St George`s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3EU
St George`s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3EU
Existing view Computer impression of the proposed development St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3EU RETAIL AND CAR PARK INVESTMENT WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL • Tenants include Morrisons and British Heart Foundation FO R GA RAG ES 4- HIGH STREE T 17 (114 15 10 12 &S PEN CER S TO RE LOO RS) 8 PRO VIDE NCE STR EET GA RA GE 16 11 - 13 15 (3 R E TA IL F 30 20 14 23 1 S) GAP 21 ING 25 16 - STR EE T PRIM ARK 7 CLA RKS SHO ES WE STG 29 31 ATE 2 WH SM 28 33 DG OO DS 35 VAR IET Y NT OU TLE T 37 2 ALK 6 32 39 VAC A 36 43 CH AR Y M C ITY A VAC SH OP AN TO UTL ET VAC OU ANT TLE T 41 - DIY 49 MA RKS AP PE S/W TISE RS BA R HO LLA HEA BARRND & LTH E FOOTT D 38 BEAU SAL CHEQUE CASHED S PAWN BRO NEX T CLO (2 R THIN ETA G IL F LOO RS) 40A GRAC LACE E & BRID BRID AL AL/W R CHARLEN NAIL BAR E ME MOS S NS WE CA AR RD FAC CA TO RD R S Y BU RG FAS ER K ING TF OO DR EST AU RA NT PMG SCHO OLW CHIL E AR DREN WEA R CEN DIS GDS&EQUAB IP S SHAR PS MOBEN FIT FU DOLPHI N RN 40 RO BE RT DY AS 45 - HEARIN G CARE PACH HAIR A ENT 7 VAC OFF OFF ICE (50) (ESTIMATED) Experian Goad. Digital Plans include mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and Experian Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number PU 100017316. VA CA NT OU TLE SHO T E ZO NE SHO ES 48 (P HO EDES T LD 46 ER RIA 55 S & LONS ON 44 - 57 AD LY E ING XC 4 4.3 EPT 2 0PM PE 53 - 10 RMIT .30 51 AM ) LO A AR DING EA THE MONEY SHOP FIN ADV BSM DRVG SCH TAN AL L SOLARI UM ER HEA DRUG L BEA TH & UTY 61 BR ET TS FU RN ITU RE 59 - -5 4 EN T 50 6 TONS BEES EL TRAV T AGEN SUP 63 (28) (ACTUAL) M AR C N &E O IF DS PL G AM AB IS D 65 GA M ES TC RIS TO WO HE H YS R R & KSH GA O ME P S LA P 67 N INGTO PENN ENT E AG ESTAT H E 58 BAKERS HT DELIG IP BAKER U Q 1 LA DY CIV IC 12 - 1 10 NE TO RE S DS Q VA R DRI VE 11 FR TO AN RE KL IN SN HA EE BE DL R EC &S R EW STO AF G R T MA ES CH AR OU ND A P W HO OU T GD ND BU PA S 3- 17 6 24 - 2 13 P St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk SE HOU EET N STR CROW 56 St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3EU PARK 5 HIGH S TREET 17 A HYDE 2 M L/W ONSO R & ON C/W R 19 6 ST RE ET E OFFIC ANN S LING UMMERS ERIE 21 10 ALLIAN LEICE CE + BANK STER 8- W S BRITIS FOUN H HEART FURN DATION ELEC ITURE & TR CHAR ICAL ITY S HOP 12 IET YS W AY SU B CL CH C RB KS OU TL ET VA OU CAN TL T ET IP FU SWIC PR RNI H T FU OJE UR RN CT E ITU RE IP FU SWIC PR RNI H SE OJE TUR C/H CT E D GD S MA TT HE INDIAN RESTAURANT SUBW AY 14 -3 1 23 OFFICE 16 JAMILS KOH-I-NOOR LOAD ING BAY 0 ORS EDEN INTERINITURE FITTED FUR 1 HU BB EN T VA CA NT PU BL IC AR DH OU SE HO US E WA Y 25 IC FR ELA OZ ND GA ELE EN .CO S A CT FO .UK PP RIC OD LIA AL & NC & ES SU B ST -2 BO N SU B 18 • We are instructed to seek offers in excess of £2,350,000 which on the current income reflects a Net Initial Yield of 8.00%, assuming purchaser’s costs of 5.8 %, a reversionary yield of 10.4% and a capital value of £85 psf. GEO HEN RGE HAIR RY 22 C CO NV O E EN XP IE RE NC E S ST OR S E OF FIC E BARRATTS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) E ELIZ ST OSPIC H SH OW BO AM AT USE ME NTS RES CA CH EARC NCER AR ITY H U K SH OP ME G NS WE W AR WA Y H E WIC IPS NITUR FUR JECT PRO S MA THO SY PAT TH ABE • Asset Management opportunities including letting two vacant shops and the vacant 31 car parking spaces VA CA NT OU TLE T EN T TH KIO E CT SK N MO 34 VA OU CAN TL T ET V HE IDEO VID AVEN REN FR AN T CE SC HA O IR 57 • Current passing rent of £174,600 per annum (retail) and £26,200 per annum (car park) O RRIS 24 47 - • Current Net Internal Area is 27,400 sq ft NS 32 28 TE S • Planning consent granted for hotel (125 beds) and ‘very sheltered’ care home (35 flats) with retail on ground ST G EOR GES STR 4 EET 36 40 • 67 Car parking spaces, of which 31 are vacant and the remainder are let on annual licences ET ST AR EN E T F/F XPR D ES RE S CH ST AR M ITY I VA SH ND CA OP NT OU VA TL CA ET NT OU TL ET M KN EW CY A CT S C L CT I N ES ON & R BIK EP E AIR S S 42 LA UN DE RE 44 TT BO E CH OTS EM T IST HE AD CE VICE NT R CARE PE E R TA FECT KE AW FRIE DC AY VA HIC KE OU CANT N 46 TLE T SU CA NRIS FE E GR CO ANS NV PEN ST O 54 CYN CAF THIAS E CHIN NAT A HE AL UR THP TH NAIL Y BEA S & S U S PA AL MEN SR OOM HAIR CHR REA ISTIAN BOODING SCIEN KS ROO CE M 56 46A 52 ST 50 MA 48 TTH 67 EW 65 SS 63 TRE 61 ET OFF ICE S F CH KEBA ICKEN B EXPR ESS TAKE AWAY FREE DOM TATT TATT OOZ OOIS T 58 26 - CHIN ESE 96 RES TAU RAN T VAC ANT OUT LET 69 60 AR EA TR E 30 71 62 ROSE HEAL TH MED SUPP DISA B GD & S&EQ UIP 64 SE RV ICE RAS PUT IN OFF LICE NCE VAC WELC H CHEM IST OA DIN G 32 GR OS VEN GU OR EST HO US E DS W EA R BER NER SS TRE ET L BED LA DI ES Oraclecreative 26/5/2011 15 LOCATION SITUATION Ipswich, in the county town of Suffolk, is a principal shopping destination in East Anglia located 72 miles north-east of London, 15 miles north of Colchester and 10 miles west of Felixstowe. The rail service journey (fastest time) from Ipswich to London Liverpool Street is approximately 75 minutes. The duelled A12 road connects the town to the M25, and the A45 links the national motorway network via the M1 at Junction 14. The St George’s House site is located on St Matthews Street and situated in a prominent location in central Ipswich. It benefits from a frontage onto the Civic Drive roundabout, a key junction on the north western edge of the town centre. The site is within walking distance of the central shopping streets, in particular Westgate. DESCRIPTION DEMOGRAPHICS Ipswich is the administrative base for the county of Suffolk. Ipswich is a dominant retail centre which serves a primary catchment population estimated at over 274,000 residents. Local area unemployment is below the UK national average recorded at 3.9% in January 2010 (Source Co-star). Within the East of England Plan December 2008 Ipswich is identified as a key centre for development and change, involving new job creation, housing, and population growth over the next decade. The town’s retailing is centred around the 235,000 sq ft Buttermarket anchored by Bhs, TJ Hughes, TK Maxx and New Look The property comprises a 1960s concrete frame, ‘L’ shaped, retail and residential development on ground, part first and second floors, arranged as 2 blocks although they interconnect at first floor level. It provides ground floor retail units along the St Matthews Street block anchored at the eastern end by a larger two storey retail unit. The upper floors of this block comprise a first floor under-croft car park beneath vacant flats. The second block faces the Civic Drive roundabout. ACCOMMODATION The site area of the existing property is 0.447 ha (1.104 acres) and comprises 27,400 sq ft on a Net Internal Area basis. St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk TENANCY INFORMATION The leases are drawn on fairly standard full repairing basis with tenants contributing to a service charge for the maintenance of the exterior and common areas. The current gross rental income is £200,800 per annum. Lease Begins Lease Expiry Rent (£) per annum British Heart Foundation 11/04/2014 10/04/2019 £37,500 Ipswich Furniture Project 01/07/2014 30/06/2019 (TOB 30/06/2015) £21,000 Tenant sq m sq ft Ground First 324.68 256.10 3,495 2,757 4/6, 8, 10 Ground 268.29 2,888 12 Ground 67.00 721 VACANT 14 Ground 67.00 721 Messrs. Maiward, Nazari & Vigman Mir 22/02/2013 21/02/2018 (TOB 20/02/2016) £6,000 16 Ground 67.21 724 CLC International 27/05/2014 26/05/2024 (TOB 22/02/2019) £7,500 18-20 Ground Basement 143.09 51.01 1,540 549 22 Ground 68.00 732 St Elizabeth Hospice 24/01/2011 23/01/2016 £8,500 24 Ground 82.70 890 Patsy Thomas 17/08/2013 16/08/2018 £9,500 26-28 Ground Basement 147.32 50.16 1,586 540 Ipswich Furniture Project 01/07/2014 30/06/2019 (TOB 30/06/2015) £13,000 30 Ground Ground 512.88 440.00 5,521 4,736 WM Morrison Convenience Stores Limited 10/11/2013 09/11/2028 (TOB 10/11/2023) £65,000 Unit Floor 2 Signage (£13,500) (£20,000) VACANT £6,600 Crest Nicholson Eastern £26,200 (£24,800) Car Park Actual Total Rent per annum £200,800 Estimated Market Rent Total (£259,100) TENURE We understand that the property is held freehold and our understanding of the boundaries of the property is shown edged red on the site plan overleaf. St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk Existing view from the roundabout Existing view parade of shops Existing view from the roundabout St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The proposal is to demolish the existing 1960s developed structures and replace with a five storey building, as before, following the street boundary but with full ‘in and out’ servicing at the rear from Berners Street and delivery vehicle exit only into St George’s Street. The scheme, which has been granted planning consent, is as set out in the Design and Access Statement, prepared by Tate Hindle dated November 2009 (and recently renewed). The development will essentially comprise 2 blocks. The eastern block, facing West Gate, being a 125 bed hotel on 1st to 4th floors with a ground floor entrance adjacent to the vehicular exit onto St George’s Street and generally over a large ground floor retail unit facing St Matthew Street. The second block is of a similar massing being arranged on ground and four upper floors, although stepping down to the North, towards the Hotel. The primary proposed use is for Very Sheltered Housing on the upper floors over a large ground floor retail. View from Civic Drive Roundabout (Computer generated impression) Hotel Block The hotel block, situated at the eastern end of the site, is an ‘L’ shaped building with the main section facing St Matthews Street and a return frontage to St George’s Street over-sailing the ground floor vehicular exit, with the Entrance, reception, office and staff area at the corner. The remainder of the ground floor, entirely facing St Matthews Street (front) is a large retail unit with, at the rear, a bin store and plant room. The first floor comprises, on the front wing, 24 double guest rooms, three of which have accessible bathrooms, whilst the return wing comprises the restaurant and ancillary kitchen and stores. The corner section comprises a feature atrium containing the main stairs and lifts. The second to fourth floors follow the layout of the first on the front wing, the return wing comprising ten single guest rooms on each floor. There are secondary staircases at the end of each wing. Very Sheltered Housing Block The concept is to provide self-contained flats for sale to owner-occupiers who are over a certain age bar (usually 60, although the spouse / partner can be younger, generally over 55), but with additional facilities, such as a common lounge area, dining room and associated kitchen as well as staff to ensure safety and health concerns are provided for. This block contains 2 x three bedroom units and 33 x two bedroom units, arranged either side of a central corridor on the first to fourth floors and with the communal areas being at the northern end, over the entrance hall/office etc. There is an amenity terrace at third floor level. The two bedroom units are 71 sq m (765 sq ft) each, whilst the three bedroom units are 93 sq m (1,001 sq ft) each. The remainder of the ground floor is occupied by the second large retail unit. This could be combined with the other unit if a supermarket (Metro style) were interested. To the rear are five car spaces adjacent to the entrance / office and a further twenty spaces elsewhere on the site. View from Norwich Road (Computer generated impression) St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk View from Berners Street © Crown copyright (Computer generated impression) View from St Matthew’s Street (Computer generated impression) View from the Westgate (Computer generated impression) St George’s House 2-30 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk CONSIDERATION We are instructed to seek offers in excess of £2,350,000 (TWO MILLION, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND POUNDS) which on the current income reflects a Net Initial Yield of 8.00%, assuming purchaser’s costs of 5.8 %, a reversionary yield of 10.4% and a capital value of £85 psf. 7-10 Beaumont Mews, London W1G 6EB T: 020 7487 5722 Mark Hoffman [email protected] Peter Hoffman [email protected] Simon Perlmutter [email protected] DISCLAIMER Hoffman Partners for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agent they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of the offer for sale or contract for sale. 2. All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of or the vendors or lessors. 3. None of the statements contained within these particulars as to this property are to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. 4. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection as to the correctness of the statements contained in these particulars. 5. Any plans, photographs or drawings contained in these particulars are to enable prospective purchasers or tenants to locate the property. 6. No warranty or undertaking is given in respect of the repair or condition of the properties or items expressed to be included in the sale. 7. Any properties or drawings of the relevant property or part thereof or the neighbouring areas may not depict the property or neighbouring area at the date a prospective purchaser or tenant reads the brochure or inspects the property. Prospective purchasers and tenants are advised to inspect the property and neighbouring areas have not measured the property and have relied upon clients information. The Agents give no warranty as to their correctness and the purchasers must rely on their own measurements. 8. All terms quoted are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. 9. The vendors do not make or give and neither nor any person in their employment has any warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. 10. The details were prepared as at June 2011 and are believed to be correct at the time of writing which may be subsequent amendment.