Kaleva tablet newspaper (product planned) Evaluation and trial of
Kaleva tablet newspaper (product planned) Evaluation and trial of
D Creating new media concepts for tablets Kaleva tablet newspaper (product planned) Evaluation and trial of the new concept and its usability Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description KALEVA, the largest newspaper in the northern Finland and seventh largest overall, started developing a tablet magazine at the beginning of 2013 to attract new readers for the paper content. The development has been done in close co-operation with Aalto ARTS within the NextMedia program. In this deliverable, the different stages of the co-operation are presented. At Aalto ARTS, we have been advocating for an agile product development, meaning that the product development is an ongoing and iterative process where it is evaluated from the early stages to product launch and beyond. We were (and still are) involved from the planning stage to prototyping. It is important for the decision makers to see concrete alternatives of the product in the early stages of the development process. Our involvement begun in the early stage by consulting about possible options in content platforms. The most notable contribution from ARTS, which is also presented in this deliverable, was the layout for the new newspaper. The layout was chosen among lay-out proposals from Publication Design for Emerging Publishing Platforms. It was then refined and localised into a trial-version for Kaleva by Harri Heikkilä who presented 10.6. in Oulu. This layout was made into a mock-up prototype by Kaleva, which has been the most recent step. D Creating new media concepts for tablets Trial highlights Kaleva chose the layout for their new tablet paper among courseworks by Harri Heikkilä’s students. (Konieczna & Puranen) Lay-out-option from Publication Design for Emerging Publishing Platforms -course by Konieczna & Puranen D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Lay-out-option from Publication Design for Emerging Publishing Platforms -course by Korhonen & Kainiemi D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Lay-out-option from Publication Design for Emerging Publishing Platforms -course by Korhonen & Kainiemi D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Lay-out-option from Publication Design for Emerging Publishing Platforms -course by Korhonen & Kainiemi D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Kaleva chose the layout for their new tablet paper among course works by Harri Heikkilä’s students. This one was chosen for futher development. © Lili Köves & Ma Luyi D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Harri Heikkilä made adjustments to the layout with Kaleva. For example, logotype navigational indicators and color scheme were redesigned D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Icons etc for interaction were formatted to suit better the editorial requirements. D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Front Page iPad iPad Estuvisu Ulkomaat Uutiset Kotimaa Taulus Kultuuri Urheilui PAGE 1/3 Artikkeli Theme 20. 02. 2014 Ulkomaat Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa iPad iPad Artikkeli Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Kultuuri Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Uutiset Guzenina-Richardson oikoi puheitaa Estuvisu Ulkomaat Uutiset Kotimaa Taulus Kultuuri Urheilui Artikkeli PAGE 1/3 Theme 20. 02. 2014 Ulkomaat Kultuuri Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Kootima Uutiset Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Guzenina-Richardson oikoi puheitaa Kootima Uutiset Artikkeli Uutiset Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Guzenina-Richardson oikoi puheitaan Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Gia que con reius dolorec taquiam invenet D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Section Page iPad iPad Estuvisu Ulkomaat Uutiset Kotimaa Taulus Kultuuri PAGE 1/2 Urheilui Theme Artikkeli 20. 02. 2014 iPad iPad Estuvisu Ulkomaat Uutiset Kotimaa Taulus Kultuuri Urheilui Artikkeli PAGE 1/3 Theme 20. 02. 2014 Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista rikosepäilyä. Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista rikosepäilyä. Orio mosa qui culpa volo excea sincto eum ipsandi qui dolupta ecaborum. Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat Guzenina Richardson oikoi puheitaan Guzenina Richardson oikoi puheitaan Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... Juutalaisvastaisista kirjoituksista kaksi syyttäjällä, kolmas poliisilla. Jokilaakson poliisi alkoi tutkiaharvinaista ..... D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Sliding discussion panel Section Page iPad iPad Kultuuri 1/2 20. 02. 2014 BESSERWISSER KIRJOITTI 12.6.2013 KLO 03:30 ” Hissiasentajat ovat ahneita ay. iPad iPad SUURVISIIRI KIRJOITTI 12.6.2013 KLO 03:38 ” Kultuuri 1/2 20. 02. 2014 Mitä jos jäisit jumiin, kyllä ovat . Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit offic tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp. Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Sananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quamenditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus. Mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnist. KOLMAS POLIISILLA S ananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quamenditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnistr untiost rundit quisi Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit offic tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp orehenis inte licil ilibustiis molorum a voluptat quam, core rerrumquae et esed quam eatur? Nus reri destias ex es cor alias intem iuntius, consequ odiscit vendae. Nem que volora inullor epudit ullaborest minto berit ea volorum enisque plaut fugitatectet etur rere volupta spistio. Ut pe pa perferr uptatia exerem eria natur am si ra que nis sum audio. Et ad quam quaerfe. Ullitia conessitio volorendi re pra il minullabo. Agnis rem que cus idundi inusdae pra veliqua epedit porrorro d t i l tf i lit t V l i t tf it f ii i l t d l tl t Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit offic tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp. AAA Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Sananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quamenditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus. Mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnist. KOLMAS POLIISILLA D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 AAA Trial highlights 24 Newsfeed Section Page iPad iPad Kultuuri 1/2 16:40 16:33 16:23 16:21 16:16 16:08 15:51 15:47 15:35 20. 02. 2014 Puolan ympäristöministeriö kiistää suuren fosforivuodon Maailman kulttuurineuvosto palkitsi suomalaisia iPad iPad Törkyisen kalankasvattamon pyörittäjä tuomittiin terveysrikoksesta Sade syövytti tien reunan – Pohjantien liikenne voi ruuhkautua Kultuuri 1/2 20. 02. 2014 Iranin tuleva presidentti lupaa yhteistyötä Suomalaissirkuksen katsojaluvut nousivat viime vuonna Poliisi käyttää asetta noin 40 kertaa vuodessa Ruotsin jääkiekkoliiga Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit uusi offic nimi tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp. Elitserienille Valepoliisit ryöstivät pariskunnan Oulun keskustassa Otisin asentajat saavat 15:29 matkarahansa listakärkeen 43 vuoden tauon jälkeen sulkapallokärki Sananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quatähtää Rion olympialaisiin 15:18 Suomen menditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus. Mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnist. KOLMAS POLIISILLA S ananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quamenditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnistr untiost rundit quisi Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit offic tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp orehenis inte licil ilibustiis molorum a voluptat quam, core rerrumquae et esed quam eatur? Nus reri destias ex es cor alias intem iuntius, consequ odiscit vendae. Nem que volora inullor epudit ullaborest minto berit ea volorum enisque plaut fugitatectet etur rere volupta spistio. Ut pe pa perferr uptatia exerem eria natur am si ra que nis sum audio. Et ad quam quaerfe. Ullitia conessitio volorendi re pra il minullabo. Agnis rem que cus idundi inusdae pra veliqua epedit porrorro d t i l tf i lit t V l i t tf it f ii i l t d l tl t Pudia venient laborunt aliaspit offic tet, quis dignim faceres sectum rae volorer isition sectemp. AAA 24h Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Sananvapaus Tus ullore voluptat quid ut eni volupiciis dolupta quamenditem qui aut Adita que vero de exerum harum illupta core pere velibus. Mossitem et explit utem evelia simint omnist. KOLMAS POLIISILLA D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 AAA Trial highlights Fonts and Colors Adobe Garamond ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W XYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz iPad Estuvisu Ulkomaat Uutiset Kotimaa Taulus Kultuuri Urheilui PAGE 1/3 Artikkeli Theme 20. 02. 2014 Ulkomaat Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Artikkeli Hovioikeus: Otisin asentajat saavat matkarahansa Kultuuri Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Uutiset Guzenina-Richardson oikoi puheitaa Kootima Uutiset Omakotitalon ikkunaan ammuskeltu Guzenina-Richardson oikoi puheitaan D Kaleva Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D Creating new media concepts for tablets Donald Duck Goes Digital in Finland (beta-version) Evaluation and trial of the new concept and its usability Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description LATAAMO was launched in August 2013 as an iPad-app and as a web app. Through Lataamo, user gets access for a small monthly fee to the complete archives (some 100 000+ pages) of digitized Donald Duck magazines. Sanoma Magazine’s Lataamo has been in collaboration with Aalto ARTS from the spring of 2013 (the Lataamo-project started in autumn 2012). When Lataamo and Aalto ARTS were introduced to each other, the product was in a prototype phase, but the collaboration could have been started at an even earlier stage as some decisions have been already set in stone, but still we managed to get good results during the spring and summer. Our part of the process consisted of two phases: first we did a heuristic evaluation to find out possible problems future users could encounter and secondly, we conducted a user research in Facebook with group on 250 users to elicit user responses of the product and to build-up methods of co-creation with social media as the base of future project. Sami Pekkala and Harri Heikkilä did an expert usability evaluation in May 2013. It was reported to SMF using heuristics for tablet publications created in NextMedia program as a basis for the usability problem classification. Some parts of this simultaneous trial by Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala are presented here. Particularly an issue with a model for navigation was pointed out by us and our suggestion for solving this is pictured in the next slides. We also managed a monthlong social media user research in the summer based on our preliminary findings. D Creating new media concepts for tablets Trial highlights SMF/LATAAMO ASSESSMENT WITH TABLET HEURISTICS AFFECTED HEURISTICS # SUBSECTION EXPLANATION/SUGGESTION SEV. 01 Orientation (U3) • SENSE OF DIRECTION (ensure existence of the four positional affordances). • SENSE OF PLACE (Tell user the length of the story, and his position in magazine). When reading a comic, there is no indication of the length of the story. (Conditional) progress bar with page numbers (suggestion pic 1) is necessary. It could also serve as method to move from one page to others. Also a pinch gesture could reveal all the pages of publication. 3 02 Perceivability (U2) Flow (UX1 • NATURAL MAPPING (Utilize contrasts and hierarcies). • Keep it simple and clean, avoid very noisy and flashy design and uncalled actions. The headline in top navigation bar may remain unnoticed because of the visual richness and larger headlines below it. Could the top navi be standard iOSbar, which would make the design less noisy? (suggestion pic 2) Or at least, would the text stand out better in white and versail? 2 03 Perceivability (U2) • Affordances should be as self explanatory as possible. • AFFORDANCES (Prefer familiar and real-world metaphors). There are two menus in service with funny proprietary symbols, it can be difficult to remember which functions were where. Emerging design pattern: slider menu would allow to gather all to one place and add more possible functions. 3 04 Orientation (U3) • SENSE OF PLACE (use visual landmarks to create better “browsability”). The concept of Etusivu (frontpage) with four swipable and scrollable parallel frontpages does not form a clear hierarcy. If all functions would be removed to new slider menu, it would allow positional dots in left corner of upper bar to make clear how many windows there are to swipe 3 05 Orientation (U3) Perceivability (U2) • SENSE OF PLACE (use visual landmarks to create better “browsability”). • NATURAL MAPPING (Utilize contrasts to create clear hierarcies). The concept of Etusivu (frontpage) is not clear. If etusivu is just the first page (not all four) why there is not guide from other subfrontpages to frontpage? Furthermore Menu says “Etusivu” (frontpage), but title says “Naurettavan paljon naurettavaa!”. Should tagline be placed somewhere in picture and etusivu named etusivu? 06 Touch screen ergonomics (U1) • Provide feedback, when necessary There is no confirmation when deleting ALL comics from the favorites. User can touch the trash bin button by accident and its function is not clear. Add confirmation dialogue window before deleting all favorites. 07 Flow (UX1) Consistency (U4) PICTURE These are some 2 of the findings from the heuristic evaluation we reported to SMF. There are five Comic-style fonts in use. Headline, • Retain wished tonality from start to end. Lataamo-logotype, Aku Ankka -logotype, placeholder • Emphasize consistency by making visual cues (notSami visiblePekkala, for customers usually) and subheads. Can D Lataamo Creating newconsistent media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 with each other this variation be reduced? Headline-font is typographically 4 2 06 ergonomics (U1) Trial highlights from the favorites. User can touch the trash bin button by accident and its function is not clear. Add confirmation dialogue window before deleting all favorites. 07 Flow (UX1) Consistency (U4) • Retain wished tonality from start to end. • Emphasize consistency by making visual cues consistent with each other There are five Comic-style fonts in use. Headline, Lataamo-logotype, Aku Ankka -logotype, placeholder (not visible for customers usually) and subheads. Can this variation be reduced? Headline-font is typographically lower quality than fon used in placaholder-text. 2 08 Flow (UX1 Perceivability (U2) Interactivity (X3) • Do not interrupt reading experience unnecessarily. • NATURAL MAPPING (make information appear in natural and logical order). • Design some level of social interactivity • Design some level of adaptive interactivity When reading a comic, user has to go back to the menu view to find information of the comic. Add “Info” button to the right corner of the top navigation bar. This would make it also possible to mark comic as favourite and share while reading, inside the comic. 2 09 Responsivity (U5) • Display system status (usually: waiting state) If page is downloading slowly in publication or there is connection failure, user is presented with dull grey page, when trying to swipe Present some ducky downloading- or/and error symbol. 2 10 Responsivity (U5) • Display system status (usually: waiting state) If publication is downloading slowly or there is connection failure, user is presented with dull black page. Present some ducky downloading- or/and error symbol. 3 11 Perceivability (U2) • AFFORDANCES (Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions). Reading history is not interactive, for no apparanet reason. Reader should be able to re-open particular story from Reading history 2 12 Perceivability (U2) • AFFORDANCES (Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions). Tapping a comic listed in favorites doesn’t open it. Make the action consistent with the rest of the publication, i.e. tap = open. 2 13 Consistency (U4) • Follow design patterns and platform conventions. UI doesn’t work in portrait mode. User has to rotate the device when switching between reading and menus. Enable both landscape and portrait in every situation. 1 Reading history takes ovet 5 seconds to appear. During this gtime user is presented with empty page Present some ducky downloading symbol or make downloads appear row by row when ready 3 14 Problem list has 20 items all together Responsivity (U5) • Display system status (usually: waiting state) • Make sure to use content that can give rapid response to touch D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Inside magazine – in landscape-mode – the horizontal Orientation (U3) • SENSE OF DIRECTION (ensure existence of the four swipe produces easily similar outcome as vertical 1 Trial highlights A closer look on a few usability problems we found. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Our suggestion on how to fix the problem of sense of place D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights A closer look on a few usability problems we found. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Our suggestion on how to fix the problem. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights A closer look on a few usability problems we found. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Our suggestion on how to fix the problem. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights We managed also an online research community in Facebook, which we used to confirm our findings from the heuristic evaluation. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights The responses to all our questions were analyzed. Here, more red the cell, more liked was the comment. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights The responses to all our questions were analyzed. This graph shows the Here, more red the cell, of comments from number more liked was the each user. comment. D Lataamo Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D Creating new media concepts for tablets Lasten Oma Kirjakerho iPad-app (ready product) Evaluation and trial of the new concept and its usability Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description Lasten Oma Kirjakerho is an established children’s book club by Sanoma Magazines. Before, the physical books were delivered monthly to the homes, now the service is also available as an iPad-app. Aalto ARTS has been collaborating with SMF’s LOKDigi from the beginning of 2013 in the NextMedia program. Usability evaluation for this product was done by Aalto ARTS when the product was already on the market, October 2013. The results of the trial are presented in the following slides. They also demonstrate how the Tablet publication heuristics developed in NextMedia earlier work in practice. Evaluation of a product that is already published is not an ideal, since if the product is not under active development, possible changes are hard to implement. However, LOKidigi will recreate itself in 2014 as a HTML5-app for the desktop, and this evaluation can benefit that development from the start – as well as up-coming small updates for the iOS-app. Another research interest was to modify Tablet publication heuristics to be suitable for publications intended for children and other special groups. Stricter standards for legibility, readability and affordances were complied in this evaluation. This work will be continued in 2014. D Creating new media concepts for tablets Trial highlights LOKDigi ASSESSMENT (22.10.2013) WITH TABLET HEURISTICS (Sami Pekkala) AFFECTED HEURISTICS SUBSECTION EXPLANATION/SUGGESTION SEV. Legibility and readability (A1) • Do not use too small text. Body text is too small for children. In some books, the body text size seems to be around 9 points, which is too small. Font-size should be much bigger for children who have just started to read. Enable font-size adjustment. 3 Orientation (U3) • SENSE OF PLACE (use visual landmarks to create better “browsability”). • SENSE OF OPTIONS (keep the cognitive load on working memory minimum by showing much information on the same view) Too many (nine) separate menu items in the top level with no guidance. All menu items could be shown simultaneously on one screen. (This only looks good when there are 4/9/16... items.) 2 Guidance (A2) • Consider animation for special groups. The connection between the voice-over and the text is easily lost. If the progress of the voice-over would be shown on the text (karaoke-style), it would facilitate reading for young children. 2 Interestingness, playfulness, arousal (X2) • Utilize possibilities of the platform. Read books are not indicated. Upper left corner of the book menu icon is unoccupied, it could be used to show how many times the book is read. This would help the children to find unread books and the count could be interesting for parents, who have to read certain stories many times. 2 • Do not use too small text. Book covers are too small. Use screen real-estate more effectively in the book menu. The cover images can be scaled 50% bigger, this enables the reader to see the title without a separate text (which should be shown in the current version, because some titles are too small). 2 • Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions Closing the book -function uses arrow indicator, which is usually dedicated to “Go to previous page” -action 2 Complete and assessment Legibility readability (A1) overview with 14 sections. Affordances (This highlightsreport describes only the severity classes 2–3.) Affordances PICTURE Using more common x-symbol could serve better the mental concept of closing a book • Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions The voice-over symbol state may be hard to understan for kids, especially if sound is for some reason off. 2 • Unintentional optical illusion Memory puzzle creates a Hermann grid illusion (jumping dark spots in the corners of the cards). Make the contrast between the foreground and background smaller (approx. same value for lightness L). 1 D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 SOLUTION Trial highlights Our suggestion on how to fix the problem. Closing the book -function uses arrow indicator, which is usually dedicated to “Go to previous page” -action Affordances (Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions). D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 A closer look on a few usability problems we found. Trial highlights A closer look on a few usability problems we found. Using more common xsymbol could serve better the mental concept of closing a book D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights The voice-over states may be hard to understand for kids with these symbols, especially if sound is off for some reason. Affordances (Prefer existing design patterns and platform conventions). D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights More self evident symbol for speak. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights In some books, the body text size seems to be under 10 points, which is too small. Font-size should be much bigger for children who have just started to read. Legibility and readability (A1) Do not use too small text D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Possibilities: Use bigger font size, shorten the text, enable different font sizes D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Consider using more legible fonts. There are specially designed fonts for children. Example here is Sassoon Primary. Simple, open, warm and friendly design. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights The connection between the voiceover and the text is easily lost, especially when multiple colums are present Guidance (A2) and platform conventions). Consider animation for special groups. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights If the progress of the voice-over would be shown on the text (karaoke-style), it could facilitate reading for young children. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Too many (nine) separate menu items in the top level with no guidance. Orientation (U3) Sense of place (use visual landmarks to create better “browsability”). SENSE OF OPTIONS (keep the cognitive load on working memory minimum D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights More menu items, 6 or even 9, could be shown simultaneously on one screen D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Read books are not indicated. Interestingness, playfulness, arousal (X2) Utilize possibilities of the platform. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Upper left corner of the book menu icon is unoccupied, it could be used to show how many times the book is read. This would help the children to find unread books and the count could be interesting for parents, who have to read certain stories many times. D LOKDigi Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D Creating new media concepts for tablets Nordic e-book stores (part of the LOKDigi assessment) Evaluation and trial of the new concept and its usability Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description of children’s e-books in Nordic countries was made as a part of the Lasten Oma Kirjakerho Digi -project with Sanoma Magazines (presented in another deliverable This study was first part of the collaboration with LOKDigi in the spring 2013. The survey contains the key characteristics of market leaders from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Also, the shopping experience was examined in each of the online e-book stores. THIS MARKET SURVEY Whenever a new product is prepared to be launched on the market, it is important to assess the market in general and competitors dealing in the same trade. A broad overall picture can be achieved quickly with a reasonable effort and it helps in the product planning process by giving a clear summary of the markets for the non-initiated. Second part of the ebook store study was to analyse the shopping process in each of the stores. This was done to pinpoint deficiencies that could be avoided when starting a new ebook-selling platform. A fluid shopping process of e-books in online stores converts site visits to revenue and better customer satisfaction more effectively. The trial, which is presented here, shows how the shopping processes were recorded and analysed. Some key findings are highlighted and explained shortly. This can be seen as a list of “best practices” for more straightforward shopping experience for customers. The evaluation was done by Sami Pekkala and it was based on Harri Heikkilä’s earlier work on the same subject. The overview of the market survey is also presented briefly in the beginning. D Creating new media concepts for tablets Trial highlights Children’s digital bookstores A review of the Nordic market Sami Pekkala, SMF/Aalto ARTS, NextMedia 2013 Bookstore Country URL for children’s e-books Screenshot from frontpage Tagline Description in their own words For children only? E-books only? E-books for children? Format (in the order of prevalence) App Sells e-reading devices? Children’s e-book vs. hard copy: price Children’s e-book vs. hard copy: cross-reference Suomalainen FIN http:// ekirja.suomalainen.com/ index.php/lastenkirjat.html Suomalaisen e-Kirjalataamo - Ovi lukemattomiin maailmoihin Suomalainen.com serves online 24 hours a day. You can order more than 100 000 domestic and 10 million foreign books in addition to office supplies, calendars, and other craft products. In addition, you will find mp3 audio books and e-books. No No Yes, 7 EPUB + DRM Suomalainen for iOS and Android Yes Samsung Galaxy Tab, Bookeen Cybook Opus, Sony e-Reader Touch Edition PRS-650 E-books 15-20€, 1-5€ cheaper than the same title in hard co (≈ same price with membership, no membership discount fo books) No options given to choose e-book from the hard copy’s pag or vice versa. Suomalainen.com (for hard copies) and ekirja.suomalainen.com are strictly separated. Elisa Kirja FIN https://kirja.elisa.fi/ekirja/ kategoria/lastenkirjat Downloadable books that you can read on a tablet, phone, computer or reading device. No Yes Yes, 130 (of which 40 picture books) EPUB + DRM/Watermark Elisa Kirja for iOS and Android Yes (from Elisa Shopit) bundled with 10 ebooks Samsung Galaxy and Note No hard copies available E-books 2-4 € cheaper than in Suomalainen eLibris Bookshop FIN http://www.elibris.fi/ advanced_search_result.ph p? kirja4_id=&pfrom=000&pto =99999&inc_subcat=1&kirj a3_id=3&categories_id=67 &kirja1_id=&manufacturer s_id=&x=20&y=5 eLibris bookshop is an online shop specializing in e-books and audio books. Our selection contains wide range of Finnish and international books, from classics to the latest bestsellers. No Yes Yes, 17 EPUB (children’s books EPUB only), MOBI, MSReader, PDF Yes Bookeen Odyssey, Bookeen Cybook Opus, MReader 601, Sigmatek EBKT-101, Sony Reader PRS-T2 No hard copies available E-books 2-3 € more expensive than in Suomalainen Ellibs FIN http://www.ellibs.com/fi/ node/120339 Ellibs Oy is an e-book sales, marketing and technology company. Our bookshop’s e-books represent the best international quality. No Yes Yes, 70 (of which 10 for under 10-year-olds) EPUB + DRM, PDF + DRM Bluefire Reader for iOS and Android No No hard copies available E-books around the same price than in Suomalainen Bokborgen SWE http://www.bokborgen.se/ c/barn-ungdom Swedish audiobooks and eBooks for iPad, iPhone and Android. Here you can find Swedish e-books and audio books for your iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android, Kindle, or computer. Our selection is growing every day and new titles and new editions of classic books are added all the time. Read an e-book too! No Yes Yes, 887 (children and youth) EPUB + DRM/Watermark, PDF, MOBI, MSReader No No hard copies available Children’s and youth’s e-books highest price 15 €, most are 8 € Dito SWE https://dito.se/e-bok/k/ 1/barn-ungdom Chosen as Sweden's best service for e-books No EPUB + DRM/Watermark, PDF + Yes No hard copies available First, some general notes, like the e-book formats, were gathered from each of the online e-book stores chosen for comparison. Watermark Reader PRS-T2 Children’s and youth’s e-books highest price 16 €, most are 8 D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tabletsYes and Sami Pekkala, Sony Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Yes,Harri ? (ChildrenHeikkilä and youth Dito for iOS € in the same category, but Trial highlights 1. Find all children’s ebooks 2. Choose bestseller or cheapest e-book in ePUB-format and in native language 3. Add to basket and check out 4. Sign in (registration done beforehand) 5. Proceed (choose payment method, delivery address?, and confirm order) 6. Payment (enter card information) 7. Receive confirmation (and possibly a download link) Suomalainen 13 transitions Extra confirmation Securecode Elisa Kirja 11 transitions Unnecessary link to log in eLibris 16 transitions No sort by price Download not shown (0e) Filter by language to show Finnish only No instructions to check e-mail for download link Ellibs 17 transitions Bokborgen 9 transitions Unnecessary step in sorting No shopping cart or separate log in -window. Only e-mail is asked. Dito 10 transitions Sorted by default according to sells Currency conversion No shopping cart Download link hard to find (My Account -> Order History) The the shopping process of a single children’s ebook was recorded from each store. As a result, this table of the phases of the shopping process was created. (High-res) 5. Download file to computer (end of purchase process) My library Delay in download link to appear Instructions on e-reading URLLink.acsm No delay in providing the downloaD LINK Securecode Muntligt 9 transitions Adlibris 13 transitions Digitalbok 13 transitions “Barnböcker shows only e-books for 0-3 year-olds “Children and youth” is found under the shortcut categories Bestsellers shown in a sidebar Securecode No sorting available -> unable to fulfill the premise properly Children’s books under “Teenagers & Youth” No sorting available -> unable to fulfill the premise properly Ordering information form doesn’t fit on one screen No sorting by price Unnecessary step, log in -form could’ve been in the previous step Sorted by default Poorly highlighted “Log in here” button Saxo 11 transitions Amazon 8 transitions No indication where to find the download link Third screen saying the same thing Unnecessary step logging in Form doesn’t fit on screen, but there is a button on the top right corner. Payment method can not be chosen Download link is found from “My account” and under “E-book purchases” Choose a file format Download link could’ve been placed here to save a step It is notified, that a download link can be found from e-mail Download link from e-mail Best very best of the stores was Amazon with 8 transitions. Transitions over dozen could be considered as a design flaw Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Unclear which is the most popular E-book opens in Kindle Cloud online reader Preview Trial highlights Highlighting some findings by taking a closer look at Suomalainen’s ebook store. 1. Find all children’s ebooks 2. Choose bestseller or cheapest e-book in ePUB-format and in native language 3. Add to basket and check out Suomalainen 13 transitions Elisa Kirja Starting from the online e-book store’s landing page, we can see that all the children’s books can be found with one click. Books are sorted alphabetically by default (works only if you have small amount of books, like here) so they have to be sorted again according to the task. The book has to be added to a shopping basket before checking out. This step could be skipped, for customers don’t usually buy large amounts of books at a time. D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights 4. Sign in (registration done beforehand) 5. Proceed (choose payment method, delivery address?, and confirm order) Extra confirmation After signing in, the “checkout” action has to be performed again. This could have been avoided by going straight to Step 5. The choosing of payment methods, filling in other information and proceed-action could have all been done in a single screen. 6. Payment (enter card information) Securecode Paying with credit card requires a “securecode”. Increases the security of the purchase, but is it really necessary in small purchases? D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights 7. Receive confirmation (and possibly a download link) A download link is received after the purchase. 5. Download file to computer (end of purchase process) In some stores, the download link had to be retrieved from an e-mail. D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights My library Preview Whether or not the store offered a preview or a “My library”, a virtual book shelf of one’s purchases, was also recorded. Suomalainen lacked a preview, which can be considered as a major deficit. D LOKDigi: E-book stores Creating new media concepts for tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D Visuality and Usability in tablets HBL+ tablet magazine (ready product) Evaluation and trial of visuality and usability Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description HBL+, a weekly iPad magazine from KSF-media containing materials from several daily newspapers, has been developed for two years in Next Media with the help of Media Concepts Research group at Aalto ARTS. In 2013, we have evaluated the product and suggested some improvements based on reader surveys, tests and interviews. The product has been available for the public for a year, but an ongoing development process is in progress and this is important especially in digital publishing. The changes in platforms (devices and operating systems) as well as in the underlying presentation technology (HTML5 in this case) are constant so the product development needs to be agile. The next slides show some snapshots of our evaluation of the news magazine. The evaluation was done simultaneously by Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala during one week in March 2013. The findings have been reported to KSF-media using heuristics for tablet publishing as a template. In addition, a survey and interviews of readers and non-readers of HBL+ have been conducted by Kennet Härmälä in September 2013. According to these results, HBL+ is quite a polished product with few flaws in the terms of usability and visuality. However, HBL has not been entirely successful in attracting readers to the magazine. In the interviews people mentioned that they would have surely subscribed to HBL+ if they had known such a magazine existed. D Visuality and Usability in tablets Trial highlights An overview of the findings from the heuristic evaluation. HBL ASSESSMENT WITH TABLET HEURISTICS BROKEN HEURISTICS U2 Perceivability Are symbols clear enough? Follow real-world conventions U4 Consistency Follow and know the design patterns & platform conventions EXPLANATION It is unclear what does the middle icon stand for U4 Consistency Emphasize consistency by making visual cues consistent to each others. U3 Orientation Sense of place. Users must always know where they are Color is just a decoration, does not serve as a visual cue of sections, which would help navigation and emphasize sense of place U1 Touch screen ergonomics Has publication been designed for the fingers or for the cursor? Check the appropriate size and the optimal positioning touch areas (”buttons”). Info-button in south-west corner remains unnoticed. It is small and contains quite a short info, so whyt to hide it? U3 Orientation Sense of place. Users must always know where they are U2 Perceivability If something is clickable, make it look like it, and vice versa. U3 Orientation Sense of place. Users must always know where they are and how they get out and what they can do where they are It is not obvious how to get back to the main page view of this interactive page Year in the black text box acts as an competitor for the interactive year displayed in right. Would be more clear if the textbox is simply a legend in bottom of the page Picture gallery resembles too much separate pages U4 Consistency D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Emphasize consistency by making visual cues consistent to each others. New, solitare and quite unnecessary browsing mode PICTURE Trial highlights U1 Touch screen ergonomics Has publication been designed for the fingers or for the cursor? Check the appropriate size and the optimal positioning touch areas (”buttons”). U3 Orientation Sense of place. Users must always know where they are An overview of the findings from the heuristic evaluation. U2 Perceivability If something is clickable, make it look like it, and vice versa. U3 Orientation Sense of place. Users must always know where they are and how they get out and what they can do where they are U4 Consistency Emphasize consistency by making visual cues consistent to each others. A1 Text Is the text big enough? Is the font legible (check the x-height)? Is the contrast of the text to the background sufficient (60%)? U4 Consistency Similarity of appearance, location and behavior. U2 Perceivability Make it clear where to touch. If something is clickable, make it look like it, and vice versa. Info-button in south-west corner remains unnoticed. It is small and contains quite a short info, so whyt to hide it? It is not obvious how to get back to the main page view of this interactive page Year in the black text box acts as an competitor for the interactive year displayed in right. Would be more clear if the textbox is simply a legend in bottom of the page Picture gallery resembles too much separate pages New, solitare and quite unnecessary browsing mode introduced in one page Light negative text is difficult to read Same story continues horizontally, where as everywhere else vertically Is it really obvious that those symbols are clickable? It would help if one would be readily active (open), now lower part of the page is empty when entered. D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights ? The function of some of these icons was unclear. In the current version, the buttons have been changed into self-explanatory texts. Still, the tool bar could be trimmed a bit (Översikt and Innehåll serve the same function, buttons don’t look touchable). D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Color is just a decoration, does not serve as a visual cue of sections, which would help navigation and emphasize sense of place. The magazine should be dealt into sections with colors and section titles instead of presenting blue, grey, and purple navigation bars one after another. D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Changing font-size requires scrolling to the beginning of body text. / Font-size adjustment should be placed in the top navigation bar, where it is always available. No indication of article length. Especially problem in long articles. Use scrollbar to show progress in the right edge of the screen. Unable to swipe article downwards touching white area beside the body text. Right side of the screen should be swipable (where it is easy to reach with right thumb). D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Affordances are scattered around the doorview D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Redesigned proposition emphasises natural hierarchies D HBL+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 D Visuality and Usability in tablets MeNaiset Plus (product launch) Evaluation and trial of visuality and usability Harri Heikkilä, Sami Pekkala and students, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Deliverable description Sanoma Magazines launched MeNaiset Plus in April 2013. Previously, the women’s magazine had been digitally available only as a print-replica. MeNaiset Plus has dedicated incarnations to both iPad and iPhone making it one of the few magazines in the world which has a smartphone-version. Aalto ARTS’ course “Publication design for emerging publishing platforms” taught by Harri Heikkilä had several group work projects on the product during and after it was launched. As the publication title branches out to different platforms (print, desktop, tablet, mobile…), it is increasingly important to maintain the brand’s look and feel in the different incarnations. Also, small touch-screen products in the case of the iPhone magazine, creates obstacles to maintain quality of visuality and usability, especially the sense of place. Work of the students pinpointed these problems and was a valuable resource for SMF. This trial-deliverable shows some key findings of the students’ tests. The results were obtained by a usability evaluation of the product on iPad and iPhone. Harri Heikkilä instructed students prior to the evaluations on the usability problem classification and reporting. In addition to usability evaluations, the SMF’s magazine ecosystem was examined and suggestions for improvement were made. D Visuality and Usability in tablets Trial highlights When the digital storefronts of two publishers are compared, we can see that only he other presents clearly what magazines are available for what devices. Sanoma Magazines Handheld Publications Ecosystem (Markku Luotonen, Ranjit Menon) D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights The subscription of the digital magazine should be offered by default (screen on the right), not hidden in the webpage (right). Sanoma Magazines Handheld Publications Ecosystem (Markku Luotonen, Ranjit Menon) D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights When the overview of an article in print and in the mobile version is compared, we can see that the mobile version is monotonic and lacks visual landmarks. ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Iina Lievonen & Outi Kainiemi) The biggest problems with the Me Naiset mobile magazine are difficulties with sense of place and and direction. ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Iina Lievonen & Outi Kainiemi) D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights Mother brand has to be very strong in order to make a successful mobile version, typography is an essential part in translating the brand to mobile. ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Marja Tikka, Terhi Korhonen, Luyi Ma) D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Trial highlights SISÄLTÖ OLENNAISET PÄÄK. LUKIJALTA OHJEET VALINNAISET VIIKON TYYLI SISÄLTÖ OLENNAISET PÄÄK. ... ... 5 4 ... 23 RUOKA TV-OHJELMAT RISTIKKO HOROSKOOPPI ... = henkilöjuttu = ruoka = elämäntapajuttu / ilmiöjuttu = jatkotarina ... ... 5 5 2 HYVÄ FIILIS ... ... ... ... 6 7 4 5 HOROSKOOPPI RADALLA VIIKON NIMI EPÄOLEN. ... OMA MAINOS = sisustus = ns. säläpalsta 12 ... 31 ... ... 16 ... 4 20 ... 44 ... ... ... 5 7 4 2 Comparison of page charts, mobile and print PAGE MAP: MOBILE MAGAZINE (ME NAISET PLUS 15) ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Iina Lievonen ja Outi Kainiemi ) D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 ... 16 8 TOIMITUS AJANKOHT. RADALLA EPÄOLENNAISET PAGE MAP: PRINT MAGAZINE (ME NAISET 15) TV TESTI HYVÄ FIILIS RUUDUSSA VALINNAISET ... 5 Trial highlights PRINT SMARTPHONE APP PAGES 108 242 IMAGES IN TOTAL 278 80* OVER SPREAD IMAGES 2 0 FULL PAGE IMAGES 9 12 PAGES INCLUDING 5 OR MORE IMAGES (on the phone version 3 or more) 24 7 HORIZONTAL IMAGES 40 8 VERTICAL IMAGES 121 38 STORIES IN TOTAL** 58 21 LONG STORIES 10 (in total 38 pages) 8 (in total 170 pages) FULL PAGE ADS 26 1 (own ad) PROFILES 7 5 HEADLINES ON THE COVER 9 3 *web pages not counted **counted also all short stories D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 Comparison of page charts, mobile and print ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Iina Lievonen ja Outi Kainiemi ) Trial highlights Comparison of lay-outs COVER: PRINT COVER: MOBILE D MeNaiset+ Visuality and Usability in tablets Harri Heikkilä and Sami Pekkala, Aalto ARTS • 1.11.2013 ME NAISET EXTRA -smart phone app (Iina Lievonen ja Outi Kainiemi )