christmas luncheon - First Presbyterian Church of Highlands
christmas luncheon - First Presbyterian Church of Highlands
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HIGHLANDS FROM THE PASTOR JANUARY 2015 SONSHINE SCHOOL……..2 LESSONS & CAROLS.........3 CHRISTMAS EVE................3 CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON...4 MEET OUR INTERN...........5 HCCDC........................….5 BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES………....6 LECTIONARY..…..........…..8 2015 In a Broom Hilda cartoon piece of some years ago, her troll-like, naive, and innocent little friend Irwin puts on a long-tailed formal tuxedo jacket, picks up a conductor’s baton, and walks into the woods alone. There, Irwin steps up on a fallen tree trunk and begins to wave his arms as if he’s conducting an orchestra. But, in front of him there are no musicians. The “orchestra” is made up only of rocks, trees, and flowers. However, before long musical notes pour out from the rocks, trees, and flowers, and fill the cartoon panel. In the final panel, Irwin turns and confidently says to the reader, “It’s all in there; you just have to work at getting it out.” As we enter into this New Year, we know it is filled with all kinds of possibilities. As Irwin says, “They’re all in there; we just have to work at getting them out.” These possibilities are the hopes and dreams we have for our lives and the lives of loved ones, as well as for friends and neighbors. Yet, we all know that hopes and dreams do not normally come without due attention and effort. Even Irwin had to put on his tux, pick up his baton, and direct the performance. His hopes and dreams for his musical performance took necessary steps. As we move into this New Year, the hopes and dreams we have as spiritual people will require our attention and efforts. Indeed, as Proverbs says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (29:18 KJV). More positively, “Where there is a vision, people thrive!” Spiritual vision, well-being, and growth involves casting forward our best hopes and dreams of God’s life for one another. As we move into this New Year, let us keep working towards the spiritual possibilities that lie before us. As we do, we will be filled with the “music” of God’s goodness for ourselves and one another as the people of God, through God’s grace and love as disciples of Jesus Christ. Curtis WHAT WOULD WE D O WITHOUT YOU? As the sounds of the Lessons and Carols service on December 14th continue to echo their glorious notes, we give thanks for the generosity and dedication of our choir to faithfully proclaim God’s word through music. Michael Lancaster and Angie Jenkins provide such vital leadership with their own unique gifts. Thank you all! We also give thanks for Donna Philips and the Sacred Sounds Bell Choir for enhancing our worship through joyful offerings. What fun to hear the bells on Christmas Eve! We extend gratitude to the work of all who put in the time and effort to decorate the grounds and keep the greens fresh throughout Advent and the Christmas season. Jill Wolfe, Teeter Smith, Kyle Clark, Bill Strunk, Mozelle Edwards, Betty Fisher, Don Fisher, Pat Mulherin, Marty Boone, Duncan Greenlee, Kat Evans, and Raychael Evans – thank you! As always, a huge thanks to Joel and Ann Porter, and the Congregational Care Ministry Team for the warmth and deliciousness of the Christmas Luncheon. PAGE 2 SONSHINE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM The Sonshine School after-school program is the fortunate and grateful beneficiary of several community collaborations. The Literacy Council of Highlands brings the National Geographic Explorer Science Program to us weekly. Some of our classes thus far include learning about raptors, geology and our changing earth, and mask-making and its different purposes. Our youngest students participate in a weekly author study. Currently reading Kevin Henke, and some of his books, including Chrysanthemum, Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, and Owen. These lessons include meaningful comprehension, literary activities and crafts. Once a month, we enjoy a learning experience provided by Sarah Pursel of the Highlands Cashiers Land Trust and Literacy Council of Highlands. Last month we learned about the vital role of trees in our world. As a concluding exercise, we created tree costumes, wore them, and came together to make a forest. This month we studied owls and their prey. We enjoyed a science lab in which we dissected owl pellets to better understand their food sources. Another tremendous opportunity that our older students have each month is an art class at the Bascom with the Literacy Council of Highlands. This experience features children's writers and artists. Last month we drew, painted, and learned about Blue Dog. This month, we heard the story of Pete the Cat, I Love My White Sneakers. We then created a Pete the Cat sculpture along with his decorated white sneakers. Artist-Educator Kat Evans led us in this creative endeavor, and is preparing us for an art show in the spring. In each of these collaborations, the Literacy Council provides our students with free books and magazines. Finally, our own Hudson Library welcomes us to its monthly first Wednesday movie with popcorn and snacks. We are grateful to all of our supporters and providers, first and foremost, First Presbyterian Church of Highlands and all of our generous donors and volunteers (the Literacy Council of Highlands, the Bascom, the Highlands Cashiers Land Trust, and the Hudson Library). Merry Christmas SANTA’S EARLY ARRIVAL PAGE 3 LESSONS AND CAROLS On December14th the Chancel Choir along with guest musicians Valerie Whitcup, Harpist, Linda Lancaster, Flutist, and Emily Scheider, Oboist, gave as a musical offering the traditional "Lessons and Carols." CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Our Candlelight Christmas Eve service featured Michael Lancaster singing "Away in a Manger," accompanied by Linda Lancaster, Flutist and Valerie Whitcup, Harpist. The Sacred Sounds Handbell Choir gave a musical offering of several Christmas carols. A highlight of the service was the children's time with pastors Emily and Curtis. PAGE 4 CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Wayne Coleman sang "Mary, Did You Know?" at the worship service on December 21st. A sumptuous luncheon followed the service, with Angie Jenkins playing Christmas carols in Coleman Hall. MANY ENJOYED THE LOVELY CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON HELD DECEMBER 21ST, PREPARED BY JOEL PORTER. CHURCH HAPPENINGS PAGE 5 MEET OUR NEW CHOIR INTERN CHRISTMAS CAROL SING, DECEMBER 6TH Austin McDowell is a baritone from the small town of Denton, NC, located in Davidson County. A junior at Western Carolina University, he is a Communications major with concentrations in Public Relations and Journalism. Austin recently told us, "I love singing, songwriting, and training dogs as my hobbies." HCCDC Santa made a surprise visit at the Child Development Center of Highlands when he dropped in last Friday morning to share breakfast with the children. About 50 of the pupils enjoyed the meal with Santa, and then had a great time telling him what they want for Christmas. Christmas stories were shared by all, and the children left the party looking very forward to Christmas Eve and seeing Santa again. PAGE 6 February Birthdays January Birthdays Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 8 Jan. 13 Jan. 14 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Mike Campbell Hilda Patrick Frances Brasfield Rick Demetriou Boyd Letcher Dottie Wise Judy Mergler Sandra Ballentine George Lott Lynne Browne Angie Jenkins Beth Greenlee Jim Ashford Sandy Barrow Gay Graves Mary Jo Askew Jeff Cox Bob Tietze Teeter Smith Don Paulk Karen Leabo January Anniversaries Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Jan. 29 Nancy & Jimmy Lowe Deborah & Jim McKnight Marge & Duane Meeter Janice & Dan Topping BIRTHDAYS & A N N I V E R S A R I E S Feb. 4 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Marge Meeter Betty Fisher Russell Jobson Ann Herbert Jim Bean Bob Wright Janet Connell Carroll Peacock Nancy Chandler Bennie Jo Murray Keturah Paulk Dallis Copeland Bill Zeller Bill Gaston Joan Berryhill Jackie Hills Timothy Perry Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 February Anniversaries Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 10 Feb. 14 Feb. 24 Feb. 28 Dee & Gary Carnes Kay & Teeter Smith Ann & Claude Sullivan Jennifer & Billy Creswell Suzanne & Bruce Sloan Triddy & Carroll Peacock NOVEMBER 2014 TREASURER’S REPORT Budget Actual 762,908.00 791,622.00 (28,714.00) 722,797.00 773,403.00 (50,606.00) Operating Income and Expenses YTD Income YTD Expenses Net Income PLEASE KEEP YOUR PLEDGES CURRENT! Please keep in your prayers these members and friends of the congregation: Emily Reid Brigman (Janice & Dan Topping’s granddaughter), Kitty Byers, Annette & Wayne Coleman, Mary Anne & William Creswell, Haley Fisher (Don Fisher’s great niece), Fran & Bill Gaston, Beth Greenlee, Brian Knox (Mindy Cook’s brother), Alex & Simon Lake, Delaine Mehder, Keturah & Don Paulk, Kay Philips (Jim Philips’mother), Laverne Sharp (Olivia Holt’s mother), Martha Spruill and Ben Straughn (Greta & Dick Decourcy’s grandson). Please keep in your prayers these members in the community and beyond: Larry Black, Linda & Kenton David, Pete Farrer, Steve Hayner, Frank Jemison, Jane & George Jerry, Cherry Martin (Bill’s wife), Jim Shearon, Sandra Simmons and Buck Trott. WOMEN’S STUDIES The Women's Studies Group will meet on Wednesday, January 7th at 10:15 in the library. We will study the fourth lesson, Patience, in "Fruit of the Spirit.". Bring a sandwich and something to share for lunch. All ladies of the church are invited to join us. The Beyond the Walls Book Club is taking a holiday break and will meet every Tuesday starting January 20th, 4 PM at The Ugly Dog Public House. They will discuss one short story every week from the collection, Everything That Rises Must Converge, by Flannery O'Connor. Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Annual Meeting of the Congregation & Luncheon 25 Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am 18 Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am 11 19 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA 26 Sonshine School Closed Martin Luther King Jr 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30 AA 5:30 AA 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 9:00 HCCDC Board Mtg 3:00 Sonshine School 12 14 10:15 Women’s Studies — Library 11:30 Children’s Church 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 4:00 Staff - Library 7 WED 21 22 3:00 Sonshine School 15 3:00 Sonshine School 8 Office Closed New Years Day Sonshine School Closed Winter Break 27 28 10:00 Bible Story Time HCCDC 11:30 Children’s Church 3:00 Sonshine School 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 5:30 AA 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 4:00 Staff - Library 5:30 Choir Rehearsal 29 3:00 Sonshine School 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 30 5:00 Wedding Rehearsal 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 23 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 16 11:00 HHCDC Finance Mtg. 11:15-11:45 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School Session Retreat 9 Sonshine School Closed Winter Break Office Closed 2 1 12:00 AA FRI THU 10:00 Bible Story Time HCCDC 11:30 Children’s Church 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 12:00 AA Mission Team 4:00 Staff - Library leaves for Bolivia 5:30 Choir Rehearsal begins 5:30 Literacy Board Mtg Sonshine School Closed Sonshine School Closed Teacher Workday Teacher Workday 20 3:00 Sonshine School 11:30 Children’s Church 10:00 Bible Story Time HCCDC 11:40-12:00 HCCDC Music 5:30 AA 12:00 AA 3:00 Sonshine School 4:00 Staff - Library 13 6 10:00 Land Stewards Meeting 10:00 Bible Story Time HCCDC 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA 5 8:00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:00 Removal of the greens 3:00 Sonshine School 5:30 AA TUES 4 MON Church School 9:30 Worship 11:00 am Communion Sunday & Ministry of the Farthest Pew SUN JANUARY 2015 Presbytery Meeting 31 5:00 Wedding 24 17 Session Retreat 10 3 SAT PAGE 7 PAGE 8 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF HIGHLANDS 471 M AIN S TREET P. O. B OX 548 HIGHLANDS , NC 28741 828-526-3175 FAX: 828-526-0784 E-M AIL: FPCH@FRONTIER .COM WEB PAGE: FPCHIGHLANDS .ORG Sanctuary hours for meditation are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday—Friday Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Church Services June through Labor Day weekend Communion served every Sunday 11:00 a.m. Communion served the first Sunday of every month Lectionary Texts for January As you prepare to come to worship, here are the scripture texts that will make up the services during the month of January: January 4 2nd Sunday after Christmas Day Class of 2015 Congregational Care, Sally Copeland Worship, Kathy Evans Finance, Stewart Manning Membership/Outreach, Donna Woods Jer. 31:7-14 Ps. 147:12-20 Eph. 1:3-14 John 1: (1-9) 10-18 January 6 Epiphany of the Lord Class of 2016 Children’s Ministry, Delaine Mehder Personnel, Obie Oakley Mission, Hillrie Quin Clerk of Session, Claude Sullivan Isa. 60:1-6 Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14 Eph. 31:1-12 Matt. 2:1-12 January 11 Baptism of the Lord Class of 2017 Vision 20/20, Tom Joyner Adult Education, Chad Lucas Congregational Care, Mary Anna McClendon Property, Bob Tietze Gen. 1:1-5 Ps. 29 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 January 18 1 Sam 3:1-10 (11-20) Ps. 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Cor. 6:12-20 John 1:43-51 2nd Sunday After Epiphany Ministers The Congregation January 25 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Ps. 62:5-12 1 Cor. 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 3rd Sunday After Epiphany Staff Jennifer Creswell, Administrative Manager Raychael Evans, Administrative Assistant Steve Mehder, Church Treasurer Michael Lancaster, Director of Worship/ Music Angie Jenkins, Organist/ Music Coordinator Joel Porter, Food Coordinator Kyle Clark, Property Manager Janice Mathis & Keri Raby, Nursery Assistants Mozelle Edwards, Sonshine School Director Briana Jenkins, Sonshine Assistant Pastors Curtis Fussell Emily Wilmarth Raychael Evans and Marty Boone publish our Newsletter. If you have an article to submit, please email it to Raychael at: [email protected] by the 15th of the month. If you would like to receive our newsletter by e-mail, please e-mail or call the church office at 526-3175. To provide flowers for a loved one, please fill out a flower leaflet located upstairs next to the flower calendar or downstairs located at the Receptionist’s desk.
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