August 9 - St. Francis Xavier


August 9 - St. Francis Xavier
The Catholic Communities of
St. Francis Xavier and
St. John the Baptist
August 9, 2015
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Parish Communities of : St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church ~ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Physical & mailing address: 1708 East Tenth Street, Merrill, WI 54452
Parish Directory
Parish Office……………………………………………...536-2803
Pastor — Father Chris Kemp…….……………………..536-2803 ext. 218
Retired Clergy — Father Joseph Kleinheinz…………….536-2803
Deacon — Jim Arndt……………………………...……..536-2803 ext. 215
Parish Secretary — Kris Leggett.………………………..536-2803 ext. 202
Financial Assistant — Laura Reiter……………………...536-2803 ext. 219
Parish Outreach/Evangelization — Sr. Dolores Lilla……...536-7487
DRE — Joe Velie……………………………………......536-2803 ext. 222
Music Director — Mary Ament………………………....536-2803 ext. 230
Building Maintenance Supervisor — John Hanson…….536-2803 ext. 221
Custodian — Wolfgang Lenk.……………...……..…….....536-2803 ext. 221
Cemetery Sexton — John Hanson
Parish Council Chairs — Lisa Hass (SFX), Anne Schoone (SJB)
Trustees St. Francis Xavier — Pat Buckett (Pastoral) Jim Brickner (Finance)
Trustees St. John the Baptist — Jim St. Mary, Leona Vander Sanden
Liturgy Committee — Pete McConnell (SFX), Angela Frick (SJB)
School Committee — Julie Bushor, Tracy Creel, Michelle Evans, Scott
Nelson, Rick Meehean
Religious Education — Maria Brickner
School Principal — Sonja Doughty ..…….…… ..................... 536-6083
School Secretary — Cindy Gennrich….………… ................. 536-6083
Knights of Columbus — Bill Hanson, Grand Knight………..536-8471
Parish Website:
Staff email addresses are listed on the parish website
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store…. ......................................... 539-1131
St. Vincent de Paul Outreach……. ......................................... 539-2666
St. Vincent Free Clinic………..…… ....................................... 539-9566
Merrill Community Food Pantry…………………………..536-4505
Mass Schedule (SJB-St. John Baptist SFX-St. Francis Xavier)
Weekend Mass
Saturday………………………………………..4:00 PM at SFX
Saturday………………………………………..6:00 PM at SJB
Sunday……………………………………………8:00AM & 10:00 AM SFX
Weekday Mass
Tuesday…………………………………….…...6:00 PM at SFX
Wednesday……………………………….…..9:00 AM at SFX
Thursday ….9:30 AM at SJB and 10:15 AM at Pine Crest
Friday………………………………………….....9:00 AM at SFX
Reconciliation Times (and by appointment)
Saturday…..…..3:00 PM (SFX) & 7:15 PM (SJB)
Tuesday………...5:30 PM (SFX) Wednesday….8:15 AM (SFX)
Thursday…..9:15 AM (SJB) Friday………….8:15 AM (SFX)
Parish Office hours: Monday 12:30 –4:00 PM
Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM
(closed daily 12-12:30 for lunch)
Friday 8:30 AM-Noon
Low Gluten Eucharist (.01%) are available.
Please see Fr. Chris before Mass.
We appreciate the advertisers who support our bulletin:
Dr. Charles A. Sowieja
201 N. Center Ave.
Physical address: N4887 Hwy 17, Bloomville
Come and Join Us
Friends of Jesus Charismatic Prayer Group:
Our next meeting is August 12th at 6:00 PM
Everyone is welcome to join us.
Mom’s in Prayer:
Meetings vary. Call Irene at 536-9430
Eucharistic Adoration:
In “The Little Flower Chapel” Sun-Thur, 5AM-12AM
Friday 5AM-10PM, Saturday 5AM-1PM
Evening Prayer:
Wednesday at 5:45 PM in “The Little Flower Chapel”
St. Francis on Tuesdays 5:30 PM, Fridays 8:30 AM
At Pine Crest on Saturdays 9:30AM
St. John the Baptist Thursday social time:
Every Thursday following 9:30 AM Mass
Little Knights Playgroup:
We meet every Friday that school is in
session from 9:00-10:30 AM in the
Flower” Chapel burn in honor of: Marilyn Stiver.
PRAYER CHAIN: Please call Kris at the Parish Office
with your prayer chain requests. You may leave a
message if necessary. The messages
are checked daily even on weekends.
Thank you.
August 10, 2015
2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9; Jn
Dt 31:1-8; Dt 32:3-4ab, 7-9, 12;
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17;
Mt 18:15-20
Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17; Ps 114:1-6;
Mt 18:21 — 19:1
Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24;
Mt 19:3-12
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7,
9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56
Prv 9:1-6; Ps 34:2-7; Eph 5:15-20;
Jn 6:51-58
Weekly Schedule: August 10-16, 2015
Fr. Chris’
Day Off
Wednesday 8/12
Thursday 8/13
5:30 PM
SFX Reconciliation
8:15 AM
SFX Reconciliation
6:00 PM
SFX Mass
9:00 AM
SFX Mass
9:30 AM
Mass at SJB
Social follows
Tuesday 8/11
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Les & Jim’s
SFX=St. Francis Xavier
SJB= St. John the Baptist
Friday 8/14
Saturday 8/15
8:15 AM
3:00 PM
Reconciliation Reconciliation
9:00 AM
SFX Mass
4:00 PM
SFX Mass
Sunday 8/16
8:00 AM
SFX Mass
10:00 AM
SFX Mass
6:00 PM
SJB Mass
6:00 PM
Charismatic prayer
August 15-16, 2015
4:00 PM (SFX) Elizabeth & Alicia Weix
6:00 PM (SJB) Joe Zimmerman & Gayle Dobson
8:00 AM (SFX) Tom Huftel & Kevin Rell
10:00 AM (SFX) Michaela Raleigh & C. Renzelmann
4:00 PM (SFX) Lauren Cohrs, Emily Weix, Austin White
6:00 PM (SJB) Volunteers
8:00 AM (SFX) Rebecca & Isaiah Rell, Kate Knott
10:00 AM (SFX) B. Raleigh, A. Renzelmann, M & C Drew
4:00 PM (SFX) I, E, & Kevin Cohrs, Chris Heller
6:00 PM (SJB) Perry Block & Sharon Madden
8:00 AM (SFX) Tony & Sarah Gessler, Ken Adams, Mark
10:00 AM (SFX) Neil Raleigh, J & L Ruprecht, A. Bacon
.SCRIP sellers:
4:00 PM (SFX) Phil & Mary Ziesemer
8:00 AM (SFX) Sharon Zipperer & Patti Gessler
10:00 AM (SFX) Clark & Betty Ambrose
Ministry Schedules and sub lists for both parishes are
on our website:
August 16, 2015: Paul Proulx
August 15, 2015: Sue Norenberg
Week of August 16, 2015: Shirley Gajewski
Week of August 10, 2015
6:00 PM (SFX) Intention: †Dexter Woodward
By: Family
9:00 AM (SFX) Intention: †Al Turner
By: Barb & Bill Doering
9:30 AM (SJB) Intention: †Willa Mae Gilley
By: Russell Creel Family
10:15 AM (at Pine Crest) Intention: † Emil Joe Weix
By: Sally
9:00 AM (SFX) Intention: †Evelyn Tomajcik
By: Marv & Mary Anderson
4:00 PM (SFX) Intention: Mary Simerson
By: Hempel Family
6:00 PM (SJB)
Intention: People of the Parishes
8:00 AM (SFX) Intention: †Grace Hofmann
By: Vearl Kleinschmidt Family
10:00 AM (SFX) Intention: Pat & Kaz Buckett
By: Tom & Mary Jo Sazama
Baptism: Please call the parish office to schedule a
baptism. You must be a registered and contributing
member of the parish to have your child receive this
Anointing of the sick: This sacrament is available upon
request by calling the parish office. Please do not wait
until it becomes an emergency because a priest will not
always be immediately available.
Parish News
Ninetieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading from the Book of
Kings, we hear how Elijah is exhausted
and cannot go any further, and then he
asks God to die. Elijah was literally “dead
tired,” from his fleeing from Queen Jezebel. If we
remember Elijah had killed all of the priests who
worshiped the god Baal, and now under Queen Jezebel’s
orders, her soldiers are pursuing Elijah to kill him. Totally
exhausted, an angel orders Elijah to get up twice, and eat.
As a result of this food Elijah is able to travel for forty
days and nights.
In today’s Gospel, we hear how the Jews, (a reference
only to the leaders of the time), murmured against Jesus
and began to confer that they knew who he was. In this
culture, one was not allowed to advance past their place
of family honor or social status. And so the Jews ask, how
can Jesus say “I have come down from heaven?” Jesus
however does not back down from their pursuit of
questioning and murmuring. Jesus, to enforce his teaching
about him coming from heaven and the Father, quotes
from Isaiah 54:13, “They shall be taught by God.”
Jesus concludes by saying, “I am the living bread that
came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live
forever.” Powerful words and powerful stories, for us
even today. As members of the Church, the mystical body
of Christ, we also have to endure many false teachings
from the false gods of our world which people mistakenly
pursue us with. However, the Church is bold, in her
proclamations of Truth. And she should be, ultimately, it
is Jesus whom she proclaims, and whom she is, as a body.
In order to see this, all one needs to do is choose from one
of the life issues or moral issues that the Church
continually stands firm on. As members in his Church, we
need to ask ourselves, if we are drawing strength from
what Jesus teaches? He is the Word, which came into the
world, and along with the Church, he is the very food we
receive in the Eucharist which gives us strength, as go
along through our life’s journey.
-Fr. Chris
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Fr.
Sleeva’s mission. We were able to donate
$1,310 from SFX and $332.00 from SJB.
Interested in a spiritual pilgrimage for the
celebration of the Solemnity of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary? Come and celebrate the
feast of the Assumption at the Shrine of Our Lady
of Good Help in Champion, WI on Saturday, August
15th. Outdoor Mass at 11 A.M. with Principal
Celebrant, Bishop David L. Ricken of the Diocese of
Green Bay. Mass will be outside, followed by
Benediction of the Most Blessed
procession on the shrine
grounds. Please bring your own
lawn chairs for seating on the
outside lawn. If you have never
visited this only United Statesapproved apparition site, this is
a great feast to attend to visit
the Shrine.
New Lectionaries purchased: St. Francis Xavier
Parish has purchased a new set of lectionaries for
liturgies on weekdays, Sundays, and special occasions.
If you would like to make a donation towards the
purchase of these in memory of a loved one, or in
honor of a special anniversary, please call the parish
Electronic Wheel chair: There is an electronic
wheel chair for sale. It is located by the handicapped
entrance. If you are interested call the parish
Help needed: We are looking for an individual who
would be interested in maintaining the votive candle
stands located in the back of church. This job
includes filling the candle racks and keeping them
clean. The time and day would be of your choosing.
Please call the parish office if you can help.
Friday morning Mass: Beginning Friday, September
4th, Friday morning Mass will begin at 8:00 AM
instead of 9:00 AM. We hope this change will make
it easier for people who are working to still attend
morning Mass. The other Mass times will not change.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: The
Assumption (August 15th) falls on a Saturday, and
therefore is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year.
Your Sunday obligation still applies.
SFX School News
Tuition Credits: Have you thought of sending your
child to St. Francis Xavier but were worried about
the cost of tuition? With our SCRIP tuition credit
program, many families save hundreds of dollars
off their tuition. Call Kris in the parish office for
more information.
2015-2016 Registration: School families, if you
plan on attending St. Francis Xavier for the 20152016 school year, and have not registered yet,
please do so as soon as possible so that your
students are included in the fall enrollment.
Classroom materials are being ordered for the new
school year and we need to have a correct count.
Thank you.
School Supply Lists: This year, St. Francis Xavier
school will have a $25 school supply fee. The school
will purchase all the school supplies for the
students, and save the parents the hassle of
shopping. Please remit your fee to the school this
week if you haven't already
Our Gifts to Our Lord
For the weekend of July 25-26, 2015
St. Francis Xavier
Amt needed
Adult Envelopes
Loose Collection
Online/ACH giving
Debt Relief
St. John the Baptist
Adult Envelopes
Loose Collection
Thank you for your generosity!
Handbell rehearsals will resume on Thursday,
September 3, 2015. You are invited to join us. Reading
music is helpful but not necessary, training will be
provided. Handbell ringing is a joyful way to praise the
Lord. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. Due to the renovation in
the balcony/overflow area, our location will be
announced closer to our first rehearsal. If you have
questions, please call Allan at 715-536-6463.
Religious Education News
Religious Education starts Wednesday,
September 9th for all grades!
Catechists and Aides Needed:
We are in need of catechists for our religious
education program. We would like to have an aide
or second catechist in each class for grades K-8.
Please contact Joe Velie at 536-2803, extension
222 if you would like to volunteer.
Sunday Mass & Healing Service
St. Matthew Catholic Church in Wausau will celebrate a
Sunday Mass followed by communal and individual prayer
for health and healing today (Sunday, August 9th) at 3:30
pm. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available
prior to Mass from 2 pm—3:25 pm. If you are in need of
some form of healing, whether physical or spiritual, please
consider attending.
SCRIP News….
Murphy’s Minimart is now R-Store but will still
honor any Murphy’s Scrip until we are out of
stock on the parish office. After that, watch
for the new R-Store gift cards.
2. A clarification on Kwik Trip Cards….Kwik Trip
donates 5% to our school for all gasoline
purchases. They donate 15% when you use your
gift card in the store! Thank you Kwik Trip.
3. Friendship House, located on Hwy 51, donates a
very generous 20% to our parish with each gift
card purchase. They kindly ask you only use one
certificate per visit.
The Little Flower Chapel is in need of
adorers for the following hours:
2:00 pm on Mondays
3:00 pm on Thursdays and Fridays
As summer is winding down, this is the
perfect time to rest and reflect with Jesus in
the adoration chapel. Our lives are busy by
choice. Vacations, soccer and baseball games, swimming
at the lake are all things we make sure we take time for.
Shouldn’t we make time for prayer? When you schedule
an hour to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, the rest of
our life falls right into place.
Call Phil at 715-536-4825 with Adoration questions.
Totus Tuus 2015
Totus Tuus was a huge success this year! The Totus Tuus team of students was absolutely fabulous and
energetic, and the students who attended learned so much about their faith. The smiles, joy, and laughter on
the students’ faces were priceless. The students have all talked about how much fun they had learning,
singing, praying, and focusing their week on Christ. Please consider sending your children next year!
Please pray for the following
parishioners of both parishes who are
in need of your prayers.
remember the residents in our nursing
homes and hospitals. Names remain on
the list for 4 weeks. Call Kris at the parish office to put
someone on this list.
Rick Loof
Vivian Hommerding Kathy Caylor
Frank Inneichen Jody Mittlestaedt
Lottie Hoffman
Helen Severt
Marilyn Stiver
The Liturgy Committee would like
to teach us about the Saints of the day
and special feast days:
Nineteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
St. Lawrence
St. Clare
Wednesday: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Maximilian Maria Kolbe, O.F.M. Conv. was a Polish
Conventual Franciscan friar, who volunteered to die in
place of a stranger in the German death camp of
Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during
World War II. He was active
in promoting the veneration
of the Immaculate Virgin
supervising the monastery of
Niepokalanów near Warsaw,
operating a radio station, and
founding or running several
other organizations (Knights
of the Immaculata) and
publications. He was killed
by a lethal injection of
carbolic acid on the Eve of
the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary on 14-August-1941.
Kolbe's life was strongly influenced in 1906 by a
childhood vision of the Virgin Mary. He later described
this incident: That night I asked the Mother of God
what was to become of me. Then she came to me
holding two crowns, one white, the other red. She
asked me if I was willing to accept either of these
crowns. The white one meant that I should persevere
in purity, and the red that I should become a martyr. I
said that I would accept them both.
Kolbe was canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II, and
declared a martyr of charity. John Paul II declared him
"The Patron Saint of Our Difficult Century".
Due to Kolbe's efforts to promote consecration and
entrustment to Mary, he is known as the Apostle of
Consecration to Mary. (source: Wikipedia)
St. John the Baptist News
St. John the Baptist
Rummage Sale
Friday Aug. 28 10:00-5:00
Saturday Aug. 29 10:00-7:30
Donations: Please start saving your items that are
in good condition for an end of the summer rummage
sale! We will accept household items, clothes, books
and toys. We will not be able to accept large
electronics such as TV’s or microwaves. You may
bring your items to the church hall every Saturday
(starting with August 8th) from 5:00 PM-7:00 PM.
Set Up: We will set up for the rummage sale on
Wednesday August 26th at 9:00 AM. Your help is
needed in during the set up.
Refreshments: During the rummage sale we will be
selling hot ham and cheese sandwiches, hotdogs,
cookies, bars, and drinks.
Questions? If you have any questions please call
Dorothy at 715-873-4683. Our next meeting date
for planning is Saturday, August 15th after 6:00 PM
10th Annual St. Francis
Sportsmen’s Banquet
Tickets On Sale Now
The 10th annual St. Francis
Sportsmen’s Banquet is being held on
Saturday, September 12th, at Les and
Jim’s Lincoln Lanes. Tickets are now on sale in the
Parish Office between during regular summer office
hours (see pg. 2 of the bulletin).
Last year’s banquet pulled in over $11,000.00 for the
parish and we are excited for another successful banquet
this year. The banquet committee is looking for
donations of new outdoor related items for the raffles and
door prizes to help reduce the cost of the banquet. Also,
if you have any outdoor related prints you would be
willing donate, you may drop them off in the Parish
Office too. Any donations of outdoor items or cash are
greatly appreciated and help a lot. Thanks for your past
and continued support for our banquet. If you have any
questions about the banquet, feel free to call Tom Huftel
at 715-536-1502, or Jim Mootz at 715-536-9769.
Bulletin Deadline is Tuesday at Noon. You may email
your item to: [email protected]