01-27-11 FR low res
01-27-11 FR low res
Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2011 | Free Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2011 Volume 31, Issue 4 Fluvanna This week in review... REVIEW page 6 www.fluvannareview.com Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos [email protected] page 6 page 12 Advertising Manager: Evelyn Inskeep [email protected] Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason [email protected] Fairchild favored Fluvanna’s best Queen of the bee Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle [email protected] Web Administrator/Designer: Kathy Zeek [email protected] page 14 Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Jennifer Zajac, Duncan Nixon, O.T. Holen, Joe Ronan, Kristin Sancken, Ruthann Carr and Tammy Purcell Photographers: David Stemple, O.T. Holen cover Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Road Phone: (434) 591-1000 Fax: (434) 589-1704 Member of the Virginia Press Association This single gold nugget weighing 36 grains was unearthed near Fluvanna. Gold sold for about $1,350 an ounce on Tuesday (Jan. 25). Photo contributed by Ben Vaughan. Designed by Kathy Zeek. © 2011 Valley Publishing Corp. all rights reserved. page 16 School smarts Selling Fluvanna General: Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. Founded in 1979, it’s the only paper that covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $135 per year or $70 per 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Deadline: Advertising due Wednesday 5 p.m. for the following week. page 18 Bowl brains Display and web ads: For information including rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Legal ads: the Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. Classified ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by our office at 2987 Lake Monticello Road. Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news happening, call us! Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: the Fluvanna Review encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna residents. We reserve the right to edit submissions and cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar submissions to 50 words or less and letters to the editor to 300 words or less. E-mail: [email protected] or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Circulation audit by Palmyra, VA 22963. Include S.A.S.E. if you would like items returned. We get the job done!! 3226 Presidents Road 3355 Morgantown Road 3075 Gold Mine Road New Listing Under contract • 3B/1b; 1200 fin sq. ft. • Laminated floors throughout • Large deck; 3A MLS #482062 $119,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 681 Jefferson Drive Under contract • 3B/3b; over 2500 fin. sq. ft. • Full basement; 3/4 fin. • Nice yard for playing; located in Ivy MLS #482704 $209,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Under contract • 3B/1.5b; 1600+ fin. sq. ft. • Nice, level 1+A yard • Great value; move-in ready MLS #484203 $114,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 241 Bakers Branch Road Real Estate & Property Management 264 Turkeysag Trail - Unit D Lake Monticello (0) 434-589-3958 (F) 434-589-1427 [email protected] www.FirstVirginiaHomes.com Certified HUD Broker: Adele Schaefer 434-962-1928 Manage or Rent Property: JoAnn Sears 434-960-5121 2 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Under contract • 3-4B/3b; 2480 fin. sq. ft. • Bright and airy; large deck • Private back yard; 1-car gar. MLS #477745 $199,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Adele Schaefer GRI, SRS owner/broker 434-962-1928 [email protected] Under contract • 4B/2b. 1512 fin sq. ft. • 2006; 2.54A • Fenced paddock MLS #480050 $76,550 Call Iris 434-981-9956 Under contract This could be your house Call Us Today Jo Ann Sears Iris Helfrich Delila Stone 434-960-5121 434-981-9956 434-589-3958 associate broker [email protected] realtor [email protected] bookkeeper [email protected] Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 3 Letters to the editor Thanks from fire and rescue On behalf of the members of the Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department, we would like to thank all of you who attended our spaghetti dinner fund raising event on Saturday, Jan. 15. Through your continued support and generosity we managed to raise funds which will aid us in purchasing much needed supplies and equipment to maintain your all volunteer fire department. Again, thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you next time. Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department Dinner Committee Thanks for caring All of us at Caring For Creatures want to thank the Eagles Nest, and all their hungry customers, for coming out to “Pasta for Pets” in December. The event was a huge success, raising $400 in proceeds for the 200+ animals currently calling the sanctuary home. It was wonderful food and good fun for all involved. Caring For Creatures is a non-profit, no-kill animal sanctuary in Palmyra. We focus on providing a safe and healthy environment to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abandoned, neglected, abused, or otherwise homeless dogs and cats. Thanks to kind people like you, we can successfully continue our mission. We wish everyone much happiness and good health in 2011. May it be the best year yet for our animal friends still waiting for a loving home of their very own. Mary Birkholz Caring for Creatures Points of no return - United States and Fluvanna County The new 112th Congress is talking about trying to cut $100 billion from its $3 trillion 600 billion budget. I ask my fellow citizens to review the numbers. These are approximate current U. S. budget numbers. Current federal revenue (what the government takes in from all sources). ...$2,300 billion Current annual federal spending (what the government really spends). .....$3,600 billion Annual deficit (amount the government is going in the hole each year).........$1,300 billion Spending cut required to balance our budget to current revenue$1,300 billion The current spending does not include any provision for principle payments on our $14,000 billion ( $14 trillion) national debt! National debt is the total of what the government has borrowed and spent. Annual principal payment to pay off our debt in 100 years............. $140 billion Adding the $140 billion to the current deficit of $1,300 billion equals $1,440 billion. $1 trillion 440 billion in cuts are needed to balance our budget and make small principal payments on our debt. The republican talk of cutting $100 billion just isn’t enough. Time is of the essence because the debt is growing daily. We must balance our budget and repay our debt. If we don’t, we will reach the point where we simply cannot pay our debt like Greece and Ireland and then who will be left to bail us out? Locally we are not much different. Fluvanna is required by law to reassess in 2012 to fair market value to be effective January 2013 and adopt a new revenue neutral tax rate. Fluvanna’s real estate tax base has lost value. There are many examples, but I’ll offer this one: There are five lots for sale (not sold) at the beautiful Hidden Hills Subdivision off Rt. 600 north of Rt. 250 offered 59% below county assessment. The average assessment per lot is $146,280. They are offered for sale at $ 59,000 each. Fluvanna’s tax base is $ 87,280 less for each lot ( -59.67%). The current local property tax revenue for each lot is $749.48 each ($146,280 at $.54/$100 = $749.48). For Fluvanna to collect $749.30 on a $59,000 assessment the (revenue neutral) tax rate must be $1.27/$100 ($59,000 at $1.27/$100 = $749.30). If the Board of Supervisors cannot control spending and the increase is inevitable, we should not waste time and money on economic development or growth plans. No family will buy a home and businesses will not come to Fluvanna if our tax rate is nearly double our neighboring counties. Some residents may have to leave. This year when our supervisors struggle with the county budget, please support them if they make necessary cuts. We all must be willing to do with less government. Minor Eager Troy Comments from FluvannaReview.com and Facebook On a Jan. 19 story about the status of the Fluvanna extension office: “The possibility of consolidating the Fluvanna Extension Service with Albemarle is very troubling. The proposal would downsize the presence of Extension in Fluvanna and significantly reduce the services many citizens have come to appreciate and depend on. Money is a big issue, but during these tough financial times, it is even more important that citizens have the kinds of services, resources and programs offered by Extension. It is important to promote and maintain a feeling of community among the diverse population of our growing, changing county. Fluvanna Extension Agent John Thompson and his staff continue to work diligently toward building community. Anyone who has worked with them on programs and projects, know the positive impact their efforts produce. If we lose the strong presence of Extension, I fear we could lose more than their strong presence – we also will lose the momentum their excellent work has supported over many years. Please attend the Jan 19, 7PM Board of Supervisors meeting and urge the BOS to retain Extension Services.” – FluvannabyChoice On a Jan. 5 story about the new Dollar General Store near Palmyra: “Too bad Dollar General used its typical building on this parcel, which is adjacent to residential lots. This was supposed to be something that blended into the surrounding environment, not stick out like a sore thumb. Next time, the BOS and Planning Commission should require the applicant proffer the building design before approving.” – Mom2finn On a Nov. 18 story on plans to restore the historical, one-room, African-American high school: I am delighted to read that plans are in the works to restore the “Schoolhouse”! I spent many days in the schoolhouse during the time my grandparents Charlie and Frances Felton lived in the building. As a child I often wondered how could this one room building have been a school, it was vastly different from the schools that I attended. With age I realize that 4 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 education can take place anywhere as long as individuals are willing to make the effort to acquire knowledge. I learned something that I was not aware until reading the article, that my grandmother Helen Anderson was a student there. It is crucial to have the younger generations to be knowledgeable of the past and the circumstances of which our ancestors were placed in but determined to have an education. How far we have come, but it is extremly important to not forget the past, but forge on with the same determination and fortitude that sustained all of the people that attended the “Schoolhouse”. Preserving this educational landmark is magnificent, and prayerfully will continue to be a part of history for all to visit and learn from. – Edna C. Anderson-Harris, Danville. On a Jan. 19 story about Elva Key being named citizen of the year by the Farm Bureau: Ms. Key is an incredible woman and inded a model citizen. It is impossible to count the number of lives she has positively influenced through the years. I cannot think of Central Elementary without thinking of Ms. Key and smiling at the countless times I saw her there as a student and a parent and how she helped me navigate the halls in both of those rolls. She is a treasure. – Jhaislip What a dear, sweet woman. This was justly deserved! – HeatherMWPerry A most gracious lady. Mrs Key always had a hug or “that look” ready, whichever was needed. I love and admire her. – Shelby Black Pace On a Jan. 19 story about a new flower shop at Good Neighbor Pharmacy: Scarlett is a lovely addition to the Pharmacy and as a native of the area, it’s great to have her back here. And she’s very talented! – ArtMom1 On a Jan. 21 story about new supervisor Chris Fairchild paying his county taxes late: How do you not know you owe $5,000 in overdue taxes? – Mom2finn MAY I DO YOUR TAXES? William Western Certified Public Accountant Enrolled Agent with the IRS Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Your Complete Tax, Payroll & Accounting Service No Number Goes Uncrunched For Expert, Timely, and Accurate Service Contact Me Phone:(434) 589-1294 • Cell:(434) 242-4114 [email protected] • www.williamwesterncpa.com I CAN HELP YOU, IF YOU’LL LET ME! Featured Properties Final Copy Fluvanna Review 12-02-10 Issue Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! Situated on 1.5 Acres 5 Mins I-64 • • • • Zion Crossroads Louisa $239,900 #483837 4BR 2.5BA garage & basement Lucy Watkins 434-962-5829 Super Location and Affordable • • • • Near Town/Louisa- new Elementary $118,000 #482706 3BR 1BA 1 AC 1 yr warranty Rob Lewis 434-987-4647 Unique Opportunity • • • • Ivy, Western Albemarle $668,000 #482187 4BR home/cottage 14.5 acres Sharon Duke 434-981-3115 Wooded Division Rights • • • • Green Springs Louisa County $78,000 482673 10 Acres easy commute Sharon Duke 434-981-3115 ALL TIRE PRICES INCLUDE INSTALLATION, COMPUTER BALANCING & NEW VALVE STEMS 434-589-5533 Se Habla Español $7.95 PER TIRE. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT: LIFETIME ROTATION, BALANCE, ROAD HAZARD DON’T SEE IT? CALL, WE MAY HAVE IT OR WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU!! 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SIZE P155/80R12 P175/70R13 P185/70R13 P155/80R13 P165/80R13 P185/60R14 P195/60R14 P205/60R14 P175/65R14 P185/65R14 P195/65R14 P175/70R14 P185/70R14 P195/70R14 P205/70R14 P215/70R14 P185/75R14 P195/75R14 P205/75R14 P215/75R14 P185/60R15 P195/60R15 P205/60R15 P215/60R15 P225/60R15 P185/65R15 P195/65R15 P205/65R15 P215/65R15 P205/70R15 P215/70R15 P205/75R15 P215/75R15 P225/75R15 P235/75R15 P205/60R16 P215/60R16 P225/60R16 P235/60R16 P205/65R16 P215/65R16 P225/65R16 P225/60R17 P235/60R17 P225/65R17 P225/55R18 P225/60R18 MANUFACTURER PRICE $59.99 HERCULES SUMIC GT $49.99 SUMIC GT $49.99 KUMHO $49.99 KUMHO $54.99 $59.99 EPIC TOURING SUMIC GT $62.99 $74.99 MIRADA $56.99 EPIC TOURING EPIC TOURING $59.99 MIRADA $69.99 SUMIC $59.99 KUMHO $59.99 SUNNY $59.99 $64.99 EPIC TOURING EPIC TOURING $74.99 $64.99 PRIMEWELL PRIMEWELL $64.99 PRIMEWELL $69.99 PRIMEWELL $74.99 NOKIAN $64.99 $64.99 SUMIC GT SUMIC GT $64.99 $69.99 REMINGTON FUZION $76.99 EPIC TOURING $64.99 SUMIC GT $64.99 SUMIC GT $64.99 SUMIC GT $72.99 MATRIX $72.99 $72.99 GOODYEAR PRIMEWELL $72.99 PRIMEWELL $74.99 PRIMEWELL $78.99 $78.99 PRIMEWELL DIAMOND BACK $74.99 $74.99 SUMIC GT $74.99 SUMIC GT $94.99 NEXXEN KUMHO $79.99 EPIC TOURING $79.99 GENERAL $106.99 MASTERCRAFT $106.99 $109.99 KUMHO MASTERCRAFT $105.99 MASTERCRAFT $124.99 $122.99 GENERAL Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 5 Supervisors choose Fairchild By Ruthann Carr Correspondent He most admires Ronald Reagan politically. “It might be because I went to his inauguration when I was 12,” Fairchild said. “But I think the things he did were great. He said what he was going Chris Fairchild said he was as surprised to do and he did it. He shot from the hip.” as anyone the board nominated only him Fairchild said he hopes to help the county develand unanimously voted him onto the Board op its vision. It’s important Fluvanna’s growth be of Supervisors at the Jan. 19 meeting. well thought out and directed as much as possible. “I had people texting me ‘OMG’ when it hap“The steps you want to take and the things you pened,” said Fairchild, 42. want to do should be vetted,” he said. The Rivanna District seat became available when Once that vision is established, the board needs Gene Ott’s resignation went into affect Dec. 31. to do a good job of selling it to the community – to Fairchild, who was sworn in Friday (Jan. 21) explain why things should be done and how to do morning, had some drama before the vote. He said them, he said. a friend of his - who he declined to name except “I want to help everybody get on the same bus,” to say it was not an official or politician - was in Fairchild said. the gallery before the meeting and heard someone During his plea to the board to appoint him, talking about Fairchild owing taxes. Fairchild said “Fluvanna is no Wythe County.” Fairchild said he wasn’t aware he was delinquent Wythe County Board of Supervisors routinely to the tune of nearly $5,000. have unanimous votes on issues because they’ve “As soon as he called me, I went and paid them,” been a county in great trouble – people and busiFairchild said. “I honestly don’t know how it came nesses moving out, almost bankrupting the county, up or who found it.” Fairchild said. As to how the discussion of his tax situation origIn contrast, Fluvanna’s votes are often close. inated, he said: “It was a reporter who looked into Someone told Fairchild it was because Fluvanna it but I don’t know what prompted it.” has a low tax rate, good quality of life, and the opportunity for economic development which means Board Chairman John Gooch said he wasn’t gosupervisors have options to discuss and reasons to ing to answer any more questions about Fairchild’s listen to all options and different people’s perspectax situation. “I know the press loves that sort of tive. thing, but as far as I’m concerned that (Fairchild “Court Square isn’t burning,” Fairchild said. paying back taxes) is over and done with,” Gooch That is a great position to be in, he said. said. “We have a new board member and I want to Growing up and living in Lake Monticello, Fairchmove on.” ild said he learned a sense of community, of people Gooch said the county did not initiate the check working together. of tax records. “The press did.” “Over the past 40 years it is the place in FluFairchild is well known in the county. He grew up vanna County that has experienced overwhelming in Lake Monticello, married his high school sweetchange,” Fairchild said. heart, and raised two children in the community. Fairchild hopes having experienced that change, He’s the owner of National Filter Service and is the and knowing it can be trying and different than founder and elected president of the Fluvanna Girls what’s expected, will help him in his work on the Softball League. board. Chris Fairchild Chris Fairchild answers a few important questions First car? Chevy Vega Early bird or night owl? Early bird Electric shaver or razor? Both Pizza topping? Sausage, pepperoni and pineapple High school band or sport? Sport. Football. Cat or Dog? Dog Book you’re reading? Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson Favorite movie? Monty Python and the Holy Grail First job? Pumping gas at the Lake Monticello Marina Elva Key named “Citizen of the Year” Signoretti named Sheriff’s Office chaplain Contributed by Fluvanna Farm Bureau Contributed by The Fluvanna County sheriff’s office Elva Key has been named “Citizen of the Year” by the Fluvanna Farm Bureau Women’s Committee. Mrs. Key has worked in the county for 49 years. She has served on many county boards, committees, councils and commissions through the years. She was instrumental in the daily operation of Central Elementary School where she began working as secretary in 1962. Even though she retired in 2004, she still continues to work part-time in the school ystem. If not at home with family or working, Mrs. Key can be found cheering on the Fluco’s at the home games. She has been like a beloved mother or grandmother to many students throughout her school years. Mrs. Key is currently on the Jefferson Area Board of Aging Advisory Council and the Library Board of Frank Signoretti has been chosen as the chaplain for the Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Office. The volunteer chaplaincy program is designed to assist individuals within the office and citizens in dealing with stressful and traumatic occasions, according to a press release. Chaplains serve as counselors, mentors and give spiritual advice when requested by employees or the public. Signoretti is a registered nurse at Martha Jefferson Hospital’s Interventional Radiology Department and has over 20 years of experience. He has affiliations with Calvary Chapel Church, Scottsville Rescue Squad and Lake Monticello Rescue Squad. He also has a broad amount of training in emergency and chaplaincy services. He is a member of the Federation of Fire Chaplains and the International Conference of Police Chaplains. Elva Key Trustees. She also has been an adult education aide for many years, and has worked as a census worker. She was given a silver engraved box in a ceremony held Jan. 12 and a plaque honoring her as a citizen of the year will be installed at the Fluvanna Farm Bureau office in Fork Union. 6 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Frank Signoretti Signoretti has been a resident of Fluvanna for 15 years and he and his wife Vicki, a nurse at the Fork Union Military Academy for over 18 years, have five children. Minister Signoretti may be reached at [email protected] if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. Next to the Main Gate Fluvanna’s Only Certified Residential Brokerage OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS 434-589-3539 800-825-LAKE #1 Firm in Fluvanna Since 1984 Become a Fan @Facebook.com/monticellocountryrealtors Vicki Wilson Owner/Broker (434)960-7044 Beat the Listing Market & List with us today. Craig McCormick Owner/Realtor (434)996-5113 Our listings are selling. Call us to find out how we will market and promote your home or property. CALL ANY OF OUR EXPERIENCED AGENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE LISTINGS OR ANY HOMES AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET. WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SHOW YOU HOMES OR LAND 7 DAYS A WEEK. NEW LISTINGS LAKE MONTICELLO FLUVANNA JoAnn Nordlund Associate Broker, GRI, CRS, CRB (434)962-6384 5 cleared acres, barn, 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full basement, hardwood floors, eat in kitchen. $195,000 $239,000 Immaculate with numerous upgrades, first floor master suite, finished basement, formal dining room, 2 car garage. GOLF COURSE $199,000 $234,500 Pride of ownership. 2024 fin. sq. ft. on one level, vaulted ceilings, screen porch, skylights, hardwood floors, golf course area. $465,000 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, deep water, boat dock, full basement, gazebo, great views, beautiful kitchen, hardwood floors. R T DE AC UN TR N CO $319,000 In law suite, large rooms, screen porch, 2 car garage, hardwood floors, first floor master bedroom suite. Joan White Associate Broker, GRI, CCREC (434)981-4081 One level living, large eat in kitchen, great room, vaulted ceilings, sunroom, skylights, split bedroom design, paved drive Over 2095 fin. sq. ft., first floor master suite, family room w/fireplace, breakfast nook, full finished basement. $349,500 Surround yourself in luxury. One level living, sunroom, screen porch, breakfast nook, large workshop. Awesome location. Large sunroom, skylights, vaulted great room, dining room, first floor master bedroom, walk in attic. $219,000 Large master bedroom suite with sitting area, hardwood floors, formal dining room, full basement, high ceilings. $475,000 Over 200' deep water, 1st level master bedroom suite with sunroom, whirlpool tub, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, garage. $265,000 Cyndi Mylynne Realtor,GRI, ABR, e-PRO (434)981-4629 $199,950 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bedrooms, new appliances, formal dining room, eat in kitchen, full basement ceilings, fireplace, deck. $199,950 $469,900 Lots of square footage. In law apartment, boat dock, 2 car garage, nice views and deep water, formal living & dining room. R T DE AC UN TR N CO $224,000 $182,000 W NE ICE PR Golf Getaway. Separate office with entrance, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large eat in kitchen, garage, formal living & dining rooms. Lannie Turman Realtor (434)996-0666 WATERFRONT Open floor plan, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, 2 walk in closets, fenced yard, deck . Bill Lansing Realtor (434)996-7245 $209,500 One level home, 2356 fin. sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, bonus room, 2 car garage, skylights. $244,900 Don & Lorraine Wheeler Realtors (434)962-7868 River & Mountain views! Soaring ceilings, large master bedroom with loft & balcony, basement, oversized 2 car garage. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME: Lorraine Frisina Realtor, GRI (434)981-3997 •.40 ACRE LOT-LOUISA..................$30,000 •12 LAKE MONTICELLO LOTS......$35,999 & UP •1.59 AT THE ACRES......................$125,000 •3 ACRES IN ALBEMARLE..............$45,000 •10.90 ACRES IN FLUVANNA.........$98,500 •WATERFRONT ON 4.80 ACRES........$149,000 •8.75 ACRES IN FLUVANNA ..............$74,000 •5.89 ACRES IN FLUVANNA...............$99,000 •10 ACRES IN FLUVANNA...................$99,000 •17 ACRES COMMERICAL PROPERTY..$997,000 NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN LAND Shirley Saum Realtor (434)964-7063 www.monticellorealtors.com Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 7 Fluvanna news briefs Lake residents to vote on funding dam repairs Lake Monticello residents will be able to vote on a dam funding proposal at 1 p.m. on April 2 at the clubhouse. In a special open session last night (Jan. 20) the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association Board said members will be able to vote from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Members will be asked to vote on whether to give the board permission to fund dam repairs by dipping into the principal of an investment fund. Repairs to the Main and Tufton dams will be done without raising homeowners’ dues, said the board. Some critics say the funds should be taken from the general budget and not the investment fund also known as the Emergency Reserve Account. Supervisors want to keep extension office fully-staffed The Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors said Wednesday (Jan. 20) it would support efforts to keep the Virginia Cooperative Extension office in Fluvanna County fully staffed. In a full gallery – 80 percent of whom were Fluvanna Cooperative Extension volunteers – John Thompson, extension agent, profiled the work his office does for the county. Recently, Virginia Tech announced plans to restructure the state’s cooperative extension system. Thompson outlined the tentative plan, expected to be put in place in July 2012. The restructuring would take Fluvanna’s current staff of five down to two. Supervisors discussed the need to support keeping the extension office as is. However, no decision was made. Former FUMA football coach honored Longtime Fork Union Military Academy football coach Robert L. “Red” Pulliam has received the 2011 Unsung Virginian Award presented by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives, according to a press release. Pulliam, who lives in Fluvanna County, was honored Monday for his four decades of service to Fork Union, as well as his volunteer work in the community. The award, which was established in 1968, is presented annually to a citizen for “services rendered to the commonwealth without thought of personal gain.” Reported first on FluvannaReview.com Lunch • Dinner • Brunch Ex New pa Me nded nu ! Credit union receives innovation grant Sheriff’s Office Weekly activity report Jan. 16 – 22 Investigations division Over the last three years, UVA Community Credit Union has played a vital role in the Thomas Jefferson Area Earned Income Tax Credit Coalition, which was established to ensure that eligible working families took advantage of this vital tax credit. In recognition of these efforts, the National Credit Union Foundation awarded the credit union an Innovation Grant of $8,000 to expand its effort, which it calls “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” The credit union was one of only 11 credit unions across the nation to receive an Innovation Grant. “It was extremely gratifying to receive this grant,” says Alison DeTuncq, credit union president and CEO. “One of our primary goals as a credit union is to improve the financial well being of the people who live in the communities we serve. These days, with household budgets tight, we know that the earned income tax credit can make a real difference. The grant from the National Credit Union Foundation will help us reach more people.” Hairs To You! 3 New Investigations Generated within the Division Types of Investigations 1 Sex Abuse of a Minor 1 Perjury 1 Drug Distribution 1 Investigations Transferred from Patrol Division Types of Investigations 1 Larceny 6 Warrants/Arrests 1 Possess Child Pornography 2 Larceny 1 Grow Marijuana 1 Possess Marijuana 1 Probation Violation 18 Follow-ups 12 General Investigations 0 School Resource Officers 6 Drug Investigations Judicial affairs division Civil Process 102 Papers Received 88 Papers Served 0 Jury Summons Served 88 Other Served Court Security 4 Court Days 9 Prisoner Transports Patrol division 31 9 23 6 Marisella’s Restaura Featuring Pizza and Pasta Mobile Hair Service Marisella’s Restaurant Hair Care in the Convenience of Your Own Home. "Make Less Cooking Join Us for Sunday Brunch Your New Year’s Eggs Benedict Resolution! Eggs Sardou Let Marisella's Do it for You in 2011. Shrimp & Grits Breakfast Burrito French Toast Belgian Waffle Tue.- Sat. 11am-9pm • Sunday Brunch: 10:30am- 3pm • 434-589-6590 Food Lion/Gate Plaza behind the Good Neighbor Pharmacy Serving Lake Monticello & Vicinity Wet CUTS $22 KIDS $15 12 & Under Call Personal Attention Affordale • Saves Time Great for Non-Driver Less Anxiety with Kids Cuts Late Hours Available Clean-up after ALL Services 30+ years experience Hours: Mon-Fri •9 a.m.-9 p.m. Pat Tatum - 434-589-2210 Traffic Stops Summonses Issued Traffic Crashes Criminal Warrant Service Attempts 20 Arrests Made - 2 Felony / 18 Misdemeanor 1 Mental Health Case 5 Civil Paper Service Attempts - 3 Served 12 Case Follow-ups Completed 10 Reports Taken Types of Incidents 1 Missing Person 3 Domestic Disturbance 2 Larceny 1 Mental Health Disturbance 1 Adult Protective Service Referral 1 Intimidation 1 Driving Under the Influence and Elude Police Communications division 837Total Administrative Calls 131 Total 911 Calls "Make Eating at Marisella's Your New Year's Resolution" Here is your ad proof. Please let me know if you want changes or not. (591-1000). Thanks! Fluvanna Review 01-13-11 Issue Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be without permission by the Fluvanna Review 8 | Fluvanna Review reproduced | Jan. 27, 2011 Final Copy Fluvanna Review 03-18-10 Issue Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review Sell Us Your Gold! Cash on the spot! Don’t wait for a check, get paid today at Snooky’s BEWARE: Most gold buyers count on you not knowing what your gold is worth. Do your homework. If you sell your gold to someone else without hearing our offer, you will probably lose money! The Trip Since 1 to C’villeit!is 99 worth 3 A licensed and bonded precious metals buyer. 434-971-7959 On Historic Downtown Mall 102 East Main Street Charlottesville is your ad proof. Please let me know Our Agents Go the Extra Mile for the Results You Deserve want changes or not. (591-1000). www.AkarionRealty.com • 434-842-3955 • 434-245-2289 Thanks! Fluvanna Review 01-27-11 Issue 1897 OLD LYNCHBURG RoaD 119 ARVON Road 11561 S CONSTITUTION HWY 413 RIVERSIDE AVEnue Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review 480346 • $259,900 • New home in Albemarle • Screened porch/3 Bedrooms • 1516 sq ft/Garage/Deck 2 RIVERSIDE DRive 475689 • $174,500 • 1660 sq ft/3 Bdrms/Shed • Large lot/Fireplace/Oak floors • 3½ Baths/Basement/Deck 480356 • $62,000 • Short sale in Buckingham • 1502 sq ft/3 Bdrms/Views • Slate roof and flooring 6 HAVERSACK RoaD 479924 • $189,900 • New home with 1648 sq ft • 4 Bdrms/2 Bath/Deck • Warranty/Built-ins/Loft 474916 • $169,900 • 1456 sq ft/Built in 2008 • Hardwood flrs/New appliances • 3 Bdrm/2 Bath/2 Acres 12281 SPOTSWOOD TRaiL 484356 • $149,900 • New listing in Greene County • Short sale/3 Bdrm/One acre • Close to NGIC/Hardwood floors 484233 • $135,900 • New listing in Charlottesville • 1080 sq ft/3 Bdrm/2 Bath • Good rental/Investment 152 WILLIAM Road 480913 • $235,000 • 2100 sq ft/4 Bdrm/3 Bath • Full finished basement • Large lot/Close to NGIC Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 9 Gold Facts: Until the California gold rush of 1849, Virginia had supplied the U.S. mint with most of its gold. • Investing in gold is most appealing when inflation is causing currency to lose its value. However, critics say that gold is overpriced and risky, while at the same time it earns no interest as an investment. • In the United States, U.S. citizens were prohibited from owning gold from 1933 until 1975 in order to stabilize exchange rates. Does Fluvanna have the Midas touch? By Kristin Sancken Correspondent “In terms of commercial gold mines with the price of gold right now being so high, most of these prospects are still somewhat marginal,” said Gold has an allure as old as King MiSpears. “There’s a lot of existing data das himself. With current gold prices about what’s in the ground based on at about $1,350 an ounce, the allure historical drilling that’s occurred but has never been greater –especially in we’ve seen no evidence of anyone a county like Fluvanna, which has a showing any interest in coming out rich history of gold mining. and doing new drilling. We haven’t Virginia’s gold belt spans from seen anything like the activity that Fairfax County down to Appomatwas out there in the 1980s.” tox County, with Fluvanna near the Mary Turner, a Fluvanna resident center. Gold mining began to attract who has lived on the Cocke mine interest in Virginia in 1830 and was property for nearly 35-years, has nearly constantly mined until the seen her share of interested gold Civil War. prospectors. Since then, any “I had a Unitime the price of Fluvanna County was once versity of Virginia gold rises substangeologist came tially, interest in home to over 20 gold mines, 20-years ago and gold prospecting the majority of which are wanted to dig begoes up with it. In found in the eastern-most cause he thought a down economy he knew where people are looking part of the county along the the vein was comfor ways to escape, Goochland County line, and ing down into whether from day- some producing nearly onethe creek,” said to-day boredom or million dollars worth of gold Turner. “He got a from dire financial in a 30-year period. man up the road straits. But curto dig up a hole, rently, no one is but they didn’t getting rich from find anything. Other people have Fluvanna gold. wanted to pan for gold in the creek “Of course there is gold left is the down there, but they haven’t found gold-pyrite belt,” said David Spears, anything either.” state geologist with the Virginia DeNevertheless, the prospectors keep partment of Mines, Minerals and coming. “We pan quite a bit in FluEnergy. “There’s gold in the ground, vanna County,” said Ben Vaughan, cothere’s gold in the gravel, people pan owner of Lovin Gold in Dillwyn and it every weekend.” a member of Virginia Gold Hounds. According to some sources, Fluvan“There are quite a few abandoned na County was once home to over 20 mine sites. If you enjoy going out gold mines, the majority of which are and being in the outdoors and nafound in the eastern-most part of the ture, it’s the ideal possibility of taking county along the Goochland County home a little bit more than what you line, and some producing nearly onewent with.” million dollars worth of gold in a 30“When you look down there and year period. The freeing of enslaved you see that yellow you think ‘yes! people after the Civil War caused VirWe did something!’” said Richard Eaginia to lose its mining work force, ton, a Bremo Bluff resident and vicewhich stopped gold production alpresident of Virginia Gold Hounds. most entirely. 10 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Like fishermen, gold prospectors have their own version of “the one that got away” stories. “My wife and I don’t have any big mining stories simply because we’ve not been at it very long,” said Eaton, “but a lot of the club members have grand mining stories about the big piece they found and where they found it. If we found one of them, we wouldn’t be here talking to you.” • In 2007 China overtook South Africa as the world’s largest gold producer, the first time since 1905 that South Africa has not been the largest. • The consumption of gold produced in the world is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry. • India is the world’s largest importer and consumer of gold. Abandoned gold mines in Fluvanna County Map from the Fluvanna County Historical Society archive Virginia Gold Hounds members Kathy Lovin and Marty Martin dig for gold. Photo contributed by Ben Vaughan. Vaughan cautions that today gold prospecting is only a hobby and not something to pursue to ‘get rich quick.’ “A lot of people mistake it as an easy thing to do,” said Vaughan, “but when they realize it actually takes some good manual work and labor to find some good gold, a lot of people lose interest.” “On an average outing I can collect about ten to fifteen dollars,” said Vaughan. “We play the lottery too. Chances are about the same as finding a good pocket of gold. It’s out there, but not one has found it yet.” “The biggest restriction is having access to an area where you can get in to do the panning because you can’t go on private property without permission,” said Polly Eaton, Richard Eaton’s wife and the secretary of the Virginia Gold Hounds. “If you can get access to a stream, you can get access to those areas. A lot of it is knowing where to look in the streams, and that’s something that comes with practice.” “Pretty much all of it is private property,” said Vaughan, “but if it’s a named, navigable creek, it’s actually public property. If you have legal access to the waterway, you can travel up and down the waterway pretty much any way you want to go. To keep our gold prospectors out of trouble we say, ‘As long as my feet are wet, I’m on public property.” To find out more about gold mining and prospecting, or to join Virginia Gold Hounds on one of their expeditions, contact Ben Vaughan at [email protected] The 1893 flyer boasts of a 14 pennyweight (about ¾ of an ounce) gold nugget found in Long Island Creek in Fluvanna County. Courtesy of the Fluvanna County Historical Society archive. Prospectors take a break from mining tellurium which is often found with gold. This 19th century photograph was taken near the Stockton tunnel mine near Columbia. Photo courtesy of the Fluvanna County Historical Society archive. Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 11 Fifth grader wins spelling bee The Fluvanna Education Foundation held its 3rd Annual Spelling Bee at Central Elementary School on Jan. 14. Haley Kennedy, a 5th grader, won the Bee after beating 4th grader Kyle Lehnert in the final rounds. The two battled back and forth trying to spell words the parents couldn’t pronounce. This year’s list, which is kept secret, was the hardest ever. Haley will be representing Fluvanna at the Regional Bee at Monticello High School on March 12. If she wins the Regional Bee, Haley will be on her way to Washington, D.C. on Memorial Day for the National Bee. Central Elementary’s Bee was conducted by 5th grade teacher Patrick Wood, who handled the logistics with support from Assistant Principal Jen Valentine and Principal Amy Barnabei. The Middle School Bee will be held on Thursday, Jan. 27. There are 20 contestants. Kathi Driver (Principal) has been a great re- Students finalists in video contest Fluvanna County High School students Jake Eyber, Tara Sargent, and Maggie Shefski are finalists in Fox Richmond’s Lights, Camera, Take Action Video Contest. The team’s public service announcement video titled “One” urges fellow students not to drink alcohol. The students are in Craig Edgerton’s television production class at the high school. The video features Shefski and Eyber with Sargent behind the camera. The team has won a 16GB HD flip cam and will compete for a MacBook Pro laptop, Final Cut Express editing software, two tickets to the 2011 Teen Choice Awards, and bragging rights for herself and Fluvanna County High School as the 2010-2011 Lights, Camera, Take Action winner. You can vote for your favorite video three ways: 1. Online at Fox Richmond’s website. 2. By text (FOXD TO 67336). 3. By promo code (FOXD entered at www.papajohns.com). Voting ends Friday Feb. 4 at 3 p.m. The winner will be announced during the Super Bowl. For additional information about this contest, contact Craig Edgerton, FCHS television production teacher at [email protected]. Kindergarten registration starts Feb. 14 Haley Kennedy source to the Fluvanna Education Foundation in planning the 5th Annual Spelling Bee. Please come support these students. Tenaska Virginia signed on for their 3rd year as a sponsor for Central Elementary and 5th year for Fluvanna Middle School. 12 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Kindergarten registration for the upcoming school year to be held Feb. 14 - 24. Parents of children who will be five years of age by Sep. 30 are requested to register their children for kindergarten. Registration will be held Feb. 14 – 24 as follows: Assistant Principal Janet Harper Phone 589-8613 Columbia Elementary School Day registration 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Evening registration Thursday, Feb. 24 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Central Elementary School Day registration 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Evening registration Thursday, Feb. 24 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Cunningham Elementary School Day registration 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Evening registration Thursday, Feb. 24 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Principal Sue Davies Phone 842-3197 FOR SALE BETSY GUNNELS THE SMART CHOICE [email protected] Cell: 434-996-9797 for info & pics YourCvilleHome.com Information believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. w Ne ice r P Vaults, Fireplace, Finished Basement, Screened Porch, 2 Car Garage Large Bedrooms, Bay Window, Hardwoods, Finished Basement, 2 Car Garage Private Location, Open Living Areas, Huge Master, Lovely Raintree Built Elegant, Custom Built, Farmviews, Expansive In-Law Suite & Decking In-Ground Pool, Acreage, 1st Floor Master, Spacious, Close to Cville Waterfront w/Views, Contemporary, Excellent Condition, Private $199,000 ~ MLS 482104 NEW LISTINGS $349,900 ~ MLS 483468 $199,900 ~ MLS 479011 $449,500 ~ MLS 480011 $204,500 ~ MLS 482359 $469,000 ~ MLS 477145 2400 FSF, 4 Beds, Double Vanities in Guest & Master Baths $269,000 ~ MLS 482612 Open & Airy, High Ceilings, Gentle to Water, Gorgeous Waterfront Views $539,900 ~ MLS 480988 FEATURED PROPERTY Gorgeous Golf-front, 1 Level with Only 1 Step to Get In, 1774 FSF, Garage $184,900 ~ MLS 484199 230' of Outstanding Waterfrontage! Gorgeous 1 Level Living, 3 Car Garage, Expansive 4500 FSF, Absolutely Gorgeous Home, Gentle Lot to Water, 1st Floor Master Gourmet Kitchen, Pond Views. Excellent Buy Decking, Private Location, Gorgeous In & Out $399,000 ~ MLS 483866 CvilleRealEstateNews.com • AAA World is Sweet on Charlottesville • A Great Buy in Zion Crossroads • Looking for a Home with an In-Law Suite? • Aqua Sprinkler Meters • Lake Monticello Waterfront For Sale $520,000 ~ MLS 484024 $279,900 ~ MLS 480197 Planning to Sell in 2011? Betsy Gunnels Provides a FREE Home Warranty to All Sellers! Become a Friend of Betsy on and more!! Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 13 Fluvanna Middle School honor roll Principal’s List (Students who earned all A’s) Grade 6 Meredith Albright Emily Baker Victoria Belew Robert Bianco Erin Blackburn Conner Brophy Austin Brown Nathan Carney Cyan Coates Liana Coppola Renee Custer Emily Desgrosiellier Madeline Dunn Logan Edwards Madison Garrett Chase Gleason Emily Graves Adam Hackenberg Tyler Haislip Onae Harris Kelsey Holtz Natalie Hughes Anna Hurdle Nicole Kent Sophia Kershner Brendan Krett Harrison Lee Owen Leitzel Emily Liles Matasha Martin Matthew McBride Victoria McDonald Eva McGehee Morgan Milburn Hayden Miles Brooke Morris Jacob Morris Daniel Myers Cherry Nicely Isabella O’Brien Casie Osborne Delsahn Page Lindsay Price Nathaniel Proffitt Emily Rea Jenna Rea Charles Searcy Michael Shiner Jack Stanke Andrew Stevens Kathryn Stowell David Stuart Hannah Thomas Malik Washington Jameel Wilson Grade 7 Charles Backlund Kendall Baker Cara Boyle Glenn Boyle Keegan Campanelli Shannon Clarke Melissa Colver Jonathan Corbin Alexus DeMers Oliver Dubon Alyssa Feagans Brandon Hackenberg Mariah Hannan Hannah Holmes Morgan Kennedy Brittney Koczan Madalyn Messier Courtney Ott Jordan Persinger Katie Ruffa Mia Scalzo Avery Sebolt Eleanor Sechler Dalton Shiflett Taijana Simms Kate Stutz Brenna Williams Grade 8 Devon Burger Jacob Carney Meghan Copenhaver Kylee Dixon Austin Early Madison Kline Travis Moe Montana Nelson Bowen Reed Hillman Shiner Kelsey Silverman Lauren Staton Jordan Stowe Shay Townsend Hannah Truex Samantha White A and B Honor Roll Grade 6 Cody Abbott Victor Agee Nikola Bajs Wyatt Berry Elle Ball-Smialek Ellen Booz Christian Bourne Mathew Brooks Julianne Bryant Madeline Bryant Skyler Bushman Ryan Butler Joshua Carlton Hannah Ciucias Luke Clements Samson Conti Holly Cook Rebecca Crothers Michael DiFazio Keisha Douglas Marian Duffau Mackenzie Dugan Ryan Dye Chase Evans Hannah Farruggio Savannah Forren Zaquan Fortune Jakob Graff Mark Grooms Blake Haislip Carla Haislip Jasmine Hankins Angel Hannah Amanda Harris Zachary Hartzog Autumn Hellms Kayllee Hellms Brendan Houghtaling Jasmine Jones Cassandra Kingsley Donald Kirby Cayla Knight Tristen Koch Michelle Lafferty Matthew Lang Trenton Lawson Leah Lewis Christian Long William Lowe Brent Lowry Megan Ludwig Jonathan Mason Alexa Maynard Alexis McBride Wylie Megahan Jordan Melton Christopher Miller Trevor Moe Kaelie Moore Nakia Mosley Stephanie Nardone Pierette Nazari-Valashejerdi Raven Nelson Rebecca Newman Hunter Nowak 14 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Tyler Parker Shantay Patterson Chase Payne Matthew Rafaly Gabrielle Ramirez Savannah Rankin Connor Reilly Lydia Reynard Jacqueline Rodriguez Gage Salter Lucy Sams Alexander Scalzo Ashlee Schwertfeger Gabrielle Scott Micheala Shaw Aamir Simms DeJure Sims Kaitlin Stanton Joseph Staton Kyree Tanner Chaise Taylor Anastasia Testa Braden Turley Emily Valladares Kiera Via Destiny Ward Antonio Washington Abigail Wells Courtney Wells Davajinea White Victoria White Tyrine Williams Ashley Wipfler Jacob Woods Delonte Woodson Alyssa Worley Amber Yelding Grade 7 Carter Allbaugh Michael Apgar Aaron Avant Garrette Barr Shayna Begley Johnna Bland Bridget Bossong Ashtin Bowman Derrick Bright Wendy Bustillo Harper Campbell Brandon Cheung Raleigh Christian Taylor Coleman Michael Coppa Kayla Corredera-Wells Dorothy Cosner Walter Crouch Loryn Davis Patrick Dieter Haley Dillon Brooklyn Duenas Mikela Durant Sarah Edgerton Samuel Fleming Jamie Fletcher Jonathan Gibson Matthew Glass Andrew Grey Colin Grimsley Andrew Guess Olivia Haacke Dennasia Hagans Jacob Hahn-Fulk Avery Haislip Brett Haislip Matthew Hamill Noah Hanson Dionte Hardy Brianna Harris Alexander Heister Gwyneth Herndon Robyn Hightman Aaron Hummell Dustin Johnston Annaleise Kennedy Jacob Lawrence Evan Linkous Abigail Lintecum Marcus Luevano Taylor Lytton Corwyn MacBrid Heather Mayes Mikel Mayo-Pitts Lindsay McFarlane Kenneth McIntyre Rebecca Mirsky Brianne Monahan Christopher Moody Alyson Moore Kara Morris Savannah Nelson Timothy Novak Amber Pace Elizabeth Pantoja-Rodriguez Meadow Parrish Gavin Patrick Melody Perez Phaedra Reaves Brennan Rhodes Christopher Robey Tanner Roth Bryan Salopek Autumn Shepherd Andrew Sherman Rachel Signoretti Michael Snipes Tyler Stevens Kaylee Stone Emma Lee Strickland Nickolas Switzer Sean Trzaskowski Ethan Vaughn Patrick Wade Samantha Wagley Emily Warren Nicholas Washington Schuyler Williams Sarah Wilson Jacob Wood Michelle Woodson Tristian Worley Austin Zuspan Grade 8 Kiersten Allen Katelyn Almarode Jennesee Ashby Christian Baber Markyll Bland Julian Bonner Joshua Boteler Shane Bowman Molly Brennan NaTaryia Brock Lauren Cabrera Psalms Chaney Sloan Chittenden Kirsten Coleman Ryan Daly Hunter Deforge Rachel DeVore Cailin Dobbins Micaela Drayer Erin Edgerton Shania Estes Ryan Evans Ashley Feagans Michael Fragola Jordyn Frederick Leslie Haden Austin Haislip Christopher Haislip Ashley Hamm Michaela Hamm Dajah Harris Nicolette Harris Damon Hester Malika Hill Rashay Hills Cassandra Hobbs Jeffrey Hoover Casey Johnson Chase Karaca Kaitlin Kavanaugh Zachary Kent Jessica Kirby Hayley Kline Megan Landis Nathaniel LaRosa Ryan Lowry Taryn Ludwig Kellie Mahan Ross Marshall Makayla Mefford Sasha Morgan Hunter Morris Katelyn Morris Abbey Neifert Eve Nicholson Christopher Norcross Joseph Osteen Malaina Paige Stephanie Pellicane Savannah Perkins Jesse Rodriguez Abigail Ryan Juan Salazar Adele Sams Austin Sandridge Alexis Scott Kimberly Searcy John Settle Madeleine Shelden Benjamin Sheridan Erin Small Tory Stribling Clayton Strickland James Stuart Lauren Sullivan Morgan Symmers Kristen Thomson Anthony Walker Leslie Walters RyQuane’ Washington Dalton Wensel Cameron White Christina Wipfler Cara Wissinger Introducing Our New Hair Dresser, Shawna Call and Make Your Appointment! Dream Salon Spa Services • Appointments or Walk-Ins Cuts, Color, Foils, Perms,Waxing, Nail Services,Tanning & Personalized Facials Lara Gift Certificates Hours: Tue.Wed & Thu. 9-7 Fri & Sat. 9-5 Kasey www.dream-salon.com (434) 589-1022 Rebecca Helena Closed Sun & Mon Jefferson Centre (across from Food Lion) 265 Turkeysag Trail # 106 Refresh your body, mind, and spirit for a new year! Here is your ad proof. Please let me know Join us for ALL-LEVELS yoga if you want changes or not. (591-1000). at the Kents Store ARC Thanks! 3 classes weekly: Fluvanna Review 01-20-11 Issue Saturday (through 1/29) 8:30-10:00 AM, Monday and Thursday (through 3/3) 6:30-7:45 Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna PM. Review may not be reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review $12/class, discounts for class packages and ARC members Call 541-520-3122 for more information or visit www.evolutionaryoga.com TAX TIME! REMEMBER, FLUVANNA FIRST! WHY DRIVE TO TOWN? Professional tax preparation at a great price right in your own back yard! Free Electronic Filing • Friendly, Expert Service Fair and Honest Prices Check Out Our Website: www.Allbaugh.com We view every client relationship like a partnership, and truly believe that our success is a result of your success. We will prepare your return to your satisfaction. Guaranteed. Online Tax Preparation • Tax Services • Accounting Services • Bookkeeping/Write-Up • Payroll Services Consulting Services • Financial Statements • Quickbooks Setup/Maintenance Charles W. Allbaugh, CPA 434-589-7810 12 Centre Court, Lake Monticello • Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm weekends by appointment $25 OFF Tax Preparation Present this ad when you come in. New Clients Only Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 15 Home sales improve slightly in Fluvanna in 2010 301 286 314 50 $272,530 $233,165 $226,183 0 Houses sold in Fluvanna County 09 08 07 06 10 20 20 20 20 20 Average price of a house sold in Fluvanna County Fluvanna County Home Sales Excluding Lake Monticello $300,000 300 314 301 $/sq ft 145.79 151.01 138.75 $122.12 $112.54 Median 348,900 371,151 334,002 $222,000 $205,250 Low High DOM 60,000 725,000 118 85,000 960,000 115 34,300 775,000 124 $40,000 Lake 550,000 $123 Monticello Home Sales $22,000 $650,000 $88 Year Total Ave $ $/sq ft 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 286 250 $150,000 200 354 266 197 161 152 $254,813 $266,854 $255,323 $231,946 $230,570 $226,183 361 350 Total Ave Sale $ 83 $354,478 95 $250,000 $365,004 104 $305,125 125 $234,735 162$200,000 $222,067 $233,165 400 $272,530 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 437 $273,743 450 $292,683 Median 239,000 247,500 230,000 196,900 200,000 137.35 136.17 132.25 118.44 114.53 Low 148,000 120,000 132,000 100,000 95,000 $100,000 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 Average price of a house sold in Fluvanna County excluding Lake Monticello 10 266 197 161 06 20 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 354 07 20 20 08 20 09 20 152 10 197 9 0 20 06 20 07 20 20 08 161 10 10 9 0 20 20 152 20 Average price of a house sold in Lake Monticello $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 20 $150,000 8 266 $400,000 06 20 0 20 354 $230,570 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 $222,067 $292,683 $273,743 83 125 104 95 $272,530 400 162 High 575,000 700,000 612,500 750,000 685,000 $234,735 excluding Lake Monticello 300 250 200 $250,000 150 100 50 0 $200,000 Low 148,000 120,000 132,000 100,000 95,000 Houses sold in Lake Monticello Houses sold in Fluvanna County $300,000 350 $/sq ft Median 137.35 239,000 136.17 010247,500 2 132.25 230,000 118.44 196,900 114.53 200,000 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 $231,946 Lake Monticello Home Sales $305,125 DOM 118 Ave $ 115 $254,813 124 $266,854 $123 09 20 $88 $255,323 $231,946 $230,570 $365,004 Low High 60,000 725,000 Year 960,000 Total 85,000 2006 775,000 354 34,300 2007 266 $40,000 08 550,000 0 2 $22,000 2008 $650,000 197 2009 161 2010 152 $354,478 Median 348,900 371,151 334,002 $222,000 07 20 $205,250 $226,183 $/sq ft 145.79 151.01 138.75 $122.12 $112.54 $233,165 Total Ave Sale $ 50 83 $354,478 95 $365,004 0 104 $305,125 125 $234,735 06 20 162 $222,067 400 350 300 $50,000 250 200 DOM 150 $0 162 10065 125 104 95 07 06 5077 83 0 0 2 2 109 0 11306 7 8 9 10 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 103 $255,323 100 nna County Home Sales Excluding Lake Monticello $266,854 150 $254,813 2008 2009 2010 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 06 20 7 0 20 8 0 20 09 20 10 20 Information courtesy of CAAR. Graphs by Kathy Zeek. By Carlos Santos, Editor $230,570 $231,946 $255,323 $266,854 $254,813 $222,067 $234,735 $305,125 $365,004 the housing market in Fluvanna County? The statistics show a slight upward trend$400,000 in home sales for 2010 with 314 houses $350,000 sold, according to the estimated figures compiled by the Charlottesville Area As$300,000 sociation of Realtors© report (CAAR). $250,000 The report shows a solid upward trend in home sales in the county outside Lake $200,000 Monticello with 162 sold last year compared to 125 in 2009 and 104 in 2008. But $150,000 $100,000 last year, continuing a downward only 1526 houses were sold at Lake Monticello 0 7 8 9 1 0 0 07 0 09 08 $50,000 02600 20 20 20 200 012010 were only trend from the 15220houses sold 2in 20 But 20 sold in 2006. 20the 354 homes $0 nine less than was sold in 2009. 06 07 08 09 10 20 20 Lake20has continued 20 20 to fall Average house prices in Fluvanna County outside the – from about $235,000 in 2009 to about $222,000 in 2010. Average house prices at Lake Monticello have remained fairly steady with home prices dropping only about $1,400 from 2009 to 2010. “Home prices remained steady in the second half of 2010, a signal of possible price stabilization,” according to the CAAR report which looks at home sales in Fluvanna, Orange, Greene, Albemarle, Nelson and Louisa counties and Charlottesville. The report noted of the Charlottesville area that: “The results in our local market are in line with national figures. Home prices have remained steady and pockets of value are still attractive for buyers. The gradual float down of listing inventory and the stability in Days on Market all support the move towards a sustainable and saleable market. For now, we will continue to watch the inventory of homes for sale and the number of foreclosures coming into our local market. If we see inventory levels continue to decline and the pace of foreclosures stays steady, we can expect prices to begin a gradual rise.” $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $50,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $354,478 $400,000 $100,000 So how’s The least expensive home sold in Fluvanna in 2010 is at 488 Bremo Bluff Road. It sold for $22,000. The property was foreclosed on and it may be in a flood plain. 16 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 The most expensive house sold in Fluvanna in 2010 is at 13 Wedge Terrace in Lake Monticello. It sold for $685,000. Photos courtesy CAAR. The oldest home sold in Fluvanna in 2010 is at 35 Paynes Landing near Scottsville. It was built in 1856. High 575,000 700,000 612,500 750,000 685,000 MUSIC LESSONS FOR ALL AGES Offering private instruction for piano, guitar, violin, drums, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, banjo and mandolin Conveniently located in Fluvanna County within minutes of Zion Crossroads, Troy, Lake Monticello, Palmyra and Keswick (434)589-6923 for children birth through seven years old www.stevensmusicstudio.com “SAVE ENERGY AND FUEL COSTS We’re Local-Come See Us” Now Offering Expert Tire Service at Great Prices • ENGINE - TRANSMISSIONS • EXHAUST SYSTEMS • COMPUTERIZED 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT • FUEL INJECTION • A/C CERTIFIED SERVICE • ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS • TRANSMISSION FLUID EXCHANGER •VA. STATE INSPECTION • TOWING • COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER • TUNE-UPS • SHOCKS & STRUTS • HOSES & BELTS • CERTIFIED ASE TECHNICIANS • BRAKES & BATTERIES • LUBE & OIL CHANGE Here is your ad proof. Please let me know if you want changes or not. (591-1000). Thanks! Since 1978 Fluvanna Review 08-19-10 Issue ALL MAKES & MODELS designedAUTOMOTIVE Advertisements by the Fluvanna Review may not be CENTERS Home of All Star Auto Parts reproduced permission the accepted Fluvanna Review Hours: M-F 8:00 - 4:30without • Most Major Credit by Cards 434-589-1405 Lake Monticello 107 Crofton Place, 434-589-8652 Zion Crossroads 9654 Three Notch Rd, Here is your ad proof. Please let me know if you want changes or not. (591-1000). Accepting All Medicare Part D • CVS/Caremark Insurance Thanks! Cards! • Most Insurances Review 09-24-09 Issue Diabetic Supplies • Medical Fluvanna & Home Health Care Equipment & Rentals • Unique Gifts & Cards Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be Flower Shoppe reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review Grand inopgpe OpeFln ower Sh Jefferson inside the store a full service flower shop located th January 28th & 29 Custom Fresh & Silk Arranagements Gift Baskets for all occasions Local Delivery Must clear floors for all new merchandise Wire Service coming in. All gift and home decor 30% OFF Wine Tasting only Jan. 28th-4:30-6:30 pm 589-7902 Mon. - Fri. 9am-7pm, Sat. 9am-3pm 194B Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra, jeffersongnp.com Ask for Scarlett, The Flower Lady!! 996-4087 jeffersonflowershoppe@ jeffersongnp.com Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 17 Scholastic Bowl team battles district rivals CountrySide Upholstery Duncan Nixon Correspondent Home & Marine The Fluvanna County High School Scholastic Bowl Team traveled to Charlottesville High School on Jan. 20 to compete against teams from William Monroe High School, Western Albemarle High School and Orange County High School. As the host school, Charlottesville High School refereed the contest, but did not compete. This was the last regularly scheduled multi-high school competition of the season. The Fluco team competed hard, but was unsuccessful, losing all three of its matches. Each competition at a Scholastic Bowl event consists of three rounds of questions that are posed to a team of four students from each school. After each round the coach of the school can substitute with new contestants, so that multiple team members may compete over the course of three, three round contests. However, in this meet it was apparent that if a team has one exceptional competitor it can dominate the match. Unfortunately for the Fluco team several of their opponents had one such dominate competitor. The first and third round of questions in each contest are toss-up questions that the competitors can buzz in on to answer. These rounds are similar to the Jeopardy television program. The second round of the competition involves questions asked to the entire team. On these questions the competitors may collaborate and then provide a team answer. In the toss-up rounds, if a contestant buzzes in before the question has been completed and gets the question wrong his or her team is penalized five points. All correct answers in all rounds are worth 10 points. Interestingly, the questions are often quite long and the answer becomes more apparent as the question reaches its end. Accordingly, waiting for the question to be read completely may be risky, as both sides may easily answer a question that ends “and one of his best known works is Oliver Carroll Morse 434-589-4106 P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603 Kents Store, VA 23084 Your Computer Doctor COMPLETE PC CARE PACKAGE Assistant Coach Whitney Hawkins with her Fluco Scholastic Bowl Team. Photo by Duncan Nixon. Twist”. So, to beat the other side to the answer, the contestants must be able to buzz in with the correct answer before the question has been completely read, based on more obscure information in the earlier part of the question. The scope and the variety of the questions is quite daunting. Math and science questions are numerous and frighteningly complex to this baby boomer generation reporter. Questions on literature cover everything from the Russian masters, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, to pop authors like Vonnegut, and even beat poets like Ginsberg. Naturally, there are also questions on current affairs, politics, history, and the arts. And, to keep it a little light and current, there are occasional pop culture questions on subjects such as video games and movies like, The Princess Bride. The Fluvanna High School team consists of approximately 20 students, who are on the team through a self-selection process. In other words, there are no tryouts and students who are interested and believe that they can contribute to the team’s success are welcome to participate. This year’s team consists of juniors and seniors only. At this meet, the Fluvanna team consisted of eight students. Assistant Coach Whitney Hawkins said that Melinda Robey and Seth Stephen would act as team captains during this meet, and they were the two Fluvanna competitors who scored the most points for their team at this event. Other competitors for Fluvanna were: Kirsten Sites, Brenden Otten, Alex Otten, Kelly Douma, Richard Benvenutti, and Jordan Ruffner. The team was a little short-staffed at this event, as three of the regular team members were participating in a swim meet, and were unable to travel with the Scholastic Team to Charlottesville. The season-ending Jefferson District meet is scheduled for Jan. 26 at Louisa County High School, starting at 5 p.m. Henry Chandler & Company Tree & Landscape Care Your Professional Tree Doctor -An overall system tweaking and cleanup www.gravitysedge.com WE MOVED... in the new Sycamore Square office building near CVS & Rivehsyde at the Lake Computer Repair Networking, Training Data Recovery Owner Operated 77 Market St. Suite A 18 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 1. Spyware Removal 2. Virus Removal 3. Prevention Utilities 4. Window Tweaking 5. Disk Defragmenting 6. Window Updates 7. Software Updates 8. Eliminate unused programs $99.95 •Pine & Hardwood Mulching •Careful Tree Removal •Stump Grinding •Systemic Tree Treatment •Emergency Tree Removal •Micro-Injection Technology Free Estimates • Fully Insured for 2 Million Dollars Professional Member of International Society of Arborists www.henrychandlerandcoinc.com Over 30 Years Serving Lake Monticello & Central Virginia 434-842-5300 • Cell 434-996-8889 [email protected] Fluco sports in review Fluvanna County High School sports schedule By Sierra Durham and Jamie Paige, Fluvanna County High School Journalism Program Wrestling In a battle to defeat the weak and claim a championship title, Fluco wrestlers stood their ground Jan. 22 at Powhatan, taking home a third place victory over seven other teams. Although they placed third as a team, four relentless Flucos fought for, and achieved, first place rankings. Senior Christian Cherico, junior Ben Lacey, sophomore Justin Zimmerman, and freshman Skye Wiersma were all awarded first place undefeated titles. However, this was not the first, and certainly will not be the last time that the Fluco wrestlers have caused chaos for opposing teams. On Jan. 14 and 15, four Flucos wreaked havoc at Riverbend High School at the annual “Super 32 Tournament.” Cherico placed fourth place out of 41 wrestlers in his weight class. Zimmerman and Logan Walls placed fifth for their individual weight classes. Lacey placed eighth. As a whole, the team hopes to continue this trend throughout the rest of the season, dominating any team that stands in the way of their ultimate prize—the champion title. Swimming No question about it: The girls’ swim team is as strong as ever with the addition of a few fast freshmen. So far the girls have had three relay teams make state cuts, and six girls make individual state cuts. Seniors Chelsea Tomko and Riley Scalzo have made it in three events, while junior Morgan Reynard has made it in the breaststroke. The team also has three divers going to states: senior Melissa Messier, junior Yvonne Smith, and freshman Nicki Douma. On Jan. 15 Fluvanna participated in an Invitational hosted by Fork Union Miliary Academy and finished the meet in third place, close behind Charlottesville and Western Albemarle. “We showed we were really strong competition against AAA teams like Albemarle,” said Coach Connie Banton. Joining the girls’ team in the happiness of success is the boys’ team, which has really stepped up since last season. At the FUMA Invitational, the boys’ team came in fifth out of ten teams. When asked what he’d like to see the team do, Coach Jimmy Small said, “continue to improve and get a few more state cuts.” The team is already sending seven boys to state. They include: junior Devon Stribling and freshman Brice Campanelli for the dive team; Austin Dorsey in the 100 fly; the 200 medly team consisting of Ian Milburn, Spencer Small, James Barnett, and Dorsey; and the 200 freestyle relay consisting of Small, Barnett, Adam Connell, and Dorsey. The team was scheduled to join the girls’ team at a meet at Woodberry in Orange County on Jan. 25. Indoor track The Fluco indoor track team flew true to the finish on Jan. 15 at the Fred Hardy Invitational at FUMA. Out of a total of 35 teams, the boys came in a solid 14th place. The 4x800 relay team – consisting of Chris Markham, Ben Casto, Greg Edwards, and Kevin Hogan – placed sixth overall with a district qualifying time of 8:56.97 minutes. Sophomore Chance Parmly knocked out all competition with his state qualifying vault of 13’ 6”, putting him in first place at the meet, and making him sixth as a national pole-vaulter. As for the Lady Flucos, out of 35 total teams they made a dashing finish for 13th place. Going into the meet, Coach Rose Brogan said that she was “striving toward achieving district qualifying times for the 4x800 relay team.” Her wish came true. Also, the 4x200 relay team of Aesia Tolliver, Alyson Pieno, Emily Farina, and Greer Brown dashed for a speedy regional qualifying time. Hannah Meador qualified for state competition in pole vault with a height of 10’ 6”. Brogan said that she hopes to get “a few more girls qualifying for states, and we’re going to have to put in some serious hard work and effort to get there.” Boys’ basketball The sound of the basketball swishing through the net is all the crowd hears when attending the varsity boys’ basketball games. So far, the boys have a OPEN HOUSE Girls’ basketball Playing with almost a completely new team can be difficult, but the Lady Flucos varsity team is doing their best to rise to the challenge. The season started out a little rough, losing a few games. But that didn’t stop them from practicing hard and playing even harder. According to Coach Chad White, now “they’re working on skill development and fundamentals.” As a result, the team is beginning to show major improvement on the court. On Jan. 21 the girls played against Louisa, earning their third win for the season. The Lady Flucos beat the Louisa Lions 43-28. Hopefully, the girls will continue to improve. $375,000 • 24 Acre Ln. Lake Monticello MLS # 482234 434-531-0795 Cell • 434-589-7653 [email protected] Varsity plays after JV JV: 10-3 overall (6-2 District) Varisty: 14-1 overall (7-1 District) Upcoming games: Jan. 28, 6 p.m. Home vs. Orange Jan. 29, 5 p.m. Away at E.C. Glass Jan. 31, 6 p.m. Away at Orange Feb. 1, 6 p.m. Home vs. Monticello Girls’ basketball Varsity plays after JV JV: 6-9 overall (4-4 District) Varisty: 3-12 overall (2-6 District) Upcoming games: Jan. 28, 6 p.m. Away at Orange Jan. 29, 6 p.m. Away at E.C. Glass Jan. 31, 6 p.m. Home vs. Orange Feb. 1, 6 p.m. Away at Monticello Wrestling Upcoming events: Jan. 29, Freedom invitational Away – TBD Swimming Home swim meets are at FUMA Upcoming events: Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m. Away at Prince Edward Indoor track Upcoming events: Jan. 28, 4 p.m. Away at Woodberry Come See What "The Acres" has to Offer! $465,000 • 13 Acre Ln. Lake Monticello SALTWATER POOL MLS# 484395 • • • • • 5 BR, 4.5 baths, fin. walk-out basement Screened Porch, open floorplan Master Suite, luxurious bath 2-story foyer entrance Gourmet kitchen, granite counters • 2-car garage, • 1 Acre Lot • Impeccable & elegantly custom built ranch • 3 BR, 2 (full) & 2(1/2) baths, bonus room • Vaulted/Cathedral Ceilings & skylights • Hardwood & tiled floor throughout • KraftMaid cabinets, Corean countertop • Breakfast Nook, 4-Season Sunroom • Paved Driveway, 1 Acre Lot, landscaping Keith B. Smith Boys’ basketball Sierra and Jamie compiled this information with oversight from coaches Nick Ward and Darren McCauley and with journalism teacher Elizabeth Pellicane. NEW LISTING Sunday Jan. 30 • 1-4pm INCREDIBLE VALUE phenomenal 7-1 record in the Jefferson District and 14-1 overall. On Jan. 19, the Flucos went up against Cumberland and defeated them 82-53. When asked if the boys need to improve on anything before the season ends, Coach Jason Davis said, “We need to focus on running the floor better and continuing to be a defensive team.” Upcoming home games include Jan. 28 against Orange, and Feb. 1 against Monticello. On a side note, before the game against Cumberland started the players showed their appreciation to a teacher of their choice. The teachers received a certificate of appreciation. Following are the students and their teacher “appreciatee”: Lexi Maddox and Mrs. Sarah Miles, Allen Dike and Mr. Corey Banton, William Anderson and Mrs. Sharon Rateau, YaYa Anderson and Mrs. Danielle Mavrick, Darien Dews and Mr. Steve Szarmach, T.J. Dudley and Mr. Jason Barnett, Aric Edmonds and Ms. Martha Holt, Jordan Green and Mr. Bryan Searcy, Blake Hills and Mr. Horace Scruggs, Josh Hinkle and Mr. Matt Morrison, Taylor Lintucum and Mr. David Small, A.J. Ragland and Ms. Kristen Davis, Jake Smith and Mr. Aaron Miller, Spencer Tinsley and Mr. Mitchell Pace, and Jamal Tolliver and Ms. Jocelyn Stevens. The Y.E.S. Team Yonna E. Smith 434-531-0817 Cell • 1-800-765-3570 Visit www.YonnaSmith.com for Home Visual Tours [email protected] Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 19 SERVICE DIRECTORY Upcoming events Pancakes for pets Sweetheart dinner Our Lady of Peace is sponsoring a pancake breakfast to raise funds and supplies for the Fluvanna SPCA on Saturday Jan. 29 from 7:30 - 10 a.m. Animals will be available for adoption at the event at 751 Hillsdale Drive, Charlottesville. Our Lady of Peace will continue to accept donations from Jan. 17 until Jan. 29. $5 or donation item. To view a list of needed items, please visit www.fspca.org. Wesley’s Chapel United Methodist Church will hold its Sweetheart’s Dinner Sunday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. Menu: chicken casserole dinner and a chocolate heart sundae for two. Adults $5; children 12 and under $3. Bake sale and live music! Bring a canned good or non-perishable item to donate. Inclement weather date, Feb. 11. For reservations or for info, call Mandy, 286-4145. Women’s self defense Pasta for pets The Lake Monticello Karate Academy and the Fluvanna County Sheriff’s Department is co-hosting a Women’s Self Defense/Abduction Seminar on Saturday Jan. 29 from 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. at The LM Karate Aademy at 6337 Thomas Jefferson Parkway. Safety and awareness, self defense techniques, women’s bill of rights, legal do’s and dont’s of self defense, and what to do to assist with the investigation after an attack will be covered. For women 12 and up. [email protected] or 589-5282 to reserve your spot. $30. Fluvanna SPCA Pasta for Pets will be held Feb. 7 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Eagles Nest at the Lake Monticello golf course. Go to www.fspca.org for info. Twenty percent of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the Fluvanna SPCA. Menu options begin at $10 and each dinner comes with a small salad, garlic bread, dessert, and a drink. Century 21 photo contest The Century 21 Montcello Properties’ photo contest deadline is Monday, Jan. 31. Submit photos at [email protected] om. Entrants will receive a $5 gift certificate from Fluvanna Hardware and a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) on your property. All entries will be posted on the Century 21 Monticello Properties Facebook page and LakeMonticelloHomes.com. Winners will receive $100 cash, gift certificates, an attraction coupon book valued at $3,650, or 1% off sales commission of the listing price of your property if you decide to list your home within the next 5 years. Winning photos will also be displayed in the Century 21 office, published in a Century 21 visual tour of Lake Monticello, and published in Century 21 Monticello Properties ads. Rules: Photo must be taken in the Lake Monticello area. It should be a color photo. No photographs taken with camera phones, please. Maximum of five photographs per person. Century 21 Monticello Properties shall have the exclusive right to reproduce any entry photo in its advertising and promotional materials. Tea at Ash Lawn Not interested in hours and hours of Super Bowl Sunday? A proper tea with Queen Hortense, godmother of Hortensia, President James Monroe’s first grandchild will be held at Ash Lawn-Highland on Sunday, Feb. 6 from 2 - 4 p.m. Space is limited, call (434) 293-8000 for reservations. Best suited to ages eight and up. $12 per person also includes tour of the house and grounds. New Adobe users group H Users of Adobe software now have a local group for networking and support. The first meeting of the Lake Monticello Adobe Users Group will be held Feb. 10, 7-8:30. Location to be determined. http://lakemonticello.groups. adobe.com/ Miss Fluvanna pageant The Three Chopt Ruritan Club is seeking young ladies between the ages of 16 - 22 to participate in the Miss Fluvanna pageant on Saturday, Mar. 5. Applicants must be a resident of Fluvanna County for at least six months and be able to participate in the Dogwood Festival between April 12 - 17 in Charlottesville. Applications may be obtained from Pam McDonald at Fluvanna County High School or by calling Emily Payne at 589-8797. Deadline is Feb.12. Bees A beekeepers class, sponsored by Fluvanna County Cooperative Extension, will be held Feb. 25, Mar. 4 and Mar. 11 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Fluvanna Community Center. $25. Class size is limited, so register early by calling Erin, 591-1950. Cub Scout and Boy Scouts Informational meetings for boys interested in scouting will be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 24, at Zion United Methodist Church, 1674 Zion Road, Troy. K – fourth grade meet at 6 p.m. Grades five to twelve meet at 7 p.m. [email protected]. Chainsaw day Camp Holiday Trails, a camp for children with special health needs in Charlottesville will hold Chainsaw Day on Mar. 19. In preparation for spring, Camp Holiday Trails needs help clearing brush and fallen trees. The cut wood will be used during Summer Camp programs for campfires. Bring your own chainsaw. Sawing will commence at 10 a.m. and will wind down around noon with some hot drinks. 2 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | J a n . 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 Albert Shif flett’s Electrical Company BLUE RIDGE BAIL BONDS 24 Hour professional service Serving all Virginia jails Licensed & Insured 24 Hour Service Interior & Landscape Lighting Wiring & Service Upgrades Low rate: 6% down Tim Moody, DCJS ID 99-174283 1-877-589-9022 434-589-9022 BARBER’S Residential & Commercial Lawn Care Master Electrician with Over 40 Years Experience (434) 589-6954 Residential • Commercial Mobile-960-1139 MONTICELLO Lawn Care Full Service Lawn Care Leaf Removal 1st time Clean-up Curb side pick-up Scott Barber Owner Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured ORM WINTER & STP -U CLEAN Fall maintenance programs Hedge trimming • Aerating Fertilizing • Over seeding Tree Removal • Retaining Wall Fire pits • Stone patio's Insured • Lake Resident We will price match any licensed & Insured contractor’s price! L LEAF REMOkVA System Leaf Vacuum Truc Gutter Cleaning 434-981-6559 [email protected] monticellomulch.com 589-8675 Checks Accepted 953-4165 Located behind BP station by the Main Gate. Mountain Laurel Landscaping Starlite Heating & Air Jeff O’Dell Landscape Contractor • • • • • Landscape Design & Installation Trees, Shrubs, Annuals Retaining Walls, Picket Fences Walkways & Patios Service & New Installation Air Cleaners & Humidifiers System Upgrades Licensed & Insured Financing Available Locally Grown Quality Plants Available for You to Purchase 434-589-8218 434-589-1413 Local Company 31-B Conestoga Way Zions Crossroads www.starliteheatingandair.com [email protected] NEED A HAND? Ever ythi ed U nder YOUR One Roo f MAN FRIDAY l... Cal ng Y ou N e wInterior & Exterior Painting MAKE A NEW ROOM UNDER YOUR DECK wGutter Cleaning & Guard Installation System with wKitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Expand your outdoor living space wTile Installation wElectric & Plumbing Licensed • Bonded • Insured wHardwood Floors References Available wBasement Finishing wDrywall Installation & Repair J.J. Bevilacqua wAdditions, Remodeling wPower Washing wDecks & Screen Porches [email protected] www.yourmanfridayva.com w. . . and Anything Else You Can Think Of 434-589-8825 Licensed & Insured Serving Central Virginia Since 1974 Est. 1989 Custom Home Builders Edward B. Peed, Owner Proudly Serving Fluvanna County & Surrounding Areas 434-589-5075 www.taylorlynhomes.com email: [email protected] Joe’s Heating & Cooling For Total Comfort Repairs & Installs Doug Osteen 434-589-4113 Cell 434-531-4133 Robert Evans Owner • Master Plumber 434-589-3461 Cell:434-962-1378 [email protected] Basement Additions Screen Decks 3-D Design Licensed & Insured “Quality You Can Trust” 434-589-6739 [email protected] Free Estimates For Your Mold And Asbestos Problems 3535 Carys Creek Rd. Fork Union, VA 23055 CUSTOM HOME BUILDER CALL ASBESTCO, INC. Cecil L. Cobb 434-971-2543 Virginia Abatement License 3306 000040 Lake Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. Residential & Commercial Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance Full-Service Renovations Repair & New Construction Call Mike Kuzemka 434-531-4838 Kitchens PService Garages Basements PQuality Decks Additions PIntegrity Stone Facing PInsured Porches/Porticos Docks/Bulkheads PReferences Ceramics Free Estimates Roofing Dave Ahearn • Class A Contractor 434-989-2124 [email protected] Build/Repair the Way You Want It! Superio r L awn Care fo r Lak e M onticello & S urroundin g Areas at an Affo rdable Price 434-842-3953 Mobile: 434-962-4626 Class “A” Contractors License 2701 031199A VIP Remodeling & Construction Inc. SE • • • • • GOT MOLD? obb Construction, Inc. Licensed & Insured ION S I C E PR N LAW ICE , LLC RV Rating: A Let’s Build Your Vision Together! “QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON” C SERVICE DIRECTORY Ad ve r t i s i n g p r i c e s s t a r t a t $ 2 0 p e r a d Call Lisa Hurdle for details at 434-591-1000 Ex t. 29 LET US DO YOUR SNOW REMOVAL! We plow driveways and parking lots. Shovel sidewalks and apply ice melt. -Commercial equipment -Leaf vacuum truck collection system for effective & quick removal of your leaves! Local resident Fully Insured FREE ESTIMATE & SCHEDULING [email protected] • www.lakelawns.com One-Stop Home Beautification D&L REMODELING GOT LEAVES? GUTTERS FULL? Call now and schedule your leave removal or to have your gutters cleaned. Free e stima te s. Monthly, weekly, or one time service Locally owned & operated • Fully Insured 434-989-9247 www.pr ecisionlawnservice.webs.com Fluvanna REVIEW Have the Hardest Working Service Pages... WORK FOR YOU! To Advertise Call Lisa Hurdle 591-1000 ext.29 [email protected] 540-894-4745 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Decks & Porches Kitchens & Bathrooms Finish Basements & Additions www.dandlremodeling.com Smith’s Tree Kurt Lehnert S u r g e on s Home Topping • Pruning • Cabling Brush Chipping • Stump Removal Professional Take Downs Firewood • Free Estimates FULLY INSURED REASONABLE RATES Dane Smith (434) 589-2689 (434) 872-3814 Palmyra, VA 22963 Jan. 27, 2011 Improvemen ts Professional Licensed Contractor Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Tile and More... 434-242-4634 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 21 We Can Help Sell Your Stuff! T o p l ace y o u r a d $5 Classified: per Week for Two Weeks For $10 your ad will appear for two weeks on FluvannaReview.com (with FREE PHOTO) and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna Review 3 0 wo r ds o r l ess OUR WEBSITE with free photo: 1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds” 2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10” 3. Login or click on “Register” 4. Select a category 5. Write your ad and upload photo 6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal. GRAVITY’S EDGE: Computer repair, networking, training, data recovery. Free pick-up and drop-off (subject to location). Complete PC Care Optimization Package $99.95. Call 434-589-6600. Help wanted help wanted ANIMAL CARE WORKER: Fluvanna County animal sanctuary has opening for animal care position. Duties include: preparing and delivering food, cleaning dog yards/indoor kennels, cleaning cat rooms. Tasks are very physical in nature. Hours: 8am – 3pm. Approx. 20-30 hours/week – one weekend day required. Must be dependable, hard working and good with animals. Call 434-842-2404. HOUSE CLEANING: “Mary’s Mop ‘N Glow” – mature, honest, dependable woman looking for a few local homes to clean on a regular basis. Your satisfaction will be my personal priority. Call 434-286-3053. HVAC MAINTENANCE & SERVICE TECHNICIAN and HVAC INSTALLER & ASSISTANT Needed. Good Driving Record and Previous Experience is a Must. Great Pay. Basic Tools Needed. Fax Resume to 434-589-4937 or email at [email protected]. PRISTINE CLEAN: Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as needed. Insured and bonded. Free estimates. Local references. Locally owned and operated. Call Peggy at 434-962-2762. P/T DATA ENTRY: Fluvanna County animal sanctuary seeking individual to do data entry for our donor services area. Part-time position – 3 days a week. Ideal candidate will be computer savvy and have a basic knowledge of QuickBooks software. Attention to detail and accuracy are required as well as dependability and discretion. Hours: 9am-4pm. Call 434-842-2404 to schedule an interview. for salesale For COMPAQ PRESARIO LAPTOP: Excellent condition, Great Price $150. HP Desktop with new 20” LG LCD, powerful PC for only $250. SandS PC Service Center. [email protected] 434-589-1272 www.sandspc.com CUSTOM GOLF CLUBS: Two sets of irons, one with dynamic gold shafts, one with graphite shafts. Complete set of clubs, driver, 3 fairway woods, 8 irons with dynamic gold shafts. All clubs are experienced with winning services Services DOG SITTING in our home. Taking a trip? The family dog can’t go? Leave your pet with us. We will care for it like it is our own. Call Christy at 434-589-6356 OR pHONE: Contact Diane @ 434-207-0221 e-mail: Contact Diane at [email protected] FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Diane Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and cash. records, all in excellent condition, all are custom made. Complete set $200.00, iron sets $85.00 each. Plus, assorted drivers for sale. Call Emil at 434-589-3098. FIREWOOD for sale. $80 a load. Call 434589-6356. FIREWOOD FUNDRAISER: Supporting youth and other programs, the men at Cunningham United Methodist Church are selling a pickup of seasoned hardwood delivered for $75.00. Call 434-923-0494. Massanutten timeshare. $15K. Maintenance fees for 2011 already paid. 9622839. MODULAR HOMES: Why pay more? We will beat any modular pricing! Deal direct with the owner. Phone 434-392-2211 or web www. haleyshomesinc.com PREMIUM FIREWOOD for sale, $90 for a heaping pick-up load. Call Dane or Andrea at Smith Tree Surgeons 434-589-2689. STEEL BUILDING YEAR END CLOSEOUT: SAVE THOUSANDS! Canceled orders, repo’s. 30x35, 16x20, 24x25, others. Limited supply selling for balance owed. Additional Display Program savings. Call 866-352-0469. For for rentrent FORK UNION/COHASSET TOWNHOUSES: $ 850/month, 2 bedroom 1.5 bath townhome. Totally renovated 18 months ago. DSL available, central air and heat, W/D, dishwasher, pet friendly. Available 1/1/11. Call Arthur 434979-5530 or 434-242-8534. OFFICES FOR RENT starting at $200 in Crofton Plaza. Call Jo Ann Sears, First Virginia Homes, for information at 434-960-5121. RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE: 3,000 to 12,000 sq ft in the Home Source in Fork Union. Commercial warehouse available. Call 434-8425000. lost & found Lost & Found WOMAN’S WEDDING BAND FOUND: Woman’s wedding band found at Marisella’s Restaurant on Wednesday, 1/12/11. Call for info 434-589-6590. wanted Wanted FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for our “Pet of the Week” ad in the Fluvanna Review. Your name and/or business name will be printed in the ad as sponsor. Call Diane at the Fluvanna Review, 434-591-1000, Ext 21. Fork Union Community Market Your Locally Owned & Operated Grocery Store Where You Don’t Need a Card To Save Get Ready for the Big Game On Sunday February 6th With These Tailgate Specials! 16 pcs. Fried Chicken 21 pcs. Fried Chicken Tenders & (2) 2 ltr Pepsi Products $1396 $999 Deli Tray Small $1999 45 Party Wings Choose Hot or Mild $2499 Ham, Turkey, Salami, Provolone Large $2999 Cheese, and American Cheese Call Now to Place Your Order! All Pre-orders must be made by Wednesday February 2nd to ensure availability for pick up on Sunday, February 6th Check Out These Other Great Deals!!! Busch Beer 24 pk. 12 oz. cans $1299 Coors Light Natural Light 12 pk. bottles 24 pk. cans $899 $1299 4312 James Madison Hwy. (Rt.15S) Fork Union • 434-842-1031 Open Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.: Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Not responsible for typographical errors 22 | Fluvanna Review | Jan. 27, 2011 Pepsi Products 2 liter 99¢ Lottery / EBT ADVERTISING SALES The Fluvanna Review is seeking an advertising sales person to join our sales team. We will provide all leads. Must have Camera Adin good communication skills and be detail oriented.Ready Experience advertising and/or outside sales a plus. Generous commission. Fluvanna Review 03-12-09 Issue Fluvanna REVIEW Send resumé to: Carlos Santos, Publisher [email protected] Valley Publishing Corp P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Estate Sale C onducted by Nooks & Crannies Saturday, February 5, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday, February 6, 12:30 – 4 p.m. 10 Out of Bounds Road Palmyra, VA Lake Monticello Turn left on Jefferson Drive at the main gate. Turn right on Out of Bounds Road. House is on the left. Please park safely and respectfully. Partial listing: beautiful Wheeler & Wilson antique sewing machine, contemporary style leather sofa/loveseat/chair/ottoman, matching bookcases, 5 upholstered Parsons chairs, vintage 1930-40s funiture to include a dining room table - sideboard and mirror - china cabinet - library table - tall and short chests of drawers, E-Ton Sport 50 Scooter (only 1,000 miles), new daybed (converts to a queen), vintage mirror-back china cabinet, 5 piece wicker set, matching end tables, large entertainment center, large lacquered coffee table, painted hutch, full length Raccoon coat, 5 piece oak and iron kitchen set, display case, Precious Moments collection, Madame Alexander doll collection, Lenox, Lladro, Goebel, Dresden, fine Fenton epergne, TVs, Dell computer, large leather ottoman, cast iron lawn furniture, books, CDs/DVDs/VHS, treadmill, compressor, service for 8 Farberware “Bellini” pattern, kitchen items, prints, Weber gas grille, floor lamps, and too much more to mention! Everything is in super condition. Cash and checks only. Bring this ad for admittance to Lake Monticello. Inclement weather dates: February 12-13 (434) 591-6119 SOCIAL SERVICES BENEFIT PROGRAMS SUPERVISOR: Rural public social service agency. Duties include oversight of all state and local benefit programs and supervision of staff. Individual must possess knowledge of benefit/social services systems with supervisory and teamwork experience preferred. Salary $35,443. All state applications must be submitted online at http://jobs.agencies.virginia.gov/. Deadline is 02/04/11. EOE/AA Employer. NOTICE ABANDONED VESSEL Providing Full Service Veterinary Care for Cats and Dogs! Dr. Erin Davis Notice is hereby given that the following vessel (OWNER: William and Karen W. Downs) has been abandoned for more than 60 DAYS on the property of: Willie Macklin 8330 George A. Watkins Rd., Quinton, VA 23141 Saturday, January 29, 2011, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, January 30, 1-4 p.m. 50% Off! Monday Bargains! 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 75% Off! 1046 Blackburn Bluff, Dunlora, Charlottesville, VA Directions: Rio Rd. to Dunlora entrance to third left on Blackburn Bluff; house on left. Vintage cherry hall table, striped damask camelback sofa, beautiful rugs, white twin beds w/matching coverlets/shams/curtains/small chest of drawers or dresser/nightstand, rocker, mid-century modern black queen-size bed & dining table, lamps, pale green sofa, end tables, bookcases, vintage canedseat rocker, Toro Super Blower/Vac, wet/dry vac, wheelbarrow, ladder, lots of vintage 01-27-11 Issuecollectibles & more! Here is your adDescription proof.of Please let me know if vessel: Marquis-15’, Fiberglass, 1973, you want changesMRBA149CCMA or not. (591-1000). Application for Watercraft Thanks! Registration/Title will be made in Advertisements designed by the Fluvanna Review may not be reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review January &areFebruary Fluvanna Review 12-30-10 Issue (540) 832 - 1751 Here is your ad proof. Please let me know if you want changes or not. (591-1000). Thanks! accordance with Section 29.1733.1 of the Code ofFluvanna Virginia if thisReview vessel isAdvertisements not claimed anddesigned removed within days by the30Fluvanna Review may not be of firstreproduced publication of this notice. Please by the Fluvanna without permission BeverlyReview Smith • 434-960-4865 contact the Virginia Department of Game www.estatesalesunlimited.net and Inland Fisheries with questions. VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA Robert Joseph Kanser, Here is your ad proof. Please let me know Plaintiff No.10CL206 is your adCase proof. Please let m if you want changes v.or not.Here (591-1000). Suzanne Jeanette Kanser if you want changes or not. (591-10 Thanks! Defendant DENTAL MONTH! 20% OFF All Dental Products & Procedures! Call to schedule Wellness exams, puppy/kitten visits, spay/neuter, microchipping, surgery, dental cleanings & dental surgery In House Lab-blood results while you wait Digital X-Ray • Dental X-Ray Located at Zion Crossroads across the street (Rt.15) from Walmart/Lowes State, and that her last know address is: 6302 S. U.S. Highway 41, Ruskin, Florida 33570 it is therefore ORDERED that said Suzanne Jeanette Kanser is to appear on or before the 25th day of February, 2011, in the Clerk’s Office of this Court and to do what is necessary to protect her interest and it is ORDERED that the foregoing portion of this Order be published once a week for four(4) consecutive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Fluvanna, Virginia, and shall be posted on the front of the courthouse within 10 days after entry of this Order of Publication Entered this 29th day of Dec. 2010. Clean, modern, brand new facility M-F: 7:30-7pm • Sat: 8 am-2 pm 65 Jefferson Court Gordonsville, Va. 22942 ORDER OF PUBLICATION Fluvanna Review 01-13-11 Issue THE OBJECT of the above-styled case used is to obtain aFluvanna Decree of Divorce Review 01-2 Advertisements designed by the aFluvanna Review mayand not be vinculo matrimonii; reproduced without permission by the Fluvanna Review designed by the Fluvanna Rev Advertisements IT APPEARING TO THE COURT, by Affidavit filed according to law, that reproduced without permission by the Fl Suzanne Jeanette Kanser, the above-named Defendant, is not a resident of the Exit #136 OFF I64 John G. Berry Circuit Court Judge I ASK FOR THIS: Steven Shareff, Esquire Virginia State Bar Id. No. 24323 PO Box 729 Louisa, Virginia 23093 (540) 748-2176 Counsel for the Plaintiff Jan. 27, 2011 | Fluvanna Review | 23 to the left s for s y t! a to y d ho tes Onl your po Con t mit 1 Pho b u 2 s C 434-589-SOLD • 1-800-765-3570 THE Website for your real estate needs www.Century21MonticelloProperties.com Lisa Rogers 434-531-0064 Lisarogers86@ msn.com 2 Car Garage $ 207,000 Call Tom 434-962-1625 NEW LISTING Screened Porch and Saltwater Pool $ 465,000 Call Keith or Yonna 434-531-0817 Move-In Ready Gourmet Kitchen & Custom Built-Ins $ 375,000 Call Keith or Yonna 434-531-0817 2 BOLLING CIRCLE 7 CHATHAM LANE $182,000 Call Tom 434-962-1625 $235,000 Call Keith or Yonna 434-531-0817 First Floor Master Suite Over a $3,000 Value in Prizes & More To Submit Photos and Details on Prizes and Rules go to: www.lakemonticellohomes. com/photo-contest/ $150,000 Call Annette 434-987-4426 All Brick Rancher Sunroom & Hardwood Floors $ 199,900 Call Keith or Yonna 434-531-0817 To Be Built $ 244,600 Call Lisa 434-531-0064 $349,900 Call Lisa 434-531-0064 Only Days left to submit your photos for the C21 Photo Contest! OPEN HOUSE Sunday Jan. 30 • 1-4pm 30 PINE LANE 278 FOXMOOR ROAD Split Bedroom Design Short Walk To Main Beach $162,900 Call Tom 434-962-1625 $162,000 Call Lisa 434-531-0064 10 COLONIAL DRIVE $165,000 Call Diane 434-960-5856 $699,000 Call Annette 434-987-4426 23 FAIRWAY DRIVE Reduced $20,000 6894 WEST RIVER RD. $ 155,000 Call Tom 434-962-1625 Lake Front Home with Tons of Upgrades New Roof & New Heat Pump 8 DEERWOOD LANE Charlottesville Condo 290 JEFFERSON DRIVE 1218 CLIFDEN GREENE 9 OLD HOMESTEAD CIRCLE $89,900 Call Lisa 434-531-0064 17 SHORTWOOD CIRCLE Keith Smith 434-531-0795 Keith.Smith@ Century21.com Privacy & Affordability 1437 ROLLING RD Pam Turner 434-989-9255 PamTurner@ Century21.com 29 NORTH BEARWOOD DRIVE Sandra Hiza 434-960-3048 HizaSandy@ comcast.net 13 ACRE LANE Jen Sample 434-989-9246 JenSample@ Century21.com 24 ACRE LANE Larry A. Miller 434-960-9479 LarryAMiller@ earthlink.net 168 GOLD HILL RD S e e A l l L a k e M o n t i c e l l o O p e n H o u s e s a t w w w. L a k e M o n t i c e l l o O p e n H o u s e s . c o m Possible In-Law Suite $ 355,700 Call Tom 434-962-1625 Waterfront with Pool $ 575,000 Call Tom 434-962-1625 Tom Morace 434-962-1625 Morace@ sprintmail.com Kyle Miller 434-981-0799 Kyle.MillerC21@ yahoo.com Diane Miller 434-960-5856 Diane.Miller1@ Century21.com Annette Goodson 434-987-4426 AnnetteGoodson@ embarqmail.com Yonna Smith 434-531-0817 Yonna.Smith@ Century21.com Mike Rogers 434-981-8764 Mikerogers69@ msn.com Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274 www.cheimlich.com • [email protected]
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