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or THE ARISH • THOLIC DIOC! E or KAL AZOO DOWNTOWN 211 Chutcb Stteet St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 Phone 269-983-1575 • Fax 269-983-7798 E-mail: [email protected] "SoUTH" (STBVENSVILLE) 5353 R005e\'elt ReI tevensville., Michigan 49127 WEBXEND MAssEs Downtown turda VJgiI; 6·00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 1&.3Oam.12:3Opm "South" Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sundlq'; 9:00a.m. & 6:00pm Coda.slone Fridays: 11.00am - t2:00pm (Downtown) arurday: l1:OOam 12:00pm (Downtown) 3:00pm 3:30pm utb) 4:30pm - 5:30pm (Downtown) "cbadatic Adomtioo Beginning aft the :OOam Mass on fonda} through aturcI2: ar 5:45pm in acred Heart Chapel ------------------- _.--._._ -ST JOSEPH CATHOLIC P AR[SH :, PARISH DIRECTORY ,: : :, Parish Offices Morlock Center 220 Church Street, 51., Joseph Phone:(269) 983-[575 Fax: (269) 983-7798 Email: sjcath[@sbcglobal.net : :, : Parish Secretary: Julie Hoffman ext. 24 : : Parish Clergy (269) 983-1575 : Msgr. Michael Osborn, Pastor : Deacon Michael Gallagher. (269) 31 3-7353 M sgr. Eugene Sears. Pastor Eme ritus.982-1636 Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation [email protected] Peggy Gallagher. Director. 983 - 1575 ext. to Laura Tarnowski. Secretary. 983- 1575 ext. 15 Lake Michigan Catholic Schools I Website: www.lrnclakers.org John Berlin, Executive Director &Principal6 : 12(269)983-25[1 : Jody Maher. Principal. Pre-K through 5 : (269) 429-0227 Music [email protected] Stacey Davis. Director. 983-1575 ext. 18 Youth Group Jason DeVoir. Director. (269) 921-4168 Parish Administration MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SaL 8/29 Vigil: Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00pm(S)Intention of Dick and Jeaninne Miller (by Tom and Mary Brugman) 6:00pm t Jacek aod Helen Strzynski (by Norbert Stnynski) Son. 8/30 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary 7:30am Pro Populo 9:00am (S)tBrian Rhos (by The Rho. Family) IO:30am tFrcd Slavicek 12:30pmtMarian Bowerlind (by Rose Mayle) 6:00pm(S) tMary Yetman (by Dares Kim) Mon. 8131 8:00am t Anna Berndt Anniversary (by Marcella Weber) Tnes. 9/1 8:00am t Jewel Herald (by Betty Theisen) Wed.9fl 8:00am Dec. Mem. HouseaJ/Robret FamUy (by William and Helen Hou seal) Thor. 9/3 Pope Sl Gregory the Great. Doclor 8:00am t Marjorie Rybarc.yk (by Theresa Warskow/Macyann Rybarczyk) Fri. 914 8:00am t Mary and Stepben Weidemeier (by Bob and Maryann Gifford ) Sat. 9/S 8:00am Dec.Men HanelylVail Family (by Family) Vigil : Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary 4:00pm (S) tRoy !Grehner Michael Carl. Director. 983-[575 ext. 20 (by The Moen Family) Mark: Globensky, Maimenance 6:00pm Mattbew Houseal Family (by Pacti Johnson) Sun. 9/6 Twenry-Third Sunday in Ordinary 7 :30am Pro Populo 9:00am(S)tEileeo Chalut (by Pam Grear) IO:30am tMary Daly Michael Davis, Special Assi stant .Finance Council Michael Reed. Chairman Mary Kiesez-Baker ST JOSEPH, MICHIGAN PAGE 2 f--------- ------------------ ---------, Ken Kuester lohn Meyer. Terry Spindler. Bob Wildeman Parish Council (by Joseph/Sus.n Herman) Currently being organized (by G' ma and G'p. "B") Knights of Columbus 6:00pm(S) Inteotioos of tbe Society of St. Vincent de Paul (by St Vioceot de Paul Society) [email protected] Ned Wollenslegel .Grand Knight. 429-4570 St. Vincent de Paul Society Rosary prayed daily Downtown 7:30am Office 982-3478 --- .......... ( 12:3Opm t Belb Blanchard : I , There will not be a Wednesday 9:30am Mass Sept. 2 or Friday 12:1Spm M ~ _~'"' .~lPnt .1 IN OUR PARISH Sacrament of Baptism Parents are asked to call Peggy Gallagher to schedule a pre baptism interview. Sacrament of Confirmation Please call Peggy Gallagher to register for Fall classes. Sacrament of Penance Friday II :OOam-12:00pm (D) Saturday I J:OOam-12:00pm (D) Saturday 3:00pm-3:30pm (S) Saturday 4:30pm-5:30pm (D) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Offices if someone is in danger of death or is in advanced age so tbat tbe priest can visit tbem. Home Visit to Sick and Shut ins deacon7mike@comcasLnet Deacon Michael Gallagher 313 7353 Sacrament of Matrimony Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to arrange marriage preparation and discuss requirements with tbe pastor. Eucharistic Adoration In the Sacred Heart CbapeL Be ginning Monday after tbe 8:00am Mass and concluding Saturday at 5:45pm, Sign up is on going, Please call Joan Emlong @ 983-6807 or www.swmichcatbolics.collJ Bulletin deadline Has Changed to Monday I 2:00pm. May be Emailed to tbe parish of fice. M rl TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2009 Will You Come and Adore? Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Meetings the first Thursday of the month in the Rose Center 7:0Opm-9:00pm_ Please contact Ned WoUenslegel at 429-4570 for more information. 2pm to 3pm and 9pm to 10pm Mid to lam and 2pm to 3pm 2am to 3am and 4am to Sam 2am to 3am and 3am 10 4arn 6am to 7am and 9am to lOam 2pm to 3pm SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT de PAUL: Our next General Meeting will be Monday, AUGUST 31", at the Rose Center. Social time starts at 6 PM, the Chaplet will be prayed at 6:40 and the meeting will begin at 7 PM. THERE WILL BE NO MEEETiNG ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 (LABOR DAY) . If you would like to learn more about your Par ish Conference, please call the office at 982-3478. To reserve your special hour with Him please sign the Adoration chart located in the back of Church or the form on the sign-in podium. You may also go to [email protected] or call Joan Emlong @983-6807. ( RCIA ) @:'r~... ;I.e CI.oi.· I'i.·ee;~~.· I Scripture Study in the Catholic Tradition: For the first six weeks of this session , we will be studying Parables of the Kingdom: Part One, which explores the teach ings of Jesu s delivered as parables in Matthew and Mark. Part Two [Spring 2010] will compare tbe parables of Matthew and Luke to complete the synoptic tradition. During the remaining three weeks of thi s session, we will study the Johannine Epis tles. John's letters prayerfully reflect on Jesus and his eternal relationship to the Creator. This study invites you to meditate on God's overwhelming love just before the Advent season. The Monday evening session will begin on September 28, 2009 and continue through November 23. 2009 from 7:00PM to 8:45PM at the St. Joseph Parish Rose Center on Wayne Street in St. Joseph. The Tuesday afternoon session will begin on Septem ber 29, 2009 and continue through November 24, 2009 from 12:15PM to 2:15 PM at the St. Bernard Parish Hall on Delaware Street in Benton Harbor. Childcare is available during the Tues day sessions. Please call Laura at 983-1575, ext 15 or email at rciaandiamilyministry @hotmail.comto register. ( YOUTH ) ~U~ mrtlltJeUMftNtn'Y fPnl High School Youth RC= Rose Center August 22"d St Anthony of Egypt (RC) August 29~ (RC) St. Germaine NODTS Sept 5 ili Sept 12~ (RC) St Peter Claver (RC) Sept 19" St. Cyprian Sept 26" (Re) St. Pius X St. Therese/Child of Jesus October 3'" (RC) October 1O~ St. Jerome (RC) 'nfT«,"~Ulr Middle School Youth Sept8~ Sept 22'd Oct 6" Oct 13" Oct 20" Oct 27 ili 7:00-8 :30 (Rose Center) 7:00-8:30 (Rose Center) 7:00-8:30 (Rose Center) 7:00-8:30 (Rose Center) 7:00-8 :30 (Rose Center) 7:00-8:30 (Rose Center) READY...SET...SING Adult Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday evening, September 16 at 6:30pm in the choir loft. We practice every Wednesday evening, September through May. Please consider making a gift o/your talent by joining the choir! We are eager to welcome any new singers or instrumentalists. Please contact the Director of Music, Stacey Davis, by calling the music office 983-1575 ext. 18 LMC All-School Mass Singers and Instrwnentalists , LMC Students in grades 6-12 are invited (0 participate in our All-School Liturgy Ensemble. We sing and play at the 8am, All-School Mass every Friday morning of the school year. We will be meeting at 7am on Friday, September 11 for a brief rehearsal before our first Mass that day. (Our schedule/or the remainder ofthe year has not yet been determined.) We need both singers and instrumentalists. Please come and make a gift of your time and talent! Please call or e-mail Mrs. Davis if you have any questions. 983-1575 ext_ 18 or stjomusic@ yahoo_com ~ l::l :.:~ "-a"~E11 WEEKLY COLLECTION Weekend of 8123 .........$20,935.51 If ou know of someone who is in need of ravec, lease ST JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARlSH PAGE 4 LAKE MICHIGAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL Lake Michigan Catholic High School is . seeking a full time Math teacher for the 2009 2010 school year. Candidates must meet certifi cation requirements of the State of Michigan and hold an EX endorsement. Interested appli cants are requested to send their credentials to: Ii i ' High School Math Position Lake Michigan Catholic Schools clo John Berlin 915 Pleasant Street St. Joseph, MI 49085 St. John's High School Class of 1959 50th Year Class Reunion! Saturday, September 26. 2009 Papa Vino's Italian Restaurant Dinner, Cash Bar, Cost $35.00 Per Person. 6:00pm Social Hour 7:30pm Dinner Contact: Frank Hansen 269-429-8283 EMail: [email protected] Other class years invited to join us I ST JOSEPH MICHIGAN IN OUR DIOCESE The annual Blue Mass - Police, flfe, emergency medical technicians and military personnel, their families, friends and supporters are cordially invited to attend the Blue Mass on Sunday, September 13 th , 11:30 a.m. in the Cathe dral, Kalamazoo. Bishop Paul Bradley will be the principle celebrant for what is known as the Blue Mass. The public is invited to participate in the Mass and reception. Mark your calendar and come pray for and support our public servants. Contact the Office of Christian Worship at 269 349-8714, ext. 245 for more information. Natural Family Planning is offering a diocesan spon sored three",lass series in the Sympto-Thermal Method of Family Planning beginning on Sunday, September 20, 4 pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 215 N. Westnedge A ve., Kalamazoo. The next two classes will be held on Sunday, (Jctober 4, 4 pm and on Sunday, November I, 4 pm. Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is one week before the beginning of the series. There is a $50 fee f9r tbe class. For more information/registration, call (269) 349-8714 ext. 114/110. Family Perspective In today's gospel Jesus reminds us it is not WHAT we do but WHY we do it which gives religious significance to our actions. Family life is full of rituals and routines. When they are done "in the Lord" with love, they are holy. OFFICE OF SAFE ENVIORMENT Protecting God's Children for Adults . Where: St. John-St. Bernard Parish Benton Harbor 555 E. Delaware When: Tuesday, September 15,2009 6:00pm Meet: St. Bernard's Parish Center Call: 925-2425 for more details Readings for the Week of August 30, 2009 Sunday Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt4:1-2. 6-8: Ps 15; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Monday 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96; Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27; Lk4:31-37 Wednesday Coil :1-8; Ps 52; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday Saint Gregory the Great, pope. doctor Coil :9-14; Ps 98; Lk 5:1-' 1 Friday Coil :15-20; Ps 100; Lk 5:33-39 Saturday Col 1:21-23; Ps 54; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-73; Ps 146: Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 r---- ----- ---------- ------------------- ------------, ,: There will be no Wednesday . 9:30am Mass South :, : on September, 2 or Fnday 12:15pm Mass Down- , : town on September 4. ATTENTION.•. WYD 2011! Just a reminder to all those people between the ages of 18-35 that World Youth Day (WYD) is 2 years away .... yes 2 years, August 2011 . However we need to start planning now for the cost which will be around $4,500. Yes that is some money ...however we will be having massive fund raisers to help offset the cost. The trip will be 12 days long. Au gust Ilth-22od. We will be traveling to Lisbon. Portugal On the 11th-13th. Travel to Fatima until the 15th and travel to Madrid for WYD until the 22nd when we depart. We have only 10-15 spots so the first 10-1 5 people who have their $300 deposit will go. I have been told by people who have gone to World Youth Day that it is life changingl TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TlMF. AUGUST 30, 2009 Dear Brother Priests, On the lorthcoming Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday 19 June 2009 - a day traditionally devoted to prayer for the sanctification of the clergy - I have decided to inaugw-ate a "Year for Priests" in celebration of the ISOth anniversary of the "dies na taUs" of John Mary Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests worldwide. This Year, meant to deepen the commitment of aU priests to interior renewal for the sake of a more forceful and incisive witness to the Gospel in today's world, will conclude on the same Solemnity in 2010. "The priesthood is the love of the hean of Jesus", the saintly Cure of Ars would often say. This touching expression makes us reflect, first of aU, with heartfelt gratitude on the immense gift which priests represent, not only for the Church, but also for humanity itself. I thin k of all those priests who quietly present Christ's words and actions each day to the faithful and to the whole world, striving to be one with the Lord in their thoughts and their will. their sentiments and their style of life. How can I not pay tribute to their apostolic labors, their tireless and hidden service, their universal charity? And how can I not praise the courageous fidelity of so many priests who, even amid diffi culties and incomprehension, remain faithful to their vocation as "friends of Christ", whom He has called by name, chosen and sent? .....The Cure of Ars was quite humble, yet as a priest he was conscious of being an immense gift to his people: "A good shepherd. a pastor after God's heart, is the greatest treasure which the good Lord can grant to a parish and one of the most precious gifts of di vine mercy". He spoke of the priesthood as if incapable of fath oming the grandeur of the gift and task entrusted to a human creature: "0, how great is the priest! ... If he realized what he is, he would die.... God obeys him: he utters a few words and the Lord descends from heaven at his voice, to be contained within a small host". Ex plaining to his parishioners the importance of the Sacraments, he would say: Without the Sacrament of Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord. Who put Him there in that tabernacle? The priest. Who welcomed your soul at the beginning of your life? The priest. Who feeds your soul and gives it strength for its journey? The priest. Who wi1l pre pare it to appear before God, bathing it one last time in the blood of Jesus Christ? The priest, always the priest. And if tl,is soul should happen to die [as a res ult of sinJ. who will raise it up, who wiH restore its calm and peace? Again, the priest. ... After God, the priest is everything! ... Only in heaven will he fully realize what he is". Pope Benedict XVI ~ HILLIARD LYONS Investment Advice Know Someone Who Is Pregnant and Troubled? Birthright Will Help B JOAN THEISEN EMLONG Financial Consultant 2900 S. Stole St.1 St. joocph MI 49085 269-983-7500 I 800-215-6983 J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, u.c. NYSE, FrNRA & : 1'r RJ , the FREE & Confidential SlPC. 983.0700 800 . \ 550.4900 'R,piary Grab the attention of future customers by advertising in your church bulletin I Call Kathleen Ford at Diocesan Publications 1-800-783-1623 Sf,. JOSEPH PARISH PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY these05ponsors make our bulletin possible ... Cost Free to the ])~rish. T hank them in person vvhen YOU do business vvith thRm d _ _"':';.IiI GIL & MARiAN MIGAlA PARISHIONERS Ned &. Diane Wollenslegel Parishioners WAn D.NT Expertise ."' ".ilDRv-g You Can Count On ST. 2670 NILES RD. .~t\'S OARO", ;a Chinese "'" 1.." P.f. R~ell.urant III DINE IN - GARRY OUT 310 State St.· 983-2609 :>('(. Pulmonary Partners P'C. Robert L Piasecki, DO, FCCP cathollcscomvhomv.org BoNd Certi~ed o in Sleep Mrdicine IIegIaIW Sleep Dborden cater vlrtuemedla.org Courtesy of Zemllck OffIce Products & Furniture H+ il"'""""' -'.,""_"'"'_. Board Certified In Pu lll'\OOllry M edldoe '-1)' Evaluation, Diagnosis & Treatment of Sleep Disorders Serving Southwest Michigan for more than 11 Years CoIIIpIde .... -fJJ!OUs and 'TatiJog O>I-SItoo • " " _ OOrD • Cough • _ _ ol .......tb on-Site CPAP Clinic ' Aandiled by AmericanAcaOlmy 01 Sleep Med'ieJne Most Insurances Accepted and Billed {or You 3902 Stonegate Park 91\3.3690 (Psrishi0n91) Robert L. Piasecki, 00, FCCP 3904 Stonegate Park 1-866-767-5337 684-5557 98Z-UlNO (5864) SAME DR. R. RADEMACHER, O.D. Staging Real & Personal Property for Estate Sales Treatment of Ocular Diseases C HRiSTI AN STORl Eye Examinations Glosses & Contact Lenses 269 / 408-0984 717 Columbia Ave. DEFRANCESCO, O'DoWD & 4." ')..oj>" ·983·7883 2913 Niles 169-983-7161 New & Used Office Furniture DIENES Business Interiors ATTORNUS ANO C OUNSELOR S AT l. AW ohmydarling.com 269.926.0911 728 Pleasant St. - St. Jaseph, MI 983-0990 I _ Un> d SI . »,.1 Ju .Jlh 269-983-1400 • www.DOD-low.com SAUER & SAUER, PLC Mlch••1 "Mlc" Ashbrook Parishioller GOlf INN _RESTAURANT Affordable Health Insurance Long Term Care Porishioner • wolvs1@hotmail ,com Brian C. Sauer Jonathan B. Sauer PARISHIONER 414 Main St.· 269-983-0531 269-639-2121 hawksheadlinks.com SOlTrn HAVEN 866-886-4175 • =====::!===-~ INDUSTRIAL MECHA~ICAL CONmACTORS & FABRICATORS W SOULE ,\; 269.983.0911 I \ \ /(';'"'·3;>4 1001 li "it",,, " ENCOVRACiE SOMEONE TO CONSIDER REUCiIOVS t ," ANDREW HOFFMAN Parish ioner C A F E UFE For information ., w " 01,' ,on ~ 269-408-1500 5t Joseph ~~''''dentiOI COMINC""" HECm.ICAt • HVAC • PLUMSING • "AINTIN<; ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARISH ~- - ------------------------------ -, PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Offices Morlock Center 220 Church Street, St., Joseph Phone:(269) 983-1575 Fax: (269) 983-7798 Email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Julie Hoffman ext. 24 Parish Clergy (269) 983-1575 Msgr. Michael Osborn, Pastor Deacon Michael Gallagher, (269) 313-7353 ,Msgr. Eugene Sears, Pastor Emeritus,982-1636 ,: Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation rciaandfamil yrninistry @hotmail.com Peggy Gallagher. Director. 983-1575 ext. 10 Laura Tarnowski. Secretary. 983-1575 ext. 15 Lake Michigan Catholic Schools •Website: www.lmclakers.org : John Berlin, Executive Director &Principal 6 : 12 (269) 983-2511 'Jody Maher. Principal. Pre-K through 5 (269) 429-0227 Music [email protected] Stacey Davis. Direetor. 983-1575 ext. 18 Youth Group Jason DeVoir. Director, (269) 921-4168 Parish Administration Michael Carl. Director. 983-1575 ext. 20 Mark Globensky. Maintenance Michael Davis, Special Assistant Finance Council Michael Reed. Chairman M ary Klescz-Baker Ken Kuester John Meyer. Terry Spindler. Bob Wildeman Parish Council Currently being organized Knights of Columbus [email protected] Ned Wollenslegel.Grand Knight. 429-4570 St. Vincent de Paul Society Office 982-3478 PAGE 2 ST JOSEPH MICHIGAN MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS IN OUR PARISH Sat. 8/29 Vigil: Twen ty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00pm(S)Intention of Dick and Jeaninne Miller (by Tom and Mary Brugman) 6:00pm t Ja""k and Helen Strzynski (by Norbert Strzynski) Sun. 8130 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary 7:30am Pro Populo 9:00am (S)tBrian Rhoa (by The Rhoa Family) lO:30am tFred Siavicek 12:30pmtMarian Bowerfmd (by Rose Mayle) 6:oopm(S)tMary YetllUln (by Dares Kim) Mon.8f31 8:00am t Anna Berndt Anniversary (by Marcella Weber) Tues. 9/1 8:00am tJewel Herald (by Betty Theisen) Wed. 912 8:00am.Dec. Mem. HouseallRohret Famlly (by William and Helen Houseal) Thur. 9/3 Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor 8:00am t Marjorie Rybarczyk (by Theresa WarskowlMaryann Rybarczyk) Fri. 914 8:00am t Mary and Stephen Weidemeier (by Bob and Maryann Gifforo ) Sat. 915 8:00am Dec.Mem. Hanely/Vail Family (by Family) Vigil: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary 4:00pm (S) tRoy Kirchner (by The Moen Family) 6:00pm Matthew Houseal Family (by Patti Johnson) Sun. 9/6 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary 7 :30am Pro Populo 9:ooam(S)tEUeen Chalot (by Pam Grear) lO:30am tMary Daly (by Joseph/Susan Hennan) 12:30pm tBetb Blanchard (by G'ma and G'pa "B") 6:oopm(S) Intentions of the Society of S1. Vincent de Paul (by St. Vincent de Paul Society) Rosary prayed daily Downtown 7:30am There will not be a Wednesday 9:30am Mass Sept. 2 or Friday 12:1Spm s Sacrament of Baptism Parents are asked to call Peggy Gallagher to schedule a pre baptism interview. Sacrament of Confinnation Please call Peggy Gallagher to register for Fall classes. Sacrament of Penance Friday 11:00am- 12:00pm (D) Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm (D) Saturday 3:00pm-3 :30pm (S) Saturday 4:30pm-5 :30pm (D) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Offices if someone is in danger of death or is in advanced age so that the priest can visit them. Home Visit to Sick and Shut ins [email protected] Deacon Michael Gallagher 313 7353 Sacrament of Matrimony Please call the parish office at least six months in advance to arrange marriage preparation and discuss requirements with the pastor. Eucharistic Adoration In the Sacred Heart Chapel. Be ginning Monday after the 8:00am Mass and concluding Saturday at 5:45pm. Sign up IS on gomg. Please call Joan Emlong @ 983-6807 or www.swmichcatholics.com I Bulletin deadline Has c hanged to Monday I 2:00pm. May be Emailed to the parish of fi ce. Morlock Center Office Hours