Jul - Portland Yacht Club
Jul - Portland Yacht Club
the P O R T L A N D YA C H T C L U B M O N T H LY Memorial Day Cruise July 2006 Vol. 56 No. 7 PAGE 2 | The Portlight | 7.06 COMMODORE’S COMMENTS PYC’s 2006 Mix Great Summer Activities in Full Swing! opportunities to go cruising, many PYC boats will be away from the Club. Reminder: If your boat is away from the PYC his Summer’s calmarina for more than 30 days you need to endar is crowded! advise the Office. This policy was enacted Our committees and staff last year primarily for safety and security are committed to making considerations. If you’re planning an exyour Summer FUN! It’s tended cruise, advise the Office if you’d hard to believe 2006 is half like to sublet your slip or boathouse. It’s esover; what fantastic times sential the Office knows all sublets in case we’ve shared due to the great team efforts of of emergencies. the committees and PYC Staff. Thank you to all who are contributing their strengths Many PYC families are going Summer to make 2006 phenomenal. Cruising and are returning to the calm waters of the Columbia. Three PYC families Mark your calendar now – October 13th – are on the verge of departing for unknown PYC’s Centennial Auction. We’ve changed cruising destinations. All three families a cookout to an Auction night to raise are first going North to at least Vancouver some money for some special projects to be Island and will ultimately work their way completed for our 100th Year Celebration down the Pacific coast to Mexico and bein 2008. Invite everyone you know to the yond. We wish John (recently retired) and Auction, and if you’d like to help, contact Janet Colby, Dr. Michael McDonald (now Heather Adams. semi-retired) and Ann Elliot, and Carl Hosticka and Claudia Black many safe and enWith Summer’s great weather and so many joyable passages across the numerous miles of oceans that lay ahead. I would also like to personally thank each of these members for their great efforts over the years on various projects and events. Hopefully from time to time, they’ll email us and we can publish some of their accounts in future the PORTLIGHT Portlights. • T published monthly by the P O R T L A N D YAC H T C L U B 1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, Oregon 97211 P: 503.285.1922 | F: 503.283.4960 Email: [email protected] EDITORS Skip and Mary Ann Nitchie PHOTOGRAPHERS Stan Borys Frank Tillman OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Commodore Doug Foster (sail) Vice Commodore Heather Adams (power) Secretary/Treasurer Berkeley Smith (sail) Rear Commodore Bill Chevalier (power) Trustee Year 2 Walt Witchard (sail) Trustee Year 1 Eric Gazow (power) Trustee Year 2 Tom Brusco (sail) Trustee Year 1 Mike Stansell (power) Trustee Year 1 Roger Jorgensen (power) Mark McCuddy, PYC’s Sailing Captain, was truly busy throughout June, hosting both the Rose Festival Regatta Series and our own Mauni Elliott Series. Both events offered a wide range of conditions, offering success to well-rounded crews. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to support these two great series. PYC also hosts two ‘Beer Can’ races that are lots of fun – Fiesta Night is August 4th. For more racing info check out: http://www.leftblank.com/sailpdx/ Looking ahead at July’s Mix: • Assuming you receive this issue on July 1st, you still have some time to enjoy Charlie and Patti Bishop’s June 30, July 1,2,3 Cruise to the Outstation. And sign up for Vic and Jody Alfonso’s spectacular traditional July 4th Celebration at the Club – complete with Bingo, Burgers, and Bombs (fireworks)! Best 4th of July deal anywhere!! • • • • Men’s and Ladies’ golf continues to be popular this year. I’ve even heard rumors of a combined men’s and ladies’ best ball scramble tournament with a BBQ afterwards at the Club. Everyone will enjoy the warm evenings on PYC’s patio during July’s two cookouts. I’ve received several very positive comments on PYC’s Friday afternoon “Happy Hours”. Great way to end the work week! There is also time to finalize your July Cruising plans. • We have another Mini Cruise planned July 14 – 16 to McCuddy’s on Multnomah Channel. Plan on scheduling a great meal at Mark’s Channel Restaurant (503-5438765). Call Sharon early (503543-3836) to make arrangements for a slip. • Several members have already left on their circumnavigation of Vancouver Island prior to meeting up with this year’s PYC Barkley Sound Cruise. The first week (July 15 – 22) of the Barkley Sound Cruise will have members scattered all across this spectacular area. We will all meet up July 23rd in Ucluelet and generally cruise together the last week of July. Other members are off to the Broughton Islands, Desolation Sound and the Gulf or San Juan Islands. PYC’s Annual Down River Cruise, August 4 – 13, renamed this year as “PYC’s Voyage of Discovery” in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, will offer many opportunities to gain insights into the past history of our Columbia River. Russ Kuhn is heading up the cruise this year. More information will be forthcoming. Fair Winds and Following Seas! Doug Foster Commodore S/V Monkey Bar COMMODORE’S REMINDERS PAGE 3 | The Portlight | 7.06 June June 30 & July 1, 2 & 3 4th of July Cruise July July 4 BBQ, Bingo & Fireworks at PYC July 5, 12, 19 and 26 plus August 2 and 9 Men’s Golf July 7 Cookout July 10 Portlight Deadline July 11, 18 and 25 plus August 1 and 8 Ladies’ Golf July 12 Board Meeting July 14, 15 and 16 Mini Cruise to McCuddy’s Landing July 15 through July 30 Barkley Sound Cruise July 20 Bridge Club July 21 Cookout August August 1 and 8 Ladies’ Golf August 2 and 9 Men’s Golf August 4 through 13 PYC Voyage of Discovery (Down River Cruise) August 4 PYC Beer Can Fiesta Night August 10 Portlight Deadline August 12 Astoria Regatta MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! 24-Hour Event Reservation Line 503.735.0632 Online Reservations www.portlandyc.com CRUISING NEWS H ere are some updates on fellow PYC cruisers: Back in January, Craig Mortensen gave us an idea of what it was like to cruise two thirds of the way around the Earth on a 36’ sailboat. Craig is now back on his boat in the Mediterranean (French Riveria) working his way Westward. BARKLEY SOUND A friendly reminder to those cruising to Barkley Sound; be sure to make your own Eagle Nook dinner reservations at least two weeks prior to our July 27 dinner date. You may do so by calling 1800-760-2777 or by emailing [email protected]. M A N AG E R ’ S R E P O R T T hank you to all of you who have been helping us to keep our expenses down by following our policies at the waste oil area. Remember that our dumpsters and wood storage area are for members only. Contractors are to dispose of their own waste, and to use their own carts for transporting supplies. They will last longer and remain cleaner without being abused. Carts are for our members’ use only please. I want to take this chance to thank our team players for all of their efforts to make PYC a great place to be. Shannon Thayne is our office manager and I couldn’t do my job without her. Brian Parham and Deanne Jones are our housekeepers as well as helping with all of our events. Betty, Jelista and Chris are here for lunch, cookouts and events. Delany and Shelly are our bartenders with fill ins as needed. Terry Truan is our dockmaster and jack-of-all-trades. We now have an able assistant for him, Jack Gentry. Thank you to all of you for your loyalty and expertise. Later this summer all Boat Houses will be required to meet standards set forth in what is called Title 28. Over the last The dinner will not disappoint. two years, Eric Gazow and Tom Stringfield We’ll be coming down Vancouver Island’s have helped formulate these standards with West Coast and will meet other PYC Cruis- many state and local groups. If you own a boathouse, please get familiar with the ers in Ucluelet July 23. regulations before you make any changes. http://www.portlandonline.com/auditor/ John Colby index.cfm?c=28192 . Roger Jorgensen There will be free docking at Eagle Nook. George and Sue Stonecliffe, who participated in the 2004 Latitude 38 Baja Ha – Ha from San Diego to Cabo, are outfitting their newly acquired 45’ ketch in Puerto Vallarta. They plan to stop in Portland around Labor Day on their way North to Alaska. We hope while in Portland they will have time to share their experiences with us land locked (employed) boaters. Doug Foster I hope all of you have a great summer on the water as well as here at the club. Fred Manager PAGE 4 | The Portlight | 7.06 4th of July Cruise Join us for a four-day 4th of July Cruise June 30, July 1-2-3rd at Willow Bar Outstation Friday, June 30th: All day arrival to the Outstation Evening – BYO appetizers and beverages on Patio Float around 6 pm Saturday, July 1st Continental breakfast at 8 am with Coffee and OJ Lunch on your own Dinner 6:30 pm - Baby back Ribs and “Fixings” Dessert contest: Bring your favorite dessert Prize awarded for best “Fourth of July” dessert (Commodore and 1st Lady Taste Test) Sunday, July 2nd Brunch potluck at 11 am, coffee provided 5:30 pm Wine tasting (bring your favorite bottle) Cheese, Crackers, & Fruit Provided S’mores and campfire later on beach Monday, July 3rd Continental breakfast with Coffee and OJ Bring your bicycles for a Sauvie Island ride 4th of July Celebration at Club Cost is $16.00 per person; Children age 12 and under $8.00 – Make reservations by Monday, June 26th please Fantastic All-American Barbeque Dinner Burgers Grilled Hot Dogs & Polish Jody’s Potato Salad Baked Beans Watermelon Apple Pie Ice Cream Vic’s Bingo with Prizes Watch Fort Vancouver Fireworks at Dusk—the best land vantage point on the river Bar 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Cost: $12 Adult Bingo 8:00 Fireworks at Dusk $7 Child under 12 NOTE: PARKING LOT RESERVED FOR PYC MEMBERS ONLY DUE TO POPULARITY OF EVENT. Vic and Judy Alfonso host our traditional All-American 4th of July Barbeque, Bingo Party and Fireworks! Plenty of time to return from the Cruise and celebrate at the club! Separate reservations required for Cruise and Celebration Cruise Reservation Deadline: June 28 – Celebration Reservation Deadline: June 30 24-Hour Event Reservation Line 503.735.0632 – On-Line Reservations: www.portlandyc.com PAGE 5 | The Portlight | 7.06 M O R E M E M O R I A L DAY F U N PAGE 6 | The Portlight | 7.06 A DV E RT I S E R S A P P R E C I AT I O N C O O KO U T M ary Ann and I have been your Portlight editors for 6 months. Over that time we have encouraged additional advertising to defray printing costs. Both PYC members and non-members may take advantage of the opportunity to publicize their business in the well-read pages of the Portlight. Lawn care, real estate, travel, boat sales and insurance are just some of the services and goods to be marketed. Microtech Systems Seaward Monarch Hotel 5 square inches costs $50. / month. 10 square inches costs $100. / month. Ads should be designed to fit these dimensions. Deadline, 10th of the month. Submit to: [email protected] or [email protected] Vic Alfonzo Cadillac Dockside The Sailing Life Sanderson Safety Supply Skip Nitchie Cruise to McCuddy’s Landing Anders Printing Company This is a fun mini cruise not to be missed. Mark’s on the Channel has great food. There may be a gathering on the patio by the office for some tall stories and robust singing. That should help you decide where you want to moor. July 14, 15 and 16 For the GPS addicts, it is on the Multnomah Channel Sells Marine Your GPS Coordinates are 45° 43’ 47” N 122° 51’ 34” W 3PM to 7PM Every Friday Light Hors d’oeuvres You need to go to Happy Hour PAGE 7 | The Portlight | 7.06 C H E VA L I E R S , J U S T I C E S A N D B R E W E R S R U N AG R O U N D T hree PYC couples and a former member were temporarily “shipwrecked” at sea in early June as the 32,000ton cruise ship Norwegian Crown went aground off Bermuda. Larry and Vicki Justice, Bill and Gerri Chevalier, Mal and Peggy Brewer, along with former member Lucy Sheeley and a fourth couple sailed from Philadelphia and had visited St. Georges, Bermuda. The next morning the ship left for Hamilton, but missed a narrow channel and went aground on a sand and coral reef. Four large tugs waited for high tide, then swung the stern back and forth and finally extricated the ship with its 1,135 passengers and crew. Somehow, the ship’s captain failed to ask for advice from any of the PYC contingent. But he did order free drinks for everybody aboard. Bill Chevalier Every Tuesday Call Linda Nurss to find out where [email protected] 503.318.0335 The Land Cruise Jim and I went to Tucson for Memorial Day to visit Carl and Cheri Tuma. We all took a Land Cruise down to Nogales, Mexico and had a lot of fun. We sure had a good time, but also missed all the fun at the outstation. See you soon. Every Wednesday Call Larry Snyder for directions [email protected] 503.737.1509 Julie Hinkley Editors Note: Ever wonder how Jim manages to get in every issue? We think it’s the hats. PAGE 8 | The Portlight | 7.06 N ROW GALA PAGE 9 | The Portlight | 7.06 LEAST WE FORGET THE CRODS ARE ALIVE AND WELL T he CRODs live in the memories of many of our older members, but a Texan, David Kanally, also has a great appreciation for the Columbia River One Design, a 28 foot shallow draft, family sailboat very popular at PYC in the 30s and 40s. David has CROD #3, Aeolus, and has become the class historian. David contracted with Lisa R. Daniels to do a watercolor of Aeolus. Through efforts of Chuck Kellogg and Glen Elliot, we now proudly display a beautifully framed copy next to the door leading to the grill. Chuck had it framed. est CROD still being sailed of the 12 built. The CROD concept was developed by a group at PYC, designed by Joseph Dyer and built or kitted by the Astoria Marine Construction Company, still in business. In fact they did the recent restoration of old #3. David Kanally has developed a magnificent web site dedicated to the CROD. Glen, Chuck and our new print www.geocities.com/crodhull3/index.htm Aeolus was built from a kit by Walter “Cap” Elliot, Glen’s father, and is the oldCommodores Wilcox, Webster and Clow all raced CRODs. They were Commodores in 1938, 1939 and 1940. Three sailors in succession! CROD #3 Skip Nitchie PAGE 10 | The Portlight | 7.06 JUNE 6 COOKOUT PAGE 11 | The Portlight | 7.06 SAILING – SAILING – SAILING June Sailing at PYC T he first week of June is behind us and we’ve hosted our first regatta of the year, the PYC Rose Festival Regatta. A weekend of typical spring weather, we had one evening of no wind, one evening of great breeze and an afternoon of fluky conditions with the west wind and the river’s current doing battle as two opposing forces. Friday night was the highlight of the 3 day event with winds out of the west around 10 mph. We were able to run everyone around a windward/leeward course twice and saw some great racing on the river. Saturday conditions were light, with sparse winds. We were able to complete 2 races. The largest fleet of the event, the level 171 fleet, composed of Martins and a Wave- length 24 did battle all weekend long with Rock Kent on Apple Pi taking the overall honors. Second place is still uncertain due to protests pending. The J-24 fleet had great competition, however results aren’t final as we have several protests pending in that fleet as well! The Cal 20’s had some great racing with Craig Daniels on For My Girls taking first place and Pete Thompson a close second on My Dead Body. “A” fleet was comprised of 4 boats with the Melges 24’s finding conditions to their liking; Tony Humpage on Merlin getting first place and Paul and Gail Teveliet on Bandit getting a second. The team of Tom Kelly and Jim Madden took home third on Blue Streak. Bill Brennan and company manned the mark boat all 3 days and took some great video footage while setting (and resetting) marks. Bob Martin prepared a great spaghetti dinner for everyone Saturday. Fred mentioned Monday that there were no leftovers! Aside from the racing, the highlight of the regatta was the help received from volunteers- Rod Buck, Cherrie Eudaly, Carolyn Martin, Susan Coulson & Tim Morris all took time to help set courses and run races. Mark McCuddy PYC WILLOW BAR DOWNS As you read this we should have wrapped up the Mauni Elliott Wednesday night series. Our first Wednesday was great with plenty (15-20 mph) of wind blowing out of the Northwest. Results of this highly fun regatta will be posted in next month’s Portlight. PAGE 12 | The Portlight | 7.06 DOWN RIVER CRUISE NEW MEMBERS S teve and Jessica Eckhardt live in Portland with their two children, Nicholas 11 and Alaila 10. Steve is the owner of Pat’s Quality meats of Portland. The Eckhardt’s have a SeaRay 34 named One Fine Day. Christina Fletcher and Mate Melvin Oswalt are Portland residents. Christina is a designer/stylist with Authentic Creations and Melvin is the Owner of Oswalt Trucking. Cristina is a member of the Oregon Women’s Sailing Association and presently owns a Walker Bay 10. Gary Kunz and Julie Demaree reside just down the road on Bridgeton road. They also have two children, Ollie Kunz 12 and Carolyn Demaree 11. Gary is an electrical engineer with the Bonneville Power Administration. Gary and Julie are sailors with a 32 foot Gulf Pilothouse named San Souci. Welcome aboard all! The New Members Committee: Larry and Lee Ann Snyder Peter and Lynda Hirst LADIES’ CRUISE Make your Reservations. You will not want to miss this one! Questions – Contact Terri Entler Theme: Celebrating the 50’s When: September 8-10 Agenda: Friday Night: Pajama party Serving Ice Cream Sodas Hoola Hoop Contest. Saturday: Decorate your Boat 1:00 – Hors d’ouvres on the dock 4:00 – Talent show ( optional) 6:00 – Dinner (hosted by club) 8:00 – Music of the 50’s and Karaoke Sunday: 10:00 – Brunch and Awards: Awards for: Best Decorated Boat Best Dressed Crew Best Talent or Karaoke singer. Best Hors d’oeuvres Hoola Hoop contest P YC E G ID BR Come have fun. Everyone is Welcome! Bring your lunch – Men Invited Next Meeting September 21 REMEMBER there are cookouts on July 7 and July 21. The themes are No Themes so come as you are. PAGE 13 | The Portlight | 7.06 M AY 1 9 C O O K O U T PAGE 14 | The Portlight | 7.06 2 0 0 6 M E M O R I A L DAY C R U I S E E leven boats and crews arrived at the Outstation early on Thursday. A cross section of new members and senior members enjoyed the benefits of their collective boating experiences. Although the skies were heavy with frequent showers, the shelter float provided warm and dry protection from the elements. A new drip coffee service helped to warm from the inside out. Following a drizzly night, 12 more boats arrived Friday as one departed. Ted & Betsy Leonardi arrived in their Land Yacht. The potluck appetizer produced a vast selection of culinary talents. That event lasted late into the night. Saturday saw ten more boats stern tie to the docks, bringing more people, more kids, family, friends, grandparents, a crosssection of canines and 1 cat. The pancake breakfast was a hit, produced on the new BIG gas grill obtained by the Club. Thanks to Larry Cirotski for that procurement. With lunch individually prepared, the flank steaks (marinated for three nights) were eagerly awaited for dinner Saturday evening. Many, many “supervisors” tasted and tested. Accompanied by red potatoes, green beans, spinach and feta salad and make-it-yourself sundaes, it was devoured quickly. Dock fellowship continued as the large group of new members was welcomed by “older” members. Everyone had a most pleasant experience. After a potluck brunch Sunday morning, accompanied by juice and more great coffee, time was spent dock-talking and investigating new members’ boats. The Inaugural Running at Willow Bar Downs commenced at 3:00. Those who participated, youngsters and oldsters, had a great time. There was even a Commodore’s Race. It was profitable for many. Following the M AU N I E L L I OT R E QU E S T F O R R E D R E S S A s many of you know, the Mauni Elliot is one of the most prestigious regattas on the river. Our Commodore has requested redress for his handicap of 139 so each race is fair. Bill Brennan, our handicapper has his work cut out for him. The following is Monkey Bar’s request for change • • • • • • • • • • • • Stern Mounted BBQ + 3 Fully Provisioned Bar +8 Freezer/Icemaker +2 Cruising Dodger +4 Full Canvas Enclosure +15 if used 44 pound Anchor Mounted on Bow Roller +15 Dual 44 Pound Anchors Mounted on Bow Rollers +6 9’ 6” Dinghy Mounted on Stern Davits +12 6 HP Outboard Motor Mounted on Stern Rail +3 Lifesling Mounted on Stern Rail +1 • • • • Each Crew Member More Than Six +4 (where do you put them??) Each Fender Hung Over Side of Boat -50 (notice the negative -- penalty for not being ship shape!!) Each Fishing Pole Being Used For Duration of Event By Crew +2 Each Fish Actually Landed on Boat During Event By Crew +10 Each Crew Member Sitting on Stern Pulpit Seats For Duration of Event +1 Each Towable Device (Wakeboard, Kneeboard, etc) Being Used By Crew Member For Duration of Event +8 pulled pork barbeque dinner, baked beans and potato salad, many stayed up for card games and more dock talk. A continental breakfast greeted everyone Monday morning. The weather broke and a spot of blue sky was seen. Then, at 10:00, Past Commodore Frank Warrens timed his Memorial Day Program perfectly for the fly-over. Frank continues to present a memorable dialog in remembrance of those who have sacrificed for our freedom, along with the names of members lost this past year. There was not a dry eye in the group. Several non-boating members attended also, arriving by auto and scooters. As the day progressed, the temperature warmed up, skies cleared, and our trip back to PYC from a most delightful weekend was not hurried. Thanks to the Club Staff, particularly Fred Carter, who arranged for all the many and varied food items. Larry & Laura Cirotski, Dave & Franci Stuckey, and Bob & Carolyn Bishop hosted the weekend. Additional thank yous to Mike McDonald and Ann Elliot, Brian & Donna Moore, and many others for their assistance. We’re looking forward to more cruising memories as the season progresses. Bob Bishop OUTSTATION REPORT By the time you read this, the regatta will be over. I feel certain that Bill will disallow this change, so the board should be prepared for a rule change request at the July meeting. Skip Nitchie Mike House and Gary Erdahl repaired the entrance buoy at the outstation. Thanks guys. PAGE 15 | The Portlight | 7.06 COMING EVENTS MONDAY SUNDAY 25 TUESDAY 26 Martin Slough Cruise WEDNESDAY 27 Ladies’ Golf 28 THURSDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY 29 30 Mauni Elliot Race 4th of July Cruise Men’s Golf Willow Bar Happy Hour 2 4th of July Cruise Willow Bar 9 3 4 4th of July Cruise Willow Bar BBQ, Bingo & Fireworks at PYC 10 11 Portlight Deadline 5 6 12 13 Ladies’ Golf 14 Mini Cruise to McCuddy’s Landing Men’s Golf 8 Lunch Happy Hour Board Meeting 1 4th of July Cruise Willow Bar 7 Cookout Men’s Golf July Happy Hour 15 Barkley Sound Mini Cruise to McCuddy’s Landing Lunch 16 Barkley Sound Mini Cruise to 23 Barkley Sound 30 Barkley Sound 17 Barkley Sound 18 Barkley Sound Barkley Sound Ladies’ Golf Men’s Golf 24 Barkley Sound 31 19 25 26 Barkley Sound Ladies’ Golf Men’s Golf 1 Ladies’ Golf 2 Men’s Golf Barkley Sound 21 Barkley Sound Cookout 27 Barkley Sound 3 22 Barkley Sound Lunch Happy Hour Barkley Sound Aug 20 28 29 Barkley Sound Barkley Sound Happy Hour Lunch 4 5 PYC Beer Can RaceFiesta Night Downriver Cruise St. Helens Downriver Cruise Lunch Happy Hour T R A N S PAC D O I N G S Four boats from Portland are about to race the Transpac. They include Victoria Lessley’s California Girl, Jeff Duval’s Keeliquinn, John Hanna’s Orizaba and Scott Campbell’s Riva. Photos below are of the CRYA’s Daughters of Neptune float in the Starlight Parade. The float won the Queen’s Award for the Best Illumination for a Non-Commercial float! Can you find Doug? Victoria is a PYC member and the picture of her boat getting ready. PYC’s Cayte McNaughton New Faces 05 Julie Ogden & Art Marx M/V Misty River 05 Chris Solsby & Anneke Van der Mast 06 John & Michel Kay DeGroat M/V Michel Kay 05 Ken & Pam Emmons 05 M/V Sea Ya 05 Cliff Swan & Steve Callihan M/V Wannago & S/V Holligan 06 Dano & Stacy Toristoja M/V Daisy Ann “What other luxury dealerships try to be” Special Discounts to Portland Yacht Club Members! 633 NE Twelfth Avenue, Portland • Mon-Fri 8-7, Sat 9-6, Sun 11-6 1-877-802-0091 www.vicalfonso.com [email protected] ()()()() ()()()() ()()()()()()()() ()()()()()()()() ()()()()()()()() ()()()()()()()() www.andersprinting.com () ()()()()() ()() 503.232.5842
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