This~~rif\ouAp. 2.0lw
This~~rif\ouAp. 2.0lw
Notice of Trustee's Sale Date: May 16, 2016 Substitute Trustee: Patrick H. Autry or Grady B. Jolley Substitute Trustee's Address: 711 Navarro Street, Suite 500 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Bexar County Mortgagee: Capital Farm Credit, FLCA Note: Note executed by Bailey Four Canyon Ranch Properties, Ltd. dated August 17, 2007 in the original principal amount of $13,975,000.00, as modified pursuant to the terms of the Capital Farm Credit, FLCA Conversion Agreement Effective April 1, 2012. Real Estate Deed of Trust Date: August 17, 2007 Grantor: Bailey Four Canyon Ranch Properties, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership acting by and through F. Kenneth Bailey, Jr., Manager of FKB Enterprises, LLC, as General Partner Mortgagee: Capital Farm Credit, FLCA Recording information: Document Number 2007003203 of the Official Public Records . of Uvalde County, Texas; and Volume 91, Page 300 of the Official Public Records of Real County, Texas Property: See attached Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, Exhibit D, Exhibit E, and Exhibit F County: Uvalde County, Texas and Real County, Texas Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): June 7, 2016 Time of Sale: 10:00 A.M. and no later than three hours thereafter. Place of Sale: At the East Steps of the Courthouse in Uvalde County, Texas. ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING. ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STA TE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT . FILED This~~rif\ouAp. 2.0lw Notice of Trustee's Sale Page No. I at ~..f:t..__M DONNA M. WILLIAMS erk, Uval e C ' . OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Mortgagee has appointed Patrick H. Autry or Grady B. Jolley as Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustees will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS." THERE WILL BE NO WARRANTY RELATING TO TITLE, POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT, OR THE LIKE FOR THE PERSONAL PROPERTY IN THIS DISPOSITION. The sale will begin at the Time of Sale or not later than three hours thereafter. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: ~A~a- Branscomb I PC 711 Navarro Street, Suite 500 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Telephone: (210) 598-5400 Email: [email protected] Notice of Trustee's Sale Page No. 2 EXHIBIT A- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Notice of Trustee's Sale Page No. 3 .( ( ' \ 1 '1•• I I 'I f • • ~ \.,ft : ·~·llSi' bo~le'9!'•LM(!J1 ' • J i.:.m1..o 11ofts •' - "' • '.J:lll\Cl' 11 • r:i;nsT t11n.c1' 1 l~:S:C>.O~ Ml\l>S • :i.·u,..·~·~O~l\'Lll'tll ~~1U/\ir!u /ILL :Cl\J\01; Ill\ llllll<lCl. 1,11:' Ll\lllJ I. Hiiu MIU ll lUllU • ·It! UV/\LUJJ:•caUL'l;l' Y, 'r.E:XllS, UJ!:It!O 57).,7 l\Clll!S UU'L' u .. 'Llll':...iJEs~ 1l Ul" •S:~··vl.!r liO. J.J.. • .JO!H!:S ollro.ttll\L Glll\ll '! 'llt':, l\UST~l\Gl.' HOU HGS , uo ll~llr.: • . ' .. OU'l:' OP'_ ;i;'!I& ll.I\. OtLt.:tLlllfli 5\JJIV!;~ nu. l'll, llDSl'R/lct' 11\J. 20'1. 3J11G 11~1 .1. ' UUl' 02'"'11(1?: E/\S~ i, or S\11\YE;'f HO 77 u' u ·'I'. ~llL'l'll IJ l\10~llM. <JU l!Lllt:, /\US'l:nt\tn: llO. :l.70Z 1 lllill l&5.:;4 l\Cllt:S \/Vr VY 111 ~ II.I\. UlLLlL~llV SUllVJ;( 110. H4 1 i\l)S'J.'111\Q'J: t{I], ZOG, AllU lJ C:~ll~ tlUllE ~/\ll'L'~CUW\llL.'L bESCfilUEO Ur N6TJl'S /\Ill.\ UOUtfUS AS l'QLLO~S 1 • nv, " ... -......... - . "'"'-~ · _,_.,., __... ~. .. . .... U'E<ll:«tlttlll (<ii: l:dt:~"m:.« .. t. •II l.ro11 pin CQunrJ by n Co u~o µcot on or 110.or th• 11or:th•,.rtt eocrroF oE tl1• \!,/\, <lllltlu11rJ Survey, Ho. l.114, th .. uaa tlouth 7U'5D 'Sl ' ll••t, , ,.!a , 72 1'.e ot tu nu i<Dll 1Jl11 (ouu.J at tha uo"th~ost ¢OJ:llllJ: hHoln tlo•crll>1.1J our! Lh2 t• ua POUl'.C ll)I" lll!O!~lUllll 1 'lttr::ttce QU, Qverl ood a.oro~ • so h.1 \ J. I\. \l l l l l lonc.J ll\a .CoJ..L1lWini::. u ne1 <v) cuus:.-q_, u uJ t.l.1.J1t.ltuu~1u l! South 2 1.G"l!l'2u" 4 ·~11 ~~~!1.,~~(,\j.:\ 1 6J South ''2'U9'4l>a 1 U -(I 1:11 <ll$'tll11Ce or , t.ui;.ui C•ot (u" ~ 1 1,t.uucu v(' l'JU.J.J (Cat Luu llu. l Yt;; Co••c• tu11cu (IUnl po!l t l;ast, <1 1ll>to11cn uf ./.lll.:!7 Cott Lu" Cc111a \IU•L South 1e•1G'O~" 11.,n, u <ll•tcr.n a e u[ 77.75 Co·~ tu o (arr uo pua l South 19.l.0'2Gll ~":C\:. 1 Qt; t'O • f a Gt.I' ll uuU CO!FQJ~<lnt, l>O.~\I (11u\. V -' ll<>ut\\ :;J S 11,·oa•o7" 1 11 ~<l'lt, Ltnot 1 South 10 ..3G .l9 ~ 1.1a:vu.r, S Q~Lh 1~•/16'.J.&" ~ullJ ~v· 1Jn.;n111~11L , st .Uua or "u iru n Ut.lauca ul (qot Luu motirl ,.,,.,, £1ut: , o 1H.o\u11c o u! '•1U.Ll l !Jul Lu 1.1 nu.rr.111 J1r1 •l1• ~U•t 1 l) Z , ~1. SuuLh :u. • !J.L'l1V"1 r:uw.~ 1 u ll lt.1 Lu1 1uu ul Jr1 ~.11u L'lu \.. Lv u 111u\.uL )iu.:il SuULh 1.Jtt•!J9'2!i' Cu,,t , a tl.l:stn11cc o( !JO!i.t,!) fact. tv <' 1datt.11. 11C):.1l 1 11 'J:llttli C.E: l!t>C'L h 00"U;l Zb r.ust{' l'uUolrrt: I i": lllJl'llr o( ~nld II.II. QUli~nutl Sur.,uy, !Iv, '11, 11 111.J ll1u 0011\h ltnu u( !/ . /\, !J 'ulu Uillil~ll<l ::hn:v11y, Ila, 1':14, UJ .\I J. loot L1.l u IOcl ul pvnl ttat ~utli ttg t\1.., \/.:lot uitle ot • \/U.l)U Cu1>L t1>ull <H>ttQmu11q 'l'llcliCI: SouLh \IU'Jo•~:;" Coot, u IJl$lollCll ur 1D4.7< [ucl t u u IAU.~U l post lfllt nt .a GU.OU fuo~ ul<la rood ~D•c111011t I 'A'lll:ilCl.t ~u11Llr U~"J.J'U~" llu.<L, u «ll0Lu 11cu rnulal )JUI l GULJ l>( lHU.U 4 lc uL Luu TllEHce Souih u9'!ib 57" to•t, u vl"LU 11CU ur H~.I>~ (uuL Luu lllQLul v••L uaq 1 'll! Cl!Cl'; 5ouLh ZO'U !/' 115 " lro..-t, 11Jul"I' Lh" '"H"lh lluc vi Pll lll D. 'l'. 5rnHh Sui:voy 1 llu, 77U, ual1111 LIU 'llULh ll11a vr the II./\, <JJ.llllnn<l SUL·vuy, llo, J.~l , ut 17 .~? tuuL muru "" luuu, !u "H &71.57 f<tt?~ Lu a 11111Lol. vv :; t sct1 :ll!Etil;t; uu, uvu~, 1111u nct:us ~ •ul1,) II, I, ~111tLl1 ~urv•y, llu. 710, U 111 Cal.lo1ti11g l"11 (lU) eu'l ~•as 01>1.i <HsL1111a.0~1 · 1 i l 4 S South 02'Jli'Su 1;tt•L 1 1111l,L1111~u ut l•1J,1iJ l~uL Luu 1uu L11l 11v"1 • •,L n•olJ 1'2 !1" lla~t, u Jil•Luuc..u ur J 'J. \11 Cuat LI> u l~U lal IJO•t bUt SoutJ1 \)lt"0!1 J.3" l'ust, 11 rllstuuco uC ).~t..Y) (udt Luu· ~10Lnl j•o•l ,_. 11 ~UULh South 47•02'.Ll'' Oosc., 0 1 UD \)J 1 :L6" \111sL, Sou~l1 Ulwt.c11 11... a ut 1)\s\U J11:0 l/( ,,~11.\.Ullt:a G SQULlt 2s •11, 110" L!c.ut, 7 South 2l"!iY'.:J7" llo1t, u tll•IUIJL:O u( :lout:h 1;•;17•jzt1 1 11 \la1rt, u tJ( nL, 111\.o o ur D lJ lU ) ~"~ Hur~h So ut.t1 ur tr~1 1J.tJl1 Jhll.~l /hfJ .. 1)f (C?(Jl Lu tt 111a.Lu} h,lql •., tJl Ca•t Lu u " c Lul J>usL ••Jt Caql lll u tll'ilt.Ul i1U•l. tf•rt.. ni.11 [<i ot Luu ruaLal l•U•L i'1 A, 1r,1 ((• ff l l11 u 11t11 l,1l po-Jl ,1•1 t.u u 1111.?lol 11vat. ... ut Ci\)•~n S!J 1 1 1~U¥t, u t.l\Jl u11~u vi ' ''-''· l!.l Lo \lL liJ l1l /1U l:uatl u Ul.> Lu110 11 u1 Jl1)/.,2J, [ c H UIL "" 110<11: t\1ro. nuft l11 • uC •ul!J U ,l, \u 11111q tul vuH 11v, Hu; ~11,lLlr s11~"'")'r 'lll\;;l!Cll 5o\lth 2U'()U'Uo '' J.:an , "1.IU( o11c 11 •J[ JObL,JJ Cuoc 111Lh l\\o tlppcoxiu1uto Bllat ltuu uC tha U,t, SmLLl• Slll:\' uy , llu. 17U, tu a 111otu l \.)ost a•t ill ttha 1:1x.lutl11c Co110••n . "mtl!Illrt ''A" VOL 1'.AGE l o.f ).6 050~ PAGc670 . RECOF!DER'S Ml:!MORANDUM At !he tb1e 0rrecorda!Jon, thl$ !MTU~l 'JIU folllld llllltltqu•I~ for lhs bnt phologt'lphlc ~uctlon ~of llle!glbltty, carllon 01' pl!Oto to !>. copy, dlseolored ""*•etc, All bllCkootl, .cidlllo<U and ~·*' ~ prttonl 111 \hb lllM lht lnJ\nlmont wat flied 1>11 cl rocordod, ~ ... >. ( j f /:. ,'l'ilBtlCli; ou 'L\\• l.1.11• !J! QVQl!t "u 11 u uci:cn 'PW 1.1.'J:, S1111Lll Survay 1 llu. 771J, llJ;th """'" ... ~J,..,:! 'Wl.JC"t11. f$lldtt. Ul!4,' !allo\.lluz. •lx (G) eour:a:~ And d1dC:,ti;UC.IQ.B I: I .. • 1) l •, 10.,• • ~)"i~ut11 ~ • , • • ~dut:h .s~·z:,'4G" u JJicr1t ctno• o!'. \i'.est, a11•J.4•.c,3 1• \ladb, u •U.otu11eo "' (QUO'& \h1l&t si South 5l'1.U 1l,S 11 \Ill•~. 0. letto D l>.0"'~ 2o•;z.z•oo 11 I/etc~. pclft 4) South J.O~ .. !iU (a. a\. !~Y,,7:; Lao ~ t<> JlL\'ltauce bf. 4U5.Z6 Cut to "lli.<tauca al: 2.UU,,3 ,., .. t uu 1:1xi.•t.i11n ''' " '"''' L<> 011 cxhtl1111 Oii ..,.1. .. tl.1.1, to All ""l.•, lauo. ~) South :12•2.J.'!;:.i.11 lt•at, a lli..~l>ll<' O u( 1.,~U.G7 Ca .. t ~V IHI o"iotilll) !'enc.11. po11c G) So\Jth 0 4 ~U7 1 ~on Uaet:. a tll1tu 11e a o! 2\IV.f>l ~~~'~l)G)t:lb un UL'"' l1auc to 1111 ts}(l.•'t.l11u tlf'!, 4.s11u t} 1 I.loo. or uulll 0 .. '1.' ... 5i:ql\.ll DUCV(ly 7 '.l'llCttu'~ llilh t:lit1 taµJ,J r~xl..111 -.tu. •avLlJ 1111 0' uC IL'trlJ U.·t. $r-a1L'1 S u~vo.y 1 , Uu. 10,. cu1J tho •1C:i•tJ,.ug Eeuee South 7U" Jl 'VU", p JJ.:stouco ur 334U,39 tl'"t t1> tlll uiclirtl.113 l!•ll•a po•t; 'lll~HCC ou, ovc:.r, u11d .oat'Ollllf xnltl U.1'. ~1•d Lii Sur:vay, tl"1. 770, u wJ 'Ito ~•.lstJ.1111 tauc" lit>rtlt U4"U~ H" ll•n, lOYLUV Cao~ p111} llurLh 37'1<7 "jJ." llut, 2541,!$9 f.i .. t: ta nn ei1lirtl11r.I [r11ca 11v1t 011 ar 11eur Lh,. lle•L lirnt u.f uid U•J:, lilhl.\h l)u>:~•Yr I"' ?11>1 , 'J.lll.:llCI:; }(1th a l..Lua "" gJ: U•u1; ~he lfosL Sui:v•y, Ile>. 77U, ti•". .foll.0WJ.l1Q •lr< (G) 1) l!Q~th :t<.t•U0 1 UOh \/aot 1 U 1\L•\Ull\!Q ur l) l!o>:lh'liY•ac;•:za" ~u•t-, • ll1otuuea ar PO•t 3} 4 :; • I~ Hci:th .G!]•3r.•2u" ifo•t1 [1 lihD ur au).<l U.'r. S1~lth cuuc:•ort 01i~ J~"Lo11eu•• '•JY.1~ \uut l~ II •1u~uL \I UQ~ •Jt•l 2.Y!i .JG !ci>\. Lo n\J ex Ls t. l.uc 'C. "'"'.. •i 11l.¥LUt1t:o u r JU::Ll!l Cocrl lu u JN(Jt ul pcJ•ll ttul Ho~tl• ~u~~O'UU~ tlo•~ 1 u ll1•tu 11~b uC 77J~.~7 Cu~t Lou ~utal 11usL ~ol tlo;:th 70"Z4' 17" f::>L• t, ....Uictnucu oC l'11l'T .uG [$0.\'.. t<> ruw c1<1,.Li11u fntt c a. polft: · ! ' G) Noel\( 1o•zt1•l.1" lludLt n tllsLuucu ur J l.:.C . . 02 foul LV u 111uLll..I. ptu. 1,. :- 1 ·1 Ol1 lllC• 1\ecn: thn _.._ o:uulh .•.llna u( :ttJl \) \I.I\. U~l.l,~lomJ Gus:voy, Jiu. l!Jl I uvn" Tll EUCJ:: 'o n' u11<l••' • Lli u \/,(\, 1:111111111.l Ou~vuy, Uu. 1'11, ·Nuclh :1.o•ui•1,7• Ila•~, vuiiilu.i; u11 uxlrlluu Celled 11u"t uL 77'1.o:; !uot, , 111 ul! 274G.31l , feet to 0 11 c;dsLll•l\ (e11•a pvat 1111 oi:- 11e ui; lh<> ,llorth l.i11u tJf IJ,I\, GUl1lu11t.I Survuy, Jhi. 191 1; 1111 tha 111111 uC tha lJ,f\, ll L1llL u11 u !lurvoy 1 llu , J.U ilJ TllllllCE South 70'09'17 ' 1 \'1at 1 11 lll1 t,uuca ur 'ZJJZ.n [11,~l ~u pi11 [Qu11<l on QJt ll•o~ "ulJJ 11.f\. IHLLtlu11<1 liucva.y, llv., 19'•1 Ull ltu11 'lllEUCll tfai; ~h J.ll'.:l0 14J 11 l/c:.t, u <ihlJll <=~ vL JUU2.S\I racl tu u n•ot a. L f1t11ce p11ot:. sat 1111 a~ 110.ur lli• ::uhl II .A . llllUloutl Sucvuy, No. 194 1 01ar]\lnt; tl\11 11ucth11an curnun '1\lt:Uci:; 11it.h •ullt H.JI,. UlLLLlu1«l Survai•, 1111. fa11.;a ~h• ~all-owlu, !atir (4) cvu~3ct 1~ 2 3 u11tl 1% 1111Ll Lh<! u11.hU11i: '41,u Jhlu11co1<1 llVr Lll ()11'54'11" 1'U3t 1 u uL.iu11"" u t ~·,~ .11l Iu ~t Lu '"' lru11 1•111 [0111111 llorth 75•37'1H 11 l'ast 1 11 \ll.otQllC >< o( HT.% !cal Lu 1111 lrull plll (u1111J • South 89.5S'!i1 11 \lasl 1 1;;~v~ s l11c i ~Oil ,\! J..11 [aU11iJ. u~h\l nu ruuli 7\),117 Ull ~) tlorth 7o•sn•53 11 lln d t, II Jlstoll co Caul Lu ult JUUU.rn CoaL LU' Lila VtU C l'Lf\l.. I; O~' UEUUIHillll am.I e1111tal11L11u 14~U.Uf1 ucruo uC l< lll~ , l• o c~ u~ lu oc. A.~d &,.,~"c? Z'-4""1:!JF R.J. bimtslt/\u lt .. i:h tct•ll l'llL>lie S•1J;v9yu r nu., 20li~ Ut\lC ,...··0"'-....:,;.I.. 1 ' U[ ¢-;r~·' ·•• 1·,.~l 4'••' · :• 1•:'..r • '• "'' ~J',, ···'···J .. T" .....1.. .. :c ·,,.<t~,. i.t\~lUJ!~r!,,... . l.';JGt TJlI'J: "" "J.." l!AGE 2. o f 16 llJGS • .'!.' '~.( 1~~!,\\?.~i"r.\; ,c ""i:· -t v•11 0503mro71 RECORDER'$ MEMORANDUM At IM lime ol rte0JtlAl\ol1, \11\t loslnl~ wat loind to b~ ln~ut\11 101 tht \alt photog"*!lh~ JOPfa<ll,lC\Jon boCllUM cf llloglb\U\y, CJl'l)0(1 OI' plOtO ccpy, d\$¢0\ofed pap<ir, el<i. All blecl\0\1\$1 1lddltlOO* 8!\d ~~re prmnt at~ Umalheln~ WIU fl~ !ild recorded " ( .• irnnd.. u 9.3,. G6 J\Glll.::5 . S~90Nll 'l'l\/\C'l': ( J ALL 'l'llt\'i' CC:l\T/\l N 'l'lt/\C'l' OH l'fll\CJ.::L 01' COUl~'J."{ l,..f\l~IJ _l-YJ.11~ Al~IJ•. 111~1110 •• sn·~11:r1:u ui::lHO U!l.OG /\t:ll~S UUl Ol· urn U.L. S! IU!! s,lUl..VIE"J:'l"' NO 770 , i\lJSTLtAfrr rw. 1702, lllW 4.G i\CIU::s OU'l' Qf' Tiil:': U.T • . SNITH SUl\VEY AUSTIV\C'l' HU. l 7GS 1 i\lll.l UElllG HCJll E, 1'/\H'l:lCUl..!\llJ.'( DESCRlBEb DY ME'J.'ES AND JJOVHL>S /\S fOLLOllS: HI UV/\Ull!; 'J.'l.i;X/\S No: no' BEGINNING ot i:i 111..,t:aJ.. corner o!: su.J.ll r;urviay tlesc:ribec.l; £~nee pvst set 011 ot· 11aur L11u souLl1eost 111urk.i11u Ll10 :;ouLlu:::u:;L '-'<>CIJ<H' lio1:<il11 1 0 1 'rllENCE SouL11 70°31 06' post 011 01: 11e-or 1 Hast, 492.\1.t.5 lout \.u 011 e1<.i:n.. i111;; re11ce liue o( sul/J survayi tlie s<;>U\..h 1'lH:t-1ci:: 011 1 ovl!r a11c:J acr<;>ss saill suc-vey 111 Lli Liie liue u[ tlle wix:e .fence t h e roll.owil1g . six (Ci) courses u11<l c..1.1.stllllces: ;> North 04°07'!.iO" Ea111:; 1 200.4,l.. [eet.i to v.u exisLill(\ fe11ce µosL to uu ex:isli11i; [e.11ce post. 3j l'lol:"tli 20°2.2 00 11', 288.53 faeL lu 011 cxlsLii11: La11c::a J:IO!ll North S2°10'll:l 4Cl9 •• 2l:I feel Lu 011 cxisti11g [C?IJce post 1 11 ', East, ~'G9 5,75 feel Lu Clll cxisli11~ (e11c:a yost.. 6 North 89"14 43 North 5 9 "2 3 ' 4 G" £ o s t , l G9 • 5 8 Ce,e L Lu <111 <: x. i s Ll 11 [ n 11 c e fJ u a t 011 or 1,enr Lhe co111111011 li11e or tile u, ·L. S111.1.tli survay, Liu, 77U u11<l the Ll.'J.'. Survuy, lio. !l46; ")North 52"2.1.'52" Bast, 1 1 ~550.&7 (a~L j f~ 1 TllEl'ICE South 20°00 00 11 !::1:1st, l.019.s (eel, 111ure PLACE OF J.lEGlt'IMIHG !lllcl co11tci11l11g \IJ. GCI ucn:s or lcr.s, or Lo Lfic rnurc or . lu11d 1 2'-/U-'-57..l..- H.J. Clll:':i'ISlll\\J Registered Public Surveyor No. 2065 • __, lJ/\TG .,J#.~,..- .. "'~ I;. <JF' , ..... A.... !U: ............ ..... l'"~l~~ ..~· .~;t:· >\- ~·· 1X.( ··?I]' .\ : , ~." .~!!WStr/\iy .... ••• ,,. ... ,.l"'"' 1:;·.. .,., 2UG5 ~ ,. Q.. <»1·· ..•1111~: . ··.r,.'1 EXHil3~T "A" fl1\GE 3 Of! l 6 ·IC" 'si.Ji\'lX.: AECORDeA'S M~MORANDUM At the Uma of r.cordaUon, tllli lnWllmeot ~ 1o!nf to bO lnadotq~t~ tor ll1li bill! ll~~lo reproduction beCJl!lo ol H~b/Hty, ~ or pll()tO copy, a~ µApM, ~All ~ut., ~aon. and changM wm pr~ RI Iha fu!d Ille lnalruin.nt was fil&<l llod tEICOl'i»d. .' r .• .... .. .{ , THIRD 'l'RJ\C'l': ALL TllAT Cl!:ll1;/\Il'I Tl~/\CT 01\ I'l\l\CGL OF l./\lllJ LYlllG /\lllJ ill~111G SJ;'tU/\'l'lm J.l'I UVALl>l!: COUl'l'J."i, 'J:l.':Xf\S 1 UIHl-W GU. 25 /\CHES · 01' L/\!W OUT Of 1'1JJ:: l:l.T. SN!Tll SU!tYBY NO. 77U, AUSTHAC'l' lW. 1765, AIW BJUl:iG NORI': l;'M\'.1.':Z:.CUL,(IRL:i U.E:SC:lUUEU J3 Y tlf!:'l' j!.S /\tllJ UOlJllUS AS FOLLO\/S: BEGl:Nl:HNG u t a Cet1ca post seL u11 oi:: ttear Llic mosl Southerly South Hest coJ:"nar of saiu survey l.J~ing t;!Je 1J1ost Southei;ly South \lest ccr11er lter(!iJI Joscrilit.H..lJ 'l'Ul!:t:ICE Hu~· Llt 2U -00 -0U" Hest, ·YlY.i,u [eat Lou 111cLul post set for a ell coi;neJ: Oil or neo.i: Llie. l!ui.: Lit t cur.11or or Ll10 Josiah lluu:1111H1 Sul;'vcy Ho. lSGi 0 1 THENCE Nocll1 70D~oo•~oo" East 1 .l.UJ..J. Ceet.. Lo 11 111cLril post set for a ell co1;11er Oil or l1ear ~ll"' Jo111cs s. l'ayuc Survey t'lo. 167, SouLh East cor11e1;;: 1 TllENCE lfo.t'Lh 20°-00 -00 11 HesL, 2J2J.JJ feet 1d.Lh Lliu \lest lil1e o( saW lJ. 'l'. SmiLhr Survey !lcJ, 770 Lu u u x isLi11u Cc.uc:e post; TllENC~ 'f C!Vet" a11<l aci.:oss suHJ LI. T. !.i111.llll S1JL- vo y llo. 770 thG l:i.11e o[ lho <!><lst.illt.t Hi re! (..,11cr: fiuull1 J7°-t.7 1 -5'2." East, 2541.59 Cect uut! Suulh U4°-v11'-:;1" Eu:iL, JU!/l,U\I !cc\. to a 111e \: al 1:>osc. seL cJ11 oi: ueui: Ll1~ S uuL11 li11 e of snHl s vi:vc.y; ou, Tl!EliCE South 70·-31•~06 11 \lest., l ~HJU,:;t, (ccL Lu llic pi:i.t:c o( tl1e. llC:GlNtHNG u11<l co11tul11l111,; C.U. 2!i uci:u!i oC luml 111 uL·c or less. H.J. t:llEHSlll'I\ / Registete~ Pu~lic Sutveyoc No, ZOG5 lit\ J L: EXlfIBI'l' " A" .. 'I VOL 0503rAct573 R!!COl'lOl!R'S lliEMORANDUM Altll J Umt o1 rtCQld .UOn, lhl$ muulll"'ll Wal fQUJ)(f to ~ lnatkqu.l• for lh& bf.II photographic roprod\lcilon ~UH of ll!fglblllty, t.tibof1 Qr p!Joto copy, ~orecf paper, sic. Al/ bi.ei<OUU, ll(k!Jtlolls Md~ Wtl'I ~l ~ttflt ll!M the lrlftnxnaot wu fll8d and recoflJed. PAGE 4 ot: 16 ! l .< .:: I· ~ ·( ' 'fHMJ'l!.cU; ·' 0\7•\J ACl\ES . pobn~l!ll 1l'JlllC~J.' ~ ALL tt-1/\'J.' CER'r/\IN 'J."l1./\CT Olt PA nCt: L Of L/\lllJ LYiHG /11~1..l IJIWIG S:t"X'Ul\'J.'1!:1.) J:N l}V/\Ll)C: COUW1'1! t 'l'gX/\S I lll!:llW u .·7 u /\CillC:S cw l../\l~lJ ouT o..- 'J.'llE JAMES s. l'/\Ytrn SUllVEY HO. 107> /\US 'L'lll\01' No. 380, AND 13EHlG MORE l'AR'l'lC\J,L/\l\J.,'( IJBSCHll3ElJ l.l'i l·lln'~S /\ND !}(JUIWS /\S FOLlOHS: . ---· .. - ... llEGINNING at a ex;!.st:;f.p& .fel1ce posl 011 OL" neor Lite llorth ~ast corner of :>aUl survey saitf point al s o being 011 11 e.Ll earlier of t:ha D. '1'. S111ith Survey l'lo. 77'0; 0 TllENCE So1,1Lll 20°-00'-00" EasL, 419.16 (Qel Lon ex.hLin!j , fe11ce po:i ~I 1 over: u11d .nci:oss solJ Josi.ult llu([111uu Survey llo. 186 with Liia liue ol'. the exisLlug Ce11ce llorLh 37°-47'-52" r.He.~t:!'l 308.47 feet, ancl No r th 67 9 -19'-52" He sL, lUZ.UD fl':cl tv THENCE 011 a ex:i.sLi11s fauca posl; TUENGB Horlh 69q-3& 1 ~26" East, 22!l.7U i'eet 11illt llie exic;tiug .fence to tile place of the lll!:GlHl!I.llG UllU of ln1nl 111or e ur less. .,.' /: J. dt, 11 4~~:J R,J, Cl\IWSll/\\~ Renlalc~uJ Public Su~vcyo~ No. u. 7U lWrC!tl 2-/'J-:.c;'-JJIJ/\ l J.: 2.0C.5 -SXHIBIT "11." ~A(;J;; 5 Cf 16 ~11L 0503 PAC£67 4 I • RECORPER'S M5MORANDUM Attllo tfmg o1 ~.1111& J~mentwu foood to tit tnt~qualti for th~ bot pllalogtaph19 raproduot\on ~call$0 cl lllfO(blUty, CNbon or pl!OIO copy dls¢01ofed paper, ate. AU b~, llddll!OllJ and danges W&rl p!"™nt a1 UlQ Um! tile Joatrun'lbnt wu Jlled and 1'8COrclod. I I ( / • .FIFTH TRAC'.1': ALL THl\'L' CEllTJ\IN TH/\CT Olt l:'/\llCf!;l. · C.J!C Ll\111.J l.Yl!IG l\IW uei1ia n. J2 srTu111·11:0 lN uvALIJE couwi-y, 'l'!':Xf\s, ou;J.(lu OU'.r 0.f 'l'lll!: JOlfN SMLTll SUltVEY NO. • DEING MOltE l'ARTICULAHLY ·--- k uc:sc.rnu.r::o BU, /\C HE s or LMIJJ /\USTl\/\CT !W. ltG4, AlW UY llETi;:s l\!W DOUlHJS /\5 roLLO llS I · ·!!£'G•l'NNlNG at a £e1>ce post. on or i1c;.ac Llia lloi:Ll1 l!:asL coruer o[ saitf also beiug u ell COt:ller Utl Ll1e \fosL lit1a or LJIC! 8. T. BUJ:Vey S111ith Sui:voy No. 770; •l , I \~es L TIJENCE Soul11 20°-0U'-UO" 8us1;, ·2734.f17 (C?nt wlLh Lila line ,of sali.I .John S111iLl1 BUt;vey lfo. illJU Ll1e 11110 or said 13., 'l'. Smith S\Jrvey Lio. '?·71J Lo u s cl 111uL11l posL; 1~0 l': u~L 'i'UENCE, SouL!i G9°-3G'-2G" II.est, .JU!i.15 feel Lou ox.i s tl11g fence !Jost 011 oz;- ueur the SouLh lin e uC ::u.i.u J.1. S. l'uy11!! Survey .llo. 187; ffo~.Lll 38°~02'-0.3" Hest, Ztll!tl.U3 feet un, ovei; u11u across saii.J John S1nith Survey llo, 190 •dLh Lite li11e of tl1C?. e.>dst:ing !~11ce to a exisLiuG Ce11ce post u11 oi; 11ellt' U10 llorL!i of saids1.1i:-vey; "j TllBNCE T!l~NC£ •r'l~·r:?llci:es ttoi:-Lb 70°-24'-1.7" Eu,,.t, lz'79. 2 G C1:rrL \l)LJi Lli 11 ll11c c.i[ the e1d.sL!11g fo11cc to Lhe 11lucu 1Jf Liit! Ui!.Ullllli!llJ llliu coutai11l11g !i2.J2 of la11d 11101:e ui: le s s. Z -rs~ (J's__. lJ/118 '&Xff IEI'I' "II " v11L 0503r:.icr675 PAGE 6 o~ 16 .. ( I \ ~ . ,/j .,GB ACIU.l:S .. ·• J..1\f'l@'JI-=! . . .• 1 !:IllTH i•n11.c•J,1 i ALL TllAT C£1\'.l:/\1H 'l'11t\C1' Oii P/\\lCl".I., Ul' L/\lllJ LY lllt: /\llll 1m1uo Sl'L'Ull'lLlJ l:N l.JVA\..lllJ: COUHl"i, '.L'l!:X:/\S, lll!:lMC 3. (ill /\Cilt.:S UL' LllllU 1 UIJT Ul' 'J.111> lL/\. Olt.t.lL/\NU SUl\VEY NO. 191 1 /\llS'l'H/\C'l' IW. 205 1 /\\HJ DElliG MOl\1!: l'All'l'ICULAllLY DC:SCIUBIW llY f'll;;'!'GS /lllU UOU!HJS /\5 fULLOHS: llEGIIHiHW for i:efere11ca nt 1.111 axiflLilllJ (u11C.1:? µus l 011 ·oi: 111;u1t' t\1e 11ortheast 11 corner of tha Jolrn Si11wtll Su~· vey, Hu. 1\10 1 1,.l1e11ce Hoi:th 1 70"Z4 .l.7 IEa~n:., 1467.64 Eaet t.o n11 exisLi11~ rn11c.e post on or 11.iai: the south lillc o.C the W.I\, Gil.lilnu<l Sul."vcy, llo. l\IJ. arn..1 llic Li:uc lOIHT or UKCtNNINGJ THENCE 011, ovei:, am! aci:o:;;s Bilio \Lii. GillllumJ survoy, lfo, l'Jl with Lile li.11e oC Lhi:< "-'x~sLin& ~h·e fuucc Llrn fullu1Jl11~ (!j) n111.l uls t1.1.11ces: • 1! North ~4°05'32" Hest., JOG.81 (ee.t to u [ern:c posL · 2 North 00•14• 11", l.3f1.55 [eet Lu u (011c:e posL Noi:th 25°35 1 lt7 11 J.::nst:., ' (eeL Luu Ce11ce posL 4 l'lol."t.h 05°51'28" West, 135.84 Ceet Lo u [e11ce [JosL 5 South 20°06'47" E:nst., 774.0 :> faeL to u 111cLul !JUllL so.l 011 r,11; 11qta· the south line of said \.././\,' Gill!lun<l Survey, [lo. 1911 3 TllENCI!: South 70°24 17 11 H~~t, 325. 02 fce.L Lu Llio Li:ua L'OUI l' Ol' DEGil'ltUtiG .n11c..I co11Lni11L11r., :J. GU ni:.:r-os u( 111111.J, 111or:u ur lc:ss. 1 '/2J dpµ(~ Z-;s-8 SU/\lE EXHIBIT "A" PJ\.GIE: 7 of lG Rl:CORD.l:f:i'S MEMORANDUM At the lime of ~Jon, thli lntlrum&lll wn fOl#ld Ul bt lnadfqut!R tor the bail phatograp/!lc reproductloo ~ ~ lilosllblilty1 CllrWn or photo copy, dlscoloOO PIPfl", tic. All bJQcl(l>UU, lddltlona !Kid~ WOlll ~at tllQ llrrt<1 the ln•!nllllOl'll WU filed ilOd ~. _, :sECONo·'nouy' au •l'uJ,u 110'rss • :l:MC'I: u. r:rna'.!' 11..3.39' .·:i.o 11c1Gis tf I t Ll\Noi • . "· .'l'R11c·~ r • , . I ' o - ~ .. , ·, ;·· • ' o ;uL t!IA'J.' Cl!:n'f/\l:M 'l:lll\C'l' Oil l'llilCEt, 01' LlllllJ LYUllJ 11\llJ lll:Ulll 6UUhll.lJ IN UV/\J.\Jlt COUH'r'(' 'l'llXJ\S I ui::im; JI>, 6 111:11i;s OU r UP ·rnc UV/IJ.llC COUlll '/ 5CUOCL Lhll\l SUl\Vlt'/ Ho. 43l 1 /\USll\hl!I' II\>. 7JU, lGU /\Clll!S 1 U2:L11U 111.L OF Till:'1 n.a. GILCl\l!:l\S~ SUl\YB'l uu. ZGl, l\U&llfl\<Jr llu. G'.U, 31.2 /\l!lll:U 'Ollr Of. 'l'llE II.A. GlLLtL/\tlll GUl\Y\$'1' II\). J.Vt1, /\US'flll\C'r llu. 2UG, 2)4,1,. ACllE!L.bUT OP' 1:\llt 11.11. O!Ll,I.LlllflJ S\JllVE'/ 11v. lll,1., /1Ut;1lt/\C:r 111). ::w~. i ... J\oti~S'\lU'J.• u1r ·1\\f! \.l&S'L" 1Ji o~ su1w1t.'t WJ. 77U, J.L . .JUtu::r; mua1.t1t\L. t),Hf\1111 11us·r1111c·r rw. 17G:S, Gu.I. /\Cl\l:S uu~· ut· ·111i; u.-r. g11Lu1 sunvcY rm . ~ .. l\U:n:1111cl: tiU. 17UJ. /\rill ::ui. . o /\CllJ:S uur Ul' 11\E t/15-r l UF' Slll\Vl;I 1111 77•J ll.1:. SHl'J'.ll ouarnA1. 01111\tl'Cl;~ l\USllll\l!r 1111. 1702, /\llll lllHtlG llUUG Pilll'rlCUUllL'l l.ltiscttlUEU U'l ll~ll:S /\llll UUUllUll /\S 1;uLLU\IS: UltCittttti\Gf~J; ~;ca rn.uc1' \JJ; Qr;' UO.Ot: \..h\l 'l1J~l11Ul\Qr ~fJChUC o( lhu \I,. l\hct:U1b~ak S~J;VfY tlo .. :i.llJ, llu.111c.u UFJuLh UY"!iS /1 ~11 llc.•11t., /1Yl1U ,.Jl !4.,t, llurth 'llf :,!.!! OU" \lqal 1 Z74~.U\> [cal, SuuLll G!'~!i'211" lladl, :14G~ • 40 [cat. L.o n C.el\ci= pos't un Lhc. uurlh l:i11u u[ au\U Uvultla Co1111ty So;hool Lunu Surveyl llu. 4)J 1 111.a~.!1111. Lltn 11unhuust cvrnct hcc~ill <l~conrilJau u11d thu rua vuirrt ur lic1;l1111l11u1 .. '1'. Lll~ttC1!. Sou\,.\\ oJ.•J.!J 1 ~'2. 11 l!.ua.\., a u u( 2Y11.!i4. CuoL I.Ill, CJ\IU~, aml oo;.ro,.• Jaitl Uvu,to;l., Cuu11t y Sclluul LJ11\I Survay 1 Liu. l1;J) Lu tr' lllOl.P.l lJQSt $t1\.J '1111\liCl! '011, DVllci the f\)ll~nd.113 ! u11l] (IC~OU llia U. I' !ioulll1 S\H'V<l)'1 llv. U/1(1 vo (5)' cuu i:ouo .1nJ lll•it.,111cu111 1) Soulia GU 0 5U'12 11 r:u, t, a meta.l 2)c:~u t~t~!P .LIJ • :;411 l.:ull t, U mal.p.Ji ~l.>d\.. ect.. .. 3 Suulh J7•JU'Q.7" llu• t 1 mc.t al ~oat 11ct. ,, G. Suu\.h 5~•11t1 1 1)~·~ Co!.L , ll) Q.llll )UilL •OL ... 5 t1o~ Lh 69 t~uting uh Lu11uu u( J.l ~7 ll\wl.UJJl;U. or ! g lUllU a. uC .J\J5J.!llt luat J Ll ..i \J iu\0111.,.\• ul '.SJ' .54" t:us t, a f1111oc J.lo~ ~. .27 Ca c t lu a ;t L1J.1.Vl1 J. uul ~u " 1J.1..-u110~ u~ lV II U.l11.J5 luul. lu u HUJ.u7 Cool Lu u 'J ll1'tlCll Ill.Lit Lhll 11~>]Jl.'odo1uto cu• l l 111c u l ~u tu U.'l', Smhll Su,vcr 1 lio. D4G, South UJ SJ. 1 04 11 lro•L, Y2U . 7U (uaL tu un ar.!all1111 ro11<>0 posti 'llll!:llCll 011, vve~l llllU UCt:U•S $uLu U.1, ~11tllh ~urvay, llv, U~~, tlla fallowins ti 11e (~) caU l.'$ C• 011\l 1ll•u1ucc~, 11ltl1 llm ll11c uL Ll1a e.Ki~t..lus u.1a:a Cianoor 0 j,) SotHll 5~ U5'Sr." \lc .. t, u u4•l1111co vC 17 112. !5 !uul LU•'" a~lsting Cauco t•u<tL 7) lluit\.\i U~'\JV 1J/1 11 111.!,l, .1 uat.111 .. c ul a~l.s\.lllll, l.twca 11u~L. /Ul,l~ lul.!.L tu Ull :su•.1.s 1 3) SouLh 48' 1 Host, u 1JlstJ11"u ur 747.U7 ruct \u u11 ~lli .. tillS !~llC-'1 \IOSL. • 4) Hor(h llh'.ZU'Jl" lf<!5\, u uut.111c" ul {211.Ul (uut Lu u11 a~S.l't1.111,1 Cq11co;> t•u•\. . ' 1 5) llorLI~ f1l1'.IJ'l1l" ll<:fl 1 11 i!HL,11.c" of )llo.Uv lc \I \ "":1.~, ,t~~s, 11'0°r~''-1,u•p~~.~; l"" ...,, ... ~1 oJV v a:<i!rtiug 'C<!tlec poaL . ·7} SouLh u2•JY'.5l" L•J u11!, u \ll~\l\11 1-U. o( 'll1L.UU ll•U t. \.lJ '1c.!Gt1 ,1 'lll!1l1fll' I• 1;! (11\ f1'JV.'.J.t f111•L l,.U . 111 ~1'1~1 j:.ihu1 Ctuu•u pu11L~ • U) ::iUu\..h ui.•Ju'!'.io" Uc~\., 0. c..J.u1LJ.l\l.t: ul ..LUlU.t..U luuL LO Ul1 t, 9) Suutlt !i!l.13 1 40' 1, u ~llai,..u1•_11 c.lf J77 .r.,J l •• ••l LU 101 Q:<..i:rtitJG [Qll\JO' JH.1nt. OU Ut HtJJl. lh\I uu •.t 1 luu u l Dlt,11 1' .. \. Ltnl Lh Sucv~y. tto. fJt1G, \.H.~.1.\IS, t.liQ dlU' l Lluu vl lhu u. t. ~1\IJ,.Lh !>utvoy, 1 exl1<ti1111 ferica 1 I'"' Ho. ;,1101, 'lllllllt:t>'Uarlh 1.U'UU 'UIJ" \lc.H, o ~ls\uh~•! o( J\Ju LlJ (cul \lllh lhe DP\ll:t>J1.l111nle cnat llu" af Lhe ll.l. Sunlh ~u,·1 •1 )' , llu, 77•J 1 lu o 111ntal vosL s11t1 i::xurn.:i;:i: "A" PAGI' a of 16 J • r( ;·x11tm:as'o11, av"r ll(<<l •.. e~o"• ,,ufu U.'l'. ~liufyey, \lo, 710, th• 1 ~~1;1.ou;I.u~ tcu (10t c~~i:•~s um.I tli•tA11coa. I ·· i !. 1) Sautll Gl.41'46"'\lo•t,- .. u1Honco ur i" 1 -ti~J.2~11;1N~i::tht.0,•1G'!l.3~t ""•t, :11\U;;a). 'PO•t ••t . liortl1 ;1.~• '.37'.32." i>a:st,~ & dirto11ca oil I 4]411forth ~.L·.S~'37' 1 Hao\, o d.lnu111>u u( •Jn.\;Ul. \JD•!;. 81!fit ; !l) North :Z!!':l.4'4o" \lot, "\Jhtcu1ca ot 1 1\~tal µo•t •<ii:. 6) ltol:\;h Uo•o3 1 a.i ." Eiut, u tJl•lu u c.u ur "'l!Ltnl. PIJ•t •at. . I 3) ":111 .. tal ll'I•~ • • :J(1:JZ.'Zl1 ll!o\ \U ll n. a.11ta.11c.a uc .ir..z:t .. lY re.ta.\. to a .,,.1:. . . 4 75z,70 Coat t'> • 172.71 (oat to lJ 1 1G!!.9l ( u t to II JGU.~Z Ccut tu u 71 tlo>:Lh 47•oz'l.1" t;nit,' u ~hLu n<: • ur 2~!/.U4 CouL tu u ll~•\; tt:r~hl;irn•os•:J3tl Sdt. •, 1 ""t"io~"~~.,~~t~:z.•34•:Ju' l1111tol. lJOSt a .. t, \IOGt, o llhoLou"" uf 14.J.&.l 0 hlOtftl 9) llot:th 72"00 1 2!5" 0 Cl dJ.s-'t.u1100 of 2.!iG .. !.IJ lent l.a a Jla~t,, o. dh Lu ne a oC .:l~. Ci.1 Co<rt to u Caa~ to 11 tlo~th za•u9•4!)" C11~t, 11 •<•l11r. Lii<- m>rlh 111111 ut 1n1\I IJ.•1•. Stui.t\\ 6U.t!."•Y{ Hu~ 77U, ll•lu't t.hia. .-gout(' J.iu~ of thu \I.I\- OLL\..l-lAllll Survey, No. 91, at SOU.OU ,f.,,t lllor oa or law.>f 1 1n nll Gh.57 l!.llel: to • Rl•tnl P<>•t 4'•tl' TllSttC!I 'l'llllllC~ Ho~th G9"!1&'!17" 11,._.t, "u.l.Hu11ca ot 7GS.G:; £eel t11 u "'"tal pos ~ •<Stl 'lllllttC~ ttor;Lh o,;•J.J'U~" )>aH, 11!11.1 t~l. ppa1 1;: .e•tJ ,, u JlsL.i11c.u uC ll.1LJ.V4 !uut tu u ·ruirncl!: North <io•31j•l1S" (1a1t, • dlHU11 <. U ur 11:l11.7l !cui. LV u 11\al"L poo~ lltll: Ult Liii> 010Ull1 •l<lo uf u uU.00 !uut wlUa ruotl "ll•~lllltl 'l'lll.mct wllh Ll11I 1 "••L l..111u uC Lh• ~V lu"L 11ltlu tuq\I uunu,..011t, B1>11l:.h UU"l)3!2.G, Pll3dll(1 lh11 uurlh ll11a u' doid IJ,r., lllLLUJ\lnl Survey 1 No. 191 uud the "*out 1 ll11e of ""ill 11.11. ou.Uui1.1 N,o. 19'1, 113.92 C-.:11l: ta a uoat.ol p<>st •~ti • ' ••.;;;:, survey, 'J:llEHC:E: au 1 av.,:i;l and uccon auiu 11,/\, IJlll.llJilJ' Surv10y , ilu, H4 1 tha tollo11J.11g 11 II• {9) cour•l!a ollll JlsLUl•CaOI . ' • pa$t J..) liai:th ••t. OO'.!ill'2..5"·11ut 1 a \lhtoucu u( !iO;l,v~ (aQt Lull irt~tul 2.) lior~h 31'51 149" 1101.t, u ~lhLllllC~ ur l~ULul \lbat •UL, Jt,,.1,u Cucl Lu ~ • 3) North 15'44'.lU'l Uast 1 u \l1Hn11cu uC 4l0.61 !ont••LV• n• 1~etnl t>o•t s11t. 4} 'Ha•lh !iZ'09'4~" llul 1 u '()hlu11~u u( 17<..~l. Cuu l l<> u motnL voat a.,t·. •SJ 1 HotLl1 .l.\l'!U 1 ZCi" \lqat 1 aervus 60, 50 J.'aat to n mctnl f'll~t so.t. u l>U.UU !uuL rvuiJ Qll~~111c11t1 G), /'lu~lll 11l'li;'o9' J;un, u .. J~~Lu1o~u 1tx1 .. ti11/> f•n<:Q )lost,• I) lfoi:th lii'l.5 1 2.o" \!opt, a . Ulatuucu \.IHttQl l'Dftt acat., U}1Huult .l.ll"Jo'J.~" llG11L 1 11 uL•LU11o>u tul\tal zro.L, !J 1 tlorLh 14•ua'07" \lest o lllstuuco it Qt\ p \l fout\\l U\\ t1u11 nor:t.h l1u0- u r .»-o I tJ U4, nl<IFl<.l11c I.ho uortluHut- cut11ar ho"'"~" 1b•C u~ IJ.7~ Cuut tv au uC 2JV.J7 CuuL lu u u( .l~li.Jl CucL lu u u( 4U~.UZ ll .. A. C~u~ l.V P" m!.UJJ<h.5Us;-Yqy, Uu, ~lu.:n.~;"i.laU1 txllillJ:T "A" Vlll 0503 rAccf378 .PhG8 9 Of 15 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At the time ot TO¢Ol'll«Uan1th~ lll!lrurnoot 1n1 found fo b-& lnad&quale, !Or t~ but iihotogr•phlc 1$od\lclk>n because or llleglbll tty, carbon or pholo COJJy, lllsaolon1d ~ e!c. All bltcl<cul.s, lldcllllotia ood c~ vmre ~lat lt!J I/me tllo lnstriltmnt WH ~ 'flcl r&eomed. :11vr1 .r,;.> _r'-i! •1.1:tq .an nJl"\N •ru•n1 Jn 111\~fl.u ~ r·AC·cr 1'l111111n~una 11:•t:rl\ !JtH.r/,I u nll llll\ ,,, l1 11'\J t';I• fll1111UlO'!'fl .io llO!l ,..~n1LJ:.nt 1C1~111f llDt~llt. f lp:t').l( \lDll•J n 111 r11nn] 11111 tlt\~f 'na 4"t W011•J 'l'nJ1•lft.. n111 1n n111 •111 •11111 \MJ ~l'TCT Hn:i .. ~n.01.ti: 111~n11 immmr. 1 . . n•.11n1 ll '\11 riunnJ 1q1t 11n.Jl 1111 ,,, Q\111tt.J •~ilt' '.l!h'1~•1:w• ••t1 ,lo ·~-~d •ut-c 11 1 1' 11tt" i.n :q fR'C!t Jn ,\ tm 11,•1f' ••tt •ura:t utl,'Jl.TL t\\;'C'U f1,Gt\1Ult. • 11nn1 CA'zrn: 1n 1111nh;i "T~ tt'l>~l ~n '•'l>n•.i n:111 n t1111"\A1:.1'0 C-lt1 )t'\ nu 11 aqi 1p . 1 H. ,01" :in~ ••cU1<t~116 • R.. ~ .. n~"'-• J" n• ~anaan>nn •qt Onro~•I ·~••.a ,,no·, 11~""11 llDlllll\1. ••11 C.<ca.-.:ina t1.dna-:l:o11n 'it."1t OT'P• 1• •UTl tn.:c Arr •t't:r ;1n-.11 ~" n;r. ,•tul •ti1tn1 u ,(11 fll•I 11 1t1 )II Ullfl ntll IU'J t\ '' hlft' r.•1•IJfl'> .. 1lhJT 1111 ,,, 1 POll•J it.:tfft ·n111~•1>e• 1af.'):;t t:?J:,£1'.0C 'tl~hU J\lUilii)'}••d. ·· .... , ' ~a~'' .:u~~;:~ !11d:2~f rri·~:\ ·~" p'gi[.;~:.:~ j.,~~' {\:&~~ ':1,1~"~nirl7.~ . 1 A'.'nl\::tni:; . DJntU~llO "9"1t mti ,'11'' r , .. - ... (.._, I •• • .... .,r,, . tl-~i: ·.ii1 ~·•ftt\~!um .2t1•u :ao t111) n1 nnn•1 -:-,ri~.,1"• .,,,,l ,,. •nn .. ,1, \h r. ' tl"t'\i-'t. :J"J~ 11•.11111"11\ 11 1 \1a.n 11 CC',OO.nL 1\'\:ICllJ :.f!lll::l:tlT. l'\ · ~n111 11 i<'l npl 1111;q 11'1 ,11 -'1'11:1"'::\ - I ·m·S!:::l . SECOND 8 ....97 ACLU~S J c;.--. -· '.l'l\/\C'l': ALl. 'l'HAT c1m'l'11.Ul 'l'l.l/\CT 01~ P/\l\C~!. OF c/\llU LYJ llC /\lllJ' lllUllG SITUA'l,'J.m l:N UVl\LDI! COl,JN'l'Y 'l'EXl\S, u1n. 11u u. ':)? fl<..:IU.>S ur L/\lH.l HEING OUT 01~ 'l'HE: E.s. GLLCLU::ASE sUl\VC:'I No. 261, /\USl'l\/\CT Ho. &z1 , AND BEING MORE Pi\!l.1':CCUl.Aln.Y DESCJ\lill.rn UY METES MW IJUUtHJS /\S fOLLOWS: . ' B!::GXNNHIG at a iron pin found l>y El [am::!! post 011 ur 11u or 1;.he Noi:;t:h \lest c.ornei: of saill :survey 111udd 11t Lha HorLll Hc:H cQa:-11 c: r hereill c.lesci:il>etl; THENCE Norl:.h 7Z"-J.5'-49" a i1:on piu fouml by ~ast, a i.JisLcrnce of 1&72.% reel Lo Cencc pt:>sL 111urki11u Ll1<? Horl11 corner lla.i;ein;ibecl; £\ t=:o~t THENCt;: South 30°-17'-54" \.lest, u 1i.lintu11ca vr C.94.112 feet, tha l.i11a 0£ lho. ex;lstill!> Hiz:c (c;rnce LO u it"Oll lJill (<.JUlllJ by a Ce11ce ~est 1111;u;kiug Lhe South co1:11ei:j THENCE North OS"-26 1 -54" \~asL, u ui s L11m:o of l7.'19.<J\J .Coal with 1..\ia ox:\.sLi11u (011~01 to the plucu o( Llia Ul.!.GJ.llllil!G J.111(.1 cot~taining 1L97 acres of. lam.I more oi.: less. 2-;S--BS- Fii.GE ll of 15 vnL 0500m~680 RECORDER'S Ml:MOAAHOUM At th~ Um11 of r&COl'datlon, lhlt trlltrumWJ! Wit folJod to ~ fnad&quale ror ttio bett pholl>l'rapli/o l'llpl'Oductf011 !/&cal.JM of Jl)eglb!ffly, c.rt>oit or plioto copy, dlwilored !J8!>!!r, otc. All 1>4aol<Qll\J', ~ and chai!Qai \ffie Pf9Hn1 at Ille tlmt the ffll lronlllnl was flied Bild l'BCO!'ded. r / '· I -~~ •32. .- 7 i ACl\li;S r -....._. - · \ . , \ .t TJURb TMC'l'; ALL 'I'lll\"J: CJSl\'l'AtN '.t~lf\,C'J! Oll l'/dlCl::L Ul' L/\IW J.YJ.lit; /\I'll> lll,;ilrn Sl:'i'UA~ED UI UVl\LDE CO\Jli'l.'~, 'l'J.::XAS, IJll:llW .32.71 /\Cltl!;S Cff Ll\IW otJ:r OF TllE lL'r. SMI'l'H SURVEY NO. 64(), /\IJSTl\/ICT 1'10. 1701, f\llll BEING MOR~ PART:tCULl\.l~LY 01.!:SCll,,X.Ul.m IH MC:'J.'ES fllill· lJOUHUS t\S FOLLOllS, BEGIN NINO .st: ~ fence post on or survey; ucrnr Lhe Bost H11e of sail! l'llV:tlCE South 00"-13 ~35 11 lfost, 1117.~l feel Lou poiut 111urki1rg the most: SoutlieJ:"ly South East cor11ec: or 1rniu survey; 1 THENCE: South 83"-115'-02 1' \./ est, ZU!J,Gf1 (t!OL 011 ui: ucwt: Ll1C?. ~out.h liuc. of saiU ~ur:veyLo u existl11g (a11cc posl.; 'rUENCJ;: oa, ovet: n11d .across · su:i.l.I survey with L11a l.i11e. uC tile. wii:c fe11ca t:l1e follo1-1i11t; Lln:ue (;J) coursas uml distances: ')..~••• Norllh 50°-15'--48" ~nst, 7l17.U7 fol.!L 2 3 Luu cxlaL11q; Cc:nc:.c punl South !19°-09'-.311" l::t1sl.., 7tll.2!i l'.ccL Lou cxisLl11g Cance post t'lol;'th 5& -05 1 ~5G" l!;ns~·, 17l11.lS !:eel lo Lhe ploc;.a of 0 the BEGUllHHG aud colltaiufng 32.. 71 ocl."cs o( lun<.l lllol'e or luuu, R. J. CRENSll1\\l Registered Public Surveyor No. 2GOS l.J/\'t c; EXHIB!T ''A" VOL 0503rAct681 Pl!.!!<E 12 ot. 15 f !lurv~y'. lll\-l/.9-U~ l\evisiou 2.-10-U:i .. c:· ·- ~ G.20 ACl\ES FOOA'l'H TR/\C'J.': ALL THAT cmtTAIN TRACT OR PAl\C~L OF LflllU Vil.HG l\IW ,.SJ.'l'~/l'l'l.W IN UVALDE COUNT¥ TEXAS IJEitlO 6. 20 /\Gl\ES (Ji' L/\IW' uu r u~ !!II~ n.T. SNITH suuv~.f. No •. e1i6, J\US'l'Mc·i· 110. 1101, AIW u~ll'lG 11ut1c PAR'.I'ICULAHLY OESCIUBI!:O J3Y MJ.:;TES AlilJ UQUliDS J\S FO~LO~IS :. If ------- IlEINNil'IG nl: ·------- 11 ___ ,_ .,.,. .. metal post set ou or ue.ui; the s.ouLln11>sL D.T. S111ith Survey, Ho, Survey 1 No. 770 046 1 beill!:\· l!ll Lho easL line o( c.or11<it: of Lila tclia 11.'J.'. S111lLl1 TllENCE l'lo1:th 20"00 1 00 11, :17B.5U feel 1-1iLh the. co111111011 li11e witll tha n.fore111entione.d surveys to a 111etal µost. set i11 tlt!l' existiug, wire fence; . 'l'llENCE 011, oval;', a11P, acJ:;"oss saicl ll.'l'. S111ll.IJ Suney, \lo. U46 11ll11 the line of the existing .t:ence the following !ive (5) courses 011d distances: 1 l! Noi;th 59°23 46" Ens\: 1 t;;7.G3 Caet Lu u11 c;ds1..i11g [e11cc vosL 2 Nortll 82°36' ~ 11 East, 1070.60 (eul.. Lo 011 ~xisti11g (e1,1c.e posL 3 4 Horth 52°39'52" East, 499.52 Cee\.. Lu 9 South G7 JG 1 i6 11 ~ost, 242..Ua (eel. tu 5 South 44°13'41" East, 374.0G feel. tu being 011 or 11ear the south line o[ suit.I 'l'llENCE Noi:Lll U4°UU'54" Wesl, u11 oxi~ai11g u11 existing Ccuce µosL (c11cc vosl.. n11 existi11a Ce11ce post U.'1'. Smi\.IL $urvc)', llu. l.lf.C, 22Gt!.\IG (eat. Lo L11e l'Li\CI.': Ut" IJC:rJ1tlt!LllU containing G.20 acres of land, mo ce or less. PJ~L/t.v~ R.J. CRE!iSll/\H Registeretl Public SuJ:;"veyor No. ?-l:T~/)'SU/\ rn 2065 'EXHIBIT "ll." PAGE 13 0£ 16 VOL 050J tAGC 682 RECORDER'S Mi:;MORANOUM At ltMI lime of rtCQrdaUoo, tlilll\llT'it!rt wuioul\d to be lnadtquttt for tho best pholOlll'Jiflhlc reptod uollol1 bfeaUJt of lll~lblllty, CMt>on or photo copy, dlacolor&d paper, otc. All bltel(out1, tddlt!ons Md cllllnges Wfl't Pl'™ rrt nt ~ tlme the lns!M'J)e!ll WU ft~ and l'&Cll~. ' l 1 -··J'l!i~ ' ,) (". 4'., 70' .ACllli:S • l"..!ll'TH Tll.A.CT I AL):. Tll/\'t Cl!:U'J.'J\Il'I 1.'Ui\C'l' Oil l'.f1llCli:J.. OL~ l.MIU LYIIW MIU JJJ.r.ll'W Sl:'.1.'lJA'J.'£0 l.N UVl\Lllli: COUN'l"l 'J.'EXAS, UE:llH; 4, 7!.l /\Glli!;S Ol:' Lt.HO OU'l.' OF 'IH~ 1LJl.:. & 1-l.T. R . I!, SUl\Vl!:Y l'IO. 1041, /\US'l'llAC'l.' liO. 1312 1 NDllE PARTICULARLY DESCHIIJl!;I> UY MUTES /llW IJOUHi.lS /l.S AND DEING FOLLOWS: ..._...... ' - BEGINNING tor re!ereuce at a Ce11ce ou or ueni: the Moi::t:.ll East coi:ner o{ the W, /\l1>::1rnbeck Sui·vey Ho. 539, tho11ca South • 6.:ZB:3'1'lZ J:'eet, South 48v-5.3'·lli 11 HcsL, 109J,()l .Ceet an<l SouLh lD"-58'-17" Bast, 299,69 feet l.:o a feuc.e post mark.irig ·tha most Nonharly point. hereiu begi11ni.11g; · · desci:ilied nntl tlie l:,1;ue voint o( 'J:llENCE South 3Jd-49'-1..l" East, 727.9U feet wiLlt tlie line o[ the ll.X:i.s ti.11g w.ii:e fem;.f1!, 011, over a11<l ocr<Js11 suHJ II. t:;, &: IL · 'l'. l\.ll. Sur::vey No, 1041 Lil o exJ.i:LillJ.t f .011cu {H.1t1\.; Tll~t'ICE 011 oves; auu ncross sa:llJ survey Sout.ii .!.lG 0 -0!i ' -.Su" Hest 1 .5G2.G9 feet llith the li11e of Lile cxisLi11a wic:c fottc:e ll!.111~ post, 1 011 1 or 11~u1· Lliu l!:ast li11a uf. t..lie U. ~ u Sm.i.l;h Sui:v~yCe11ce tio, 134GJ 'L'. 1 'i . THENCE ldlh t.h1.1 EosL li11e of Survey l/orLh UJ 0 -.Ji'-O.Z" East, ~no. 70 faet to the ti=ue plllcc uC Lite UZ::GllllllJIG ~ml contai11i11g 4. 70 llcres pf lend mui:e or less. :?-/J--c:5's-- n • .J. c1u::11s111111 Registe~ed Public Surveyor . No. 2065 ~ IJJ\'L'8 ...... ~-\1'-:Y:~}?,t;,, ~\ '::f,,•' ... ..,""([ ,, • •• "· . •,\JI ···~h:·r 'ciierisii~{~ ·~, ..... ,.,,..,,,,.,. -i:·._ ~.~v· 2UCi5 ..... \..-". ' ..~r o .. • <5'< '•,";I 1' t ~~·;....\,O 1 0"5~ BXHIB.I'r "A" ..... P>.GE 14 o! 16 ~i\l 0503 rAGt68'.J I. /.l ' '\ • 1'·1eLLJ llO'J.'l!:S .· '~'U/\C'!' 0 1"lll8'l' 'l'lll\C'l'1 -.. ......1 ~~--::I .. '"" ~~( \•j • '· •, .,. r 1icrms l11s. oo •o /\LL ·.rllA'.L' ct=:ll'i'Al.H 'J:l1Aa·c Ul\ l'l\\ICt;l, Uli' 1./\1111 l.'illl!! 111111 IJl!lll!! &l'!Ul\'U:U Itl U'll\LUE C\JUli'~'l, 'l'EK/\S, utnuc; /\LL UI' 'Liil> 1/, l\lllll!:llulWK SlJllVC:'i 110. !JJ 'J, l\US'.l!ltfl(rl! HD. 735, COtlSlS'rl:lHl 01' no 1\1.:l\l':S, 57!l.3 J\Gl\'LW uu·.i: u~ 'Ill\; ll.'J.'. s~srru SlJUVl!:'l HO. llCl6, l\US'J.l\/\C I' lill. ;l.7Ul, 125.4 1WltllS OUT ur ·1111: UV/\l.01': COUl:!'J.'I( scuoor,. ),,(\tll) SUllVI>'( JIU. 4J3, /\U:.l'l'lll\C l' llU. 731), 1511.:1 111,1q !JJ::I({G /\1..1.. Of 'XIII!: S.\l, ~of SUl\Vl:'i tlO. !J'i.4, llllS'l'l\l\CT llU. l\j'JJ, ll\IU lll:lll MOl\E: PAl\TICULAl\L'i DESC1t!ll1W UY rn;n;;s /\llU UUUllU5 l\S l'OJ,1..UllS; :-".-:~j .. '~~ J~:· 0 0 ··...... '.r• ,. ::, ,. -,'• .,f-!JiciiiWI11ci~~-,~;;~~-;.~·~J:-~JllUl," "· \J, l\ln:eul>eck Suc:vey t ' •• ... dasci:ibacJ l I ··1 'iI lhu uucllll!USL ti( ~ho Ho. SJ\1 1 111n .- ki11B lllll tll)rtlo1w.i:t coruor llerul.11 CUt:Jl()J; 'l'll~liCJ!: 'sr.iuLh 1tl.~h Lllo •UIS\: li11u or .ruHJ /\l1ru11uack Surv11y, IJJIU U1l1 e~ilrting Wice. f•llC•r pnsll-illg; Lh11 5UULhauilL <IOfllUI'" or IJull.J t\lll:GllUU.,,.h S\li::V":i• t..t 37JJ.'Z3 C~<it eXLatillU .Cenco pos~, S111iLh Sv..-vey 1 Ho. TllEl'ICI! Suut.h 4u•s3 U4~J 1 :i.~ 11 Lc11>• 1 i11 11LL C.7UJ.12 Cc<:t. Lu 1111 vui11t ucl11~ u11 Lhu uust line or iiulu u.·r. uior::a or:: 11ulu • • Hest, u Uislu 11c Q u[ lU\IJ,UJ. [uuL, uu, ovar:, u11J · oci:oss sni<l U.'1". S111.ltll Survey, 11lll1 l11u ll11e u( the o>:J.1ai11u •lltL• '.Ce11ce Lo o Ce11ce pololt., mp.r;l<,l.11~ Lhu uru sl svulhcrly cuC11Qi: 111 Lilu hu • '"" tract oC la11J1 d~scribad '.Llll:t-H;ti un , ovai: 0111.l naru:n suiJ U.'l' . S111lLl1Su1:vuy fol..lo11.l.111! !ivs (5) coui::s;ea uml ulnu11cau; ll 2. .. ... .'.) 4 .5 1 llu, IJl\G Lllll- I Suul.h u9•:;J'.!ll1" llu$l. 1 'Tu .J ls LUlll!<1 uC 1CiUJ.U7 (UUL L\I u 111atuJ. 11usL nuL Ho~l.l1 :59°44 1 4!l 11 \l .. 11t 1 n <li11tu11c,. uC 83R.]~ [uat Lu u mntul punt •Ql 1 Horth :J7".J0 47" ·111ist 1 o Ji11 tnuoo or JU!iJ,!Jl1 ruut tu o mot11I puut •ll•t tloi:th c;s•11i•s11 11, 1.1 JitstUlJCU o( '.lllJJ ,\)Ii fuoL Lv U 111<1Llll \IU!IL 1:1!l Nocth GO"!'Hf 1 l.7 11 llo.tJL• ~ dJ.,,- tUllCI! oC izi:.1. 27 raat lo n ~•uln.L 11u,;t aul Tl\EliCE liortll Ol".35 1 52" \/est'1 pni;slnu th~ 11outl1 11110 vr 1rnl1I Uv11L1! 1• Cou11ly Schou). 1.1111<1 SuL·vuy 1 llu. i1~J 11 ·lll11L1111i:11 ul 7UU.UU Lout rnu~u UL lo:su. ;l.11 all 'l..~71.!i4 hu11 11111 Luu11u 111 lhl! 1!.X.i:;Ll.111~ Cun<:u, Sui:vuy, llu. t.JJ, 11oi:l,\111ast cor11ei: hui:cil11 tlu1a:dliuJ1 · runt Lu Ull ou Ll1e. 11orll1 liue o( :;uiu Uvalde Cvu11L)' Scl1uul l.u11J niatk.ilig the 'l'lllWl:~ llur:tll 6J.'!i!i 1 Z4" ~1:11;t 1 o ldJ.sLu11co;:. uC !l1(1\) , l1U It!ul \ll th lliu line of t.he exlstillg 11ire (etlc{,1 Lo u Cu111:L• p•1ut Loul11i.: uu tl1u 11uutl1 l;l.1111 r.i( n 1.>uu111lua:y uurou111u11t ui; n ic unlu<l 111 Vul. 7J, I' ll• ~IJ, Uuu<J lleco~us Uvultle Gou11ty, 'l'c~aii, su1J pulnL Lul111: un llit? 11u~Ll1 l111u illlll:Lll Llesci:ibeiJ, Oil O.t: !leur the 1110.St uf ~lllU i\,LJ. 1..U t: U !j1l1 '11'1 • ll US lO\'l)' lilll! No. 924; ur '!'lll:'.H\.!J;.SouLh 71,•:.i:1•uu 11 ~usL, 0 Lll n l1:111cu ~711V.IJU . [oul, Ull 11uu~. am! ,aci:uss sol.LI l\,U,Luce Sui:voy 1 1111, IJ2•1, 111 tli tl1u ll.11" uf ll11.1 e:-..l.sll.11~ 11lc11 Cu11c.u tu u Cu11cu 11uul1 'llll::llCJ:: lloi:Lh U\J"!i~ 1 4!l 11 l;usl, l'llSUllll' lliu llUI lillll! U l LU~IJl'I 1il i;o1Jtl 11. 1\ht:e11ueck Suna)'i nt lZVU.\JV 111uLv u1 lull~, 111 nil ,,~1 1 \J • .Jl [(llH 11iLlt llio ll11a u( the elllsLltJ!! 11ln1 (l!111.. u Lu Lliu l'Lfl(.!I; U\' UJZ(;tlillillG 11\IU co11tul11lt1(1 1.J.7.'.i,UV Ut.:1:\15 u( l1111d 1 lllUL 1! u~ Juus. ru"'r 0 £l J do1rtt't.c,,;} IL .J e1umsl11\H ·?·/J-·c.'.i'J--- 1 ttecl~Lece~ Ho. 20G.'.i Public 5ucvcyqc U1Y! t: _.,.:---,_ .~ ... ,,. fll" / "'-• 1- ~ ....,.•• •• 1°1 ' \ /11;c ...~ ......:i~. ~.····~~)7 ··!·.~.J· 1 ll • f'JltlU'JI A•,•t 1 ~X H lBIT MA" ~ol050'Jmt684: PAGE 15 of 16 RECOl10ER'S MEMORANDUM Al the tkrie of rtc:o!'dtlloo, lhl5 klstt1JIT)tllt Wit filOOd to ~ lnadlquate for lhe but pholographlc ~pro<luctton btcauu ot l~bK!ty. oatbOl'I or photo copy, dtscolorod papor, tw. All IXfclcouta, llddftloot iil(l chflog;• were pmenhl tllo 1me the fn1truJT1011 t Wll.!l 111ed tnd rerot~. ., .. l\UV .1.LlJ.Ull /../ ~IJ/ y,; '• 'J.'lU\C'J,'1 i\LL'l:llA'.L' CEll'.l.'/\IN •.t:lll\C'l' OH 111\llC!!:L Ott' L/\!W L'i l.llU i\llU UI~ Liit.:' s 1·i:u11.·1·~u U! UVALD~ COUW.l"{,. 'J.'IJ;MS URIHG 4.75 l\Clrn:;; Ul' Ll'lllU OUT m· 'J.'llE B. T. SM!'l.'ll suuvc;y tiO. IJ4 6, l\IJSTMC'r NO' .l 701, flllll UJWIG ['l(Jltf!: I'AR.TICULAlU.. Y OESCLtXJ.rno UY He"ms AND JJOUNUS /IS FOLLOWS: . ................ l}EGINNING for refei:ence at a fe11ce vost 011 or near- the No~th East corner of the W. Ahreubeck Sucvey No, 53YJ THENCE SouLh G78.3 • .l1. foe!: \i it.h Lin? ll11a oJ: Ll1~ wi.-i:e. fent:.a to e. exieotiug fence'posl: 11w1:ki11g Llie 1-!orLh corner here;l,.n desc.ribad bca.!ng on or !leur tile l::ast line of soiil D. T. Sui:\'ny t'l<:i. ~ 646; THI!:NCE South 502..81 feat. t.o the SouLh COJ;lleJ; hE1rei11 desox:-ibed bl!ing au ox:- nen.r the ell corllet' Oil suiil U. 'l'. 5Jll1tlt Su>::vey No. S4G ~ast li11a1 THENCE South 75a_17 1 ..,J.1" !/est, 852.04 feet Lon exisl.iug .Eetis~ .,J>os .............. , ~ t; 'rllll:NCC: l'lot'tll i 4U -SJ'wlu~. l!:aat, 1U9J.U1 [eeL 1 011, over-v\ 0 B. T. Sinith Survey l'lo. 84G ttitll tile line of tltu existiog Hire fatrcQ to thQ pluce ol! tl10 Ul::CJ.lHl11JC:: t111J c o11tub1.l.ll1J '•· 7'J ac.ras of land 111ore 01; lass. n • .J. cu1ms1t/\W Registereu P~blic Su ~ veyo~ No. 2065 Ul\'1'~ llX HI BI'l' "A" PAGE 16 o~ 16 . \ EXHIBIT B - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4 .' :( \ J . t; • n1 0 OrFICf 2/ll FAX2i8 r> l.l n 1' E N s E N ..:::t-=-===· ====··:;:...· - .. :.:.: ;.. ·.:.7.-.·. :-:.-·.:;·=:::.._;:::::========= 3~45 S STA't't Ol' !l.'1!){.\!I S CQUNT~ OT UVALDB 9~91 no.x 111 5 15 SEPT!:lfl!ER 199J (JV/\lllc. 11 >1119 70002 Piald a •urvgy Note~,.Q,~ na~~ 14 BRptsMbQr l9~J. 11aln9 JO.l.31 acre.11 at land lying partly in SUl:Vay wm. A. Gillil•nd, original a:rant••• Abwtr•at 208 1 11nd tlo. l.111, ~lll:'tlX in 11urv•y !lo. 194, HlJI, 1,. Gillil.ani.i 1 ori111n11l n1:a1tt••r hb•t::rllat 205, uvald• county, T•X••, 1111 or that aortain JG2.~5 ~cr•ll d••o~ib«d aft thr•e traat• in aspa:•.::.10.l lfAC':t"ATit'.! bD"d .fi:o• Sou.tin.,.••t rtie..x-.w J1u:1i= Col.l•9" to llhit•cl.iL'L' · Developll\ant Corporation on l. H~roh ippJ IUld reoord•d in voiums J2~, p11g... 42 •t ••~· ot th• p,..,d R•oordSI dnuod.b.od by oL' County, l1v.11J.d:Cl "''"t:"• itnd bounds a• ~o• oo• fro~ nall """r South B2l6.96 Be~inning cedar hou"'" l.yin<;I this Point of fe~t ~re~ at tha ttnd lllP:t"ll particularly !Ollo"1• (the buringw •hoim Te><llD, ll-" North •aridian ol:>tlerv~d at a 60d ge.odetia W1u.t 6635.96 .reet. «nCI d~oliriata ~a•t ~/$-inch Baginn~ng): iron rabar tound u~ a iuon•• PY s-ino~ tll• original s~ an~ oouthnoft. ocrnar ct nid Jll2,'-4!i acra11 and th• B!: al'ld ea•t)lo•I:: cornar of that cert•ln 326.70 acr•~ t•t11J•d A, P, Hop. ~r~ot and <le~cd».d in Warranty tJa•d !):'ORI o, c. llwnil•racn •t ux to Sheppard'•, xno., on ~e September 19~B and record•d unQ~ Clerk IJ!C Pila No. 60959 in the Daftd Record11 err Uv!r.ld• cou11t:y, Tax•u•, troio. \rhioh th,;_ nnr)c.<1d 1<itn11s:9 llv• onke ara 11till in plac .. , and ths orio;rlnal 6W oorn&r of sui;vay !lo, l?1 at Nu'9c•• River ~•ars S 70' 14' 13" W 6702.Gl ra~t1 l-~ay fono~ co~nar pc~t ~11rkin9 H 19• 13 1 5&~ ~ •lon~ th• old Hop• tence 1797.11 t••t to tha c•ntor oC the &-inoh o•dor.l-wny tenca corner po~t found in SE ri~ht~of-~ay ot that cMrt:ain 6.Ja a~r•• d••oribad 1n Quit ClaiM Oeed from Su9arl11nd IndU•t:rie•.J. rnc:., to Hope Witt on 11 October l9&D and reeordad 111 Volu•• 1'1:1. 1 7Jl ot ••id THEHC~ Deed Rt:lcordll/ 1"Hl'INC& N 18. 58' lJ" I/ IHl\"OIU• gat• l'ltld !s•t to th• canter ot 4-inoh nto•~ p!p• TllEHCf: N i!I• padafog undei; ehOUlJlbo~Lng 3~1<ftY t•nc• J;'Dlldl!ay H .. ~6 aornar Po•t/ az• 4g 11 W<J along nlll old llopa .t:enC*, enou111bariti1t olaotrlo power linQ, at 7:1.46 1'-t paselng 3/~-inch ate•l sta~a found up 6 inahe• marking St cornar o~ Tract l of a $ubdiv1sion c' J2~.10 acr~u d•Qcrib~d in General ll11rra11ty DQ•d from O. c. Hondar11on ;it ux to Sl111pperd'•• I110,, on 111 llt,,ptellll>or 1!>58 !ll)d r .. oord•d under Chrk' a Vil" . tlo. E;Rll59 in said Deed Records, at &78.17 f•et paa~in)I H boundary of nui;vey No. 191, nn1< in . survey ~o. l94 at l1B9,Q7 !•et p•s~in9 th• J/+-lnch •t••l •'G&ke tound up J lnch•• by 6-lnob c•da .. :i-vay Cance corn~r po~h, (o~lo;rinal ~~~k•d cedar •till in plbc•), tro• 1.1hich a 30-lnoh liv• oak b•nr• s 90• W 15 taat and a 2B•inc:.h liv• •o• ba~rs N E vit~ t~hc• 15 r~et, and oontinuln9 a total of l~OJ . 81 !e•~ to edge of hlu!! ovor oprlnq branch ot »uo.o•• niverf oak '!'llllNC!l upst>;ea11 o.lon9 llG fOllOL/&I If 45• 07' '1pring branch; ~ bank o.f llui:>oo!I Rlv<&r- 1 with it11 1uand•rd, li9" E l75.06 raat to on9lopoint atop ou\;1>11.nk o.f EXHIBIT 11 11 Jl P11qe. l o! J VilL 0503 rAGI 686 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At lllf Urot ot~Uon, tl111 lnstr00llo1~ le~ to b& lnlldtquatc for the bttl pholOllr•phlc repro®ctlo!l ~ oi n~. camon or plKM copy, d!icolo;td Pill>"• elc. All blacl<out!, ll!kllt!Qnf IOd chin~ wm pre60l'll ti \flO Umttbe lnr.11iJtrM"I( W14 llktd ~ tecofel&d, ---1 r1 r{ ,. I ,'ff\. .L t • 11 .(~• 2~' l5M K 113.116 fce.t to 1mglt1point outbanlc• o spring bl'anchr 11 :zs• 331 00• 1 z: lSl.69 hat to center o! 2D-inch ptioal\ (m11 fall. ..n) l N .4D• 15' 46" E l!S7.1~ ;t'""t t<> cont•r oi: 6-inoh o•d•l anglepout in axiatin~ tanoa; II •o• !Sl' 45w ~ 3al.BB teat to Anqlepolnt1 N i1• 31.' 20" JJ:, ~e1101mding high btsnl<: to a ya a111or• botto•. pa••ing 11outh ot lSlucne:r ~e11)1 1137 .1.4 i: .... t to c11rit11r oi: t)O:lpl• dyo~~or• on ~Jver ~anJc, al1 1.~-inoh; 1ina ti ':nl• 371 33M w :JH.6• fut to tht1 ID1 corner. ol survny ~p. 194 and t.n• SK oornar at survey No. lP~, on out:.bahkJ I TUlnlCR u 70• 1.6' l~~ ~along and adjoining th• ooll'tl<lon boundal:}''al survey ~o~. 1~4 and 196 1 &t n2.0a te"t ~a•ain~ a 3/4-incb at~eJ .tak" :tound up 6 inchu 1n roc}i; lJlouncI with oac\1<r otaka 1,1p :z t at i.nd l\\1>l:k-4 11 11\'I l.9 5" 1 ~t .(60 t•o.t !lc\('$.nlj •pr ih<jl l>:c11n )1, kt de7.oo !••t pa••in9 3/4-inch iron r•bar found up 3 inoll••;bA !!-inch 011d11r 3-w&y tanca cor1U1.r po•t !o\Hld !Mr)Cing th• SW eauth~o•t oorn•r ot that o•rtAin aJ6 aor111 d••arib•d in ooad !~QK Y. c, SR1t4, Sr,, at ux to wa1a11n F. Landon, at u~ and r110-0rd*ll in Vo1UX1• i:i:>, p11g1>a l.26 at B&q. o! •11id P•ad RDocra., and now to l111!t ot •narc•ch~ng tenoo and !lt;lro., enou1ab•ring road tr11c>; 11 totd a! 1219 .16 to th• 3}.&-ipch ateel •tak• tound u~ ~ inch•~ in ~ound of 17 riviu: •ton•• by •aid ro11d tr11ok, tha NW and W•et~o>St oornRr ot that cartain 1ao aQre• deBcrilad in Warranty Daad trc• ~. V. ~. Covey to P. R, n11i:t on a t!4y lQlt!I •mt ro.a.ordad in Voluro." u, p1,9a.a !lDG-7 ot •l<id Pead 1\acord•, thg tt~ and nor1:h~o•t ocrn•r o! thiD d••orib«d lana (or191nal oeda~ belU'inr;i tr••11 doatroy•d)1 . rm I THBNCE s 19' 16' 59w ~ alon9 and adjo!n!n~ ~ boun~ary ot said 100 acres, "t 29.llti t••t 1>11a1d.n<;1 15.90 tant la!t or: th• o"nt•r of oocupiod and • 12-inch trnat11d-pino 3-vay t•nc• c:ornor po111>, no>t .:rc.,•in;r JS•id b1uchGr Cr•~, "t llll.l? teat pa11wirag c~nter oC s-inoh cedar a-way t•nce oorn•r peat on n19h B bank. oC orwek.l. th• OCO\lpi•d ~ ... tioo•t corQ•~ or that cartain 125C.04 d••or bl!!d in warranty Deed !ro- T. L. 'Hhitl11y et al to Prot•••ional <;$ophy•ics, lnc,, 11t al ora 9 A~ril 19~7 ond record-4 ln Vol.UJO« 27f, par;iaa 77 111t •11r;i. of nif! O.ed 1t11aorl•, And continuin9 no" 'llith W t•noad boundary <>!! tn<id :i.:iso.04 ao)::•.11 a tot111 o;C 1751.17 to•t to tho :J/•-inch .11teol 11takcs to\lnt\ 'Ill;! ,, inch•• near ~-incn o~d~r :i-w•Y !~noa corn~r PP11t ~n orlgin~l 1 1fW ri9ht~ot-~ay o! that cartain 6.28 aor•• described in quit cbilol bMd troll! Su911l:'li.nd Xnd1iatriu, Inc., tCJ llop• 1 OTl U October 1968 and r•oord"tl in Volume in, pag• 7JJ c.C •~id •er•• J D•ed R~oorc1.IJ/ T.ll~WC~ S 19' 201 ll" 2 11crooa tarainu~ o! 011id 6,28 acre•, 11g&in paaaitlg enounbftl:in~ aleotrio power iin• and rcndw11y, lOG.JP t~•t to 'J/4-inoh ateel steka tound .ip G inohu Jlllrking .l.t• •ub\{>•t oorn~r, trom vhich th• original Btt oorn~r of •aid J ; V.~. Coy•y 100 &ere• Dallr111 Ir ia• :.11 1 -40" if l,0.~9 rut (liit11an ....q;uifow in I t-ight-oi:~11ay) 1 continuing elonq 1>nd adjoinin9 the aaid bourtdai:y /ot l~~o.o~ aorca, os tollbv~t 8 19' 26' 17" 3 vith tenoe l•0.76 t:••t to the c:.nt•r of s1nch o ..a-.r Z-w~y '""'"' aorne1: po Gt Ii ran pin>~-. !J••troy•d) , 1 in coinnon bo~nd1try ot surv~r No•, 191 bnd 19~· H 10• ;i;a• 37" l!l w th tanca, 11<;1ain into survsy .Ho .. l9l, 2JJJ.~7 feet to thtl! oont•r o! 6~iraoh cedar 4-vay .Cena• corn•r po~t !9und ~~rkill<;I it~ int9l:'ior corner, tro• vhioh th• oant.-r o! 7-inah oadar 2-WdY C~nca c-orncr FD•t a t NK corner ot rial~ ~Al:• ~HEHc~ hge 2 o.C J llXliIBl'J: 11.11" ~·1L 0503 r.1.c r681 1¥/.! RECORDER'S MEMOAAN,DUM At the lime of recordlllon, lhll h14humtnt wN 1oood to be Inadequate lar lh~ photographic roproducllon ~te of 11\tj)lbl\lly, CMboo Qf p!lOto copy, ii~ 1l4lP'tt', dtc. All blilckook. flddltlons l!Xi~ .,...fe pm11nt Ill the Um& l!Jo ln\ltt1Jmeol wa. fll,,d 1nd recorded *t ., :~ 11 B• 371 i~" w 624. 66 1'.nd. S 1s>• lfl.' ~-inoh O~" .· tMt., and the ot:i~in&.l SE .aornor ot .aid ).OO et.Orea l:laarlJ Ii " ' witn•'"" 10••<;1.uita• da•t1'oyad.J ; CcV•Y ·" \ -,;, 33' w~tl> l!CI" teno•, lf l.DSl.;U .Ctllllt {OJ;"1q1nlll . at: l.P7o.97 teat: paaaµ,g ¢entar o~ c•dar an~l•po1t, now oros11.;l.hg •nc~i"9 roGd~ay at ~i0(.03 .C••t P•"•ing ll.66 l•at l•ft of canter or• 20w inch liv• olllc in anoroa;ohihg- fanc11, and cont.l.nuing' noy Ql:o••1n<J rmd rlloroac;!.!111 ravin• 11. total ot 27:1.6.U f .. t ti;i tb• 3/4-inch •t•el •t~~e"toun<t up l~ inchas in rock ~oun~ xada st 8 boundai:y or a•.u:v•y No. l.9l toi: Bll 11nd eutJ'JICJllt 9omi•r or t:lli• d.aor!Daa 1and, tron whioh th• interior oorn•r ot •aid 1250.04 aorea bear• s u• s1• D:l" E 30.15 feet, and the 0111nt~ ot ISH;l.nah t:tld!lr anglup<>at in new tehoa baara s g• 39' 57" W l2.l0 taet1 TllEl!CJ: S "/O' :I.(• :1.3 11 1-1, alonq e.nd 11djo!ning th11 oolUlon b01U1il•ry ot. surv•Y Noa. 1SIC> •nd a1, u1eu1ctin'l hill 1 at 204.10 l:•at: o~oo.•lng aaid •naun.tarln~ roadWAY ,9,13 t••t ri9ht o:C ~nt.r ot &-ln<:m 11t11•l l:>i1)$ co.mttq" \'.IO•t ot: bUltl)? q~t., lit ,33,;i~ · :!:•llt P•••inq ••1d •no~o-ohi~g feno• at a point lying N 4o• 33 1 42• ~ lD.~6 Z••t f~a~ th• 20d nail fouhd up ~(2-inah at aacupied 6-lnoh c•tlar 3-l<ay .t•no• CQJ:'mu: )?o»l: by a-inch oailar tr••• at •~"4. &:Z ' J:••t pH11in9 ;is. Sil 'f'••t right at 5-inoh o•<lar rant:a ~·t atop hill, nov duoandin!;I a.I: l:Z95.!IJ J:eo.t pa•tcing 10~99 c1.. t ri9lil;. c:C .. ,1 • aorn•r ot 1.250,04 nor6a, oontinuinq tJOll ov•r •noth•:r hill,:!·•~ •t ~370.:1.5 teat paaaing 5.~6 (e•t right ot t.enoe peat in ocaupiad 1 •!t .bo1.1ndary, 1rnd continuing de11oitnc1in9' hill It totAl at OU.Bl tHt •; 1 to the :Point or ll•i;iinnlng, oonatituting JOl,31 aor•• oi .lurid ·" 11! thi11 th• dQ11cr.l,bed boundary, beinl( 3 Ol, 7!S •=••' / in.1 1),~ Sur;>ey No. 19l ~n4 78.5~ sores in survay No, 194 1 with 3.76 Gere• : ) t'encs •naroaoh•ant and endumbaring rolldWAY upon it at S~ corner, i t'ance 8l1Cro11cl1111ant along t1t1st northcr1y boundary all rt<!ted, , elaotric d.1l11:ributi11n lin11 and roadi.IAY oroll11r.in11 a:nd entl~lt'intl 11.lonq and through i;, 28 aorG~ as 11oud, anti. not lnol~i;ling' G.~~ aor11s in ceid cQnllioting i2S0.01 acr•• dand alo ~ H, boundacy, ...,.ith no vl11ible an1<n~•nta, ~ncroaclun•nta, other than tb.o•• .herein notei;I, ' or •Xc.oqi ionll It is clll:ti!i•d th•t th• torJ9oin11 doscription' 1t.l:taoh"d w•r• pr«p•red tx:'orn •n 1<ot.l.!•l. aurv•y ••d• on und'>r 7l'f' aupu·v.llllon, and tll"'t the JJU\Q ar• tJ:Ua' aorract. qrounCI, EXlllBIT Paqe l 11 .l!" o' 3 v11L 050a f..1cr688 EXHIBIT C - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 5 B'Z'l\U or <:!!X>.O COID!l'r or UVALOJ!; J rI~~o l\Qt~• TO D~6t:.lll»5 A 20U,P Ao~• ~r&c~ o! liu>~. •itu•t•d .iiout J5,f ~i~., u i•• W o! Uvalde, in IJ<f&ld• oouft•rr ~"""'"• out ot au.-v•.Y ~o. 19~, ~otr•Pt ~Q. 71•, ~ohn Ulov1r, or gl"al arAnt1e, Alto aut ol - 7J4,l31 l\<>I;• ....,,""'" (ou:r:vo.yod .hy o~ a plat y, Ch&rlu ipangl.X', R.1.s, 110. 696 A• 1ho11 l>ttco-.1>.x 2,, 1P71} ont of ah 9)6 >.or• 'Z'raot $Jl.ith, J~., •t UK to Hald•n r. London, •t Ux e•rti!~ld OOQV•Y•d ~rom, Ow =I :b.~n~:d"i..~~;a.i!t ~!~~:bgQ~~;~d;~x!~,v;!,d~.1~~,~~=· 12' pa.rtlaularly duarll>•d o %olloll• r ~NKDlwl At • S/O" iron pi~ ••~ iq th• 4°"•r «a>;tk lL~• o! . . id 7l$, 3.S:i ~ 'rr•ttt; and !11 tit" Scut:/l Un• of • lDl.'69• 'Z'"ool; Oo.lll<•Yrr<i .ti:oa111.. ~d•n ~. Lohden, ot: ux to x. c. Jal11y by Daed dated O..a•lll:>pr 16, l!7! and record•d in Vq4-.... 221 1 7•W• 211 pf ••ld D••d .l\.lfoo~d•1 ~o~ 10'1'•~ ko~~~W••t' oo~n•~ Qf k 226.o Aar• 'r.r;act thito d&y •l>,:V•y•d ;ui<I to" th• Jlgrthuot ooxn...,, ot thi• tract, !X'O« which a 'ft" ~~an pin found by ~enc• oorn•r .~ar an !nt•r!o~ PQrn•r at 1~ld ?36.352 ~ax~ 'rr•ot All4 th• aouth•a•t earn~~ ot oald 102.<GP Aor• TJ:oct b• ..,.., N TO• 27• 01• 1 1088.£1 to.~, !1'11)UICJ!:I s io• 00 1 oo• t HJS.Sl h•t. l;a .. !1/5" iron pin .. t in tb• 1lo r 't.~ Hn• a1 • Joo.a lu:r• 'tr•c:t thh d•y aurvwyad for th• UoU~hW&•t aorn•r of ••l~ 226.U 1'.or• Troah ond t ho Uouth•aot aarn•r ol• troct1 'rUlfcgl 11 "70• DD' Og• )( 4'6J.77 .!aat. t:o ,. 3./D• 1 r on pin ••t L~ ~A· ·•~t·~ ot ~ 9~LV•L ~o~d L~ &n •D~l• p.oint or Al.d 300. O },oJ:• trr&et ..i>cl oC th.U. tr.aotT , W!th tb• k&a~ bank of th• Huwe•• u• ~Q· 2P IS 132.47 ta•t to 11 13• H' 11• I ll N l7' Dl' i:i· ff,,. oe• •• folloY•• la paint. J to &h engl., paint:\ 2H,,S , .. t to an an9b point1 41~.54 fnt Ol' 5'" g 96.Sl !a•t to an angl• point• H 21' 2l' li JC Jllvo~ Ill.II ~7· !•~t • 49(.B• ta An angi• paLhtl 23' 29" I 321,Sg t••t ta a l/i " !~an pin to~ tho Gouthw••t ooro•r ot ••id 102.~69 Aor• and. t~• Hc:n;thlil•ut. oorn•r o! tlil .. n&et1 .,,. ln ~•Mr•l !ona• OU!d \l.Lth t h Sooth U.nv oC •o.i<I 102.469 )Jlr• ~~oat •~d Aou ~rAOt . . !t>llQ\l• I tb• » 77' ~2' Ol• i 1585.38 to~ An •ngl• polntJ W 77• iG• by • 1et Tr~ob 40~ »or~n 1in• ~! •~l.d 7l~ . 352 f••t ta • 5/8' lron pin 11t M J&9.97 Loo t to ~ 3/~• iroa ~in ~O Uh d in th• ff••t lln• ot Coun ty R"41d 41~ oorno~ p<;l•~ P>..GK l 6'l 6 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At thf ume ol l'fCQrdl!lon, thla In~ WM foood to bo lnaMqu1\& tor the but pflolognp~ r.procloaUon ~ of~. C*bon or J)f>olo oopy, di~ jltj)I<, All~ llddHJooi wul ~ IW!1I pnlQtn( • t the !Ima tJie fn&Wll!t41f .w. WM~ '4)d rtconled ( \ Holli• t.on(!.on, zop,Q he~• ~r•o~ for on •nqlo p<>lnt; p 10• ~1' Qi• ~ 1114,87 !••t oro••lnq ~.ud ~aunty or ~okd1 to th• 101\<'? S!OIM~X~G. """"'.l.n~• ahown horoon ~r• r•l•eiv~ to tru• Uor~h a~Lbulatod !ro• 101•• ob>l•l'VAt.l.on• , on or n•ILI: ti>• iirop•rlo):" oh""11 hou-•on • l!!HilllT "C" 'PA.GR 2 of 6 I :1 vnL 0503rAcr690 ( j . S.E!COND TR.I.Cl": I rl\llr"'"" )'Onr l!~Hu L<> J 1'1: II· &/I• .l.l<'Q!> piD ut nnd~ !""'°" ln th• 1'•1: lJ,u o:f • 7J(.l51t ~ 'b:..-b ""11 I.JI ~0- 'l<••t 11.nt ot a lllO'O·P M~ 'S';6(1\, oMT"W7'9<i tro11 Gl~ )I, HaCarllq, •I: ..i. t;o ll. HOC>~ Wil• Pr ~<I '16~~ .,...,_,, U, 1'!15 .w Z:.t>O~ u.. You.a. J.H·• , .. v• ur ..:i: ... rd °"4-d ~~-for tu l!9111;1"U~ r;orn.o" M • :n,.o .a..r. ~; t.hJ.• de]' ltll""3'11d anci :for lt..o >f<lrti.-tt. ~ .,: 'l.b,l.ll t.J:otn., fr""' Vbloh ., iH• iron pi!\ :foWwl ~ f....,.. ~•r fOt' th• )klrtO.•"•t """"'"" qt .. ~ 1n,>.n .krw 'hut ic u• 40' u· ..- u.u.r~ 1 . .~, II U• ~0' CW.• l lUl.'7 :fut; 'Wit!> ilAQO a~d th• lfa.t lilUI of II.lit! 1'06C,Jr lldr• !t.-.ct: h a .xvok "'9<Ul<l • ....i.i..i: to tl»I -~ lll>'I bf hn"<ll" l,lf, for &A "'° °" aut.A• poL~r ~ 20• 31' i1• l H·•O h•~ lilt;!\ t.,,.;. t<> 11 114" i~cn ~•.1:~.~,.~;..W!J 0f.~u!7~th:~r'!:;: »! .~ 7ll .l~'2 ~t• 'b:""'t ~ ol thl• traclJ ct •o.J.d. 7H.lU ~ 310,:u Aot• Tl."A01J wJ.t:ll ,.....,• ......S l:.b.t Jlaut)t ll1u1 th9 llorth l.Ln,. of • "°"'"'I:: "'"' ~l'M i~ Tr "1<.{.tl1)'1 1.1 •t - ....,i .!<otb"1 l'Ult&J !~.t~~Ji"{;,/5it?~n~~ ;:iI ~~.r ~. a1l~l9tl• • s 1 I •J 7&" u• 411• N f);t.17 .fut t.c • ~/~• it.. i>).b f""ad &JI anrl• peln'J tot- • •1• ~•· )•• " ~,o.U t .. t (n - ~ pobt1 to • ~""~ """"""" foU.O<i • 11• 2l' 01• 11 !11'•15 :fk~ to a ~"" .Lt"" pl" t<iuAd lot' ""'• ~.Llitf "' u• ll' OlJ• 11 2312.!H fHt. to • ,. c<t<lu: po•t. .ft>U.tld tor &n aJ1gl• polntr s a11• 34' 37• v 1u. in h•t to • :for "" 14>gl• point} . JI'· l<""' pl:> t 9'>l><I 1l U• U• SJ• W U55.C2 fut ~o • 4• pLJ:>* pc1t. fOlllld .for .,.., W>~l• poLllt/ II 70• '7 1 ltl• II '1 '7'. 01 t"~ tor ~ .angl• p<>intf . • o• ~zt n "" 1.a.i• 40· 11 ~nt1 °""1• ~~ to • 4• pip« P<'*t !Olllld t.c1 • ,. pipe pq• .. r."""'r • ~1• ~~· !SJ• w Ot.u f .. t. ~o • ,. pipe poet tound tor "" """Jh p0~t1 ;!I ti>' u I n· l! ... H i .. ~ a.<culn• .. 11 ...,.1 .,.,.w. to BXBIIlIT ' ' C" PACE 3 c.f 6 V•lL 0503 PAC! 691 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At I/Ht tlrr.e of ~klii, \hi~ Instrument wn fomd ' to bt tnmqulte ror the but ph01011r.phl-O Olpl'Oduction becau" gt llltgiblllty, carbon or pllolo copy, dll¢0k>rtd JJ6!*, ~tc. ~ blackouts, ~ltlonJ lnd ohlIJQ8S Wfl"t prMilll It the !fml! lh6 lll5Wmtnt Wtrt rJlod lll1d ~. I t'T"\ .l . l'.,olu1"4r J.a~ 1'1:4at 300.0 A 4' p1~ 5'P•t l.911Jl11 1'>.- "" a.n1i. ~Qut1 If 10• !SI.' 11• IC 314,27 i:~ "" ...,,gl!' pol.nt:.1 tot to • f" p!pc p<>wt ~au:xl :n• 11 :zn.u t••l 1:.0 " ~14"' J..>:-OD. pin h<illd \,y U.M:• UOJ:ll•l: [ot' an •~9r. poin~I 11 7;,• JP• got1i;J..nlll.11g lf1tl>oo't- hno• 11 n• 17' a'" " n. 7l f...,t;; to • 3H • fo:i: all. an>;l.• l;><>Utl 11 1•• u • «• 11 11•.s• 1 ... t to .. st•• u"" 11.n f""b<I ~~011 pln an 4l'l!l• pc1"t1 S:.01: - • n• 01• 1( lGO.U 1... ~ ~q pq.1.-tl oa• .CoJ: <lll •Rg~• • H .. h"" \J!.n •• ~ ll 7l" :u• )i• 11 1u. u !ul to 1. 5fl• i<ol! pift Ht toi: ~ • out.h>1t•t tlti1:hr of .,.1c1. Tli . 3}2 JI.or:. ~.a-t ...., <11:"1• ~,> tlle ..,..." l.l.Mi ~ o.U.ol 1 H • )5l Adu !1'<-...,t. ....i .;iI;!, ~ r..•t 1lll- ot a•l<U Vt /LOt t<Htlld "f. zito0r;d./ W 07• :t.0' !!J" lt . UJ,OQ i:or "" ~· pou.1:.1 If~• iron nt 11 iia• ~p· 'IC 111.00 i . . t to .. SI•' iron ~ln t~ ac. U'Jh )'<)lli~I ••t. l< :2J 0 DS' ~:J' ll. f2l.OO h•L ti> .. 5/~' .l.i:on p!11 t<>z: •o~l• poiat I ••t ror !t• :s ~u.oo lLti ~i. 5>Qilll;J h•t to • ur ire>o t>il& ...t p.1/1 it c1• .!lo• t .... t to a ' :ia• °"' 11 OP Si' 01• 11 u,ia t.wt. oi;ouh9 C<>\1nt;r ll<Hl4 iu, *9 a ~ht Gii th1f ~ ~ ct tlM< JtLvw.r tin: "°'""'" -~·~w n 2•. Ill 5H ,;iJ t .. t with- tti. .rut .Un• •l .... Ill....,. ""' "• 1"¢ll pl!\ . .1:. f.o"' t.i.. •outhlotlat ~"' of 11 :ZD~.D ~ :r>'6<1t l:l.J.. il.f.y •r>r"l•'I"'! and u... llol<t.11,....t ~ •t t>il.• ~r•ot1 >4 ••• le..-.• I ·1 .c "'' 111• .,. It 1an,•~ i ... t 1>1_11m wull ~ ti.,.~.,..o.e - '1): ......1 JCO.all ...-.rl:... •i>o\t ••!A ~~ :l/r .l:o:QQ fl.A ..+I:. f<>~ .... J><>int ui • ..u ;lao.o ~ 't:n<R · U4 .OU •n11llo i>"S~t ol tloi .. ~nlrt-1 ., 111• '"'"""Y """" ..,..i. .:io· oo• • 001,u h•t, •" un.7'1 i ... t !JI~• hoq • P..••" »in ..\ l<>r ti .. ~Pllt.l>•. . t oor,.o: of •ILUI :WO .11 ,.,re ~&at Pd -t.Mo l<>\l l:lrllu t. "w:t>&r 1>1! uJ.<t 0 !!l.i aT.~~ ~ir:rt:~i! ~~tar :w~i~ l!Nl:ll>'J• ~ ~ t,ew obto.>:ft~ - .. t.x•• xwllll;.l.,,.,. ti> .... w ~"""' ~~ of Ko.c'tl> ulolllk"-<I ~ •o~•~ b<I~· • _11.,,.,, ~ ~ t:b.~ ti.a h~~ fitld Mt• dnor.Lption wt.w ~~..:=~ =--~~i~lt4~Mi.. ~~1J~1:'1. ~ud~t:. . ~...t ~ t.lot .t;.J.1£. <l•J o! Q • ,. ~ , ltl1, ~·. BXltt.n :tT 11 011 I'.AG8 4 of 6 · .) "IW!llm.l pu• P911l ""' l~I ~~I f(Jl VI iUth.!d lltl!l ..CIJllllO pu1 '110j1Jf)pll '~ llY '010 '.!Gdfd Jl4UOIOOl1P '~do:> Q10ljd ~ l!OCpt:> '.<ilt<l~11 JO~ UOflOOPOJdo.i 01qlh.r&1oqd ~ ~ io1 a11n~u1 9<l oi ptlOOj St#. U*UIUllUI 8!til 'Utlfltp.lo:>tJ jl) "1!Jl ~ IV wnaNvHcmaw s.1:1aa1:10031:1 £69 l~~J 8090 lLiA 9 ;r~ !; ll!JVJ. 11 :lu J.I!ITHXll IU1~l ·~ :J• _,,__..r>10 .U.'f~lrf p«• ".\60l. """'1 tst'HL l"I""" ;o n!UOO .:r.Q>l'ht:itlf Y"' ~<14<.:q P"IM>1 _. 1<11 p«-. Ut>lf JIH'lOt pjO JA :tlW'I•" "rw~ ~ .t<>J ~~ ·l/C • o~ 1 . .f tt'ltOt • • to .~; •llL II /~:o•;q •'J1j~ ,., _:......,,_ !i•~ •~'I 1'<t' ~:.1,1, ,.._O't Q'OOt J'TltW i• """""""' <\~"ll '"'11 .io; ·~in:i,i; ~II\(' rft'ML i«> "'it ~ -~ "IA pq• •P"~""""" 1··~ ;fQ .t1•.c -t<U. 11; ~p.i~ ~ 1~n x~ ~ 'P'l"CX ,r,q .i:an•ll •:>'It"~""' n "6J"'<l'I •A U~llil _,., ~....,.. ~U;r. ._.Q'l CH•iot • ;a 1' ~o Mll"I 1till<>9 •1{'4 lg """ urr1 tuUT ·•/g • o\ ~·~ r:S1'1Ltt H .no .oo .ai: K a, ·r · )..-1 \..i_,' 'Pl•• "l" •n ru ·~ .-.-y ·ui ·~ .( ~~· .. ~.a b•J:.-<>"n •IO• ~ .t .:•l.•tl.Y• to tr:.,,• tta..c:t:h ~•loula~•d .fi:o• •olar t;:l>w p.-..y.r~,y whown li•~•on • <>l>•""""'\:.Lo.,. -" ""' '"" ,...._,, .EXHlll l'l' "C" "l'AGE 6 of 6 ~·1L Oo03rm694 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At the thne ot ~th la 11\struml!nt wet fWO<t to be lnM!elju11tt far lh6 l!ul pholoCr9Phlc t&pmductlon bet*l~ ol ll!tUlbOily, c.tebOn Qf phOlo copy, dl&COlafbd paper, ate. All bleci<o~. a<ldl!IOnti arid c11trige11 W&Nt ~al the lime the 1nstltlmen1 wu flied and re~ . f EXHIBIT D -PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 6 .~ ( .J TR6GT NO. l; /. ~,29~.67 DC!O 1nc1.orlmd ~lnJ ou1 t1f a11d a of !ho '1,170.501 aero Tho mu V«llay ~ch In Uv•ldo Coun~y. Tex&J _. 1UCY~)'t<I by Wm, R. McClondon fol Vannlo It Cook, Jr. lo convoy iJ1eiald 7,170JOI Jeni TIIO!llt:s V.Uty itan<:h IO M, 'r. Arnold by lhat <:ei\l!ln deed d~\"41 Mmh 1, 19n lllld ffic:d fotrwx~ In Volumo I~ 11PJJe705 fo llie Dtltd Rerord1 ofUVAlda Cou!lly, Te;dli. pnrl 'Ihuald ,,'.!9$,67 &C18 tnel bclnir mora pmku!Arly described J.J Collaw11 llEOJNNmo 11\Ji1>~~ soulhu.u wrnuorll, A.Shepard Sllrloy21J, an Iron roil by w ln~oc fc:ni;,, CQmet ol'lh11 'rllonw Valley Rllnch l>cJpi; d~l'\'lbcd LJ POlnL liJl.7,i. In Lho pro~y d.osctlpUon CQ~\f.lned In thCl 111.ld tle¢d f(Qm V1.t1nle. E, Cw!:, Jr,, cl ux, 10 M. T. Arnold, from which llll iton rod by• C= J><>Jl (S.JOB} nuuldnll: thuoulhwCJI comer or ll1ld Survey 211 on !ho :E.a.s1 Sank ofllu:Nu~ ltlvctb<:;ul Scutll 70' 37'51" We:t rorSl-43.17 r~t: 'IHENCI! North 19' 39' 21 •Welt wllh lho e.i1~Lln1 fc11co Un• of lho 1ald Thomo.s Valley ltllllcb for l:;136.2JI Ieoi w an lro1t 1od by an l!ll!Cflor renc11 =~ af lhl1 lll!l:l and lho trioow V,,Jlay R#nch(ffi?..W): THENCS Nonll 70' 2ll' 25" ~t with Illa cxWJn& fcno~ llno of tho. Thomas Valley Ranch for TOO.'! I rt4t IO an l«ln rod by an ln\erior ront<I comer 11f lhls 111e111nd JJ1a 'lllomJ.J Yalloy lll=IJ (MC); TliENCB Horth 19• 3.5' 2l" West Willi tho oxl.nlnJI fon co line oC llio Thomas Valley R•ncll (0( 1825.70 ["t lo~ Lron rod by an exterlor (euco CO(tit!.r of tJili lrlCl •nd tho. 'l11on1u V•Ucy Rtneh (Hr·7D); THENCll contlnuln_i w!Lll Iha ml'Andeu oC !ho e~li\ln~ fence Uno or lhe 11Jd 111omll.1 Val!oy llM.:li 1U roUaw~ Norlh SSI' 23' 13' &It fl)t 40.5,71 f~ 11) J pOlnl (S-109): Nortl1 73' 30' 18' EIJI for 21U4 fcci Ill• Point {s.! JO): Norlh 55' 05' 51° l!ut (()( 157.29 CceL !.o & point (S· 11 lll Hpl1h +4' 19' .ia• for~~l.B$ reot I!> I polnl (S.112.)J Norih 29' OJ' r7' lltJt for 51.48 feet lo• pofOI (S·I JJ); Horth BO' 28' 37' Eal~ for 20Q,(i9 fcllL lo a PQlnt (HM); l, I North 1~· Jct ;W 1411 for 102.l.43 fCQI ia •point CS·ll4)1 r-ion11w16' 34• 1:"n for•m.1srwuupolnt (~· llS); North Bl>' 03' 39• !!art for 305.(H fut lo a polnl (S·l 16); South 69' ll' 13• Jl'.ul for 26:l.!IS fc:eL Lo a polnl (lil'·S')J Nanlt $1' 3l' JO' l!ulfor 162.57CeetLO1polnl(S·ll7~ Nonh 52' 04' Ea.JlfQI' 109,0l feet to I polnl (S·l1B): «• North ~9' OS'OB• Eall !or 119, 10 fllQI lo~ point (S·l 19)1 Nonll S4' IG' 21• EilS1ror10.:21feelto1 poln1 (S-120): North 63' 18' 3a• ~~for I0)0,83 /co~ to a poln1 (S-121)1 North 76' Sr 16" for 8'1.t7f~1'1 f. Jl<l\nl (S•1:22)1 North 82' 20' ~&· B.tll for 61.W fecl ID• polnl (S-113): North 84' 48 1 20• Eu1 ror1J!.08 roei. to 1 point (S-124): Soulh s.s· 38' 1a• 1m1 r0t 236.69 f~I \0 a polnl (S·li5): North BS' Ol' W Ea.It Cor 35B,J4 feel to 1 polnl lS•J26); 1'1oc1h 61' 4T '41" l!lut for 51..92 ft-Cl to 1 p<ilnt (S·l27)l North 47' 17' 26" l!.iut for 17.69 Ced ltl 1 poi11t (S-128); North 4&' 27' :Z.4" E&n fo.- l05.55 {eel to a point {S·l29H Npr\h 71' $6' 06" E.ul for 1042.97 feel 10 an hon rot! \>y Jfl)nlerloi (em;~ COlpU of lhi.J EXHillIT "ll" P.ACll! l of S . ( ..,. ' (~ \ ,l . ITAOI 1.11dtha Tbomu Vallo;' Rancl1 (F-12B),I 'J'RENCS Nox111 ·12•45' ~1 ·Wen wllh tho cxhilng fence. lino at Iha n.ld ThMtl!.f VaUey J!.lllch for 509.61 r~t to an hoft rod by J.11 1111~rlor r~nco !X)mor'ot U1b! and Lh~ TlmllAt V&lloy ~h Cffi'-12A); · THENCH North 69' 30• 4J • Wo>1 wHh ll1e c,>;hllng Ienco lino oC lho Tl1omu Vallot Rl!llch tor 7J:Z.. l.5 r~ 1C1 ~ lr1m rod by VftUey RAnc!KP-IJ); ,4 Ill! ~!Won fon~c \ti~ or lhlJ l.tael anti tho 'l'homt.I THENC.S conUnulPJ wllh 1he murnleu or Ilic ~hllni fe<il'O lino of Iha Thom~$ Vi.Jlo,r 1 Rnlicb ~ r0ilow1: Nonh SS!' 0.5' O<>" l!.asL Cot 8114,23f~1.o a point (S·l30); NQrth 89' 3S' 4S~ l!.asi (Qdl~.os toei to. pohll (S.IJl)l Nortl1 89' 42' 18" BIJL for 21}29.91 feol t.o an !ton rod by~ fence C>\I~ In V10 fcncro wul lloo or I.IHI WllllllJT\t R.anolt ror ll10 mon J10rlhcrly no11h~1 wniu or 1hl• LrooL or Iha 'Thomu Valley Rmclt .111\l boln1 al"' lhO iou01cui i;ofller of lh~ Coo~y R111ch (l'"HX)J THliNCI!. South O' <10' 17" S.SL wlU1 !110 oxlsllna fence llao or ~ill ttm •nd lho 'Illomu Valley Ronch for !1.741.64 fe« Lo a point (S.132); • :za• 'llil!NCS So\JU. O' 20' WWi. wll.h l.h~ e~!11ina Vt,llty l\Moh fOI' ~91.02 feet Lo I polnl (S-13:!): THE!'lC5 llti111h 27" reooi llne> of !hls U111;1.111d lh~ ,Thom1U ~· 16" l!A:ll will! I.ho OJ1Lliln1 rQnco lino for j:!S.5B fe<il to ll!I ~on rod by an lnt.t.rior ftm:o! lhi. trGLJl\d I.ho '111Plll1!$ Y•lloy lhllch (F'-H)l 11lENCS t:onUnulna; wllh U\4 mci.t\dc1l oC UIQ cwUnr. fen~ llM 1;1C Uie 1,.Jd 'Thomas rollowi: Vall~y fl;&nch IJ North 27" +4' 49" Eul fer 661.59 fl'el to J polnl (S-134): Nonh Sci' 48' 55• ~t I '"'Lo A (S-13S): !or 610.95 f""I Co' p<Jlnl {S·J36)i North 83" 29' ss• Du\ ror 3.SJ,l7 'I p<ilnl. North BS' 50' •W J:!&stf«-41M9IW1o1 fX1lnl (S·l:l7f. Not'lh 86' l?r 3~ S!&SL for 910.89 !'ee\ lo~ polnl {S-13S); North 89' :U' 01• J:! for 93.0l f~l lo 11 point (S.JJll); '· South 115' 37' 31" E.uLfor 17.Sbl fcotto a polnl (S-140): soulh BS' 29' 50" Ei.ri ror ~26.84 Icei lo •n lion rod uy '11 oxll:rlot fon~ tnci. i.nd ll1<1 '11iomu Valley funch (F-16A)I nmNCll contln11lnJ wllh lhci mC4Jldcn oC t!Jc ,xblln~ (M<;o Un~ . rom~ of ChU pf Ula Thofllllf V«ll~r !With .U follOWJl Soulh :ZO' SB' 16" Eul for Jl9.S6 (e<:L lo a polnL (S·l~l); Soulh 16' 00' <10" 'EU~ ror 119.64 f1;1;1 lo a PQtni (S• l"\7.); Soulh 11' U' 9l" lluL for 1!17,10 f~L lo-• point (S-143); Soulh 9' 38' 33" Bnt for 20B.95 fC411<11 point (S·IH)I Souih 8' H'-47" E.utfDl41B3). feol lo a polnl (S·H5); SouLh o· 27' ~s· ~L for 10-46.~G feet 10 an Iron rod by J11 ~~rlor fen~ comer ol th!t triicl. and lho ThOllW V«lley R1.11ch (!1·1'1); TimNCl! Nonh 87.' 0'7' 56' Wt3t wlU1 lhc c~h~ n i Cenco lino of lh~ 1homu Valley Rnnch for'.2.00.39 fCGllo apolnt (S-146); TllllNCB NDltb SB' 30' 11• Wost wlU1 U10 cxl$llng f.mco lino or U10 Thomiu Volley Ranch for 1137.l? fi:ct IO 111 Iron rod lly lll1 Jntorlor roni;o CQfnC! Qr tlils 1ra~t 1.11d lhc Tuom4.I VJllcy IUnch (P.IGB): l'AGB 2 .KXaIBl:T "D" 1• • 0 f 6 y•lL Q!=iQfl u •.HAct RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM AI tile tt!M of reeoidatlo!l, lhb Jlllrtllnt!rt WM 1001d to be ~ll•l• for the bo.t pPo!QfPPhlO ~uctklll ~ ot llloglblJ!ly, ~or pholo copy, d~ p.tpo<, ato, All b!lck.ou!I, iddltlOrnl and ~ Vfj!I• f)ffHnl II the !Im& tile losliumont \\IQ fllod and r&COrd&d 696. • I t I ) I THBNCB So!Jlh o• iz• s.i• W11.1t with rh~ c:11!11lng rcn~ Uno. or !ho Thamu V~llQy Rm<:h for 1162.~ fw 10 an lion tod by~ OX!61l0f oo.mer of lhLl trl!Dl J/1~ lho T/lomu Ville)' :R.anch (P·!Zl): ' • 'I.HEN~ NOtlll 119' 41' 3g• wllh 11>0 o.><Ill.lns te<1~ lln~ or lh Thom~ Vall•r !Wiw ror s:ssuJ r~ IQ &11 l.ron rod by 111 lnlelf ot f411C4 comu 11! thll Vlllcy ltmcll (lt-21Y»); 'l: ·: ·-\· ~.- , ~;.~~ .• lnlct M1d im., 'Illomu :-r~J. ··-· : . "' ... ' I ,... .. THJmCl1.Soulh 19' 28' ~1• SQ1 wWi lhts Dxlitl"i Cc:n<:4 lino or lho Thorn" Valley R.uic~ fat 1306.(13 Coal lo All IJ\jJI rod by All TJ'lerlot Cnnce c:omcr fof lhl1 tnlCI Ma !ho 'l1loow ~ Va!lby R.tnch lt'·2t\'A); "· 'llml'!Cll SaLiLlJ 69' :2~' Oil" Ww. whh lho 1>11liLln11 fo~ U!IA ot lh~ 'niomu '!oy tun<h roe G03.~S fl"ltll> .. polr\t (; _' .. 'THENCE SoUllJ 69' ~o· OJ" We.n wllll lhD oxllUns • qenoe, • 111111:ino• cf Jll9JO ro?t IO an Iron ~ !:Y ~·~ ftlg·i:oru.. Qr lhll uaci.AIXI th<>~ Vallcr. !-Wn:h (MJ)1 -:.,. . ~ f. or n!HNCS South 20' J!t' 47• But with lb<f OXUUnJI: {anao lfoc WO TltorrtU Vall•r llincb for U:l.MS r™ Ion lroo rD<! l>y ..ii ~or comu ortl1ls met 11(111 lho 'Th<xnu Valloy ~(.1'-'.MA); Til.BNCli SCIUlh lI' ~D' Hi' wllh Ibo eiUlllllJ fenco or 111<1 'l'bQma.s V~lloy 1'anch Cb<" 1~16.79 fQC\ wan Iron rod by 1.11 cxlu\or r~ ~of~ or tlils llitt ~d ~ Tuonw-VdJoy ; ' lt.tJ:icll~!Z-tB)I '11Ul.NCS South 70' 11' 46" w4h th~ DlthUn.r !cna• a( !he TI1omu Y•lley R1neh !er :lOlS.85 feel to J11 lra11 nx! by~ in~or C~ rom~ or lhla u-m Mel I.ho 'Piomu Vall~; RMcli(1"·2~C); 'l'HEliCB Solllh 2.7' 12.' 47" Well wllh Iha c.drtln1 fcnoo of ~o Thomu Vall¢y R111th Car 1217.26 feet ta fJ1 Iron rod by all lntador carmr ot thb. lnt:t aad tho Thomu V&llcy RJ.Jli:ll (F•24D); • ' , .:,. I TIIBNCB 5oulh 20' 37' Sl" Elli wllh tho c;i.\lUn; rcnc ~ lln& Q!'-pt~ Thomu Yall~y lltncli lbr j073.09(i;cf10 1111 .!roll rod by an ax~or f~ eol'll~ of lhLr ta<;t and ll1<1 'lllotl\llS Valli!)' lU!lch (fl-2-11!)1 ll!ENCI! cond11UlPJ wlili \ho<:a of lho o:dnln~ !tAocl1 l.'I follow~ r~c~ Uno orni~ ThQmu Yi,ll~r south 56' 03' os• won fot~3l.~8 rce1 w a pol111 (3·1~1)1 or South 66' 59' WCllt ror:2ll51.0l rce1 to apoinL(S·l~8); lloulh B.:S"42.1 12.' W~Hor 387.0ll fcello a polnL (!J"l~9)i Sn111h 82' 59' 13" West ror~3.YO reo1LO11 IXllnl. (S-l~o): Soulh 7-4' 03' 1'1' Ww. Cbr 101.92. tc y. poln\ (S-lSl)1 :28' $~' 33• Wl'IJ n>r~,.4i feet lo a pulnl (llol~4)1 souLIJ 7• SI' ti• e.ut Coe 29~1Cc.itto1 polnt (S·m)1 Soulh 26' JS 39'W~f« 880.1~ C~ 101 j1Qln1 (S-IS6); South 2..1' Ol' IS" West roe :13.5.53 ft»l IO a point (.$-157)1 Soulh 16' ()()' ~o· WctlfOI' 239.111 rttuo II poll\\{S•lSB)I Soulh 11' 3.5' 32" Weil for 159.2.S fcel lll 1. llOlnl (S·I S9J: Soulh 7' 51' IO' We11for67~ ,7~ ted to !Ill l11in rod by •n t.1111:/lor comer cf U11$ lluot and Ute 'Chomiu Y,.Jley RIJICh (F-1~: oonlllluln~ • whh tho. mtruidau or Iha EX!l!.BI.T e.xl;tln~ I ; I S~lh '11-UlNCS l I I I So11Ut 16' 06' ~a· ww ror ~6.!+ rut 11;1 a point (S-152): North 80' 3Z' J6•WostfQI &S.16 fed la a pollll (S.JS3): VP.lloy R"'lch lU t'allowJ: . renu Ul\11 or 010 uld Thomu ., • •• 11 0 11 PAO& J of a V•ll 05Q3rtcE697 .. .I ~---------.:..-'--~·;· 1 I I } r"' SQU!h 70' 09' os• W~ll CtW" 3760.3.9 pain! (S-160)1 sou\h 70' 50' 31>" WcuCoc :mit2Y !cello I polnl (S-161)1 $oulh 69' 39' l?"WcJI Jbr-825.50 f~ IO I polnl (ll-162): SOllUI 76' lN.9" Wc1Jl!CX'.C6.32f~to a polnl {S·l63)1 SOlllh 70' ai• 29• WC!il. fQI' Uoo.!5reei10. p<lllll (HP·l7); Sooth 69' 53: «" Wqt rQC' .m,96 ruuo • polnt{S·l64l: SDl!th ID' .U' St" We.!lfot 843.15 fool to a_polnl (S-16$); Soullj.6' 47' W' !4n for ~2.30 foet lo a point (S·l6<i): Spolb .:W 36' 36' WCI/. for ~33.78 f~t 10 Jn Iron ro~ ~y A ftlllt4 ~for• ~ornl:f lllLc 1cae1 '"d w~ 'Ibomu vAllily llJ.llcll CF-:m: or 'IHENCl! Soulh 63' 01' ~l" Wt.St tor 2115.37 Ced to " point f~t a CQl'tle.t QC lhl.s lml and alio 'rho!nt.s 'V~r Rtnc!i on II>& eut !Qwo.-Nah lmlk oI th• Nuec~ Rlvc< (S·». 'IlilitlCa wllh tl1o mundcn oI llto.t11J1 lowor hlah 1Wlk arlho Nu""1!UVcr JJ Co!Iaw11 ,. North W ~4' 57" l!&Sl Cor 190.41feet111 a point (M); NOOll lbr lCil>.QO rco11011 point (S-7); ' NOJ!h 2' !Zl' 09" l?as\ Cor 1511.17 rm to IL pol nl (S·B); Harth 8' SG' 56" ~I rar l2M7 tui 1-11 ,_point (S·l>)l l'lonn 11" .ij7' <16" Eu ror as.or rcei w •point (S· IOJ: H<nlh 26' :is•w l?art ftirs-47.93 foQ io ~poln1 (S-11); I ......' Nqnh JO' 30' :z9' ror 126.12fcu10 •point (S·l2)1 Harth 3' 41' 29"1!1.U for9J.19 feel bl 1polnl{S·l~)1 Horth 6' 'l1' 32" nut rec ~13.3S fe¢1 IOl lJOlnl (S·14)t Nonh O' jl' 16" J!nl tor l lB.02 rc.c:t to.a poll1l (5-1,)J Nonh 6' :i1' 111• Wmfot''J.15.1' r~lt.iavc1111 (S-l6J: • North 8' .f3' 2-4" Wl>Jl ror 19UI fi:<:llQ. pt>lnl (S·l1>: North 19• 18' 'll" WCJl flX' 1oz.19re«to1 poW cs.1ai: Honh :W :LS .52" W~ fw J17.44feol 10 a paint (S·l9)1 NOl1h Sf' l~ 48" We.11 (Cit lJ4.6l f~ la a poliit (S·20Ji Nonh 63' 01' ;UI' We.Jl fgr 130,14 Cc<>t 10 a polfll (~·21)1 Nonh 63' 09' ~o· w~1 ror SI0.151rect1o • polni (!·22>1 Nor11t 5+' 46' '7' Wed ror 83.23f~lo1 po!111 (S-23)1 NPrtb Al' :LS .23' WCJt CW '4'.3-4 Ci:4t to a polnl (S.Z~)I Nor1h Ui' 03' 13" Wcc1tor50.C» fee( ta a pollll cs-:i,,) ; North Jl' in: .· . ,I, l oo· Wei1 ror uou reoi 10 • poln1 \S·26); • Ho!lh 6' 36' 30"' W"' foe 165.l(J r~ to a Jl!llnl (s-271: North U' 18' 36" Wo.>t fDI' 107.0ll f~t iaa polnl(S·:lS)I Nwlh ~· 26' 25" Wot. for IOS,-48 (~lo• pol~ (S·l9); Ncrlh 13' :1.11 31" fQr 8Z.'2.3 rce1 lO I point {MO)I Nollh 29' ~1-44" Weit rl1C 98,l t feel to a pQlnt (S •3 I): North ':ZJ' 33' 36" Wen tor 101.98 fc« 10 & point (S-32)1 Horth 26' ~4' .50• W<"I Cor29U2 Co<:t to 1 polnl (5·33): Nonh 29' :l.8' 33• W"11 for:264:l0 r~ lO I point (S -~J: No«h 33' 19' s:i• Weilrot 132:Ss rut 10 • point (S-35); Norlh 35' tl' OJ" Wi:!l Car 104,04 CCC( 10 I J>Qlnl (S-3 6): Norlh -45' 44' 39" Wc.HorZ17.81t«tLO1 p<>)nt (S-37)t Narlh 39' 48' :ro• West far !13.72f~lIQ1 point (S·JB); NOllll :z.s· 32' 24• Wi:il tor 6'4.BB ft.Ct 10. polol (S·39); Nonl1 H' 46' u• Wut t(U' 94.U fUI to 1 point (S-40): No11h 17' 12' ~o• Wul for 310.92. r~1w1 polnl (S-41): Norlh JO' 02' ll" Wcilfor'.Lll.25 r~ to l point (S--<1-)t No11h 9' 30• WcSt ror 195.47 foci lo a polnl (S-43); North 6' CW W' Wm for 94.sJ feel 1.o a pofn! (S-44); Nonh !(' 12' 57' P.l1l for 77.'37 f~l to• polnl (S-4 ~) : Norih 23' 33' :is• ~t for !6'.Z.96 r«I wa JXJl n~ (S.46) ; tlo<\h 1a· u · 06• Eut S'l.ll rcc1 LO• poi ht (S...(7): or '°" ElllllllIT 11 0" PAOB 4 of 0 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM At Ille Ull\ll D1 ~. lhll 1os1rul'l1'!1t ~ follrid lo be lntdf<1Ulle for IM bttl pllo\Og!Jllhlc reproduc\lon ~ ol filll!l\bllllY, e1rbon or pbolo oopy, ~ papw, lite. AU blacl<oot., ~ !kid o11qe11 vroca pmenl at th& time tilt mtnmttu Wtli !l!td ind rtcol'tlt\l. ' . ·~ l\. \ ..•,'• .-.:,_, ~ .. I o Nonh 23• 2ti' ~3· &.st Ibr ~tl.-47 C~ IO'a point (S~9)1 North U' 34• 21• E&ttfor 6jJ1ruL to 1 p0l11t (S-49J: NcMZ' .Cll' 12•Wl!itfllt 1113.Zl fe41 ID apolnl (S·:SO): , Notlh ltl' 12' .so• Wect Car 112.751r.cct10 •!>Dint (5-:l"J): Nonh lB' 44' 10" WCILCDI' 180.$1 root lo. polnt(S-S:t)I Non& 18' rii. . ;• n• 30'Weulilr 172.66 Cut lO I polnl (S·,3); No<lh 16' 5Q 33• We#!. for 1S7.115 rw. io. point (S-.54); 'N«'ll! 3.5' ~81 40' Wtatfor97J12 f~ iO I po!nl (S-S~)I NDl1h 33• 06' .o• wl:i.tror n.:11rui.1o a polnt(S·S6): NOClh 31' U' :tll'WtUL (or l70..l~ IO apolnl CS-:i7l: Norlh 34' U' .(6• w~~ ror :ZS.6S r~t 10 a point till' a cc mer or lhl11n~1 J11d th~ 1oulll """""or" 0;-40 ·~ u&el owtted by a. Thomu Holmu tU1 lh~ ~I~ Mih blllk of lho baW1c!AiyoCthoThoutu ValloyRoncll (S.!i7 WI ' N~Rl•"'andthowetl TH!!NCB l'lQf\h 71' 56' 53• But with Uto wulh=t1 line oC \ho u1d Holn:i<'J 'ino.1, II SOQ,JS r~t J>aJ'* lh• cut c:orn« or tho a. 'rhomn Hclmei o.~o &an IJ1IQ!, ~Ina also 1111 b,tlt/iOr <X>tn1;r (P·'l8) atlhoTl\l·Mlrwd Cotnp.ny Subdltblon No. 1 Oil UIG WCltc:rlt nonh'WW Udo oJ lhli Ital:!, contll)IJfna: ~ien North 71' .56' 33' Sul Wkh Iha lino ori:tld ll'U·Mu SubdNfJfO!I No. 1 il :Z05>8.3S r~ In ..ti 1111 e.x1c.c1.,.. C!Qnltl' of tltb 'l.r1lct a11d 1n liittrlor coou:r o( I/HI Tru·Mu Subdlvlik11i No. l Ci'·l1J: .w 'J1ll!NCa SOllllt 18' 'J.1" &J1 wllh lh<>llrn:: oC lho p]d 'l'lu·Mar Sulx!lvldllll Ho. I for 185.00r~lo111 lnlerlOC"C(JltlCf oflhll ln.Gl IJ)(i a.n 'e:cttrlor c:ormr illo Till-Mu llllbdlvhlon ur Nn. 1 (P-26); THEN CS North 71' 56' 3l' EUt Wllh Ute lino or lllO Tnl·MU Subll!vbltl!l Ho, I (;aid llllO balni pAlllllol ioI.aiu C:, b, P, 111d a cr1.huu\xllvlsloo u llt•t~ lbdrtd 11.Akcd on IM &m111)d) for »io.oo reel le an lrllW<xc:oot""of ti~•~ ind·~ QX~fl)J' ccmer ol'Bfocl; D oruwi "14 Tm-MMSlib<.llvlu~N11, J Cl'·~)I uml'ICU Nonh l8' 06' 51" W011 with lho ~xttndcd n~ llJl<I of ic1.130, 33, 36, and 31' In llloakl>at 11...T.u-M..-S~bdlvl.oloo JS rOIJrfa 1W<e:d DO lltti.1roood CcrCSH0.00 r~ to 3/S lneh J(ed spll:c J4I for'lho eut ~ orLoL 30 In B!oct P o( tj1' ~MK SwlxlMs}Qa fo+ .1111 i.xurlor ~of lllli ~from Wb!~h I wood<;n at&lc.o )di by H~Trlmbl• to 111u); 0111 tti"th comer of Lot 51 In llloe): Corl/HI 'J'oi·Mar Subdlvh.!on bw1So\Jlh71' ~c;· '3" W~lfor mo.oorcc1; nmNCSNor!h 71' 56'33" lWt,aL 13:W.OO f~pm • lfllnlili [fOO JJX!1¢1on 1Mw~ bl.Ill; or a tlcy aock. t01Jtl111.1ina NQ«lh 7 l' :J{/ 33' liJ.$i ftll' ~ IZ.69 (cci loll ta a 1121111111 ltotl mhet. roe &11 lntttlot COh1 er tblt tma: or nun!CE :NOtlh 19' 39' oo• W~t "1(111i. lino Ci;xmd cul Ououah Ille, ~ 1rowlh fill' 3390.79 feet ta IMPO!Nl' OP llEOINNINCl. Tha lforcrod 5.'i-95.61 IClll IIllCl Of W1d 11QOtalOJ a=qo U 1hgwq l>olol'f put of l/J• .l1l!"IO)'I _, lll!Ol\I SijrvO)'SIU s.,,.,eySllB Survey 911 SUN•191CS 539,B<i Sur1ey!i'ISI Survey 920 1a 929.8 Acru AOB37 Aerc.J 6SU Acm 630A Arm 3&l.9 Atm Survar257 Survey 'l.58 3!1-2.36.\erOI StlO'oy 193 Sl!r"'oy 1!19 3UNoyZOl. l.o10.8~ ,J.~r¢J 262.~B Mro.s ~ 6.4 .• S,19S.67 ToW EXITinlT 11 D11 A~a ....= ·PAGE 5 of 8 RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM Al tfl11 Unie of~ ltllJ lnatrumontwn fOU!ld 1o be ·kl.01'qllllll for Hio be•t phologrJ~lc reproduction btctu..& cr1 ll~~lty, CMbon IX' pho!o eopy, dlt¢0lo00 PlpOI', etc. All bl~~. llddlllona Ind Challga& were pl'tttflt lt tile~ Wle f~I WU filed ind r&eorde<l I .I - ·. .... . . '. , -; IDJiilll'r ,• 11 11 D l'AQJhj\.,,qf 6 vn1 0503 Pm iUU ( . .I ( , ' J THENCE: North 11 • 56' 33" East with ths seld Northwest line of \he Edwardo 5,295.57 l'!ore tract for 1092.69 feet to a }l" Iron rod set for an lnlertor comer of the Edwards 5 1 ;2~5.67 acre tmctfortJw e11st comer of this tract; · THENCE: North '!9" aa• 00" West with a SoulhwElllt llne of the SElk! Edward& 5,295,(;7 ere tract cut through the cedar growth fur 3390.79 feat to the POINT OF BEGINNING nd containing 81.10 ac:ms in G.C. & S.F.R.R. Survey 917. /: TRACI NO. 4 (containing 7 separate Trao\fof Land): FIRST TRACT: Lots 44, 45 and 46, Block G, Tru-Mar Land Company Svbdfvlslon No. 1 of the M.T. Arnold Ranch, a subdivision or Uvalda County, Texas, as shown by the rnap or plat thereof recorded In Volume 3, Page 58, of the Map Recocdlil of Uvlllde County, Texas, ~rs referred to fur all purposes. SECONP TRACT: Lots. 40, 41, 42 and 43. Block C, Tru-Mar Land Company Subd!Vlalon N<i. 1 of the M.T. Arnold Ranch, a subdivision of U11alde County, Texas, as shown by thG map or pliit !hereof recorded In Volume 3, Page 6a, of the Map Records ofUvnlde County, Texas, here refllrted te>for all purposes. THIRD TRACT: Lot 32, Block C, Tru-Mar Land Company Subdivision No. 1 of the M.T. Uvaldo County, Texas, u shown by the map or plat Amok! Ranch, a 1ubdivlsJon thereof recorded In Volume 3, Page 56, of the Map Records of U11alde County, Texas, of hare r~furred to for all purpose$. FOURTH TRACT: Lot 3Q, Block C, iru-Mar Land Company SubctiVlalon No. 1 of tho M .T. Arnold Ranch, a subdMslon of Uvalde County, lexae, aa shown by the map or plat thereof recorded In Volumo 3, Page 68, of the Map Re!lOfds of Uvalde County, Texas, here referro<l lo for all purposea. ·1 FIPTH TRACT: Lots 36 and 39, Block 0, Tru-Mar I.and Company SuPdivlslon No. 1 of U1e M.T. Arnold Ranch, a subdivision of Uvalda County, Texas, a11 shown by the map or plat tllereof recorded In Volume 3, Page 58, of the M;;ip Recorca· of Uvalda County, Textie, here referred to for all purposes. SIXTH TRACI: Lot 37, Block D, Tru-Mar Land Company 6ubcllvlslon No. 1 of lhe M.T. Arnold Ranch, 11 sut;x:livl11lon of U11ald1;1 County, Texas, as shown by tha map or plat thereof recorded In Volume 3, Page 58, of the Map Reoords of Uvalde County, Texas, h~ra referred to for all purposea. SE.VENTH iRACT; A cerl<lln :36,96 QCfe tract out of 182.58 acre tract or land formerly owned by M.T. Arnold and lying adj11oont to the Tru-Mar Sutxflvlslon No. 1 of the M.T. Arnold Ranch In Uvalde County, Texaa, being more parUcularly described aa follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" Iron rod set fOr the South corner of this tract and the West corner of a certain 62.42 acre tract at the Ea11t comer of Lot 39 In Block D on the Northwest Jina of Lane nG" of the said Tru.-Mar Subdivision No. 1 and the Southwest lln!! of the said 182.58 acre tmot, from which Iha South comer of the 182.68 acres bears South 16" 06' 51" East for 2060.00 feet; . f:XHlBrT"D" Paga 7 of B V•ll 050~ fAG[ 701 RECOAO!!Fl'S MEMORANDUM At the tfmt 01 ~. tni,. llltlnJmoot was round to be Inadequate for tho but pholographla tellfod~llo<i ~" o1 lfltglbll!ly, c.rbon or p/Jo\o CQpy,d/scolo;od pap.r,~lc.-"II~ llddlllOii. tl!1d chanoes wa11 prtff!TI at It!& lJme the I~ wni mod tltld r~~ . ·' ( ( ' ..! I ( 1 1' iHENCE: North 1s• OS' 61" West with the Northeaat llne of Slock D of '"1kl Tru-Mar Subdivision and the Southwest line or said 16Z.Ci6 aonrn, at 1133.00 foet pa1111 the polnt ror the North oomer of Block D of said subd!vlslon at 1266.63 feot 11irt a 516" Iron rod for the Wel!i comer of this tract end Uis sold 102.58 acres Jn the fenced Northwest llne of the M.T. Arnold Ranch; THC.Nee: North 10• 26' 28" EHt with the fenced lfna for 1320.46 feet to a 516" Iron rod set in the fenced llne for the North comer of this tract from which the North comer offhe said 182.58 acre tract bears North 70' 2!i' 28" l:ast for 1002.09 foot; THENCE: South 1a• 08' 48" East for 1303.22. feet to a 5/6" Iron rod set for the comer of this tract and the North cc mer or a oorla in 62.42 acre traot; Eaat THENCE: Soulh 71" 56' 33" with the Northwe11t llne of said 62.42 a.ere tract fur 1320,00 feat to the point of beginning, being out of survey 917, Abstract 948, G.C. & S.r.R.R. Co., Orlgtnal Grantoe, situated In Uvalde, County, Texas. l I EXHID IT 11 D11 l'AGK B o! 8 ./ I I I I RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM wn At11'1t tme crl rtooro.tloo, W. lns1twn&nt found to be lnldtqU11tg tor the bffi phot~T8phlc repl'Qdoollon ~UH- of !~batty, CMbon 0( Photo copy, discolored pap«, fie. All llllclu>IJ!I, *1dlllons and~ weie prlt8Cllt at tiio lint Uio hntrurn111t wu nled "1d rocordtd. .' EXHIBIT E - PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .. ·!,' 7 t{ ·\ l ' I . " . jRACTI: A QZ.4:l flGro trciot of land In <;J.C. & Q ) ' 6,1", R.R. Survoy 917, b .. !ng aloo out of Qnd R piirt afthe 7,150.501 11.cre Thomas V11.tley Ranch In Uvalde County, Texas as survsyad by wm. R. McClandon for Vannie E. Cook. Jr,, to convey the sakl 7, 150,501 eora Thomas Valley Ranch to M.T. Amo!cl by that certain deed datecl rnaroh ~, 'l07Z and 1\led for record Jn Volume 184 at paga 705 In the Dead Recotds of Uvalde County, Texat, The said 62.42 acre tract befng more part1ct1lar1y deecr1bed as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/6~ steel splke is et for the t'last corner or Lot 30 In Block o of Ula Tru-Mar Subdivision No.1 of !he M.T. Arnold Ranch fortha Saulh oomerorthls tract and lhe exterior corner of a 5,295.67 aOfa tract previously deeded by M.T. Arnold to W.R. Edwards, et al, from when co a wooden stake set to merk the south comer of Lot 62 In Blook C of tho Tru-Mar Subdlv!lilon No. 1 by Horner Trimble bearo SouU1 71' 56' 33" Wo11tfor 5280.00 f'eet; THENCE North 18' 06' 51" West with the norUiea&t line of~ Block P,· at 660.00 feet pass the north aotner of Lot 30, at 700.00 feat pass the east comer of Lot 33, at 1360.0D feet pass the north comer oflot 33 and the east corner of Lot 36, at 2020.DO feetpa!JS the nol1h comer of Loi 36 on the, southeast Una of Lane G oftha said Bloril< D, at 2044.00 feet pass a 518" Iron rod set lo mark the 60Ulh corner of a 18 foot wide toad easement across this tract, at2.060,00 feet In all to a 518" Iron rod ·aet for the east corner of Lot 39 of said 13lock D and the west eomer of th ls tract from whence a 1><2 ataka set by the sa.ld Homer Trimble bears South 71' 56' 33• West for 13ZO.OO fee~ THENCE North 71 • 56' 33• East with the extended northwest line of Lane G and the norUl llne of a 1 e foot wide road easement acroes this treat for 1320.00 fuat to e 5/8" lron rod imt for the norUl comer of this tract-... dr THENCE South 16' 06' 45• East with the northeast line thla tract for 2oeo.oo feet to a %" Iron rod set on the west b~nK of a dry oreek for the ea St corner of this trai;;t on tho northwest line Of Iha said Edwards 5,295.67 acre tract; THENOE South 11•56'33" Wei;! with the northwest line of the eald Edwards 6,295.67 acre tract for 1320.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 62.42 aoren In 'G,C. & S.F. R.R. Survey 917. J TRACT II: Lol::i 30, 33 end 36, Bloc!< D, 'TRU-MAR LAND CO. SUBDIVISION NO, 1. ot Iha M.T. ARNOLD RANCH, eltuated In Uvalde County, Texa' according to pfQfthereofrocordad In Voluma 3, SB, Plat Records ofUvakle County, :rex11.s. EXHl81T"E" PAGE 1 OF1 ~11L 0503rm103 I. . EXHIBIT F- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 8 ( -! \ .I . .. · ui:u, •t:r"tt .t l•d .1, ~. tlcl.tff: Drltb1f , ·:.' •' 1. u1 aeru ow< .. r lun>11y !f.r. Ju, A~UhH H•• lU, •n~ lUZ.J~I tl'*Mtn, '••• :' "'"""'' ~ ar •kc .l•M <11-nr ~nnt llfr. l0l J{)JU-A" !Ito_.!!!!. kl!' hlkf • urnnlr )•rt'-" •C' trw•~ of •Mil UM't'rtt wr · · y, t. I• 111 ... 'II, ft .UOftju •Y 111.f ~•tea Jdf 11, Hh 11"1 _ : rntoru• .IJt 'Wl. l:U, T~J• 111. 1t s1;4., 11t1l k.tter1s .c llnl•• ~:.~ ~-~;'".;·,~~~~•i MU pml:•llu\7 4ut:r1~ II]" ,.~tu .· .. ku1 ~ ,. ·•.' • , ·, \ ·". : -~~Jl'lfl111' IU 1' J/t" lrf~ J'l•J.• nl ""ti.chit ·~ E.. t: Uh •t ,~ .. II-a•""'·J,l'tr..- 1•v . \~ 11.,~i,.•!lnly nu•r •l Sur. >hr• ltJ Mii ~··· ...-•• ,.;.;,i.,r1r ·~omi~r •l llit-. ir.. .ua; , ; :~·\ • J . _ .. •• -~ ~II H" ll' U" t \:lt\ ll*'tt.l..1nlint d l•rY•r. >h, lJJ, .t I ·:·' .;... .. =~.w;.r:; r:J:f;,~·S!;.f ~~=~;.:~M" • 'tllU!il! M o• 3••.:i.t• a1'.ab .,., li't .. u t-. .. ,,, .. ir-• 1111ii~ au· ft11"1 ~·u.111 u" ~14" l ...n ... ~'- Hh· d C~Hl• LUO.rt\ .-~.:. JI. U• U' ll~ Z. cusd~i Clltll IVKr•, Cl.lf 1 U ;\/i" i')M .a~ •,.,; n ll )11l<t-l • 'l'ltJJlc:i : ii 'nllllCt' 1f. q• ,,, 411" JI wl~ aU tut•, iHl.1'' \I '- :S/&• .ltK n•h nJ ic cot:Jr t-n bf~ 1•H; 7J!EHt;E x u• o• ;n• • "h~ •H l'l•n1.Hi,n• u • u•• lff'J\ a1:.Jl.\• ••J. ior >hnh t:•T.!UT ot UJ.i l9z.~j) .~ ... h ·-.n:t.: n• JJ• H" • •t U.H• ,.,. >h..Uwua ).b• •f hr. un,u•, ·u • 3/-4" ,,... n..11kli Jn ''" lie l&Jl • cnau •' \11h -iu;c1 nttl!C. S o• h• it" 'II, UU,J1' .._ a J/4• Ir.. Jtab •l:r TllfJlct ~ 1111. n,. "" V...r. i~• •t &t•iloi ~>'dl ' , TKlltCI fi U• ti• Jf" \1 1 SO,il' u a l/4" Ito• H~h Ot u . 'M1rill u r - t oif iiiKk ),.h•1 . 1r• ~ ~ U' %1,. W>ttyl\ l!>r<""-H U•• H , ..... 1T>7.0' n .. l/.I• ,.... •• i:.i:·, IP• ... ~hf llh 11a-. •! t» Jk,IOfU lU-r•t • f•r $tt1.tt1' t•1"1liir •! Uf.t \ ·r&.e.i.1 • .. il!ixc's ~· Ii JM°n11ilrlr .Unhhn Mil) 1h hfl ¥1., u )IU'1in J.ivtJ' aiW hs .,..~-lfJ Ji hll1M»• _ •li• ·. '. ... .:·... ''•. ·' ~~ ::"·:;·:~~~::.:: :· ·:· ~· OFFtCitll. PUtiLic; RECO.ROS ~fl.~ L!.fc'Jlh C. Hut.cK8reion, County Clark Uvillde Cllunty TEXAS. A'ugu"t 2'1, 2007 10 ·27 17 AM F£E. $1il4 00 •,' 1 •• • : .'.