Parental Guide - Waegwoltic Club


Parental Guide - Waegwoltic Club
Waegwoltic Sailing School
2016 Parent Guide
This guide has been designed with parents in mind. In it, you will find basic
schedule breakdowns, what to bring to sailing, tips and FAQs about sailing levels
and registration, and our expectations for parental support. Waeg Sailing focuses
on providing a fun, safe, and memorable summer experience for children of all
ages, with some added adult programming for 2016! Please refer to the Waegwoltic
Programming Guide for session information.
Waeg Sailing follows the CANSail program developed by Sail Canada, which was
implemented in 2012. This program focuses on long-term sailor development and
allows for success as both a recreational or competitive sailor, all the while
remaining fun and active, regardless which stream you choose. Physical and
mental health as well as healthy eating habits and non-sailing specific activities
are central to the inclusive and fun philosophy of the CANSail Program, which
encourages sailors to develop into well-rounded individuals and athletes while
while developing technical sailing skills. All of our instructors are trained and
certified as CANSail Instructors, and are very excited to get back on the water.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Head Coach Maddie
Coats at [email protected] or call the Main Office at 902.429.2822 ext.2.
CANSail at the Waeg
Choosing the Right Level
Sailor Profile
Appropriate Level
Age 6-7
Our Wet Feet Programming is designed just for you! Children have
the option of doing a condensed, Saturday-only class or our NEW
week-long day camp Wet Feet class! This is a fun and exciting way
to get your child involved in sailing from a younger age than our
Basic Programming allows. There will be themed days, on- and offwater games, and basic, introductory boat-handling skills taught
with experienced and committed instructors.
New to Sailing
This program uses Echoes and Optimist Boats.
Age 8-15
New to Sailing or
Achieved CANSail 1
Basic Sailing is a hit at the Waeg every year! Taken as either a
month-long camp or two-week condensed course, CANSail Levels 1
& 2 are taught through basic boat-handling lessons, themed days,
interactive teaching methods and provides the necessary prerequisite skills for Advanced Sailing, or Opti or 420 Race Teams.
Only have a week to spare? Try our Fall Adventure Camp!
This program uses Echoes.
Age 10+
Now that you have your CANSail 1, you may either complete
CANSail 2 in Basic Sailing as a more experienced sailor, or join our
Achieved CANSail 1 or
Opti Race Team. Committing to a Race Team means traveling to
previous Dinghy Sailing regattas on weekends, loading boat trailers, and learning more
experience (to be
refined boat handling skills, but can be very rewarding for young
assessed by instructor) sailors! This program provides a strong base for sailors interested in
or recommended by
pursuing the 420 Race or Laser Race Teams. Likewise, our Basic
program provides the necessary fundamentals for Advanced.
These programs use Optimists or Echoes.
Age 13+
Students successfully completing our Basic Sailing module or their
CANSail 2 may choose to continue recreationally in Advanced
Achieved CANSail 2 or
Sailing or choose to commit to racing on our 420 Race Team.
previous Dinghy Sailing Advanced Sailing provides more advanced boat handling skills,
experience (to be
some keel boat outings, and a fun approach to becoming stronger
assessed by instructor) sailors. Our 420 Race Team is a more rigorous program, with a
or recommended by
focus on developing strong double-handed sailors that are
committed to weekend regattas, trailering, and competing at a
higher level.
Both programs use 420s.
Sailor Profile
Appropriate Level
Age 15+
Having achieved your CANSail 4, sailors hoping to continue sailing
competitively may register on our Laser Race Team, or continue on
Achieved CANSail 4 or the 420 Race Team. The Laser program is 8-weeks long and is a
previous Dinghy Racing competitive, demanding team that focuses on athlete development
experience (to be
and strong regatta performances. Travelling and weekend regattas
assessed by instructor) are necessary to complete this program, as well as privately owning
a Laser or Laser Radial sailboat.
Women Ages 19+
Any level of experience
Our Women’s Summer Sailing Series is designed with women
with any level of sailing experience in mind! The aim of this
program is to encourage experiencing sailing in a relaxed, social
environment. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday evenings on
one of our two keelboats and, with an instructor on board to share
knowledge about the basics of keelboat sailing.
All students work to achieve CANSail levels, but our focus at Waeg Sailing is well-rounded
progress. Not every student during every session will achieve the CANSail level they are
working toward, and if you feel strongly that your child belongs in a level higher than their
CANSail level permits, we can assess that student on a case-by-case basis.
Regardless of your level of experience, we at Waeg Sailing believe that sailing is for everyone! If
you have any suggestions as to programming offerings or other interests, please email
[email protected] or get in touch with our Main Office at 902.429.2822 ext.2
What to Bring
It’s your first day at sailing (or your first day on a race team!) (Or you can’t remember the
essentials!) What on earth do sailors wear on the water? Please refer to this list of suggested
attire and what to pack in your bag for a day at Waeg Sailing.
Wet Feet & Recreation
Race Teams
Lunch! (Lots of water, snacks, healthy lunch)
Coast-guard approved, size-appropriate PFD
Closed-toe shoes
Extra change of clothes
Towel and swim suit
Sunglasses (100% UV/UVA Proof)
Weather appropriate clothes for on-water session
Layers are always important
Rash guards, splash pants, long sleeves, warmer
layers, etc. depending on the day!
Same as Recreation list, plus…
Sneakers and workout gear
Hiking pants, wet suit, or splash pants
Rash guard, wet suit, or splash jacket
Gear bag
Sailing knife
Any/all personally owned equipment
If you have any questions or concerns about where to find the necessary attire to bring to
sailing (particularly lifejackets and sailing gear), please get in touch with us! There are lockers
in the sailing building for sailor use, although these are only designed to store belongings during
the day. We have a large lifejacket bin where many students leave their lifejackets for the
duration of their session, but this is at the owner’s risk as the Waeg is not responsible for any
lost of stolen items left in the lockers, in the lifejacket bin, or in the building overnight.
We recommend sailors leave electronics (cell phones, iPods, etc.) at home while they are at
sailing camp. If, for communication purposes, you would prefer your sailor keeps their cell
phone with them, they are to be kept in backpacks, lockers, or in a safe place and not to be used
during camp time.
A day at Waeg Sailing
To give parents an idea of what we do all day, here’s a sample day at Waeg Sailing in our
Recreation Stream.
8:45-9:00am Sailors are dropped off and make their way to the sailing building and put away
their things in a locker
9:05am Attendance is taken in respective classrooms.
9:10am Daily announcements, Icebreaker game to get the day started - Camouflage on the hill
or soccer on the Fairfield grounds! Lesson plan for the day introduced.
10:00am Boats are rigged, and we hit the water! Weather permitting, a morning sail is a great
way to introduce new skills. If an on-land lesson is on the agenda, it will happen in the morning.
12:00pm Lunch time (approximately). Boats are kept in the water, tied to the dock. Sailors
usually have an hour to eat and relax before the afternoon lesson. Sailors have to stay on Waeg
property over lunch. If you wish to pick your child up for lunch or take them off-property,
please let your child’s instructor know!
1:00pm Attendance is taken following the end of lunch, and the plan for the afternoon is
discussed. Skills from the morning are further developed during the afternoon sail.
3:30pm Sailors head back to Waeg to de-rig and take boats out of the water. A short debrief is
held once all sailors are back in the classroom, and any end-of-day announcements are made.
4:00pm End of day!
Expectations for Parents
The staff at Waeg Sailing are dedicated to delivering the best possible sailing programming for
all sailors and their families at the Waeg. As we are lucky enough to be a part of the larger
Waegwoltic community, we value the input of any involved or interested individuals, and
appreciate that parents of sailors remain supportive of their child’s sailing education and
experience at Waeg Sailing. With this, we ask that parents follow a few guidelines to ensure
that staff and families alike are well-prepared for the summer, so that we can focus on
delivering the best possible Sailing Camp every session.
A separate guide for Race Team parents can be found in the “Boating” section of our website at, as those vary slightly from the expectations for recreation stream sailors.
• Please encourage a positive attitude and an excitement for sailing. In many cases, learning a
new sport can be daunting or discouraging, but parental support can make a huge difference
in facilitating a positive experience. Encourage your child to play by the rules!
• Please refrain from addressing details of your child’s experience at sailing camp during class
time. Mentioning it to their instructor or the Head Coach at drop-off or pick-up time (or by
emailing [email protected]) will allow us to set up a meeting. We value every child’s
experience and want to handle anything that may arise as swiftly and as effectively as
• If your child is struggling with a specific coach, or you feel as though a coach acted in any way
inappropriately, please contact the Head Coach at [email protected] as soon as possible.
• Please refrain from rigging your child’s boat for them or participating in their lessons. This
infringes upon their learning curve and makes it difficult for coaches to establish a strong
relationship in learning new skills.
• Please make sure your child is dropped off and picked up on time, unless previously
coordinated with your child’s instructor.
Disciplinary action for sailors is handled on a case-by-case basis, and parents will be involved
once your child’s instructor deems it necessary. In most cases, parents will be informed of their
child’s misdemeanour at the end of the day. Consequences may include sitting out from games,
Adult Sailing & Private Lessons
The Waeg Sailing Programs aren’t just for kids! Our new Women’s Sailing Series
offers an introduction to keelboat sailing for women who have an interest in
learning the basics in a relaxed, social atmosphere. This program runs Monday and
Wednesday nights, with the option of a July or August session. Taught on our J24
and Mirage 24 keelboats, this is a fantastic way to spend a couple nights a week!
Please see the Waegwoltic Program Guide for more details, or email
[email protected] for more information.
Private lessons are also offered on a
case-by-case basis at the Waeg. Our
coaches all have great experience
coaching students and adults alike.
Rates vary depending on the structure
that you and your instructor decide
upon, and will be established prior to
the beginning of the lesson. In past, we
have had everything from group lessons
for the whole family with a coach
providing basic instructions to
advanced one-on-one coaching together
with a coach in a double-handed dinghy.
If arranged well in advance, we are
generally able to structure the lesson to
provide exactly the sailing experience
you are looking for. For more
information or to express your interest,
please email Head Coach Maddie Coats
at [email protected] or call our
Main Office at 902.429.2822 ext.2.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does my child need to know how to swim?
A: Yes, for safety on the water as well as on the docks, we require all students to
have basic swimming capabilities. Particularly for our Opti, 420, and Laser
(formerly High Performance) Race Teams, swimming is often used in workouts and
it is essential that Race Team athletes are comfortable in the water without their
Q: What if my child has an appointment during the day, or I have to drop off/pick
them up early?
A: Please let your child’s instructor know ahead of time, or email
[email protected] with the details. Sending a note with your child is
acceptable, as long as it is delivered to instructors promptly. You may also call the
sailing office at 902.429.2822 ext. 7. Please do your best to schedule around sailing
camp, so as to avoid having your child brought in from on-water sessions.
Likewise, please limit early departures or late arrivals to as few times a session as
Q: Does my child need their own lifejacket?
A: Yes! A Coast-Guard approved, properly fitting lifejacket is required for sailing
camp at the Waeg. Please don’t hesitate to email [email protected] for
recommendations, or tips on how to ensure your child’s lifejacket fits properly.
Q: If my child and another child collide boats during a sailing lesson, what happens?
A: All of our instructors can perform minor repairs, without undue cost to the
families of the children involved. We understand that being so new to so many
sailors, accidents happen! In the case of purposeful or severe damage to any
Waegwoltic boats, equipment, or building, an incident report will be completed and
families will be contacted as the Head Coach sees fit. The Waegwoltic Club agrees
to cover 50% of damages in cases of major replacements or repairs.
Q: If it rains, will sailing camp still be offered?
A: Yes! Sailing will run regardless of weather. In cases of heavy rain, thunder and
lightning, or wind too high for beginner groups, sailors will likely work through
important lessons on-land, and play games in the sailing building. Weatherappropriate clothing is required for sailing camp. Race team athletes should expect
very few on-land days and always bring appropriate gear.
Q: Do I need to own a dinghy in order for my child to sail?
A: No, all of our programs, with the exception of the Laser Race Team, use Waegowned Echoes, Optis, and 420s. As students move into Race Teams, purchasing
Optimist sailboats is encouraged if you believe your child will spend a number of
years in that program. In order to participate on our Laser Race Team, sailors must
own a Laser or Laser Radial dinghy. For more information on expenses,
recommendations, and where these are available, please get in touch with your
child’s race coach or the Head Coach.
Q: How are sailors evaluated?
A: Sailors are evaluated using the CANSail Checklist system, throughout their
session at the Waeg. Instructors have these checklists on hand and will observe
skill progression every day on-land and on-water, and the required skills to attain
their level will be explained to students at the beginning of each session.
Q: What if my child does not attain their level?
A: As is the case with many other competitive sports, sailing does not require
specific levels in order to compete. That being said, to ensure that sailors are
participating at appropriate levels and in the right class at the Waeg, we use the
CANSail levels as guidelines for their progression. If your child does not receive the
level they were working on, encouraging them to stick with it and observing their
progress is a key feature of successful learning and advancement through our
program. Advancing sailors into higher levels that they are not yet ready for is
damaging to both their sailing education and our program, and is in the best
interest of your child.
Q: I am registering my child in the same session as their friend. Can they sail
together for the duration of the session?
A: Our instructors will take this into consideration when making boat crews for
each day, but we do not guarantee nor encourage students sailing with the same
sailors every day. For the first few days, we do our best to accommodate these so
that sailors may get comfortable, but sailing with any and all other students is
required of all recreational sailors.
Q: Do I need to know how to sail to register my child in sailing?
A: No! We cover everything from the very basics to advanced boat-handling skills.
Don’t be surprised if your sailor starts to try and teach you a thing or two
Q: Ok, I am interested, how do I learn to sail?
A: We offer private lessons with any of our instructors on an interest basis, simply
email [email protected] to inquire, or chat with your child’s sailing instructor
before or after sailing camp. These are designed with you in mind, and can be for
the whole family or one-on-one with an instructor. Rates vary. We also offer a
Women’s Sailing Series Monday and Wednesday nights on our J24 and Mirage
Q: How will I receive my child’s progress report?
A: We use a program called Checklick to make sure students can access their
progress reports any time they like, and see their progress as it happens. This
allows instructors to be in touch via email, and provides an easy platform for
parents to read and understand their child’s report. To access, you will receive an
email at the beginning of the summer with login information, and a link to your
child’s report at the end of their session. It also allows for new instructors to
quickly access and read previous notes and observations on individual sailors
without having coached them before. With this in mind, please make sure we have
an updated and accurate email address on file. For your reference:
Q: My child can only do a portion of a session, but would really like to sail, can this
be accommodated?
A: Partial sessions are assessed on a case-by-case basis, so please get in touch with
the Head Coach at [email protected] or call our Main Office at 902.429.2822
ext. 2 to discuss your options.
Q: My child will be on the race team this year, what does that mean for me?
A: The racing program at the Waeg is lucky enough to have access to the great
racing circuit that exists in Nova Scotia. With this, travel is an essential part of a
successful racing program. Weekend regattas are often very full, busy days, and
require parents committed to contributing to carpools, trailering efforts, and
ensuring their child has all the support they need to succeed. Like hockey
tournaments or swim meets, sailing regattas generally send home pretty tired
athletes, but the improvement in sailing we have seen after attending these events
is undeniable. Please refer to the Race Team Information guide, contact the Head
Coach, Maddie Coats at [email protected], and attend our Race Parents
meeting (date and time TBD) for more information.