WHC Coalinga Mission Statement West Hills College Coalinga is committed to achieving student learning through the provision of educational, cultural, and economic development opportunities to our current and future students and the local and global communities that we serve. VOL. 5, NO. 2 AUGUST, 2011 This newsletter is brought to you by the West Hills College Coalinga president’s office and is meant to give you the latest and greatest news and information from around the organization. WEST HILLS COLLEGE COALINGA Fall 2011 Events 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 1 | Page Accreditation Reaffirmation June 2011 Follow up report due March 15, 2012 2 college recommendations 6 district recommendations Teams to be formed to address each recommendation (faculty, classified, management) Timeline for report preparation o August-October Teams meet to draft responses o October (end) Preliminary drafts of responses o November Final drafts of responses o December Approval by CPC/Approval by WHCC President’s Executive Cabinet o January 2012 Approval by Chancellor’s Executive Cabinet/Approval by Board of Trustees TRIO – STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM (SSP), UPWARD BOUND (UB), AND UPWARD BOUND MATH & SCIENCE (UB MATH & SCIENCE) Sports Camp UB/UBMS students participated in a Sports Camp on July 18. The event was facilitated by Coach Steven Wright. The sport activity promotes healthy behaviors, leadership skills, and team work. The activity was conducted at Firebaugh/NDC in the morning at Maldonado Park and in the evening at the Coalinga campus. Talent Show Night UB/UBMS programs once again showed off how artistically gifted they are during the annual Talent Show on July 20, 2011. The audience was treated with fifteen amazing performances creating an ever entertaining event with acts ranging from singing, dancing, electrical guitars, and a comical skit written and performed by NDC students. Prizes were awarded st rd for 1 -3 place. A special thanks to the judges Steve Wright, Alex Villalobos, and Michelle DeOchoa. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 2 | Page Pool Day and Picnic UB/UBMS students at NDC participated in a Pool Day and picnic on July 19 at the park. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 3 | Page BBQ UB/UBMS NDC students ended their summer in Firebaugh by walking over to Maldonado Park on July 24 where they enjoyed a delicious BBQ. Community Project Night UB/UBMS staff hosted the Community Projects Night on July 27 celebrating the end of the 2011 Summer Residential program. This event allowed the groups to present their community based research projects. The event brought to a close the students’ community service project(s) presentations. These presentations also provided an opportunity for the future UB/UBMS leaders to hone their leadership skills and develop a closer connection to their hometown communities. Disneyland Youth Education Leadership Series This summer, the Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math & Science had the opportunity to attend the Disneyland Youth Education Leadership Series event at Disneyland and California Adventure in Anaheim, CA. The students attended the th st leadership camp from Friday, August 29 through Sunday August 31 . The students were divided into smaller groups to gain a better experience lead by a Disney Team Leader. They learned what it takes to be an engineer and build their own rollercoaster, how sound waves travel, how the laws of physics are used to develop the best Disney rides, and how 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 4 | Page leadership encourages people to dream big and reach for the stars. Every workshop was followed by a ride incorporating the lesson learned in the preceding workshop. After the workshops, students were able to go to the theme parks. Many of these students had never been to Disneyland, so this was a great opportunity for them to experience the happiest place on earth while receiving academic enrichment. WHCC NORTH DISTRICT CENTER (NDC) HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM (HEP) National HEP/CAMP Association th th On July 19 –20 , 2011, the National HEP/CAMP Association members conducted visits in Washington D.C. HEP/CAMP programs from across the country visited Capitol Hill to help create awareness among congressional representatives on local educational challenges affecting the rural farm migrant communities within their respective Congressional Districts. It is important to share key program information with valley leaders about the positive impact HEP/CAMP Programs are having among hard-working families. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 5 | Page (left to right: Eliseo Gamino, Anita Wright, Jim Costa (Congressman), and Javier Cazares) OTHER SPECIAL CAMPUS EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES Community Reception by Los Promotores in Firebaugh th On July 29 , 2011, President Lewallen recognized the leadership accomplishments of Jose Antonio Ramirez during his tenure as City Manager for the City of Firebaugh. Jose Ramirez is leaving Firebaugh to take a new job at Livingston (CA) and will be greatly missed. Community agencies, local and regional leaders, collaborative partners, and residents attended the special farewell luncheon sponsored by Los Promotores. (left to right: Jose Antonio Ramirez, President Lewallen, and Marcel Hetu) 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 6 | Page ATHLETICS 2011-2012 WHCC Falcon Cheer Team 2011-2012 WHCC Falcon Cheer Team attended the U.S.A. th st Cheer Camp in Anaheim California July 29 thru Aug 1 they are pictured with the camp spirit award for stunting. The cheer team advisor is Sandy McGlothlin. They are lead by Gerald Butler who is assisted by Terri Penney (Mountain View Real Estate). All of the cheer staff volunteer so when you see them give them a big thank you for bringing school spirit back to campus. L – R; Serena Hernandez, Kyle Rush, Sonia Valencia, Mackenzie Garcia, Tia Ruggles, Cecilia Ceja, Gracie Arredondo, Mackenzie Filipe and Des Soto Fall 2011 Football DATE Sept 10 DAY Saturday OPPONENT Feather River LOCATION Quincy TIME 1pm Sept 17 Saturday Fresno City Fresno 7pm Sept 24 Saturday Monterey Peninsula Coalinga 7pm Oct 1 Saturday Reedley Lemoore HS 7pm Oct 8 Saturday College of the Sequoias Visalia 7pm Oct 15 Saturday *De Anza Cupertino 7pm Oct 22 Saturday Coalinga 2pm Oct 29 Saturday *Los Medanos (Homecoming & Hall of Fame) *Diablo Valley Coalinga 7pm Nov 5 Saturday *Chabot Hayward 6pm Nov 12 Saturday *Merced Coalinga 1pm 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 7 | Page Homecoming 2011 Just a reminder - Homecoming will be held on Saturday, October 22, at the Chuck Garten Memorial Football Bowl, at 2 p.m. The Athletic Hall of Fame social hour, dinner and presentation will follow at 6 p.m., in the college gymnasium. For more information call 559.934.2452. Fall 2011 Volleyball DATE DAY OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Sat Aug 27 Monterey Peninsula Scrimmage Monterey All Day Fri Sept 2 Modesto Junior College Tournament Modesto All Day WED SEPT 7 OHLONE COLLEGE COALINGA 5:30 PM Fri Sept 9 Cosumnes River Tournament Sacramento All Day Fri Sep 16 Monterey Peninsula Tournament Monterey All Day WED SEPT 21 *TAFT COLLEGE COALINGA 6:00 PM WED SEPT 28 *PORTERVILLE COLLEGE COALINGA 6:00 PM Fri Sept 30 *Merced College Merced 6:00 PM WED OCT 5 *REEDLEY COLLEGE COALINGA 6:00 PM Fri Oct 7 *Columbia College Sonora 5:00 PM Wed Oct 12 *Fresno City College Fresno 6:00 PM FRI OCT 14 *COLLEGE OF SEQUOIAS COLAINGA 6:00 PM Wed Oct 19 *Taft College Taft 6:00 PM FRI OCT 21 *MERCED COLLEGE COALINGA 6:00 PM Wed Oct 26 *Porterville College Porterville 6:00 PM Wed Nov 2 *Reedley College Reedley 6:00 PM FRI NOV 4 *COLUMBIA COLLEGE COALINGA 5:00 PM WED NOV 9 *FRESNO CITY COLLEGE COALINGA 6:00 PM Fri Nov 11 *College of Sequoias Visalia 6:00 PM *Conference Games HOME GAMES IN BOLD 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 8 | Page Fall 2011 Rodeo DATE DAY HOST, LOCATION Sept 22-24 Thurs-Sat Feather River College, Quincy, CA Oct 14-15 Fri-Sat Lassen College, Susanville, CA 2011-2012 Basketball Schedule DATE DAY OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Nov 11-13 Fri-Sun Cuesta Tournament San Luis Obispo TBA Nov-19 Saturday L.A. Trade Tech College Coalinga 5pm Nov 25-27 Fri-Sun Oxnard College Tournament Oxnard TBA Dec-2 Friday Siskiyous College Coalinga 7pm Dec-3 Saturday San Diego Mesa College Coalinga 5pm Dec 9-11 Dec-15 Fri-Sun Thursday Quinn Henry Tournament Modesto College Los Altos Coalinga TBA 5pm Dec 28-30 Wed-Fri San Diego Mesa Tournament San Diego TBA 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 9 | Page Jan-4 Wednesday *Porterville College Porterville 7pm Jan-11 Wednesday *Merced College Coalinga 7pm Jan-14 Saturday *Columbia College Sonora 5pm Jan-18 Wednesday *College of the Sequoias Visalia 7pm Jan-21 Saturday *Fresno City College Coalinga 7pm Jan-25 Wednesday *Reedley College Coalinga 7pm Jan-28 Saturday *Porterville College Coalinga 7pm Feb-4 Saturday *Merced College Merced 7pm Feb-8 Wednesday *Columbia College Coalinga 5pm Feb-11 Saturday *College of the Sequoias Coalinga 7pm Feb-15 Wednesday *Fresno City College Fresno 7pm Feb-18 Saturday *Reedley College Reedley 7pm * Conference Games HOME GAMES IN BOLD Big Monday Bash SAVE THE DATE - Monday, December 5, at 7 p.m. This annual event which is sponsored by the WHCC Men’s Basketball will be held at the Coalinga Elk’s Lodge (cost is $100 per couple). For more information telephone 559.934.2460. STAFF DEVELOPMENT, RECOGNITION, AND INVOLVEMENT Faculty and Classified Staff Mini Grants for 2011-12 During 2010-11 we continued the strategy to promote staff development, innovation, and creativity – the Faculty and Classified Staff Mini Grant Programs. Faculty members and classified staff members were able to submit a proposal to secure funds for 2011-12 up to $2,000 (faculty) and $1,000 (classified) to support ideas, initiatives, and activities that will enhance the educational experiences for students. Funding for the mini grants comes from the WHCC Foundation. We had several proposals submitted, but due to funding limitations we were only able to fund two of the proposals. The grant recipients and their projects are listed below. Congratulations to all! Giselle Simon (Counselor) Trista Haggard (Advising Specialist)/ Domenica Sanchez (Career Center Technician) Project Initiate the development of a transfer culture at WHCC as well as establish and nurture projects with colleges and universities (implement transfer advisory committee, workshops, field trips, professional development of staff). Workshops for students that provide educational, cultural, and economic development (provide lunch for students and cover transportation expenses for presenters). Amount of Award $2,000 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 $1,000 10 | Page CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION July 2011 Curriculum Institute Five WHCC staff attended the July 2011 Curriculum Institute in sunny San Diego. Curriculum Chair, Sarah Shepard, was joined by Scott Sutherland, Kevin Wilds, April Chavarria, and Jill Stearns in the intensive workshop style presentations coordinated by the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges. The annual event is a great opportunity to hear about new and coming changes from the staff of the state Chancellor’s Office. Vice Chancellor Carole Goldsmith, a team of five from Lemoore, and the Wilds’ family rounded out the WHCCD group. Transfer Degrees Upon returning from San Diego, Sarah Shepard convened an online curriculum meeting where two new transfer degrees were approved to meet the needs of students seeking transfer to a CSU in the area of Administration of Justice and Mathematics. These degrees are the first to be approved at WHCC according to the SB1440 guidelines for guaranteed transfer and bachelor’s degree completion. There are already several more transfer degrees under development by faculty to further increase the options for students. DeVry University Begins Offering Bachelor’s Degree Classes Our partnership with DeVry University has begun. Bachelor’s degree classes for a degree in Technical Management began in July on the Coalinga campus. The following classes are in progress for DeVry’s summer term. COLL 148 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving BUSN 115 – Introduction to Business and Technology We have begun exploring the possibility of utilizing technology to connect students at the North District Center to DeVry University opportunities. Health Careers The CNA class that began June 2011 celebrated their completion on August 10, 2011. The ceremony was held in the theater, at 5:00pm, honoring the 13 students that successfully completed the course. STUDENT SERVICES University Representatives University Representatives from DeVry University, National University, Columbia College, UC Merced, and Fresno Pacific continue to be on campus serving the needs of students, in the Transfer Center. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred. For more information sign-up in Student Services or contact Domenica Sanchez at 559.934.2174. FARM OF THE FUTURE Cummunity Garden Jim Brixey and his student employees planted gardens during the spring, summer and fall seasons. Cesar Salas is a student worker who manages the community garden. Leroy Squire and Jason Huerera are among those who help with the garden. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 11 | Page For all California farmers this has been a tough year. The weather changes from rain to chill made it extremely difficult to get plants to grow. West Hills Farm is no exception. Jim said, ―It was [really] hard to grow anything and when things did grow the little rabbits ate them up. Cesar had to plant ocra three times.‖ Despite their hardships, Cesar and his coworkers have managed to grow tomatoes, jalepenos, ocra, bellpeppers, squash, watermelons, cantelope, and corn this summer. Not all of these are quite ripe enough to pick yet, however the team is working hard to keep them growing. This garden is for the community. Anyone is welcome to go out and pick whatever they would like to take home and eat. Vince Motte Weather Station at Farm of the Future Stn ID 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 Max Soil Max Air Avg Wind Max Rel Name Date Tmp(F) Tmp(F) Speed(mph) Precip(in) Hum(%) Coalinga 8/8/2011 78.5 93.7 5.6 0.23 58 Coalinga 8/9/2011 77.2 95.4 5.9 0 44 Coalinga 8/10/2011 76.7 95.5 6 0 31 Coalinga 8/11/2011 76.4 93.2 5.8 0 36 Coalinga 8/12/2011 76.6 93 5.7 0.11 42 Coalinga 8/13/2011 76.7 95.4 5.6 0 42 Coalinga 8/14/2011 76.5 96.6 6.8 0 46 Making Way for the Solar Panels Farm of the Future staff and student employees finished chipping almond trees and cutting firewood to make way for the future WHCCD solar voltaic project. They started clearing approximately 1800 trees from the 17 acres this past spring and finishing the process early in August. The next step will involve hauling the chips and root balls off the project site. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 12 | Page Ag Science II Project Update The project status at the first of August is approximately 50% complete. As with our July 2011 up-date report, most of the progress is comprised of underground work installing piping and electrical conduit developing the infrastructure of the project and future projects. rd It is anticipated that by the August 23 BOT meeting building 500 (CTE program shops) will be under construction. The design for the new ag well pump and distribution system is being developed by Provost & Prichard. The preliminary design is scheduled to be ready for review by the second week of August. PG&E permits are progressing; the project is waiting on Rule 16 permit so electrical construction can be scheduled. WHCC Welding Classes offered at the Lemoore Campus th. Evening welding classes on the Lemoore Campus are just finishing up on Aug 4 The class had a strong enrollment of 20 dedicated students. The summer heat made for difficult conditions but all of the students completed the class. Welding in o 100 F+ temperatures is not pleasant, but the students stayed with it and did very well. Conditions became better with the setting sun and they stayed busy right to the very end of class (9:30 pm). The picture below is typical of the intense students developing skills using the mobile welding lab. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 13 | Page PERSONNEL Tenure Recipients The following instructors were recently granted tenure by the WHCCD Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the Academic Senate and President Lewallen: Al Graves/GEOG, Giselle Simon/Counselor and Sherry Barragan/PSYTEC. CONGRATULATIONS! Al Gaves Giselle Simon Sherry Barragan Welcome to the Falcon Family! Michael Curran, Head Falcon Baseball Coach and ENG Instructor Alex Villalobos, Director of Residential Living and Student Activities 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 14 | Page Lainey Campos, Senior Secretary Employee Transitions The following employees have either retired or moved on to other opportunities. We wish them well in their future endeavors. We thank them for their many contributions to the district and colleges and we wish for them nothing but success in their future endeavors. Ron Danner, Director of Residential Living (1996-2011) Jesse Cota, Advising Specialist (1996-2011) Verna Hernandez, Director of Health Careers (2008-2011) Troy Holsonbake, Faculty Member (2006-2011) David Reynolds, Associate Dean of Student Services (1998-2011) Jana Cox, Director of Financial Aid (2004-2011) Susan Whitener, Associate Vice Chancellor (2000-2011) Rhea Rehark-Griffith, Faculty Member (1985-2011) Connie Flores, Secretary (2006-2011) Franki Cleveland, Secretary (2005-2011) Brett Howard, Financial Aid Assistant (2010-2011) Tom Winters, Faculty Member (1986-2011) John Benson, Groundskeeper (1991-2011) WHCCD FOUNDATION First Lady Laura Bush is coming to West Hills College As part of the Distinguished Lecturer and Performer Series, former First Lady Laura Bush will speak at West Hills College th Lemoore on Saturday, Sept. 24 . Tickets are available at protix.com and start at $25. Get yours today. Largest ever cash gift given to WHCC Foundation WHCCD retiree Dixie Welborn and her husband, Brian, who were students together at West Hills College Coalinga after World War II, have made the largest ever cash gift to the West Hills College Foundation. Dixie died in Sept. 2009 and Brian died exactly one month later. Most of their estate was left to three entities—the WHCC Foundation; the CoalingaHuron Parks and Recreation Department, on whose board Dixie served as president for many years; and the Coalinga 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 15 | Page Community Foundation. The initial distribution to the WHCC Foundation was $200,000. Details and a formal announcement are in the works. Their gift will provide scholarships for WHCC students in perpetuity as a wonderful reminder of their commitment to West Hills College Coalinga and its students. FACILITIES WHCC Fitness Lab (Open Lab) Fall 2011 Fitness Lab Hours: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 5:15am—8am/9am—12pm/1pm—5pm Tuesday-Thursday 5:15am—9am/10:30am—1pm/2:30pm—6pm Saturday 8am—12pm Membership Date: Monday, Aug 15, 2011 through Friday, December 16, 2011 Cost: $95 (price includes use of fitness lab equipment, workout towel, locker room, shower facilities). For more information come by the athletic offices on campus or contact Gina Tollison at 559.934.2452 New Campus Map and Campus Buildings Relabeled During this past year the Facilities Planning Council worked on revising and redesigning the campus maps. In revising the map it was noted that we had considerable inconsistency in the labeling and naming of buildings. In some cases we used a name and in some cases we used a letter. This truly created confusion for students on their class schedules. With the addition of the Wellness Center and the need to ―label it‖, the Council decided that now was the time to clean all of this up. It was decided that all campus buildings would receive a ―letter‖ designation and the letter would never change. A name could be placed on a building, but the letter would always remain (for schedule purposes, maps, etc.). For example, the Wellness Center is ―U.‖ When someone decides to donate $1 million dollars to have his/her name placed on the building we will certainly do that. However, the building will always remain as ―U‖ on a student class schedule and on the map. We have also labeled the parking lots 1-4. This will provide improved communication when we provide visitors and others information about the campus. It is certainly easier to send a map to someone and direct the person to park in Lot 3 rather than say ―park in the lot by the ATM.‖ New directional maps, signs, and building letters are being fabricated and will be installed soon. Temporary letters will be placed on buildings for the start of the semester. The revised campus map can be accessed on the college web site at campus map. You can download the electronic version of this newsletter at: www.westhillscollege.com/coalinga/about/presidents_pen_newsletter.asp 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 16 | Page
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