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ulletin - Websites are dead.
ISSUE 12 ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. REVARD B U L NOVEMBER NO N O VE V E MB M B EER RD DECEMBER EEC ECE C EM E M BER B E R 20 BE 2 2011 0 11 11 L E T I A AB ABATE BA ATT E BR BREVARD R EV E VA AR R D CO C COUNT OU UN NT Y C CHAPTER HA H A PT AP P T ER PTE ER N 1 Featured Article 15 BIKERS IN NEED Open on Friday nites at 6pm, the BIN calendar will again be open for your enjoyment. Located at 6580 Babcock, Palm Bay, Bear contents Look back on the history of the Toy Run! PAGE 9 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. If you know classified a family who could use a Thanksgiving 16 also accepting gift cards for Turkey’s and meal, stop by and let Ellen know. They are perishable items. Please bring a can or wish list for shriners two of food if you can spare it. 17 safety 21 November/December 2011 Issue 12 3 president’s report 5 editor’s notes 6 out and about 23 public relations 27 biker sunday d minutes 9 30 year toy run 11 padre’s pulpit 12 patriot’s day 14 15 and Ellen are looking for families in need our new safety banner COVER: Pictured here are Phil Sabelli, current Recorder and Past Potentate of the AZAN Shriners Center and his long time friend, Megan. This wonderful photo was taken by Megan’s mother at last year’s Christmas Party. At 2 months old, she made her first trip to the hospital. They said she would never walk. She’s 11 years old now and walking. Megan has a brother and sister that are not afflicted by her ailment. She and her mother fly to Montreal twice a year for her treatments and sometimes surgeries. She has had countless surgeries. The AZAN Shriners provide all their needs; transportation, housing, food. Megan lives with her family in Rockledge. As membership in the Shriners fraternity grew in the early 1900’s, so did the call for establishing an official charity. In 1919, the Imperial Potentate-elect pitched the idea of establishing a hospital to provide free care for children with orthopaedic problems. This committee concluded that there should not just be one hospital; there should be a heath care system. The first hospital opened in Shreveport, LA in 1922. Today here are 23 Shriners hospitals in the United States, Mexico and Canada. The local AZAN Shrine cares for 426 Brevard children. ◊ born to be wild run Newsletter Deadline is the First Tuesday of Each Month ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC DOES NOT CONDONE DRINKING & DRIVING ALL DONATIONS TO ABATE OF FLORIDA INC. ARE NOT DEDUCTIBLE FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES 2 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 president’s report 11 Biker Sunday 20 Happy holidays to all and may God bless you and your family. The Toy Run plans are in full swing. Shirts, pins, patches are ordered. All the event activities are looking good. A car has been donated for the Cage Bash. The Big Daddy Band will be headlining again in a big way. Gus the Shrine Camel will be there again giving out kisses. If you can find it in your heart to donate a little something to help care for “GUS” or help Azan Shrine with their transportation Fund I know they need the help. Club Village is being organized by Padre Tim and the Spirit Riders and we expect the village will grow this year, so support your local clubs by going by for a visit. We are also selling Golf Ball Drop tickets again this year so please come to the next membership or Toy Run Planning meeting to buy some as x-mas gift stocking stuffers or pick up at least ten of them to help us sell them. They are only $5 each and someone will win $500. Now to move on to ABATE business; it seems as though there are always grumblings throughout our organization. Some of them are negative that have a negative affect on all of us that are brought on by personal feelings that should be talked out by the people involved. Not drug out into the social media to feed rumor mills and drag our cause mi down. There is a process do that th should be followed. If a member has a complaint about the State Board, they a should present it to their s chapter BOD (Board Of c Directors) for discussion D and action if needed. If a the chapter BOD feels action is needed, then the chapter BOD will send a request for action from the State BOD. At this point the Chapter will wait for an answer to come back from the State BOD through the chapter representatives that attend the State meetings every other month. Now this is where I am having a problem with our state BOD. Our chapter has sent many requests for action from our state BOD with either no response or unacceptable action from them. I feel no need to bring them all up but there are a couple of them I am passionate about and I also have the backing of my BOD and Chapter. #1. We as a chapter have suggested that the State BOD be a leader in the nation and organize a safety Run/Event on “National Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Day” that all of our chapters can have the choice to get involved with statewide. Is this not part of our cause/goal/mission as a not-for-profit motorcycle safety awareness & MRO organization? I understand that as a organization we are failing to raise enough money to fund our cause and our membership efforts are sagging. To this I say use the event for fund raising and membership recruiting. #2. I have been told through email that the state will no longer bring safety awareness products to the bimonthly meetings. Our chapter sent a formal complaint to the State BOD through our chapter reps. and their answer was that all chapters would have to make arrangements of their own to travel to Deland where the state office is to pick up these products. For the life of me this does not make any sense at all. All chapters are required to send representatives to bimonthly state meetings that are held throughout our long state. Each chapter bears the expense of gas and hotel if required. Since 30 something chapters and the state BOD are meeting bimonthly, wouldn’t you think that this is the opportune time to pass out safety products. So the State says it costs money to bring these products. I say it costs money to do business when you are a corporation so spend it. If the state needs to levy a transportation fee to the chapters to do business then I say “DO BUSINESS”! The state does not need to rent a semi trailer to bring all the products. Just bring the products that are previously pre-ordered and no more. If the safety director can’t do the job then find someone that can. Don’t lug them all into the meeting, have a “diveyout” session after the meeting at the truck or trailer that brought them. Again this is simply doing business, no more. Now I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea about my opinion. Our state BOD works hard, they are also passionate about what they do on a volunteer basis just as I volunteer. I am just bringing to your attention what’s going on if you are not making it to our chapter meetings to witness for yourself. I always say that if you do not get involved in your organization continued on page 25 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 3 5-12 4 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. With the past Patriot’s Day Celebrations, a lot of emotions upon emotions, surfaced. I saw a lot of patriotism and love. We need all we can get. It was wonderful to see the level of participation. BREVARD U L L E T I N ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. BREVARD COUNTY CHAPTER P.O. BOX 237582 • COCOA, FL 32932-7582 Chapter Web Site: http://brevard.abateflorida.com// The Brevard Bulletin is the official publication of ABATE of Fl, Inc. Brevard County Chapter and accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained in this publication. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Mike Pope 639-1776 VICE PRESIDENT Mike Bowden 302-4796 SECRETARY Jonell Pope 639-1776 TREASURER Linda Lockart 615-4296 CHAPTER TRUSTEES SGT-AT-ARMS Greg Hooper 794-7215 MEMBERSHIP Jonell Pope 639-1776 Vacant EVENTS COOR PR/COMM Suz Skinkle 266-6418 Charlotte Henry 794-7215 PRODUCTS SAFETY Suz Skinkle 266-6418 FAX 855-576-9263 ROAD CAPTAIN Howard Hoepfner 917-2927 STATE REPS Mike Bowden 302-4796 Theresa Clifton 452-9792 LEGISLATIVE Mike Bowden 302-4796 NEWSLETTER Earleen Kiker 474-6421 WEBSITE Theresa Clifton 302-4824 ASSISTANTS CHAPLIN Tim Howze 508-4908 Carmine Dibiase 631-7344 ASST NEWSLTR Jonell Pope 639-1776 PHOTOS Miserable George 633-6422 NOTARY Linda Lockart 615-4296 CONTACT INFO CHAPTER FAX 321-632-5980 CHAPTER E-MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE http://brevard.abateflorida.com WEB E-MAIL [email protected] NEWSLETTER [email protected] ASST NEWSLETTER [email protected] editor’s notes IDENTIFICATION/DISCLAIMER STATEMENT THE BREVARD BULLETIN PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY We must remember that all we have is each other. Times are ver y stressful. All you snowbirds coming back to sunny Florida, welcome back . If you have a trailer or lif t, step up and volunteer to help out that poor smuck . We need someone from Nor th Brevard and someone from South Brevard. All the excitement in this issue is the upcoming 30th Annual Toy Run. Once again, I would like to ask those that are newly back in town, to volunteer some of your time to the Toy Run planning. Our meeting times are going to be changing soon to ever y Tuesday. We could sure use the help. I sure hope you guys enjoy the new layout. I had a lot of fun doing it and learned a lot. And a special thank you to M iserable George. Don’t k now what I would do without his most excellent photography. Thanks George◊ Earleen It Pays to Advertise Your Business in the BREVARD BULLETIN Goals and Purposes of ABATE To print a newsletter to keep all bikers informed with regard to legislative actions and events around the state and throughout the country. To become a powerful and viable political force in legislative matters concerning all motorcyclist’s rights. To provide a lobbyist to represent ABATE of Florida, Inc. on the state and national level. To promote voter registration and motivate members to write their legislators. To promote safe riding habits without infringing on the individual rights. To educate the public about motorcycle awareness. ADVERTISING RATES (PER ISSUE) MEMBER NON-MEMBER Full-Page $50.00 $70.00 Half-Page $25.00 $35.00 Quarter-Page $15.00 $25.00 Business Card $ 5.00 $15.00 Inserts (500 copies) $35.00 Pay for 6 issues, get one FREE! ABATE BREVARD CHAPTER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO EDIT ANY CONTENT POSTED IN THIS PUBLICATION Our newsletter, Brevard Bulletin, is delivered bi-monthly to hundreds of member households in print and electronic media, and is the biggest and best organization newsletter of ABATE Florida, Inc. For details of our highly competitive advertising rates, please contact Jonell Pope at 321-639-1776, or by email to [email protected] EDITORIAL GUIDELINES You are encouraged to submit letters about ABATE related events, stories, articles, photographs, poems, commentaries etc. All items become the property of ABATE of Fl, Inc. and its Board of Directors, or that of Brevard County Chapter. Please make items print ready. Please do not submit slanderous or accusing letters, profanity or nudity. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 5 Secretary’s Report for September 6, 2011 minutes President’s Report: Mike Pope The president called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. at the American Legion Post 22, we had a prayer by Chaplain, Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for our deceased brothers and sisters and our service men and women now serving. Welcome to the several new members and guests in attendance tonight, we had 21 members and guests present. He reminded us not to forget to sign in and buy 50/50 tickets; the money goes to the chapter. He hoped everyone enjoyed their meals, next month they will have Shepherd’s Pie with corn, green beans and salad. Come early and enjoy a meal at the Legion. Mike sited a story of a motorcyclist that was killed in a routine traffic stop over the weekend. We understand that the police did not have their emergency lights on and he encouraged everyone to write to their legislators to express their opinion on this matter. He also talked with the press from channel 13 regarding the stiffer penalties bill and trying to make awareness of this effort that ABATE is trying to push through. w, and deaths; it has been slow, e thank goodness. She spoke on the events coming up g and is getting out spreading the news about watching e for motorcycles. She will be o getting one more chance to restock for the Toy Run. Legislative Rep.: Mike Bowden Nothing to report. State Delegate: Theresa and Mike Bowden Theresa reports on the Photo by Mis erable Georg August state meete 1995 • Doe remember w s anyone ho this hand ing. She reminded us some young man is? she has the ticket for memthe money drawing being done at bership data base and Bike Week. Theresa brought up the all reports on it. The data base runs suggestion that they did to State in Microsoft, so it would need to be requesting they get involved with compatible. Please keep an ear out Can U See Me Now Run. Doc will be and let her know if you know of one, consulting with their Safety person either free or cheap!! and will bet back with us. Read the Masterlink for the full minutes from Newsletter Trustee: Earleen Kiker the meeting. She reminded us that Earleen reminded everyone to please the Tallahassee Run next year will be take pictures and submit to her for in February, please make a note. The the newsletter. next State meeting will be in OctoPR Comm. Trustee: Suz Skinkle ber, it is Spooks N Scoots. All were encouraged to attend. She as put out press releases regardChaplain Report: Carmine DiBiase/ Tim Howze ing Toy Run. Thunder Roads wants to start printing her press releases. Products Trustee: Charlotte Henry Absent The minutes were published and available on the back table. Jonell asked if there were any corrections to changes to the previous minutes. If not REQUEST MOTION: Accept minutes as printed in the Chapter Newsletter. MOTION PASSED. Padre spoke about Biker Sunday last year his sermon was about calling out at the last moment of life to ask forgiveness. He encouraged us to be prepared for life after death. He wants us to treat him like the sign that points you in the right direction. He is always here for every one of us and always has an empty seat next to him in church for us to join him. Make God an active part of life. Treasurer: Linda Lockart Membership Trustee: Jonell Pope Finance report presented. REQUEST MOTION: Accept finance report. MOTION PASSED. For August we had 1 new member and 2 renewals. We will be losing 3 people, check your cards, make sure you are not one of them. Current membership status is 321. Make sure you check the expired member list which will be in the next newsletter. She made a request for a laptop PC that a member would be willing to donate to the Chapter to put the Vice President: Mike Bowden He also reminded us of the above issues also. Secretary: Jonell Pope Sergeant-at-Arms: Greg Hooper Absent Safety/Education Directors: Suz Skinkle Suz spoke on the recent accidents Chapter t-shirts are here if anybody is interested. Web Site Coord: Theresa Clifton It is up to date and she has links to different web sites. She encouraged everybody to check out http:// squawkmonkey.com/ and http:// www.dealchicken.com/space-coastfl for interesting deals and ideas. Road Captains: Howard Hoepfner “Duck” – Absent Excused Events Coordinator: Vacant Last call for 50/50 announced. Photographer: Miserable George Absent Old Business: Reminded of Toy Run meetings 2nd continued on page 8 6 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 7 minutes continued from page 6 Tuesday of every month at Grandpa’s Steak house at 6:30. All encouraged to attend and get involved. Pick up some letters and get donations and spread the fliers around town for advertising. Mike questioned if anything further had been done regarding State appointing a chaplain for all chapters. Padre explained the purpose of this position. Padre will compose a letter that we would like to encourage everyone to send out to all chapters. Padre volunteered to coordinate Club Village again this year; he will attend a meeting to discuss further. Legion Post 22, we had a prayer by Chaplain, Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for our deceased brothers and sisters and our service men and women now serving. Welcome to the several new members and guests in attendance tonight, we had 22 members present. He reminded us not to forget to sign New Business: The minutes were e-mailed and are available on the back table. Jonell asked if there were any corrections to changes to the previous minutes. If not REQUEST MOTION: Accept minutes as printed in the Chapter Newsletter. MOTION PASSED. Patches saw somebody with a shirt on that said Hand Up and Drive, she is part of a group and Patches will try to get her to come to a meeting to share her information. Mike welcomed anybody knowing of a speaker that would be of interest to the membership; invite them to attend a meeting. Let Mike know so he can coordinate this. Good of the Order: Several motorcycle runs and events were also announced by various people. Run fliers and information were available on the back table for pick up and on the web site. Fliers will also appear in the Chapter newsletter. 50/50 drawn, Straw won. The next Board Meeting will be held on October 4, 2011 at 6:30 PM. It will be held at the American Legion and any member is welcome to attend. Next Chapter Meeting: October 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM, American Legion Post 22. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM Secretary’s Report for October 4, 2011 President’s Report: Mike Pope The president called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. at the American 8 in and buy 50/50 tickets; the money goes to the chapter. Bowden Theresa reported on the next meeting, this weekend, is Spooks and Scoots. All encouraged to attend. Mike P. requested that our delegates report our objection to State not bringing safety items to the State meetings. Mike P. also reminded them of bringing up the Can U C Me Now run and wanting their support. Vice President: Mike Bowden Chaplain Report: Carmine DiBiase/ Tim Howze -Absent He has nothing to report. Membership Trustee: Jonell Pope Secretary: Jonell Pope For September we had 1 new member and 1 renewal. We will be losing 11 people, check your cards, make sure you are not one of them. Current membership status is at 322 which is more than last month!! Make sure you check the expired member list which will be in the next newsletter. Also remember we are looking for a used laptop PC to use for ABATE with the membership data base. Please let her know. Treasurer: Linda Lockart Finance report presented. REQUEST MOTION: Accept finance report. MOTION PASSED. Sergeant-at-Arms: Greg Hooper -Absent Safety/Education Directors: Suz Skinkle Newsletter Trustee: Earleen Kiker -Absent Jonell reported the deadline for the newsletter articles is the 15th . Please send her pictures also! She reported on the safety booths she has had and also on any downed biker. Scott from Saints corrected a rumor of a member of the Wolfpack going down, it was not true. She has updated State on her booths for the rest of the year. She reported we cannot put our information in the lobby of City of Cocoa, due to space restrictions. She reported that State Safety will not be bringing safety awareness items to State meetings anymore; the Chapters have to arrange for pickup in Deland. Mike P. requested ideas for the front page of the next newsletter, everybody agreed the advertisement for the Toy Run. Legislative Rep.: Mike Bowden Products Trustee: Charlotte Henry She has the new chapter t-shirts, all encouraged to purchase one, they are a good price. She has in denim color, tanks and t-shirts available. She has the old ones also. See Charlotte after the meeting. Mike deferred report to Suz with reports from State. There are other events going on around the State, like our past Diamond Dave hearings. All encouraged to attend these if you have the time, check the State web site for the times and dates. State Delegate: Theresa and Mike ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER PR Comm. Trustee: Suz Skinkle Suz reported 202 ABATE chapters on our Facebook page linked into our activities. She has updated State with all the PR information. She will be going up to Daytona with ROAR and Southern Biker to promote the Toy Run. Web Site Coord: Theresa Clifton She reported the web site is updated continued on page 25 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 EDITOR’S NOTE: This article barely touches on the past 30 years. Very little of the information has been confirmed, but I am hoping that this gets the ball rolling to find more information on dates, locations, etc. If you have any info please contact me at [email protected]. On December 6th, 1981 fourteen bikes joined together at the JM Fields Plaza, now known as the Home Depot Plaza, on Merritt Island. The newly chartered ABATE Brevard County Chapter along with the AZAN Shriners, gathered together to bring joy and comfort to the kids in the Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa. The sparkle in their eyes year after year has been the driving force that continues today. Photo b yM iserable George 1993 Earleen • Toy Run • Merrit t S qua re Mall 2002 • Merritt Squa re Mall With the help of Big Mike (Johnson), past president of ABATE Brevard County Chapter and Big Bend Chapter, Leo Cornelison and Phil Sabelli from the AZAN Shriners Center, Big Dick (King), Miserable George and Straw Lewis from ABATE Brevard County, we managed to find a little history of the Toy Run. At least the first 3 toy runs went to an orphanage in Melbourne. Later the Shriners were contacted. The first time we ended at the Shrine on Eau Gallie, we had a sit down meal in the hall. The next year, with the Shrine, we partnered with the Orlando ABATE chapter. That year we made arrangements for Malcolm Forbes and Elizabeth Taylor to attend. Elizabeth got sick and did not make it. That was the first year with a giant turnout. That was also before the Toy Run turned into a fund raiser. There were fourteen bikes the first year, thirty five bikes the next year, and now we have thousands. In the beginning, bologna sandwiches were served. About five years after the Toy Run started, the Shriners started serving hotdogs and beverages to honor those that participated. The crowds grew over the years, and now we have thousands of them too. The Toy Run has become a major event. Ending at the old Shrine office on Wickham Road in Melbourne in ’81, then moving our end point at the AZAN Center and now we end at Wickham Park. The volume of bikers has increased so much over the years; we now fill the Merritt Square Mall parking lot at the beginning and the parking lot at Brevard Community College at the end. Crowds line the street all the way. 95 able George 19 Photo by Miser ne #1, Melbour Pineda Inn, US Held on the first Sundays in December, it has been bitter cold, sweltering hot, rainy, foggy and absolutely beautiful. The bikers dress themselves and their bikes for the fun. Children and adults wander through the lines and lines of bikes and Santas. The local restaurants NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 continued on page 20 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 9 ? The ABATE Brevard County Chapter is in need of a lap top computer to maintain a membership data base. If you or someone you know can help out in this endeavour please contact Jonell at 639-1776 10 Brevard County Chapter Expire List 10/11 ANGEVINE, PAUL BAILLOT, ROSE CARROLL, GEORGE DECKER, ROSS DOUBEK , ROBIN DOUBEK , BRYAN HOWZE, TIM LANZA BRIGANTE, TESS LORT, BARBARA MITCHELL, IMPERIAL SIR GEORGE TROT TER, LISA 11/11 SAWICKI, GARY HANNUM, DONALD HANSEN, CHERYL HEADLEY, ROBERT T. KIMBRO, MICHELLE LEE KOROLOVICH, RICHARD W KOURY, RICK MERZ, PAUL WAGNER, LYLE 12/11 ANANIA, TONY BAIRD, ALEC BIGGS, MICHAEL BROUGHTON, GARRY BROWN, BILL BURTON, ZACHARY CARNES, JIM CARNES, PATSY CARROLL, FAYE CLARY, JOHN COBB, REECE L. CONNOR, BILL CORNELISON, LEO DE HAVEN, BILL DEIBLER, DANE DESIMONE, NICHOLAS DIXON, BLUE DOUCE T, RUSSELL EDGINTON, JOHN FREUND, LON GIZELBACH, CAROL GLAAB, ART GRANT, BILL HAMPTON, CARLTON ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER HOGAN, JACK IANNACI, TOM KING-ALIBI’S, DAVID KOROLOVICH, MARY MARCHEGGIANI, JOE MARTINOT, CHRISTINE MAR VASO, MIKE MC CARTHY, JIM MC COMBS, JOHN MC DONNELL, RON MC NEILL, DAVID MORISSE T TE, SCOT T MIHALIK , KURT NELSON, SCOT T PARRISH, STEVE POKLUDA, WILLIAM POLLARD, LEE PROC TOR, DEAN RICHARDS, ROBERT ROBIN, ERIC Y SANDS, GREGORY D. SAT TERTHWAITE, CURTIS SELMON, GARY SHIVERS, DENNY STOLTZ, ANTHONY STONE, TOM SWEENEY, PATRICK TURNER, JERRY WALKER, DAR WIN WEINER, ANDREW WERDENBERG, AUGUST WHIDBY, PAUL Is Your Name On This List? RENEW EARLY NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 padre’s pulpit REDIRECT God is aware of and concerned with every aspect of our being … physical, mental, emotional, financial, and perhaps most important of all spiritual. God wants us to be spiritually fit and the best way to do that is to walk with Him and with His Word as we travel over the hills and valleys of life. The problem, though, for most of us is that we get diverted by more worldly things and lose sight of the presence of God in our lives. I recently went to a website to look up some information. When I pressed a certain icon, a dialogue box popped up to tell me I was being “redirected” to another website. I thought about the spiritual application of that and realized that when the matters of the world cloud my vision, I need to redirect my thoughts to focus on what God is telling me in each situation I face in life. For example: When I feel all alone, I should redirect myself to Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” When I am fearful, I should redirect myself to Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” When I feel weak, I should redirect myself to Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” When I am torn between following the ways of the world of the ways of the Lord, I should redirect myself to Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” When I feel lost, I should redirect myself to Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For, everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” When I feel inadequate in knowing God’s will for my life, I need to redirect myself to Psalm 86:11 “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart.” When I am tempted by the world, I should redirect myself to 1 Peter 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” Post these and use them in times of trial and I assure you He will not let you down! May you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless you! ◊ Padre NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 11 hen the Pennsylvania field or when ed. Pentagon was broadsided. ide id e Meeting up on the east sside of Merritt Square Mall, more than 100 bikes showed for a o r tor t 10 year obser vance escor patriot’s day ast ed ride to the Space Coast Stadium. The Rock ledge Fire Sta-h tion 1 was k ind enough to display their 9/11 ar tifac t. I had no idea a piece of metal could be so moving. do v er The AVE T Projec t raised over Girl om m i ng $400 to fund their upcoming Scouts Scouts. retreat. A large par t of their They offered all of us cold work revolves around their bottled water. You go girls!! Your life was changed on Septem- reintegration retreats that “… We had a great crowd from ber 11, 2001. There weren’t many provide veterans an oppor- Brevard County ABATE. Suz that were not touched in some tunity to decompress, relax, set up a safety booth that was manner when planes attacked the and reconnec t, both to each well attended. Twin Towers, when heroes saved other and to the par ts of their There were many events that the lives of many while sac- lives they once enjoyed,” K im Sunday. I hope you attended Co o ne says. Cone at least one. We can never The ““powers forget the Alamo, Pearl Harbor that h att be” had or the Twin Towers. ◊ rificing ng their t heir h e own in a par ing park fo r us. The for SUPPORT ba bathrooms we were YOUR LOCAL o open, b the but ADVERTISERS. s snack stands didn’t open until THEY SUPPORT THIS NEWSLETTER. noon. Thank goodness for the 12 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 FIVE REASONS TO JOIN ABATE 3. Insurance discount for motorcycle association affiliation. 1. FREE $4,000 loss of life insurance policy. 4. Up to date legislative info through newsletters and e-mails. 2. Personal motorcycle rights lobbyist. 5. Weekly e-mails on motorcycle events. 5-12 1-12 1-12 9-12 7-11 10-11 1-12 1-12 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 13 what a hoot On August 28, 2011, the 9 th Annual Born to be Wild Run was held. Ever yone met up at Malabar Moe’s to sign in and see a wonder ful assor tment of raptors. Great crowd, but a little small compared to past years. Once again, we can probably blame the economy. The first stop on the run was Florida Forever down on 441. The nex t stop was Diamond Back Jacks off of Sarno Rd. Af ter stopping at Jacks, ever yone headed to American Legion Post 81 on Harbor City Blvd. for some great food. The Legion Riders ser ved a most wonderful dinner. Direc tor Crabby Frank and Assistant Direc tor Ozzie did a wonder ful job of organizing the end run. Doc Holiday was on a roll playing the per fec t mood music. A total of $1756 was raised in this endeavor. The Hospital would like to thank GatorDon for putting so much effor t in the organization of this event. The Wildlife facility operates on donations only from members and the general public. They receive NO state or federal funding. You can find out more about the sanc tuar y by visiting http:// w w w.floridawildlifehospital. org. ◊ FAC TS: ◊ Non-profit organization dedicated to Florida’s wildlife in need. ◊ In an average year, over 3,500 animals will be admitted. ◊ Injuries are due to being hit by cars, mono filament line and fishing hooks, cat and dog attacks, and habitat destruc tion ◊ Open 365 days a year ◊ Native Florida wildlife and migrator y birds ◊ Some of the animals that we aid include pelicans, gannets, herons, songbirds, raccoons, otters, and tur tles, Sandhill crane, the gopher tor toise, and the wood stork . MISSION: ◊ To aid sick , injured, and abandoned wildlife and return them to their place in the ecosystem. we dedicate ourselves to Florida’s treasure...our wildlife. 14 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 november 1 Chapter Meeting Chapter Meeting @ 7:30pm American Legion Post 22 241 Peachtree S., Cocoa, FL Dinner starts at 6pm 8 10 Toy Run Planning Meeting @ 6:30pm Grandpa’s Steakhouse, Cocoa, FL calendar 6 @ 7:30pm American Legion Post 22 241 Peachtree S., Cocoa, FL Dinner starts at 6pm 12 ABATE State Meeting Sponsored by the Treasure Coast Chapter Tropical Inn Resort, Palm Bay, FL see page 17 for more details Music and Motorcycles 2pm to 9pm Main Street Zephyrhills, 5224 7th Street http://www.mainstreetzephyrhills.org/ Phone: 813-780-1414 11 Independence ABATE Christmas Party Contact the Chapter for further info 13 Special Riders for Special Olympics from 9am to 5pm American Legion Post 189 807 Louisiana Ave., Sebastian Contact Jim Finochi @ 772-581-0837 Organized By: The Sebastian Lion’s Club/ American Legion Riders Post 189 and Supported by ABATE of Florida,Inc/Treasure Coast Chapter 15 Toy Run Planning Meeting @ 6:30pm Grandpa’s Steakhouse, Cocoa, FL 20 14th Annual Critter Run First Bike out at 10am Central Brevard Humane Society 1020 Cox Rd, Cocoa, FL Contact 321-302-4828 22 Toy Run Planning Meeting @ 6:30pm Grandpa’s Steakhouse, Cocoa, FL 29 Toy Run Planning Meeting classified photo by Suz FOR SALE: Singer Model 111, with large tabletop. Walking Foot Commercial. New Clutch, New Timing Belt. Unit is completely gone through by Don’s Sewing Center. Asking $700 but will haggle. Ask for Bear 631-6715. Leave Message. @ 6:30pm Grandpa’s Steakhouse, Cocoa, FL december 4 30th Annual Toy Run Merritt Square Mall, Merritt Island, FL Line up starts at 8am. Kickstands up at noon Ends at Wickham Park, Melbourne, FL Contact 321-480-3619 Proceeds benefit the Shriner’s Hospital for Children and local charities. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 Geoff Bodine’s Honda of Melbourne 790 South Apollo Boulevard Melbourne FL 32901 Phone: (321) 345-4256 Fax: (321) 345-4255 10% DISCOUNT FOR ABATE MEMBERS show your membership card ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 15 Needs for Children at Shriners Hospitals Pull tabs from aluminum cans Campbell’s Soup labels General Mills Box Tops for Education Blu Ray DVDs (G, PG, PG13) Xbox 360 games Nintendo DSi Nintendo Disc games Gift Cards to Target, Wal-Mart, Subway, McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, GameStop Recordable CDs Batteries (all sizes) Radio/alarm clocks Clock radios with CD players CD Boom boxes FOR INFANTS Pacifiers Baby bottles and sippy cups Rattles Infant music CDs Infant clothing (must be new) Fisher Price tape players Fisher Price Aquarium PJs (scrub type) Disposable cameras SCHOOL AGE Construction Paper School supplies Markers and crayons Play Doha Baby dolls and Barbies Super Hero toys Various school supplies TEEN ITEMS Make up, cologne, hair accessories, etc Portable headphones Portable CD players Teen board games Large white T-shirts T-Shirt paint Decks of cards, Uno and others Hair dryers Flat irons Nail polish Model cars, including glue and paint. Teen craft kits (bead art, latch hook, jewelry kits) Tote bags PERSONAL GROOMING ITEMS Large sized deodorant Shampoo and conditioner Body wash Lotion Toothbrushes and paste Socks Pillow cases Blankets ABATE Chapters Help Build House for Wounded U.S. Veteran St. Augustine, FL, August 25, 2011 – ABATE of Florida, Inc. Vintage Chapter members showed up in force last weekend to help build a new house for one of America’s heroes. The home is being donated to Cpl. Tyler Southern and his wife by local businessmen in conjunction with Homes For OurTroops organization. In 2010, Cpl. Southern, U.S. Marine Corps, lost both of his legs above the knees and his right arm above the elbow after stepping on a road side bomb while serving in Afghanistan. Members of Vintage Chapter ABATE showed up and worked diligently alongside other local volunteers under the blazing sun to complete the shell of the new house in just three days. Chapter President John Massoth said the experience was very humbling. The designs for the new house were done by ABATE of Florida, Inc. Duval Chapter member Linda Purvis of Northeast Florida Design, Inc. This is another example of ABATE chapters pulling together for a common goal and to honor and help one of our military veterans that have sacrificed a part of themselves so that we may enjoy our freedoms. KUDOS to all involved. Mike Wewer , Public Relations Trustee, Duval County Chapter, 904-233-0507 16 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 Please take note that the sarcasm is very high. That’s because I saw stupid everywhere during the 9-11 run and need to remind all that I want to come home safe. And everyone knows you can’t fix stupid but we can try. TOP TEN WAYS TO STAY SAFE ON A GROUP RUN 10 It’s not necessary to text, talk with or e-mail the person beside you. I’m sure whatever it is can wait until you get where you are going. I am in front of you and want you to pay attention. safety I don’t need your hand signals. I know where I am going, I can see at least 20 bikes ahead of you and I would much rather you keep your hands on the bars. A few times a year, we ride as a group. Examples include the 9-11 ride and the upcoming Toy Run. That group can vary from 3 to 3000 and more. I would love to take this opportunity to refresh everyone’s memory about the safety of those around us. 9 8 7 Don’t throw candy. I’m the sidecar or trike behind you with a whole lot more width. Not only are you not paying attention, you are putting the kids at risk. Try to keep your speed consistent with others. Weaving, speeding up or slowing down out of boredom or whatever would make you do something that dangerous, makes you look stupid and scares the people around you. 6 Keep your spacing consistent. If you are chewing on my back fender and I have to slow down, where are you going to go? If you are so far back from the bike in front, why are you riding in a group? 5 4 Keep everything on your bike secure. You decorate with flags, trees, ornaments, stuffed animals....I don’t want to run over or dodge them in a close crowd. There is nothing cute about bumping the bike in front of you. It puts all of us in danger and makes you look like an idiot. We are riding for the joy of it. We have licensed, and in some cases, very expensive vehicles. We are not bumper cars. 3 If you think laying on the horn the whole trip is fun, find another group to ride with. A few beep beeps to the crowd is great, but one long beeeeep? Please, have respect for those that are stuck with you for the next 30 miles. 2 Yes, there will be beer, but remember buzz riding is the same as drunk riding, know your limits. Ride sober. NUMBER ONE WAY TO STAY SAFE ON A GROUP RUN!!! 1 LOOK TWICE FOR THE OTHER GUY!!! Be aware of those around you, and where they are at. Look for tthem as they will be looking for you. T This is our 30th year of the Toy Run and we want this to be our largest and bestest yet!!! Tell as many folks as you can and help post and promote the run!!! Cut tthese rules out, make copies and give them to someone you love. g Also remember this is the 30th A yyear of the space shuttle. As we ssay God Speed to the space pro gram, we also say God Speed to g our Toy Run for years to come. o I wish to thank Earleen. She helped coauthor this. We had fun ccoming up with a twist on Letterman’s Top 10 list. ◊ Suz Skinkle NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 17 14th Annual CRITTER RUN to benefit the Central Brevard Humane Society Sunday, November 20, 2011 Join us for a great ride and good time while helping the homeless animals. CASH Prizes for Best, Worst and Mystery hands! Starting Point: Central Brevard Humane Society Shelter 1020 Cox Road, Cocoa (321) 636-3343 First Bike Out: 10 a.m. Last Bike Out: 11:30 a.m. $7 per hand or (2) for $10 Pet Food & Supplies Appreciated! lcome e W s e l c i All Veh r Friends! ou Bring Y Silent Aucti s on Last Bike in 4 pm rize 50/5 P r 0 Dog & Bone Doo Drawing 9 Stone St. BIG DADDY BAND Scavenge Cocoa Village Myrt Tharpe Square r Hunt 1pm till ?? For Details Contact: Theresa at (321) 302-4828 or Sally at (321) 749-6661 Supported by: ABATE of Florida Brevard Chapter Sally’s Bargain Barn and Motorcycle Shop in Cocoa All proceeds benefit homeless animals in our community! 18 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 Committee did not agree with Nelson, and a few stated that there had already been a state-funded audit which revealed the appropriated funds “were spent in a manner pursuant with the contract”. Additionally, ABATE of Florida State President James “Doc” Reichenbach, II testified that the specific vendor in question was a Florida-based minority vendor, one recommended to ABATE by the FL Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Court Date Set for Killer of Motorcycle Passenger Estero, FL - October 10, 2011 – Friday August 26, 2011 Doug McGill was riding his Yamaha motorcycle with his friend Janine Becker on the back. They stopped for the red traffic light after arriving at an intersection near the Coconut Point Mall. Stephen Alexander Brown pulled up behind them as the traffic light was changing from red to green, but instead of stopping, reports say he accelerated his Pontiac Grand Prix straight into the rear of McGill’s bike. After both were thrown from the bike, McGill was transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Janine Becker was pronounced dead at Gulf Coast Hospital. Next, Senate Minority Leader Maria Sachs (D-District 30) again questioned what triggered this interest in ABATE and the request for the additional audit. She’d heard there is a “disgruntled other organization” that is unhappy with ABATE and that since there was no proven evidence of misappropriation of state funds there is no need to spend additional state money by investigating this matter further. Brown was cited for careless driving and driving a vehicle in an unsafe condition or with defective equipment. Since Janine Becker was killed in the crash, Brown will be required to appear before the Lee County Court on October 20, 2011. As of now, he only faces $267 in related fines. The Judge assigned to this case, the Honorable H. Andrew Swett, has the ability to impose additional penalties. However, even though it appears Brown was fully at fault in this fatal crash, he will not see any jail time for killing a motorcyclist. The current laws don’t call for incarceration in negligent driving cases such as this. Brown did get arrested for Possession of Marijuana back in June 2011; maybe that will send him to jail since killing a biker won’t. ABATE of Florida’s Estero River Chapter will be at the October 20, 2011 8:15 am hearing, hoping for justice to be served in the killing of their chapter’s member. Contact Estero River Chapter President Mark Williams at 239-825-5848 or [email protected] for additional information. FL Joint Legislative Auditing Committee Not Interested In 2nd Audit Tallahassee, FL, October 5, 2011 – An Orlando, FL TV station publicly insinuated there were improprieties when there were none. A small group of motorcyclists with questionable motives babbled nonsense, and still they failed to get anyone riled up. Finally, after a Florida Joint Legislative Auditing Committee hearing Monday the truth was known to all once again; ABATE OF FLORIDA, INC. WAS IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE CONTRACT and DID NOTHING WRONG. Florida State Representative Bryan Nelson (R- Apopka) called for the committee to audit ABATE of Florida regarding how we allocated the state funds for our Motorcycle Safety Awareness Program. He also asked why a specific vendor received a volume of the business from this contract, clearly trying to imply numerous improprieties. However, the other members of the NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 Besides Rep. Nelson, the only other person present to testify in favor of spending additional state money by having a 2nd audit was “R.C.” Conroy. R.C. spoke of the 2004 Bill CS/CS/SB 682 as if it were current law. In fact, this Bill failed in committee over six years ago. Other interesting statements offered by R.C. included that Bikers of Lesser Tolerance’s (BOLT) purpose & mission is to “give up a little bit of safety to maintain your rights” as well as to “take various municipalities to court”. Besides his antagonistic statments, R.C. did not speak of any organization of which he is involved that educates the public to become more aware of the motorcycles sharing Florida’s roadways. Nor did he offer any method to improve motorcycle safety awareness in any way. Representative Ken Roberson (R-Port Charlotte) further commented that in his area of Florida, ABATE of Florida is the organization that is promoting motorcycle safety. Senator Evelyn Lynn (R-District 7) noted that it appears ABATE is interested in the greater safety of the motorcyclists. After hearing R.C. speak, Representative Nelson immediately withdrew his request for a second audit of ABATE of Florida, Inc. A copy of the entire section of this hearing regarding ABATE of Florida is available on our website with this Press Release. ◊ ---ABATE of Florida, Inc. is Florida’s largest Motorcyclists’ Rights Organization, and one of the top four largest nationwide. ABATE of Florida members come from all walks of life and include many elected officials. Our missions are to educate the public about motorcycle awareness and continuing to fight in Tallahassee for the rights of every motorcyclist and the public in general. To aid in these ends, we have an exclusive lobbyist and have founded the Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Program, both with the intentions to help make the roads safer for everyone. ◊ ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 19 HAVE YOU BEEN STUCK ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD? Help that poor smuck who… Forgot to get gas Had a flat tire Blew his engine Be a Volunteer! DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE TO CALL? 5-13 Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. continued from page 9 open for breakfast and the mall opens its doors for those last minute shoppers. The local Walgreen’s has a display of bungee cords and teddy bears right up front for those procrastinators. The first entry fee in 1981 was a stuffed animal or toy. In 2011, the entry fee is a stuffed animal or toy. Those that choose can just donate $10 at the gate. The charities, that the Toy Run has helped over the years is remarkable. From the beginning, the Shriners and ABATE have shared their wealth with others. The Marine Corps’s Toys for Tots, local families, West Palm Beach Amara Shriners Center, Orlando’s Bahia Center and along with those we have this year, the Central Brevard Sharing Center, 4 The Kids of Brevard, Melbourne Light Parade and Cocoa Police Department. We hope, as an organization, to continue this tradition and this story. ◊ 20 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 1995 Photo by Miserable George ls? gir ely Who are these lov NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 out and about e photos by Miserable Georg Spooks and Scoots Ya know, I’m a guy who hardly if ever wins anything! Very frustrating, ya know? BUT, at the Warlock’s Chili Cook-off on Sept. 3, I actually took second place!! Nice crowd there, lots of chili to taste, a good time all around. Later in the month, we attended a memorial service for a departed friend, Eve Farrari. Huge motorcycle column to the chapel, 77 bikes. God rest your soul Eve, we’ll miss you. Sat., Oct.1 was a busy day. Big birthday bash for JJ at the Saints MC clubhouse...good friends, good food, and a nice day. Later that night, it was over to Capt. J’s to sign in for the AFMC Strip Bar Run. Again, good weather, good run, BUT, did I win anything...? NO!! BUT, I stopped in to Bizarro’s Restaurant for a bite, and the owner treated me...a tasty Greek Gyro...no charge! Thanks!! The following week-end, Oct. 7-9, was Spooks ‘N Scoots, over near Dade City, one I always look forward to. Beautiful camp grounds, nice crowd, good weather...?NOT!!! The sun was out when I got there, but by 4PM, it was pouring. Jeepers, that mess they called a “tropical cyclone” rolled in and dumped on us! We got the southern portion of it, but it was still a nagging drizzle for the rest of the week-end!! Sunday morning, I had to pack up WET camping gear, (in the rain), something I HATE to do!! But, we did get two decent magazine presentations... watch for it in THUNDER ROADS, probably the Nov. issue. Also BIKER, next year sometime. Next, came one of my all-time favorites...Willies Tropical Tattoo Ol’ Skool Chopper Show in Holly Hill. Perfect weather, huge crowd, babes all over the place, porn stars, celebrities, bikes...the kind I like, met some old friends too. Two more magazine pieces(I hope!!) Well, that about wraps it up for now. WHEW!!! Ride safe. Don’t forget the Warlocks Open house on Mondays & Wed. for football at Station 23... do it!! ◊ Miserable George NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 21 22 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 public relations photo by Duck He recently replaced the wooden pole on Diamond Dave’s marker with a metal one. Thanks Duck. HOHOHO, its Toy RUN time!!! Been busy, busy, busy, getting ads sold for the tee shirt and we have it filled already!! Now we are filling up the car for the cage bash. I did my very first public relations promotion and it was for the toy run in Daytona at ROAR, a women’s bike builder and bike store. Southernbikers invited me to set up a booth of posters and last year’s toy run shirts to help promote the run. Southernbikers has also donated 1/4 page ad in their magazine for us. This month over 3,000 magazines went out. Our ad is beside the Daytona Biketoberfest page, so it will be well seen. We had a great time. Mary went with me to help. We gave away last year’s toy run shirts for donations to the run. I’m doing my best to plaster the area in toy run posters and flyers. ◊ Suz ADVISORY Trike vs. Motorcycle Endorsements in Florida September 20, 2011 - There has been some confusion expressed lately regarding Florida trike only vs. motorcycle endorsements. After confirming with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, it has been learned that you may legally operate a trike with just a motorcycle endorsement. However, if you only ride a trike and cannot physically operate a two wheeled motorcycle, you must get the Florida trike endorsement. You may not ride a two wheel motorcycle with a trike endorsement. NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 23 24 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 continued from page 8 she has received. Road Captains: Howard Hoepfner “Duck” He has nothing to report at this time. Events Coordinator: Vacant Last call for 50/50 announced. Photographer: Miserable George -Absent minutes Old Business: Mary K. spoke about her having to have back surgery and Patches and Suz will be helping her out with Christmas families. She is looking for families that are in need of help for Christmas; please contact her at 631-6715. The deadline is November 19 and delivery is December 17th . continued from page 3 PRESIDENT on the back table for pick up and on the web site. Fliers will also appear in the Chapter newsletter. Mike P. reminded everyone that the Cocoa Motorcycle Rider’s Club is open off of Dixon in Cocoa in Byrd Plaza 12-2 seven days a week. 50/50 drawn, Gary Barton won. The next Board Meeting will be held on November 1, 2011 at 6:30 PM. It will be held at the American Legion and any member is welcome to attend. Next Chapter Meeting: November 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM, American Legion Post 22. then you have no room to complain. So get involved and let our State BOD know how you feel about what’s happening and what you expect in the future. Another stern reminder from your BOD; June is chapter elections and we need people to step up and replace us. Many of us are ready to move on so you will have to find replacements. Ride Safe & Ride Often ◊ Mike Pope Meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM ◊ Please help Mary out wherever you can. New Business: Tonight the Legion served us Shepherd’s Pie, next month they will have Crispy baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and vegetable. Mike P. encouraged all to come early and have a bite to eat and support them. Good of the Order: Robert spoke about Bikers In Need (BIN), which is being run by Bear from Independence Chapter. They are providing food to bikers in need. They are looking for donations of any kind. The address will be posted in the next newsletter, check for it and help them out. Garren spoke about what AVET has to offer and about some events coming up. Several other motorcycle runs and events were also announced by various people. Run fliers and information were available If you are not receiving your newsletter in elec tronic format you are really missing out. Contac t Jonell Pope to get on the email list! September 30, 2011 WFTV Channel 9 News http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/ LAKE COUNTY, Fla. — A Lake County civic leader was sentenced to 10 years and four months in prison Friday morning for driving drunk and killing a motorcycle rider. Former assistant public defender Bruce Duncan pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter. On October 17, 2009, Duncan ran over 61-year-old Steve Muller in Sorrento. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR ADVERTISERS They are Your Neighbors Troopers said they found a half-empty bottle of vodka in Duncan’s truck. “So let this be a lesson to everybody out there. I don’t care who you think you are, doctor, lawyer, politician, you drink, you drive, you’re going to jail,” said the victim’s brother Thomas Muller. During Duncan’s sentencing hearing 10 days ago, several well-known Lake County business and political leaders spoke out on his behalf, asking for a lighter sentence. ◊ NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 25 2-13 26 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 biker sunday O Oc tober 23, 2011, the 8 th Annual Biker SunOn day da was held at the Rock ledge Church of Nazarene. re There was a five minute video sponsored by T the Teen M ission from nor th Merritt Island t about their Motorc ycle Sunday Schools. The a missionaries teach games, singing, phonics m and lessons from the Bible to improvised rural a communities that can only be reached by motorc ycles. Dance orge • Interpretive e Ge photos by Miserabl Our Carmine Dibiase introduced Padre Tim, who made a great entrance with his bride Mar y on his brand new Harley, riding down the aisle and right up on stage. Nex t came another pastor on his scooter and to top it off another pastor rode up on stage on a 50cc minibike. What a show. Hot coffee and donuts were offered before the ser vice and af ter ward hot dogs, hamburgers, sides, sodas and desser ts. There was live music, and Amazing Grace was per formed by a group from the Warlocks. Bear from I ndependence testified to his recover y. There was an interpretive dance per formed by the church’s teens. That ’s where I lost it folks. I cried it was so moving. Biker Sunday Services At last count there were approximately 400 guests, 129 bikes and 3 scooters along with gu several cages. I counted 15 groups, clubs, asse sociations and organizations represented. so Sure Su hope you were there. I f you missed it you missed a hear t lif ting experience. m The Rock ledge Church of Nazarene is located T at a 651 Barnes Blvd. Their number is 321-6364600. There worship ser vices are Sunday 9:30 4 Traditional, 11:00 Contemporar y and 6 in T the evening. Please visit them. They are ver y t biker friendly. ◊ inibike r on his restored m Ken “Pops” Stanife NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 27 28 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER 29 ABATE OF FLORIDA. INC. BREVARD COUNTY CHAP TE R P.O. BOX 237582 COCOA, FL. 32923-7582 OR CURRE NT RES IDE NT DATED MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER PROMTLY MAKE EV ERY EFFORT TO DELIVER THANK YOU REMEMBER ABATE is for everyone! ABATE of Florida, Inc. Brevard County Chapter P.O. Box 237582 Cocoa, FL 32923-7582 American Bikers Aiming Toward Education http://brevard.abateflorida.com// Name (please print legibly) : ____________________________________________ Date: ________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________Member #___________ City: _________________________________________State: ______________Zip Code________________-____________ Last 4 Phone Number (include Area Code) :____________________________________________ Are you a registered voter? Yes No _______House ________Senate ________Congress E-Mail:_______________________________________________________________ (for weekly updates) Brevard Chapter Member Who Referred You:_____________________________________ Check one bo x below: New Annual Membership ($20) Life Membership ($150) Renewal Annual Member $20.00 Transfer Membership fro m _____________________ Chapter (attach membership card) Change of Address Ho me Chapter:__________________________ Do you require a newsletter mailed to your home __________ 30 ABATE BREVARD COUNT Y CHAPTER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2011