Summer 2014 - Purrfect Pals


Summer 2014 - Purrfect Pals
The Purr fect Pals “Purr ”
Join Purrfect Pals on Facebook!
We love sharing photos of
special kitties, updates on
our events, and more on
our Facebook page. You
can also post photos with
our 4000+ Facebook
friends! Come visit us at!
FREE Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic!
Join us for the 17th Annual Black Cat Ball on
October 25th, 2014
Tickets are Available Online Now for
our Gala Dinner and Auction!
Save the Date! This year’s Black Cat Ball will
be held on the evening of Saturday, October
25th at Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue.
Watch for your invitation in your mailbox
or order tickets online today by visiting our
website at
For more information about the Black Cat
Ball, please call (360) 652-9611 or email us
at [email protected].
We hope to see you there!
Did you know that Purrfect Pals offers FREE
spay and neuter surgeries for cats and kittens
every week in our Arlington
shelter’s clinic? Donations are
encouraged if you are able, but
not required. To schedule your
kitty’s appointment, please call
us at 360-652-9611 or email us
at [email protected].
Because Every Cat Matters
Summer 2014
Life-Saving Surgery Provided
for a Very Special Kitten!
Oliver is a sweet special-needs kitten
who was transferred to Purrfect Pals by
one of our local partner shelters because
we were better equipped to provide him
with the medical care he needed. This
darling tabby boy was born with Pectus
Excavatum, a hereditary disorder that
caused a distinct “dent” deformity in the
middle of his chest.
chest.” The condition occurs when the
central chest bone and ribs grow in an
unnatural way, creating a significant
indentation in the cat’s chest. It actually
can be a little scary to see in person, but
it is not necessarily as bad as it looks.
Cats can survive for months or years
with this type of deformity, although it
does severely impact their quality of life.
Pectus excavatum is a latin phrase that
literally means “sunken chest” or “hollow
In Oliver’s case, he was only able to play
for a few minutes before he was out of
Donate Your Vehicle to Help Cats
Are you considering buying a new vehicle
this year? Instead of trading in your old one,
consider making it a taxdeductible donation to
support the cats at Purrfect
with Donate for Charity, a
nationally known vehicle
donation program, makes it
nearly effortless for you. A call to Donate for
Charity is toll free at 1-866-392-4483 or you
can visit their website (www.donateforcharity.
com) for more information. Many thanks to
those of you who have already donated a
vehicle to support our cats!
Did you Adopt from Purrfect Pals?
We love hearing updates
on Purrfect Pals cats after
they have been adopted.
If you would like to share
your kitty’s story with our
staff, volunteers and foster
parents, please email your
update to us at [email protected].
Oliver, a young kitten with a chest deformity, arrived at
Purrfect Pals in need of live-saving surgery.
(continued on page 2)
Squeaky Kitty Seeks Quiet Home!
(...OLIVER, continued from page 2)
Through placement and
prevention programs,
Purrfect Pals works to end
cat homelessness in the
Puget Sound region Because every cat matters.
Purrfect Pals
230 McRae Rd. NE
Arlington, WA 98223
twitter #purrfectpals
e-mail [email protected]
phone 360-652-9611
Hours 11-4, Monday through Saturday
Connie Gabelein, Executive Director
Dr. Janet Gray, Shelter Veterinarian
Vikki Ryason, Clinic Manager
Susan Bark, Manager of Foster Care and
Shelter Relocation Programs
Austin Dvorak, Shelter Manager
Kat Dockstader, Manager of Volunteer
and Offsite Programs
Debei Massingale, Intake Coordinator
Lori Benson, Accountant
Carol Lamar, Administrative Assistant
Cat Care Specialists
Rachel Greenberg
Krista Bark
Austin Brune
Jennifer Gottwald
Heather Wyatt
Veterinary Clinic Staff
Jessenia Rodriguez
Alex Rolland
Kara Turriaga
Christina Taylor
Board of Directors
Jeanne Lind
Susan Pierce
Jamie Cobb
Toni Zonneveld
Kathy Centala
Tara Bliven
Julia Brown
Meg Brunner
Wendy Dennis
Jennifer Moore
James Petts
Claire Wilkinson
Here is just one of the special cats we have living in our Arlington Sanctuary. Email us at [email protected] for more information.
breath. Since the indentation severely
limited the amount of space which was
available in his chest cavity, Oliver’s lungs
and heart had trouble maintaining regular
“Lil Bit” has been waiting a LONG BIT… for over a year now!
Sometimes, cats don’t show their best sides and can swat – not
Lil Bit! She is mellow and oh so sweet, and has an adorable meow
that sounds just like a squeaky toy! Even after all this time, she
continues to be a doll. We really do not understand why she still
waits, please share her and help get Lil Bit a retirement home
Lil Bit
Looking at a kitten who is suffering from
this condition can be a bit heart-stopping.
Fortunately, however, there was a surgical
option available for Oliver.
Lil Bit is a beautiful 10-year-old tuxedo girl rescued by Purrfect Pals
from a local shelter. Lil Bit was owned by one family her whole life,
but they moved away and said she couldn’t come along. Lil Bit
was sad to lose her family, but she is ready to love again!
This surgery attempts to “pull” the bones
back into position over time. The vet will
attach a solid cast to the skin above Oliver’s
sternum with sutures. The cast is molded
into the desired shape of the chest, so the
pressure from the sutures slowly pulls the
bones back into position.
The estimated cost of Oliver’s surgery
and post-op care was $2,500. We reached
out to Purrfect Pals supporters on our
Facebook page and were amazed by their
generosity. In less than 24 hours, we raised
the entire amount needed to change this
special little kitten’s life. Amazing!
Oliver is a fighter and tolerated the chest
plate even better than expected. He sure
didn’t let it slow him down! While on “bed
rest,” he was climbing the walls of his cage
and jumping like a typical kitten. His chest
plate has now been removed and X-rays
Oliver wearing his chest plate after surgery.
Our friends at and the
Animal Rescue Site for sponsoring the
Shelter Challenge and awarding Purrfect
Pals a $10,000 grant for being the Grand
Prize winner in the latest round! Thank
you so much to everyone who has been
voting for Purrfect Pals every day!
Tony and Becky Gama-Lobo, kitten cam
fans from Los Angeles who donated to
cover the cost of mama cat Janine’s eye
removal surgery!
She would love a nice quiet home where she can lounge the
day away. A warm patch of sun and some fuzzy toys to play with
and this girl is set! She could stand to lose a little bit of weight
because her joints are starting to ache but she seems to be
healthy otherwise.
showed huge improvement!
Oliver will be available for adoption very
soon and just needs one more check-up in
a month.
Come meet Lil Bit at our Arlington Shelter! She is hanging out
in the office “helping” our staff with paperwork and phone calls,
waiting for her forever family to come adopt her! Feel free to
contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
If you are interested in potentially adopting
or want to learn more about Oliver, please
email [email protected]!
Special Thanks to:
Erik Files, who collected donations for
Purrfect Pals instead of birthday gifts. Erik
wrote, “I have lots of great toys and games
in my life so for my birthday I tried to raise
money for you because one of the good
things in my life is my cat, Chester, who we
adopted from you.” Thank you, Erik!
This sweet cat loves people and a nice, comfortable place to nap.
Lil Bit can be a bit timid when meeting new people but give her
some time to get to know you and will warm up. She is easily
startled by loud noises so a home with older children would
be best. She’d prefer to be an only kitty or live with one other
mellow, older cat. She thinks wet kitty food is the best thing ever
invented and will remind you when it’s time to eat.
Clip and include in the attached envelope, or mail in your own envelope!
Nysether Family Foundation for a very
generous $20,000 grant for the renovation
of our shelter buildings.
230 McRae Road NE
Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 652-9611
Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of:
$35 (can provide KMR milk replacement formula for a litter of kittens)
$100 (can provide for six months of care for a typical sanctuary kitty)
$500 (can help us spay and neuter two litters of kittens and their moms)
Other Amount (please indicate amount)
Fill out credit card number below
Credit Card
Expiration Date
Purrfect Endings
her now, though he still has to occasionally let her
know he wants to be boss (he’s not by an means).
I don’t know if you guys ever got to know Roxy like
the people at Denny’s did, but she was certainly
the kind of cat you had to be brave to pick up I’ve attached a picture of me holding her. I am so,
so glad to have her home.
-Debbie and Roxy
I brought Mino home from the North Seattle
PetSmart on January 8th, 2014 after knowing her
since September when I first started volunteering
in the adoption room there. Those who knew
her at the shelter and at PetSmart wouldn’t even
recognize her now. She has lost almost 2 pounds
which is a LOT on her tiny frame. She still has
some more to go. She is very happy and snugly.
She sleeps behind my legs while my other cat
sleeps near my pillow. The two cats aren’t best
friends yet but I have faith that they’ll be friends
someday since they sleep on the same bed and
eat together. Mino slaps Thumper (a gentle giant)
around a bit; she’s the queen bee for sure. I just
love her more everyday and I’m sooo glad that I
took her home.
-Mino, Thumper, Barkley and Lindsey
I just wanted to send in an update about Ms.
Roxy since she’s been home. When Rox came
home about 3 months ago, I could tell she was
experiencing a bunch of shelter stress - and
rightfully so, since she was surrendered 18
months before she came home. She was cranky,
scared and standoffish. I was really unsure if I
wanted 20 pounds of anger in my life, but I also
knew that 20 pounds of angry needed a bed to
sleep in.
My other cat (Manny) was also unsure about this
new intruder. He is a healthy 16 pounds himself,
so suddenly there was 30 plus pounds of angry
cat in my house. Roxy almost came back to
you guys a couple of sleepless nights, but we
soldiered through.
Fast forward to now. She is my shadow. From
the time I get home until bed (at least) she has
to be by my side. This once angry, don’t touch
me anywhere or I will hiss/bite you cat now
loves when I rub behind her ears. She has a very
ungraceful way of waddling over and flopping
onto her side when she just wants to be near
me. Sadly, she cannot get into my bed - I blame
arthritis, but who knows. It doesn’t stop her from
the good life on the sofa or the many beds I
have made for her from nice warm comforters
and stuff. Occasionally I can convince her to play
(which shocked me!) and chase a laser.
I am really, really impressed at the love this lady
has to offer. My whole life I have had rescue pets
and they are the most resilient beings I have ever
known. She is 11 or so years old - I am hoping she
makes it to 25. Her cat brother is even tolerating
We adopted two bonded kitties from you in
January - Antonio and Clara (you called them
Kibbles and Nibbles). Antonio, despite having
only three legs, is doing great: running like crazy
up and down the stairs, having a blast! He is a very
adorable and sweet kitty! Thank you for saving
lives of animals like him. He can now enjoy like
and give us lots of joy as well! Clara is still shy but
also social and always with us.
-Ivona and Chris, Chopin Academy
Thank all of you so much for all that you do for the
kitties. The work that you carry out is so needed
and plain good for society. Tommy has been a
true blessing in our lives and a real miracle kitty.
We adopted Brasscal (now “Oliver”) at Lynnwood
Petsmart’s adoption center on December 30th,
2013 and he’s absolutely amazing!
-Julie and Cookie Crisp
Hi there! I just wanted to give an update on my
Purrfect Pals kitty on the 2nd anniversary of him
coming to me! I got Leo Lover (now just Leo)
from the Issaquah Petco on Sea Fair weekend two
years ago. I remember trying to get across the I-90
before it closed for the Blue Angels with Leo crying
in the back. Since then, he’s proven to be the most
loving, gentle, sweetest cat in the world. He gets
along great with my other cat, and I can’t imagine
what life would be like without him and his big
purr! Thank you Purrfect Pals for uniting me with
my little dude and for all you do to help give great
kitties a second chance!
Hello! I adopted Andre a couple days ago and I just
wanted to thank you guys so much for what you
do. We have been calling him Andy for short. He
has been doing great since the second I got him
through the door. He had no problem exploring
his new space and he has been eating wonderfully.
He already has his own perch on the couch and
has no problem letting us know when he wants
to cuddle. He is an incredibly sweet boy and we
couldn’t be happier to have him here. Thank you
all so much for taking care of these sweet guys
and giving them another chance because without
you guys we wouldn’t have our new furry baby!
Tessa and Luke
-Kevin and Diane
Wanjai (aka “Bunnie”) says “Hi!” She is a graduate of
Purrfect Pals (Class of May, 2008). This seal point
siamese is currently working on her M.S. degree
(Master of Snoozing). She will be seven years old
this September and we love her a lot. Thank you!
We love our cat, Jacobi, who we adopted from
Lynnwood Petsmart in May of 2013. He is a joy to
our kids, other cat and especially our dog! We are
grateful for the Monroe Prison Program. He had a
great start there. He still loves to play fetch with
his mouse toy. Thanks!
-The Dailer Family
“Dear Tabby...”
-Gary and Barbara
I adopted Cookie Crisp from Purrfect Pals in 2006.
We are doing well and have a great relationship.
She is thirteen years old now and happy. She is on
thyroid meds, but active and eating well. Is was
great adopting Cookie! She has me totally under
her control.
Cat behavior advice from Tabigail Van Purrin’
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Purrfect Endings
The 17th Annual Black Cat Ball
Join us in Bellevue on October 25th!
Mark your calendars! The 17th Annual
Black Cat Ball Benefit Auction will take
place the evening of Saturday, October
25th, 2014, at the Meydenbauer Center in
Bellevue, and you won’t want to miss it!
As always, the Black Cat Ball is guaranteed
to be fun and festive, with complimentary
champagne flowing as you browse
silent and live auction tables with items
priced from $15 to thousands of dollars.
Attend and indulge yourself, knowing
that every dollar you spend will be used
by Purrfect Pals to help put an end to cat
homelessness through placement and
prevention. Participate in our costume
contest (or don business or evening
wear) and enjoy a gourmet vegetarian
or vegan dinner while Randy Scott, radio
personality, entertains and inspires you!
This is guaranteed to be our most exciting
Black Cat Ball yet! This year we will have
double the space, more auction items and
a larger crowd of cat lovers to mingle with!
You’ll have the chance to bid on over
500 items, including wonderful evenings
of dinner and theater in Seattle and the
Eastside, as well as stays in elegant hotels.
We will be offering fabulous getaways
Butterball Thumper is doing well. Renamed him
As Buddy Guy...after the blues musician. He has
adopted well into my 1 bedroom apt. He has
been a piece of work at times since he is now 10
yrs. old, so we have butted heads, at times. He is
happy and I am happy to have him. Since I got
him in winter and it was cold, I had a small oilfilled heater with his bed infront of it he loved
it. Sleeps with me every night...I have a fleece
blanket he loves to knead, b4 he gets comfy and
sleeps. I want to thank you for being there for me
to find Buddy.
to merry old England, the
Cave B Inn at Sagecliffe and
the Walla Walla wine country.
There will be many certificates
for gourmet dinners and spa
treatments to choose from
and even tickets to a sold-out
Seahawks/49’ers home game!
We offer adventures galore! Go
whale watching or kayaking
right here in Seattle or sea
kayaking from San Juan Island
or Port Angeles! Yoga, Pilates
and music and dance lessons,
relaxing massages, reflexology
and day spa treatments will be
available to tempt you. Host a
circle of your friends at wine
tastings across Washington
State and Oregon and then
take home a bottle of the kind
of wine that has critics buzzing.
We will have murder mystery dinners, a Even The Cat in the Hat attended the 2013
Black Cat Ball!
tea discovery class for seven and tickets
to the Seattle Rep and Teatro Zinzanni
Our storage space is filling rapidly with and garden art. Bid on one of several
donated jewelry, art glass and paintings wonderful climbers (including a Curvy
as well as baskets of goodies, home Nest!) or that special bed for your favorite
decor, collectibles, gourmet kitchen items cat. You can even bid to have your cat’s
photo featured in the 2016 Purrfect Pals
calendar (perhaps even on the cover?).
Watch for your invitation in your mailbox
in early September. For more information
or to register online for tickets today, visit!
It’s not too late to sign up to be
a Black Cat Ball Sponsor!
For more information, please call us
at (360) 652-9611 ext 4 or email us at
[email protected].
Thank you so much to the sponsors
who have already signed on to help
make this our best event yet!
Guests at our 2013 Black Cat Ball Enjoying the Champagne Reception
Bruce and Jeannie Nordstrom
Whidbey Island Bank
Greg and JJ Farrar
I wanted to give you an update on Luke (formerly
known as the Sundance Kid), who I adopted in
the Spring of 2004 at the Average Joe Cat show.
He’s now 10 years old and is a complete joy to me.
He enjoys snoozing in the sunshine, playing with
his toys and occasionally tormenting his 16 year
old sister. He loves to snuggle when it’s on his
terms. His favorite spot is on top of his cat condo,
or on top of one of the many quilts my Mom has
made. I’m really grateful for the care that Purrfect
Pals gave him, prior to my adopting him. Thank
you for all of the work that you do for cats in our
I adopted a kitty, whose name was Little Debbie. I
renamed her Olivia. I am so grateful that I stopped
by the adoption area at PETsMART and saw her. I
have had Olivia since the fall 2013. She is so good
and fun. My other cat, Napoleano, loves her too.
They are lots of fun to watch play, chase each
other and take care of each other.
I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know
that Heather, now Stevie, is doing great! We
adopted her on New Year’s Eve. It took her a while
to get adjusted but as you can see, she loves her
new bed, hanging out in the sun by the slider and
is now a lap kitty! We are so grateful to have her
in our lives. She is quite a character and we spoil
her rotten! ;)
-Kara and Larry
We adopted a kitty from Purrfect Pals through
Denny’s Pet World a few months ago and thus
far, our kitty is settling in quite well. We adopted
Genesis, who was known for being quite talkative
and still is, very much so, to this day. She enjoys
a good lap to sit on and plenty of attention from
whomever walks by. She’s doing great as a new
addition to our home.
-James and Cheryl
I received a letter from you wanting to know how
our little kitty is doing. We did rename him from
John Paul to Atlas. I am happy to report that Atlas
is no longer the little tiny baby he was at Petco.
He has gotten pretty big and loves his big brother
and big sister (our two dogs). Atlas is the most
awesome cat I have ever known. Although he
was definitely removed from his mother too early
as he suckles on my blanket at night. Other than
that, he is a silly, loving cuddle bug. He loves his 7
ft cat tower and has a bed on every landing. He
enjoys looking out the window at the birds and
talks in the sweetest soft tones. Sometimes my
husband and I wonder if he thinks he is a dog
because he lays in the middle of the living room
floor with them. LOL. He also has a stuffy (small
stuffed animal) that he flips around and plays
with along with all of his other toys.
Olivia (and Napoleano)
Love Purrfect Endings?
Join us on Facebook for more updates!
He cracks us up sometimes because he will jump
onto our girl dogs huge fluffy tale and just hold
on for the ride. It is a good thing our dogs are so
relaxed and loving. The dogs will play with Atlas
as well in a gentle but hyper way. Oh, and he
definitely has monitored meals as he LOVES his
food, and the dogs food. We have to constantly
remind him he can’t have the doggies food. I am
also researching how to create a enclosed cat trail
outside so he can safely be outside without the
worry of an animal getting him or him getting lost.
He loves his laser light, feather toys, kitty kong,
our daughters laundry hampers lol, paper bags,
and anything a happy kitty would love. Oh and
he comes in and wakes me up every morning 5
minutes before my alarm goes off. He gets up on
the bed, starts to purr and then gives kisses until
I wake up. He has been told many times that he
is far too cute for that early in the morning. It has
really been a blessing to adopt Atlas.
Thank you again for letting us adopt Atlas. He is
an amazing addition to our family and fits right in.
In Honor and In Memory
In memory of the beautiful “Just Truffles”
-Kaye Butler
In honor of Sean Mollahan
In memory of Cooper, Moosh and Chowder
-Megan Kelly
In memory of G, Kohai, Brigit, Juno, Ruppert,
Ellie and all the other cats we lost but are still
in our hearts.
-Jane Buck
In honor of Tory and Grant
-Marie Reine Cressatti
In memory of Steven Hunt
-Stephanie Knepper
In honor of Sharron Lerner
-Leah Haseley
In memory of Enzo the Fluff
-John and Barb Geisler
In memory of Frances Lincoln McCathern
-Debra Dietrich
In honor of Cher our rescued cat
-Sandra Coke
In memory of Piekatt, Snowshoe, The Dink,
Buster and Tazzy
-Patricia Colaizzo
In honor of Rex Xena
-Sharon Eaton
In memory of Tasha
-Margret Graham
In memory of Ringer and Shadow
-Leslie Harding
In honor of my friends from Cat Planet
-Patricia Hedtke
In honor of ZuZu Peepers
-Jennifer Ostwald
On behalf of Marissa Darling
-Julie Schrader-Villegas
In memory of Corleen Wilson
-Beverly Freeman
Happy Mother’s Day and birthday to my mom,
Martha Channon – A fellow cat lover and Pals
-Elizabeth Greene
In memory of Geri Baker
-Marjorie Haggett
In honor of John Bartlett and all he does for the
feline community.
-Rennsport Systems
In honor of Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
-Colleen McDonald
In honor of Kathy Centala and her commitment
to saving lives
-Karen Finede and Bob Storwich
In honor of Kai’s13th Birthday!
-Michael and Carla McKendry
-Craig and Dina Jeppesen
In loving memory of Punkin, my wonderful
cat who was with me for 20 years. Till we meet
again! Momma loves you very much!
-Toni Keefer
In honor of Indy and his wonderful friends,
Chris and Ellen
-Martha Garrett
In memory of Orion, we had our first nice day
on Monday. The kitties so enjoyed going out
on your atrium to watch the birds and feel
the sunshine. I know you’re in the sunshine
wherever you are.. Love you.
-Mary Hannan
In memory of Sheba, Peter and Rikku
-Lynda Lemaster
In honor of Jane Buck
-Barbara Doody
In honor of Meg Brunner
-Kathleen Pritchett-Corning
In memory of Martha Lazarus
Chris Sanchez
Craig Jelinek
In memory of our beloved Tiger, kitty friend to
Patricia Murphy and Jim Kettleson
Lauren Gessler
In memory of our sweet Oreo, who would lick
the world away if we let her
Dan Jedda
In memory of Libby and Shemek
-Dick and Inta Wiest
In memory of Sarabella; and more memories
with Penelope, Carly and Carmen and all our
-Susan Thornton
In honor of Dawn Ritter and Dave Blue
-Theodore Shanley and Janice Bell
In memory of Jaguar Jake, and in honor of his
siblings, Siberia, his foster mom, Shelly, and
his adopted moms, Constance and Denice
-Cris LaGassey and Pua
In memory of some of the shelter kitties we
said goodbye to in 2013. Spanky, Sneakers and
Banana Boat in Florida; Fabio, a sweet office
cat; Linus, Matilda and Jesse…Three special
kitties that shared Kathy’s room with her and
were blessed with her extra special love and
attention. All these kitties were loved and are
-Lorrie Lippert
The 17th Annual Black Cat Ball
In memory of Cruiser, one of your Leuki cats
-Elizabeth Garner
In memory of Milo
-Elaine Kennedy
We would like to honor the memory of our
Colaizzo Cats: Piekatt – our free spirited calico,
Buster Brown – a well traveled companion, The
Dink – a sweet girl who left us too soon, Snowshoe
– who made us fall in love with Maine Coons,
Tazzy – a second chance survivor with a heart of
gold. You each hold a special place in our hearts
and we are richer for having you as a part of our
family. It’s just never long enough…
-Patti and Paul Colaizzo
In memory of Stacey King
In honor of M. Koss
-Mary Sweet
-Alice Bird
In memory of Millie, a sweet companion of 19
-Yvonne Bloomingdale
In honor of all the volunteers. Thank you to all that
you do to save the kitties.
-Sherril Gerell
In memory of my dear friend’s cat, Itty Bit.
Sheryl Schmode
In honor of Purrfect Pals cats (especially Jerri and
Denali) who were up at the Average Joe Cat Show.
Let’s hope they get homes soon!
-Jane Buck
In memory of Sharlene Renee Pulst.
-Larry and Barbara Petersen
In memory of Karen Sykes
-Faith Young
In memory of Katie, Moosh, Chowder and Cooper.
-Megan Kelly
In honor of Chloe’s 8th Birthday
Help Make the Auction a Huge Success!
We keep insisting that you can make a
difference in the lives of cats and kittens
in our community. That’s because you
do! Purrfect Pals is supported entirely by
donations, mostly modest ones that, when
added together, make our work possible.
And all those tables and tables of fabulous
items up for auction...are donated. It’s true
that some of those donations are made
by hotels, airlines, artists, restaurants and
jewelers. Most, however, come from cat
loving Purrfect Pals supporters like you.
Do you own a lakeside cabin, and would
be willing to give a weekend stay?
Could you give up a week stay at your
timeshare? Imagine the bids - and the
money to help rescue a dozen moms
and litters of kittens - it would garner!
Do you have season tickets to the opera,
symphony, Seahawks or Mariners games,
and could give up just one night/game?
always popular, as are fine wines, artisan
beers and spirits, electronics, garden art...
Most of the money earned at auction is
from smaller items, all added together!
What do you do for a living? Almost any
service or item offered would appeal
to somebody. Do you quilt? Knit? Make
jewelry? Weld steel garden creatures?
Have you inherited some wonderful
collectibles you don’t have room to display,
or jewelry you know you won’t wear?
Or could you nerve yourself to ask for a
donation from just one store or restaurant
you regularly patronize? Most businesses
do have budgets for charitable donations,
and they want to please their customers.
We’ve again made this easy for you. We
just need the procurement form on this
We need the modest donations, too: a page filled out for whatever is donated.
package of kitty note cards, the small
quilted table runner, the coffee basket, We can pick up items if you are unable
the scratching post or cat bed, the $20 gift to get them to the shelter. Remember,
card or the brand new cookbook you’ve every penny raised at the Black Cat Ball
never cracked open. Kitchen items are goes to caring for the cats of Purrfect Pals!
Black Cat Ball Procurement Form
Feel free to photocopy if you need additional copies! When filled out, please mail to: Black Cat Ball, Purrfect Pals, 230 McRae Road NE, Arlington, WA 98223. Deadline is September 15
Volunteer Solicitor Information
Gift Information
Gift Item Name
Day Phone
Donor Information
Donor Est. Value $
Name as it should appear in catalog
Gift Item Description (please specify color, size, material,
time available, exchangeability, valid for how many people,
assembly required, and any other pertinent information):
Contact Name (if different from above)
-Cristine Eshinski
In memory of Milo and in honor of Angela Eaton,
Cher Sniadoski, Dawn Tryjborn and Trish Brush –
Purrfect Pals volunteers and angels to me. They
helped me every day for three months to find
-Claire Wilkinson
In memory of Gertrude and Toshio Nakahara
and their beloved kitty, Toby. One day we will be
reunited in heaven where there will be lots of cats
to play with.
-Janey Shiozaki
In memory of Lila (1999-2014). She will be missed
dearly by her best friend Heidi Bowers and all of
us at City Kitty.
-Adrienne Kawamura
Day Phone
Auction Item Delivery
Item or gift certificate accompanies this donor form
I would like Purrfect Pals to make a gift certificate for the item, details above.
Item needs to be picked up (address/date/time)
Items not sold at the Black Cat Ball will be retained and sold in our Average Joe Cat Show Silent Auction, or through other means, to benefit Purrfect Pals
Introducing our Brand New
Purrfect Pals Website!
Events Calendar
Saturday Kitten Adoption Events!
10am-2pm at Everett Petsmart
FREE Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic
Fridays by Appointment at the Purrfect Pals
Clinic in Arlington. Email [email protected]
or call (360) 652-9611 to schedule an appointment for your cat or kitten!
September 6
“Cats Uncorked”Wine Tasting
Northwest Cellars, Kirkland
Tickets Available at!
October 25
Black Cat Ball
Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue
Tickets Available at!
SAVE THE DATE! - May 9, 2015
Average Joe Cat Show!
Spartan Recreation Center, Shoreline
The redesigned Purrfect Pals website was unveiled on July 22nd.
Purrfect Pals was excited to unveil our brand
new, redesigned website (www.purrfectpals.
org) in July, which features an easier-tonavigate interface, fresh content and plenty of
cat photos! Staff and volunteers worked with
Lynnwood’s Bullertech Technologies to create
this updated new site.
“Our goal was to make it quick and easy for
community members, adopters and donors
to locate the information they were seeking,”
Connie Gabelein, Executive Director of Purrfect
Pals, explained. “The new design is much more
user-friendly and allows us to better highlight
our cats, events, programs and services.”
The redesigned Purrfect Pals website features
a robust Resource Library which includes tips,
links and instructional videos covering a range
of topics including cat health and behavior,
community and feral cats, lost cats, orphaned
kittens and introducing a new cat into your
home. There are also referrals to other Puget
Sound resources including shelters and rescue
groups, spay and neuter clinics, animal control
and cruelty prevention resources, cat care
providers and veterinary services.
The new Sanctuary Tour section of the
website includes photo galleries for long-term
residents of the Purrfect Pals sanctuaries. Here
you can view photos of FIV Land, Leukemia
Land, Florida, Kathy’s Room and the Rec
Room and learn more about the many special
cats who call Purrfect Pals home. Supporters
who donate monthly to sponsor the care of
a sanctuary cat will enjoy seeing updated
photos of the special-needs cats whose lives
they are changing.
Potential adopters will be able to view
adoptable cats in our offsite adoption centers
by location and will have access to tips for
making their new pet’s transition into their
new home as smooth as possible.
Shelter Wish List
• Dry Adult Cat Food (Purina Pro Plan
In Honor and In Memory
It was with great sorrow and a few tears I said goodbye to my
special needs boy and faithful companion, Blayze, last week.
Blayze arrived at Purrfect Pals in 2005 and it was discovered he
carried Feline Leukemia. Although FeLV is not contagious to
humans, many potential adopters are leery about these
conditions and as a result these cats rarely ever find homes,
remaining in the care and sanctuary of Purrfect Pals. I was
stopping by the shelter on a regular basis for volunteer work
and got to know Blayze and many of the ‘Leuki’s’. I got a real
strong sense he was either mistreated or neglected as a young
cat. Sometimes I could pet him a little and share some treats,
other times he’d lash out, and sometimes he’d be withdrawn
and sad in a corner hiding from the world. Unfortunately, over
time some cats simply don’t do well in a shelter environment.
Despite excellent care, shelter staff also noticed a certain
despondence in his behavior. Sociable at times, but not
interacting well with the other males and just uncomfortable
being in close quarters with so many other cats. An occasional
biter and had stopped grooming himself, so his fur was all matted (and had to be shaved later).
This was the boy I decided to adopt. Originally named ‘Heathcliff ’, I chose the name Blayze for his
sleek orange coat and fiery (at times) disposition. It was an easy adjustment as Blayze went around
systematically ‘marking’ every piece of furniture with his snout, and quickly installed himself as
the dominant male of the house! I recall it didn’t take long for his behavioral problems to subside.
Frequent purring, noticeably more energy, eye contact, some new verbal abilities and other sociable
behaviors I never observed at the shelter. Still a biter, but receptive to petting and also began
grooming himself properly.
Master Blayze was a success story on so many levels. He had a unique personality, always the perfect
gentleman and truly enjoyed having his own home and human to be close to. It was satisfying to
watch his progress. He had so many endearing little habits I will miss: galloping around the house
to tell me he wants to go out, head butting, riding on my shoulders, leaping after dragonflies on the
lawn at Nautica. And, some not so endearing: deliberately flipping large amounts of litter outside
the box and onto the carpet for his own amusement. In spite of the behavioral problems, Blayze
developed a friendly-boy side not everyone got to see. Often times grinding his head in my face to
show affection and also an exhuberant chirping sound to let me know everything was perfect in
Blayze’s world. His favorite activities - our daily walk after work, and simply curling up on my chest at
night watching a movie.
Blayze was one of a percentage of cats whose immune system, while compromised, was able to
tolerate the leukemia virus and led an active, quality life. It was immensely rewarding to provide the
care and environment he needed to do so. I will miss Blayze very dearly.
• Dry and Canned Kitten Food (Royal Canin
Babycat or Pro Plan preferred)
In honor of Pudlove and MommaCat
Those interested in volunteering or fostering
will be able to more easily navigate the
application process and learn more about
the many different opportunities we have
• Paper Towels
In honor of Boris and his recovery from bra strap
-Debra Plotkin
Fans of the Critter Room foster kitten cam will
enjoy the page dedicated to Foster Dad John
and other foster parents who use social media
to tell the Purrfect Pals story. There is even a
directory of the Facebook pages of Critter
Room alumni!
• Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter
Our redesigned website can be easily updated
by Purrfect Pals staff and volunteers so content
will be constantly evolving. Be sure to stop by
regularly for updates!
Check out our Brand New Website at
• Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards
(Thank You, blank inside, sympathy, etc)
• Fleece, batting and catnip for kitty toy sewing
• Costco and Gift Cards
For more donation ideas,
please visit our shelter’s Wish List!
Elliot Bay Animal Hospital
In memory of Alan John Wright
-Dorothy White
In loving memory of Virginia Saville
-Richard Saville
In honor of “Hero Cat”, who saved his person
from a dog attack.
-Keele Starr
In memory of Sappho from your friends,
colleagues, and fellow cat lovers
-Amelia, Cheryl and Nurkin
In honor of my two Purrfect Pals - King Carson
and Reggie MacNeil!
In honor of Frankie Razor
In honor of Rosie and Ziggy
-Ann Bett-Madhavan
In honor of Emma Williams for her 18th birthday
-Sierra Fuller
In loving memory of Dree Ritter
Gertrude Huisman
Pimpun Fitzpatrick
June Shilleto
Elizabeth Baker
Christine Hahn
Will Braden and his cat Henri
EVCC Honors Program
Susan Schrier
Roberta Bjorling
Lynn Mock
Herb and Betty Forss
Joan Soderquist
Daniel and Kay Wilkerson
Kathy Gutowski
Patrick and Melissa Wolken
Tetiana Chyrka
The Starkovich Family
In loving memory of Tiki and Pugwash
-Tracey Frankcom
In loving memory of Tiki
In memory of Winifred M. Glines
In memory of Cajun
In memory of Myles
In honor of Kayleigh Battrick
-Victoria Tobin
In Seattle, Petco was having an adoption event
back in 2002 when I found my beloved Lucy Pearl.
Her name on the bio was “Schatzli” (or Shotsley?)
and she had a crooked tail :)*. She was exactly as
described on the bio from Purrfect Pals, “Loyal and
loving with her person/timid in new situations”,
and such a keeper. Not only was she loyal and
loving, she was an awesome friend and soul mate.
Truly a cat with a LOT of personality, and big high
jumps (those long back legs!). She slept next
to my husband and I every night, for years and
years. She passed away last Monday due to IBD
and age (she was 17 years), and I am heartbroken,
but reaching out to let you know how much her
positive energy and goodness changed my life
for the better. She will always be missed. When
I am ready, I will drive up with some special diet
food to donate and some toys. Thank you for
caring for those precious kitties, and know how
special each one really is!
-Erik Torgerson
-Lori Bomengen
-Karen Freeman
In honor of Cooper, Sassy and Smudge
-Kimberly Cunningham
In honor of Tiki
Lucy Pearl
-Patricia Barbachan
Introducing our Brand New
Purrfect Pals Website!
Events Calendar
Saturday Kitten Adoption Events!
10am-2pm at Everett Petsmart
FREE Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic
Fridays by Appointment at the Purrfect Pals
Clinic in Arlington. Email [email protected]
or call (360) 652-9611 to schedule an appointment for your cat or kitten!
September 6
“Cats Uncorked”Wine Tasting
Northwest Cellars, Kirkland
Tickets Available at!
October 25
Black Cat Ball
Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue
Tickets Available at!
SAVE THE DATE! - May 9, 2015
Average Joe Cat Show!
Spartan Recreation Center, Shoreline
The redesigned Purrfect Pals website was unveiled on July 22nd.
Purrfect Pals was excited to unveil our brand
new, redesigned website (www.purrfectpals.
org) in July, which features an easier-tonavigate interface, fresh content and plenty of
cat photos! Staff and volunteers worked with
Lynnwood’s Bullertech Technologies to create
this updated new site.
“Our goal was to make it quick and easy for
community members, adopters and donors
to locate the information they were seeking,”
Connie Gabelein, Executive Director of Purrfect
Pals, explained. “The new design is much more
user-friendly and allows us to better highlight
our cats, events, programs and services.”
The redesigned Purrfect Pals website features
a robust Resource Library which includes tips,
links and instructional videos covering a range
of topics including cat health and behavior,
community and feral cats, lost cats, orphaned
kittens and introducing a new cat into your
home. There are also referrals to other Puget
Sound resources including shelters and rescue
groups, spay and neuter clinics, animal control
and cruelty prevention resources, cat care
providers and veterinary services.
The new Sanctuary Tour section of the
website includes photo galleries for long-term
residents of the Purrfect Pals sanctuaries. Here
you can view photos of FIV Land, Leukemia
Land, Florida, Kathy’s Room and the Rec
Room and learn more about the many special
cats who call Purrfect Pals home. Supporters
who donate monthly to sponsor the care of
a sanctuary cat will enjoy seeing updated
photos of the special-needs cats whose lives
they are changing.
Potential adopters will be able to view
adoptable cats in our offsite adoption centers
by location and will have access to tips for
making their new pet’s transition into their
new home as smooth as possible.
Shelter Wish List
• Dry Adult Cat Food (Purina Pro Plan
In Honor and In Memory
It was with great sorrow and a few tears I said goodbye to my
special needs boy and faithful companion, Blayze, last week.
Blayze arrived at Purrfect Pals in 2005 and it was discovered he
carried Feline Leukemia. Although FeLV is not contagious to
humans, many potential adopters are leery about these
conditions and as a result these cats rarely ever find homes,
remaining in the care and sanctuary of Purrfect Pals. I was
stopping by the shelter on a regular basis for volunteer work
and got to know Blayze and many of the ‘Leuki’s’. I got a real
strong sense he was either mistreated or neglected as a young
cat. Sometimes I could pet him a little and share some treats,
other times he’d lash out, and sometimes he’d be withdrawn
and sad in a corner hiding from the world. Unfortunately, over
time some cats simply don’t do well in a shelter environment.
Despite excellent care, shelter staff also noticed a certain
despondence in his behavior. Sociable at times, but not
interacting well with the other males and just uncomfortable
being in close quarters with so many other cats. An occasional
biter and had stopped grooming himself, so his fur was all matted (and had to be shaved later).
This was the boy I decided to adopt. Originally named ‘Heathcliff ’, I chose the name Blayze for his
sleek orange coat and fiery (at times) disposition. It was an easy adjustment as Blayze went around
systematically ‘marking’ every piece of furniture with his snout, and quickly installed himself as
the dominant male of the house! I recall it didn’t take long for his behavioral problems to subside.
Frequent purring, noticeably more energy, eye contact, some new verbal abilities and other sociable
behaviors I never observed at the shelter. Still a biter, but receptive to petting and also began
grooming himself properly.
Master Blayze was a success story on so many levels. He had a unique personality, always the perfect
gentleman and truly enjoyed having his own home and human to be close to. It was satisfying to
watch his progress. He had so many endearing little habits I will miss: galloping around the house
to tell me he wants to go out, head butting, riding on my shoulders, leaping after dragonflies on the
lawn at Nautica. And, some not so endearing: deliberately flipping large amounts of litter outside
the box and onto the carpet for his own amusement. In spite of the behavioral problems, Blayze
developed a friendly-boy side not everyone got to see. Often times grinding his head in my face to
show affection and also an exhuberant chirping sound to let me know everything was perfect in
Blayze’s world. His favorite activities - our daily walk after work, and simply curling up on my chest at
night watching a movie.
Blayze was one of a percentage of cats whose immune system, while compromised, was able to
tolerate the leukemia virus and led an active, quality life. It was immensely rewarding to provide the
care and environment he needed to do so. I will miss Blayze very dearly.
• Dry and Canned Kitten Food (Royal Canin
Babycat or Pro Plan preferred)
In honor of Pudlove and MommaCat
Those interested in volunteering or fostering
will be able to more easily navigate the
application process and learn more about
the many different opportunities we have
• Paper Towels
In honor of Boris and his recovery from bra strap
-Debra Plotkin
Fans of the Critter Room foster kitten cam will
enjoy the page dedicated to Foster Dad John
and other foster parents who use social media
to tell the Purrfect Pals story. There is even a
directory of the Facebook pages of Critter
Room alumni!
• Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter
Our redesigned website can be easily updated
by Purrfect Pals staff and volunteers so content
will be constantly evolving. Be sure to stop by
regularly for updates!
Check out our Brand New Website at
• Postage Stamps and Greeting Cards
(Thank You, blank inside, sympathy, etc)
• Fleece, batting and catnip for kitty toy sewing
• Costco and Gift Cards
For more donation ideas,
please visit our shelter’s Wish List!
Elliot Bay Animal Hospital
In memory of Alan John Wright
-Dorothy White
In loving memory of Virginia Saville
-Richard Saville
In honor of “Hero Cat”, who saved his person
from a dog attack.
-Keele Starr
In memory of Sappho from your friends,
colleagues, and fellow cat lovers
-Amelia, Cheryl and Nurkin
In honor of my two Purrfect Pals - King Carson
and Reggie MacNeil!
In honor of Frankie Razor
In honor of Rosie and Ziggy
-Ann Bett-Madhavan
In honor of Emma Williams for her 18th birthday
-Sierra Fuller
In loving memory of Dree Ritter
Gertrude Huisman
Pimpun Fitzpatrick
June Shilleto
Elizabeth Baker
Christine Hahn
Will Braden and his cat Henri
EVCC Honors Program
Susan Schrier
Roberta Bjorling
Lynn Mock
Herb and Betty Forss
Joan Soderquist
Daniel and Kay Wilkerson
Kathy Gutowski
Patrick and Melissa Wolken
Tetiana Chyrka
The Starkovich Family
In loving memory of Tiki and Pugwash
-Tracey Frankcom
In loving memory of Tiki
In memory of Winifred M. Glines
In memory of Cajun
In memory of Myles
In honor of Kayleigh Battrick
-Victoria Tobin
In Seattle, Petco was having an adoption event
back in 2002 when I found my beloved Lucy Pearl.
Her name on the bio was “Schatzli” (or Shotsley?)
and she had a crooked tail :)*. She was exactly as
described on the bio from Purrfect Pals, “Loyal and
loving with her person/timid in new situations”,
and such a keeper. Not only was she loyal and
loving, she was an awesome friend and soul mate.
Truly a cat with a LOT of personality, and big high
jumps (those long back legs!). She slept next
to my husband and I every night, for years and
years. She passed away last Monday due to IBD
and age (she was 17 years), and I am heartbroken,
but reaching out to let you know how much her
positive energy and goodness changed my life
for the better. She will always be missed. When
I am ready, I will drive up with some special diet
food to donate and some toys. Thank you for
caring for those precious kitties, and know how
special each one really is!
-Erik Torgerson
-Lori Bomengen
-Karen Freeman
In honor of Cooper, Sassy and Smudge
-Kimberly Cunningham
In honor of Tiki
Lucy Pearl
-Patricia Barbachan
In Honor and In Memory
In memory of the beautiful “Just Truffles”
-Kaye Butler
In honor of Sean Mollahan
In memory of Cooper, Moosh and Chowder
-Megan Kelly
In memory of G, Kohai, Brigit, Juno, Ruppert,
Ellie and all the other cats we lost but are still
in our hearts.
-Jane Buck
In honor of Tory and Grant
-Marie Reine Cressatti
In memory of Steven Hunt
-Stephanie Knepper
In honor of Sharron Lerner
-Leah Haseley
In memory of Enzo the Fluff
-John and Barb Geisler
In memory of Frances Lincoln McCathern
-Debra Dietrich
In honor of Cher our rescued cat
-Sandra Coke
In memory of Piekatt, Snowshoe, The Dink,
Buster and Tazzy
-Patricia Colaizzo
In honor of Rex Xena
-Sharon Eaton
In memory of Tasha
-Margret Graham
In memory of Ringer and Shadow
-Leslie Harding
In honor of my friends from Cat Planet
-Patricia Hedtke
In honor of ZuZu Peepers
-Jennifer Ostwald
On behalf of Marissa Darling
-Julie Schrader-Villegas
In memory of Corleen Wilson
-Beverly Freeman
Happy Mother’s Day and birthday to my mom,
Martha Channon – A fellow cat lover and Pals
-Elizabeth Greene
In memory of Geri Baker
-Marjorie Haggett
In honor of John Bartlett and all he does for the
feline community.
-Rennsport Systems
In honor of Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
-Colleen McDonald
In honor of Kathy Centala and her commitment
to saving lives
-Karen Finede and Bob Storwich
In honor of Kai’s13th Birthday!
-Michael and Carla McKendry
-Craig and Dina Jeppesen
In loving memory of Punkin, my wonderful
cat who was with me for 20 years. Till we meet
again! Momma loves you very much!
-Toni Keefer
In honor of Indy and his wonderful friends,
Chris and Ellen
-Martha Garrett
In memory of Orion, we had our first nice day
on Monday. The kitties so enjoyed going out
on your atrium to watch the birds and feel
the sunshine. I know you’re in the sunshine
wherever you are.. Love you.
-Mary Hannan
In memory of Sheba, Peter and Rikku
-Lynda Lemaster
In honor of Jane Buck
-Barbara Doody
In honor of Meg Brunner
-Kathleen Pritchett-Corning
In memory of Martha Lazarus
Chris Sanchez
Craig Jelinek
In memory of our beloved Tiger, kitty friend to
Patricia Murphy and Jim Kettleson
Lauren Gessler
In memory of our sweet Oreo, who would lick
the world away if we let her
Dan Jedda
In memory of Libby and Shemek
-Dick and Inta Wiest
In memory of Sarabella; and more memories
with Penelope, Carly and Carmen and all our
-Susan Thornton
In honor of Dawn Ritter and Dave Blue
-Theodore Shanley and Janice Bell
In memory of Jaguar Jake, and in honor of his
siblings, Siberia, his foster mom, Shelly, and
his adopted moms, Constance and Denice
-Cris LaGassey and Pua
In memory of some of the shelter kitties we
said goodbye to in 2013. Spanky, Sneakers and
Banana Boat in Florida; Fabio, a sweet office
cat; Linus, Matilda and Jesse…Three special
kitties that shared Kathy’s room with her and
were blessed with her extra special love and
attention. All these kitties were loved and are
-Lorrie Lippert
The 17th Annual Black Cat Ball
In memory of Cruiser, one of your Leuki cats
-Elizabeth Garner
In memory of Milo
-Elaine Kennedy
We would like to honor the memory of our
Colaizzo Cats: Piekatt – our free spirited calico,
Buster Brown – a well traveled companion, The
Dink – a sweet girl who left us too soon, Snowshoe
– who made us fall in love with Maine Coons,
Tazzy – a second chance survivor with a heart of
gold. You each hold a special place in our hearts
and we are richer for having you as a part of our
family. It’s just never long enough…
-Patti and Paul Colaizzo
In memory of Stacey King
In honor of M. Koss
-Mary Sweet
-Alice Bird
In memory of Millie, a sweet companion of 19
-Yvonne Bloomingdale
In honor of all the volunteers. Thank you to all that
you do to save the kitties.
-Sherril Gerell
In memory of my dear friend’s cat, Itty Bit.
Sheryl Schmode
In honor of Purrfect Pals cats (especially Jerri and
Denali) who were up at the Average Joe Cat Show.
Let’s hope they get homes soon!
-Jane Buck
In memory of Sharlene Renee Pulst.
-Larry and Barbara Petersen
In memory of Karen Sykes
-Faith Young
In memory of Katie, Moosh, Chowder and Cooper.
-Megan Kelly
In honor of Chloe’s 8th Birthday
Help Make the Auction a Huge Success!
We keep insisting that you can make a
difference in the lives of cats and kittens
in our community. That’s because you
do! Purrfect Pals is supported entirely by
donations, mostly modest ones that, when
added together, make our work possible.
And all those tables and tables of fabulous
items up for auction...are donated. It’s true
that some of those donations are made
by hotels, airlines, artists, restaurants and
jewelers. Most, however, come from cat
loving Purrfect Pals supporters like you.
Do you own a lakeside cabin, and would
be willing to give a weekend stay?
Could you give up a week stay at your
timeshare? Imagine the bids - and the
money to help rescue a dozen moms
and litters of kittens - it would garner!
Do you have season tickets to the opera,
symphony, Seahawks or Mariners games,
and could give up just one night/game?
always popular, as are fine wines, artisan
beers and spirits, electronics, garden art...
Most of the money earned at auction is
from smaller items, all added together!
What do you do for a living? Almost any
service or item offered would appeal
to somebody. Do you quilt? Knit? Make
jewelry? Weld steel garden creatures?
Have you inherited some wonderful
collectibles you don’t have room to display,
or jewelry you know you won’t wear?
Or could you nerve yourself to ask for a
donation from just one store or restaurant
you regularly patronize? Most businesses
do have budgets for charitable donations,
and they want to please their customers.
We’ve again made this easy for you. We
just need the procurement form on this
We need the modest donations, too: a page filled out for whatever is donated.
package of kitty note cards, the small
quilted table runner, the coffee basket, We can pick up items if you are unable
the scratching post or cat bed, the $20 gift to get them to the shelter. Remember,
card or the brand new cookbook you’ve every penny raised at the Black Cat Ball
never cracked open. Kitchen items are goes to caring for the cats of Purrfect Pals!
Black Cat Ball Procurement Form
Feel free to photocopy if you need additional copies! When filled out, please mail to: Black Cat Ball, Purrfect Pals, 230 McRae Road NE, Arlington, WA 98223. Deadline is September 15
Volunteer Solicitor Information
Gift Information
Gift Item Name
Day Phone
Donor Information
Donor Est. Value $
Name as it should appear in catalog
Gift Item Description (please specify color, size, material,
time available, exchangeability, valid for how many people,
assembly required, and any other pertinent information):
Contact Name (if different from above)
-Cristine Eshinski
In memory of Milo and in honor of Angela Eaton,
Cher Sniadoski, Dawn Tryjborn and Trish Brush –
Purrfect Pals volunteers and angels to me. They
helped me every day for three months to find
-Claire Wilkinson
In memory of Gertrude and Toshio Nakahara
and their beloved kitty, Toby. One day we will be
reunited in heaven where there will be lots of cats
to play with.
-Janey Shiozaki
In memory of Lila (1999-2014). She will be missed
dearly by her best friend Heidi Bowers and all of
us at City Kitty.
-Adrienne Kawamura
Day Phone
Auction Item Delivery
Item or gift certificate accompanies this donor form
I would like Purrfect Pals to make a gift certificate for the item, details above.
Item needs to be picked up (address/date/time)
Items not sold at the Black Cat Ball will be retained and sold in our Average Joe Cat Show Silent Auction, or through other means, to benefit Purrfect Pals
Purrfect Endings
The 17th Annual Black Cat Ball
Join us in Bellevue on October 25th!
Mark your calendars! The 17th Annual
Black Cat Ball Benefit Auction will take
place the evening of Saturday, October
25th, 2014, at the Meydenbauer Center in
Bellevue, and you won’t want to miss it!
As always, the Black Cat Ball is guaranteed
to be fun and festive, with complimentary
champagne flowing as you browse
silent and live auction tables with items
priced from $15 to thousands of dollars.
Attend and indulge yourself, knowing
that every dollar you spend will be used
by Purrfect Pals to help put an end to cat
homelessness through placement and
prevention. Participate in our costume
contest (or don business or evening
wear) and enjoy a gourmet vegetarian
or vegan dinner while Randy Scott, radio
personality, entertains and inspires you!
This is guaranteed to be our most exciting
Black Cat Ball yet! This year we will have
double the space, more auction items and
a larger crowd of cat lovers to mingle with!
You’ll have the chance to bid on over
500 items, including wonderful evenings
of dinner and theater in Seattle and the
Eastside, as well as stays in elegant hotels.
We will be offering fabulous getaways
Butterball Thumper is doing well. Renamed him
As Buddy Guy...after the blues musician. He has
adopted well into my 1 bedroom apt. He has
been a piece of work at times since he is now 10
yrs. old, so we have butted heads, at times. He is
happy and I am happy to have him. Since I got
him in winter and it was cold, I had a small oilfilled heater with his bed infront of it he loved
it. Sleeps with me every night...I have a fleece
blanket he loves to knead, b4 he gets comfy and
sleeps. I want to thank you for being there for me
to find Buddy.
to merry old England, the
Cave B Inn at Sagecliffe and
the Walla Walla wine country.
There will be many certificates
for gourmet dinners and spa
treatments to choose from
and even tickets to a sold-out
Seahawks/49’ers home game!
We offer adventures galore! Go
whale watching or kayaking
right here in Seattle or sea
kayaking from San Juan Island
or Port Angeles! Yoga, Pilates
and music and dance lessons,
relaxing massages, reflexology
and day spa treatments will be
available to tempt you. Host a
circle of your friends at wine
tastings across Washington
State and Oregon and then
take home a bottle of the kind
of wine that has critics buzzing.
We will have murder mystery dinners, a Even The Cat in the Hat attended the 2013
Black Cat Ball!
tea discovery class for seven and tickets
to the Seattle Rep and Teatro Zinzanni
Our storage space is filling rapidly with and garden art. Bid on one of several
donated jewelry, art glass and paintings wonderful climbers (including a Curvy
as well as baskets of goodies, home Nest!) or that special bed for your favorite
decor, collectibles, gourmet kitchen items cat. You can even bid to have your cat’s
photo featured in the 2016 Purrfect Pals
calendar (perhaps even on the cover?).
Watch for your invitation in your mailbox
in early September. For more information
or to register online for tickets today, visit!
It’s not too late to sign up to be
a Black Cat Ball Sponsor!
For more information, please call us
at (360) 652-9611 ext 4 or email us at
[email protected].
Thank you so much to the sponsors
who have already signed on to help
make this our best event yet!
Guests at our 2013 Black Cat Ball Enjoying the Champagne Reception
Bruce and Jeannie Nordstrom
Whidbey Island Bank
Greg and JJ Farrar
I wanted to give you an update on Luke (formerly
known as the Sundance Kid), who I adopted in
the Spring of 2004 at the Average Joe Cat show.
He’s now 10 years old and is a complete joy to me.
He enjoys snoozing in the sunshine, playing with
his toys and occasionally tormenting his 16 year
old sister. He loves to snuggle when it’s on his
terms. His favorite spot is on top of his cat condo,
or on top of one of the many quilts my Mom has
made. I’m really grateful for the care that Purrfect
Pals gave him, prior to my adopting him. Thank
you for all of the work that you do for cats in our
I adopted a kitty, whose name was Little Debbie. I
renamed her Olivia. I am so grateful that I stopped
by the adoption area at PETsMART and saw her. I
have had Olivia since the fall 2013. She is so good
and fun. My other cat, Napoleano, loves her too.
They are lots of fun to watch play, chase each
other and take care of each other.
I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know
that Heather, now Stevie, is doing great! We
adopted her on New Year’s Eve. It took her a while
to get adjusted but as you can see, she loves her
new bed, hanging out in the sun by the slider and
is now a lap kitty! We are so grateful to have her
in our lives. She is quite a character and we spoil
her rotten! ;)
-Kara and Larry
We adopted a kitty from Purrfect Pals through
Denny’s Pet World a few months ago and thus
far, our kitty is settling in quite well. We adopted
Genesis, who was known for being quite talkative
and still is, very much so, to this day. She enjoys
a good lap to sit on and plenty of attention from
whomever walks by. She’s doing great as a new
addition to our home.
-James and Cheryl
I received a letter from you wanting to know how
our little kitty is doing. We did rename him from
John Paul to Atlas. I am happy to report that Atlas
is no longer the little tiny baby he was at Petco.
He has gotten pretty big and loves his big brother
and big sister (our two dogs). Atlas is the most
awesome cat I have ever known. Although he
was definitely removed from his mother too early
as he suckles on my blanket at night. Other than
that, he is a silly, loving cuddle bug. He loves his 7
ft cat tower and has a bed on every landing. He
enjoys looking out the window at the birds and
talks in the sweetest soft tones. Sometimes my
husband and I wonder if he thinks he is a dog
because he lays in the middle of the living room
floor with them. LOL. He also has a stuffy (small
stuffed animal) that he flips around and plays
with along with all of his other toys.
Olivia (and Napoleano)
Love Purrfect Endings?
Join us on Facebook for more updates!
He cracks us up sometimes because he will jump
onto our girl dogs huge fluffy tale and just hold
on for the ride. It is a good thing our dogs are so
relaxed and loving. The dogs will play with Atlas
as well in a gentle but hyper way. Oh, and he
definitely has monitored meals as he LOVES his
food, and the dogs food. We have to constantly
remind him he can’t have the doggies food. I am
also researching how to create a enclosed cat trail
outside so he can safely be outside without the
worry of an animal getting him or him getting lost.
He loves his laser light, feather toys, kitty kong,
our daughters laundry hampers lol, paper bags,
and anything a happy kitty would love. Oh and
he comes in and wakes me up every morning 5
minutes before my alarm goes off. He gets up on
the bed, starts to purr and then gives kisses until
I wake up. He has been told many times that he
is far too cute for that early in the morning. It has
really been a blessing to adopt Atlas.
Thank you again for letting us adopt Atlas. He is
an amazing addition to our family and fits right in.
Purrfect Endings
her now, though he still has to occasionally let her
know he wants to be boss (he’s not by an means).
I don’t know if you guys ever got to know Roxy like
the people at Denny’s did, but she was certainly
the kind of cat you had to be brave to pick up I’ve attached a picture of me holding her. I am so,
so glad to have her home.
-Debbie and Roxy
I brought Mino home from the North Seattle
PetSmart on January 8th, 2014 after knowing her
since September when I first started volunteering
in the adoption room there. Those who knew
her at the shelter and at PetSmart wouldn’t even
recognize her now. She has lost almost 2 pounds
which is a LOT on her tiny frame. She still has
some more to go. She is very happy and snugly.
She sleeps behind my legs while my other cat
sleeps near my pillow. The two cats aren’t best
friends yet but I have faith that they’ll be friends
someday since they sleep on the same bed and
eat together. Mino slaps Thumper (a gentle giant)
around a bit; she’s the queen bee for sure. I just
love her more everyday and I’m sooo glad that I
took her home.
-Mino, Thumper, Barkley and Lindsey
I just wanted to send in an update about Ms.
Roxy since she’s been home. When Rox came
home about 3 months ago, I could tell she was
experiencing a bunch of shelter stress - and
rightfully so, since she was surrendered 18
months before she came home. She was cranky,
scared and standoffish. I was really unsure if I
wanted 20 pounds of anger in my life, but I also
knew that 20 pounds of angry needed a bed to
sleep in.
My other cat (Manny) was also unsure about this
new intruder. He is a healthy 16 pounds himself,
so suddenly there was 30 plus pounds of angry
cat in my house. Roxy almost came back to
you guys a couple of sleepless nights, but we
soldiered through.
Fast forward to now. She is my shadow. From
the time I get home until bed (at least) she has
to be by my side. This once angry, don’t touch
me anywhere or I will hiss/bite you cat now
loves when I rub behind her ears. She has a very
ungraceful way of waddling over and flopping
onto her side when she just wants to be near
me. Sadly, she cannot get into my bed - I blame
arthritis, but who knows. It doesn’t stop her from
the good life on the sofa or the many beds I
have made for her from nice warm comforters
and stuff. Occasionally I can convince her to play
(which shocked me!) and chase a laser.
I am really, really impressed at the love this lady
has to offer. My whole life I have had rescue pets
and they are the most resilient beings I have ever
known. She is 11 or so years old - I am hoping she
makes it to 25. Her cat brother is even tolerating
We adopted two bonded kitties from you in
January - Antonio and Clara (you called them
Kibbles and Nibbles). Antonio, despite having
only three legs, is doing great: running like crazy
up and down the stairs, having a blast! He is a very
adorable and sweet kitty! Thank you for saving
lives of animals like him. He can now enjoy like
and give us lots of joy as well! Clara is still shy but
also social and always with us.
-Ivona and Chris, Chopin Academy
Thank all of you so much for all that you do for the
kitties. The work that you carry out is so needed
and plain good for society. Tommy has been a
true blessing in our lives and a real miracle kitty.
We adopted Brasscal (now “Oliver”) at Lynnwood
Petsmart’s adoption center on December 30th,
2013 and he’s absolutely amazing!
-Julie and Cookie Crisp
Hi there! I just wanted to give an update on my
Purrfect Pals kitty on the 2nd anniversary of him
coming to me! I got Leo Lover (now just Leo)
from the Issaquah Petco on Sea Fair weekend two
years ago. I remember trying to get across the I-90
before it closed for the Blue Angels with Leo crying
in the back. Since then, he’s proven to be the most
loving, gentle, sweetest cat in the world. He gets
along great with my other cat, and I can’t imagine
what life would be like without him and his big
purr! Thank you Purrfect Pals for uniting me with
my little dude and for all you do to help give great
kitties a second chance!
Hello! I adopted Andre a couple days ago and I just
wanted to thank you guys so much for what you
do. We have been calling him Andy for short. He
has been doing great since the second I got him
through the door. He had no problem exploring
his new space and he has been eating wonderfully.
He already has his own perch on the couch and
has no problem letting us know when he wants
to cuddle. He is an incredibly sweet boy and we
couldn’t be happier to have him here. Thank you
all so much for taking care of these sweet guys
and giving them another chance because without
you guys we wouldn’t have our new furry baby!
Tessa and Luke
-Kevin and Diane
Wanjai (aka “Bunnie”) says “Hi!” She is a graduate of
Purrfect Pals (Class of May, 2008). This seal point
siamese is currently working on her M.S. degree
(Master of Snoozing). She will be seven years old
this September and we love her a lot. Thank you!
We love our cat, Jacobi, who we adopted from
Lynnwood Petsmart in May of 2013. He is a joy to
our kids, other cat and especially our dog! We are
grateful for the Monroe Prison Program. He had a
great start there. He still loves to play fetch with
his mouse toy. Thanks!
-The Dailer Family
“Dear Tabby...”
-Gary and Barbara
I adopted Cookie Crisp from Purrfect Pals in 2006.
We are doing well and have a great relationship.
She is thirteen years old now and happy. She is on
thyroid meds, but active and eating well. Is was
great adopting Cookie! She has me totally under
her control.
Cat behavior advice from Tabigail Van Purrin’
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Squeaky Kitty Seeks Quiet Home!
(...OLIVER, continued from page 2)
Through placement and
prevention programs,
Purrfect Pals works to end
cat homelessness in the
Puget Sound region Because every cat matters.
Purrfect Pals
230 McRae Rd. NE
Arlington, WA 98223
twitter #purrfectpals
e-mail [email protected]
phone 360-652-9611
Hours 11-4, Monday through Saturday
Connie Gabelein, Executive Director
Dr. Janet Gray, Shelter Veterinarian
Vikki Ryason, Clinic Manager
Susan Bark, Manager of Foster Care and
Shelter Relocation Programs
Austin Dvorak, Shelter Manager
Kat Dockstader, Manager of Volunteer
and Offsite Programs
Debei Massingale, Intake Coordinator
Lori Benson, Accountant
Carol Lamar, Administrative Assistant
Cat Care Specialists
Rachel Greenberg
Krista Bark
Austin Brune
Jennifer Gottwald
Heather Wyatt
Veterinary Clinic Staff
Jessenia Rodriguez
Alex Rolland
Kara Turriaga
Christina Taylor
Board of Directors
Jeanne Lind
Susan Pierce
Jamie Cobb
Toni Zonneveld
Kathy Centala
Tara Bliven
Julia Brown
Meg Brunner
Wendy Dennis
Jennifer Moore
James Petts
Claire Wilkinson
Here is just one of the special cats we have living in our Arlington Sanctuary. Email us at [email protected] for more information.
breath. Since the indentation severely
limited the amount of space which was
available in his chest cavity, Oliver’s lungs
and heart had trouble maintaining regular
“Lil Bit” has been waiting a LONG BIT… for over a year now!
Sometimes, cats don’t show their best sides and can swat – not
Lil Bit! She is mellow and oh so sweet, and has an adorable meow
that sounds just like a squeaky toy! Even after all this time, she
continues to be a doll. We really do not understand why she still
waits, please share her and help get Lil Bit a retirement home
Lil Bit
Looking at a kitten who is suffering from
this condition can be a bit heart-stopping.
Fortunately, however, there was a surgical
option available for Oliver.
Lil Bit is a beautiful 10-year-old tuxedo girl rescued by Purrfect Pals
from a local shelter. Lil Bit was owned by one family her whole life,
but they moved away and said she couldn’t come along. Lil Bit
was sad to lose her family, but she is ready to love again!
This surgery attempts to “pull” the bones
back into position over time. The vet will
attach a solid cast to the skin above Oliver’s
sternum with sutures. The cast is molded
into the desired shape of the chest, so the
pressure from the sutures slowly pulls the
bones back into position.
The estimated cost of Oliver’s surgery
and post-op care was $2,500. We reached
out to Purrfect Pals supporters on our
Facebook page and were amazed by their
generosity. In less than 24 hours, we raised
the entire amount needed to change this
special little kitten’s life. Amazing!
Oliver is a fighter and tolerated the chest
plate even better than expected. He sure
didn’t let it slow him down! While on “bed
rest,” he was climbing the walls of his cage
and jumping like a typical kitten. His chest
plate has now been removed and X-rays
Oliver wearing his chest plate after surgery.
Our friends at and the
Animal Rescue Site for sponsoring the
Shelter Challenge and awarding Purrfect
Pals a $10,000 grant for being the Grand
Prize winner in the latest round! Thank
you so much to everyone who has been
voting for Purrfect Pals every day!
Tony and Becky Gama-Lobo, kitten cam
fans from Los Angeles who donated to
cover the cost of mama cat Janine’s eye
removal surgery!
She would love a nice quiet home where she can lounge the
day away. A warm patch of sun and some fuzzy toys to play with
and this girl is set! She could stand to lose a little bit of weight
because her joints are starting to ache but she seems to be
healthy otherwise.
showed huge improvement!
Oliver will be available for adoption very
soon and just needs one more check-up in
a month.
Come meet Lil Bit at our Arlington Shelter! She is hanging out
in the office “helping” our staff with paperwork and phone calls,
waiting for her forever family to come adopt her! Feel free to
contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
If you are interested in potentially adopting
or want to learn more about Oliver, please
email [email protected]!
Special Thanks to:
Erik Files, who collected donations for
Purrfect Pals instead of birthday gifts. Erik
wrote, “I have lots of great toys and games
in my life so for my birthday I tried to raise
money for you because one of the good
things in my life is my cat, Chester, who we
adopted from you.” Thank you, Erik!
This sweet cat loves people and a nice, comfortable place to nap.
Lil Bit can be a bit timid when meeting new people but give her
some time to get to know you and will warm up. She is easily
startled by loud noises so a home with older children would
be best. She’d prefer to be an only kitty or live with one other
mellow, older cat. She thinks wet kitty food is the best thing ever
invented and will remind you when it’s time to eat.
Clip and include in the attached envelope, or mail in your own envelope!
Nysether Family Foundation for a very
generous $20,000 grant for the renovation
of our shelter buildings.
230 McRae Road NE
Arlington, WA 98223
(360) 652-9611
Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of:
$35 (can provide KMR milk replacement formula for a litter of kittens)
$100 (can provide for six months of care for a typical sanctuary kitty)
$500 (can help us spay and neuter two litters of kittens and their moms)
Other Amount (please indicate amount)
Fill out credit card number below
Credit Card
Expiration Date
The Purr fect Pals “Purr ”
Join Purrfect Pals on Facebook!
We love sharing photos of
special kitties, updates on
our events, and more on
our Facebook page. You
can also post photos with
our 4000+ Facebook
friends! Come visit us at!
FREE Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic!
Join us for the 17th Annual Black Cat Ball on
October 25th, 2014
Tickets are Available Online Now for
our Gala Dinner and Auction!
Save the Date! This year’s Black Cat Ball will
be held on the evening of Saturday, October
25th at Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue.
Watch for your invitation in your mailbox
or order tickets online today by visiting our
website at
For more information about the Black Cat
Ball, please call (360) 652-9611 or email us
at [email protected].
We hope to see you there!
Did you know that Purrfect Pals offers FREE
spay and neuter surgeries for cats and kittens
every week in our Arlington
shelter’s clinic? Donations are
encouraged if you are able, but
not required. To schedule your
kitty’s appointment, please call
us at 360-652-9611 or email us
at [email protected].
Because Every Cat Matters
Summer 2014
Life-Saving Surgery Provided
for a Very Special Kitten!
Oliver is a sweet special-needs kitten
who was transferred to Purrfect Pals by
one of our local partner shelters because
we were better equipped to provide him
with the medical care he needed. This
darling tabby boy was born with Pectus
Excavatum, a hereditary disorder that
caused a distinct “dent” deformity in the
middle of his chest.
chest.” The condition occurs when the
central chest bone and ribs grow in an
unnatural way, creating a significant
indentation in the cat’s chest. It actually
can be a little scary to see in person, but
it is not necessarily as bad as it looks.
Cats can survive for months or years
with this type of deformity, although it
does severely impact their quality of life.
Pectus excavatum is a latin phrase that
literally means “sunken chest” or “hollow
In Oliver’s case, he was only able to play
for a few minutes before he was out of
Donate Your Vehicle to Help Cats
Are you considering buying a new vehicle
this year? Instead of trading in your old one,
consider making it a taxdeductible donation to
support the cats at Purrfect
with Donate for Charity, a
nationally known vehicle
donation program, makes it
nearly effortless for you. A call to Donate for
Charity is toll free at 1-866-392-4483 or you
can visit their website (www.donateforcharity.
com) for more information. Many thanks to
those of you who have already donated a
vehicle to support our cats!
Did you Adopt from Purrfect Pals?
We love hearing updates
on Purrfect Pals cats after
they have been adopted.
If you would like to share
your kitty’s story with our
staff, volunteers and foster
parents, please email your
update to us at [email protected].
Oliver, a young kitten with a chest deformity, arrived at
Purrfect Pals in need of live-saving surgery.
(continued on page 2)