Hounslow Urban Farm Faggs Road Feltham
Hounslow Urban Farm Faggs Road Feltham
flnseft name and addressof relevantlicensingauthorttyand itsreferencenumber(optional).1 Application for a premiseslicence to be granted under the Licensing Act 2ffi3 PLEASE READ THE T'OLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS F'IRST Before completing this form pleaseread the guidancenotes at the end of the form. If you are completing this form by hand pleasewrite legibly in block capitals. In all casesensurethat your answersare inside the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheetsif necessary. You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records. vwe _-__.-J-oqy_B$y s{4Atl"-e-q!'_'{y _e{'g_ !Ytjsb$l_{qtse4y_ (Insert narne(s)of applicant) apply for a premiseslicence under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2{X}3for the premisesdescribed in Part 1 below (the premises)and Iftve are making this application to you as the relevant licensing authority in accordancewith section 12 of the Licensing Act 2003 Part I - PremisesDetails Postal addressof premisesor, if none, ordnancesurvey map referenceor description Hounslow Urban Farm, FaggsRoad. Post town Feltham Postcode Telephonenumber at premises(if any) Non-domestic rateablevalue of premises TW14 $LZ 02088319658 s 0 Part2 - Applicant Details Pleasestatewhether you are applying for a premiseslicence as Pleasetick as appropriate a) an individual or individuals * b) a personotherthanan individual* Y pleasecompletesection(A) tr i. asa limitedcompany n pleasecompletesection(B) ii. asa partnership t] pleasecompletesection(B) iii. as an unincorporatedassociationor t] pleasecomplete section @) iv. other (for examplea statutory corporation) n pleasecomplete section @) c) a recognisedclub n pleasecompletesection(B) d) a charity tr pleasecomplete section (B) e) the proprietor of an educationalestablishment n pleasecomplete section (B) 0 a health servicebody tr pleasecompletesection(B) g) a personwho is registeredunder Part 2 of the Care n StandardsAct 2000 (c14) in respectofan independent hospitalin Wales pleasecomplete section (B) ga) a person who is registeredunder Chapter2 of Part I of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (within the meaning of that Part) in an independenthospital in England f] pleasecomplete section (B) h) the chief officer of police of a police force in England and Wales tr pleasecompletesection@) * If you are applying {$ a person describedin (a) or (b) pleaseconfirm: Pleasetick yes I am carrying on or proposing to carry on a businesswhich involves the use of the premisesfor licensableactivities;or tr I am making the application pursuantto a statutory functionor tr a function dischargedby virtue of Her Majesty's prerogative t] (A) INDMDUAL APPLICANTS (fill in as applicable) M r n M r s n M i s s t r M s t r Surname Purdy Other Title (for example,Rev) First names Anthony I am 18 yearsold or over Y Pleasetickves 58, New Road, The Causeway Currentpostaladdressif differentfrom premises address Posttown I Staines Postcode Daytime contact telephonenumber E-mail address (optional) 0797472865 alicepu rdydory@gma iI. com I fwfS 3DA SECOhil) INDTYIDUAL APPLICAITT (if applicable) MrX Mrs n Miss tr Surname Kennedy Ms tr OtherTitle (for example,Rev) First names Michael I am I 8 yearsold or over Y Pleasetick ves 7, Hatton Road Current postal addressif different from premises address Post town I Bedfont Postcode Daytime contact telephonenumber E-mail address (optional) I TW14 8JR w7t3t3l56l [email protected] (B) OTHER APPLICANTS Please provide name and registered address of npplicant in futl. Where appropriate please give any registered nurrber. In the caseof a partnership or other joint venture (other than a body corporate), pleasegive the name and addressofeach party concerned. Name Address Registerednumber (where applicable) Description of applicant (for example,partnership,company, unincorporatedassociationetc.) Telephonenumber (if any) E-mail address(optional) Part 3 Operating Schedule When do you want the premiseslicence to start? If you wish the licence to be valid only for a limited period, when do you want it to end? Pleasegive a generaldescriptionof the premises(pleasereadguidancenote 1) Renewalof Licensere eventheld on 3'" May 2014. Hounslow Urban Farm, adjacentFaggsRoad. Offstreet parking. Big Bam to hold a music event, away from animals. 300 metersto nearestresidential property. Directly to the North are fields and industrial. East is only fields. Souththere is a Tescos400 metersaway and the fire and ambulanceseryice. Good transportlinks. Bar Area. Alcohol will be sold and consumedon premises,in all of the eventareas.An areaoutside will be designatedfor smoking. If 5,000 or more peopleare expectedto attendthe premisesat any one time, pleasestatethe number expectedto attend. 1,800 Whatlicensableactivitiesdo you intendto carryon from the premises? (Pleaseseesections1 and14of theLicensingAct 2003andSchedules 1 and?to theLicensingAct 2003) Provision of regulated entertainment Pleasetick any that apply a) plays (if ticking yes, fill in box A) b) films (if ticking yes, fill in box B) c) indoor sporting events(if ticking yes, fill in box C) d) boxing or wrestlingentertainment(if ticking yes,fill in box D) e) live music (if ticking yes, fill in box E) n tr tr tr tr f) recordedmusic (if ticking yes, fill in box F) Y g) performancesof dance(if ticking yes, fill in box G) h\ anythingof a similar descriptionto that falling within (e), (f) or (g) (if tickingyes,fill in box H) n n Provision of late niqht refreshment (if ticking yes, fill in box I) Supolv of alcohol (if ticking yes, fill in box J) Y In all casescomplete boxes K L rnd M A Plays Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Mon Staxt WiIl the performancqof a play take plaqe Lndoors or outdoors or both - please tick (pleaseread guidancenote 2) Finish Outdoors u u Both tr lndoors Plcase sive further details here (pleaseread guidancenote 3) Tue Wed State apv seasonalyarirtions for performing nlavs (pleaseread guidance note 4) Thur Fri Nol stsndard timines. Where you intend to use the premises for the the left. nlease list (pleaseread guidancenote 5) Sat Sun F Recorded music Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start Will the p}ryins of recorded music take nlace indoors or outdoors or both - please tick (please read guidancenote 2) Finish Indoors Y Outdoors tr Bo& tr Please give further details here (pleaseread guidancenote 3) Mon LIYW 4WrD UrVrBUurb VJ J r by a competentsound engineer Tue State anv seasonalvariations for the nlaying of recorded music (please read guidancenote 4) NotApplicable Wed Thur Fri Non standard timinss Where vou intend to use the nremisesfor the Sat on the left, nlease list (pleaseread guidancenote 5) NotApplicable nlavins of recorded music at different Sun 20.00 02.00 tims to those listed in the cclumn Late night refreshment Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start Finish lYill the provision of late night refreshment take plaee indoors or outdoors or both - please tick (pleaseread guidancenote 2) Indoors Indoors Y Outdoors tr Both Y Please give further details here (pleaseread guidancenote 3) A marqueewill be erectedthe length of the barn wilh an indoor and outdoor which will be mannedto contnrl the flow of people for Alcohol. Food will be servedfrom a buger van located by the control room. Mon Tue Wed State anv season*l variations for the orovision of late night refreshment (pleaseread guidancenote 4) NotApplicable Thur Fri Sat Sun 20.00 02.00 Non sfandard timinus. Where you intend to use thc premises for the orovision of late nisht refrerhment at difierent times. to those listed in the column on the left" please list (pleaseread guidancenote 5) NotApplicable J Supply of alcohol Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start Will the suDnlv of aleohol be for consumptionpleasetick (pleaseread guidancenote 7) Finish Mon Onthe premises Y Offthe premises n Both D State any seasonalvariations for the sunplv ofaleohol (pleaseread guidancenote 4)Not Applicable Tue Wed Thur Non standard timings. Where you intend to use tbe premise for the supply of elcohol at different times to tbose listed in the column on the left. please list (pleaseread guidancenote 5) NotApplicable Fri Sat Sun 20.00 01.00 State the name and details of the individual whom you wish to specify on the licence as designated premisessupervisor: Name Daniel Marshall Address Green Man Pub, FaggsRad Postcode TWl4 Personallicence number (if known) Daniel Marshall 5870/l2l000l O&APERS Issuing licensing authority (if known) LondonBoroushof Sutton K Pleasehighlight any adult entertainment or services,activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children (pleaseread guidancenote 8). NotApplicable Hours premisesare open to the public Standarddays and timings (pleaseread guidancenote 6) Day Start State any seasonalvariations (pleaseread guidancenote 4) Not Applicable Finish Mon Tue Wed Non standard timings. Where vou intend the premises to be oDento the Thur please list (pleaseread guidancenote 5) Not Applicable Fri Sat Sun 20.00 %00 oa'f./. M Describe the stepsyou intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives: a) General - all four b) The prevention of crime and disorder As used at our previous event 03/05114There will be a mannedsecurity team (Incognito) of 32 SIA approved staff. There will be conditions of entry policy where everyoneincluding all staffbefore the event to be searchedfor contraband. Ifcontraband is found the appropriateaction will be taken. It is strictly an over l8's event. Everyone has to bring ID with them - NO ID meansno entry which will be statedon the tickets. . During the event eyeryoneincluding guests,DJ's and MC's , plus any additional staff will be searchedalso. The interior and the exterior of the premiseswill be designedto minimise conflict and the opportunity for crime and disorder. There will be additional floodlighting hired in to aid the outdoor are4 there was an issuewith insufficient lighting at previous pa$y so this has be taken on board for 2015. A barrier systemwill be in place to control the crowd. It will be mannedat all times and there will be marshallsto help crowds acrossthe road leading to the cemetery.All staffwill have radios for communication and in the event of an emergencythe police will be called. The Police will have been notified and their suggestionsadheredto prior to the event. All drinks will be servedin plastic containers and cans.We have CCTV for prevention which will be monitored throughout the evenl. Door staffwill have clickersso capacitywill be known at all times. c) Public safety The license holders will be responsiblefor the safety of the event and any repairs and maintenance. Briefings 30 mins before start time will take place betweenall staffand security. There will be a sufficient number of security staffl floor supervisorsin relation to the number of customersattending. All staJfwill be approvedby the appropriateorganisationsfor example SIA. There will be a briefed and competentbar team who will keep an eye out for patrons who are too intoxicated. There will be an entranceand exit to bar area so the people can be controlled to stop pushing and shoving and queues. Both entranceand exit will be manned.Emergencyfre exists will be clearly displayed. There will be a medical team on site and appropriateaccessof emergencyvehicles. Sufficient lighting will be in place to ensurethe areais well lit and on leaving the security team will be on hand to direct customersin the right direction. Crowd control barriers will be in place so that people leave in an orderly and appropriatemanner. TFL will be emailed confirming the service scheduledfor that day. Re 2AM party - an announcementwill be made over PA systeminforming the attendees30 mins before last train departsgivmg them time to get to the station. d) The preventionofpublic nuisance The noise levels will be kept below the recommendedlevel by a competentsound engineer,and the is barn surroundedby acresof land and an industrial estate.The barn is 300 metersaway from the nearest local residents. It is an indoor music event and the speakerswill all be on rubber mats. A sufficient supply of bins will be located around the premisesfor litter. As an addition staffwill be litter picking accordingly. Inside and Outside the premises.There will be exfia lighting brought in for the footpath but it will stay within the event boundary so no light pollution. Security will be on hand as customersleave to ensurethey leave in a quiet and respectful manner. As an addition there will be signs put up resquesting customersleave in a quiet and respectful manner. e) The protection of children from harm NotApplicable. Checklist: Pleasetick to indicate"*ro*V r I have made or enclosedpayment of the fee. ' I haveenclosedthe plan of the premises. o I have sent copies of this application and the plan to responsibleauthorities and others where appllcaDre. V r-t IJ r I have enclosedthe consentform completedby the individual I wish to be designatedpremises supervisor,if applicable. u . I understandthat I must now advertisemy application. { r I understandthat if I do not comply with the aboverequirementsmy application will be rejected. { IT IS AI{ OFFENCE, LIABLE ON SUMMARY COnwICTION TO A X'INE NOT EXCEEDING LEVEL 5 ON TITS STANDARD SCALE, UNDER SECTION 158 OF TNE LICENSING ACT 2003, TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMEI{T IN OR IN COI{NECTION WITII THIS APPLICATION. Vart 4- Signatures (pleasereadguidancenote 10) Signature of applicant or applicant's solicitor or other duly authorised agent (seeguidancenote 11). If signing on behalf of the applicant, pleasestate in what capacity. Signature Date t 34't {ntu( Jo r * Capacrty €+ryvtAwnrt- /f cn<En",aeA For joint applications, signature of 2odapplicant or 2odapplicant's solicitor or other authorised agent (pleasereadguidancenote l2). If signing on behatf df the epplicant, pleasestate in what capacity. *S-l o, Contact name (where not previously given) and postal addressfor correspondenceassmiatedwith this application fuleaseread guidancenote 13) number (if any) If you would prefer us to correspondwith you by e-mail, your e-mail address(optional) Notesfor Guidance 1. Describe the premises,for examplethe type of premises,its general situation and layout and any other information which could be relevant to the licensing objectives. Where your application includes off-supplies of alcohol and you intend to provide a place for consumptionof theseoffsupplies,you must include a description of where the place will be and its proximity to the premises. 2. Where taking place in a building or other structure pleasetick as appropriate(indoors may include a tent). 3. For examplethe type of activity to be authorised,if not already stated,and give relevant further details, for example (but not exclusively) whether or not music will be amplified or unarnplified. 4. For example (but not exclusively), where the activity will occur on additional days during the summermonths. 5. For example (but not exclusively), where you wish the activity to go on longer on a particular day e.g. ChristmasEve. 6. Pleasegive timings in 24 hour clock (e.g. 16:00) and only give details for the days of the week when you intend t}re prernisesto be used for the actMty. '1. 'on the premises'. If If you wish peopleto be ableto consumealcoholon the premises,pleasetick you wish people to be able to purchasealcohol to consumeaway from the premises,pleasetick 'off the premises'. If you wish peopleto be able to do both, pleasetick'both'. 8. Pleasegive information about anything intendedto occur at the premisesor ancillary to the use of the premiseswhich may give rise to concern in respectof children, regardlessof whether you intend children to have accessto the premises,for example (but not exclusively) nudity or seminudity, films for restricted age groups or the presenceof gaming machines. 9. Pleaselist here stepsyou will take to promote all four licensing objectives together. 10. The applicationform must be signed. 11. An applicant's agent (for examplesolicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so. 12. Where there is more than one applicant eachof the applicant or their respectiveagent must sign the application form. 13. This is the addresswhich we shall useto correspondwith you aboutthis application. ,4' .!) - s S E E $ E = o r 5 q 7 6 l N N X q . E i k i ' E o F E E F E J t) . 1 E : E E f H o !4 , $ E S S - E F , E U ) E € b H E ; r ? f is I E & ' 5F E .- I ) F E i n ' X E E I N r d gE t s 5 o . E l f i r H A ( E *5 - F -! : : N R u l i ,; i 8H ,q :r f l X ur i' <j ! f 4 i O lr il e e a 1 i r r E ; U ) :r A! E_ X FX $_ q E. {F{ K E a t !g E E 8 ; 1 il $r J f; U L J r / ] ( A + r w n f f i ri w I I ^tJ i H tttu @ t I a l l l \o g d) l l a F.1 a t l l l a l t € C A r r l l ---^) t ; I t t l t t 8 N E } < t 9 H 2 d) l l l l l l l : !,.1 t i I t t a I t t t i a ; l I I . r r t.r {) o t t r a T 0 'F4. H 6 t 2 rt m G & "_*_-..-..-........--..._....._*..-*._*_. E u t ) . g fi 6 g , A ;-^ vi : e g .ci E 9 T i * \ ( n E v ) Z ffiilntr E I E 8"f t K t , t v O. E o r " t + t l l * r E \ r m rrrlr! l r h cd l'1 l-r t l t altto t Q E E - y - ( ) E ^ t l l t l t t I t I t i l v l r l l H - E I 6 $ F ll rq o { } . r 4 ' x A I €4 J3 F 3 € I t t !4 t € g \-, a--) o t I T I c* C H : t a Y X E t r t r r \c H U t a F b0 H .d 'Fi I
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