hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075


hou-tex officers - Hou-Tex Hog , Chapter 5075
April 2014, Volume 27 Issue 4
* * * *
•Officer Info
• Newsletter Deadlines
Our Sponsors:
4400 Telephone Rd.
Houston, TX 77087
Phone: 713-644-7535
Fax: 713-933-3485
(Closed Monday)
San Jacinto
3636 E Sam Houston Pkwy.S
Pasadena, TX 77505
Phone: 281-991-4275
Fax: 281-598-6157
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
Wednesday 8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
8:30 to 6:00
I want to start this month by taking a moment to show my appreciation to John
Davis. After several years of service, John has decided to step down as chapter
photographer. He has commitments with his church and other outside interests that
are taking more of his time. With the exception of our historian Keith Hoak, John
steps down as the longest continuous serving officer in the chapter. In addition to
his regular duty as photographer, John has provided holiday memories by taking
pictures at our Christmas party. When you see him, take time to thank John for his
years of dedication to the chapter.
I hope you have had a chance to check out our new web-site. Thanks again to John
Rossbach for his work in bringing this to us.
And speaking of the web-site…keep your eye on the calendar. The weather is
getting right, state rallies are just around the corner, it’s time to ride.
And speaking of riding…the Louisiana HOG rally is a couple of weeks away. The
Texas HOG rally is in May, followed by the Arkansas HOG rally in June. So…sign
up and hit the road. In addition to the rallies, we have plenty of chapter rides
coming up. Be sure and sign up for the Progressive ride that’s coming the end of
May. I will be leading us on a ride on June 8th to the Pickett House in Woodville.
According to Keith Hoak, this was the destination of our first documented chapter
ride. So, to commemorate our 25th anniversary, we will reenact that ride.
And speaking of our 25th anniversary…be sure and submit your entry in the PATCH
DESIGN CONTEST. All entries must be in by the April chapter meeting. Please
email your entries to myself or Ginger. Then be sure and come to the May chapter
meeting to cast your vote for your favorite design.
And speaking of America and our troops…
“God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America”
See Ya on the Road,
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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Top 10 Reasons Why I Like Being a Passenger
If your driver is Robert you don't get wet in the rain. (I hide
behind him)
Your view is to the left or right , never in the center (If my head
is in the center I'm sleeping)
If the GPS doesn't work , Robert automatically has a back seat
driver ( whether he wants it are not )
I can take lots of pictures.
I get to hold the gas cap at the pump.
When it's KSU no one has to wait on me. I can put my gloves
on going down road.
I can enjoy the scenery.
I get helmet hair.
I can do the intercom dance.... Put your helmet on ,turn around
and mount. (Only a passenger gets this, it doesn't work on the
At the end of the ride I have just as much road dirt on me .
Connie Muehlenbruch
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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1994…Hou-Tex club ride.
I had what I think is one of the best looking bikes I ever owned. It was a 1993 Heritage Softail, green and
white painted to resemble a 1967-ish shovelhead with early emblems, fishtail exhaust, chrome toolbox, white
wall tires etc. Lots of good memories on that bike…
Anyway, back to the ride. I don’t remember where we were going, it was a club ride to some festival or
other. I think it was the Leather Festival or something similar. What I do remember is that it was cold…really
cold. The plan was to ride south toward Victoria…that may have even been the final destination. For this
story, it really doesn’t matter because I didn’t get to the final destination
I had leathers at the time (still have them) that were somewhat nostalgic to go with the theme of the bike.
Even gauntlet style gloves of a type you rarely see anymore…they went halfway to my elbows. Fully decked
out in leathers of course, chaps, jacket, gloves and long johns for extra measure I figured I would be plenty
My wife at the time, Wendy, was riding a brand new 1994 Lowrider. This was the last year that bike was on
that particular frame…in 1995 they went to the Dyna frame. It was a great bike too. I think I always end up
missing bikes once they are replaced. No amount of newer technology can ever replace the feel of the old
style bikes…but I do like my heated grips. Anyway, Wendy went on the ride, and she didn’t usually go on the
longer rides, but my son David was going too, on the back of my bike. Perhaps it was just a protective
instinct of hers to watch over her son, I don’t know but I was glad she was going. And for my son David, well
he didn’t go on too many rides but he was excited to go on this one.
Back then there was no San Jacinto HD. The club had its monthly meetings at Stubbs. Not the ‘new’ building
at Stubbs, that didn’t exist yet, but in the tin building area behind where they put a lot of used bikes today,
part of the old building. Many of our rides met at Stubbs, but a lot of them just met somewhere along the
route, just like today. I think we met at Stubbs for this ride, but again, that wasn’t really memorable.
So we got out of the house early, and met up with the group which was pretty large as I recall for a ride in
those days. Seems to me like we had 20-25 bikes on the ride. I believe Roy and Sheila Vann went on this ride
too. Dressed in leather from head to toe, it didn’t seem so bad in Houston. A little cold but not a problem. As
we get out of town though, as many have experienced, it just seemed to get colder and colder. No heated
grips, no heated seats…just your windshield if you were lucky enough to have one, the leathers you wore and
anything else you could layer on.
I have been on colder rides since then. Manuel Oliva and I rode when it was between 26 and 29 degrees out
once. I went on a Blessing ride about 7-8 years ago that Ron Scarborough led that was one of those deceiving
cold days (you know, you step out in the sunshine on your porch and it feels fine…but down the road you
wish you had worn gloves). This ride just got bitterly cold, and unexpectedly so.
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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COLD RIDES (cont’d.)
Back to this particular ride…
I was ok. I was managing the cold just fine. We made an early stop in Wharton, as I recall, just to warm up
and get gas for those that needed it. I jumped off my heritage to help Wendy park her Lowrider (she was a
fairly new rider) and went in to the gas station to huddle around their space heater for a few minutes. When I
got inside, I noticed my son wasn’t there.
Alarms are going off in my head…Why wasn’t he inside warming up? I rush back outside, and I see
him…still sitting on my bike with his hands jammed deep into the pockets of his leather jacket, head
hanging low, looking at the seat in front of him. I walk up to the bike “David, come on inside, warm up a
little”. He never even looked up, he just said “I can’t Dad, I can’t move my hands!”
That was the end of that ride for me.
I don’t know if his leathers were poor quality, if he didn’t have enough layers or what the problem was…it
didn’t matter though. What I did know for certain was that he didn’t want to complain and he wouldn’t have
said a word about being cold if I hadn’t gone back out to check on him. He would have gone on the ride
suffering. I think he even cried a little, feeling like he was ruining the ride for us.
It took us a couple of hours to get home. We stopped every 15 minutes or so, at every donut shop we passed,
so he could go inside and get a cup of hot chocolate to help warm him up.
If I were to categorize this ride I would have to say……… it is the most memorable ride I didn’t go on.
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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Thanks BRIAN for a GREAT
After Meeting Ride!
Thanks BRIAN for such an INSPIRING Ride
Thanks ROBERT for a GREAT Ride
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
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APRIL 2014
 THANKS HOU-TEX for your amazing participation in the FEED THE HUNGRY drive!
 The Scavenger Hunt has officially kicked off! Watch your emails for details of your
 The PROGRESSIVE RIDE is scheduled for MAY 24th! Don’t forget that you MUST
PREPAY BY THE MAY CHAPTER MEETING! Cost is $8 for 1 member, $15 for
member Couples, and $10 for each non-member guest. The hostesses are ready to
feed you – so sign up!
 Watch for some SUMMER FUN with the Bowling Tournament coming in August!
 Fall should be great for rides this year like the GHOST RIDE to Nacogdoches, Texas
on October 10th.
 The Louisiana HOG Rally is the first State Rally of the year. Always a good time!
Look at the Rally schedule on the HOG website for dates for all the other rallies. If
you have never been to one TRY IT! There is always great riding and entertainment,
along with cool Stuff to Buy from the vendors!!
 Also try to make the Memorial Bluebonnet Ride with Robert & Connie this year,
scheduled for April 12th. Besides being a beautiful ride, it is our time to remember
those members who are no longer with us. They ride in the clouds now.
 AND….. don’t forget to sign up for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Ride on April 27th.
You will never meet a cooler bunch of kids with hearts of Gold!! And they do love it
when the bikes show up!! Go to Houston Ride for Kids to register!
 STUBBS HD will be hosting some events in April too!! Watch for those dates and join
in the fun! Check your Emails, our Website, or Facebook for more info and, oh yeah,
 AND ……… don’t forget – We VOTE for our Anniversary Patch in May!!!
So don’t miss that meeting if you want a say-so!!!
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075
04/01/14 – Hou-Tex Officers Mtg.
SJHD @ 6:30pm
04/05/14 – Hou-Tex Chapter Mtg.
Fox & Hound @ 10:00am
AMR to be determined
04/08/14 – Road Captains Mtg.
Stubbs HD @ 7:00pm
04/10/14 – LOH Meeting
Pizzinnis – 927 Mercury Dr.-Houston
7-8:30pm-Come early to Eat
04/12/14 – Hou-Tex Ride
Memorial Bluebonnet Ride
Lv Denny’s I-10 & Fry Rd.
@ 8:00am
Led By – Robert M
Come early to eat bkfst
There will be a lunch stop
See Stubbs website for details
04/17/14 – Hou-Tex Meet & Greet
Fox & Hound @ 6:30pm
04/20/14 – EASTER SUNDAY
04/26/14 – STUBBS HD
See Stubbs website for details
04/17/14 – Hou-Tex Ride to Humble
Pediatric Brain Tumor Ride
Lv – Stubbs HD @ 8:00am
Led by – Keith H
Stubbs will be serving breakfast to
the riders – so come early to eat!
Thanks Stubbs!!
04/29/14 – Hou-Tex Officers Mtg.
SJHD @ 6:30pm
*As incredible as it sounds, men and
women took baths only twice a year
(May & October). Women kept their
hair covered, while men shaved their
heads (because of lice & bugs) and
wore wigs. Wealthy men could afford
good wigs made from wool. They
couldn’t wash the wigs, so to clean
them they would carve out a loaf of
bread, put the wig in the shell, and bake
it for 30 minutes. The heat would make
the wig big and fluffy, hence the term
“Big Wig”. Today we often use the
term ‘here comes the Big Wig’ because
someone appears to be or is powerful
and wealthy.
* In the late 1700’s, many houses
consisted of a large room with only one
chair. Commonly, a long wide board
folded down from the wall, and was
used for dining. The ‘head of the
household’ always sat in the chair while
everyone else ate sitting on the floor.
Occasionally a guest, who was usually a
man, would be invited to sit in this chair
during a meal. To sit in the chair meant
you were important and in charge. They
called the one sitting in the chair the
‘chair man.’ Today in business, we use
the expression or title ‘Chairman” or
“Chairman of the Board.’
*Personal hygiene left much room for
improvement. As a result, many women
and men had developed acne scars by
adulthood. The women would spread
bee’s wax over their facial skin to
smooth out their complexions. When
they were speaking to each other, if a
woman began to stare at another
woman’s face she was told, ‘mind your
own bee’s wax’. Should the woman
smile, the wax would crack, hence the
term ‘crack a smile’. In addition, when
they sat too close to the fire, the wax
would melt. Therefore, the expression
‘losing face’.
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Director, Milford Deason
[email protected]
Assistant Director, Ginger Lambert
[email protected]
Secretary, Rhonda Pigott
[email protected]
Treasurer, John Lambert
[email protected]
Ladies of Harley, Teri McElhenie
[email protected]
Activities Officer, John Billings
[email protected]
Head Road Captain, Clayton Hackett
[email protected]
Editor, Glenda Mitchell
[email protected]
Safety Officer, John Billings
[email protected]
Historian, Keith Hoak
[email protected]
Webmaster, John Rossbach
[email protected]
Sergeant-at-Arms, Brian Barry
281-479-8829 (hm)
[email protected]
Photographer, Connie Muehlenbruch
[email protected]
Dealer Representative, Joel Morris
[email protected]
Dealer Respresentative, Roy Abrego
[email protected]
HOU-TEX H.O.G. Chapter #5075 Page 8 of 8
Hou-Tex Chapter #5075
Meets at 10:00 A.M.
the First Saturday of
Each Month at
Stubbs (bad or good) or any of the other dealers, please send
it to Joel Morris at [email protected] or feel free to
call him. Stubbs wants your business, but realize they have
competition, so please be honest.
Please see, call or email the following
officers for Chapter issues:
Questions or Complaints: Milford Deason, Director
12802 Gulf Freewy
Houston, TX
(Fuqua Exit)
Coffee & Soft
Drinks Available
during Meeting
Guests and Visitors
Note:All membership
dues,prepaid activities &
events are non-refundable.
Stubbs Cares! If you've had an experience with
or Ginger Lambert, Assistant Director
Address, phone, or email changes to:
Rhonda Pigott, Secretary
Membership questions or any life altering changes
–marriages, births, deaths, sickness or accidents:
Rhonda Pigott, Secretary
Jonelle Goodwin
Cecilia King
Jme Kitchens
Sue Schmitz
Renee Lessard (Mishler)
Ronald Lochte
Don Waldrip
Margaret Cook
Glenn Repp
Lee Baldridge
Connie Muehlenbruch
Mark Kopenhafer
Mary Pinkerton
Stephen McCann
For: MAY 2014 ISSUE - In By: April 17, 2014
Please email articles, etc. to: Glenda Mitchell,
Editor: [email protected]
If rec’d. after due date- will be used in the next issue.
"The purpose of the Hou-Tex
Chapter is to promote
responsible motorcycling
activities for Harley Owners
Group members by conducting
Chapter activities and
encouraging participation in
other H.O.G. events…”
We apologize if we missed your birthday.
Please contact Rhonda Pigott, our secretary, because Hou-Tex really wants to know!
See page 7 for contact information-THANKS
Chapter Sponsored by:
Stubbs Harley-Davidson
Started As Strangers
Became Friends
Ended Up As Family
4400 Telephone Road
Houston, TX 77087
Fax 713-933-3485
* * *
San Jacinto Harley-Davidson
3636 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. So.
Pasadena, TX 77505
We’re on the Web!!
PO BOX 1541
Deer Park, TX