dominos , item 319. PDF 3 MB
dominos , item 319. PDF 3 MB
APPlication or a premises licence to be granted un er the Licensing Act 2003 PLEASEREAD HE FOLLOWINGINSTRUCTIONSFIRST f 8 fore completing this form Please ead the guidance notes at the end of the form. If you are completing this form by h nd please write legibly in block capitals. In all cases e sure that your answers are insid1 the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheets if n cessary. Y~ u may wish to keep a copy of th~ completed form for your records. e Sheermans Limited i--------------------------------------------------------------------------.(Insert name(s) of applicant) a PIYfor a premises licence und r section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises d scribed in Part 1 below (the pr mises) and I/we are making this application to you as t ~e relevant licensing authority i~ accordance with section 12 of the Licensing Act 2003 P stal address of premises D minos Pizza 3 7 Kenton Lane 8 Imont or, if ,",one, ordnance survey map reference or description f Postcode Post town I Harrow, Middlesex Telephone number at premises (if a y) Ndm-domestic rateable value of pre ises 02089093666 £9100 Please state whether you are applyirg for a premises licence a Please tick a) an individual or individuals * b) a person other than an individ c) d) I HA38RZ o ~@@~[pLi~@ , 2 ocr 2005 [please complete section (A) i. as a limited company please complete section (8) ii. as a partnership please complete section (8) iii. as an unincorporated assbciation or please complete section (8) iv. other (for example a stat please complete section (8) a recognised club please complete section (8) a charity please complete section (8) eB the proprietor of an education1 establishment I a health service body f)1 gp a person whois registereduner Part 2 ofthe Care StandardsAct2000 (c1 ) in respect ofan independent hospital the chief officerof police of a police force in h\ D please complete section (8) D please completesection(8) D please complete section (8) D please complete section (8) England and Wales * If you are applying as a person d~scribed in (a) or (b) please confirm: Please tick yes . . I am carrying on or proPosi to carry on a business which involves the use of the premises for licensable ctivities; or I am making the application ursuant to a o statutory function or o a function discharge~ by virtue of Her Majesty's prerogative ~ (~)INDIVIDUALAPPLICANTS rVtr 0 Mrs D (filllinas applicable) Miss IP example, OtherTitleRev) (for First names Ms S~rname 0 I D I ~m 18 years old or over Please tick yes C rrent postal a dress if different fr m premises a dress i Post Town I Postcode I Daytime contact telephone numb r Einail address (optional) SijCOND INDIVIDUALAPPLICANT (if applicable) Mlr 0 Mrs D Miss I!J Ms 0 Other Title (for example, Rev) First names Surname D I am 18 years old or over 2 Please tick yes 0 o o qurrent postal af:tdress if different f.lom premises address I Post Town I Postcode I D~ytime contact telephone num E~mailaddress (qptional) (Eh OTHER APPLICANTS P'ease provide name and registe ed address of applicant in full. Where appropriate p~ease give any registered numb r. In the case of a partnership or other joint venture (qther than a body corporate), pi ase give the name and address of each party concerned. : Name S~eermans Limited A~dress LOndon House I 243-253 Lower Mortlake Road Rfc . hmond l S~rrey TW92LL Rtgistered number (where applicable) 2~17653 I D$scription of applicant (for exampl$, partnership, company, unincorporated association etc.) LirlnitedCompany T lephone number (if any) o 089485166 E-mail address (optional) [email protected] I P~rt 3 Operating Schedule I W~en do you want the premises lic$ce to start? If Jou wish the licence to be valid only for a limited period, when do you want it to end? 3 Please give a general description the premises (please read guidance note1) 1!hepremises comprises a Domino s Pizza home delivery and takeaway store, the vast majority of pizzas are home delivered. The tore is located in a busy shopping street. The layout comprised a kitchen ar ,shop counter, washing up area and a small waiting area for pizza collection bt the public. F r further details please see the attached plan. There are no sitdown eating facility AJlcohol is not served, nor sold frorri, the premises. I i or more people are expect~d to attend the premises at any one time, please state the number $xpected to attend. Ifl5,OOO ! What licensable activities do you intend to carry on from the premises? (Please see sections 1 and 14 of th~ Licensing Act 2003 and Schedules 1 and 2 to the LicensingAct 2003) Ptovision of reaulated entertain Please tick yes I a)I plays (if ticking yes, fill in box o b) films (if ticking yes, fill in box o c). indoor sporting events (if ticki~g yes, fill in box C) d) I e~ boxing or wrestling entertainm~nt (if ticking yes, fill in box D) o o o f) recorded music (if ticking yes, live music (if ticking yes, fill in g) performances of dance (if tickihg yes, fill in box G) I h) I anything of a similar descriptiqn to that falling within (e), (f) or (g) (if ticking yes, fill in box H) o o o Provision of entertainment facilit i) making music (if ticking yes, fi~1in box I) j)1 dancing (if ticking yes, fill in b9x J) entertainment of a similar desqription to that falling within (i) or U> k) (if ticking yes, fill in box K) Provision of late niaht refreshment (if ticking yes, fill in box L) Supply of alcohol (if ticking yes, fil~in box M) I 1nlall cases complete boxes N, 0 I 4 o o o ~ o L Late night refreshment Standard days and timings (please read guidance note 6) Will the rovision of late night refreshment take pi e indoors or outdoors or both please 1. ck (please read guidance note 2) Indoors 10 - Outdoors ID - Start Day i Mon Finish Both I 11:00 I 24:00 to_________________ Tue I 11:00 I 24:00 Wed I ---------------..------------ Please ive further details here (please read guidance note 3) T akeaw y and delivery service -------------.------------- 11:00 I 24:00 State a seasonal variations for the rovision of late ni ht refresh ent (pleasereadguidancenote4) , Thur I 1 11:00 1 24:00 ------------..-------------- Fri Sat I ------------------..-...------------ S4n I 11:00 124:00 --------------- I I I I I I I 16 ID NI Supply of alcohol S~andarddays and timings (please read guidance note 6) - Day Start Will the consum guidanc On the premises Offthe premises Both Finish Mon State an seasonal variations for the su read gui ance note4) o o o I of alcohol (please Tue Wed ----------------.-------------- T~ur Fri ---------------..------------- Sat ------------------.---------------- Sun -----------------.----------------- I I S~te the name and details of the fndividual whom you wish to specify on the licence as premises supervisor I --l Name Nqt applicable Address ~stcode I. Personal Licence number (if knoVl(n) Is~uing licensing authority (if knotln) 17 Pease highlight any adult entertc: inment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of thE premises that may give rise to concern in respect of cildren (please read guidance not 8) Not applicable I I 01 I Hc>urs premises are oen to the public StFlndarddays and timings (please read guidance note 6) Start Finish Day Mon Tue 11:00 24:15 11:00 24:15 State an 'Jseasonal variations (please read guidance note 4) Last ordErs as per section L, however allowing 15 minutes to complete the cooking process _._------------.------.-.-.------ ----------------------------------- I Wf3d THur Fri Sst 11:00 ------- 24:15 r-------- Non Stal dard timinas. Where vou intend the Dremises to be ODen to he Dublic at different times from those listed in the 11:00 24:15 --------------------------------column t)nthe left Dlease list (please read guidance note 5) 11:00 01:15 --------- 11:00 01:15 --------------------------------I Sn 11:00 24:15 --------------------------------I I I I I 18 I I b) The prevention of crime and di order PIase see attached sheet c) IPublic safety Please see attached sheet d) 'The prevention of public nuisal ce Please see attached sheet I e) he protection of children from harm Please see attached sheet 19 I ..----..--. 81 8 Please tick yes ent of the fee , have made or enclosed paY ~ , have enclosed the plan of th premises ~ I have sent copies of this appli ation and the plan to responsible authorities and ~ others where applicable I have enclosed the consent form completed by the individualI wish to be premises supervisor, if applicable I understand that I must now a~vertise my application I understand that if I do not Co~P'y withthe above requirements my application will be rejected ~ 8 8 8 I 8 ITliS AN OFFENCE, LIABLE ON C NVICTION TO A FINE UP TO LEVEL 5 ON THE STANDARD SCALE, UNDER SEC ION 158 OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003 TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN OR IN CO~NECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION Part 4 - Signatures (please read guidance note 10) Signature of applicant or applica~t's solicitor or other duly authorised agent (See guidance note 11). If signing on b~half of the applicant please state in what capacity. Signature Date Capacity I I ~/ .Y-X iv--ILv- - ; ../ / £}/ .2(')dl~Managing Director For joint applications signature o. 2ndapplicant or 2ndapplicant's solicitor or other authorised agent. (please read gui~ance note 12). If signing on behalf of the applicant please state in what capacity. Signature Date Capacity ---'I Contact name (where not previou+ly given) and postal address for correspondence associated with this application (Rleaseread guidance note 13) Sarmad Shakarchi Sheermans Limited London House, 243-253 Lower Mortlake Road Post town Richmond,Surrey Post code TW92LL Telephone number (if any) 0 089485166 If you would prefer us to corresp nd with you bye-mail your e-mail address (optional) [email protected] 20