December 2015 Newsletter
December 2015 Newsletter
R US H MO RE December 2015 7th—BHAB Shopping for the Forgotten 8th—BHAB Wrapping for the Forgotten 10th—RUSHMORE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG & CHRISTMAS POTLUCK, 7 PM 11th—BHAB Mtg, 7pm 20th—BH ABATE Mtg, Noon, Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis 22—Winter Begins 25—Christmas Day 28—CMA Mtg, 6pm, Pizza Ranch 29— RUSHMORE ABATE BOD Mtg, 7:30 pm 31—New Year’s Eve C HA PT ER ABATE UPDATE D ECE M BE R 20 15 YOUR LEADERS: OFFICERS President Craig Waddington [email protected] Vice President Hillary Klabunde—484-7185 Secretary Barb Frerichs 415-2174 BOARD MEMBERS Steve Rohde-Photographer 716-6796 [email protected] Janet Olson—PR Rep 381-5010 Phil McCollar — 484-0291 Sandy McCauley— Treasurer Kim Logsdon— 484-8667 [email protected] State Rep Sunshine Minzlaff—787-9136 [email protected] Sgt at Arms Mike Clark—430-1669 [email protected] Legislative Research Chair Ginny Kellerher—209-3084 [email protected] Membership Secretary Karline Clark—430-1670 [email protected] OTHERS Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff Chaplain— 787-9136 [email protected] Road Cptn— Nate Houchin— Webmaster — Clay Weaver January 1—NEW YEAR’S DAY OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF RUSHMORE CHAPTER OF ABATE INC. OF SD P.O. Box 1223, 429 Kansas City St., Suite #11, Rapid City, SD 57709 605-343-8474, website: A few words from your President: There are many things happening with the chapter right now. Our ABATE Rally planning committee is starting to line up this year’s event. Bill is spearheading it again this year, but he needs some help. Please contact me or any other officer if you have a little time to spare. We also have a new event that Sandy is heading up and will need some help. It is called the Big Toy Ball. We will be selling raffle tickets for $125 dollars each and limiting the sales to 300 tickets. The people who purchase these tickets also get into a Ball where the tickets will be drawn out one by one until someone wins the toy of there choice. Sounds like fun right! Tickets are also available for our Harley Davidson raffle bike . Mike Clark is in charge of the raffle this year and will need help with selling tickets so checkout a book and get them sold. We have been getting a pretty good turnout for our monthly meetings if you haven’t attended one for awhile stop in and check one out. I try to get through all the business in 1 to 1.5 hours so it moves along pretty fast. We will be having our Christmas Potluck at the next meeting on Thursday, 12/10/15 Thursday , December 10th at 7:00. It is also a good time to see people you don’t see all winter because it is to cold to be out riding. Speaking of which, we are having a great winter so far, been riding almost every week at some point or another. Get out and ride every chance you get. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Craig W. Secretary’s Report The 11-3-15 RU ABATE general membership meeting was called to order by Pres. Craig. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Craig. Chaplain Auggie led chapter in prayer. Roll call was taken. Karline, Mike, and Bill were excused. Ginny and Kim were absent. No guest speaker. The Oct. minutes had no additions or corrections. Sandy motioned and Phil seconded to accept. Motion passed. Bills could not be paid as no representatives to do so. OFFICER REPORTS Pres. Craig mentioned the article in the RC Journal on motorcycle deaths. Vice Pres. Hilary thanked everyone for volunteering and attending the Halloween party. Treasurer's report was none. Sec. Barbie had bills for the Treasurer. Newsletters were shared. State Rep. Sunshine also shared information on the article in the RC Journal on motorcycle deaths. Shared some MRF information. LRC Rep. Ginny was absent. Membership Sec. Karline was absent. Taking care of Mike!! Sgt. at Arms Mike was absent. Hope you are healing up Mike. :o( :o) STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR Rep. Janet has a get well card for Mike. She brought treasurer items and handed them to Tina. Calendars are being worked on. Road Captain Nate had nothing to report. Products Manager Hilary has items on the table. Web Page Master Clay--looks good. MRF Rep. Jiggs shared information. Jeff Hennies has resigned as the lobbyist in Washington D.C. Another one is being sought. Auggie reported on the MRF scholarship program. Sign up with him if you want a one year free membership. Road Hazard Stewardess Barbie stated that there is a mix up in who is getting the phone calls. State Road Hazard Stewardess, Darlene, is checking on this situation. Back to Treasurer's report. Tina gave the dollar numbers from the information she was given. Phil motioned to accept and Jiggs seconded. Motion passed. AD HOC COMMITTEES Membership Party information was shared by Craig. Need to meet with Shade Valley Campground. Bill needs help. Praying for healing Bill. :o) BHAB report by Barbie. Packets for the 17 care facilities will be passed out on Nov. 9th. Packets to be turned in by Nov. 28th to Darlene. Shopping is Dec. 7th at 7pm at K Mart. Wrapping will be Dec. 8th out by Black Hills Harley at 7 pm. Hilary stated that boxes are needed for the wrapping. Big Toy Ball report was given by Sandy. A donation letter and poster were passed around. Volunteers are needed. Tickets are printed. Event is at LaCroix Hall April 9th. Bike Raffle report was given by BA. Mike needs help with the raffle. OLD BUSINESS Stapling calendars is Nov. 15th at 10am at Valley Sports Bar. NEW BUSINESS Elections--Sgt. at Arms Cheryl R. nomination declined. She nominated Bill Eidie which he accepted. Hilary nominated Tina M. for Treasurer. She accepted. Jiggs nominated Nate H. for Vice President. No decision at this time. Jiggs nominated Mike C. for State Rep. He is not present to give his decision. Jiggs motioned that nominations be closed till next meeting. Phil seconded. Motion passed. Budget meeting is Dec. 3rd at 6:30 pm before the board meeting. MEMBERS OF THE MONTH are Twlya Fritz and Dee Dee Tucker. Thank you for volunteering for the Halloween party. AFFILIATES OF THE MONTH are Mangy Moose and Fischer Beverage. Thank you for supporting ABATE. Shoulda Coulda is $80.00. First name drawn is Jerald Smith, but sorry, not here. Second name drawn is Maggie Palmer, but sorry, not here. Third name drawn is Tina McCollar and she is present to accept. Congrats Tina. Shoulda Coulda will be $20.00 for Dec. meeting. 50/50 of $54.00 was won by Wayne L. Congrats Wayne. Chance for a chance on the bike tickets went to Sue and Auggie. Congrats. ANNOUNCEMENTS Stephanie Dannen has flyers for The Real Estate Group which are an affiliate. Stapling calendar is Nov. 15th. Dec. 10th is the RU ABATE general membership meeting with a Christmas potluck with the meeting. Dec. 7th is BHAB shopping. Dec. 8th is BHAB wrapping. Legislative Days is Jan. 16-18. Heartland Steam is April 1-3 in Sioux Falls, S.D. Thanks to Rohde for providing the pork and beef. We also had yummy potatoes, salad, homemade pickles, pizza, cookies, and the famous Sturgis crack. It was so g-o-o-d. Thanks to all who provided. There being no further business or discussions, Phil motioned to adjourn with Rohde right behind him. All were in favor. HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A BLESSED HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Be safe! HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! GOD bless you all. Submitted by Barbie :o) Vice President’s Report NO REPORT AT TIME OF PUBLICATION BLACK HILLS AREA BIKERS SHOPPING FOR THE FORGOTTEN Monday, Dec. 7th 7pm, K-Mart WRAPPING FOR THE FORGOTTEN Tuesday, Dec. 8th 7 pm, 2880 N Plaza Drive Federal Highway Bill The U.S. Senate approved the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act by an 83-16 vote within a few hours of the U.S. House voting 359-65 in favor of the highway bill compromise - one day before the current funding extension was set to expire. It now heads to the President’s desk for signing. Indications are that he will sign it; giving us the first highway bill spanning longer than two years since 2005. The 5-year bill is a $305 billion dollar fully funded reauthorization of federal highway and transit programs. Re-establishing the Motorcycle Advisory Council to advise the U.S. Department of Transportation on motorcycling infrastructure issues Continuation of the funding of motorcycle safety grants Funding distracted driving grant programs Language titled Share-The-Road Model Language that requires the Secretary within 1 year of passage of the FAST Act to provide to the states model Share the Road language on the importance of sharing the road safely with motorcyclists Stops Motorcycle Checkpoint federal grant funding for any program to check helmet usage or to create checkpoints that specifically target motorcycle operators or motorcycle passengers Limitations and owner definition on data retrieval from vehicle event data recorders The Motorcycle Riders Foundation would like to thank our former lobbyist, Jeff Hennie, for the tremendous effort he put into the positive measures of this highway bill. Additionally, the MRF would like to recognize in appreciation our membership who worked tirelessly for several years in Washington D.C. and back in their home states to further this important bill. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU RIDE, IT’S THAT YOU RIDE! Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, MRF President BIKE RAFFLE TICKETS MAKE EXCELLENT STOCKING STUFFERS FOR CHRISTMAS! GET YOURS TODAY, CALL MIKE AT 430-1669 $20 EACH OR 6 FOR $100! LRC Report I am very sad to report that Jeff Hennie has resigned from the MRF. Many of you may not realize what an awesome part of the MRF he was, he deserves our never ending gratitude. Jeff has been an instrumental role over the years in fighting for your rights as a motorcyclist on such issues such as blocking efforts by NHTSB to bring federal legislation for a helmet law, stopping funding for motorcycle only checkpoints, promoting motorcycle education and training to federal legislators and so many more efforts that I couldn’t possibly have enough room here to mention them all. Jeff and his wife are now traveling the US in their RV so if they make their way to our area, please make sure to thank him for his many years of service. Legislative Days are coming in January and it is important that if your schedule allows, you attend. This is the one time per year we have a chance to come out in a large presence and let our legislators know we are paying attention to what they say and do and that we will support those who support our causes. Meeting of Minds is coming to Sioux Fall in the early spring, April 1-2, 2016. A lot of volunteers will be needed so if you can spare some time, please step up. Ginny BUFFALO WILD WINGS 715 Mountain View Rd, Rapid City 721-9264 State Rep’s Report BIKE RAFFLE TICKETS MAKE EXCELLENT STOCKING STUFFERS FOR CHRISTMAS! GET YOURS TODAY, CALL MIKE AT 430-1669 $20 EACH OR 6 FOR $100! The meeting was called to order with all Reps present and/or subs approved. Some officers were excused with Susan Lettau acting as secretary and Wayne Lettau filling in for John Steele as Legislative Officer. Karline Clark, the Membership Secretary, was excused but we were advised that the new membership cards were only 70 cents per card . There was a question about whether the new cards would last for three years should chapters choose to go the three year membership route. I said yes, and also said that the new card fit much better into my wallet and I thought it would certainly last three years! Our project on vertical license plates is being worked on but is on hold for now The maps we have been doing have been very popular and we are expecting another influx of money from Public Safety to do them another year. The Freedom Fighters Memorial has been tabled until January. The BIG item on the schedule is planning and preparing for Heartland Steam in April. At this point, committees are forming (mostly in the Eastern part of the state where the meetings will be held), but that doesn't mean they won't need a lot of help from us! Plan to attend and plan to volunteer when you get there! Each chapter is asked to decorate and donate a centerpiece for the Saturday night banquet - let's come up with something great! Also we need silent and live auction items and, hopefully, some financial backers to help with expenses. Last, but not least, is the upcoming Legislative days January 14 - 16,2016. We need to decide if we are going to contribute financially to support this, as well as decide, personally if we are going to be there to support this effort. It is a fun and very informative time to get to know your Legislators and your fellow ABATE activists! There is still also going to be a May Awareness Run to Pierre, including the Poker Run for $10 per hand or three hands for $20. If you can't go - give your money to someone who is going and let them buy your hands. It goes to support ABATE and IMPAC! Respectfully submitted, Sunshine Minzlaff Rushmore ABATE State Rep. TREASURER’S REPORT NO REPORT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION Chaplain’s Corner The Fort Meade ByWay Here is a summary of the information available about the new byway east of Sturgis: Will connect Hwy 79 and 34 to I-90 at exit 37. This will be wide and scenic roadway. This roadway will provide improved access for Veterans needing to visit Ft. Meade, motorcyclists during the Sturgis Rally, students at Sturgis Brown High School and truck drivers. The road is being funded partially by county funds and partially by private funds. The road is expected to be finished by July 25,2016 This will NOT be a paved road way. It will be a gravel road treated with magnesium chloride and water to make the surface harder and more compact than a normal gravel road. The estimated total cost of the road will be $2.6 million dollars. No taxes will be increased to pay for the road. I woke up early this morning and the Lord laid this on my heart to write for this month: Ecclesiastes 4:9-11 says, "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?" We all seem to be struggling with health issues or other struggles of one sort or another. Instead of bickering lets come alongside each other and bolster each other up. That way we can help each other get through these struggles. Keep each other in your prayers and help each other get through these most difficult times together. Lets spend less time trying to amass riches and toys on this earth and more time helping each other. Remember there are no U-Hauls hooked to the back of the hearse. We came into the world with nothing and we leave that same way and no one gets out of this world alive. The only thing you can take to heaven is other people. Lets all stick together and help each other get to heaven in the end. And while we are still here let’s ride safe and ride often. In His service, Auggie and Sunshine. BIKE RAFFLE TICKETS MAKE EXCELLENT STOCKING STUFFERS FOR CHRISTMAS! GET YOURS TODAY, CALL MIKE AT 430-1669 $20 EACH OR 6 FOR $100! BIG MAMA’S NEMO, SD 343-2490 V.I.P. supporter of A.B.A.T.E.! Membership Secretary’s Report Should-a-Could-a drawings: January $20 – WINNER: Tammy Pistulka February $20 - 3 absentee names drawn: Steve Pistulka, Paula Fiedler, Mark Salmen. March $40 – 3 absentee names drawn: Cory Goeringer, Bob Anderson, Steve Nudd. April $60 – 3 absentee names drawn: Ken Barker, Tony Palli, Randy Corbin. May $80 – 3 absentee names drawn: Perry Tobin Sr, Willie Haas, Brian Cook. June $100 – absentee name Melvin Trent and WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER: Tina McCollar July $20 - 3 absentee names drawn: Darlene Gilby, Jeremy Klabunde, Nancy Stangland. August – NO MEETING September $40 – 3 absentee names drawn: Bob Walker, David Williams, Brad Horst October $60 – 3 absentee names drawn: David Ziebarth, Travis Thompson, Pam Phillips November $80 – absentee names: Jerald Smith, Maggie Palmer, and Tina McCollar WINS AGAIN! December $20 - WILL YOUR NAME BE HERE, OR WILL YOU BE AT THE MEETING TO COLLECT? I deposited $460 on November 12, 2015 and then sent a check for $200 to SD ABATE for those memberships. We currently have 42 affiliates and 378 members. 3 new members: Catie & Matt Johnson, and Scott Robertson. 7 renewing members: thank you for your continued support of ABATE. 0 new affiliates: 4 renewing affiliates: Country Inn at Three Forks, Moe’s Bar & Grill, Stephanie Dannen with the Real Estate Group, The Road Hog Saloon 69 addresses sent to Western Mailers for the December newsletter. Memberships expiring in NOVEMBER 2015: Robert Brewbaker Memberships expiring in DECEMBER 2015: Travis Adamson, Bob Anderson, Dustin Atchley, Jim & Tamara Bechard, Frank & Rose Dupris, Douglas Gruenwald, Mike Guidliano, Dennis McCarthy, Kevin & Leslie Morris, William Sabers, Roland Usera Memberships expiring in JANUARY 2016: Jeri Jo Antes, Kerrena Arguello, Darlene Gilby, Mike Letcher, Dennis Smith Affiliate sponsorships expiring in NOVEMBER 2015: Black Hills Power Sports, Blue Lantern Lounge, Kelly’s Sport Lounge, Rice Honda Suzuki, Rosco’s, Sally O’Mally’s Pub & Casino, Shep & Debs Bar, Stoneville Saloon, Thrash’s Living Art Affiliate sponsorships expiring in DECEMBER 2015: Country Corner, Eagles Lodge #3555, Knuckle Saloon, Loud American Roadhouse, Spizzirri Press, Time Out Lounge, Valley Sports Bar Affiliate sponsorships expiring in JANUARY 2016: Dave Davis Agency, Inc., J Bar at the Flying J Your membership secretary, Karline Clark WISHES TO TAKE THIS TIME TO WISH YOU AND YOURS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! We look forward to your continuing business in the coming year! SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES LIKE THEY SUPPORT US! Visit one of these businesses today! (continued) SURF CITY Rapid City, SD 12300 W Hwy 44 348-9733 Mexican Mondays Prime Rib Wednesdays Spaghetti Fridays Karaoke on Fridays Piedmont, SD (605) 787-6940 3200 CAMBELL ST. 348-1244 PAINT LIZARD Sturgis, SD (605) 380 – 3494 BIKE RAFFLE REPORT 6008 Eastside Dr. Black Hawk SD J BAR at the Flying J Truck Plaza Exit 61 Rapid City SD 342-5450 716-4332 Rapid City, SD I want to thank everyone for the well wishes, prayers and the card after my surgery. It was much appreciated. I am doing well and on the mend. This year’s bike raffle is off to a good start. But seems to have slowed down a bit. We have 830 tickets signed out and being sold. We have had a total of 5 books turned back in. There are still plenty to sign out and sell. We had 1 book returned since the last report and $180.00 has been deposited into the Rushmore Abate account. If you have not got a book of tickets to sell yet, please contact me and I will make arrangements to get them to you. You can call or text me at 605-430-1669. If you have books of tickets already sold please turn them into me as soon as possible so we can get the money deposited and checks cleared for those folks that paid with a check. I will meet you some place to pick them up if you wish. I want to thank Hilary for stepping up and selling tickets at BH Harley on November 7th. She sold 10 tickets that day. If any of you have ideas on where we can show the bike and sell tickets please let me know and we can look into it. Of the tickets that have been turned back in for deposit we have had 3- 6 for 100’s and 1 ticket sold with the square. I am sure we have some chance on a chance that have been sold but those books have not been turned in yet. Leading the most tickets sold at this point- First place Mike Clark, Second place John Basham, third place Auggie. These are only the tickets that have been turned in for deposit so far. That’s it for now. Please get out there and SELL SELL SELL. I would like to see us give the bike away in March again. I think we can do it if we get enough people involved with the ticket sales. Michael Clark (Pugsly) RUSHMORE ABATE PO BOX 1223 RAPID CITY SD 57709
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