ASMIC2016_Announcement - Malaysian Society of Intensive Care
ASMIC2016_Announcement - Malaysian Society of Intensive Care
ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dr Shanti Rudra Deva Dr Louisa Chan Yuk Li Assoc Prof Dr Tang Swee Fong Dr Shanthi Ratnam Datuk Dr V Kathiresan Dr Azmin Huda Dr Gan Chin Seng INVITED SPEAKERS AUSTRALIA INDIA SOUTH KOREA Simon Erickson Peter Morley Brendan Smith Babu Abraham Farhad Kapadia Younsuck Koh DENMARK Hans Flaatten Anders Perner FRANCE NORWAY SINGAPORE Didier Payen Lee Jan Hau See Kay Choong Kien Kong Adawiyah A Bakar Ahmad Shaltut Othman Aida Nani Don Rahim Anis Siham Azmin Huda Abdul Rahim Chor Yek Kee Foong Kit Weng Hasimah Zainol Ismail Tan Mohd Ali Tan Kamal Bashar Abu Bakar Khoo Tien Meng Koh Chun Wearn Lau Chee Lan Richard Lim Boon Leong Lim Chew Har Maznisah Mahmood Mohd Basri Mat Nor Mohd Ridhwan Md Noor UNITED KINGDOM Timothy Walsh USA John Marini MALAYSIA Noor Airini Ibrahim Nor’azim Mohd Yunos Noryani Mohd Samat Pon Kah Min Siti Rohayah Sulaiman Tai Li Ling Wan Nasrudin Wan Ismail Zainah Mohamed WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANISING CHAIRPERSON, ASMIC 2016 The Annual Scientific Meeting on Intensive Care is the largest critical care conference in Malaysia. It once again, promises to be an interesting meeting that will allow clinicians, nurses and allied health practitioners to update themselves with the current practices in critical care. As always, the scientific programme has been drawn up to showcase, the best current research and practice to be delivered by international and local speakers. To ensure ASMIC remains fascinating and contemporary, we have added some new formats to the programme and pre congress workshops. We hope that the meeting will encourage participants to have active debates and exchange views with the leaders and decision-makers in the field of critical care. We sincerely hope you can join us at this exciting meeting and we look forward to welcoming you at ASMIC. Dr Shanti Rudra Deva 1 PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOP 22 ND SEPTEMBER 2016, THURSDAY 1. CRITICAL CARE NUTRITION: LETS GIVE IT DUE ATTENTION VENUE: KELANTAN ROOM This workshop is designed from the most recent available evidence and concensus guidelines. It is intended for all healthcare providers involved in nutrition therapy of the critically ill – primarily physicians (specialists and trainees), nurses, dietitians and pharmacists. At the end of this workshop, participants are expected to be familiar with enteral and parenteral feeding practises that are evidence-based, and to promote optimum energy and protein delivery. Bringing these skills back to the intensive care bedsides, it is hoped that nutrition delivery for the various groups of critically ill patients will be improved and leading to better outcomes. FA C I L I TAT O R S Noor Airini Ibrahim Shanti Rudra Deva Mohd Basri Mat Nor Ahmad Shaltut Othman 0800 – 0830 Registra t i o n 0830 – 0835 Introduction 0835 – 0855 Nutritional status assessment 0855 – 0915 Initiating and dosing EN 0915 – 0935 Monitoring tolerance and adequacy of EN 0935 – 0955 Choosing the appropriate enteral formulation 0955 – 1010 Adjunctive therapy 1010 – 1025 Tea 1025 – 1045 When to use PN 1045 – 1105 Maximising the efficacy of PN 1105 – 1125 Special situations 1: Pulmonary failure, hepatic failure 1125 – 1150 Special situations 2: Chronically critically ill, obesity in critical illness, nutrition therapy at the end-of-life 1150 – 1220 Skill station 1: Acute pancreatitis 1220 – 1250 Skill station 2: Sepsis 1250 – 1350 Lunch 1250 – 1400 Participants go to assigned skill stations 1400 – 1430 Skill station 3: Postoperative major surgery 1430 – 1500 Skill station 4: Burns / Trauma / Traumatic brain injury 1500 Closing 2 PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOP 22 ND SEPTEMBER 2016, THURSDAY 2. HAEMODYNAMIC MONITORING VENUE: PAHANG ROOM Haemodynamic instability is common in critically ill patients. The need to monitor is important and necessary not only to assess global and regional tissue perfusion but also to guide us in the appropriate use of fluids, vasopressors or inotropes. This one-day workshop is designed to help doctors in assessing the haemodynamic status of the critically ill, and to introduce the use of various minimally invasive and non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring tools. THE AIMS OF THE WORKSHOP ARE TO: • • • • Teach some fundamentals in CVS physiology Gain understanding in the basic principles of minimally invasive monitors Comprehend the use of minimally invasive and non-invasive haemodynamic monitors Discuss appropriate use of fluids or vasopressors / inotropes in various clinical scenarios FA C I L I TAT O R S Babu Abraham Premela Naidu Sitaram Tai Li Ling Brendan Smith 0800 – 0830 Registra t i o n 0830 – 0840 Introduction 0840 – 0905 CVS physiology: Understanding functional haemodynamics 0905 – 0930 Physiological basis for fluid resuscitation 0930 – 1000 Predicting fluid responsiveness 1000 – 1030 Tea 1030 – 1055 Minimally invasive cardiac output measurement: An overview 1055 – 1115 Assessing volume status using ECHO 1115 – 1130 Pitfalls of ECHO 1130 – 1200 Inotropes? Vasopressors? Fluid? – What to do when you don’t know 1200 – 1220 Participants go to assigned skill stations 1220 – 1300 Skill station 1: Case scenario: Optimising patient in shock using calibrated thermodilution technique 1250 – 1340 Lunch 1340 – 1420 Skill station 2: Case scenario: Managing a haemodynamically unstable patient using doppler cardiac output technique 1420 – 1500 Skill station 3: Case scenario: Optimising patient in cardiogenic shock using a pulse power analysis technique 1500 – 1540 Skill station 4: Case scenario: ECHO in a haemodynamically unstable patient 1600 Wrap up 3 PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOP 22 ND SEPTEMBER 2016, THURSDAY 3. MECHANICAL VENTILATION FOR NURSES VENUE: JOHOR ROOM OVERVIEW This one-day programme is designed to help ICU nurses improve their knowledge on how to safely and effectively manage critically ill patients on the mechanical ventilator. With the aid of both lectures and workshops, they will be allowed to practice what they learned in a safe and supervised environment. The programme emphasises the basic concept of mechanical ventilation involving topics that are clinically relevant to the bedside nurse. The skill station has clinical scenarios that will help them form a stepwise approach to the problems encountered. LEARNING OBJECTIVE • Identify the various conventional modes of ventilation and differentiate their mechanisms of action in order to monitor and troubleshoot alarms effectively FA C I L I TAT O R S Asmah Zainuddin Kien Kong Shanthi Ratnam Siddarth Hundoo 0830 – 0900 Registra t i o n 0900 – 0910 Opening 0910 – 0940 Pre-workshop evaluation 0940 – 1030 Basic modes of mechanical ventilation 1030 – 1050 Tea 1050 – 1130 Monitoring and troubleshooting alarms 1130 – 1210 Evidence-based NIV 1210 – 1220 Participants go to assigned starting group 1220 – 1250 Skill station 1: Basic mode: Volume-based ventilation 1250 – 1340 Lunch 1340 – 1410 Skill station 2: Basic mode: Pressure-based ventilation 1410 – 1440 Skill station 3: NIV set-up and monitoring 1440 – 1510 Skill station 4: Monitoring and trouble-shooting ventilator alarms 1510 – 1540 Skill station 5: Asthma and ARDS 1540 – 1600 Tea 1600 – 1630 Post-workshop evaluation 4 DAILY PROGRAMME 23 RD SEPTEMBER 2016, FRIDAY 0800 – 0845 REG ISTRATI O N 0845 – 0930 PLENARY 1 SABAH Chairperson: Tan Cheng Cheng Advanced life support – What is hot and what is not in research and practice PETER MORLEY 0930 – 1015 OPENING CEREMONY 1015 – 1100 TEA / T RA D E E X H I BI TI O N 1100 – 1240 SYMPOSIUM 1 SYMPOSIUM 2 SYMPOSIUM 3 Respiratory Sepsis Paediatrics I Chairperson: Teoh Sim Chuah Chairpersons: Wan Nasrudin, Noryani Samat Chairperson: Anis Suraya Ghani Driving pressure – Value and limitations Is genetic contributive to human sepsis Vasoactive agents in sepsis JOHN MARINI DIDIER PAYEN PON KAH MIN CO2 Removal – Is that an important goal of mechanical ventilation? Understanding sepsis 3 – Strengths and limitations VAP – Do bundles make a difference? KAMAL BASHAR ABU BAKAR ANIS SIHAM Fluid therapy in sepsis Is bigger better – Does PICU volume impact outcome? SABAH SABAH 1100 – 1125 1125 – 1150 FARHAD KAPADIA 1150 – 1215 High flow nasal oxygen therapy – Any role in your practice? SARAWAK ANDERS PERNER SEE KAY CHOONG 1215 – 1240 1240 – 1430 KEDAH/SELANGOR KOH CHUN WEARN The proper place of prone positioning Key points in feeding the septic patient Rapid response team saves lives JOHN MARINI NOOR AIRINI IBRAHIM SIMON ERICKSON L UNC H 5 DAILY PROGRAMME [CONTINUED] 23 RD SEPTEMBER 2016, FRIDAY SABAH 1430 – 1610 SYMPOSIUM 6 Pharmacology Blitz Intensive Care For Nurses I Organisation Chairperson: Mariani Bachok Chairperson: Lim Chew Har Family-centered care Thinking about thinking – How to stop making diagnostic errors Chairperson: Foong Kit Weng Steroids in communityacquired pneumonia ZAINAH MOHAMED MOHD RIDHWAN MD NOOR 1455 – 1520 KEDAH/SELANGOR SYMPOSIUM 5 (20 minute sessions) 1430 – 1455 SARAWAK SYMPOSIUM 4 Levosimendan in heart failure BABU ABRAHAM PETER MORLEY Reducing medication errors – Your role is critical Grooming the ICU to be a family-centered ICU HANS FLAATTEN LAU CHEE LAN 1520 – 1545 1545 – 1610 Dexmedetomidine usage in ICU Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony KHOO TIEN MENG KIEN KONG Feeding with fish oil Caring for the delirious patient AHMAD SHALTUT OTHMAN NORYANI MOHD SAMAT Thiamine in sepsis MOHD BASRI MAT NOR Often the less is more YOUNSUCK KOH What is the best time to rehabilitate the ICU patient – In the ICU, in the hospital, or after going home? TIMOTHY WALSH 1610 – 1630 T EA 1630 – 1730 FREE PAPER KEDAH/SELANGOR 6 DAILY PROGRAMME 24 TH SEPTEMBER 2016, SATURDAY 0800 – 0900 0900 – 0945 KEDAH/SELANGOR PENANG PAHANG LET’S ASK THE EXPERT 1 LET’S ASK THE EXPERT 2 LET’S ASK THE EXPERT 3 Moderator: Mahazir Kassim Moderator: Gan Chin Seng Moderator: Nor’azim Mohd Yunos How I manage the difficult-to-ventilate patients Fluids in the critically ill child – When, why and how How I manage fluids in critically ill adults JOHN MARINI SIMON ERICKSON, LEE JAN HAU ANDERS PERNER PLENARY 2 SABAH Chairperson: Tang Swee Fong Redefining ALI/ARDS in children SIMON ERICKSON 0945 – 1030 PLENARY 3 SABAH Chairperson: Tang Swee Fong Outcomes after intensive care – How well are we doing? HANS FLAATTEN 1030 – 1100 T EA / T RA D E E X H I BI TI O N 1100 – 1240 SYMPOSIUM 7 SYMPOSIUM 8 SYMPOSIUM 9 Haemodynamics/Sepsis Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Paediatrics II SABAH Chairpersons: Kamal Bashar, Muhammad Zihni 1100 – 1125 PROCESS, ARISE, PROMISE – Now what do we do? SARAWAK Chairperson: Premela Naidu Sitaram KEDAH/SELANGOR Chairperson: Gan Chin Seng Controversies in post resuscitation care CRRT prescription in paediatric AKI PETER MORLEY CHOR YEK KEE Updates on drugs in resuscitation Recipe for optimal nutrition in the critically ill child BRENDAN SMITH 1125 – 1150 Revisiting lactate in sepsis and haemodynamics NOR’AZIM MOHD YUNOS 1150– 1215 Formulating a haemodynamic management plan SEE KAY CHOONG 1215 – 1240 Advanced haemodynamic tools – Using them too little or too often WAN NASRUDIN WAN ISMAIL LEE JAN HAU Family presence during CPR Weaning and extubation – How best to do it ISMAIL TAN MOHD ALI TAN MAZNISAH MAHMOOD Prognostication before, during and after resuscitation What is optimal sedation in paediatrics? PETER MORLEY ANDERS PERNER 7 SIMON ERICKSON DAILY PROGRAMME [CONTINUED] 24 TH SEPTEMBER 2016, SATURDAY 1300 – 1430 L unch Sat e lli t e S y m p o si u m (Hospira) SABAH Of ficial P o st e r Ro u n d SABAH 1430 – 1610 1455 – 1520 SYMPOSIUM 12 Neurology Intensive Care For Nurses II Ethics/End-Of-Life Chairperson: Zainah Mohamed 1545 – 1610 Chairperson: Shanti Rudra Deva The brain controls peripheral immunity – Impact for clinicians Nurses’ role in preventing unplanned extubation Opportunities and threats in collaboration with industry DIDIER PAYEN HASIMAH ZAINOL ANDERS PERNER Managing delirium – The best way forward to clarity Updates on postresuscitation care Legal status and ethical considerations for end-of-life in India AIDA NANI DON RAHIM TIMOTHY WALSH 1520 – 1545 KEDAH/SELANGOR SYMPOSIUM 11 Chairpersons: Ismail Tan, Muhammad Zihni 1430 – 1455 SARAWAK SYMPOSIUM 10 FARHAD KAPADIA What’s new in critical illness neuromyopathy Keeping the patient normothermic Intensive care in the very old FOONG KIT WENG ADAWIYAH A BAKAR HANS FLAATTEN Acute brain vessel thrombectomy – When, why and how Key points in blood and blood product transfusion practices DIDIER PAYEN SITI ROHAYAH SULAIMAN When patients or family requests for inappropriate medical treatment RICHARD LIM BOON LEONG 1610 – 1630 T EA / T RA D E E X H I BI TI O N 1630 AGM of the Malaysian Society of Intensive CareKEDAH/SELANGOR 8 DAILY PROGRAMME 25 TH SEPTEMBER 2016, SUNDAY PENANG 0800 – 0900 0900 – 0945 PAHANG LET’S ASK THE EXPERT 4 LET’S ASK THE EXPERT 5 Moderator: Mahazir Kassim Moderator: Lim Yee Woon How I manage ventilator dyssynchrony Dealing with end-of-life care decisions YOUNSUCK KOH TAI LI LING PLENARY 4 SABAH Chairperson: V Kathiresan Sepsis: Three phases crucial for clinicians to consider DIDIER PAYEN 0945 – 1030 PLENARY 5 SABAH Chairperson: V Kathiresan Heart-lung interactions during mechanical ventilation JOHN MARINI 1030 – 1100 T EA / T RA D E E X H I BI TI O N 1100 – 1240 SYMPOSIUM 13 SYMPOSIUM 14 ICU Nuggets Infections Chairperson: Shanthi Ratnam Chairperson: Noor Airini Ibrahim Anaemia in the ICU – Is there an alternative to using blood transfusion? Diagnosing infections in a burns patient TIMOTHY WALSH HANS FLAATTEN Post extubation dysphagia Viral threat in respiratory failure SEE KAY CHOONG YOUNSUCK KOH Ten pitfalls of intensive care Management of candidiasis in the ICU FARHAD KAPADIA AZMIN HUDA ABDUL RAHIM Transfusion triggers – A moving target. When, who and how much? ICU antibiotic usage – Be the good steward TIMOTHY WALSH LIM CHEW HAR SABAH 1100 – 1125 1125 – 1150 1150 – 1215 1215 – 1240 1240 – 1400 L UNC H 9 KEDAH/SELANGOR CONGRESS INFORMATION C O N G R E S S S E C R E TA R I AT ASMIC 2016 G-1 Medical Academies of Malaysia, 210 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur Tel : (603) 4023 4700, 4025 4700, 4025 3700 Fax : (603) 4023 8100 Email : [email protected] Website : PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOPS The Pre-Congress Workshops on Critical Care Nutrition: Lets Give It Due Attention, Haemodynamic Monitoring, and Mechanical Ventilation For Nurses, will be held on 22nd September 2016, Thursday. These workshops will cater for a limited number of participants. R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E S Category Member of MSIC *Non-Member of MSIC – Doctor *Allied Health Professional On or Before From 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2016 15th September 2016 RM 700 RM 800 RM 795 RM 901 RM 742 RM 848 On-Site RM 950 RM 1,007 RM 954 *The above rates are inclusive of the 6% GST. *Pre-Congress Workshops (22nd September 2016, Thursday) 1. Critical Care Nutrition: Lets Give It Due Attention 2. Haemodynamic Monitoring 3. Mechanical Ventilation For Nurses RM 265 RM 265 RM 159 *Let’s Ask The Experts (Concurrent sessions, please choose one only for each day) (Limit to 30 participants. Only registrants are eligible to register for these sessions.) 24th September 2016, Saturday 1. How I Manage The Difficult-To-Ventilate Patients 2. Fluids In The Critically Ill Child – When, Why And How 3. How I Manage Fluids In Critically Ill Adults 25th September 2016, Sunday 4. How I Manage Ventilator Dyssynchrony 5. Dealing With End-Of-Life Care Decisions *The above rates are inclusive of the 6% GST. For online registration and payment, please log-on to 10 RM 53 RM 53 CONGRESS INFORMATION [CONTINUED] PAY M E N T 1. Payment by cheque is to be issued in favour of the “Malaysian Society of Intensive Care”. 2. Payment can be made via telegraphic transfer to: Account name Account number Name of bank Branch Swift code : : : : : Malaysian Society of Intensive Care 873-1-5662806-4 Standard Chartered Bank Berhad Jalan Ipoh Branch, Kuala Lumpur SCBLMYKXXXX (Please return the remittance advise note along with the Registration Form either by fax or mail. Document image by email is also acceptable.) H O S P I TA L - S P O N S O R E D D E L E G AT E S Please submit LPO with Registration Form. Otherwise, a letter of undertaking from the hospital is required. C A N C E L L AT I O N A N D R E F U N D P O L I C Y The conference secretariat must be notified in writing of all cancellations. Refund will be made after the conference as follows: th Cancellation before 15 August 2016 : 50% refund th Cancellation from 15 August 2016 : No refund C O N G R E S S V E N U E A N D H O T E L A C C O M M O D AT I O N SHANGRI-LA HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR 11, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel : (603) 2026 8488 Fax : (603) 2032 1245 Email : [email protected] Attention : Reservation Department, Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room Category Executive Room Horizon Executive Room Daily Room Rates Single Occupancy Double Occupancy RM 490.00 ++ RM 540.00 ++ RM 680.00 ++ RM 730.00 ++ The room rates quoted above are: • In Ringgit Malaysia and are subject to ten percent (10%) service charge and six percent (6%) GST (Goods & Services Tax) thereon. • Inclusive of daily breakfast and Hotel Wifi (100 mbps) internet access. • Applicable for stays of three (3) days prior to event and three (3) days after the event dates. Please book your hotel accommodation directly with the hotel ON OR BEFORE 1ST SEPTEMBER 2016. 11 CONGRESS INFORMATION [CONTINUED] C E R T I F I C AT E O F PA R T I C I PAT I O N Certificate of Participation will be issued to all delegates. LIABILITY The Organising Committee will not be liable for the personal accidents, loss or damage to private properties of delegates during the Conference. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to personal insurance. SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS ASMIC 2016 welcomes the submission of abstracts for consideration as Oral or Poster Presentations. The closing date for submission is 1ST AUGUST 2016. DISCLAIMER Whilst every attempt would be made to ensure that all aspects of the Conference as mentioned in this publication will take place as scheduled, the Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes should the need arise. 12 FREE COMMUNICATIONS The Organising Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for both Oral and Poster Presentations. The following awards will be given: 1. ASMIC Award comprising a certificate and cash prize of RM 1,000 for the Best Oral Presentation. 2. Best Poster Award comprising a certificate and cash prize of RM 300. Authors whose abstracts are not short-listed for the ASMIC Award can opt for the poster presentation. ST DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS : 1 AUGUST 2016 GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS • • • • Papers to be submitted must be on intensive care related topics. No limit is imposed on the number of abstracts submitted by individuals. Abstracts are to be submitted in English only. Abstracts will only be accepted after payment of registration fees. If the abstract is subsequently not accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is requested. • Scheduling details and guidelines for the final preparation of accepted presentations will be included with the notification of acceptance. • The final selection will be decided by the Organising Committee. W H E R E A P P R O P R I AT E , T H E A B S T R A C T S S H O U L D C O N TA I N T H E F O L L O W I N G • • • • Statement on the objectives of the study. Description of the methods used. Summary of the results obtained Statement on the conclusions reached. A B S T R A C T P R E PA R AT I O N A N D S U B M I S S I O N • • • • • • • • Abstract can only be submitted via the online submission system. Abstract should be formatted using the template in the website. Abstract must not be more than 300 words [inclusive of title and author(s) name]. Title must be in bold capital letters at the top of the abstract. A maximum of 5 authors can be listed under author(s) name and institution. Presenting author’s name must be underlined. Full instructions for submission of abstract is available on the website at Graphs, tables and illustrations cannot be included in the abstract. IMPORTANT: Please submit abstracts to 13