October 2010 - Pontchartrain Yacht Club
October 2010 - Pontchartrain Yacht Club
PONTCHARTRAIN YACHT CLUB VOLUME 46 T HE CHA R T OCTOBER 2010 COMMODORE’S CORNER: BOB LIPSCOMB Inside The Chart: Commodore‟s Corner …………………………….Pg. 1 & 2 Vice Commodore.…….....Pg. 3 Social……...……..…………..Pg. 4 House and Grounds……..Pg. 5 Fleet...………………………...Pg. 6 Contacts and Ads. I would like to begin by reminding all that our Annual Meeting will be Sunday November 14th so please mark your calendars well in advance. At this meeting we will review the year past and discuss plans for 2011. The new Board members will be introduced along with change in Board positions. Our PYC fishing tournament is just around the corner. It will take place on October 9th and 10th. Vaughan Sollberger, once again, has volunteered his time to organize the tournament for us. All members are invited along with your family and friends. Like always, there will be plenty of food, fun and prizes. The extra step Vaughn takes to make our fishing tournament successful is surely appreciated. Also, our thanks go out to Becca Choate for her T-shirts design. I think this year‟s design, complete with a mermaid, and is our best yet. THE CHART Page 2 COMMODORE-BOB LIPSCOMB I would like to thank Hew Hamilton for taking pictures, for us, at PYC. He took great photos at the Back to School and Multi-Hull Regatta‟s. Some of which are included in this chart and also on our website. Also, Hew spends a lot of time keeping our web page up to date. The Saints lost against the Dirty Birds, but pulled it out against the Panthers. The Saints need our support. I have no one else to blame but myself for not strongly promoting PYC and our new TV‟s as an EXCELLENT place to watch both the Saints and LSU. This past weekend Rob Doolittle did his great white beans. Sooooooooo next weekend against the Arizona Cardinals, PYC will supply the food, yet to be determined. The game starts at 3:05 so come on by to eat, drink and support the Saints in true PYC fashion. Once again our special thanks, for raising the money for the TV‟s, goes out to Pat Ross. Yes, I am going to talk about membership again. Please spread the word about how great our club is to your friends and family. Invite them to come by and see for themselves. Remember, volunteer and meet new friends. See you at “The Club”. Your Commodore Bobby THE CHART Page 3 VICE COMMODORE-BRIAN BURKE NOTICE OF MEETING Please mark your calendars that the Pontchartrain Yacht Club Annual Meeting for 2010 shall be held on Sunday November 14, 2010 at 4:00. Please plan to attend. As stated in my previous articles, as per the PYC Bylaws, the Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of members to be submitted to the general membership at the Annual Meeting for election to the Board of Directors. In addition to the proposed slate of members selected by the Nominating Committee, any ten members in good standing may place in nomination for directorship any other voting member. Said nomination shall be made and the document evidencing the nomination shall be provided to me as Vice Commodore not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. The members chosen by the Nominating Committee and a brief message from each member are set forth below: Bobby Lipscomb I will soon be approaching the end of my 3 year term on the PYC Board of Directors. I spent the first 2 years as House and Grounds Director and this year as Your Commodore. I have consulted my family and friends and decided I would like to have the opportunity to serve PYC for 1 more year, in whatever capacity serves the Club best. Bobby Commodore PYC NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 4 Scott Discon My partner, Scott Williams and I live in Old Mandeville with our 4 dogs. I am a native of New Orleans, LA. I spent each summer as a child sailing and boating on Lake Pontchartrain at my families summer home on North Shore Beach, Slidell, LA. I attended LSU and graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans with a BBS in Marketing. I then received a Juris doctorate degree from Mississippi College School of Law in 1988. I have been a member of both the Louisiana and Mississippi State Bar Associations since 1989. I am presently an associate attorney with the Discon Law Firm in Mandeville, LA since 1990. I am also: · A Realtor with Talbot Historic Properties, NOLA since 2006; · President/CEO of FOY Smoothie Company, Atlanta, GA from 1994 to 2005; · A Member, Sigma Chi Fraternity, LSU; · A Founding Member/President of City Bark Mow Rons, LLC; · 2 year consecutive President of Mandeville on the Lake Civic Association, 2007-2009; · A Member of Pontchartrain Yacht Club since 2007; · A founding Board Member, City Bark at City Park, NOLA; · An event Co-Chair, LASPCA Howling Success 2010; and · A member of Keep Mandeville Beautiful. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 5 Cleve Fair My name is Cleve Fair and I have been asked by the nominating committee to stand for election to the Pontchartrain Yacht Club Board of Directors. I have considered this request and have agreed to serve if elected. Many of you know me and my long history with PYC. This is written for those who do not know me. My wife, Hilda, and I have lived in Mandeville for 36 years and raised our family here. We have 2 daughters, a son, 4 grand boys, 3 step-grand boys and a grand daughter. The grand boys took sailing lessons this summer in their Lido 14. I am a 1963 graduate of LSU with a B.S. is aeronautical engineering and a minor in mathematics. I am a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps. I am retired from Fair Engineering, a company I founded in 1974 when we moved to Mandeville, however I remain active in several other business endeavors. I am a past member of the Board of Directors for Parish National Bank and presently serve on the Whitney Northshore advisory board. We joined PYC around 1978. I first joined the PYC Board in 1980 and served as Race Chairman, Vice Commodore and Commodore through 1983. I have served on numerous committees through the years including, but not limited to: GYA Offshore Challenge Cup for 6 years, the last 3 of which as Chairman; GYA Offshore Safety Council; GYA PHRF Handicap Committee, initially serving on the Executive Committee and then served as Chairman; and the LPRC jury serving part of the time as the jury chair. I have also served as a Lipton Judge for many years. I have chaired or co-chaired many regattas at PYC including national and regional events such as the O’Day semifinals and GYA Liptons when hosted by PYC. I competed many years ago on “Second Wind”, a Pearson 26 and also on “Man O War”, a J 35. I was a founding member of the GYA J 35 Class and served as a National Governor of the J 35 Class. I presently serve PYC as PRO (Principal Race Officer) and as custodian of “Sea Shepherd”. I am also active in the “Dead Commodores” advisory group. If elected I expect to expand my role in “Race Administration” and to serve the club in whatever manner I may contribute. Respectfully, Cleve Fair, Past Commodore THE CHART Page 6 SOCIAL -JEA N SPARKMAN With the Back to School Regatta behind us, lots of great football ahead of us, and the welcome cooler temperatures we can believe it is really Fall! The regatta was a huge success with a tremendous amount of participants which made our “Hot Buns and Hot Dogs” work extra hard…but we handled it! Nice job to everyone involved. We have seen lots of new faces in the kitchen lately. Ginger and Dall, Scott and Scott and returning by popular demand Conie Abernathy and Jane Eshleman. I am currently working on the calendar for October and have a need for some new helpers. Please email me if you are available to help on a Friday night. [email protected] Soup Night starts back in October on Tuesdays as we will continue with Dog Night on Wednesdays and Tacos on Thursdays. Of course all of these delicious foods are complimented by the happy hour drink specials on those days! If you haven’t been to the club to watch you’re your favorite football team, you need to come check out our new TV’s! We are in the process of getting ESPN-U so that we do not have to miss any LSU games! GEAUX SAINTS! GEAUX TIGERS! Jean THE CHART Page 7 ONE DESIGN-BROCK SCHMIDT One design sailing has been at the fore front of activity at PYC this month, the Back to school regatta had 97 boats entered, a special thanks to all the volunteers. And the lido fleet is in full swing having completed two of the four scheduled Championship Series Sunday‟s. There are two weekends left the 3rd of October and the 10th of October. The club Championships Regatta will be November 6th and 7th and we look forward to seeing you there. Congratulations to the Capdieville team, for the second time in three years the PYC Capdieville team clinched the GYA Capdieville trophy for their overall performance in the 16 race Capdieville series. There is one last Capdieville to be sailed this year on October 23rd. THE CHART Page 8 FLEET CAPTAIN-ROB DOOLITTLE We did it again. We were host to the 2010 GYA Multihull Championships. We had 16 multihulls representing 9 GYA clubs racing on Lake Pontchartrain on September 25-26 and I believe it was a successful regatta. We could not have made this happen if it was not for our volunteers like Bob Hodges, Steve and Caron Choate, Michelle Ernst, Bob Reedy, Brian, Samantha and Lesley Burke, Hew Hamilton, Paul Stevens, Ken Buhler, Larry Ruthven, Ronnie Beard, Rebecca Barclay (T shirts), Scott Discon, Chuck Wylie, and last but not least Kaia. I would also like to thank Kathleen Sides for watching my kids so I could be there. Thank y'all for manning the race committee and mark-set boats, running the registration table, and passing out steaks for grill night. Your efforts mean a lot to this yacht club and I hope you had a good time volunteering. It was also great to see John Cramer, Jr. out on the race course, with his son, having a good time on his 19 foot cat boat. As far as the fleet goes, their are several things I would like to accomplish before the end of the year. First being water and electrical expansion and upgrade to the other side of the hoist yard. I would like to replace the existing 110v outlets and bring water and electricity to the south side of the hoist yard. This would mean renting a trenching machine in order run the waterline and electrical wires under ground. I would like to do this with volunteers to keep the cost down, so let me know if you would like to help with this project. I would also like to build an Opti rack. This rack would hold 12 - 15 Opti's and have a roof on it to keep the sun off of them. Where would I put this structure you ask... it will be on skids so it can be moved out of the way in case we need the space for hosting Lipton's any time soon. Hope to have this list completed by the end of the year. See You on the Water. Rob Doolittle Fleet Captain THE CHART Page 9 JUNIORS– CHRIS GILMORE What a turn out for the Back to School Regatta!! We had 19 Green Fleet Sailors, which is the most I‟ve seen at a recent regatta. We had sailors from Pensacola, Long Beach, Tammany, Southern, Gulfport, Pass Christian, Pontchartrain, and Biloxi Yacht Clubs. We were able to get eight races in over the weekend and all sailors had a great time. A special thanks to the Green Fleet Race Committee for keeping track of all the sailors as they crossed the finish line. CHRIS NEWSLETTER TITLE Page 10 BACK TO SCHOOL REGATTA SEPTEMBER 11TH & 12TH VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 11 MULTI HULL REGATTA MULTI HULL REGATTA SEPTEMBER 25TH & 26TH SEPTEMBER 25TH & 26TJ WWW.MARVILLA.COM 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS More Club Contacts Commodore Bob Lipscomb - [email protected] Vice-Commodore Brian Burke - [email protected] BUSINESS NAME Emailing and email list Georgia Young [email protected] Victoria Class & Website Hew Hamilton Rear-Commodore Peggy Gele - [email protected] [email protected] Primary Business Address Your Address Line 2 House & Grounds John Choate - [email protected] Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 E-mail: [email protected] Social Jean Sparkman - [email protected] Juniors Chris Gilmore - [email protected] Race/One Design Brock [email protected] Membership Rick Delaune - [email protected] Fleet Captain Rob Doolittle - [email protected] In boating there„s a “right of way” In dentistry there‟s a “right way” Dr. Michelle LeBlanc 985-624-8011
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