Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2009


Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2009
our year in review
snapshots of fiscal year 2009
our mission
The mission of the north shore senior center is to support the independence and
well-being of older adults, enhance their dignity and self respect, and promote their
participation in all aspects of community life.
dear friends,
In fiscal year 2009, North Shore Senior Center’s mission statement
continued to be our guide as we worked to provide services and
support to seniors and their families. It also helped us navigate the
stormy economic seas that were challenging the nation as a whole.
Through our Social Service offerings, Lifelong Learning classes,
Volunteer opportunities, and Adult Day Service programs for persons
with Alzheimer’s disease, NSSC helps people live longer, healthier
and happier lives. However, we could not accomplish this without the
assistance of our volunteers, donors and staff.
It requires more than high aspirations to transform abstract goals
into reality. Thanks to the efforts of our 1,057 volunteers, we are
able to leverage the unique skills of an army of talented people.
Their knowledge and dedication help fuel NSSC and distinguish it
from other organizations of its kind.
Need new photo
Without financial support, we would not be able to thrive, grow and
take our mission to the next level. Our generous donors make that
kind of progress possible. Their steadfast support inspires us and
keeps North Shore Senior Center operating at a level of excellence
that energizes all those who utilize our services.
We are fortunate to have a dedicated staff that makes NSSC’s mission
statement the blueprint for their professional efforts. Every person who
turns to us as a resource is enriched by their care and compassion.
The combined efforts of our volunteers, donors and staff have kept
us on the right path, and are helping us chart the course for an exciting
future. In the pages that follow, you can read more about what these
individuals do for North Shore Senior Center – and why they do it.
A great and truly effective mission statement also anticipates change.
We are confident that our mission will guide the future of this organization,
as it has this past fiscal year, and as it has throughout our history.
Jordan Luhr,
Executive Director, President of the Board
John Cruikshank,
Chair, Board of Directors
Lee Seftenberg
with her daughters
Marilyn Bodine
Otherie Love
Lou Solomon,
Gene Chodash
and Mark Hutner
Lee Seftenberg, a Glencoe mother
of two, is a licensed clinical social worker who puts
her professional acumen to use in our Social Services
“I volunteer three hours a week in the Red Tape Cutters
program at NSSC. The purpose of the program is to ‘cut
the red tape’ so seniors can more easily access benefits
and services. This is accomplished by educating seniors
about the benefits available to them, assisting them with
applications, or advocating on their behalf. My volunteer
duties include helping seniors with Medicare Part D
prescription drug plans, Medicaid, Circuit Breaker, or
food stamps. It is a pleasure to work with many of the
clients as they are truly appreciative of the assistance.”
Marilyn Bodine, a resident of
Northbrook, is one of the dedicated volunteers who
works in Mim’s Gift Shop at the Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr.
Campus. “As early as 5th grade, I was a true volunteer.
Over the years, I have been willing to help and serve
many worthwhile causes. Mim’s Gift Shop makes
excellent use of my abilities and interests. It is a
convenient, popular shopping destination, and it offers
a wide selection of treasures and unusual merchandise
– some of it handcrafted by local artisans.”
“We frequently receive donated items that are brand
new and have never been opened or used. To me,
Mim’s is a stellar example of reusing and recycling at
the community level. We offer tremendous bargains
and our inventory is constantly changing.”
Otherie Love, has been a Volunteer
Peer Counselor for about five years. Once a week,
Otherie visits a fellow senior in her community to
offer her support and companionship. NSSC’s Peer
Counseling Program allows extensively trained
volunteers like Otherie to reach out to older adults
who might be feeling isolated or who are physically
unable to leave their homes. This confidential program
makes it possible for seniors to discuss their problems
or concerns with an understanding person who will
really listen – and who might have had similar
life experiences.
“I wanted to do Peer Counseling in Evanston because
there was a need to fill. I feel the program gives
the seniors an opportunity to express themselves.
Lots of times, they don’t want to talk to family. Peer
Counseling allows you to reach people who can’t
participate in other ways.”
Lou Solomon, of Wilmette, is the man
you’ll see onstage at Men’s Club meetings on Tuesday
mornings announcing the latest information regarding
NSSC computer classes. He is also in-house on Friday
mornings to assist people in the computer lab. Digital
know-how aside, Lou has a talent for getting things done.
“For two years, I have been in charge of the NSSC
Men’s Club Picnic and procure all the food and
other items, in addition to organizing the activities.
I am also a member of the Program Committee.
I have volunteered for the Center in other ways –
most recently, I helped out with the Flu Shot Clinic.”
Gene Chodash
, of Northbrook, is
another volunteer who shares his considerable
technological skills with the students in NSSC’s
computer lab. He teaches several courses and acts
as a coach for many others. Earlier this year, Gene
assisted 25 clients with their income tax preparation
as a volunteer through the NSSC/AARP Foundation
tax program.
“I have used my teaching and planning experience
to help people at the Center and I enjoy working with
the staff and volunteers. The people coming to NSSC
for both computer and tax assistance are in need
and most appreciative of the help they receive. I think
they relate well to seniors helping other seniors.
I have made many new friends over the past year,
which makes my time worthwhile.”
Mark Hutner, a resident of Glenview, is
a volunteer who can offer you a tip or two about using
your digital camera – or getting those images to look
great even if you miscalculate the exposure.
“I coach the Photoshop Elements computer class about
36 times per year. I also assist with the audio visual
and computer equipment for Men’s Club presentations.
I donate my time to NSSC because it has so many
activities that interest me and it was the first place
that I joined after I retired.”
Clif and Ginny Merry,
of Evanston, are members of North Shore Senior
Center’s Associate Board and longtime donors.
With fitness and flexibility in mind, Ginny takes part
in “Muscle Movers,” an exercise class that focuses
on strength and balance. As a volunteer, Clif teaches
beginner-level computer classes at NSSC and sells
ad space for the Yearbook and Buyer’s Guide.
The Merrys are particularly proud of their having been
involved in raising funds that helped bring the Center
to its current home at the Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Campus,
161 Northfield Road. They are also quick to praise the
work done at the House of Welcome.
For a time, Clif and Ginny served as volunteers at
the Joutras Welcome Desk. On occasion, they would
interact with participants from HOW.
“I know that they’re happy,” Ginny said, referring to
the HOW participants. “There were many times when I
would watch them when it was time to leave – and they
would go back in the front door, because they wanted
to stay. You could tell that even though the day was
over, they weren’t ready to go home.”
Joyce Fardoux, who lives in Wilmette
with her husband Ray, can trace her support of North
Shore Senior Center back to the mid-1990s. Currently
involved in the Quilting Group, the Humanities Group
and serving as Co-Chair of the Fishing Club, Joyce says
that she donates to NSSC because “This place keeps
me emotionally healthy.” While she finds the Lifelong
Learning programs enrich her mind (and the annual
Women and Spirituality Conference feeds her spirit), she
credits the Social Services staff with giving her “a great
amount of free advice about senior issues.” In addition
to her part-time job at Glenview’s Wagner Farm, Joyce
makes time to visit NSSC on a regular basis each week.
“For me…it’s a home.”
Bob Frick, of Wilmette, has been
involved with North Shore Senior Center since “way
back when the Center was still over in the Winnetka
Community House.”
He has been a regular donor to NSSC all those years
as well. “I donate because I enjoy the programs and
I find them very worthwhile and interesting. I particularly
like the music – such as when the Northwestern
University students perform for the Men’s Club.”
Every Tuesday, after the Men’s Club presentation, Bob
meets with a few of his longtime friends. “I usually
have lunch with several fellows I’ve known quite awhile.
We met through work, and they’re members also.”
John and Leigh Wilber,
of Northbrook, support North Shore Senior Center not
only with monetary contributions, but with the generous
donation of their time.
Leigh’s involvement dates back to when she served
as one of the members of the very first associate board.
“I feel that NSSC’s mission of providing services to
seniors in this area has significant merit. There is a
preconceived idea that older adults are always financially
and physically able to take care of themselves, or they
can turn to loved ones. In reality, it doesn’t work that
way. Additionally, people our age often don’t understand
how the Senior Center can help them.”
Leigh believes that NSSC makes good use of donor
contributions, and this has inspired her continuing
support. “We can actually see the results of our
donations. The efforts of House of Welcome and the
Social Services Department are something to be
proud of.”
John has been involved with the Center for more than
a decade, working on the Development Committee
and helping with fundraising. “My involvement has been
on the corporate side, primarily in trying to generate
support for the House of Welcome.”
“NSSC’s staff is enthusiastic. For example, in Social
Services, they don’t really consider what they do as a
‘job.’ It is more of a personal involvement. You don’t
see that in many organizations. And, that attitude rubs
off on volunteers. They get you enthusiastic about
what’s going on.”
Clif and Ginny Merry
Bob Frick
Joyce Fardoux
John and Leigh Wilber
our staff
Social Services
Administrative Services
NSSC’s Social Services staff is
dedicated to the well-being of older
adults. Whether seniors need in-home
services, caregiver support, homedelivered meals, adult day services,
help with community and government
resources, or education about senior
issues, our staff can be of assistance.
Sarah, one of our social workers, met with
Dorothy, a 75-year-old Wilmette woman, to help her
assess and compare Medicare Part D plans. After she
entered the client’s medications on,
Sarah found that Dorothy’s annual costs for the
coming year exceeded $10,000. When Sarah was
able to show her that another plan would cost her
only $5,000, Dorothy was shocked because she
didn’t know these differences even existed. Dorothy
is a cancer patient and may be in the hospital
recovering from surgery during open enrollment.
Sarah will be able to assist her via phone with her
enrollment if she is still hospitalized at that time.
Frances, a widowed Glenview woman
in her late 80s, was brought to NSSC’s attention
through an Elder Abuse and Neglect report. She was
living in a home with several building code violations
and unsanitary conditions. Her two adult sons were
uneducated about how to care for their mother. Our
social worker, Maureen, was able to coordinate with
the village sanitary department to work with Frances
and her sons to clean the home and fix the violations.
This included repairing the bathroom to restore
running water and installing a floor in the bedroom,
along with a new bed and window unit air conditioner.
Maureen was also able to coordinate with community
service agencies to get physical and speech
therapies and a visiting nurse for Frances. Through
the state’s Community Care Program, she now
receives homemaker services five times a week, and
an emergency response system. Her sons receive
ongoing respite services and caregiver education.
Norma, a woman in her late 80s, is the
primary caregiver for her 90-year-old husband Jack.
They have lived together in the same Wilmette home
for more than four decades. Tracey, our case manager,
met with the couple when Norma requested
information from NSSC about home care agencies.
Tracey found that Norma felt isolated and homebound
because she and her husband never left the house,
except to buy groceries. Norma was also concerned
that Jack was depressed and would benefit from
meeting with a “friendly visitor.” Tracey recommended
that one of NSSC’s peer counselors meet with both
Jack and Norma. (Through the Peer Counseling
Program, trained volunteers can offer confidential
counseling services to fellow seniors in their homes.)
Jack and Norma now report that they are more
connected to the community and less hopeless about
being isolated. They consider their peer counselor
to be “a new friend.”
Doris, a woman in her 70s, lives in a mobile
home park. The rent for her mobile home space
exceeded her Social Security income. Our social
worker, Amber, was able to intervene with the
management company and have Doris’s rent reduced
by 50 percent. This allowed Doris to remain in the
neighborhood where she has lived for more than
20 years. Several weeks later, Jean, one of Doris’s
younger neighbors, had the opportunity to meet
Amber. She mentioned that the roof in Doris’s home
leaked and needed repair. Through the combined
efforts of Amber and Jean, the management company
agreed to allow Doris to move into another mobile
home that is in good condition. Doris can live in this
new home indefinitely – and NSSC has also helped
her get on the waiting list for a subsidized apartment
in the area.
NSSC’s Administrative Services
includes Development and Marketing,
Volunteer Services, Finance, Information
Technology, Human Resources, Building
& Operations and Administrative Support.
House of Welcome Adult Day
Services (HOW) provides specialized
programs for persons with memory
loss from Alzheimer’s disease and
other dementias. Services include
a day program, early stage memory
loss programs, a family support
group, and community education.
Richard, a man in his mid-80s who lived
alone in his Winnetka home, was brought to
NSSC by a friend. Richard had just lost his wife and
was demonstrably upset. He had frequent verbal
outbursts and was increasingly dependent on
alcohol to assuage his grief. Our social worker, Alex,
made it possible for Richard to take part in weekly
therapeutic counseling sessions at the Center.
After working together for more than three years,
Richard was able to manage his grief, abstain from
alcohol, and was building stronger relationships
with his three sons who lived in the community.
He continued to receive nutrition education, housing
assistance and therapeutic counseling through NSSC,
and had also joined a men’s breakfast club and a
fitness class. Today, in collaboration with his sons,
Richard has decided to move to an assisted living
facility in the community.
NSSC’s Lifelong Learning programs
engage the mind, energize the body
and enrich the spirit. With the help
of many partners such as OASIS,
Lifelong Learning offers opportunities
for people to explore, experience
and learn.
Dennis and Martin, both in their
late 70s, are regular participants in North Shore
Senior Center’s Friendship Circle, a program which
the Lifelong Learning staff oversees. Dennis lives
in Lincolnwood in a single-family home and Martin
resides in Northbrook in a senior living complex.
Every Monday and Wednesday they arrive at NSSC
just prior to the 10 a.m. start of the four-hour
Friendship Circle program. Because Dennis has
early stage memory loss and Martin has Parkinson’s
disease, both men rely on their wives to drive them
to the Center. Once they join the rest of the group,
Dennis and Martin tackle volunteer clerical projects,
assemble stuffed animals to donate to children’s
hospitals, take part in the “Sit and Get Fit” exercise
classes, and listen to educational presentations.
They have developed a bond at NSSC and call each
other on the phone to keep in touch during the
week. Participating in the Friendship Circle has kept
Dennis and Martin connected to other seniors in
the community and given them exactly what you
might imagine it would: a real friendship.
Gordon, who lives in Kenilworth with his
wife Sylvia, had early stage memory loss and was
very aware of the changes he was experiencing. After
reading a newspaper story about Mind Matters, a new
NSSC program for people with early stage memory
loss, Sylvia contacted us and Gordon joined the
program. Next, they joined the Early Stage Memory
Loss Supper Club, a monthly dinner and educational
support group. They both found the camaraderie
and interaction with others in a similar life situation
was very helpful. About a year later, Sylvia was looking
for more activities for her husband, who was still
early stage and very capable. She enrolled him in
the House of Welcome’s adult day services program,
which he attends two days a week. Gordon sees
himself as a “volunteer” at HOW who is able
to help those who are more impaired. Often, he
engages others in conversation, sets up games and
chairs or helps clear tables after lunch, and seems
to find purpose in helping others. Sylvia says she’s
glad he remains happy and active, and calls NSSC’s
programs “a godsend.”
our staff
House of Welcome
Lifelong Learning
Statement of Operating Revenue and Expenses
North Shore Senior Center
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009
Contributions from participating members$ 442,683
Community Education
Other gifts – individuals and organizations*
Comprehensive Care – Individual Services 2,578,772
Special Fundraising Activities:
Buyers Guide
Annual Benefit
Antique Show and Mim’s Gift Shop
Support from United Way Funds:
North Suburban, North Shore, Northwest
Suburban, Kenilworth United Fund
Government Support:
New Trier
Evanston Mental Health Board 39,300
City of Des Plaines
Park Ridge
AgeOptions Grants
Activity Revenue (Lifelong Learning, OASIS)
Counseling and Case Management 1,130,362
Group Services and Activities 1,014,042
Adult Day Services – HOW
Management and Development
total expenses6,537,313
revenue over expenses $
net assets as of June 30, 2009
Unrestricted – O
perating$ 899,299
Property & Equipment$ 3,166,452
Service Fees and Community Education 3,320,883
Dividend and Interest Income
total revenue6,541,967
*Social Services are underwritten, in part, by The Harry and
Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund of the NSSC Foundation.
Audited by CJBS, LLC
e acknowledge with gratitude in-kind contributions from friends
and organizations and volunteer services from individuals.
Temporarily Restricted$
Permanently Restricted$
our donors
$100,000 and over
New Trier Township
$50,000 - $99,999
United Way of the North Shore
Village of Glenview
$25,000 - $49,999
Edwin J. Brach Foundation
Evanston Mental Health Board
Joan Golder
Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park
Louise H. Landau Foundation
North Suburban United Way
Northwest Suburban United Way
$10,000 - $24,999
New gifts received
July 1, 2008 through
June 30, 2009. The
North Shore Senior Center
gratefully acknowledges
members and friends
whose generous gifts
helped provide options for
health, independence and
well-being that enhanced
the lives of seniors and
their families.
Abbott Fund
Astellas USA Foundation
Paul Bechtner Foundation
Patricia & Norman Blankenship
The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation
Bridge Finance Group
The Arie & Ida Crown Memorial
City of Evanston CDBG
Franklin Square Foundation
Kenilworth United Fund
Charlotte Lindon
The Luhr Family
Margaret and William A. Maloney Family Foundation
Nan McMillen
Jean Meltzer
Reed Parker
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
Leah Westerman
Ann S. Wolff
$5,000 - $9,999
City of Des Plaines
Carla M. Dehmlow
Elizabeth S. Guenzel
Miriam Hoover
Kenilworth Union Church
Molly B. Lazar
Anne P. Lederer Research Institute
William A. Maloney
Elinor and Maynard Marks Fund of The Chicago Community Trust
Richard M. Morrow
Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr.
Northfield Township
John & Betsey Puth
Susan B. & Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz
Christie L. Savage
Jean P. Stremmel
Village of Skokie
Rita & Tuck Weaver
$2,500 - $4,999
Florence H. Boone
Brookdale Foundation Group
Shirley & Roland Calhoun
Mary Anne & Joseph Cappo
Kathryn J. Chieger
Classic Residence by Hyatt
Nancy & Dewey Crawford
Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
for Charities
Glenview State Bank
Robert F. Gudmundsen
Mr. & Mrs. Burton W. Hales
Harris Bank, Winnetka
Harris N.A.
Hefter, Leshem, Margolis Capital Management
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mather LifeWays
Carol & Bert Maxon
Lois & Hugo Melvoin
Northbrook Bank and Trust Co.
NorthShore University HealthSystem Foundation
Diana & Bruce Rauner
Stepan Company
Elinor & Quentin G. Swiger
The PrivateBank
Village of Park Ridge
Annabelle & Omer G. Voss
Whitehall of Deerfield
Winnetka Congregational Church Benevolence
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Wolff
$1,000 - $2,499
John R. Alden
Margaret B. Allyn
Connie Anderson
Judith L. & Robert D. Appelbaum
Jane & Thomas Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Aschauer, Jr.
Dodie Baumgarten
Mr. & Mrs. John Berry
Mehroo & Keki Bhote
Nancy & George Bodeen
Lucy & Kirk Borland
Lorry & Jim Borowitz
Richard J. Bowman
Mrs. Charles Brashears
Chestnut Square at the Glen and Bethany Terrace
Alice G. Childs
Christ Church Benevolence
Robert H. & Terri L. Cohn Family
Martha M. Cray
Myrna & John Cruikshank
Molly & Julian D’Esposito
Margaret O’Malley DeSylvester Charitable Foundation
Denis & Penny Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feitler
Gene & Jack Flynn
Elaine S. Frank
Fred’s Winnetka Service
Mrs. Isabel L. Gallagher
Robert B. Gelbort & Jean Gelbort
The Geraldi Norton Foundation
Melinda & Raymond Geraldson
Glencoe Union Church
Glenview Women of Today
Mr. Robert H. Goldberg
Francoise & Fred Gougler
Mary Winton Green
Katherine & Alfred Hackbarth
Ginny & William Hagerty
Mrs. William M. Hales
Ms. Barbara Hamilton
Joan & Emmett Hammond
Harris Bank Foundation
Marie W. & Kenneth A. Harris
Joie & Tom Harris
Mrs. John M. Hartigan
Mary P. Hines
Home Instead Senior Care
F. B. Hubachek, Jr.
Mrs. Harry Jacobs
Sandi & Bruce Johnson
Richard L. & Beverly P. Joutras
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kepler
Sharon L. King
Burt & Caryl Lasko
Mr. Richard A. Lenon
Margaret & Tom Lillard
Richard J. Loewenthal
Martha & John Mabie
Mardie MacKimm
Maga Limited Group
Kathryn & Tim McDonnell
Mrs. Margot T. Merrick
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation
William Muenster
Niles Township
Northbrook Woman’s Club Foundation, Inc.
Northfield Community Church
Not for Profit
Mr. Hershel Oliff
Courtney Paddock
Lucy & David Peterson
Sue & Tom Pick
Pioneer Press Charitable Foundation
Peggy Redding
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Roberts
Rotary Club of Evanston
Anne & Barry Sabloff
Lois & John Sachs
Max Segel & Julia L. Segel
Nancy & Ronald Semerdjian
Sidley Austin Foundation
Mitchell & Valerie Slotnick
Nancy & Gerald Spore
Suzanne & Fred Stitt
Walter & Betty Wallin
Edna & Arnold Weber
Joan & H. Blair White
Leigh & John Wilber
Winnetka Congregational Church - Mission Giving
Woman’s Club of Evanston
$500 - $999
Mrs. Jean Babson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bachmann
Mrs. Julie Baer
Bank of America
Joan & Julian Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Block
Ms. Marcia Bogolub & Mr. Phil Kaplan
Corrine & Louis Bowman
Mary & John Bradbury
Mrs. Inge H. Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum
Jay & Carol Buck
Susanne B. Bush-Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Byron
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cole
Jane B. & John C. Colman
Constance & Mark Crane
Harriet D. & John W. Damisch
Mr. David R. Denis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson
First Bank and Trust
Mel Frankel
Robert H. Frick
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Galvin
Mrs. Shirley F. Gately &
Mr. John W. Straub
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Gilmore, Jr.
Glenview Terrace
Global Impact/UBS Foundation
Jan & Jay Goldman
Mrs. Joy A. Gordon
Barcy & Millard Grauer
Ann Perks & Larry Green
Guardian Home Health Care LLC
Ms. Marilyn Gustafson
Margaret Hamilton
Junia & Andy Hedberg
Barbara & Jim Herst
Mr. Richard B. Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hirsh
Ann Hook
Ms. Lynn Hughitt &
Mr. James Shaeffer
Jack & Louise Jadel
Pat & Arnie Karr
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Klein
Josephine L. Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lems
Mr. Robert Leopold
Ferne Levy
Lieberman Center for Health & Rehabilitation
ManorCare of Northbrook
Ron & Kay Mantegna
Barbara Marshall
Mrs. Anne S. Martin
Ms. Suzanne E. Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mauk
Doris & Jeremiah McAuliffe
Bill & Dede McKnight
William G. McNulty, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Melamed
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Melinger
Virginia & Clifton Merry
Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care Center
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Miller
Jane Mueller
Mildred Myers
Mrs. J. Jay Nichols
Northfield Lions Club
NSSC Senior Stompers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Oberman
Dixie Paine
Peggy Pendry
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Petry
Mrs. Ruth B. Powell
Mrs. Merle Reskin
Eleanor & William Revelle
Mrs. Mary F. Reynolds
Nancy & John Robinson
Donna & Richard Rosenberg
Babs Rosenthal
Mrs. Harold Rosenzweig
Rotary Club of Evanston - Lighthouse Foundation
Dorothy Schnadig
Marcia G. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Schroedter
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Schwenk
Ellie & Frederick Schwimmer
Sallie & Jack Scott
Ann & John Searles
Ms. Lois Sears
The Seasons at Glenview Place
Mr. & Mrs. John Seng
Mary & Charles Shea
Margery Shurman
Mr. & Mrs. Claude A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Max Stokes
James Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Strobel
Mrs. John C. Sturgis
Sunrise Senior Living
Mr. Thomas Swaney
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Swerdlow
Bobbette & Sanford Takiff
Patricia L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Thomas
Marilyn Vocker
Elizabeth C. Warren
Weinberg Community for Senior Living
Carolyn H. Weinstein
Barbara & Tom Wick
Mrs. Charlene S. Wiss
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Yohanan
$250 - $499
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Abell
Mr. Burton R. Abrams
Dr. & Mrs. Irving J. Adatto
Mr. Philip Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Milford Ardell
Arden Courts of Northbrook
Arthur Goldner & Assoc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Balkin
Mrs. Sally A. Barthel
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Beggan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad
Mr. & Mrs. Xerxes K. Bhote
Mrs. Irwin Biederman
Kathleen & Thomas Bindley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Bliss
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Block
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bornhoeft
Jane & Hugh Brower
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Burden
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Cantor
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Charhut
Kenneth H. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Crowe
Mr. & Mrs. Chase S. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Dauten
Ms. Colleen Detjen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Doub
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Downe
Mr. & Mrs. John Dyrud
Mr. Steve Edwards
Mrs. Arleen Eichengreen
Suzanne M. Timble & Scott Ellwood
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry EtsHokin
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Fink
Mrs. Guy Fishman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fitch
Kevin W. Fitzsimons
Mrs. Gloria Flanzer
Mrs. Leonard Florsheim, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Forester, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Halbert Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin W. Frazier
Rhoda & Lewis Freyer
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Garoon
Mrs. Jane Geldermann
Ms. Nancy E. Gibson-Vydra
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Golden
Rabbi & Mrs. Douglas H. Goldhamer
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Goodman
Barbara Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray
Molly L. Green
Erika & Dietrich Gross
Mr. & Mrs. William Guyton
Mrs. Milnore Hall
Mr. Alan H. Hammerman & Dr. Myrna L. Hammerman
Ms. Adrian Hashai
Mrs. Lois R. Heald
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Held, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret A. Hemphill
Mrs. Phyllis Heyman
Paul Hoffmann
Sheila & Robert Hulseman
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Jaquith
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Jessen
Mr. Robert Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Kadjan
Mrs. Susan F. Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Burton B. Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Karger
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Karmin
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Karr
Ms. Judith E. Kearns
Mr. William K. Kellogg III
Ms. Jean C. King
Burt Kleinman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kurz
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Lapping
Chris & Reyn Leutz
Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Livingston, Jr.
Mr. Matthew J. Lustig
Janet Lyman
Mr. Maurice Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Massel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. James A. McClung
Mr. P. K. McLaughlin
Ms. Margot McMillen
Ms. Patricia McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Meier
Metrix Illinois, Inc
Janet & George Metzger
Mrs. A. Gerson Miller
Mr. Marvin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Millner
Mrs. Milton Minkin
Nancy & Carl Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Muir
The Neighbors of Kenilworth
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Nimer
Dorothy & Richard Nopar
Seymour Nordenberg &
Sylvia Wolfson
Northridge Women’s Club
of Wilmette
Mrs. Mina W. Ogden
Mr. Steven D. Olson
Mary Lu Osterberg & Mark Kotz
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Patterson, Jr.
Carl & Barbara Plochman
Polk Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Elvin G. Powell
Westminster Place of Presbyterian Homes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Prince
Mr. Jack P. Prybylski
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Rahe
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Redding
ResCare, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Reynolds
Right at Home
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Robbin
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Rohrabaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Sol A. Rosen
Ann Roth
Don Roth’s Blackhawk
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Rouse
Mrs. Jean S. Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Scheyer
Dr. & Mrs. Melvyn H. Schwartz
Mr. Leonard Selinsky
Ms. Launa Shanaman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sickle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silberman
Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein
Mrs. Barbara Steinschneider
Doris F. Sternberg
Mr. Lee H. Stiles
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Suttle
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr.
Synergy Home Care of the North Shore
The Handelsman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thigpen
Carl & Marilynn Thoma
Mrs. Robin S. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Sherwyn Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Watson
Dey Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Weiner
Mrs. Barbara H. West
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wetoska
Nancy & Don Whiteman
Mrs. Betty Jane Williams
Jane Woldenberg
Mr. Robert F. Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Zoub
$100 - $249
Mrs. & Mrs. Elliott Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Ackerman
Mrs. Arthur M. Adler, Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Agatston
Mrs. Barbara W. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Allen
Rev. & Mrs. Paul S. Allen
Mrs. Ruth Allen
Mr. Robert Alpert
Elaine F. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Anderson
Mrs. Carolyn Andress
Mr. James Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Angell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Annenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Armstrong
Ms. Helen L. Arnolds
Mr. Thomas J. Aronson
Ms. Candace Austin
Ms. Jeanne Ayers
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Badger
Robert W. Baird Co. Incorporated
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baird
Lun Ye Crim & Morris Barefield
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Barkley
Mrs. Morton J. Barnard
John Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Barron
Ms. Peggy A. Bartelstein &
Mr. William Gurolnick
Charles & Ann Bartling
Mrs. Harriette Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. G. Kirk Bennett
Mr. Fred L. Berns
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Berns
Mr. Howard Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Asher J. Birnbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Blumberg
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boden
Vicki & Edwin Bosler
Mr. & Mrs. William Boyd
Mrs. Patricia L. Breen
Mrs. Linda H. Breuer
Mrs. Eleanor C. Briggs
Ms. Janet Brookman
Ms. Kathryn Y. Brown
Lindsay & Paulette Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Brown
Mr. Richard Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bryan
Mrs. Elizabeth Buino
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Bush, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Butler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Callahan
Capital Resource Management, Inc.
Ms. Kathryn Carley
Mr. William T. Carlin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Carlson
Mrs. Betty A. Carr
Dr. & Mrs. Leon Carrow
Mrs. Constance K. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Chapin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cherrey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chookaszian
Mr. Krishan S. Chopra
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Clarke
Ms. Carol A. Cleave
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Cleland
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Clingan
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick G. Coggin
Mrs. Louise M. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cohn
Mrs. Jim Cole
Mrs. Ellen P. Collier
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Corfield
Mr. Adolph Cramer
Mrs. Sara Crome
Elizabeth & Stephen Cummings
Michelle & Stephen Cummings
Ms. Laura Daniels
Mr. Richard E. Davis
Mr. Claude F. Deemer
Mr. & Mrs. John Deimel
Ms. Deborah Demanno
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Dickman
Mr. & Mrs. James Dietz
Jeanne & Pat Doherty
Mr. Charles Dolan
Mrs. E. Patricia Donaldson
Mrs. Grace N. Donnellan
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Donohoe
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. J. Wallace Duncan
Mr. James Eisenberg
Dr. & Mrs. James Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Ewing
Mr. Ward Farnsworth
Mr. Jim Farrell
Karen & Dan Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Feibel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Fenner
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Finney
Mr. & Mrs. Justin M. Fishbein
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Fishman
Mr. Pat Foley
Ms. Elaine M. Frantik
Carla & Mark Frisch
Mr. Alvin Frishman
Melvin Froehlich
Ms. Hollis Fromm
Dr. & Mrs. Willard A. Fry
Muriel & Maurice Fulton
Mrs. Barbara G. Garner
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Garvin
Mr. Raymond Geimer
Dr. Margaret Gerber
Ms. Judy Gerstein
Adele B. Gidwitz
Mr. Robert Gielow
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gilford
GivingExpress/American Express
Mrs. Melba L. Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Isadore Goldberg
Ms. Lorraine B. Goldman
Mrs. Karla Goldschmidt
John Goodall & Roberta Ellerman Goodall
Mrs. Eve M. Gorman
Roy Gottlieb
Mrs. Richard Gough
Ms. Mary Ann Grannemann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grant
Mrs. Gunhild W. Grashorn
Dr. Nathaniel D. Greenberg
Mr. Ray H. Greenblatt
Mrs. Nancy R. Greenebaum
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Grobelny
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gross
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Grosser
Mr. Jeffrey Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Grossman
Mrs. Bess Grossweiner
Ms. Zenia Grzegorzewski
Mr. Melvin E. Guthrie, Jr.
Mrs. Gerald Hahn
Ms. Gloria Halevy
Mr. William P. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hamilton
Ms. Iris B. Hamity
Mrs. Thelma W. Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Hartman
Ms. Doris Harvel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Harza
Mr. & Ms. Simeon M. Hickman
Mrs. Ann B. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hill
Denise H. Hinchman
Mrs. Robert Hohf
John H. Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Horn
Mrs. Nancy A. Horner
Mrs. June L. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Howe
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Huels
Mrs. Yvonne Hurlbutt
Mr. John Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Johnson
Mr. Horace W. Jordan
Mr. Paul H. Kaar
Mr. Bruce T. Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Kambich
Carole & Calvin Kanter
Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Kaplan
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Kaplan
Mrs. Jack Karp
Ms. Ellen Karpell
Ms. Evelyn E. Karzen
Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Katz
Beth Wright & Julie Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Silas Keehn
Mrs. Cathy Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Kent
Miss Betty Lou Kinnett
Mrs. Kathy Klawans
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Klemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knight
Mrs. Dorothy Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Konstant
Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Korey
Mrs. Edie Korman
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Krone
Mr. William Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lake
Lakeside Congregation for
Reform Judaism
Mr. Elroy F. Langill
Mr. Gerald Leeb
Jack & Sandy Levin
Mr. & Ms. Sam Levin
Gen. & Mrs. William P. Levine
Mr. Marvin Levinson
Ms. Roslyn Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. David Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Selwyn L. Levy
Ms. Miriam W. Lewis
Ms. Sandi Libert
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Lichtenstein
Nancy Liebschutz
Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Lind
Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Lindermeier
Ms. Joan W. Lipe
Mrs. Robert R. Lipsky
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lisle
Mr. Terrance K. Livingston
& Ms. Debra Cafaro
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Loeb
Jane & Robert Logan
Ms. Jane Lord
Mrs. Avis R. Lovelace
Mrs. Blossom Lowenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Claude A. Lucchesi
Mr. George Luscombe
Chief & Mrs. William Lustig
Fran Mabley
Cynthia MacFarl & Mrs. Nancy Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mallman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Marcus
Mr. Frank Mareci
Mrs. Cynthia J. Marty
Mrs. Barbara S. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. James Maynard
Mr. Robert McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. William McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. John McInnis
Mr. Earl Meltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Mikos
Ms. Arlene S. Mill
Ms. Elinor Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Miller
Mr. Russell G. Miller
Mrs. Sydney C. Miller
Mrs. Joanne Miner
Jean Mishima
Betty Mitchell
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Mitchell
Dr. Floyd Mittleman
Mr. J. Clifford Moos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morette
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Morton
Ms. Sondra V. Mount
Mrs. Karen Mouscher
Ms. Miu Moy
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mueller
Ms. Helen Neal
Joan N. Neil
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Nelson
Nancy Nicholson & Joseph Zurawski
Niles Township Interagency Network
Marilyn & Armand O. Norehad
NSSC Men’s Golf Group
NSSC Profits & Pitfalls
Frances M. O’Brien
Tom O’Brien
Miss Sally Olds
Ms. Roberta Olshansky
Mr. & Mrs. Mort E. Oman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Regan
Mrs. Carmel V. Orlando
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Orwig
Ms. Bonnie Ostrowsky
Mr. Donald Packard
Mr. William H. Page II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Paley
Mrs. Patricia M. Patt
PCS Administration (USA), Inc.
Irwin & Sylvia Peters
Mrs. Maurice Petersen
Mr. Ellard L. Pfaelzer, Jr.
Dick & Edith Phelan
Maxine R. Philipsborn
Mr. Paul Phillips
Ms. Diane J. Pilibosian
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Pinkerton
Mr. Robert Pizzato
Ms. Phyllis Potash
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Puls
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin J. Pulver
R. E. Associates
Mr. & Mrs. G. Alan Ramsay
Mr. William A. Randolph
Mr. Jack Rapaport
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Rasmus
Val Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Raymond
Mrs. Elaine R. Rechel
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Reid
Mr. Stanley Rhodes
Mr. Arthur C. Rhyne
Richman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin F. Richman
Ms. Joan Richman
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Roberts, III
Mr. Peter Roknich
Sylvia Rooth & Edgar Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Rosell
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rosenbaum
Mr. Lester Rosenberg
Mrs. Evelyn Ross
Mrs. Elizabeth D. Rothermel
Mr. Donald Rudd
Mrs. Eleanor Rusnak
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Savitt
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Sawers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schaaf
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Schell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Scheyer
Mrs. Carolyn G. Schiele
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schnepper
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne P. Schoenmakers
Mrs. Bettye C. Schonthal
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Schwarzbach
Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Scully
Mr. Robert F. Seebeck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sharp
Mr. Nelson Shaw
Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin
Lloyd & Judy Shore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Simanton
Mrs. Lois Simon
Mr. Kusudarmo Simson
Mrs. Nancy H. Sinclair
Robert E. Singer
Carol L. Sittler
Ms. Carol H. Slott
Mrs. Suzanne T. Smart
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Solomon
Mrs. Catherine L. Spevok
Drs. Eliot & Luretta Spiess
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Spungen
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Squires
Dr. Harry Staffileno
Mrs. Suzanne K. Stein
Ms. Leonore Steinberg
Mrs. Phillip B. Straus
Josephine N. Strauss
Ms. Marianna G. Stubbs
Ms. Diane Stumpf
Mr. Robert S. Sugarman
Mrs. Mary H. Suker
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Surace
Mr. Stephen A. Talesnick
Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Taylor
Mrs. Anne M. Teeple
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Teifeld
Dr. & Mrs. David Terman
Elinor R. Thaviu
Mr. Edward J. Thompson
Mrs. Mary Hamilton &
Dr. William Tomlinson
Rose & Lucille Trocchio
Mrs. Wilma P. Tunick
Mrs. Helen H. Turley
Ms. Rita Turow
Ms. Ann Verhulst
Mrs. Kilburn Visk
Josephine Vogel
Ms. Barbara Volin
Ms. Heidi Voorhees &
Mr. Edward Walchak
Mrs. Ann D. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Clark L. Wagner
Ms. Sharan Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wakschlag
Linda & Craig Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weil, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiner
Mr. & Mrs. John Weiss
Mrs. Margaret H. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wertheimer
Ralph & Charlotte Westfall
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Whalen
Mrs. Letitia O. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. White
Sandra B. Whitman
Robert B. Wilcox
Mrs. George W. Windhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Berton Winograd
Mr. Clifton R. Wirth
Mrs. Rochelle H. Wolff
Mrs. Sylvia M. Wolfson
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Zelewsky
Mr. Bernard Zion
Under $100
9244 Gross Point Tower Condo Assoc Bldg 3
Mr. Willard Aaron
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Abrahams
Miss Patricia Adelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Adelman
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Agger
Ms. Diane Aidem
Miss Judith A. Akers
Ms. Inesse Alexandrov
Mr. Uzerne W. Allen, Jr.
Mrs. Betsye-Rose Altschul
Ms. Maxine Amon
Dr. & Mrs. Burton Anderson
Ms. Ione Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Anderson
Robert C. Anderson
Ms. Beverly Argenzio
Mrs. Mary Jane Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Azriel
Barbara Bachtell-Mitchel &
Mr. William Mitchel
Mr. John W. Baird
Ms. Elaine Baker
Ms. Eunice Barbee
Mrs. Lynn K. Barrow
Ms. Alice Basoms
Ms. Constance Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bauman
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Baumann
Mrs. Melissa H. Beacom
Dr. David R. Beam &
Mrs. Concetta Fendley
Mrs. Audrey D. Beasley
Mrs. Christie Beatson
Mr. & Mrs. John Beatty
Susan & Joe Bediz
Mr. Albert C. Bender
Mr. William Bentzen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marland Berdick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Berlow
Susan & Ira Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Leon D. Bernstein
Dr. & Ms. Marvin L. Bernstein
Mr. Henry Berquist
Dr. & Mrs. Sherman Beverly, Jr.
Ms. Margaret D. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Cushman Bissell
Mrs. Frances Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Blair
Ms. Susan Bley
Mrs. Sylvia Blivas
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Block
Ms. Jane Bloom
Mr. Sheldon Bochner
Alkesh Bodiwala
Ms. Rebecca S. Bolnick
Mrs. Emily Borovsky
Mrs. Lee M. Borre
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Bowles
Ms. Gloria Boyell
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bozek
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Hy I. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Jayme B. Brentan
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Bresler
Ms. Jill A. Brickman
Ms. Marilynn Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Brittain
Mrs. Katherine Broberg
Ms. Jane L. Brody
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brody
Elaine Bronstein
Rabbi Herbert Bronstein
Ms. Blossom D. L. Brown
Ms. Edith Brown
Ms. Florence C. Brown
Mrs. R. Gordon Brown
Mrs. Selma E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bryant
Mrs. Isabel Buckley
Mrs. Pat Buenger
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Buenger
Ms. Janet A. Bunn
Leo Burnett Co., Inc. Charitable Trust
Dr. Richard Burnstine
Mrs. Mary Campbell
Gen. & Mrs. Cliff C. Capp
Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Carlin
Mr. E. Stewart Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Caron
Ms. Rose Carroll
Mrs. Marian Catron
Mr. Nikolay Chaplygin
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Chapman
Mrs. Evelyn Cheslow
Chest Medicine Consultants, S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Chodash
Ms. Marilyn Chulock
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cianchetti
Clark Weber Associates, Inc.
Carter Cleland
David A. Cleland
Ms. Elaine L. Cohen
Mr. Floyd A. Cohen
Mrs. Emil M. Cohen
Rabbi Paul Cohen
Mr. Robert Cohen
Miss Rosemary T. Colby
Mrs. Edwin C. Colegrove
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Connell
Mr. Peter Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conroe
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Cooper
Mrs. Barbara Corday
Mrs. Corlita Cramer
M. H. Crispo
Ms. Nicole M. Crispo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Culbertson
Mrs. Angela D’Astici Dusa
Mrs. Celia Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Dawson
Ms. Doris De Trempe
Ms. Darthea DeGeorge
Ms. Melissa N. Delos Reyes
Ms. Karyn Dern Murphy
Mrs. Betty Desmonde
Ms. Gloria Desnet
Dr. William Deutsch
Dr. & Mrs. Pieter DeVryer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiClementi
Mrs. Nancy V. Didier
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dienhart
Mr. Arthur Diers
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dobroski
Ms. Gloria J. Doerschner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donahoe
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Dose, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Linne Dose
Ms. Geraldine A. Downes
Mrs. Lucille Downes
Mrs. Patricia Drott
East Valley Senior Services, Inc.
Mr. Leo Eatman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Elliott
Ms. Nancy Emrich
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Epstein
Mrs. Virginia Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Ex
Mrs. Gemma Fabbri
Ms. Marilynn R. Fabry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fanello
Arhtur I. Farber
Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Fardoux
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Faust
Ms. Katherine O. Fehr
Mrs. Helen Fein
Mrs. Marion H. Feldinger
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Fenninger
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Ferber
Mr. Hugh K. Field
Ms. Louise Fields
Ms. Betty Fisher
Ms. June A. Fisher
Mr. James M. Fitzgerald
Ms. Linda H. Fix
Ms. Margot Fleck
Ms. Elaine S. Fohrman
Mr. & Mrs. William Folland
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Frankenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Franklin
Ms. Stacy Frantz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Freilich
Mrs. Catherine Friedler
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Friedman
Mrs. Martha W. Friestedt
Mrs. Ari H. Furuya
Ms. Isabella A. Gambino
Mr. & Mrs. Gil Geniesse
Mrs. Jean Gershuny
Mr. Norman Gibons
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gillis
Mr. & Ms. Robert Gillman
Ms. Elisabeth Glaessner
Mr. Monroe Glazer
Mrs. Barbara Glazier
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Glick
Dr. Jay J. Gold & Dr. Rhea L. Gold
Ms. Vivian Gold
Janice Goldstein
Mr. Barton M. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Gordon
Dr. Michael Gorey &
Ms. Martina Mead
Mr. Thomas Gorman
Mrs. Richard Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. William Gould
Mr. & Mrs. John Govreau
Mr. Harry Grace
Mrs. Janet R. Granath
Ms. Geraldine Granich
Ms. Karen Grant
Mrs. Elena Graves
Ms. Elizabeth Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Green
Ms. Jeane B. Greenbaum
Ms. Shirley J. Greenberger
Mr. Donald J. Grossman &
Mrs. Elaine T. Hirsch
Ms. Dorothy Grossman
Mrs. Mary Alice Gurda
Dr. Raymond S. Gutin
Mr. & Mrs. William Gutmann
Mr. & Mrs. Howard G. Haas
Ms. Susan C. Haddad
Ms. Pauline Hadhazy
Ms. Helen G. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Colin C. Handlon
Mr. & Mrs. William Haney
Ms. Phoebe Hansen
Mrs. Marilyn Harmon
Mrs. Marilyn Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Harrold
Mrs. Jean Hart
Mrs. Kathleen S. Hart
Mr. Lee Roy R. Hartung
Mr. Thomas Hawkinson
Ms. Christine Haxager
Mrs. Eleanor Hebein
Ms. Toby S. Heizler
Mr. Louis Hellerman
Ms. Ruth L. Henoch
Ms. Nancy Hensel
Ms. Carol Hesse
Mrs. Vivian Hightower
Mr. Henry L. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hillman
Mrs. Edith E. Hirsch
Jerry Hochberg
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hoffman
Mr. Sheffield Hoffman
Ms. Sheri Hokin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Homer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Horner, Jr.
Ms. Melanie A. Hornstein
Mr. John A. Horvat
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Horwitz
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Sue Hua
Mrs. Dorothy L. Hughes
Peter & Denise Illing
Mrs. Roslyn S. Isaacs
Mrs. Marlene T. Iser
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Itzkowitz
Alan & Linda Jacobson
Ms. Ruth Jacobson
Ms. Katherine C. James
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow
Mr. Teddy S. Jaskolka &
Ms. Denise Loveisky
Mrs. Betty A. Jenkins
Ms. Ellen Johnson
Mrs. Evangeline Johnson
Mr. Laurance Johnson
Ms. Pam Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson
Mrs. Ruth C. Johnson
Mrs. Alison P. Jones
Ms. Therese Ann Kaefer
Mr. Sheldon Kahn
Mrs. James Kahnweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kaplin
Ms. Frances Kapp
Mrs. Belle Karger
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt B. Karmin
Mr. Ronald Katch
Mrs. Linda Katz
Ms. Nancy S. Katz
Paula M. Keatinge
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Keer
Mrs. Rita M. Keller
Mrs. Marjorie A. Kerr
Mrs. Frances Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kilgus
Mrs. Katherine Kingery
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Kirschner
Ms. Esther Klatz
Ms. Susan F. Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Koehler
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Koenig
Mrs. Bianca J. Kohlenbrener
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Kosner
Ms. Leah Kramer
Ms. Marlene Kramer
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Krogman
Mr. & Mrs. Murray P. Krugman
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert K. Krulee
Phyllis & Harold Kudan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kuntz
Lad and Lassie Shop, Inc.
Mr. Jerold L. Ladin
Julie Lamberti
Ms. Jennie Lander
Mr. Raymond Lanser
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. LaPata
Alfred Lauer
Mrs. Nathan Lavenda
Ms. Adrienne Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. George Leavitt
Mrs. Claire Lebovitz
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lee
Mr. Howard M. Lehman
Mrs. Alice Leitza
Mrs. Rosalind Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lewis-Pollack
Mrs. Holly Lichtman
Mrs. Eunice Lieberstein
Harry & Ray Lindenberg
Ms. Carolyn S. Little
Ms. Carol C. Lockwood
Ms. Roberta J. Loiacano
Ms. Benita Lopez-Baca
Mrs. Catherine L. Lorentz
Mr. Bill Lorenz
Mr. & Mrs. Max Lorig
Mrs. Elaine Loseff
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Louis
Mr. Norman Lubarsky
Ms. Jennifer Lucchese
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lucyshyn
Ms. Peggy L. Macaluso
Ms. Jill E. Macfadyen
Mr. & Mrs. John Madden, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maganuco
Ms. Alice H. Magos
Ms. Joan Malin
Mrs. Judith L. Mandel
Ms. Judy Marcus
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Markel
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Markman
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mast
Mrs. Lynn H. Mathias
Patricia & Cy Matthys
Mrs. Lorraine May
Mrs. Rosemarie Mayer
Ms. Santina Mazzetti
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCune
Fred Meeder
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merel
Ms. Kathleen E. Meunier
Mr. & Mrs. David Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyers
Ms. Zanne S. Meyers
Mrs. Judith R. Millenson
Ms. Shirley B. Miller
Ms. Vivian Mitchel
Mrs. Annie Moldafsky
Ms. Margie Moran
Mrs. Beverly Moravcik
Mrs. Sara J. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Morr
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Moses
Ms. Martha Moss
Fee Moy
Maxwell & Margaret Mulmat
Dr. Phyllis C. Myers
Mrs. Rita T. Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Nathanson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Neumann
Mr. Ralph Newberger
Mrs. Bernice Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nord
NSSC French Club
Mr. Bernard Nudelman & Ms. Patti Burton
Ms. Carole Nye
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nyren
Mr. & Mrs. William O’Connell
Mrs. Margaret A. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Burt J. Ofsaiof
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Malley
Mr. D. Lee Padgitt
Ms. Marilyn Palay
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Palmer
Mrs. Alicia Pardo
Ms. Jean Parikh
Mr. George H. Paris
Mr. Thomas C. Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Parry
Mr. Daniel Patitz
Ms. Jeanette R. Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Noel C. Peltier
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mrs. Dee Perlman
Ms. Elayne Perlman
Mrs. Eleanor C. Pesavento
Mrs. Margot K. Peters
Mrs. Mildred Peters
Ms. Renate Peters
Dr. & Mrs. John Phair
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Philipsborn
Mr. Henry A. Pickard
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pimentel
Mr. & Mrs. John Pimentel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Piper
Ms. Lois Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Podulka
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Pollakoff
Mr. Evert Polson
Ms. Joann B. Poplar
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Powell
Mrs. Harriet Price
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Price
Ms. Eileen Propp
Ms. Quan-Yin Cathleen Quinn
Ms. Mary C. Raddatz
Mr. Thomas P. Raddatz
Mrs. Rosalyn L. Raffe
Mr. & Mrs. Sumner Rahr
Mr. & Mrs. Leon C. Rane
Mrs. Carole R. Read
Ms. Sherrie K. Reddick
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Reighard
Clive Reinwald
Ms. Joyce A. Reis
Ms. Nancy Reise
Ms. Carlota Restivo
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Richart
Marilyn M. Richman
Ms. Margaret Riederer
Ms. Margaret Riley
Mr. Don Riskind &
Ms. Linda Gardner
Fred Robertson
Mrs. Lois E. Rogatz
Mr. Dan R. Roin
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Rosen
Ms. Joan E. Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Rosenberg
Mrs. Dorothy Ross
Mr. Jerome Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Ross
Mrs. Frances D. Roston
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Ted W. Ruegsegger
Mr. Ralph Ruffin
Mr. Francis A. Rundell
Ms. Patricia Rushing
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Salzman
Ms. Susamma Samuel
Ms. Norma Sandidge
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Sarnat
Ruth U. Schack
Miss Peggy Schermerhorn
Ms. Magdalene Schmidt
Mr. Herbert Schneiderman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schneidewind
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scholz
Ms. Betty Schraiber
Dr. & Mrs. Yechiel Schulman
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Schultz
Mr. Stanton Schuman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schwalge
Ms. Mary Lou Sciarro
Mr. & Mrs. Shelton M. Scott
Mrs. Leon H. Seidman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shabica
Mrs. Sophie Shaker
Mr. Carl Shapiro
Mrs. Charlotte Shapiro
Mrs. Marjorie Sherman
Ms. Christine C. Shillestad
Ms. Soo S. Shin
Ms. Karen Shorr
Ms. Harriet S. Siegel
Mr. Harvey H. Siegel &
Ms. Lynne Kramer
Lillian Siegh
Ms. Judith Silberg
Ms. Carol G. Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Shelvin Singer
Ms. Sonya M. Singer
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell I. Slein
Ms. Elinor L. Smith
Irwin A. Smith, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Travers Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smock
Mr. David Snapp
Mr. George E. Snurpus
Ms. Isabel Soffer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Soifer
Ms. Florence A. Solin
Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Solomon
Ms. Mary Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Sonneborn
Mr. Gustav Sosdian
Mr. Mark Southard
Ms. Gail Spiegel
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Spitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Spring
St. Paul of the Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin D. Star
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Steinback
Arlene M. Steinhoff
Mr. Charles M. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stern
Joanne Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Ireland Stewart
Ms. Anita Stolberg
Mrs. Jean Stonier
Mr. Louis V. Storino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stracks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Straus
Mr. & Mrs. John Strauss
Ms. Maryann Stubitsch
Mr. Philip Sturlini
Mr. King C. Stutzman
Mr. Peter T. Stutzman
Ms. Betsy Sugarman
Ms. Suzanne Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Swanson
Ms. Judy Swanson
Mr. Myron Swee
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Swett
Mr. Neal Takiff
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Tang
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tauss
Ms. Deborah Templer
Ms. Rita Temple-Trujillo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Terando
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Terry
Mrs. Henry Theobald
Mrs. Kathryn Thomas
Mr. Richard J. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. William Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Thompson
Mrs. Lois F. Turim
Mr. Peter Tyor
Mr. Philip Uhrich
Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Ullman
Mrs. Rose Unger
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Ms. Melanie Urdang
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Valvassori
Miss Kathleen E. Van Deusen
Mr. Peter L. Vazul
Ms. Jane Velde
Ms. Anika Velkova
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vender
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vernon
Ms. Geraldine Wagner
Wanda & Paul Wagner
Mrs. Howard Walchak
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Wallemark
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh
Ms. Thelma Warshell
Mr. & Mrs. Clark Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Weiner
Mrs. Rosalie Weiner
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest I. Weis
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Weissman
Mr. Kenneth Weller
Mrs. Joel Wells
Westbrook Glen Grove
Ms. Marian Wetterling
Mrs. Jane L. White
Ms. Anne Wieboldt
Ms. Laila J. Wigren
Mrs. Helen C. Wilens
Ms. Denise M. Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Williams
Mr. Robert M. Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Winston
Mrs. Roseanne Wochnik
Mrs. Eileen Woodhouse
Ruth Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Yaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Zager
Ms. Susie M. Zelinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Zenzola
Mrs. Irene M. Zibart
Mrs. Margaret M. Zielinski
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Zimbler
Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Zirn
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Zulkie
Sydney Wasserman
Mitzi Field Caregiver Training
Joan Golder Distinguished Senior Lecture Series
Goldman-Kuipers Music Fund
Landau/Hess Student Education
Samuel Thaviu Memorial Concerts
Sandra R. Johnson Endowment for
Social Services
Thaviu Family HOW Scholarship Fund
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund
The Development Department has made
every effort to make this list inclusive.
If you discover an error, please accept
our apology and call Kathryn McDonnell
at 847.784.6057 so we can correct
our records.
The Heritage Society honors members and friends of
the North Shore Senior Center who share a commitment
to the Center’s future by providing financial support in
their estate plans or through other forms of planned gifts.
A commitment to The Heritage Society is a legacy for
the future and guarantees continued quality service to
our community.
North Shore Senior Center
Associate Board
Executive Director
President of the Board
Jordan Luhr
Peggy Redding, Winnetka
Susan B. & Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz
First Vice Chair
Pat Karr, Northfield
Anonymous (3)
Constance G. Anderson
Robert C. Anderson
Judith L. & Robert D. Appelbaum
Barbara B. & Roger S. Barrett
Joan & Julian Berman
Mehroo & Keki R. Bhote
Marilyn Bodine In Memory of
Earl C. Bodine
The Bogolub Family
Lillian Bogolub
Richard J. Bowman
Edwin J. Brach Foundation
Constance Byrne
Shirley & Roland Calhoun
Terri L. Cohn
Kenneth H. Cooke
Nancy & Dewey Crawford
Myrna & John Cruikshank
Harriet D. & John W. Damisch
Edna Carol Davis
Betty Dustman
Erna Ericson
Martha & Lloyd Ferguson
Rhoda & Lewis Freyer
Joan & Stanley Golder
Joy & Mike Gordon
Lawrence W. Gougler
Barcy & Millard Grauer
Robert F. Gudmundsen
Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel
Marie W. & Kenneth A. Harris
Junia & Andy Hedberg
Denise H. Hinchman
Ann M. Hook
F. B. Hubachek, Jr.
Jack & Louise Jadel
Diane H. & Robert M. Johnson
Sandi & Bruce R. Johnson
Richard L. & Beverly P. Joutras
Philo P. Kane, Jr.
Kip Kelley
Sharon L. King
Burt Kleinman
Charlotte & Elick Lindon
Renee & Jordan Luhr
Mardie MacKimm
Maynard Marks
Barbara & Irl Marshall
Carol & Bert Maxon
Nan McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Meeder
Lois & Hugo Melvoin
Carl F. & Nancy B. Mueller
William R. Muenster
Alexandra C. & John D. Nichols
Reed & Catherine Parker
Genevieve F. Phelps
Peggy & George H. Redding
Lucy & Martin Reinheimer
Paula E. Renkert
John W. Robinson
Dr. & Mrs. Steven O. Schwartz
Max Segel & Julia L. Segel
Margery Shurman
Sidley Austin Foundation
Carol L. Sittler
Barbara & Carl Stanley
Jean P. & David Stremmel
Elinor & Quentin G. Swiger
Patricia L. Taylor
Elinor R. Thaviu
Annabelle & Omer G. Voss
Walter & Betty Wallin
Rita & Tuck Weaver
Leah Westerman
Barbara & Tom Wick
Arnold R. & Ann S. Wolff
Gloria M. & A. William
James & Bobette Zacharias
Cover photo credits: (clockwise from upper left)
1 Mary Demetrio plays guitar for the Friendship Circle 2 Glen Waltrip at the Men’s
Club Picnic 3 Entertainer Ron Hawking with HOW Benefit Chairs Mary Anne Cappo
and Peggy Redding 4 Renee Werner in the NSSC Art Studio 5 The Golder Family
with Golder Lecture Speaker Bill Kurtis 6 NSSC Member John Strauss 7 Three
friends at the Men’s Club Picnic 8 Students from the Des Plaines Art & Science
Academy with their teacher Rhonda Popko, at their show in NSSC’s Atrium Gallery
9 Brain Health Lecturer, Dr. Gary Small 10 Morton Grove Senior Apartments residents
with NSSC Social Worker Marissa Burack 11 NSSC Goldenaires singing group
Board of Directors
John W. Cruikshank III, Northbrook
Second Vice Chair
Molly D’Esposito, Winnetka
Vice Chair & General Counsel
Sharon L. King, Winnetka
Associate General Counsel
Gregory Schroedter, Evanston
Charles Bartling, Evanston
Assistant Secretary
Joan Berman, Glencoe
Reed Parker, Glenview
Assistant Treasurer
Mary Anne Cappo, Wilmette
Associate Board Chair
Peggy Redding, Winnetka
President Emeritus
Joan Golder, Winnetka
Past Chairs
John Alden, Deerfield
Barbara Wick, Northfield
Board Members
Robert Appelbaum, Glencoe
Mehroo K. Bhote, Glencoe
Patricia Blankenship, Northfield
Corrine Bowman, Winnetka
Dewey B. Crawford, Winnetka
Martha Cray, RN, Winnetka
Jack Flynn, Evanston
Fred Gougler, Northfield
Larry Green, Glencoe
Paula Haynes, Evanston
Paul G. Hoffmann, Wilmette
Nancy Ann King, Glencoe
Rabbi Harold L. Kudan, Northbrook
Sara Jane Levin, MSN, RN-BC, Highland Park
William K. Lustig, Northfield
Ron Mantegna, Northbrook
George K. Metzger, Northbrook
Carl Mueller, Wilmette
Thomas O’Brien, Northbrook
Arthur Pollakoff, Glenview
Susan B. Rubnitz, Winnetka
Ann Searles, Skokie
Ronald A. Semerdjian, MD, Wilmette
Elizabeth Taylor, Glenview
Edwin Turner, Highland Park
Donald Whiteman, Northfield
Associate Board Members
Constance Anderson, Evanston
Elaine Bronstein, Northbrook
Mickey & Jack Butler, Evanston
Shirley & Roland Calhoun, Northbrook
Kay Callahan, Wilmette
Leon Carrow, MD, Evanston
Louise M. Cohen, Northbrook
Terri L. Cohn, Winnetka
Carla M. Dehmlow, Glenview
Eleanor DeVries, Winnetka
Betty Dustman, Glenview
Betty FitzGerald, Winnetka
Gene Schaefer Flynn, Evanston
Lewis Freyer, Winnetka
Muriel & Maurice Fulton, Highland Park
Jan & Jay Goldman, Skokie
Joy Gordon, Winnetka
Lawrence Gougler, Evanston
Molly L. Green, Winnetka
Marn Hamilton, Wilmette
Marie & Ken Harris, Winnetka
Junia & Andy Hedberg, Winnetka
Ann M. Hook, Glenview
Kip Kelley, Glenview
Nancy Liebschutz, Northbrook
Charlotte Lindon, Glenview
Fran Mabley, Glenview
Maynard Marks, Wilmette
Mardie MacKimm, Highland Park
Doris & Jeremiah McAuliffe, Northbrook
Grace B. McLucas, Evanston
Nan McMillen, Evanston
Jack Melamed, MD, Winnetka
Lois & Hugo Melvoin, Highland Park
Virginia & Clif Merry, Evanston
Mildred Myers, Park Ridge
Seymour Nordenberg, Glencoe
Ruth Prather, Glenview
Val Raymond, Northfield
Myron E. Rubnitz, MD, Winnetka
Marcia G. Schneider, Glencoe
Valerie & Mitchell Slotnick, Northbrook
Elinor Thaviu, Highland Park
Annabelle & Omer Voss, Wilmette
Betty & Walter Wallin, Lake Forest
Rita & Tuck Weaver, Winnetka
Richard Weiner, Highland Park
Carolyn Weinstein, Winnetka
Leah Westerman, Wilmette
Ralph Westfall, Evanston
Sandy B. Whitman, Glenview
Leigh & John Wilber, Northbrook
Joyce Yowell, Glenview
Betty Zehr, Glenview
John Croghan, MD
Brad Greenspan, MD
Michael Rezak, MD, PhD (Neurology)
23 communities we serve
Bannockburn • Deerfield • Des Plaines • Evanston • Glencoe • Glenview • Golf • Highland Park • Highwood
Hubbard Woods • Kenilworth • Lincolnshire • Lincolnwood • Morton Grove • Niles • Northbrook • Northfield
Park Ridge • Riverwoods • Skokie • Techny • Wilmette • Winnetka
north shore senior center
arthur c. nielsen, jr. campus
161 northfield road
northfield, illinois 60093
house of welcome
adult day services
1779 winnetka road
northfield, illinois 60093
evanston/skokie valley
senior services
840 dodge avenue
evanston, illinois 60202