CS Hitender Kumar Mehta ......Applicant CS Rajiv Bajaj
CS Hitender Kumar Mehta ......Applicant CS Rajiv Bajaj
BEFORE THE ELECTION TRIBUNAL, NEW DELHI IESTABLISHED U/S lOB OF THE COMPANY SECRETARIES ACT, 19801 APPLICATION NO. 1/2015 IN T HE MATTER OF: CS Hitender Kumar Mehta ...... Applicant (Represented by : Shri J.K. Mittai, Shri Rajveer Singh & Shri S.M. Sundaram, Advocates) VS. CS Rajiv Bajaj .... Respondent (Represented by : Dr. S. K.umar, Advocate) 30.032016 ORDER 1. This Application dated 19.01.2015 has been filed by CS Hitender Kumar Mehta, the Applicant herein, under Section lO-A of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980, (the 'Act') raising a dispute in regard to the election of CS Rajiv Bajaj, the Respondent herein, as a Member of the Central Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (the 'rCSI,) from the Northern India Regional Constituency of the ICSI in the Central Council Election of the ICSI held in December, 2014. The Applicant has prayed for declaring the election of the Respondent to be void ab initio in the election to the Council held in December, 2014 as well as 1 the election of the Respondent to th e NIRC of ICS I in Decembj 20 10 and declaring th e Applicant to have been d uly fIec ted in the election to th e Cou ncil h eld in Decem be r, 2 014, 2. The Applicant h as submitted that at the t ime of final round of counting of votes, when the Respondent was declared elected at SI. No.5, th e Applicant was placed next to him at SI.No.6. 3. The Applicant has further stated that the Respondent contested t h e election ba sed on con cealment of material fact about hi s occupation , sub mission of false information wld s igning of verification knowing it to be false and th us, fra udule n tly won the electio n to the Council. The Applican t h as further s tated that as pe r the information availa ble ll1 p ublic domain , the Responde nt h a d been s imultaneously engaged in two occupations, namely til Advocate in Practice (being a Member of Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana vide enrolment n u m ber P/ 423/1996 since 30.3.19 96 and an ac t ive m e m ber of the Supreme Court Bar Association s ince 2005) a n d (ii) Whole t ime Company Secretary of a company i.e., Panasonic AVS Net works India Company s in ce 1.4. 1998. The Respondent co mpletely s uppre ssed an d concealed the material fac ts a bout his being an "Advocate in pra ctice" wh ile filing his n omination paper for the election to the Central Council of the ICSI h eld in 2 December, 2014 and also in th e elections of Northern India Regional Council (NIRC) of th e ICSI in the year 2006 and 2010 in whic h he was the contesting candidate. 4 . Th e Applicant has also s ta t ed tha t in the statement pursuant to sub-rule (4) of Rule 9 of the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 (the 'Election Rules') read with Schedule 4 of the Election Rules , the Responde n t h as disclosed only about his be ing whole time Compa n y Secretary of Panasonic AVS Networks India Company and has deliberately and wilfully conceal ed the mate rial facts about his oth e r occupation of being a pra ctis ing advocate and in fac t, under the head <'parti culars of other occupa tion s" he has mentioned "No t Ap plicable". 5. It has been s ta ted by the Applicant that the Respondent has con tested the election based upon the concealment of material fa c t s a bout his occupation, submission of false informa tion and signing of verification knowing it to be fal s e and thu s, fraudulently won th e election . He furth e r s ta ted that in the 'list of contestin g candida tes and th e ir pa rticula r s ' circulated by th e Re turning Officer in compliance o f Election Rules on the basis of informa tion furn is hed by the candidate s alongwith the nomination form , the occupation of the Respondent is t:> 3 , , stated "Company Secretary Associate & Director Finance, Panasonic AVS Networks India Company" and In th e particu lars of th e othe r occupation , it is mentioned" Not applicable". 6, The Respondent was admitted to the me mbershi p of S upreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) in the year 2005 against the membership number B-00398 and the name of the Respondent continued to appear in the list of ac tive resident mem ber in the Members Directory of SCBA. Acco rd ing to Rule 3 (ix) of SCBA Rules and Regulations "Reside n t Me mber" m eans "a m e mbe r residing and practising as an Advocate in Delhi or jts suburbs", It has further been stated that in the records of ICS I and MCA (Ministry of Corpo rate Affairs), the Responde n t is in the occupation of Company Secretary employed with Panasonic AVS Networks In dia Company as Whole time Company Secretary, 7. That havi n g simultaneously been the e ngaged In Respondent two has occupation violated the provisions of Company Secretaries Act, 1980 and Rules m ade there un der, Advocate Act , 1961 & Bar Council of India Rules ( Rule n o.48 & 49) and Companies Act, 2013/1956 and also the prOVISIOns of Indian Penal Code , For the violation of Company Secretaries Ac t, 1980 read with Ru les made th ereunder and Election Code of Conduct, the Respondent is guil ty of serIOUS 4 , misconduct in terms of the provisions of First Schedule and Second Schedule of the C S Act, 1980 and for the vio lation of the provisions of Companies Act, 2013/1956 a nd Advocates Act, 1961 including Ba r Council of India Rules, the Respondent has rendered himself disqualified to continue as an Advocate in Practice and for the peljury, c riminal breach of t rust and fraud played upon the Institu te in the elections, the Respondent is liable to be prosecuted under Indian Penal Code . The Applicant filed and relied upon the documents/ records/ information obtained from MCA, ICSl and SCBA. 8. iJhe Appli cant has a lso referred to the order dated 30 12.2011 passed by the Board of Discipline of the lCSl against the Respondent he rein whe rein the Respon den t was found guilty of professional misconduct for the violation of Election Rules pertaining to lCSI eIections-201O for sending an e -mail to the members of the lCS I in addition to the circular/manifesto circ ulated as pe rmitted under Rule 42 of the Election Rules. 9. The Respondent In his Written Statement dated 7.11.2015 has submitted th a t the allegations of the Applicant again st him are wrong and made on flimsy and unfounded grounds and denied the same. He h as furth er s ubmitted that the Applican t fil ed the captioned 5 application out of frustrati on and as an afterthought after having lost the election to the Council. 10. The Respondent has furth e r Applicant is resorting to submitted Forum that the Shopping as the Appli cant has filed complaints against the Respondent with th e Director (Disciplin e) of the ICS! and also with Bar Council o f Punj a b & Haryana on the same subject with similar allegation s. The Appl ican t h as not approached this Hon'ble Tribunal with clean hands as the Applicant himsel f is a member of Bar Council of Delhi and is practi si n g as an Advocate. but has not m e nti on ed said fact clearly in his statement submitted pursuant to Rule 9 (4) o f the Elec tion Rules for the Election to the Council of t he lCS I an d h as simply indicated him self as the "partner" of Vais h Associates, w hich does not m ean that he is a practis ing advocate s ince Vaish &. Associa tes IS a multi di sciplinary firm providing consultan cy in a number of areas namely 'Corporate Tax a n d Business Advis ory Services'. The Respondent furth e r stated that by n o t di sclosing thi s mate rial fact in hi s statement, the Applicant has himself rendered guilty of misconduct for having brought d is re pute to tbe Council under sub-rule (1) of Rule 42 read with cla u se (2) of Part IV of the First Schedule of the CS Act . 1980. 6 • 11. The Respondent h as further stated tha t the Ap plicant has made the allegations unde r diffe rent Acts , viz., Ad vocates Act, 1961, The Companies Act, 1956/2013 and The Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (on the issues other than the election) and that this Tribunal has no jurisdiction to d eal with/decide the alleged violation of provision s of Company Secretaries Act, 1980 and Rules made thereunder, Advocate Act , 196 1 & Bar Counci l of India Rules and Companies Act, 2013 / 1956 by the Respondent being e n gaged 10 two occu pations s imul taneously viz. practising advocate and whole time Company Secretary in a company . 12. The Respondent has claimed that he has not concealed any information and contested the election in a fair and transparent mann er and infonnation furnished by him was true to the best of my knowledge and belief. He h ad su rrendered the members hip of the Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana and S upre m e Court Bar Association long back and on the date of the filing of the nomination for the election to the Coun cil of the ICS1 he was not the member of the Punj ab & Haryana and Supreme Court Bar Association. He h as further stated that he is a law graduate but he never practiced as an advocate during his entire career and till date and m embership of the Bar Council / Association was taken on the advice of the e mployer for providing support to employer's litigation. b 7 He furthe r submitted that he h ad m a de the request to the Supre me Court Bar Asso cia tion vide Jetter dated 7.7 .20 1 1 which were duly received and ac knowledged by t h e SC BA on 9.7.2011 for striking off his name and that that h e has not paid any fees to the SCBA after the year 2 011 and had all th e reasons to belie ve that his nam e had been s truck off as the a nnual payment of fee was n ever paid s ince 2 011. In regard to his enrolment with the Bar Council of Punj a b & Haryana h e has s ta ted that v ide his letter dated 5'" Augu st, 199 7, he requested the Ba r Counci l to hold h is registrat ion in abeyance . 13 . The Re spon d ent s ta ted that h e was neve r e n gaged in the occupa tion a s an advocate. He h a s further s ubmitted that the ge n e rally a ccepted d efiniti o n of practice of la w is "the practice of law in volves giving legal ad vice to the clients, drafting legal documents for clients, and re presenting clients in legal negotia tio ns and court proceedings such as laws uit , a nd IS applied to professional services of a lawyer or attorney at la w, barrister , soli citor , or civil law notary". The Responde nt s ubmitted th a t he has n ever provid ed any legal services to any client and never a ppeared in any court in the entire country and never raised any invoi ce and received an y pay ments for appearing a s an advocate . 8 14. T he Responde nt has s ubmitted that there was no mi sstatement in the "sta te m e nt pursuant to sub-rule (4) of Rule 9 r ead with Schedule IV of the Election Rules filed by him a lon gwith his nominat ion form and h a s not con cealed any facts in the said s ta tement. submitted tha t since h e is not He has practising as an Ad vocate , th e question of mentioning as such said state m e nt does not a nse 111 the and therefore he has correctly m entioned his employme nt particulars as whole tim e Company Secretary with Panas onic AVC Network Ind ia Company Ltd . He h a s submitted that s ince he is no t pursuing any profession other than being the Company Pan asonic Secre tary and Director, AVC Net work Ind ia Finance Company In Ltd. , the informa tio n with regard to the particulars of othe r occupation was n ot applicable and h e n ce he had correctly written "n ot applicabl e" a gainst th e relevant clau se in the said stale men t. 15. The Respondent s ubmitted tha t the electorates are composed of hard core professionals namely Company Secre taries, Ch a rte red Accounta nts, Cos t Accountants, lAS/IPS , other m e mber of the pre stigious po s itions 111 th e Institute occupying corporate world and Gove rnment and they have vo ted for th e Respond ent afte r looking into h is crede ntials and contribution s to 9 the profession. He furth er submitted that electorates are well educated cannot be carried away. 16. Sin ce the Election was conducted by the rcsr, in order to asce rtain the true and correct fac tual position of the matte r, the rcsr was requested to provide its comments to the application . The ICSI in its comme nts dated 16. 11.2015 submitted that m the records of the rcs l including the application submitted for Issue of Cer tificate of Practice pertai ning to Respondent, it was stated in Form D that he is not enrolled as an Advocate and there is no information that he is a member of SCBA. The rCSI fur th e r su bmitted that in column 1 (c) Ii) "Employm ent (designation with n ame of present employer) of the n omin a tion fo rm" the Responde nt h as s tated as Panasonic AVC Networks India Company Ltd., Company Secretary & Associate Director-Fin ance. The rcsl referred Rule 7 of the Election Rules and su bmitted that in the Election Rules, there is no restric tion and prohi bition on the members of the resl t o be m embers of any S ta te Bar Council o r the Bar Assoc iation , to contes t any election o f th e ICSI including the election for tlie RegionaJ Councils. 17. The Appli cant 111 his rejoind er affidavit dated 23.11. 2015 h as s tated that th e Respondent has not denied the fact that he has been enrolled with the Bar 10 Counci l o f Punjab & Haryana and he has also admitted that h e has been enrolled with the SCBA. The Applican t fur the r sub mitted that the Respondent in para 5 of the" parawise reply on m e rits" of the Written Statement has falsely stated that h e h a s surrendered the membe rs hip of Bar Cou n cil of Punjab & Haryana and SCBA lon g back. The Applicant alon g with his rejoinder filed a 1:> copy RTf reply dated ·13 .2.2 015 and submitted that in the said RTI reply, the Ba r Coun cil of Punjab & Haryan a has con firmed that no application for voluntary s u s pension/cancellation of enrolme nt certificate was received from t he Respondent and that as per his personal fi le he is continuing on the Ro ll of Practising Advocates of th e said Bar Council. He has further submitted that as per the SCBA Directory filed alongwith the application, the name of the Respondent continue to exist in the SCBA directo ry of the year 2015 also. The Applicant h as furth er s ubmitted that the Respondent deliberately made false s ta tements in his written statement fil ed alongwith a ffidavit without giving any date and concrete proof that h e had s urre ndered his membership of Bar Counc il o f Punjab & Haryana and SCBA and t h e same was contrary to th e reco rds of both Bar Council and SCBA. 18. The Applican t in hi s rejo in de r a ffid avit h as further stated that the claim of the Respon de n t in Para number 1;\ 11 7 of the "p arawise reply on m erit" of the Written Statement has fa lsely claimed th at he never practised as an Advocate and the membership of the Bar Council was taken on th e a d vice of h is e mployer , is a false s tatement in as much as Bar Counc il membership was take n in the year 1996 and wh ereas the Responden t s tarted working as whole time Company Secretary with the present employer in the year 1998. 19. The Applicant in his rejoinder affid avit h as furth e r s ubm itted tha t while the Responde nt h olds the e n rolment as an Advocate of the Bar Council , he also took Certificate of Practice (COP) from the ICSI for the period from Augu st, 1997 to March, 1998, which was granted by the ICSI under COP num ber 2686. He further submitted that the ICSI in its RTI rely dated 23.7.2015 has also confirm ed by providing Form D d a ted 26.8. 1997 filed by the Respondent for seeking COP from the ICSI , whe rein h e has mad e categorical s tatement that "I am not e nrolled as an Advocate on roll of any Bar Council" , which is deliberately a false statement made by him as he has been enrolled with the State Bar Council s ince the year 1996 . 20 . Th e Ap plican t h as also su bmitted that as per Rule 7 of the Election Ru les, only Feliow Me mber of the ICSI is eligible to stan d for election of the Council. The Fellow t> 12 Membership wa s obta ined by th e Respondent on the strength of his expen ence as p ractis ing Company Sec retary itself is illegal, as the COP itself has bee n obtained by him legally which is void ab initio . 21. T he Applicant furth er submitted that as per Rule 15 (3) of the Election Rules, particulars of the contesting candidates are prepared from the particulars supplied by the candidates under Rule 9 (4) of the Election Rules a nd therefore, if any contesting can didate does not di sclose the m aterial particu lars fairly and correctly, like in the present case by the Respondent, then the information sent to the voters would be materially incorrect, wh ich definitely innuences the decision of th e electorate and affect the entire election process . The Applicant in its rejoinder affidavi t has also re ferred to some rulings of the Hon 'ble Supreme Court of India. 22. The Applicant filed his written arguments/submissions dated 10.12.2015 and also evidence by way of affidavit dated 10.12.2015, wherein he reiterated the submission s made by him in his application and rejoind er affidavit. He also filed list of witnesses and m arked the fo llowing documents as exhibi t a longwith his affidavit of evidence: 13 a) Original copy of the RTJ re ply 13.2.20 15 of Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana alongwith RTI application dated 2 l.l.20 15 b) Copy of relevant page n umber 63 of SCBA Directory of the year 20 15 c) Original copies 23.7.20 15 of the alo n gw ith ICSI's RT I RTI reply application da ted dated 30.4.20 15 d) Co py of the relevan t pages no.2 &3 of the list of contesting candida tes and their particulars prepar ed by the Returning Officer. e) Copy o f order d ated 30. 12.201 1 passed by the Board o f Disciplin e of the ICS I. 23. The matter was heard on 29.l. 20 16 in the presence of both the parties . Both the part ies were r e presented by th eir learned Advocates and reite rated the ir respective contentions. The parties we re given liberty to fil e their written arguments m a de by them during the course of argu m e nt . Both th e Applican t and the Respondent have filed respective reiterated their application/written written arguments respective wherein sub missions s tatement and oral they made In argume nts advan ced d urin g the course of argumen ts in the matter. 24. The Respondent has, in his written submissions has stated that while cla u se (1) of the S tatement of j;0 14 Information in terms of Schedule 4 1S mandatory, Clause (2 ) thereof is optional. 25. The Tribunal has carefully considered the su bmissions made by the partie s and a lso perused the a pplication, written statement, written arguments and all the doc uments available on record. 26. Rule 9 (4) of the Compa ny Secretaries (Election to the Coun cil) Rules, 2006, provides that n ominatio n s hall be valid o nly if it is accompan ied by a s tatement s ign ed and verified by the candid ate con ta ining information as provided in Schedu le 4. Sch edule 4 of the Election Rules prescribes the information which is to be contained in the s ta tement of contesting candidate accompanying th e nomination form in compliance of Rule 9 (4) of the Election Ru les . Clause (2)(c) of Schedule 4 of the El ection Ru le which requires a candidate to provide particulars of the occupations reads as under: "(c) Particulars of Occupation: (il Employm e nt (design ation with name of the present e mployer) (ii) Practice (sole proprietor or m partnersh ip including the name of th e firm) ~ I> 15 (iii) Particu lars of o ther occupation/ engagement, if n ot covered by (i) & (ii) above." 27. Rule 42 (4)(xii) of the Election Rules prohibits a member of the lCSl from contravention or misuse of any of the provision s o f these Rules or maki n g any fal se statem e n t knowi ng it to be fal se or without knowing it to be true while complying wi th any of the provi s ions of these Rules 28. Rule 42 (1) of the Election Rules provides that any violation of sub-rules (2), (3) and (4) of Rule 42 is liable to invite punishme nt for bringing disrepute to the Council of the ICSI under item (2) of Part IV of the First Schedu le of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. 29. T his Tribunal h as been constituted under Section 108 of the Company Secretaries Ac t, 1980 for a specified purpose to decide the dispute r egarding election of the Council o f the ICS I held in December, 20 14. This Tribunal does not have jurisd icti on to entertain any other d ispute oth e r than dispute raised in respect to the election to the Council held in December, 2014 . Hence, it is beyond th e juris diction of th is Tribunal to go into the allegation s o f the violation o f the provision s of Advocates Act, 1961, The Companies Act, 1956/2013 h 16 and The Company Secretaries Act, 1980 (on the issues other than the elect ion) . 30. From the above, following issues arise for adjudication: (1) Whether the Respondent was enrolled as an Advocate on the date he filed his nomination papers for election to the Cou ncil of the Institute from Northern India Regional Constituency. (2) Whether the required to Respondent give the was details of mandatorily his "other occupation / engagement" as an Advocate in reply to Clause 2 (c) of the statement accompanying the nomination form in terms of Sub-Rule (4) of Rule 9 o f the Election Rules 2006. (3) Whether non-declaration of the information by the Respondent Practicing about Advocate his made occupation him as ineligible a to co ntest the election on account of concealment of material fact or misstatement in his nomination for m for election to the Council in the election held in December, 2014. (4) Whether the election of the Respondent to the ICSI Council in the election h eld in December, 20 14 is not valid, and 17 15) 31. Relief, if any. ISSUE NO, (1): (1 )Whether the Respondent was enrolled as an Advocate on the date he filed his nomination pape rs for election to the Council of the Institute from Northern India Regional Constituency. 31 .1 As pe r copy of SCBA Directory filed along with the Appli cation , the name of the Respondent continued to exis t in the SCBA Directory of the year 2015 also. 31.2 The Respon dent has not placed on record a copy of hi s letter dated 7· h July, 2011, stated to have been written to the Supreme Court Bar Association to substantiate his claim that h e h a d m ade request to Su preme Court Bar Association for deletion of hi s name. The membership of Supreme Court Bar Association, or for that matter, of any Bar Association, is not a pre requi s ite [or carrying on the practice as an Advocate. On other hand enrollme nt with the Bar Council as a n Advocate is a mandatory requi rement for carrying on the practice as an Advocate. In terms of Rules of the Bar Council of India , the surrender of Enrolment Certification 18 an essentiaJ requirement suspensiOn or cancellation of the Enrolment. [or The Respo ndent h as also not placed on record a copy of letter dated 5·h August, 1997, stated to have been 18 written by him to Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana requesting it to keep his registration in abeyance. As per the records of the Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana . the Enrolment Respo nden t Certificate and never his surrendered e nrolment as his a Practic ing Advocate is still alive. 31. 3 Section 2 (a) of Advocates Act, 1961 , defines an "advocate" to mean an advocate en tered In any roll unde r the Act. Section 2(i) of the Advo cates Act defines the "legal Practitioner" as "an advocate, or vakil of any High Court , a pleader, a mukhtar or revenue agent." Section 29 of the Act provides that Advocates shall be the on ly recognized class of pe rson s entitled to practise law. Section 30 of the Act states that subj ect to provlslons of this Act, every advocate whose name is e nte red in the State ro ll s hall be entitled as of right to practise throughout the territories to which this Act extends, (i) in all courts including th e Supreme Court; (ii) before any tribunal or person legally a uthori ze to take evidence; and (iii) before any other authority or person before whom s uch advocate is by o r under any law for the time being in force entitled to practise 19 31.4 Since th e enrollment of the Responde n t as an Advocate with th e Bar Cou n cil of Punjab & Haryana is s till alive , the re is no doubt that he is an Advocate and can prac tice law in te rm s of the provisions of Advocates Act. It is, therefore, held that the Respondent was enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Punjab & Haryan a at the time of his filing nomination as a candidate for election to the Council of the Institute in the election h eld in December, 2014. 32. ISSUE NO.2 (2)Whether the Respondent was mandatorily required to gIve the details of his "other occupation/engagement" as a n Advocate in reply to Clause 2 (c) o f the stateme nt accompanying th e n o mination form in te rm s o f Sub· Rule (4) of Rule 9 of the Election Rules 2006. 3 2.1 Rule 9 (4) of th e Election Rules provides that the nomination of th e candidate shall be valid only if it is accompanied by a s tatement signed and verified by the candidate containing information as provided in Schedule 4 of the Rul es. Schedule 4 of the Rules prescribes the information which is required to be in cluded 111 nomination. the s ta teme nt accom pany111g th e Clau se (1) of the Sch edule states that the nomination of a candida te s h all be accompanied by a statement signed and ve rified by the candidate 20 containing the information mentioned in Sub Clause (a) to (j) of the said Clause. Clause 2 of the Sch edule 4 states that the statement referred to in Clause 1 may also con tain, at the option of the candidate, information concerning the candidate in ,·espect of the matters mentioned in Sub-Clauses (a) to (d) thereof. Sub -Clause (c) of Clause 2 requires the candidate to give the particulars of occupations i.e . (J) employment (designation with name of the present employer); (ii) Practice (Sole proprietor or in partnership including the n ame of the firm); and (iii) Par ticulars of other occupat ion /engagement, if not covered by (i) and (ii) above. In terms of the Sub Cla u se (c) of Clause 2 a candidate is required to give the Part icula rs of h is Occupations. Against Clau se 2(i) the Res pondent furni s hed the details of his employment as Wholetime Company Secretary to Panason ic AVC Networks India Company Ltd . 32.2 The Ap plicant h as alleged th at the Respondent deliberately and wilfully concealed the material fact about hi s other occupation of being a Practising Advocate. The Respondent has rebutted this allegation and has, in hi s defence , stated that at the time of filing his nomination he was not pursuing any profession other than being the Company Secretary and Director, Finance m Panasonic AVC 21 Network India Company Ltd. and obviously the information with regard to th e particulars of other occupation was not applicable and hen ce he h ad correctly written "not applicable" relevant cla use in the said statement. against the He further submitted that the particu lars of occupation as Company Secretary and Director, Fin ance m Panasonic AVC Network India Company Ltd ., have been m entioned correctly as he is not engaged U1 any other occupation and the verification signed m terms of Rule 9 (4) of the Election Rules was correct and true to the best of hi s k nowledge and belief and no false statement or mi s represen tation as alleged has been made by him. As there is mention of the word 'may' in Clause (2) in contradistin ction to the word 'shall' in Clause (1) of the Schedule 4, the particulars to be given against clause (2) of the Statement under Rule 9(4) of the Rules is optional, the Respondent could have opted not to give the information against any of the Sub-Clauses (a) to (d) of Clause 2. However, he has voluntarily chosen to give information. 32,3 T he substantive defence of the Respondent is that he never practiced as an Advocate and, therefore, it was not his occupation and accordingly the same was not mentioned in the statement. Having regard 22 to the fact that th e Applican t has not placed on record any docume nt to show that the Respondent was a c tually in practice as an Advocate even though his name was o n th e ro lls o f the Bar Council. Thu s, his conten tion cannot be acce pted and t h e benefit is to be given to th e Res pondent. This Issue IS answered accordin gly, and , therefore , h e was not manda torily required to give the details in addition to his full time e mploym e nt as wh ole time Company Secretary of Pa n asonic AVC Networks India Company Ltd . 33. ISSUE NO.3 (3) Whether non-declaration of the inform ation by the Respondent about hi s occu pation as a Practicing Advocate m a de him in eligible to contest the election on account of concealment o r material fact or misstatement in his nomination form for election to the Council in the election held in December, 201 4 . 33.1 Rule 42 of the Election Rules provides for action against a Member in connection with the conduct of elect ion if h e is found guilty of any act of omission or comm ission as provided in Sub-Rules (1) to (4) of Rule 4 2. It, therefo re, follows that if a candidate is found guilty of any of misconduct mentioned in Rule 42 he has to be proceeded against in terms of Section 22 of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 read with First and 23 Second Sch edu le thereof and the Company Secretaries (Proced ure of In ves tigation s of Professiona l and Oth er Misconduct and Condu ct of Cases) Ru les, 2007. The Elec tion Ru les do not p rovide for setting aside for election on any of the ground mention ed in Rule 42 of the Rules. 33.2 T he Representation of the People Act, 1950, specifically provid es for the grounds on which the election can be declared void (Section i OO) and the grounds for which a candidate. other than the returned candidate, m ay be d eclared to h ave been elected (Section 10 i) . The re a re no equ ivalent prov IsIOn s In the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 a n d the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006. The Application filed by the Applicant h as to be adj udicated in terms of provisions of t h e Company Secretaries Act, 1980 and the Company Secretaries (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006. In view of the above disc Llssion th e aforesaid issue is decided against the Applicant and in fa vour of the Respondent. 34. ISSUE NO.4 (4) Whether the election of th e Respondent to the ICSI Council in the election held in December. 20i4 is not va.lid. 24 34.1 T he Applicant had prayed that the election of the Respondent as a Member of Cou ncil of the Ins titute in th e election held in Decembe r , 2014 be declared void ab-initio; and the Ap plicant should be declared to have been elected in the election to the Council held in December, 2014. 34.2 Though th e Respondent was enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana he did not ac ti vely engage a llegation that h im self in the this profession . Respon dent made The a false declaration in the statement under Rule 9 (4) of the Rules has not been found established. Thus, this issue is decided against the Applicant and in favour of the Respondent. 35. ISSUE NO.5 (5) Relie f, jf any. 35.1 The Applican t's main allegation is that the Respondent contested the election based on false information and s ign ing of verification knowing it to be false and thus fraudulently won the election to t he Counc il of the In s ti tute in the elec tion h e ld in Decembe r, 2014. We h ave ta ken the view that wh ile th e Responden twas e nro ll ed as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Punj ab A'0 25 • & Haryana, the Applicant co uld no t establish that the Respondent was in active prac tice as an Advocate . The refor e, in the declaratio n in the statement under Rule 9 (4) of the Rules, th ere was , therefore, n o con cealment of mate rial fac t. 35.2 The Applicant also alleged tha t the Responde nt was a Prac ticing Advocate wh ile holding whole time e mployment in viola tion of the Advocates Act and the Rules made there unde r and that by engaging in two occupations i.e. Prac ticin g Advocate and Company Secre tary, the Respon dent has violated the p rovi sion s o f the Company Secre taries Ac t , 1980 and t he Rules m a d e th e re unde r . 3 5 .3 It has also been al leged that the Respond e nt is guilty of serious misconduct in tenus of the provision s of First and Second Sch edule of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 . The Respondent is also alleged to have contested th e electi on to the Northern India Regional Con s titue n cy in t h e year 2006 an d 2 0 10 without d isclosing the m ate r ia l fac t s abou t his s imultaneously being engaged in two occu pation s. In our view, for these allegation s the remedy lies el sewh e re and this Tribunal h as no jurisdiction. 26 '. , " 35.4 In the con spectu s of facts and circumstances, we are of t he view th at the Applicant has not been able to make o ut any case against the Respondent and the Application deserves to be dismissed. Accordingly, this Application is dismissed. No Order as to costs. ~. ".)<..~ (A.K Chaturvedil Member (R. Asokan) Member ~ (D . Bhardwaj) Presiding Officer 27