September 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
September 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
I : A.B.A.T.E. OF S OUTH DISSUE AKOTA, INC. NSIDE THIS A BROTHERHOOD FOR AWARENESS, TRAINING & EDUCATION VOLUME 33, ISSUE 9 FREEDOM FLYER SEPTEMBER 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Officers, Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons 2 July Board of Directors Minutes 5-6 New & Renewing Memberships 22 State Coordinators Report Jiggs Cressy 3 Around the State w/Phil Phil Hohm 9 Membership Application 23 Chaplains Report Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff 3 ABATE of SD Chapter Reports 12-19 Business Supporter App 24 MRF/Legislative Report John Steele 4 ABATE of SD Supporters 20 Classifieds 25 Letter to the Editor 4 Good Times Calendar 21 Business Supporter Ads 26-31 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 2 ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, INC. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 State Officers State Committee Chairpersons Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy (605) 391-6361 email: [email protected] Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud (605) 690-1364 email: [email protected] Treasurer - Jan Weismantel (605) 225-5474 email: [email protected] Legislative Officer - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: [email protected] Secretary - Bobbie Mathews (605) 354-1226 email: [email protected] Membership Secretary - Karline Clark (605) 430-1670 email: [email protected] State MRF Representative - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: [email protected] State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud (605) 697-5708 email: [email protected] State Promotions - Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263 email: [email protected] State Webmaster - Darrel Killion (605) 256-2188 email: [email protected] State Historian - John Addy (605) 296-3354 email: [email protected] State Board of Directors Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett Black Hills....................... ……………………………………………... East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035 Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728 Lewis & Clark... ......Kevin Frangenberg (605) 364-7672 North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860 Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065 Oahe ..................... Lori Butler [email protected] Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136 Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557 Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306 South Central ..... ...Roger Frankenstein (605) 481-2600 South East .......... …...Larry Reemts [email protected] Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305 Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009 Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354 Freedom Flyer IMPAC Informed Motorcyclists Political Action Committee IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of SD. IMPAC money is used to support legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists, fight NEGATIVE or support positive legislation at the State or Federal levels. Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice and Safety depends on IMPAC in our state. Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo Business Card $10 $ 25 $ 50 $ 90 1/4 Page $20 $ 50 $100 $200 1/2 Page $35 $ 85 $175 $350 Full Page $65 $160 $325 $650 Editor - Susan Lettau 1723 Main St Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 720-0263 Hm (605) 490-1593 Cell Email: [email protected] Articles are due by the 15th of the month. ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. PAGE 3 FREEDOM FLYER STATE COORDINATOR’S REPORT - JIGGS CRESSY Well the circus called the 75th Sturgis Rally is over, and man were there a lot of people out here. The official numbers are not out yet as of the writing of this article. I personally don’t think we got to the million people mark, but pretty sure we broke the record for the most people attending ever. many people that had no idea how to ride motorcycles. The Rally on a regular year is not the place to learn to ride and the 75th definitely was not the place. ABATE of South Dakota held our 32nd Annual Whitewood Social Hour. As always, it was a great time with some of the best people in the There are a couple numbers I can world. give you. There were way too many It is a laidback atmosphere away accidents. There were 81 non injury from the hecticness of the rest of accidents, 152 injury accidents, and the rally. 13 fatal accident with 13 fatalities. These statistics came from the Kirk “Hardtail” Willard, President of South Dakota Highway Patrol report the MRF was our guest speaker. He on Sunday August 9th. Look for gave us a update on what was official numbers in next months happening in Washington DC. There article. were 122 people from 18 states and the District of Columbia. Thanks to In the little time that I spent driving everyone who came.. during the Rally, I did notice a couple things. I saw a lot of paper One person in particular that was at license plates on brand new out of the Social Hour was a person who state motorcycles. I also saw so has been instrumental in making the Whitewood social hour what it is for many years is Wily Freidel. Sadly, Wily passed away shortly after the Social Hour. Wily had been fighting cancer for many years and he finally succumbed to the disease. AS always, he was a fighter. Wily was a long time ABATE member and one of the founders of ABATE of South Dakota. Wily was a mentor to me and will be sadly missed. The American patriots of today continue the tradition of the long line of patriots before them, by helping to promote liberty and freedom around the world. - John Linder Keep Your Knees in the Breeze Jiggs ABATE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER - AUGGIE & SUNSHINE MINZLAFF Well another Sturgis Rally is in the books. Hope everyone had fun and stayed safe. As our summer starts to wind down, things get compressed and start to come at us from all directions. Ask God for guidance and strength to endure our busy lives. Keep moving forward and never give up. Our Heavenly Father stands before us with outstretched hands to encourage us toward holiness, eager to catch us when we stumble. He picks us up when we fall. He encourages our progress, and He never gives up on us. The more difficult the task we are attempting, the more care and kindness He For those of us that ever had kids expends. or if you ever watched kids, remember those days when they George MacDonald put it this way, tried to take their first steps? When "God will help us when we cannot they were first learning to walk? walk, when it is hard to walk, but They showed they were ready by He will not help us if we will not try pulling themselves up and taking a to walk." Even when we fall we step or two. You reach out your must try again. Remember your hands to encourage them to walk Father holds you by the hand! toward you. We praised every effort and encouraged them to continue While we are on the subject of on. We never gave up until they walking, if you don't walk or get could walk on their own. So it is exercise you get lazy. Laziness with our Heavenly Father. He allows everything in our lives to get taught us to walk and on our own overgrown and broken down. God and was with us every step of the will help you with anything in your way. life that is overgrown or broken down. All you have to do is put your trust in Him. Guard against laziness, get rid of procrastination, and do whatever it is that God is telling you to do. We should walk before we run but our goal should be to run to God when our world is crashing in all around us. First walk then run! In His service Auggie and Sunshine. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 4 MRF REPORT & LEGISLATIVE OFFICER REPORT - JOHN STEELE One billion dollars. That’s a “guesstimate” I came across on the total revenue from the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota, including city and state taxes. But that was previous years and this year’s rally was obviously larger. I’m still looking for this year’s stats as I write this article and hopefully by next month I’ll have some interesting details. One stat that was sadly too large is the fatalities. We cannot prevent all accidents from occurring but it is painful to read details of crashes in the newspaper that were obviously avoidable by the rider if they had proper training or experience. It’s very slow in DC right now with Congress having recessed for the month of August. When everyone gets back from that recess the Highway bill will be taken up by the House. It’s very unlikely that the House will take the Senate passed Highway bill and pass as is, more realistically the House will be slow to do anything until forced by the deadline. Current funding expires October 29th. The MRF is working with various transportation coalitions to get on the same page and force the House to act on a Highway bill. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it’s recess and YOUR elected representatives are back in their home districts to campaign and have town hall meetings. This is the perfect time to see them at these meetings and press for a motorcycle friendly transportation bill! Better yet, bring some of your chapter members and fill several seats of a town hall meeting. Ride safe and sober, John Steele MRF State Rep SD ABATE Legislative Officer LETTER TO THE EDITOR We have been on the wrong path licensed as motorcycles but have 3 wheels and maybe even a steering So…the ideal biker is …personified wheel. by your favorite David Mann print (with your face of course) on an Guess what…our current course of old school panhead with suicide action will make self-fulfilling, the clutch, hand shifter, no front brake prophesy that motorcycles will soon on a raked front end….who has just be regulated off the road…because, been passed by some young, clean like the steam powered vehicles, we and sober whipper snapper with a didn’t change. James T Kirk ,( in blue tooth headset and a go pro on the last remake Star Trek movie) a ninja doing a wheelie. rides (helmet free) on a motorcycle which appears to be a hovercraft. I submit for your consideration that No ape hangers, and no pure the MRO movement has been stuck petroleum fuel. That is good, but on the old school perspective since not David Mann. its inception…and said head in the sand attitude is no longer serving Alternative vehicles-3 wheels us well. primarily- strengthen our position by adding friends who will lobby We “protect” motivated by fear of with us. Advocating for them to not change. We lobby only to restore be “motorcycles” is a foolhardy old rights someone took from us in position, as it allows “us” to be a distant past which no one even more easily targeted. Statisticians remembers. We don’t have a game have fancier computers and a need plan for the future, only the present to justify their existence…the mere maintaining the past. existence of additional types of I remember absolute opposition to vehicles called “motorcycles” will “smart” cars that can sense an not be our Achilles heel…it likely will obstacle and either avoid it or stop. save us by adding players to the Quoting the movie…They are mix so that “they” cannot easily HEEERE. We “fear” a different fuel legislate all of us out of existence…. blend because it “may” affect a but relegate us to only one very fiberglass gas tank on a motorcycle high risk category…. built in the 1950s in England. We Time to re-evaluate the positions try to outlaw new vehicles that are we support. Change is inevitable, not preventable. Let’s be at the table testing the google and other cars to assure they will avoid motorcycles. (Won’t it be fun slaloming thru all those mindless cars running one mph below the speed limit exactly the same car lengths apart?) Try out the new fuels because they actually have enough octane in them to not ping over 2/3 throttle instead of the 87 octane crap they are trying to force us to buy. (Who played into the hand of the petroleum companies?, who have made premium harder to get AND outlawed alternative fuel) Harley demonstrated their electric motorcycle at Sturgis, who is going to ride it at 0 degrees by Mount Rushmore first? I suggest those who attend national level leadership conferences this month consider these comments seriously, because that is where the change is needed. Larry Nielson Page 5 FREEDOM FLYER Please note: The Board of Directors meeting minutes printed here have been edited for space and other concerns. A complete copy of these minutes has been presented to the Board of Directors for their approval and/or corrections at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, true and correct copies of the minutes will be available by contacting the State Secretary or any of the Board of Directors listed on page 2. When requesting a copy, please indicate which chapter you are a member of, if any. (Postage and copying fees may be required to obtain a copy). ABATE of South Dakota Board of Directors Meeting July 18, 2015 American Legion, Pierre SD Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Aberdeen: Mark Schuett - present Black Hills: Susan Lettau - subbing East Central: Dale England- present Lake: Dan Nugent - absent Lewis and Clark: Kevin Frangenberg- absent NorthEast: Curt Watkins - present North Star: Ray Boker - present Oahe: Lori Butler –present Rushmore: Sunshine Minzlaff - present SouthEast: Larry Reemts - absent Sioux Falls: Al Luze - present Sioux River: Jason Kidd– preset SouthCentral – Roger Frankenstein- present Those Guys: Dennis Hasche – present Windriders: Phil Hohm –present Zzen: John Addy “Slack”- present State Officers: Coordinator: Jiggs Cressy – present Vice Coordinator: Rod Hersrud- present Secretary: Bobbie Matthews – exc Susan Lettau subbing Treasurer: Jan Weismantel – present Membership Secretary: Karline Clark – present Newsletter Editor: Susan Lettau– present Legislative Officer: John Steele – excused high. She then contacted Spizziri Press in Rapid City and found that they would be able to print 2000 cards for an annual price of $200.00. After some discussion, Slack made a motion and Sunshine seconded that Karline should proceed with having Spizziri do the printing. She will also order more membership forms. Newsletter Editor’s Report: Susan went over outstanding invoices for memberships that have had flyers in the Freedom Flyer. Committee Reports: Promotions committee: Nothing new to report. Susan asked if this committee needs to be continued now that we don’t have a booth during Sturgis and that the newspaper boxes have been distributed. Jiggs said that he did feel this needs to continue. Susan said that Wayne would like to turn this over to someone else if there is anyone interested. MRF Rep. Report: Jiggs reported that he really enjoyed attending Bikers in the Beltway. He was able to meet with the South Dakota representatives in their offices and was very happy with his meetings. Upon returning from DC, he was advised within a week that Senator Rounds had signed onto SB127 and within the next month, Representative Noem had also signed on. That only leaves Senator Thune to sign on. Please make calls to him to encourage him to sign on to this bill. Jiggs wanted the board to please extend his thank you to their chapters for their support in sending him to Washington. John is interested in stepping down as a rep for MRF so if you are interested in this position please contact John or Jiggs. Motion made by Sunshine Minzlaff and seconded by Jason Kidd to approve sub. Motion carried with no opposition. IMPAC Legislative Officer Report: Jiggs reported in John’s absence. The IMPAC committee had met earlier in Secretary’s Report – Correction to May minutes - John the week and discussed vertical plates, Legislative Days Steele was up for election but was appointed by Jiggs. and the motorcycle safety fund. Jiggs and John are Motion to approve minutes with this change made by trying to arrange a meeting with Lee Axdahl to discuss Jason and seconded by Sunshine. Motion passed with no the motorcycle safety fund. They have checked into opposition. lowering the license plate fee but Highway Safety is Treasurer’s Report: Balances were given for ABATE of adamantly opposed to doing this. They are also going to SD, IMPAC & the ABATE of SD Foundation. There are discuss with Rick Kiley about using more of this money budget recaps for both IMPAC and ABATE of SD. Motion for funding the motorcycle class. made by Jason and seconded by Dennis Hasche to accept State Products Manager Report: Trudie gave Jan a the report and carried with no opposition. check for patches sold. She brought trifolds, patches and Membership Secretary’s Report: There are currently stickers to today’s meeting if anyone is interested. 1,642 members. Karline has the new laptop and is getting it set up. She has her old computer here for Motorcycle Awareness, Training, and Education Bobbie. Phil will deliver it to Bobbie. Karline went over Grant: Not much is happening with this. Bobbie is still the IMPAC sheet that is required with memberships. Jan working on the App and trying finding a developer willing explained that she is required to have this sheet on hand to take on the app and creation of it. with all memberships. Karline gave labels and samples of the forms to the chapters that are to be used when “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Lost Members sending in memberships. She checked into printing cards Committee: This project is currently at a standstill. on laminated paper and found that the cost was very Susan advised that Wiley Freidel had inquired as to what high. She then contacted Spizziri Press in Rapid City and found was happening with the project. She said that Wiley was planning on attending the Hall of Fame Breakfast. Slack PAGE 6 FREEDOM FLYER “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Lost Members Please be prepared Committee: This project is currently at a standstill. Susan advised that Wily Freidel had inquired as to what • Those Guys Children Home Society Run is tomorrow. was happening with the project. She said that Wiley was All of the proceeds go to the Childrens Home Society planning on attending the Hall of Fame Breakfast. Slack made a motion and Dennis seconded that the State • Oahe – Their Meet in the Middle with Black Hills/ should take care of the cost of 2 tickets for Wiley to Rushmore Chapter is tomorrow attend this breakfast. This carried with no opposition. • Windriders Toy Run will the August 20th – there will Hall of Fame Breakfast: The Hall of Fame Breakfast be food, minnow races and a raffle afterwards will be held on August 5th at the Lodge in Deadwood. nd ABATE of SD purchased 3 tables this year with 8 people Black Hills Charity Poker Run August 2 at each table. All of the tickets have been purchased with Jiggs read a thank you from Gail for the plaque and just 2 tickets left. Members were able to purchase these lifetime membership. She was very surprised and tickets at half price ($18.75) with ABATE of SD paying for appreciative. the balance. It was discussed that in the future a limit be Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn, and set as to how many tickets will be bought. carried with no opposition. OLD BUSINESS: Respectfully Submitted, May Awareness Run to Pierre: Phil agreed to do this Susan Lettau - Subbing another year. Hopefully we will have good weather for Bobbie Matthews - State Secretary this some year. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. NEW BUSINESS: Jiggs Cressy Elections: State Coordinator is Jiggs Cressy. Secretary State Coordinator ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. is Bobbie Matthews and LRC is John Steele. Whitewood Social Hour: Discussion was had about Rod Hersrud changes to be made for this year. Changes were made State Vice Coordinator on the poster. There will be a t-shirt swap this year. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Jiggs will spray for flies before the event. Susan will make sure there is plenty of paper towels and toilet paper for the restrooms and will see about having more signage/banners to help people find the park. CONTINUING BUSINESS Heartland STEAM: Jiggs went through the list of committees for Heartland STEAM. Al and Lisa Luze have agreed to handle pre-registration and registration for the event. Karline discussed with Jan after the meeting about what is involved with setting up a Square Account for registration and purchasing. Those Guys chapter is going to be in charge of the Hospitality Room. Jiggs will take care of the Breakout Sessions. Susan will take care of setting up the Silent Auction. Everyone please be checking for items for the Silent Auction, the Centerpieces and the Live Auction. Jiggs would like to have bids by the September meeting from anyone interested in printing t-shirts for the event. He would also like to have ideas for a poster by then. ANNOUNCEMENTS: South Central is organizing some ways to help out victims from the tornado • • North Star has their Dessert Bar in Winner on August • Aberdeen – Wheel Inn Run/Pierpont going on today • Zzen – accidents are up and the rally isn’t here yet. 29th PAGE 7 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 8 FREEDOM FLYER Page 9 FREEDOM FLYER AROUND THE STATE WITH PHIL I am getting a very late start on my column this month as we just got back from the Sturgis Rally 3 days ago. I have only 5 days to get my column completed & sent to Susan at the Freedom Flyer. Sometimes I can look at my blank screen which then feels like my blank brain. We put 1350 miles on our trike in a week’s time & want to thank the good Lord for giving us a safe journey. Somehow we managed to miss all the storms & hail while on our journey across the state of South Dakota. I haven’t heard what they estimate on how many bikers attended the rally. But I do know that there were more people attending the rally than in years past. Sturgis was really a zoo & venders were everywhere. It did seem that traffic in & out of Sturgis was kind of strange. At times it was crowded getting into town & then crowded to get out of town. But seldom did it seem that the traffic was full going both ways. Generally people were courteous when riding their bikes & for the most part people in cages (4 wheeled enclosed vehicles) gave us bikers the right of way when we had it. It also seemed that most of the accidents were bikers that were just going to fast around curves & lost control. We left for Sturgis on Friday, July 31st. We did have to wait a couple of times on Highway 14 since they had construction on that road. The traffic between Wall & Rapid City wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. We arrived in Rapid City at about 4:00 in the afternoon & arrived at the residence of Darlene Gilby where we were staying for the week. Her dog, Foster, greeted us with a lot of enthusiasm & it seemed he remembered us from the last time we were there. We ate supper at the China Luck restaurant where we had some great tasting food. The owner came to our table to visit with us & made sure we were happy with our service & food. On Saturday morning we ate breakfast at the American Legion in Piedmont. They had a great tasting breakfast for only $7.00. Probably the cheapest in the Black Hills anywhere. In fact, we ate breakfast there most of the time. Then, we went to watch our son, Schaun Schnathorst doing some drag racing at the Sturgis drag strip. He was racing a Harley nitro bike which was his first time doing so. In my way of thinking riding a bike like that would be like riding a bullet coming out of a .45 caliber handgun. His mother & I were saying a few prayers as he was ready to leave the line. The track is only an 8th of a mile & he ran about a 6 second run with a speed of over 134 mph. He made four runs over the weekend & survived them all. Then we rode through Sturgis to see all the sights. It was very hot on Main St so we decided to do a little riding in the Hills where it was a lot cooler. On the way back we stopped at a gas station to get a couple of hot dogs. A group of riders there said that they were from Dallas & had ridden through Michigan to get to Sturgis. They said that the Hills were some of the greatest riding they had done since leaving home. They were not looking forward on their trip back to Dallas where the temperature was over 100 degrees. When Norma came out from the store she had couple of ham sandwiches & she did let me know that she was in a grocery store & not a gas station. So we rode back to Darlene’s place & ate those sandwiches which were really quite tasty. On Sunday we rode on the BH ABATE Charity Poker Run. We rode through part of Rapid City, Nemo Road, Spearfish Canyon & ended up at Whitewood. We rode about 120 miles through what some people claim is some of the best motorcycling in the world. Norma won one of the door prizes which was baggage for a cruiser type of motorcycle. Since we couldn’t use it Norma let them draw for another winner. What a nice person Norma is! On Monday we rode through the Southern Hills & when we rode into Keystone the traffic was stopped about 2 miles from town as bikers were waiting to go through Keystone. We then took the scenic road along the 1880 train track which goes from Keystone to Hill City. Later that afternoon it looked like some rain was coming our way so we headed back to Rapid City. That evening we ate at Fuji’s which is a Japanese Steak House. It was a real interesting experience watching the Chef do his cooking. At one time the fire was so big I thought he was going to burn the place down. The food was great especially the rice he made. We had shrimp & steak with lots of veggies & sauces. I do know that the next time we visit Rapid City we will be back at that food station. On Tuesday we rode to Vale to eat some breakfast. We did manage to bypass the heavy bike traffic in Sturgis by taking the BH Cemetery Exit which was a gravel road which ended up at the VA east of Sturgis. It had some very sharp curves but really was a very scenic ride. We met Darla Dunn (a former Huron resident) who is the pastor of the Vale Church. She was one of the women in charge of the biker breakfast they were serving. We then rode up to Hwy 212 through some rolling hills & saw a lot of small irrigation systems. Since Spearfish Canyon is one of our favorite rides we rode through it again. We then rode through Sturgis which was very slow going. Of course, we had to cruise through Main St & make our presence known. People were just everywhere & some were more interesting to look at than others. On Wednesday we rode through Spearfish Canyon again. I can just hear you thinking we really enjoy that ride or just don’t have anywhere else to ride. When you do ride through Spearfish Canyon it looks completely different when you ride through from a different direction. That evening we ate at Ruby’s Tuesday with daughter Mindy & the grandkids. As we left & it was getting dark & it started to rain. We had to ride completely across Rapid City & the closer we got to Darlene’s the more it looked like some hard rain was coming our way. As we pulled into Darlene’s yard we noticed she had the garage door open for us to ride our trike in. What a great host she is! On Thursday we went to the Whitewood Social Hour where our ABATE friends were meeting. MRF President “Hardtail” gave us some comments about what the MRF is doing for us as riders. He said that a rider came up to him & said there was something he didn’t like about South Dakota repealing the motorcycle high handle bar law. He said that it caused him to sunburn his armpits. Thursday evening was spent eating at Perkins & getting ready for the trip home. On Friday we left for home & the traffic from Rapid City to Wall was very crowded but once we got to Wall & took Hwy 14 home it was a breeze. Our trike didn’t miss a beat all week & it was great to get home after a hot ride across South Dakota. Until next Month Phil Hohm PAGE 10 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 11 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 12 ABERDEEN CHAPTER NEWS Aberdeen ABATE Inc. Aug 1st Meeting Eagles Rm A 7:20 pm Present Members: 12 Sec Report: Read & accepted Treas Report: Read & accepted State News: Shane reminded everyone ”AGAIN” that we can now run Ape Hangers LEGALLY in the state of S.D. He also reminded everyone of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast at the Lodge in Deadwood Wed Aug 5th at 9am. Aberdeen ABATE purchased 8 tickets & there is currently 1 still available for the discounted price of $18.75 A limited # of “Walk Ins” are usually allowed at $35 each. Past attendees/Inductees include Willy G, Still Ray Fitzgerald, Rick Fairless, Arlen Ness & many, many more. Come have breakfast with some of the Motorcycling communities Legends. Also the Members were reminded of the “Whitewood Social” at the Whitewood City Park Thurs 12:00 noon. This is a free event to all ABATE members so if your attending the Rally this year please come see us. Old Business: RAFFLE: We still have over 40 tickets out that need to be returned sold or unsold please ??? Pierpont WHEEL INN. We went over good and bad points of this years Run. 1st it was unanimous of the people attending that everyone had a blast & most everyone does want to have a 36th. 2nd it was also unanimous that of the 110 Aberdeen ABATE members we currently have, only about 1/3rd of them attended. We once again had Band Members helping with the Gate and Games. Sioux Falls members & even some Nonmembers helping in the ABATE shack selling T-shirts & patches and even new memberships. Gate sales were about 90 people short of break even. FREEDOM FLYER That said there were some very good points made. The Flyer ads we sold brought in enough $$ to make up for about 50 people. All our new RV hookups worked perfect and all were used to their full capabilities. Poker Run had 65 people . Split Pot sold very well. All our Vendors seemed very happy as did the people still Rockin to Wicked Drive at 4:41 am when they finally decided to call it a night Sat Night. New business: Pierpont Lake/ WHEEL INN - 1st everyone wants to make sure to thank Darlene Peterson for use of the Concession Trailer. It worked wonderful although is no fun to clean according to Shane & Renee. (Yes I’m whining a little bit) It was m o t i o n e d, 2n d a n d p a s s e d unanimously that “Shoeless Tom” needs to use his own Cabin so the Porta Pot’s don’t get damaged when he gets tipped over. We will use shrink wrap and Duct Tape next time. One of our members made a motion but it was mainly just a statement that most attending agreed with. WE NEED MORE HELP at Pierpont Lake if this Run is to continue. Everyone at the meeting was present at the WHEEL INN and Pres. Shane stated we need to give Huge Thank You’s to everyone that was there personally, helped financially or physically, but we need more people. The Beer Truck will need at least $500 worth of work next year. It is not feasible to move Kegs back & forth in the Budweiser trailer & keep all the food & Pop etc. cold so we need to fix the truck or get a 2nd reefer trailer next year. Shane also stated that we did indeed recoup $860 in Electric costs by renting the new RV spots this yr. At that rate we will meet our goal of recovering costs in the 5-7 yr range as planned. All in all the run lost approximately the same amount it made last year but our treasury is down the remaining $$$ we are yet to recover on the Electrical upgrades… Not what we hoped for but not terrible & better than some other smaller Runs in our area. It was motioned, 2nd & approved we call for both Bike Show & WHEEL INN Committee members at the OCT Mtg… (Note) We will probably also motion / Vote if any appo se o n o u r Bi k e S h o w partnership with the Aberdeen Crusaders either at the Sept or Oct Meeting. Holly Jones Made a motion which was 2nd & approved we again participate in the Brown County Fair Tailgating Party Sat during the Fair. Up to $200 was approved. Holly will cook, Shane Blumhardt will handle apparel. Pres Shane will bring the trailer & supplies needed. Jenny & Chris/Brenda are donating use of grills & Loren will supply propane. Dick L. Donated a Gazebo to Aberdeen ABATE to be used also. A motion, & 2nd was made to have all meetings in July in the Pierpont area as we have done in the past. Approved Discussion on our hired security was held. We will ask that Dallas be on site personally if his firm is again hired for 2016. IMPAC Split-pot: $13 Won by Renee which she donated back towards WHEEL INN Improvements for 2016 IMPAC 2015 = $354 WHEEL INN 2016= $13 Rider Course 2015 = Still waiting on tickets to be returned so we can draw. Adjourn: 9:00pm Next Meeting: Saturday Sept 5th Eagles 7:00 pm Prez Notes: None at this time because I’m late for a DATE !! Well kinda a Date “ Keep it outta the Cornfields” RIDE SAFE !! And as always >>> Please renew your memberships<<< And welcome our newest members when you meet them Thank you for supporting your local A B A T E c h a p t e r . FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 13 BLACK HILLS CHAPTER recovery are out to you. The BH ABATE meeting of July 22, 2015 was called to order by Pres. Darlene. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Big Al. Chapter prayer was led by Barbie. Roll call was taken with Vice Pres. Jim absent. State Rep. spot is vacant. Whitewood Social is organized. Food, PA, 50/50, and beverages are all working. Belinda and Dan Ertz will be helping. Mac and Dan will do the gate. Is Hardtail coming? Jiggs said yes. More signage is needed for getting to the park. Susan and Wayne have signs that will be redone to use. Thanks Wayne and Susan. OFFICER REPORTS Pres. Darlene will share later. Vice Pres. Jim is absent. Sec. Barbie asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June minutes. There being none, Beth motioned to accept and Jiggs seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer Susan gave the dollar amounts. Jiggs motioned to accept the treasurer's report. Wayne seconded. Motion passed. Sgt. at Arms Mac stressed to be extremely careful out on the streets and roads. Traffic is increasing already. Membership Sec. Susan gave numbers of 128 members, 31 affiliates, and 3231 Facebook friends. State Rep. report was done by S u san . S h e add ed t hat volunteers are needed to help with Heartland Steam in Sioux Falls. Road Captain Big Al stated that he meet his water in Waterloo, Iowa. Had a good bike trip. Good Meet in the Middle ride. LRC Beth had a MRF report. Hopefully she can add her report to our newsletter as I didn't write her report down. BH Charity Poker Run packets were handed out to the workers. Darlene to put up banners on Friday and workers will take down. Discussion was had on who our charity donation will go to. Women's Shelter in Sturgis was discussed. Diane motioned that we donate to the Women's Shelter and Wayne seconded. Motion passed. taking maps to our locations. Nominations for Pres. Treas. and Sgt. at Arms are open. No additions. Wayne motioned that nominations cease. Jiggs seconded. Motion passed. Pres. position has been accepted by Darlene. Beth motioned to accept and Diane seconded. Motion passed. Sgt. at Arms position has accepted by Mac. Wayne motioned to accept and Beth seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer position has been accepted by Susan. Barbie motioned and Wayne seconded to accept. Motion passed. Thank you to you three for volunteering for another two years. ANNOUNCEMENTS BHAB Ultimate Canyon Run on Sept. 19th, BH ABATE will have Rick and Barb as workers at the Pizza Lab stop. OLD BUSINESS Wylie has Whitewood Park for the social. Thank you Wylie!!! Susan stated that he is seeing a cancer doctor in Arizona. Best of luck to you Wylie. We miss having you around. Prayers for healing and Lost Members Memorial Ride will be Aug. 20th. Start and stop will AFFILIATES OF MONTH for July be at Nemo. are Outpost, Thrashes, and Tire Tech. All in favor. Passed. Thank Meet in the Middle was a good you for supporting BH ABATE. ride and good food at Cactus Cafe in Wall. Do we do this MEMBERS OF THE MONTH for again? Yes. July are Big Al and Mac. All in History had nothing to report by favor. Passed. Thank you for Mac. being a great volunteer. Products of ladies shirts and muscle shirts was purchased. 50/50 of 20.00 was won by Susan motioned to sell the ladies Beth. Congratulations. shirts for 25.00. Beth seconed. Coins for IMPAC raised 22.09. Motion passed. Men's shirts same as t-shirts. Thanks to the Side Hack for the great pizza. JP Cycle still needs to be contacted by us. Next meeting is Aug. 26th. There being no further business or State Rep. position is still discussions, Wayne motioned to vacant. Jack has volunteered to adjourn with all in favor. finish out the State Rep. position. Thank you Jack. Be aware--Be safe!!!! God's blessings to all. NEW BUSINESS Submitted by Barbie :o) Are map boxes full? Susan will be EAST CENTRAL CHPTR No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 14 LAKE CHAPTER NEWS No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 LEWIS & CLARK NEWS The poker run – Lynn was the winner and he donated 20% back to the Pres. Lynn C called the meeting to chapter. order. Fall Poker Run: Is on Sept. Tres. Report : Robin read report and 12th Leave Kozy’s at 1:00 Stops approved will be at Tabor – Avon – Dock Springfield Players State Rep: In Sturgis We’ll finish up at Cotton Wood. Talked about Riverboat Day parade – Next Meeting at Kozy’s Inn 1:00 Sept. South East ABATE Chapter will be 5th helping this year. Lynn Conrad, Pres. NORTHEAST CHAPTER NORTHSTAR CHPTR NEWS No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 OAHE CHAPTER NEWS Hoping everyone that attended the rally had a fun & safe time & those that didn't attend had the same at whatever they did!! Minutes will be available for the next Freedom Flyer. RUSHMORE CHAPTER NEWS There is no Rushmore ABATE meeting for August. See you in September. Be safe and be aware!!!!!! Hope to see lots of you at the Whitewood Social... Barbie :o) Page 15 SIOUX FALLS CHAPTER NEWS FREEDOM FLYER Runs and we hope that having it on a Sunday will help. We will begin the run at Bottoms Up in Corson. Sign up will be noon to 1. Thanks goes out to Bear and Dawn for setting this up. Next meeting (s): September 12, 2015, 6 PM October 3, 2015, 6 PM November 7, 2015, 6 PM December 5, 2015, 6 PM Location: Chapter ABATE office, I know much of this is covered by the postcard, which you should have 408 S, 2nd Ave. go tten in the mail in e arly August. We will try again to have our Hello Sioux Falls members; annual Chapter family picnic on Sept. As you can see by the above meeting 19th in the Baltic River Park. Our schedule for September, we have first attempt in late July failed. The rescheduled that meeting to the weather was oppressive and there 12th. It is common for the usual was a huge conflict with other events 1st Saturday of Sept. to conflict with in the park. Delare, Angie, and I will be camping Labor Day weekend. Before we start that meeting, we will in the park that weekend anyway have a special meeting, called by the because we are hosting a camp out President, to approve the budget for for a motorcycle camping club we the 2016 Motorcycle EXPO. This belong to. There's a good chance meeting will start at 6 and the regular we'll be the only ones in that club that meeting will begin immediately after. will show up but we will enjoy camping non the less. On Sunday, Sept. 13, we will have a The Chapter will provide hot dogs, Benefit for the Toy Run. In the past, buns, and some condiments. If you attendance for this has been poor but wish to bring something to pass, that bring your own some of us still enjoy riding in Poker is just fine. sample business card for everyone to review. Cal made a motion to MRF Report: The Environmental purchase 500 cards Bobby seconded Protection Agency (EPA) announces the motion. Janelle will follow up and Friday, May 29th that it would reduce get the cards. the amount of ethanol requirements Daktronics had a trailer up for bids. for gasoline, reports the Motorcycle Bill tried but was outbid. Riders Foundation (MRF). This proposal would cut ethanol production Ride thru went pretty good a few for 2014, 2015 and 2016. The EPA issues we need to resolve by next cites market conditions and the lack year. Registration table needs a of non-corn renewable fuel sources clarification on how to number the like plant waste from being developed tags for the bike show. Also, a PA on any sort of commercial scale. This system is needed. Bill will try and rig is obviously a blow to the affected the PA system to his trailer. Cal will industries around ethanol and a boom check into the street light poles and for big oil. Whatever side of this verify that they always have power to equation you end up on, one thing is run the PA. Brad thanked and certain: raising levels of ethanol in appreciated everyone’s help fuel from 10 percent (E10) to 15 New Business: Fun Run to La Crosse percent (E15) overnight has been Wisconsin is August 28-30. Tom is hard on motorcycles. This is why the checking into a place to stay. He will MRF is supporting H.R. 21 in the get in touch with everyone who United States House of expressed interest when he has this Representatives. H.R. 21, a bill finalized. Meet at Bozied’s at 10:00 authored by James Sensenbrenner (R am on Friday August 28. -WI), would require a full examination of what effects the higher blends of Janelle made a request on paper to ethanol have on motors. make an ongoing appendix motion that states the meeting shall start no Old Business: Janelle brought a SIOUX RIVER CHAPTER NEWS refreshments and chairs. Sadly the park has no picnic tables. If you have the means to bring a card table or something, it might help. Delare and I always have small tables as part of our camping supplies but they are small. Join us about 4 pm that Saturday afternoon and I encourage you to bring your camping equipment. Another event you will want to mark on yo ur calendar is Sunday, November 15. We had a fair amount of success last year for this fund raiser for our Toy Run. We will have another Chili cook off at the Humbolt Bar. After we got some experience under our belt at the first attempt, we think with a little more promotion, we can get more of the locals in to participate. Keep an eye out for further details. See you at the meetings folks Ken Feist later than 10 minutes after the a d ve rti sed s ta rt time . B o bb y seconded the motion. 8 voted yea 1 voted nea motion passed. Iron Butt Run is August 22nd meet at Bozied’s 5:00am sharp. This run will be 1000 miles in 24 hours Brad will have paperwork and the requirements that need to be filled out to receive a plaque. The route will start at Brookings to Fargo to Rapid City to Sioux Falls. A meeting to work out the details will be at Bill’s garage on August 19th 7:00 pm. Announcements: Next Meeting Friday September 4th 7pm Jim’s Tap (nominations open) Card Game: Mary picked the ace of spades so, the pot increases. 50/50: May – Cindy June-Janelle “You can forget what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze”. until next month Cindy Page 16 FREEDOM FLYER SOUTH CENTRAL NEWS Lars brought the meeting to order. A moment of silence for the fallen and our military. Especially in our thoughts are the 155th Engineering Unit of Wagner/Rapid City. These men and women will be deployed for a year in Kuwait. 12 members present, 3 guests. No secretaries minutes from July, no meeting. Treasurers report read and approved. Roger gave a update at state. We have the 5th highest membership in the state. Some one is trying to change the hand signals... crazy. Next state meeting is September 19th. California just passed through the legislature that if you are stopped by an officer and you have a helmet on you must take it off for identification. Roger has a copy of the state financial report if any one would like to see them. Guest Jim Putnam gave a brief on what Delmont's situation is as far as helping them. They are in need of help with bonds, so anything we collect or donate please give to the city. Chapter voted and will donate $1,000 to the City of Delmont. It is tabled till September meeting as to a run for other donations. August 29 was designated out Cancer Run. We will start at the VFW, to Platte, Dock 44, Burke, Bonesteel, back to VFW by 5 pm for taverns. It will be a free will donation for run. Any money collected will go to local cancer funds. Please get renewals in to Michelle or any of the officers. Labor Day parade.. Theme is "Honoring our Hero's". Meet at the Methodist church parking lot again at 9/9:30. Wear anything patriotic. Al won the 50/50 all donated back to the chapter. Thanks Al! Next meeting is September 11, VFW at 6:30. so well during an event such as this, but can’t even see eye to eye on minor details? Can you imagine how small disasters could be managed if they would apply this same level of cooperation to those events. I have seen firsthand what really goes on when you get all the levels of government working together. It was not a smooth running machine. Somehow I place these two thoughts together and came up with a scenario that is probably closer to what really happened than anything reported by the media. The people who think they had things under control were using seagull management techniques. They come onto a peaceful scene squawking and making all kinds of noise, flapping their wings and causing a big disturbance, shit all over the place then fly away. Leaving a big mess for the real workers and people who are around all the time to clean up and once again get things running smoothly. SOUTHEAST CHAPTER NEWS. Well Sturgis is once again in the past. I read somewhere that there was minimal violence during the Rally. What struck me as very ironic and also quite hilarious was the fact the government taking credit for this. According to the article I read this was due to the planning and cooperation of all the entities of government. Starting at the federal level all the way down to the city level. My first thought was didn’t all the people attending this year’s historic event have anything to do with this. Did all the attendees come to the Rally to rape, pillage and create mayhem without any regard for the rest of the people out there. I sure am glad the government stepped in and protected all of those people. There would have been total anilalation of these people without the control of the powers that be. After a few seconds a second thought entered my wayward brain. How is it that the governments can work together As a side note. Being an employee of a small city myself my regards go out to the city employees who deal with this onslaught of people. Unless you have been there I am sure you have no idea what it must be like to run any of these city facilities. Designed to operate at a normal rate for maybe 10,000 people and for 3 weeks have over a million people storm in. Imagine your household of 4 people on average being besieged by the same percentage. 400 people living in your home for a week what would you do? So you can see why I think these are the real heroes in this situation. They somehow keep the turds flowing in the right direction and the water there when you turn on the tap. This includes the electrical use and many other services provided by the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes. To those people I salute you. Eppo Page 17 THOSE GUYS CHAPTER NEWS Next meeting is August 30th at 2pm at the SF American Legion *Future meetings listed at the end of the minutes Meeting called to order at 2pm with 42 members present. Minutes for last month's meeting were approved with no adjustments. Treasury report: Treasury report was read. No additions or corrections to the treasury report. State Rep Report: Those Guys chapter has been chosen as hosts for Heartland Steam when it comes to Sioux Falls. More information to follow. Whitewood Social hour is this coming Thursday. Membership report: Between the Deadwood poker run and the Children's Home Society, Those Guys gained 34 new members. Way to recruit! We also need to reach out to our members that have expiring memberships. VP Report: Summer Ride guide update – Books are still available. Page through your book. There are hidden deals! For next year, we want to give the book even more value. Keep the ideas coming. Books are available at 38 Roadhouse, The Bar Code, J & L, Fat Boys, Beef O'Brady's and Sky Lounge. End of summer party is September 26th at Beef O'Brady's. Donna is working on a bike photo shoot at Veteran's Park on September 20th. Preliminary shots looks great! Cost will be $10 with ½ going to the photographer. There will be a couple action shots & 1 still shot. Pictures will be emailed to you. Posters and a FB invitations will be created. You don't have to be a Those Guys member to get your picture taken. Old Business: Noise ordinance update: Councilman Kenny is still checking into how many tickets were issued during Hot Harley Nights, and getting the data behind the tickets. Dave did find out that 0 tickets were issued during Sioux City's Awesome Biker Nights. Their comment was “why would we bother these people”. Work is still being done on this issue. Big Paws Canine Poker run on 7/25 was a great success. Cheri thanked all who were able to make it to the run. FREEDOM FLYER 146 hands were sold. Enough money was raised to train service dogs for 2 veterans, and with money left over, help out with other dogs. The bar is set high for next year. Fun was had by all, despite getting wet. The Children's Home Society Poker Run was also a great success. 442 hands were sold. Thank you for all those who made donations: 38 Roadhouse - $800 Red Rock Bike Nights - $1,467 (as of 7/29/15) Jeff Krell - $500 Tom & Susan Benney - $250 Sigaty Dental - $250 Janklow Law Firm - $100 Deadwood Poker Run - $1125 ----50/50 netted $566 plus Pam Hasche donated $100 back to CHS. Thanks to Gary & JoJo for selling those tickets! Kid's cookie jar donations - $402 ----Auction items: Rain suit/gloves/t-shirt Pico's - $50 Sonic toothbrush from Sigaty - $75 Harley rocking horse Al & Charlie $130 Tool kit -DPA (Scott Pearson) - $95 Grand Total going to CHS $10,330 !!!!! A big thank you to all who helped! Dave also thanked Lori for all her help. Also, thanks to the SD Pork Producers for donating the pork& Pro Catering (division of Marlin's) for cooking the pork and providing the sides. The check will be delivered after the 8/30 chapter meeting. Gift cards were paid out 80 places back. May revise that next year. 1st – Brian Burgers - $500 2nd – Mike Bickett - $375 3rd – Derrick Ruff - $275 4th – Dale Determan - $150 5th – Jimmie Koepp - $125 Red Rock Bar hosts the Those Guys Bike Night every Wednesday night 5pm-9pm through the end of August. Proceeds will now go toward the CHS Christmas fund. There is still a $500 check hidden at Red Rock. Whoever finds it, gets $250 and CHS gets $250. Thanks again Red Rock! New Business: Those Guys is hosting a poker run Sunday 8/16. Gail & Donna are setting this one up! This will be a short Sioux Falls supporter run. Sign up at 38 Roadhouse 11:30am-1pm. Annette from Nettie's Spay & Neuter (non-profit). She raises funds to help shelters and fosters spay & neuter the 4 legged friends in their care. She is having a poker run 8/15 starting at Power Brokers 11am-1pm. She is also having a car show at the SF American Legion on 9/19. Please help support this cause. Alice from the Davis Bar is holding a poker run on 9/19. This is to raise funds for a Veteran's Memorial in Davis. Mark from SF ABATE stopped by to ask if we were planning on setting up a fall swap meet. At this time, we aren't planning on hosting one. We will table the discussion until next year. Rice Ron returned the 8 ball and gave it to Iggy. Iggy & Julie were involved in an accident a few weeks ago. A pickup pulled out in front of them, and they hit the back of the truck. The bike was totaled. Julie needed 6 staples in the back of her head. Iggy suffered bruised ribs, bruised shoulder and a broken collar bone. He accepted the 8 ball. We glad they are both recovering. Iggy turned around and gave the 8 ball to Donna, who forgot to lock her kickstand. She accepted the 8 ball. Donna hosted a pool party after the meeting. Fun was had by all! Thanks Donna! Members needing to renew: See Page 22 in this publication New members: See Page 22 in this publication Those Guys windows decals are still available for $5. 50/50 of $69 went to Gail and she donated $30 back to the chapter. SOL of $20 would have gone to Roger Sherman. Drawing will be for $30 next month. Hap py Birt hd a y to Mic hele Stensland and Those Guys! Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and approved. Michele joined Dave & Iggy singing Happy Trails to close the meeting. Upcoming meeting dates: August 30th (due to Labor Day), October 4th, November 1st Those Guys ABATE FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 18 WINDRIDERS CHAPTER NEWS Members attending the August 10th meeting were as follows; Phil & Norma Hohm, Schuan & Shelley Schnathorst, Don & Stacey Gurnon, Dawn & Todd Meyers, Austin Meyers, Kasey Bindert, Gennai Danks, Leigh Smith, Gary Heath, Steve Lovett, Paul & Lisa Wolf and Jerry Culver. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Things we need to decide for our Annual Toy Run on August 29th. We decided to order 75 bandanas for the Toy Run. The Gerrits Boys will deliver the pulled pork. The Murphys will supply the buns and we also have people making salads. Schaun will be working on the minnow race track and will put drains in it at his shop. Gary will be planning the route and also delivering Toy Run posters. Phil will be in charge of the financial part of the Toy Run. Norma will be buying the chips. Gary will buy some minnow buckets. Todd and Dawn will be getting the extension cords we need. VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Steve said that the 75th Rally was awesome. TREASURER’S REPORT: Phil handed out his written report. We need to get those gun raffles sold. Gary made a motion to accept Phil’s report and Paul seconded the motion. STATE REP REPORT: Phil gave a report of the July State Meeting. ABATE will be working with the legislatures in our 2016 spring session on the vertical plates situation for motorcycles. Phil also talked about ‘Hardtails’ speech at the Whitewood Social Hour during the Sturgis Rally. For more details on these items check out the State Meeting Report in the September Freedom Flyer. Gary made a motion to accept Phil’s report and Paul seconded the motion. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Windriders presently has 59 members. Members that need to renew; Dallas Almond, Roger Graffunder, Debbie Busch, Joseph Harms, Ron & Christi Hines, and Sal Tschetter. Members that renewed are: Dawn Mutchelknaus, Gary Heath (3yr) and Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst. New members are Steven Bobeldyke (3yr) and Gene Kerkow (3yr). To renew your membership send $25 for one year or $60 for three years to Windriders ABATE PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350. Remember if you move or change your address your Freedom Flyer will be not be forwarded to you as it is mailed 3rd class. Let Phil know if your address has been changed. If you would like Phil to keep you updated via email send him your email address at [email protected] Dawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Don seconded the motion. Minutes were taken by Shelley and typed, edited, and sent to the Freedom Flyer by Phil. “LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 19 ZZEN CHAPTER NEWS Greetings to all. Well, the bodies are barely cold after the 75th and our protectors are already patting themselves on the back. Yes they`re already taking credit for a million of us not killing each other. What a heroic bunch of clueless bastards. I suspect that DUI numbers are down because the rookies crashing kept the cops busy and they couldn`t go on their usual fishing expeditions, illegal stops, harassments and revenue generation schemes. I wonder what they came up with for probable cause this year since the handle bar restriction is the length of your arms. Oh, wait, I know, you were swerving in your lane. I think that a lot of them (especially hires out of Arizona and Texas) were upset that there were too many of us to set up a swat team crossfire ambush like Waco. That`s not to say that they didn`t get even. There were plenty of civil asset forfeitures. Yup, no charges needed `cause we`re going to charge your money with a crime. We also know that you`re from the other side of the country and it`s not likely that you will be able to fight this in court..We took all your money, remember? Yeah, we`ll ruin your life just as well as if you rode off a cliff. As for those who go home in a body bag (that`s why they needed at the campground) my condolences to the families. Rest assured that they went out doing what they loved. This includes the 75yr old man that crashed his corvette and was counted in the stats. The official stats, 800,000 to 1.2 mill, still leaves a gap of 400,000. I`ve always said that it`s impossible to get a real count. What about the people who only come into town once to buy tshirts, the ones who have been there and left, and the ones who haven`t gotten there yet? One of their strips counted 200,000 coming in, in one day. A conservative estimate would put that around 1mill. With 13 fatalities that would be approx.1 in77,000. That`s a packed stadium and someone fell off the back. 1,000,000 people! With that many people someone is going to fall out of the herd for whatever reason. danger. Whether it`s our right to ride unencumbered or modifications for our favorite steed and black boxes that tell them when and where we are on the road, we have to stay vigilant. I remember more than that getting shot after a rap concert in Chicago. On the 50th the tally was 11. They included in this,2 asphyxiation camping accidents and an Aussie who went bezerk and was shot by the cops. By now the Aug.22 meeting will have been held and the final nominations taken. There is no Sept. meeting. Voting for officers will be Oct.3 at the Am. Legion in Lennox,1:00pm. This will also be the time to set calendar for 2016. Well, I don`t know about you but I always feel so much safer knowing that there`s 2,000 undercover cops and two on every corner. That price tag had to be huge! Have you ever known anyone who felt safer with a large police presence? When I saw those red lights behind me I felt all warm and fuzzy, knowing that my public servants were there to insure my well-being, said no one f---ing ever. Ride safe. They are out to get you. Was sad that I missed the 32nd Annual Whitewood Social Hour. This has always been a great way to meet other MRO activists from all over the world. We need their input and updates on the fights that they are having. This is especially so involving Europe. Every battle that they lose brings the crap closer to our shores. Between the UN and the CDC always having the ear of a backwoods Sen. or Rep. looking to make a name for themselves, our way of life is constantly in I guess we`ll find out how screwed we are by the TPP when it becomes public in 5 or 10 years. There won`t be any headlines except the reporter saying, "The belligerent biker was not wearing his total body suit when the bridge fell on him.” Respectfully, Alias FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 20 ABATE of SD Supporters The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with your patronage. 1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2016) Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2016) 38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015) Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2016) American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2016) Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2016) American Legion Post 15, Sioux Falls (January 2016) Sky Lounge, Tea (January 2016) Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2016) Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2016) Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2016) Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2016) Bottoms Up, Corson (April 2016) Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015) Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2016) Teal Imprinted Sportswear, Sioux Falls (March 2016) Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2016) TeeZers, Madison (March 2016) Cheap Shots, Sioux Falls (April 2016) The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015) Clark County Riders, Brookings (May 2016) The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Cottonwood, Yankton (May 2016) The Pub House, Madison (April 2016) D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2015) Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2016) Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) W Dees, Gayville (July 2016) Dakota Insurance, Baltic (December 2015) FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2016) Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2016) Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2016) HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015) J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2016) Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2016) Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2016) Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2016) Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2016) Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2016) Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2016) Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2015) On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016) Otis Bar & Grill, Worthing (May 2016) Petersen Motors, Pierre (June 2016) Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2016) Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2015) Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the new business supporters listed above to your State Poker Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact your State Rep for more information. PAGE 21 FREEDOM FLYER The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change. The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be printed elsewhere in this publication. ABATE of South Dakota 2015 Good Times Calendar AUGUST OCTOBER Aug 28th-30th- Fun Run to LaCrosse, WI Brookings, SD th Aug 29th – North Star Nostalgia Poker Run – Winner, SD noon Aug 29th - Wolf Pack Poker Run Motoplex, Sioux Falls, SD SEPTEMBER Sept 1st - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City noon 7:00 pm th Sept 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office (Date may be rescheduled) Sept 12th - East Central ABATE Pot Luck/Game Day Scott & Heather’s - Arlington, SD Sept 12th - Lewis & Clark ABATE Fall Run Sept 12th - Oahe ABATE PJ party & mtg 10:00 am 6:00 pm Oct 24th – Rushmore ABATE Halloween Party noon Oct 25th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis Nov 3rd - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 7:00 pm Nov 7th –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers - Chili cook-off 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Nov 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm 1:00 pm 11:00 am Nov 7th – Zzen ABATE Meeting Jake’s Place, Monroe, SD Nov 14th - East Central ABATE Christmas Party - (location to be determined) Nov 15th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Chili Feed & 6:30 pm Cooking Contest Sept 12th - Lake ABATE Poker Run Madison Fire Hall Sept 19th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD Oct 17th - East Central ABATE Supper/meeting - 1481 Grille (more info to come) NOVEMBER Sept 4 & 5th – ABATE of Kansas Labor Day Rally – Perry Lake, KS Sept 5th - 727th DAV Poker Run Brookings, SD 7:00 pm Oct 6 - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City 1:00 pm Nov 21st - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 1:00 pm Nov 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting Hack Saloon, Sturgis Sept 19th – BH Area Bikers Ultimate Canyon Ride noon Side DECEMBER Sept 19th - East Central ABATE Trap Shoot - (more info to come) Dec 5th –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers 7:00 pm Sept 24 – 26th – Meeting of the Minds Milwaukee, WI Dec 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm September 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run ABATE Poker Run Dec 5th – Zzen Christmas Party/Pot Luck Chancellor, SD th OCTOBER 7:00 pm Oct 3rd –Lake ABATE Meeting Teezers 7:00 pm Dec 8th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles, Rapid City Oct 3rd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm Dec 11th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Christmas Party & Toy Run Gift Wrapping Party Oct 3rd – Zzen ABATE Meeting Lennox Legion, Lennox, SD 1:00 pm Dec 12th –Lake ABATE Bake Sale Ace Hardware 8:00 am 4:00 pm Dec 12th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Toy Run FREEDOM FLYER Page 22 Welcome NEW Members The following is a list of new members to ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter. If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter ABERDEEN NEW: None BLACK HILLS NEW: None EAST CENTRAL NEW: Charles Wold Members up for Renewal in September The following is a list of members of ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter that are renewing this month. NOTE: If a Membership has been expired for 12 months, it is treated as a new membership. If a membership has been expired for more than 2 months when the State Membership Secretary receives the renewal, the member will be renewed from the current month for a full year. LAKE NEW: None ABERDEEN EXPIRATIONS: Shawn McPartland, Renee Radke, Chris Reder, Marshall Rux, Paul Steiner, Curtis Walker, Jay Weinmann, Dave Zerbel LEWIS & CLARK NEW: Bruce & Karen Wesner BLACK HILLS EXPIRATIONS: Jim Landers NORTH EAST NEW: None EAST CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: Dale & Kathy England, Tom Van Liere, Scott Zee NORTHSTAR NEW: Darin Abel, Mike Allibone, Don Bice, Jacob Boerner, Jim Day, Reed Driscoll, Scott Fiebelkorn, Scott Jones, Mark Zimbelman SEPTEMBER OAHE NEW: Kristine L Brakke, Charles Claussen, Lee Kleinschmidt, Jodi Owen, Julie & Rob Roussel, Kim Simpson LAKE EXPIRATIONS: Roger Albertson, Roger Hartman, Maxine Longcrow, Scott Peterson LEWIS & CLARK EXPIRATIONS: None NORTH EAST EXPIRATIONS: Rob M Angland, Robb W Angland, Ricky Brownell, Alexander Schulte, Roger Springer NORTHSTAR EXPIRATIONS: Tom Boyer, Donavan & RUSHMORE NEW: Jim Batty, Eric Christopherson, Lisa & Kim Coonrod, Doug Eveland, James & Vonnie Hand, Dan Tom Harvey, Randy Hager, Deb & Larry Ruhoff Herman, Dan Hiles, Terry Springer, Pat Steele SIOUX FALLS NEW: None SIOUX RIVER NEW: Jeremy L Petersen SOUTH CENTRAL NEW: None SOUTH EAST NEW: Mark Rubida STURGIS NEW: None THOSE GUYS NEW: Bebe & Roger Abraham, Al & Kay Bossman, Butch Brockhouse, Bob Buus, Kari Jo & Terry Carlon, Bob Eiesland, Mark Eleeson, Bobbie & Ray Feltman, Heather & Stacy Fries, Kevin Fuerst, John Glenn, Straighpipe Hammer, Jim Hanna, Brooke Hillard, Denise & Rob Hulscher, Ginger Knowlton, Jammie Koepp, Kevin Kracht, Derek Locke, Jeff Maroon, Casey Mayer, Vicki Miller, Kathy Moulton, Rick Otten, Cora Schwader, Cherl & Dennis Shelton, Sam Weber, Bruce Wobig, John Wodzinski OAHE EXPIRATIONS: Barry Tibbets RUSHMORE: Terry Allen, Kenneth & LaDonna Barker, Steve Brandsted, Darling & Dave Crow, James Dejager, Don Deutloo, James Graff, Bill Hanson, Patrick Kelly, Steve Malone, Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff, Terry Oster, Steve Thayer, Robert Walton SIOUX FALLS EXPIRATIONS: Carole Bothe, Ted McMilan, Dave Ramm SIOUX RIVER EXPIRATIONS: Melissa & Stuart Apland, Mike Hubbard, Bobbie Matthews, Cal & Cindy Stainbrook, Debby & Gary Thompson, Jan & Leroy Trenary, Jan Weismantel SOUTH CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: Anne & Scott Podhrasksky SOUTH EAST EXPIRATIONS: Tracy Montgomery, Emery Schmitt, Jr. STURGIS EXPIRATIONS: None THOSE GUYS EXPIRATIONS: Dennis & Pam Hasche, Randy Jurgens, Kenneth Lehnhoff, Jill Neisius, Shanna Strickland, Mark Thompson, Sr. WINDRIDERS NEW: None WINDRIDERS EXPIRATIONS: Susan Searing ZZEN NEW: Mark Hyroneous, Hershey Smith ZZEN EXPIRATIONS: Gary Rose, Dan Thomas, Connie Vandervliet FREEDOM FLYER Page 23 Application for Membership I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50 due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at any time. Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St, Ipswich SD 57451 Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785 East Central ......................... 21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042 Lake ................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042 Lewis & Clark .......................PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078 North East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201 North Star...................33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533 Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501 Rushmore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709 Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006 South Central ...................PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356 South East .......................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069 Sturgis .. #243 2601 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Windriders ............................. PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 Zzen ...................... 26020 443rd Ave., Canistota, SD 57012 New Renewal Address Change Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: ___________________State: _____ Zip Code:________ Phone: __________________(Hm) __________________(Cell) Voting District: ______________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________ (Optional- used for ABATE Business Only) Please send completed application with check or money order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are NOT tax deductible). I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. Signature _______________________________________ (Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not sold or distributed outside of this organization) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time, or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC). Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $ _______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the State of South Dakota. Signature (required)__________________________________ Name – Please Print _________________________________ Page 24 FREEDOM FLYER substituted for the business card ad. Below are the prices for larger ads to be run for one year. ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are those businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support Prices include Business Supporter dues (please note: with a $100 yearly donation. For your donation, you normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”): receive during the year: 1/4 page - $275.00 1/2 page - $425.00 ♦ A plaque to display in your establishment (please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will ♦ Twelve business card size ads in the FREEDOM cover ½ of page from top to bottom, 2 column will FLYER cover top or bottom half of page) ♦ A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your discretion. Full page - $725.00 ♦ A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the Ads submitted must be black and white, camera FREEDOM FLYER ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves the right to create one based on the information received. ♦ You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer, motorcycling in South Dakota. and the individual members are not responsible for errors, omissions, or reprint quality of submitted ads. In the event of a dispute, the Editor may replace a If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter South Dakota Supporter, write: dues by one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. to approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove c/o Susan Lettau any ad deemed discriminatory or against the best 1723 Main Street interests of this organization. In the case of removal, Sturgis, SD 57785 the Board may authorize a refund. Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible except Please remove the section below and mail it to the as a business expense. address listed above with a check payable to ABATE of ♦ A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER. The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refers to a South Dakota. standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the size to fit the space as necessary. Larger ads may be BUSINESS SUPPORTER APPLICATION Business Name: Address: City: State: Contact Person: New: Zip Code: Phone Number: Renewal: Ad size (circle one): Amount enclosed: Business Card $100.00 Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota c/o Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page $275.00 $425.00 $725.00 Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota Page 25 FREEDOM FLYER CLASSIFIEDS Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will be printed until advertiser requests removal by contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for all content and/or corrections. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas FOR SALE: * Seat handle for passenger, chrome Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. comes up beside passenger & bolts under seat $25.00 $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 * 7” & 9” Windshields for bagger 2013 & older, smoked in color (brand new) $30.00 each FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85% * 2011 Ultra Saddle bag guards, excellent shape original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations, $200.00 Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, * Trailer hitch for 1995-2007 Street Glide Road King oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/frame or Ultra, black in color, under fender, horizontal snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. Located in receiver $200.00 Whitewood, SD #605-722-3859 * 2008 Street Glide Wire spoke rims & tires, Metzler FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like new, Marathon ME 880 MT908/16 72H, Rear 140/90B 16 M/ black, windshield, leather saddle bags, driver floor C 77H, $275.00 - Contact Daryl Alons, 605-310-6497 boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe shift, but could or [email protected]. easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-206-0126; FOR SALE: 1986 Honda Goldwing GL1200i, black w/ email [email protected]. gold pinstripes, 66k miles, sheepskin seat cover, FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 magazines highway pegs, standard windshield & short black Includes hitch which is not from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in the windshield. plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal at mounted. Start button has been replaced with fairing $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and look at mounted button. I know the history of the bike from them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605-391- the first owner, I am the third owner of this bike and wouldn't be afraid to ride it anywhere. Asking 6999. $1995.00. Located in Tea, SD. 605-366-3597 FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 12,000 miles. All original w/tour pak, rear light bar, $7,500 FOR SALE: 2008 Harley Davidson Night Train, black denim, 5,000 miles, new tires & brakes, excellent OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678. condition, $13,069, #605-430-0466. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. FOR SALE: 2007 883 Harley Davidson, less than 13K miles, engine guard, back rest, removable windshield, $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 saddle bags, windshield bag. $4250. Huron. 605-350FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police Defender, 1500. FXDP. No saddle bags but the running boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact. Carbureted FOR SALE: 2013 Harley Trike, 3300 miles, beautiful & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black 2ith 16” fat Apes, two tone paint, Very nice looking trike!!! $28,500 windshield, sissy bar, 38,000. Warner, SD $6,500. located in Alpena, SD Call Todd at 605-354-9393 #605-228-6283 or email [email protected]. FOR SALE: 2013 Streetglide, Midnight Pearl, 11,000 bolt in cam, programmable electrics,10 FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle mi. upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights and 4" smoked windshields, Kuri pipes & other great on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on mods too numerous to mention. Book`s $21.5,over tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402-340- $4,000 invested.$19,000. Fast & pretty.763-2583061. Stock parts go with. 4809 - Pickstown, SD FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots, (Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with steel toe, FOR SALE: 1994 Honda Shadow, 600 cc, low miles, size 9M, $169.00 new. Will sell for $100.00. Call Del new tires, $2500. 712-635-0732 at Hm#605-853-3233 or Cell#605-870-0797. Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items. FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha Vstar 1100cc, Blue, windshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carrier, oil relocator put on June 2014, very nice looking bike!! New Battery! $4400 located in Mitchell, SD Call Jason 605-630-2592 or Carm 605-830-2981 Page 26 FREEDOM FLYER Page 27 FREEDOM FLYER Page 28 FREEDOM FLYER Puzzled Bar Parker, SD 11 to Close 7 Days a Week 605-297-0401 Food Available Page 29 FREEDOM FLYER Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café Kulm, ND 605-370-1341 2400 W. Madison Sioux Falls, SD PAGE 30 FREEDOM FLYER 47409 258th St Renner, SD 57055 Steakhouse #605-332-4411 Lounge #605-332-2681 Jake’s Place 108 E. Maple Monroe, SD 57047 605-999-1611 Karoke every Saturday night Page 31 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE OF SD, INC. Freedom Flyer Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: 605-720-0263 Cell: 605-490-1593 Email: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.ABATESD.COM DEDICATED TO THE FREEDOM OF THE ROAD! Please contact your membership secretary with any address change. Your Freedom Flyer will not be forwarded to your new address. Next State Board of Directors Meeting will be September 19th, 2015 at 1:00 pm American Legion — Pierre, SD
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