2014 Annual Report - Dutch Point Credit Union


2014 Annual Report - Dutch Point Credit Union
2015 Annual Meeting
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Dutch Point Credit Union, Inc. Members
Annual Meeting - 2015
The order of business at the Dutch Point Credit Union Annual Meeting will be as follows:
• Initial Report of the Credentials Committee
• Appointment of Recording Secretary
• Appointment of Parliamentarian
• Action of Minutes of 2014 Annual Meeting
• Final Report of the Credentials Committee
• Membership Report
• Financial Report
• Supervisory Committee Report
• Old Business
• New Business
• Nominating Committee Report
• Election
• Adjournment
HELD APRIL 8, 2014
The fifty-third Annual Meeting of Dutch Point Credit Union was held Tuesday, April 8, 2014.
The Chairman of the Board, Michael W. Dwyer, called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Northeast Utilities Building in Berlin.
Directors Present: A. DeFrance, R. DeRoehn, R. Deslippe, M. Dwyer, S. Miller, F. Proto, and R. Zajack
Directors Absent: J. Gombotz and D. Sullivan
Also Present:
M. Curtin, Supervisory Committee Member
T . Tuell, Supervisory Committee Member
Mr. Dwyer welcomed the members.
Before we begin the meeting I would like to take a moment to honor the memory of a former Director whom we lost this past
year. John Childs, better known to all of us as “Jack”, passed away. Jack served for over 32 years as a dedicated and loyal
member of our Board. He will always be remembered for his humor and his total dedication to the credit union and its members. My fellow Directors and I will be forever grateful for having had the opportunity to serve with Jack.
Mr. Dwyer then introduced the Board and Committee members. He advised that Dorothy Sullivan, Director and Secretary of
the Board, and John Gombotz, Vice Chairman, were unable to attend. In the absence of Miss Sullivan, Mr. Dwyer appointed
Mr. Francis Proto as Acting Secretary.
Mr. Dwyer asked the Chairman of the Credentials Committee for the initial report.
Mr. Anthony Sacchetti, Credentials Committee Chairman, reported there were 66 voting members present.
Mr. Dwyer appointed Elizabeth Mumford as Recording Secretary for the Annual Meeting.
A quorum was ascertained and the meeting declared legal.
Mr. Dwyer noted that the Minutes of the 2013 Annual Meeting are printed in the Annual Meeting Report. Mr. Dwyer asked if
there were any omissions or corrections.
There being none, the Minutes were approved as submitted.
Mr. Dwyer presented the 2013 Membership Report.
I am pleased to report that in 2013 we reached a significant milestone when our assets surpassed $200 million for the first
time in our history. At year end, our assets were $227.2 million.
Over the years opportunities have presented themselves for the betterment of our membership. In 2013 the Capitol Region
Federal Credit Union Board of Directors adopted a resolution to merge into Dutch Point Credit Union. A special meeting was
then held with their membership, who overwhelmingly voted in favor of the merger.
On October 26th, Capitol Region Federal Credit Union, with assets of $30 million and over 5,000 members, merged into Dutch
Point Credit Union. With this merger, we acquired 2 of the three CRFCU branches - Bloomfield and West Hartford as well as
their nine employees. The integration of two companies can pose many challenges; in our case, the merger was completed
successfully and on time.
Social media has become a big part of today’s communications, from connecting with friends and family to sharing feelings,
expressing creativity, and so much more. It is also a communication tool for businesses to reach and connect with people.
Dutch Point is now connected on Facebook and Twitter. We are communicating news and updates through these two social
media forums. Please, when you get a chance, “like us” on Facebook and “follow us” on Twitter@DutchPointCU.
We also brought some exciting enhancements to our product offerings in 2013. Mobile Remote Deposit Capture was
launched. Members can now take a picture of their check with a smart phone and remotely deposit the funds directly into
their account. Our Visa program was enhanced -- members can now log in to their Visa account and pay their bills from other
financial institutions. This service was requested by our members for a number of years, and now your credit union has made
this a reality.
Touching the life of a Special Olympian, or seeing the smile of a young student learning to read their first book are just some
of the ways we try to assist in our communities. The employees of Dutch Point have gone above and beyond volunteering
and contributing to the charities we support. Also, I want to say a special “thank you” to all those members who joined us in
our efforts to support our fund raising initiatives.
In reflecting back over the years, what we are especially proud of is found in the lives of our members. It was rewarding to
see that our mission of “improving members’ financial well-being through financial solutions and education” was alive and well.
A high school graduate who was able to buy their first car because of a low-rate loan with Dutch Point. A family facing hard
times who was able to refinance their loans to make payments more manageable. A father setting up a youth savings account
for his firstborn or a couple getting a good night’s sleep after establishing retirement plans. These are huge accomplishments
for our members and we are pleased that they have selected Dutch Point for these needs.
We recognize that your choosing Dutch Point represents the confidence and trust you have in us. We are dedicated to this
and your Board of Directors, management and staff will continue to work hard for you. Thank you for your loyalty and support and being a part of the Dutch Point family.
The Chairman asked for a motion to accept the 2013 Membership Report.
A motion was made from the floor and seconded. There being no objections the motion passed unanimously.
The Chairman asked the Treasurer, Mr. August DeFrance, to present his report to the membership.
Dutch Point Credit Union is pleased to report that 2013 was an exciting and successful year, highlighted by continued strong
financial performance.
Overall, the credit union assets increased in 2013 by 17% to just over $227 million. What fueled our overall asset growth was
the merger of Capitol Region Federal Credit Union into Dutch Point. We acquired their assets which were slightly over $30
million. Consumer demand for personal and auto loans was strong, and the mortgage loan refinance market continued to be
robust as interest rates remained low. The loan portfolio increased by nearly $6 million or roughly 6%, which is above the
industry average. Additionally, the credit union acquired over $11 million in loans from the merger. The credit union earnings
were positively impacted by the merger. Net Income for 2013 was just over $2 million, representing a Return on Assets of
approximately 1%.
The quality of the credit union’s assets remains high. This is based on the most recent State of Connecticut Department of
Banking examination, which measures the safety and soundness of your credit union. Additionally, the credit union’s financial performance continues to be recognized on a national level. This recognition comes from earning a Five-Star rating from
Bauer Financial, Inc., which is their highest available rating.
The primary indicator of the safety and soundness of the credit union is its ratio of capital to assets. Dutch Point Credit Union
is very proud to continue to demonstrate financial strength with its regulatory capital to asset ratio at 10.86% as of December
31, 2013. This ratio is well above the regulatory threshold of 7% established by the NCUA and is the benchmark for a wellcapitalized credit union.
As we look to the future, I want to assure you, our members, that Dutch Point Credit Union is financially strong and healthy
and is ready to take on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We will continue to look at new product features and
services to enhance the financial picture of the credit union and look for opportunities that will afford the entire membership
greater benefits for the future.
We want to thank you, our member-owners, for your continued support. We truly appreciate and value your loyalty to Dutch
Point Credit Union.
The Chairman asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
A motion was made from the floor and seconded. There being no objections the motion passed unanimously.
The Chairman then asked for a motion to have the report of the Supervisory Committee accepted as printed in the Annual
Report of 2013.
A motion was made from the floor and seconded. There being no objections the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Dwyer then called for a report from the Nominating Committee Chairman, Mr. Michael Curtin.
Mr. Curtin presented the following nominees for vacancies on the Board of Directors for a three-year term:
Mr. Michael W. Dwyer
Mr. Roland Deslippe
Mr. John L. Gombotz
Mr. Curtin stated that these nominees are dedicated and committed to the credit union membership and the Nominating Committee recommends these individuals to serve on the DPCU Board.
This concluded the Nominating Committee Report.
Mr. Dwyer then asked Mr. Proto, Acting Secretary, if there was a petition vote.
Mr. Proto advised there was none.
The Chairman then advised that the nominations be closed. He instructed Mr. Proto to cast one vote for each of the nominees
and stated they are then duly elected.
Mr. Dwyer called for any unfinished business and there was none.
Mr. Dwyer called for any new business and there was none.
The Chairman asked for a final count from the Credentials Committee Chairman.
Mr. Sacchetti advised 66 voting members are present.
Mr. Dwyer then presented some highlights for 2014.
In 2014 we are planning to hold several events for our members. Currently, we have a CreditAbility Seminar scheduled for
Tuesday evening, April 22nd from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Bloomfield Board of Education. For more information on this
seminar, please see our events calendar.
We also have a Free Shred Day scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd at our Newington Branch. Both of these events are open to
the community so we encourage you to tell your family and friends about them.
Our DJS Scholarship program is now in its 7th year, and there is still time for students to send in their scholarship application
-- the deadline is April 30th. If you know of a graduating high school student who will be attending college this fall, let them
know they still have time to apply for our DJS Scholarship. Complete details on the scholarship are available online. We also
have printed Scholarship Applications in the back if you would like to take one.
Something new for us in 2014 is the roll-out of our member survey. In order to better serve our members we will be conducting periodic surveys. The surveys can be taken online or by hand. Simply visit our website and click on the survey link, or
you can contact any branch and ask for a survey to be mailed to you. So, when you get a chance, please take our survey and
provide us with your feedback.
Many of you know that we partner with other companies to provide you with additional benefits. At this time I would like to
acknowledge a few of these companies who are here with us tonight:
Steve Burlingame from Liberty Mutual Insurance,
Dan Winick from Enterprise Car Sales, and
Mike Savenelli from Better Credit Ideas.
We thank our members for taking advantage of all our promotions and services and are always looking to the future to
provide new services that will enhance our members’ financial well-being. We encourage you to tell your family and friends
about credit union membership so they, too, can enjoy the benefits Dutch Point offers.
Now, to get to what you have all been waiting for – the Raffle. We will conduct two raffles, one for the voting members and
one for the non-voting members, children under age 16.
Mr. Dwyer wished everyone “good luck” and asked Mr. Proto to come forward to draw the first raffle ticket for the voting
members. There were 12 voting members who won raffle prizes.
Mr. Dwyer then held the raffle for the non-voting members. There were 18 non-voting members who won raffle prizes.
Mr. Dwyer conducted the drawing for the two floral arrangements at the Annual Meeting.
Mr. Dwyer introduced to the members the Dutch Point Credit Union staff working at the Annual Meeting. He stated that
these are the individuals who help make the Annual Meeting a success.
Mr. Dwyer also thanked Francis Proto, President and CEO, and his Executive Team for all of their hard work during the year,
which has continued to make Dutch Point a financially safe and sound credit union.
The members were invited to have refreshments. Mr. Dwyer, on behalf of the Board of Directors and Committee members,
thanked the members for attending the meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman asked for a motion to adjourn.
A motion was made from the floor and seconded. There being no objections the motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Francis R.N. Proto
Acting Secretary
Michael W. Dwyer
Chairman of the Board
Community Events
Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk
Pictured left to right: Jeanine Boulay, Maria Soucie, Dawn Pereira,
Michelle Zea, Gabe Fillion, Trish Kaminsky, Suzanne Murphy, Heather
Salgado, Barbara Gunterman, Tanya Vidal, and Laura Caron.
Literacy Volunteers of Central CT Scrabble
Pictured left to right: Nancy Sivec, Jane Short, Jeanne
Kelly, Josephine Gonzalez, Liz Mumford, Patty Pelletier,
Chris Cloutier, Suzanne Murphy, and Anthony Sacchetti.
Newington Shred Day
Pictured left to right: Barbara Gunterman, Membership Development
and Public Relations Officer, Shannon Dwyer, Training/E-commerce
Manager, Kevin Hill, Enterprise Car Sales Account Representative, and
Collette Giarratano, Director of Branch Operations.
Newington Red Cross Blood Drive
Pictured left to right: Liz Mumford, VP of Marketing/PR,
Joanne Palmieri, Member Service Representative, Nancy
Sivec, Branch Manager, Steve Burlingame, Liberty Mutual
Account Sales Representative, and Tanya Vidal, Member
Service Representative.
Financial Education
CT Credit Union League Financial Reality Fair
Pictured left to right: Kiernan DuBay, Franklin Trust FCU President,
Brandi Byrne, First Bristol Credit Union employee, and Suzanne
Murphy, Dutch Point Credit Union VP Compliance and Risk Assessment.
2014 Scholarship Winners
Pictured left to right: Sage Dieterle, Laura Dobmeier, and
Leana Jannetty. Caroline Gonsalves and Alana Waggoner not
Wethersfield Youth Educational Services Program
Pictured top row left to right: Amy Krebs, Assistant Program Coordinator YES Program, Joey Kaczmerek, Mairah Viscusi, Joshua
Walsh, Joshua Colon, Brian Adames and Barbara Gunterman,
DPCU Membership Development and PR Officer.
Pictured bottom row left to right: Yesenia Caceres, Stavon
Lassiteo, Tevin Walker, and Jose Rivera.
Credit Health Checkup Fair
Pictured left to right: Trish Kaminsky, Member Service Representative, and Barbara Gunterman, Membership Development
and Public Relations Officer.
2014 Membership Report
We couldn’t have had a better year without you, our
members. In 2014, you provided us with feedback from
our member surveys, telling us what you want from
your credit union. You were fair and honest with your
responses and, based on your feedback, we were able to
launch a number of initiatives during 2014. The following
are a direct result from your input:
Not all members are the same, and not all members
have the same financial needs or goals; therefore, it is
important that we help our members wherever they are in
life. It could be saving money on their car loan payments,
getting their first mortgage, improving their credit score,
saving enough money for a child’s education, or their own
retirement. Whatever that individual goal or need may be,
members can look to us for assistance. During 2014 many
members took advantage of credit union promotions -- our
auto loan refinance program that saved them a significant
amount of money on their car loans, a $300 “thank you”
Visa Gift card for members that took a mortgage with us,
and our Personalized Credit Check Up program that assisted
members in getting back on track with their finances as well
as helping them manage their debt. We had a Super Loan
Sweepstakes where all members received a cash bonus for
auto, personal, or home equity loans and were entered into
a sweepstakes to win great prizes.
Our Bloomfield community branch is now open
to conduct business on Saturday mornings.
Our surcharge-free ATM network expanded to
include all Rite Aid pharmacies in Connecticut.
We upgraded the phone system with more
concise menu options.
We implemented instant issue debit cards at
our Wethersfield Branch.
You have choices for where you do your banking and we
will continue to work hard to earn your business and learn
from you what it is you want from your credit union.
As we look to the future, we know only one thing – It’s
your credit union and it’s all about you. We are working
diligently to keep your credit union moving forward in order
to meet your ever-changing needs. Thank you for your
ongoing trust in Dutch Point Credit Union. We value your
membership and look forward to remaining your financial
partner now and into the future.
As a direct result of the confidence you place in us, Dutch
Point was the recipient of three prestigious accolades:
we received the 2014 Wethersfield Business of the Year
award, we were recognized by Bauer Financial as a FiveStar financial institution, and for the first time in our history,
Dutch Point was rated in the Top 200 of the Healthiest
Credit Unions in the Country. This is a tremendous
achievement for your credit union. These awards reflect
the hard work from your Board of Directors and staff.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael W. Dwyer
Chairman of the Board
Pictured left to right receiving the 2014 Wethersfield Business of the Year award:
Anthony Sacchetti, Chief Member Development Officer, Barbara Gunterman,
Membership Development and PR Officer, Jeanne Kelly, VP of Lending, Joanne
Rataic, VP of Human Resources, Collette Giarratano, Director of Branch Operations, Michael W. Dwyer, Chairman of the Board, Liz Mumford, VP of Marketing/
PR, Suzanne Murphy, VP of Compliance and Risk Assessment, and Francis R.N.
Proto, President and CEO and Board Director.
Francis R.N. Proto
President and CEO
2014 Treasurer’s Report
Dutch Point Credit Union continues to achieve strong
financial performance. This is accomplished through
sound financial decisions combined with prudence across
all aspects of our business and in the broad selection of
products and services we bring to our members.
maintained practices to ensure that Dutch Point remains
healthy and well capitalized. The net worth-to-asset
ratio as of December 31, 2014 was 11.04%, well above
the 7.00% minimum capital level for “well capitalized
credit unions” established by the National Credit Union
2014 proved to be another good year for your credit union.
With more than 21,000 members enjoying the benefits
of competitive deposit and loan rates, assets at year-end
were $232.8 million. Consumer demand for personal and
auto loans was strong, and the mortgage loan refinance
market continued to be robust as interest rates remained
low. The loan portfolio increased by $4.0 million or by
3.7% as compared to 2013 balances. Net Income for
2014 was $1.0 million representing a return on assets
(ROA) of approximately .44%.
We are committed to remaining a financially strong credit
union. Your Board of Directors will continue to ensure
that Dutch Point is making smart financial decisions that
will maintain our position as one of Connecticut’s leading
credit unions. In the year ahead we will continue to
provide sound products and services that will enable you
to achieve your financial goals. We value the trust you
place in us year after year and thank you, our member
owners, for your continued support.
The quality of the credit union’s assets remains high.
This is based on the most recent State of Connecticut
Department of Banking examination, which measures the
safety and soundness of your credit union. Additionally,
the credit union’s financial performance continues to be
recognized on a national level. This recognition comes
from earning a Five-Star rating, which is the highest rating
available from Bauer Financial.
Respectfully submitted,
August L. DeFrance
The DPCU Board of Directors and management team
2014 Supervisory Committee Report
Dutch Point Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee is appointed by your Board of Directors and is responsible for
assuring the financial strength of the credit union through
sound financial discipline.
It is the belief of the Supervisory Committee that Dutch
Point Credit Union is financially solid and is being operated
in a safe and sound manner.
The Committee appreciates your continued confidence in
our oversight role. The support and cooperation of the
Board of Directors, management, and employees has assisted us in the performance of our duties and is greatly
The Committee oversees a variety of audits and reviews to ensure compliance with state and federal
regulations, credit union by-laws, and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In addition, the
Committee supervises an annual external audit of the financial records of the credit union, verifies member accounts, and reports the results to the Board of Directors.
Respectfully submitted,
The Certified Public Accounting firm of Orth, Chakler, Murnane and Company, CPAs, has been retained to perform a
financial statement audit as of December 31, 2014.
Steven W. Miller
2014 Financials
Statements of Financial Condition
Statements of Income
As of December 31,
Loans to members, net of allowance for loan losses
Total assets
Accrued interest receivable:
Prepaid and other assets
Property and equipment
NCUSIF deposit
For the years ended December 31, 2014
Loans to members
Total interest income
Members’ share and
savings accounts
Accounts payable and
accrued liabilities
Total liabilities 2014
Net interest income after
provision for loan losses
Regular reserve
Undivided earnings
Accumulated other
comprehensive income/(loss)
Equity acquired through
Total members’
Total liabilities and
members’ equity $232,767,066
Net interest income
Fees and service charges
Gain from bargain purchase merger
Total non-interest income
Compensation and employee
Office operating costs
Total non-interest expense
$ 1,024,844
$ 2,070,549
Commitments and contingent
$ 5,567,700
Liabilities and Members’ Equity
As of December 31,
$ 5,899,630
Members’ share and
savings accounts
Net income --4,104,788
For a complete copy of the Audited Financial
Statements, please contact the credit union.
2014 Board of Directors, Committee Members and Executive Officers
Board of Directors
Supervisory Committee
Nominating Committee
Michael W. Dwyer, Chairman
John L. Gombotz, Vice-Chairman
August L. DeFrance, Treasurer
Dorothy J. Sullivan, Secretary
Robert E. DeRoehn, Assistant Treasurer
Roland Deslippe, Director
Steven W. Miller, Director
Francis R.N. Proto, Director
Richard S. Zajack, Director
Steven W. Miller, Chairman
Michael E. Curtin, Member
Timothy Tuell, Member
Michael E. Curtin, Chairman
Randall J. Thibodeau, Member
Timothy Tuell, Member
Credit Union Executive Officers
Francis R.N. Proto, President and CEO
Charlyn Tanner, Chief Financial Officer
Anthony Sacchetti, Chief Member Development Officer
Marguerite Rose, Advisory Director
Dutch Point Credit Union offers members the following and more...
Money Market Accounts
Holiday Club Accounts
Special Purpose Accounts
Share/IRA Certificates
Traditional and Roth Individual Retirement Accounts
Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
New/Used Auto Loans
Unsecured Loans
Reverse Mortgages
Home Equity Loans
Visa Platinum Card/Rewards Program
Always Free Checking
Advantage Checking
Accelerated Checking
DPCU OnLine - Home Banking
DPCU Mobile - Mobile Banking
DPCU Mobile Remote Deposit Capture
eStatement - Online Account Statement
24-Hour Person-to-Person Lending
Visa Debit Card
PowerLine - Automated Phone Teller
Bill Pay - Pay Bills Online
Credit Union Branch Locations
Wethersfield Branch
Newington Branch
Niantic Branch
195 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, CT 06109
465 Willard Avenue
Newington, CT 06111
8 West Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
Branch and Drive-up Teller Hours:
Monday – Tuesday
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday (drive-up)
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Branch and Drive-up Teller Hours:
Monday – Tuesday
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday (drive-up)
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Monday - Tuesday
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Berlin Branch
Bloomfield Branch
West Hartford Branch
Eversource Energy - Berlin
107 Selden Street
Berlin, CT 06037
1 Wintonbury Mall
Bloomfield, CT 06002
50 South Main Street
(Town Hall)
West Hartford, CT 06107
Monday – Tuesday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Monday – Tuesday
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Millstone Branch
Windsor Branch
Dominion Nuclear
(restricted access)
156 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT 06385
Eversource Energy - Windsor
(restricted access)
1985 Blue Hills Avenue Ext.
Windsor, CT 06095
Monday – Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Monday - Tuesday
8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Thursday - Friday
8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.