careful!! Newsletter editor Ginny said her and Karline are working on the hard copy of newsletters that are not being sent out issue. OLD BUSINESS Hilary stated that donation cans are set out for IMPAC, Linda Jacobs, and BHCMA Run For The Son. Shed prep and moving dates are set for May 26th and May 31st. Bob W. stated that Absolute Towing will do shed moving for an affiliateship. It states in the RU ABATE by-laws that it must be a $750.00 donation to get a free affiliateship. Bob suggested we pay for the fuel of the truck. Bill motioned that RU pay for the fuel and Chuck seconded. Motion passed. BA thanked Harley for the brats and those that brought side dishes. Bike Raffle report by BA. He stated we still have books to sell. Bike set ups are scheduled for Wed night at Quaker Steak and Lube, Fri. night at Black Hills Speedway, and Sat. at AMMC show at the OutPost and Shriners parking lot. RU Rally report by Bill. June 6-8 are the dates. You have to rent your own golf cart. Boys Club breakfast ride is that Sat. morning. Kim had information on a card reader/tablet. Square on phones are free. Much discussion on this issue. Steve P. motioned to get up to 4 squares. Chris K. seconded. Motion passed. Jim added an amendment to this motion that we try this for one year. All in favor. Motion passed. Jiggs gave information on the RU Presentation that was held. NEW BUSINESS RU ABATE has 100 yard signs. Get signs to display. Paying for the ERC and beginner classes discussion was had. Jim motioned and Bill seconded that RU pay the full class price to a member on completion and passing the courses. Motion passed. RU will be purchasing new combination locks for the shed, bike trailer, and the beer trailer. The golf cart shell that was damaged at last years RU Rally party was discussed. Do we fix it to sell or leave as is? Jeremy motioned to leave the golf cart as is and Chris K. seconded. Motion passed. Board to put it on the internet to sell to try to recoup some of the money the chapter lost when they had to pay for the damaged cart from the Rally. Jiggs has a list of places to display the yard signs. Jiggs was thanked for setting up the Safety Seminar. Will work on one for 2015. MEMBER OF THE MONTH goes to Cheryl Rega. Thanks for your volunteering. AFFILIATE OF THE MONTH goes to Buffalo Wild Wings. Thanks for supporting RU chapter of ABATE. Shoulda/Coulda of $80.00 would have went to Andrew Rick, but sorry, you weren't here to collect. June is $100.00. Chance for a chance on the bike tickets go to Kim L., Bob F., and Craig W. Congrats to all. 50/50 of $62.00 was won by Chris K. Congrats and thanks for donating $20.00 back to the IMPAC Fund. ANNOUNCEMENTS May 10th is AMMC Show, May 11th is Cisco Memorial Ride, May 17th is BACA Ride, May 17th is S.D. ABATE Awareness Ride to Pierre, June 15th is Rhea Trevino Memorial Ride, July 26th is RU Chapter Poker Run, July 27th is the Meet in the Middle with Oahe chapter, June 22nd is social ride, road clean up, and BBQ, and June 21st is the BHAB Ride for the Forgotten.... Jiggs thanked Hilary for conducting the meeting. There being no further business or discussions, Jiggs motioned to adjourn. Coins for IMPAC raised $33.79. Submitted by Barbie :o) Memorial Day is approaching. Lets remember those we have lost!!!! Vice President’s Report NO REPORT AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Mexican Mondays Prime Rib Wednesdays Fish Fry Fridays Karaoke on Fridays Piedmont, SD (605) 787-6940 Chad Moyers—545-1035 Jake O’Grady—431-4385 Whitewood, SD IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! The Touch Massage Therapy 809 South St, #112 Rapid City, SD 605-716-1020 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! Landscaping *** Moving *** Snow Removal Bike Raffle Report ROAD CAPTAIN’S NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Amanda Kirschenman Coldwell Banker Real Estate 2013 #1 Sales Associate By State 2700 West Main St, Rapid City (605) 390-6070 cell [email protected] As the cold long weather was hanging on as long as it did, it slowed down raffle ticket sales on the bike. As of May 12th we were very close to being sold out will only 100 tickets left but 3 outdoor events we show the bike out have been cancelled due to either snow or cold wet windy weather. We am confident that once the sun comes out someone will be the lucky winner riding this bike around. Thank you to all the people who have helped us along the way. B.A. & Mary 393 - 1221 Update as of May 16, 2014, we are almost out of tickets and our personal goal is to do the drawing on Saturday, May 31st at Black Hills Harley Davidson at 4 pm. Your Neighborhood Irish Pub Spirits, Food & Entertainment 721-8636 Join us on Facebook Located in Valley Square,3064 Covington St, Suite 206 2525 West Main St., Rapid City 342-8876 LRC Report The rule changes for 501c4 corporations that the IRS had proposed are now being scrubbed due to the vague nature or the language used which could limit a lot more than what the intent of the IRS actually was. They are going to start over with a more specific proposal. Chris Hart is the likely selection to take over the National Transportation Safety Board. He is currently the Vice Chairperson and has been a member of the NTSB since 2009 and a past member of the NHTSA. From the articles I have read, it would appear that Mr. Hart is pro-helmet use and holds the belief that their use saves lives. “Another fact is very clear: head injuries are a leading cause of deaths in motorcycle crashes. One very simple safety step is key to saving those lives: the universal wearing of motorcycle helmets that are approved by the Department of Transportation. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that helmets are 37 percent effective in preventing fatal injuries to motorcycle riders.” We will have to keep an eye on how far the NTSB pushes for a mandatory helmet law under this new leadership. Ginny TREASURER’S REPORT NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Web Master Report NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Feds to include motorcycles in intelligent transportation systems research The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) informed the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) recently that they do in fact intend to include motorcycles in the research they will be doing about vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology. V2V technology, in theory, allows for individual vehicles to communicate with each other on the road. The conversation would let the individual vehicles inform other vehicles as to how fast it is moving, where it is moving to, and how far away it is from other vehicles. The theory goes on to assume that using this technology will reduce crashes and therefore injury and loss of life. The technology works something like this: if a vehicle is approaching another vehicle at a greater rate of speed and a collision is imminent, the vehicle can brake itself to slow down and avoid the collision. Or if a distracted driver is bearing into your vehicle’s space, it will automatically employ evasive actions such as hard braking or swerving. "Vehicle-to-vehicle technology represents the next generation of auto safety improvements, building on the life-saving achievements we've already seen with safety belts and air bags,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "By helping drivers avoid crashes, this technology will play a key role in improving the way people get where they need to go while ensuring that the U.S. remains the leader in the global automotive industry.” When NHTSA announced that it was going to begin taking steps to enable V2V communications technology for light vehicles, the MRF was concerned that motorcycles would be negatively affected by not being included in the discussion. It was revealed to the MRF that the initial research will focus on passenger cars, but motorcycles will be included eventually. NHTSA plans on equipping motorcycles with V2V technology so that the vehicle can transmit signals to other vehicles on the road to provide a warning of potential vehicle collision and avoid it.Technology changes to motorcycles are certainly beginning to rise. Liquid-cooled, fuel-injected, touch screen equipped Harley Davidsons are just the first wave. What comes next is anyone’s guess. Some of it is certain to be helpful, like GPS, but taking full control of a motorcycle away from the motorcyclist is one of the worst possible ideas in the universe – taking any controls away from the rider is not acceptable. The MRF will work to make sure that never happens. Obama Calls for Helmet Laws This week President Obama released his ideal version of a transportation bill. The proposal has a specific provision that would allow the federal government to push a mandatory helmet law, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports. Parking: Buried in the 350 page document is language that would amend current United States code, which provides the motorcycle safety money that would allow “the Secretary [of transportation] or the Secretary’s designee [to] engage in activities with States and State legislators to consider proposals related to motorcycle helmet use laws.” This provision is unacceptable to the MRF, and it’s safe to say, the United States House of Representatives. Labeled as “Support Activity” in the draft legislation, it’s a thinly veiled stab at a mandatory national helmet law. The draft is titled “Generating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Communities throughout America,” or GROW AMERICA Act. You can read the whole document here: http://www.dot.gov/sites/dot.gov/files/docs/DOT_surface_reauth-FINAL.pdf The draft legislation also has incentive grants for graduated auto licensing. The MRF urges you to contact your Representative in the House and both of your Senators. You can reach the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. In addition, the MRF asks that you contact the White House directly and let them know you are not pleased with the helmet use provisions of President Obama’s GROW AMERICA Act. You can reach the White House several different ways from this website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation urges you to join your fellow freedom fighters in Washington on May 15th to lobby Congress and help stop this legislation. Please register for the event on the MRF website. If you have any questions about attending this most important day for motorcyclists, please call the MRF Washington D.C. office. State Rep’s Report Meeting was called to order with members excused due to graduations, etc. Secretary’s report and Treasurer's reports were read and accepted. Membership secretary reported 1,453 members. Newsletter editor requested that you get your articles in no later than the 15th of the month. Due to the absence of John Steele, Jiggs gave the MRF report. He also covered the IMPAC committee material. We voted to donate $50.00 each to six people running for state Legislative offices - most, if not all are incumbents and three were from our area. There was also discussion about support for Larry Neilson' candidacy for representative for his district. It is contingent upon his letter of intent and the IMPAC committee voted to give him $500.00 dollars based on his many years of service to ABATE and IMPAC. As the Legislature was busy, we did not get a hearing for our grant proposal as yet, but it is in the works. Membership committee - Gail has announced she must step down and, as it is an appointed position, Jiggs asked and Karline Clark accepted the position and will be working with Gail until January. Thank you Karline - way to step up! We should have maps at the July meeting - in time for the Sturgis Rally. At the May Awareness Run, $190.00 was raised for IMPAC - the rest was split in three winner categories. We are once again buying a Hall of Fame table for eight and if you want to go (it is for the Motorcycle Museum) the Wednesday of Sturgis Rally week in Deadwood. The tickets are half price for ABATE members with the state picking up the other half of the admission price. If you have never been to this event it is a great time to rub elbows with some very famous people and eat some very good food! Elections are during the July meeting and so far Rod "Thumper" Hersrud is the only person nominated for Vice-coordinator. We need a nominee for treasurer as Jan has a new job and is no longer available to fill this position. Please consider filling this position if you are interested and feel qualified. Jan will help you while you get into the feel for the position. Respectfully Submitted, Sunshine Minzlaff BUFFALO WILD WINGS 715 Mountain View Rd, Rapid City 721-9264 Rapid City, SD J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 Chaplain’s Corner Someone said that mediocrity is just the best of the worst and the worst of the best. Is that what we in ABATE want? If not, we must be willing to leave the place where we are and go where God leads us. This means setting goals, forming a plan to reach them and becoming accountable - staying in God's will. We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. If we only do what we have always done, we will only be what we have always been! We need to grow, change and follow God's leading. The scriptures have a lot to say about the war between the flesh man and the spiritual man. Say this prayer, as we enter our busy season - "Lord God, I give my life to you. Accomplish Your will in me." This is not an easy process but in the end you will know the life-changing power and the blessings of being a child of God. Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." A separate prayer: Dear God—Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, my life. Remove the "have nots, the cannots and the do not's that I have in my mind. Erase the "will nots", "may nots", "might nots" that may find a home in my heart. Release me from the "could nots", "would nots" and "should nots" that obstruct my life. And most of all, dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart and my life all of the "am nots" that I have allowed to hold me back , especially the thought that I am not good enough! AMEN (Author unknown) Offer this prayer to God. In His service, Sunshine and Auggie First Annual Cruisin’ for St. Jude POKER RUN 7 June—9-11 AM Registration at Sturgis Vet's Club (Route on back) 11 AM Kick-stands up 3-7 PM - Live music by UNFINISHED BUSINESS at Sturgis Poker Run Registration/Hand $20 Corporate Sponsors: ESA local chapters Chi Omega and Iota Pi; MWA-Andy Bartling, Agent; Med5 2,3 &4 WHEELS WELCOME! Prizes, food, silent auction, BRA PONG, live music and more! Membership Secretary’s Report The last few months of general membership meetings has been great! I process a LOT of names and rarely ever get to see the face that goes with it. It has been awesome to finally meet some of you and put your face with your name. It is JUNE – RALLY TIME! I’m hoping to meet a lot more of you and put your faces with your names. We currently have 45 affiliates and 379 members. On May 9, 2014 I deposited $505 for members/affiliates and mailed check # 4302 for $280.00 to State Abate. I will be mailing the June reminder cards after our RALLY. Here are the results so far: Month # Mailed # Returned % Returned May 16 2 12.5 April 33 4 12.1 I’m asking for help with Mike Jacobson’s address. His mail is being returned. Memberships: We had 10 members renew, 4 new members: Justin Cano, Oscar Johnson, Theresa Puckett, and Darrel Voss. Memberships expiring in May 2014: Lexanne Bridgman, Jerod & Mindy Crandall, Dave & Darling Crow, Dave Davis, James & Nancy Douding, Beth Garcia, Slider Gilmore, Steven Karasch, Ruby Karmann, and Shirley Remington. Memberships expiring in June 2014: Crystal Adams, Steve Albrecht, Chris Aldridge, Melissa Ammons, Charles Bauhs, Jim & Tamara Bechard, Lynette Becker, Tim Birmeier, Steve Brandsted, Travis Brei, LeRoy Brooks, Danny Buckner, Lex Brugers, Enrique Burkholder, Jeff & Wendy Cain, Dale Claymore, Brian & Tammy Cook, Kathy Cooley, Krissy Cox, Jiggs Cressy, Rodney Croyle, Chris Cullingford, Dennis Dahlberg, Tammy & Edward Davis, Van & Lisa DeVries, Tom Didier, Linda Drye, Jim Easterly, Jim Ehrmantrout, Tim Elliot, Rich Ellison, Paula Fiedler, Johnny Gamboa, Aaron Giedd, Sue Gilles, Beth Glynn, Cory Goeringer, Wayne Goldsberry, Teresa & Carter Gravatt, Wes Haas, Willie Haas, John Haas, Gina Hakin, Travis Hamann, Keith Hantak, Kenny & Brenda Harman, Tere Herman, Dallas Holloman, Ken Howard, Gin Huwe, Tammy Ideker, Mike Jacobson, Todd Jansen, Roxy Jurrens, Marguerite Karlos, Ginny Kellerher, Maggie Kennedy, Chris Kennedy, William Kinnerson, Jeremy & Hilary Klabunde, Dayton Kline, Chris Kniss, Angela Lampert, Tony Landavazo, Doug Larson, Steven Lawler, Ken LeBon, Travis Lightfield, Kim Logsdon, Frank Marohn, Ken Martinez, Marcia Mayer, Dennis McCarthy, Tina & Phil McCollar, Mike McGrath, Susan Mertz, Stan Michals, Tami Mitzel, Wild Bill Moffitt, Kevin & Leslie Morris, Mark Mueller, Kathy Murphy, Steve Nudd, Sherry Ogilvie, Geoff Oliver, Kristi Olson, Todd Orelup, Dave Owen, Dan Oxley, Tony Palli, Tracy Palmer, Jessie Phares, Pam Phillips, Steve & Tammy Pistulka, Dave Pope, Robert Red Bear, Tamara Reed, Bobby Riek, James Robinson, Steve Rohde, Marady & Jim Rude, Brandon Schmitt, Sandy Seachris, Rodney Seidel, Jeff Senne, Gary & Dana Sherman, Chris Skorpak, Deb Sleveke, Andrea Stark, Chris Swick, Chris Tiller, Melinda Trolinger, Erika & John Trudo, Rebel VanLoh, Craig Waddington, Terry Wangsness, Richard Warnemunde, Clay & Joy Weaver, David Webb, Teresa White, Julie Wiedmeier, Ann Wiley, and David Williams. Memberships expiring in July 2014: Kelly & Rick Adams, Misty Arndt, Rollie Baker, Tim Bergman, Mike Birgen, Larry Blackwell, Tim Bourne, Charles Bowman, Kathy Bowser, William Brennan, Michael Cartwright, David Cartwright, Kylene Castillo, Jess Castle, Todd Catron, Caryn Clinton, Robert & Sheila Coyle, Jeff Delacruz, Dan Determan, Doug Dougherty, Betty Dunaway, Irene Fliegel, Twyla Fritz, Tony ‘Bones’ Gabert, Desirae & Matt Gahl, Heather Garrett, Mike Grabinski, Julie Haak, Brooke Haas, Buffy Haase, Judy & Lonnie Hall, Dan & Lynette Hankerson, Roxanne Harley, Dave Hodgson, Ron Hopkins, Nathaniel Houchin, Ann & John Hovednes, Rhett Howard, Joseph Huddleston, Randy Hughes, Dave Iverson, Chan Jacobson, David Jennings, Bree Johnson, Laurie Johnson, Kirby Johnson, James Johnson, Sandy Jost, Joe Kelly, Lynnelle Kline, Jen Kniss, Lyle Larson, Tosha Larson, Dave Larson, Scott Lemon, Sandee Mack, Nathan Mahle, Christina McKenna, Andee Millard, Wesly Miller, Brandy Miller, Crystal Moffit, Mike & Brenda Moore, Jeff Moser, Erick Mueller, Joseph Mueller, Scott Multz, Steve Naeve, Mike & Diane Neu, Janet Olson, Carol Orelup, Todd Owens, Maggie Palmer, Glen & Elizabeth Passmore, John Petersen, Carol Phares, Jeff Pierce, Jim Piercy, Vickie Reich, Tyler Reif, Sarah Remington, Kathy Rice, Nicholette Roskam, Rod Russfell, Jeremy Ruyle, Mark Salmen, Brenda Sanders, Floyd Savageau, Teresa Schock, Hillary Schwab, Valerie & Chad Seidel, Steve Sigdestad, Curt Smith, Karlton Smith, Jerald Smith, Anthony Stevenson, Deb Sutton, Lisa Sweeney Nicol, Michael Tarnowski, Becky & Brian Thompson, Rob Tompkims, Dee Dee & James Tucker, Shean Usher, Bob Walker, Loren Wermers, Rita & James White, Ken Willard, Nantinki Young, and Craig Youngstrom. Affiliates: 2 renewed this month, and 1 new affiliate: Amanda Kirshenman: Coldwell Banker Realtor. Affiliate memberships expiring in May: Bad Cat Tattoo, Joe’s Place, and The Touch Massage Therapy. Affiliate memberships expiring in June: Brown, Koro & Romag LLP, Burnout Biker Wear, and Classy Cuts. Affiliate memberships expiring in July: Quaker Steak & Lube, and Tri-State Tire. Hope to see you at the RALLY! Your membership secretary, Karline Clark SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Visit one of these businesses today! (continued) 716-4332 Rapid City, SD Quaker Steak & Lube 3313 E. Mall Dr, 342-9464 RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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