January 2014 - Evansville - Evansville Bend Power Squadron
January 2014 - Evansville - Evansville Bend Power Squadron
Celebrating our 35th year www.evansvillebend.org January 2014 January 15 Meeting - Tow Boat Captain, Randy Bowling, Safety Officer Jack Berry Our first meeting of the new year will be held on Wednesday, January 15th at Roca Bar North on Highway 41. Captain Randy Bowling from Crounse Corporation from Paducah along with their safety officer, Jack Berry, will be our guest speakers who work for Crounse Corporation . Randy has been a tow boat captain for 20 years and navigates on the Ohio, Green, Tombigbee, and upper and lower Mississippi Rivers. Since 1948, Crounse Corporation has been an industry leader in the river transportation industry. George P. Crounse, Sr., was a native of St. Paul, Minnesota. Prior to World War II, he worked for the Tennessee Valley Authority and for Arrow Transportation, a river towing company located in Sheffield, Alabama. During those years he learned the fundamentals of river transportation. Commander: Executive Officer: Education Officer: Administrative Officer: Secretary/Treasurer: Crounse Corporation, employs over 300 people and with a fleet of 35 towboats and 1122 barges it transports more than 30 million tons of cargo each year along the U.S. inland waterways. Crounse has become one of the largest carriers of coal on the inland river system with a reputation for superior service to its customers. Social time starts at 6pm and we order off of the menu at 6:30pm. Be sure and attend this meeting and learn first hand about the adventures of a captain on a tow boat. Cdr. Derk Boss, AP P/Stf/C Sam Richey, SN P/D/C Janice Elwood, JN Lt/C Steve Smith , S Lt/C Jen Weber A Unit of USPS, Sail and Power Boating® (812-470-1744) (812-568-4403) (812-401-8300) (812-457-7910) (812-470-9745 — District 24 off of Hogue Road on Evansville’s Westside. (see attached flyer). As most of you know, our Commander Derk has moved to Las Vegas for a better job. He is very busy getting settled in and has asked me to write this report for him. For those of you who missed our Holiday Party you missed a really good time and the food was very good. Thanks to Suzy and Jay Picking for making arrangements with Oak Meadows. And special thanks to Janice Elwood for taking care of reservations. Also we raised $300.00 for Tri-State Food Bank. We have a couple of things in the works for education, SEO Janice will have more about these in her report. Sam Richey XO —————————————————— The Education dept is busy planning an ABC (public) boating course class for two Saturdays on January 18th and 25th, 2014. We have wanted to try the two classes instead of 5 night classes for a long time and this seems to be the time. The location of the classes will be at the Perry Township Fire and Rescue building at 11 Williams Road The time of the classes will be from 9 am to 4 pm with a lunch break. We will cover the boating course material on the first Saturday. The second Saturday there will be a review of homework questions, exam, and offer an optional overview of charting. Course material cost will be $50 per manual. We will need proctors to help with questions and grading the exams. Evansville Bend has been invited to the Owensboro Boat and Recreation show that will be held in the new Owensboro Convention Center on February 27th through March 2nd, 2014. I’m in the process in finding out the hours of the show and other details. The 10 x 10 booth has been donated to us by the event promoter and sponsor Ken Bruce the president & CEO of Pro-Tech Marine. Once the papers are signed I will be looking for volunteers to work the booth. I will have sign-up sheets at the January and February meetings. So check your calendars and plan on helping us at our booth. As you know, this is a great PR occasion for the squadron. Janice Elwood, Education Officer ———————————————- HOLIDAY PARTY WAS A GREAT TIME! Except for the “driving rain” storm all evening, everyone had a wonderful time at our Holiday Party. Members were all “decked-out” in their holiday best. people kept “taking” the ones that she had selected. She could then take someone else’s or select a new one. Everyone was civil in the exchanges and there were no “fights” over the ornaments. We had about 20 members in attendance. The meeting was conducted by Executive Officer, Sam Richey, in the absence of Commander Derk Boss who now resides in Las Vegas. After a scrumptious meal and dessert, we had an ornament exchange. An orna- ment could be “taken’ from another member up to three time before being retired. Gay Graper’s name was drawn first so she chose the first ornament . In fact, she selected the most ornaments because HOLIDAY PARTY RAISED MONEY FOR THE FOOD BANK Described as eye-opening and ground breaking! As we dined at Oak Meadow Country Club on excellent tasting food while many people were eating less due to their circumstances. #1 recommended reading for Aging Boaters! For many years, Evansville Bend has used our Holiday Party to collect money and canned goods. Thanks to the many Evansville Bend members who made donations to the Tri-State Food Bank of money and canned goods at our Holiday Party held on December 21. A total of $200.00 was collected and a donation of $100 was made from the EB treasury for a total of $300.. .. Regular Price $15.95 is offered for $12.95 on the website shipped within 24 hrs. www.seniorboatersofamerica.com Senior Boaters comfort gear also helps support the WOUNDED WARRIORS PROJECT. ———————————————— Thanks so much!! —————————————————ATTENTION SENIOR BOATERS According to the USPS magazine “The ENSIGN” The Book for Senior Boaters by former Coast Guardsman and USPS Member, Jim Eastman an extremely popular handbook and guide for aging boaters, would make a GREAT GIFT! They went on to say “his excellent advice will help both retired people new to boating as well as experienced boaters”. February Meeting - Wednesday the 19th. Place and speaker TBA March Meeting—Wednesday the 19th. Place and speaker TBA. April Meeting—Saturday the 19th for our annual Change of Watch. Place TBA.