Item 5 Report 011216
Item 5 Report 011216
Item 5 City of South Gate RECEIVED CITY COUNCIL JAN 4 2016 CITY OF SOUTH GATE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER N:q5ant For the Regular Meeting of January Originating D. i artment: Office of the City Cler Imo City Clerk & Carmen Av o ; City Manager ichael SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES. ACTION: a. Approve Special and Regular Meeting minutes of November 10, 2015; b. Approve the Special and Regular Meeting minutes of November 24, 2015; FISCAL IMPACT: None NOTICING REQUIREMENTS: REPORT SUMMARY: None is required beyond posting of this item on the Agenda. The minutes are provided to the City Council on the Thursday prior to their regular business meeting. Amendments should be provided to the City Clerk's Office within 24 hours of a City Council Meeting so that verification of the record and corrections are made accordingly. A revised document will be provided to the Council prior to the Meeting. ATTACHMENT(S): Special City Council Meeting minutes of November 10 & 24 2015 Regular City Council Meeting minutes of November 10 & 24 2015 1 Item 5 CITY OF SOUTH GATE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jorge Morales called a Special City Council meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Carmen Avalos, City Clerk PRESENT Mayor Jorge Morales, Vice Mayor W. H. De Witt, Council Member Maria Belen Bernal, Council Member Maria Davila, and Council Member Gil Hurtado; City Manager Michael Flad, City Attorney Raul F. Salinas ABSENT/EXCUSED City Treasurer Gregory Martinez CLOSED SESSION The Council Members recessed into Closed Session at 5:31 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. with all members of Council present. City Attorney Salinas reported the following: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — PENDING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government. Code Section 54956.9(a), 54954.9(b)(3)(C) a. b. Jose Jesus Barragan v. City of South Gate Sully-Miller v. City of South Gate Item 1(a) is a traffic collision claim that the City Council considered and after a presentation by the City Attorney's Office on a motion made by Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Councilwoman Davila and on a vote of 5-0, denied that claim. On item 1(b), the City Council received a report with regard to the status of ongoing settlement negotiations. On a motion made by Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Council Member Hurtado and on a vote of 5-0, approved a settlement to resolve that claim in its entirety. The matter has not yet been fully resolved and the dollar amount of that settlement will not be disclosed at this time until the settlement agreement is signed by the parties. The settlement is a matter of public record after the agreement is executed. 2 Item 5 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 2. CONSIDER THE EVALUATION/RETIREMENT OF A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and 54957.6 a. Police Officer On item 2(a), the City Council received a presentation by the City Attorney and Chief of Police with respect to potential retirements of two police officers. There was no action taken by the City Council. A report was provided and in the future any action taken in connection with the retirement of a public employee will be taken in open session. 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Representation: Michael Flad, City Manager Employee Organizations: SGPMA, SGPOA, SGDMA, SGPMMA, SGMEA Item 3 listed a proposed discussion with respect to ongoing labor negotiations; however the matter was taken off the agenda and not discussed in closed session. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on any of these items. Seeing no one step forward; Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Davila unanimously adjourned the meeting at 6:32 p.m. and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. PASSED and APPROVED this 12th day of January, 2016. ATTEST: Jorge Morales, Mayor Carmen Avalos, City Clerk Page 2 of 2 3 Item 5 CITY OF SOUTH GATE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jorge Morales called a Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. INVOCATION Pastor Anthony Kidd, Community of Faith Bible Church led the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chief Randall Davis, South Gate Police Department led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Carmen Avalos, City Clerk PRESENT Mayor Jorge Morales, Vice Mayor W. H. De Witt, Council Member Maria Belen Bernal, Council Member Maria Davila, Council Member Gil Hurtado; City Treasurer Gregory Martinez, City Manager Michael Flad, City Attorney Raul F. Salinas COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue is planning on attending the tree lighting ceremony on November 19th and reminded City staff and the coordinators that there are a lot of residents who have come before Council in the past years who prefer the live bands keep their music down. Ms. Johnson stated that this Saturday, November 14th from 10:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 15th from 10:00 to 6:00 p.m. will be a Veterans Appreciation Day Powwow hosted by the Native American Veterans Association at South Gate Park and the Women's Club of South Gate is having a youth scholarship fundraising event on Saturday, November 21st from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the South Gate Park. Stuart Lutz, 11252 Grayridge Drive, Culver City, a teacher in South Gate addressed the council regarding concerns and allegations pertaining to a charter school in the city. He thanked the Council for voting unanimously at the October 27th meeting to draft a letter asking LACOE and California Department of Education to properly investigate these concerns and allegations. He also inquired about the process in obtaining public records and if any additional offices within South Gate were responsible for fulfilling request for public records? Alma Santana, 9607 Bryson Avenue stated that her daughter is a 4th grade student at Aspire Gateway Academy. She proceeded to invite everyone to see Annie, the play which is scheduled for March 4th and 1 1th, 2016 in the school auditorium. 4 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CONT'D Oscar Bardales, 4216 Firestone Boulevard inquired about the beautification project on Firestone Blvd and its attempt to destroy the property values and businesses on the Boulevard. Mayor Morales apologized to Mr. Bardales for interrupting him, and asked him to hold his comments for item 2 and 7. Hilda Cabrera, 9535 San Juan Avenue attended a Council meeting a few months ago asking if fireworks could be ban from South Gate. Nick Godoy, 8611 San Gabriel Avenue stated having problems on his street with the vendors. He stated that the "one-way" sign on Ardmore and San Gabriel Avenues cannot be seen by drivers on Ardmore. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Glenn Massey, South Gate Park Superintendant highlighted an upcoming community event. Mike Flad, City Manager reported that staff was directed by Council to bring back a full report on how to address the firework problem. Raul F. Salinas, City Attorney reported that there were two cases that had been decided in the 4th District Court of Appeal. One case entitled San Bernardino County and San Bernardino County Flood District vs. Superior Court, and the second case Colony Partners vs. Superior Court of San Bernardino County. He reported that South Gate was not involved in either case directly; However, both cases had they been in place back in 2003 could have dramatically affected the City's ability to recover millions of dollars. Both cases taken together prevent a non-government agency from suing whenever there is a public contract that was subject to a conflict of interest under Government 1090. He stated that after speaking with City Manager, staff has prepared on behalf of the City of South Gate a friend of the court letter which will be mailed to the Supreme Court asking that the Supreme Court take review of these two cases. Carmen Avalos, City Clerk explained the public records request process. She stated that under the Public Records Act staff has 10 days to comply with any request. The City has a new website that allows members of the public to request records. Had Mr. Lutz done that, the City Clerk's Office would probably have had the records available, when he came to seek the letter in question. The fact that City Clerk's office was able to direct Mr. Lutz to the appropriate department that actually produced the record was very efficient on the City Clerk's staff to respond accordingly. She apologized to Mr. Lutz for feeling he was being inconvenienced by the fact that her staff did not know what the record was that had not yet been deposited in the Clerk's office. She wants the record to reflect that the Page 2 of 13 5 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS City CONT'D Clerk's staff is efficient and complies with every public records request that has ever been requested of the City. Council Member Bernal asked staff to include in the report all the nonprofits that fundraise and how much they typically increase funding during the sales of fireworks. She met with a representative from TNT and he explained the process. Council Member Bernal celebrated her birthday and the day after had a nice Halloween. She mentioned that her family is growing and that Elisa, her daughter is very happy to welcome in a new sibling in next April. Council Member Bernal stated that she had an opportunity to attend Senior Health Care Fair at the Senior Center that St. Francis hosted. She attended a meeting in LAUSD in regards to the superintendant search. She and Vice Mayor De Witt participated in a tour of the new Martin Luther King Community Hospital today. Council Member Davila reported the Halloween event at the park noting it was well attended. She attended the Azalea Bowl and a community meeting on Friday. Saturday the City of South Gate hosted the Special Olympics and thanked the Police Department for helping. She, Vice Mayor De Witt, City Manager and Chief of Police attended the forty years anniversary for SEACCA. Council Member Hurtado reported that the 1-710 Project Committee is moving steadily due to Supervisor Solis' motion that eased some of the concerns from environmentalist groups. Council Member Hurtado noted that he receiving phone calls regarding vendors' idoling at schools and parking lots. Council Member Hurtado stated disappointment with an LAUSD school board member over his unavailability to address concerns pertaining to school issues on charter schools. Vice Mayor De Witt reported that he, the Mayor and Chief of Police met with Sheriff Jim McDonnell to go over certain issues of concern, one of them being fireworks. He noted that there were county efforts to address the issue county wide. Lastly, he mentioned a meeting he and Council Member Hurtado had with Southern California Edison regarding unplanned outages. Vice Mayor De Witt asked Chief of Police to patrol area 5 at Hollydale Park prohibited substance smokers. Page 3 of 13 6 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS CONT'D Mayor Morales reported that his niece won student body treasurer at her elementary school. He inquired about a concern a resident brought to his attention regarding any association the City may have with a company that was speaking to residents about $25 for toilets replacing them for water conservation purposes. CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 were unanimously approved during Consent Calendar by motion of Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. LAW ENFORCEMENT The City Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 7687 entitled — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Gate accepting grant funds awarded by the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for the Grant Assistance Program for Fiscal Year 20152016, to pay sworn Police Officers' overtime expenses and training, during consideration of the Consent Calendar; and a. Appropriated $21,000 of the Grant Assistance Program funds for sworn Police Officers' overtime expenses and training. 2 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN The City Council unanimously approved Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 2796, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for the Firestone Boulevard Capacity Improvement Project, Metro Project ID No. F3124, City Project No. 476-TRF, necessary to extend the dates that the "2009 Call for Projects" Program grant funds lapse, during consideration of the Consent Calendar; and a. Authorized the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 2 in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 3 WATER The City Council unanimously approved Pipeline Crossing Agreement (Contract No. 3162) with Union Pacific Railroad Company (UPRR) for the installation of a water main under the UPRR railroad tracks located on California Avenue for the "Elizabeth Reservoir and Booster Pump Station at the Well No. 28 Site and New Well No. 29 at the Santa Fe Tank Site, City Project No. 494-WTR", during consideration of the Consent Calendar; and a. Authorized the Mayor to execute the Pipeline Crossing Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Page 4 of 13 7 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 4 MINUTES The City Council unanimously approving the Special and Regular Meeting minutes of October 13, 2015, during consideration of the Consent. Calendar. 5 COMMUNITY PROMOTION The City Council unanimously approved Tweedy Mile Association's request for fee waivers for the street closure of Tweedy Boulevard, between California Avenue and State Street for the 8th Annual Cultural Event, by motion of Council Member Davila and seconded by Council Member Hurtado: a. b. c. In the amount of $452 for the Public Works encroachment permit fee; and In the amount of $46 for the Business License Division special event permit; and In the amount of $61 for the Building and Safety Division inspection fee. Mayor Morales asked City Manager to summarize this item. City Manager stated that there are a few different events taking place in the public-right-away each year, especially during the holidays. The City often times is a cosponsor. Council is requested to waive fees that are associated with these events. The City needs a record of waiving fees which would be the revenue coming into the City and sometimes staff is asking for an appropriation because there's an expenditure of funds. Mr. Flad stated that the next two items are those request. Two weeks ago we had a similar item that Council requested staff to look into a way to streamline the process so as to have it be a blank approval. The proposal from staff is not part of this agenda item but it will return as part of the next year fiscal year budget. There will be a separate discussion and action item for Council and will list all previously waived events, both the revenue and expenditure. City Manager stated that Item 6 is just an expenditure appropriation request and revenue. Mayor Morlaes opened item for public comment. None; Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. Greg Martinez, City Treasurer stated that there are no Tweedy Mile Association representatives present, but he is a Tweedy Mile board member. If there are any questions he can answer any questions. Council Member Bernal asked if the public works department assisted for the organization of the event and if funds were taken from the general fund. Arturo Cervantes responded that no general fund was utilized. Page 5 of 13 8 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 6 COMMUNITY PROMOTION The City Council unanimously approved the co-sponsorship of the 3rd Annual Jingle Road Run 5K/10K to be held on December 13, 2015 prior to the Children's Christmas Lane Parade in conjunction with South Gate Crossfit and Aztlan Athletics Foundation, by motion of Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Council Member Hurtado; and a. Appropriating a total of $5,000 of taxpayer subsidy from the General Fund to cover staff overtime associated with the street closure of Tweedy Boulevard for this event; and b. Directing staff from the Parks & Recreation Department to take the lead in coordinating City services with the organizers to ensure that the event is properly organized and safe; and c. Designating all proceeds of the event to be equally divided between the South Gate Police Activities League and the Friends of South Gate Park; and d. Authorizing the waiver of the Public Works encroachment permit fee in the amount of $452; and e. Authorizing the waiver of the Business License special event permit fee in the amount of $46; and f. Directing staff to return to the City Council in February to formalize this as a City event for future years and with a proposed agreement for Event Coordination Services for the 2016 Event. City Manager stated there is nothing additional to add. Same request as item 5 with the addition of asking for additional appropriation to cover the cost of overtime. These items with Councils goals are promoting a healthy community. Staff's long term expectation is that this becomes a recurring event and staff will bring back during the spring a multi-year agreement to have this as a recurring event. Juliano Harquin, 10606 McNerney Avenue thanked Council and staff for the opportunity to support the education and outreach program. Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN The City Council considered receiving and filing a presentation of the design concept for the Firestone Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Page 6 of 13 9 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN CONT'D Improvements, City Project No. 476-TRF, which is proposed to increase safety and reduce congestion on Firestone Boulevard between Hunt Avenue and Alameda Street. The City Manager stated that there is a presentation that will cover a few different aspects of this project as it was a great opportunity to meet multiple Council goals. Mr. Cervantes provide a presentation, per City Manager direction. Arturo Cervantes, Director of Public Works stated that this project has emphases on improving safety and reducing congestion on Firestone Boulevard. Staff has been developing in a collaborative process, a concept of plan that works well for the Firestone Boulevard Corridor. Several departments, emergency services and the public have been engaged. The reason we are here tonight is to continue the outreach and get more input on the project. Mr. Cervantes stated that the City has an $80 million capital improvement program to address issues of safety and traffic congestion. In regards to safety, staff evaluated a time period between 2011-2014 and found out there has been 225 accidents over this three year period. Thirteen (13) of those included pedestrians and twelve involved cyclist. The safety improvements staff is proposing is adding raised roadway medians to reduce conflict points and help prevent head on collisions. The primary issue on Firestone is that we only have two lanes of traffic in each direction. Staff is going to be adding a third lane in each direction for a total of six traffic lanes and some challenges will be created with this design. One of the primary issues is going to impact parking without widening Firestone Boulevard. Parking will be allowed for the majority of the day with the exception of the morning and evening peak hours. Architect Patricia Smith explained that whenever a City undertakes a project to primarily make improvements for traffic flow and safety, they also have the opportunity to do a few improvements to the streetscape that will add value for both the public and businesses in the community. Their job as the landscape architects and designers was to work closely with staff and Willdan the engineers to look at what would be the most cost effective way to make the boulevard more beautiful and really enhance its visual appearance, but also its function to serve the community. Mr. Cervantes clarified that the project is merely a concept it is not finalized. Staff continues to collect input. Sometime early next year the project will be brought back to Council with an environmental document Page 7 of 13 10 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN CONT'D and approval for the concept so we can enter for a final design. Construction can begin in Fall of 2016. Mr. Cervantes stated that this project was funded primarily with a grant that was received from the 2009 Call for Projects. The total budget is estimated to be $14.7 million and includes a local match in an amount of $5 million. Mr. Cervantes shared that the consultant, Arellano Associates was brought on board for public outreach. Cathy Ortiz the Senior Project Coordinator spoke next on the matter. Ms. Ortiz of Arellano Associates, provided examples of outreach ideas, such as setting up informational booths at the Fiestas Patrias and Family Day at the Park, mailed out flyers, done door-to-door knocking, posted articles on the Vista, website updates, and encouraged one-on-one meetings. She mentioned setting up a project helpline, project website specifically for the CIP project, the City's website for notices and updates, and the City's iPhone app. Mr. Cervantes noted that staff had spoken to every business on Firestone Boulevard. Mayor Morales asked if there are any plans for Ardmore and the railroad tracks regarding traffic circulation and parking. Mr. Cervantes stated that as part of this project no other improvements are being made to corridors like Ardmore. There is an opportunity to globally enhance parking and traffic circulation throughout the city, but the primary issue is funding to dedicate to corridors. Staff is doing a parking analysis to see what alternatives are available to the businesses. V ice Mayor De Witt recommended that the left turn lanes be extended to accommodate more cars. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue stated that public input in regards to art is needed. Andrew Gonzalez, 1031 Bowman Avenue questioned the LED lighting because it fails to have the overlapping cones of light affecting crime. He too believes a lot of public input in regards to art is needed. Page 8 of 13 11 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN CONT'D Oscar Bardales, 4216 Firestone Boulevard, property owner since 1983, expressed his discontent as the parking on Firestone Blvd will be nonexistent, hence as a result he will lose business. He asked Mr. Cervantes what will happen to his business. Raul F. Salinas, City Attorney asked Mr. Bardales to direct his comments to the Mayor and when done his questions will be answered. Daniel Bardales, 4216 Firestone Boulevard stated that there are a lot of different issues in the sense of the plan. This plan is suppose to be about safety and now it has changed to a beautification plan. He stated that the last time there was an accident an 11-year old skate boarder was killed on Firestone Boulevard. Mr. Bardales questioned if by adding a third lane will that affect the speed of traffic? He was informed it would slow down. Lastly, he added that if businesses lose parking their loss of income would be about $150 to half a million dollars per year. Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. EXCUSED FROM MEETING Vice Mayor De Witt recused himself from this item due to potential conflict of interest. Mayor Morales stated that he is excited to see so many people in the audience in attendance as result of this item. He stated that this is the type of input Council is looking for. He thanked everyone for attending this meeting and more meetings in the future addressing these issues. Council Member Bernal asked if the eastside of the City has already been converted into three lanes each way and if there are any parking restrictions on Imperial Highway? She is requesting what the impact for the small business on Firestone Boulevard would be as Downey had similar restrictions. Mr. Cervantes stated that regionally the majority of the corridor has three lanes in each direction. Mr. Cervantes is not familiar with the restricted hours for Downey, but primarily the hours are centered on traffic patterns. Mr. Cervantes stated that the hours of operation for small businesses will be looked at. Mr. Cervantes believes there are because it has the three lanes each direction. Council Member Davila indicated she had attended a meeting last week and better understands the community/ businesses concerns. As a veteran Councilwoman for twelve-years she has over the years heard a myriad of concerns about finding solutions to the traffic congestion on Firestone Page 9 of 13 12 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 7 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/ADMIN CONT'D Boulevard. Mayor Morales reiterated that this item was about addressing issues that had been brought to their attention for many years. Council Member Hurtado stated that every decision made by Council has impacts. He explained that when projects are being worked on, resources are being sought and the grants are for specific projects. He has been on Council for ten-years and the community has also asked him for a solution to Firestone Boulevard. He lives on the other side of the freeway near Garfield Avenue and sometimes it takes him 40 to 45 minutes to get to city hall. Gregory Martinez, City Treasurer stated that Green's Cleaners is located on Kauffman and Firestone and next door to Aspire school. Green's Cleaners were the first to be impacted by the median, street widening and parking restrictions. He also mentioned that before the median on Atlantic was put in a local company that manufactures emergency equipment was concerned if they would be able to get a 53 foot truck and trailer on and off and have access. He questioned traffic on smaller streets to get back on Firestone. He understands the City needs to hire consultants because of their experience in these fields, but he doesn't believe the consultants understand what's happening in South Gate. The City Council received and filed a presentation of the design concept for the Firestone Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Improvements, City Project No. 476-TRF, which is proposed to increase safety and reduce congestion on Firestone Boulevard between Hunt Avenue and Alameda Street by motion of Council Member Hurtado and seconded by Council Member Davila. ROLL CALL: Mayor Morales, yes; Council Member Davila, yes; Council Member Hurtado, yes; Council Member Bernal, yes; Vice Mayor De Witt, absent. 8 ANNEXATIONS The City Council considered directing staff to return with a Resolution authorizing the application with Los Angeles Local Area Formation Commission (LALAFCO) for the annexation of properties along the Los Angeles River near Hollydale Regional Park it will require an appropriation of funds at a future City Council meeting. Council Member Hurtado inquired about a possible conflict issue considering the proximity of residences for the Mayor and Vice Mayor. Page 10 of 13 13 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 8 ANNEXATIONS CONT'D Mike Flad, City Manager indicated Vice Mayor informed him that he was going to excuse himself from this item due to the proximity of this proposed project. Council Member Hurtado asked about the Mayor's proximity. City Manager stated that the Mayor is not within the proximity of the proposed project. Mayor Morales asked City.Manager to summarize this item. City Manager stated that at the previous meeting Council was provided with the preliminary overview of this project. This is the unincorporated area that is adjacent to the City of South Gate between Hollydale Park and Los Angeles River. The parcel includes the Los Angeles river area. The City is allowed to petition and try to annex a property that is near the City. This process takes time. Staff is recommending that Council direct staff to begin the process and meanwhile do research on the pros and cons and cost of the process. City Manager stated that a benefit in obtaining the property was the potential for future grant funding that will be coming towards the LA River. Staff has met with Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue stated that at the previous Council meeting someone mentioned the VFW on Gardendale and Garfield and is wondering why the City would be interested in acquiring that property. Having no one else come forward, Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. Council Members Davila and Hurtado stated seeing the proposed project and its benefit to the City. Council Member Bernal supports this item as well. She thinks in the long term it will be a benefit to the City and the region. She inquired about the $6,000. City Manager indicated it was to cover the cost of the application. The City Council directed staff to return with a Resolution authorizing the application with Los Angeles Local Area Formation Commission (LALAFCO) for the annexation of properties along the Los Angeles River near Hollydale Regional Park and required appropriation of funds at a future City Council meeting, by motion of Council Member Davila and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. Page 11 of 13 14 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 8 ANNEXATIONS CONT'D ROLL CALL: Council Member Davila, yes; Council Member Hurtado, yes; Council Member Bernal, yes; Mayor Morales, yes; Vice Mayor De Witt, absent. 9 WARRANTS AND CANCELLATIONS The City Council approved the Warrants and Cancellations for November 10, 2015, by motion of Council Member Auditor Bernal and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. Vice Mayor De Witt was absent. Total of Checks: Voids: Total of Payroll Deductions: Grand Total: $2,882,218.88 (1,973.39) $ $ (258,999.17) $2,621,246.32 Cancellations: 59088, 59218, 59765, 59771, 60680, 60683, 60685 and 61285 Mayor Morales thanked Ms. Acosta for emailing Council in regards to the Tweedy Mile Associations' warrant from previous meeting. 10 LAW ENFORCEMENT The City Council adopting Resolution No. 7688 entitled — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Gate exercising the City of South Gate's authority to withdraw and opt-out of the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System Joint Powers Authority pursuant to Section 5.01 of the Joint Powers Agreement, by motion of Council Member Davila and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. Vice Mayor De Witt was absent. Mayor Morales stated that this item was well intended when it was first brought up by the County. However, at this point, it seems like an issue that hasn't been resolved after six years. Mayor Morales asked the Chief of Police to summarize this item. The Chief of Police stated that in 2009 the City of South Gate and most of the cities in LA County entered into an agreement with LA-RICS to form a county wide communication system that would allow all the cities in LA County, fire and police to communicate with one another. In theory this was a good idea, and it's operational right now with other systems through out the county. However, the system has met with a lot of stumbling blocks and road blocks on several different levels dealing with infrastructure, implementation, and different cities to allow the frequencies to go from city to city. The funding plan was largely dependent on grant funds. Cities have opted-out. Should there be a need for emergency to communicate with the rest of LA County there is an additional system available through the County. Page 12 of 13 15 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 10, 2015 10 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONT'D Mayor Morales stated that as of October, 21 out of the 88 cities in LA County have opted-out. He is on the Executive Board of California Contract Cities where seventy cities are members. They had a discussion about this item at their last executive board meeting and just from that meeting alone, 7 from 10 cities will be opting-out. He thanked the Chief for staying abreast of this issue. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Seeing no one step forward; Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Hurtado adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. and seconded by Council Member Davila. Vice Mayor De Witt was absent. PASSED and APPROVED this 12th day of January, 2016. ATTEST: Jorge Morales, Mayor Carmen Avalos, City Clerk Page 13 of 13 16 Item 5 CITY OF SOUTH GATE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jorge Morales called a,Special City Council meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. ROLL CALL Carmen Avalos, City Clerk PRESENT Mayor Jorge Morales, Vice Mayor W. H. De Witt, Council Member Maria Belen Bernal, Council Member Maria Davila, and Council Member Gil Hurtado; City Manager Michael Flad, City Attorney Raul F. Salinas ABSENT/EXCUSED City Treasurer Gregory Martinez CLOSED SESSION The Council Members recessed into Closed Session at 5:41 p.m. and reconvened at 6:31 p.m. with all members of Council present. City Attorney Salinas reported the following: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — PENDING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a), 54954.9(b)(3)(C) a. In Re Encampment Related Claims of Persons on City Owned Property b. Maria Cleotilde Tapia-Aguilar v. City of South Gate Item l (a) are claims filed by individuals who were evicted from property owned by the City. The City Council discussed this matter in closed session and after completion of that discussion there was no reportable action taken. Item 1(b) is a claim filed in connection with a vehicular accident involving a South Gate employee. City Council received a report from staff with respect to this case and after conclusion of that report there was no reportable action taken. 2. CONSIDER THE EVALUATION/RETIREMENT OF A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and 54957.6 a. Police Officer Item 2(a) is a matter related to an open session agenda regarding a disability retirement. The City Council received a brief report by the City Manager with respect to personnel related matters. There was no reportable action taken upon completion of that report. 17 Item 5 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on any of these items. Seeing no one step forward; Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Hurtado unanimously adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. and seconded by Council Member Davila. PASSED and APPROVED this 12th day of January, 2016. ATTEST: Jorge Morales, Mayor Carmen Avalos, City Clerk Page 2 of 2 18 Item 5 CITY OF SOUTH GATE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jorge Morales called a Regular City Council meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. INVOCATION Bishop Juan Carlos Mendez of Centro Christiano Bet-El led the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jaime Garcia, Chamber of Commerce President led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Carmen Avalos, City Clerk PRESENT Mayor Jorge Morales, Vice Mayor W. H. De Witt, Council Member Maria Belen Bernal, Council Member Maria Davila, Council Member Gil Hurtado; City Treasurer Gregory Martinez, City Manager Michael Flad, City Attorney Raul F. Salinas ADJOURN MEETING IN MEMORIAM Carmen Avalos, City Clerk asked that tonight's meeting be adjourned in Memory of all the individuals that lost their life tragically in France, and to the families mourning the loss of their children, the loss of a family member and more importantly to our servicemen and women who are overseas and will not be home this Thanksgiving to celebrate with their families. She also wished everyone a great Thanksgiving. PROCLAMATION The City Council issued a Proclamation declaring Saturday, November 28, 2015, as Small Business Saturday. Jaime Garcia, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Alex Castafieda, Vice President accepted the proclamation COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue thanked City Attorney Salinas for going above and beyond his job description by providing a document she was interested in. She also thanked the Parks & Recreation Department for changing the Parks & Recreation meeting in the local South Gate magazine to reflect the meetings held on the second Thursday of the month. She attended the South Gate Women's Club November event called "Quartermania." Ms. Johnson stated receiving a message from Linda Parsonson about a biodiversity meeting Ms. Parsonson attended last Thursday evening at the 19 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CONT'D South Gate Park. Hilda Solis was present along with many others. Ms. Parsonson was surprised by an announcement by the San Gabriel Mountain Authority that someone has been looking to the Westside of the 710 freeway near Imperial Highway to build a park for South Gate. She hopes to get more information on this idea and if so, wouldn't this be in the City of Lynwood. Paul Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation stated that this is the repairing project that the Water Conservation Authority is doing with the grant that the City of South Gate passed onto the Water Conservation Authority. The original location was west of the river and south of Imperial, but was moved north of Imperial which is in the City of South Gate. Jaime Garcia, 4635 Firestone Boulevard stated that the azalea shopping center is doing very well. He also mentioned the Chamber of Commerce is happy with the goals set by the City. He thanked the Public Works Department for fixing the light on Atlantic Boulevard leading to the entrance of the azalea. Alex Castafieda gave an update in regards to the Christmas Lane Parade, Jingle Run and a toy give away. They are working with a radio station (Radio Centro) for the toy give away. He hopes to see everyone on Sunday. Nick Godoy, 8611 San Gabriel Avenue stated that the two banners in front of the Police Department and City Hall are falling apart. He can try to repair the banners if someone can bring them down. He stated that three months ago he requested a meeting with the Police Chief and City Manager and has not heard back from them. He stated that the neighborhood watch existed for years, but was lost due to the community not caring. He is trying to fix the neighborhood watch on his street. Mr. Godoy attended the Native American Veteran's Association (NAVA) Annual Veteran's Appreciation and Heritage Day Powwow and stated that there were benches without enough tents. He also mentioned some South Gate residents are not satisfied with the Chief. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS Mayor Morales requested City staff to provide report at this time. Ian Kokot, Recreation Supervisor announced that City Hall will be having the Holiday Tree Lighting on December ri at 4 p.m. and everyone is invited to attend. Page 2 of 9 20 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS CONT'D Mike Flad, City Manager replied to Mr. Godoy that he was not aware of his request. He and the Chief are always available and meet with residents on a regular basis. Mr. Flad stated that he has been around a few Chiefs in the southern area and the South Gate Chief of Police is one of the finest he has ever seen. The Chief of Police has done an absolute outstanding job. He mentioned that crime in this community is down. Raul F. Salinas, City Attorney stated that yesterday the City of South Gate filed a letter brief to the California Supreme Court urging the California Supreme Court take up a matter that was decided by the Fourth District Court Appeal which is in the San Bernardino County area to reverse the decision with respect to the interpretation in particular to Government Code Section 1090. Gregory Martinez, City Treasurer wished everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. He's a Tweedy Mile Board Member and expressed gratitude to all, especially Public Works for a great permanent tree lighting ceremony. He is inviting everyone to the Posada on December 9th on Tweedy Boulevard. He also noted his personal family success, stating that last Friday he was honored to watch his son being sworn in as a L.A. County Sheriff Officer. Carmen Avalos, City Clerk whished everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Council Member Bernal attended the HUB Consortium meeting. The board members were reviewing the numbers of folks who are coming in and making use of the services. October last month has been the busiest. In the month of October, 303 South Gate residents were served. She mentioned that the grand opening of the County Supervisor's office in the southeast is set for December 5th at 9 a.m. Council Member Bernal missed the opening of the tree lighting ceremony because she was at the HUB Cities meeting, but did make it in the end. She thanked the prior Council for making this possible. She also attended the Eco Rapid Transit summit and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. She is expecting a baby boy in April. Council Member Davila thanked everyone for attending the Eco Rapid Transit summit last week. She had a great time at the tree lighting ceremony and thanked Council for making it happened. She wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Page 3 of 9 21 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS CONT'D Council Member Hurtado stated recommending lights like Pasadena and other cities have for Tweedy Boulevard. He also stated that his wife recommended having a posada on Tweedy Boulevard. Council Member Hurtado mentioned speaking with a few business owners about the illegal vendors. He called the watch commander about two weeks ago about a person dressed as a clown juggling balls on the street. He mentioned the JAA had a fundraiser this weekend and it went well. JAA paid for a sound system because the sound system at the park wasn't working. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Vice Mayor De Witt attended the Eco Rapid Transit summit, Contract Cities Fall's Summit and Sheriff McDonnell spoke on the state's budget and proposition 47 effects on law enforcement. He mentioned that the original California state constitution is both in Spanish and English. Vice Mayor De Witt enjoyed the tree lighting ceremony. He mentioned that the sidewalk by Legacy High School needs to be worked on before a student gets hurt. Vice Mayor De Witt and Council Member Hurtado met with School Board Member Rodriguez and talked about traffic safety, pedestrian safety and alternative times for school to start to try to alleviate traffic. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Mayor Morales attended the 35th Annual Fall Educational Summit for California Contract Cities. Issues brought up were how to deal with the emergency operational centers, homeless and the fire stations have sandbags. Mayor Morales asked if Fire Stations 54 & 57 have sandbags. Vice Mayor stated that they do. Mr. Adams, Director of Parks & Recreation stated that the sandbags are picked up at the fire stations and the sand is available at parking lot 1. Other discussions were working with seniors with disabilities, repairing road tracks and homes with rain barrels. Mayor Morales also attended the Southern California Gas Company and they had "How to Access Cap and Trade." Cap and Trade was a bill that was passed about a year or two ago. The law states that we are trying to reduce green house gas emission to our 1990 levels by 2020. The businesses were caped the level of emissions they can produce. He attended a press conference with Southern California Gas Company regarding legislation AB 857 which provides incentives to truckers to buy natural gas vehicles. Page 4 of 9 22 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM CITY OFFICIALS CONT'D Mayor Morales attended the County Sanitation District and they are raising the fees to dump your trash at the transfer station on Garfield and Southern by $2 a ton. Mayor Morales attended the tree lighting ceremony. He and City Manager attended a meeting with Frank Gehry. Mr. Frank Gehry is the architect of the Walt Disney Hall in Downtown L.A. Mr. Gehry was brought on board to design the 51 miles to connect the 51 miles of the L.A. River from San Fernando Valley to Long Beach. Mayor Morales met with the principal from Tweedy Elementary School on Friday regarding a program called "The Walk and Talk with the Principal and Mayor." The purpose of this program is to talk about issues that affect health and the community. Mayor Morales informed City Manager about a message he received in regards to approving lowering the flag half mass. He is asking City Manager to approve and just informing elective officials what has been done. He doesn't see the Mayor having any special powers; Council is equal. Mike Flad, City Manager stated that there are categories of items the Mayor needs to approve. CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Items 2, 4, and 6 were unanimously approved during Consent Calendar by motion of Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. Items 3 and 5 were pulled for separate discussion. 2 PERSONNEL BENEFITS/ RETIREMENT ADMIN The City Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 7689 entitled — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Gate determining that Sandra Dahlia is entitled to an industrial disability retirement, within the meaning of the Public Employees' Retirement Law, arising out of and in the course of her employment, during consideration of the Consent Calendar; and a. Authorized the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Ca1PERS) to process the Disability Retirement application of Sandra Dahlia, Police Officer. 3 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT & SELECTION The City Council unanimously adopting Resolution No. 7690 entitled — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Gate amending the Hourly Pay Table to conform to the new minimum wage law effective January 1, 2016 and to create the General Electrician hourly position in the Public Works Department and approve the job specification for that Page 5 of 9 23 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT & SELECTION CONT'D position, by motion of Vice Mayor De Witt and seconded by Council Member Hurtado. Mayor Morales asked the City Manager to summarize this item. The City Manager stated that as minimum wage increases some positions will fall below the minimum wage. Mike Flad, City Manager asked Mr. Cervantes to speak on the electrician position. Arturo Cervantes, Director of Public Works stated that the electrician position is to help us obtain the experience and qualifications needed from part-time employees. Mike Flad, City Manager stated that this position was budgeted. Mayor Morales stated that not everyone has access to the agenda bills, but this item is going to cost the City $52,000 from the period of January 1st to the end of the fiscal year (January 30, 2016). Council was aware that this legislation was adopted the year prior and it was budgeted. All current hourly classification that fall under $16 p/h; their rates will change and it affects 111 hourly employees. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue is not commenting about these personnel positions directly, but about the wage increases throughout California's new minimum wage requirement which does affect this issue. Raising wages throughout California reduces the money going into our infrastructure. California has already lost tens of thousands of jobs to other states. Mayor Morales stated that this year the legislator is going to look at increasing the wages again to match the City of Los Angeles. South Gate residents will need to be informed. Nick Godoy, 8611 San Gabriel Avenue stated that South Gate residents are under the impression that all South Gate employees are overpaid. As he was reading the agenda he was surprise to see that the highest paid employee is making $19 that is not a department head. He was making that in the mid 1980's, but he was in a different field. He does not know how an employee can survive at $18 - $19 dollars an hour. He approves in giving the employees an increase. Page 6 of 9 24 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 3 PERSONNEL RECRUITMENT & SELECTION CONT'D Having no one else come forward, Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. Council Member Belen stated that the $52,000 is only for a six month period but believes this number will further be impacted by the labor negotiations in the coming months. 4 STREETS/SIDEWALKS/ LANDSCAPING The City Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 7691 entitled - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South Gate initiating annual proceedings for the levy of the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 assessments and ordering preparation of an Engineer's Report for the Street Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance District No. 1, during consideration of the Consent Calendar. 5 LAW ENFORCEMENT The City Council unanimously approved an Agreement (Contract No. 3163) with Terra Pave Inc., for an amount not-to exceed $86,790, for the construction of the South Gate Police Department Parking Lot Pavement Rehabilitation, City Project No. 533-GEN, by motion of Council Member Hurtado and seconded by Council Member Davila; and a. b. c. Appropriated $125,000 in undesignated General Funds to a new project account; and Approved the Notice of Exemption for this project and directing the City Clerk to file with the Los Angeles County Recorder; and Authorized the Mayor to execute the Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 6 MINUTES The City Council unanimously approved the Special and Regular Meeting minutes of October 27, 2015, during consideration of the Consent Calendar. 7 WATER The City Council unanimously accepted as completion, effective November 12, 2015, of the construction of the Water Treatment System at Well No. 27, City Project No. 469-WTR, by Atlas-Allied, Inc., by motion of Council Member Davila and seconded by Council Member Hurtado; and a. Directed the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion with the Los Angeles County Recorder's Office. Page 7 of 9 25 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 7 WATER CONT'D Mike Flad, City Manager stated sometimes people forget how critical the water system is. This well is something residents will never know anything about. The infrastructure that it takes to pump water from hundreds of feet below ground, clean it up and then provide the water to homes is taken for granted. He asked Mr. Cervantes to talk about this item. Arturo Cervantes, Director of Public Works stated that the City has an expensive water system. He stated that the City's water service system services about 90 percent of the City and the other 10 percent is served by Golden State Water. The City has about 130 miles of water mains, twelve wells which the majority is operational and plenty of storage in the above ground tanks and large reservoirs. Specifically we have over 9 million gallons of storage capacity and a couple of elevated water tanks. One of the water tanks will be abandoned with one of our upcoming capital projects. Mr. Cervantes stated that the City pumps over 8,000 acre feet of water annually and that number has been declining over the years because of the drought regulations. Additionally, as part of the maintenance water system we have an aggressive capital improvement program. We have a 13 million dollar budget for capital projects that are being focused on the water system. He provided samples of water for Council and City Treasurer to taste. Vice Mayor De Witt stated that our City Treasurer when he was on the Council displayed a glass of water from his facet that was discolored. He is glad this well was cleaned-up. Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Virginia Johnson, 5751 McKinley Avenue was amazed to see the clean sample water brought in by Mr. Cervantes. She too remembers Greg Martinez bringing in brown drinking water. Having no one else come forward, Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. Page 8 of 9 26 Item 5 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24, 2015 8 WARRANTS AND CANCELLATIONS The City Council unanimously approved the Warrants and Cancellations for November 24, 2015, by motion of Council Member Auditor Bernal and seconded by Vice Mayor De Witt. $3,310,470.46 Total of Checks: Voids $ (215,226.62) Total of Payroll Deductions: $ (298,232.88) Grand Total: $2,797,010.96 Cancellations: 57069, 55614, 56208, 60446, 61871, 62207, 62234, 62254 Mayor Morales asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak on this item. Seeing no one step forward; Mayor Morales closed the audience portion. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Morales unanimously adjourned the meeting in memory of all the individuals who lost their lives tragically in France, to all the families mourning the loss of a family member, to our servicemen and women who are overseas and will not be home this Thanksgiving to celebrate with their families and Ricky Galves, Downey Police Officer at 7:54 p.m. and seconded by Vice Mayor De Witt. PASSED and APPROVED this 12th day of January, 2016. ATTEST: Jorge Morales, Mayor Carmen Avalos, City Clerk Page 9 of 9 27