Frank Brown Gains Highest Civilian Honor Mud Bogging Fatality
Frank Brown Gains Highest Civilian Honor Mud Bogging Fatality Frank Brown Gains Highest Civilian Honor July 12 – 18, 2012 | One Copy Free Mud Bogging Fatality Saddens Community J ULY 12 – 18, 2012 • V OLUME 32, I SSUE 28 FOUNDED IN 1979 BY LEN GARDNER Q u o t e o f t h e w e e k : “ I t ’s t h e d a y t o d a y k i n d s o f r u n s w h e r e w e ’r e a t r i s k ,” – S t e v e N i c h o l s – p a g e 1 0 T H I S Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos [email protected] Advertising: Karen Sheffron [email protected] Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason [email protected] Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle [email protected] Web Administrator/Designer: Kathy Zeek [email protected] Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon, Kristin Sancken and Ruthann Carr Photographers: David Stemple, O.T. Holen Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Road Phone: (434) 591-1000 Fax: (434) 589-1704 Member of the Virginia Press Association Circulation 6,300 W E E K COVER R E V I E W . . . Page 4 Page 7 Page 10 Congressional Gold Medal bestowed upon Frank Brown. Foster homes, volunteers sought by FSPCA. Emergency responses studied. Page 11 Page 12 Page 22 Mud bogging death shocks friends. Community supports E W Thomas. Fluvanna’s July 4th in photos. General: the Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. Emergency services in Fluvanna County are being studied. Cover designed by Lisa Hurdle and Kathy Zeek. I N Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $135 per year or $70 per 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. CIRCULATION AUDIT BY Deadline: Advertising and news items due by Wednesday 5 p.m. for the following week. Display and web ads: For information including rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434591-1000 ext. 29. Legal ads: the Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. Classified ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by our office at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news happening, call us! Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: the Fluvanna Review encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar submissions to 50 words or less and letters to the editor to 300 words or less. E-mail: carlos@fluvannarev i e w. c o m or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. H O T W E AT H E R ! C O O L P R I C E S ! ! 43 Hardwood Road • 4B/3.5b; 2432 fin. sq. ft. • Split bedroom; sunroom • Custom built; beautiful home MLS #500938 $249,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 163 Duck’s Lake Ridge 33 Ashlawn Boulevard 14 Stonewall Road HORSE FARM • Horse farm, barn, riding ring • House: 4248 fin sq. ft; 5B/3.5b • Privately situated on 10A MLS #499429 $549,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 WATERFRONT • Fantastic Waterfront! • 2B/2b; 2470 fin. sq. ft. • Close to everything! MLS #499111 $389,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 GREAT LOCATION • 3B/2b; 1434 fin. sq. ft. • Upstairs MBR w/ balcony • Walk to beach and pool MLS #498663 $145,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 25 Long Leaf Terrace 3930 Shores Road Rentals 67 Woodlawn Dr. .. 3B/2b .. $1,050 28 Tanglewood Rd. 3B/2b .. $1,300 20 Club Ln. .......... 4B/3b .. $1,300 REAL ESTATE & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 264 Turkeysag Trail - Unit D Lake Monticello 434-589-3958 • Fax: 434-589-1427 [email protected] 155 Lexie Ln. ..... 4B/2.5b . $1,550 44 Morewood Pl. . 4B/2.5b . $1,600 • 3B/2b; 1125 fin. sq. ft. • Stone fireplace; level yard • Large storage shed MLS #500346 $134,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 • 3B/2b; 1524 fin. sq. ft. • Full unfinished basement • Landscaped; 4.8A MLS #498858 $60,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Jo Ann at 434-960-5121 today! Certified HUD Broker: Adele Schaefer GRI, SRS OWNER/BROKER 434-962-1928 434-981-9956 434-589-3958 434-960-5121 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 Iris Helfrich Delila Stone Jo Ann Sears REALTOR BOOKKEEPER ASSOCIATE BROKER July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 For ALL Your Packing & Shipping NEEDS!! Authoriized Shipping Center QUALITY PRINTING Discount on Packing Boxes! BUY : •Direct •Bulk •Local and SAVE We haveBubble Wrap Packing Peanuts Packing Tape Specialty Boxes Professional Packing Service Copying Blueprints, Landscape Design, Prints, etc. Mailbox Rentals Fax Send & Receive Laminating Document Shredding GBC Binding Notary Public Full / Self Serve Copying (black & white/color) Large Format 434-589-9602 Mon.-Fri. 9-6 • Sat.10-2 Email: mailbox102 E @ F Fax: 434-589-9603 O Owner: Terry Brown 265 2 65 6 5 Turkeysag Turke Trail, #102 Lake Monticello •Across from Food Lion 4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12 12, 2012 Congress honors first black marine BY RUTHANN CARR CORRESPONDENT Fluvanna’s local Montford Point Marine walked the halls of Congress June 28 and came back with a medal. Frank Brown, 87, is one of the first waves of black men to join the U.S. Marine Corps. Brown was 18, when he joined the Corps in 1943.The troops were segregated from whites and were trained at Camp Montford Point, in Jacksonville, North Carolina, from 1942 to 1949. They weren’t allowed to enter the nearby base of Camp LeJeune. The bus ride from Washington D.C. was just a taste of the treatment Brown received from the drill sergeants, but he and many others endured. Brown summed up his time at Camp Montford Point. “They didn’t want us there in the first place, so they tried to kill us,” he said. But Brown and many others did make it. Brown fought in Saipan for 16 months. He left the Marines in May 1946 and headed back home to D.C. where he trained and worked as a dental lab technician and a cab driver. He then retired to Fluvanna County. Brown is like any other Marine – a lifelong member. He’s kept up with his fellow corpsmen, remembering a time that bound them together. Even when few others knew about their service. That began to change last year. On Nov. 23, 2010 President Barack Obama signed a law awarding those first black marines the Congressional Gold Medal, Congress’s highest civilian honor. Brown, along with more than 400 other Montford Point Marines, gathered at Emancipation Hall at the Capital Visitors Center to finally get recognized for their service to the country. “I was really honored. It enlightened my spirit,” Brown said. “I had no idea it would actually happen.” Part of the ceremony included active-duty Marines in dress blues who stood in line to congratulate the veterans and shake their hands. Brown said it was initially thought that only about 200 of the 19,861 Marines who trained at Montford Point were left, but once the medal was announced, the real count was 430. Even though President Obama was not at the event, plenty of other dignitaries spoke: U.S. Sens. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.), Richard Burr (R-N.C.),Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and Reps. John Boehner (R-Ohio), Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Brown said he saw at the ceremony three men with whom he served. “It brought back a lot of memories,” he said. “It’s great that someone still remembers and cares.” bob’s p o t k c bla l sea Frank Brown. Photo by Ruthann Carr. Brown and his fellow Montford Point Marines are now in the company of some other notables throughout history who received the Congressional Gold Medal: • George Washington • Jackie Robinson • Elie Weisel • Jesse Owens • The Native American Code Talkers • Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King • Mother Theresa • Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama WE TWO CAN DO MORE FOR YOU! B U YI N G • S E L L I N G • R E N T I N G • C A L L U S Since 2006 Accredited by the Better Business Bureau Friendly, Personal Service Free Estimates Environmentally Safe Water Based Sealer Large Capacity Equipment Makes Long Driveways My Specialty! 434-589-1975 * Ask me about horseshoes! Lorraine Wheeler 434-989-0708 Don Wheeler 434-962-7868 The Wheelers MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS See ent on advertisem Page 9 [email protected] Lake Monticello Travel Group 10 Days – February 16 - 26, 2013 Roundtrip from Baltimore to Samana, Dominican Republic, San Juan, St. Thomas and the private island of Labadee Prices are $1001 for inside, $1166 for ocean view. Prices include all taxes and fees. Round-trip bus transportation from the LM Clubhouse $100 pp Call Frank Saurman 589-2799 [email protected] Best 4th ever I believe the 4th of July celebration at Lake Monticello was one of the best in the 13 years I’ve lived here. John Platt who was the organizer did an exemplary job never missing a beat in the horrendous heat of the day. The various committee chairs and all of the many volunteers brought every event off without a hitch. Also a special thanks should go to Ron Shields and his family along with the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association for providing a fabulous breakfast and dinner for all staff and volunteers. They went above and beyond with all the homemade foods from Ron’s family. Of course the day ended with a fantastic fireworks display that was second to none of the big city displays. Lake Monticello residents should be proud the way our nation’s birthday was celebrated here in 2012. Jo Anna Chacho Palmyra Thank You. I would like to thank the firm Allen, Allen, Allen, and Allen for the honor that they have confered me by selecting me, along with Michael Sheridan, as one of Fluvanna County’s Hometown Heroes. My family and I have been residents of this county since 1995 and we consider it to be our home, so this award means a lot to us. However, there is a very important detail that I would like to bring to light, and that is the fact that what I have done to try and give back to our community, I have not done alone. Since we became partners in January of 2006 and started Akarion Realty, my business partner, Corven Flynn, has been instrumental in every event that this firm has put together. Corven has supported my ideas and I have supported his. Corven has invested as much time, money, and effort on every project, every fundraiser, and every action taken. His wife, Lisa Flynn, has also been instrumental in our success with these events, without her support it would have been very difficult to accomplish all that we have accomplished, and I want to thank her publicly for all her help. The Flynns have been involved have been supporting this community and those in need long before I joined them. As active members of Fork union Baptist Church, they have been responsible for a great number or initiatives in support of this county. Their community involvement includes charities like Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, Angel Tree, and even bringing Santa Claus to visit with local kids. I was blessed to be able to join them in business and also on their efforts to assist others in need. When you put an event together, no matter how small, it takes a lot of people to bring it together and make it a success, so it is important to point out that we have always counted with the support of our families, Fluvanna businesses, and our Akarion Realty Agents. Last, but not least, I want to thank the residents of Fluvanna County for their outstanding support of our efforts. I am grateful and proud for this award, but there is more than one hero to this story. George Rosario Broker/Owner, Akarion Realty This is not intended to solicit your business, if you have a brokerage relationship with another Realtor. All information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. RY ER CUSTOM FRAM E 50% CO. I take exception to the July 5 letter to the editor from Mozell Booker. Her comparison of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors to the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors makes no sense – the Visitors are appointed and ultimately answer to donors. The supervisors are elected to set tax rates and allocate expenditures. Ms. Booker’s lament that the supervisors have short-changed county programs is specious at best. Too many people, for too long a time have confused fiscal responsibility with funding “make me feel-good” programs that are too expensive, unnecessary or no longer affordable at all. In my view, the supervisors have tried to balance what we need with what we want. No C RU I S E W I T H T H E B Need hard looks thinking person could deny that we can no longer simply fund past programs by raising taxes. We need to take hard looks at what we can fund within a responsible budget. Am I the only one who laments the loss of the Zions Crossroads business tax base that previous short-sighted Board of Supervisor members, including Ms. Booker, let slip away to LouisaCounty? Paul Bergeron Lake Monticello BAY .c o m A ew . V YR The letter by a sitting Board of Supervisor member seemed to be sour grapes in comparing our county’s status with the University of Virginia board and Albemarle County. We are Fluvanna County with our own issues. Our board exercised fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers for once and did not pursue personal agendas that has prevailed with previous boards. The board has no control over the school staff, only the superintendant and school board have that authority. The reassessments will equalize the tax rates upward to hinder economic development in the near term, possibility the next 5 to 15 years according to the experts. Anyone I know would welcome economic development to ease the burden on taxpayers if that were the case. The fact is Zion Crossroads four corners are in Louisa County and not Fluvanna as people believe. The intended water and sewer in that area would benefit Aqua, developers, Louisa County and special interest groups in high density housing and perhaps some commercial development. Not enough to have any impact on our taxpayers except to require more services, more students that would put more burden on taxpayers, not less. We the people should have a say in what we want and are willing to pay for. Ask the people in Fluvanna, Troy and the Zion area if we have the need and not the people who stand to profit on gambling with taxpayers money. We take all the risk with very little reward, if any. There have been many examples of failed projects around Virginia and other states during good economic times which we have not have for four or five years. If we get moving as suggested, we will be headed in the wrong direction. We cannot dig out of a hole with deficit os Sour grapes? spending to prosperity. Those who do not pay attention to history and past failures are doomed to repeat them. My opinion is not put the cart before the horse and let anyone willing to come invest their money and not ask us 59 P AL to fund anything until M OX B A . 2 2963 a true return on investment starts hitting the county`s bank account. Families, save @ vi flu v a n n ar e your money for that $8 million a year debt service we will owe until infinity. We have that new high school and now have to pay, how`s that working for you? Adrian Miller Palmyra c a rl Shortly after the Fluvanna Board of Supervisors voted not to increase our personal property taxes by over 19%, when the rhetoric and name-calling were at a peak, two young girls and the brother of one of them were raising money under a “Save Our Schools” banner at a lemonade stand near Lake Monticello’s Monish Gate. There, as I sipped on my lemonade, I talked to one of them about the fund raiser. Not one condemning or harsh word was spoken. That was even more refreshing than my cold drink. I agree with Ms. Booker that when a bad decision is made by theBoard of Supervisors, it needs to be rectified. I believe this board did that when it voted to rein in the spending spree started by its predecessors. Whether or not you agree with me, not supporting the 68 cent tax rate does not make me or anyone a childhater, as some profess, any more than not wanting to protect a child’s rights from conception makes someone else a hater of children. I am a big fan of the First Amendment, but I am also a fan of exercising our right to free speech and airing our differences with civility and respect, something we can learn from those young entrepreneurs. Greg Stamper Lake Monticello P.O Argue nicely OFF All In Store Art FRAMED AND OTHER WE HAVE SCRAPBOOKING & ART SUPPLIES Open Wed., Thu., Fri. 10-4 & Sat 9-1 Across from 739 C Lake Monticello Road Orme Fitness 434-591-0918 Lake Monticello Fire & Rescue Thursdays! JULY BINGO! Special All Regular $50 Games Will Pay $75 Addition to Our Six $100 Games 00 Jackpot* $1700 or more players to pay $1000 pot. Progre ssive Game Now $1600* * As of date 07-12-12 Doors Open at 5:30 p.m. Early Bird 6:45 p.m. 10 Slice Rd. Palmyra (Off Rt. 600, near CVS & Dogwood Rest.) Questions? Call 434-591-1018 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 5 Sheridan Stables Riding Lessons from Beginner to Advanced • Children and Adults Come Experience the Joy of Horse Riding Sign up now for Summer Horse Camp Camp schedule runs all summer Also Enroll in the After-School Riding Program 434-589-3530 434-964-6964 6162 Venable Road, Kents Store Side Saddle and Dressage Western Riding • Hunter/ Jumper • Barrel Racing Providing Full Service Veterinary Care for Cats and Dogs! Low-flying plane to map underground faults Residents of Fluvanna, Louisa and Goochland counties may notice a low-flying airplane over the area starting Tuesday (July 10) as scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey map the underground faults responsible for the region’s Aug. 23, 2011 earthquake, according to federal officials. The earthquake, likely felt by more people than any other earthquake in U.S. history, caused extensive damage in central Virginia and was among the largest ever to occur along the eastern seaboard. The flights will last until July 20, depending on weather, according to a press release from the USGS. The USGS is working with state and local officials to coordinate the flight surveys, which may take place at altitudes as low as 400 feet. To provide seismologists with better information about the area’s buried geologic features, the instruments in the airplane will take measurements of earth’s gravitational and magnetic pull at different locations throughout the region. Subtle changes in the Earth’s magnetic and gravity fields can indicate where underground faults are located. “This is the first time airborne gravity has been used as a tool for mapping seismic hazard in the U.S.” said Anji Shah, USGS research geophysicist and lead scientist of the study. “The data collected will be used to estimate changes in Earth’s subsurface up to about nine miles underground. With this information, we will be able to refine our estimates of the region’s seismic hazard.” The results of the study will be published online when complete. Texas man dies in motorcycle accident on Rt. 15 Dr. Jesse Bejar Dr. Erin Davis (540) 832 - 1751 A Texas man was killed after he lost control of his motorcycle on Rt. 15 in Fluvanna County. Jacob R.F. Beasley, 23, of Cypress, Texas, was thrown from the bike into the southbound lane of Rt. 15 where he struck a southbound fire truck, according to Corinne Geller, a spokeswoman for the Virginia State Police. Beasley’s a 2012 Yamaha YFR motorcycle was traveling north on Rt. 15 at a high rate of speed when the driver lost control, said Geller. The fire truck, owned by Fluvanna County, immediately pulled to the side of the road. Beasley died at the scene. He was wearing a helmet. Alcohol was not a factor in the crash, said Geller. The crash occurred on Saturday (June 30) at 6:17 p.m. on Rt. 15 less than a mile from Rt. 53. Virginia State Police Trooper S.E. Kinney investigated the crash. Month of July 15% Off Spay & Neutering Discount off regular price. P Puppies i & Kittens Kitt between the ages of 4-6 months Must have current rabies vaccine tto qualify for surgery. Wellness exams, puppy/kitten visits, spay/neuter, microchipping, surgery, dental cleanings & dental surgery Digital X-Ray • Dental X-Ray In-house lab blood results while you wait Located at Zion Crossroads across the street (Rt.15) from Walmart/Lowes Clean, modern, new facility 65 Jefferson Court Gordonsville, Va. 22942 6 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 Exit #136 OFF I64 Friends erected a memorial on Rt. 15 for accident victim Jacob R.F. Beasley. Photo by Kristin Sancken. FSPCA seeks volunteers, foster homes 20% DISCOUNT SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday Dinner Bring this ad for discount • Offer expires August 31, 2012 For reser vations call 800-277-0844 P 15 250 Zion Crossroads Hw y. Because of this need for more volunteers, the Fluvanna SPCA will be hosting two seminars in the coming weeks. The first, scheduled for Saturday (July 14) from 9 until 11 a.m. at the Fluvanna Library, will focus on animal fostering. Fluvanna SPCA dogs and cats go into foster care for a variety of reasons. Puppies and kittens less than eight weeks of age are sent into foster homes until they are old enough to adopt. Nancy Heister, a long time puppy foster for the FSPCA, called it rewarding. “My son Alex helps care for the puppies at home, and has learned that offering service is as important as donating money.” Some animals are sent into foster homes so that they can recover from illness or surgery, or so that behavior issues can be addressed. Joyce McCollough, who with her husband Jim fosters dogs with medical or behavior issues, said they both enjoy feeling they have given one more dog with special needs a chance at a great life. “Our goal is to find a great forever home for these dogs,” said McCollough. “Being part of the process – often meeting and interacting with the adopters – makes it easier for us to say goodbye.” A second seminar on volunteering will be held Saturday ( July 21) from 9 until 11 a.m. at the Fluvanna Library, followed by a tour of the shelter at 11:30. Since she first volunteered as a dogwalker, Melissa MacBride Borash has been astounded at the range of volunteer activity she has seen – and participated in. “Everything from communications, creating videos, posters, or t-shirts, organizing and running adoption events, helping with fundraising – to sewing donated blankets into dog beds or simply sharing FSPCA Facebook posts – there are so many needs that talented members of our community can meet,” she said. Erika Proctor volunteers her time training the dogs and helping with behavior evaluations – and involves her young children in the process. “My deepest desire is that my little ones can grow up … to be fully aware, as well as worthy of, the people their dogs see them as,” said Proctor. “Volunteers are the heart and soul of our shelter,” said Tricia Johnson, the director of the FSPCA. “The catch is – we always need more volunteers than we have – especially during puppy and kitten season, when our shelter is very full.” More information about these seminars can be found on the FSPCA website at Anyone with questions can contact the shelter at 434.591.0123 or email [email protected]. Jam es M adi son CONTRIBUTED BY THE FSPCA 3 No tch Rd . P ter dex oin Rd. 64 250 2887 Poindexter Road, Zion Crossroads • Featured Properties NEW PRICE Boyd Tavern/Keswick • Mechunk Acres, Keswick • $309,900, #500152 • 1.08 AC, beautiful landscaping • Connie Fairchild, 434-466-8660 60 Acre Multiuse Parcel • Albemarle County • $285,000, #487675 • Pond, timber, fenced, pasture • Don Flanagan 434-960-1277 Cozy Brick Beauty near JPA/UVA • Fry’s Spring/Charlottesville • $235,000, #500899 • Charming 3BR with fenced yard • Tracey McFarlane, 434-882-0067 Waterfront-Nature Sanctuary • Lake Monticello, Fluvanna • Exquisite, Upscale, Upgrades • $625,000, #501021 • Betsy Gunnels, 434-996-9797 BEAUTIFUL Hardwoods • Fluvanna County • $75,000, #491636 • 12+ Acres w/family division • Sharon Duke, 434-981-3115 4 Bedroom Colonial in Louisa • Countryside, Louisa4 • $195,000 #500557 • Deck made for entertaining! • Tom Woolfolk, 434-242-1991 Erika Proctor with her son Finn and an FSPCA dog. Photo by J. Altieri Photography. 434-589-0777 • 434-589-1882 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 7 OPENING DAY • SATURDAY, JULY 21 Obituaries Wayne Clyde Himes PICK YOUR OWN APPLES Bring the Whole Family y Wayne Clyde Himes, age 80, went to be with the Lord on Monday, July 2, 2012 after a long illness. Wayne, son of Clyde and Helen Himes was born in the State of Indiana and moved to Pennsylvania as an infant. A graduate of Punxsutawney Area High School, he married Vivian States on April 24, 1954. They ran a dairy farm for 18 years. During Wayne’s life he was a farmer, lumberman and a residential mechanical contractor and manager. In his retirement, he found great pleasure in giving hayrides, building birdhouses and spending time with neighbors, friends and family. Wayne is survived by his wife, Vivian of 58 years and four children Mike, Wanda, Kristen and Cindy; eleven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Wayne was a Deacon and active member of Beaver Dam Baptist Church in Troy Virginia. A memorial service will be held there on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Friends can send condolences and make memorial contributions in lieu of flowers by visiting Edward Earl Martell Apples, Peaches, Tomatoes, Plus Other Fresh Vegetables, Apple Butter, Jelly and Jams Like Us On Facebook NOW OPEN UNTIL 6 P.M. Stop by on the way to the Farmer’s Market NEW HOURS: Open Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. On Rt. 53 in Palmyra, 2.8 miles west of Rt. 15 434-981-9029 • [email protected] 8 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 Edward Earl Martell, 64, of Lake Monticello, died on Sunday, July 8, 2012 at Martha Jefferson Hospital. He was born on October 4, 1947 in Austin, Minnesota, a son of Clarice (Yaste) Martell of Kansas and the late Reverend Earl Arthur Martell. In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Jenni Rebeccah Martell, and one brother. Mr. Martell was a member of Grace and Glory Lutheran Church and a clarinetist in the Charlottesville Municipal Band. He retired from the Oceanside, New York Public Schools where he served as the high school orchestra director. His hobbies included music, golf and carpentry; and he was a veteran of the United States Army. Survivors include his mother; his wife, Julieanna Martell; a son, Edward Osen Martell and his wife, Johanna, of New York; a daughter, Joanna Katherine Martell, of Colorado; a grandson, Benjamin Edward Martell; three brothers; and one sister. A celebration of life will be conducted at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 13, 2012 at Salem United Methodist Church in Palmyra by the Reverend Kenneth Albright. The family will receive friends following the service. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to Grace and Glory Lutheran Church, 96 Garden Lane, Palmyra, Virginia 22963. Thacker Brothers Lake Monticello Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Fluvanna’s Only Certified Residential Brokerage MONTICELLO COUNTRTY REALTORS #1 in Fluvanna Sales Since 1984 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Next to the Main Gate MEET OUR AGENTS AND VIEW ALL OF THE AREA LISTINGS AT: WWW.MONTICELLOREALTORS.COM 434-589-3539 • 800-825-LAKE We offer professional and experienced service for buyers & sellers....Contract to Closing! NEW LISTINGS Homes For Sale 1 Vine Ridge - $227,500 1 Riverwood Ct. - $169,000 Shows like a model! One level with vaulted ceilings, skylights, custom cabinetry & gas fireplace. Large deck. 23 Ponderosa Ln. - $233,500 Stunning one level with vaulted ceilings & Palladian windows. Eat in kitchen with pantry. Side loading garage Gorgeous new listing on one level. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, vaulted ceilings, hardwood & ceramic floors, screened porch & 2 car garage Homes For Sale 13 Wisteria Way - $183,000 Artistically decorated one level home w/split bedroom design. Over 2000 fin,. sq. ft near beach. High ceilings, skylights & lots of windows 4 Towpath Ct. - $169,900 92 Jefferson Dr. - $119,900 Beautiful home in golf course area. Split bedroom design, spacious kitchen w/breakfast bar, sunroom & garage New Price! Open floor plan with a formal living & dining room. 3 bedrooms + 2 full baths, deck & 2 car garage. 32 Nahor Dr. - $179,000 Quality built with a split bedroom design. Numerous upgrades, screened in porch, oversized 2 car garage & deck SHOP LOCAL 15 Oak Grove Rd. - $188,500 Amazing water & golf views. Large master suite w/balcony. Hardwood floors, skylights, soaring ceilings & shed car garage& shed 5 Cliftwood Rd. - $205,000 Immaculate colonial with a fenced back yard. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, hardwood & ceramic floors, 2 car garage WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE: GO JUMP IN THE LAKE 307 Lakeshore Dr. Lake Louisa $79,900 30 Evergreen Ln. Lake Monticello $147,500 26 Mesquite Place $149,500 9 Kanawha Ct. $225,000 Nice waterfront lot with 3 boat slips & docks on a level lot. 1.03 acre lot with built in dock, deep water & a private setting. Great waterfront lot with main lake views. Build your dream home! Over 180’water frontage on a large lot. Deep water & main lake views. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR FEATURED LOCAL BUSINESS OF THE WEEK. FEATURED BUSINESS OF THE WEEK Vicki Wilson Owner/Broker (434)960-7044 Joan White Assoicate Broker GRI, CCREC (434)981-4081 Cyndi Mylynne Realtor,GRI, ABR, e-PRO (434)981-4629 Lorraine Frisina Realtor, GRI (434)981-3997 Bill Lansing Realtor (434)996-7245 JoAnn Nordlund Associate Broker, GRI, CRS, CRB (434)962-6384 Don & Lorraine Wheelers - Realtors (434)989-0708 (434)962-7868 Craig McCormick Owner/Realtor (434)996-5113 Lisa McCormick Realtor (434)589-6386 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 9 Rescue responsibilities are re-evaluated BY RUTHANN CARR CORRESPONDENT An extensive evaluation of emergency services in Fluvanna County is underway following a decision by Louisa County to end mutual aid. As of July 5, Louisa County squads are no longer responding to mutual aid requests from Fluvanna. That decision by Louisa showed the need to reevaluate the area’s fire and rescue services. Officials from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) spent two days (June 29 and 30) in Fluvanna meeting with everyone who has anything to do with Fire and Emergency Services in the county. The VDFP does about seven such comprehensive audits per year, and only at the request of the county or municipality, said Ken Brown, former fire-rescue chief and coordinator of Emergency Services for Goochland County and leader of Fluvanna’s study. Fluvanna is one of a handful of rural counties in Virginia where fire and emergency services are performed solely by volunteers. There are three groups covering Fluvanna: Fluvanna Volunteer Fire Department, with stations at Fork Union, Palmyra and Kents Store; Fluvanna Volunteer Rescue Squad, with stations in these same areas and Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad. Recruiting, training and retaining volunteers, especially for the Fluvanna Rescue Squad, has become harder. Recruiting and training is difficult and time consuming and leaves existing staff to pick up more shifts. Leonard Bozza, a member of the Lake Monticello Squad and the Fluvanna Fire and EMS committee, has repeatedly brought to the Board of Supervisors’ attention the staffing and response time issues. This, in part, prompted the board to write and request the state study. At the meeting with VDFP officials, County Administrator Steve Nichols said he hopes that when push comes to shove and there is a true need for mutual aid, such as a large fire or multi-vehicle, multi-victim accident, Louisa will come through. “It’s the day to day kinds of runs where we’re at risk,” Nichols said. Fluvanna Rescue Squad Chief James Davis said most mutual aid calls are for an Advanced Life Support (ASL) volunteer. None of the rescue squads have enough of these volunteers. ALS providers can do more in-field procedures than basic emergency medical technicians, such as starting IV’s. “The bulk of the ALS assistance is them meeting our truck in the Zion Crossroads area,” Davis said. A study showed Louisa and Scottsville departments take many more calls to Fluvanna than Fluvanna squads take to Louisa and Scottsville per the mutual aid agreement. The VDFP study report, which is expected to come out in about six weeks, will give the Board of Supervisors a detailed list of the issues and possible solutions. None of the suggestions are legally binding, said Matthew Smith, a VDFP policy and communications analyst. “The purpose of a fire and EMS study is to provide an objective view of the fire and EMS services in a local jurisdiction, and to provide feedback on areas that are successful and areas that could use improvement,” the VDFP website states. “These studies provide localities recommendations to improve their jurisdiction’s fire and EMS service delivery. The intent of fire and EMS study recommendations is to provide broad recommendations for the local jurisdiction to review and customize to the benefit of the citizens, organizations and the local jurisdiction.” The team visited the dispatch center housed in the sheriff’s department. Before going into the call center, Sheriff Ryant Washington spoke with the team. Washington is also the acting EMS coordinator. 10 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 Photo by Lisa Hurdle He said there are 10 dispatchers altogether, with two staffing each shift. “They do 911 calls but they also act as the hub, the receptionist for the office,” Washington said. “It can be hectic sometimes.” Washington said a concern of dispatchers is that when a fire or rescue policy or procedure is changed, it doesn’t filter down to them. “The expectation is that the dispatcher should know it all,” he said. On June 30, after the team’s first day of visits, they held a Town Hall meeting at Carysbrook for the public to bring up any concerns and weigh in on the issue. A study showed Louisa and Scottsville departments take many more calls to Fluvanna than Fluvanna squads take to Louisa and Scottsville per the mutual aid agreement. Nichols said between 35 and 40 people showed up, and about half of those were from both the local Fire and EMS team and the study team. Supervisor Joe Chesser (Rivanna) met with the study team Friday. He said there are many issues involved with fire and EMS service delivery in Fluvanna, and the most pressing issues tend to vary depending on who you talk to. “The real problem is turnover in the rescue squad,” Chesser said. “The concern of the public is, ‘What is the response time?’” Brown said communication is key in every community he’s studied. Over the years, many things have contributed to Fluvanna’s current situation: • Increased population which increases call volumes. • Diminished response times • Funding issues, which include whether to enact a “fee for service” (billing a patient for the call through their insurance). If the patient doesn’t have insurance, the fee is waived. • Recruiting and training enough volunteers to staff the stations appropriately • • • • • Keeping the volunteers Stress between Lake Monticello and county squads Debate about whether to hire paid staff Fundraising to pay for equipment Adequate financial and moral support from the Board of Supervisors Many jurisdictions have the same issues, Brown said. In 2010, the VFDP did a study for Louisa County. A look at the recommendations shows that Fluvanna squads aren’t alone or unique. The 2010 study showed Louisa lacked “a clear vision of where the county’s fire and EMS organizations are going.” “Many volunteers are concerned that the county will take control of all fire and rescue operations and demand changes, which will lead to total control and the elimination of volunteers,” the report states. “The inclusion of the volunteers in the development process of a vision statement is critical.” The Louisa study also found the same type of strife among squads. “The current delivery of fire and EMS services to the public is fragmented as a result of personality conflicts and ‘turf’ battles,” the report states. In order to “build cohesion within the county to ensure a unified, team environment is fostered” the VDFP suggested the county hire staff to supplement coverage while the volunteers concentrate on providing consistent coverage for the times in the schedule when they have sufficient manpower available. The team said volunteers should be involved in hiring paid staff. They also suggested Louisa develop a program where volunteers from any department can cover anywhere in the county. Another recommendation was that all fire volunteers be cross-trained as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). The team suggested that the county should both establish an Operational Medical Director for all county EMS agencies, and that the county agencies all fall under one medical license. Perhaps the most important recommendation from the report was “delivery of emergency services to the citizens should be the top priority for all administrative staff personnel.” For more information on VDFP and to find the Louisa study go to: vfsb_studies.htm Mud bogger was “the most professional” BY KRISTIN SANCKEN CORRESPONDENT Two deep mud pits of Virginia clay top a small hill at Haislip Farms Mud Bog near Kidds Store in Fluvanna County. When they’re in use, soupedup trucks with large tires race through them, slowed by the torpor of the muck. But today the hill is quiet and the pits sit untouched, dried by the sun in such a way that all that remains of the mud is dust. It seems the land itself is in mourning, a fine powder of red ochre rouge settling on everything, a solemn reminder of life’s impermanence. “We’re still kind of shook up over this, it was just a bad thing,” said Shannon Haislip. He and his father Allen own and run Haislip Farms Mud Bog. On Saturday (July 7), Carol Dennis “Chuck” Engel Jr. of Goochland County, a driver of a vehicle taking part in a mud bogging race on Haislip Farm, was killed after his vehicle flipped into a pond, according to Lt. David R. Wells of the Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Office. Three others suffered non-life threatening injuries, Wells said. The Haislips had known Engel, 45, for over five years, and participated in mud bogging events with him all over the mid-Atlantic. “The mud bogging group is small, Chuck was one of the most respected of them all,” said Shannon Haislip. “It’s got us both in a daze. It’s like a church group, or any kind of group. You get attached to these guys, we’re together three or four times a month.” According to the Haislips, Engel was one of the most conscientious of the group, always equipped with “the best of the best” safety equipment – helmet, fire suit, full roll cage, and emergency kill switch. “He was the most professional, neatest and cleanest, he didn’t spin or anything. He was a very experienced racer,” said Shannon Haislip. But none of the safety gear or experience prepared Engel for what happened on Saturday afternoon. “Nobody did anything wrong, it was just a bad accident,” said Allen Haislip, co-owner of Haislip Farms Mud Bog. “A bunch of people saw him, he was slumped over. I don’t think he was even conscious. He was just idling coming up there to the side there, hit that log and shot some gas to it.” Engel’s truck, which is named ‘Mud Life Crisis’, then flipped upside down, over a dam, and into the small pond that the Haislips use for creating the mud and washing off the trucks. According to Wells, after successfully completing a short mud race, Engel may have experienced some sort of “medical event,” flipping his truck into a nearby pond where some children were swimming to escape Saturday’s 102 degree record heat. Wells also said that alcohol did not play a role in the crash. Rescue crews and a Fluvanna sheriff’s deputy immediately began to try to revive Engel but were unsuccessful, said Wells. “20 people jumped in there trying to get him out. He had already unstrapped his 5-point safety belt,” said Allen Haislip “His own son saw it, he jumped in there also. It was a real turmoil. It was a bad scene at the dam on the pond. “ The deputy trying to revive Engel was taken to the University of Virginia Medical Center for heat-related issues. According to Wikipedia, mud bogging is also known as mud racing, mud running, mud drags, or mudding. “It’s a form of off-road motorsport popular in Canada and the United States in which the goal is to drive a vehicle through a pit of mud of a set length. Winners are determined by the distance traveled through the pit. However, if several vehicles are able to travel the entire length, the time taken to traverse the pit will determine the winner,” according to Wikipedia. Typically, vehicles competing in mud bogs are four-wheel drives. Chuck Engel leaves behind his wife Heather and their five children Harli, 20, Mason, 17, Mayden, 15, Isabella, 11, and Gabby, 6. “We lost a good person, a super nice guy and a good friend,” said Shannon Haislip. “I still don’t understand, it’s still a confusion as to what happened, probably always will be.” In lieu of flowers, the family of Chuck Engel has asked that contributions be made to Bank of Essex for the Engel Children’s Trust Fund. Photos by Kristin Sancken A mud bogging truck. The Haislip Farm pond. July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 11 Mob spends cash at E W Thomas Most other shoppers, however, knew about the event and made a point of shopping at E W Thomas as part of the cash mob event. Fluvanna County Commonwealth’s Attorney Jeff Haislip and his wife, Kim Haislip, were paying for their groceries. “I shop here two to three times a week anyway, since I’m so close,” Jeff Haislip said. “This was my first job in high school. I started as a bagger when I was 14.” Thomas joked with Haislip that he must have decided to go into law when the grocery business didn’t work out. “It’s on my resume,” Haislip said. Dana Catlett of Fork Union picked out some produce from the fully stocked BY RUTHANN CARR CORRESPONDENT The storm that ripped up trees and caused days-long power outages throughout Virginia, also hit a local grocer hard. And the Fluvanna community came to its aid. Saturday is always E W Thomas’ busiest day, said owner Beth Thomas. So the June 29 storm that cut the power to her store for two days, cut into the grocer’s best sale hours besides wiping out all the food that needed refrigeration. “We were opened for a few hours that day,” Thomas said. “We led shoppers around with a flashlight and one of our long-term employees, Phyllis Beckley, used her calculator to add up the sales.” Thomas said after she thanked family members on Facebook for helping her clean out spoiled meat, dairy, produce and frozen food, someone must have seen it and got the idea for a cash mob. Thomas said she didn’t even know Gina Elliott Proulx, who organized the event. The point of a cash mob is to spend money at a small business in need of help. Shoppers are typically asked to spend around $20. The place was buzzing with activity Saturday, July 7. Some were doing their regular shopping and had no idea about the cash mob. Tracy Kilpatrick of Troy said she spent $80. She thought the place looked kind of busy. “I thought, ‘now that’s a lot of people for a Saturday,’” Kilpatrick said. Pamela Bland said she shops at E W Thomas “every now and then.” “I was on my way home and I wanted a watermelon so I thought, ‘let’s see what they have that’s nice,” Bland said. Terry and Stephen Edwards checked out after buying groceries at E W Thomas during the cash mob event. Photos by Ruthann Carr. Dana Catlett picked out produce at E W Thomas. One of a Kind lous Join us for fabu mosphere food, a great at g od friends! & go produce bins. She admits she only shops at the store occasionally. “It’s my run-in-and-pickup-milk kind of store,” Catlett said. She was on Facebook and saw the call for the cash mob. That’s when she decided to stop in and buy some fresh produce. Cindy Anderson also got an invitation on Facebook. “E W Thomas has been such a wonderful support to the community so I wanted to support them,” Anderson said. Buy Local ~ Eat Fresh Fluvanna Farmers Market at Pleasant Grove, Rt. 53 Every Tuesday ~ 2-6 p.m. At the Lake 434-589-6590 • Open 6 days a week • Serving Lunch & Dinner 198 Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra • Near Food Lion & Salon De Shano This Breakfast on Saturday & Breakfast or Brunch Sunday 11am - 2 pm Also ~ Meat ~ Summer Crops Crafts ~ Breads ~ Plants GREAT THINGS ARE COMING TO SIDNEYS FOR OUR FRIENDS AND NEWCOMERS! Hand Cut Prime Rib • Wings • Seafood • Specialty Salads - L a rge rge Bee err S e lle e c t iio on - Hours : 11am -11pm Tuesday - Thursday 11am - 12 am Friday & Saturday, 11am - 10pm Sunday 12 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 week WATERMELON SWEET CORN • ZUCCHINI Now Our Famous Lunch Items Starting at $5 Are Offered Every Day! Tw o B i g S p o r t s S c r e e n s It seems many people did. More than 140 people RSVP’d on Facebook, Thomas said. Others wanted to be a part of the cash mob but knew they would be busy Saturday. “They’d come in and ask if they could shop right then,” Thomas said. “Of course they could. I had people who wanted to hand me money and I said, ‘No, I can’t do it. It doesn’t work that way.’” It was clear the support touched Thomas deeply. She took her time explaining what it meant to her. “I always knew we were part of the community but now we really know it,” she said, fighting back tears. ekly FREE We l on Enjoy your mea our lovely patio E RAF-FSLept May Tra ck, Kee p You r Sum me r On K Eat Fre sh & He ath ly! Vendors can request an a application by contacting b [email protected] July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 13 FAST bests Forest Lakes CONTRIBUTED BY DIANA BOWEN Another swim meet quickly rolled by as Fluvanna Aquatics Sports Team and Forest Lakes Swim Team competed against each other last week. Not only did both teams have great spirit, but they also showed their pride of being a part of America, celebrating the birth of our nation. Both teams were Ben Nalle opened the swim meet with the “Star-Spangled Banner.” 14 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 covered in red, white, and blue to help celebrate Independence Day. FAST’s own Ben Nalle even opened with the “Star-Spangled Banner.” At the end of the night, Fluvanna improved to 2-1 in Division I with a score of 569 to best Forest Lake’s 525. In the boys’ 25 meter freestyle improvements were earned by several Fluvanna swimmers: Braeden Garrett dropped 4.94 seconds just missing a gold time standard, Mitch Messier improved 13.93 seconds, and teammates Paul Cumiskey, Josh Shiner, and Ahmad Woodson also all improved. In the six and under 25 freestyle Matthew Wright dropped 13.13 seconds and Cole Owen dropped 1.41 seconds to finish first for the makos. The eight and under girls also showed great improvement with Alexa John Hudock, Elie Miles, Reagan McAdams, Dallas Bailey, and Abigail Kimble all improving in the 25 meter freestyle. Aidan Johnson, 12, swam a personal best of 33.90 in his 50 meter freestyle to achieve his first gold time standard. Aidan’s twin brother Aaron Johnson also improved by 2.05 seconds in his 50 meter freestyle. Jackson Hopkins dropped a total of 15.91 seconds in the 25 meter breaststroke finishing with a final time of 35.84. This was quite an accomplishment for Jackson because the 25 meter Abigail Brown, Brin Kuzemka, Emma DiFazio and Megan Harlow. Photos by Lisa Hurdle. breaststroke is considered an eight and under event. Hopkins teamed up with Owen, John Smeds and Liam Wells to win the opening relay for the Makos. Huge time improvements were not only for FAST’s younger swimmers: Hayley Kline improved 2.99 seconds, Anthony Harlowe improved 4.91 seconds and Alex Scalzo improved 4.06 seconds all in the 100 meter freestyle. In the 9 – 10 girls 100 meter freestyle cast-free Emma DiFazio improved 10.97 seconds in her race and teammate Skyler Solga dropped 12.99 seconds the same event. DiFazio also improved in the 50 meter breaststroke along with teammates Jocelyn Notman (3.78 seconds) and Lily Hopkins (1.91 seconds). Overall, the Makos posted more than 125 time improvements during the meet. The Makos hope to improve individually and as a team as they face the Farmington Frogs next week at Farmington. Boy and dad head to Africa BY DAVID STEMPLE CORRESPONDENT Isaiah Bourne is not your average 10-year-old. He’s headed for Africa. He said he wants to “go to Africa with daddy to help build a church and get a shot for yellow fever.” His mom Tami, is surprised at his wish. “How many 10-year-olds ask for and want to get shots from the doctor?” Isaiah’s father Charlie, who with his wife Tami own B&W Auto Body in Charlottesville, has been going to Liberia for several years as part of one of Effort Baptist Church’s yearly mission trips. But this year the trip will be much different. From July 17 to August 16 – with the blessing of Effort Baptist Church – Charlie and Isaiah will be flying 26 hours to Liberia to help build and finish a church outside of Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. In order to be part of overseas mission trips with Effort, one of the criteria is that you have to be 18 years or older, but since this is not an official church sponsored mission trip Isaiah is able to go. Charlie said “that Effort has given their blessing for the two of us to go and help build this church.” The impetus for Isaiah was a story he heard from his dad of a man named Gabriel who used to be a general in the rebel army. Gabriel found Jesus and is now a pastor. His present church is made of bamboo poles for the walls, and an old rusted out tin roof. Isaiah got the idea that he could save aluminum cans and the money that he raised from them (which fetch between 45 and 55 cents a pound) and the money could be given to Pastor Gabriel. Isaiah also thought he could go there himself and help build the church. They have been planning this trip for some time and have already sent over two shipments which contained two large soccer goals (one of Isaiah’s hobbies includes soccer, along with swimming and reading), lumber for the roof plus the food and supplies they will use while there. Charlie and Tami’s business donated the funds to buy pressure treated lumber that has been sent over for the project, along with generators and power tools which will be used not only on this trip 264 Turkeysag Trail # A Hours: 7 a.m.-11 p.m. (434) 589-5538 SHOP, SWIPE AND SAVE! Isaiah Bourne with his parents Tami and Charlie with a truckload of aluminum cans. Photo by David Stemple. but many trips to come. It cost more to buy the lumber in the U.S. and ship it over, but it is a far better product and will last longer than the local product which is usually rough cut with a chain saw from a harvested tree. “From a previous roofing project that was done while we were there, their lumber is not straight and in a few years will been eaten by the termites so the cost difference is well worth it for the life of the building” Charlie said. So far Isaiah has raised $2,390.70 from donations and collecting cans. It will cost $1,300 to put the four walls up and $1,200 for the metal for the roof – that doesn’t include the cost for wiring and finishing the ceiling and walls. The trip itself will cost approx $4,000 just for Isaiah to make which includes the flight, food and lodging. His father Charlie thinks they are about $5,000 from the ultimate goal of where they want to be to fully finish the project and fully help the church and its mission. Once Pastor Gabriel had heard that Isaiah was collecting the money for their church and that he and Charlie would be coming over to help them work on the church, they started building mud bricks for the walls. Anyone who would like to get involved in this project or any of the future Effort Baptist Church Mission projects can con- tact Charlie or Tami at 434-295-3135 or [email protected] or Effort Church itself. Checks or cash can be given towards the Mission Fund with 100% of the funds going directly to the mission project. If you would like to make a donation directly for this project you can make the check out directly to Isaiah Bourne, and mail to B&W Auto Body 1309 Belleview Avenue, Charlottesville,VA 22901 or you make the check out to Effort Baptist Church and put Isaiah Bourne/Liberia in the memo line, and mail to Effort Baptist Church 7820 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963, or drop them by the church office. Also if you are interested in learning about or having a presentation on this project and or others the church has done in the past they are more than happy to come speak to you, your church or civic group. And while Isaiah was very shy during his interview for this story his parents both said they are very excited, over whelmed and proud of him for wanting to make a difference. Isaiah is not only looking forward to going to Liberia but going to the recycling center to collect the money for the pickup truck load of cans that he recently collected. He also hopes, while in Liberia to go the orphanages and have fun days with soccer games and clinics with the kids. He will have pictures to share when he comes home. SIGN UP NOW for your free MVP Card a n d save even more each time you visit Food Lion. When you register for an MVP Card you immediately gain valuable access to: s on an ever-changing Low MVP prices array of products s available only to Special promotions MVP Card holders An online tally of how much you’ve d with your MVP Card saved s instantly deducted Automatic savings when you swipe your MVP Card at checkout s generated just Personalized coupons for you based on your preferences and past purchases CountrySide Upholstery Home & Marine Carroll Morse 434-589-4106 P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603 Kents Store, VA 23084 Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal Our soft wash technique will restore the look and health of your roof We can make your roof look new again BEFORE AFTER $50 OFF Roof Cleaning CALL YOUR NEIGHBORS! MULTIPLE HOME DISCOUNTS $75 OFF Combined Service AVAILABLE House washing, deck reconditioning and gutter filters BEFORE AFTER • 434-466-1324 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 15 Rivanna Hearing Fluvanna happenings Aid Center Art workshop Yard and bake sale Don’t Miss Out... We Can Help! We service all makes & models of hearing aids FREE Hearing tests FREE in-house repairs on most models FREE video otoscopic view of ear canal 434-244-3277 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m-5 p.m. On Pantops-182 Spotnap Rd. A-2 Charlottesville, VA. 22911 The Fluvanna Art Association’s monthly meeting will be held on July 13 at 9:30 a.m. at the Fluvanna County Library. Troy Weidenheimer will conduct a workshop on how stream and lake waters, light from the sky, and images of their surroundings reflect color, and how to paint these effects. This workshop will be 90% hands-on with a morning session, followed by a break for lunch and then a 1-2 hour working session. Participants can do all or any part of the workshop. Visit or call 589-6466. ATTENTION FLUVANNA COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT CLIENTS: The Fluvanna County Health Department Clinic Hours have CHANGED WIC Clinic By Appointment Only: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. WIC Education and Food Vouchers: Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Thursdays 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Immunizations & TB Screening Clinics: Tuesdays 1:00-4:00 p.m. For more information, please call (434) 591-1960 or visit 16 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 A yard and bake sale will be held Saturday July 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Grace and Glory Church office, 96 Garden Lane (down the road from Ground Effects). Proceeds will defray cost of sending church youth to 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Habitat golf tournament The Fluvanna County Habitat for Humanity will hold its annual benefit golf tournament on July 14 at 1 p.m. at the Lake Monticello Golf Course. (Rain date July 21). Enter a team or apply individually. $60 per player. Apply by July 9 at Lake Monticello Golf Course Pro Shop, or online at www.fluvannahabitat. org. Contact Kit Walz, 434-589-4292; Gene Riek, 434- 589-4727; or the Lake Monticello Pro Shop, 434-589–3075. Photo fundraiser Three photographers will offer miniphoto sessions on Sunday, July 15 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Pleasant Grove to benefit ten-year-old Alyssa Divers who is battling cancer. For a donation of $100 Megan, of Oldfields Photography, Brook, of Brook Robinson Photography or Denise, of Denise Feagans Photography will photograph your child, and provide digital copies of the photos. There will also be a bake sale, raffles and t-shirts for sale. Anyone who would like to make a donation (gift certificates, monetary donations or their time) contact Megan Harlow at megan@ Republicans meet The Fluvanna Republican Committee will hold its next monthly meeting on Thursday, July 19 at 7 p.m. at the Fluvanna County Library. All residents to are welcomed. www.fluvannarepublican. com. Little firefighters day The Palmyra Volunteer Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary will host a Litte Firefighter Day on Saturday, July 21 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event is free and features games and interactive fire safety demonstrations for kids. Lunch will be available for purchase. Family fun day Free Union Gospel Church in Gordonsville will hold family fun day on July 21 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Pleasant Grove on Rt. 53. Rockin for a Reason Rooms for a Reason, a non-profit organizatin dedicated to redecorating rooms for cancer patients, will hold a fundraiser at the Elks Club on 389 Elk Drive in Charlottesville on July 21 from 7 to 11 p.m. There will be food and music and a silent auction. Tickets are $15 per person. Send your Fluvanna happenings to [email protected]. SERVICE DIRECTORY Bacteria boosts Virginia farmer to win state contest Steve Smith was willing to try something new to increase his soybean yield, but he’d never heard of adding helpful bacteria to the soil to improve plant health. Adding BioStart® RhizoBoost to his soil resulted in over 66 bushels per acre of double-crop soybeans, winning him the top spot in the state for 2011. Compare that to the Steve Smith and Cal Compton of Orange Madison average expected Cooperative hold the 2011 Virginia Double Crop yield of 35 bushels Soybean winning trophy. Photo courtesy of BIO-CAT. per acre according to The Virginia said. His crop was so good; he decided Department of Agriculture and to enter the contest. Consumer Services (VDACS). The prize for winning the state BioStart is based in Troy. contest was $200, but Smith is more Smith wanted more from his time pleased with learning about BioStart® and effort and was frustrated when RhizoBoost. “Now I’m using it on a fertilizer consultant told him that everything – corn, wheat, alfalfa and he had no other options to increase soybeans. I’m interested to see how it yields and lower costs. He contacted will improve a new field I’ve just started the Orange Madison Cooperative in working,” Smith stated. “I suspect it Louisa, and worked with Cal Compton will be helpful in dry conditions.” on an innovative approach. BioStart® BIO-CAT, a biotech company RhizoBoost, a proprietary blend of specializing in enzymes and four Bacillus species, was applied to microbials, manufactures the improve the soil at the plant roots. BioStart® RhizoBoost product at its “A little goes a long way. I had the BIO-CAT Microbials facility. prettiest crop I’d ever seen,” Smith One-Stop Home Beautification D&L C obb Construction, Inc. REMODELING 3535 Carys Creek Rd. Fork Union, VA 23055 CUSTOM HOME BUILDER 540-894-4745 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Cecil L. Cobb Decks & Porches Kitchens & Bathrooms Finish Basements & Additions 434-842-3953 Mobile: 434-962-4626 Kurt Lehnert Home Est. 1989 Custom Home Builders Edward B. Peed, Owner Proudly Serving Fluvanna County & Improvemen ts Surrounding Areas Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Tile and More... 434-589-5075 email: [email protected] Professional Licensed Contractor 434-242-4634 Lake Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. Residential & Commercial Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance • Patios • Outdoor Kitchens • Retaining Walls • Fireplaces • Fire Pits • Hardscapes • Waterfalls “QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON” Robert Evans Owner • Master Plumber Licensed & Insured 434-589-3461 Cell:434-962-1378 FREE ESTIMATE & SCHEDULING Ma [email protected] ke a List [email protected] • A f fo rd able & Hom Handyma n e Imp ro v e m S e r v i c e s ent YOUR MAN FRIDAY inc Home Improvement • Repair • Handyman One Call - WE DO IT ALL! Interior & Exterior Painting • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Electric & Plumbing • Tile Installation • Basement Finishing • Shelves & Bookcases Window and Door Replacement • Drywall Installation and Repair • Hardwood Floors Gutter Cleaning and Guard Installation • Decks and Screen Porches Roof and Siding Repair • Remodeling • Or Anything Else You May Think Of... J.J. Bevilacqua 434-589-8825 [email protected] A wide variety of paver designs & patio stones to choose, including different colors, textures & shapes. YOUR MAN FRIDAY Licensed Bonded & Insured Free Estimates References Available Lake Monticello Resident Starlite Heating & Air • • • • • Service & New Installation Air Cleaners & Humidifiers System Upgrades Licensed & Insured Financing Available 434-589-1413 31-B Conestoga Way Zions Crossroads 434-531-4838 ISION C E R P N LAW ICE, LLC SERV Superior Lawn Care for Lake Monticello & surrounding Areas at an Affordable Price CANʼT KEEP UP WITH YOUR LAWN? CALL US TODAY! Let us take care of it. Donʼt forget to ask about all our landscaping & lawn care services. Free estimates Monthly, weekly, or one time service Locally owned & operated • Fully Insured 434-989-4152 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 17 SERVICE DIRECTORY The Weekly Crossword Mellin Builders, LLC LAKE MONTICELLO, VA. SINCE 1966 FULL SERVICE ting Mowing & Plan ation Mulch & Install Leaf Removal uck System Leaf Vacuum Tr g Gutter Cleanin 434-981-6559 [email protected] Sm i t h ’ s T re e S u r ge o n s Topping • Pruning • Cabling Brush Chipping • Stump Removal Professional Take Downs Firewood • Free Estimates FULLY INSURED REASONABLE RATES Problems? We solve them! B a t h • B a s e m e n ts B u i l t -i n • Ki t c h e n s Renovations N e w C o n s t r u c ti o n H o m e M a i n te n a n c e & R ep ai r Carl Mellin • 434-591-0862 LICENSE & INSURED • REFERENCES CARL @MELLINBUILDERS.COM FREE ESTIMATES Mountain Laurel Landscaping Jeff O’Dell Landscape Contractor Landscape Design & Installation Trees, Shrubs, Annuals Retaining Walls, Picket Fences Walkways & Patios Locally Grown Quality Plants Available for You to Purchase Local Company Dane Smith (434) 589-2689 (434) 872-3814 Palmyra, VA 22963 Tom e y Le Hol m Free Fast Estimates d’s lan We’ll BEAT Any Written Estimate! We’ll Take Care of It. You Name It.. Lawn Care Service 4850 Dogwood Dr. Palmyra Mowing • W Weeding di • M Mulch l h IInstallation t ll Leaf Removal • Tree Take Downs • Hedge Trimming • Fence Painting • Gutter Cleaning • Deck Staining • Power Washing 434-987-9070 20% OFF Mulch Installation Thru 05-31 434-589-8218 [email protected] J. Goddin & Associates, PC Certified Public Accountants Services include: • Audit, review & compilations • Tax Service • Payroll - HR Services • Accounting/ Bookkeeping • Consulting & Training Jonathan A. Goddin CPA, CITP, CGMA E-mail: [email protected] ACROSS 1 Markdown event 5 Diving gear 10 Cover up 14 Wheedle 15 Beat rapidly 16 One opposed 17 Military group 18 Tease 19 Outer garment 20 Antihistamine, for one 22 Citrus fruit 24 Huck Finn's conveyance 25 Intensified 26 Small taste 29 Hunter's prey 30 Color 33 Courtroom event 34 Experimental tests 36 Music character 37 Clothing trim 38 Discharge 39 Honor 41 Affect sharply 42 Remunerate 43 Majors and Horsley 44 Engineless aircraft 45 Money reserve 46 Chinese dynasty 47 Job summary 50 Sully 54 Declare firmly 55 Adolescent years 57 Unaccompanied 58 Taunting remark 59 Extremely angry 60 Mine product 61 Military branch 62 Gem weight 63 Counter current DOWN 1 Layer of impurities 2 First-rate 1 2 3 by Margie E. Burke 4 5 6 7 20 Years Experience • Insured Class A Contractor in VA/TN Turn your Custom Cabinetry & Trim concepts Interior & Exterior Painting into reality!! Decks & Screen Porches Basement Finishing Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Replacement Windows and Additions & Garages Much More Hardwood Flooring Call 434-987-8685 for a Free Estimate 18 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 34 36 13 30 31 32 51 52 53 35 37 39 40 42 43 38 41 44 45 48 12 23 29 33 47 11 25 46 49 50 54 55 58 59 60 61 62 63 56 57 Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate 3 Sheldon novel, "The Best ___ Plans" 4 Remove by the roots 5 Bitter conflict 6 Crowd's call 7 Strong desire 8 Startling shout 9 Deviant 10 Large parrot 11 After awhile 12 Male deer 13 Light sail 21 Summon 23 Fishing apparatus 25 In a joyful manner 26 Damage screw threads 27 Sports stadium 28 Drizzly 29 Corn grain 30 Muggy 31 Stand together 32 Ether compound 34 Thoroughly tested 35 Look back 37 Out of control 40 Morose 41 Win all tricks 44 Garment insert 45 Hairy 46 Gossipy woman 47 Hindu prince 48 Happily ___ after 49 Appear 50 Kodiak, for one 51 Crude wooden cross 52 Dressed 53 Consecrated 56 Period of time Answer to Last Week's Crossword S A L A D A D E L E L L A M A M E T E A P E X S W I G H I D E D I S E T T R U A G N G O L N E V E R O N A E R N S T A L M E A T L H E A L U S A G E S P A T U R G E P O E M F O P N A L O O N D S E W E M A S O L G E N D L A T E O L N B E T A G E L S E B A D L Y O F F G R A N D E R E A M M A P R S K A L O E R E E F B E R T A E R O C R E W H Y D E G E N I I A L I E N D Y A D S Member of AICPA • Member of VSCPA 434-589-6059 Follow us on Twitter: @jGoddinassoc 68'2.8 Edited by Margie E. Burke Difficulty : Medium Complete Construction Concepts, LLC 8 Fluvanna REVIEW Have the Hardest Working Service Pages... WORK FOR YOU! To Advertise Call Lisa Hurdle 591-1000 ext.29 [email protected] Answer to Last Week's Sudoku Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate ,KtdK^K>s͗ +2:723/$< (DFKURZPXVWFRQWDLQWKH QXPEHUVWRHDFKFROXPQ PXVWFRQWDLQWKHQXPEHUV WRDQGHDFKVHWRIE\ ER[HVPXVWFRQWDLQWKH QXPEHUVWR real estate auctions PUBLIC HEARING The Fluvanna County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 15.2-2204 on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., in the Circuit Court Room at the Fluvanna County Courts Building in Palmyra, Virginia to consider the following items: SUP 12:05 – Robert S. Hale-Mackinnon - A request for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for an educational facility with respect to 5.193 acres of Tax Map 23, Section A, Parcel 48. The property is zoned A-1 (Agricultural, General) and is located on the north side of Perkins Road (State Route 623) near its intersection with Kents Store Way (Route 659). The property is located in the Columbia Election District and is within the Rural Preservation Planning Area. Copies of the complete text of the above ordinances and associated plans are available for public review at the Office of the Fluvanna County Administrator during normal business hours. The public is invited to attend these hearings at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Planning & Community Development Department, at (434) 591-1910. Nominal Opening Bid: $25,000 601 Jefferson Dr. East, Palmyra 4BR 2.5BA 2,128sf+/Sells: 12:00PM Sun., Jul. 29 on site Many properties now available for online bidding! A Buyer’s y Premium mayy apply. pp Professional Personal Property Liquidation Schedule Changed! No Sales This Weekend! Two sales next weekend, July 21-23, 2012! Remember: For premier service, call EstateSales Unlimited Free Consultation! PUBLIC HEARING FLUVANNA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Virginia Code Sections 15.2-2204 on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m., in the Circuit Court Room at the Fluvanna County Courts Building in Palmyra, Virginia to consider the following items: AFD 02:03 – Riverside Agricultural & Forestal District (AFD): A review of the Riverside Agricultural and Forestal District (AFD), which is set to expire on August 7, 2012. The Riverside AFD currently consists of 18 parcels (Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 10; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 34; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 35; Tax Map 60, Section 3, Parcel 1; Tax Map 60, Section 3, Parcel 2; Tax Map 60, Section 3, Parcel 3; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 31; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 32; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 33; Tax Map 60, Section 7, Parcel 8; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 16A; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 17A; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 17B; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 18; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 21C; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 21; Tax Map 60, Section A, Parcel 21D; Tax Map 60, Section 7, Parcel 9) totaling 552.526 acres. The properties are zoned A-1 (Agricultural, General) and are generally located along, or in close proximity to, Bremo Road (State Route 656). The properties are located within the Fork Union Election District and are within the Rural Residential and Rural Preservation Planning Areas. SUP 12:02 – Clear Signal Towers, LLC (Hardware River): A request for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a 175-foot wireless communications tower with respect to 71.46 acres of Tax Map 48, Section A, Parcel 94. The property is zoned A-1 (Agricultural, General) and is located on the north side of West River Road (State Route 6) 1.3 miles west of its intersection with Hardware Road (Route 646). The property is located in the Cunningham Election District and is within the Rural Residential Planning Area. SUP 12:03 – Clear Signal Towers, LLC (Weber City): A request for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a 195-foot wireless communications tower with respect to 46.6 acres of Tax Map 59, Section A, Parcel 13B. The property is zoned A-1 (Agricultural, General) and is located on the east side of James Madison Highway (Route 15) 1.2 miles south of its intersection with Winnsville Drive (Route 612). The property is located in the Fork Union Election District and is within the Rural Residential Planning Area. SUP 12:04 – Clear Signal Towers, LLC (Cohasset): A request for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a 195-foot wireless communications tower with respect to 97.7 acres of Tax Map 50, Section A, Parcel 3. The property is zoned A-1 (Agricultural, General) and is located on the west side of Mountain Hill Road (Route 650) approximately 500 feet south of its intersection with West River Road (State Route 6). The property is located in the Fork Union Election District and is within the Rural Preservation Planning Area. Copies of the complete text of the above ordinances and associated plans are available for public review at the Office of the Fluvanna County Administrator during normal business hours. The public is invited to attend these hearings at which persons affected may appear and present their views. Questions or comments may be directed to Planning & Community Development Department, at (434) 591-1910. Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors Our services include: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AT FORK UNION MILITARY ACADEMY • Organizing, displaying & pricing entire household contents • Watching for & notifying client of discovery of memorabilia, valuables & monies • Coordinating service personnel & inspections, as needed (plumber, pool service, etc.) • Leaving premises clean & move-in ready for new occupants. This includes baths, appliances, attics, basements, garages—the entire house. Beverly Smith • 434-960-4865 For an appointment, brochure and any questions. To receive automatic e-mails about our sales, sign up at 800-801-8003 VA Broker: Bradford P White Re Lic 0225 200549; Williams & Williams Re Lic 0226 023368 Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Auc Lic 2907003987 Fork Union Military Academy is seeking candidates for a Housemother for the 20122013 school year. The position involves supervising Middle School boys in a dormitory for a total of 15 hours per week (direct contact) and spending overnight hours in the dorm three nights per week (Tuesday Thursday night). Compensation is for direct contact hours only. The hourly wage is $15 per hour. Housing and meals are provided for the entire school year. Interested candidates should submit resumes to HR@fuma. org or contact Rob Feathers, the Middle School Headmaster at 434-842-4261. VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FLUVANNA COUNTY LORRAINE PRICE FARRAR EUGENE FARRAR LUCILLE F. BRATCHER MATTIE F. PRICE ALICE F. WADDY HARRIET F. PARRISH JAMES W. FARRAR MARGIE F. SIMPSON JOHN A. FARRAR MARY F. GROOMS QUINTON JACKSON, PLAINTIFFS v. CIVIL CASE #12CL45 ORDER VERONICA KEYS 365 Woodlodge Lane Keswick, VA 22947 EARLEAN KEYS CALVIN HILTON KEYS CRAFTON WINEFER KEYS CHRISTOPHER LEE KEYS, OR THEIR HEIRS IF THEY BE NOT LIVING, THEIR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, AS THEIR RESPECTIVE INTERESTS MAY APPEAR, DEFENDANTS The object of this suit is to effect a partition of land owned by the parties plaintiff and the parties defendant. And it appearing by affidavit filed by law that the addresses of the parties defendant are unknown, it is therefore ordered that Earlean Keys, Calvin Hilton Keys, Crafton Winefer Keys and Christopher Lee Keys, if they be living, or, if not, their heirs, successors and/or assigns, do appear before this Court on or before the 9 day of August, 2012, and do what is necessary to protect their interests in this suit. It is further ordered that this order be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper prescribed by our said Circuit Court. Enter: Judge Cheryl V. Higgins Dated: June 8, 2012 I ask for this: Douglas C. Carter, p.q. 300 Preston Avenue, Suite 203 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434-979-1822 VSB# 18423 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 19 We Can Help Sell Your S tuf f! $5 Classified: per Week for Two Weeks For $10 your ad will appear for TWO WEEKS on (with FREE PHOTO) and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna Review TO PL AC E YO UR A D 30 wo r ds o r l es s OUR WEBSITE with free photo: 1. On click on “Classifieds” 2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10” 3. Login or click on “Register” 4. Select a category 5. Write your ad and upload photo 6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal. OR Phone: Contact Diane @ 434-207-0221 e-mail: Contact Diane at [email protected] FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Diane Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and cash. All real estate advertised in the Fluvanna Review is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness (age 55 and over). The Fluvanna Review will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All real estate advertised in this paper is available on an equal opportunity basis. help wanted HELP WANTED ANIMAL CARE WORKER: Fluvanna County animal sanctuary has opening for an animal care worker. Feeding/cleaning/medicating dogs & cats are primary duties. Tasks are physically demanding. Approximately 25 hrs per week/one weekend day required. If you are reliable, a hard worker and love animals, please call for further details. 434-842-2404. PART-TIME NURSE: Jefferson Area CHiP seeks 20 hour nurse for home visiting program serving children 0-6, pregnant women and their families in Fluvanna County. Works closely with Family Support Worker to provide assessments and support services to families. BSN and experience in community health preferred. Email Resume and cover letter to [email protected] by July 27, 2012. Jefferson Area CHiP is an equal opportunity employer. SERVICES services ABC PRESCHOOL CELEBRATING OUR 26TH YEAR and 8 YEARS at 64 TOBYWAY! We are offering 25% off of your first child and 50% off of your second child through August 31, 2012 (for one year) for new students at 64 Tobyway. Call 434-589-2738 for special pricing and more information. BAYBERRY CUSTOM FRAMING: We carry Fluvanna H.S. Scrapbooking paper, books, plus art supplies. Our hours are Wed, Thurs, Fri 10-4 and Sat 9-1. New Fluco paper has been ordered, so come on in and see us! 739 C Lake Monticello Road. 434-591-0918. airs to You HMobile Hair Service CERTIFIED INTERIOR DECORATOR, Dianna Campagna. Need home decorating & remodeling ideas? Dianna can help you create a space to enjoy on any budget. 15 years of experience. Call Blue Ridge Building Supply & Home Center at 434-589-2877. DRIVEWAY STONE: 9-ton Slate Crush Run $150, Stone $200 (Average). Includes delivery and spread. Call 434420-2002. GRAVITY’S EDGE: Computer repair, networking, training, data recovery. Free pick-up and drop-off (subject to location). Complete PC Care Optimization Package $99.95. Call 434-589-6600. FURNITURE FOR SALE: 3-piece lighted china hutch $250, 2 bookcases $25 each, 2 corner shelves $30 each, wardrobe cabinet $30, and many other items. 434-589-2827 HOME DAYCARE has full or part-time openings. CPR and First Aid certified. Daily schedule with preschool activities. Meals and snacks included. Rolling Road South. Call Donna 434-286-7556. HP PAVILION ELITE d5100t PC with 25.5in widescreen LCD monitor. 2.66GHz, Intel 2Quad Core, 6GB, 919GB Harddrive. Retail: $2,000+. Selling for $850/obo. For more info call 434996-5523 or Email nicoalexandershop@ ONLINE CLASSES: iLearnVirginia offers middle and high school level courses, including all core subjects, Honors and AP classes. In-person tutoring and support. We serve homeschool, private and public school students. Lake residents, certified teachers. Call 434-962-2839, and visit us at SANDS PC SERVICE: Convert your pictures & digital images to a DVD movie with music background. Save those old photos to disk so you will always have them. Perfect gift, for the person who has everything. SandS PC Service Center 106 Crofton Plaza, www.sandspc. com 589 1272. WRITING & EDITING: The Details Company offers writing, editing and proofreading services for your next project. Manuscripts, memoirs, resumes, menus, articles, flyers, and more. Call Laurie at 434-962-8339. Lake Monticello & Vicinity Women Men $22 KIDS $15 12 & Under Call Hours: Mon-Fri • 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Pat Tatum - 434-589-2210 20 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 FOR RENT for rent KENT STORE WAY HOUSE on 2 acres for Rent. 4 bedroom, 1 bath, ranch style home approximately 1300 square feet. Pet is negotiable. Shed available for storage. $1200 per month. Security deposit and one year lease necessary. 540832-0582. LAKE MONTICELLO HOUSE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1600 square foot house just inside the main gate. The house was completely redone 4 years ago. All appliances are there including W/D. Rent is $1250 a month. One month rent security deposit. Please contact 434-996-9125 for more information. Beatrice is a cuddler just looking for a lap to snuggle in. She absolutely loves attention, and would make a great couch potato. She is friendly with other cats, but is not very playful. If you need a new best friend, come meet Beatrice! Stop by the Fluvanna SPCA to meet sweet Beatrice. Fluvanna SPCA, 5239 Union Mills Road, Troy, VA (434) 591-0123. CUTS Personal Attention Affordale • Saves Time Great for Non-Driver Less Anxiety with Kids Cuts Late Hours Available Clean-up after ALL Services 32+ years experience PREMIUM FIREWOOD for sale, $85 for a pick-up truck load. Please call Dane or Andrea at Smith Tree Surgeons. Home 434-589-2689 or Cell 454-872-3814. WANTED wanted FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for our “Pet of the Week” ad in the Fluvanna Review. Your name and/or business name will be printed in the ad as sponsor. Call Diane at the Fluvanna Review, 434-5911000, Ext 21. OLD COINS: I BUY OLD COINS. 434466-7968 WANTING TO RENT: We would like to find a 1-3 month rental at the lake, preferably furnished, in Spring or Fall. We lived at lake for almost 20 years but left in 2005. We miss the atmosphere of the lake. 804-221-1082. yard sale YARD SALES MOVING SALE: 47 Bolling Circle, Lake Monticello. Sat, July 14 and Sat, July 21. Furniture, tools and much more. 434589-2173. YARD/MOVING SALE at the corner of Rt. 15/6 and Pine Lane in Fork Union. Saturday, July 14 from 8am-12 noon. Home goods, clothing, craft items, etc. No early birds please! YARD/BAKE SALE: Saturday, July 14, 8 am-1 pm. Grace & Glory Lutheran Church office, 96 Garden Lane (down road from Ground Effects off Rte 53). Something here for everyone. special notices SPECIAL NOTICES SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS: Monticello Country Realtors supports local businesses. See our “Featured Business of the Week” on page 9., 434-589-3539. THIS WEEK’S PET Hair Care in the Convenience of Your Own Home. Wet Serving $24 for sale FOR SALE Beatrice S PONSORED BY F ORK U NION A NIMAL C LINIC Town of Columbia P.O. Box 779, Columbia, VA 23038 Pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.22506 a public hearing on the proposed FY2012 budget for the Town of Columbia will be held on Tuesday July 24, 2012 at the Town Hall located on Washington Street in the Town of Columbia. Copies of the proposed budget will be made available at the meeting. A copy can be obtained, in advance, at the Town Hall beginning July 17th. Any questions should be directed to Kerry Hammond (434-0 842-1097) Permanently vacation where you live... buy, rent, or list with us today Craig McCormick Owner/Realtor Specializing in › Residential & Land Sales › New Construction › Rental Management Lisa McCormick Realtor Specializing in › Residential › Rental Management With a combined 18 years experience let us find or list your home today! CUSTOM HOME TAYLOR LYN CONSTRUCTION Erin Edgerton won Best In Show. Edgerton shines in photo contest 5 Chip Court • $279,900 32 Nahor Drive • $179,000 WALK TO PARK FENCED YARD BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT There were not many entries in this years’ annual photo contest sponsored by Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation but those who participated showed some awe-inspiring work including Erin Edgerton, one of the youngest entrants at age 15. Out of the five photographers, Edgerton took most of the awards and won Best In Show for her sunset in a wheat field. Also, worth mentioning was Hella Viola’s (Best in Show last year) expansive field littered with purple flowers – the colors popped and drew the viewer to her peaceful landscape in the mature category. Her photo was one of two of her first place winners. David Durovy also had quite a few photos featured and tied with Bob Kruse in the nature category but Kruse got the deciding vote. However, Durovy’s Horton Winery photo won hands down with the judges and FCPR staff in the agriculture category. His strong sense of pattern, line, color, lighting and the angles he shot the photo at were flawless. Susan Durovy also had a few photos displayed but it was Edgerton who shined in every category with her sharp eye for color and natural light, she shows enormous promise in the field of photography. Overall she gave substance and meaning to her subjects, from the crystal clear turquoise blue bottom of a glass jar to her award winning wheat field, capturing the last glint of light fading out of sight over the wheat standing tall and strong. One shot of a dog racing along the ground made him appear as if he was flying. Fast motion photography is difficult and Edgerton proved she can do it. Kudos to all those that participate and the judges hope that next year more will enter and display their work. They look forward to seeing all those who participated in this years’ show to return next year. 885 Jefferson Drive $149,000 33 Begum Road $219,000 RENTAL GREAT BACKYARD 7 Riverside Drive $157,900 14 Club Lane $1350/month Questions or need full rentals list, call Lisa! BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT LOTS 9 Kanawha Court $225,000 226 6M Mesquite esq es quit qui qu ite Pl ite Plac Place lac ace e $1 $$149,500 $149 149,500 500 Craig 434-996-5119 Lisa 434-589-6386 [email protected] July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 21 July 4th competition winners at Lake Monticello Children’s putting contest winners A total of 43 children participated Eight years and under: First place: David Hubacher Second place: (tie) Dylon Holyfield and Joshua Harris Medalists: Ethan Komlosy, Caleb Arleth and Alex Sadak Nine to 12 years: First place: Trent Kirchenneiter Second place: (tie) Davis Jackson and C.J. Ellison Medalists: Joshua Arleth and Elizabeth Hubacher Horseshoe tournament First place: Bobbie Glasscock and George Westerlund Second place: Walt Stenhouse and Angel Steinehall Spirit Run 5K A total of 218 runners and walkers participated. Women’s overall winner: Laura Pramstaller at 20:41 12 years and under: 1. Haley Kennedy, 2. Niva Hoffman, 3. Julie Fry 13 to 17 years: 1. Stephanie Boossong, 2. Kelsey Schlien, 3. Bridget Boossoon 18 to 30 years: 1. Joy Barresi, 2. Daisy Hutcherson, 3. Adriana Cohen 31 to 42 years: 1. Regina Ronan, 2. Angela Steinbach, 3. Melinda McLawhorn 43 to 55 years: 1. Mary Pat Koslowski, 2. Maureen Otten, 3. Carol Plautz 56 years and over: 1. Madeline Yancey, 2. Dolores Craig, 3. Kathie Borkowski. Cub Scout Pack 138 marched in the July 3 parade at Lake Monticello. The Fluvanna Farm Bureau float took part in the July 4 Scottsville parade. Photo by David Stemple. Photo by Kristin Sancken. Men’s overall winner: Kyle Satterwhite at 16.08 12 years and under: 1. Nick Pemberton, 2. Justin Cooper, 3. C.J Elllison 13 to 17 years: 1. Stephen Gould, 2. Douglas Daniels, 3. John Morales 18 to 30 years: 1. Matt Barresi, 2. Ben Casto, 3. Rich Connaroe 31 to 42 years: 1. Tim York, 2. Chad Brown, 3. Eric Krogh 43 to 55 years: 1. Steve Welsh, 2. Tom Casto, 3. John True 56 years and over: 1. Paul Steinebrech, 2. Greg Stamper, 3. Grady Dixon Lake swim Winners of the 5K Spirit Run held at Lake Monticello on July 4. Photo by David Stemple. Fourth of July Fluvanna Style A total of 234 swimmers participated. Women’s overall winner: Carly Csapo 8 years and under: 1. Billy Lounsbury, 2. Virginia Gill, 3. Reganne Alteiri 9 to 12 years: 1. Gabby Tosi, 2. Ava Kuzemka, 3. Brin Kuzemka 13 to 17 years: 1. Fefe Nardone, 2. Ashley Nero, 3. Lauren Cabrera 18 to 35 years: 1. Chelsea Morin, 2. Stephanie Dunn, 3. Amanda Perry 36 to 50 years: 1. Sue Reynolds, 2. Melinda McLawhorn, 3. Jen Zajak 51 years and over: 1. Lisa Lounsbury, 2. Rosemary Caron, 3. Marlene Weaver Men’s overall winner: Sito Arroyo 8 years and under: 1. Aiden Lewandowski, 2. Joe Hardman, 3. Aiden Mutula 9 to 12 years: 1. Morgan Milburn, 2. Jason Deck, 3. Nick Pemberton 13 to 17 years: 1. Nick Switzer, 2. Ian Milburn, 3. Austen Billingsley 18 to 35 years: 1. Kyle Milleman, 2. Chris Worden, 3. Tommy Worden 36 to 50 years: 1. Bill Gill, 2. Steve Welsh, 3. Chris Ahlin 51 years and over: 1. Owen Maher, 2. Ray Good, 3. Steve Christofferson Fluvanna Fun Days on July 6 offered fun rides. Photo by David Stemple. Sand sculpture competition 10 years and under: First place: Claudia Scampolli (no title) Second: Emily Shanklin for “Shoal” Third: Kelly Denby (no title) 11 to 16 years: First: Meagan Musello “Starfish” Second: Alex and Addison Nemer “Castle” Third: Mollin and Colin Flanagan “Fort” 17 and over: First (tie): Aimee Bernacki “Seahorse” and Patti Kessels: “Buddha.” Families: First: Fred Defelice Family “Jefferson Memorial” Second: Hurricane Sisters “Olympics” Third: Meffet Family “Fort McHenry” – Source: LMOA’s Friday Flyer 22 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | July 12, 2012 Greg Stamper ran Lake Monticello’s 5K Spirit Run carrying the American Flag. Photo by David Stemple. SAVE ENERGY AND FUEL COSTS We’re Local-Come See Us Now Offering Expert Tire Service at Great Prices • TOWING • COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER • TUNE-UPS • SHOCKS & STRUTS • HOSES & BELTS • CERTIFIED ASE TECHNICIANS • BRAKES & BATTERIES • LUBE & OIL CHANGE • ENGINE - TRANSMISSIONS • EXHAUST SYSTEMS • COMPUTERIZED 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT • FUEL INJECTION • A/C CERTIFIED SERVICE • ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS • TRANSMISSION FLUID EXCHANGER • VA. STATE INSPECTION Since 1978 AUTOMOTIVE CENTERS ALL MAKES & MODELS Home of All Star Auto Parts Hours: M-F 8:00 - 4:30 • Most Major Credit Cards accepted 434-589-1405 Lake Monticello 107 Crofton Place 434-589-8652 Zion Crossroads 9654 Three Notch Road DON’T WANT TO COMMIT? That’s Okay... Leslie Walters, Jake Buonomo and Taylor Walters 4-Hers tapped as All Stars CONTRIBUTED BY KRISTIN THOMSON CLUB HISTORIAN On June 26, during the 93rd Virginia 4-H State Congress at Virginia Tech, three members of the Horse ‘N’ Around 4-H Club were tapped in as 4-H All Stars. Congratulations to Leslie Walters, Jake Buonomo, and Taylor Walters for achieving such a highly honorable accomplishment as 4-Hers. So what is a 4-H All Star? The All Star program was started in August of 1922, when West Virginian All Star initiated 12 Virginians who met and formed the first Virginia All Star Organization. The Virginia chapter of the 4-H All Star program is service oriented and volunteer operated. Membership into the All Star program is the highest recognition that a Virginia 4-Her can achieve. Since 1922, over 9,000 All Stars have been tapped in! The All Star program is circled around the idea of service to your community and others. This program helps to open other service related projects throughout Beautiful Smiles the 4-Hers life. The All Star program encourages 4-hers to extend their service not only inside the 4-H commonwealth but also at home, school, church, and to their entire community. The Virginia chapter of 4-H All Stars is a tremendous source of both teen and adult leaders who are actively involved in expanding and enhancing the 4-H program throughout the commonwealth. Becoming an All Star helps members stay connected with old friends, and continue to make new ones throughout their life. Leslie, Taylor and Jake worked very hard to be chosen to become All Stars as only six people from each district may be sent to the next level of 4-Hers; an All Star! The Horse ‘N’ Around Club would like to say congratulations to Taylor, Jake and Leslie for such wonderful work. Great job guys, and keep up the amazing work. For more information on the Horse ‘N’ Around 4-H Club, please contact Kim Mayo at the extension office at 591-1950. Try our 10 visit pass for just $ 50 You still get all the ammenities as our regular members 434-589-6100 • 109 Crofton Place, Palmyra Enhancing Smiles Through Innovation Choose C hoose from Two hoose Two Locations ons Total Dental Health Peace off M Mi Mind i d •We love Kids! •Invisalign Orthodontics & Invisalign Teen •Dental Implants •Dental ER •Crowns & Bridges •Convenient Individualized Care •Dentures •Most Dental •Teeth Whitening Insurance Accepted •Porcelain Veneers 34 Jefferson Ct, Zion Crossroads, VA 22942 Phone: 540-832-3232 2202 North Berkshire Rd., Suite 203 Charlottesville, VA 22901 (Off Rt#15 across from Walmart) Phone: 434-293-9793 July 12, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 23 CENTURY 21 AGENTS ® SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER. THIS WEEK’S FEATURED RENTAL PROPERTY THIS WEEK’S FEATURED HOME 1 Highland Road Wide dramatic stairs lead up to a private front deck with great views. Step inside to this well maintained home with 3 spacious floors of living space including a finished walk up attic, 2 master suites on second level. 67 Ponderosa Lane $1,345 – Call Diane Miller 434-960-5856 DianeMiller@ Tom Morace 434-962-1625 Morace@ Keith Smith 434-531-0795 Keith.Smith@ Lisa Rogers 434-531-0064 Lisarogers86@ Jen Sample 434-989-9246 JenSample@ Kyle Miller 434-981-0799 Kyle.MillerC21@ Yonna Smith 434-531-0817 Yonna.Smith@ Queen of Sold 434-962-2095 queenofsold@ Wondering where all the open houses are this weekend at Lake Monticello? 434-589-SOLD Monticello Properties 1-800-765-3570 The Website for your real estate needs Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates Carl Heimlich 434-989-2274 [email protected] Are you looking to live the water front lifestyle? This like new home with over 5,000 sq ft of living space has two full apartments on the lower level. Perfect for an in law suite and teen suite. Two story great room with floor to ceiling windows and a view of the water will take your breath away. Large first floor master with tray ceiling and master bath with jacuzzi tub.Stroll down to the dock, the perfect place to relax or entertain. 31 Hardwood Road 51 Turkeysag Trail 30 Pine Lane One level living at Lake Monticello with waterviews. waterviews 3BR/2BA home with rear deck. Master bedroom with attached bath and slider to rear deck. Large living room and family room with vaulted ceiling. Kitchen features breakfast bar, pantry and recessed lighting.A quick 10 minute walk to the beach. PRICE RE RED U C E D ! Motivated Sellers! Beautifully maintained 3 BR/2 BA home on corner lot in Lake Monticello. You must see inside this home! Open flfloor oor plan plan, hard hardwood floors, oversized windows & large rooms. Spacious bedrooms. Master with attached master bath & walk-in closet. New roof- 2010; New water heater 2008; New dishwasher 2011. Exterior freshly painted & decks stained. Large level corner lot makes this the perfect package! Walking distance to shopping and restaurants. Move in ready! Charming 3 bedroom brick rancher on full, unfinished basement. There are hardwood floors upstairs under the carpet. The addition in the kitchen features tongue & groove horizontal pine and cathedral ceiling. Kitchen offers pull out shelving and custom oak cabinets. Formal dining room with arched doorway. Masonary fireplace in living room. House has central heat & air but also has whole house fan for those who love the fresh air. $129,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $148,000 • Call Jen 434-989-9246 $159,900 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 2 Xebec Road 7 Darby Lane 47 Maplevale Drive B Beautiful tif l 4 BR home with many, many updates and upgrades! Private, low-maintenance, oversized corner lot backing up to reserve land for added privacy pri ac in this rustic r stic retreat. retreat Beautiful new HW floors through most of first floor. Soaring ceilings, large windows, eat-in kitchen & laundry room/pantry with extra wash sink.Fantastic DR & FR w/windows overlooking private, restful, low maintenance yard.Plenty of outdoor living space including lovely screened porch off MBR for enjoying your morning coffee. This beautiful home features 42” maple cabinets, red oak flooring, Chair rail in the formal DR, a living room with a warm fireplace, and d a firstt floor llaundry. d Walking W lki up the hardwood stairs to the 2nd floor you pass by 3 spacious bedrooms to a vaulted master. With double door entry into the master bath with recessed lighting and double vanities you feel as if you were stepping into another world. Say “Hello” to a Good Buy! Pay more? What for? The home you’ve been waiting for at a price you can afford. Space galore in this 5 BR colonial in culdesac and walking distance to beach at Lake Monticello 3.5 baths makes mornings easy while huge master suite w/ jacuzzi tub makes the nights even better. Entertain in kitchen w/ center island & adjoining family room or formal dining room. If you love the outdoors, you’ll appreciate the big level front yard, porch & private deck. $205,000 • Call Jen 434-989-9246 $210,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 40 Englewood Drive 161 Jeffal Lane 434-589-7653 Larry A. Miller 434-960-9479 LarryAMiller@ Amazing Waterfront Home Loaded with Upgrades and Space! $725,000 Call Larry 434-960-9479 WOW!! Thi This beautiful, well maintained & luxurious one-level living home features elegantly appointed 3,000 sq ft, 3 BR/3 BA on fin. walk-out basement w/ kitchenette, lg. living & entertainment rm, poss. 4th i i 4h or 5th BR, full bath downstairs, poss. In-Law Suite. Main living boasts oak floor, cathedral ceiling, luxuriously appointed FIRST Floor Master Suite w/garden tub, shower, walk-in closet. Large rear deck leads to spacious rear yard, very private .61 acre Lot, paved Driveway & SO MORE! MUST SEE! Beautiful home in immaculate condition in a peaceful rural setting on over 6 acres. Three bedrooms and three and a half baths, hardwood and tile flooring, large kitchen with island, formal dining room, large screened in porch, two car garage and much more. $239,200 • Call Yonna 434-531-0817 $249,000 • Call Larry 434-960-9479 $229,000 • Call The Queen Of Sold 434-962-2095 32 Barrett Street G Gorgeous Golf G lf Front Home! You will quickly correct your swing living on the 14th green in the golf course community of Lake Monticello. Enjoy the serenity of extended golf views. This lovely Colonial has 2 master BR’s (1 on main level),dramatic family room w/ floor to ceiling stone fireplace, a grand veranda & massive back deck. 6 BR & 5 BA, wonderfully large finished basement with built in bar, and office. Kitchen has maple cabinets & granite counters. New painting just completed. $323,317 • Call The Queen Of Sold 434-962-2095 99 Forest Glen Lane 308 Scenic River Drive 1360 Haden Martin Road This light filled,better than new four bedroom three & a half bath home has it all! Featuring two master suites and a ceramic tile walk-in shower, 9’ ceilings, gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops, Kraftmaid cabinetry, stainless steel appliances including, convection wall oven, built in microwave & oversized glass cook top & walk-in pantry. Enjoy your privacy and the peaceful sounds of nature from your large screened in porch! Located on a long private paved road great for walking & biking. If you are looking for your own private retreat surrounded by manicured gardens and over looking the Rivanna River on ten wooded acres this is it!Southern Living S Designed stone cottage with open floor plan boasting rustic wood beams in the great room, a blue slate double sided fire place, gleaming hardwoods and spacious kitchen with granite counter tops. Enjoy the tranquility sitting on your back deck or walk down to the river. Small guest cottage on the property. Sit on your front porch & take in the sweeping water views & pastureland. First time on the market, this elegant home features gleaming hardwood floors, open floorplan, vaulted ceilings, generator disconnect. Finished walk out basement with custom wood stove. Spacious bedrooms on main level, luxurious master bath with jetted tub, beautiful leaded glass window. Porch & back deck made of low maintenance trex material, comfortable screened porch to enjoy lazy summer days. Privately situated. $329,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $335,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625 $396,900 • Call Lisa 434-537-0064 WHEN THE MARKET IS SLOW YOU NEED THE POWER OF CENTURY 21
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