newsdigest - Ipswich Borough Council


newsdigest - Ipswich Borough Council
Raven calls young
warriors to
Regent panto!
it’s your council’s website with all
the information you need
Issue 252 November 2009
Published by
Ipswich Borough Council
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Join your Area Forum
Have your say on
town’s future
An Area Forum is somewhere that local people
can go to share their views and get involved in
local decision-making. Forums are public meetings
that are open to everyone. There is no need to
book to attend - all residents are welcome to
come along.
Forums are a chance for residents to receive
Ipswich residents and businesses
are being urged to express their
views on future plans to develop
the town.
updates on events or changes that are happening
in their area and also to ask questions of
The Borough Council has approved the Core Strategy
Councillors, Council officers and partner agencies
of its Local Development Framework and now would
such as the Police. As well as featuring
like people to get involved in saying what they think
presentations and question and answer sessions,
about it. The new Core Strategy document has been
Forums are a great place for residents to meet
agreed following detailed consideration of hundred's
each other and to share the work that they are
of comments received by the Council as part of its
already doing within their own communities.
Preferred Options consultation at the start of 2008.
Next round of Area Forums - November/December
People can submit comment on the Strategy up until
Friday 27th November. Letters have already been sent
SOUTH WEST - Tuesday 10th November 6.15pm
out to hundreds of people to let them know about the
St Peter's Church, Stoke Park Drive
consultation - including those that have commented at
previous stages of the Framework production process.
SOUTH EAST - Wednesday 11th November 11am
The Orwell Centre, 114 Fore Hamlet
The Council is keen on people getting involved and
having their say - thereafter the Council plans to
NORTH EAST - Tuesday 17th November 11am
submit the document to Ministers in early 2010. When
St John's United Reform Church, Cowper Street
doing so we will send to the government all the
comments we receive by the 27th November. The
CENTRAL - Wednesday 25th November 7pm
Government will then arrange for an independent
St Matthew's School, Portman Road
Planning Inspector to come to Ipswich and
independently assess the Core Strategy document.
NORTH WEST - Thursday 3rd December 11am
Whitton Baptist Church, 209 Highfield Road
Only those who comment on the document at this
stage will have an opportunity to appear at the
independent examination.
The draft Core Strategy is about the whole town's
Everything you need to know
about Ipswich Borough Council
is on our new-look website
future and proposes building more affordable homes,
limiting traffic on the Waterfront's Northern Quays,
allocating the former Cranes factory as a strategic
employment site and demanding more energy saving
measures in new developments.
It also acknowledges that Ipswich must meet
Government targets for housing which call for 15,400
extra homes to be built in the town between 2001 and
2021. To comply with these growth figures the draft
News, service information, A to Z,
events, activities, contact
numbers, council business and
much more
recognises that some building on the Northern Fringe is
inevitable but not until 2016 at the earliest and only
after a comprehensive master plan has been produced.
As well as the draft Strategy the Council has published
a series of supporting documents such as a
Sustainability Appraisal Report. One of the more
important one's of these additional documents is the
'Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment' report
(the SHLAA report). The SHLAA report sets out the sites
which the Council believes could be developed to hit
the 15,400 homes targets.
The SHLAA report shows significant changes to the
options consulted on in early 2008. For example, the
draft documents are now not supporting options
consulted on previously for many small sites (including
Clapgate Lane, Defoe Road, Newton Road and
Henniker Road).
In addition, the draft documents have cut the expected
number of houses on other sites such as at St Clement's
Hospital and Suffolk Road. This is intended to help
ensure a higher proportion of houses than flats are
provided over the next decade than has been taking
place in recent years. All of these changes have been
made following detailed consideration of public
Further information on the LDF can be obtained from
the Council website: or by calling
the Council planning policy team on 01473 432019. The
Council is encouraging people to use the on-line
comment form if at all possible.
The Council is holding a number of events that people
can attend to learn more about the contents of the
draft Core Strategy. The next consultation meetings
are (some events might have already taken place):
* A North-East area meeting on Monday 2nd
November at 8pm at Copleston High School;
* An infrastructure meeting on Wednesday 4th
November at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall;
* A drop-in meeting on Friday 6th November between
11am and 2pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall;
* A North-West area meeting on Monday 9th
at 7pm
at Whitehouse Junior School;
* A Northern Fringe meeting on Wednesday 11th
November at 7pm at Thurleston High School.
Reg and Raven will
have panto fun
Young warriors of all ages
are being summoned to
the Regent Theatre for the
best panto in East Anglia.
The call to the fabulous Jack and the Beanstalk
production comes from Raven himself, star of the
CBBC series of the same name. Raven - or his alter ego,
James Mackenzie - plays Fleshcreep in the show, so
you’d better do as he says.
The pantomime, brought to you by Ipswich Borough
Council and Duo Entertainment for the fifth year
running, has a star-studded cast. Corrie favourite Reg
Houdsworth (Ken Morley) plays the dame, boy band
Blue singer Antony Costa plays Jack, Carl Johns who
played Smee opposite Brian Blessed in Captain Hook, is
Simple Simon, while newcomer Carina Gillespie plays
the glamorous Princess Tamara.
Panto producer Barrie Stead led the cast on to the
Regent stage for the traditional press launch. He said
Jack and the Beanstalk would follow the other shows
with good clean and funny jokes and an excellent cast
who would appeal to people of all ages. “We have a
larger-than-life panto dame provided by Ken Morley, a
fabulous leading man played by Antony Costa and a
terrific villain, Fleshcreep, played by James Mackenzie,
better known to millions of children as Raven on BBC
Councillor Liz Harsant, Leader of Ipswich Borough
Council, said: “We are all very excited by this panto
and we are sure it will be a great success. The
professional pantomime is always our biggest
production at the Regent and we hope people from all
over Suffolk and beyond will come and have a
fantastic time.”
Jack and the Beanstalk runs at the Regent Theatre
from 19th December to 10th January. Book your
tickets now on
01473 433100
... and so will Antony, Carina, Carl and
Daisy as they prepare for Regent mayhem
Ipswich to honour
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Fireworks in the park will be a
The 11th Ipswich Scout Group’s 38th annual
fireworks spectacular in Christchurch Park takes place
on Saturday 7th November. This year organisers are
planning a “Thriller Firework Display” accompanied
by the legendary music of Michael Jackson.
Suffolk company Shell Shock has produced a £28,000
spectacular and the family event will also feature a
fun fair, food and entertainment from BBC Radio
Suffolk, Heart fm and Town 102.
There are big discounts on tickets if you buy in
advance. Adults just £6, children £4, instead of £9
and £6 on the gate. Tickets are obtainable from
many outlets, including Ipswich Borough Council’s
Tourist Information Centre in St Stephen’s Church.
Find out more on
An ambitious project to honour Ipswich's most famous
son, Cardinal Wolsey, has been launched.
Ipswich Choral Society
Ipswich Choral Society, one of England's oldest
choirs, sings England's oldest opera, "Dido and
Aeneas" by Purcell, at Ipswich School on Sunday 8th
November at 3.30pm.
The autumn concert is followed by the "Ipswich
Sings Christmas" concert on Saturday 19 December
and a performance of Haydn's "Creation" in spring
The £100,000 public appeal to commission and
The Wolsey Artwork for Ipswich Appeal patrons
construct an artwork tribute is backed by many civic
launched the project in St Peter's Church. Peter
leaders, historians and the media and is led by Dr John
Osborne, general manager of the Ramada Encore
Blatchly, the mastermind of the St Lawrence bells
Hotel, handed over a cheque for £1,000 to kickstart the
Thomas Wolsey was born and brought up in Ipswich
Last month, the bells of St Lawrence - the oldest in
before his rise to greatness, becoming Henry VIII's Lord
Christendom - were rung again. These bells would have
Chancellor - effectively the second most powerful man
been heard by Wolsey as a boy.
in Tudor England. Wolsey's Gate and St Peter's Church,
near the town's Waterfront renaissance, are all that is
Dr Blatchly said donations large and small, from
left of Wolsey's dream to build a great college in
corporate organisations, trusts and from the general
Ipswich - a dream captured by Shakespeare in one of
public are welcomed.
his plays.
He told Ipswich Angle: “Thomas was born sometime in
its most famous son
Starting the appeal: Peter Osborne (right) hands over a £1,000 to John Blatchly. James Hehir, Chief Executive of the Borough Council and Rebecca Weaver,
Arts Development Manager, look on. Opposite page: Dr Blatchly addressing the patrons and other supporters in St Peter’s Church
1471 in his father's tavern in St Mary Elm's parish. His
London, where he faced imprisonment or execution.
The patrons of the appeal are:
better. His mother Joan was sister of Edmund Daundy,
Dr Blatchly said; “ No justice was ever done to Wolsey’s
Dr John Blatchly, former headmaster of Ipswich School
bailiff, MP and leading merchant in the town. It was
memory. He was a wise and just statesman, unfairly
Jack Chapman, Chairman, Ipswich Society
Daundy who could afford to educate Thomas at school
maligned by posterity. From Ipswich he deserves better.
Judge John Devaux, Honorary Recorder
here and at Magdalen College, Oxford.
That is why we have launched this important appeal.”
John Dugmore, CE, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
“This year is the quincentenary of Wolsey's meteoric
Cheques for the appeal should be made out to
Cllr David Goldsmith, Mayor of Ipswich
rise. In 1509 he became almoner to Henry VIII, was
The Ipswich Town Trust, c/o Fifth Floor, Grafton House,
Terry Hunt, Editor, East Anglian Daily Times
made a cardinal six years later the king (dispenser of
Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2DE
James Hehir, Chief Executive, Ipswich Borough Council
father Robert was a butcher, but grazier sounded
John Field, Ipswich Society
charity), and soon became dean of Lincoln and dean of
Revd. Canon Peter Mortimer
Hereford. He became Dean of York in 1513 and the
Or you can email your interest and any comments to:
Mark Murphy, BBC Radio Suffolk
next year the bishopric of Lincoln and archbishopric of
[email protected]
Nigel Pickover, Editor, Evening Star
York followed. He became Lord Chancellor in 1514 and
was made a cardinal in 1515.”
Thomas Wolsey’s fall was also quick - after failing to
win Henry a divorce from Katherine he lost the
trappings of office and died on his way back to
Rt Revd. Nigel Stock, Bishop of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
A new appeal website was also launched -
Cllr Judy Terry, Arts, Culture & Leisure portfolio-holder,
Ipswich Borough Council
Rebecca Weaver, Arts Development Officer, Ipswich
Borough Council
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Council’s new dog
mess crackdown
Borough backs new insulation
A scheme to allow householders a smarter way to
insulate their homes has been welcomed by Ipswich
Borough Council, one of the partners launching it.
Carbon Action Network - East and Suffolk local
councils are behind the plan to meet the
Government target that all homes in the UK are
insulated by 2015. But Dr Matthew Ling, Head of
Environmental Services at the Borough Council, said
today: “We estimate that on current progress that
target cannot be met unless we take action now.
We are also aware that four-fifths of homes in the
East of England do not have sufficient insulation.
This needs to be put right if we are going to save
energy and meet carbon reduction goals.”
The new scheme gives house-holders the
opportunity to insulate their homes with a fixed
grant and also to explore other innovative energy
saving ideas. CAN - East Chair, Julia Blackwell said
“Locally Authorities are the unsung heroes of the
fight to reduce the effects of climate change. They
are in a unique situation to develop the tools this
region needs to meet the vital target insulation
targets and help householders make further money
saving while improving their property.”
Householders can access the Carbon Reduction
Initiative by calling 0800 232 1677 for free or by
The system offers a preferred installer that is based
in the area, minimising carbon footprints and
information is available of preferential local offers.
Ipswich Borough Council has
installed many dog bins in and
around parks and green
spaces and in the average
month around five tonnes of
mess is collected from them.
Officer to join its Clean Space team and has launched a
new campaign with a tough message: if you don't
clear up after your dog our patrols will give you a £50
on the spot penalty notice.
Council staff are also visiting local primary schools,
asking pupils to help design posters to raise awareness
for the zero tolerance campaign.
You can report incidents of dog fouling to the
Council's Cleaner Ipswich Hotline 01473 433000.
Lunchtime concert
That's good news and well done to all the responsible
pet owners who clean up after their dogs.
You can also email [email protected]
The November Lunchtime Concert, hosted by
Ipswich Arts Association, will feature Mellow
Sadly, not everyone is clearing up after their dogs and
The advice to dog owners is: always carry a bag when
Bellows, an Ipswich-based group of accordionists,
there are still too many piles of dog mess left on the
out with your dog and a simple device to scoop the
with percussion, which performs at various local
streets and in parks. Not good news for anyone,
poop. Bag it, tie it and bin it - this may mean taking it
venues and at Ipswich Music Day. The programme is
including toddlers, who might step in it as it is not only
home to your domestic bin if there are no bins on your
drawn from their wide-ranging repertoire, which
unpleasant but also a health hazard.
chosen route. Don't leave it behind for others to tread
in or it will cost you!
includes popular standards, swing arrangements,
Latin American dance music (from tango to samba
The Council has appointed a new Waste Enforcement
and bossa nova), light classical pieces, klezmer,
traditional British tunes and world music.
The concert takes place on Thursday 12th November
Wear your poppy with pride, says Mayor
(1pm to 1.50pm) at Museum Street Methodist
Church. Tea will be on the hob at 12:30pm.
Although admission is free, a retiring collection of
£2 will be appreciated.
More details:
01473 836448
The Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor David Goldsmith, is encouraging local people to support the annual
Poppy Appeal to raise funds for current and ex-servicemen and women. “We owe our Armed Forces a
great debt of gratitude and I would ask everyone to wear a poppy and to wear it with pride,” said the
Richard Cadell &
Barrie C Stead
Duo Pantomimes in association with
Ipswich Borough Council present
Choreographer Di Cooke
Musical Director Allan Rogers
Written and Directed by
Brenda Lefevere
01473 433100
19th DEC ’09 - 10th JAN ‘10
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Festive fun in
Elena boosts park tennis
British tennis ace Elena Baltacha launched a new
tennis in the park venture being organised by Team
Ipswich and Ipswich Sports Club.
Their partnership over the forthcoming year will
use the courts in Christchurch Park, providing fun
and opportunity for all levels and ages. Elena
attended a family fun day, providing
demonstrations and talking to Ipswich's budding
Professional tennis coaches Ipswich Sports Club
promoted the range of activities it plans to deliver
in the park.
Paul Sheldrake from Ipswich Sports Club said: “We
are extremely proud and excited to be involved in
the parks tennis partnership. The unique park
courts, so close to our club, set in wonderful
grounds are a fantastic opportunity for us to
develop our community tennis programme at
literally grass roots level.
“Tennis is a game for life for everyone to enjoy,
especially families. Facilities such as these will in my
opinion be the true stepping stones and future of
British tennis."
Message from the Mayor
The Mayoress and I would like to say a very BIG
thank you to everyone who supported our
Macmillan World's biggest Coffee Morning event.
It was wonderful to see so many friends, family and
the community of Ipswich come together in support
of this worthwhile cause.
Thank you to all who joined us for coffee/tea and
biscuits. The total raised was an amazing £225.28
and this has gone direct to Macmillan Cancer
Well done everyone and thank you again for your
Mayor of Ipswich
‘Everyone can
share in the magic
this year’
Ipswich town centre
Festive shoppers will have
five times the fun in
Ipswich this Christmas.
Theatre, human statues, stilt-walkers to cookery
festive feeling in Ipswich."
demonstrations, mini street-panto sessions and the
chance to win prizes.
This year's lights will be switched on the first time on
Thursday 19th November, the first of the late night
Councillor Richard Atkins, Economic Development
shopping evenings. The lights will come on around the
portfolio-holder, told Ipswich Angle: “This is going to
town in a staggered fashion, as Santa passes by on his
be so much fun and a big boost to the town’s retailers.
Instead of focusing on a single lights switch-on, Ipswich
We believe a proper build-up to an Ipswich Christmas
Central and Ipswich Borough Council have wrapped up
offers people more choice and more excitement.”
a multiple bundle of goodies for residents and visitors,
"We are mindful that we do not want to create a
crowd in one place, otherwise people will have the
including a visit by a boy band pop star, additional
Paul Clement, executive director of Ipswich Central,
same issues as on previous years so therefore the lights
lights on the Town Hall and on the Waterfront and a
said: “We have learned a great deal over the course of
will come on as Santa passes. This way, everyone can
chance for more people to share the magic that is an
the last few years and feel that the town's shoppers,
share in the magic,” said Mr Clement.
Ipswich Christmas.
and the retailers, will get far more out of a carefully
planned festive build-up which goes much further than
This particular evening will also include a santa-sleigh
From Thursday 19th November, shoppers heading to
just one event. The switch-on of the lights was a victim
being driven through the town-centre and special guest
the town for late-night gift-buying will be treated to a
of its own success and had got so big that many people
Anthony Costa (of boyband Blue fame) joining the
carefully planned mix of music, dance, games and
could not get into the town centre to enjoy it safely.
giveaways to get us all in the mood for the season.
"This year we have taken this into consideration and
Also, be sure to look out for great online and radio
Every late night Thursday, shoppers can enjoy a
devised a programme of events which is spread over
competitions linked to this year's Ipswich Christmas
different look and feel to the evening - spanning
the town and over a five-week period. We are also
everything from a retail treasure hunt involving Daisy
involving local community groups to provide dancing
the Cow from Jack in the Beanstalk at the Regent
and singing on certain evenings to add to the feelgood
Countdown to a perfect
Ipswich Christmas
The festive treats get under way on Thursday 19th November, the first of five late
night shopping days. The other shopping nights are Thursday 19th and 26th
November, and 3rd, 10th and 17th December. The shops will be open until 9pm.
The themes are:
Thursday Nov 19th: From Sleighbells to Starlight
Thursday Nov 26th: From Wishes to Wonderland
Thursday Dec 3rd: From Music to Magic
Thursday Dec 10th: From Festivities to Fun
Thursday Dec 17th: From Surprises to Santa
So, you know where to go to get bargains and have early Christmas fun!
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
New street scene
Domestic violence is defined by the Government
as “any incident of threatening behaviour
violence or abuse (psychological, physical,
sexual, financial or emotional) between adults
who are or have been intimate partners or
family members, regardless of gender or
Part of Ipswich’s Waterfront has been transformed
from an industrial environment into an attractive
open space, thanks to the Borough Council.
Foundry Lane will remain a one-way northbound
street with wider footways and a pick up/drop off
point for those using DanceEast's new Jerwood
The materials and street furniture are consistent
with those used elsewhere on the Waterfront,
which helps provide a visual link to the area.
The scheme was designed by the Council's
Highways and Construction team and carried out by
the Council's in-house contractor Streetcare
Dancing in the streets
Where to go for help
For emergencies, call 999. For non-emergencies and advice call 01473 613500
01473 745111 (24 hours)
Around 1,000 people danced in the streets as they
grooved their way from the town centre to the
new Jerwood DanceHouse on the Waterfront. It
was all part of the official opening of DanceEast’s
new facility.
0800 783 5121 (Calls are free)
01473 433033
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone whatever their status, sex or position or
where they live. More than threequarters of victims are women, who
believe you are a victim of domestic abuse, there is
somewhere to go, someone to talk to. Also, if you
suspect a friend or a family member is suffering,
speak out.”
suffer 12 million incidents across the UK
every year. These are appalling
Councillor Jane Chambers is launching the White
class boundaries. We need to be open about the
Ribbon campaign in Ipswich. She said: “Domestic
abuse takes many forms and cuts across cultural and
problem and then tackle it together. What we must
Here in Ipswich, the Borough Council has employed
never allow is to let victims believe that it isn’t a big
Sue Poole to try to co-ordinate help for victims. As
issue or that the perpetrator didn't really mean it
Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator, Sue is working to
because they said sorry. And we need to urge
create a voice in the community and to ensure the
everyone to adopt a position of zero tolerance
many agencies involved come together to offer more
against domestic abuse. It can never be condoned, it
effective help. “There are many kinds of abuse.
is never excusable. I hope anyone who is feeling
Children can abuse parents, men can abuse their
isolated, fearful of being harmed, threatened or
partners physically or psychologically, parents can
intimidated, worried about being kept short of
abuse children, and it can happen anywhere. We
money or who are criticised in front of other people
must remove the myth that it could only happen to
will seek help.”
someone else - it could happen to you!”
Forum members include Ipswich Borough Council,
Sue chairs the Ipswich Domestic Abuse Forum and
Women’s Aid, Family Action, NSPCC, West Villa,
wants domestic abuse to be culturally unacceptable
Suffolk Police, Suffolk Domestic Abuse Unit, NHS
as well as illegal. “We are trying to raise awareness of
Suffolk, Social Care Services, Out & About, Young
the scale of the problem and to provide safe and
Carers, Zimbabwean Women’s Support Group,
secure and confidential help to victims. We also want
Bangladeshi Support Group, 4YP, Connexions..
to break down cultural barriers and we are holding
workshops with different community groups”
Family Action
Family Action is a large charitable organisation and is
Obviously, as the majority of victims are women, the
a leading provider of support services for families
Forum is supporting efforts to focus help towards
across Suffolk. In Ipswich, Lowestoft and Stowmarket
them. The Borough Council is backing the national
three trained Family Action workers deliver the
White Ribbon campaign, which urges men to take a
Suffolk Domestic Abuse Service funded by Suffolk
stand against violence to women. The campaign
County Council.
wants men to never remain silent if they witness or
suspect abuse, to offer help and support and to work
The staff work directly with children aged 5 - 13 who
to stamp out any form of gender violence.
have witnessed Domestic Violence in the home.
Forum members are taking the campaign to the
has happened, helps build confidence and self worth
streets of Ipswich next month. They will be giving out
in order to help children recover and move on
information and ribbons in Tower Ramparts Shopping
positively with their lives. This vital work is achieved
Centre on Wednesday 25th November. Sue said:
by working individually with children and running
“Wearing a white ribbon is a pledge never to commit,
groups for children.
The work helps children come to terms with what
condone or remain silent against violence carried out
against women and we hope we can engage with
For more details about the service please contact
many local people. There IS help out there. So, if you
01473 242430
CASE FILE: Mary’s story
move to new accommodation and provided meals for
him. After a time he seemed to recover, but not before
a suicide attempt. After he was released from hospital
he came to stay with my new husband and I was
My brother and I have been estranged for some years,
reconciled with his partner but then went missing.
his explanation to that later was: “He and his partner
After a few months, his mental health started to
could not cope with my grief after the death of my
deteriorate and his behaviour became bizarre. I tried
first husband”.
to tackle him about it but he became enraged and put
his hands round my throat, threw me to the floor and
Some years later we met at the doctor's and he told
stormed out.
me he was waiting to go to court on charges of threats
to kill some colleagues of his at work. His partner at
Then started worrying incidents - rearranging things in
that time had asked him to leave because of his
my garage and stealing things. Shortly afterwards, he
behaviour and the effect he was having on his
was arrested for other offences and went to prison.
Once released we helped him to find a flat in Ipswich
From that time on I became his main support. I went to
but he would go out to clubs and provoke people so
court with him, I paid his fines for him, helped him to
he received beatings. He would arrive home black and
blue. It was as if he wanted to die. Then he threatened
to kill my husband and threatened me. He would lay in
wait for me to arrive at work. Later that year he went
on the rampage outside my house. I locked myself in
but he threw a brick through my window and
threatened to kill my dog. I dialled 999.
The effects of that day are with me still. My brother's
actions have hit me hard - physically, emotionally and
psychologically. I have suffered major panic attacks
which, without the good support network I have built
up around me, would mean I would not go out of my
house. I have been on anti-depressants for four years.
This is my experience of domestic abuse and I am
certain that it will continue. My brother is now out of
prison and I live in fear of him. This is not fair.
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Backgammon nights
Backgammon is a game with dice and counters
played on beautiful boards. It’s like chess but many
people say it’s less mentally challenging and more
As one of Ipswich’s “eco events” a group of
enthusiasts is holding two backgammon nights - on
Friday 13th November and Friday 15th January at
the Museum Street Cafe (6pm to 10pm). There will
be vegetarian meals, cakes, coffee and chat.
Beginners will be taught, experts will be
challenged! Entry is just £1.
More details:
There are lots of green/ eco events taking place and
they can all be found on
Cyclo-cross triumph in Chantry
A large crowd was in Chantry Park to watch an
exciting round of the National Cyclo-Cross Trophy
Civic Service
line-up on Cornhill
as the stars came to Ipswich.
The event, supported by Ipswich Borough Council’s
The Mayor and Mayoress of Ipswich, Councillor David Goldsmith
Team Ipswich, did not disappoint and several East
and his wife, Sue, are pictured with other Suffolk mayors and
of England riders had a successful day, among them
Ipswich’s civic leaders before the procession to St Mary le Tower
Nikki Juniper, from Essex, who won the women’s
Church for the annual Civic Service.
race. Young Ipswich rider Hugo Robinson came
second in the youth event, while David Nichols
triumphed in the under-23 race. The overall Elite
Men’s champion was Johannes Sickmuller.
Mayor on air
The Mayor and Mayoress of Ipswich, David and Sue Goldsmith,
were guests of Ipswich Hospital Radio’s “Sounds Pleasant” show
with Hugh Pocock. They talked about their year in office and
listened to some of their favourite music in addition to requests
from listeners.
The Mayor and Mayoress also met Hospital Radio’s Chairman,
Kevin Ashford, and other volunteers to find out more about the
work of the radio station and the people that keep it going.
Picture of Johanne Sickmuller by LUKE
Hospital Radio Ipswich broadcasts to Ipswich Hospital and St
Elizabeth Hospice every day of the week. The station is staffed
by more than 40 volunteers who collect requests, present
Full report and more pictures:
programmes and fund-raise to keep the station on-air.
Silver Gilt for Ipswich
Ipswich returned to the Anglia in Bloom competition this year after five years,
beating all previous attempts by far with an impressive silver gilt award. This is a
huge result for Ipswich, and the implications for our town are massive, enhancing
Ipswich’s reputation and putting it on the map as a beautiful, environmentally
conscious and clean place to live, work and visit.
Ipswich in Bloom Committee Chairman George Debman said: "The town has a lot to
live up to for next year’s competition, but spurred on by this year’s fantastic success,
plans are already under way to try and match or even beat this year’s result. If you
think that you, or your local community or business has something to offer for our
entry into next year’s competition, then the Ipswich in Bloom committee would love
to hear from you."
Contact [email protected], or Ipswich in Bloom, c/o Cllr G Debman,
Grafton House, Ipswich, IP1 2DE.
Pictured from left; Debbie Austin, Ian Nicholson, Susan Andrews, Eddie Peters, Helen
Ireland, Deputy Mayor of Ipswich David Hale, Shaun Taylor, Jean Lockie, George
Debman, Eileen Ward
ipswich angle competition
Spot 10 differences in the pictures below and be entered into
a prize draw to win a Nintendo DS + Game
Competition Details
Closing Date 16 November 2009
Return the completed form to:
Trish Ager
Ipswich Borough Council
Grafton House
Russell Road
Ipswich IP1 2DE
Contestants details:
One entry per household the winner will
be chosen from entries received by the
closing date. The judges decision is final.
No purchase necessary
Insurance for
Are the contents of your home insured
If your home was burgled, caught fire or flooded, replacing
everything would cost you a lot of money.
So why risk it?
You can give yourself peace of mind with an insurance policy which is
designed specifically for residents across the Ipswich Borough Council
area. Premiums start at just £1.15 per week for a sum insured of
£10,000 and payments can be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or
annually by payment card or by direct debit. Cover is new for old and
there is no excess in the event of a claim. Pick up an application form
TC05121 | 09/09
Crown car park
For the latest on Crown car park and parking in and around
the town centre please see the regular updates on the news
section on
Ipswich Borough Council seeking new
members of its Standards Committee
Volunteers to help monitor Councillors' behaviour
and to promote high standards are being sought by
Ipswich Borough Council.
The Council, like all other local authorities, has a
Standards Committee to ensure Councillors follow a
national code of conduct.
Five members of the Committee are Borough
SEE IT, REPORT IT phone the
if you see graffiti • abandoned cars • dog fouling
littering • needles • fly tipping
Councillors; the other four are independent members
of the public. The independent members serve as
Chair and Vice-Chair on the main committees and on
the sub-committee.
The Committee will handle any allegations that the
code of conduct has been breached, and promote
high standards of behaviour of both elected
members and council employees
Do you think you have what it takes to serve on this
important Committee? The Council is currently
recruiting to fill two vacancies.
To be eligible you must have no connection with
Ipswich Borough Council nor have been a Councillor
in the past five years and be prepared to attend at
least five early evening meetings each year which are
held at Grafton House.
The closing date is 16th November.
01473 433000
Short-listed applicants will be invited to attend an
interview during the week commencing 23rd
For an application pack please contact Malcolm
Bartlett on 01473 432021 or
Contents insurance scheme
Ipswich Borough Council has been operating a
contents insurance scheme for its tenants for a
number of years in partnership with Royal and
SunAlliance Insurance plc (RSA). This is a socially
inclusive scheme that provides contents cover in a
convenient way, which allows premiums to be paid
weekly or monthly as well as yearly. This enables
people that to do have a bank account to use this type
of insurance cover.
The scheme is now open to all residents of Ipswich,
including housing associations tenants, private tenants
and owner-occupiers.
for Ipswich
See the competition and further details on opposite
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Brazil nuts about
Ip-art and Museum
win awards
The Ip-art festival and Ipswich Museum both picked
up awards at the Tourism in Suffolk Awards 2009.
Ip-art came first in the Best Festival or Event, while
Ipswich Museum won the award for Best Small
Suffolk Attraction.
The awards, organised by Archant and Choose
Gymnastics team picks us for 2012 training
Suffolk, saw a large number of businesses and
organisations from across the region, including
Latitude Festival, Pleasurewood Hills and Go Ape,
competing in 11 categories that showcase the
professionalism and expertise that goes into the
vital tourism industry in Suffolk.
Ipswich Borough Council's Tourist Information
Centre in St Stephen's Church and Christchurch
Mansion achieved runners-up spots.
Brazil’s Olympic chiefs have
confirmed that they wish to use
the Ipswich Gymnastics Centre as a
2012 training centre.
Their decision, which follows a training camp in Ipswich
in preparation for the World Championships at the O2
Arena in London, has been hailed by Borough bosses in
Ipswich and by Andy Wood, manager of the Gymnastics
Want an A-Z of Ipswich Borough
Council services? Log on to
This year’s World Championships have been seen by
many teams as the start of their preparations for 2012,
Your Council - your website!
with qualifying starting next year in Rotterdam.
Brazil has also confirmed that they would like to use
the facilities here again in 2010 as their warm up for
Rotterdam. It is hoped that an international between
the GB team and Brazil will be organised as part of this
Although it was only the women’s team who trained in
Ipswich, Borough Council 2012 project manager John
Stebbings said: “They liked the facilities so much they
are persuading their male counterparts that the Ipswich
hospitality and facilities are fantastic. So we hope to be
able to welcome both teams here.
“We will now work with the rest of Brazil’s Olympic
Committee to deliver other Olympic pre games training
camps. Ipswich Town Football Club’s training facilities
are Olympic accredited - so of course we are now going
to see if we can get the soccer team as well.”
Councillor Judy Terry, the Council’s Arts, Culture &
Leisure portfolio-holder, said: “We are of course
delighted that the Brazilian team are coming to Ipswich
for 2012 and that they will be using the Gymnastic
Centre, not only for 2012 but for preparation for other
world championships. We will now work closely with
the Brazilians to develop the arts and cultural links as
well. This is a huge boost for Ipswich and I know that
everyone involved in their Olympics teams will get a
fantastic welcome from Ipswich people.”
Andy Wood, Manager of Ipswich Gymnastic Centre,
said: “Ipswich Gymnastic Centre has always had a good
reputation for hosting international visitors.
“We were able to offer the Brazilians a complete
package to ensure that they not only had the right
training facilities and environment, but also had the
opportunity to see Ipswich, see High School Musical 2,
shop in the town centre and go sightseeing.”
Rio de Janeiro has won the bid to host the 2016 Games
and Brazilian links with Ipswich will take on an even
bigger significance in the next few years.
The Council’s Team Ipswich service, led by the town’s
Ambassador for Sport, Karen Pickering, have been in
discussions with a number of Olympic teams about
2012 training camps, including athletes from
Azerbaijan and Barbados.
A detailed facilities brochure was received by Olympic
teams at the Beijing Games last year and has generated
much interested.
Places are limited to 20 participants and need to
be booked in advance*.
Both courses commence at 10am and will run
until 4pm.
21 November 10am-4pm
Hot and cold drinks are provided at no extra cost.
The Reg Driver Visitor Centre is easy to find. It is
a five minute walk from Tower Ramparts shopping
centre and bus station and situated approx. 100m
uphill behind Christchurch Mansion.
Each day course costs £35, payable in advance.
To book places please contact the Reg Driver
Visitor Centre on the number below.
For more information and details you can email
Susan at [email protected]
visit the Reg Driver Centre in Christchurch Park
call 01473 252435
*In the unlikely event that the course is
undersubscribed, we retain the right to cancel.
28 November 10am-4pm
Christchurch Park dates back to the 12th century as a
managed landscape. It was the site of an Augustinian
Priory until the dissolution of the monasteries, when it
went into private ownership and the Mansion was built.
The landscape changed over the next 340 years before
being opened as a public park in 1895. The Park is 33ha
and, as well as the formal gardens and arboretum, it has
woodland, meadows, ponds and large areas of parkland
dominated by veteran trees.
The Reg Driver Visitor Centre is available for hire for a
variety of uses. It is open as an information centre and
public toilets most days of the year.
Christchurch Mansion houses a museum showcasing fine
art and period furniture, as well as a modern art gallery
with changing exhibitions.
Course Tutor:
Susan Stephenson
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Leading the way in
cutting carbon
Help for parents
Parentline Plus is here because parents are the most
important people in their children's lives. Helping
parents is the best way to help children.
Parentline Plus works to help all parents - mums,
dads, grandparents, step-parents, other friends and
relatives. They know that bringing up children is the
most rewarding and the hardest thing any of us ever
do. Sometimes it's really tough - if families are
splitting up, when you have a new baby or if your
child is being bullied. Parents can sometimes feel
lonely, isolated and uncertain what to do.
The 24 hour a day Parentline is staffed by people
who are parents or have parenting experience.
Services are confidential and FREE. They listen, they
help you work out what could work for you and
Staff from four European countries were welcomed to Ipswich in October as part of a project to learn from
each other about how best to promote energy efficiency in the North Sea regions. Partners in the ANSWER
Project are pictured here being introduced to Dame Ellen MacArthur, the BT Environment Ambassador, at the
Creating the Greenest County Conference. Photo: WARREN PAGE
your family and they don't judge. They know that
parents love their children and want the best for
Parents - you can turn to Parentline Plus any day of
how Ipswich is meeting the challenge
of cutting carbon emissions
the year if something is worrying you.
Phone Parentline free, 24 hours a day on
It is now accepted that carbon emissions arising from
0808 800 2222
energy use in homes, businesses, industry and
Visit or
transport are largely responsible for our climate
changing much faster than it has ever done before.
Email [email protected]
Textphone for people who deaf, hard of hearing or
Ipswich Borough Council takes climate change very
have a speech impairment 0800 783 6783
seriously, with one of our key corporate aims being
available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
“Reducing carbon emissions by promoting renewable
energy and energy efficiency”. But we know we have
to practice what we preach and make sure we save
energy and reduce our carbon emissions.
Healthy award
This is why, in September 2008, we launched our
The innovative project to make Suffolk the healthiest
IMPACT programme where we set ourselves a target
county in England has been handed a prestigious
of reducing our carbon emissions by 30% by 2013.
national award in recognition of its efforts to
improve people's health and wellbeing. Healthy
Within the first six months of the programme starting
Ambitions Suffolk was one of just three
we have reduced our overall carbon emissions
organisations to receive a Royal Society for Public
(carbon footprint) by 4%, which is more than 400
Health (RSPH) “Health promotion and community
tonnes, and the Carbon Trust has formally approved
wellbeing organisation and partnership” award.
our action plan. This is a great start but clearly we
James Hehir, chairman of the Healthy Ambitions
have lots more to do to achieve our goals and our
Suffolk board, said: “This accolade is a real
action plan identifies many more projects to help us
endorsement of the efforts made by a wide variety
reach this.
of partners, who have all been working closely
together to help those who live and work in the
We have managed to make these savings through
county to make changes and improve their
both simple solutions such as adjusting lighting
timers, insulating hot water valves to more involved
work such as specifying more efficient equipment or
rescheduling work shifts. The programme is
supported by a team of staff volunteers known as
Transformers who ensure staff understand what the
programme is about and identify opportunities in
their teams.
What does a tonne of CO2 look like?
It's difficult to picture, but some people think of it as
a hot air balloon whilst others like to use an animal
example such as 10 baby elephants.
How much CO2 does the Council emit?
In 2007/08 (our baseline year) it was 10,179 tonnes.
That includes all council facilities, vehicle use, waste
and water
So, that, in a nutshell, is what we are doing. But
everyone has an important role to play in preventing
climate change. You can follow the same simple
“rules” - turn off unnecessary lighting, turn off your
PC at night or when not in use, don’t take the car out
for short journeys (walk, cycle or catch the bus
instead, if you can) and consider other things you can
And remember, we are all in this together! If you
want any advice please call or visit the website
The Orwell Estuary
Ranger RICHARD SHARP has this
beautiful river very much on his
mind ...
The Orwell Estuary is a lowland coastal valley of
when it is a stark lonely place and the only company
international importance comprising of extensive
you have is the wildlife and the estuaries own beauty
mudflats, low cliffs, salt marsh and small areas of
shining through.
vegetated shingle. It provides habitat for an important
assemblage of wetland birds in the non-breeding
If you enjoy the estuaries and coastline of Suffolk you
If you think of the Orwell Estuary what images conjure
season and supports internationally important numbers
can become a Volunteer Warden to champion the coast
in your mind? The Orwell bridge, the river, ships, boats,
of wintering and passage wildfowl and waders.
and estuaries of the Area of Outstanding Natural
water sports, fisherman, bait diggers, a place to walk
Beauty by being their eyes and ears, monitoring all
your dog, a place to visit with the family, or
The Orwell is designated as a special protected area
activities and wildlife, collecting and providing
unfortunately, anti-social behaviour?
(SPA) under European Law, a Site of Special Scientific
information, helping visitors and being a regular
Interest (SSSI) and a Ramsar site (for wetland habitats)
presence. If you are interested contact the Suffolk
Yes, the Orwell Estuary is a hive of activity. Over
because of the number of birds and range of species
Coast and Heaths Unit on 01394 384948.
hundreds of years it has been an important trading
that are present on the estuary during winter. The
route and is by far the most commercialised of all of
Stour and Orwell Estuary Management Group, a
Suffolk's estuaries. Having a significant economic role
partnership of more than 20 organisations has duties to
as the location for nationally important ports which,
protect the designated sites.
Special cruise
provide many jobs to the surrounding communities.
Little is known about the impact of the current levels
Ipswich Borough Council is running a Bird Watching
Being within the Suffolk's Coast and Heaths Area of
of activity on the estuaries bird populations. The
Cruise along the Orwell Estuary on Saturday 28th
Outstanding Natural Beauty also makes it very popular
intensity of activities is expected to increase as further
November from 11am - 1.30pm. The boat sails from
for a wide range of recreational activities including
industrial and residential developments around the
Neptune Quay at the Port of Ipswich and travels down
walking, bird watching and sailing.
Orwell estuary is planned. Low water counts of birds on
the estuary to Levington Creek. On board will be a
the Orwell are showing a decline in wading bird
local bird expert and Ipswich Borough Council
If this does not make the estuary busy enough, during
populations, which is bucking the trend of other
Greenspace Wildlife Rangers talking about the
the winter months it becomes even busier with a huge
estuaries in East Anglia. Studies have been carried out
importance of the estuary and pointing out birds we
influx of visitors. They start arriving in autumn and by
on the Orwell Estuary which have found that dogs off
see on the way. There is a bar on board serving hot
spring they have all disappeared again. From October
leads cause the most disturbance to birds. Hopefully,
drinks with a free hot jacket potato to keep everyone
through to March the Orwell and Stour estuaries
with good foresight and sustainable management the
becomes home to more than 63,000 waterfowl. Ducks,
Orwell Estuary can retain it's integrity.
together with marinas, fisheries and other industries,
geese, grebe and a plethora of wading birds over
The cost is £14 for adults £10 for concessions and £8
winter on the estuary feeding on the tens of thousands
When I think of the Orwell Estuary, my mind wanders
for children. If you are interested in booking please
of invertebrates that lives in the estuaries mud.
off to cold windy autumn days with grey overcast skies,
phone 01473 433994.
CALL OUR newsdesk 01473 432031
Maritime heritage
The opening of Ipswich's new Window Museum on
Albion Quay means the town's rich maritime
heritage can at last be properly displayed.
Since 1982, when the Trust was formed to help bring
the Waterfront back to life from its gradual decline,
there has been a growing call for such a museum,
and now, through a unique collaboration between
the developers of the Mill, Wharfside Regeneration,
and the Trust, this has finally been achieved.
The Museum, a partnership between the Ipswich
Maritime Trust and Wharfside Regeneration,
developers of The Mill, was officially opened by
Capt. Jim Lawrence in the presence of the Mayor
and Mayoress of Ipswich, David and Sue Goldsmith.
This the first of five a planned display windows,
which will together form the Museum.
The Museum display, which is easy to find between
Stoke Bridge and Old Custom House, will be open to
view by the public at all times and the local exhibits
will be regularly changed. For this first display, the
Trust has used items from its sailmaking and photo
archive collections, and includes two beautifully
made model sailing barges. The Trust has also
enhanced the newly surfaced quay by reinstating
traditional barge mooring rings, so that historic
vessels can once again moor at the head of the
If members of the public would like to help the
Trust to save and display the town’s maritime
heritage, they can contact Des Pawson on 01473
690090 or visit
Our picture shows the opening attended by the
Ipswich Sea Cadets, and the Chairman of the Ipswich
Maritime Trust, Capt. Geoff Hartgrove.
Orbit HomeBuy
Two plays for price of one!
Orbit HomeBuy Agency is the HomeBuy Agent for
Norfolk and Suffolk and has already helped many
people to buy their own homes, even when they
thought they couldn't afford to do so. Orbit HomeBuy
Agency is organising a drop-in event in Ipswich on
Thursday 12th November. It is being held at the OneIpswich Customer Service Centre, Town Hall, Princes
Street between 11am and 5pm. Potential homeowners
are invited to come along and find out how they can
take their first step onto the property ladder. More
details can be found on the Orbit HomeBuy Agency
website at or by
calling 03458 50 20 50.
This year, from 18th to 21st November, the Ipswich
Gilbert & Sullivan Society will be performing two
shows for the price of one - “Cox and Box” and
“The Sorcerer”.
Tickets for this performance at the Corn
Wednesday £5 and £11,
all other performances £5 and £13.50.
Tel: 01473 433100
Your views are being sought on a number of areas
relating to the 2009/10 Equality Impact Needs
Assessment for the Ipswich Caribbean Association.
Equality Impact
Questionnaire 2009
We think it is important that we identify any
potential impact on those who would be affected by
decisions about its funding. A second survey will
follow later on in the year to collate your views on
potential for improvement and expansion.
Findings from this questionnaire will appear within
the Equality Impact assessment and will also be made
available via the Consultations page of the Ipswich
Borough Council website:
All responses will remain anonymous.
Please return your responses to:
Head of Community Services, FREEPOST ANG4490
Ipswich Borough Council, Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2DE
or over the phone on 01473 433436
or online at
by 23rd November 2009
Ipswich Caribbean Association
International Community Centre
How long have you been a member of the Ipswich Caribbean Association? Please ✔ one box
3 months or less
1-2 years
More than 5 years
3 months - 1 year
3-5 years
I am not a member
In your opinion what are the three main reasons for your membership, or not, of the Ipswich Caribbean Association?
How long have you been attending activities at the International Community Centre? Please ✔ one box
3 months or less
1-2 years
3 months - 1 year
3-5 years
More than 5 years
How often do you typically attend activities at the International Community Centre? Please ✔ one box
At least once a month
Over a year since I last attended
At least once a week
At least once every six months
I have never attended
At least once a fortnight
At least once a year
What was the reason for your last visit to the International Community Centre? Please explain briefly:
In your opinion, what would be the impact if the activities currently undertaken at the International Community Centre were
moved to alternative premises? Please explain briefly:
In your opinion, what would be the impact if the activities currently provided at the International Community Centre were
stopped, and the facility closed? Please explain briefly:
To what extent do you believe the International Community Centre provides a focus for all the Ipswich community? Please ✔ one box
Not at all
Utilised by all community
Serves a few groups
Utilised by most of the community
Don’t know
In your opinion, what would you like to see done to enhance participation of the International Community Centre? Please explain
What is your opinion of the current building and furnishings of the International Community Centre? Please explain briefly:
Do you believe that the activities currently undertaken at the International Community Centre could occur elsewhere? Please ✔
Yes ■
Please explain:
Would you like to be involved in the running of the International Community Centre in some way? Please ✔
Yes ■
No ■
No ■
If Yes, please ✔ all that apply: I can provide:
Some time at weekends
Some time during Weekdays
Administration support
Telephone and bookings support
Do you have views about the ICA and the ICC that are not addressed by the previous questions? Please use this space to make any
additional comments you would like to add.
Thank you for filling in this questionnaire. If you would be prepared to meet to discuss this further, please provide your personal details.
EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY MONITORING FORM (private and confidential when complete)
Under 16 ■
16-19 ■
20-29 ■
40-49 ■
50-59 ■
Heterosexual ■
Female ■
Transgender ■
Gay man
Prefer not to say ■
Black British:
Judaism (Jewish)
Muslim (Islam)
White/Black Caribbean
Other (please state)
Asian/British: Indian
Prefer not to say
Chinese/other: Chinese
Other (✔ box and state)
White/Black African
HEALTH Do you consider yourself to have a disability Yes ■
No ■
Sports awards winners
More than 70 nominations were received for the 13 awards, which this year
The 2009 Team Ipswich Sports Awards were hosted by
John Grose at its showroom on Ransomes Europark.
These special awards recognise the outstanding contributions
and achievements of those involved in sport
in Ipswich, whether competing or behind the scenes.
introduced two new categories - the Lifetime Achievement award and the
Young Community Volunteer of the Year award. Karen Pickering MBE,
Ipswich's Sports Ambassador, and Nigel Pickover, Evening Star Editor, presented
the awards. The Star sponsors the awards.
Sports Personality of the Year: Chris Walker-Hebborn
‘Sian Ryan’ Young Sports Personality of the Year: Molly Taylor
Unsung Hero: Tommy Woodward
Lifetime Achievement: Stephen Smith
Triumph Over Adversity: Joshua Margereson
Coach of the Year: Nick Drane
Contribution to Disability Sport: William 'Bill' Smith
Young Community Volunteer of the Year: Alistair Stafford
Club of the Year: Ipswich Jaffa Running Club
Senior Team of the Year: Ipswich and District Indoor Bowls Club
Junior Team of the Year: Ipswich Town Centre of Excellence Girl's U16s Team
Innovative Project: Disability Sporting Endeavour Project
School of the Year: Cliff Lane Primary School
All the winners will be nominated for county, regional and even national
awards. Tommy Woodward, winner of the Unsung Hero category, will now go
on to be nominated for the BBC Sports Unsung Hero award.
Pictured: Karen Pickering and John Grose Chairman Ian Twinley with the
winners (above). Left: A dance team from Westbourne Sports College
Cox Lane, Ipswich
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