Performance Testing in Virtualized Environments
Performance Testing in Virtualized Environments
Performance Testing in Virtualized Environments Emily Apsey Product Engineer Introduction • Product Engineer on the Performance Engineering Team • Overview of team - Specialty in Virtualization - • Citrix, VMWare, Microsoft Dedicated to Product Virtualization - Configuration - Scalability/Density - Provide feedback loop across all development teams Collaborative Testing • Vendors • Microsoft - Active participation by vendors - Issaquah labs - Nov 13 - Hands on configuration and tuning - RemoteFX team - NVIDIA - Hardware - SuperMicro and Dell r720 - K1 and K2 cards - Driver (on hypervisor and VM) - • • EEC lab – Nov 14 VMWare - vSGA – Jan 14 - vGPU – Oct 14 - Future Reference Architecture Doc Citrix - Majority of our Users Presentation Overview • Why and how we tested using Nvidia GRID cards - Test methodology for virtualized test environments • Lesson Learned • Future Testing Virtualization – Esri • ArcGIS in virtualized environments - Users began virtualizing our ArcMap software - Improve understanding of performance and scalability of ArcGIS in virtualized environments - Improve information, internally and externally, related to: - Virtualization environments - What to expect - - Performance - Scalability New technologies - NVIDIA K1 and K2 cards What and Why? • ArcGIS Pro - New addition to ArcGIS Desktop suite - Desktop- analysis, publication, visualization - New rendering engine - - DirectX11 and OpenGL - Currently most heavily used app - ArcMap, based on GDI+ - Heavily used in Citrix XenApp Must virtualize well - Provide great UX Testing Goals • • Show if a shareable GPU is needed (ArcMap + Pro) - ArcMap – single threaded, GDI+ rendering - Pro – multi threaded, DX or OpenGL rendering GPU needed for both 2D and 3D workflows? - • • How to monitor and communicate performance/ scalability Optimal VM configurations - vCPU, Memory, GPU Profile for optimal user experience - What and how to communicate information to users, IT administrators - How many VMs can a single GRID card accommodate? Administration - Know a little before you go on-site or create a demo of ArcGIS Desktop in virtualized environments Graphics Options in Virtualization GRID vGPU Profiles GPU Profile • Citrix and VMWare vGPU - Amount of Frame Buffer - - • Application requires at least 1 GB of FB Identify Optimal profile for both VMWare and Citrix Hypervisors - Dependent on data and workflow - Effects density Microsoft Hyper-V - Does not use GPU Profiles - Some control by screen resolution Data and Workflows • 2D Denver - Local government – Vector data model - • 3D Virtual City - • Database- Points, line and polygons Philly – Raster data, Z values extruded, building textures Zoom/Pan to a series of standardized bookmarks within App - Time rendering (Sum of all bookmarks) - Frames Per Second (FPS) - Average – Sample every 100 milliseconds - Minimum – Indicates jitter, poor user experience Testing Tools • • Visual Studio vs. Light-weight application. - VS -performance overhead on each VM: disk, startup, GPU - UI maps maintenance overhead Login VSI - • Trail period, can be scriptable Accurate Performance Metrics within Application - Internally developed ArcGIS Pro Add-In - Exposure of valuable metrics - Propagating events into an API method. - Very accurate performance metrics - Used by developers - Light weight ArcGIS Pro Add-In • Specifically designed for performance • Script and reproducible • Self contained • Packaging data and test package to business partners • Great for Demos! ArcGIS Pro Add-In UI Automate Test Execution • Test Controller - Tests are executed via command line - Calls upon a python script which creates windows scheduled tasks - Opens ArcGIS Pro application and project - Rendering events logged - Automatically closes ArcGIS Pro when test completes • Scalability – across multiple VM’s • 1, 4, 8, 12, 16 VM’s - TestList.csv - Test Cleanup - Collect logs from VM’s to File Share or SAN - Unique Names – VM Name Collecting Data • • ArcGIS ProAddIn Log - Draw Times, FPS – Avg and Min - Named Metrics Open Project Time Hung Threads GPU Utilization, GPU Memory Utilization ESXiTop (VMWare) - • - Nvidia SMI - • Licensing Time ArcMon (ArcGIS Pro) – Internal Use only - • - CPU Utilization (Host and VM) Python based parsers - Export to log which is useable for reporting purposes - Drawback - No automated UI to show system metrics ArcGIS Pro Add-In Log Python based parser 2D 1 4 8 SumBkAvg 92.51 87.78 100.62 12 106.86 4.13 69.30 37.54 16 111.95 4.95 74.11 23.70 1 4 8 SumBkAvg 81.00 79.66 86.95 4.35 4.33 FPSAvg 54.02 53.41 47.38 FPSMin 13.74 14.65 10.71 12 92.00 6.19 43.23 9.64 16 103.42 8.00 40.91 7.66 3D StDev 4.44 6.75 FPSAvg 66.65 66.60 65.99 FPSMin 42.06 42.93 37.54 StDev Additional Hands-On Testing • Further validate automated test findings • Usability tests were executed manually by team members • Further qualifying the UX - Validating rendering quality to human eye - Overall responsiveness of the application User Experience Ranking 1 to 5 Unacceptably jerky; Poor to annoying user experience 6 7 8 9 to 10 Jerky, but useable Moderately smooth, moderate jerkiness Smooth, minor jerkiness Very smooth; little to no difference between a non-VDI solution. No apparent jerkiness, lag/tearing, or texturing delays. Host CPU Utilization Scalability of 240Q Profile - 3D Data 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 16 VMs:Host CPU 40% 14 VMs:Host CPU 12 VMs:Host CPU 30% 20% 10% 0% 10 VMs:Host CPU 16:13:02 16:13:18 16:13:33 16:13:49 16:14:04 16:14:20 16:14:35 16:14:51 16:15:07 16:15:22 16:15:38 16:15:54 16:16:09 16:16:25 16:16:40 16:16:56 16:17:11 16:17:27 16:17:43 16:17:58 16:18:14 16:18:29 16:18:45 16:19:01 16:19:16 16:19:32 16:19:47 16:20:03 16:20:18 16:20:34 16:20:50 16:21:05 16:21:21 16:21:36 16:21:52 16:22:08 16:22:23 16:22:39 16:22:54 16:23:10 16:23:25 16:23:41 Host Utilization Rates 16VMs - 6vCPU: 3D data 100 90 80 70 60 50 GPU1 %Util GPU2 %Util GPU3 %Util 40 GPU4 %Util Cpu(Total)\% Util Time 30 20 10 0 Answers obtained from testing • ArcGIS Pro - GPU is required for 3D data; K2 card preferred - GPU aids 2D data delivery by relieving CPU; considered recommended. GPU Utilization GPU can be configured to be shareable (vGPU) - - Exception XenApp; requires Pass Through GPU Optimal VM configuration can vary by HyperVisor (encoding/decoding) ArcGIS Pro – XenApp 7.6 XenApp 7.6 - 4 Users 3D 16vCPU, 16 GB of Memory Requires GPU Pass-Through - K2 GPU Memory = 4GB 100 OS does not do well splitting GPU resources across different terminal sessions 90 80 70 XenDesktop recommended - Dedicated resources - vGPU profile manages FB - Dictates VM density 60 50 40 Esri collaborating with Nvidia and Citrix 30 20 10 0 XenApp76\% Processor Time XenApp76\% GPU Usage XenApp76\% GPU Memory Usage Recommended GPU Profiles • Dependent on user data and workflows 3D Data 2D Data 2D Data Answers obtained from testing (continued) • ArcMap • Rendering engine does not utilize GPU - Map docs GPU is not heavily utilized - Only when user explicitly executes hardware acceleration operations Rendering Sum Times (mins) Lesson Learned • Online data introducing network latency - • Eliminate ArcGIS Online data for initial benchmarks Licensing - License Server vs. Application licensing - Eliminates logins into Application • FPS sampling – Avg and Min • Think time (5 seconds vs 10 seconds) - • Aggressively intensive, further refine to closely model user workflows Nvidia Drivers – HyperVisor and VM, same release Future testing • Mixed workflows - Initial testing focused on rendering pipeline - Add analytical operations (CPU intensive) - • Mixed Virtualization Vendor Solutions - • VMWare ESXi XenDesktop Storage – SAN - • How GPU Utilization and density is affected when users are simultaneously running a CPU intensive geoprocessing task? More realistic – large infrastructure don’t use SSDs Cloud based VDI (DaaS) - Increasing questions and interest - Distributors – Europe, NZ, US - Esri Redlands – Ed Services, Customer Holistic Testing Questions? • Emily Apsey - [email protected]
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