spec sheet
spec sheet
Saltire UK Headquarters Badentoy Road Portlethen Aberdeen AB12 4YA Tel +44 01224 872228 Fax +44 01224 897541 energy TUBING PAGE No. 1.315” 1.660” 1.90” 2-3/8” 2-7/8” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 4-1/2” 4-1/2” 4-1/2” 4-1/2” 1.80# TPS TS-8 3.02# TSH CS 3.64# TPS TS-8 5.95# TPS TS-6 8.70# TSHW533 12.95# TPS TS-6 12.95# TPS TS-6 15.8# TSH PH-6 15.8# TPS TS-6 15.8# TSHW533 15.8# TSHW533 15.5# TSHW533 15.5# TPS TS-6 15.5# TPS TS-6 24.0# TSH PH-4 Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Upset Tubing Grade L-80 Grade L-80 Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 Grade C-95-SS Grade T-95 Grade C-95-SS Grade L-80 Grade T-95 Grade L-80 Grade L-80 Grade C-95-SS Grade C-95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2-3/8” 2-3/8” 2-7/8” 2-7/8” 3-1/2” 3-1/2” 4” 4” 4” 4” 5” 4.60# 4.60# 6.40# 6.40# 9.20# 9.20# 9.50# 9.50# 11.6# 11.6# 18.0# Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Flush Joint Tubing Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 Grade P-110 Grade L-80 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5” 18.0# TSH521 Semi Flush Joint Tubing(R3) Grade Q-125 27 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 TSHW511 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 1.315” X 1.80 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-8 Original TPS Technitube Country of TPS TECHNITUBE Equipment Origin Rohrenwerke GMBH Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 1.315” Drift Size OD Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.133” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 40,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 14,550 PSI Internal Yield 14,160 PSI Joint strength 45,600 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-8 With OD 1.552” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length 2.40” Minimum For Representation Only 3.24” Standard 4.08” Type 2 Connection Length 4.92” Type 3 (LP – Length Pin) Minimum Make 400 Ft/Lbs Up Torque (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum Optimum Make Up 450 Ft/Lbs = LP – 0.18” Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 500 Ft/Lbs 2.23” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 114% Inspection Criteria Germany 0.955” 1.80 lbs/ft 1. 049” 178 KN 1003 BAR 977 BAR 203 KN 1” Hyd CS 0.970” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 540 NM 610 NM 680 NM API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 1 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 1.660” X 3.02 lbs/ft TenarisHydril CS Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 1.660” Drift Size OD Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.191” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 71,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 16,290 PSI Internal Yield 16,110 PSI Joint strength 71,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 1 ¼” Compatible CS Integral Upset Tubing TenarisHydril CS With OD 1.927” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 600 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.22” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency Romania 1.184” 3.02 lbs/ft 1.278” 316 KN 1123 BAR 1111 BAR 316 KN 1.660” TS-8 1.218” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 810 NM 700 Ft/Lbs 946 NM 800 Ft/Lbs 1081 NM 100.0% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 2 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 1.900” X 3.64 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-8 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 1.900” Drift Size OD Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.200” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 85,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 15,070 PSI Internal Yield 14,740 PSI Joint strength 86,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-8 With OD 2.162” ID Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.21” Connection Make Up Loss 2.23” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT Connection Length Germany 1.286” 3.64 lbs/ft 1.500” 379 KN 1039 BAR 1017 BAR 383 KN 1 ½” Hyd CS 1.440” 2.43” 3.27” 4.11” 4.95” 800 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 1085 NM Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 900 Ft/Lbs 1220 NM 1000 Ft/Lbs 1360 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 101.3% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 3 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.375” X 5.95 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 3/8” Drift Size OD Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.254” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 186,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 21,010 PSI Internal Yield 20,590 PSI Joint strength 202,500 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-6 With Germany 1.773” 5.95 lbs/ft 1.867” 828 KN 1449 BAR 1420 BAR 902 KN 2 3/8” PH6 2 3/8” RTS-6 2 3/8” BTS-6 2 3/8” HITS-HD Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.24” Connection Make Up Loss 3.05” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length 2.906” 3.34” 4.44” 5.53” 6.62” 2,700 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1.805” Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 3,040 Ft/Lbs 4120 NM 3,380 Ft/Lbs 4580 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 109% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 3660 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 4 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.875” X 8.70 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW533 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 7/8” Drift Size OD (2.875”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.308” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 273,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 21,050 PSI Internal Yield 20,620 PSI Joint strength 273,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 2 7/8” Compatible TSHW533 With TSHW533 Integral Upset Tubing Image Not To Scale For Representation Only OD 2.259” 1215 KN 1450 BAR 1422 BAR 1215 KN 3.328” ID 2,500 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 3378 NM 3,000 Ft/Lbs 4054 NM 4,400 Ft/Lbs 12,259 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Max Torque 3.64” Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 8.70 lbs/ft TSH503 TSH553 TSH563 2.209” Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque UK Romania Argentina 2.165” The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 5 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 12.95 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.375” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 295,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 15,310 PSI Internal Yield 15,000 PSI Joint strength 351,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-6 With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.43” Connection Make Up Loss 3.35” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length Germany 2.625” 12.95 lbs/ft 2.750” 1314 KN 1056 BAR 1034 BAR 1562 KN 3 ½” PH6 3 ½” RTS-6 3 ½” BTS-6 3 ½” HITS-HD 2.687” 4.313” 3.77” 5.03” 6.28” 7.54” 5,500 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 6,190 Ft/Lbs 8390 NM 6,880 Ft/Lbs 9330 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 119% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 7460 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 6 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 12.95 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade C-95SS Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.375” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 349,800 LBS Strength API Collapse 18,180 PSI Internal Yield 17,810 PSI Joint strength 416,260 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-6 With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.43” Connection Make Up Loss 3.35” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length Germany 2.625” 12.95 lbs/ft 2.750” 1556 KN 1254 BAR 1228 BAR 1852 KN 3 ½” PH6 3 ½” RTS-6 3 ½” BTS-6 3 ½” HITS-HD 2.687” 4.313” 3.77” 5.03” 6.28” 7.54” 6,400 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 7,200 Ft/Lbs 9760 NM 8,000 Ft/Lbs 10850 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 119% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 8680 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. C95SS is a clean steel with controlled yield range for sour service with MAX 25,4 HRC Page 7 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril PH6 Integral Upset Tubing TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 15.8 lbs/ft TenarisHydril PH6 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade T-95 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.476” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 430,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 22,330 PSI Internal Yield 22,610 PSI Joint strength 430,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TenarisHydril Compatible PH-6 With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only OD Connection Length 4.500” Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 3.34” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 2.423” 15.8 lbs/ft 2.548” 1914 KN 1540 BAR 1559 BAR 1914 KN 3 ½” TS6 3 ½” RTS-6 3 ½” BTS-6 3 ½” HITS-HD 2.485” 6,400 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 7,200 Ft/Lbs 9730 NM 8,000 Ft/Lbs 10810 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque USA 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 8648 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 8 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 15.8 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade C-95SS Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.476” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 430,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 22,330 PSI Internal Yield 22,610 PSI Joint strength 456,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection Multiseal TS-6 Compatible With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.53” Connection Make Up Loss 3.34” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length Germany 2.423” 15.8 lbs/ft 2.548” 1915 KN 1540 BAR 1559 BAR 2027 KN 3 ½” PH6 3 ½” RTS-6 3 ½” BTS-6 3 ½” HITS-HD 2.485” 4.500” 3.87” 5.13” 6.39” 7.65” 6,400 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 7,200 Ft/Lbs 9760 NM 8,000 Ft/Lbs 10850 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 114.5% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 8680 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 9 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 15.8 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW533 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3 ½” Drift Size OD (3.500”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.476” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 362,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 18,810 PSI Internal Yield 19,040 PSI Joint strength 362,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 3 ½” TSHW533 Compatible With TSHW533 Integral Upset Tubing Image Not To Scale For Representation Only OD 2.548” 1611 KN 1296 BAR 1313 BAR 1611 KN 4.160” ID 7,800 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 10,540 NM 9,400 Ft/Lbs 12,702 NM 9,400 Ft/Lbs 12,702 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Max Torque 4.49” Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 15.8 lbs/ft TSH503 TSH553 TSH563 2.498” Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque UK Romania Argentina 2.423” The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 10 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 15.8 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW533 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3 ½” Drift Size OD (3.500”) Steel Grade T-95 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.476” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 430,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 22,330 PSI Internal Yield 22,610 PSI Joint strength 430,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 3 ½” TSHW533 Compatible With TSHW533 Integral Upset Tubing Image Not To Scale For Representation Only OD 2.548” 1914 KN 1540 BAR 1559 BAR 1914 KN 4.160” ID 7,800 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 10,540 NM 9,400 Ft/Lbs 12,702 NM 14,700 Ft/Lbs 19,863 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Yield Torque 4.49” Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 15.8 lbs/ft TSH503 TSH553 TSH563 2.498” Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque UK Romania Argentina 2.423” The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 11 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.500” X 15.5 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW533 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4 ½” Drift Size OD (4.500”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.337” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 353,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 11,090 PSI Internal Yield 10,480 PSI Joint strength 353,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 4 ½” TSHW533 Compatible With TSHW533 Integral Upset Tubing Image Not To Scale For Representation Only OD 15.5 lbs/ft 3.826” 1570 KN 764 BAR 722 BAR 1570 KN 4.992” ID 5,800 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 7838 NM 7,000 Ft/Lbs 9459 NM 10,200 Ft/Lbs 13784 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 4.09” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 3.701” TSH503 TSH553 TSH563 3.776” Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque Indonesia The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 12 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.500” X 15.50 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.337” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 353,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 11,080 PSI Internal Yield 10,400 PSI Joint strength 378,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-6 With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.38” Connection Make Up Loss 3.34” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length Germany 3.701” 15.50 lbs/ft 3.826” 1570 KN 764 BAR 723 BAR 1681 KN 4 ½” PH6 4 ½” RTS-6 4 ½” BTS-6 4 ½” HITS-HD 3.765” 5.125” 3.72” 4.97” 6.23” 7.49” 6,000 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 6,750 Ft/Lbs 9150 NM 7,500 Ft/Lbs 10170 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 107% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 8130 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 13 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TPS TECHNITUBE Rohrenwerke GMBH TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.500” X 15.50 lbs/ft TPS Multiseal TS-6 Original TPS Technitube Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade C95SS Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.337” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 419,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 12,750 PSI Internal Yield 12,450 PSI Joint strength 448,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TPS MULTISEAL Compatible TS-6 With Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length (LP – Length Pin) (LB – Length Box) LB Minimum = LP – 0.38” Connection Make Up Loss 3.34” Manufacturing Criteria API 5CT OD Connection Length Germany 3.701” 15.50 lbs/ft 3.826” 1864 KN 879 BAR 858 BAR 1994 KN 4 ½” PH6 4 ½” RTS-6 4 ½” BTS-6 4 ½” HITS-HD 3.765” 5.125” 3.72” 4.97” 6.23” 7.49” 6,900 ID Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs Optimum Make Up Torque Maximum Make Up Torque 7,760 Ft/Lbs 10520 NM 8,630 Ft/Lbs 11700 NM Connection Tensile Efficiency 107% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Minimum Make Up Torque 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 9360 NM The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 14 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril PH4 Integral Upset Tubing TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.500” X 24.0 lbs/ft TenarisHydril PH4 Original TPS Techniseal Country of Equipment & TenarisHydril Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4.500” Drift Size OD Steel Grade C-95 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.560” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 659,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 20,700 PSI Internal Yield 20,690 PSI Joint strength 659,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection TenarisHydril Compatible PH-4 With OD 5.563” ID Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 4.76” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 3.255” 24.0 lbs/ft 3.380” 2933 KN 1428 BAR 1426 BAR 2933 KN 3.300” 11,800 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 15946 NM 13,300 Ft/Lbs 17973 NM 14,800 Ft/Lbs 20000 NM 100% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque Germany The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 15 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.375” X 4.60 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 3/8” Drift Size OD (2.375”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.190” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 104,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 11,780 PSI Internal Yield 11,200 PSI Joint strength 62,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 2 3/8” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 2.406” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 550 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.27” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 1.901” 4.60 lbs/ft 1.995” 463 KN 812 BAR 772 BAR 1.930” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 730 NM 700 Ft/Lbs 929 NM 1,000 Ft/Lbs 1,351 NM 59.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 16 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.375” X 4.60 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 3/8” Drift Size OD (2.375”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.190” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 144,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 16,130 PSI Internal Yield 15,400 PSI Joint strength 86,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 2 3/8” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 2.406” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 550 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.27” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 1.901” 4.60 lbs/ft 1.995” 640 KN 1112 BAR 1062 BAR 1.930” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 730 NM 700 Ft/Lbs 945 NM 1,000 Ft/Lbs 1,351 NM 59.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 17 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.875” X6.40 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 7/8” Drift Size OD (2.875”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.217” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 145,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 11,160 PSI Internal Yield 10,570 PSI Joint strength 80,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 2 7/8” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 2.875” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 700 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.27” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 2.347” 6.40 lbs/ft 2.441” 645 KN 770 BAR 729 BAR 2.377” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 946 NM 800 Ft/Lbs 1080 NM 1,200 Ft/Lbs 1622 NM 54.9% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 18 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 2.875” X6.40 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 2 7/8” Drift Size OD (2.875”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.217” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 199,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 14,540 PSI Internal Yield 14,530 PSI Joint strength 109,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 2 7/8” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 2.875” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 700 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.27” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 2.347” 6.40 lbs/ft 2.441” 886 KN 1003 BAR 1002 BAR 2.377” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 946 NM 800 Ft/Lbs 1080 NM 1,200 Ft/Lbs 1622 NM 54.9% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 19 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 9.20 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3 ½” Drift Size OD (3.500”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.254” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 207,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 10,530 PSI Internal Yield 10,160 PSI Joint strength 126,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 3 ½” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 3.500” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,200 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 2.867” 9.20 lbs/ft 2.992” 921 KN 727 BAR 700 BAR 2.897” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 1622 NM 1,400 Ft/Lbs 1892 NM 2,100 Ft/Lbs 2838 NM 60.9% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 20 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 3.500” X 9.20 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 3 ½” Drift Size OD (3.500”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.254” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 285,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 13,530 PSI Internal Yield 13,970 PSI Joint strength 174,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 3 ½” Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing TSHW511 With OD 3.500” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,200 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 2.867” 9.20 lbs/ft 2.992” 1268 KN 933 BAR 963 BAR 2.897” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 1622 NM 1,400 Ft/Lbs 1892 NM 2,100 Ft/Lbs 2838 NM 60.9% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 21 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.000” X 9.50 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4” Drift Size OD (4.00”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.226” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 214,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 6,590 PSI Internal Yield 7,910 PSI Joint strength 132,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 4” TSHW511 Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing With OD 4.000” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,300 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 3.423” 9.50 lbs/ft 3.548” 952 KN 470 BAR 545 BAR 588 KN 3.454” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 1757 NM 1,600 Ft/Lbs 2162 NM 2,300 Ft/Lbs 2838 NM 61.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 22 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.000” X 9.50 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4” Drift Size OD (4.00”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.226” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 295,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 7,910 PSI Internal Yield 10,880 PSI Joint strength 182,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 4” TSHW511 Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing With OD 4.000” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,300 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 3.423” 9.50 lbs/ft 3.548” 1313 KN 545 BAR 750 BAR 810 KN 3.454” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 1757 NM 1,600 Ft/Lbs 2162 NM 2,300 Ft/Lbs 2838 NM 61.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 23 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.000” X 11.6 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4” Drift Size OD (4.00”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.286” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 267,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 10,270 PSI Internal Yield 10,010 PSI Joint strength 163,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 4” TSHW511 Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing With OD 4.031” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,700 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 2,000 Ft/Lbs 3,000 Ft/Lbs 61.0% Inspection Criteria UK Romania Argentina 3.303” 11.6 lbs/ft 3.428” 3.334” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 24 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 4.000” X 11.6 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 4” Drift Size OD (4.00”) Steel Grade P-110 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.286” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 367,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 13,150 PSI Internal Yield 13,760 PSI Joint strength 224,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 4” TSHW511 Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing With OD 4.031” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 1,700 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 2.740” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 2,000 Ft/Lbs 3,000 Ft/Lbs 61.0% Inspection Criteria UK Romania Argentina 3.303” 11.6 lbs/ft 3.428” 3.334” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 25 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 5.000” X 18.0 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW511 Original TenarisHydril Country of TenarisHydril Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 5” Drift Size OD (5.00”) Steel Grade L-80 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.362” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 422,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 10,500 PSI Internal Yield 10,140 PSI Joint strength 265,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 5” TSHW511 Compatible TSHW511 Flush Joint Tubing With OD 5.000” ID Image Not To Scale Connection Length Minimum For Representation Only Standard Type 2 Connection Length Type 3 Minimum Make 3,500 Ft/Lbs Up Torque Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 3.620” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency UK Romania Argentina 4.151” 18.0 lbs/ft 4.276” 1878 KN 724 BAR 699 BAR 1179 KN 4.185” 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 4730 NM 4,200 Ft/Lbs 5676 NM 6,100 Ft/Lbs 8243 NM 62.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 26 Saltire Energy Ltd Oil Tool Rentals of the highest quality since 1986 TenarisHydril TUBING SPECIFICATION SHEET 5.000” X 18.0 lbs/ft TenarisHydril TSHW521 Original TenarisHydril Country of Equipment Origin Manufacturer Nominal Tubing 5” Drift Size OD (5.00”) Steel Grade Q-125 Nominal Weight Nominal Wall 0.362” Nominal ID Thickness Tubing Capacities Body Yield 659,000 LBS Strength API Collapse 14,830 PSI Internal Yield 15,840 PSI Joint strength 486,000 LBS Connection Specifications Connection 5” TSHW521 Compatible With OD 5.359” ID TSHW521 Integral Semi Flush Joint Tubing Image Not To Scale For Representation Only Connection Length Optimum Make Up Torque Connection Make Up Loss Maximum Make 3.620” Up Torque Manufacturing Criteria Connection Tensile API 5CT Efficiency 18.0 lbs/ft 4.276” 2933 KN 1022 BAR 1092 BAR 2162 KN 4.226” 6,100 Minimum Standard Type 2 Type 3 Ft/Lbs 1 recut 2 recut 3 recut 8243 NM 7,300 Ft/Lbs 9865 NM 10,700 Ft/Lbs 14459 NM 73.8% Inspection Criteria API 5A5 API 5CT Connection Length Minimum Make Up Torque UK Romania Argentina 4.151” The information on this specification sheet is provided for illustration purposes only and is taken from information available from the manufacturer and other public sources. Saltire Energy Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information provided or for any error, omission or misstatement. www.saltire-energy.com The user is fully expected to review the above information for accuracy. Page 27