Simplfied Restorations
Simplfied Restorations
benchMastery step-by-step IPS e.max system Simplified restorations IPS e.max System • All-ceramic system Ivoclar Vivadent’s IPS e.max System provides strength with esthetics • Indicated for cases from thin veneers to 12-unit bridges • 4-uni posterior bridges can be fabricated By Matt Roberts, AAACD, CMR Dental Lab, Idaho Falls, ID. Clinical images by Dr. Chris W. Campbell, DMD, Palmetto Dental Associates, Pa, Lexington, S.C. • High quality esthetics The design of this case was com- The IPS e.max concept comprises on technique now enables the fabri- • Lithium disilicate glass ceramic for single-tooth restorations plex. By using digital design it was lithium disilicate glass-ceramic (LS2) cation of 4-unit posterior bridges that • Zirconium oxide for long-span bridges possible to design the implant abut- – suitable mainly for single-tooth res- feature outstanding overall strength ments at the same time as the final torations – and a high-strength zirco- and high esthetics. restorations. nium oxide for long-span bridges. One • Exceptional overall strength Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. single layering ceramic for the entire Case presentation the IPS e.max System system enables a uniform layering A fully retracted pre-op photo was Ivoclar Vivadent’s IPS e.max Sys- diagram and precise shade match. provided by the clinician to assist to tem is an all-ceramic system that The combination of IPS e.max the ceramist in creating a diagnostic covers all indications ranging from CAD (LS2) and IPS e.max ZirCAD (ZrO2) waxup with proper midline position thin veneers to 12-unit bridges. used in the innovative IPS e.max CAD- and avoiding a maxillary cant (Fig. 800-533-6825 U.S. 175 Pineview Drive Amherst, NY 14228 Canada 1-6600 Dixie Road Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2Y2 Fig. A Preoperative view. Fig. B Diagnostic wax-up. Fig. C Digital scan of the restoration. Fig. D Full contour design. Fig. E Implant abutment design. Fig. F Virtual articulator. Fig. G Abutments in place on master model. Fig. H Restorations fitted on master model. Fig. I Zirliner applied to bridges. 24 dentallabproducts March 2013 benchMastery step-by-step IPS e.max Press Fig. J Full contour IPS e.max Ceram buildup of the bridges. Fig. K IPS e.max Ceram effect powders are in place on the crystallized restorations. Fig. L Completed case on the master model. Coloring is done after milling but before sintering. ders are in place on the crystallized restorations. The color 04 Hybrid titanium zirconia implant abutments were ducing the need for layering ceramic. Monolithic posteriors designed within the full contour design, allowing are possible with acceptable esthetic results and minimal control in the HT zirconia provides nice esthetics while re- proper shape and position of the abutments relative to final tooth position (Fig. E). The ovate pontic preparation for the cantilevered pontic is visible in the No. 11 position. 05 Fig. M The completed restoration. areas requiring implant treatment. 01 11 The completed restoration shows excellent shade transition from IPS e.max to Zenostar from laterals to The virtual articulator is used to check excursive cuspid, even with minimal cutback of zirconia (Fig. L). Note the and protrusive movements (Fig. F). The mandibular ideal incisal edge position following contours of lower lip (Fig. M). model is turned off to allow the viewer to see the collision areas in the design. These were adjusted to allow anterior guidance without posterior working or balancing interferences. A). The preoperative photo also shows the edentious layering produces exceptional results. 06 Conclusion The combination of good restorative treatment planning, good clinical execution, gathering appropriate models, bites The master model with the zirconia abutments in and photos and having a systematic, sequential approach place (Fig. G). Titanium sleeves support the zirconia to the final outcome of the case is what‘s really important. A diagnostic waxup was completed idealizing form and provide metal seats for the screws, greatly increasing All of the technology and great material in the world won’t and function and formed from Zenotec wax to be the overall strength and reliability of the abutments without result in a successful result for the patient if the restorative pressed out of the IPS e.max system (Fig. B). A silicone matrix of this waxup was used to fabricate provisional restorations. Note the tissue discrepancy in the edentious areas, the need to replace the space occupied by gingivia was part of the material selection and planning process. 02 sacrificing the trans-illumination potential of the zirconia. 07 Digital design for the anterior lithium disilicate crowns was outsourced to Wieland Precision Abutment design and zirconia bridge fabrication provided milled in-house on a Wieland Zenotec mini mill. All restora- by Brad Lyman and Tracy Egbert. The provisional restorations were photographed and tions were fit to the master model. Contacts, occlusion and surface morphology were verified on the IPS e.max mouth . The model was digitally scanned with 3Shape 3D CAD Design software at the same time as the prepared tooth model and the mandibular models were scanned (Fig. C). All 3 models can be used interactively. The provisional restorations are represented in blue superimposed on a preliminary design of the definitive restorations. The cross hairs can be oriented restorations prior to crystalizing. 08 09 About the author Zirliner was applied to the bridges in areas where IPS e.max ceram layering was planned (Fig. I). The full contour IPS e.max ceram buildup of the bridges was completed (Fig. J). The degree of with a full-face photograph to aid with facial orientation. The transillumination possible with zirconia abutments and trans- design was then refined to more closely follow the shape and lucent zirconia bridges is visible. The bridges were only cut position of the provisional restorations. back 0.6mm on the facial for esthetic layering. All occlusal, 03 A full-contour design was completed with 3Shape the higher translucency exhibited by Wieland’s new zirconia, software (Fig. D). The Zenostar full-contour zrico- very minimal layering is needed for esthetics. A much stron- nia bridges are shown in white and the IPS e.max lithium ger final restoration than more conventional substructure lingual and gingival surfaces were left in zirconia. With the disilicate restorations are blue. The zirconia comes in 6 design is acheived. The strength gained by minimal layering shades of translucent and one more opaque white shade vastly increases the use of zirconia as a restorative material. that we use for abutments to prevent show through of the screw or titanium chimney within the abutment. Both the translucent and opaque zirconia are shaded with Wieland coloring liquids to create color gradient within the zirconia. by-step to provide the final result the patient desires. lab Technology for milling (Fig. H). The Zirconia bridges were impressed to provide models to the lab that showed the shape and position of the temporary restorations in the process isn’t completely visualized and preplanned prior to starting the case, and then the plan is followed, step- 10 Prior to crystallizing, the IPS e.max HT restorations were cut back 0.2mm-0.4mm for incisal effect Mat t Rober ts, A A ACD, began fabricating esthetic reconstructive restorations more than 3 0 years ago and est ablished CMR Dental Lab in 1978, where he still pursues his passion for excellence in esthetics and function. A member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, he is one of only 35 accredited dental technicians. Roberts founded the Team Aesthetic Education program to provide hands-on training for dentists and technicians. A member of the L.D. Pankey Institute faculty, he helps teach the Aesthetic Solutions Program for dentists and technicians. A member of the editorial team for many dental journals, he also speaks nationally and internationally. He may be reached at layering (Fig. K). The initial IPS e.max Ceram effect pow- March 2013 dentallabproducts 25