Newsletter - 20.06.2013 - Rutherglen High School


Newsletter - 20.06.2013 - Rutherglen High School
Principal: Phil Rogers
Assistant Principal: Jennie Ward
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02 6032 9483
Fax: 02 6032 9185
Absence Line: 02 6032 9818
Rutherglen High
School Newsletter
Sheridan’s Bridge Road (P.O. Box 84) Rutherglen . Victoria . 3685
Thursday 20th JUNE 2013
Thank you!
Repor ts
h June.
Finally I am back at work following two lots of hospitalisation, surgery and
recuperation. During the part of my absence period, Jennie Ward happened to be in America on Leave but she is back on deck now too.
Although I do have a backlog of paperwork to catch up on, an enormous
thank you goes to Kerrie Ware, Mark Nesbitt and indeed the whole staff for
the way they kept the school running so smoothly in the absence of the
Principal Class team.
Alpine School Team
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A few weeks ago, Peter Jakober and I visited the Alpine School during a day
of snowfall and very cold weather. However we did receive a warm welcome form our Year 9 team who were coming to the end of a five week
Leadership program. Now that I am back at work, I will be spending time
with the team of Emma King, Isabella Muir-Kommer, Jane Eggleston, Trevor
Coulthard, Ben Jones and Harry Taylor. They will be completing their passport/portfolios and their Community Learning Projects.
VCE Music Performance/Assessment
Congratulations to Emma-Mae, Eli, Chloe, Dylan and Lloyd for their excellent
performance last night. I enjoyed it immensely. The music ranged from classical
vocal (which I had never heard before) to the more contemporary rock/pop. This live performance in front of an audience
forms part of the students’ Assessment for VCE Music. They are clearly progressing very well.
Semester Reports
Semester 1 reports will be posted home in the last week of term. Included in the package will be details of the ParentStudent-Teacher interviews to be held early next term (Wednesday 24th July, from 4pm to 7pm.)
These interviews are a vital way of furthering the partnership between school and home to ensure students are working to
their full potential. Please make sure you put this date in your calendars.
Semester One break Enjoy your holidays, which commence next Friday 28th June (with a 2.30pm finish) , and return on
15th July, recharged and ready for a busy Semester Two!
Phil Rogers
Hospitality students meet Julie Goodwin!
On Friday the 7th of June 11 students from Year 11 and 12 Hospitality went down to the
‘Good Food & Wine Show’. The day began with an early start arriving in Melbourne by
10am. Students walked around the Show where there were hundreds of the country’s finest
food producers providing unlimited samples of delicious food products. The students were
exposed to new and exciting products which will inspire the students to create delicious food
in their Rutherglen High School restaurant ‘The Vine’. In the afternoon, the group watched a
celebrity cooking theatre show by Julie Goodwin (Australia’s first ever Master Chef). She
focused on how to create delicious party food. She cooked buffalo wings with blue cheese
dressing, Thai chicken meat balls and a cold gourmet vegetable soup served in shot glasses.
Thanks to Eli, the group was lucky enough to meet Julie after her show and have their photo
taken with such an inspirational person. She is just as lovely, caring and creative in real life as
she is on TV.
This year Rutherglen High School has opened their Hospitality restaurant ‘The Vine’ twice
already to the public. ‘The Vine’ is a restaurant run by Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students. It
gives the students the opportunity to be creative and explore all areas of Hospitality in a variety of ways, while providing the public with an enjoyable dining experience in a learning environment. The Hospitality teacher and students will
continue to open the restaurant to the public throughout the year with our next night on the 21 st of June. Dates for Term 3 are yet to be confirmed. Hope to see you soon! Justine Simkin, Hospitality Teacher
Animal Nursery – June Long Weekend
Whilst most students were enjoying the June Long Weekend, some students from Year Nine (along with a few others) were busy running the
Animal Nursery—(which was enjoyable, but hard work as well…)
For the organising group of Georgia Lowe, Taylah Gilbertson, Charlie
Redman and April Burmeister the Animal Nursery itself was the culmination of weeks’ of work organising animals, designing posters, organising
donations and organising the roster for the day. Each of these students
should be proud of their efforts as the day was well organised.
On the actual day, there were numerous people who visited the Nursery
and all students who dealt with the public were excellent. This was commented on by numerous people and as usual all staff who assisted with the
roster were proud of our students.
Staff who assisted on the day were Julie Whitehead (and her two daughters), Kerrie Ware, Maxine Cole and Kim Le. Thanks also to Peter Jakober,
Mark Nesbitt and Nathan Thomas for their help with the tent. Thanks also
to all who provided animals for the nursery and to McNamara’s Country
Store for donating feed and hay.
The day raised over $1000.00 for the school and also once again gave Year
Nine students real life experience in running a real event with all the issues
that come with it.
The Farm to Table group would also like to thank and acknowledge Georgia Lowe, Charlie Redman, Taylah Gilbertson and Jane Eggleston (and
their parents who drive them and often have to help) for the weekend feeding of the steers. It is a big responsibility and all of these students do an
excellent job.
Year 9 Farm to Table (full picture gallery in your 2013 ‘Warriwillah’)
Students who assisted on the day included Blade Gilbertson and Steph
Coghill (Year Seven), Taylah Gilbertson, Charlie Redman, Jane Eggleston,
Sari Vanklavern, Georgia Lowe (Year Nine), Melissa Coghill (Year Ten)
and Emma Prescott (Year Eleven).
Thanks!, Mr Webb and the Year Nine Organisers
Year Nine Students Rewarded for Hard Work
Earlier in the year, a number of Year Nine students assisted with the set up and running of the
annual Rutherglen Flower Show. These students included: Taylah Gilberston, Isabella MuirKommer, Reece Brennan, Corey Hill, Rachael Luxford, Lili McMaster, Kelsie Barnes, Lydia
Lohse, Charlie Redman, Jane Eggleston and Sari Vanklavern. This was part of the 9Alive program and was a GOYA for the students involved.
On Wednesday 12th June two ladies (Pauline Hume and Judy Nicholson ) from the Rutherglen
and District Flower Club presented Rutherglen High School with a $100.00 gift voucher and
certificates for the individual students. The $100.00 gift voucher is to be used to purchase
books/resources for the Year Nine Alive program.
The students appreciated the gift voucher and certificates and both ladies mentioned how well the students presented themselves, how
respectful they were and how willing they were to help out on the day. Although we know this to be true of our students as we deal with
them on a daily basis, it is good that they were recognised for their
Pictured is Ron Webb receiving the gift voucher and certificates from Pauline and Judy. Rutherglen High School would like to thank them for
donating this extremely generous gift.
Thank you to all our businesses that take our students from Year 10, 11 and 12 for
work placement.
It is a valuable experience and we appreciate the time
and effort that you put into having our students on board. They gain valuable experience.
students recently travelled to Melbourne to visit a TAFE. They went to Box
Hill and were taken around 2 campuses. The first was the trade campus where they were
able to look at the various trade industries which included, mechanical, nursing, building,
hairdressing and beauty therapy and hospitality. The second campus was the Arts campus
which included, music, fashion design and jewellery-making. It gave the VCAL students a
chance to experience how TAFE institutions work and what opportunities are available to
them for further study and employment.
SRC Canteen Day
On Friday the 7th of June Lyn Kerr accompanied the Hospitality students and Miss Simkin down to the Melbourne Food and Wine Show. This left the Canteen
to be run by a group of volunteers from the SRC and the very capable Brooke Rasmussen. Students brought cakes and slices from home as well as prepared
hot food for sale at recess. The hotdogs they made for lunch (while not the standard gourmet fare at the Food and Wine show) were still very well received!
The SRC made over $500 which will go toward their building or planting projects within the School.
A huge thanks to Lyn for allowing us to run the Caf for the day, to Mrs Rasmussen for supervising and organising the students, to the students who worked in
the Caf on the day preparing food and cleaning up, and to the parents who generously contributed cakes and slices for the day.
Art Sculpture
Congratulations to the Year 9 sculpture group who installed their group sculpture in the garden outside the
front office last week. The group had to work collaboratively to investigate public sculpture, purpose, safety
considerations, materials etc. They then brainstormed ideas, drew rough designs and refined their plans.
The final sculptures are a series of painted posts that are displayed together in staggered clusters, reminiscent of modern totem poles.
Thank you must go to Jacob Muir-Kommer, Jared Cleveland and Justine Geisler from the Year 11 VCAL class
who helped the Year 9 students dig holes and concrete the posts into place.
Students: Allie Lewis-Carmichael, Alicia Leahy, Pippy Gill, Kelsie Barnes, Lydia Lohse, Lilli McMaster and
Laura Bartlett
Corowa Free Press ‘Write-A-Story’ Competition
Well done to all the students who took the opportunity to enter in this competition. Those who received a special mention
for their most excellent pieces were: Grace Schmidt, Zoe McLeish, Kiarah Conboy, Scott Quarrell, Monique Monahan, Jo
Battison, Sam Taylor, Steph Coghill, Emma Gaston and Darcy Thwaites. Well done to you all!
Did you know there are 1 Billion Facebook users? If
it was a country it would be the second largest
in the world.
Only 1% of students would ask adults for help with
digital issues. Do they feel that we are not
technology savvy? We are however much
more worldly when it comes to ethics and
online situations.
The most common age a grade 6 girl will make herself on Facebook is 19. It is illegal for anyone
under 13yrs to have a Facebook page, and an
11 yr old girl stating she is 19 brings with it a
whole new level of risks.
Young people believe that adults are somewhat
hysterical in their fears about the internet. The
most common reason a young person won’t
tell their parent that they are being bullied
online is the fear that they will be banned from
internet access. Let your child know that if
something is bothering them online, you are
there to assist them, not ban them.
Young people may unwittingly give out private information to websites which may then use this
inappropriately or even on sell the information.
Most of us don’t read the terms and conditions
when we sign up to a site, but it is actually a
legally binding contract.
Reinforce with your child that nothing online is private—It is like walking down High St with your
underwear on..!— ...and that everything that is
put online, stays online!
Following on from last week I would like to share
with you some facts about the internet for you to
discuss with your child.
Linda Elkington
Adolescent Health
From Monday May 20th till Thursday May 30th, 50
students of Rutherglen High School participated
for the first time in the 2013 Language Perfect Word Championships
Competition. It is the world’s largest online languages competition
where our students compete against state and private schools in
over 12 countries.
We competed in the overall 1- 50 students category and I was very
proud to see the enthusiasm and motivation they demonstrated
during the 10 day competition.
After 10 days, our students responded to 94,406 questions with total
of 28,261 points earned.
Rutherglen High School was ranked 507 overall globally out of 1054
In the overall 1 – 50 students category, we finished 31st out of 249
We were ranked 13th in Australia out of 140 schools and 5th in Victoria out 50 schools within this category.
In French, we finished 17th in Australia out of 145 schools and 8th in
Victoria out 66 schools within the same category. 19 certificates
have been awarded to Rutherglen for the 2013 Language Perfect
Word Championships Competition. Congratulations all students
who competed in this competition! Félicitations! Bravo Rutherglen
High School!
Mr LE, Humanities / French teacher
Please find below students who achieved certificates from the Language Perfect team based in New Zealand.
Gold Award
Silver Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Bronze Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Credit Award
Blair Henry
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Philippa Gill
2013 Year 09 French - Le
Sheridon Douglas
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Nathan Cleal
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Brooke Goddard
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Grace Ronnfeldt
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Josh Jones
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Emma Gaston
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Timeeka GEORGE
2013 Year 07 French - Le
Izaac Cameron
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Caylup Hall
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Jono Gay
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Brodie Gouge
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Cloe Kristy
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Chase Burmeister
2013 Year 08G French - Le
2013 Year 07 French - Le
Salvanna Greenwood
2013 Year 08G French - Le
Name withheld
2013 Year 07 French - Le
Name withheld
2013 Year 07 French - Le
Latest Career News – Mrs Leverett, Careers Adviser
Many of our students have recently been involved in events to further investigate their career prospects. For example, Mitchell Carmody spent a week in Chiltern Mount Pilot NP assisting in radio
tracking of the Regent Honeyeater.
Melissa Coghill has also been organising an incredibly exciting placement at the John Monash School of Science in Melbourne. In May,
four Year 10s attended a ‘Careers in Health’ forum in Wangaratta.
Three of our Year 12s attended the CSU MyDay – Teaching event in
Thurgoona and last Friday we took a group of Year 10 and 11 students to CSU Wagga Wagga for an Agriculture experience day. This
week our Year 12s were also able to attend the locally organised Tertiary Information Session (TIS), held in Albury-Wodonga each year.
Furthermore, this Friday many Year 10s are attending a LaTrobe Experience Day in Wodonga and next week many Year 11s are attending the CSU MyDay – Health careers event in Thurgoona. I congratu-
late all of these students for being proactive in investigating career
Next week I’ve also organised a guest speaker from LaTrobe to conduct workshops for Year 8 students in Humanities and a speaker from
Defence Recruitment to speaking to interested senior students.
In addition to the above events, there are a number of events held by
Universities, TAFEs and the Zoo in Melbourne. These include some
great events in the holidays so that that Year 12s don’t need to miss
out on classes. Remember to check out and click on the Important Information tab for the latest Weekly Career News. There’s also a calendar of the University Open Days, Early Entry Schemes and Holiday
Events available.
– 8.00pmMMonMon
On Friday June 14th while most teachers were madly writing reports, two teachers (Mrs Leverett and Mr Webb) decided that it
would be a good idea to take students to visit Charles Sturt University(CSU) in Wagga. And what a great idea it turned out to be
with all students having a good time as well as learning a little
along the way.
ach and a ewe’s stomach) and examining rice breeding methods,
including examining rice under a microscope. These sessions
were enjoyed by all students on the day.
Next Jemma Lumby, a former student of RHS and now a student in the Bachelor of Animal Science took the students for a
look around the CSU campus. First we examined the AgriculThe focus of the day was to allow students to visit the Agricultur- ture area in more depth including looking at the cattle and sheep
al Science area at CSU as well as have a look around the CSU
yards and the cropping program. We also drove past the Equine
Centre which is another facility and program CSU offers. Jemma
also showed students the living areas and students got a taste of
On the day, the students were divided into two different prowhat university living is really like. All students really enjoyed
grams, one based at Year 10 and 11 students and the other prothis and we thank Jemma for giving up her time during exam
gram VCE students. The Year 10 and 11 program involved stuweek to give the students a tour.
dents participating in a series of workshops. The highlights of
these was cattle handling, soil testing for pH levels and the future Students who attended the excursion were Gab Robinson, Sheof food. The other program was aimed at Year 12 students and nae Wallis, Jarrod Curran, Beth Tobin, Maddi Connell, Jack
Buckingham, Dani Gay and Emma Prescott and it was great to
this covered study skills, careers in Agriculture sessions, dissection of a monogastric and ruminant stomach system (dog’s stom- see students prepared to give up pupil free day to visit CSU.
Northeast Health Careers Forum – May 2013
On the 8th May, Rue Young, Rebecca McCluskey, Larissa
Cooper, Damian Monahan and Mrs Leverett attended a
Health Day at the Wangaratta Entertainment Centre.
The workshops were really fun and
involved various activities as well as
being very informative.
The day consisted of different workshops educating future
health careers for high school
Overall, it gave us ideas as to where
we want our career path to head
and ways to get there.
We each got to attend 5 workshops about various health careers such as; Psychology, Midwifery, Nursing, Physiotherapy,
Optometry, Occupational
Therapy etc.
On behalf of the students that attended the day, we would like to
thank Mrs Leverett for taking us
and advising us throughout the day.
Rue Young reporting
Time required – 10.30am – 1.30pm. Please try to arrange a swap if you are unable to do the day I have given you. We
need your help to fill the VOLUNTEER NEEDED spots on this Roster. If you can help for one of the days PLEASE phone
the school office on 60329483 or Lyn at home on 60329963. The only way to keep our prices reasonable is to have a
volunteer to help each day. Thank you, Lyn Kerr Canteen Manager
July 15th`
Helen and Gerard Whelan
August 26th
July 16th
Simone Battisson
August 27
July 17th
August 28th
July 18th
July 19th
Kaylene Lumby
Shelley Marx
July 22nd
Donna Pleming
Jodie Sorensen
July 23
July 24th
Anita Arnold
July 25th
Elida Rogers
July 26th
Michelle Stewart
July 29th
July 30
July 31st
August 1st
August 2nd
Louisia Dunne
August 29
August 30th
September 2nd
Bronwyn Henry
August 5th
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 Work Experience
August 6
August 7th
Year 10 Work Experience
August 8th
Year 10 Work Experience
August 9th
Bernadette Stanton
August 12th
September 3
September 4th
Brooke Rasmussen
September 5
September 6th
September 9th
Kaylene Lumby
August 13
August 14th
August 15th
August 16th
Jane Bromwich
August 19th
Leesa Whinray
August 20
August 21st
August 22
August 23rd
September 10
September 11th
Simone Battisson
September 12
September 13th
Louisia Dunne
September 16th
Maryanne King
September 17
September 18th
September 19
September 20th
Elida Rogers
Jackie Pianto
Jodie Sorensen
Anita Arnold
Brooke Rasmussen
Jodie Cooper
Maryanne King
Anita Arnold
Debbie Summerfield
Jackie Pianto
Helen and Gerard Whelan
As you can see from the Roster we are in urgent
need of Volunteers. If you are able to help or know
of anyone who would like to help on any of the days
please phone the School on 02 6032 9483.
Lyn Kerr – Canteen Manager
Transition Article 6
It really is amazing how
fast this year is going by.
We are already on the
verge of finishing Term 2
and really kicking off the
transition season of Terms
3 and 4.
Dates to look out for during Term 3 are our Grade 5
Day (5/8/13) and our
Grade 6 Day (7/8/13).
Both of these Days allow
all Grade 5 and Grade 6
students from the surrounding area to come to
Rutherglen High School
for the day and experience
a wide range of activities.
Again this is a really
unique opportunity for the
primary school students as
this gives them the chance
to visit the High School,
meet with future staff and
familiarise themselves
with the school grounds
earlier than many other
High Schools.
More information regarding the Days will be passed
directly to the students via
their primary school teachers. Information such as
bus travel and what to
bring on the day will be
made very clear early in
Term 3.
Have a safe and enjoyable
holiday and I look forward
to catching up with all future Rutherglen High
School students in Term 3.
Dave Janissen
Transition Coordinator
Rutherglen High School
In early July we will be receiving exchange students from the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland,
Germany, Italy & the USA. Our new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a local school for 5 or 10
months. As we plan for their arrival, we are keen to hear from suitable families who might be interested to
host a student.
Host families come in all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and ages. To this end, we would again be grateful
if you would place a notice in your newsletter/bulletin or mention it on your website. You can download the
newsletter notice here in Word format or as a JPG.
All students have at least basic levels of English, would attend a school in your local area and live the life of
a local. Our group of students cover a wide variety of interests and hobbies. If you would like to provide your
students, parents or language teachers with further information on our inbound students you can also view
some student profiles on our website. Our staff members will be happy to discuss which student might be
best suited to a family.
Hosting an exchange student can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a foreign
culture first hand, be exposed to a new language and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even
make a friend for life!
“It’s been a fantastic experience so far...It’s been great having an older brother for our young kids.
Simon has been a fantastic role model...Simon helps around the house a lot. One of the first things
he said to us during the first couple of days he was here was what should my chores be? I was
delighted to hear him say that.” Victoria, Host Mum
"Hosting Kirstine has brought our family closer together. We’re doing things we used to do when
our kids were little, like boiling the billy, having a BBQ and baking apples up the paddock. She’s
helped us remember how to have fun when we’re working and take time out for adventures.” Sharon, Host Mum
"Being the youngest and the only one left at home I was looking forward to having another teenager
in the house. While Charlotte helps me with my French I help her with her English lessons and I
have taught her many Aussie words and sayings. We both love to shop and shop and shop..."
Grace, Host Sister
Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-for-profit secondary exchange organisation which is registered with education & regulatory authorities in each State and Territory. You can find out more about our
organisation by visiting
If you have any questions about hosting an exchange student or would like to view profiles of students arriving from other countries, you can either respond to this email or call our office on 1300 135 331. No obligation.
Fri 21st— ‘Experience LaTrobe Day’, Wagga
Fri 21st— ‘The Vine’ Restaurant @ 6pm
Mon 24th—Yr 8 ‘Real Game’
VCE Hospitality ‘BARISTAs’ @ ‘The Vine’
Tues 25th— CSU ‘My Day’, Health; Thurgoona
Tue 25th— Yr 7/8 Sport
Thurs 27th— Yr 9/10 Sport
Fri 28th — Last day Term 2; finish 2.30pm
Mon 15th — Term 3 commences
Wed 24th— P/T/S INTERVIEWS; 4 to 7pm
Fri 21st— Jane Bromich
Mon 24th— Maryann King
A charge of $15.00 per student for
the School magazine will appear on
your statement. If you wish to purchase a copy you will need to pay
this before the end of Term 3 (20th
September) as this will be our cut-off
date to place an order with the
printer. It will be assumed if payment has not been received by this date that you
do not require a copy.
WEP Student Exchange - Live and Study Overseas!
WEP Information Session
25 June 2013 / 7-8:30pm
The Cube Wodonga
118 Hovell St
Wodonga VIC 3690
Tues 25th— Jackie Pianto
Fri 28th— Louisa Dunne
World Education Program (WEP) Australia is now accepting applications from students to participate in 2013/14 exchange programs for a
summer, semester or year. Students can choose from 26 destinations to
study and experience life with a carefully selected host family.
Exchange students return to Australia with maturity, confidence, and in
many cases, proficiency in another language. If learning another language is not for you, excellent programs to the USA, Canada, Ireland and
the UK are also available.
Find out More! Attend WEP’s information session in Wodonga
this June or go online at to find out more.
Library Reading Nook—inachevée but utile