july 2009 newsletter


july 2009 newsletter
GWRRA Region B
NY District - Chapter D:
"There are no wrong turns,
only “D” tours!"
Pam Pearson
[email protected]
ASST. CHAPTER DIR: Bill & Julie Spencer
[email protected]
TREASURER: Sherri Boynton
[email protected]
[email protected]
COY 2009: Brian & Laurie O’Brien
Website: www.gwrra-ny-d.org
7/3-7/5 - Chapter camp-out - Hidden Acres
7/4 - Rogers Conser Ride Sherburne
7/11 - Chapter Y Carousel Ride Binghamtn
7/12 - 09:00AM Chapter Gathering CSFD
7/18 - Progressive Dinner
7/19 - Ride For Kids in Utica
7/23 - Dinner Ride Curley's Auburn
7/24 - 7/26 - Region K Rendevous Ont. CA
Newsletter: Bill Spencer
Advertising: Henry Jedra & Dick Lawton
Sunshine Coordinator: Shirley Hammond
Photographer: Will Williams
Historian: Sally Williams
Patches, Pins & Jackets : Laurie O’Brien
Webmaster: Pam Pearson
Bahrenburg 607-648-4351
[email protected]
ASST DISTRICT DIR: Paul & Suzette Wood
[email protected]
ASST DISTRICT DIR: Bob & Cathy Turner
[email protected]
Seeley 1-607-656-9414
[email protected]
7/6 - Nick & Judy Lotito
7/8 - Linda Demayo
7/8 - Pam Van Deusen
7/10 - Stan Petrus
7/24 - Erwin Grome
7/28 - Bob Makai
7/29 - Fred Goodson
15 Points as of July 1
Greetings All,
Hope that everybody is getting in some riding; we have had a few good weather days so far. For all
those that went to Americade this year, we finally had some good weather (sun, warm and no rain) and
had a good ride too – around - back home again with the exception of a nail in the rear tire on Saturday
night. Try to find a place to fix a bike tire on a Saturday night - NOT- luckily a police officer was driving
through the motel on Sunday morning. I flagged him down to ask him about a place to fix a MC tire –
well he knew of a place and within 30 minutes the tire was fixed and we were on our way back home.
Americade Dinner (Chapter L) Friday night was very good along with the Americade Breakfast (Chapter
N) on Saturday – the turnout was great also – not to mention fun!
I took a ride to Lake George on Wednesday June 24th to have some suspension work done on my bike
by the guys from Adirondacks and Beyond, great job & great ride. While on the way there at 5:15am I
came across a car that had rolled over on an isolated part of Rt. 49 outside of Vienna, NY. As I slowed
down I could see a person that was partially ejected from the car so I turned around and stopped to
help. I grabbed my First Aid kit and proceeded over to the person who was bleeding very badly from a
head injury, but he did have a pulse. Unable to extricate the victim due to his size and lack of people I
had to wait for the Fire and EMS to show up, which felt like an hour. There is only so much you can do
with the limited amount of supplies and people until help gets there. As Fire and EMS were pulling up I
llost the victim!s pulse. The victim didn!t make it due to his injuries. You never know when you may need
your skills be it 5am or 5pm – be prepared.
On Sunday, June 21, after our gathering we rode to Bob!s BBQ in Homer for some good food. On
Thursday, June 25, we had our monthly dinner ride to Tassone!s Wine Garden in Baldwinsville, that!s
where Pam and I were introduced 3 years ago. Very good turn out with one of our newest couples, Bill &
Maria, attending. I think that they had a good time.
On Saturday June 27, we planned a ride to Old Forge but there was rain in that area. instead we Dtoured to Redfield, NY to Shar!s Diner, one of our sponsors. Very clean, quaint atmosphere, good food,
service and excellent pie…definitely a Dessert Ride should be planned to return again soon….
Linda Waterman is having a Birthday Party on August 1, from noon until ?, at Seneca Lake State
Park, Chicken Barbecue, She has to have a headcount by NLT July 17-this is an absolute.!
[email protected]
August 2 is the TAPS ride out of Camden NY, around 9am
July 16 > 18 New England Rally. For more info go to their website; newenglandrally.org
July 19 (Sunday), Ride for Kids in Utica, NY. Registration starts @ 8 till 9:45 ride starts at 10am.
July 23 > 26, Region K!s Rally in Bellville Ontario – more information on our website under the
Calendar Pull Down link and on front page of the Website – middle article. (We will be leaving
Friday July 24 in the am and meeting at the Grist Mill in Parish NY at 7am for those who want to
eat breakfast there). Reminder: don!t forget your Passports!
July!s Gathering will be held on an EARLIER date due to Region K!s Rally – New date is
Sunday July 12. July 12 is also Chapter T's Picnic at Forest Park, Camden, NY. After our
Gathering those who are interested can attend." Contact Al Yerdon at
[email protected]"315-599-7725 for more information. This info is on our website
home page.
August 6 > 8 NY/NJ Rally
August 29&30, Battleship NJ Ride. NJ District Picnic onboard the USS New Jersey. {Leaving
Saturday Aug. 29 and coming back on the 30th for those that have to work on Monday}.
As always, make sure to check our website for the most recent events and further information. http://
Safe Riding,
Rick and Pam
Hello again to our fellow riders.
Last Saturday we had a ride scheduled for the Old Forge/Inlet area to have lunch at the Olde Barn. As
that area was along the edge of a widespread all-day rainy mess that covered the eastern half of the
State, we decided to head for the Redfield area and have lunch at Shar's Diner instead. We had a small
turnout of only three bikes and five riders, but still had a very enjoyable rain-free ride, and, a great lunch.
Some things we appreciated about this ride...first, that the group had the flexibility to change plans so
that we did have a good day of riding...second, that you can find some great places to ride in the local
area with eastern Oswego County being a treat for us, since we have never ridden much in that area
before...and, third, that one of our sponsors, Shar's Diner, turned out to be very neat and clean, with
friendly service, and, with good food at reasonable prices despite being tucked away in a somewhat
remote area.
It looks like we have as many as 10 people thinking of attending this years Wings Over The Smokies
Rally in Fletcher, NC in September. Some have already locked in their plans and others of us have made
some tentative plans. The two of us are still on the fence about whether we will ride the bike down, or,
trailer it. If any of you would like to discuss travelling down as a group, let us know.
We have added a section to this month's newsletter entitled "RIDES, RESTAURANTS, HUMOR, AND
OTHER COOL STUFF." This month, we have a motorcycle related ride/trip to write a few brief details
about and thought this separate section would be appropriate. If you would like to share a few details
about a favorite ride, automobile trip, restaurant, or, event, we would gladly include it in the newsletter.
This doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming. Brian O'brien spent about 5 minutes on the
phone with me and gave me some of the highlights of their trip. A brief email also works. We also
included some humor from the NY District Newsletter.
Despite the fact that this years riding season is not yet half gone, we have heard some chatterings about
future trips. Part of the excitement of riding is thinking ahead to the next ride. We have some possibilities
of our own. We encourage you to jot down ( or email) preferences you may have.In the Fall months
when we develop next years schedule, we will have some fresh ideas for rides, rallies and dinner stops.
We would like to thank Debbie and Dave Hartley for promoting and planning a progressive dinner ride
on July 18th. Watch for an email or check the website for further details.
I (Bill) am going to take on Pam Pearson's challenge to write our "Technical Corner" for the August
edition of the Newsletter. I have detected some frustration in others and have experienced my own
frustration regarding GPS co-ordinates for sites using Garmin Zumo units. I will focus this on the
different formats that can be used and how to tell the difference.
Safe riding to all,
Julie and Bill Spencer
Riding Close to the Edge
Working as a Locater for the Onondaga County Water Authority entails walking along the roadways of
Onondaga and Oswego Counties. You might think how does this translate into rider ed? Well it starts
with a job I was working on along Old Route 31 in the Jack's Reef area. I was walking backwards to face
traffic when I stumbled over an object along the shoulder of the road. It turned out to be a Phillips head
screwdriver that had been driven on an angle into the blacktop and the handle had been removed. How
it got there I have no clue, but it could have caused major problems for someone's tire. Since this
episode I started to pay closer attention where I'm walking and have noticed an array of nails, screws,
shards of glass and metal along the roadway edges. Most of which seem to congregate along
washboard/bumpy sections of road, uneven rail road crossings, scrap yards, recycling plants, areas
where there has been a recent accident, and construction sites.
Another area which I never gave much thought until recently is your typical neighborhood intersection
where you have telephone poles close to the edge of the road. Here you can find an array of nails and
screws that have become dislodged from the pole and find their way to the road edge.
On your next ride when you come up to that vehicle waiting to make that left turn, think about all that
might happen by crossing that white line or simply riding closer to the edge. Passing a vehicle on the
shoulder of the road is a traffic violation. No Zone Areas (blind spot) of the vehicle you are going around,
or potently if another vehicle in the opposite lane was also waiting to make a left turn you failed to
observe. Lastly we are entering that area where all those objects lay waiting to be picked up.
To sum it up riding the shoulders of a road carries with it many risks, some of which you may have not
considered before. It's all about Risk Management, how much are you willing to risk?
John Van Deusen
Chapter D NY
Rider Ed.
Thunder In The Valley Rally - Johnstown, PA - Information provided by Brian O'Brien
Three of our folks,"Brian O'brien, Bob Makai, and Dave Hartley,"went to the Thunder In The Valley Rally
in Johnstown, PA from Wednesday June 24 to Saturday June 27, 2009. They reported excellent weather
for the trip that covered around a thousand miles. The rally had lots of T-shirt and leather vendors, food
courts, and, bands playing music. Apparently there were not a lot of parts vendors like they have at
Americade. Highlights of the trip included a ride up the mountainside on the inclined railway (bikes
included much to the delight of Dave Hartley) followed by a nice ride back down on some twisty roads,
dinner at a local fire department that invited them to park their bikes inside the firehouse, a visit to the
Flight 93 Memorial site, the nearby "Wings and Wheels" event (chicken wings...NOT...Gold Wings) that
included competition for the best wings and a car show, and, some test rides of Harley and Boss Hoss
motorcycles. According to their information, the Harley rides were "disappointing," however, the Boss
Hoss rides were quite the opposite. Brian said that he rode a 450HP LS3 model, Bob rode a touring
model, and Dave rode yet another model. "The Boss Hoss test ride included a 20 mile section of
interstate highway and we are forbidden to print the speeds involved! We are confident that Brian, Bob,
and Dave, would love to disclose these speeds as well as other details of their trip, so the next time you
see them, make sure you ask!
From the July, 2009 District Newsletter thanks to Linda Waterman, Public Relations Director
Scented Candles for Men - It seems in this day and time you can!t go into an area dominated by a
woman without detecting the “aroma” (odorous terribilis) of some kind of bizarre scented candle.
Everything from “Boysenberry Vanilla Potpourri” to “Spice Orange Jasmine Chocolate”. Well, it!s about
time men had their own scented candles. Below you will find a few scents men would appreciate:
!62 Chevy Truck-Interior and Exhaust
Wet Dog (only if it!s your own dog)
Frying Bacon (actually a lot of different fried foods)
Wood Smoke
Chainsaw Exhaust
Freshly Caught Bass
Ozone (arc welder, of course)
Freshly Moved Dirt
New Tires
Hot Metal
3 Year Old Cap
Ammonia Fertilizer (light, of course)
Burning Grass or Leaves
Latex Paint
Being our Tech Position is vacant I will share with you a couple Rick and I have the fortune of knowing
and call our friends – Rick and Mary Dobbertin." Name sound familiar – well it should!" How about the
Dobbertin Surface Orbiter?" Well their latest project was recently featured at the Hydrofest in Liverpool
on June 20 and 21, 2009." The ingenuity of this new project, The Dobbertin Hydro Car even makes a
woman stop and take notice!
Please check out their link at:" http://www.dobbertinhydrocar.com
On our Website there is a pull down link under D-Tour Photo Gallery named The Dobbertin HydroCar.
To end the Tech report – next month we!re looking for a person to contribute just one article. If we don!t
receive any submittals it will be a lot less techie and more of what women like to talk about when
together. So guys – if you have something you!d rather read technical in nature than seeing a woman!s
section dedicated to their interests then BY ALL MEANS – SHARE YOUR TECH IDEAS by submitting
them! All I did was point you to the link and I bet you!re impressed – an article is as simple as that!
We have 3 snow tires with studs size 195/60 15 in good shape. Real cheap...make offer!
Mike and Sharon 315 730-2834
Double bed headboard (footboard optional) with frame and coordinating/matching dresser for a
guest room. Prefer casual or antique. Contact Pam at 315 263 0620
Just off Rt 81 on Rt 49 - Central Square, NY