Making real and lasting improvements in the lives of those we feed


Making real and lasting improvements in the lives of those we feed
Report to the Community
Making real and lasting
improvements in the
lives of those we
feed and clothe
Fall 2014
Dear Neighbor,
Neighbor to Neighbor is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to
serving residents in need throughout
the Greenwich area.
We improve lives by providing
for the exchange of food, clothing
and basic living essentials in an
atmosphere of kindness and respect.
This year marks Neighbor to Neighbor’s 40th year providing material
assistance to our neighbors who need our help. In 1975 we opened our
doors when a group of concerned Greenwich women began collecting
gently used clothing and distributing it to neighbors. In the mid-1980’s
we began a food distribution program at the request of the Greenwich
Department of Social Services. Since then we have grown to provide
food and clothing at no cost to thousands of local residents each year,
all out of two small basement spaces at Christ Church Greenwich.
We invite you to come to see your support at work.
We are proud of what, together, we have been able to accomplish
over the past 40 years and how we have met and are meeting our
challenges. It is our pleasure to share with you our 2013-2014 annual
Report to the Community, outlining some of these accomplishments
from the past year. As we look to our future, we want you to know
how much we value working together to meet the needs of our
neighbors with our signature dedication to “kindness and respect.”
Thank you for all you do for Neighbor to Neighbor.
Nancy Coughlin
Executive Director
Allen P. Jackson
Thank You for All You Accomplished in
Our 2013-2014 Fiscal Year
• Over 640 families received 300,000 meals of fresh produce, whole
wheat bread, milk, chicken, ground beef, dry and canned goods and
fresh pastries
Healthy Food Makes the Difference
• 300 children received 12,000 summer lunches to bridge the gap left by
the lack of free or reduced-price school-based meals
• Over 500 families enjoyed Thanksgiving turkey dinners thanks to the
generosity of Kings Food Markets, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and
St. Michael the Archangel
• Local high school girls received prom and graduation dresses during
our first annual prom dress event, a collaboration with the Greenwich
High School Former Attire club
• Hundreds of families received the rare treat of brand new sheets thanks
to a new partnership with the Needs Clearing House
• The National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger drive
generated a record 43,000 pounds of donated food, in bags provided
by Kings Food Markets
• Almost 100 people attended our screening of the acclaimed
documentary A Place at the Table, followed by a moderated panel
discussion on issues of food insecurity in our area
• The Greenwich High School Neighbor to Neighbor Club launched,
deepening our partnership with the many students who keep our
work vibrant
• 250 volunteers provided 19,000 hours of service to nourish our
• 2,600 residents of Greenwich, Stamford and Port Chester received
16,000 bags of in-season clothing, hats, mittens, coats, diapers,
household items and books
• Local schools, companies, community groups and houses of worship
ran hundreds of clothing, food and diaper drives, improving the
lives of thousands of area residents through the provision of basic
living essentials
You make this happen every day through your dedication and support.
We thank you for all you do.
Hunger is on the rise throughout the United States, and our
community is not immune. Half a million people in Connecticut,
1 in 7 households, struggle to put food on the table. In Fairfield
County 35,000 children live in food-insecure households. And
right here in Greenwich, the number of students receiving free and
subsidized school lunch has doubled since 2005 to nearly 15%.
In the past year, Neighbor to Neighbor provided healthy food at
no cost to over 640 local families. We don’t just fill plates; we promote
healthy diets. Research shows that children who lack adequate
nutrition are 90% more likely to be reported by doctors as having
“fair or poor” overall health and 31% more likely to be hospitalized in
childhood. Children who lack proper nutrition are 140% more likely
to suffer from iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia, the two most
common nutritional deficiencies in America. They also are more likely
to experience a variety of behavioral and learning difficulties. These
are startling statistics, but thanks to the many who support our work,
we are able to improve the health of the families who rely on us for
weekly food.
“My family loves the fresh food
from Neighbor to Neighbor.
It’s fresh, healthy and good.”
Each week, every family receives:
•Whole wheat bread
•Fresh produce
•Chicken or ground beef
“Our farm is proud to participate
in Neighbor to Neighbor’s
fresh produce program.”
•Dry and canned goods including peanut butter, tuna, jelly, cereal,
beans, vegetables, fruit, juice, pasta and rice
Fresh Produce
Studies have linked food insecurity to obesity, primarily resulting
from the economic inability to access fresh, healthy food. Obesity in
turn is a cause of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes in
adults. Since 1980, the relative cost of fresh, healthy food has increased
by 40%, while at the same time the relative cost of high-sugar, low
nutrient food has decreased by 40%. This puts fresh produce out of
the reach of many Americans. In response, Neighbor to Neighbor has
increased partnerships with local farmers and community gardeners to
provide fresh, locally-grown produce to our clients.
Thank you to the following farms, houses of worship and community
organizations supporting our fresh produce program:
•Augustine’s Farm
•The Back Forty Farm
•Brunswick Agricultural Club
Who We Are
Neighbor to Neighbor provides
over 300,000 healthy meals annually.
Our clients include seniors,
working poor, unemployed, adults
with physical, emotional or
intellectual challenges, and others.
Half of those we serve are children.
•Community Gardens at Armstrong Court and Bible Street
•First Congregational Church of Greenwich
•First United Methodist Church
•Horizons at Brunswick
•North Greenwich Congregational Church
•Old Greenwich Farmer’s Market
•Riverbank Farm
•Second Congregational Church
•Smith Farm
•Woodland Farm
“We are thankful for
Neighbor to Neighbor!”
Thanksgiving For All
In 2012 we began our annual Thanksgiving Turkey distribution with
the assistance of Kings Food Market in Old Greenwich. With very
little refrigerated storage, we knew we’d have to distribute the turkeys
all at once. We were delighted when 250 clients lined up to wait for
the truck and each happily received a beautiful turkey for their holiday
dinner. In 2013 we distributed turkeys to over 600 families. Thanks
to Kings Food Market, St. Michael the Archangel, Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney, and countless individuals and organizations, our clients
know the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
Clothing Room
Since 1975, Neighbor to Neighbor has been the only place in
Greenwich for low-income adults and families to receive gently used
clothing, household items and linens at no cost. We serve over 2,600
local individuals each year in our Clothing Room, and we know our
clients are more confident when not embarrassed about their clothing.
A good quality suit makes all the difference in a job interview. A warm
coat delivers children safely to school. This winter one grateful client
arrived off the bus for emergency food with raw, frozen hands and
received warm gloves and a hat, delivered with a warm smile and
words of encouragement from our volunteers.
We work closely with schools, civic organizations and houses of
worship to conduct clothing and diaper drives year round to keep our
Clothing Room well-stocked. This past year we provided:
•16,000 bags of gently used clothing, coats, shoes, hats and mittens
Summer Meals
•2,100 sets of sheets and blankets
Plenty of kids get their best meal of the day in school. In fact, nearly
15% of Greenwich students receive free or reduced-price school-based
meals—twice the number in 2005. But what happens to these students
in the summer? Neighbor to Neighbor steps in to bridge the gap.
We provide extra food to school aged children to make five lunches
each week throughout the summer. These healthy foods include tuna,
peanut butter and jelly, fruits and vegetables, milk and bread. In the
summer of 2013 we provided 12,000 meals to 300 students.
•Over 1,000 sets of dishes, pots and pans
•1,100 sets of towels
•60 new layettes
“Neighbor the Neighbor
helps me with clothes
for my children.”
A Place at the Table
“I didn’t have a dress
to wear to prom. Now I’ll go
and have fun with my friends.”
Prom Dresses
This year Neighbor to Neighbor paired up with the Former Attire Club
of Greenwich High School for a new initiative. With the beautiful
Tomes-Higgins House as the backdrop, volunteers set up racks to display
new and gently used prom dresses. High school girls from Greenwich and
Port Chester received 27 dresses. Each young woman was able to find a
dress that fit perfectly and looked stunning. The distribution now will be
an annual event in partnership with Greenwich High School.
Neighbor to Neighbor’s founding intent was to provide a place where
those who have connect with those who need. That’s exactly what
we have done by partnering with Needs Clearing House to meet the
chronic need for good quality linens. Together we provided over 500
people last year with new sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases from
Starwood Hotels, and gently used linens from Nathaniel Witherell.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Engages the Community
In October, 2013, Neighbor to Neighbor partnered with the Greenwich
Library to present the award-winning documentary, A Place at the Table
in the Cole Auditorium. The film screening was followed by a panel
discussion of area experts on poverty, obesity, children’s health and
learning, moderated by Greenwich United Way CEO Stuart Adelberg.
Here is some of what we learned about hunger in America:
• Almost one in five children consistently lack adequate nutritious food
to be healthy.
• Food insecure children are 90% more likely to have “fair/poor” health
reported by their doctors.
• Childhood hunger inhibits brain development and is associated with
greater childhood hospitalizations, impaired ability to learn, and higher
anxiety and depression.
• 50 million Americans rely on charitable food programs.
• The average food stamp allotment is less than $1.50 per meal.
• The relative price of fresh fruits and vegetables has gone up by 40%
since 1980, while the relative cost of processed food has gone down
by 40%.
• In 1980, there were 200 food pantries and soup kitchens in America.
Today there are more than 40,000.
Volunteers Make it Happen
Hundreds of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds dedicate their time
to sort, fold, date check food donations and assist our clients. They help
with food drives, work on Board committees, and plan special events.
They make our work possible and we are extremely grateful for their
care and dedication. Thank you to the many community groups who,
together with our regular weekly volunteers, contributed more than
9,000 hours of service last year.
Total Expenses........................$1,763,367
Programs (93%)
Administration (5%)
Fundraising (2%)
93% of all
donations directly
support our
Join Us!
Neighbor to Neighbor is a grass roots,
volunteer-driven organization. We were
founded forty years ago on the principal
of neighbors helping neighbors and we
remain true to our roots. We invite you to join us by donating
your time, food, gently used items, or financial support.
Please visit our website at to see a list of
most needed items or for more information.
Civic Organizations
and Corporations................................$27,998
Foundations and Grants.............$141,820
Religious Organizations.................$22,380
Donated Food & Clothing......$1,282,615
Total Contributions.............$1,778,510
Half the food we distribute is
donated by individuals, schools,
religious and civic groups.
Ask your tax advisor if you could
benefit by making a charitable
gift from an eligible IRA. You can
support our work while receiving
a tax benefit.
A legacy gift secures basic living
essentials for future generations.
* Financials are unaudited and cover
the fiscal period 6.1.13 - 5.31.14
Your support
makes a difference.
Thank you!
Partner Profile
Christ Church Greenwich
As we celebrate our 40th anniversary this
year, we also celebrate the longstanding
partnership we share with Christ Church
Greenwich. Forty years ago the Church
opened its doors to allow us to begin
collecting and redistributing gently
used clothing, the roots of what is now
a critical part of the fabric of the greater
Greenwich community. In 2005, in response to increasing demand in the
community for our services, Christ Church dedicated what had been its
youth room to us. This allowed us to create the area’s first client choice
food pantry. Rather than pack groceries and pass them through a
doorway to our clients, we were able to create what operates functionally
as a small grocery store, permitting clients to select from a variety of
nutritious foods. Each Sunday Christ Church parishioners generously fill
the little red wagons that wait by the door of the sanctuary with food
for our pantry. Volunteers assist in a variety of roles, and the Outreach
Committee provides critically needed financial support.
As demand continues to grow, we find ourselves again in need of
additional space. Christ Church parishioners responded overwhelmingly
this past June by voting to approve a resolution dedicating a plot of land
on the Christ Church campus to Neighbor to Neighbor under a long
term ground lease. Neighbor will build a new center for our food pantry
and clothing room, greatly improving our service to the community.
Says Christ Church Reverend Jim Lemler, “The people of Christ Church
Greenwich are thankful for the essential programs offered by Neighbor
to Neighbor and value our partnership with this unique organization.
We value these 40 years of working together and look forward to an
exciting future of new relationship, opportunities, and facilities. Christ
Church’s motto is ‘Nourishment for the Journey,’ and together Neighbor
to Neighbor and this congregation provide needed nourishment for
body and spirit.”
We are indebted to the Christ Church community and grateful for it’s
many years of vital support.
Thank you to the thousands of donors who generously contributed
funds, food, clothing, household items, services or time during our
fiscal year ending May 31, 2014.Your donations help us provide for
those in need in our community.
Super Heroes
$25,000 - $100,000
Peter and Nancy Allatt
Family Foundation II
The Women’s Fellowship
of the First Congregational
Church of Greenwich
Community Heroes
$10,000 - $24,999
The Children’s Hope Chest
Marcia Coyle
The Dalio Family
The Selander Foundation
Trinity Church
United Way of Greenwich
Hometown Heroes
$5,000 - $9,999
Laurel and Cliff Asness
Susan & Eliot Black
The Bishops’ Fund for
The Casturo-Burnett Family
Christ Church Greenwich
Louis and Virginia Clemente
Steven and Alexandra Cohen
GE Matching Gifts Program
Lilian & Ira N. Langsan
Lindmor Foundation Fund
Sue & Steve Mandel
Kate Minton
Laura J. Niles Foundation
Theodore A. Rapp
Barbara & Peter Ripp
Round Hill Community
Deborah & Charles Royce
Second Congregational
Laurel & Christopher Scarlata
Anne C. Sherrerd
Kerry & Charles Tyler
Kings Food Markets, Inc.
The Lenore and Howard
Klein Foundation, Inc.
Lone Pine Foundation, Inc.
Theresa & Richard Lubman
Susan & Richard Malloch
Nancy & Rob Mazzoli
Leslie & John Moriarty
Nestle Waters North America
Trina Overlock
Red Men’s Home
The Resource Foundation
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
Serrell Diana G. Serrell
$2,500 - $4,999
AMStar Family Trust
Appleby Charitable
Lead Trust
Adrienne & Mac Bradford
The Braver Family
Caravetta Heaven’s Helpers
First Congregational Church
of Greenwich
First County Bank
Gail Gallagher
Olga & Christopher Hartwell
Nancy & James Healy
Lori & Allen Jackson
Eileen & John Kim
Thank you to our
clients for expressing
their appreciation for
Neighbor to Neighbor
on the decorated
paper plates depicted
in this section of the
annual report.
Family Heroes
$1,000 - $2,499
Mareta Hamre &
Mark Abbott
Amicus Amico Foundation
Mary Babcock
Bank of America Matching
Gift Program
Ashish and Leslie Bhutani
Charitable Gift Fund
Margie & Steven Black
Peter Brinckerhoff
Kamal & Richard Browning
Monica Prihoda &
Steven Bruce
Burning Tree Country Club
The Caputo Foundation, Inc.
Ann & John Caron
Elizabeth Clark
John M.W. Coughlin
Barbara Fenton &
Bruce Croaning
Susan & William Day
Julie & Matthew Deschamps
Diamond Hill United
Methodist Church
Dingletown Community
Ann Elliman
Laura & Dave Erickson
Beverly & Mario Espinosa
Laura & Thomas Feda
Maryellen & Edmund Feeley
Harvey Firestone. Jr.
The Greenwich/Port Chester
CROP Hunger Walk
The Greenwich Department
of Social Services
Lawrence Groo
Catherine & Anthony Hall
IBM Charitable
Contribution Campaign
Perry & Jim Johnston
Sherry & Kenneth Karetnick
Andrew Karp
Stephanie Schnabel &
Brian Keil
Elizabeth King
Ines & John Kingsley
Theresa & Thomas Klamka
Monica & Gerald Knorr
Marcie McGuire
Elisabeth & Joseph
Angenette & Edward Meaney
Virginia & Juan Meyer
Giovanna & Brian Miller
Sandy & Randy Motland
Don H. Nelson
George Nelson
Phyllis & Bruce Nicholas
North Greenwich
Congregational Church
Pat & Nick Ohnell
Barbara & John O’Neill
Mary Beth &
Knowlton O’Reilly
Soraya Mariel &
Arthur Robinson
Roina Family Foundation
Karen Free Royce
The Rudy Family
Charitable Trust
Bernadette Mosellie &
Frank Serbaroli
Bernadette & Paul
Betty & Bob Sheridan
Cheryl Saban &
Michael Siegmund
Heidi & Scott Smith
Alma Rutgers &
Don Snyder
Lauren & Danny Stein
Carol & Hans Storr
Tower Three Partners, LLC
Patricia & Jack Trout
Margaret Heppelmann &
Michael Wacek
Bobbie & David Walker
Joan Warburg
Margot & Gary Weinstein
Sarah Whittemore
Women’s Fellowship of
Second Congregational
Wendy & Peter Wright
Christine & David Zadik
Zisson Foundation
$250 - $999
Deborah Smith &
Daniel Abbasi
Ashtanga CT Yoga Center
Ruth & David Albert
Alexander Family
John Arminger
Jeffrey Aronson
Patricia Aser
Donna & Graham Bailey
Jennifer & Michael Baldock
Phyllis & Paul Barbian
Ellen & Bob Barolak
Sundelson & Francis Barron
Jane Condon & Ken Bartels
Eileen & Steve Bartels
Michele Steen &
Michael Beck
Terry & Lynn Birdsong
Marilyn & Dick Blair
Caroline Blasko
Pat & John Blessington
Ann Blumensaadt
Michele & Joseph Brendel
Barbara Brigham
Elizabeth & Michael Buddy
Fay & Norman Burger
Kath & Kip Burgweger
Cynthia & John Canaday
Mark P. Canno
Amy & Mark Carbone
Carrington Charitable
Gail & Peter Carriero
Lynne & Anthony Carvette
Dorothea & Joseph Casale
Mary Cattan
John & Patricia Chadwick
Joann & Richard Chiappetta
Constance Cowen
Elizabeth & Geoffrey
Sandra Culbert
Helen & Denis Curran
Christine & Ted Danforth
David Hair Care and Color
Lucy & Nathaniel Day
Richard Delman
Wynne & Arthur Delmhorst
Stephen DeLuca
Margaret & Thomas Devlin
Carolyn & Mark
Cory & Bob Donnalley
Charitable Foundation
Jen Donnalley
Jeanne & Doug Downard
Anne & William Drake
Sue & Steve Drexler
Susan & Ronald Dubin
Nancy & Ken Duffy
Marianne & Anders Ekernas
Martha & Truman Eustis
Kathleen & Dennis Fawcett
Connie & Mark Figgie
Barbara Long & Don Foley
Theresa & Luke Frangione
Alan Gallicchio
Janice Gasparrini
The Gendell Family
Foundation, Inc.
Anne & Bob Gilhuly
Stephanie & Alan Glazer
Mary & Lloyd
Greenwich Council Boy
Scouts of America
Greenwich High School
Class of 2003
Greenwich Kiwanis Club
Mary Ann & Robert
Jane Haley
Erika Hall
Linda & Albert Hartig
The Hentemann Family
Sandy & Russel Herman
Marie & Mel Hertzig
Robin Sherwood &
Gregory Hoelscher
Louise & Harrison Hoffman
Katherine Ann &
Robert Hogan
Catherine & William Holden
Karen Horgan
Eugenia Hotchkiss
The Howard Head Family
Kathleen & Charles Hubbard
Bruce Huffine
Anne & Robert Ivanhoe
Becky & Bon Jasperson
Mary Jennings
Liz & Scott Johnson
Patricia & Kurt Jomo
Lisa & Michael Josephson
Alicia Joslin
Peggy & Scott Kalb
Marilyn & Stuart Kaplan
Debra & Dean Karrell
Sherrill & Brett Kellam
Stefanie & William Kies
Michele Klosson
Gail & Eric Knutsen
Rachel & Richard Latto
Gale & Robert Lawrence
Penny Lehman
Susan & Paul Levine
Barbara & John Linsenmeyer
Lions Club of Old Greenwich
Janet & Steve Lockton
Grace & John Lynch
Margot & James Mabie
Paulette & James
Susan & William Mahoney
Janet & Don Marchand
Anettte Markley
Sue & Stuart McCalley
Kathleen & James McCord
Sandra McCullough
Kathy & John McGinty
McGraw-Hill Education
Tracy & Paul McKenna
Pat McLaughlin
Audrey McNiff
Laurie Meek
Meek Foundation
Anne & Andrew Miller
Susan Mirza
Margaret & Robert Moore
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Marjorie & Robert
Deanna M. Mulligan
Barbara & Michael Murray
Shirley Nelkin
Sue & Greg Neuman
Ruth & Marc Newberg
Mia & Tyler Newton
Anne & Chuck Niemeth
Susan & Edmund Noonan
Emily Ogden
Kathryn & Thomas O’Leary
Lisa & Richard Oswald
Catherine & Louis Paglia
The Panwy Foundation
Margaret & Joseph Pellegrino
Every effort has been
made to ensure the
accuracy of our lists.
We apologize for any
errors or omissions.
Please contact us to
correct our records.
Barbara Pettit
Adriana & Robert Phillips
Marian Phillips
Patricia & Anthony Piazza
Robin & Wynn Plaut
Sandy & Hans Plickert
J. Allan Pryor
Arthur Reimers
Debbie & Russ Reynolds
Julie & David Ricciardi
Barbara Richards
Jaye & Spike Richey
Phyllis Rodriguez
Sue & Michael Rogers
Janet Rogers
Faith & Philip Ruppel
Fleming & Dick Rutledge
Beth Ryder
St. Mary Guild
St. Mary Parish Social
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Paul’s Episcopal Society
Myra Sava
Alisa & Peter Savitz
Claudia & Andre Schipper
Lorraine Hufnagel &
Ernst Schirmer
Catherine & Roger
Anna & Larry Simon
Suzanne Simpson
Sandra & Stephen Soule
Deborah & Michael
Pamela & Robert Speer
Warren & Susan Stern
Family Fund
Angela Stevens
Padma & Eswaran
Mary Lou Conner
Sunderwirth, &
James Sunderwirth
Melinda & Markley Suthers
Pamela & Mark Talgo
Linda Taylor
Temple Sholom
Temple Sholom Minyanaires
Joan Button & Sudip Thakor
Sally & Mike Thebaud
Brook & Michael Urban
Marnie L.Vallely Trust
Liz & Peter Van Duyne
Vineyard Vines Retail
Barbara & Joseph Walsh
Beverly & John Watling
Linda & David Weatherseed
Susan & Torben Weis
Annette & Kirk Wilson
Deborah & Lee Wilson
Gail & Peter Wilson
Jane & Paul Wolansky
Suzanne & Jason Woody
The Woman’s Club of
Nancy & William Zisson
Emily Lethbridge
Linda & Michael Levine
Marilyn Small
Alicia & Raymond Smith
Penny Stamm
Lee Williams
Rev’d Brenda Stiers
Sue & Stuart McCalley
Theresa Wilson
Joy & Robert Brocking
Angelina Cassone
Nancy & Thomas Deneen
Susan Ferris
Cheryl Hothorn
In Honor of
AJ Asness’ Bar Mitzvah
Marian Wright
The Marriage of Kathy Walsh &
Gene Bernstein
Barbara & Peter Ripp
Terry Birdsong
Alice & Louis Duff
Anja Coffee
Sharon Catanzaro
Sarah Davidson
Tracey Davidson
In Memory of
BJ Buntrock
Margot & Gary Weinstein
Linda Adler Karan
Marie & Mel Hertzig
Dorothy Karrel
Patricia D. Andreucci
Helen & Joseph Danehy
Rita B. Henderson
Debra & Dean Karrell
Kathleen & Michael Langan
Hope Reeser
Norman Lethbridge
Frances & Michael Fitzgerald
Carolann & Thomas Flaherty
Sally C. Hoople
Allen Jackson
Barbara Pettit
Richard Kriskey
Veronica Staplefield &
Jack Kriskey
Barbara Kugler
Bee & Harry Hawks
Richard Malloch
Mark Redman
Stephen Paul O’Neill
Kimberly Steinhorn
Judith A. Wren
Selma Maisel Nursery School
Temple Sholom
Christina Weyl
Jane & Alan Weyl
In-Kind Heroes
Stuart Adelberg
Martha Agarwal
Mary Ruth Allen
Tanya Ames
Barbara & Tom Arenz
Sharon & Wayne Atwell
Alan Barry, Ph.D.
Matt Boardman
Joanne Bouknight
Nicole Bowman
Cathy Buck
Amy Burke
Mrs. B. Burke
Janice Carroll
Meg & Jerry Cole
Barbara Connolly
Sally Davies
Kathleen Dillon
Jen Donnalley
Christina & Chuck Downey
Linda Downing
Barbara Epstein
Sara Fawcett
Kathy Ferraro
Linda Fields
Patty Fieldsteel
Barbara & George Finn
Stephanie Finder
Beverly Frank
Lynn Friedberg
Usha & Mahendra Garg
Rev. Royal Garren
Rose Gasparrini
Margaret & Paul Griffin
Victoria Hackman
Lisa & William Haid
Susan Jagodzinski
Meredith & Madeliine
Ellen Keats & Irving
Lesley King
Wendy Kleinman
Garitt Kono
Marlene Lagares
Maira Laird
Sara & Len LaPorta
Tyler Lockton
Angela & Ray Lockwood
Kay Lombardo
Virginia & John Long
Christina Loperena
Donna Martines
Madhu Mather, M.D.
Pam & John Montgomery
Rose Nichols
Willow Oberweger
Jennifer & Christopher
Laura & Scott Ragone
Nancy & Gilbert Raker
Alma Rutgers &
Don Snyder
Rose Sabia
Myra Sava
Patty Sechi
Frank Siciliano
Ashley & Andrew Smith
Becky Ford Smith
Sandy Soule
Stephanie Spooner
Val & Jeffrey Sprague
Alexandra Stevens
Padma & Eswaran
Megan Sweeney
Marie Wardell
Donna Weltz
Lee Williams &
Wayne Chapman
Marcia Winpisinger
Corporations &
A&P Fresh
Act II
Augustine’s Farm
The Back Forty Farm
Barcelona Restaurant
Belle Haven Club
Berkshire Hathaway
Brooks Brothers of
Greenwich, Stamford and
White Plains
Burning Tree Country Club
Carrington Capital
Sam Cingari, Grade A
Coldwell Banker Residential
Connecticut’s Finest
DiMare Pastry Shop
First County Bank
Granoff Architects
Greenwich Association
of Realtors
Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich Racquet
Kings Food Markets
Lake Avenue Farm
Milbrook Club
Minute Men Cleaners
J.P. Morgan,
The Private Bank
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Nathaniel Witherell
Organic Planet
Porky Products, Inc.
Pro Bono Partnership
Prudential Connecticut
Ralph Lauren Greenwich
Riverbank Farms
Robinson & Cole, LLP
Rocky Point Club
Shore and Country
Smith Farms
Sotheby’s International
Stamford Marriott
Hotel & Spa
Starwood Hotels
Stop & Shop Greenwich
Stop & Shop Stamford
Sweet Pea Bakery
UBS Financial Services
Vineyard Vines
Weichert Realty
Weight Watchers
Whole Foods Market
Wine Wise
Woodland Farm
Civic & Community
AARP – Western
Arch Street Teen Center
Armstrong Court
Community Gardens
Belle Haven Camp
Bible Street
Community Gardens
Brownie Troop 50941
Brunswick School
Agriculture Club
Byram Veterans Women’s
The Children’s Hope Chest
Connecticut Food Bank
Cos Cob Volunteer
Fire Dept.
Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol
Fairfield County Community
First Church Growers for
the Hungry
Food Bank of Lower
Fairfield County
Garden Education Center
of Greenwich
Greenwich Council,
Boy Scouts of America
Greenwich Club for
Greenwich Cub Scouts
Greenwich Fellowship
of Clergy
Greenwich Girl Scouts
Greenwich Hospital
Thrift Shop
Greenwich Jaycees
Greenwich Kiwanis Club
Greenwich Land Trust
Greenwich Library
Greenwich Lions Club
Greenwich Police
Greenwich Recycling
Advisory Board
Greenwich Rotary Club
Greenwich Youth
Cheerleading League
Greenwich Youth
Football League
Horizons at Brunswick
Jewish Family Services
Junior League of
Kids in Crisis
Kiwanis Club
Knights of Columbus
Lake Avenue Farm
Lions Club of Old
Meals on Wheels
Mothers for Others
National Association of
Letter Carriers, Greenwich
National Honor Society
Needs Clearing House
Port Chester Girl Scouts
Retired Men’s Association
The Rummage Room
Salvation Army
The Sharing Shelf
Turning Pages
United Way of Greenwich
University of Virginia
Alumni Club
The Woman’s Club
of Greenwich
YMCA of Greenwich
Christ Church Greenwich
Church of St. Patrick,
Armonk, NY
Congregation Shir Ami
Diamond Hill United
Methodist Church
Dingletown Community
First Baptist Church
First Church of Christ,
First Church of Round Hill
First Congregational Church
of Greenwich
First Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist
Grace Church of
Greenwich Baptist Church
Greenwich Reform
North Greenwich
Congregational Church
Presbyterian Church of
Old Greenwich
Round Hill Community
Sacred Heart Parish
St. Agnes Church
St. Augustine’s Church
St. Barnabas Church
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Clement of Rome
St. Marks Church
St. Mary Parish
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church
St. Paul Roman Catholic
St. Saviour’s Episcopal
Second Congregational
Stanwich Congregational
Temple Emanuel
Temple Sholom
Trinity Church
Schools and PTAs
ARCH School
Beacon School
Bridges School
Brunswick School
Central Middle School
Children’s Day School
Christ Church Greenwich
Nursery School
Convent of the Sacred Heart
Cos Cob School
Eagle Hill School
Eastern Middle School
First Church Preschool
Glenville School
Greenwich Academy
Greenwich Catholic School
Greenwich Country Day
Greenwich High School
Greenwich Japanese School
GHS Heroes Club
GHS Neighbor to Neighbor
GHS Roots and Shoots Club
Hamilton Avenue School
International School at
Iona Preparatory School
Julian Curtiss School
New Lebanon Elementary
North Mianus School
North Street School
Old Greenwich Elementary
Parkway Elementary School
Patty Cake Playschool
The Preschool at Second
Putnam Indian Field School
Riverside School
Round Hill Nursery School
Rye Middle School
St. Paul’s Day School
Stanwich School
Selma Maizel Nursery School
Western Middle School
Whitby School
Neighbor to Neighbor Board of Directors
Allen P. Jackson
Anne Miller
Karen Royce
Alan Barry, Ph.D.
Nancy Coughlin
Pamela Speer
Department of
Social Services
Executive Director
Gail T. Gallagher
Vice President
Christine Zadik
Kip Burgweger
Eileen Bartels
Robert Brady
Susan Day
Connie Figgie
Pamela Kelly
Danny Stein
Liz Van Duyne
Julie Ricciardi
Betty Sheridan
Community Partners
Neighbor to Neighbor thanks the following businesses and community
groups, which each play an integral role in delivering our services and
impacting lives.
Christ Church Greenwich
Kings Food Markets
The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County
National Association of Letter Carriers, Greenwich
Greenwich Public Schools
Arch Street Teen Center
Greenwich Reform Synagogue
Bimbo Bakeries
Junior League of Greenwich
The Bishops’ Fund for Children
North Greenwich
Congregational Church
Brooks Brothers
Brunswick School
The Children’s Hope Chest
Church of St. Patrick, Armonk NY
Sam Cingari and Grade A ShopRite
Congregation Shir Ami
DiMare Pastry Shop
Eagle Hill School
Family Centers Head Start and RITE
Fairfield County Community
First Congregational Church of
First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich
First United Methodist Church
Garden Education Center
Greenwich Catholic School
Greenwich Community Gardens
Greenwich Council,
Boy Scouts of America
Greenwich Country Day School
Greenwich Department of
Social Services
Neighbor to Neighbor is
Greenwich’s Food and Clothing Pantry.
We cannot do it without you!
Old Greenwich Farmer’s Market
Pro Bono Partnership
Round Hill Community Church
Second Congregational
Church of Greenwich
The Selander Foundation
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Temple Sholom
Trinity Church
United Way of Greenwich
Please consider a monetary donation,
a gift of stock, a charitable distribution
from an eligible IRA or a legacy gift.
Office Hours
M - F 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Client Hours
M - Sa 8:30 am -12:30 pm
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
When you support
Neighbor to Neighbor
you give the gift
of a better future
248 East Putnam Avenue
Greenwich CT 06830
Neighbor to Neighbor
is a United Way agency.