HotwHeelz 2011 Cultural Pavilion EntErtainmEnt


HotwHeelz 2011 Cultural Pavilion EntErtainmEnt
Mariachi Joya de México
Alvarado Gladys
Arvizu Marilu M.
Avila Margarita
Barragán Marcela
Burronghs Graciela E.
Bus Emily R.
Calderón Maryann
Cark Jessica M.
Castillo Cynthia
Chávez Ellysha E.
Cordero Alejandra S.
Dennecker Katherine M.
Echeveste Carla E.
Felix Vanessa A.
Frías Miguel
Fuentes Ana P.
Fuentes Sebastián D.
González Jose A.
Guel Javier I.
Guzmán Reyna M.
Hernandez Chloe D.
Hinton Elijah I.
Kissell Rene E.
Lemus Beatriz M.
López Tanya L.
López Carla M.
Lozano Isis J.
Martinez Olivia
Montemayor Michael M.
Montenegro Raquel
Navarro Valeria E.
Niemi Brian O.
Novak Terresa L.
Ocampo Maria Melania
Ornelas Isamar
Ortiz Orlando
Padilla Sandra F.
Pérez Miriam
Pérez Maria Jeannette
Pérez Shannon M.
Rivera Flor de Maria
Rivera Solmaris
Rojo Jessica M.
Roman Marisa E.
Romero Nancy M.
Ruiz Yhadira
Sánchez Angélica M.
Sánchez-Mora Gustavo
Shepherd Kevin C.
Shepherd Kurtis W.
Simonsen Nicholas R.
Solano Lisbeth
Torres Gianna M.
Weber Gabrielle M.
Zermeno Diana T.
Friday, August 26th
Mexican Arts, Crafts Exhibit & Merchandise
Estado de México, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco,
Michoacán, México City, Oaxaca, Puebla,
San Luis Potosí & Zacatecas.
A stunning display you won’t want to miss!
Enjoy a new hands-on experience at Mexican Fiesta!
-Paper flowers - Wood carving - Hand painting - Wood
masks - Husks of corn flowers from start to finish,
And Much More!
Back by pupular demand! - Pan de Feria
Saturday, August 27th
Guest of Honor: State of
Adjust Size Accordingly
PMS 187
Cultural Pavilion
PMS 287
12:00 noon -12:00 midnight
Free admission from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. for senior citizens,
people with disabilities and Active Duty Military Members with
current identification.
Sunday, August 28th
12:00 noon -12:00 midnight
Free admission from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. for senior citizens,
people with disabilities and Active Duty Military Members with
current identification.
Henry W. Maier Festival Park
A Spectacular show
200 N. Harbor Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53202
(Summerfest Grounds)
Extravaganza of Mariachis!
Admission Tickets
Ballet Folkloric!
Pre-Sale Tickets.....................................$11.00
Classical Ballet!
Grocery Stores (all stores),
Together in one Stage! ElMiRey
Super Mercados and Mexican Fiesta office.
Sils Mini - Donuts
Official Donuts of
Mexican Fiesta
This list may not include all scholarship recipients.
12:00 noon -12:00 midnight
Free Admission from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. for general public.
H otwheelz 2011
Online Tickets sold at
Ticket Price (at gate)................................................$ 13.00
Children 3 - 10 years old.......................................$ 1.00
Children under 3 years old..............................FREE with Adult
Reduced festival admission
for Mass attendees.................................................$ 5.00
Milwaukee’s hottest car and motorcycle show
Show starts at noon.
Ballet Folklórico
Poctly Yancuic &
Compañía Estatal (Sunday Only)
de Danza Clásica
Food & Beverage tickets will be available at
y Neoclásica
midgate when you buy your admission tickets.
de Jalisco with
(Credit cards will be accepted)
Mariachi Vive
Potawatomi Bingo Casino Promotion:
Hopping Contest *Cash Prizes*
Special coverage by:
Brochure designed by: Laura Vazquez
Little Joe y
La Familia
Omega Delta Phi
AZ Chapter, UWMilwaukee
Carlos y
Lucha Libre
(North of Cultural Pavilion)
Music provided by: DBL G PRODUCTIONS, DJ G5 and DJ Yogie
Custom Pinstriping by Paul Wehr
16th St & Washintong Ave.
13th St & Burnham
Guest of Honor:
State of Jalisco
First time guest:
Media Sponsors:
Teatro del Pueblo / Town Theater
Porque La Muerte ya no quiere “vivir”...
Vic and Gab
Los Alegres de Terán, Capataz de México, Audio Trip, Ballet Nuestro México, Grupo de Baile Regional
Folklórico De San Cristobal de la Barranca, Ballet Folklórico South Division And Much More!
Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Art Gallery Exhibition & Workshop
Latino influenced artwork from local and
national artists will be on display.
Friday • Saturday • Sunday
Art Gallery & Wine Tasting Night
Friday • Saturday
Harley-Davidson V.I.P Area. Separate admission required.
Cultural Pavilion
Friday • Saturday • Sunday
Pero si tienen miedo ...
¡mejor no vengan!
Our Lady of Zapopan Sanctuary
Directly from Zapopan, Jalisco.
Friday • Saturday • Sunday
Noon - midnight
Confessions: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
North of the Cultural Pavilion
Trip Includes:
Ana Luz Navarro Rincón in
By: Elia Vargas Sastrè
$2.00 off with a Potawatomi Bingo Casino
Fire Keeper’s Club® card (Midgate Only)
Win a FREE trip to
Presented by:
Friends of Fiesta:
LPOA, Giros Nuevo Leon, Promolux, SomosUno C.C.,
3 Hermanos Restaurant, Tiger Lily Floral, Aviles &
Associates, Crocker Enterprise, Inc., Malcriados de la
Sierra, Omega Delta Phi & Gamma Alpha Omega.
on Milwaukee’s Lakefront
•Transportation Milwaukee - Guadalajara - Milwaukee.
•Accomodation for 4 days, 3 nights.
•Transportation Airport - Hotel - Airport.
•Tour at the Historic Center of Guadalajara, with
entries to the main historical buildings.
•Shopping trip to Tlaquepaque, capital of the arts
& crafts of México.
•Tour to “Mundo Cuervo” by train or bus, where
you can witness and enjoy the whole Tequila
production process.
•A welcome city kit
Make your
reservation at:
500 N. Harbor Dr. | Milwaukee, WI
Provided by:
MexFiestaCoupon2011.indd 1
With every adult admission ticket that you purchase at the main gate of Mexican
Fiesta you will receiving a coupon to participate to win a FREE trip to Guadalajara,
Jalico. While supplies last.
Drawing will be held on Sunday Aug. 28th, 2011 at 8:55pm - Miller Lite Oasis Stage
Milwaukee Airport
414-764-1500 or
For more information:
8/3/11 3:53 PM
Tel: 414.383.7066 • Fax: 414.383.6677
E-mail: [email protected] •
2997 S. 20th St. • Milwaukee, WI 53215
Schedule / Programa
Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc
LULAC Council 319 and 322
Scholarship Recipients 2011
Noon Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
1:00PM Teatro del Pueblo - A Punto de Turrón / Teatralerias
2:00PM Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
3:00PM Alberto Stanley- mimo/mime
3:45PM Academia de Danza México de Marina Garza Croft
5:00PM Opening Ceremony
Mariachi Vive México
Colors by American GI Forum-Wisconsin
United States of American Anthem by JonCarlos Vélez
Mexican Anthem by Salvador Villanueva
6:30PM Teatro del Pueblo - La Muerte Irredenta with
Ana Luz Navarro / Teatralerias
7:30PM Milwaukee Ballet
8:30PM Paco Padilla
9:30PM Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!!
10:30 Neiwama - Huichol group
11:15PMGrupo de Baile Regional Folklórico De San
Cristóbal de la Barranca
Omega / Harley-Davidson Stage
12:15PM Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic
1:30PM Los Alegres de Teran
3:00PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
4:30PM Afecto Norteño
5:45PM Sonora Internacional USA
7:00PM Nezios Musical
8:15PM Mariachi Joya de México
9:30PM Baraja de Oro
10:45PM AJ Castillo
Lake Performance Square - Sponsored by:
*All program, activities, events and performances are subject to change without prior notice*
Cultural Pavilion
12:15PM Academia de Danza México de Marina Garza Croft Noon PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
1:00 Teatro del Pueblo - A Punto de Turrón / Teatralerias
1:30PM El Grito Contest with Mariachi Vive México
2:00PM Grupo Xamonheta - Michoacán
3:00PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
3:00PM Neiwama- Huichol group
4:00PM Salvador Villanueva with Mariachi Vive México
4:00PM Teatro del Pueblo - La Muerte Irredenta with
5:15PM AJ Castillo
Ana Luz Navarro / Teatralerias
6:45PM Little Joe y la Familia
5:00PM Gerardo Pablo & Juan Carlos Munguia
7:55PM Rosen Motors Raffle
6:00PM Ballet Folklórico Xochililli - San Luis Potosi
8:15PM Maribel Guardia with Mariachi Joya de México
7:00PM Milwaukee Ballet
9:30PM Nezios Musical
8:00PM Paco Padilla
11:00PM Sonora Internacional USA
9:00PM Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
Omega / Harley-Davidson Stage
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
12:15 Danzón Para Todos A.C.
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!!
1:30PM Audio Trip
10:00PM Danzón Para Todos A.C.
2:45PM AJ Castillo
11:00PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
4:00PM Tejano Highway 281
Lake Performance Square- Sponsored by:
5:15 Mariachi Joya de México
6:30PM Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
Neiwama- Huichol group
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
1:00PM Ballet Folklórico South Division
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!!
2:00PM Danzón classes by Danzoneros por Siempre A.C. academy
8:00PM Nezios Musical
3:00PM Alberto Stanley- mimo/mime
9:30PM Banda MS - Sponsored in part by:
4:00PM Martians On Rooftops - Rock en Español
11:00PM Banda Nueva Emperadora
5:00PM Dinamo Band- from México - Latin Rock
Miller Lite Oasis Stage
6:00PM Espinas- Rock en Español
7:00PM Vic and Gab - Rock en Español
12:15PM Grupo de Baile Regional Folklórico De
8:00PM Purple Tongue - Rock en Español
San Cristóbal de la Barranca
1:30 Ricky Guzman III
2:45PM Los Dos Reales with Mariachi Joya de México
North End
4:00PM Los Alegres de Teran
10:00AMWalk & Run for Wishes to Mexican Fiesta
5:15PM Paco Padilla
Our Lady of Zapopan Sanctuary - North of Cultural Pavilion
6:30PM Banda MS - Sponsored in part by:
Noon to midnight Sanctuary / 6:00PM - 8:00PM Confessions
7:45PM Sonora Internacional USA
9:15 Little Joe y la Familia
Midgate Area
10:30PM Tejano Highway 281
Noon to 8:00PM Expo Science - Sponsored in part by:
US Cellular Stage
Noon to 7:00PM Kohl’s Design It! Mobile Lab
Adjust Size Accordingly
PMS 187
PMS 287
Adjust Size Accordingly
PMS 187
PMS 287
Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling Presented by Mundo Lucha
Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling
Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling
Alberto Stanley - mimo / mime
Club de Linda Lu y las Muñequitas Caramelo
“Pocket Circus” Argentina
Ballet Folklórico South Division
Club de Linda Lu y las Muñequitas Caramelo
“Pocket Circus” Argentina
Grupo de Baile Regional Folklórico De San
Cristóbal de la Barranca
Noon to 6:30PM - Open to the public
Afecto Norteño
7:00PM to 10:00PM Limited space / Separate admission required
Sonora Internacional USA
Fiesta Area
5:00 6:00PM
Mexican Fiesta Art Gallery Exhibition & Workshop
Audio Trip
Ricky Guzman III
Children’s Area (Playground & Stage)
Harley-Davidson Area
Danzón classes by Danzoneros por Siempre A.C. academy
Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
NIA by Core/El Centro
Zumba by B-Fit LLC
Karate Demo & Lesson by Martial Arts America/
Master Roberto Serrano
Zumba by Core/El Centro
Dance Contest-
Sponsored by:
Neiwama - Huichol group
Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
Art Gallery & Wine Tasting Night
Sponsored in part by:
Noon to midnight
Mojitos & Sangrias Lounge
Sponsored in part by:
Noon to midnight
Sponsored in part by:
Margaritas Bar
The Official Tequila of Mexican Fiesta
Southwest End
Community and Health Fair Pavilion
Noon to 8:00PM Community & Health Fair
2:00PM to 6:00PM GE bee Healthy
South End
Noon Hotwheelz “Milwaukee’s Hottest Car and Motorcycle Show”
Noon to midnight Alpine Amusement Park
Urban Park
Mexican Fiesta Soccer Tournament
El Rey / Rosen Motors Stage
12:15PM Danzón Para Todos A.C.
1:30PM Da Krazy Pimps
2:45PM Ricky Guzman III
4:00PM Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!!
5:30PM Conjunto Primavera
6:30PM Rosen Motors Raffle
6:45PM Malcriados de la Sierra
8:00PM Los Dos Reales with Mariachi Joya de México
9:45PM Audio trip
11:00PM Sonora Internacional USA
Omega / Harley-Davidson Stage
12:15PM Grupo de Baile Regional Folklórico De San Cristóbal de la Barranca
1:15PM The Traditional Costume Contest - Sponsored in part by
3:00PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
4:15PM Los Alegres de Teran
5:30PM Rumbon D’Esquina
6:45PM Audio Trip
7:45PM Nezios Musical
9:15PM Tejano Highway 281
10:30PM Grupo Stampede
Miller Lite Oasis Stage
12:15PM Los Alegres de Teran
1:45PM Paco Padilla
2:45PM OMEGA Jalapeño Eating Contest - Sponsored by:
4:15PM Grupo Stampede
5:30PM Tejano Highway 281
6:35PM Mexican Fiesta Soccer Tournament Awards 2011
6:45PM Mariachi Joya de México
8:00PM Sonora Internacional USA
8:55PM Guadalajara Trip - Raffle
9:55PM Conjunto Primavera
10:30PM Malcriados de la Sierra
US Cellular Stage
Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling
Presented by Mundo Lucha
1:30PM Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling
5:00PM Lucha Libre - Mexican Wrestling
6:45PM Ricky Guzman III
8:00PM Da Krazy Pimps
9:15PM Capataz de México
10:30PM Nezios Musical
Children’s Area (Playground & Stage)
1:00PM Club de Linda Lu y las Muñequitas Caramelo
2:00PM Academia de Danza México de Marina Garza Croft
3:00PM “Pocket Circus” Argentina
4:00PM Ronald McDonalds
5:00PM Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
6:00PM Alberto Stanley - mimo/mime
7:00PM “Pocket Circus” Argentina
8:00PM Grupo De Baile Regional Folklórico De San Cristobal de la Barranca
Fiesta Area
Yoga by 16th Street Community Health Center
1:00PM NIA by Core/El Centro
2:00PM Zumba by B-Fit LLC
3:00PM Fitness class by Rick Huerta from WAC
4:00PM Zumba by Core/El Centro
5:00PM Salsa by Christine Almeida - Milwaukee Ambassadors of Salsa
6:00PM Karate Demo & Lesson by Martial Arts America/Master Roberto Serrano
7:00PM Academia de Danza México de Marina Garza Croft
8:00PM Danzón classes by Danzoneros por Siempre A.C. academy
9:00PM Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
Cultural Pavilion
Grupo Xamonheta - Michoacán
Alberto Stanley- mimo/mime
Teatro del Pueblo - La Muerte Irredenta with Ana Luz Navarro / Teatralerias
Neiwama- Huichol group
Latino Arts Mariachi Juvenil - Sponsored by UCC
Milwaukee Ballet
Paco Padilla
Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!!
Gerardo Pablo & Juan Carlos Munguia
Salvador Villanueva with Mariachi Vive México
Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
Teatro del Pueblo - A Punto de Turrón / Teatralerias
Lake Performance Square - Sponsored by:
Ballet Folklórico South Division
Neiwama- Huichol group
Danzón classes by Danzoneros por Siempre A.C. academy
Alberto Stanley - mimo/mime
Danzón Para Todos A.C.
1:30pm / 4:00pm / 6:00pm (Staring at Midgate)
5:00PM Dinamo Band- from México - Latin Rock
6:00PMMartians On Rooftops - Rock en Español
7:00PMEspinas- Rock en Español
8:00PMEl Sol Rock- Rock en Español
9:00 Dinamo Band- from México - Latin Rock
North End
Our Lady of Zapopan Sanctuary - North of Cultural Pavilion
Noon to midnight Sanctuary / 6:00PM - 8:00PM Confessions
Midgate Area
Noon to 8:00PM
Expo Science - Sponsored in part by:
Noon to 6:00PM
Kohl’s Design It! Mobile Lab
Harley-Davidson Area
Mexican Fiesta Art Gallery Exhibition & Workshop
Noon to 8:00PM - Open to the public
Noon to midnight
Mojitos & Sangrias Lounge - Sponsored in part by:
Noon to midnight
Margaritas Bar - Sponsored by:
“El Jimador” the official Tequila of Mexican Fiesta
Southwest End
Community and Health Fair Pavilion
Community & Health Fair
Noon to 8:00PM
Fiesta Walk - Diabetes & Obesity Awaraness
Noon to 5:00PM
12:00PM Healthy Food Demonstration by B-Fit LLC
12:30PM No More Overeating by Tatiana Maida from 16th Street Community Health Center
1:00PM Tobacco use prevention & HIV/STI Awareness by UMOS
1:30PM Yes! I can control my diabetes by Eida Berrios
2:00PM Water vs. Soda by Caitlin Butte from 16th Street Community Health Center
2:30PM Family to Family by Guadalupe Flores & Aracely Rivadeneyra from 16th Street
Community Health Center
Health Benefits of Acupuncture by Sulma De La Rosa, RN., Lac, MSOM from a
Point of Healing, LLC Community
HIV Information and Resources by José Salazar HIV Department
Manager from 16th Street Community Health Center
Tobacco use prevention & HIV/STI Awareness by UMOS
4:30PM Nutrition Class by Rick Huerta from the Wisconsin Athletic Club (WAC)
2:00 to 5:00PM
GE bee Healthy
South End
Noon to midnight
Alpine Amusement Park
Marcus Amphiteater - Mass - Sponsored in part by:
10:30AM Lakefront Procession with Our Lady of Zapopan (Midgate entry only)
11:00AM Mass - Rev. Monsignor Jeronimo Listecki will be presiding
South gate 11 (Mass entry) will be close for mass at 11:30AM
Featuring: Mariachi Vive México
Urban Park
Mexican Fiesta Soccer Tournament
Sunday Aug. 28th
Noon Neiwama - Huichol group
1:00PM Alberto Stanley - mimo/mime
12:15 Academia de Danza México de Marina Garza Croft
Ballet Folklórico South Division
1:30PM Pablo Serratos Salazar with Mariachi Vive México 3:00PM Danzón classes by Danzón por Siempre AC academy
2:45PM Paco Padilla
4:00PM Dinamo Band- from México - Latin Rock
4:00PM Los Dos Reales with Mariachi Joya de México
5:00PM Martians On Rooftops - Rock en Español
5:45PM Da Krazy Pimps
6:00PM El Sol Rock- Rock en Español
7:00 Vic and Gab - Rock en Español
7:15 Ballet Folklórico Poctly Yancuic & Compañía
8:00PM Dinamo Band- from México - Latin Rock
Estatal de Danza Clásica y Neoclásica de
Jalisco with Mariachi Vive México SPECTACULAR!! 9:00PM Purple Tongue - Rock en Español
8:45PM Patrulla 81
North End
10:45PM Capataz de México - The Winner of La
Lady of Zapopan Sanctuary - North of Cultural Pavilion
Guerra de los Grupos de ASalir Nightclub
Noon to midnight Sanctuary / 6:00PM - 8:00PM Confessions
US Cellular Stage
Midgate Area
6:00PM Los Alegres de Teran
Noon to 8:00PM Expo Science - Sponsored in part by:
7:00 Baraja de Oro
Noon to 7:00PM Kohl’s Design It! Mobile Lab
8:15PM AJ Castillo
Harley-Davidson Area
9:30PM Audio Trip
10:45PM Malcriados de la Sierra
Mexican Fiesta Art Gallery Exhibition & Workshop
Noon to 6:30PM - Open to the public
Children’s Area (Playground & Stage)
12:00 Klement’s Sausage race & prizes
Art Gallery & Wine Tasting Night
1:00PM “Pocket Circus” Argentina
7:00PM to 10:00PM Limited space / Separate admission required
Sponsored in part by:
3:00PM Klement’s Sausage race & prizes
4:00PM Alberto Stanley- mimo/mime
Noon to midnight Mojitos & Sangrias Lounge
5:00PM “Pocket Circus” Argentina
6:00PM Club de Linda Lu y las Muñequitas Caramelo Sponsored in part by:
7:00PM “Pocket Circus” Argentina
Noon to midnight Margaritas Bar
Fiesta Area
The Official Tequila of Mexican Fiesta
1:00PM Danzón classes by Danzoneros por Siempre A.C. academy Sponsored by:
2:00PM Neiwama - Huichol group
3:00PM Zumba by B-fit LLC
Southwest End
4:00PM Danzón Para Todos A.C.
Community and Health Fair Pavilion
5:00 Salsabrosa Dance Company
Noon to 8:00PM Community & Health Fair
6:00 Salsarengue Contest- Sponsored in part by:
8:00 Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
South End
9:00PM Danzón Para Todos A.C.
Noon to Midnight Alpine Amusement Park
10:00PM Grupo de Danza Folklórica “Xochipilli”
Miller Lite Oasis Stage
El Rey / Rosen Motors Stage
Saturday Aug. 27th
Cultural Pavilion
12:15PM Ballet Folklórico Nuestro México
1:15PM Danzón Para Todos A.C.
2:15PM Grupo de Baile Regional Folklórico De San
Cristóbal de la Barranca
3:30PM Noche de Canto Contest presented by HPGM
5:30PM Audio Trip
6:40PM Rosen Motors Raffle
7:00PM Gerardo Pablo & Juan Carlos Munguia
8:00PM D’Calle Son
9:30PM Carlos y Alejandra
11:00PM Sonora Internacional USA
Friday Aug. 26th
El Rey / Rosen Motors Stage