one mission - Blank Park Zoo


one mission - Blank Park Zoo
From the Outgoing
Board Chairman
To inspire an
of the natural
world through
education and
To be respected
internationally and
treasured locally
for leadership in
animal exhibition,
practices and
ZANDA Design
Digital Suburbia Photography & Design
Matt Forland
On the Cover:
Asian Bamboo Partidge
Without question, 2010 was a year of both challenges and opportunities. In spite
of a sluggish economy, visitors continued to flock to Blank Park Zoo to enjoy an
experience like no other in the State of Iowa. I assure you that our three boys never
tire of visiting the Zoo with my wife and me. It’s truly a new adventure every visit!
As Board Chairman, I have had the pleasure of observing a talented management
team and staff committed to honoring the Zoo’s mission. Our commitment
to education remains strong, as 113,127 children benefited directly from our
education programs at the Zoo and in classrooms throughout the state. I am also
fortunate to have served with so many board members who are truly passionate
about ensuring the future success of the Zoo. The organization has also benefited
from many collaborative efforts between the private and public sectors that are
paving the way for future Zoo expansion.
I am happy to report that we are focused on building lasting relationships with
individuals and businesses to ensure future growth. While we strive to maintain
the allure of our existing exhibits, we believe it is critical to add new attractions to
keep the visitor experience exciting and fresh. We are thrilled that construction
commenced in late November 2010 on a brand new Australian Adventure, the
first of many new exhibits including:
» Connection to Africa including meerkats, baboon, wild dogs and more lions
» Completely renovated sea lion pool
» New and improved Zoo entrance through A.H. Blank Park
» New state-of-the-art animal quarantine barn
» New, hands-on interactive components at Great CATS, Kid’s Kingdom,
and the Discovery Center Aquariums
» And much more!
hank you for your support. Come visit us soon and see
what new adventures might await you at Blank Park Zoo!
Dean Whitaker
Immediate Past Chairman
From the CEO
Blank Park Zoo’s annual report shows our supporters and prospects how
we are acting as responsible stewards of the dollars contributed toward our
efforts. It is also a way to ensure that you are aware of the many amazing things
happening at our Zoo. Despite one of the wettest years on record and tough
economic conditions, the Zoo had one of its best years!
Blank Park Zoo is an educational gathering place – impacting more than 350,000
people. I am proud to reflect on the many accomplishments we have made in my
first full year as CEO. We:
» Expanded educational outreach and teacher workshops throughout the state
» Established partnerships with the Des Moines Central Campus’
horticulture and animal husbandry programs
» Began a relationship with Iowa State University’s School of Veterinary
Medicine, bringing vet students to the Zoo to obtain exotic animal
experience and enhancing the care of all our animals
» Built and opened an Australian parakeet feeding experience
» Added more Zoo Brews on Wednesdays and extended hours every Friday
» Opened an interactive ostrich-feeding exhibit
» Made conservation an integral part of every visitor experience through
Coins for Conservation and additional evening educational programs
» Gave back to the community by giving disadvantaged and
underprivileged children the opportunity to experience the educational
and recreational wonders that our Zoo offers
» Created strategic plans to achieve long-term growth and sustainability
None of this would have been possible without our extremely dedicated staff,
corporate partners and individual donors. Thank you!
Blank Park Zoo is an institution with statewide significance
providing a unique recreational, learning and conservation
experience. As we grow, we hope that our impact becomes
even greater.
Mark Vukovich
Blank Park Zoo Foundation
2011 Board of Directors
Matt Fryar, Chairman
Jonathan Wilson, Vice Chairman
Cathy Lacy, Second Vice Chairman
Jolene Veach, Treasurer
Dean Whitaker, Past Chairman
Molly Catron
Rick Clark
Chris Coleman
Kaye Condon
Paul Easter
James Fleming
Sara Ghrist
Rusty Goode
James Hagenbucher
Pat Henson
Richard Hoffmann
James Hourigan, DDS
Michael Hubbell
Scott Ivers
Lisa Kruidenier
Cathy Lacy
Tracy Levine
Daniel McCabe
Mary Jean Paschen
Dustin Petersen
Billie Ray
Brian Rickert
Chris Shay
Loretta Sieman
Julie Stewart
Collin Venenga
Stephanie Windsor
Blank Park Zoo Foundation
Director Emeritus
David Allen
Judy Blank
Bob Burnett
Gloria Burnett
Jo Ghrist
Helen Hubbell
Elizabeth Kruidenier
John Peterson
Tim Urban
David Wallace
Top left to bottom right: Bearded Dragon, Lesser Kudu,
Panamanian Golden Frog, Indian Star Tortoise, Screech Owl,
Porcupine, Sloth, Giraffe, Milky Tree Frog, Vulture, Sting Ray,
Penguin, Wallaby, Flamingo, Pink Pigeon
» There are 1,539 railroad ties on the Zoo’s train tracks
» In 2010, 67,891 people rode the train
» 14,532 people rode the camel
» 21,773 pieces of lettuce
were fed to the giraffe last
year by 18,951 Zoo guests
» 144 people adopted a Blank Park Zoo animal in 2010
» The Zoo gave 499 discounts for zoo admission to
military personnel
» During the 2009 – 2010 school year, 25,696 people
came to the Zoo for a field trip
» 49,620 people attended a Blank Park Zoo special event
» Last year, 359 people volunteered 11,514 hours of
time to the Zoo
# of Species
Invertebrates.................................... 43............................ 602
Fishes................................................ 71 ......................... 1339
Amphibians....................................... 11.............................. 31
Reptiles . ........................................... 17 ............................. 40
Birds................................................... 40 ........................... 225
Mammals........................................... 26............................ 131
» 16,839 bottles of Coke products were sold in Zoo
vending machines
» The gift shop sold 79,633 items, including 14,826
stuffed animals
» Last year, 1,625 tax-deductible contributions were
made to Blank Park Zoo
growing our family
There are no snow
days at Blank Park
Zoo! 365 days a year,
our animal care staff
are at the Zoo making
sure each of our
2,368 animals are
fed, watered, have
the proper veterinary
care, and are living
a good life. It isn’t
easy or inexpensive,
but the rigorous
standards established
by the Association of
Zoos and Aquariums
(AZA) and the
dedication of the staff
have helped Blank
Park Zoo become a
leader in animal care
A Very Rare Bird Indeed
In 2010, the Zoo added a male pink pigeon to our indoor
Discovery Center, uniting a pair of the world’s rarest
pigeons. As hoped, a chick was hatched and Blank Park
Zoo has taken an active role in conserving an animal that
exists in numbers less than 500 worldwide. In time, the pink
pigeon chick will be sent to another zoo where we hope
it will add to the population of this very rare bird. In 1974
the pink pigeon wild population was less than 20. Wildlife
organizations and zoos took an active role in bringing this
species back from the brink of extinction.
Barnaby Cataract
Animal care is always a top priority at Blank Park Zoo. In
2010, an ophthalmologist from Iowa State University was
able to perform an ultrasound on the eye of Barnaby, one of
the Zoo’s Aldabra Tortoises. As you can imagine, examining
the eye of an animal weighing over 500 pounds, which has
the capability of retracting its head into a hard protective
shell, can be difficult. Thanks to the Zoo’s animal training
programs, many of our animals, like Barnaby, are able to
voluntarily participate in their healthcare.
Wallaby Management Program
In March 2010, Kevin Drees, director of Animal Care and
Conservation, and Valene Hautekeete, zookeeper, assisted
in producing the first Population Management Plan (PMP)
for the Bennett’s wallaby. In order to bring more genetic
diversity to the wallaby population in the U.S., Blank Park
Zoo facilitated the importation of five young females from
Granby Zoo in Quebec, Canada. These females were then
welcomed at Ogleby’s Good Zoo in Wheeling, West Virginia;
Sunset Zoo in Manhattan, Kansas; San Francisco Zoo in
California and Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington.
Similarly, Blank Park Zoo sent out three young males to play
their part in reproduction. What does this mean? Blank Park
Zoo is playing an active role in the management of Bennett’s
wallaby. In the future, institutions will look to Iowa’s Zoo
when they have questions concerning the care and exhibitry
of the Bennett’s wallaby.
Iowa Jellyfish?
Jellyfish are certainly not seen swimming around Saylorville
Lake or down the Des Moines river, yet nearly a dozen of
zoos and aquariums across the nation can say they have
jellyfish from Iowa! Blank Park Zoo has become a leader in
the propagation of moon jellyfish, and over the past five years
we have sent these amazing creatures to over 10 different
accredited facilities including Las Vegas’ Mandelay Bay, the
Milwaukee Zoo, the Tennessee Aquarium, Omaha’s Henry
Doorly Zoo and Denver’s Downtown Aquarium. Blank Park
Zoo is proud of our success, and hopes to continue to show
off our ability to grow jellyfish over 1,200 miles away from
their natural habitat!
Animal Records
Like you, every animal at the Blank Park Zoo has a record
tracking medical history, age, family information and more.
Records dating back thirty years are maintained on a daily
basis, ensuring our animals receive the best care possible.
Similarly, Blank Park Zoo participates in the International
Species Inventory System (ISIS), the world’s most current,
comprehensive and reliable source of knowledge on animals
and their environments for zoos and aquariums. Through
this program, our efforts to care for, manage and protect the
many animals with whom we share our planet is done on an
international level.
One of the Blank Park
Zoo’s top goals is to
educate and inspire
while developing an
appreciation of the
natural world. The Zoo
believes that, often
times, it is through
play that children
learn the most. Play
helps children learn to
use their imaginations,
explore their
environment, develop
creative thinking
and learn to express
themselves. Through
play, children build
relationships with the
world around them. In
2010, Blank Park Zoo
reached over 113,127
children through our
interactive, hands-on
educational play.
learning through play
Summer Safari
Teacher Workshops
Summer Safari is one of the important ways Blank Park Zoo
reaches Iowa’s children. These week-long camps explore
the lives, habitats and conservation of animals around the
world through hands-on activities that promote education
through play. Children ages 3-12 have the time of their lives
going wild over the Zoo's hundreds of amazing animals.
Last year, 555 programs were conducted around the state
in classrooms, libraries, day cares, senior centers, and
community events. We reached 28,930 people with these
Zoo programs.
The Zoo’s mission to educate Iowans about the natural
world is no small feat. Lucky for us, teachers around the
state are eager to learn how to bring Zoo experiences into
their own classrooms. Last year, 124 teachers participated
in the Zoo’s teacher workshops impacting 4,475 students
across the state. Our professional workshops provide tools
and guides to educators so they are able to implement
simple studies on conservation, water systems, animal
fossils and much more. Our teacher workshops, offered free
of charge, are another example of how Blank Park Zoo is
working to not only provide educational experiences, but
also act as an educational resource.
Adventure Guide
Toddler Programs
To further the Zoo’s impact through interactive education, we
have developed the Blank Park Zoo Wild Animal Adventure
Guide. This 40–page magazine is available to guests as a
self-guided, educational tour of the Zoo, as well as a fun
and lasting tool to explore well beyond their on-site visit.
It is never too early to build a connection with animals.
The Blank Park Zoo’s early childhood programs, including
Zoo Tots and cooking classes, once again sold out in a
matter of days. We had 1,351 children participate in our
early childhood programs!
Bringing the Zoo to You
Zoo Fieldtrips
What do you get when you combine 30 buses, 1,683
kids, a warm May day and Blank Park Zoo? Iowa kids
experiencing firsthand the wonder of the natural world!
Last year over 25,696 students visited the Zoo through our
fieldtrip programs.
P | 10
exploring the world
It’s hard to say what
people like most
about the Zoo.
For many, it is the
opportunity to feed
a giraffe. Others are
captivated by the
playful otters. While
others prefer to take
a ride around our
park on the train.
Whatever the appeal,
there’s no question
that Blank Park Zoo
gives kids and adults
a fun way to explore
the natural world.
A Rhino Sized Project
Budgie Bog In
We have embarked on our latest adventure, the Wild
About Animals expansion campaign. This exciting multiphase, multi-year project will build new exhibits, enhance
existing exhibits, increase our education programming
opportunities, enhance the visitor experience, and further
engage our audiences in the important conservation
messages we tell every day. After many months of planning,
securing funding, and working with top-notch design
firms, we are proud to tell you we have started our first
projects. During 2011, the first projects will be completed
– new hands-on interactives for Great Cats, Kid’s Kingdom,
and the Discovery Center, a new and improved Australia
Adventure will open, our Sea Lions are getting a new pool,
and a new entrance is being built through AH Blank Park.
Additionally, construction will begin on our new African
exhibit, “Connection to Africa” - opening in 2012.
A bit of the Australian outback came to Blank Park Zoo with
the 2010 opening of Budgie Bog In. The word "budgie" is
short for budgerigar which is a native green and yellow bird
in Australia. “Bog in” is an Australian slang term meaning to
attack food with enthusiasm. Combine these and you have
250 free-flying parakeets fluttering about an enclosed aviary,
and 25,206 people feeding these seed-eating birds.
Thank you to all of our generous supporters for helping to
make these exciting changes possible!
Membership – not the only way to visit
the Zoo – but the best way! Blank Park Zoo
members live in 80 of Iowa’s 99 counties.
Zoo Kids, Inc.
Of all Iowa's many wonderful attractions, nothing seems
to capture the hearts and minds of children as much as
the Blank Park Zoo. Every day, we see their small faces
filled with anticipation as they go racing down the path to
Kids Kingdom, the Sea Lion pool or any of the Zoo’s other
wonderful exhibits.
Unfortunately, this scene doesn't play out for thousands of
children in our communities because their families are faced
with difficult financial and social situations. Zoo Kids, Inc.
was established to help put smiles on these children's faces.
In 2010, over 1,000 Zoo passes were distributed to at-risk and
disadvantaged children around the state, ensuring the special
adventures found at Blank Park Zoo are shared with all.
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Blank Park Zoo is
committed to having a
positive impact on our
environment. The Zoo
has a direct effect on
wildlife conservation
by supporting
conservation efforts
around the world,
taking responsibility
for species survival,
contributing to
conservation research
and education, and
providing our guests
an opportunity to
develop personal
connections with
our animals.
making a positive impact
Coins for Conservation
Blank Park Zoo is changing the world one quarter
at a time with our biggest conservation initiative
ever, Coins for Conservation! With this new program
one quarter from every purchased admission or one
dollar for every membership will be designated by Zoo
guests to support one of three conservation efforts
having local, national and international impact.
Supported efforts include the Native Prairie Chicken
Restoration Project, working to sustain Iowa’s small
population (about 50) of the Greater Prairie Chickens
near Kellerton, Iowa, the Georgia Sea Turtle Center,
an organization which has rehabilitated over 900
sea turtles since 2007, and the Giraffe Conservation
Foundation, working with African communities to
develop a sustainable future for giraffe populations.
Conservation Around the World
Blank Park Zoo’s Conservation Committee continues to endorse local and global conservation projects
committed to efforts to preserve and protect endangered and threatened species worldwide.
African Predator Conservation
Research Organization
Lions, leopards, cheetah,
wild dog, jackal
Ventana Wildlife Society
California, U.S.
California Condors
AZA Ratite TAG
U.S., Australia
Center for Ecosystem Survival
Ecological “Hot Spots” worldwide
Entire ecosystems
Hornbill Research Foundation
Chilean Flamingo Project
Chilean Flamingos
Georgia Sea Turtle Center
Georgia, U.S.
Sea Turtles
Help the Penguin Project
Magellan Penguins
Iowa DNR bat survey
Iowa, U.S.
Chimpanzees of Senegal
Senegal, Africa
International Elephant Foundation
Africa, Asia
International Snow Leopard Trust
China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan
Snow Leopards
Iowa DNR Wildlife Diversity Program
Iowa, U.S.
Non-game Iowa wildlife including:
falcons, owls, otters, swans
Northern Crawfish Frog Project
Iowa, Missouri, U.S.
Northern Crawfish Frog
Red Panda Network
India, Nepal, China
Red Panda
Save the Tigers
Seafood Watch
World Oceans
Ocean wildlife
Turtle Survival Alliance
Warren County Conservation
Osprey Introduction
Iowa, United States
P | 14
Magical and
wonderful things
frequently happen
around Blank Park
Zoo, many of which
revolve around
our guests and
In 2010, the Zoo received great coverage from statewide
media promoting all the exciting adventures found at
Blank Park Zoo!
Blank Park Zoo’s African Lions Fa La La and Ga Vi Vi correctly
picked the New Orleans Saints to win the Super Bowl.
Sally Mander, Perry Keet, Rory Lion and Wally B. Hopin’
answered over 8,000 phone calls from pranksters from
all over the United States. The prank was featured in the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. (bottom right)
A baby camel arrived at Blank Park Zoo and received
attention from WHO-TV 13 and the NBC Today Show.
David Downs, age 8, from Radcliffe, Iowa, won the
opportunity to name the camel Ozzie. (top left)
Zoo staff and animals logged over 1,300 miles on the road
promoting the Blank Park Zoo on television and radio
stations throughout the State of Iowa.
Thanks to the support of Nationwide Insurance, Blank
Park Zoo announced that America’s favorite zookeeper,
Jack Hanna, would visit in September. (top right)
Bob Elgin, the retired director of the Des Moines Children’s
Zoo, passed away. The Wall Street Journal and the Des
Moines Register published articles remembering the Zoo’s
original director.
Television stations across Iowa covered Goldie the tiger
incorrectly picking Iowa State to win the Iowa vs. Iowa
State football game. (bottom left)
A baby giraffe was born. Zoo supporter Kaye Condon
named her “Sabra” meaning patience. When video of
the birth was uploaded to YouTube, it pushed the Zoo’s
channel into the top 25 non-profit channels for the week.
The AP also featured the video on its YouTube channel.
Blank Park Zoo challenged the National Mississippi River
Museum and Aquarium in Dubuque to a Facebook race
for the month of October. In total, Blank Park Zoo added
more than 3,000 Facebook fans during the race. Blank
Park Zoo won by 249 fans. During the competition, the
Zoo received statewide radio, television and newspaper
media coverage.
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Thank you to our generous donors
You make a difference!
Membership and
activities remain
strong and vibrant.
Last year, Blank Park
Zoo received over
1,600 gifts totaling
$1,053,815 for
operating funds. The
Zoo’s membership
continued to flourish
with nearly 8,000
member households,
generating $550,000
for programs and
operations. Our Wild
About Animals capital
campaign raised $2.3
million for the most
ambitious expansion
in the Zoo’s history.
Leadership Gifts
Honoring Wildlife Enthusiasts
The Ghrist Family
With deep appreciation, Blank Park Zoo Foundation acknowledges the extraordinary support
of the following donors. The cumulative total contributed by each of these individuals,
foundations and corporations has had a significant impact on the Zoo’s mission to inspire an
appreciation of the natural world.
$1Million and Above
Myron* and Jacqueline* Blank
BRAVO Greater Des Moines
City of Des Moines
Elizabeth and David* Kruidenier
William C. and Susan Knapp
State of Iowa
John and Lilyan Stoddard Estate
$200,000 - $999,999
Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Robert and Gloria Burnett
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
City of West Des Moines
Community Foundation of
Greater Des Moines
Gardner and Florence Call
Cowles Foundation
W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust
Paul and Sandy Easter
EMC Insurance Companies
Jo and Tom* Ghrist
Helen and James* W. Hubbell, Jr.
John Deere Foundation
Fred Maytag Family Foundation
Meredith Corporation Foundation
MidAmerican Energy, Co.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Polk County
Prairie Meadows
Principal Financial Group
Timothy J. and Tony Urban
Townsend Engineering Company
David and Dolores Wallace
Wells Fargo
Outstanding Corporate Partners
When Blank Park Zoo talks of loyalty, longevity and giving back to the community,
a few corporate partners stand out.
Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Bankers Trust
Clear Channel Outdoor
Dahl’s Foods
Des Moines Radio Group
EMC Insurance
Etc! Graphics
Heart of America Group
Hy-Vee Food Stores
John Deere
Meredith Corporation
Nationwide Insurance
Pioneer Graphics Commercial Printing
Prairie Meadows
Principal Financial Group
Toyota of Des Moines
Wells Fargo
ZANDA Design
Top: The Ghrist family was honored at
the third-annual Uptown Hoedown for
their commitment to the natural world.
Left: Over 150 employees of John Deere
Financial spent a November afternoon
volunteering at Blank Park Zoo.
Capital Donors
Many thanks to our generous Wild About Animals Capital Campaign donors.
$1 M and Above
City of Des Moines
William C. and Susan Knapp
Elizabeth Kruidenier
$250,000 - $999,999
Helen and James Hubbell Jr.
Meredith Corporation Foundation
State of Iowa
Iowa Department of
Transportation – RISE
Community Foundaiton of
Greater Des Moines
$100,000 - $249,999
Blank Family Fund
Robert and Gloria Burnett
WT and Edna M. Dahl Trust
John Deere Foundation
Polk County
Prairie Meadows
Principal Financial Group
Stan and Dotty Thurston
Timothy J. and Toni Urban
Wells Fargo
$25,000 - $99,999
Bankers Trust/Ruan Family
David and Delores Wallace
James and Allison Fleming
Paul and Sandy Easter
Cole-Belin Education Foundation
Michael and Barbard Gartner
John and Kathy Williams
Charles and Suzy Muelhaupt
Jo Ghrist
Fred and Charlotte Hubbell
Michael C and
Deborah Hubbell
Steve and Cathy Lacy
Lou and Pat Schneider
BRAVO Greater Des Moines
Honorable and Mrs. Robert D. Ray
Mannatt Inc.
$5,000, - $24,999
Baker Electric Inc.
Belin McCormick PC
Judy Blank
Ted and Jane Brackett
Kaye C. Condon
Ann Cownie
Russell and Elizabeth Cross
Matt and Bridget Fryar
Sara Ghrist
Rusty and Jody Goode
James and Pam Hagenbucher
Patricia Henson
Jim and Sheila Hourigan
HI Foundation Inc.
Iowa Foundation for Education
Environment & the Arts
Kathleen Stahl Travel Services
John and Mary Keck
Lisa Kruidenier
MidAmerican Energy Company
Jeff Nall and Mary O’Keefe
Kevin and Debbie Prust
Suku and Mary Radia
John Ruan IV and Alison Ruan
Robert and Loretta Sieman
Andrew TeBockhorst and
Teri Wood-TeBockhorst
Michael and Vickie Tousley
Dean and Lisa Whitaker
Connie Wimer and Frank Fogarty
Jonathan Wilson and
Todd Messinger
Chip and Maria Wittern
Howard and Teresa Wahlert
$4,999 and Below
Jake and Suzanne Arnold
Kenny and Michele Ball
Mark and Krista Beck
Ryan and Tammy Bickel
Ted and Connie Boesen
Robert and Christie Boesen
Myrna Booth
Andy Bouska and
Emily Williams-Bouska
Honorable and
Mrs. Terry Branstad
CL Tel
Molly Catron
Zach and Azure Christensen
Chris and Marcie Coleman
Chad and Jolene Comer
Connolly O’Malley Lillis
Hansen & Olson LLP
P | 18
Consumer Credit of
Des Moines - Tom Coates
Jeff Dier and Jean Osgood
Dr. Sarah Garst
Harvey Giller and Barb
Terry Greenley and Fran Fleck
John and Sally Irving
Dick and Connie Isaacson
Scott Ivers
Russ and Lucile Johnson
Krause Gentle Foundation
Tracy Levine
Raymond and Shirley Michel
John and Sandra Myers
Mary Jean Paschen
John Peterson
Regions Financial
Corporation Foundation
Brian and Wendy Rickert
Randy and Linda Rogers
Jim Green and Keiko Sampson
Chris Shay and Emily
Tim and Anne Shimerdla
Fred and Nancy Scott
South Des Moines
Chamber of Commerce
Aaron and Stacie Stone
Robert and Jeannie Snyder
The Stelter Company
Thomas Hamilton &
Associates, Inc.
Benjamin and Martha Ullem
David and Debra Ulstad
Van Meter Industrial Fund
Honorable and Mrs. Tom Vilsack
Brian and Jolene Veach
Mark and Charlene Vukovich
Mark and Rebecca Westberg
Stephanie Windsor
Lisa Williams
Aldabra Society
A special group of individuals who have remembered Blank Park Zoo in their estate plans.
Founding Aldabra Society Members:
John Stoddard*
Bruce Boyle
Myron and Jacqueline Blank*
Zach and Azure Christensen
Andy Bouska and
Holmes* and Marjorie Foster
Emily Williams-Bouska
Bridget and Matt Fryar
Lori and Steve Fuqua
Patricia Henson
Mary Jean Paschen
Marilyn and William F. Vernon
Lisa Williams
* deceased
Annual Fund Donors
Blank Park Zoo thanks our donors for their contributions made between November 1, 2009 and October 31, 2010.
$50,000 and Above
Bravo Greater Des Moines
City of Des Moines
$20,000 - $49,999
Atlantic Coca-Cola
Bottling Company
City of Altoona
City of Ankeny
City of Clive
City of Johnston
City of Urbandale
City of West Des Moines
City of Windsor Heights
Jo Ghrist
State of Iowa Department of
Cultural Affairs
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Principal Financial Group
Wells Fargo
$10,000 - $19,999
Bankers Trust
EMC Insurance Companies
Heart of America Management
John Deere Des Moines
Meredith Corporation Foundation
Nationwide Mutual
Insurance Company
Prairie Meadows
State of Iowa
Whirlpool Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Bank of America
Carolyn Brenton-O’Brien
Robert and Gloria Burnett
Community Foundation of
Greater Des Moines
Sara Ghrist
William C. Knapp Charitable
Stan and Dotty Thurston
Variety – The Children’s
Charity of Iowa
Windsor Charitable Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Belin McCormick PC
Blank Children’s Hospital
City of Des Moines Employees
Kaye C. Condon
Patricia Henson
Jim and Sheila Hourigan
Helen Hubbell
Iowa Department of
Economic Development
Lisa Kruidenier
Mediacom Communications
Principal Charity Classic
Roger and Shirley Stetson
Charitable Trust
Townsend Vision Inc
University of Iowa Children’s
Urban Charitable Foundation III
Mark and Charlene Vukovich
$1,000 - $2,499
Affinity Credit Union
Ahlers & Cooney, P C
Alliant Energy Foundation Inc
Apple Tree Children’s Center
Brad and Sally Austin
Baker Group
Bruce Boyle
Matthew and Heather Brown
Gregory Burt and
Suzie Glazer-Burt
CDS Global Inc
Consumer Credit of Des Moines
Joel and Lori Doyle
Paul and Sandy Easter
Dave Christens
Joe and Carol Fatino
James and Allison Fleming
Brent and Colette Friest
Matt and Bridget Fryar
Michael and Ann Gersie
John and Ann Ghrist
Git N Go Convenience Stores Inc
Global Spectrum Wells Fargo Arena
James and Pam Hagenbucher
Roger and Mary Hansen
Iowa Department of
Administrative Services
Iowa Realty Foundation
Toby Joseph
Alissa Jourdan
Krause Gentle Foundation
Steve and Cathy Lacy
Nixon and Nancy Lauridsen
Caroline Levine
James and Melissa Lydon
Daniel and Donna McCabe
Karen McNamara
Merit Resources
Polly Moore
Pioneer Community Investment
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Principal Life Insurance
The Honorable and
Mrs Robert D Ray
Resource Development
Tim and Anne Shimerdla
Robert and Loretta Sieman
John and Randi Stern
Stew Hansens Dodge Ram
Chrysler Jeep
Taco John’s of Iowa Inc
Bill and Marilyn Vernon
Violet G. Young Charitable Trust
David and Dolores Wallace
West Bank
Jonathan Wilson and
Todd Messinger
YMCA of Greater Des Moines
$500 - $999
Benefit Source Inc.
Jan Campbell and Diane Finley
Zach and Azure Christensen
Joseph and Susan DeMarco
Electrical Engineering
and Equipment
Essex Meadows Inc.
Farmers Mutual Hail
Insurance Company of Iowa
FBL Financial Group Inc.
Julie Ghrist
Anne Ghrist
Norman and Cindy Griese
Homesteaders Life Company
Michael C. and
Deborah S. Hubbell
ING Foundation
Iowa Beverage Systems
Iowa Events Center
Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation
Doug and Sheryl Ireland
ITA Group Foundation
Scott Ivers
John Stoddard Estate
Chuck and Jaina Johnson
Kenton Klein Sr.
Tracy Levine
Matt McCoy and Dan Garrett
Brian and Kristen McKibban
Raymond and Shirley Michel
Jim and Deborah Miller
Paul and Gloria Morris
NCMIC Group Inc.
Dr. Brian Randall and
Dr Mary Kemen
Michael and Ann Richards
Tim and Connie Rock
Donald C and Mary Ryckman
Fred and Nancy Scott
Chris Shay and
Emily Primeau-Shay
Gordon and Karen Smith
David and Rebecca Stark
State of Iowa
Andrew TeBockhorst and
Teri Wood-TeBockhorst
The Stelter Company
The Vernon Company
Stephanie Windsor
Sumner and Karen Worth
$250 - $499
LJ Thomas and Charlene Ahlers
Mary L. Allen
Mark and Krista Beck
Matt and Ellie Bishop
Judy Blank
Andy Bouska and
Emily Williams-Bouska
Caseys General Stores Inc.
Ann Davenport
Davis Brown Koehn
Shors & Roberts
Denise Donald
Drake University
Karen and Steven Eddy
EMP Medical Services PC
Roland and Jean Farley
William and Kathleen Fehrman
Financial Plus Credit Union
Fiserv Foundation
Diane Geriets
Mary Ghrist-James
Stan and Regina Glawe
John and Louise Grzybowski
Dr and Mrs Edward Hertko
David and Elizabeth Hoak
Steve and Libby Jacobs
Steve Jayne and Karen Shaff
Rosemary Killmer-Thornley and
Wendy Thornley
John and Kathy Krogmeier
Alfred Leiserowitz
Bill and Kathy Lillis
LJS Consulting
Pat Melkus
Merchants Bonding
Company Foundation
Katie Meredith
Deborah Miller
Neumann Brothers Inc.
Jeffrey Obrecht and
Becky Parrish
Mark and Jill Oman
Melvin and Tammy Paetz
Mary Jean Paschen
James Piros and
Ruth Wright-Piros
Jan and Connie Pitcher
Premier Credit Union
Robert and Debra Pulver
Terry and Kim Rich
Steven Rowe and
Mary Louise Hlavin
Significance Foundation
Jeffrey and Kathleen Stahl
Ted and Gretchen Stephens
Lance and Rachel Stierman
Martha Tinker
Mike and Ann Touney
Tom Urban Jr. and Mary Urban
Brian and Jolene Veach
Collin and Julie Venenga
Steve and Patricia Weeks
William and Dorothy McGinnis
Karen Williams
George Wilson III and
Jean Wilson
Brian and Kelly Wirt
$100 - $249
Rachel Admundson
AFSCME Iowa Council 61
AIB College of Business
Bill Allen and Cindy Walker
Chad and Donni Alley
Grace Ambrose
Robert Burnett Jr. and
Barbara Burnett
James R Austin
Baker Electric Inc
Daniel Bartlett
Robert and Nicole Beaman
Al Beaty
William and Mary Beck
Thomas G. and Sharon Beem
Wayne and Laurie Benefiel
Frank and Janet Berlin
Jeff and Melissa Bernhardt
Neil and Angie Berns
Ryan and Tammy Bickel
Phyllis Blease
Myrna Booth
Arnie and Jan Borchers
Jason and Dawn Boucher
Bowman Chiropractic
Margaret Brennan
Brenton Foundation
Sean and Donna Brock
Penny Brockelsby
Frank and Janet Burton
Lee Carlson and Linda Young
Jim and Teresa Carmichael
George and Kathlyn Carpenter
Ted and Rebecca Cates
Molly Catron
Joe and Paula Cerne
Andy and Kelly Chalupa
Lynne Champion
Rebecca Christoffel
Civil Design Advantage
Dennis & Katie Clark
Diane Collett
Connie Comfort
Joseph and Margaret Ann Comito
Community Choice Credit Union
James and Mary L. Cooper
William and Marilyn Corwin
Chris and Pamela Covell
John and Sue Crawmer
Russell and Elizabeth Cross
Kathy Cross
Eric and Kathy Crowell
Daniels Family Foundation
David and Myrlene Darnell
Ted and Ann Davidson
Dale and Nancy Denton
Jeff Dier and Jean Osgood
William and Kay Dilks
Tom Dobbin
Shawn and Jennifer Docekal
Janet Dreher
Doris Eby
Joseph Eckhart
Jane Elgin
Elite Expediting Inc.
Dan and Lisa Ellsbury
Mike and Jenny Ferrari
Steve and Susan Flack
Richard and Marsha Flaugh
Marjorie Foster
Freightliner of Des Moines
Rosalie Gallagher
Dr. Sarah Garst
William and Linda Garten
Justin Gartin
Carl Gillespie and
Catherine Gillespie
J Paul and Marlene Glahn
Dr Herman and Sara Graefe
Charles and Amy Graham
Carl Grant Jr. and Marcene Grant
Steven and Lynn Graves
Daniel Greenland and
Danielle Brookes
Philip and Susan Gustafson
Dr Jon and Tina Hade
Ted E and Corinne Hanke
Carl Harris & Sally Harris
Nanette Heginger
Steven Held and
Susan Breen-Held
PJ and Cindy Hendrickson
Allen and Sara Hentscher
Karen Holmes
Steven and Judy Houg
Fred and Charlotte Hubbell
David and Linda Hueser
David and Barb Hurd
Raleigh and Cindy Hutt
Larry and Karen Hutzell
Scott and Susan Michelle Idleman
Iowa Herpetological Society
John Burgeson
Dick and Connie Isaacson
Stephanie Jacobs
Michael and Melissa Jacoby
Bruce and Diane Janvrin
Scott and Nichole Johnson
Teresa Johnson
Lynda Jordan
Robert Josten
Judy Moeller
Kappa Alpha Theta Beta Kappa Chapter
Andrew and Mary Jane Kiely
Rachael and Kory Kinnick
Robert and Loral Kirke
Carol Knapp
Guy Koenigsberger
Walter Kretzmann and
Pat Kenneley
Tim Kruse and
Carol Spaulding-Kruse
Mike and Jane LeMair
Lance and Michelle Lange
Mark and Kathy Larson
John Leachman
Pam Levine
Victoria Lewis
Robert and Lu Ann Link
Warren and Becky Litchkey
Jim and Pat Luhrs
Barry and Dawn Lull
Mark and Jeanne Lyle
P | 20
Harriet S. Macomber
Kevin and Gina Mayer
Dave and Brenda McAllister
Bill and Gail McCabe
Daniel and Andrea McGuire
Robert McLearen Jr.
Randy McNeal
Dan and Joanne McPhail
M-D Lions Club Charity
Julie Middleswart
Shandy Mikkelsen
John Mondo
Paul Moran and Karen Pearston
Gary Morris and Kathy McKee
Balaji Narasimhan and
Surya Mallapragada
Derek and Heidi Nestor
Mark and Joy Newcom
Betty Nichols
Andrew and Barbara Nish
David Norris
David and Mary O’Connor
Jim and Jeanne O’Halloran
Eric and Holly Olson
Gail Olson
Tamas Otrok
Diane E Palmer
James and Patricia Patrick
Carl and Renae Peters
Paul J. Pettinger
The Playground for Kids LLC
Beverly Porter
Judy Porter
Becky Rafferty
Steve and Kathleen Raymond
Edwin and Beverly Richardson
Brian and Wendy Rickert
Bob and Kay Riley
Dennis and Carolyn Riordan
Paul and Judith Romans
Lois Rowe
John and Janis Ruan III
Ron and Clarice Rubek
Charitie Schaer
Ellen Schatzke
Brian and Patricia Scieszinski
Richard and Cynthia Settle
Sarah Shelton
Shive-Hattery, Inc.
Kara Shore
Robert and Cherie Shreck
Christine Sidebotham
Elyse Sims
Jo Sloan
Mark and Cindy Snell
Gene and Andrea Spalding
Larry and Nancy Stanbrough
Marilyn Staples
Aaron and Stacie Stone
Carol Stone
Tom Straw
Jonathon Suddarth and
Julie Anderson-Suddarth
Mike Taylor
Shirley A. Taylor
Rick and Nan Tollakson
Thomas and Becky Tuttle
United Natural Foods Inc.
Eric and Bonnie Van Ellen
Dr. Mike Versackas and
Diane Versackas
John and Stacy Vratsinas
Jean L Walker and Caleb Prevo
Steve Walker and Megan Wright
Wall Lake Lions Club
Denise Ward
Roger and Harriett Waugh
Lisa Welshhons
Dean and Lisa Whitaker
Sheila White
Mary Jo Williams
Lisa Williams
Connie Wimer and Frank Fogarty
Rowe and Susan Winecoff
Winterset Lions Club
Workspace Inc.
Jason and Kathleen Worth
Krenio P Wright
Robert Zamrla
Mike and Shelley Zarling
Tara Zeman
Gregory and Stacia Zink
$99 and Below
Maurice Aduto
Mike and Malai Amfahr
Haley Anderson
John and Rachel Anglick
Arthur Public Library
Brett and Lisa Ashburn
Mark and Susan Baldwin
Dick and Bonny Bartelt
Glen and Ann-Marie Baughman
Marilyn Beck
Shirley Becker
M. Jane Bibber
Karin Bjorseth
Bryan and Lori Boatwright
Katie Broughton
Rodney and Wanda Brown
Doug and Martha Brown
Linda Bruning
Bruce Buither
Keith and Barbara Bullock
John Burnett
Patrick Callahan
David Campbell
Career and Life Transition
Laurie Casson
Scott and Mary Cawley
Pat Christensen
Dan and Donna Claflin
Rick Clark
Peter Clay
Miriam A. Cline
Carrie Clogg and Jennie Nelson
Chris and Marcie Coleman
Steven and Gwenn Copple
Ruth Core
Stevin and Staci Dahl
Amanda Daum
Traci Davis
Jean S. Davis
Donald and Denise De Vore
Eleanor Denning
Des Moines Kennel Club Inc.
DLR Group Inc.
Vernon and Phyllis Drees
Scott Dunn
Mark and Betsy Durham
Clint and Nicole Eckles
John and Rosie Efferding
Roy and Averyle Ehrle
Walter and Mary Eidbo
Craig and Cindy Fausch
John Findley
Alan Fink and
Elizabeth Weider-Fink
Rand and Cyndi Fisher
Becky Flanagan
Todd and Jen Forret
Catherine Fought
Four Mile Caring Committee
Franke Herr and Associates
Miranda Furrer
Walter and Jean Galvin
John and Jane Gandy
John and Regina Gerdes
Rusty and Jody Goode
Richard and Jean Graff
Daniela Graham
David and Susan Grant
Jim Green and Keiko Sampson
Paul and Wen-Yu Vicky Haines
Russ Hansen and Jim and
Leah Hansen
Steve and Jane Harper
Alan and Valene Hautekeete
Bernie Hawley
Jim and Sarah Hayes
Beverly Helsing
Steven Henry
Diana Henson
D. John Hershey
Tim Hickman and Frank Vaia
John and Mary Hicks
Hills Bank and Trust Company
Cheryle Himes
Amanda Hinners
Mike and Jo Hoss
John C and Ellen M Hunter
Michael and Marcia Hunter
Hy-Vee Inc.
Ann Irvine
Aubrey James
Douglas Jensen
Erin Johnson
William and Twyla Johnson
Hok Kim
James and Shelly Knutson
Dennis and Sandra Kolbeck
Amy Kopatich and Kelly Wilson
Rod Kruse and Jan Berg-Kruse
Kris and Roxanne Kucharski
Tony and Bev Kuehn
Michael and Pamela Kulik
Gerald and Dorothea Lalonde
Jamie Lamb
Kathryn Lappegard
Robert Larsen
Terry and Kathleen Lebo
Cody LeClaire
David Leigh
Rebecca Linhart
Justin Lowry
Barry and Teri Mabon
Josh and Elizabeth Mann
Charles and Barbara Markus
Julie Martz
Vaughn and Alicia McElvain
Margaret McKee
John and Eileen Mercuris
Daryl and Kitty Metzger
Tara Michels
Gary and Cathy Miller
Deb Miller
James and Corinne Mitchell
Matthew Moore and Sara Stibitz
Mamie Morlan
Mark and Radona Morris
Roscoe and Cheryl Morton
Charles and Suzy Muelhaupt
Chris and Colleen Murphy
Greg and Denise Murray
April Murtha
Richard and Kay Musal
Mariah Myers
Brian and Barbara Nagle
Norwalk Veterinary Clinic
Shannon Osterholm
William and Sally Patton
Joel Pech
PEO Chapter HF
Stephanie Perkins
Don and Rosemary Perschau
Abigail Petersen
Richard and Nancy Piatt
Veronica Piceno
Kevin Pierce and
JoAnn Vore-Pierce
Audrey Pohlmann
Marty and Lori Polka
Jon and Sherry Raleigh
Razz-Ma-Tazz Face Painting
Reynolds General Construction
Caitlin Rickey
David and Ellen Robinson
DJ and Megan Roettger
Bonita Rogers
Jeff and Michelle Rossate
Mica Rumbach
Jeff and Jill Sanders
Kevin and Michelle Sanders
Karen Sanders-Kelly
James and Martha Sanderson
Richard and Carolyn Santi
Steve and Renee Schaaf
Eugene J. Schmitt
Art and Stephanie Schramm
Carl and Margaret Schwab
Marilyn Schweitzer
Brian Seaman and Angel Ball
Mike and Stephanie Shimerdla
Taylor Shire
Logan Short and Jennifer Howard
Michael W. Simonson
Thomas and Kathi Slaughter
Michaela Smith
William Smith Jr. and
Jean Douglas-Smith
Jeff and Trish Southard
Jeff and Mary Sparling
Dr. Michael and Simma Stein
Kevin and Jennifer Stetson
William and Beth Stokes
Angela Stone
Tony and Sandra Stork
Audrey Sula
Darrell and Shirley Sunderman
Gary and Judy Svec
Wendy Swigwart
Don and Diane Taylor
Rick and Tina Thompson
Penny Thomsen
Carla D. Tibboel
Elizabeth Towe
Brent and Heather Van Hauen
Ken and Diane Vanderpool
David and Judith Veeder
Bert and Rita Verhey
Darrell and Marilyn Vore
Hobart and Carolyn Walling
Tom and Tami Watson
Jerry and Margaret Weiner
Andrew Williams
Eva Williams
Scott and Christine Wirth
Isaac and Martha Young
C. and W. Zielinski
Digital Suburbia
Photography & Design LLC
East Village Spa
El Patio
Eleanor Pfeiffenberger
Enchanted Sweets
Estilo Salon and Day Spa
Fleur Cinema
Flowers by Anthony
Fort Des Moines Museum
Gigi's Pilates Studio and
Personal Training
Gilcrest Jewett Lumber
Glass Magic
Glazed Expressions
Glorious Desserts
Google Inc.
Have Trunk Will Travel
Iowa Cubs
Jennie McKinary
Jennifer McKinney
Jessie Weeks
Jim and Arlene Melson
Judy Porter
Kelly Boyer
Larry and Nancy Stanbrough
Lisa Williams
Living History Farms
Mark and Charlene Vukovich
Mary Bloom
Massage Envy
Matthew and Janet Oliver
Meredith Corporation
Mojos on 86th
New Belgium Brewing Company
Our Creation Cakes & Mints
Patricia Henson
Pearles Specialty Cake Co
Pegasus Gallery
Picket Fence Creamery
Plaza Lanes Family
Sports Complex
Revolution Cycle
Richard and Eileen Gloor
Richard and LaDonna Matthes
River City Hardwoods, Inc.
Rock River Grill and Tavern
Ryan and Tammy Bickel
Salon 68
Salon W.
Scheels All Sports
Scott Leckrone
Stage West Theater Company
STart Studio
Steamatic of Central Iowa
Stella’s Blue Sky Diner
Stirring Events
Sweetest Perfections
Thomas Ghrist Jr. and
Jessica Ghrist
Toad Valley Golf Course
Trixie's Salon
Tumea and Sons Restaurant
Warren County Conservation
» James Schuemann & Dana
Gifts in Memory of
Lucille Zielinski
» Mark and Susan Baldwin
» Sean and Donna Brock
» Zach and Azure Christensen
» Kaye C. Condon
» Career and Life Transition
» Sara Ghrist
» Patricia Henson
» Andrew and Mary Jane Kiely
» Daniel and Donna McCabe
» Margaret McKee
» Chris and Colleen Murphy
» Audrey Pohlmann
» Jeff and Jill Sanders
» Marilyn Schweitzer
» Mike and
Stephanie Shimerdla
» DLR Group Inc.
» Shirley A. Taylor
» Collin and Julie Venenga
» C. and W. Zielinski
In Kind Gifts
Avondale Animal Hospital
Bake Shoppe
Best Buy
Big Barn Harley Davidson
Blades Massage
Bryan and Lori Boatwright
Burnett Family Foundation
Cake Me, I'm Yours
Cakes from Waterbury
Calcareous Winery
Carefree Patisserie
Carol Gorney
Chase Suites Hotel
Cheryl Winkelmann
Civic Center of
Greater Des Moines
Classic Cakes and Desserts
Copper Creek Golf Course
Custom Embroidery
Dave and Angel Kempkes
Des Moines Cold Storage
Des Moines Playhouse
Gifts in Honor and Memory
Gift in Honor of
Bob Burnett’s birthday
» Sara Ghrist
Gift in Honor of the Ghrist Family
» Tom Urban Jr. and Mary Urban
Gifts in Memory of Evelyn Eckles
» Laurie Casson
Gifts in Memory of Bob Elgin
» Glen and
Ann-Marie Baughman
» Marilyn Beck
» William and Mary Beck
» M. Jane Bibber
» Karin Bjorseth
» Rodney and Wanda Brown
» Bruce Buither
» Scott Cawley and
Mary Cawley
» Dan and Donna Claflin
» Kaye C. Condon
» Jean S. Davis
» Des Moines Kennel Club Inc.
» Walter and Mary Eidbo
» Bob and Jane Elgin
» Alan Fink and Elizabeth
» Steve and Jane Harper
» Beverly Helsing
» Patricia Henson
» John and Mary Hicks
» Hills Bank and Trust Company
» Iowa Herpetological Society
» Dennis and Sandra Kolbeck
» Ann Levine
» Barry and Teri Mabon
» Vaughn and Alicia McElvain
» Daryl and Kitty Metzger
» James and Corinne Mitchell
» Mamie Morlan
» Mark and Radona Morris
» NCMIC Group Inc.
» Don and Rosemary Perschau
» Kevin Pierce and
JoAnn Vore-Pierce
» Terry and Kim Rich
» David and Ellen Robinson
» Jeff and Mary Sparling
» Darrell and
Shirley Sunderman
» Don and Diane Taylor
» David and Judith Veeder
» Darrell and Marilyn Vore
» Denise Ward
» George Wilson III and
Jean Wilson
Gifts in Memory of
Corinne Hubbell
» Shirley Becker
» Ann Irvine
Gifts in Memory of Brice Janvrin
» Bruce Janvrin & Diane Janvrin
Gifts in Memory of Prudence
» John Leachman
Gifts in Memory of
Wayne McCracken
» Gene McCracken and
Judy Davis
» Isaac and Martha Young
Gifts in Memory of Jack Mueller
» Four Mile Caring Committe
Gifts in Memory of Bill Riley
» Donna Spilman
Gifts in Memory of Eric Schuemann
P | 22
Blank Park Zoo Foundation Staff
2009 – 2010 Operating Revenue
Rentals / Other Revenues
Gift Shop
Train Rides
Educational Programs
Lisa Ashburn
Ryan Bickel
Daniel Bieltz
Myrna Booth
Kira Bowles
Penny Brockelsby
Katie Broughton
Patrick Callahan
Azure Christensen
Myndi Clements
Rachael Cohen
Chad Comer
Kathryn Cross
Jerri Davis
Jeff Dier
Kevin Drees
Samantha Dunn
Tara Engel
Matthew Forland
Nicole Garvey
Christine Goodwin
Daniela Graham
Daniel Greenland
Valene Hautekeete
Christopher Hansen
Dan Hurless
John Huss
Kelly Jensen
William Johnson
Rachael Kinnick
Amy Kopatich
John Krogmeier
Jessica Leckrone
Kathy McKee
Krystal Obbink
Gwen Parks
Audrey Pohlmann
Anthony Rapp
Keiko Sampson
Kristin Schaaf
Allen Schroeder
Brian Seaman
Miranda Shields
Anne Shimerdla
Michaela Smith
Megan Stegmeir
Aaron Stone
Bonnie Van Ellen
Mark Vukovich
Jessica Weeks
Lisa Williams
Emily Williams-Bouska
Monica Wilson-Cross
Megan Wright
Friends of the Zoo
Friends with a shared interest in and passion for Blank Park Zoo
2009 – 2010 Operating Expenses
Animal Care
Concessions/Gift Shop
Financials based on Blank Park Zoo fiscal year end operating statements November 1, 2009 –
October 31, 2010. For the latest financial statement, including restricted endowment and
restricted accounts, visit
Alan Koslow
Carl Coates
John Hintze
John Williams
Kevin Prust
Lana Jones-Gould
Phil Gustafson
MD Isley
Senator Matt McCoy
Suzy Muelhaupt
David Allen
Celeste Kelling
Kathy Krogmeier
Mary and Suku Radia
Honorable Robert D. Ray
Terry Rich
Secretary of Ag. Thomas Vilsack
Mike Whalen
The Blank Park Zoo is proud to be a member of the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA), the premier association of zoological institutions in North
America with unequal standards for animal care and management.
Blank Park Zoo Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.