Appendix D – Correspondence for the Supply Header Project
Appendix D – Correspondence for the Supply Header Project
ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE, LLC ATLANTIC COAST PIPELINE and DOMINION TRANSMISSION, INC. SUPPLY HEADER PROJECT Supplemental Filing September 1, 2016 APPENDIX D Correspondence for the Supply Header Project APPENDIX D Summary of Agency Contacts for the Supply Header Project Date(s) of Correspondence Format Joshua Shaffer 6/15/16 Letter Section 408 Review. Ken Lieu 7/18/16 Letter Results of Section 408 Review. 6/15/16 Letter Section 408 Review. Kenneth Bumgardner 6/23/16 Email Results of Section 408 Review. Stephen Porter 6/30/16 Email Results of Section 408 Review. 5/10/16 Letter Response to revised Phase I Archaeological Survey Report. 5/12/16 Letter Revised copies of Phase I Archaeological Survey Report. 8/25/16 Letter Project concurrence. Agency/Contact Name(s) Description FEDERAL AGENCIES U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Pittsburgh District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Huntington District Adam Fannin STATE/COMMONWEALTH AGENCIES Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office Douglas McLearen Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Bureau for Historic Preservation Steven McDougal FEDERALLY RECOGNIZED INDIAN TRIBES Catawba Indian Nation Wenonah Haire Federal Agencies U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Pittsburgh District 0 10 AP Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey,20Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Pitt sbu rgh H unt i ngt on -1 30 40 This information is for environmental review purpos es only. O 0 2 4 Milepost Proposed Pipeline 6 Miles 1:400,000 Regulatory District Atlantic Coast Pipeline U.S. Army Corps - Pittsburgh District Civil Works Project Review Page 1 of 2 1 inch equals 33,333 feet FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\SRPP\_ArcGIS\2016\05\17_COE_Civil_Works\_ACP_COE_Civil_Works_Pittsburgh.mxd | REVISED: 06/03/2016 | SCALE: 1:400,000 an ERM Group company DRAWN BY: EKP 30 40 50 A P1 Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Pit t No 60 P it n ti t sb ng urg to n rgh rf ol k h n Hu sbu No Hu nt i rf o l k ng to 70 This information is for environmental review purpos es only. 0 O 2 4 Milepost 6 Miles 1:400,000 1 inch equals 33,333 feet Proposed Pipeline Regulatory District Atlantic Coast Pipeline U.S. Army Corps - Pittsburgh District Civil Works Project Review Page 2 of 2 FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\SRPP\_ArcGIS\2016\05\17_COE_Civil_Works\_ACP_COE_Civil_Works_Pittsburgh.mxd | REVISED: 06/03/2016 | SCALE: 1:400,000 an ERM Group company DRAWN BY: EKP 1 Doddridge Co. West Virginia ton Huntin g h Pittsbu rg TL-635 Harrison Co. 0 250 O 500 Feet Mileposts Milepost Tenths Proposed Pipeline (TL-635) Regulatory District Supply Header Project U.S. Army Corps - Pittsburgh District Civil Works Project Review FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\Supply_Header\_ArcGIS\COE_Report\20160525\Overview_Maps\_DRS_SHP_COE_OverviewMap_Pittsburgh.mxd, REVISED: 05/25/2016, SCALE: 1:8,000 an ERM Group company DRAWN BY: TAH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PITTSBURGH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD FEDERAL BUILDING 1000 LIBERTY AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA 15222-4186 Real Estate Office Mr. Spencer Trichell Dominion Resources Services, Inc. 5000 Dominion Boulevard Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Dear Mr. Trichell: This is in response to your request by electronic mail dated June 16, 2016 concerning the need for a Section 408 permission that may be associated with the potential crossings depicted in attachments to that message. We have reviewed the proposed alignment and determined that the pipeline path would not encroach on any Corps property and is far enough removed from any Corps infrastructure so as to not require a Section 408 permission per the date of the design location received and dated April 1, 2016 (second location revision). We have calculated that the line is approximately 5 miles northeast of Stonewall Jackson Lake, and 2 miles southwest of the Buckhannon Flood Control Project (see attached map). Any changes to the proposed line location will involve additional research, review, and approval by our office. If you have any questions regarding this finding, please contact the undersigned at 412395-7535. Sincerely, Ken Lieu Chief, Real Estate Office Enclosure Copies Furnished: Jeff Benedict (USACE) Josh Shaffer (USACE) Leslie Hartz (Atlantic Coast Pipeline) William Scarpinato (Dominion) SWJ Lake Figure 1 - April 1, 2016 Atlantic Pipeline location data (yellow mile markers) compared to USACE projects U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Huntington District 50 gh sbur Pitt on H u n t i ng t 60 h urg tsb Pit lk rfo No 70 Hu ntin gto No n rfo lk Pit tsb urg Hu n ti h ng ton Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community AP -1 80 AP -1 90 This information is for environmental review purposes only. O 0 2 4 Milepost 6 Miles 1:400,000 Proposed Pipeline Atlantic Coast Pipeline Regulatory District U.S. Army Corps - Huntington District Civil Works Project Review 1 inch equals 33,333 feet FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\SRPP\_ArcGIS\2016\05\17_COE_Civil_Works\_ACP_COE_Civil_Works_Huntington.mxd | REVISED: 06/02/2016 | SCALE: 1:400,000 an ERM Group company DRAWN BY: EKP # 0 30 Marion Co. Wetzel Co. 25 Tyler Co. 20 TL-635 West Virginia 15 Doddridge Co. 10 Harrison Co. Pi H un tts b u tin rgh gt on 5 0 1.5 O 3 Miles Mileposts Proposed Pipeline (TL-635) # 0 SHP Compressor Station Supply Header Project U.S. Army Corps - Huntington District Civil Works Project Review Regulatory District an ERM Group company FILE: M:\Clients\D-F\DOM\Supply_Header\_ArcGIS\COE_Report\20160525\Overview_Maps\_DRS_SHP_COE_OverviewMap_Huntington.mxd, REVISED: 05/25/2016, SCALE: 1:190,080 DRAWN BY: TAH From: Porter, Stephen M LRH [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 11:13 AM To: Linda Morrison; Bumgardner, Kenneth R LRH; Fannin, Adam E LRH Cc: [email protected]; Robert M Bisha (Services - 6); Rhodes, Charlie JR LRH; Walker, Gary M LRH; Spencer Trichell (Services - 6); Porter, Stephen M LRH Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: ACP - Section 408 Review Request (LHR-2014-484 and LHR-2014-1110) Clarification Requested on District Response Linda, In reviewing the provided information, I saw no indication of impacts to Federal (or sponsor‐owned/operated) structures that would require a Section 408 engineering review. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Very respectfully, Stephen Stephen M. Porter, PMP, CFM US Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District 502 Eighth Street Huntington, WV 25701 Email: [email protected] Office: 304-399-5062 Cell: 304-360-2729 -----Original Message----From: Linda Morrison [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 9:43 AM To: Bumgardner, Kenneth R LRH <[email protected]>; Fannin, Adam E LRH <[email protected]> Cc: Porter, Stephen M LRH <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'Robert M Bisha (Services - 6)' <[email protected]>; Rhodes, Charlie JR LRH <[email protected]>; Walker, Gary M LRH <[email protected]>; 'Spencer Trichell (Services - 6)' <[email protected]> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: ACP - Section 408 Review Request (LHR-2014-484 and LHR-2014-1110) - Clarification Requested on District Response Ken, Thank you for your quick review and response to Dominion's June 16th letter. You state that the District has "determined the proposed pipeline does not cross any of the Huntington District's project boundaries, therefore no action is necessary by the Real Estate Division". We understand that your statement includes any Real Estate easements, outgrants, and any other Real Estate requirement; however, we are not sure whether your statement includes that no Section 408 Permissions are required as well by the District. We respectfully request clarification. If your statement does not include Section 408 permissions, then please advise as to the status of the District's reviews regarding whether any Section 408 permissions are required for any crossings. Please call me if you would like to discuss or have any questions (cell 912-659-8318). I am a consultant for Dominion on the ACP project and retired from the Corps. Very respectfully, Linda 1 Linda Morrison | Senior Advisor Dawson & Associates, Inc. | 1225 I (Eye) Street, NW Suite 250 | Washington, DC 20005 | [email protected] FedMark Solutions, LLC | Owner 3654 Coughlin Court, Franklinton, NC 27525 [email protected] (912) 659‐8318 Cell -----Original Message----From: Bumgardner, Kenneth R LRH [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 2:42 PM To: Spencer Trichell (Services - 6); Fannin, Adam E LRH Cc: Porter, Stephen M LRH; '[email protected]'; Robert M Bisha (Services - 6); William A Scarpinato (Services - 6); 'Linda Morrison'; Rhodes, Charlie JR LRH; Walker, Gary M LRH Subject: RE: ACP - Section 408 Review Request (LHR-2014-484 and LHR-2014-1110) Mr. Spencer: Huntington District Real Estate Division has reviewed your attachments and have determined the proposed pipeline does not cross any of the Huntington District's project boundaries, therefore no action is necessary by the Real Estate Division. This determination does not relieve you of any obligation/coordination with Regulatory or any other Federal, State, or local agencies. Kenneth R. Bumgardner Chief, Real Estate Division (work) 304-399-5374 (cell) 304-360-0961 (fax) 304-399-5218 -----Original Message----From: Spencer Trichell (Services - 6) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 2:12 PM To: Fannin, Adam E LRH <[email protected]> Cc: Porter, Stephen M LRH <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; Bumgardner, Kenneth R LRH <[email protected]>; Robert M Bisha (Services - 6) <[email protected]>; William A Scarpinato (Services - 6) <[email protected]>; 'Linda Morrison' <[email protected]> Subject: [EXTERNAL] ACP - Section 408 Review Request (LHR-2014-484 and LHR-2014-1110) Mr. Fannin, Atlantic Coast Pipeline is respectfully requesting your review and concurrence on potential crossings requiring Section 408 permission. I have attached a letter stating this request, maps depicting the proposed route in the Huntington District, and a GIS shapefile to help with your review. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Regards, Spencer Trichell Environmental Consultant - Atlantic Coast Pipeline Dominion Resources Services, Inc. O:(804)-273-3472 M:(804)-263-5980 5000 Dominion Blvd, Glen Allen, VA 23060 [email protected] 2 State/Commonwealth Agencies Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office 10 May 2016 William Scarpinato Dominion Resources Services, Inc. 5000 Dominion Boulevard Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 RE: ER# 2015-0336-042-B FERC: Revised Phase I Archaeological Report, Supply Header Project, Greene and Westmoreland Counties Dear Mr. Scarpinato, Thank you for submitting information concerning the above referenced project. The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) reviews projects in accordance with state and federal laws. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, and the implementing regulations (36 CFR Part 800) of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, is the primary federal legislation. The Environmental Rights amendment, Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution and the Pennsylvania History Code, 37 Pa. Cons. Stat. Section 500 et seq. (1988) is the primary state legislation. These laws include consideration of the project's potential effects on both historic and archaeological resources. This report meets our standards and specifications as outlined in Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations in Pennsylvania (BHP 2008) and the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Archaeological Documentation. We agree with the recommendations of this report and in our opinion no further archaeological work is necessary for this project. Please send one bound copy and three digital copies (PDF preferred) on separate CDs of the final report for our files. For all copies, photographs must adhere to the National Register Photo Policy. If you need further information regarding archaeological resources, please contact Kira Heinrich at [email protected] or at (717) 705-0700. If you need further information concerning above ground resources, please contact Barbara Frederick at [email protected] or at (717) 772-0921. Sincerely, Douglas C. McLearen, Chief Division of Archaeology & Protection Commonwealth Keystone Building | 400 North Street | 2nd Floor | Harrisburg, PA 17120 | 717.783.8947 Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Bureau for Historic Preservation Federally-Recognized Indian Tribes Catawba Indian Nation