Using The Portable Scanner


Using The Portable Scanner
Using the
Portable Scanner
For Instant ‘on-the-spot’
Test Score Results
(ScanMark ES2010)
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NEOGOV – Using the Portable Scanner (For Instant on-the-spot Test Score Results) 6/10/13
Table of Contents
Prerequisites & Tips
Scanner Info & Scantron Type
Reserving the Portable Scanner & Laptop .
Pick Up Location
Returning the Portable Scanner & Laptop .
Test Version .
Person ID Length .
Scanner & Laptop Setup
Scanning Procedures
Viewing Test Scores
Scanning Additional Batches .
Uploading Test Scores into NEOGOV INSIGHT
Using the CSS Scanner .
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Prerequisites & Tips
Are you using the Child Support Services Scanner?
If you are using the CSS Scanner, you MUST first read the last section in this tutorial
named ‘Using the CSS Scanner.’ If using the HRS scanner, continue below.
The day before you administer the test (or days prior to), you’ll need to run/print the Test Roster report from
NEOGOV INSIGHT in order to identify the maximum length of digits for any of the applicants taking the test.
The reasoning for this is explained in the section named ‘Person ID Length’
Instructions to run Test Roster report:
1) Login to NEOGOV Insight at
2) Go to Reports > Reports
3) Then go to Tests > Test Roster
4) Select your Test Location(s)
5) Select your Test Dates/Times
6) Click on Generate Report
7) Go through the PERSON IDs and identify the maximum # of digits that any of the applicants on the
report has.
Doe, John
Smith, Sam
Jenson, Jen
Person ID
Digits in ID
6 digits
8 digits
7 digits
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Scanner Info & Scantron Type
The ScanMark ES2010 portable scanner is used in conjunction with the laptop that has the Quickscore ll
software installed. With this scanner, you can get instant test results on the spot. Form # F-1712-PAR-L is
used for this scanner.
(PINK color scantrons)
Uploading Test Results in NEOGOV (using desktop scanner)
In order to upload the results into NEOGOV, you will need to re-scan the
scantrons using the Scanbook Software instead of Quickscore ll. The
Scanbook software is loaded on the desktop computer that is connected to the
desktop scanner on the 1st floor – Volunteer Center (HOA building).
Please see the tutorials for these procedures on the HR Portal (NEOGOV Tips
Reserving the Portable Scanner & Laptop
To ensure you can use the scanner & laptop, it’s imperative that you reserve them at least 2 weeks prior to your
scheduled test date(s).
Reserve the laptop by contacting HRD Reception Staff at 714.834.5315 and provide the following:
Scheduled test date(s).
Pickup date/time (at least 1-2 days prior to test date)
Name of individual picking up the equipment
Anticipated return date/time
Pickup Location
Hall of Administration
333 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
2nd Floor – Human Resources
Check in at the reception desk and ask for one of the individuals above.
You will then be required to sign-off for these items in our log book.
Returning the Portable Scanner & Laptop
To return the scanner & laptop, simply drop off at HRD reception on or before your return date. You will again
be required to sign-off which will confirm you have returned this equipment.
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Test Version
In most cases, recruiters will have just one test version (i.e., version A). You’ll need to advise applicants (i.e.,
test takers) to bubble in the correct test version on the scantron.
Person ID Length
The QuickScore ll software on the laptop that connects to this Portable Scanner, requires for ALL applicants’
scantrons to have the same length PERSON IDs in order to score them on the spot.
Person IDs are system generated by NEOGOV (GovernmentJobs) when an applicant creates their applicant
profile in order to apply for a job. They can range from 5-9 digits in length and to verify the length of digits for
the PERSON IDs, you’ll need to run/print a Test Roster report from NEOGOV and identify what the maximum #
of digits that any of the applicants on the report has.
Doe, John
Smith, Sam
Jenson, Jen
Person ID
Digits in ID
6 digits
8 digits
7 digits
Based on the maximum length of digits for the PERSON IDs, you’ll need to advise applicants to bubble in their
ID # with one (1) or more zeros in order for ALL applicants’ PERSON ID lengths to be the same.
In the example below, based on the Roster Report we verified 8 was the maximum so you’ll need to advise ALL
applicants to have their PERSON IDs equal 8 digits. For those that have LESS than 8 digits in their ID#, he/she
will need to add zeros at the END of their ID to have it equal 8 digits.
Person ID
Digits in ID
Doe, John
Smith, Sam
6 digits
8 digits
Jenson, Jen
7 digits
# of additional
digits to ADD:
2 zeros
NONE - Already
has 8 digits
1 zero
Candidate will need to
bubble in ID onto
scantron as:
* Highlighted digits indicate the # of zeros added
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Scanner & Laptop Setup
Are you using the Child Support Services Scanner?
If you are using the CSS Scanner, you MUST first read the last section in this tutorial
named ‘Using the CSS Scanner.’ If using the HRS scanner, continue below.
1) Remove all parts from scanner & laptop bags
2) Follow the steps in the diagrams below to setup and connect everything first, BEFORE powering ‘on’ the
scanner & laptop
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Scanning Procedures
Please ensure you have read and understand the prior section ‘Person ID
Length’ as you will need some candidates to ADD zeros to the end of their
Scanning Answer Key
1) Connect all power and cable wires for both the scanner and laptop
2) Power ‘ON’ the SCANNER (black switch is located in the back)
3) Power ‘ON’ the LAPTOP
4) Login to the Samsung laptop with:
U: hrd_recruiter
P: 1234
5) Open Quickscore ll (there’s a shortcut icon on the desktop of the laptop)
6) On the toolbar click on Options > Enrollment Setup.
Based on the maximum # of digits for the ID # on your roster, you will need to keep and/or edit the maximum
# of digits that are configured here in QuickScore ll and then click OK.
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7) In the Tools pop-up window, click on Setup Test
8) In the Test Setup pop-up window, enter as much (or as little) info as you like and click OK
(adding just the course title is fine as well)
9) In the Tools pop-up window, click on Enter Answer Keys
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10) Positioning the answer key scantron in the scanner tray
A) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN to position the scantron in the scanner
B) Place your answer key in the scanner tray (face up)
C) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN again, to have it in the ‘UP’ position again in order for
the next step to scan the scantron
Scantron for Answer Key
You ONLY need to bubble in the following sections on the scantron for the Answer Key:
A) Test Form
B) Answers
You DO NOT need to bubble in the ID # or Last/First name areas.
11) In the Enter Answer Keys pop-up window,
A) Select your test version (version A is selected by default)
B) On the LAPTOP (back on the Enter Answer Keys pop-up window), click on Scan Keys
(Within 30 seconds, the scanner will scan the scantron through)
12) On the SCANNER, upon the scantron going through, press the red END button
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to end the batch
13) On the LAPTOP
A) Verify the answers AND the total possible raw score to ensure the answer key was scanned correctly.
B) Click on Close
14) Click OK in the popup window (which will again display the total possible points)
Scanning Applicant Scantrons
1) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN to position the scantrons in the scanner
2) Place the applicant scantrons in the scanner tray (face up)
(no more than 10 at a time, or the scanner may get jammed)
Scanning in Batches
It is advised to scan in batches of 5-10 scantrons per batch, as this will save
you time with all the steps involved. You may have to let candidates know
they’ll have to wait a few minutes to get their results as you’ll be scanning in
3) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN again, to have it in the ‘UP’ position again in order for the
next step to scan the scantrons
4) On the LAPTOP, click on Scan Test Forms
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5) In the Scan Test Forms pop-up window,
Option to Save Scores to EXCEL
The portable scanner is equipped with a built in printer that will print the DATE
& RAW SCORE onto each scantron upon getting scanned through. However,
since the portable scanner is used infrequently, the ink may dry up. If this is the
case, the scores will not get printed on the scantron.
The above reason is why it is a best practice to save the scores to EXCEL, just
in case the ink is dried up and doesn’t print the scores. Please see steps D-F
You can of course skip saving to EXCEL and take your chances. If you
discover the scanner is not printing, you would have to spend a few minutes to
start the entire setup process over again.
6) In the Scan Test Forms pop-up window,
A) Ensure you have the following choices
B) For File Type, ensure you have
Microsoft Excel v5.0 selected
C) Click on Save As
D) Save to Desktop
E) For Save Export, name the file with
test name & date (i.e., DET 12-22-11)
F) Click Save
G) Click Scan
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Did you get a pop-up message?
If you see a pop-up message about omitted answers, you will need to:
B) Grab the scantron(s) that caused the pop-up and set aside
C) Review these scantrons to see if it was indeed the applicant that omitted the
answers or did the scanner not read them properly.
D) Make any necessary corrections to the scantron(s) and score the applicant correctly
in order to determine if they PASSED or FAILED.
7) Upon completing a batch, click the
button that’s next to the LCD screen on the SCANNER
DO NOT close the QuickScore ll application
If you will be scanning additional batches of scantrons, you will need to keep this application
open or else you will be required to repeat all the setup/configuration steps you see above.
To scan more scantrons, see section below named ‘Scanning Additional Scantrons’
8) Before scanning additional batches, you will need to first view the test scores (see next section below)
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Viewing Test Scores
Upon scanning the scantrons successfully, you should see the date and raw score printed on the top right area
of each scantron. The raw score is the # of CORRECT answers and it should help you determine if an
applicant passed or failed based on your scoring criteria.
Did nothing PRINT on the scantron(s)?
If you DO NOT see a printed date AND raw score on each scantron, this
means the ink is dried up and you will need to:
A) Open the EXCEL file on your desktop (as you specified in the previous
section above), to see the names and scores for each candidate.
Go to STEP 2 below
B) You will also need to notify the NEOGOV Systems Admin sometime later
when returning the scanner/laptop, so the ink can be replaced and ready for
next time.
Reviewing Scores on EXCEL file (if scores DID NOT get printed)
1) Open the excel file that is on the desktop of the laptop screen
2) Notice you will see their ID, name, score for each applicant
3) You would then inform the applicant if he/she passed or failed, based on their test score
4) Close the excel file upon providing scores
Closing the Excel File
You MUST close the excel file or else the software won’t allow additional
batches (or single scans) to get appended to the excel file.
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Scanning Additional Batches
1) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN to position the scantrons in the scanner
2) Place the applicant scantrons in the scanner tray (face up)
(no more than 10 at a time, or the scanner may get jammed)
Scanning in Batches
It is advised to scan in batches of 5-10 scantrons per batch, as this will save
you time with all the steps involved. You may have to let candidates know
they’ll have to wait a few minutes to get their results as you’ll be scanning in
3) On the SCANNER, push the scanner tray DOWN again, to have it in the ‘UP’ position again in order for the
next step to scan the scantrons
4) On the LAPTOP, go back to the Quickscore ll application (which you still should have open)
5) In the Scan Test Forms pop-up window (that should also be open), click Scan
6) Repeat steps in the section above named ‘Scanning Applicant Scantrons’
Completed with Scanning ALL Scantrons?
1) Once you’re completed with scanning ALL scantrons, click Close on the Scan Test Forms pop-up window
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2) Exit out of the Quickscore ll software as well.
Saving Scoring Session
When you get prompted to save, you DO NOT need to save the session as the
EXCEL spreadsheet will already get saved onto the desktop. You would then
be able to copy the EXCEL file onto a flash drive and take with you to keep for
your records.
Uploading Test Scores into NEOGOV INSIGHT
When scoring the tests with the Portable Scanner, you have the following 2 options for uploading the results
Option #1
Manually enter raw scores into NEOGOV
To save you time from having to go to the Hall of Administration building to use the DESKTOP
scanner in order to produce the .TXT file, you can manually enter the raw scores for each
candidate into NEOGOV directly. (See instructions below)
Upon completing this, it is highly recommended that you double check the entered scores by
running/printing the Test Results report in NEOGOV (which displays the raw score entered for
each applicant) in order to cross reference the scores entered with the raw scores on the
scantrons. (See instructions below)
Instructions to Manually Enter Raw Scores:
1) Login to NEOGOV Insight at
2) Go to your Exam Plan
3) Under Evaluation Steps, click on ‘View Applicants by Step’
4) Expand your Evaluation Step for Written Exam
5) For each applicant that has taken the test and you have the raw score printed on their
scantron, click on the N/A link that’s under the Disposition column next to their name
6) A) Enter the Raw Score
B) Click Save
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7) Repeat steps 5-6 in order to enter Raw Scores for all applicants
8) Run the Test Roster Report below
Instructions to Run Test Roster Report:
1) Login to NEOGOV Insight at
2) Go to Reports > Reports
3) Then go to Tests > Test Results
4) Select your Test Location(s)
5) Select your correct Test from the drop-down menu
6) Ensure you enter the correct range for the Start/End Dates in the format of XX/XX/XX
7) Click on Generate Report
8) Applicants will be listed in alpha order, so you will need to go through and cross
reference the raw scores from this report against the raw scores printed on the
scantrons for each applicant
Option #2
Re-Scan Scantrons on Desktop Scanner & Remove Zeros from .TXT file
1) In order to upload the scores into NEOGOV, you’ll need to use the DESKTOP scanner at
HOA as the computer hooked up to this scanner has the software (SCANBOOK) that produces
the .TXT file you need. If you had some candidates add zeros to the end of their Person IDs in
order to equal the maximum digits required by the Portable Scanner, you’ll need to DELETE the
zeros from the .TXT file before you upload it into NEOGOV. You will then need to add spaces
after their IDs so that ALL candidates’ answers start at the 11th column on the .TXT file.
For complete details, please see the ‘Scanner Tips - Desktop Scanner’ help guide that’s on the
NEOGOV Tips page (HR Portal).
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Using the CSS Scanner
The Child Support Services agency also utilizes the same model portable scanner (i.e., ScanMark ES2010) as
HRS and the PINK scantrons (F-1712-PAR-L) also work on this scanner. There are however, a few minor
differences which are described below.
Inability to PRINT
The CSS Scanner DOES NOT have the ability to PRINT the date/scores onto the scantron, as their
scanner does not have the printing component. As a result, you will have to save the scores to EXCEL
as explained in the ‘Scanning Procedures’ section of this help guide in order to view the scores.
Cable for Scanner
The cable that connects the scanner to the CSS laptop, is a cable that has parallel cable connectors on
both ends. As a result, you can ONLY use the CSS scanner with the CSS laptop.
Login for CSS Laptop
U: cssscan
P: Orange12
Using this HELP GUIDE with the CSS Scanner & Laptop
You can use this help guide with the CSS scanner, but as mentioned above just keep in
mind that it WILL NOT print the date/scores on the scantrons and you must use the CSS
laptop with the CSS Scanner.
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