20870 Ventura Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA
20870 Ventura Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA
Sunday, July 27, 2014 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Seeking Fellowship in Faith, Solidarity in Service, Excellence in Education 20870 Ventura Boulevard, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 340-6020 Parish Staff Pastor Fr. David Whorton, ext. 1014 Associate Fr. Vivian Ben Lima, ext. 1016 Deacon Jerry Cellner, ext. 1017 Director of Administration Rosemary McLarty, ext. 1019 Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization Brian Conroy, ext. 1018 Elementary School Principal Mary Beth Lutz, 340-1924 Preschool Director Claudia Powell, 340-3180 Religious Education Coordinator Pat Andre, ext. 1022 Confirmation Coordinator Ella Sciarra, ext. 1015 Director of Music Ministry Francesco Alleruzzo, ext. 1028 Webmaster Joann Barros, ext. 1026 Secretary/Bookkeeper Arlene Connors, ext. 1012 Parish Center phone (818) 340-6020 Fax (818) 340-0261 Parish Patron St. Mel, nephew of St. Patrick, Bishop of Ardagh; died 489. Feast day February 6 Parish Center Hours Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:45—4:45 p.m. Or by Appointment To Become a Registered Parishioner at St. Mel call (818) 340-6020, ext. 1012 or register online via our website: www.stmelparish.org Parish Service Pastoral Council/Susan Butterfield Finance Council/James Hallissy Justice & Peace Council/Stephen Gruenfelder School Council Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers/Kerry Edwards [email protected] Altar Society/Catherine Ghaffari (Linens) Church Environment/Kerry Edwards [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers/Kerry Edwards [email protected] Greeters for Sunday Liturgies/Margherita Aufmuth Lectors/Cindy Pardi Liturgy Committee/Kerry Edwards [email protected] MultiMedia Ministry/Francesco Alleruzzo Music Ministry/Francesco Alleruzzo [email protected] Sacristans/Kerry Edwards [email protected] Ushers/Bob Aufmuth Personal Growth/Spritual Development/Sacraments for Adults RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) & Adult Confirmation/ Brian Conroy [email protected] Book Club/Tom Mackel Men’s Group/Joe Sukitch Partners in Prayer/Susie Screbant Rosary Ministry & Eucharist Adoration Coordinator/Mitos Bitong Theresians/Margie Treichler Women at the Well/Lynn Findling Saturday Women’s Circle/Cindy Pardi Children and Youth Baptism Preparation/Pat Andre [email protected] Confirmation/Ella Sciarra [email protected] Ministry of Moms Sharing Monica Matthews/Patty Glasgow RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth)/Pat Andre [email protected] Religious Education PreK-8/Pat Andre [email protected] Sunday Preschool/Pat Andre [email protected] Vacation Bible School (VBS)/Pat Andre [email protected] Caring Ministries Ministry to the Sick & Homebound/Ella Sciarra [email protected] Motion Picture Hospital/Barbara Hurt Older Adult Services and Intervention Adele Funari/Sunny McMullen Bereavement Ministry/Funeral Planning/Ella Sciarra [email protected] 887-5655 621-5799 269-0858 340-6020 340-6020, x1025 398-7403 340-6020, x1025 340-6020, x1025 222-1303 346-6257 340-6020, x1025 340-6020, ext. 1028 340-6020, x1028 340-6020, x1025 222-1303 340-6020, x1018 (805) 432-7707 225-1546 348-8386 710-9888 888-5824 348-4756 346-6257 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1015 992-5208/ 851-9113 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1022 340-6020, x1015 340-7057 340-5100 992-5176/347-5434 340-6020, x1015 Outreach The Brown Bag Bunch/Nancy Gruenfelder The Hot Lunch Bunch/Nancy Gruenfelder Detention Ministry/Robert Gerrity JustFaith/Anselm & Pia Varni St. Vincent de Paul/Kent Gairdner 703-6522 703-6522 888-1066 346-8874 884-2291 Respect Life Activities Pregnancy Counseling Center Angels Way Maternity Home/Betty Breneman 895-2500 346-2229 Hospitality/Social Adult Club/Irene Strauss Coffee & Donuts/Monica Matthews Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner/Frank & Martha Hules 344-3333 992-5208 222-6107 Archdiocesan Service Worldwide Marriage Encounter/Russ & Jeanine Walker Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women/Mati Goodman Safeguarding the Children/Pat Andre [email protected] (805) 648-4244 591-3035 340-6020, x1022 Interested in the Catholic Faith? Saint Mel Parish will soon begin a new journey of faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family. We invite you to learn what the Church teaches, and to be introduced to some of our parish members. These times together are opportunities for you and anyone you may wish to invite to ask those questions you may have about the Church and to explore what the Church teaches. We welcome all seekers including those who are unbaptized or those who have been members of another Christian community. Initial sessions to provide an overview are scheduled for August 5 and August 19. Both sessions will be held at 7 p.m. Regular weekly sessions will begin on September 9 at 7 p.m. Please join us. We will meet at “Serenity House” located at 5108 Serrania Avenue, Woodland Hills, 91364. The house is adjacent to the Saint Mel Parish Preschool on Serrania Avenue. Please contact Brian Conroy, Director of Faith Formation, at the Parish Center – (818) 340-6020, ext. 1018 or by email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you! Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 27 The Kingdom of Heaven is Like: Treasure in a Field; a Pearl of Great Price Think of the things that may be found in an ordinary field: trees, good soil, rocks, thorns, and pitfalls – so many things both good and bad. The “field” in today’s Gospel is a parable – it can be an image used to represent many things in our lives. The field may represent our jobs, our family relationships, our parish community, our local town, our nation or the world. It can be an analogy for our education, our particular personality, or our inner spiritual life. And surely the field is an image of the Church. Whatever is represented by the field, that which we find on the surface may be quite different from what is hidden within. In addition to the usual elements, the field we find in today’s Gospel holds a treasure, the “Pearl of Great Price.” The person who found it was so full of joy, he hid the treasure again in the field to save and protect it. So great was the treasure that the person discovering it “goes and sells all that he has and buys the field. What does the “field” represent? Think of marriage and family as a field. Life lived at close range can be challenging. There can be wonderful closeness and intimacy, but there can also be the rocks, thorns, and thistles of disagreement, alienation and boredom – or worse. But if we think of our marriage as the “field” in the parable, we can know that there is a “treasure” hidden within it. The Pearl of Great Price in a marriage is the wonder of two people being joined as one. They show the world the love between them that is the mystery of Christ and his Church made visible (Ephesians 5:32). The treasure in family, even a stormy family, is the great gift of new life we have in our children and grandchildren. Pushing the analogy, we can say that our careers are not always a pretty meadow either. Workplace politics, disagreeable co-workers, assigned tasks that we think are beneath our capabilities can be among the discouraging elements on the job. Yet each of us fortunate enough to have decent work can identify the treasure hidden within: The ability to support ourselves and our families, the dignity of participation in the economy and the human community, and even the opportunity to share our good fortune with others. Let’s consider the Church as a “field.” Here we can all identify the rocks and thorns no problem. We don’t have to list them because we have our own particular laundry list of things that need to change or improve about our fellow believers, or about our parishes and dioceses, or about the universal Church for that matter. The Gospel theme applies here in a particular and powerful way. While we may not like everything about the liturgy or our local community or church politics and economics, it is here in the assembly of the faithful that we find the Pearl of Great Price. The treasure is the Kingdom of God, the gift is Jesus himself – The Way, The Truth, and The Life who lies buried in the field of the Church until we unearth him and let his light shine in us. How can we dig for that treasure within? Today as we hear the Word of God proclaimed at Mass – we can focus on that word and realize that it is Christ himself who speaks to us. When we receive Holy Communion, we can open our eyes to the Real Presence of Jesus himself - given for us. And then we can welcome his extended presence in those around us. Recognizing such a great treasure within, we will find ourselves eager to buy the field, eager to embrace the Church community in all its imperfection. We will know that finally, we have found the Pearl of Great Price. Brian Conroy, Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization Pastoral Council We have three new Pastoral Council members. We are all thrilled about our new members and wanted to let you know a little bit more about them. Frank Donner: Frank has been a member of our parish for 10 years and has had two children in St. Mel School. His older son, Samuel, is currently a senior at Loyola and his daughter, Sophia, is in the eighth grade at St. Mel School. So there are going to be a lot of decisions and excitement in the Donner household this coming year as they decide on high school and college for their children! Frank is one of our newer lectors, and we are blessed by his powerful and profound readings. He has also been active on the School Council for three years. Frank regularly attends the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and as an insight to who he is, his favorite quote is "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." (Marianne Williamson). Amanda Kopang: Amanda is a newer member to our parish having been here just a year in August. Amanda hails from Colorado and, upon moving to California, she spent some time at St. Julie Billiart in Newbury Park before joining us here at St. Mel. Amanda will bring a fresh insight to those young and single adults who may be looking to renew their faith journey. She also regularly attends the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and her favorite quote that in many respects, defines her faith is: "Be still and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth." Psalm 46. Marla Lloyd: Marla has been a parishioner here at St. Mel since 1977. She has 3 children (Luke, James and Eva) all currently attending St. Mel school. Marla has been very active in the parish and the school assisting on numerous projects and activities. Marla also usually attends the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service but often her boys (who are both altar servers) serve at different mass times. Marla attends Mass with her family at different times due to scheduling of the altar server ministry. Marla is hoping to help bridge the school and the church as she feels it is important that our children be raised with Catholic Christian values. "Part of being Christian is being a part of a community and serving others," she said. Her favorite quote is: "Trust in Him at all times, O people! Pour out your hearts to Him; for God is our refuge!" Psalm 62.9 Please introduce yourself to our newest members at Mass. Should you have any ideas or comments that you may wish the Council to take up at its next meeting in August, please contact any Council members with your thoughts. Look for council meeting agenda and summaries in future bulletins or the St. Mel website at www.stmelparish.org. In his homily, Archbishop Kurtz praised the impact that people of faith have had on the United States “precisely because we have used this freedom to serve others.” Fortnight for Freedom concludes: Washington D.C., July 7- Catholics must come together to protect the work of the Church's charities and services, said the U.S. bishops' president as the annual Fortnight for Freedom came to a close on July 4th. He also praised the work of Catholic Charities, saying that the organization’s work was done with integrity and “without ever violating the core beliefs that motivated that service.” Such “faith filled service is good for America,” “We need a robust and healthy religious freedom in our nation,” Archbishop Kurtz proclaimed. “We must remain free to serve these most vulnerable of our sisters and brothers, without risk of government sanction,” said Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. Thank you for your kindness! Visit us online: justiceandpeace.stmelparish.org Archbishop Kurtz joined the principal celebrant of the Mass, Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, in closing the third Fortnight for Freedom - a period of prayer, education, and action to promote a greater respect for religious liberty, both in the U.S. and abroad. Remember to take a bag & fill it with food. Return it any time to the baskets. YOU are helping others who are hungry. The first Fortnight was held in 2012 amid threats to religious freedom stemming from the Health and Human Services mandate, which requires employers to provide and pay for insurance coverage for contraception, sterilization and some drugs that can cause early abortions, even if such actions violate their firmly-held religious beliefs. On June 30, during the Fortnight, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot require “closely held” corporations – companies whose stock is controlled by five or fewer individuals – to violate their religious principles in order to obey the mandate. The U.S. bishops' conference encouraged Catholics around the country to attend and arrange events and Masses around the country highlighting the importance of religious freedom. During the closing Mass, Cardinal Wuerl recalled two Masses he said during the Fortnight in St. Mary’s City and on St. Clement’s Island in Maryland; St. Clement’s Island is the site of the first English-language Mass celebrated in the British colonies, in 1634. “It was at these two historic sites where the first Catholic settlers arrived and established a community that was the birthplace of religious freedom in this part of the world,” the Cardinal explained to participants in the closing Mass. “Their purposeful founding of colonial Maryland on grounds of religious freedom, a place where all could live together in harmony, each being free to live their faith without restraint, in many respects anticipated the founding of our nation on the principle of liberty for all, which Americans celebrate today.” Bags in the Basket…Power in the Pews! Guadalupe Community Center 21600 Hart Street Canoga Park, California 91303 (818) 340-2050 “I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU FED ME” Give the gift of your compassionate presence – become a Care One Hospice volunteer! You can make an impact in just a few hours a month. Our patients and their families will benefit from your friendly visits! Read to patients, play a musical instrument, or simply hold a hand. We provide training and ongoing support. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Melissa Sandler, MSW, with any questions or to request an application at [email protected]<mailto:Melissa@careoneh ospice.com> or toll-free at 866-952-2734. Update Parish Goal $114,039.70 Amount Pledged: $88,711.49 Amount Paid: $77,384.49 Amount Owed: $36,655.21 Monday Adult Club Tomorrow the Adult Club will host their meeting in the “old auditorium” at 9:30 a.m. for social hour and 10:30 for the general meeting. Bingo will take place after the meeting. Special note: please keep Friday, December 12th, marked on your calendar for the Christmas luncheon at the Woodland Hills Country Club. The atmosphere and the lunch menu sound terrific! More information later. Electronic Giving at St. Mel Parish Did you know that St. Mel Parish provides Online Giving - a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Online Giving offers you the opportunity to give the way you want, whenever you want. It costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church. Benefits for You ♦ No check writing or ATM stops before church ♦ Safe, secure and confidential ♦ Schedule recurring or one-time donations ♦ Change a gift or account any time you like ♦ Earn rewards through your credit card Benefits for St. Mel ♦ Parish giving is consistent, whether you are at Mass or away for the weekend We ask that you consider using this service - especially during the summer months while you are on vacation. To register go to www.stmelparish.org and click on the online giving logo in the lower right corner of the homepage. Marriage Encounter Weekends Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend in Ventura September 19-21. For more information contact: Ed and Jo Lara at (818) 848-6729 or go online at: www.twocanlove.org. Discover what a life-changing Marriage Encounter Weekend can do for your marital relationship. October 24-26 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Monrovia. For more info: www.memconline.org or email: [email protected] Contact Winston/Dinah Perez (818) 527 MEMC Marriage Encounter Movement of California (MEMC) Did You Know? Get involved parish safety programs in Parents and guardians play a key role in the success of parish programs for young people. Parents and guardians who are involved in parish programs and events will be in the best position to protect their own children as well as all the children in the parish community. Involvement and communication are important factors in helping to ensure safe environments for all of our children. Contact the parish office for more information on how you can become actively involved in the safe environment training programs in our parish. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27 Today’s Readings Saturday, July 26 5:00 Franco Sun Sunday, July 27 7:15 Jason Washington 9:00 Matthew McKnight 11:00 Anna Moorehouse 5:00 Mass for the People Monday, July 28 8:15 Joseph Hippolyte Tuesday, July 29 8:15 Richard Max Bird Wednesday, July 30 8:15 Carlo Alday Thursday, July 31 8:15 Allan Rivera Friday, August 1 8:15 Kitty & Frank Coughlin Saturday, August 2 8:00 Kitty & Frank Coughlin First Reading — Solomon prays for an understanding heart. (1 Kings 3:5, 7-12). Psalm — Lord, I love your commands. (Psalm 119). Second Reading — All things work for good for those who love God. (Romans 8:28-30). Gospel — The one who knows of the kingdom of heaven brings new and old from the storeroom. (Matthew 13:44-52 [44-46]). Readings for the Week Monday: Jer 13:1-11; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18;Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34;Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Is 55:1-3; Ps 145:8-9, 15-18;Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 Prayers for Priests 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 Rev. Edward Dover Rev. Sengol Arockiasamy Rev. Cassian Di Rocco, OSB Rev. Msgr. Steven Zak Rev. Richard Albarano Pray for Our Beloved Deceased Stewardship Corner What kind of seed do we sow in the world? Do we sow seed of goodness and mercy? Or, do we sow seed of discord and division? Please take a few moments to prayerfully consider your offertory gift to God in thanksgiving for the many blessings you have received this week. In your Masses and prayers during the week please remember the repose of the souls of our deceased parishioners. Our Mission Statement Bereavement Support at St. Mel ♦ Develop a deeper understanding of the Gospel message of Jesus through prayer, reflection and education The Group meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the elementary school faculty lounge. All are welcome. ♦ Recognize and call forth the gifts of each parishioner ♦ Affirm the dignity of all persons by responding to their spiritual and material needs ♦ Celebrate our life together in worship as a faith community. Email: [email protected] or call Ella Sciarra at (818) 340-6030, ext. 1015, email, [email protected]. We the Eucharistic Community of St. Mel Parish are committed to: Registration For Religious Education For Children WHEN DO I REGISTER? NOW. HOW DO I DO IT? GO TO STMELPARISH.ORG AND THEN CLICK UNDER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TO REGISTER. HOW DO I PAY? ONLINE OR BY CHECK/CASH WHO IS IT FOR? CHILDREN, AGES 2-5, SUNDAY MORNINGS DURING 9AM MASS CHILDREN IN GRADES 1-5, SAT OR SUN MORNINGS YOUTH, GRADES 6-8, WHO NEED SACRAMENTS YOUTH,GRADES 6-8 WHO HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED SACRAMENTS Classes will fill fast, so don’t be left out! Children need religious education every year, not just for sacramental preparation. For additional information please contact Pat Andre at 818 340-6020, ext. 1022, or [email protected]. Saint Martha Feast Day July 29 From Catholic Online "Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus." This unique statement in John's gospel tells us of the special relationship Jesus had with Martha, her sister, and her brother. Apparently Jesus was a frequent guest at Martha's home in Bethany, a small village two miles from Jerusalem. We read of three visits in Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9. Many of us find it easy to identify with Martha in the story Luke tells. Martha welcomes Jesus and his disciples into her home and immediately goes to work to serve them. Hospitality is paramount in the Middle East and Martha believed in its importance. Imagine her frustration when her sister Mary ignores the rule of hospitality and Martha's work in order to sit and listen to Jesus. Instead of speaking to her sister, she asks Jesus to intervene. Jesus' response is not unkind, which gives us an idea of his affection for her. He observes that Martha is worried about many things that distract her from really being present to him. He reminds her that there is only one thing that is truly important -- listening to him. And that is what Mary has done. In Martha we see ourselves -- worried and distracted by all we have to do in the world and forgetting to spend time with Jesus. It is, however, comforting to note that Jesus loved her just the same. The next visit shows how well Martha learned this lesson. She is grieving the death of her brother with a house full of mourners when she hears that Jesus has just come to the area. She gets up immediately and leaves the guests, leaves her mourning, and goes to meet him. Her conversation with Jesus shows her faith and courage. In this dialogue she states clearly without doubt that she believes in Jesus' power, in the resurrection, and most of all that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells her that he is the resurrection and the life and then goes on to raise her brother from the dead. Our final picture of Martha in Scripture is the one that sums up who she was. Jesus has returned to Bethany some time later to share a meal with his good friends. In this home were three extraordinary people. We hear how brother Lazarus caused a stir when he was brought back to life. We hear how Mary causes a commotion at dinner by annointing Jesus with expensive perfume. But all we hear about Martha is the simple statement: "Martha served." She isn't in the spotlight, she doesn't do showy things, she doesn't receive spectacular miracles. She simply serves Jesus. We know nothing more about Martha and what happened to her later. According to a totally untrustworthy legend Martha accompanied Mary to evangelize France after Pentecost. But wouldn't it be wonderful if the most important thing that could be said about us is "They served"? Martha is the patron saint of servants and cooks. Decks/Balconies Fence-Wood/Vinyl Masonry/Brick Roofing Insulation Gutters Following Jesus Every Day: FRANKLINS HARDWARE 818-347-6800 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 21936 VENTURA AT TOPANGA PARISHIONER SINCE 1957 Shamrock Plumbing Service 800.303.MIKE Lic# 803105 422724 mikesroofing.com Sewer Cleaning & Repair Specialists 24 Hr. 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Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Contact LISA BARKER today at (800) 231-0805 • [email protected] LAW OFFICES OF MARK G. CUNNINGHAM, APC (Parishioner) 20300 Ventura Blvd., Ste 300, Woodland Hills 818-999-9205 • [email protected] Wills & Trusts • “Don’t let your loved ones struggle when you’re gone” RANDY SCHLEE PLUMBING Repair • Remodel • Repipe Serving the West Valley For Over 20 Years! Joanie Louis License # BRE01362422 (818) 876-3138 [email protected] www.JoanieLouis.com “It’s Not Just Your House, It’s Your Home” Mention This Ad for 10% St. Mel Parent Alumni & Parishioner Louisville Alumni Crespi, Chaminade Parent Alumni DISCOUNT! Parishioner Lic. #522357 (818) 340-2628 BASTIAN & PERROTT OSWALD MORTUARY Cremations Advance Planning Se habla español 519934 St Mel Church (B) Ed Perrott - FDR-1955 18728 Parthenia St., Northridge (818) 886-8600 FD# 1198 Jim’s Fallbrook Market Meat-Groceries-Produce Ice-Keg Beer FRESH FISH COUNTER 5947 Fallbrook 347-5525 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 8717 TAMPA AVE., NORTHRIDGE FD – Affordable Funerals #1228 (818) 349-9701 Parishioner DONATE CLOTHES, FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & CARS TO THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL AND PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDY. Lic #615476 800-974-3571 $ 25 O Lic. 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