February 2016 - ABATE of South Dakota
February 2016 - ABATE of South Dakota
I : A.B.A.T.E. OF S OUTH DISSUE AKOTA, INC. NSIDE THIS A BROTHERHOOD FOR AWARENESS, TRAINING & EDUCATION VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 FREEDOM FLYER FEBRUARY 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Officers, Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons 2 November Board of Directors Minutes 7—8 New Memberships 24 State Coordinators Report Jiggs Cressy 3 ABATE of SD Chapter Reports 10 – 20 Renewing Memberships 25 Chaplains Report Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff 3 ABATE of SD Supporters 21 Business Supporter App 26 Legislative Officer Report Wayne Lettau 4 Good Times Calendar 22— 23 Classifieds 27 Around the State w/Phil Phil Hohm 6 Membership Application 23 Business Supporter Ads 28-32 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 2 ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, INC. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. Ste 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 State Officers State Committee Chairpersons Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy 605-391-6361 email: [email protected] Vice Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud 605-690-1364 email: [email protected] Treasurer - Jan Weismantel 605-225-5474 email: [email protected] Legislative Officer - Wayne Lettau 605-720-0263 email: [email protected] Secretary - Bobbie Mathews 605-354-1226 email: [email protected] Membership Secretary - Karline Clark 605 430-1670 email: [email protected] State MRF Representative - John Steele 605-661-4895 email: [email protected] State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud 605-697-5708 email: [email protected] State Promotions - Wayne Lettau 605-720-0263 email: [email protected] State Webmaster - Darrel Killion 605-256-2188 email: [email protected] State Historian - John Addy 605-296-3354 email: [email protected] State Board of Directors IMPAC Aberdeen ................... Mark Schuett (605) 228-2377 Black Hills.. ………Jack Hendrickson (605) 347-1111 East Central ............... Dale England (605) 291-9035 Lake ............................ Dan Nugent (605) 270-1200 Lewis & Clark... Kevin Frangenberg (605) 364-7672 North East ................. Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860 Northstar ......................Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065 Oahe ............... Lori Butler [email protected] Rushmore ................. …..Mike Clark (605) 430-1669 Sioux Falls .......................... Al Luze (605) 521-9557 Sioux River .................. Bill Wellnitz (605) 695-0730 South Central ...Roger Frankenstein (605) 481-2600 South East .... …...Larry Reemts [email protected] Those Guys ............. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305 Windriders..................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009 Zzen .................. John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354 Freedom Flyer Informed Motorcyclists Political Action Committee IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of SD. IMPAC money is used to support legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists, fight NEGATIVE or support positive legislation at the State or Federal levels. Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice and Safety depends on IMPAC in our state. Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo Editor - Susan Lettau 1723 Main St Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 720-0263 Hm (605) 490-1593 Cell Email: [email protected] Articles are due by the 15th of the month. Business Card $10 $ 25 $ 50 $ 90 1/4 Page $20 $ 50 $100 $200 1/2 Page $35 $ 85 $175 $350 Full Page $65 $160 $325 $650 ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. PAGE 3 FREEDOM FLYER STATE COORDINATOR’S REPORT - JIGGS CRESSY ABATE of South Dakota once again held a very successful Legislative Days. There were lots of people, great speakers, some awards, and a good time had by all. If you were not there you missed a great weekend. First, I want to thank everybody that helped to make it a successful weekend. I will start with the IMPAC committee. All of the members of the IMPAC work hard in the months leading up to this event. There is a lot of planning and organizing to pull off this event. A big thank you goes to Marcia Kaup of Oahe Chapter for taking care of all the little and big things in Pierre that needed to be done for the success. learned something new. members as we can to attend this conference. So find the flyer in the newsletter and get preregistered. Also don’t forget to make your hotel reservations. See you all there!!!!! Every year at Legislative Days some of the chapters give out awards. And, every year it is my privilege to give out the Coordinators Award for the person that I think has done the Jiggs most for ABATE of South Dakota. Keep Your Knees in the Breeze I have made it my policy to exclude any sitting officer from the award. Because, they all bust their butt for this organization. This year’s winner could have won the award for the last few years. She is always there to help when asked and even times when not asked. She always keeps me on my toes by asking good questions of me. We have a big event coming up this spring and she has been instrumental in the Everybody seemed to enjoy our planning of it. This year’s speakers. We had two this year. Coordinators Award winner is One from the Attorney Generals Patty Addy. office talking about identity theft, and two Highway patrol troopers The event I am talking about is gave a presentation on impaired Heartland STEAM. It seems like it driving. Everyone seemed to is far away but it is just around enjoy them and I think everybody the corner. We need as many ABATE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER - AUGGIE & SUNSHINE MINZLAFF GRACE this they would simply say grace In His service, and kindness and to pass it on Auggie and Sunshine Ephesians 1:2 says, Grace and when they could do something Peace to you from God the Father nice for someone else. and the Lord Jesus Christ. They could all have been written I recently saw some news tickets but instead they were coverage on random acts of given the gift of grace. If you kindness on TV surrounding some know Christ you have experienced different police departments in something similar. We deserve a different cities. They would pull penalty for breaking God's laws violators over and tell them why yet because of Jesus we receive they were stopped but instead grace and undeserved favor from of writing them a ticket they God. That favor excuses our sin would give them a turkey or bag and separation from God! That of groceries, etc. for the holidays grace is true love in action. instead of the ticket they deserved. One even noticed a Thank you Lord for giving us child not restrained in a child grace instead of what we deserve. restraint seat and they installed a Help us always to be grateful for free child restraint seat and sent your grace! them on their way. When they were asked why they were doing Ride safe and ride often. Page 4 FREEDOM FLYER LEGISLATIVE OFFICER REPORT - WAYNE LETTAU Hello and welcome to my world. First I need to thank John for his service to ABATE of SD. He did a great job. Simply go to the state webpage, click on LRC and then sign up for updates. You give them your email address and then enter key search words (guns, motorcycles, education) and then any legislation that is dropped and pertains to any of your search words you will be updated on it. It really does work very well. between the Chinese Auction and the minnow races it was very entertaining. The IMPAC committee is already working on next year’s program to make it even better. We had 25 legislators and 55 members that attended Thursday night’s session. Hopefully, if Dianna and I survive the “craziness” of the Legislative Days has come and session, I will be back next passed for this year and if you month with a midsession update. missed it you missed a productive, educational and good Until next month ….. If you need a more up to date time. report than that then you have to We had productive meetings, sign up with LRC in Pierre. e d u c a t i o n a l programs and This begins the legislative season in Pierre so I will be busy monitoring the events down there and reporting back to you. Dianna our lobbyist has promised to update the webpage twice per week. Wednesday night and Saturday will be her chosen times so for up to date reports check there to see what is happening. MRF REPORT — JOHN STEELE No Report available at time of publication. Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café 13 1st Avenue SE Kulm, ND 58456 #701-647-2865 Page 5 FREEDOM FLYER Page 6 FREEDOM FLYER AROUND THE STATE WITH PHIL It is the start of the new year of 2016 as I am starting my February column. The political season is really taking off as we will be voting for a new president this coming November. I would say that the election cycle takes over 50% of the 24 hour news. Just as important is our own state legislative session in Pierre. I think we can control a lot more of our local government then we can of the national government. It will be a very interesting time for us who enjoy keeping up with the political stories that keep changing every day. Sometimes in the winter months it is hard to come up with something interesting to write about as most of us are not riding our bikes. I am going back a few years to tell about an experience I had going to Sturgis in 1977. I had a 1975 Honda Goldwing in which I put on a Vetter fairing, stereo radio with an eight track player, CB radio, and saddlebags. I had built a trailer to pull behind the bike. The body was from a Sears car carrier which was all white in color. I was very proud of that trailer. In fact, I had a one bike trailer which I hauled my 370 Suzuki dirt bike on and pulled it behind my Goldwing. That really was a sight for sore eyes to see. 1977 was the year of my 10th year reunion of my 1967 class of Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas. The reunion was being held in Estes Park in the Denver, Colorado area. A couple of my friends rode with me to Estes Park to make the trip more enjoyable. It was fun to meet my old classmates and we managed to do some hiking in what I thought was pretty tough going. Even though I was in pretty good shape with all the hard labor I did around the farm that hiking gave me some sore muscles I didn’t even know I had. We were camping in tents at about the 9000 foot level. When we got up in the morning about three inches of snow was covering everything and this was in the beginning of the month of August. As I was pulling a trailer with my motorcycle I was having a hard time keeping everything going in a straight line as the road was pretty slick. At one time the trailer came around to the side of my bike and somehow I kept everything in an upright manner. I was really glad when we got out of the mountain roads. When we left the Denver area we headed for Sturgis. On the interstate in Colorado we were riding three wide in both northbound lanes. We got stopped by a Highway Patrolman letting us know that we couldn’t ride in both lanes. I told him that we could do that in South Dakota and he let me know we were not in South Dakota anymore in a pretty stern voice. Luckily we were only given a warning ticket. When I arrived in Sturgis some of us did some riding around the Black Hills as this was also the same time as the Sturgis Rally. As we were leaving Pactola Lake, I was showing off by getting pretty hard on my throttle. All of sudden my motorcycle stopped going in a forward motion and I knew I was in deep trouble. Something had happened to the drive shaft and I was going nowhere fast. I called a friend in Rapid City and he came a got me and my bike with his pickup and we hauled my bike back to Rapid City. In my friend’s backyard, I started to take my driveshaft apart and realized the splines were ruined where the driveshaft went in and out. I then went to the Honda dealership to get the parts I needed and they were just closing up and to make matters worse it was Friday evening. I could see that there was someone in the building but they would not open the door for me so I had to wait until Monday morning to get the parts I needed. The people that were with me had to go home so I had the weekend in Rapid City to myself. On Monday I did manage to repair my bike and many of the neighbor kids came to watch me which made my job very interesting. In the end, I did make it home safely and was glad to see my dog Dusty. By the time most of you read this Legislative Days in Pierre will be over. I am looking forward to Heartland STEAM which will be in Sioux Falls this year. Every seven years our state is in charge of this event. I am in charge of one of the breakout sessions so you better come to see if I know what I am talking about. I will be discussing how get new members in your organization and also how to retain your membership. I do need to start working on what I will be talking about. I hope to see a lot of you at the upcoming ABATE events. Until next Month Phil Hohm Page 7 FREEDOM FLYER Please note: The Board of Directors meeting minutes printed here have been edited for space and other concerns. A complete copy of these minutes has been presented to the Board of Directors for their approval and/or corrections at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, true and correct copies of the minutes will be available by contacting the State Secretary or any of the Board of Directors listed on page 2. When requesting a copy, please indicate which chapter you are a member of, if any. (Postage and ABATE of South Dakota Board of Directors Meeting November 21, 2015 American Legion, Pierre SD Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Aberdeen: Mark Schuett - present Black Hills: Jack Hendrickson - present East Central: Dale England- present Lake: Dan Nugent - present Lewis and Clark: Kevin Frangenberg-present NorthEast: Curt Watkins - present North Star: Ray Boker - present Oahe: Lori Butler –present Rushmore: Sunshine Minzlaff -present SouthEast: Larry Reemts - absent Sioux Falls: Al Luze - present Sioux River: Jason Kidd– present SouthCentral – Roger Frankenstein-present Those Guys: Dennis Hasche – Gail Vanderpol sub Windriders: Phil Hohm –present Zzen: John Addy “Slack”- Committee Reports: Promotions committee: Nothing to report. MRF Rep. Report: John Steele wasn’t able to make it today due to weather but Jiggs shared some information. Meeting of the Minds was in Wisconsin in September and Wisconsin ABATE really did a great job. Jeff Hennie, the MRF’s lobbyist resigned 2 weeks after Meeting of the Minds. They are taking applications and looking for someone to replace him. The Highway Bill is moving through Congress. They have obtained funding and the bills passed. They plan to have it on the president’s desk by December 4th. This bill includes the following items: 1) grants for motorcycles, 2) the motorcycle advisory committee, 3) stopping motorcycle only check points and 4) a study to discover the causes of motorcycle accidents. Jiggs also displayed the 2nd place award for most memberships that was presented to ABATE of SD at Meeting of the Minds. There are 2 people that are mainly responsible for us receiving this award. Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff paid for 2 scholarships a month to MRF this past year. Therefore, he is going to give them this award. Subs approved motioned Roger Frankenstein, IMPAC Legislative Officer Report: The schedule is seconded by Jason Kidd all approved. set for Legislative Days. They are still waiting to State Officers: hear back from one speaker. There will be a Coordinator: Jiggs Cressy – present tentative schedule in the next issue of the Freedom Vice Coordinator: Rod Hersrud- present Flyer. Some of the members of the IMPAC Secretary: Bobbie Matthews – exc Susan Lettau sub Committee tried to meet with Dana Svendsen Treasurer: Jan Weismantel –present regarding vertical plates but they weren’t able to Membership Secretary: Karline Clark – excused get anything scheduled. Newsletter Editor: Susan Lettau– present State Products Manager Report: Trudie had $123.00 Legislative Officer: John Steele – excused from South Central chapter and $87.00 from the Secretary’s Report: Motion made by Jason Kidd, Whitewood Social Hour for products that were sold. seconded by Kevin Frangenberg. No opposition and Trudie asked about amount of tri-folds that we motion carried for no corrections. have. She will get together with Karline and Susan Treasurer’s Report: Balances were given for ABATE to determine if we need to order more. Jiggs asked of SD, IMPAC & the ABATE of SD Foundation. Roger Trudie to have a detailed inventory of the products Frankenstein made a motion to accept the report, by the January meeting. Wayne had some samples seconded by Jason Kidd. Motion carried with no of hats that ABATE of SD has purchased in previous years. Trudie will be checking into ordering some opposition. more for the inventory. Membership Secretary’s Report: 1,541 members currently. October there were 33 new members and Motorcycle Awareness, Training, and Education November there were 24. The new cards are Grant: Nothing new at this time. printing well. Jiggs passed an example around for everyone to see. The cost to process a membership Membership Committee: Nothing at this time. Jiggs card is 70.35 cents which includes paper, labels, will start crunching numbers to have for Legislative envelopes, stamps and cards. They are entered in Days. and back in the mail to the member in a week in a half. “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Lost Members Committee: Discussion on this was tabled until the Newsletter Editor’s Report: Invoices have all been January meeting. taken care of. Sioux River chapter asked to change their state rep to Bill Wellnitz. He is taking over Heartland STEAM Committee: There was an that position the end of the year. impromptu meeting before today’s Board Meeting. Page 8 Committee’s work so far: -Registration- They have received a square pay account but they are still checking into costs involved with it. Jiggs contacted Darrell about using our webpage with this but it currently isn’t set up to use credit cards. The flyer has Gail’s phone number as a contact for registration. Al will handle registration at the event. -Hospitality Room: Those Guys chapter will be handling this. If anyone has any items that they would like to donate, they are welcome. FREEDOM FLYER income per member. After all income and expenses, it costs ABATE of SD approximately $32.86 a year per member. Jiggs tabled this for another meeting. He again encouraged the reps to talk their chapters. A decision will be made at the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Legislative Days: January 14, 15 & 16, 2016. Jiggs asked Phil if he would please contact the governor about having our picture taken with him. They are still working on a speaker. Sunshine is checking into doing the invocation. Zzen Chapter has done breakfast before the BOD meeting on Saturday in the past but they will not be doing it this year. They presented a donation of $80.00 to be used for Legislative Days. -Breakouts- Jiggs currently has 2 from Wisconsin, 1 from Minnesota, 2 from South Dakota and 1 from Virginia. It is looking like there will be 3 sessions with 3 breakouts in each session. Jiggs will May Run to Pierre: Phil will handle this again. We continue to work on this. will hope to have good weather this year. If you -Lunch/Dinner- Lunch is going to be provided by J aren’t able to attend, you can send money with & L Harley Davidson at their store. Jim is still someone that attending so that you can play. working on finding someone to sponsor dinner. He has approached Vern Eide but has not heard ANNOUNCEMENTS: South Central- December 5th is anything back at this time. They are considering their food and toy drive one of the following items for dinner – sliced roast Sioux Falls- December 12th is their toy run and beef, stuffed pork chops, grilled chicken breast and delivery to the Children’s Home a vegetarian dish. Each of these items are approximately $20.00. Sioux River- First Saturday of the month is their Ugly Sweater Contest and Christmas Party. They -Speakers-Jiggs send an email to Senator Thune passed out Christmas cards to all of the chapters. about speaking but he isn’t available. An email was also sent to Senator Rounds but he has not North Star–Jan 30th is their Snowshoe Poker Run responded yet. Jiggs asked the BOD about possibly 26th is their Teddy Bear asking Jim Putnam to speak and the BOD was in Lewis & Clark-December nd Run, January 2 is their Christmas potluck favor of that idea. -Products- A t-shirt design was chosen at the last Windriders- They will be having a float in the Huron meeting. Jiggs had a proposal from Purple Panther parade of lights. $200 donation to the general fund Printing in Rapid City but they are still obtaining and $100 for Legislative Days. bids. Oahe-December 4th is their Christmas party and th -Fundraising: Jiggs passed out letters for members December 12 is pie day at the Capital to obtain donations for STEAM. He encouraged Black Hills- $300 to the general fund and $200 for them to make copies to distribute to their chapters. Legislative Days He stressed that we really need to start collecting items. We have received a strider bicycle to be Rushmore- Black Hills Area Bikersthwill be shopping for the elderly on December 7 and wrapping auctioned off and it was displayed at the meeting. presents on December 8th. Big Toy Ball will be April -Center Pieces: Each chapter is encouraged to 9th, 2016. This was Sunshine’s last meeting. She provide at least one centerpiece for a table and will be stepping down as State Rep for Rushmore they will be auctioned off Chapter. A round of applause was given for all she -PR The flyer is done and will be in the Freedom has done through the years. Thank you. Flyer this month. Jiggs has also set up a Heartland Respectfully Submitted, STEAM group and event in Facebook. Bobbie Matthews – Susan Lettau sub Start Promoting this on FACEBOOK and on State Secretary WEBSITE, share this information and get members ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. to attend! Jiggs Cressy, OLD BUSINESS: 3 Year Membership: At the last State Coordinator meeting Jiggs asked the reps to go to their chapters ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. and see what their thoughts were about having a 3year membership. There was discussion from Rod Hersrud different chapters on how they have handled 3-year Vice Coordinator memberships. Jan did a breakdown of costs and ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Page 9 FREEDOM FLYER FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 10 ABERDEEN CHAPTER Aberdeen ABATE Inc meeting 1-22016 Eagles Room A Meeting was brought to order at 7:06 pm Eagles room A Members present: 30 Secretary Report: Read by Holly Jones and Approved Treasures Report: Read by Brenda Aman and Approved ABATE would like to welcome our newest members: Todd Lerew, John Smith, Cody Clark, Brett Schaible, Amy Marquez, Daryl Lane and Trinity Miller. *** Trinity Miller comes to us from Watertown and wanted to join our “Cool” organization after seeing us in action at the Special Olympics for the third year. Thank You, Loren Stout for helping her join our “Cool” team. State News: Questions about lifetime and 3 year memberships were asked and we were informed this has been tabled at State level Old Business: Bike Show: We have received an electronic contract for the band, Driven and it has been forwarded to Aberdeen ABATE. Shane has packets to hand out after the meeting and we need to start collecting and working to keep thing moving along. Next BIKE meeting will be January 10, 2016 at the Eagles. We have upgraded from the closet to a room at the DEC that we can utilize for rolls/ donuts and computer work if necessary. New Business: Stitch thanked past officers for their wonderful job they did in office and welcomed new offices for the next year. We again applause Shane Brinkman and give him the uttermost credit for his leadership in ABATE. We cannot overlook Chuck Blumhardt, VP, Mark Schutte, Chapter Rep, Cindy Lunders, Treasurer, Robert “Red” Saylor, Secretary, Todd Sargent at Arms. Bistadeau, need. On a personal note from the current officers of ABATE: We would like to take this opportunity to thank you former board members for your hard and commitment in building a strong and prosperous organization. Over the last year, your leadership of ABATE has been characterized by innovative ideas, strategic thinking and, most valuable, your tireless efforts to increase the credibility and visibility of our organization. The resulting goodwill has become a huge asset to us, and the relationships you have fostered with community, vendors and sponsors will ensure ABATE will prosper and continue to offer opportunities to our new board. A computer for ABATE was discussed that would house all organizational business material. Members have been assigned to look and purchase one as another member agreed to help with software in accounting to start us up. We were explained Legislative Days and Heartland STEAM and encouraged to attend looking forward to seeing many friendly faces January 14-16 in Pierre. Bringing the family/friends/kids to Pierpont for a weekend or a day of fun, fun, fun after Pierpont was discussed. (Tabled) A membership drive was discussed and incentive was made with every 10 PAID memberships (this means money and application no text messages) the member signing them up would receive a paid year for themselves. ABATE wants to lead a food drive with the help of FM Crusaders and Old Cronies to help families, communities and organizations in By this time Becky was starving and Jenny stated she wanted to eat! Shane said he had 1 more thing before we are done …this was only a ploy to waste more time, he then said meeting was ADJOURNED at 7:54 IMPAC Split Pot was won by Keith Lunders for $40.00. He donated $40.00 to the Bike Show in May, with the other $40.00 going towards our IMPAC running pledge total now of $492 Next Meeting Feb 6th at 7:00 PM in Eagles Club Room A if Available FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 11 BH Charity Poker Run information shared that we will check with President Darlene called the 12- Indian to see if they will be a sign 20-15 meeting of BH ABATE to up spot also. order. Pledge of Allegiance was Whitewood Social-Clair will check led by Clair. Prayer was led by with Whitewood officials to get it Barbie. Roll call taken with only cleared. Susan gone on vacation... Lost Member Memorial Tide will OFFICER REPORTS be Aug. 20th. Nemo will be the President Darlene thanked all meeting spot. chapter members for their Meet In The Middle will be July support to BH ABATE and for 17th. volunteering when there are spots where help is needed. OLD BUSINESS MEMBER OF THE MONTH unanimously went to Mac for being a bah-humbug!! We still love ya Mac.... Vice President Jim wished all a History had no report. Merry Christmas. Products will be available at Secretary Barbie thanked Susan Legislative Days. for doing last month’s meeting minutes. No additions or Heartland STEAM in Sioux Falls needs volunteers to help. Silent corrections are needed to the auction items are needed. Beth is minutes. Diane motioned to doing the centerpiece. accept and Beth seconded. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS 50/50 of $23.00 was won by Mr. Mac. Mac donated it all back to Joe's Fund. Congrats and thank you Mac. BLACK HILLS CHAPTER We had 11 members in attendance with lots of good food to eat. Coins for IMPAC raised $13.26. It was discussed if we will round out the dollar amount for the check to S.D. ABATE at Jan meeting. Barbie motioned that we round out amount to $225.00 and Jim seconded. Motion passed. Next meeting is Jan. 31st. There being no further business or discussions, Diane motioned to adjourn with all in favor. Hope to see some of you at Sgt. at Arms Mr. Mac had nothing An email was received from Legislative Days. to report. Sturgis Motorcycle Museum safe and GOD bless… Magazine asking if we will use Be Treasurer's report was read by Submitted by Barbie. :o) them for an ad for the poker Pres. Darlene. Barbie motioned to accept and Beth seconded. run. Discussion was had. Barbie motioned to not put an ad in the Motion passed. magazine and Diane seconded. Membership report was read by Motion passed. Pres. Darlene. Currently 29 Do we do memorial patches for affiliates and 118 members. Wylie? Yes. Mac motioned to State Rep. Mr. Jack has his report purchase 40 patches at this time in the newsletter. Next meeting with 20 of them going to is in Jan. Michelle. Clair seconded. Motion passed. Road Captains Clair and Big Al stated that the mileage contest MEMBER OF THE YEAR for BH will be done at Jan. meeting. You ABATE was discussed. Barbie can ride till Dec. 31st for your nominated Jack and Clair mileage. Big Al is working on seconded. Motion passed. Thanks setting up prizes. for stepping up for State Rep. Jack. LRC Rep. Beth shared MRF information. BHAB report was given by Darlene. June and Sept. will be COMMITTEES the poker runs. Sno Ball silent auction items are AFFILIATES OF THE MONTH are needed. Dakota Battery, Clean Freaks, and Care. Thank you for Dart Tournament will be Jan. Hair supporting BH ABATE. 23rd. EAST CENTRAL CHPTR No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 12 LAKE CHAPTER NEWS No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 LEWIS & CLARK NEWS Meeting called to order President Lynn Conrad. by piece for Heartland STEAM this will have South Dakota made products, wine, glasses (etched), 4 members present. t shirts and etc. Treasurers report was read by We discussed and will bring it to a Robin accepted as read. vote at our next meeting the Kevin did not have anything new possibility of having meetings every other month as our meeting from the State BOD. attendance is getting very small, Legislative Days are coming up as proposed we are looking at a January 14-16, 2016 Kevin is change in our bylaws to have planning on attending. meetings on the odd calendar (February-April-JuneHeartland STEAM is scheduled in month. A u gu s t -Oc t o be r D ece m be r) Sioux Falls April 1-3, 2016 Please attend the next meeting so Kevin is putting together a center we can decide. Our next meeting will be February 6th at Kozy’s at 1:00 pm. If anyone has any ideas for stops on our poker runs come to a meeting, also after discussing we need more input for poker run dates. Please attend the next meeting for your input. Submitted by Kevin Frangenberg Lewis & Clark State Rep. NORTHEAST CHAPTER The January 12th meeting was called to order by President Rick Brownell at 7:00pm with eight members present at The Wheel Inn in Watertown. a very fun event but we will need plenty of help and we will be reaching out to members via email with more details so keep an eye for that! Officer reports began with Chapter Treasurer Paul Marquardt’s report. Paul discussed the chapter’s current financial status, our current membership count, and members up for renewal. New Business Officer Elections: We are having our annual officer elections coming up in April and we are taking nominations now. If you would like to nominate someone for an officer position but cannot make it to the meetings, you can do so by contacting Chapter President Rick (605)882-1894. Brownell at State Representative Curt Wat ki n s s p o ke about t he upcoming Legislative Days in Pierre January 15-17 and the potential topics to be discussed. We then concluded officer reports and moved on to Old Business. Old Business Fundraising: We continued our discussion from our December meeting on a fundraiser we plan to have at the end of February. Belgian Waffle feed. Sound good? Well, we thought so as well. The menu will have a 10” Belgian Waffle, sausage, and coffee or juice. Families are welcome and we will have discounted prices for children 8 and under. This will be If you would like to purchase a patch, stop by the monthly chapter meeting or contact Rick by c all i n g ( 6 0 5) 88 2 - 1 8 9 4 . Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 9th at the Wheel Inn in Watertown at 7:00pm. Have an idea you would like to discuss? Come to the meeting and your voice will be heard. You never know what is going to be discussed but there is one guarantee - you will enjoy the fellowship you find with your fellow Northeast ABATE members. I look forward to seeing you With the conclusion of New there! Business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn, bringing the Phil King Northeast ABATE December Northeast ABATE Meeting to a close. Northeast ABATE Chapter patches and South Dakota ABATE patches are available and if you would like to purchase one or both, the cost for the patches is: State ABATE Patch: $6 Northeast ABATE Patch: $5 Chapter FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 13 NORTHSTAR CHPTR NEWS Happy New Year to All ! Jan. 30th was the North Star ABATE Snowshoe Poker Run. Started at Gregory Lanes-Mill Neb.-Meadville Neb. Springview OAHE CHAPTER NEWS President Bonnie London called the meeting to order at 6:41 pm with 11 members present. Treasurer Bill Poppenga gave the Treasurer's Report which included account balances and a detailed list of money taken in vs. money spent. Brad Bruns motioned to accept the report. David Schmidt seconded the motion. Motion carried. State Rep Lori Butler reported that STEAM is being held April 1-3 this year at the Sioux Falls Ramkota. We’re still looking for donations and auction items so please contact me if you have any donations or ideas. The reduced registration rate of $50 ends on March 1st. Plan to attend Legislative Days next week. Thursday evening at the Legion will be an IMPAC meeting and a meet and greet with Legislators. Friday morning meet at the Capitol and in afternoon at the Legion for p r e s e n t a t i o n s . State Board meeting will be Saturday at the Legion at 10am. See the Freedom Flyer or http://oaheabate.com for the schedule. Road Captain Winston Agneau was absent. Secretary Marcia Kaup asked if any changes were noted regarding the December minutes. Nothing was brought forward for changes so minutes stand as written. Interim Membership Secretary Marcia Kaup reported we there are 80 total members. Old Business: Policy & Procedures were passed out. Make an effort to read Neb. and ending at the Pheasant Bar. Meadville had there annual Polar Bear Plunge will let you know if we had any brave ones that took the plunge. does make a difference. Thanks to all that attend. Meetings: 1st Saturday each month - 7:30 pm - Pheasant Bar, Winner, SD Legislative Days where Jan 1415-16. Our appearance there them over and bring any corrections or suggestions for additions to the next meeting. They will be voted on at the next meeting and will be published along with the By-Laws for Oahe ABATE. IMPAC is providing the food for the breakfast on Friday morning on the Senate and House sides. Oahe ABATE will be making sure breakfast items are stocked so if you see something is running low jump in and restock it. Marcia, Lori and Brandon will be there but others are asked to help out if possible/necessary between 7:00 and 10:00am. The menu for supper on Friday of Legislative Days is arranged. If you plan to attend please consider bring something for dessert. Oahe ABATE will not be contributing to IMPAC but a portion of the money raised at the Minnow Races will be donated to IMPAC on Friday night during Legislative Days. If you can help or want to participate come on down to the Legion! Discussion was held on whether to pay part of the cost for members to attend Heartland S.T.E.A.M. in April. Brand Bruns made a motion to pay the registration fee for any Oahe ABATE member that registers before March 1. Marcia seconded the motion. Motion carried. Register before March 1 and bring your registration confirmation to the March meeting to be reimbursed. New Business A donation to for the State Dart Tournament that is being held in March was asked for. Brad made a motion to make a donation. After some discussion Kip seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Lori was approached by the Heartland S.T.E.A.M. committee if Oahe ABATE would provide Minnow Races on Friday, April 1. More discussion will be held at the next meeting. Announcements: Bonnie announced that the Pledge of Allegiance will be said at the beginning of each meeting beginning in February. Marcia announced that some repairs were made to the Oahe ABATE flag. The memorial patches will be ordered by the next meeting. The next meeting will be held ONE WEEK EARLY due to Valentine’s Day being the weekend of the next meeting. The date is February 6 and will be held at Bill’s Garage (202 S Madiso n Ave; Pierre, SD) beginning at 6:30pm. There will be drawings for 50/50 and SOL and a Pot Luck after the meeting bring a dish to pass if you want. Dennis Bruce motioned for the meeting to adjourn and David Schmidt 2nd the motion. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:41pm. Tina Eichoff won the 50/50 drawing. Jeff Dugstad was drawn for SOL and was NOT in attendance so was SOL. The amount increases for the next meeting. Marcia Kaup ABATE Oahe Chapter Secretary Page 14 RUSHMORE CHAPTER NEWS President Craig called the Rushmore ABATE general membership meeting of 1-5-16 to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms Bill. Chaplain Auggie led group in prayer. Moment of silence for Brian Rick. Roll call was taken with Ginny being excused. GUEST SPEAKERS Darren Freidel with the Ride Therapy Project for Vets. He shared lots of information on the organization. Donated motorcycles, parts, volunteers & financial support would be appreciated. They have one to 3 vets in our area that they are working with now. May 22nd is a dice run fund raiser for their Veteran's Honor Ride. Information is available at www. ridetherapyproject.org or at www.facebook.com/veteranRTP. Pete Mazzella, Rushmore ABATE member spoke on the mining proposal that could happen by Bear Country. Lots of trucks in & out & would make highway very dangerous. Feb. 8th is a meeting with county commissioners on this issue. He strongly urges any to attend this meeting. Jeff J. also shared information on this gravel mine. There were no additions or corrections to the Dec. meeting minutes. Jiggs motioned to accept & Sunshine seconded. Motion passed. Janet had one for cards & certificate frames. Sandy motioned to pay this bill & Jeff J. seconded. Motion passed. OFFICER REPORTS President Craig stated that your chapter needs volunteers to step up & help out. A Vice President & a board member are needed. Vice President is vacant at this time. Treasurer Tina gave the dollar reports. Pat O. Fund is 818.24 & the Ron Hall Fund is $4,481.53. There being no questions, Barbie motioned to accept & Janet seconded. Motion passed. LRC Rep. Ginny is excused. State Rep. Mike stated that his first State ABATE meeting will be Jan. 16. Please attend Legislative Days in Pierre Jan. 14 & 15. Sunshine thanked Mike for stepping in as State Rep. Sunshine stated that Rushmore Chapter needs a center-piece for Heartland STEAM. Tammy & Susan H. stated that they would do a centerpiece. Thank you! Pres. Craig FREEDOM FLYER presented Sunshine with an appreciation plaque from Rushmore ABATE. Membership Sec. Karline had new & members who hadn't been there for a long time introduce themselves. Currently we have 49 affiliates & 383 members. Sgt. at Arms Bill had nothing to report. He does have the hammer & did use it in the meeting to keep the meeting organized. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR-Janet had two sympathy cards to sign for the Rick family. Bill Hanson benefit is Jan. 9th. Road Captain-Nate has the Snow & Shine Poker Run set up. A bus will be available. Last stop will be the BH ABATE Sno Ball. Newsletter-no report. Products Manager position is vacant. Web Page reins will be turned over to Paula. Clay is working with Paula on information. Thanks Clay for all your years of handling the web page. MRF Rep. Jiggs stated that the highway bill did pass. Heartland Steam is April 1 & 2. Road Hazard had no calls come in. The program information will be updated at the Jan. State ABATE board meeting. AD HOC COMMITTEES Membership Party information was shared by Bill H. Thirsty Fish is the band for Fri. night. Randy Mcalister band is Sat. night. Major sponsors are being sought. Have to meet with Shade Valley. BHAB-Barbie reported that a wrap up meeting is Jan. 11th. Shopping, wrapping & money report will be done. Craig stated that KEVN station took stuff out of content with The Toy Ball interview. Bill H. stated that they were interviewed for about 15 minutes & the information was cut & chopped. Paula has the video of the original interview saved. Karline stated that KEVN should fix it. Jiggs stated to always have a written press release statement to go with your interview. Big Boy Toy Ball report was by Sandy. Bill added information. Volunteers are needed to help. More sponsors are needed. Bike Raffle report by Mike. Counts Car Show is Feb. 20 & 21. Volunteers are needed. He has a sign up sheet. He plans on being at BH Harley with the bike Sat. Motorcycle Safety Seminar report was by Jiggs. It is March 12th at Rapid City TREA. Slider Gilmore to be the main speaker. Pot luck is planned for the meal. Golden Hour Accident Scene Management will be Slider's topic. OLD BUSINESS Jiggs shared information on Heartland Steam in Sioux Falls April 1 & 2. He went over some agenda item speakers & topics. NEW BUSINESS MEMBERS OF THE MONTH are Sue and John Haas. Thanks for getting the pocket calendars & letters stuffed in envelopes. AFFILIATE OF THE MONTH is The Eagles. Thank you for your support to RU ABATE. Chance for a Chance on the bike tickets went to Ken L., Gin H., Bill E., & Karline. Congratulations to all. 50/50 of 63.00 was won by Andy R. Congratulations. Shoulda/Coulda of $20.00 names drawn were Doreen Fridley, Travis Thompson & third name out was Mike Clark, who was there to claim the 20.00. Congrats. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pres. Craig announced that John Basham is being appointed Vice Pres. Thanks John for stepping up. Rolling Thunder in Washington, D.C. is May29th. Ride Therapy Project Ride is May 22nd. RU ABATE Motorcycle Safety Seminar is March 12th. Counts Car Show is Feb. 20-21. Heartland Steam in Sioux Falls is April 1-2. BH ABATE Dart Tournament—Jan23rd. BH ABATE Sno Ball Dance is Feb. 13th. BH ABATE meeting is Jan. 31. Meeting of the Minds is in Sept. Rushmore meeting is Feb. 2nd. Tammy B. gave the date & time for Brian Rick's funeral. A time was observed with memory messages from members about their times with Brian Rick. You will be missed. Ride on. There being no further business or discussions, Jiggs motioned to adjourn with all in favor. Hope to see a lot of you at Legislative Days in Pierre. It is a good informative time. Be saf e and GOD all.....Barbie :o) bless you Page 15 FREEDOM FLYER SIOUX FALLS CHAPTER NEWS Next meeting(s): February 6, 2016, 6 PM March 5, 2016, 6 PM Location: ABATE office 408 S. 2nd Ave. EXPO, scheduled for March 19th and 20th. Mark has stepped up the frequency of committee planning meetings. I am not able to inform you of the days and times of the mid month meetings Hello Sioux Falls members; at this time, but we still are holding meetings at 3pm just I'm sorry I didn't get any Chapter before our Chapter meetings listed news submitted into last months above. issue. The busy time of the holidays made the days run by so Please contact us or show up at a quickly that deadlines passed meeting to volunteer to work this unnoticed. event. Information about the event and a flyer can be found on At the January meeting, Dawn o u r web site: http:// reported on the Toy Run. It www.abatesfsd.org/. sounded like a huge success. A very large crowd of riders showed Remember that bike entries for up. the show are free until March 7. The bike show registration form I didn't make the Run because of is also available on the web site. my work schedule but I did come onto an intersection just as the Mark would like us to focus on parade came through. Santa obtaining sponsors to help fund looked great at the head of the the EXPO. He can provide you parade and all those bikes sure with details. Click "contact us" on looked impressive. the web site. Our Chapter phone number is: 605-335-2236. Currently the Chapter is heavily involved in our 2016 Motorcycle On a last note, If you can, I would encourage all of you to attend Heartland STEAM during the first weekend in April. Information on that is available at the ABATE of SD web site:http:// w w w . a b a t e s d . c o m / Images/2016heartlandsteam.jp g. Heartland STEAM is a regional conference for motorcycle rights organizations. If you have never attended one of these, it is an excellent time to learn interesting things and listen to some great speakers. Because of the conflict with the dates of the Heartland STEAM conference, we have rescheduled our April Chapter meeting to April 9th. Please make a note of it. See you at the meetings folks; Ken Feist ABATE of Sioux Falls Page 16 FREEDOM FLYER SIOUX RIVER CHAPTER NEWS MRF Report: EPA is still producing E-10 and want more of it. The highway bill was passed and signed. This means no more motorcycle check points and they are going to re-do the grants so, possibility the grants might be bigger. Old Business: will meet January 6 at 7pm in Announcements: Bill’s garage. Next Meeting Saturday February Nothing new on street signs. Cal 6th 7pm Jim’s Tap Chili and will contact Jackie to see if any Salsa Contest progress has been made. Card Game: Brad Skyberg 4 of New Business: diamonds (did not win) We need to be proactive and try 50/50: Bill Wellnitz to recruit new active members. If we could get at least six new active members it would help Happy New Year! lighten our load. Brad is looking Cindy for suggestions or maybe we have a contest whatever it takes. Thank You to Bill and Janelle for the use of their garage for the Christmas Party. Everyone had a great time with the white elephant gifts some items were useable others were not. Ended Hand out the Sioux River ABATE the evening with a game of cards, business cards every opportunity fun was had by all. you get we may get some to attend our meeting and see what Kiwanis pancake feed is we are all about and possible join. scheduled for February 20, 2016 Need to keep website and face Bob hasn’t responded to Brad book up to date and include regarding Heartland STEAM. Bill meeting information. will let State BOD know that Brad is planning to present a break-out Cal made a motion to adjourn at session. 5:36pm and Bill seconded the motion. The Heartland STEAM committee SOUTH CENTRAL NEWS Lars called the meeting to order. 11 members in attendance. A moment of silence for our military and fallen. In our thoughts Roger Frankenstein on the loss of his brother. Marty Dreisden on the loss of his uncle. John and Ray Parker on the loss of their brother. Roger, Lars and Leo are going to attend Legislative Days in Pierre. IMPAC meeting is at 7 Thursday. Legislation is at 8. Heartland Steam coming up in April. Lars handed out flyers. Meeting for February is changed to the 6th at 6:30. remember to get your nominations in for vice president and treasurer. We vote in March. The secretaries position is going to be open alsowe need to appoint someone. Motion to adjourn seconded and so moved. Maybe think about changing by laws to have the secretary and Thanks Michelle for taking trip to see treasurer position combined. minutes....my grandkids and thaw out in Florida Also need someone to sell the was wonderful!!! football board for Superbowl. 50/50 was won by Leo and Amanda donated back to chapter. PAGE 17 SOUTHEAST CHAPTER NEWS. Hi All I am getting ready to head to Pierre for Legislative Days as I write this. You have heard me state time and again how this is an important event for ABATE. Of all the things ABATE does, I believe this is one of the most important. It shows our law makers we are strong, believe in our rights, and have our eyes on them. I know we will be finished with the event for this year when you read this but keep it in mind for next year. Southeast ABATE nominations for t he offices of Vice Coordinator and Treasurer are now under way. If you or would like to nominate anyone for either of these offices, Nominations will be taken up to the day of the election. Come to either the February or March meeting to put in your nomination. Elections will be held March 12th during the meeting. All meeting Times are 11:00 AM FREEDOM FLYER Meeting Dates are as follows February 13 Point S.D. th Paces Pub Elk March 12th Howlers Vermillion S.D. April 9th Davis Bar Davis S.D. May 14th Otis Bar and Grill Worthing S.D. It may not seem like it now but Riding Season is not that far off. It’s time to start putting all those plans for improvements on your ride into action. Start working on your scoot now so when those first warm days of spring arrive you will be ready to ride. The Sioux Falls ABATE Bike Expo will be held March 19th and 20th This is a good time to pick up all lot of the extras you may want to put on your bike. Also the busy summer schedule of events is starting to fill up. Start planning now on which runs and parties you plan to attend. Log into the Southeast Facebook page for many of the events in the area. I try to keep these as up to date as possible. If you would like a motorcycle event posted just message me through this page and I will try to put it on our site. Also if you would like your event posted to our website just contact us at [email protected] or go to our website http:// www.southeastabate.com and we will do what we can to get it out to the masses. Ride safe Eppo PAGE 18 THOSE GUYS CHAPTER NEWS Next meeting is 2pm February 7th at the SF American Legion *Future meetings listed at the end of the minutes Meeting called to order at 2:05 pm with 69 members present. Last month's meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. Treasury report was approved with no additions or corrections. State Rep Report: Dennis will be going to the BOD meeting to discuss the need for Heartland Steam volunteers. He will find out if the volunteers for the hospitality room have to pay to get in. Membership Report: Those Guys currently has 233 members. If you need to renew your membership or would like to join, you can get in touch with any current member, or mail the renewal/sign up form to our chapter's membership rep: Gail VanderPol at 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107-0810. VP Report: Samples of our possible Heartland STEAM raffle donation will be brought to our next meeting. Iggy has started working on the Summer Long Ride Guide book. He needs volunteers to help as this is a time consuming process. He wants the book ready for print at the beginning of March. Those Guys patch pricing is still being investigated. If you have an idea of someone who can make the patches at a reasonable price, let us know. Tim is working on the design for our 25th anniversary shirt. We should have samples to vote on next month. Deadwood Poker Run is 6/246/26, and will be going through Winner again. Hotel reservations should be made as soon as possible as rooms are limited. A committee meeting will be held soon. If you'd like to help, let FREEDOM FLYER They will be looking for volunteers. Our chapter will be Old Business: Those Guys donated getting 2 booths and Big Paws $2800 to the Children's Home Poker Run pay for one right next Society to help buy the kid's to ours. We will be needing Christmas presents. Special volunteers to run our booth. thanks go out to Rick, Kay & Mitch Thanks to Sioux River ABATE Runge at the Red Rock bar, Wink for the Christmas card. and the 38 Road House, Tom & March 19th & 20th is the Black Susan Benney, Those Guys Hills Motorcycle Show. ABATE, Johnson Christensen Law Motion was made to pay our Firm, Janklow Law Firm, Supreme chapter state dues at Legislative Court Justice Glen & Mary Days. Severson, and the Brende family. Motion was made to donate to KELO did a small story on the IMPAC for Legislative Days. presentation of the gift. This Big Paws poker run shirt has brings our 2015 CHS donations to only 6 sponsor spots left. They $13,100. are $100. If you know someone February 20th is our Bowling that would be interested, have Party, open to all. Sign up at 1pm, them contact Cheri Westendorf. A bowl at 1:30pm. Kids will be on web site is being created to share separate lanes with bumpers set information and to sign up. The up. 7/23 poker run will be about 150 January 14-16 is Legislative miles, ending at the Thirsty Duck. Days. We have 4 rooms reserved Mark brought up the idea for a at the Comfort Inn. If you are “ride for no reason”. It was interested in going, please let decided to do about 150-200 mile Dave or Iggy know. ride on 5/22. Meet at the SF Our chapter is hosting the American Legion at 9am. Kick Heartland STEAM hospitality stands up at 9:30am. room. Committee will be getting together soon. The plan is to have Members needing to renew: Don Cheri & Steve a taco bar. We will be going to the B i t t n e r , beer and liquor distributors to ask Westendorf, JD Collins, Dan for beverage donations. We will Eichacker, Patti Bittner, Donnie also be getting with other Martin, Jason Mohr, Teri Mullin, chapters for donations as well. Jason Mohr, Teri Mullin, Melissa Tentative hours for the hospitality Tillman, Tom Vallie, Jo Winters room will be Friday 5pm-10pm, Welcome new member: Betsy Saturday 7am-9am, 2pm-5pm, Wick and after the banquet until 10pm or 11pm. 50/50 of $112 went to Shannon Also regarding Heartland Slocum. She donated back $40 to STEAM is that 2 meetings ago, it the CHS Christmas fund. was voted for the chapter to pay for 6 people to attend Heartland SOL of $70 went to Todd Mullen. Steam. Motion was made to Drawing will be for $10 next change the plans for the $300. If month. a member chooses to attend Motion to adjourn. Motion Heartland Steam, the chapter will seconded and approved. reimburse them $10, up to $300. This amendment was voted in. Upcoming meeting dates: We are also still looking for our February 7th, March 6th and April members to ask businesses for 3rd donations (money or merchandise) to help defray Our chapter had a great 2015 and 2016 will be even better because costs. of you! New Business: The Sioux Falls ABATE Motorcycle Expo is 3/19 Those Guys ABATE 10am-6pm & 3/20 10am-4pm. Scott or Brooke Hillard know. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 19 WINDRIDERS CHAPTER NEWS Next Meeting: February 1st Location: Big D’s Huron, SD Meeting@ 6:30 Supper@6:00 Windriders members present at the January 4th meeting were as follows: Phil & Norma Hohm, Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst, Dawn Meyers, Leigh Smith, Joey Harms, Steve Lovett, Don & Stacey Gurnon, Gary Heath, Gennae Danks, Steve Bobeldyke, and Bill & Kasey Bindert. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Shelley gave a report on the Salvation Army Angel Tree & we supplied gifts for 6 children. This year’s chili contest and minnow races will be on March 12th at the Red Arrow Bar in Huron starting at 5:30PM. The Black Water Band will be performing beginning at 9:00PM. Schaun will email the poster for the event to the Huron Chamber for distribution in February. Phil will pay for the posters at the UPS Store. There will be more details on this event at the February and March meetings. Bill Bindert is the Windriders member of the year and he will receive his certificate at the Awards Banquet on Friday evening of January 15th at the American Legion in Pierre. Phil is in charge of getting that certificate made. TREASURER’S REPORT: Phil handed out his written report. Gary made a motion to accept Phil’s report & Dawn seconded the motion & it passed. STATE REP REPORT: Phil gave a report on the Federal Highway 5 year $305 Billion bill which was signed by President Obama & made into law. There are more details on this bill in Jigg’s report in the January Freedom Flyer. Legislative Days is on January 14th-16th. So far it looks like Phil, Norma, Bill, Kasey & Gennea will be attending this event. Heartland STEAM is coming up on April 1st & 2nd in Sioux Falls. South Dakota hosts this event every 7 years so this would be a great year to attend & learn how other states work with their legislatures for the rights of motorcyclists. This is also a fundraiser for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation which is our main voice for motorcycle rights at the national level. Our own Windriders member, Phil, will be presenting a break-out session at this event. I am sure he would appreciate some of our members being there to encourage him on. Phil will be discussing how to get new members into an organization & also how to retain their membership. Gary made a motion to accept Phil’s report & Leigh seconded the motion and it passed. we have 55 members. Members that need to renew are: Dallas Almond, Roger Graffunder, Debbie Busch, Susan Searing, Patrick Hemen, Sal Tschetter, Marlene Richey, Wil Kleinsasser, Brian Klock & Jeff McGirr. If you see any of these members be sure to encourage them to renew their membership. Our new member is Randy Kraemer (3yr) from Armour, South Dakota. He was a member in previous years & we really welcome him back into our fold! To renew your membership send $25 for one year or $60 for three years to Windriders ABATE PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 NEW BUSINESS: Leigh thought we could maybe have a two day VICE-PRESIDENT S REPORT: Gary fun run sometime this summer. made a motion that we accept Any ideas out there? Where and Steve’s report & Joey seconded when? the motion. Gary made a motion to adjourn ROAD CAPTAIN REPORT: Steve the meeting at 7:08 & Phil accepted the Award Certificate seconded the motion & it passed. that Windriders got in the Parade Minutes taken by Shelley & of Lights from President Schaun. edited, typed & sent to the Since Steve was the main Freedom Flyer by Phil. organizer of the event he is in charge of taking care of the “LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE” award. ‘ MEMBERSHIP REPORT: As of now FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 20 ZZEN CHAPTER NEWS Greetings. By now the 2016 Legislative Says are over. I hope that you attended. The more leather in the gallery the better. While we need to protect our rights in South Dakota, we also need to protect the rights of our visitors to the State. The State recognizes the impact that tourism dollars have to the state as a whole. While having one of the oldest & biggest motorcycle events in the world & the state counting on those dollars, evidently, they really don`t care how our visitors are treated. Their concerns are revenue & federal grants that allow our visitors to be subjected to so-called crowd control programs & other BS that taint the experience of those that come from thousands of miles away to spend their hard earned money in our state. I`ve had experiences with cops that have been brought in & don`t know the laws of our state. but that doesn`t stop them from throwing their weight around & thinking that they are God. I feel for the clubs that are subjected to uncalled for surveillance & downright harassment. All the outside law enforcement that converges on Sturgis during the rally, hoping for another Waco, thoroughly disgusts me. Although emergency services are a necessity, there is no need for law enforcement to treat this as a cash cow. It only takes one bad LEO to cure a tourist from ever coming back to our state. The BS training programs, federal dollars, the undercovers, CI`s, DHS, DEA, Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Taskforces, BATFE, Vice &as many alphabets that you want to name, do not enhance the experience of Sturgis. With all these interlopers looking for anyone to step out of line enough to get a charge or make one up, I believe that it is time for our organization to sponsor a motorcycle profiling bill. It would be low cost & give our citizens & visitors some protection from overzealous & spiteful agencies who have their own agendas. Association is one of our fundamental rights set forth in the constitution. Being targeted for who you associate with & whatever political views one may have is a grave injustice. Pappy Hoel & the Jackpine Gypsies started what became this great rally years ago. I don`t believe that they would have envisioned the intense harassment that would have certainly involved even their own club. I cannot speak for others, but I feel that the majority of riders do not worry about political correctness because civility usually overcomes this contrived, overly sensitive BA. Motorcycle profiling does not just pertain to us going down the road and the discrimination of colors on admission, but some involve pressure on our hosts by agencies, be they local, county or state. It doesn`t matter if they are in compliance with all laws pertaining to running their establishment. If the county board or those in charge do not like them or their clientele, over the top inspections & harassment of their patrons can prove financially fatal to businesses who dare to not follow the mandates of the community. I don`t mean to merge these two but they are equally important. The first involves being targeted for your mode of travel & descriptive markings which the courts have deemed free speech. Association also involves whether an agency deems you a gang, arbitrarily, without due process & condemns you for something that another member 2,000 miles away may have done. We are not traveling under commerce laws & have a right to travel freely. Having a patch on your back or an eagle or a damn duck hanging upside down is not probable cause. Asset forfeiture aside (where they confiscate & charge your property & not you & you can`t afford to fight it because they took your assets), racketeering laws, which they love to throw at the motorcycle community were developed to take assets from major drug cartels & give the DEA another tool to fund themselves. Any MRO or MC is still in danger of being put on the chopping block by any Johnnie Cochran wannabe DA looking to make a name for himself. A motorcycle profiling law would spell out the rights of motorcycling persons and mandate policies for LEO`s including a short seminar instructing them on acceptable procedures. If they would follow the edicts of the constitution that they swore to uphold instead of the policies of their overlords, these actions would not be necessary. There is a national survey being conducted at www,motorcycleprofilingproject.c om which is trying to get a handle on how many have been affected by these policies. This is also an opportunity to tell your story should you have one. The site has links & info on what Washington state`s non-profiling law looks like & how they got it passed. The 27th Annual Heartland STEAM, A Seminar To Educate And Motivate, will soon be upon us. April1st-3rd,2016. Best Western Ramkota, Sioux Falls, S.D. Still need donation items & as always, volunteers. Last meeting was held Jan. 2nd at Beamer`s. Welcome to new members Jason & Miranda. Also official recognition to Kelly who won the Iron Butt with 12,177 miles. He will be hard to keep up with, but we`ll damn sure try. The Ghost Run & Membership Drive is set for June 18, 2016. There may even be a history lesson with our state historian along for the ride. Keep the icicles off & ride safe. Next meeting, Feb.6,Sat.,1:00pm,American Legion, Lennox, SD. Respectfully, Alias Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are solely mine and do not represent those of the organization. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 21 ABATE of SD Supporters The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with your patronage. D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2015) Cheap Shots, Sioux Falls (April 2016) FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2016) Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2016) J&L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2016) 1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2016) Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2016) Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2016) Dakota Insurance, Baltic (December 2016) Teal Imprinted Sportswear, Sioux Falls (March 2016) Clark County Riders, Brookings (May 2016) The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015) Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2016) The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016) Sky Lounge, Tea (January 2016) Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2016) Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2016) Bottoms Up, Corson (April 2016) Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2016) Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2016) Otis Bar & Grill, Worthing (May 2016) Red Rocks Bar & Grille, Dell Rapids (June 2016) Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2016) W Dees, Gayville (July 2016) Cottonwood, Yankton (May 2016) Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2016) Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2016) Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2016) Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2016) Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2016) American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2016) Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2016) Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2016) TeeZers, Madison (March 2016) The Pub House, Madison (April 2016) Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2016) Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2016) Puzzled Bar, Parker (December 2016) Petersen Motors, Pierre (June 2016) Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2016) Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2016) Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2016) 38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2016) American Legion Post 15, Sioux Falls (January 2016) PAGE 22 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE of South Dakota 2016 Good Times Calendar FEBRUARY Mar 5th –Zzen ABATE Meeting Battlecreek Lake - Vermillion, SD 1:00 pm Mar 6th – Those Guys ABATE Meeting Sioux Falls Am Legion 2:00 pm Mar 7th -Windriders ABATE Meeting Supper @ 6:00 6:30 pm Feb 1st -Windriders ABATE Meeting Supper @ 6:00 - Big D’s, Huron 6:30 pm Feb 2nd - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles Club, Rapid City 7:00 pm Feb 6th - Aberdeen ABATE Meeting Eagles - Aberdeen, SD 7:00 pm Feb 6th - Lewis & Clark ABATE Meeting Kozy’s 1:00 pm Mar 12th –South East ABATE Meeting Howlers Bar & Grill, Vermillion Feb 6th - Oahe ABATE Meeting Bills Garage 6:30 pm Mar 12th -Windriders Chili Contest & Minnow Races Red Arrow in Huron Feb 6th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm Mar 14th - BH Area Bikers Meeting N Haines Hardees, Rapid City Feb 6th -Sioux River ABATE Meeting Jim’s Tap - Chili & Salsa Contest 7:00 pm Mar 17th - St Patrick’s Day Feb 6th - South Central ABATE Meeting 6:30 pm Mar 19th - State BOD Meeting - Pierre 1:00 pm Mar 20th - BH ABATE Meeting Side Hack (upstairs), Sturgis 2:00 pm Mar 25th - Good Friday Feb 6th –Zzen ABATE Meeting Legion - Lennox, SD Feb 7th – Those Guys ABATE Meeting Sioux Falls Am Legion 7:00 pm Feb 9th - Northeast ABATE Meeting Wheel Inn, Watertown 7:00 pm Feb 13th - BH ABATE Sno Ball Fireside/Oasis - Sturgis 7:00 pm 11:00 am Feb 14th - Valentine’s Day Feb 28th - BH ABATE Meeting Side Hack (upstairs), Sturgis 1:30 pm 12 noon 1:00 pm 12 noon Mar 27th - Easter st April 1 – 3rd -Heartland STEAM Ramkota, Sioux Falls April 2nd - Aberdeen ABATE Meeting Eagles - Aberdeen, SD 7:00 pm April 3rd – Those Guys ABATE Meeting Sioux Falls Am Legion 2:00 pm April 4th -Windriders ABATE Meeting Supper @ 6:00 6:30 pm April 9th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm April 9th –Sioux River ABATE Meeting Jim’s Tap 5:00 pm April 9th –South East ABATE Meeting Davis Bar, Davis, SD MARCH Mar 1st - Rushmore ABATE Meeting Eagles Club, Rapid City 7:00 pm APRIL Feb 13th - Rushmore ABATE Snow or Shine Feb 20th – Those Guys Bowling Party Sport Bowl 11:00 am Mar 19th & 20th -Sioux Falls ABATE EXPO Feb 8th - BH Area Bikers Meeting N. Haines Hardees - Rapid City Feb 13th –South East ABATE Meeting Paces, Elk Point Mar 12th - Rushmore ABATE Safety Seminar 7:00 pm Mar 4th—13th - Daytonna Bike Week April 9th –Sioux River ABATE Meeting Jim’s Tap 11:00 am 5:00 pm April 24th –Those Guys Spring Poker Run Mar 5th - Aberdeen ABATE Meeting Eagles - Aberdeen, SD 7:00 pm Mar 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting Chapter Office 6:00 pm May 2nd -Windriders ABATE Meeting Supper @ 6:00 6:30 pm Mar 5th –Sioux River ABATE Meeting Jim’s Tap 5:00 pm May 7th - Aberdeen ABATE Meeting Eagles - Aberdeen, SD 7:00 pm MAY FREEDOM FLYER Page 23 ABATE of South Dakota 2016 Good Times Calendar MAY May 7th –Sioux River ABATE Yard Sign Distribution 1:00 pm May 7th –Sioux River ABATE Ditch Clean Up 3:00 pm May 7th –Sioux River ABATE Meeting Danny’s Lounge 5:00 pm May 7th –Zzen ABATE Meeting Hillbillies Bar - Alcester, SD 1:00 pm Application for Membership I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50 due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at any time. Aberdeen ..................... PO Box 1252 Aberdeen, SD 57401 Black Hills .......................... PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785 East Central ...................... 21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042 Lake ................................. PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042 Lewis & Clark ................... PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078 North East .......... 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201 North Star ............... 33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533 Oahe ................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501 May 13th –Those Guys Schleprock Poker Run Rushmore ................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709 May 14th –South East ABATE Meeting 11:00 am Otis Bar & Grill, Worthing, SD Sioux Falls ................. PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 May 21st -Oahe Awareness Run South Central ............... PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356 May 21st -Windriders Culver Run Wolsey, SD May 21st - State BOD Meeting - Pierre 11:00 am 2:00 pm May 22nd–Those Guys Ride for No Reason 9 am Sioux Falls American Legion May 29th - Rolling Thunder Washington, DC Sioux River ................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006 South East ...................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069 Sturgis …….#243 2601 S Minn Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Those Guys ..... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Windriders .......................... PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 Zzen ....................26020 443rd Ave., Canistota, SD 57012 New Renewal Address Change Name: ________________________________________ JUNE Address: ______________________________________ June 3rd –Sioux River ABATE Meeting Jim’s Tap, Brookings 5:00 pm June 4th - Aberdeen ABATE Meeting Eagles - Aberdeen, SD 7:00 pm City: _______________State: _____ Zip Code:________ Phone: ________________(Hm) ______________(Cell) Voting District: _________________________________ June 4th –Sioux River ABATE Poker Run Registration 10:00 to 12:00 pm– Ray’s Corner E-mail Address: _________________________________ June 4th –Zzen ABATE Meeting Davis Bar - Davis, SD Please send completed application with check or money order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are NOT tax deductible). June 5th -Windriders Bike Show State Fairground 1:00 pm 9:00 am June 5th –Those Guys June Poker Run June 17th –Those Guys Children’s Home Society Poker Run (Optional- used for ABATE Business Only) I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. June 18th – Zzen Ghost Run & Membership Drive Signature June 23rd –CVMA & Those Guys Big Paws Poker Run (Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not sold or distributed outside of this organization) June 24th – Sioux River July ABATE Ride Thru Meeting 7:00 pm Jim’s Tap, Brookings. June 25th – Sioux River ABATE Ride Thru 7:00 pm Skinner’s Pub, Brookings June 24th -26th –Those Guys Deadwood Poker Run June 24th – 25th -Oahe Fun Run _______________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time, or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC). Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $ _______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the State of South Dakota. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 24 Welcome NEW Members The following is a list of new members to ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter. If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter membership secretary. ABERDEEN : Sarah Knoepfle BLACK HILLS : EAST CENTRAL : LAKE : LEWIS & CLARK: NORTH EAST : NORTHSTAR : OAHE: Kurt Bowers, Kristy Dozier, Lori Niehoff, Lisa & Scott Ziebart RUSHMORE : Gaelle Chleborad, Dave Hortman, Cody Yockey SIOUX FALLS : SIOUX RIVER : SOUTH CENTRAL : SOUTH EAST : STURGIS : SUPPORTERS – BUSINESS : THOSE GUYS : Larry Johnston, Steve Nadalid, Betsey Wick WINDRIDERS : Randy Nixon, Randy Kraemer ZZEN : FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 25 Members up for Renewal in February The following is a list of members of ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter that are renewing this month. NOTE: IF A MEMBERSHIP HAS BEEN EXPIRED FOR 12 MONTHS IT IS TREATED AS A NEW MEMBERSHIP. IF A MEMBERSHIP HAS BEEN EXPIRED FOR MORE THAN 2 MONTHS WHEN THE STATE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY RECEIVES THE RENEWAL, THE MEMBER WILL BE RENEWED FROM THE CURRENT MONTH FOR A FULL YEAR. ABERDEEN EXPIRATIONS: Coco Aadland, John Artz, Jr., Dana Breske, Tyler Brinkman, Cindy Hanson, Anne & Don Hartman, Dennis Lingren, Cale Schleprude, Dustin Weber BLACK HILLS EXPIRATIONS: Anthony Desimone, Cyndy & Rick Ferguson, Annette Gibson, Niles Harris, Amy Mahlen, Jim Bob Martin, Alan Schuetz, Perry Tobin EAST CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: Dave & Inez Jorgensen, Amy Roth LAKE EXPIRATIONS: Roger & Teresa Johnson, Andrew Nugent, Anglea Root LEWIS & CLARK EXPIRATIONS: Ken Olsen, Gary Schulenburg NORTH EAST EXPIRATIONS: None NORTHSTAR EXPIRATIONS: Ray Bokker OAHE EXPIRATIONS: None RUSHMORE EXPIRATIONS: Cory Bechard, Paula Brown, Mindy Falkenhagen, Doug Hegre, Michael Schmit, David Zeibarth SIOUX FALLS EXPIRATIONS: Bill Schildauer, Donna Swank SIOUX RIVER EXPIRATIONS: Brian Dokken, Brian Egeberg, Dale Heesch, Ashley Krogstad, Brad Skyberg SOUTH CENTRAL EXPIRATIONS: Damian Gravatt, Karen Herrold, Neal Moad, John Mosley, Dean Sabalka, Christina Seifert, Michael Swanson, David Witherbee SOUTH EAST EXPIRATIONS: None STURGIS EXPIRATIONS: None SUPPORTERS – BUSINESS EXPIRATIONS: Beamers Pub, Lennix, SD THOSE GUYS EXPIRATIONS: Ed Barr, Jeff Fischer, Coralee & Roger Hattervig, Scott Pearson, Brad & Kris Scherff WINDRIDERS EXPIRATIONS: None ZZEN EXPIRATIONS: None Page 26 FREEDOM FLYER necessary. Larger ads may be substituted for the business card ad. Below are the prices for ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are larger ads to be run for one year. those businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support with a $100 yearly donation. For Prices include Business Supporter dues (please your donation, you receive during the year: note: normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”): ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program ♦ A plaque to display in your establishment ♦ Twelve ♦ business size ads 1/2 page - $425.00 the (please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will cover ½ of page from top to bottom, A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your 2 column will cover top or bottom half of page) discretion. FREEDOM FLYER card 1/4 page - $275.00 in ♦ A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the FREEDOM FLYER Full page - $725.00 ♦ A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER. Ads submitted must be black and white, camera You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves motorcycling in South Dakota. the right to create one based on the information received. A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer, and the individual members are If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of not responsible for errors, omissions, or reprint South Dakota Supporter, write: quality of submitted ads. In the event of a ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. dispute, the Editor may replace a disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter dues by c/o Susan Lettau one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant to 1723 Main Street approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. Sturgis, SD 57785 of South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove any ad deemed discriminatory or against Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible the best interests of this organization. In the except as a business expense. case of removal, the Board may authorize a The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refund. refers to a standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves the right to make minor Please remove the section below and mail it to adjustments to the size to fit the space as the address listed above with a check payable to ♦ BUSINESS SUPPORTER APPLICATION Business Name: Address: City: State: Contact Person: New: Zip Code: Phone Number: Renewal: Ad size (circle one): Amount enclosed: Business Card $100.00 Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota c/o Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page $275.00 $425.00 $725.00 Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota Page 27 FREEDOM FLYER CLASSIFIEDS Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will be printed until advertiser requests removal by contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for all content and/or corrections. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas looking bike!! New Battery! $4400 located in Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. Mitchell, SD Call Jason 605-630$19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 2592 or Carm 605-830-2981 FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85% original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations, Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/frame snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. Located in Whitewood, SD #605-7223859 FOR SALE: 2008 Harley Davidson Night Train, black denim, 5,000 miles, new tires & brakes, excellent condition, $13,069, #605-430-0466. FOR SALE: 2013 Streetglide, Midnight Pearl, 11,000 mi. bolt in cam, programmable electrics,10 and 4" smoked windshields, Kuri pipes & other great mods too numerous to B o o k `s $ 2 1 . 5, o v e r $ 4, 0 0 0 FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like m e n t i o n. new, black, windshield, leather saddle bags, invested.$19,000. Fast & pretty.763-258-3061. driver floor boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe Stock parts go with. shift, but could easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-206-0126; email [email protected]. FOR SALE: 1994 Honda Shadow, 600 cc, low FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 miles, new tires, $2500. 712-635-0732 magazines from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in the plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal at $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and look at them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605-391-6999. FOR SALE: *1993 Lowrider Convertible, 45,000 miles, New rings & cam, new rubber & belt *2010 Superglide Dyna, 2,000 miles, security system, warranty until 2017, like new Good Xmas presents! Price negotiable! 605-480FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 0612 12,000 miles. All original w/tour pak, rear light FOR SALE: 1996 FX DWG Custom, Chrome bar, $7,500 OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678. Wheels—21” & 18” , rear new tire, black w/ FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas Vance Hines Shortys, runs great! Ready to roll Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. $4,500, EVO with Belt Drive #402-394-1116 $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police Defender, FXDP. No saddle bags but the running boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact. Carbureted & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black 2ith 16” fat Apes, windshield, sissy bar, 38,000. Warner, SD $6,500. #605-228-6283 or email [email protected]. FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402-340-4809 - Pickstown, SD FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots, (Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with steel toe, size 9M, $169.00 new. Will sell for $100.00. Call Del at Hm#605-853-3233 or Cell#605-870-0797. FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, Blue, windshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carrier, oil relocator put on June 2014, very nice 1985 Kawasaki 454LTD, Red, 16k original miles. Needs nothing. New front and rear tires, new oil, oil filter, air filters, battery, turn signals, fresh anti-freeze. Carbs were rebuilt and synced by a professional. Less than 500 miles since all the work was done. Small tear on seat backrest where the seam has come apart. Clear title. Have almost $2000 into the bike. $1500 or best offer. Mark 952-913-5686 or [email protected]. Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items Page 28 FREEDOM FLYER Puzzled Bar Parker, SD 11 to Close 7 Days a Week 605-297-0401 Food Available Page 29 FREEDOM FLYER 605-370- 2400 W. Madison Sioux Falls, FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 30 47409 258th St Renner, SD 57055 Steakhouse #605-332-4411 Lounge #605-332-2681 Sioux Falls, SD Jake’s Place 108 E. Maple Monroe, SD 57047 605-999-1611 Karoke every Saturday night Page 31 FREEDOM FLYER Corson, SD ABATE OF SD, INC. Freedom Flyer Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: 605-720-0263 Cell: 605-490-1593 Email: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.ABATESD.COM DEDICATED TO THE FREEDOM OF THE ROAD! Please contact your chapter membership secretary with any address change. Your Freedom Flyer will not be forwarded to your new address. Next State Board of Directors Meeting will be March 19th at 1:00 pm American Legion — Pierre, SD
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