Fluvanna Review
Fluvanna Review
November 20-26, 2014 | One Copy Free FluvannaReview.com Fluvanna REVIEW A Fluvanna Fox Hunt Aqua Asks for New Fee Tally Ho! Page 6 Lake Fights Aqua Increase Page 7 Carysbrook Honor Roll Page 11 Pleasant Grove House Opens Page 13 Page 14 Volleyball Over Page 20 Holiday House Tour Page 24 Quote of the week: “Just walking around the property has connected me so much more to my heritage. Imagine, all that many people in one house working and functioning together.” – Kathy Parrish Brent , Page 13 General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $140 per year or $75 per 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Deadline: Advertising and news items due by Wednesday 5 p.m. for the following week. Display and web ads: For information including rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Classified ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by the office at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Deadline for print is Monday by noon. Legal ads: The Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. Photo of the week Send your best Fluvanna photo to [email protected] Inside Letters................................5 Sports in review ..............21 Puzzles .............................22 Classifieds........................23 Calendar ..........................26 Property transfers ..........26 Crime log .........................26 November 20, 2014 • Volume 34, Issue 47 Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly correct errors of fact brought to our attention. We encourage readers to notify us of errors or the need for clarification in any of our content. Please email the editor at [email protected]. News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news happening, call us! CIRCULATION AUDIT BY Raccoon tracks over the Rivanna. Photo by Darren Ball Fluvanna Rams Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: The Fluvanna Review encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar submissions to 50 words or less and letters to the editor to 300 words or less. E-mail: [email protected] or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. F OUNDED IN 1979 BY L EN G ARDNER www.fluvannareview.com Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos 434-207-0224 / [email protected] Advertising/Copy Editor: Jacki Harris 434-207-0222 / [email protected] Accounts/Classified Ads Manager: Edee Povol 434-207- 0221 / [email protected] Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle 434-207-0229 / [email protected] Editorial Designer: Lynn Stayton-Eurell [email protected] Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon, Christina Dimeo Guseman and Tricia Johnson Intern: Stephanie Pellicane Photographers: O.T. Holen, Lisa Hurdle, Lynn Stayton-Eurell Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Rd. (434) 591-1000 Fax: (434) 589-1704 Member of the Virginia Press Association 6,300 Copies COVER Fluvanna’s Deep Run Hunt Club. Photos by Tricia Johnson Cover design by Lynn Stayton-Eurell and Lisa Hurdle. 67 Wildwood - Lake Monticello 9 Bernardsburg - Lake Monticello $1,600 Newly renovated waterfront home with 1st floor master, finished basement, boat dock, wet bar, walk in pantry. 1,300 ranch w/ 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, large master w/ whirlpool tub, open living room w/ gas fireplace. 13 Buck Island Rd - Lake Monticello 607 Jefferson- Lake Monticello $975 month, for 1 1/2 yr. lease. $1000 for yr. 3 bedrooms, new carpet, new paint, new dish washer, stand up crawl space area for storage $1225/month Ranch with garage, fenced backyard, 3 bedrooms, open kitchen with breakfast bar, dining area, living room. 130 Villa Circle Fluvanna 127 Timber Road- Columbia $1,050/month Townhomes in convenient location, walk to shopping, 3 bedrms, living room opens to kitchen, breakfast bar, 2.5 baths, laundry. $1,200/month-Quiet country home with 3 bedrooms, wood burning fireplace, 1st floor master suite, back deck, private setting. Pop Warner JPW North Carolina Regional Governor’s Bowl Champions! 2014 We are PROUD of all of the boys and coaches for having such a great season! Property Management Services www.firstvirginiahomes.com Call US First for a FREE Property Management Consultation Lisa McCormick Owner/ Realtor and Property Manager (434)-589-6386 [email protected] 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Delila Stone OFFICE MANAGER (434)-589-3958 [email protected]. Looking for the Right Rental? Start Here... View All O Vi Our A Available il bl R Rentals t l att www.firstvirginiahomes.com To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 Jefferson Pharmacy Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 194B Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra • 434-589-7902 • www.jeffersondrug.com Unique Gifts & Home Décor • Greeting Cards • Home Health Care Wellness Center • Holiday Décor TH 6 CHRIST UAL N N A OPEN SANTA’S COMING MA S COME GET YOUR PHOTO WITH SANTA HOUSE Elf on the Shelf now available THURSDAY DEC. 11TH - 4-7 PM HOT CIDER, CHRISTMAS COOKIES, WINE TASTING, FREE DRAWINGS, BOOK SIGNING BY LOCAL AUTHOR JAYNE D’ALESSANDRO COX 20% OFF CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND DÉCOR Compounding Flu Shots Available Anytime. We have the tools and expertise needed to create any commercially available medication with competitive pricing. Medicare D Plan Open Enrollment Ends Dec. 7th Senior Citizen Day 10% OFF Every Wednesday!* *Excludes prescriptions and alcohol 4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 We bill Medicare for all of your diabetic needs including strips, lancets, and diabetic shoes! Local Delivery Wire Service Check out our website and “like” us on facebook! Jefferson Flower Shoppe Call Scarlett, 434-996-4087 To advertise email: [email protected] Hess and Belew It shined like a beacon that Eric Hess and Mark Belew did outstanding jobs of managing their election campaigns, emphasizing their strengths and reasons to vote for them, without ever degrading or disrespecting the opponent. They did Fluvanna proud and may their high standard set the bar for all election campaigns to come in Fluvanna. – Jeff and Molly Suling, Palmyra They’re spending our money In the Nov. 6 “The Lake” ad, Lake Monticello Owners Association Vice President Tom Braithwaite wrote about the buildings renovation and replacement project. He stated that “The Board of Directors intends to keep the membership informed…” and “The objective is to prepare full description of both buildings with not to exceed costs in time for the annual members meeting in June.” Such a “description” of the proposed renovated and replaced buildings will not enable the owners to know what millions of dollars of our money will be used to create. Was Mr. Braithwaite not listening to the owners’ responses to the surveys and town hall discussions when we voiced the need to know what an increase to our dues will be spent on? Exterior and interior elevations drawings, floor plans and samples of exterior and interior materials are required. They must be drawn to the same scale for both buildings and identify the dimensions of all rooms. A “description” will not meet my need to know what my dues will purchase, but the above will. Similarly, “not to exceed costs” for each building are necessary for procurement purposes, but are not sufficient when millions of dollars of our money is being spent. The owners need to have the architects’ cost estimates for each building and these costs must be broken down by major category. These costs will meet the need to know what my dues will be purchasing. The Board of Directors should keep homeowners informed of options at each stage of the process. At a minimum this information must be provided to homeowners for review and consideration before we vote in June. We need to know what our millions of dollars will purchase. – Karol Forsberg, Lake Monticello Flush Aqua’s rates Enough already - another Aqua Virginia water and sewer rate increase of 15% for water and 5% for sewer at Lake Monticello. But there’s more; Aqua’s parent company Aqua America has also petitioned the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) for an infrastructure surcharge that would be applied to your bill to cover infrastructure upgrades. Aqua is taking predatory advantage of both a favorable regulatory climate in the Commonwealth and the lack of consumer advocacy. The surcharge is part of what Aqua America calls Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Service Charge and they are writing their own regulations for the SCC. Whatever Aqua Virginia wants to replace, you pay for it and pay up front. Recovering infrastructure cost today To advertise call: 434.207.0222 is done retroactively with rates and then the SCC awards a “reasonable” return on equity. One of the reasons given for the rate increase was that Lake Monticello residents conserve too much water, averaging 650 gallons per month less than the rest of Virginia. Of course I conserve water when it’s priced like gold! As a family of two with a bill close to $100 per month, water is higher than any other utility. I pride myself in conservation. I gave up on a lawn. I use rain barrels, collect my air conditioner drainage (200 gallons per summer) and run out with buckets to capture extra rainwater. Moving inside, “If it’s yellow, let it mellow.” I take Navy showers - rinse, turn off, soap, turn on and rinse. I collect shower water and sink water waiting for warm water. Grey water is recovered from hand-washed dishes and used to flush. Now I have to come up with new conservation techniques to compensate for this new rate increase. It is time to flush Aqua’s rates. – Mike Harrison, Lake Monticello Public outcry needed “To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe” – “You can’t fight City Hall” – Some folks consider these as analogies for the efforts of Lake Monticello’s ad hoc committee against Aqua Virginia’s rate request. We agree that it is a long shot – but-with enough public outcry it is possible. Water customers of Aqua America in Florida banded together and put sufficient pressure on Florida’s regulatory agency for them to re-examine the ground rules which resulted in great profits for Aqua America (they are very good at what they do) at the expense of their customers (as we know so well.) The committee has done a great amount of work already and is continuing to refine their strategy via research and communication. Already, we can provide guidance to any Aqua customer who wants to express their dissatisfaction to the State Corporation Commission (SCC), the governor, the attorney general, Del. Rob Bell, State Senator Tom Garrett, plus the office of consumer protection services. Our effort will be for naught if we don’t provide a deluge of complaints to each facet of influence in our state. Can we count on you to do your part? If we are not successful, continuing rate hikes are a certainty. Can you afford that? We need massive numbers to flush Aqua rates. For more information contact [email protected], or visit lmoavoice. org and click on the Aqua tag. Please call attention to this letter to everyone on your email list. We need the numbers. – Rick Ashauer, Lake Monticello Aqua fails I am an Aqua Virginia customer living at Lake Monticello, Virginia. Aqua Virginia proposes an increase for water and waste of over 12%. Aqua Virginia is seeking higher profits while they fail miserably at their mandate and refuse to resolve problems while also polluting our air. Residents here already pay more for Have a story idea? [email protected] water than any other location in the U.S., including California. I find the request for a rate increase to be particularly unthinkable when Aqua Virginia consistently fails our community. Although I paid a significant amount to buy a home directly on the lake, I am unable to enjoy being out doors due to the septic odors that belch from Aqua Virginia’s grinder pump, which is about .8 miles from my home. The disgusting stench blankets the area, and occurs at the numerous other grinder pumps operated by Aqua Virginia at Lake Monticello. Complaints to Aqua Virginia equals lip service but no improvements. They refuse to fix the problem and then demand rate increases! This odor problem has become increasingly worse over the last two years. Aqua Virginia’s failure is also demonstrated vividly by the increasingly septic odors which emanate from their water treatment plant, a short distance from our community, a problem which has decreased value of our homes and has harmed the marketability of our community as a whole. The disgusting odors from the water treatment plant have also intensified significantly over the past two years. As a citizen of the Dominion of Virginia, the water belongs to me. Aqua Virginia does not have to pay for it, and their processing charges are absurdly well and over usual costs to consumers. Since Aqua Virginia ignores these serious problems, contaminates our air and devalues our homes, the only option left is a class action suit against Aqua Virginia. Should we really have to go this far to get Aqua Virginia to do what they are already paid very well to do? Adele Says... Aqua Virginia should not be granted a rate increase. Instead they should be formally investigated. Virginia Stromberg, Lake Monticello –Virginia Stromberg, Lake Monticello Thanks FCHS As a former student of FCHS, I realize that I had taken for granted the educational and extracurricular opportunities made available to students while I attended Fluvanna County High School. If students have the capacity to succeed at Fluvanna, they can with AP and PVCC classes offered that are not only more challenging than the average high school curriculum, but also provide opportunities to earn college credits. Some classes also offer students the ability to gain hands-on experience in fields that they may be working in directly out of high school, such as carpentry, photography, and media production. In addition to all of these potential educational opportunities are the successful sports programs that many of my classmates received scholarships for. Fluvanna offers chances to succeed to students of all interests. However, this is not the case for many high schools. Across the country, schools are struggling to meet their quotas for No Child Left Behind reading and math proficiency scores and have to deal with issues such as low financial support and graduation rates. These schools are so occupied with dealing with their limited resources and trying to better educate their average students that they lack the funding to provide advanced or college-level classes to the students who are succeeding. See Letters, page 6 “Relax During the Holidays!” Then Call Me to Help You Prepare for the Spring Market!! by Adele S. Schaefer Call for a FREE Market Analysis Adele S. Schaefer, GRI, Associate Broker 434-962-1928 MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS 2704 Lake Monticello Rd.; Palmyra, VA 22963 434-589-3539 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 5 E W THOMAS , INC. SUPERMARKET 13027 James Madison Hwy. in Palmyra at Rt. 15 & Rt. 53 434-589-8412 • Open Mon. - Sat. 6:30 am - 7 pm Wonderoast Rotisserie Chickens $5 Every Tuesday DELI SPECIALS MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Boneless top Round London Broils ..... $4.29 lb. Boneless Eye of Round Steaks ................ $4.49 lb Boneless Eye of Round Roasts ............. $4.29 lb. Fresh Beef Cubed Steaks great for frying ....... $4.29 lb. Kite or Felts Whole Country Hams 16-18 lb. $3.49 lb. Sugardale Smoked Ham Portions Butt or Shank$2.39 lb. Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops ................ $2.79 lb. Perdue Turkey Wings............................ $1.79 lb. Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster ............... $1.19 lb. Frozen Grade A Whole Turkeys all sizes limit 2 .99¢ lb. Frozen Turkey Breasts 4-7 lb. .................. $1.59 lb. Senior Discount Every Wednesday! LUNCH & FROZEN MEAT Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $1.99 while supplies last Signature Honey Ham ........................... $4.49 lb. Smithfield German Bologna .................. $2.99 lb. Land o Lake Sharp American............... $5.99 lb. Red Bliss Potato Salad .......................... $3.49 lb. Fathers Table Pumpkin or Carrot Cake Rolls 18 oz. .... $3.49 Specialty Apple, Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Pies 22 oz. $3.49 Money Orders .99¢ each Hillshire Farms Lil Smokes 13-14 oz. ...... $2.99 Johnsonville Sausage Links or Patties 12 oz. $2.99 Johnsonville Ground Italian Sausage 16 oz.$2.99 Fishin Co Tilapia Fillets 2 lb. ....................$7.99 Spotlight Buy Sexton Dog Food 50 lb. – $19.99 Holiday Open House is coming soon! Thursday Dec. 4, 3-6 It’s going to be Delicious! EXTRA SPECIAL THURSDAY ONLY SPECIAL with $20 additional purchase… 3 LB. BAG YELLOW ONIONS .99¢ 10 LB. BAG WHITE POTATOES $2.99 DMV2GO is here Wednesday, December 10, 9-4! DAIRY SPECIALS Cracker Barrel Cheese 8 oz. ............................... $3.89 Kraft Cream Cheese 8 oz. .................................... $1.69 Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice 59 oz.. $2.99 Country Crock Spread 45 oz. ............................ $2.99 PRODUCE SPECIALS Golden Pineapples .............................. 2/$5.00 Fresh Virginia Grown Cress Salad lb. ..... $1.39 Sweet Potatoes lb...................................... .49¢ Concord Seasoning Greens, Hollandaise & Sweet Potatoes...................... .79¢ Fresh Express Salad FROZEN SPECIALS Bridgeford Parkerhouse Rolls 25-27 oz. ...2/$5.00 Green Giant Boil ‘n’Bag Veggies 8 oz. ........ .99¢ Mrs.Smiths Holiday Pies 27-37 oz. .............. $3.99 Cool Whip Topping 8 oz. .............................. .99¢ Sara Lee Cheesecake or Pound Cake 1 lb. $4.99 Culinary Circle Pizzas 18-25 oz. ........... 3/$10.00 Spinach, Green Supreme & Premium Romaine 8-11 oz. 2/$3.00 GROCERY SPECIALS Campbells Soup Cream of Mushroom or Chicken 10.5 oz..99¢ Bruces Yams 40 oz. ..................................... $1.99 Nestle Toll House Morsels 12 oz. ............... 2/$5.00 Hanover Green Beans 101 oz. ...................... $3.99 Libbys Vienna Sausage 5 oz. .................... 2/$1.00 Capri Sun 10 ct. ............................................. $1.99 Del Monte Pineapple 20 oz. .......................... .99¢ Del monte Tomatoes 14.5 oz. ......................... .99¢ Domino 10x or Brown Sugar 1 lb................. .99¢ Pam Cooking Spray 5 oz. .............................. $2.49 Heinz Gravy 12 oz. ............................................ .99¢ Carnation Evaporated Milk 12 oz. .................... .99¢ Diamond Chopped Pecans 8 oz. ................ $6.99 Diamond Chopped Walnuts 16 oz. .............. $6.99 Play Here! Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Vehicle Licensing Center DVD Rentals Available 24/7 VIRGINIA LOTTERY License Plates, Decal Renewals, Titles Beer Kegs Available with 48 Hours Notice DMV Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. – 12 noon Available Everyday DMV 2Go ~Wednesday. December 10 • 9-4~ Propane Tanks Available for Sale or Exchange E W Thomas is not responsible for typographical errors. We accept WIC & Food Stamps. We reserve the right to limit quantities SALE DATES NOVEMBER 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2014 6 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Aqua asks for new customer fee BY CHRISTINA DIMEO GUSEMAN, CORRESPONDENT If Aqua Virginia has its way, the company will begin charging an additional fee to its customers up front to fund its infrastructure projects. This fee, called the water and wastewater infrastructure service charge (WWISC), would be separate from Aqua’s base charges and water and sewer rates – or any water and sewer rate increases. Aqua is currently petitioning the State Corporation Commission (SCC) for an 8 to 21 percent increase in water rates and a 4 to 13 percent increase in sewer rates. Having a WWISC would allow Aqua to replace critical infrastructure more quickly and to save money in the process, explained Aqua Virginia President Shannon V. Becker. Emergency fixes in the middle of the night can cost three to 10 times as much as planned maintenance, he said, because of overtime, rush demand, and the inability to bid anything out for competitive prices. Plus this method increases transparency, he said, because the proposed WWISC regulations call for Aqua to file an infrastructure improvement plan in advance with the SCC. But some of Aqua’s customers at Lake Monticello aren’t convinced. “The rates paid by consumers that are set by the SCC include infrastructure as part of that rate structure,” said Mike Harrison, treasurer of the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association (LMOA) Board of Directors. “If they get both approvals for the WWISC and the rate increase, they’re double-dipping us.” Becker hopes the WWISC will decrease the need for “frequent and large” rate increases, because infrastructure expenses would be considered separately through the WWISC. And, he added, Aqua won’t be permitted to over-earn; a “true-up” provision would require the company annually to analyze its intake versus its expenses and adjust the following year’s charges accordingly. Harrison sees it differently. “They bill us for the infrastructure upgrade which increases their equity and helps their shareholders,” he said. And when asked to clarify whether instituting the WWISC would in fact prevent “frequent and large” rate increases, Becker hesitated to make any promises. “It’s hard to say whether we’ll have fewer increases because I can’t predict inflation, cost of chemicals, power costs,” he said. “As time goes by, rates in general will go up. We will have smaller increments.” Since the state of Virginia currently doesn’t have a provision for this sort of service charge, Aqua Virginia partnered with two other companies – Virginia American Water Company and Massanutten Public Service Corporation – to file for this rulemaking from the SCC. The three petitioning companies drafted their own proposed WWISC regulations for the SCC’s consideration – a sticking point for Harrison. “There isn’t any consumer protection in that,” he said. “Once the WWISC is approved by the SCC any subsequent changes to the plan would be handled administratively, which means there’d be no public hearing, no public notice, and the consumer is unprotected.” “This is an application,” Becker countered. “We’re requesting for their review to put in place whatever rules they feel are appropriate. We give them guidelines for what we’re suggesting.” Becker said “most of the other states we operate in” have such charges, but declined to specify how much the charge would be. “We haven’t assessed it,” he said. “We’re starting from ground one – helping us to identify from the SCC what are the rules. Then we should be able to put a plan in place” that would probably take effect in 2016. The SCC closed public comments on Nov.7 and on Dec. 8 will decide whether to have a public hearing on the matter. Letters from page 5 to the presence of our cyclists. The Share the Road signs that have been placed on Ruritan and Rolling Roads have helped a lot. I can attest to that. Let’s call and ask our representatives to help get these signs. Call Steve Nichols at 434-591-1910. Tony O’Brien at 434-242-1649. Donald Gaines at 434-806-9244. Andrew Scott VDOT representative at 434-422-9859. – Jerry Staley, Palmyra I’m currently enrolled as a freshman in James Madison University, and I can honestly say that I’m extremely fortunate to have gone to Fluvanna County High School. During my time there I not only could partake in core AP classes, but I also tried computer math, student government, lacrosse, football, wrestling, and academic team. I’m very grateful to have gone to FCHS because I don’t know if I would have been accepted to JMU had I gone to a school that offered less opportunity. – MacLean Koslowski, Palmyra Share the road Send a Letter to the Editor • Keep letters under 300 words. • Refrain from personal attacks. • Do not send letters that have been sent to other newspapers. • Include your name, address and phone number (for verification). • Submit online at: FluvannaReview.com or email [email protected] or mail to Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 • We reserve the right to edit letters. Rt. 600 to Rt. 53 to Ruritan Road will take cyclists to some of our most scenic areas. When cycling these two routes you can experience a nerve-racking moment where a vehicle passes you a little to close and a little to fast. With help from the cycling community and motorists we can ask for the needed Share the Road signs on these two roads. They will alert drivers To advertise email: [email protected] LMOA fires back at Aqua increases BY CHRISTINA DIMEO GUSEMAN, CORRESPONDENT In a few months the water and sewer bills at Lake Monticello might get even bigger, thanks to Aqua Virginia’s proposed rate increase and infrastructure service charge. So the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association (LMOA) Board of Directors established an ad hoc committee tasked with digging up information in opposition to the increases, said Board Treasurer Mike Harrison. Aqua has petitioned the State Corporation Commission (SCC) for an 8 to 21 percent increase in its water rate and a 4 to 13 percent increase in its sewer rate. It has also asked for the implementation of a water and wastewater infrastructure service charge (WWISC) that would have customers providing advance funding for Aqua’s eligible capital projects. Chair Ida Swenson said that her committee’s work goes beyond simply trying to get the SCC to nix the bill increases. “Our number one demand is to deny the rate increase,” she said, “but we’re also asking that policies and rules at the SCC be changed.” The problem isn’t Aqua, said Harrison – it’s the SCC. “It’s Aqua’s job to make money,” he said. “They’ve stated as a matter of corporate policy that they want to go into states with low regulations. We have a situation here: our SCC, which is supposed to be watching out for the consumer in the regulation of rates and charges, is not.” Though the SCC usually shaves a percent or half-percent off companies’ requests, he continued, “typically companies get what companies want. Because there’s no consumer representation on the SCC.” Because of this, “we’ve got to rely on our political leaders to either apply pressure to the SCC or to cause changes in the structure and regulatory authority of the SCC.” So on Nov. 6 Swenson and Lake Monticello resident Burt Marks spoke before Gov. McAuliffe’s Commission on Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government, urging the commission to focus on state agencies “because of our lack of trust in the SCC,” Swenson said. “It’s not looking out for the consumers like it’s charged to do.” Case in point, said Harrison – Aqua is permitted to charge its new rates to customers starting Jan. 5, so long as it refunds, with interest, any funds not subsequently approved by the SCC. “Now why would a consumer advocacy organization allow for a rate increase before they’ve even heard the rate case?” Harrison asked. “But that’s common way of operating across the SCC.” One of the reasons for the SCC’s existence is to “balance the interests of businesses and citizens in regulating Virginia’s business and economic concerns,” as the commission says in its mission statement. Commissioners take into account not just consumer opinion but also business costs. The LMOA ad hoc committee is sending “all kinds of letters” to politicians and public officials, Swenson said. She’s started a Facebook page called Aqua Virginia Customers Unite, and urges people to contact her at aquacustomers@gmail. To advertise call: 434.207.0222 com. LMOA Communications Manager Gwen Antesberger has created an “Aqua” tab at lmoavoice.org and is posting documents as she receives them in an effort to keep the community informed. Swenson hopes to have a designated rally day at the state house, she said, probably sometime in early February. Her committee is looking into chartering a bus to carry residents to the SCC’s public hearing on the rate case in Richmond on March 24. She also urges residents to submit comments against the increases to the SCC through its website. Residents’ actions can make a difference, Swenson said. “When customers of Aqua Florida rose up and started to campaign to change the way things were done, it resulted in changes in regulations in the state of Florida, and now Aqua is in the process of selling its holdings in Florida,” she said. LMOA’s response to Aqua’s requests includes a letter submitted to the SCC by its lawyer, Francis L. Buck, which enumerates the problems LMOA sees with creating a WWISC. “Historically, capital costs have been built into rate[s] and rate adjustments, and paid for by the customer after the utility has made the investment,” the letter reads. “Petitioners wish to remove this risk by using a WWISC that, if approved by the Commission, will shift the risk to the customer… Under the existing practice, this risk serves as a safeguard to ensure that the company will act cautiously and carefully before it undertakes million-dollar improvements.” LMOA “recognizes that infrastructure cost recovery is necessary,” the letter continues, “but it should not be done outside of the water and sewer rates, and certainly not paid in advance of the benefit being received. This shifts the risk from the investors to the customers.” Aqua Virginia President Shannon V. Becker explained that his company, like all companies, needs its income to cover its expenses. Both the rate increase and the WWISC help defray consistently increasing costs, he said. And because he can only ask for rates based on expenses as they exist at that time, his company constantly operates off of outdated costs. Right now Aqua’s rates are based on expenses as they existed three years ago. Part of the reason for Aqua’s rate increase is that Lake Monticello customers are using less water. So if Aqua needs the same amount of revenue, it needs to charge more for its services. But that doesn’t sit well with Harrison. “We’re in a situation where we’re using 600 gallons less than the average Virginian,” he said, “and the reason we’re using less is because of the damn cost of the water! So supply and demand is out of kilter here.” The LMOA ad hoc committee is just getting started. Swenson plans to present to the LMOA Board at its next meeting and come up with a list of demands for the SCC and for Aqua Virginia. “We see that the short-term issue is: let’s try to prevent our rate increase,” Harrison said. “The longer-term issue is: let’s try to work through the General Assembly to fix the SCC and end this nonsense.” Delilah’s Hair Designs Spruce up... Turn Drab to Fab Design Instant Chicks Staging Interior Design • Move-ins Family Hair Salon We work with your existing furnishings and transform your space to FAB, FAST! Open: Mon., Tues., Fri: 9 to 5 Thurs: 9 to 7 Sat: Appointment only Call for an Appointment 589-4579 Call for Our Great Rates. Bev Gibbens 941 Lake Monticello Rd. Lake Monticello Located off Route 53 on 618 804-347-9966 Chris Walthall 804-387-9562 Realtors™ Love Us! You’ll Be Amazed! Open 7 Days a Week! Lake EMP OR I UM Palmyra’s Party, Toy & Craft Store FREE Balalnod on ! ft a r C s ’ d i K Saturdays Nov. 22 & 29 1-pm-3pm New Items just in! • Flexible Flyer Sleds • Foam Sliders • Snow Tubes • Name Trains Balloons, Party Supplies, Quality Toys, Arts & Crafts Cards & Wrap and so much more! Horse Lovers Mon - Fri: 10am - 7pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm • Sunday: 10am -3pm 434-589-6016 • 202 Turkeysag Trail Located in the corner of the Food Lion shopping center, behind Lauterbach Chiropractic November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 7 School lunch woes BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT “‘Yule’ shoot your eye out!” the dreaded words spoken by every parent to wishful boys hoping for their dream Christmas gift, an official Red Rider 200-Shot Carbine Action Range Model Air Rifle! “A Christmas Story,” based on the movie by Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown and Bob Clark, tells the timeless tale of Ralphie and his desire for the “perfect” gift and how he hopes to convince his family that he deserves it. Join Ralphie, played by junior Shjon Best, and his brother Randy, played by junior Mary Milton as they reminisce about their “Old Man” played by senior Joe Johnson and their mother, played by senior Kara Kline, as narrated through the eyes of older Ralph, played by senior Zach Dobrin. The Fluvanna County High School Theatre department brings this beloved family classic to the stage, Dec. 5-6. Performances are at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 5 and Saturday, Dec. 6, and a 2p.m. matinee show on Saturday, Dec. 6. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to each show. General admission is $5 for everyone. We “triple dog dare you” to arrive early for pre-show caroling Friday and Saturday and an opportunity to meet Santa on Saturday. For more information, please call FCHS theatre at 434-589-3666, email [email protected]. org or check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/FCHStheatre Photo courtesy of Craig Edgerton 8 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 School Board Chairman Camilla Washington expressed concern at the Board meeting held Nov. 12 about the amount of time Fluvanna students have at lunch. “I just want us to look at how long our lunch periods are and what the average wait time for students is - and not on a good day. I’ve walked in the high school, and it is amazing to me that these kids have to gobble down food in two minutes - and it is because they are standing in line,” said Washington. “For the most part these kids don’t have enough time to eat. I would like to know what is our average time for lunches, what is the average wait time, and have teachers and administrators who are doing lunch duty talk to us and email us and tell us what they are seeing.” Superintendent Gena Keller agreed to look into the matter. “It is important that we look at it – it is a balance, what do you do – do you lengthen the school day, do you take away time from something else?” The Board also recognized the wife and two sons of the late R. J. Searcy, a former School Board member and advocate for school athletics. Fluvanna High School, in a ceremony on Nov. 7, had named its athletic complex, including all of the outdoor ball fields, after Searcy. “It was a privilege and an honor to have Mrs. Searcy and her sons here tonight,” said School Board Vice-Chair Brenda Pace. “I am very excited to know we have named the complex the RJ Searcy Complex. He did serve the community as well as the School Board…this is really special to me,” she added. “I think it was very nice of (Fluvanna High School Principal) Mr. Barlow to recognize him. Mr. Searcy was a very good Board member and dedicated to the cause; people like that you never forget,” said School Board member Bertha Armstrong. In other business the Board unanimously voted to approve an agreement with Conterra and Fluvanna County. Communications towers owned by Conterra at two former elementary schools - Cunningham and Columbia - had remained the responsibility of Fluvanna County Public Schools, even though the two disused buildings had become property of Fluvanna County. This agreement reached between the three entities passes the responsibility and liability for those towers to Fluvanna County. The Board also discussed the impact of Average Daily Membership (ADM) on its budget. ADM is the estimated number of students attending Fluvanna County Schools which is submitted to the state and on which the school district’s remuneration from the state is based. Calculations are complicated, and accurate estimates can prevent the school system from finding itself over budget at the end of the school year, or underfunded by the state. To advertise email: [email protected] Next to the Main Gate OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Thanks for voting us #1 Real Estate Firm 6 Years in a Row! Serving Fluvanna and the Surrounding Area MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS 434-589-3539 • 800-825-LAKE From Our Home To Yours... • We wish you the best during this Holiday Season. • We want to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. • We are available to show you homes over the Holidays. • Call any of our experienced agents. MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORSCOUNTR MONTICELLO MONTICELLO COUNT • We have an agent on duty 7 days a week for your convenience. • See all the current listings at: WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM Commercial Property HAPPY FACE LOCATION 13610 James Madison Hwy, Palmyra A PROUD SUPPORTER OF MONTICELLO COUNTRY COUNTRY MONTICELLO REALTORS COUNTRY REALTORSWE ARE MONTICELLO REALTORS HAPPY FACE & MACAA. $280,000 WE ARE A DROP OFF LOCATION AGAIN THIS YEAR FOR HAPPY FACE & THE FOOD BANK. ACCEPTING NEW & GENTLY USED TOYS & NON PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS FOR THE CHILDREN & FAMILIES IN NEED IN FLUVANNA. WE ARE LOCATED NEXT TO THE MAIN GATE OF LAKE MONTICELLO. Unlimited Possibilities! Zoned B-1 w/ Rte. 15 Road Frontage. Recent upgrades & remodeling, full kitchen, 2 zone HVAC, 3 restrooms & handicap accessible. Separate lower level, office space. Central water/sewer. HOMES FOR SALE 357 Gravel Hill Rd. – $114,900 One level ranch w/full walk out basement. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2.10 acres. 21 Hatchechubee Rd. – $219,000 Spacious colonial on corner lot. Hardwood floors, upgraded kitchen, basement & garage. 1046 Tepee Town Rd. – $139,000 757 Jefferson Dr. – $176,000 Built in 1860, “Cedar Breeze” on Charming home w/large bedrooms. 2+ acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, High ceilings, skylights, fireplace & out buildings. screen porch. 15 Locks Ct. – $274,900 Wonderful, golf course front cape. 4 bedrooms w/a first floor master, screen porch & garage. 6 Fairfield Ct. – $329,000 Stunning home w/ 2 master suites. 1+ acre wildlife sanctuary, designer kitchen, 2 car garage. 837 Jefferson Dr. – $179,500 Newer one level w/nice upgrades. Large master suite, split bedroom design, walk to beach. 14 Amethyst Rd. $197,000 Over 2000 fin. sq. ft w/a first floor master bedroom. 2 rock fireplaces, screen porch & garage. 6 Trout Pt. –$395,000 Flat waterfront lot w/200’ of bulkhead & docks. One level w/ fireplace, carport & open design. 29 Amethyst Rd. – $449,999 Waterfront tudor w/4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. In law suite, gentle walk to water, 2 car garage. Your Monticello Realtors Team Under One Roof Vicki Wilson ★ ★ Business Person of the Year! Owner/Broker (434) 960-7044 Bill Lansing & Callie ( Bill on left ) Realtor (434) 996-7245 MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS Adele S. Schaefer ★ Associate Broker, GRI (434) 962-1928 ★ Two companies working together to provide ★ ★ real estate services. our clients the highest quality of Joan White Don & Lorraine Wheeler Realtors Assoicate Broker GRI, CCREC (434) 989-0708 (434) 962-7868 (434) 981-4081 Lorraine Frisina Realtor, GRI (434) 981-3997 JoAnn Nordlund Associate Broker, GRI, CRS, CRB (434) 962-6384 Craig McCormick Owner/Associate Broker (434) 996-5119 Cyndi Mylynne Realtor,GRI, ABR, e-PRO (434) 981-4629 Dan Barber Realtor (434) 242-5318 Iris Helfrich Realtor (434) 981-9956 SEE ALL LISTINGS AT:AREA WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM SEE ALL AT: WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM SEE ALL SEE ALLAREA AREA LISTINGS AT:LISTINGS WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM SEE ALLAREA AREALISTINGS LISTINGSAT: AT: WWW.MO WWW.MO To advertise call: 434.207.0222 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 9 $ Registration Deadline Dec. 1st Donations needed for Thanksgiving YĔĚ’ėĊ IēěĎęĊĉ ęĔ TčĊ FđĚěĆēēĆ BĚĘĎēĊĘĘ PėĔĒĔ CčĆđđĊēČĊ $ BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT $ $$ $ $ In a DVD of 5 minutes or less tell why Fluvanna is the best place to bring a new business!! Categories and Awards Best Over All Video $800 B Best Editing $425 Best Graphics $425 Most Creative $425 For Details and Rules go to: fluvannacounty.org/business/challenge an nna naco coun oun unty ty.org org/b g/b /bu usin usin ines ess/ es s/ch s/ cha ch allen alle eng Questions? Contact Bobby Popowicz by email: [email protected] or (434) 591-1921 Pies! Fresh in-Store mad made from Scratch! •Pumpkin •Apple •Apple Bottom Pumpkin •Sweet Potato •Pecan Order today Pick-up Nov. 26 • Coleslaw • Potato, 3 Bean & Macaroni Salads ds PBJ •Tuna Salad • Egg Salad • Chicken hicken Sa Salad ala ladd • BLT • Pork ork BBQQ • SSmoked mooke ked Chick Chicken • BBQ Sauce • Ribs • Beans • Macaroni & Cheese • & More! On Rt. 53, Charlottesville Between Lake Monticello & Jefferson’s Monticello Monday-Friday 6 AM-6 PM • Saturday 8 AM-5 PMM www.me2shop.net [email protected] • 434-297-2201 Over 150 families in Fluvanna County will not have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner or a Merry Christmas without donations from the community. The Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA) will team up with the Fluvanna Christian Service Society (FCSS) to make sure that all of their clients have the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and the holidays with their families. Both agencies need donations from Fluvanna residents, schools, churches, civic organizations and local businesses to serve these economically disadvantaged families. Bertha Armstrong, director of Rural Outreach for MACAA, who also administers the food pantry for FCSS, said, “If those that are interested in receiving a food package would call us and say that they would like to get a Thanksgiving package, then we put their names down.” She added, “Families that truly have a need will call. It goes on what they really need.” Armstrong added that local civic groups and businesses help, but donations from Fluvanna residents are needed as well to ensure everyone in need can be served. “Tenaska helps us with turkeys, and Food Lion, but we still need more,” Armstrong said, and added, “Donations of stuffing, powdered potatoes, jelly or gravy mix, cranberry sauce - those things help make the meal.” 10 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 “The Happy Face program serves families also through their activity that takes place on the first Saturday in December,” said Armstrong. “They will put on a program of entertainment for the kids dealing with Christmas spirit and they will have Santa Claus…there is a room full of toys they can choose from…and then punch and cookies for refreshments.” Each family also receives a voucher that can be used to purchase toys or other needed items like clothing for their children from local businesses. “It is more exciting to do the holiday program,” said Armstrong. “But I always feel good about being able to serve families year round - not just with food, but with all their needs.” MACAA will also serve families separately from Happy Face, so donations to both organizations are needed. Between them, these two non-profits, MACAA and FCSS, with the help of this generous community, will make sure that there is a turkey on every table, and toys under every tree. Call MACAA at 434-842-2521 to find out how to donate to either program, or to ask for assistance. To advertise email: [email protected] Deane, Aria Jocelyn DeBerry, DaShawn Omonte Decker, Landen Fokine DeMers, Evelyn Beauchsne Adams, Abigail Louise DeMorro, Grant Christopher Aldridge, Madison Nicole *Price, Richard Lee Dixon, Zameria *Amon, Anthony Joseph Proulx, John Hayden Drumheller, Landon Banton, Jason Matthew *Ray, Genesis Symone Baroch, Jayden Alexzander *Everard, Amelia Anne Rea, Brenna Ann Farmer, Hannah Rose Beach, Trevor Matthew *Reardon, Olivia Inez *Ferguson, Jaden Eric Page Blackburn, Mason Louis *Reece, Kai L. Fick, Isaac Harrison Blanchard, Jon Curtis Richards, Alicia Firth, Alexis Gail Bond, Kimberly Grace Rivera-DeJesus, Mykaella *Fraser, Justin Timothy Bossong, Benjamin Parker Roberts, Jaden Thomas Frazier, Aries Ray Bourgeois, Nathaniel Paul Robinson, Dajuan Markell Frye, Eugene Brandon Hearns Boyer, Michael Earl *Robinson, Sarah Elizabeth Bragg, Cody M. *Gentry, Makayla Lyn Rodriguez, Jamie Angelina *Broussard, Lauren Monique *Ginty, Erin Catherine Rooks, Anne Marie Grier, Arianna Yvonne Brown, Aaron Lane Schmidt, Madeline Carter *Gunn, Joshua Matthew Bruce, Lance Jamez Scopelliti, Ryan Nicholas *Haislip, Madeline IdaAnne *Butler, Christiane Marie Sharp, Alexia Taylor *Haislip, Natalie Renee Butler, Jacob Scott Shelton, Nakierra U’Tatianna Campbell, Treyden Michael *Hamill, Anthony Christopher Sheridan, Macon Grant *Hamilton, Lauren Catherine *Carel, Jenna Rose Shiflett, Anna Kathleen Hamilton, Nicholas Allen Carrion, Astrid Elana *Smith, Brooke Ann-Nichole Carter, Hailey Paige *Hammond, Scarlett Mary *Smith, Noah Hampton, Zoey Michele Carter, William Tyler *Stevenson, Kayla Isadora Hance, Karly Jayne Carter, Zy’kohr Nayshawn *Straus, Lionel Alexander L Carter-Johnston, Alana *Haney, Braedon Randall *Sullivan, Samantha Nicole Cavanaugh, Andrew Lawrence *Harris, Sophia Caroline Tomaras, Julia Lynn Hawkins, Asiana Deshay *Chisholm, Hayley Lynn Turley, Mia Haven *Hawthorne, Izabelle Grace *Chisholm, Taegan Marie Velasquez, Victor Hugo Hernandez, Escarlet Tornel Clarke, Lillian Wagner, Tyler Reece Hernandez, Laura Leona Cole, Cooper Garrett Wallis, Gabriella Ruth *Herrick, Elizabeth Anne Coleman, Tyler Mason Warren, Maddox Lawrence Cook, Madison Raine Hilliard, Blake Thomas Watkins, Brandon Zachary Holman, Conner Ethan *Cooper, Ila Mae *Webber, Taylor Nicole Howard, Dahmier A.L. Costanzo, Ava Corinne Wheaton, Breanna Nicole *Hughes, Peyton Maddox *Cox, Bradley Sean White, Abby Nicole *Creasy, Madeline Frances *Jackson, Emilie Jordan Wiese, Michael Alexander *Crothers, Matthew Wayne Jackson, Rafeal Antonio Wilberger, Dori Elizabeth Johnson, Alyssa Kay Currier, Leah Grace Wilson-Johnson, Elijah Johnson, Tayshaun Jamal Daniels, Jacob Joseph Wise, Allison Brooke *Kearney, Ella Marie Davis, Khai Joseph Wood, Sierra Nicole *Kennedy, Ellie Katherine *Davis, Tyler Neil *Yowell, Mason Alexander Kesterson, Reagan Grace Davis, William Lee Kimble, Abigail Paige Carysbrook honor roll 3rd Grade Dahl, Ethan Zachary Dahl, Joshua James Jr * Denotes Principal’s List (All A’s) Daidone, Madison Riley *Davis, George Divers *Abel, Emma Grace Dean, LeAnn Elizabeth Aljiji, Artela Dillon, Luke Robert Andersen, Avery Marie *Donahue, Krista Katherine Apelt, Aidan Danyal Eichler, Finley Tilghman Armstrong, Janyah Inez Elkins, Brandon Thomas *Baber, Karissa Allison *Etchison, Gabrielle Tyler *Ball, Lilla Nicole Fairbank, Sadie Debbielu Barbour, T’Keyah Danielle Farist, Emily Abell *Barksdale-White, Chazz Farmer, Jonathan James Barnabei, Claiborne Anne *Feith, Austin Tyler *Barnett, Allyson JoAnn Fierro-Ramirez, Annelise Bates, Marika Lashay *Betancourt, Angie Alexandra Ford, Abigail Rivers *Ford, Connor David *Black, Lucas William Frashure, Justin Dean *Blackburn, Avery Lee Gibson, Sydney Renee *Blanchard, Vivian Nicole Gillian, Taylor Raylene *Botkin, Karsyn Belle Gomez - Nanduca, Maritsa Botkin, Talan Berlie Gonzalez-Rollins, Javier D Bowler, Jaden Nathaniel *Guseman, Anthony Gabriel Bradley, Isaiah Andrew Hamilton, Noah Michael Bridge, Hayden Joseph Hartling, Melia Mishel Brooks, Jaxon David *Haseltine, Keira Lee Brown, Chloe Elizabeth Hasher, Peyton Nathaniel Brown, Ciara D. *Hatcher, Aleigha Evelynn Brown, Elaina Marie Henderson, Jordan Michael Brown, Mariah K Henson, Ciara Nicole Brown, Timothy Riley Hill, Alex Mcinerney Butler, Kierstin Faith *Hoffman, Ian James *Butler, Zachary William *Campbell, Joseph Francis Howard, Madeline E. Hunt, Hannah Raquel Cannady, Ciara Dawn Jackson, Malachi Devonte Carroll, Chase Allen *Jasper, Tanasia Brielle Chilson, Garrett Robert *Jeffries, Conner Michael Chiovaro, Mason Richard *Chipperfield, Sydney Jane Johnson, Amya Atianna *Clements, Michaela Nicole Johnson, Eisryell Malachi Johnson, KyAsia Nicole Collins, Madison Elizabeth Johnson, Kysaiah Leron *Cooper, Hunter Ryan Johnson, Xavier N. Johnston-Jure, Emma *Jones, Noah Lane Jordan, Matthew James Kelly, Lauren Marie *Kendrick, Emma May *Kraft, Rebekah Kathryn *Landes, Kyle Austin Larraburu, Shaun Edward *Lauler, Meredith Kate Laura, Rosalina Marie Lewis, Madison Lee Long, Cullen Parker Lopez, Isabella Atalie *Manglicmot, Tyler Dale Mann, Ryan Logan Marchant, Logan James Marshall, Bailey Michelle Matula, Reece Katherine May, Savannah Leigh Melton, Camden Riley *Monfalcone, Allison Renee Morris, Zachary Hunter *Nelson, Tyler William *Nolte, Ariana Beattie *Oliva, David Alexander *Ondek, Jalyn Elizabeth Pace, Grayson Spencer Palmer, Harmonie Lyrick Palmer, Teagan Amilie Pardue, Dylan James Pascua, Reagan Alexandra Payne, Lee Major Payne, Maurion *Perkins IV, Linwood *Perry, Alexis Denise Perry, Andrew James Petrylak, Ryder Andrew Pfeiffer, Carson Edward Pornovets, Madelyn Kay *Potter, Kessler Amelia All Natural Pain Relief Traditional Needle or Laser Available Laser Therapy No Referral Needed! 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Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 - 12:00 / 2:00 - 6:00 Fri. 8:30 - 12:00 Sat. 9:00 - 11:00 2nd Generation Chiropractor • 23 Years Experience 434 • 591-0900 DrLauterbach .com 202 Turkeysag Trail • Rt. 53 Palmyra /Food Lion Plaza To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Reed, Michael Ellsworth Reid, Jakai Tyree Roberts, Dakota Johnson *Roth, Jamie Clare *Roth, Karcin Alyssa *Sample, Jeffrey Connor Scopelliti, Makenna Grace *Seal, Abigail Reese Sears, Gavianna Shaw, Dominick Jermaine *Sheridan II, Andrew Ivey Shields, Faith Christina *Sloan, Joseph Henry *Smith Jr., Robert William Smith, Elizabeth Ilene Smith, Katherine Rose Smith, Kenyon Jamin Snow, Nathan Duane Sponaugle, Chad Anthony *Stephens V, Jennings Bryan Streeter, Joshua *Stribling, Eva Laine Stutz, Logan Daniel *Sullivan, Corleen Marie *Taylor, Ryan Edward Tovar, Samuel *Tuck, Aiden Rodney Lee *Turner, Miles Maitland Upton, Logan Matthew Valentine, Aiden Scott Vasholz, Nevaeh Leigh Vazquez-Velasco, Cesar Iradier Via, Braelyn Analeigh Walls, Malcolm Kevron *Ward, Emma Lillian Washington, Lindsay Taiwan *Watkins, Camerice Roderick Webb, Aniah Nicole Wells, Marcus Luke *Williams, Rebecca Mae *Woods, Peyton Leigh Wright, Finian McDonald *Wyche, Alayna Catherine ELEGANT CANDLELIGHT DINING FAMED THROUGHOUT CENTRAL VIRGINIA, DINING AT PROSPECT HILL IS A CELEBRATED CULINARY EXPERIENCE. CHALLENGE YOUR IDEAS OF FINE DINING WITH OUR DISTINCTIVE REPAST. SERVING NIGHTLY (EXCEPT TUESDAYS.) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. FULL MENU AVAILABLE. $25 ..00 0 SAVINGS CER TIFICA TE* TE • Deduct $25 from cost of your meal. Valid December, 2014 only. (540) 967-0844 www.prospecthill.com POINDEXTER RD., ZION CROSSROADS P 15 250 Zion Crossroads Hw y. Your Pain Stops Massage Here! Certified Massage Therapist On Staff. Muscle Spasm, Stress, Relaxation. Swedish • Deep Tissue • Hot Stone *Kingsley, Aidan James Knisley, Maya Seong-Kyeong Lam, James Walker LaRochelle, Cole Michael Lemarr, Loren Emerson *Lenherr, Danielle Hope Lewandowski, Alexa Marie *Lundy, Caden Alexander Lyons, Paul Jay Madison, Ashley Elizabeth Manning, Cash Michael Lee Markiewicz, Nathan Cole Marshall, Danny James Martin, Imani Martin, Landon Riley Maupin, Grace Merritt McClellan, Jahqueen Seven McLaughlin, Andrew Walker *Melton, Aden Josiah *Messier, Mitchell Joseph Mondragon-Morales, Anthony *Moore, Autumn Skye Morris, Destiny Shyann *Morris, Jacob Dylan Morris, Jared Diesel Morris, Victoria Faith *Mundie, Anthony Charles *Napier, Brooke Danielle Napier, Holden James *Newton, Elizabeth Colleen *Ngov, Samantha Mei *Noyes, Ethan Michael Oder, Zachary McNeil *O’Neill, Bodie Jeremiah Opaleye, Oluwadare J. Ottewell-Swartz, Torbjorn *Ownby, Kiersten Emily Page, Za’Miya Ja’Onna *Patchett, Addison Blair Peck, Taylor Brooke *Perry, Owen Walker *Pleasants, William Alexander Porter, Samari Levon Porter, Tinsley Elaine *Purviance, Cohen Jay *Redford, Connor James Acupuncture Experienced, Gentle & Effective Spinal Adjustments for All Ages. Restores Normal Skeletal Bio-Mechanics allowing Better Movement & Less Stiffness. Gift Certificates Available! * Denotes Principal’s List (All A’s) Jam es M adi son Chiropractic 4th Grade 3 No tch Rd . ext ind Po er R d. 64 250 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 11 Featured Properties Fluvanna bridge to close Exceptional Belmont Home • Charlottesville • $238,500 MLS: 525827 • 3 Bed,3.5 Bath • Maggie Gunnels 434-960-8987 Beautiful 15.1 acre parcel • Louisa • $90,000 MLS: 525328 • Open & Wooded, Road Access • Joe Griffin 434-327-2554 Well Maintained Manf. Home • Buckingham: Rosney Hill S/D • $99,500 MLS: 522919 • New Appl. Lots of Closet Space • Kathy Lightfoot 434-315-4361 Great Location Near Bypass • Charlottesville • $475,000 MLS: 522118 • 4 Bdrm. 3.5 Ba. Hrdwd Flrs • Rob Lewis 434-987-4647 Weekend Getaway • Stanardsville • $375,000 MLS: 524103 • 2 Decks with Hot Tubs • Tom Woolfolk 434-242-1991 Private Waterfront • Lake Monticello • $440,000 MLS: 525192 • Hrdwd Flrs. Remod. Baths • Betsy Gunnels 434-996-9797 434-589-0777 • 434-589-1882 keep in touch www.gravitysedge.com $9995 Optimization Package Includes Free Anti-Virus Software 12 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 • Computer Repairs, Sales and Upgrades • Transfer of Files • Affordable Battery & LCD Replacement • Data Recovery from Hard Drives, Memory Cards, Cameras & Cell Phones • Merge Existing Computer and Media Resources into One Multimedia System • Create a Network to Share Printers, Music, Photos & Videos • Repairs to Electronics Such as: Cameras, iPods and Gaming Systems 77 Market Street, Suite A, Palmyra [email protected] Open Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm A series of closures will occur on Rt. 6 (West River Road) in Fluvanna County beginning Tuesday, Dec. 2 so the Virginia Department of Transportation can set steel girders on the new bridge spanning the Hardware River, according to a VDOT press release. The bridge is located eight miles east of Scottsville. Motorists should expect to see flaggers controlling the work zone, with one or two 45-minute closures of the road each workday through Friday, Dec. 12. The work will occur between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. to avoid disruptions to school transportation schedules and commuter traffic. VDOT has also coordinated the work with local emergency services. Message boards will be placed on both sides of the bridge and will be updated each day to announce the start time of the next closure. Updates will also be provided through VDOT’s 511 phone system and on www.511virginia.org. Replacement of the Hardware River bridge began in February by VDOT contractor Allegheny Construction Co. of Roanoke. The $4.39 million construction project is scheduled to finish by Aug. 14. More information can be found on VDOT’s website atwww.virginiadot.org/ projects/culpeper/rt_6_hardware_river_ bridge.asp. Gray Foxes hold banquet BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT The Gray Foxes, the senior mens’ golf organization at Lake Monticello, held its year-end banquet and awards ceremony on Nov. 10 at Ashlawn Grille. This year, Emil Colmenaris, the founder of the organization, and a number of past presidents were invited as honored guests. Former Presidents Jim Frawley, Lou Monte, George Burnett and Ray Signoretti were all in attendance. Golf pro Mark Marshall was also an honored guest. After the usual outstanding buffet dinner provided by Skip Alston and his staff, Dan Foley, current president of the Gray Foxes, announced the awards for top performances during the 2014 season. First came the best scores for the year long “ringers” contest. Once a Contest winners Terry Heyer and Joe Chesser. month, the nine hole group and the 18 hole group play ringers. In this contest, Photo by Duncan Nixon each players’ best score on each hole for Gift certificates were also given out the year is recorded. This means that a to the winning golfers in the year-end birdie on a hole any time during the year seniors versus super-seniors compecounts as a birdie on that hole and prior tition. This turkey shoot competition or subsequent double bogies or worse on matches the younger of the seniors the hole do not matter. against the older of the seniors. Usually For the 18 hole Gray Foxes group the the matches are quite close, but this year best ringers scores were: low gross, 64 by the younger players dominated. Pete Ferensak and low net, an amazing Finally, raffle prizes of gift certificates 45 by Tom McCarthy. The nine hole Gray to the pro shop or to the Eagles Nest resFoxes were led by Terry Heyer with a 34 taurant were distributed. These certififor low gross, and by Joe Chesser and cates were so numerous that most of the John Boross who tied low net at 22. attendees went home with something. The next set of top scores were low Dan Foley then announced the Gray gross for the year, and low net for the Foxes officers for 2015. He will remain year. These were low scores for one as president. Bob Strohmayer will be round anytime during the year. The best vice-president. The weekly coordina18 hole round for the season was recordtors will be Dan Atkinson for the 18 hole ed by Larry Cormier who shot a 75. The group, which plays on Thursday mornbest 18 hole net round for the year was a ings and Burt Marks for the nine hole 61 recorded by Duncan Nixon. The best group which plays on Friday morning. nine hole round was recorded by Terry Dan Atkinson spoke briefly. He obHeyer, who shot a 40. The best net round tained approval from the players in the for nine holes was 28, a score recorded 18 hole group for an increase in the daily by both Joe Chesser and John Boross, fee to $5. He also encouraged the 18 hole who split two different top scores. All of players to actively recruit more regular these winners received gift certificates golfers to join the group in 2015. for merchandise at the pro shop. To advertise email: [email protected] House at Pleasant Grove open for business BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT and old alike to experience Fluvanna’s history.” Ullenbruch called the house “the culmination of a lot of people’s dreams,” and said he was glad to be a “small part of it.” Director of the Fluvanna Historical Society Judy Mickelson said “We have been waiting for this, and Marvin’s work in actually making this a reality was what pushed it to the final beauty of what we have here today.” Mickelson went on to credit the county with ensuring the restoration was properly done. Pat Groot, former grants administrator for Fluvanna County, who was instru- mental in obtaining the VDOT grants, was pleased with the final results. “I hope this continues to evolve to become a primary destination in the region that showcases plantation and farm life in the 1800s. It is in the perfect location between Charlottesville and Richmond; it is beautiful here, and with the plans for the farm museum coming out, and Old Farm Day being held here... there are so many options for events to be held here to bring people out to enjoy the benefits of Fluvanna. I think,” Groot added, “that this moment marks the birth of an historic destination.” Photo by Tricia Johnson Restoration of the house at Pleasant Grove is complete, and Virginia’s newest visitor center – and Fluvanna’s newest museum space – is open to the public. Pleasant Grove House now welcomes visitors to Fluvanna County; information about historic sites and travel destinations in Fluvanna and all over Virginia can be found on the ground floor of the structure. The second story houses exhibits on the history of transportation by river, rail, and road in Fluvanna; there is a reading room located in a rear addition; the third floor houses new offices for Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation. Currently the house is open from 10-2 Monday through Friday, 10-4 on Saturdays and 12-4 on Sundays. When the Parks and Recreation staff team moves into the building in the near future, the hours will change to 8-5 Monday through Friday and 12-4 on Saturdays and Sundays. The house was built in 1854 by William D. Haden on nearly 1,000 acres which had been owned by the Haden family since the late 1700s. The property, with its long river frontage, produced large crops of wheat, Indian corn, oats and tobacco; they also had cattle, sheep and hogs. William Haden and his wife raised ten children on the property; he owned 30 slaves. Haden served in the Virginia Militia; he was also elected Overseer for the Poor of Fluvanna County. A family cemetery, on which restoration work will soon begin, is located in front of the house. More than a decade has passed since the late Ellen Miyagawa and Marvin Moss first approached the Fluvanna Board of Supervisors with a request that they be permitted to start the application process to have the house at Pleasant Grove placed on both the Virginia Register and National Register of Historic Places. Miyagawa’s application was granted, and by 2004 the house and surrounding five acres were listed on both registers. Once that official recognition of the historic significance of the house was obtained, further grants were applied for, by Pat Groot and Marvin Moss, for funds needed to restore initially the detached kitchen structure, then eventually the entire house. Grants were won and funding received from the Virginia Department of Transportation, The Dominion FoundaTo advertise call: 434.207.0222 tion, the Perry Foundation, the Beirne Carter Foundation, and the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. All told, over $750,000 in grant money was raised, along with a contribution from the Heritage Trail Foundation. Eventually, Fluvanna County itself funded less than 30% of the cost of the restoration of Pleasant Grove House. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Nov. 6 to celebrate the official opening of the house. Members of the Fluvanna Board of Supervisors, along with descendants of the Haden family and those who had been involved with the restoration process were present. Moss, president of the Heritage Trail Foundation and the Fluvanna Historical Society said at the celebration, “After over ten years of planning, fundraising, and doing all kinds of work to get this beautiful Pleasant Grove House underway, it is finally dedicated today. It is a great facility for the community, a great facility for Fluvanna County - it is going to help with economic development, and it is going to be, I think, one of the things our citizens will be most proud of…” Wade Parrish and Kathy Parrish Brent, descendants of the Haden family, attended the dedication and were pleased with what they saw. “I thought it was great to see all the Hadens together, with all the history - the past and the future. If we go ahead and get the cemetery done, we will be in good shape,” said Parrish. “I am just excited to see it,” said Brent. “Just walking around the property has connected me so much more to my heritage. Imagine, all that many people in one house working and functioning together.” Jason Smith, director of Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation, called the structure “another great amenity at Pleasant Grove Park,” and said he was glad that all of the contractors and experts called in to work on the house and on the museum exhibits were excellent craftsmen – “the best of the best,” according to Smith. Supervisor Tony O’Brien said, “It is important for the county to have points of interest to attract tourism to this area, and this is one of the steps in that direction.” Fellow Supervisor Bob Ullenbruch added, “History is vital to every community, and it is often forgotten. This house is going to give an opportunity for young Register This Saturday, Nov. 22 Registration: Saturday Nov, 22 • 12 am -2pm - at the Family Life Center - Online Registration: [email protected] Registration Ends: 12/06 Evaluation: 12/06 - 8 am -5pm • Practice Starts: 12/13 1st Game: 01/17/15 For more info contact: Director, Pastor Rhon Williams: [email protected]. November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 13 Thrill of the chase Fox hunting in Fluvanna Deep Run Hunt Club. Photo by Tricia Johnson Nov. 20th Our Biggest Sale of the Year! Christmas Savings Throughout the Store FREE Yankee Candle Gift with Every Gift Purchase. Up to 40% Sale Nov. 20th thru Nov. 29th Savings on ALL Fall décor. Like on Facebook - Stay Healthy for Holidays Flu Shots Available Flu shots are covered by Medicare and most insurances are billable. Fork Union Pharmacy (434) 842-3208 Scottsville Pharmacy 434-286-6009 4316-B James Madison Hwy. Fork Union 295B E. Main St., Scottsville 14 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 BY TRICIA JOHNSON, CORRESPONDENT F the river, ending almost where the hunt irst things first: the fox is just had begun. In this instance the quarry fine. In fact, the fox (or, sometimes, was actually a coyote; at the end of the coyote) is always fine when Deep Run hunt the coyote “went to earth” – or went Hunt Club holds its fox hunts. Their goal into an underground burrow to hide from is to give their hounds, their horses, and the hounds. The hounds were rewarded themselves the incomparable thrill of the by the huntsman and the coyote was left chase; their quarry, the wily fox, always unharmed to run another day. escapes in the end. Fox hunting requires a great deal of The horses stamped their hooves and land; in fact, Deep Run Hunt Club found shook their heads, bridles jingling. The their stables and kennels pushed by dehounds milled about, intently watching velopment ever westward out of the city the huntsman, eager for his signal to of Richmond and the counties of Henrico begin the chase. Riders finely dressed in and Goochland to their current location buff breeches, knee-high glossy riding in Cumberland County (although the boots, and fitted jackets chatted as they clubhouse remains in eastern Goochland waited for the hunt to commence. SunnyCounty.) Fluvanna’s wide-open spaces side Farm, near Wilmington, was host to and native terrain make good fox-huntmore than 40 fox hunters on Nov. 13; the ing country. Many fox hunters are also forests, fields, and Rivanna River bottom passionate about conservation so that echoed with the baying of hounds and wide acres and excellent habitat continthunder of horses’ hooves once again. ue to be available for the sport they love. To the casual observer, little has Under a conservation easement, propchanged since the days when George erty cannot be subdivided. Several propWashington and Thomas Jefferson rode erties in Fluvanna are under conservation to the hounds. A painting of the gathered easement now, but the owner of Sunnyhunters waiting on the crest of a hill on side Farm, James Covington, hopes that this beautiful Central Virginia autumn afeven more property owners join their ternoon could be framed and hung next ranks. “I think if you get sufficient mass to a hunt print of 200 years ago, and one – if enough landowners put their land would be hard pressed to guess which into conservation easement - you create century either painting came from. The a community of it and it creates stabilhunters, the horses, and the hounds ity because you know what is going to form an iconic image familiar to almost happen to the land,” he said. The Virginia any Virginian. Outdoors Foundation holds the easement Fox hunting has existed in Virginia on Sunnyside and several other Fluvanna since Colonial times; the first record properties. of fox hounds being imported to the The Virginia Outdoors Foundation colonies was in 1650, when a colonist was formed in 1966 by the General Asbrought hounds with him to Maryland. sembly; it currently protects more than Although foxes were indigenous to the 725,000 acres in 106 Virginia counties United States, additional red foxes were and independent cities. Virginia State imported from England in 1730 to be Code says: “The Virginia Outdoors Founused in hunting. Some even credit fox dation is established to promote the hunting with saving Thomas Jefferson: preservation of open-space lands and to Jack Jouett, who raced to warn Jefferson encourage private gifts of money, securiof a British plot to capture him at Monties, land or other property to preserve ticello, made the daring ride astride his the natural, scenic, historic, scientific, fox hunter, Prince Charlie. The horse’s open-space and recreational areas of the stamina and endurance, which allowed Commonwealth.” These conserved lands Jouett to reach Jefferson in time, was atlend themselves to farming, forestry, and tributed to his conditioning as a hunter. recreational uses, including fox hunting. Thursday’s hunt was an exceptionThose land owners whose properties ally good one; the hounds and hunters abut Sunnyside have been very generous, followed their quarry from Sunnyside graciously allowing fox hunters to cross to Carysbrook and back again, with a their land during the chase. “People have challenging river crossing not once, but been very kind to us; it has just been twice. The hounds broke from thick delightful,” said Covington. Thinking of cover, baying in chorus, and led the the hunt again, he said with a smile, “We hunters across the Rivanna River into don’t have a day like yesterday where Carysbrook, through recently harvested you cover all of that land except maybe fields and up behind Carysbrook School, once a season. It was a wonderful hunt.” before looping back around to re-cross To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 15 Raising Respect for Veterans BY STEPHANIE PELLICANE, INTERN SERVICE DIRECTORY gardenkeepers of virginia, LLC edule! Call to Sch ISION C E R P N LAW ICE, LLC SERV Superior Lawn Care for Lake Monticello & surrounding Areas at an Affordable Price fall leaf removal • landscape renovation • hardscapes in stone • lawn maintenance • landscape installation GOT LEAVES? GUTTERS FULL? Call now and schedule your leaf removal or to have your gutters cleaned. Free estimates. Monthly, weekly, or one time service Locally owned & operated • Fully Insured 434-981-8968 Email: [email protected] 434-989-4152 www.precisionlawn.info Kurt Veterans Day display in the high school library. Home Photo by Dylan Saul While Veterans Day is one of the most important holidays of the year, it can easily be overlooked. Unlike some other major holidays, not all schools or businesses have the day off, so the respect for veterans intended by the day can be drowned out in the excitement and craze of Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas. Few people know the history of Veterans Day. It was originally designed as a legal holiday to honor Armistice Day, the end of World War I, which took place on Nov. 11, 1918. In 1954, Congress passed legislation to change it to Veterans Day, a day to honor American veterans of all wars. However, many people, particularly young people, have no understanding of what the day is about. Therefore, last year, FCHS librarians Shannon Taylor and Lisa Lucas began having a Veterans Day display in the school library to help raise awareness for the day. “I think [Veterans Day] is a holiday that is not given enough attention,” said Lucas. They began by just featuring teachers or family members of teachers who were veterans. But this year they decided to add family members of students that were veterans to help get the students more excited about the day. Taylor referenced a quote by George Washington about the importance of having the display: “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by our nation.” “Veterans Day is important because it is in remembrance of everyone who served to help us,” said freshmen Michelle Hammond. Hopefully raising awareness for Veterans Day will grow a new level of respect between students and our military heroes. 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If you see news happening, contact us Licensed Bonded & Insured Free Estimates References Available Lake Monticello Resident Schedule Your Fall Leaf Removal TODAY! 434-207-0224 or [email protected] or go to fluvannareview.com and click contact For daily news alerts, “LIKE” us on Facebook 16 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Full Service Mowing & Planting Gutter Cleaning Stump Grinding We use our F Fast and E Effective Leaf V Vacuum S Systems [email protected] • 434-981-6559 To advertise email: [email protected] SERVICE DIRECTORY One-Stop Home Beautification D&L REMODELING 540-894-4745 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Decks & Porches Kitchens & Bathrooms Finish Basements & Additions www.dandlremodeling.com mGG nG| ARM-STRONG LANDSCAPING, LTD. “Our Strength is Serving Your Needs” Call to book your lt Landscaping consu yVjGtSG kGGp sG}G yGz zG{GMGt U zGGiH jG{ GGzG GsGyU Locally Owned Shop from home, pick up here. 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Mountain Laurel Landscaping Jeff O’Dell Landscape Contractor Landscape Design & Installation Trees, Shrubs, Annuals Retaining Walls, Picket Fences Walkways & Patios Locally Grown Quality Plants Available for You to Purchase 434-286-2627 Class A License Since 1988 Roger Robertson Paving Locally owned and Insured Inc. 434-589-8218 [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Get Your Gutter Guards Before the Leaves Fall! FREE Quotes References Licensed & Insured Gutters and Downspouts Installation, Replacement and Repair Fast Emergency Service 434-531-1561 (434) 531-3155 Residential & Commercial Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance We Take Leaf Removal Seriously! The Most Powerful Leaf Vacuum System in the Area. Schedule Your Leaf Removal Today. FREE ESTIMATE & SCHEDULING [email protected] • www.lakelawns.com Decks, porches, docks, exterior & interior repairs, kitchens and baths built in cabinets and shelf units Loren Tucker Fine Carpentry High quality work, fair prices, custom woodworking a specialty 30 plus years experience. Office: 434-591-6033 Cell: 518-469-2939 [email protected] www.reikihealingofpalmyra.com Lake Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. Celebrating 21 years Call for a FREE Estimate People and Animals by Appointment In the comfort of your own home 434-249-7006 Eric MacKinnon Master Practitioner Multiple Gutter Guards brands to choose from. Asphalt Paving Natural Driveways Asphalt Repair Drains Installed Rip Rap Ditches Seal Coating Erosion Control Tar and Chip Line Painting (Some financing available) Licensed & Insured Local Company Call Residential Specialist Today! Serving Fluvanna and the surrounding area • Residential • Light Commercial • Repair • Replacement • Preventive Maintenance • New Installs • Licensed and Insured Family Owned and Operated 434-882-0415 24 Hour Emergency Service Edward B. Peed, Owner New Homes Finished Basements Additions Remodeling Kitchen & Bath renovations Mowing Trimming, Mulch, Retaining Walls, Walkways, Patios, Leaf & Snow Removal 434-531-4838 Custom Home Builder 434-842-3953 Cell: 434-962-4626 [email protected] Cecil L. Cobb 3535 Carys Creek Rd. Fork Union, VA 23055 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 17 PUBLIC HEARING FLUVANNA COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CountrySide Upholstery Home & Marine Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Carroll Morse BZA 14:03 – JWS Enterprises LLC: An appeal of a zoning determination by the Zoning Administrator under Fluvanna County Code Section 22-18-1-7, that the appellant is in violation of Fluvanna County Code Sections 22-19-2 and Section 22-17-9 at the property located at Tax Map parcels 51A-A-22 . The affected subject property is located in Fork Union Election District at 4985 James Madison Highway Fork Union, VA 23055. The subject property is zoned B-1, Business, General and is located in the Fork Union Community Planning Area. Copies of the complete text of the above ordinances and associated plans are available for public review at the Office of the Fluvanna County Administrator during normal business hours. The public is invited to attend these hearings at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Planning & Community Development Department, at (434) 591-1910. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 1771 Courthouse Road Palmyra, VA 22963 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $136,998.71, dated April 16, 2007, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for Fluvanna County on April 19, 2007, as Instrument Number 2092, in Deed Book 725, at Page 141, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of Fluvanna County, 72 Main St. , Palmyra, VA on December 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: CONTAINING 2.220 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SHOWN AS LOT 2 OF OAK CREEK SUB. ON A PLAT BY ROBERT L. LUM C.L.F. DATED 09/12/90 AND RECORDED IN THE CLERKS OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA BOOK 220, PAGE 845.. Tax ID: 31-10-2. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $10,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. This is a communication from a debt collector. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Loan Type: Conv/Conv (Trustee # 553655) Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, LLC, C/O Atlantic Law Group, LLC PO Box 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777-7101, website: http://www.atlanticlawgrp.com FEI # 1074.01587 11/20/2014, 11/27/2014, 18 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 elps Yo u Yo u r Hea ring H oment... Enjoy Every M We service all makes & models of hearing aids Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-2204, a public hearing will be held in the Morris Room of the County Administration Building, in Palmyra, Virginia for citizens of the County to have the opportunity to appear before and be heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals for the following items: BZA 14:02 – JWS Enterprises LLC: An appeal of a zoning determination by the Zoning Administrator under Fluvanna County Code Section 22-18-1-7, that the appellant is in violation of Fluvanna County Code Sections 22-19-2 and 22-4-2.1, 22-4-2.2 and 22-22-1 at the property located at Tax Map parcels 3 (A) 31 & 32. The affected property is located in the Palmyra Election District northeast of Union Mills Road on Route 16. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, General. Rivanna Hearing Aid Center 434-589-4106 P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603 Kents Store, VA 23084 FREE Hearing tests FREE in-house repairs on most models FREE video otoscopic view of ear canal 434-244-3277 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m-5 p.m. On Pantops-182 Spotnap Rd. A-2 Charlottesville, VA. 22911 PUBLIC HEARING FLUVANNA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, November 24, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. Pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 15.2-2204, a public hearing will be held in the Circuit Court Room at the Fluvanna County Courts Building in Palmyra, Virginia for citizens of the County to have the opportunity to appear before and be heard by the Planning Commission for the following items: FY 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan Review and recommendation for the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for fiscal years 2016 through 2020 (FY2016 – FY2020) which is to be submitted in conjunction with the Fluvanna County Budget for fiscal year 2016 (FY2016). The CIP lists major construction and acquisition efforts planned for the next five (5) fiscal years, and describes proposed methods of financing for each project. Copies of the complete text of the above ordinances and associated plans are available for public review at the Office of the Fluvanna County Administrator during normal business hours. The public is invited to attend these hearings at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Planning & Community Development Department, at (434) 591-1910. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 703 Oak Creek Road, Palmyra, VA 22963 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated March 6, 2008, and recorded in Deed Book 758, Page 960 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Fluvanna, VA, securing a loan which was originally $175,500.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction on the front steps of the Fluvanna Circuit Court located at 72 Main Street. on: December 22, 2014 at 10:00 AM improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of All that certain tract or parcel of land with improvements thereon, lying and being situate in the Palmyra Magisterial District of Fluvanna County, Virginia, containing 1.08 acres, more or less, located on the northern side of and adjoining Virginia State Route 625 and bounded by lands now or formerly owned by Nelson Jackson and Andrew Jackson, being more particularly described in a plat of survey of K. M. Gloeckner, C.L.S., dated January 1, 1973, which plat is recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Court of Fluvanna County, Virginia, in Deed Book 94, page 185, without improvements shown, less and except that strip of land up to 50 feet in width (25 feet on each side of centerline of existing or relocated State Route 625) conveyed by Alice Jackson Tyree, divorced, to the Commonwealth of Virginia by deed dated February 28, 1987, recorded at the aforesaid Clerk’s Office at Deed Book 175, page 541. Being the same property conveyed to Alice Jackson Tyree, unmarried, and Donald N. Terrell, unmarried, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, by deed from Alice Jackson Tyree, unmarried, dated May 22, 1989, and recorded July 21, 1989, in Deed Book 203, Page 61, in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Fluvanna County, Virginia., and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for Commonwealth Trustees, LLC) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com To advertise email: [email protected] Weekly Weekly 45,000* Great Reasons to Advertise Monthly Monthly Target: Fluvanna, Louisa, Orange and Buckingham counties and Scottsville ORANGE Total Monthly Circulation 45,000 *All 5 Papers Combined • Lowest Advertising Rates in Central Virginia • Delivered to over 3,300 Lake Monticello Homes • Available at Over 250 Locations in 5 Counties • All Issues Available on our Website • Affordable Preprinted Insert Rates • Website Banner Ads • Non-Profit Rates • Local and Statewide Classifieds • Over 20,000 readers weekly in print and online Box and Rack Distribution Locations FLUVANNA COUNTY Fluvanna Review office Fluvanna Review box Century 21 Monticello Properties Monticello Country Realtors Spectrum Therapy Fluvanna Ace Hardware Vivus Building Health Nutz Orme Fitness Center Crofton- BP Meals on Wheels Shell/Dunkin’ Donuts Fluvanna Family Practice Tucker Griffin Barnes Mailbox Express Mailboxes at Jefferson Center Good Neighbor Pharmacy Video by the Lake Sal’s Italian Restaurant 2 Food Lion (inside) Food Lion (outside) Salon DeShano Fluvanna Public Library E.W. Thomas (inside) E.W. Thomas (outside) Strong Team Realtors Cuppa Joe Rivahsyde Restaurant Martha Jefferson Healthcare Lake Centre Mailboxes Beautiful Gate Church Dogwood Restaurant Kidd’s Store Bremo Post Office Family Dollar Fork Union Medical Center Jake’s Gas and Go Envoy at the Village Town & Country Community Market To advertise call: 434.207.0222 ALBEMARLE Town of Scottsville LOUISA FLUVANNA BUCKINGHAM Fluvanna Review Place an ad in ALL 5 papers and receive 20% off Place an ad in more than 1 paper and receive 10% off. www.fluvannareview.com Email: [email protected] • 434.207.0222 • Fax: 434.589.1704 Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Road, Palmyra VA, 22963 Find Us 6,300 copies weekly with about 100 pick-up locations in Fluvanna, Louisa, on Pantops and in Charlottesville. Local Features. Schools. Government. Breaking News. Sports. All for Free. Sal’s Italian Restaurant 1 Fork Union Pharmacy Village Restaurant Fork Union Post Office Fluvanna Community Center Columbia Store Columbia Post Office Central Elementary School Fluvanna Middle School Fluvanna High School Chamber of Commerce BB&T Palmyra Palmyra - BP School Board Office Campbell Tire Troy Market Papa Jim’s Troy Post Office Mac’s Auto Repair VA Community Bank Beaver Dam Market Kents Store Kents Store Post Office Thistlegate Winery Real Estate III Buck Island BBQ- Troy Delivered FREE to thousands of homes at Lake Monticello, Broken Island and Sycamore Square Deadline: Every Wednesday For more information call: 434-207-0222 or email: [email protected] Scottsville Monthly, Buckingham Beacon, OC Magazine and Louisa Life Email: [email protected] • 434.207.0223 • Fax: 434.589.1704 Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 LOUISA COUNTY Zion Crossroads Laundry Zion Crossroads Store Spring Creek Sports Club Best Western Visitors Center Burger King/Exxon Ferncliff Market, Rt. 250 Ferncliff Exxon ALBEMARLE COUNTY ME2 Market & Eatery Shadwell Market-Keswick Tiptop Restaurant Clean Machine Car Wash Rivanna Gear & Apparel-Pantops Giant Food--Pantops McDonald’s-Downtown Cville Main Public Library Cville Downtown Mall (east) Cville Downtown Mall crossing (east) Cville Downtown Mall (central) Cville Downtown Mall (west) Cville Downtown Mall the Landmark Hotel Cville Downtown Mall by Hamilton’s Rest. Cville Downtown Mall by Cville office Cville Downtown Mall bus station Cville Downtown Mall by Timberlake’s Cville Water Street Parking Garage Parking Garage -Market St. UVa Jordan Hall UVa Hospital (JPA) UVa Hospital-Parking Garage UVa Hospital (The Corner) Main Post Office-Cville (Rt. 29) Northside Library Lee Park Bodo’s Preston Ave. LaTaza Restaurant- Belmont Cville Fifth St. Food Lion Shopping Center November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 19 Volleyball Amazing season ends BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT probably the key game for the Flucos. In an extraordinarily tense and exciting match the Flying Flucos volleyball team was just barely outplayed by James Wood High School from Winchester on Nov. 11. The Flucos went into the 4A North Regional, with a high seed due to their win in the Conference 23 competition. James Wood was the number two team in Conference 21, but the number one team in that conference is Loudon County, the perennial powerhouse in 4A competition. The James Wood Colonels won this quarterfinal match 3-1, but they were battled all the way by the Flucos. In the first game of the match senior Leslie Walters served for two points to put the Flucos up by 8-4. The Colonels called timeout. Walters served for another point and the Flucos led by five. With two more points, one on a Walters kill shot, the Flucos were up 11-4 and it looked like they might be the dominant team. Three points for each team made it 14-7 for the Flucos. However, James Wood hung in and fought back closing the gap from seven to one at 18-17. At this point, the Flucos called a timeout. Two points for the Flucos opened the lead back to three, but their opponent came right back and tied the score at 21-21. The teams traded points to 23-23, but the Colonels grabbed two points in a row to win the opening game 25-23. Unfortunately, this was Health Nutz Hosts Pool Parties! Hold your pool party in our 25 meter indoor pool. Call today for availability James Woods’ comeback to win the first game put the Flucos in a hole that they were unable to dig out of. In game two, the Flucos got off to a good start, grabbing a three-point lead at 7-4, but it did not last. There were tie scores at 8-8 and 12-12. When the Colonels inched into a three-point lead at 17-14; Fluco coach Christi HarloweGarrett called a timeout. Unfortunately, James Wood continued to build its lead, as its very tall front line fired kills shots from a variety of angles. They built their lead to 20-15 and then to 23-16. Another Fluco timeout was to no avail, as the Colonels finished off the game with a vicious kill shot to win 25-18. At this point, the Flucos prospects were certainly bleak, as they needed to win three games in a row. The Flucos, who had overwhelmed most of their opponents this year, did not quit. Coach Harlowe-Garrett jokingly said she told her team that “we have them right where we want them.” The third game of the match was a classic volleyball game, incredibly tense at the end, worth the admission for one game. The Colonels jumped to a 6-1 lead and it looked like the Flucos might be done. However, that was not the case, the Flucos fought back as senior Kylee Dixon on serve and Walters at the net led the way. The Flucos tied the game at 8-8. James Wood opened a four-point lead at 14-10, but the Flucos, with senior Maddy Kline hitting kill shots, came right back to a 14-14 score. James Wood then went on a run to lead by five at 22-17. However, with junior Kate Stutz serving the Flucos overcame this deficit to tie the game at 23-23. After a disputed point was awarded to the Colonels, a vicious kill by Kline made it 24-24. At this point, the game was win by two, as long as it takes. The Flucos obviously needed to be the team to put together a two point lead, if they weren’t the match would be over. The crowd was going crazy. The Flucos and the Colonels traded points until Walters made a kill shot for a one point lead at 28-27. A little dink shot by the Flucos gave them the win at 29-27. The fourth game of the match was as tense and as tightly contested the third game. If the Flucos could win, they would force a fifth and deciding game played to 15. The Flucos jumped to a slim 8-5 lead, but the Colonels recovered to tie the score at 9-9. The game was incredibly close, as the score was tied at 11-11, 14-14, and 18-18. Unfortunately for the Flucos, the Colonels strong kill shot specialists put together a three-point run for a 21-18 lead. The Flucos were only able to trade points from there, and the Colonels took game four 25-21 to win the match. The Flucos had some impressive statistics for this match. Kline had 23 kill shots. Walters recorded 12 kills and four blocks. Stutz was again outstanding in setting her teammates, as she had a very impressive 35 assists. This match ends the Flucos’ extraordinarily successful 2014 season. Their record was 28-2. After the game, an emotional Harlowe-Garrett talked about how incredibly hard her team had worked to have such a successful season. It was clear that she and her team were hoping to go beyond the Regional quarterfinals, but a 28-2 season is an amazing accomplishment. The 2014 All-Conference 23 volleyball team was released Tuesday morning and Fluvanna picked up a slew of honors. 2014 All-Conference 23 Volleyball Player of the year: Maddy Kline, Fluvanna County Coach of the year: Christi Harlowe-Garrett, Fluvanna County First Team Maddy Kline, Fluvanna County, Sr. Leslie Walters, Fluvanna County, Sr. Alexis Zygmunt, Handley, Sr. Kate Stutz, Fluvanna County, Jr. Morgan Ware, Amherst, Sr. Liza Homan, Handley, Jr. Kaelen Adams, Harrisonburg, Sr. Emily Snow, Handley, Sr. Libero: Athena Benton, Harrisonburg, So. Second Team Michaela Gibson, Louisa County, Jr. Kylee Dixon, Fluvanna County, Sr. Bailey Wade, Amherst, Jr. Sarah Snow, Handley, Jr. Emma Hendrix, Charlottesville, Sr. Haley Dillon, Fluvanna County, Jr. Jill Elkins, Louisa County, Sr. Tiffany Shaheen, Fluvanna County, Sr. Libero: Carly Feagans, Handley, Jr. Holiday Smiles by Spring Creek Family Dentistry and Orthodontics Now Offering Orthodontics Ortho dontics Visit our website for schedules. www.healthnutzgym.com 434-589-6100 109 Crofton Place, Palmyra & Orthodontics Comprehensive Orthodontic Services Invisalign Teen and Adult Most Dental Insurances accepted Financing Option Available Schedule Your Appointments Today! 34 Jefferson Ct, Zion Crossroads, VA 22942 Phone: 540-832-3232 2202 North Berkshire Rd., Suite 203 Charlottesville, VA 22901 www.springcreekdentist.com www.cvilleteeth.com (Off Rt#15 across from Walmart) 20 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Phone: 434-293-9793 Maddy Kline and Hunter Hotz sign college letters of intent BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT Signing ceremonies are always upbeat and happy occasions. On Nov. 12 there was much joy in the cafeteria at Fluvanna County High School, as two top senior athletes signed letters of intent to continue their respective sports at the college level. Fluvanna High School Activities Director Scott Morris presided as Master of Ceremonies. First up to sign was Fluco lacrosse defenseman Hunter Hotz. He signed, committing to the newly established lacrosse program at the University of the Cumberlands, in Cumberland, Kentucky. It is interesting that Hotz played at Fluvanna in the first four years of Fluco lacrosse and he will now do the same as a Patriot at the University of the Cumberlands, a university that competes in NAIA. Second to sign was Fluco volleyball standout Maddy Kline. She signed a letter of intent with the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Playing volleyball at a school located at the beach, Maddy will be a Seahawk. The Seahawks play in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA). This conference includes schools such as JMU, William and Mary, and the University of Delaware. Both athletes noted that they were recruited by several schools and that the coaches at the schools they selected were an important factor in their decisions. Both athletes expect to continue to play in their high school positions. At the signing table, Hotz was accompanied by his parents Doug and Kim Hotz and by his coach, Norm Gee. Kline was accompanied by her parents Keith and Lori Kline and by her twin sister Hayley Kline, who runs for the Fluco cross country team and runs and jumps for the track and field team. Her coach Christi Harlowe-Garrett also was at the table. To advertise email: [email protected] Fluco sports in review BY CASSIE HOBBS, FLUVANNA COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL JOURNALISM PROGRAM Cassie compiled this information with the oversight of journalism teacher Elizabeth Pellicane Cross Country Cross country has long been one of Fluvanna County High School’s best sports. With so much land for the athletes to practice on, it is no wonder they can run so quickly, a trait that the team proved Nov. 15 at the All-State 4A Cross Country Championship at Great Meadows. Senior Travis Moe, an already decorated FCHS athlete, placed 12th overall at the meet, running a 5km course in 16:22 minutes. Meanwhile, freshman Kristen Cabrera placed as well, finishing 16th among girls. Both Cabrera and fellow runner Hayley Kline made All Central Virginia, while the girls’ team as a whole came in 9th place. Despite being the only member of the boys’ team to make it to States, Moe believes the team did well this season. “Last year we only had one person under 19 minutes for the 5km, and this year there were around eight,” he said. He believes the weather had an impact on the outcome of the meet. “It was cold, windy, below forty – it affected a lot of people’s performances. You couldn’t decide whether you wanted to wear gloves or tights,” he said. Despite the cold weather, cross country ran well. After all, if you have two runners place and a whole team rank in the top ten, how else could it be described? Volleyball It was a sad end to a fantastic season for the varsity volleyball team when they lost last week’s tournament at home. The 4A North Regional Volleyball Tournament was to decide who would move on to the championships in Richmond, but Fluvanna’s fight ended when the volleyball team suffered three close losses, punctuated by a single and equally close victory. The scores of the tournament were as follows: a 25-23 loss, a 25-18 loss, a 29-27 victory, and a final 25-21 loss. “It was really emotional, but I felt like we didn’t give up at all,” said junior Katie Stutz. “We won one of the games, so we fought back, and we knew that this was our last chance of continuing on.” Stutz said she believes that their loss was not in any way due to the talent of the teams they played. “I still believe we can beat them,” she said. “It just wasn’t our night.” Though the outcome of the tournament may not have been as bright as the ladies wished, they still had cause for celebration when senior player Maddie Kline signed a Letter of Intent to continue her volleyball career at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. ACE Team Last week, the Flucos saw ACE team victory at Albemarle County High School where they won three out of their four matches. An ACE match consists of three rounds, including two toss-up rounds, during which players have free-reign to answer questions as soon as they know the question itself. Between them there is a directed round, during which teams take turns working together to answer the questions asked of them. During tossups, players have to buzz in to answer questions, but the directed round works a little differently, as only team captains can answer for the team. According to ACE Coach James Small, at the Nov. 12 event the team beat Louisa, Powhatan, and Monticello, but lost to Western. “Two of those matches [that] we won, we won by a pretty wide margin,” said team member Sam Conti, who participated in the matches. “For me, personally, this was definitely the best I’ve done all year. I got two questions in a toss-up and one question in a directed round,” Conti said. He also said that while he can’t answer for the rest of the team, he feels like the team put up a good challenge. “It went really well,” he said. The team will compete again on Nov. 19 at Orange County. Football Although the season is over, the following members of the FCHS Football team received Conference 23 Honors last week. Players receiving a 1st Team Award included Macen Dahl (wide receiver), Marcus Ditta (kicker), Vaughn Bodie (linebacker), and Craig Russo (defense all-purpose). Those receiving a 2nd Team Award included Jake Mooney (wide receiver), Brendan Goode (offensive lineman), Shawn Lynch (offensive lineman), Raejion White (defensive lineman), Peter Lacey (linebacker), and Craig Russo (defensive back). Fluvanna Rams win championship Fluco fall banquet highlights accomplishments BY DUNCAN NIXON, CORRESPONDENT Fluvanna High School held its annual fall sports banquet on Nov. 12. As is always the case, the cafeteria was filled to capacity with athletes, parents, grandparents, siblings and coaches. Fluco Activities Director Scott Morris was the emcee for the event. The standard procedure is for each coach to briefly recap the season and report on the top achievements of their teams’ athletes. First to speak this time was Tom Casto, coach of the boys’ cross country team. He reported that the boys’ team finished 6th in the Jefferson District meet, 4th in the Conference 23 meet and 13th in the Region 4A North meet. Outstanding individual achievements in boys’ cross country were as follows. Travis Moe was All-Jefferson District, and he and Andy Guess were All-Conference 21. Moe also was 6th at the Region 4A North meet, which made him All-Region and qualified him to run in the State meet which was held on Nov. 15. Girls’ Cross Country Coach Rose Brogan reported on a long list of achievements by her runners. The girls’ team was 4th place in the Jefferson District meet and it won the Conference 23 meet. Kristen Cabrera and Hayley Kline won All-Jefferson District and AllConference 23 honors. All-Conference 23 honors also were earned by Haley Kennedy, Saige Haney, Sarah Spitler and Peyton Olinger. The girls’ team finished 5th in the Region 4A North competition which means that the team qualified to To advertise call: 434.207.0222 compete in the State meet on Nov. 15. The competitors listed above, joined by Devon Burger, will all run in that meet, as individuals and as a team. Julia Hogue, coach of the competition cheer squad was next to the mike. She reported that her squad had a very positive season, finishing 3rd in the Jefferson District competition and 5th in the Conference 23 competition. Golf Coach Bryan Searcy reported that his golf team was co-ed this year, for the first time. As a team, the Flucos finished 2nd in the Conference 23 year-end tournament, which qualified them to play in the Region 4A event, as a team, for the first time in many years. Coach Jason Barnett then reported on the football team. Barnett noted that although his team did not have the success on the field that he would have liked to see, he felt the players worked hard and played well. While the team did not have success in the win column, two of the athletes put up impressive numbers. Most high school teams run the ball, run the ball and then run the ball some more. The Flucos, in contrast, had a potent passing attack. As a result, Barnett reported that quarterback Devon Patrick led the Jefferson District in passing yardage and wide receiver Macen Dahl led the Jefferson District in receiving yards. Last, but definitely not least, was Fluco Volleyball Coach Christi Harlowe-Garrett. She reported that her team went undefeated in Jefferson District play for the first time ever. The team won the Jefferson District, and the Conference 23 tournament. The team finished 27-2, the best record she has ever had as a coach. In the Conference 23 tournament the team did not just win, it practically swept the awards. Maddy Kline was named Conference 23 player of the year, and she, Leslie Walters, and Kate Stutz were all named to the All-Conference first team. Three other Flucos, Kylee Dixon, Haley Dillon and Tiffany Shaheen were named to the 2nd team All-Conference 23. In addition, coach Harlowe-Garrett was named Coach of the Year. The team established many individual records as well. Kate Stutz set a Fluco alltime record with 867 assists. She now has 2407 for her career with a year still to go. Leslie Walters had an outstanding year with 278 kills and 48 blocks. Maddy Kline put up some amazing numbers. She recorded a school record 125 service aces and has 317 for her career. She also had an outstanding 94% service record. While the service numbers are impressive, kill shots are Kline’s specialty. She recorded 389 for the year and has well over 1000 for her career. Finally, Harlowe-Garrett reported that Kline has been named a USA All-American by Under Armour. Under Armour named 150 high school volleyball players nationwide to first team, second team, third team and honorable mention honors, and Kline is included in this very elite group. The Fluvanna Rams football team finished the season with eight wins and two losses. The team won the championship after competing in the 2014 NC Governor’s Regional Bowl Championship in North Carolina. The kids played their hearts out and defeated the other team in a nail biting game. The final score was 19 to 14. Coaches include Head Coach George Rivera, Tony Smith, Willie Fisher, Domenic Marcelli, Scott Valentine, David Dziuban and Greg Cox. Team members included Armani Comfort #1, Cole Castellanos #2, Nicholas Hamilton #3, Aiden Valentine #5, Ashton K Brown #8, Keshawn Fisher #9, Loren Daniel #11, Anthony Sollecito #12, Konrad Shelley #13, Ashton J Brown #14, Bryce McCormick #16, Matthew Crothers #17, Shawn Richards #19, Matthew Spears #20, Isaac Rivera #21, LaRell Williams-Booker #22, Jaden Ferguson #23, Takai Comfort #24, Sean Karney #25. Carter Clemons #27, Bradley Cox #29 and Domenic Marcelli #31. November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 21 AUCTIONS ACCELERATED ONLINE SALE (3) Office Buildings, Total 22,217±SF. 2.81±AC, $251,147 Annual Income. 103 Research Dr., Hampton, VA 23666 Bid 12/4–12/11, Bids Close 12/11 @ 3PM www.motleys.com • 1-877-MOTLEYS VA16 EHO EDUCATION / TRAINING MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a Medical Office Professional! No Experience Needed! Online Training gets you ready! HS Diploma/GED & Computer needed. 1-888-424-9419. HELP WANTED / SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Hiring School Bus Drivers for Chesterfield County Public Schools, Chesterfield, VA. State-approved CDL training course provided. Health and background screenings required. Apply at www.mychesterfieldschools.com/ apply-at-ccps. EOE/M/F/D HELP WANTED / TRUCK DRIVERS DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING $40,000-$50,000 1st Year! Roanoke 540-857-6188 or Spotsylvania 540582-8200. 4 Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing, Grants and Job Placement Assistance Available. Veterans Welcome. AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay Increase For Regional Drivers! 40-46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-Training Pay Increase for Students! (Depending on Domicile) Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A req. 888-602-7440 Apply @ AverittCareers.com Equal Opportunity Employer – Females, minorities, ORANGE protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Local Company needs: Dedicated/OTR/Casual Drivers $2,000 Sign-On Bonus, Paid Vacation/Medical/401k, Good Pay/Home Time 877-346-0997 57 Driver Trainees needed! No experience needed! Learn to drive a truck at Shippers Choice! Job ready in 4 weeks! Good pay & benefits! 1-800-874-7131 Driver – CDL-A Drivers Needed Southeast & Midwest OTR. GREAT PAY loaded & empty. PAID med. & life ins. 3 yrs. recent exp. Req’d. 800-524-6306. www. sou-ag.com Drive when YOU want to drive as a Quality Drive Away contract driver! Mentoring Bonus, Flexible Schedule, Great Dispatchers, and You Control Your Home Time. 866-764-1601 Today! MISCELLANEOUS AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Housing and Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. SCHEV Certified, CALL AIM 888-245-9553. SERVICES DIVORCE – Uncontested, $350 + $88 court cost. No court appearance required. Estimated completion time twenty-one days. All telephone inquiries welcome with no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126. 45,000* Great Reasons to Advertise Weekly Fluvanna Review | Monthly: Louisa Life, OC Magazine, Buckingham Beacon, Scottsville Monthly ALBEMARLE Town of Scottsville LOUISA FLUVANNA Place an ad in ALL 5 papers and receive 20% off Place an ad in more than 1 paper and receive 10% off. Total Monthly Circulation 45,000 *All 5 Papers Combined BUCKINGHAM Scottsville Monthly, Buckingham Beacon, OC Magazine and Louisa Life Email: [email protected] • 434.207.0223 • Fax: 434.589.1704 Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 22 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Fluvanna Review www.fluvannareview.com Email: [email protected] • 434.207.0222 • Fax: 434.589.1704 Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Road, Palmyra VA, 22963 To advertise email: [email protected] Classified: $5 per Week We Can Help Sell Your Stuff! 30 words or less. For $10 your ad will appear for TWO WEEKS on FluvannaReview.com (with FREE PHOTO) and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna Review. Deadline for print ads is MONDAY BY NOON. All real estate advertised in the Fluvanna Review is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness (age 55 and over). The Fluvanna Review will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All real estate advertised in this paper is available on an equal opportunity basis. EVENTS HOLIDAY MARKET PLACE: on Saturday, Nov. 29 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Grace & Glory Lutheran Church, 683 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy. (Rt. 53). Stop by and shop locally from Crafters and Vendors for all your holiday needs. A quilt made by the church’s quilt mission group will be raffled. Items from each vendor/ crafter will also be raffled. For information call Carol Sanders (434) 981-8233. TRANSITION SALES MINI-ESTATE SALE: Friday, Nov. 21. from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 22. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 10 Locks Road, Lake Monticello. To settle the Estate of Doris M. Benzinger. Photos, descriptions and directions @Transition-sales. com. Call Jean Voight (434) 960-1695 on day of sale. MONTICELLO FIRE & RESCUE* BINGO*: $1,000 Jackpot every Thursday. Progressive Game. Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Early Bird 6:45 p.m. Location: 10 Slice Road, Palmyra, VA (off Rt. 600, near CVS). Questions? Call (434) 591-1018 FOR RENT: HOUSE: Large Colonial with 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths, living and dining rooms, kitchen, porch and deck, with full basement and 2 car garage. Rent: $1,500. Plus application fee. No pets allowed. Owner/Agent at (434) 242-0266 ROOMATE WANTED: to share my Lake Monticello home. Own bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. $300 per month plus share of utilities. No pets. Call (434) 806-7971 CENTURY 21 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES: 635 Jefferson home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished basement, & fenced yard - in Lake Monticello. Rental - $1,100. Will be owner managed. Contact Rachel at (434) 981-5173. *Coming soon: 4 Bedroom farmhouse near Kents Store, newly renovated. Rachel. [email protected] FOR SALE APARTMENT SIZE COMBO WASHER/DRYER: Electric, stackable unit, up-and-down. Color: white. Very good condition! Asking $125. Call (434) 5899209, leave message. FIREWOOD: Seasoned hardwood – cut, split and delivered. 8 foot pick-up load for $80. Can be cut to size. Phone: (434) 589-6356 THREE PIECE LIVING ROOM SET: Brand name: Sealy – Large Sofa, Love Seat and Chair. Beige with Sage and Rose Floral Design. Kept covered, in great condition! Asking $475. Phone (434) 960-0777. To advertise call: 434.207.0222 Contact Edee [email protected] 434-207-0221 • FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Edee Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and cash. Upload direct to OUR WEBSITE with free photo: 1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds” 2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10” 3. Login or click on “Register” 4. Select a category 5. Write your ad and upload photo 6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal. DRIVEWAY STONE: 9-ton Slate Crush Run $150. Stone $200. (Average). Granite stone available up to 12 ton loads. Includes delivery and spread. Call (434) 420-2002 HELP WANTED FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY: seeks someone to handle our HVAC needs, including routine maintenance and basic trouble shooting, as well as respond to other maintenance issues as needed. Must have valid driver’s license. Mon. – Fri. schedule and weekends as needed. Please apply in person – FUMA, 4744 James Madison Hwy., Fork Union, VA 23055, to the Maintenance Assistant located in our Infirmary. Please, no phone calls. SHORT ORDER COOK: Fluvanna country store is seeking experienced short order cook for part-time weekend job. Cooking full breakfast menu. Minimum of 5 years experience in cooking and familiar with ALL HEALTH DEPT. rules. Call (434) 242-0266 REAL ESTATE BUILDING ACREAGE: Owner financing available. Large and small lots, from 2 acres to 25 acres. Mostly level land, with wooded and open acreage. Five to seven minutes from I-64, Fluvanna County. Call (434) 531-0671 or (434) 589-3074 BUILDING LOTS – Building Lots Liquidation, LOVIN’RIDGE SUB., Route 659, Columbia, 2+ Acres each, paved road, no restrictions, Modular & Prefab Homes OK. Construction services available. From $15K, owner financing. Call (434) 531-0671 MOVE-IN READY: Cozy oasis: 2 levels, 2 BR, 1 ½ baths, walk out patio. Pet perfect! Brazilian chestnut wood floors! Kitchen updated, great storage, full W/D. Near downtown, 29N, to UVA. Assigned Parking, pool. Backs to lush, common area. Close to Pen Park W/ golf, tennis, sports fields, fitness/bike/nature trails. Great UVA Alum crash pad! HM warranty! Realtor/ Owner asking $154,900. Call (434) 906-3100. SERVICES BAYBERRY CUSTOM FRAMING: We carry Fluco scrapbooking paper, books, plus art supplies. For your convenience, our hours are by appointment only. NEW LOCATION: 1187 Shiloh Church Road, Palmyra, off Haden Martin Road. (434) 996-1354 CARE GIVER: Part-time Private Sitting, also will run errands or take you to doctors appointments, etc. I have 20 years experience as a care giver and excellent references. Call Ms. Walker at (434) 296-3700. Hourly services - $10.00. Professional Personal Property Liquidation CUSTOM CLOTHING & ALTERATIONS: Home décor items, drapes, pillows, etc. Reupholstering; bridal, formals, costumes. Fittings in your home. Call Linda Adams (434) 989-1114 GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST: Do you need a logo, brochure, flyer, postcards or newsletters? I can provide you with quality graphic design and artwork quickly and affordable. Call Lynn Stayton-Eurell @ (434) 906-2524. Please visit http://www.staytoneurellgraphics.net GRAVITY’S EDGE: Computer repair, networking, training, data recovery. Free pick-up and drop-off (subject to location). Complete PC Care Optimization Package $99.95. Call (434) 589-6600 HORSE BOARDING: Nice spot for mature horse at $2 per day on farm ten minutes west of Lake Monticello Food Lion. Chores shared. Corral with stall, grass arena, round pen, trails. Contact: DuckyOaks@ embarqmail.com JANE’S WHITE GLOVE PROFESSIONAL CLEANING: 16 years proudly serving Fluvanna and surrounding counties. THOROUGH, Dependable, Trustworthy, Friendly. Excellent References. Flexible to suit your needs, very affordable! FULLY INSURED. Member BBB. Call (434) 589-2195. HEALING MEMORY BEARS: These home made Memory Bears are a treasure to have and to hold. They are made from a piece of your loved one’s clothing. For information: (434) 589-8201 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS: Monticello Country Realtors supports local businesses. See our “Featured Business of the Week” on page 9. www. monticellorealtors.com (434) 589-3539 WANTED FREELANCE GRAPHIC ARTIST for Fluvanna County business. Fill-in work for staff vacation and special supplement work. Proficient in Mac-based. Adobe CS, InDesign, Photoshop, Acrobat. Quark express a plus. Editorial and advertising experience a plus. Send portfolio link and resume to: [email protected] FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for next year: 2015. Consider sponsoring our “Pet of the Week” ad in the Fluvanna Review. Your name and/or business name will appear as sponsor under our photo for the Pet of the Week. You may also have a special person named or event remembered. Call Edee at the Fluvanna Review (434) 207-0221 or email [email protected] Saturday, Nov 22, 2014, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov 23, 1-4 p.m. 50% Off! Monday Bargains! 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 75% Off! 810 Locust Ave. at corner of Hazel St. Park on Hazel & Locust Directions:From 250 Bypass, exit onto Locust Ave. toward downtown. House on left. Signs at driveway on Hazel St. Walk a short way down driveway to second house on right at end of drive. A great sale with beautiful antique furniture including an oval dining table, ladderback chairs, Victorian sofa/chairs/ dressers/mirrors, 4-poster beds, side table, crocks, collectibles & more! Details: www.estatesalesunlimited.net Beverly Smith • 434-960-4865 HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOW PRICES YARD SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: Nov. 21 & 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 10 Deer Path Rd., Lake Monticello. Bring ad to Main Gate for admittance. Collection of 60 golf clubs & Irons, bags, sweaters, sports books, videos, UVA F/B games, garden items, holiday decor., household items. Hours: 7 am-11 pm • 589-5538 264 Turkeysag Trl # A • www.foodlion.com November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 23 Girl Scouts blaze new trail BY PAGE H. GIFFORD, CORRESPONDENT Photo by Page H. Gifford In a joint effort with the Rivanna chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists, the Virginia Department of Forestry, the Fluvanna County Public Works Department, the Fluvanna County Parks & Recreation Department, and some girls from Girl Scout Troop 883 a new trail was created. The Virginia Tree Trail is named for all the native trees winding along the path. The Girl Scouts and their partners, who were awarded the Girl Scout Silver Award, dedicated the trail on Nov. 2. “It is the highest award that can be earned a by a Girl Scout Cadet, and gives the girls a chance to develop leadership skills, to show dedication and determination, and to serve their community in a sustainable way,” said Troop Leader and advisor Amy Nash. “Another ideal of the silver award is that girls take action with their community, not just for their community.” Along with Nash and the above organizations providing their expertise the troop planned and executed their project. According to Nash, it took about four months to develop this project. The trail was already cleared and is part of the Fluvanna Heritage Trail. Over the course of four months, the girls had to select a section of their trail for tree diversity and accessibility. They learned how to identify trees, select trees for labeling and research the trees to select descriptive text for each tree label. They also had to make inquiries and select a sign company, raise funds for the signs and work with the sign company to design them and install the labels on trees. The girls did not quit there, they still had to clear away brush that was obscuring some trees, and to create educational brochures for two different age levels of children to use on the trail. They worked with Cyndi Hoffman, the Fluvanna County Library director, in creating an educational bulletin board about trees, known as Terrific Trees and a related program for children. The trailhead is located at the kiosk right behind the library and is estimated to be less than a mile long. “This project gave the girls a very positive experience of working with community partners, all of whom were very supportive of the girls and the project,” Nash said. Jason Smith, director of Fluvanna Co. Parks & Recreation, helped with getting project approval, provided encouragement to the girls and funded and installed the entry sign. Will Shaw from Fluvanna Public Works helped the girls with initial planning, and advised them on trail and tree selection. Ida Swenson, Rivanna Master Naturalists, helped the girls identify the trees for their trail and taught them about tree identification, leaf types, bark types, and tree uses. “The girls have been working on this project since August,” said Swenson. “Will Shaw, Steve Pence and I spent time helping them decide on a trail. Steve and I assisted them in identifying the trees.” And Chuck Wright from the Jefferson Area Department of Forestry provided prizes to children who completed the trail activity sheet. “All five were very gracious in sharing their time, expertise, and resources, and gave the girls a hopeful vision of interagency community partnership. It was really SAVE ENERGY AND FUEL COSTS We’re Local-Come See Us gratifying and pleasant working with these community partners,” said Nash. “The girls led a trail hike after the ceremony with a stop at each tree where they took turns giving a short narrative. They not only did a superb job on the trail, but the informative hike showed they had really learned a lot about the trees,” said Walter Hussey, who also helped on the project. “The Tree Trail will remain a key part of the natural experience available at Pleasant Grove Park and there are plans for incorporating part of it into a new Kids and Family Loop Trail from the library through a meadow that is being re-naturalized to bring even more wildlife viewing opportunities to the park.” What did the girls themselves think about this community project? “I liked learning all the interesting facts I never knew before about the trees we see around us every day and knowing we made something sustainable, something that will benefit our community for a long time,” said Libby. “I liked that we could work together with our Girl Scout sisters in some ways we haven’t done before and knowing people in our community will enjoy it.” “The part I liked the best was when we finally started to get all of the pieces to our project together and I remember feeling so good about all the hard work we all went through to get our award.” Emily said. “This project was important to me because I know that not many girls have a chance to make a difference in their community or even get their silver award. I was given the opportunity to do something that would benefit my community.” “My favorite part was getting outside to work the trail. It was fun to work outside with some good friends and it’s important to get kids unplugged from their electronics and encourage them to get outside more and be more active,” said Michelle. In connection with the trail created by the Girl Scouts, the Rivanna Master Naturalists came to the award ceremony and announced that there is a plan in the works to create a new family and kids’ trail that will connect with the Girl Scouts Fluvanna Tree Trail. The troop and Nash were excited to learn of an expansion plan for the near future that also will be for kids and families, inspired by their trail. Kitterkat is a cool, calm and collected kitty with gorgeous blue eyes. He came in as a stray, but he’s all thumbs-up; he’s poly dactyl! If his handsome fur coat and eyes don’t make you fall in love at first sight, then his sweet and cuddly disposition will do the trick! Kitterkat is neutered, microchipped, and up to date on vaccines. Come by today to meet him! • TOWING • COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER • TUNE-UPS • SHOCKS & STRUTS • HOSES & BELTS • CERTIFIED ASE TECHNICIANS • BRAKES & BATTERIES • LUBE & OIL CHANGE Since 1978 ALL MAKES & MODELS Home of All Star Auto Parts AUTOMOTIVE CENTERS Hours: M-F 8:00 - 4:30 • Most Major Credit Cards accepted 434-589-1405 Lake Monticello 107 Crofton Place 434-589-8652 Zion Crossroads 9654 Three Notch Road 24 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 The Fluvanna SPCA announced its annual Twelve Strays awareness campaign. Each year FSPCA chooses 12 very special animals who may be considered harderto-adopt due to their age, physical condition, or appearance, and promotes them throughout the holidays. “In addition to the Twelve Strays being a fundraiser, it’s an important tool for maintaining our no-kill shelter,” says Jennie Shuklis, FSPCA executive director. “Our goal is to get forever homes for all our animals, especially these 12. We’ve had great success in past years finding homes for our Twelve Strays, and we look forward to that success this year!” Donations raised through this program will go toward medical care, spay/neuter, and basic everyday care for all FSPCA animals. Additionally, donors may make a gift in honor or memory of someone and will recieve an acknowledgement card by Dec. 24, if the request is received by December 15. This year’s Twelve Strays campaign is particularly crucial to the Fluvanna SPCA in light of the record number of court seizures and strays requiring extraordinary care. This year’s Twelve Strays include fabulous felines Whisper, Dana, Nancy, Becky, Mahoney, and Madame Butterfly; and cute canines Joker, Larry, Mint Julep, Pixie, Atlas, and Starr. As of press time, Whisper is in foster but is still looking for her “purrever’ home. For more information, please go to www.fspca.org and click on Twelve Strays, or call 434-591-0123. THIS WEEK’S PET Now Offering Expert Tire Service at Great Prices • ENGINE - TRANSMISSIONS • EXHAUST SYSTEMS • COMPUTERIZED 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT • FUEL INJECTION • A/C CERTIFIED SERVICE • ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS • TRANSMISSION FLUID EXCHANGER • VA. STATE INSPECTION 12 strays of Christmas Fluvanna SPCA 5239 Union Mills Road, Troy, VA (434) 591-0123 • http://www.fspca.org Kitterkat S PONSORED BY A SBESTCO To advertise email: [email protected] Lake holiday home tour set for Dec. 6 CONTRIBUTED BY THEA DESTEPHANO Five homeowners are busily decking the halls for the 26th annual Holiday Home Tour scheduled for Saturday , Dec. 6. Enjoy the beautiful decorations at the Gilligan home, at 7 Bolling Circle; the Murphy home, at 296 Jefferson Drive; the Waller/Poser home at 279 Jefferson Drive; the Sanders home at 5 Dover Court and the Hokanson home, at 6 Lakeview Circle. Tour homes will be open from 12:30 to 5 p.m., followed by a reception for ticket holders in the Clubhouse Terrace Room at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments and raffle prize drawings will be featured. Advance tickets for the tour, sponsored by the Lake Monticello Beautification Corps are $10 and include the reception and a tour map. To purchase tickets call Beverly Wormuth at 589-6475 or Pat Podwysocki at 589-1870. Tickets the day of the tour are $12 and are available at any of the tour homes. Raffle tickets are $1, or 12 for $10 and will be sold at the tour homes. The raffle features a quilt made by the Lake quilting group, the Piecemakers. Other raffle prizes include handmade items, donated gifts and gift certificates. All proceeds from the tour and raffle are used to fund the work of the Beautification Corps as they plant and maintain the public gardens within Lake Monticello. Tour Highlights The Murphy Family As you approach Jean and Wayne Murphy’s home you will be greeted by large, locally made signs proclaiming the sentiments of the season. Jean likes to decorate by themes throughout the house. Snowmen will welcome you in the entry hall and the kitchen. Through the kitchen is the room the Murphy’s refer to as their tree room and you will indeed feel as if you are in a tree house. The bird themed room is decorated in the traditional reds and greens of the season. Continue into the rich burgundy dining room where a seasonal table sets a holiday mood. The antique pie safe has been in Wayne’s family for generations and was made in West Virginia. The dining room also showcases an antique Victrola purchased by the Murphy’s. Jean’s collection of over100 angels graces the living room. A tree decorated in silver and white lends an air of serenity to the space. The Sanders Family Lynn and Bob Sanders have been at the lake for about a year and are decorating their newly built home for the holidays for the first time this year. As you enter this light-filled home you will notice the stunning water views. Stockings made by Lynn for each family member climb the staircase banister to your right. To the left is the main living area where the tour begins. A large tree in front of the living room windows holds the family ornaments while a smaller tree in the kitchen is adorned with holiday cookie cutters .The door off the kitchen leads to a screened sun room, more wonderful water views, and the upper deck. A palm tree adds a bit of whimsy to the area. To advertise call: 434.207.0222 The beautiful quilt in shades of green, blue and purple is one of the Holiday Tour raffle prizes. It was made and donated by the Lake Monticello Piecemakers group of which Lynn is a member. Downstairs is the New York Yankee room decorated with many items bearing the team logo and photographs of Bob and family in attendance at the games as well as other memorabilia. Even the tree showcases Bob’s love for the team. Lynn’s sewing room is also on the lower level and many of her projects can be seen here as well as throughout the Sander’s home. The Waller/Poser Family Linda and Ken’s home has a rustic, cabin-like feel and provides the perfect backdrop for the nature inspired holiday touches you will see. The tour begins in the living room. Notice the large depiction of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge to the left. Linda’s grandfather was involved in the bridge’s construction. The large tree in the corner holds ornaments lovingly collected through the years as well as those made by Linda and Ken’s daughter. A wood stove adds warmth to the cozy room. On the lower level you will notice the many posters from shows that Linda and Ken appeared in during long careers as Broadway actors. Other memorabilia include a collection of albums from these shows. The rocking chair is from Georgia and is the one Ken’s father was rocked in as a child. In the guest room there is poster from The Phantom of the Opera that was signed by the entire cast and crew of the production and presented to Ken and Linda’s daughter as a graduation present. Ken appeared in the show for 17 years. The bed is dressed in a quilt and the samplers above the bed were stitched by Linda and other family members. Your tour will conclude in the kitchen and dining area. The table is set for the holiday with family china and Linda’s collection of pink depression glass is displayed in the cabinet. The paintings in the kitchen were done by Ken’s brother who is an artist. Of special interest is the large mural depicting the Virginia countryside on the wall separating the kitchen and the dining area. The Hokanson Family Pam and Paul Hokanson purchased their waterfront home in 2007 and became fulltime residents in 2011. The tour begins in the light-filled sunroom which has lovely water views. The tree is decorated with ornaments that have been collected over many years. Snowman candles are grouped on the shelves and evoke a bit of winter with their jolly demeanor. You will also see many representations of elephants around the sunroom. These were brought back from many trips the couple made to Thailand. The clock above the door is also from Thailand. As you continue into the dining room notice the shelves that were custom built to house a collection of over 100 cups and saucers collected by Pam’s mother on trips taken throughout the world. The table is set for a family gathering with dishes in the Winterberry pattern while the two hutches display a large collection of crystal and glassware. In the living room a table displays Nativity scenes. The Lladros figurines were brought back from a trip to Spain. A small tabletop tree brings another touch of Christmas to the room. The tour will take you downstairs where there is another water view through the sliding glass doors. Santas and snowmen gather across the back of the sofa. A fired clay depiction of Presque Isle in Lake Erie is displayed over the fireplace. Pam and Paul relocated from Erie,Pa. and the scene brings back fond memories. As Pam said “We brought a little of Lake Erie to Lake Monticello.” The Gilligan Family Linda and Bill have recently remodeled their entire home and are enjoying all the changes they have made. As you enter the home your eye is immediately drawn to the imposing two-story stone fireplace flanked by large windows. This large open living space invites you to linger and enjoy the water views. To the right is the dining room, which is set for the holiday and features influences that honor Linda and Bill’s Irish heritage. The kitchen was designed by the couple to be efficient and is truly a chef’s kitchen requiring a minimum of steps to complete tasks. What Linda refers to as the tasting bar is faced with the same stone as the fireplace. Perhaps the most unusual feature of the Gilligan home is the elevator which will take you to the second level where you will enjoy the large tree decked out for the holidays. The martini bar near the elevator is from the 1920s. The garlanded balcony allows you to enjoy the lower level from a completely different perspective. (Top to bottom) Jean Murphy. Carolyn Stenger and Lynn Saunders. Linda Poser. Paul Hokanson. Connie West and Connie Damkott taking a ride in the Gilligan’s elevator. Photos by Orion Holen and Jean Murphy November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 25 Fluvanna Crime Log Offense Date Time Address Burglary/Breaking & Entering Forcible Rape Driving Under the Influence Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property Drug/Narcotic Violations All Other Larceny All Other Larceny All Other Larceny All Other Larceny All Other Larceny All Other Larceny All Other Offenses All Other Offenses All Other Offenses All Other Offenses Arson Kidnapping Motor Vehicle Theft Trespass of Real Property 11/12 5:06 p.m. 11/12 5:06 p.m. 11/9 1:50 a.m. 11/9 9:39 a.m. 11/12 8:44 a.m. 11/12 6:00 p.m. 11/13 7:31 a.m. 11/10/ 12:00 a.m. 11/9 3:42 p.m. 11/10 5:00 p.m. 11/14 1:39 p.m. 11/10 6:27 p.m. 11/10 6:29 p.m. 11/13 10:19 a.m. 11/9 12:04 p.m. 11/11 2:00 p.m. 11/12 11:04 a.m. 11/14 11:15 p.m. 11/15 10:00 p.m. 11/12 5:00 p.m. 11/13 1:53 p.m. 11/14 5:41 p.m. Smokewood Dr. Smokewood Dr. 1700 block of Lake Monticello Rd. 290 block of Buck Ridge Rd. 120 Spring Meadow Ln. 650 block of Bybees Church Rd. Bybee Estates Ln. at Ridge Rd. 1910 block of Thomas Jefferson Pkwy. 2600 block of Paynes Mill Rd. 240 block of Industrial Way 8800 block of James Madison Hwy. 320 block of Campground Cir. 320 block of Campground Cir. Bunker Blvd. 8460 block of West River Rd. 2200 block of Stage Junction Rd. Fluvanna Middle School 530 block of West Winds Ln. 2040 block of Beaverdam Rd. 800 block of Stage Junction Rd. 2400 block of Richmond Rd. 400 block of Rhode School Ln. Total Offenses: 22 Quality Home Care is having it’s annual “Thanksgiving Food Drive”. Donations of food cans and boxes are greatly appreciated. We will donate all the turkeys. Please call 589-3050 for a list of food needs and drop off sites. Tax counselors needed AARP Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest, free, volunteer-run tax counseling and preparation service is looking for volunteers for tax preparation assistance. Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. You don’t need to be an AARP member or a retiree to volunteer (or to receive assistance from Tax-Aide). Volunteers are needed to serve as Tax-Aide Counselors for low and middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to those 60 and older, in the Charlottesville, Albemarle and Fluvanna areas. Training is provided. After successfully completing an open-book exam, you are asked to work at least four hours a week from February to mid-April as part of a team. We are also seeking volunteer greeters for our sites. Locally last year 65 volunteers helped over 2500 people file federal and state returns. Statewide volunteers helped 80,000 taxpayers receive over $48 million in refunds. Please help us keep this valuable service available to our community. To volunteer or for more information, please call Suzanne Stephens at 434-244-0451. The Fluvanna Art Association Rotating Exhibits for Nov./Dec. Ashlawn Grille, Lake Monticello – Liz Ellis, 589-2545; Drs. Weiss, Lake Monticello, Lake Centre – Peter Almonte, 5896160; Fluvanna Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, Palmyra – Windy Payne, 296-5243; Fluvanna County Library, Palmyra – Windy Payne, 296-5243; Fluvanna County Treasurer’s Office, Palmyra – Windy Payne, 296-5243; Fluvanna Social Services Department, Fork Union – Windy Payne, 296-5243; Fork Union Community Center, Fork Union - Hella Viola, 286-2803; Union First Market Bank, Palmyra – Windy Payne, 296-5243 GriefShare A grief support seminar will be held beginning Thursdays, now through Jan. 29 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Griefshare will meet for 13 Thursdays at Calvary Chapel Fluvanna located in its new church building off Rt. 53. Visit griefshare.org for more information. Contact Darlene @ 434-989-4889 or by email at [email protected], to sign up for this seminar. Workbook cost is $16. St. John’s hosts events The church will hold a healing service on Nov. 21 at 7:30 p.m. A time to heal will include prayers, meditation, hymns, and laying on of handsThe church will hold a Holy Eucharist service on Nov. 23 at 10:30. Covered dish luncheon will follow at the Parish House. The church will hold a Holy Eucharist service on Nov. 30 at 10:30 a.m. Soup and discussion will be held at noon at the Parish House. Salem church is drop-off site Salem United Methodist Church in Palmyra is the drop-off site for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Drop-off hours: Monday, Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18-4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19-1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20-4 to 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21-10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22-10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23-9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 24 -9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Questions: call Kathy at 434-589-3555. People’s award The Fluvanna Art Association will be having our annual Peo- Property transfer information is provided by the Fluvanna County Circuit Court. 10/01/14 Secretary of Housing & Urban D to Divine, John David 292 Keswick Glen Dr Keswick, VA. 22947. 2.094 Ac $76,000. NVR, Inc to Marcopulos, Theodore E & There 39 Kendall Court Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 4 Phase 4 Sycamore Square $318,469. 10/03/14 Griffin, Jeanne to Tokarz, J T PO Box 12 Kents Store, VA. 23084. 5.048 Ac $38,000. Ciprich, Thomas & Janet Troyer to Mathes, Todd D & Lorraine S 12558 James Madison Hwy Palmyra, VA. 22963. 3.098 Acres $245,000. Higgs, Marilee E to Wilkerson, Kathryn R & Richard 405 Jefferson Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 449 Phase 12 Edgewood LM $160,000. 10/06/14 Community Calendar Thanksgiving food drive Property transfers ple’s Choice Award Art Show at the Fluvanna County Library from Nov. 22 through Jan. 2. There will be a meet-the-artists reception and awards presentation on Saturday, Nov. 22 from 1 to 3 p.m. At the reception, guests will get the chance to vote for their favorite piece in each of three categories. The categories will be based on expertise. The votes will be tallied and awards will be given out at 2:30 p.m. $1 coat sale $1 Coat Sale: Saturday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at Crossroads Community Church, 5578 Richmond Rd., Troy, VA 22974. Everyone is welcome to come and shop, there are both adult and children sizes available. All proceeds will go to Monticello Area Community Action Agency to buy turkeys for families in need this Thanksgiving. For more information or to donate coats, email: [email protected] or call 434-589-6689. Holiday Market Place Grace & Glory Lutheran Church will hold its Holiday Market Place on Saturday, Nov. 29 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 683 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy. Stop by and shop locally from crafters and vendors for your holiday needs. A quilt made by the church’s Mission Group will be raffled and an item from each vendor/crafter too! For information call Carol Sanders at 434981-8233. Master Gardeners hosting session The Fluvanna Master Gardeners are hosting an information session on the 2015 Fluvanna Master Gardener Training Program. It will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 2 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Monticello Fire and Rescue building. Beginner and expert gardeners are welcome to take the training. You will learn lots of useful information and becoming a Master Gardener volunteer is an excellent way to meet new friends, protect the environment and help your community. The training runs from January – April 2015 on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. Visit www.fluvannamg.org for more information. Fluvanna SPCA announces holiday soiree The Fluvanna SPCA, a no-kill shelter located in Troy, will hold a special fundraiser on Dec. 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Holiday Soiree for the FSPCA is generously hosted by Thistle Gate Vineyard in Scottsville. The soiree will feature raffles, excellent wines including sangria and mulled wine, as well as a special bonus tasting with Vintner George Cushnie. Tickets for regular admission are $10 in advance and $15 at the door and include a glass of select wines, mulled wine, or sangria, access to the raffles, as well as hors d’oeuvres. Tickets for the special bonus tasting are an additional $10 and are available on a limited, first-come, first-serve basis. “FSPCA is grateful to partner with Fluvanna’s premier vineyard, and to give our supporters an opportunity for a fun evening,” says Jennie Shuklis, FSPCA executive director. “We hope to raise awareness for Fluvanna’s homeless animals in a beautiful setting.” Tickets are available at the Fluvanna SPCA, Thistle Gate Vineyard and online at www.fspca.org. For more information, please go to www.fspca.org or call 434-591-0123. Wreaths Across America Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8169’s Christmas dinner Wreaths Across America – will be held on Dec. 13 at 2997 West River Road Post 8169 from 4 until 7 p.m. Christmas dinner includes ham, turkey, sides, rolls, dessert and beverage. $12 for meal. For additional information call Bill Hughes at 434-591-0769 or Dale Wood at 434-296-7590. 26 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | November 20, 2014 Gray, Natasha & Chris to Citi Mortgage, Inc 1000 Technology Drive O’Fallon, MO. Lot 139 Phase 6 Riverside LM $124,723.45 Gordon, Kathleen Kulp to Moody, Mark D & Frances B PO Box 882 Scottsville, VA. 24590. Cunningham Magistr Distr 16.630 Ac $70,000. 10/07/14 Andrew M C Baldwin, Tr to Harmon, Stanley W Thompson & D 13826 Howard Rd Dayton, MD. 21036. Lot 184 Phase 8 Nahor LM $139,000 10/08/14 ALG Trustee LLC to Argent Development, LLC P.O. Box 2485 Charlottesville, VA. 22902. Lot 67 Phase Six Riverside LM $86,901. 10/09/14 Daidone, Christopher S & Emily to Taylor, Evan M & Ashleigh P 249 Orchard Park Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 31 Stagecoach Sub $122,000. Smith, Charles H, III & Lori to Campanella, Lori Jean 2504 Killdeer Ave Hyattsville, MD. Lot 34 Phase 11 Falcon Hills LM $149,900. 10/10/14 Shutts Construction, Inc. to Schrantz, Kenneth P & Barbara 6111 Hatches Court Burke, VA. 22015. 4 Fair Oaks Sub $46,000. Walz, Christopher to Shumaker, Marie B & Lisa 44 Bridlewood Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 25 Phase 11 Falcon Hills LM $320,000. 10/14/14 Snyder, Alaina B & Barnes, Mic to Kroog, Ursula 680 Justin Dr Palmyra, VA 22963 Lot 73 Phase 3 Sycamore Square $286,000. Seward, Patricia to Frakes, Richard J 87 Mistland Trail Ruckersville, VA. 22968. Lot 484 Phase 3 Montpelier LM $30,000. McConnell, Charles R & Linda E to Wells Fargo Bank, NA 3815 South West Temple Salt Lake City, UT. 84115. Lot 359 Phase 4 LM $155,387.76 10/15/14 Edwards, Harry Stephen, Et Al to Richardson, Randall S 4916 Venable Road Kents Store, VA. 23084. 5.159 Acres Lot 6 Venable Run $ 135,000. Rudge, Darryl A & Christine A to Peters-Rodbell, Michael B 7 K 66 fox Chase Lane Palmyra, VA. 22963. 2.473 Acres Lot 9 Fox Hollow $375,000. Evans, Michael & Shelly L Rush to US Bank Trust, NA 3701 Regent Blvd Irving, TX. 75063. .344 Ac $125,064.99 Cox, Frances C & Robert D to Branch Banking & Trust Company PO Box 1874 Wilson, NC. 27894. Lot 5 Centre Hills Estates Sub $55,500. NVR, Inc to Skipper, Ashley I 952 Justin Drive Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 3 Phase 4 Sycamore Square $289,934. White, Samuel I. PC to Argent Development LLC P.O. Box 2484 Charlottesville, VA. 22901. Lot 329 Phase Eight Nahor LM $110,601. 10/16/14 England, Marshall C, Jr. Tr & Et to Thompson, Peter K & Joyce R 15781 West River Rd Fork Union, VA. 23022. See Document $433,750. Strickler, LLC to Green Spring Timber, LLC 26 Zion Park Rd Troy, VA. See Description $975,000. Wells Fargo Bank, NA to Carr, Hunter 1392 Bitternut Lane Charlottesville, VA. 22902. Lot 2 Rosa Carter Estates $72,500. 10/17/14 Fluvanna County Habitat For Hum. To Payne, Delicia N 90 Old Palmyra Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963. 12.1 Ac $116,500. SHRR,LLC to Blue Carrsbrook Holdings, LLC 4675 MacArthur Court Newport Beach, CA. 92660. See Document $405,000. 10/20/14 Weaver, Donald W to Breeden, Stephen N 3029 Rolling Rd Scottsville, VA. 24590. 1.14 Acres $145,000. Harlowe, Roberta L & William W to Roberta I Harlowe Revocable Tr. 1330 Quail Ridge Dr Reston, VA. 20194. Lot 385 Phase 3 Montpelier LM $323,000. 10/21/14 Fusaro, Louis V & Margherita A to Mattson, William A & Linda M 39 Hardwood Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 493 Phase 3 Montpelier LM $263,000. Liberty Homes, Inc. to Rademeyer, Rhynhardt A & Naomi 175 Boxwood Lane Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 4 Boxwood Estates Sub $232,985. 10/22/14 Goodwin, Elmer W to Thompson, Harrison L 4641 Richmond Road Troy, VA. 22974. Palmyra Magis Distr. 0.83 Ac $139,000. Buto, David W & Joanne to Plate, John R & Patricia S 7 Campbell Court Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 139 Ph 2 LM $445,000. 10/23/14 Winn, Lisa D to GMAT Legal Title Trust 60 Livingston Ave St. Paul, MI. Palmyra Magis Distr. 1.78 Ac $168,986.88 Longenecker, Anthony W & Ann to Szatkowski, George N & Lorelei 267 South Keswick Dr Troy, VA. 22974. Palmyra Magis Distr. 10.0581 Ac $527,000. Rumpf, Timothy to Ordoubadina, Zohreh 11708 Decade Court Reston, VA. 20191. Lot 439 Phase 12 Edgewood LM $166,000. Balif, Sandra M to Santoro, Ronald E 194 Village Blvd Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 44 Nahor Village $230,000. Fluvanna Development Corp. to Clark, Charles and Charlotte 3205 Community House Road Columbia, VA 23038 Lot 18, Lot 19 and Lot 20 Columbia Mags. $47,000. Kober, Robert Eric to Secretary of Housing & Urban D. 4400 Will Rogers Pkwy Oklahoma City, OK. 73108. 2.00 Acres $127,322.80 Vanhook, Patricia to Willis, Sheila & Joann Garriso 107 Jefferson Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 19 Phase 3 Montpelier LM Sub. $122,000. Zimmerman, Jane to Ramos, Christopher R. 3 Roadview Terrace Palmyra, VA. 22963. Lot 387 Phase 2 Shadwell LM $175,000. Gordon, Barbara L to Haines, Kevin J 2415 Deep Creek Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963. 5.326 Ac $159,900. Bank of New York Mellon to Harris, Darrick 255 Lakeview Dr Charlottesville, VA. 22901. 1.515 Ac $75,000. 10/24/14 McKeown, Patrick D, Sr. & Et Al to Smalheiser, Kenneth 409 Kent Lane Kents Store, VA. 23084 Columbia Distr. 12.800 $700,000. Scharpf, Billie to Glancy, Brian & Cynthia 340 Misty Vale Middletown, De. 19709 Lot 266 Phase 9 Knollwood LM $270,000. 10/27/14 Fluvanna Development Corporati to Thomasson, Derek 332 Moonstar Lane Columbia, VA. 23038. 5.918 Ac $30,000. Billingslea, Marcus T & Charem to Bank of America, NA 400 Countrywide Way Simi Valley, CA. 93065 Lot 4 Kent Farms N Sub. 3.0 Ac $267,097. Thomas, Gerald A, Sr. & Sandra to Stowe, Cody K & Debera L 369 Bell Farms Lane Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 5 Bell Farms Sub $300,000. 10/28/14 Teaster, Robert E & Monicah An to Tyson, Blaine Abram & Lindsey 77 Jefferson Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 4 Phase III LM $285,000. 10/28/14 Foster, David A & Tasha M to The Secretary of Housing & Urb 1001 Semmes Avenue Richmond, VA. 23224 Lot 61 Phase Five Tufton LM $195,655. 10/29/14 Secretary of Housing & Urban D to Wagner, David 336 Sclaters Ford Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963 Cunningham Magis Distr. 1.08 Ac $54,400. Travis, Monte B & Et Al to Barrett, Spencer Lee 7000 Venable Rd Kents Store, VA. 23084 Columbia Magis Distr. 13.35 Ac $200,000. White, Billy, Jr. & Et Al to Gordon, R Harrison, Jr & Marian 44 Edgewater Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 53 Phase 1 Ashlawn LM $220,000. 10/30/14 Nationstar Mortgage, LLC to Bonner, Jim 4630 Hammer Rd Charlottesville, VA. 22903 Cunningham Magis Distr. 2.00 Ac $41,500. Vernooy, Russell S & Amber T to Thomas, Gerald A, Sr & Sandra D 332 Antioch Springs Lane Scottsville, VA. 24590 Lot 25 Antioch Glen Sub $235,000. Quattlebaum, Steven L & Colleen to Lacy, William C, Jr. Et Al 5900 Patterson Avenue, #28 Richmond, VA. 23226 Lot 60 Ph 1 LM $454,500. Gillispie, Cody L to Bennewate, Robert B, Jr 1916 Shiloh Church Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 7 Rosa Carter Estates $154,000. Hammelbacher, Beth Ann & Et Al to McDonald, David W & Joanie 3 Austin Drive Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 255 Phase 8 LM $198,000. Band of Hampton Roads to EKM Properties, LLC PO Box 200 Scottsville, VA. 24590. 2.00 Acres $130,000. Pauletti, Paul P & Andrea to Schauder, Thomas J & Patricia 8621 Nanlee Dr Springfield, VA. 22152 Lot 107 Phase 2 Shadwell LM $637,500. Osani, Theresa to Lewis, Clarence E, Jr 4290 Rising Sun Rd Palmyra, VA. 22963 Palmyra Magis Distr. 2.00 Ac $145,000. 10/31/14 Fannie Mae to Shah, Hasmukh PO Box 7136 Charlottesville, VA. 22906 Columbia Magis Distr. 2.000 Ac $116,000. Williams, Aaron F & Renee E to Townsend, Kristel M 57 Riverside Dr Palmyra, VA. 22963 Lot 13 Phase 6 Riverside LM $126,000. To advertise email: [email protected] To advertise call: 434.207.0222 November 20, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 27 Patio Homes now Available at the Villages of Nahor! Call Today for more Information. Also for your Information Packets on Village Oaks and River Oaks! 434-589-7653 Our Team: Helping Your Family to Attain Your Goals Century 21 Monticello Properties would like to welcome Lisa Rogers back to the team! THIS WEEK’S FEATURED LISTING 17 Bridlewood- Custom Built Chalet! Tom Morace 434-962-1625 Diane Miller 434-960-5856 Stunning chalet-style home built by award winning builder features walls of windows & natural light, beautiful hardwood floors throughout, 1st floor master, laundry, screened porch, tons of storage, Zenlike gardens and beautiful plantings. This home shows like new and is located in a very desirable area of Lake Monticello, close to shopping, medical facilities, restaurants and more. Two bedrooms, two baths make this the perfect vacation home or primary residence. Very Motivated Seller! [email protected] [email protected] $199,000 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064 Kyle Miller 434-981-0799 Larry A. Miller 434-960-9479 [email protected] [email protected] 227 Partridge Berry Lane- Sycamore Square 15 Eagle Creek Terrace – Spring Creek! 4401 Campbell Ct.– Huge Workshop! First time on the market, enjoy the convenience of location & luxurious design of this one level home. Some features include open floor plan with a split bedroom design, beautiful hardwood floors, oak cabinetry, gas range, vented gas log fireplace, covered front porch, wonderful screened back porch, luxurious yard surrounded by hardwoods for privacy. Laundry w/utility sink, cabinets. Attached 2 car garage w/pull down attic storage, shelving system,paved drive. New exterior storage shed and more! Beautiful and pleasing home to be built in Spring Creek golf community. This traditional home boasts 3 BR plus finished bonus room, separate living room from family room w/FP. Dramatic 2 story foyer is highlighted with a planter shelf. Hardwood floors throughout first floor. Kitchen with granite countertops and work island will be a favorite gathering spot. The master suite, with a boxed tray ceiling features a MBA w/ twin vanities. Hers and hers too walk in closets. Great back deck.! Location is everything! Minutes to I64 and Zions Crossroads! This custom built colonial features 3 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, gourmet eat in kitchen, formal dining room, living room with two story ceiling, huge loft boasts two family areas, lower level billiard room and entertainment area, first floor master suite huge garage, workshop and office w/ full bath,country front porch and Brazilian Hardwood Deck! This is an exceptional home loaded with upgrades and a great location! $330,000 • Call The Queen of Sold 434-962-2095 $399,000 • Call Diane 434-960-5856 11 Loving Terrace – Great Views 7 Ashlawn – Walk To The Main Beach! Come enjoy the private setting on a cul-de-sac lot in Lake Monticello with peaceful pastoral backyard views. Many desirable features include: new carpet, a spacious kitchen with eating nook, a bright sun room, vaulted ceiling with sky lights, open living room with dual sided fireplace, large bedrooms with walk in closet, expansive rear deck,shed, an oversized 2 car garage, all on a single level floor plan. The 3rd bedroom functions best as a den or young child’s room. Lots of overall living space! You will not find another property like this at Lake Monticello! Tucked away just inside the main gate. Very private walk to the beach and club house! First floor bedroom and large laundry room, vaulted great room, open modern kitchen, large loft, two over sized decks,updated bath rooms, media room and large workshop and lots of storage. The extensive landscaping includes many native plantings and a fish pond. Small out building with electric and water would make a great studio or gardening shed. $199,900 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $209,000 • Call Diane 434-960-5856 $229,000 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064 102 Villa – Sycamore Square Mike Rogers 434-981-8764 Jen Sample 434-989-9246 [email protected] [email protected] Queen of Sold Annette Daly 434-962-2095 John Daly 434-962-4842 The Mediterranean has 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Luxury owner’s suite with Cathedral ceiling, Soaking tub, Large walk-in closet 11’x 5’, Attic storage, Brushed nickel fixtures, G.E. appliance package, tilt in windows, nicely landscaped, 100% qualified ENERGY STAR builder. $154,900• Call Larry 434-960-9479 [email protected] 4 Leisure Court – Private Lot! 3 Hopi Way- New Listing! 306 Rosewood – New Construction! Located one block from Beach 3, backs to reserved area. 3 Bed room contemporary with soaring ceilings, 5 skylights, master on 1st floor, basement family room, mudroom, workshop & extra storage. All appliances convey. Entertainers dream! Fantastic 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on level open lot in Lake Monticello. Home features inviting, open floor plan w/formal dining rm, spacious kitchen & family rm & separate living rm/playroom. 2nd floor has large MBR with custom built closet system in walk-in closet & luxurious master bath. 3 additional BRs, updated full bath, large laundry rm & walk-up attic finish it off. Lovely screened porch & deck plus fantastic yard for extra entertaining space. Move in for the new year! Award winning new construction by MVC Homes & move in ready! First floor master with walk in tiled shower & walk in closet, fully upgraded kitchen with stainless steel appliances & granite counter tops with dining area,great room with two story foyer, hard woods, wainscoting & raised hearth fire place two large bedroom upstairs with walk in closets. Unfinished basement & two car garage. Convenient to Charlottesville, Scottsville & Fork Union. Relax on your porch and enjoy your water views. $164,500 • Call Jen 434-989-9246 $218,000 • Call Jen 434-989-9246 $238,500 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 [email protected] Monticello Properties The strength of teamwork, The reputation for results Don Brady 703-927-1426 [email protected] Wondering where all the open houses are this weekend at Lake Monticello? www.LakeMonticelloOpenHouses.com 434-589-SOLD 1-800-765-3570 The Website for your real estate needs www.lakemonticellohomes.com Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274 [email protected] 645 Jefferson – Room To Grow! 164 Winding River – 10 Acres! FEATURED RENTAL PROPERTY With some TLC, this could be your dream home. Stunning 2-story entryway, stainless steel appliances, open kitchen with breakfast nook looks into family room with gas log fireplace. Completely fenced backyard with additional fenced pet run, lovely deck, garden spot. Spacious master with luxurious attached bath, walk in closet. 2 additional spacious bedrooms, attached 2 car garage w/pull down attic storage. Paved driveway. Short sale, being sold as is. If you have been looking for that perfect cabin in the woods This is it! Situated on ten acres of hardwoods in a community with Rivanna river access. Beautiful master suite featuring bath with custom walk in tile shower and jacuzzi, hickory hardwood flooring throughout, vaulted ceilings and gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances and hickory cabinets! Screened porch, 538 sq. ft. deck. The Terrace level is beautifully finished with two bedrooms, a full bath, laundry room and family room.! 635 Jefferson – Lake Monticello $141,000 • Call Lisa 434-531-0064 $299,900 • Call Larry 434-960-9479 Well maintained three bedroom two bath home. Hardwood flooring. Large eat in kitchen with full finished basement. Pets negotiable. $1,100 • Call Rachel 434-981-5173 Call Today To Find Out Why Our Days on Rental Market are so Low and how that Saves you Money!
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